#cornflower black gem
dreveel · 6 months
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Goth Garden; {Credit}
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heartnosekid · 4 months
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aquamarisejewelry on ig
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punk-in-docs · 2 months
A song of rage and salty waves: part I
— Emperor Geta x reader (Salacia)
— 2.5k words
— Read all parts here: Part I — Part II — Part III — Part IV
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Summary; You were raised outside of this Rome. Born into peace. To know of fathomless deep seas, and skies so big, they wrapped around your whole sight. The way that at night all you can smell are lemon trees kissed by salt. The jasmine plants wound around the white walls of the villa. Salacia. And now you are sent to Rome for your father in the Senate. There you will catch the attention of Geta; in all the wrong and darkest of ways— any reblog and comments are greatly appreciated 💙💙💙
TW!! some dub con/ threat/violence/basically forced marriage/forced smut situation/Geta is such a vile human being/Macrinus is villain sorry denzel ily
You’re imprisoned in Rome.
You certainly didn’t come here of your own free will. Your father had tugged you here from Corsica. Employed clever charm with letters and schemes from his high position in the senate.
As the role of your sex; you were born to obey.
He sent you imported silken stolas the colours of cornflowers or lazurite, with gold fibulae at the shoulders. Gem inlaid jewellery, rings to decorate every finger, and earrings the sway. A golden net for your hair. Wheedled you into coming to join him. Sending servants to travel with you and take heed of your every comfort.
He made sure you dined on plump fresh fruit. Seafood of lobsters and crabs. Drank wine so rich dark it looked black.
You despise it. The stone pillars and temples. And gods of old. Eyes watch you everywhere. See you. Follow you.The governing heat and noise and sweaty heaving mass of all forms of life.
You were raised outside of this Rome. Born into peace. To know of fathomless deep seas, and skies so big, they wrapped around your whole sight. The way that at night all you can smell are lemon trees kissed by salt. The jasmine plants wound around the white walls of the villa.
Salacia. The ocean nymph and the being of your name. Crowned with seaweed in your hair. Sea foam dripping off your fingers. Ripped from your home, an isle by the sea, at the whim of another.
Imprisoned here in this cold marble city. A fish out of water. Gasping dry on the shore.
Pulled inland and stolen away. You can’t hear gulls or waves anymore. It sickens you. Heart pangs that throb for home.
When you arrived, pulled back your folded palla down to your shoulders. He welcomed you with open arms and fondness. Wrists linked in gold cuffs. Tugged you to his chest and embraced you warmly. Hissed in your ear - abrasive like harsh sea spray - spies are everywhere.
He needed you close by. For reasons you had yet to fathom.
You dined like spoilt deity’s. Breads and wines, fish, fruits from far regions fattened by the suns heat, and succulent meat roasted in sweet cassia spices on a spit.
He had urns of flowers - picked by the servant - placed in every room. Lilies, juniper branches still bearing dark fruit, lavender, oleanders.
Companions join him and he is boastful of you. A nubile creature offered placement at a table of old muddled men. He introduces you to trusted friends and advisors in the senate.
One man in particular takes keen interest as to your recent arrival. His name was Macrinus. Man of information and resources. Dealt in cunning and cruelty though you found him sincerely charming. Your father watched you with a desperate eye.
Macrinus bore a smile so dazzling and blinding it made you dizzy; made think of the sun god. Apollo and his light cast across golden wheat fields. Notes of fine music. He sipped his wine slow, as he learned the flavour of your name. Where you came from. Understanding the rolling sea foam in your veins.
There’s a game to be held at the coliseum. He will have your father as his guest - and you by a very pretty extension. He nods at you; his eyes glimmer like pooled liquid gold in the half lit dark. It almost makes you feel safe.
They dine and drink into the small hours. Yet you slip away.
You watched this awful city out your window that night in your silk dress the colour of night time tidal waves. The air is stale. Carrion to you. Hot. Full of dust and sweat. Here, It smells like mulberry trees and a green garden waiting for blessed rain.
You couldn’t hear the sea. Or your sisters. Your mothers humming as she wove cloth and mended clothes. And you wept.
Salt found in your tears to be your only sacred comfort of home.
You are soft to this hard stone city. The coliseum is magnificent. As large as it is those who hold their powerful fists over its rule. Clutched in gold. Fine for the rich. Deadly for the slaves and warriors thrown into the pit at the whim of others. Met with carnivore teeth and sand and death.
The senators, generals, and the rich merchants watch from their perch, up among the gods they serve, presiding in shade and clothed in perfumed silks and jewels. Ladies and men both.
Your hair took hours to fasten in its current coiled style. Plaited and weaved. Your dress is the colour of the softest blue shore. Your servant lavished your arms and fingers in golden finery. A serpent cuff coiled around your arm. Skin draped in lemon oil because it’s the small piece of Corsica you carry here with you. Serenity to push against this place of gore, butchery and death.
You find yourself seated here amongst giants. Macrinus is seated one side. Your father the other. He fondly lays his hand across yours in gentle touch.
His palm is damp. Gold rings wet.
His face looks haggard with age. The lines by his eyes more prominent. Rome is poisoning him. The golden apple just a fingertip shy of his reach. St Bartholomew flayed and stripped of skin piece by piece. Schemes and plots lay thick in his mind like rot. Sweat beads down across his brow and the thinning salt pepper of his hair.
He says something to Macrinus that you’re too absorbed to hear. It’s low. Dragged through a growl. He appears unmoved, with a slow flick of his eyes to you. Watching this finery and loudness devour you. Your eyes so full wide and round. Salt and innocence entwined.
You all rise when the emperors pass by, Geta and Caracalla, who stride in, garbed in gold and cloaks. Come to take their rightful place at the mouth of the box where you are seated.
They are like twin suns to the Roman people. Lion gold hair kissed by fire. They burn and twist and shine with it. Make noises like gold coins that clack when they move. Strung in riches and golden crowns of olive leaves and branches.
Together they make you think of Romulus and Remus. Raised rabid by wolves. And they certainly make an impression. You’ve heard tale of the voracious nature of the blood sport they all but live for. Faces limned in the glory of gore.
The crowd cheers for them. They nod and wave but it appears barbed. The games begin with a wave of applause and a regal hand.
Caracalla twists and casts an eye in your direction. Seeing new meat.
The way you sit sedately and can’t cast your mind into the butchery and violence happening below. The clash of steel. The hollow squelching cries that proceed death. The spill of viscera and the scatter of brain matter from split heads.
Each new gash or split in skin made them smile. The taint of blood. Metallic sour. Spilling of offal and exposed bone.
He tilts his head like a clever wolf. Eyes darken. His sneer as terrible as a skulls. He leans across and whispers something to his brother with a knock of his arm to gain attention.
Another set of wolfish eyes join the first in hooking to your skin. Silly soft girl. Made of gentle sea breezes and lapping blue waves calm and soft enough to wade in. Pearl shining in moonlight. So watery and weak. So good. Untouchable.
Geta swept his gaze on you from head to toe. Appraising you hungrily through greedy eyes. The beauty of your figure in that soft folds of that stola. The gold that crushed your neck. Broaches at your fair shoulders. Hair glistening and finely arranged.
He liked the way you winced when another sword blow came. The pull of your brows and how you had to look away. He wanted you gathered up in his lap; fingers crushing your jaw as he turned your head; force you to watch as the men cleaved at each other and drew blood. Hacked off limbs. Laugh at your revulsion.
Looking at you sat there; He has an urge to take his dagger, slit that fine silk from your shoulders and bare your real beauty. Grab it off you and snatch your dress down. Spoil himself on your curves. Grab your breasts. He’s sure you’ve tits that even a goddess would envy. He’d reel you in by grabbing your ass that definitely needs a spank and some attention.
You’re even prettier than some of the finest whores he’s had grace his bed. They never kept his interest too long. Too entwined in filth and sin like him; you look pure as a vestal virgin.
He likes that. He wants to pluck it off you and spoil it.
You don’t dare meet his eyes. Of course you don’t. He’s an emperor. He could have you executed for looking at him wrongly. Instead; you wring your hands in your lap and squirm. Close your eyes tighter with every dying wail.
He turns back to the fight. As do you. A gasp flies from your mouth when you draw your eyes to one of the measly soldiers in the arena. Your father left his seat to stand, mouth gaping.
You saw the familiar arrangement of strong limbs. Garbed in warriors clothing. The way his arms shook holding a sword. Inexperienced and struggling. The fight was not fair. The same head of hair that matched your own.
Your oldest brother.
Macrinus grinned. “He’s not my finest fighter. But I wager he’ll be good sport.” He smirks.
Your father turned, cursed the gods, and exploded with venomous rage. Flew for the man with his fists. Grabbed his clothing. You tried to restrain the storm of his temper - but then you’d got that trait from somewhere hadn’t you? - an ocean thrashing wild and free. Terrifying in its rage.
“You promised me.” Your father roared. Spittle flying.
“I never promised to protect your traitor of a son. Let us see if the gods spare him. Yes?” Macrinus commented.
You couldn’t take your eyes from the pit. Nor could your father. He clutched to you like he could barely stand. Weakened and shrinking. Hand a vice on your shoulder. It burned like the sting of sun but you couldn’t shrug him off.
Your brother was meeting with an opponent far larger than he was. A Retiarius. Helmet, trident, dagger and a net.
Of which had currently knocked your brother to the blood dusted dirt. Spearing the trident deep into his thigh. Pinning him to earth like a bug. His cry of pain ringing out. Blood sheeted down one side of his head. His scream is the most horrible thing you’d ever heard.
You can’t help it. Where you’re stood, you cry out. It pours forth from you.
The Retiarius loomed over your bother like a terrible storm cloud. Looking up at the stands for direction. The whole audience cheered and screamed for more.
Geta stood up and the crowd bayed. He sneered at the sight before him. All the power of a god; crammed into a mortal man.
He raised his arm. And hesitated for a moment. Before he smirked. And pointed his thumb right up.
Your father wailed. The huge lumbering gladiator descended onto your brother. Flinging the net off and cutting his throat in one fast slice. Blood poured and pooled around lifeless eyes. Stained the sand.
Macrinus stood to his feet and clapped along with everyone else. The emperors’ laughed like hyenas at the sight. Blood and pain only made their smiles grow.
Before you knew what was happening, the palace guards had you and your father surrounded. Hands viced around your arms. Your shoulders. Your father too.
Traitor. He decried. A traitor in the senate. The tarpeian rock.
Just like his now dead son. People’s poised against the glory of Rome. Against Caracalla and Geta. Death to all.
Macrinus spoke harshly to the guards to release you. He backhanded you across your cheek. Your eye felt like it was going to burst. Cheek flamed with fire. Lip cut and bleeding down your chin from his ring.
He then wasted little time in digging his fingers into your finely done hair. Hauled you along screaming. Tears streaming.
Your father could only watch, limbs wrenching forwards in terror to help, as Macrinus marched you across the stands to where they sat.
He threw you to the ground like a feral animal. Tumbled you onto your knees. Skimmed your hands. As you squirmed and cried at your body twisted to his cruelty.
“Your majesties. I have personally uncovered a traitor in your court. Senator Aurelius. Not only was his first born placed in rebellion against Rome. But he himself has been sowing seeds of treason in your senate. I bring you his filthy kin as recompense…” He spat at the Emperors. Releasing your mussed hair to throw you to their feet.
They examined you as one would a creature. Nothing of humanity left. Devoid of any feeling. You crawled slowly to your elbows. Tried to claw away sobs. Raising up but not daring to look at them. You weren’t worthy. You feared them.
Geta was the one who rose slowly to his feet. Coming to stand before you. “We are most grateful for your revelation, Macrinus. You will be rewarded for such loyal service.” Though he spoke to him, his eyes never left you.
You father shouted and cried pleas. They go unheard. He snaps to the guards who hold him. “Silence that treacherous snake-“ he barks. They beat him into submission.
You stay cowering on the ground. In amongst the gritty dirt, and the blood like those slaves and gladiators. That’s how they saw you. That’s how much you were worth. Held in the same regard as the dirt on their shoes.
You feel a ring clad hand tip a finger under your chin. Blood dripping down onto that digit as he made you raise your head to look at him until your neck hurt.
“What is your name, pretty little traitor-“ He sneers. Because that is all you are. They’ve tarred and feathered you with the same brush.
You give it to him through tears that run freely. You give this awful golden haired emperor with dark lecherous eyes your name.
“Salacia.” You cry. Voice watery and cloaked in heavy salty sobs. Lips parted. So soft and pliable. Lovely and ripe and waiting for him. A gift from the gods-
He tilts his head down at you. Looking like some sun gold lion. Showing his canines in a cruel white smile.
“Imprison them. Both.” He smirks.
He thinks he may have them bring him your fathers head on a platter. Strangulation seemed too soft. Too forgiving. He had to make an example of you.
He had a particular way in mind for your fate. He watched you get led away crying as he sucked your sweet blood off his thumb.
You tasted like salt and sea foam
Tagging in the hopes this finds its way to the right people—
@indouloureux @trashmouth-richie @atabigail @lunatictardis @waywardrose @ceriseheaven @hillarymurray4 @lurkingprincess @ramona-thorns @joequinnswhore @iliveforotps @eddiesskittle @roosterisdaddy36 @rose-tinted @lluviamg06 @ravensfromvalhalla @fujiihime @youaremyfamiliar @captain-tch @ghosttownwherenoonegoes @svenyves @sammararaven @feralgoblinbabe @groupie-love-71 @andromeda-andromeda @morganamoonstone @gvtosbith @munsonswhore @shenevertricks1831 @hazzaismyreligion @harrys-titties @anaisweird @cinnamoncunt @red-lipstick-bisexual @wheels-of-despair @tvserie-s-world @callmeloverr @ho-for-joequinn-fics @bettyfrommars @rip-quizilla @songforeddiemunson @usedtobecooler @peachesandfiends @littlelioncub43 @heyndrix @babybluebex @blueywrites @joejoequinnquinn @cool-nick-miller @sheneedsrocknroll92 @rehfan @pedgito @dracomaledicte @gamingaquarius @mypoisonedvine @ddejavvu @sharp-and-swift @chaptersleftunwritten
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oli and 🌸
🌸: draw a character with flowers that match their personality (did i pick good ones let's find out together)
hiii so do you remember in empires s2 when all of the empires all had to bring some artifact/item important to their empire to pix's museum? this is that except instead Pix goes on a road trip with the Historian’s Guild to gather all of them in person and Oli tags along per Gem's request and the real adventure was the queerplatonic relationship we made along the way. have some olipix <3
Oli wipes his hands on his pants. "We've got nothin' to do today, yeah?"
Pix nods, "everyone's spending the day in town, and once they're back we'll have to do a headcount and pack up so we can leave first thing tomorrow."
"Okay but like, we're not doing anything 'til they get back, yeah?"
"Er- yes? Oli, what do you have planned?"
They end up in a flower field just outside of camp- still accessible, for anyone who needs the leader of the guild, but tucked away behind two caravans in a way that makes it feel as though they're alone.
Oli circles around one caravan with a fist full of flowers and a cream patchwork picnic blanket draped over one arm. Pix scoops up the two books Oli allowed him to bring, and helps spread out the blanket.
"I picked some daisies for you," Oli says as they settle- Pix stacking his books, and Oli spreading out rows of tiny blossoms, "I hope that's alright."
"That's fine."
Pix watches him sort them- length, number of petals, general shape- he smiles to himself and picks up a book and quill.
Oli looks up, "Oi, what are you doing, fella?"
"Sorting out assignments," he scratches jobs beside names, wishing he'd brought a pencil instead when ink drips onto his fingers. "Everyone will need a job when they get back to camp."
"What? No no," Oli reaches for his quill- Pix tilts the book out of his reach, looking up to see Oli's frown. "You're meant to be relaxing. Put that away, sir!"
Pix releases his quill. Oli snatches it by the feather and sets it aside, the black ink leaving stains on the blanket.
"I'll need to do it later," Pix says as Oli takes his book. He blows on the open page to dry the ink a bit faster, then closes it and sets that aside as well, placing the quill on top.
"Yes, later." Oli brushes loose petals off his pants and smiles at him, "now go find some flowers for me! I want an elegant crown, Pixlriffs. Utterly stunning in every way, and I will settle for nothing less than perfection."
Pix chuckles, getting to his feet. His other book sits on the blanket- Oli snatches that too and starts stacking daisies on it. So much for reading on the way. Oli waves him off.
"Go! Flowers don't pick themselves, Pix."
"I'm going, I'm going," he steps carefully off the blanket, already scanning the treeline for patches of flowers. He spots some in the nearby field and starts that way. Azure bluets maybe? Or some poppies?
"Oh, Pix?"
"Will you get my ribbon box, please, when you come back? I left it in our room."
Pixl returns to the blanket with an armful of sunflowers, cornflowers, and a box of decorative ribbons. Oli's tugging the box out of his hand before he's even settled on the blanket, and he scrambles to keep a hold on all the flowers he's gathered.
"Thank you for this," Oli says. He isn't looking at him when he says it, already digging through the bright colored ribbons, pulling out orange, gold, red, pink, setting them all aside. There's a half finished daisy chain laid out over one of his thighs, and a small pile of discarded daisies next to the quill.
"You're welcome," Pix answers, setting out his flowers between them on the blanket. He sorts them simpler than Oli did, sunflowers here, cornflowers there, and soon Oli is putting ribbons in his hands-
"I'd like these ones."
Blue and white, with light lacy trim on the sides. Barely noticeable, but a nice, subtle touch.
"Pretty please," Oli says.
Pix smiles, "I'll do my best."
Their meandering conversation cuts off as Oli lifts himself onto his knees and shuffles across the blanket.
He holds out his daisy chain crown, "hold still."
Pix pauses his weaving and bows his head just so, making it easier for Oli to reach. A light weight settles, then pulls away. Oli fluffs up his hair a bit, then the light weight is back, and he's shuffling back.
"There we are!" Oli beams, bright as the sun, as pride and fondness overwhelm his tone. "Beautiful."
Pix laughs, "thank you."
"Anytime." Oli looks down at the mess he's made of the flowers. Pix resumes his weaving as he makes two piles of the flowers- sunflowers here, cornflowers there, this time at the edge of the blanket. Still within reach, but clear enough now for Oli to fully lay down with his head in Pixl's lap.
"Is this alright?" he asks.
Pix brushes his nose with a cornflower as if it's a paintbrush, chuckling at the side eye he gives before swatting the flower away.
"You're fine," Pix tells him.
"Good. I'm going to nap."
Pix picks up another sunflower and starts fitting it onto the crown. "Goodnight."
He wraps the ribbon and other stems around to keep it in place. Oli's eyes are closed. He's frowning. He opens one eye to glare up at Pix.
"What, no sweet wishes? No goodnight kiss?"
Pix pulls off a loose petal and places it in the center of Oli's forehead.
"I'm working on your crown, Oli," he brushes the petal off, runs his fingers through Oli's hair. "Nothing less than perfection, remember?"
Oli pouts, closing his eyes again. "Fine."
Pix chuckles, "sweet dreams."
"Thank you."
Oli doesn't end up napping.
He doesn't exactly talk, either- at least not with his usual gusto. He's calm, quiet, handing Pixl whatever flowers he can't reach and complimenting the daisy crown, and correcting any little mistakes Pixl's made with his crown. Guild members come and go, some joining in conversations, others requesting help- when Oli isn't needed he turns to hide his face until Pix can talk to him again. They dance between topics that are easy to pick up and drop off as needed- favorite pattern of horse, how to decorate the caravan, what they'll do with the dragon when it hatches.
Pix requests a final cornflower. Oli passes it over.
"Do you really like me?" Oli asks, soft as petals.
Pix ties off the last ribbon and meets his eye with a smile. "I do."
Oli smiles, blinking sleepily. Pix lifts the crown.
"You ready for your crown?"
Oli brightens. Slowly pushes himself up and turns around so that he's facing Pix- Pix turns the crown around so that the ribbons will trail down his back. Oli bows his head. Pix fluffs up his hair and gently places it atop his head- adjusting until it fits nicely.
When Oli looks up, he's got a crown of sunflowers and cornflowers, with white and blue ribbons peeking through the gaps. The sun and the sky, the brightest days captured in his smile.
Pix reaches out, pulling the ribbons off of Oli's shoulders so that they hang freely down his back. Oli watches the movement, catches Pix's hand as he pulls away.
"Thank you for this," Oli says, holding Pix's hand in both of his. He traces lines between his freckles, as if they're constellations. "I know work is important, but rest is important too, and I thought a break would be nice."
Pix cups Oli's cheek in his hand, gently cutting him off. He kisses his forehead and tucks him into a hug.
"Thank you for this," Pix answers, carefully running a hand up and down his back. Oli holds on tight. "This was nice."
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gemsona-advice · 4 months
i basically need ideas for a few gems in certain courts (all of them being my diamond ocs):
some gems in a red diamond's court as well as their potential jobs (one being the RD equivalent of a peridot)
as well as some gems (potential jobs included if you want) for a midnight diamond, a bi-color (pink/blue) diamond, indigo diamond, mint diamond, peach diamond and sky blue diamond
(about like 3 gems per diamond)
as well as a name for a fusion between a red diamond and a rose diamond (not some weird combination of RQ and PD)
Red Diamond's court: Well, Rubies, Pink Star Sapphire, and Carnelian would be good canon gems for the Court. Pyrope, too, who was seen in the games!
Cinnabar and crocoite could be good for some type of poisons master role?
Painite would be a good elite soldier.
Coral and Hubnerite are some good aristocrats, I think?
Lake Superior Agate, Red Jasper, and Ferruginous Quartz are good red Quartzes??
For Peridot... maybe Proustite?
I... don't quite want to do the jobs for them sorry haha BUT here are the Gems you requested!!
Midnight Diamond: Black Moonstone, Galaxite, Nuummite?
Bi-colour Diamond: Bi-colour (or Parti) Sapphire, Elbaite Tourmaline, Ametrine?
Indigo Diamond: Larkivite, Sodalite, Tanzanite? (I would say Indicolite for the name, but I think they'd wanna get darker)
Mint Diamond: Prasiolite, Turquoise, Medusa Quartz?
Peach Diamond: Childrenite, Morganite, Peach Calcite?
Sky Blue Diamond: Swiss Blue Topaz, Cornflower Sapphire, Larimar?
Red Diamond + Rose Diamond = Fancy Pink Diamond, Fancy Red Diamond? I suppose Orange or Salmon Diamond might work if you didn't want them to be a lighter red.
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dansnaturepictures · 11 months
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21/10/2023-Bolton's Bench and Denny Wood in the New Forest and home
Pictures taken in this set are of: 1. One of many gorgeous and striking fly agarics on a lovely walk from Bolton's Bench, ruby gems of the land of the birches, it was the mushroom we came here hoping to see for the first time this year having seen them here before and it did not disappoint with a wealth of them in different shapes and sizes which was a treat to see. 2. A beautiful Woodlark towards the end of the Bolton's Bench walk, a great surprise to see a nice energetic bird seeing it fly and hunkered down too what an autumn I'm having for seeing them. 3. Bleeding fairy helmet, a delicate and charming mushroom I was pleased to see and learn at Denny Wood today. 4. A paradisiacal mushroom, amethyst deceiver at Denny Wood. One of a few of these minute purple beauties enjoyed on the mossy ground here a key place down the years in a strong record I've had of seeing these in autumn since finally seeing my first here three years ago. I am thrilled that we saw a few of these today too, the two big targets of my fungi year seen today with this and fly agaric and I treasured both sightings. 5. Autumn leaves out the front in the evening sun at home. 6. Black-eyed Susan interestingly coming out again like a few flowers in the garden, notable for the time of year. 7. Star shaped mushrooms on the Bolton's Bench walk. 8. View on that walk. 9. Fly on another key mushroom at Denny Wood, common earthball I enjoyed a couple of flies on mushrooms at each site. 10. Mushroom at Denny Wood.
Other fungi I enjoyed seeing were devil's finger eggs and some fine nail fungus (poronia punctata) in horse manure near Bolton's Bench again here after last month, false death cap, common puffball and turkey tail with lichen enjoyed too. One of my greatest ever fungi days. There were other great bird moments too with a dashing Peregrine seen really nicely flying over early on in the Bolton's Bench walk and the characteristic Rook here, Carrion Crow, Long-tailed Tit at both sites, Blue Tit and Marsh Tit at Denny Wood, Great Tit at Bolton's Bench, Blackbird at Denny Wood and Chaffinch there also enjoyed. New Forest Pony, Grey Squirrel, gorse, some heather in flower, hawksbeard/hawksbit, tormentil and hawthorn and holly berries were also good to see in the forest. A Light Brown Apple moth in the garden and Goldfinches, Starlings and Collared Dove were lovely at home moments today with a cornflower type flower seen in the garden too.
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msb-lair · 9 months
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Clutch #3425 - Whisper/Sussurate
Mated On: 2023-12-06 # of eggs: 3 Hatched On: 2023-12-12
Hatchling 9114 (Monoxide) - Sandsurge Female, Black Wolf/Spring Trail/White Ghost, Common - 15,000 on 2024-01-14
Hatchling 9115 - Sandsurge Male, Black Ribbon/Teal Trail/White Ghost, Bright - 15 gems on 2024-02-19
Hatchling 9116 - Sandsurge Female, Black Ribbon/Cornflower Trail/White Ghost, Uncommon - 15,000 on 2023-12-18
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the-rockstar-lestat · 2 years
I'm new to this being a man thing, but you're exactly the man I want to look like. Can you give us your style inspo and how your get your looks? I was hoping to get some inspo from the show but I'm a more enlightenment than jazz age guy. I don't want to look like a kid in his dad's old suits anymore. Help?
First of all, I'm flattered you came to me! Let me do what I can.
First of all, I think I have two very distinct inspirations in my head based on the two time periods I enjoyed the most--the 1780s and the 1980s. Call it the aristocrat and the rockstar . The 1780s appears primarily in the length of my hair--i refuse to cut it--and the love of bright colors and embroidery. The 1980s appears in my fondness for black jeans and band tees on more casual days. And my beloved purple sunglasses.
As for people who inspire me I suppose I must begin and end with David Bowie. I admire his androgyny and flamboyance --but also the thin white duke era look. No one rocked a suit and slicked back hair like Bowie.
Now, if I may advise you on how to wear a suit without looking like you're wearing your dad's clothes, the key is tailoring. A man's suit should skim the lines of the body, but not cling enough to be uncomfortable or too feminine looking. Italian suits are good at this--theyre slimmer cut and involve less fabric. But as most people don't have nearly as much money as I do for bespoke Italian suits, I recommend finding a suit you like and a decent tailor to take in everything to fit your unique shape. You'd be surprised how affordable alterations can be--and consider it an investment. A suit jacket can also be worn on its own over jeans and a more casual shirt for a sort of in between look.
As for pulling inspiration from the age of Enlightenment --oh, what a wonderful time --start with considering growing your hair. The low ponytail or even braid is a trade mark of the era. Then look for color--i know, I know, so difficult in mens wear today. You're looking for rich reds, blues and greens. However, for a particularly dandyish look, try pastels. Cornflower blue, light green and even pink. Yes men wore pink. It was considered very aristocratic.
I also suggest shopping for richly patterned waiscoasts. They're a very androgynous and versatile garment and can be worn with both formal and casual looks to add a touch of luxury.
My last bit of advise is not to be afraid of jewelry. I miss the days when men wore jewelry. These days even a ring is sometimes read as feminine. But larger rings with bigger gem stones--or no gem stones--still work. Have you seen my beloved amethyst ring from my mortal years? It's one of my favorites and quite the statement. Also, in my time very daring men even wore earrings. Try a single ear piercing -a simple stud or dangle works well. I was not daring enough as a mortal to get my ears pierced, but --believe it or not--Louis' ears are. Armand did it in the 1890s with his fang, a sharp needle and very good luck. Louis keeps the hole open as best he can by keeping earrings in it, but as we heal so quickly, it closes up and frequently has to be redone. I'm afraid my skin is too hard to be pierced.
Have I been of any help, dear one?
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migdrlegorbio · 2 years
leopika headcanons part three!! wedding edition <3
heres part one and part two if u want to read them
heres how the engagement went: on their aniversary, leorio and kurapika go to a really fancy restaurant, where kurapika proposes. leorio is really surprised, and tells him that he'll give him his answer when they get home. kurapika is distraught, thinking that leorio is going to reject him but doesnt want to do it in public, but when they go home they see that the kids (gon, killua, alluka) have set up a bunch of candles, flowers, and have music playing. leorio admits that he was planning on proposing that night once they got back
they use the rings leorio bought as their engagement rings and use the ones kurapika bought as the wedding rings
leorio's rings have a chain look to them, with red gems in the middle
kurapika's rings are plain black bands with three gems: one green, one red, one yellow, in that order
their first dance at their wedding was to My Heart is Buried in Venice by Ricky Montgomery
leorio commissions custom made traditional kurta wedding clothes for the ceremony, which makes kurapika cry (a lot)
the color scheme is green and blue
the wedding flowers are: delphinium (cheerfulness), hydrangea (grace and beauty), morning's glory (love, life, death), cornflower (hope in love), and ivy (fidelity/attachement)
they get married with only a couple people there (gon, killua, alluka, specific members of leorio'a family) but hold a bit reception after, to suit both kurapika's wish for a small meaningful wedding and leorio's wish to boast about his marriage to kurapika as much as humanly possible
leorio wears a kurta equivalent to a wedding dress willingly and proudly, and kurapika refuses to admit he thinks it's attractive
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handweavers · 3 years
so the official™ list of plants i'm growing in my dye garden this year are echinacea, cornflowers, amaranth/hopi red dye, tangerine gem marigolds, chinese forget me nots, dyers coreopsis, and woad. this will give me an array of colours from yellow to reddish orange to sage green to purplish blue, indigo blue, and brown :-)
i'm also planting black elderberries but their seeds require a long period of hot then cold stratification (approx. 5 months) and i started that process too late so i'm going to sow indoors and transplant the shrub outdoors next spring, that way i'll have elderberries for next summer
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loadedmemory · 3 years
Prompt #7: Speculate
Prompt #7: Speculate
Part VI: The Undertaker
Francoise rolled an apple around the bowl, contemplating eating it.  The rosy flesh tempted as it reflected the sunlight streaming in from a nearby window.  He picked it up, sniffed it, contemplated a bite, and then put it back down and gazed out the window.  
He had stacked crates surrounding his desk, and he should have sorted and catalogued them by now.  The most he'd accomplished was a single box, and a line of ink dots down the ledger where he'd simply tapped the tip of the quill against parchment.
Too lazy of an afternoon, where he wished desperately he were anywhere but the dusty confines of Paulloix's storehouse.  
The door opened and he sighed, expecting someone to dump another crate of pilfered items from the Gelmorra ruins.  At first, they took it slow, to avoid anyone noticing. Gelmorra was the sacred home to the Duskwights, after all, but as time went on and no one cried foul, their operations expanded, emboldened.  Paulloix's methodical campaign against their cave dwelling cousins only made it easier.  Arrest the denizens, drive them away, and there was more to plunder, and more time to do it in.
Sometimes Francoise felt bad for them.  It didn't take much at all to turn the wood wailers against them, Paulloix's prejudices were shared by many.  He could only speculate on what sort of tactics the man used.  Man was capable of all manner of cruelties, after all.
But now his work had increased exponentially.  What once took up just a morning of sorting and cataloguing now took him from dusk to dawn.  Sighing, he left the apple and grabbed the edge of a crate, sliding it closer to reach inside.
Some sort of spear point first, ornamental by the intricate carvings along the blade.  Then a pair of woman's earrings, time having turned the metalwork green. An urn, a chalice with a crack down one side, a ceremonial dagger with a gem missing from the hilt.  He dutifully entered each of them into the ledger, marking down each piece's flaws and remedies.  Polish this, create a cheap gem for that, this piece is junk and should be incinerated.  
He turned the crate over to check for anything he missed at the bottom.  Something fell over, thin like paper, a card.  Curious he picked it up and flipped it over.  Gold foil lined the edges and when he peered at the image, it blurred.  His brows furrowed, this was far too new to have been excavated from the ruins.  
The image cleared suddenly. A pair of wands, upside down so that the pointed to the floor.   He turned the card over, and watched it blur suddenly and return to original position, pointing down.  
Bemused, he turned the card over again.  But the image just flipped back to its original position.  
"Very funny, guys," he said, putting the card down and reaching for the next crate to catalogue.
Sunlight burst into the room as the door opened abruptly. Francoise blinked and slowly rose to his feet. "Seven hells, I have enough to do, how about you guys take a b--"
He cut off as the silhouette came into focus as he kicked the door shut behind him.  An impossibly tall elezen, dressed in black from head to toe with his face hidden behind a wood wailer mask.  "Who... who are you?"
Blue eyes regarded him dispassionately, and Francoise knew he'd seen them before.  Far too bright, like cornflowers in bloom.  The kind of color you didn't forget right away.  
"I'm looking for Francoise Viteront."  
The voice, oh that voice, those eyes.  Francoise felt his knees go weak and he sank back into his seat, as if the stacked crates there could separate them like a barrier.
Something bright and sharp and curved hooked over the top of them, dragging them back until they tumbled off the desk.  He could hear something shatter, something else hit the ground with a metallic ring.  Twelve have mercy, it was a scythe.  The man wielded a bloody, godsdamned scythe of all things.
He smiled wanly, wishing he'd eaten the apple earlier.  "They told me you were dead."
"I am," the man he once knew as Valairoix, said.  He stopped right in front of the desk, the but of the scythe thunking on the floorboards.  
"You certainly look dead, with all... that."  He gestured to the mask, the scythe.  "You always did have a flare for the dramatic."
A pale brow lifted, a curve of the man's lips.  "Did I."
Mirth aside, Francoise's eyes fell to stare at the desk.  "I heard about Tomaistre. Didn't realize it was you, though.  Are you... here to kill me, too?"
Silence for a long moment.  His heart thudded between his ears.  He half expected the scythe to suddenly swing around and cut his head clean off his shoulders.  
But, finally, "No.  I'm not here to kill you, Francoise."
Relief flooded through him, and slowly he lifted his head to look at the other man's eyes again.  "You want me to leave."
He nodded. "I... have memories of you. Things you did for me, that I had gratitude for."
"They did you dirty, Val.  I just... I wish I could have..."
His shame covered him like a cold blanket, wet sand between his toes he couldn't get rid of.  
"Go, Francoise.  Do not look back."
He didn't have to be told twice.  Rising from the desk, he left behind the artifacts and the ledger and the years he'd spent shackled to that place.  He walked out the door, his steps quickening until he was running down the path.  A sudden whoosh caught his attention and he turned.  
Fire licked at the tree tops, the storehouse now burning brightly.  Alarm rang out from neighbors, though their dwellings were too far to burn.  He stood there and watched, waited to see who emerged from inside.  But, no one did. No sign of the man who claimed he was a dead man walking.
Then Francoise remembered he'd left the apple inside and sighed.
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tired0artist · 4 years
| Royalty!AU | King Jaskier |
Read this before reading.
@inspiration-in-progress @jaskicr @witchersjaskier @artemis-demonicus @doveandunicorn @kittynannygaming —>and many more! Thank you 🙏
As Julian stepped through the gate leading to the throne room, he felt nothing. He simply let himself be escorted by the royal guards, he saw his mother in all her glory sitting on the throne. Her gown black, symbolizing her grief, her blonde hair pinned neatly as a silver crown with blue gems rested on her head. And finally her cornflower eyes that mirrored his own, glaring at the mare sight of him.
They stopped right in front of the stairs leading to the throne, Julian didn’t shy away from his mother hard gaze as one of the soldiers proudly called.
“My Queen! May I present your son, Julian Alfred Pankratz the first, prince of Rivia and Lyria!”
The Queen pulled a fake smile that Julian knew all too well and said “Thank you sir Tovan. I’m glad that you found my son all well” Sir Tovan bowed to her, looking really proud as the Queen added “Now. Please leave me with my son, we have much to talk about”
Sir Tovan led his men out of the throne room, leaving only Julian and his mother present. They stared at each other for a long time, but it was she who spoke first.
“Mother” answered Julian in a bitter tone.
She of course glared at him and said “I have to admit that I am greatly disappointed in you”
If Julian was a boy, it would’ve hurt him but now he simply answered “I can say the same about you”
That made the Queen raise from the throne and walked down the steps where her son stood. She glared at him and slapped him saying.
“ You run from your home! Make me and your father look for you for the last 20 years! While you run with Butcher of Blaviken of all things, playing some peasant music! And dare to insult me?! Your own mother and The Queen of Rivia and Lyria?!” she let out a huff adding “I should sentence you to stoning for such thing!”
Julian glared down at his mother saying “You won’t do such thing”
The Queen glared at him asking “And why is that?”
He stood straighter as he said in cold voice “Because now mother, I am the rightful King of this kingdom. You might be the bound by blood to this kingdom but we both know that since father passed away your title as The Queen of Rivia and Lyria, means shit. So now that I’m here? I won’t let you ruin our kingdom any longer, I saw how you manipulated father into doing everything you wanted. And the poor man just loved you too much, to see what a bitch you really are. But no more of that. By today I am taking all your rights to the throne and to make any decisions even if I’m gone. And after my coronation, you’ll be transported to our summer residence near Yaruga, where you will live from now on”
“Y-You wouldn’t do this! You can’t!! You need me to run this kingdom! Just like your father did!” she screamed in hysterics.
Julian smiled at the woman coldly and called out “Guards!” as they entered the throne room he continued “Please escort my mother to her room and call my father’s advisors. I need to speak to them about my coronation and some other matters”
“Right away my prince!” said Sir Tovan as he bowed and signaled his people to take the Queen out of the room. She of course didn’t put up a fight, she was too proud to do that and went with them quietly.
As they all left the room, Julian looked up at the painting of his father that was hanging on one of the walls.
“Father you know that I’m not made to be a King! I want to travel and sing! Just like you once did! Before you married mother!” said seventeen year old Julian, while pacing in his father’s solar.
The old king let out a sigh, running his hand through greying his hair “Julek… I know but you’re the only heir to the throne, you need to fulfil your duty as a prince” Julian let out a groan as his father continued “I know that it’s hard for you, because I didn’t want to become a King either. But the destiny made it my path, so I have to follow it”
Julian groaned even louder as he threw himself dramatically at a sofa “Oh please father, spare me from this destiny crap…”
His father out a chuckle saying “Okay, okay… now how about you play something for me huh? I have few letters to write and with your beautiful music, it surely will go faster”
The young prince smiled brightly and took his lute saying with a low bow “Your wish is my command, Your Grace!”
The king let out a laugh at his son’s theatrics and continued on working, while a catchy song was filling his solar.
Julian smiled at the memory and said out loud “I wish you were here father… I could use someone to talk to…” he took a deep shaky breath saying “I won’t fail you and I will be a good King. There’s no one for me to go back to any way…”
The doors opened as Sir Tovan walked in saying “The advisors and awaiting your orders, your royal highness”
The soon to be King took one last look at his father’s portrait, before nodding to himself thinking.
It’s time to make his father proud.
Few months after his coronation, the new king got his first problem to solve. In the nearby forest was probably a nest of kikimores, they already killed five villagers from what the man in front of him was saying.
“And why didn’t this matter reach me faster? Before so much of our people have lost their lives?” Julian asked the old man that came to him in order to seek help.
The man wasn’t even looking him in the eyes as he started at the stairs leading to the throne “W-We didn’t think t-that you would care! Whenever someone c-came to your father with such matter, t-the Queen told them not to b-bother them with such problems Y-Your Grace”
Julian let out a soft sigh and rubbed his tired eyes, his mother really didn’t care about the people of Rivia and Lyria.
“Do you think that maybe our soldiers could deal with it, Your Grace?” his advisor, Lord Henrik asked, from where he was standing beside his throne.
“No. Kikimore are dangerous creatures, we must hire a witcher” said Julian, trying not to think about, how the thought of his witcher crushed his heart even more. He then looked at the poor man in front of him asking softly “Did you lose someone to the monster?”
The man looked up at him in shock but nodded slowly saying “Aye after one girl got murdered… my son went to try and kill the creature with three other boys. But they died”
Julian’s heart ached at the pain the parents must feel, he saw many crushed families whose loved ones died because of some monster, while traveling with Geralt “I grief their deaths along with you and the others. We will take care of this matter, you have my word. For now don’t let anyone close to the forest, I will be sending food to your village every week so that you won’t have to hunt and risk your lives”
“T-Thank you! Thank you so much, Your Grace!” the man bowed in gratitude.
The king simply nodded with a small smile saying “I’m glad that I can help my people, that all”
Three weeks later, Julian was in his father’s solar or rather his own solar now. He was reading a letter from the King of Temeria, the man was checking if their truce was still in tact now that Julian is the King of Rivia and Lyria. When a knock interrupted his reading, Julian raised his head calling out.
“Come in”
It was Lord Henrik, the advisor bowed to him and said “My King, a witcher has come to talk about the monster”
Julian’s heart stopped as a thought came through his mind “What if it’s Geralt?” but he quickly shook his head mentally and cleared his throat saying “Bring him here”
“With all due respect but wouldn’t it be safer to meet him in the throne room?” asked Lord Henrik.
But the young King shook his head saying “I want to talk to him in private, no need for the theatrics Lord Henrik. Now please bring the poor man here, he’s probably standing outside in this rain”
“Right away, Your Grace” said the Lord and left.
Julian stood up and poured himself some wine as his hands shook slightly, the door opened and he turned just to see Lord Henrik along with a wet, tall, bulky man with a large scar on his face. Julian’s eyes quickly traveled to his medallion and instantly he knew who it was.
“May I introduce Master Witcher, Eskel” said Lord Henrik as the poor cat-eyed man bowed awkwardly.
“Your Grace” said the witcher, his voice quite pleasant and calm. Nothing like Geralt’s harsh and rumbling one.
Julian nodded to the man, before looking at his advisor saying “Thank you, Lord Henrik. Now please go and tell servants to arrange a room, a bath and warm food for our guest”
Lord Henrik’s face was priceless as he said “Forgive me… Your Grace but who is our guest?”
The King smiled at the awkward witcher and said “Master Witcher of course. Can’t you see that the man is clearly tired and wet? Oh and please do ask them also to take care of his horse, let them take it to my personal stables. Now leave us Lord Henrik”
“Y-Yes, Your Grace. I shall take care of everything” with that Lord Henrik left the room and Julian let out a sigh saying.
“I apologise for his behaviour, I will talk to him later” he looked at the shocked and clearly uncomfortable witcher and said “Please take a sit, Master Witcher”
Julian sat down at one of the sofas as the witcher also took a seat in front of him on the other one. The scared man cleared his throat saying.
“The room and… all that isn’t necessary, Your Grace. I’ll get the information that I need and I’ll leave peacefully”
The King frowned saying “It is necessary, you’re here to help my people and before you came here you were helping someone else. You deserve it, so please accept it” he ended with a smile.
The witcher returned it and said “Please call me Eskel, Your Grace”
Julian let a grin past his royal act and said “Only if you call me Julian”
Eskel looked a bit troubled before nodding “Sure thing… Julian. Now tell me about the kikimore”
And so Julian explained everything and tried to mention every little detail that could help Eskel. The witcher seemed a bit shocked by his knowledge of monsters and eagerness to help.
“-- and then we have your payment. I think that around 2000 guldents? Or do you want more?”
The witcher paled a bit and said “Y-You’re offering that much? And asking if I want more?”
Julian took a sip of his wine and said “Witcher’s are always not getting as much coin as they deserve. You risk your lives for people and you get insulted, attacked and not even get a fucking ‘thank you’. So as a decent human being I will offer you 2000 guldents now and another 1000 once you’re done with the kikimores”
“Julian that’s far too much I can’t--” started Eskel as Julian stopped him saying.
“You can and you will Eskel. You deserve it”
Eskel stayed silent for a moment, simply looking at Julian. After few moment’s his eyes widened as he said “You’re Geralt’s comannion! Jaskier!”
Julian flinched at the use of his old name and simply asked “How can you be so sure?”
The witcher didn't take his eyes of him as he said “Geralt always talked about you when he came home for the winter. He talked a bit about how you look and the fact that you indeed smell like a dandelion… which is a bit weird I suppose”
“That’s rather… specific” mumbled Julian as he continued on looking at his wine.
“But he failed to mention, that you were a Prince and now a King of Rivia and Lyria” said Eskel with a frown.
Julian let out a sigh saying “He didn’t know. I ran away from home when I was eighteen, to become a bard. Few months later I met him and stayed with him for 20 years, before it was time to wake up from this wonderful dream. Geralt sure as hell helped me with that and so I went home”
After a moment of silence Eskel said “He’s looking for you, you know?”
“Then let him look. I’ve been doing the same thing for years, now it’s his turn”
Eskel let out a laugh saying “I’ll drink to that”
Eskel left a week later after the job was done, leaving Julian all alone once again. Although he promised to visit before winter, which warmed Julian’s heart a bit.
Now four months later Julian got a letter from Cintra. It was Queen Calanthe, who wanted to meet the new King of Rivia and Lyria, and even sign a treaty now that the war with Nilfgaard was upon all of them.
“I wouldn’t accept it, Your Grace. Queen Calanthe will bring doom over all of us!” said one of the members of the royal council.
“I agree! To hell with her!” added another one.
Julian let out a sigh saying “Thank you all for making your opinions known. I will think about what you said”
“Now there’s another problem that you should think about, Your Grace” said Lord Henrik.
“What is it?”
“You need to select a sorceress for your court” said Lord Henrik sternly.
Julian wanted to just bag his head at the wall, no matter how many times he said that he didn’t want a sorceress the council simply ignored him and continued on pushing him about this matter.
“I said it before and I will say it now. I don’t need a sorceress and that will be the end of this topic” said Julian harshly.
“Maybe we will be able to change your mind, Your Grace”
Julian looked towards the door where an elegant woman stood, dressed in a fine red dress, her dark hair neatly pinned. But it was who was with her made Julian’s blood boil, because it was Yennefer of the fucking Vengerberg. She glared at Julian, clearly unhappy to find out who he really was.
“This meeting is over, now leave me and our unexpected guests alone” said the young King, as everyone left without a question. Julian himself got up from his place at the council table and walked towards the window, saying “You won’t change my mind. I don’t want a sorceress, sorcerer, mage or a druid” he took a deep breath and turned towards the women adding “But I’m willing to at least listen to you”
The unknown woman nodded saying “That’s all I ask of you, Your Grace” before adding “I am Tissaia de Vries and this is---”
“Yennefer of Vengerberg” said Julian darkly “I had the unfortunate luck of meeting her”
Tissaia sent an unpleasant look towards Yennefer, but the purple eyed woman ignored her saying “Jaskier. I see that you decided to play King, tell me is Geralt playing with you?”
Julian glared at her saying “No. Geralt isn’t here, so I suppose that he won’t be able to be your plaything tonight”
Yennefer visibly flinched at his words, before turning and leaving the room. With her gone, Julian turned his attention to the confused Tissaia. He sent her a warm smile saying “I apologise for my manners, Lady Tissaia. Now would you like some wine?”
In the end Julian refused the sorceress’s offer and only agreed that if Cintra will fall then Rivia and Lyria will help them fight. Julian also sent a 1000 men to help, Queen Calanthe but in the end they lost.
And now Julian was using all his resources to try and locate Princess Cirilla. Geralt’s child surprise, but little did he know that he won’t only find the lion cub of Cintra. But also his witcher, Geralt of Rivia.
This work has been expanded, posted and finished on ao3.
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Both of these babies are on sale for 10 gems apiece!!!
First pic is Tyrant: Lead/Twilight/ Black colors with Marble/Arrow/Porcupine genes and Faceted eyes
Second pic is Overture: Cornflower/Aqua/Pistachio colors with Python/Striation/Firefly genes and Faceted eyes
Maybe not the prettiest dragons but I think their colors are neat and might be worth something. Either way, I do have prettier dragons on the way so stay tuned!
Edit: Overture is sold!!!
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tronnyboyo · 4 years
BLUE SEA  Chapter 4: Voices in the Night
Based off of “Delicious” from Pet Shop of Horrors
Rating: Mature
AU: Don Thousand’s Pet Shop
Word Count: 2564
Relationships: Hellshark/Disqualifyshipping (IV/Ryoga) and past Accidentshipping (IV/Rio)
Warnings: Manslaughter, dysfunctional relationships, brief mentions of sex, language, alcohol
Summary: Thomas brings Ryoga home from the pet shop and remembers the night of the accident.
   “There we are,” I said softly as I eased Ryoga into the pool. “Welcome back.” 
    As much as I had wanted to take Ryoga home right then and there, I knew that I was ill-prepared. He deserved the best. I couldn’t have transported the entire vase that he came in with me nor could I bear to leave him in his small traveling tank for long. Thus, I left him at the pet shop for a few days in order to prepare his new living quarters. Every day without him was hell, the longing eating up my stomach in sharp, desperate pangs. The day before I brought him home, his face had filled my every waking hour. 
      Even as I drove him here, my heart was filled with pain, seeing him in his cramped traveling quarters. Whenever I looked back at him, his eyes were filled with hurt and a slight frown tugged at his lips. 
   “Of course I’m not going to leave you in there like that! When we get back home, you’ll be amazed at what I did with our pool! It’s the perfect place for you!” I had fervently promised my husband. 
    I don’t know if he understood me, but I had continued to talk all the way home, hoping that he would recover at least a bit of his memories from before. Or, at least he would cheer up. It hurt to see his face twisted in pain like that. He looked so...vulnerable. Throughout the ride home, he had rotated between peeking his head out of the tank, arm resting on the sides to quietly lying down on the glass bottom, staring up at the ceiling, gills opening back and forth. After I took him out of the car, I promised him that he would never experience such discomfort again. 
   I intended to make certain of that promise. 
       Before the accident, we had decorated his room together. The walls were painted a dark shade of cornflower blue and were filled with his band posters. He had a window to let in the sunlight along with a sunroof in his bathroom. I had pulled his black curtains shut after the wedding, unable to bear the thought of sunlight fading out his possessions. I couldn’t bring myself to part with the clothes he had already put into his closet either. The mixture of jackets, band tees, jeans and the occasional leather jacket were still sitting there, most likely collecting dust. 
    When I redecorated the pool room, I had gone into Ryoga’s room for the first time in days. It still smelled of fresh paint. He still hadn’t properly spent a night in this bedroom. Not even a hint of his cologne wafted about. I supposed that it was a blessing in its own way. There weren’t as many memories here. Carefully, I removed a few of his posters and his clock. Photographs. Jewelry. His favorite retro stereo and accompanying CDs. I brought them down into the pool room and distributed his possessions everywhere. 
   Plish. Ryoga swam around his new quarters slowly, drinking in the sights. I had placed his favorite leather recliner by the poolside, next to his stereo. His posters and photographs were now framed and placed on the walls. The large window at the back and front of the pool room were framed with dark curtains, similar to the ones in his room. Next to the poolside, I had put a cabinet containing all of his accessories so that he could easily access his jewelry without having to crawl out. It was bolted to the floor in order to prevent any accidents. 
     Under the sun, I watched as his tail caught the sunlight. A smile filled my face. Throughout the year, sunlight changed in accordance with the seasons. Winter sunlight was soft and gentle, filling the world with what was necessary but not to excess. It made things look old, as if on the verge of fading. Spring sunlight was verdant and vivid, adding more color to the world. It served as the bridge between the bright colors of summer and the muted colors of winter. Summer sunlight was yellow and bright, giving everything under it a halo. It made memories shine with joy. And autumn sunlight...there was nothing like it. My favorite season had sunlight that was golden and rich. It dyed the world in the hues of nostalgia, warm and glowing. 
   I couldn’t wait to see Ryoga under the golden sunlight, especially surrounded by the hues of the garden. Red, orange and yellow would go well with his tail and complexion. His pictures under the autumn skies would be stunning. I also couldn’t wait to see him under the hues of spring, amidst the rejuvenating greenery of the garden. He had always looked so vivid against the greens of spring with his blue eyes, pale skin and violet locks. They were the colors of flowers. Perhaps that was why he loved spring the most. It was when he was most beautiful. 
   Who could blame him?
     Ryoga poked his head out of the water and rested his hand on the marbled border. He looked past me and out the window, now filled with late summer fruits. I followed his gaze and saw our fig tree with dark fruits splattered on the ground in mushy red piles. Underneath the tree in the humid summer heat, we had feasted on those sweet, soft fruits. It was always a running joke between us that the figs looked like a woman’s milky breasts, the white sap trickling out of the plucked tip in slow, sticky rivulets. Since the wedding, I couldn’t bear to look at them until now. 
    I looked back at Ryoga to find that he was already on the other side of the pool, looking up at the cabinet curiously. If only he could speak to me again. I’ve come to miss his jibes and relentless teasing. Walking over, I slowly opened the lowest cabinet to show him the array of accessories. The sparkling gems caught his attention and he curiously reached out for a necklace. 
   “I’ll help you put that on if you’d like,” I offered, coming closer. 
   At the sound of my voice, Ryoga disappeared into the waters and swam away. I tried not to take it too personally. After all, he had fallen three stories into frigid waters. Bzzt. 
     I clicked off my phone.
    “Time for lunch,” I announced as I walked over to the fridge. 
    I took three fish out of the fridge and turned around. Plish. Ryoga resurfaced, his eyes wide in anticipation as he saw the fish. For the first time since our wedding, a smile filled his face. My heart soared and I quickened my pace. He swam towards me and excitedly resurfaced, eyes sparkling with delight. I kneeled down and offered the fish to him. Deftly, he grabbed onto one of the fish and yanked it out of my hands, the scales brushing against my skin. He voraciously sank his teeth into the spine of the fish, sharp teeth ripping into the scales. I chuckled as he noisily ate. 
   “Still no charm and an overabundance of rudeness, huh?” I teased. 
    He ignored me and continued to eat. I put the two remaining fish by the side of the pool and cleaned my hands off with a nearby sanitizer. 
    “Let’s listen to some of your music,” I said as I walked over to his stereo. 
    I turned it on and selected one of his burned CDs. It was a lost art, according to him. Apparently, no one knew how to burn CDs anymore. I had never understood why he preferred CDs over our streaming technologies, but I always indulged him during holidays and birthdays. They were difficult to find, often sequestered in antique stores or sold in bundles of outdated technology. Pressing the play button, I then walked back to the jewelry cabinet to close it. The sounds of a soothing bassline started up as I looked into the cabinet. A silver ring caught my attention and I stiffened, quickly closing the compartment. 
     I walked back to the stereo to adjust the volume, prickles crawling up my spine. I watched Ryoga as he ate, the two silver rings on his fingers catching the light. The ring back in the cabinet had been Rio’s wedding gift to him. She had never gotten the chance to give it to him and it had arrived in the mail a few days after the accident. It had come in a plain box, nestled in white satin. “To: Ryoga, From: Rio,” was written on the inside of the lid in permanent marker. There had been no return address. 
   Unbidden, the contract resurfaced in my mind. Clause one: You must not show him to others. Even if it was his own sister? I should have asked for further clarification. But why shouldn’t Rio be allowed to know? If there was anyone that had grieved more than me, it was most definitely her. My hand crept to my pocket and towards my phone, yet it stilled just before I wrapped my fingers about it.    
        The order had been loud and clear. She never wanted to see me again after the wedding. My brows furrowed in contemplation. Surely, she would have wanted to know that Ryoga was alive though? Besides, it was the right thing to do. Then why couldn’t I do it?
     I saw her grief-filled expression under the moonlight as the sirens of the police and naval guard arrived. Her eyes had burned like fire that night, filled with our long and twisted history. First the fire. Then the awkward reconciliation. Stolen glances. Brief brushes of fingers. More intentional touching. Lighting-fast kisses before a duel. Her warm skin on mine, the cold metal of the hallways freezing me to the bone. The betrayal that filled her eyes when I proposed to her twin brother instead of her. 
    “It’s a publicity stunt,” I had said in a hushed voice. “Good for the press and for our careers.” 
     The pale moonlight gave her magenta eyes an otherworldly glow. It dyed her hair silver and her skin was milk white. The white dress she wore fluttered in the wind, the diaphanous fabric teasing me. She was an otherworldly creature of the light. I regarded her cold gaze there, forcing myself to move towards her despite the ice in my veins. Hesitantly, I reached out to her, afraid that she would shatter in my embrace. My shoulders heaved in relief when she didn’t disappear as I held her tight, the ocean breeze and the rocking of the ship melding with our heartbeats. 
    “I will always love you,” I promised. 
    Thunk. Both of us jumped at the sound. Quickly, I turned to see Ryoga, silhouetted against the bright interior of the ship. With the golden light behind him, his hair appeared black and his face was marred by long shadows. His navy blue suit had become a dark shroud and I could not see his eyes. Even the white flowers in his lapel looked gray in that moment. The shadow to Rio’s light. 
    “What are you doing with her?!” he shouted as he rushed towards me. 
    In the moonlight, his sapphire eyes shone with fury and hurt. Before I could answer, he grabbed my collar and shoved me against the deck railing. 
    “Ryoga!” gasped Rio. 
    “Stay out of this!” he snapped, his eyes drilling holes into me. “How long have you been doing this with her?!”
     His cheeks were flushed with red and his breath smelled of champagne as he pushed me once again. 
   “Did you just use me to get closer to my sister?!”
    His voice had broken at the last word, yet his face remained engulfed in rage. Roughly, he pushed me harder against the railing, my back teetering over the edge. The ocean beneath us was an inky black abyss. 
    “C-calm down…! Your s-sister was merely worried about you—about us!” I cried weakly. 
    Ryoga’s eyes narrowed, catching my lie instantaneously. But it was true. Almost everyone at the wedding knew that we fought regularly. Spats peppered our relationship, which was always followed by angry and passionate sex. Those were always the best, with his teeth sinking into my skin and my nails marking up his body. Just not this time. 
   “You fucker!” he screamed. “I trusted you! I knew something was off when Rio started coming to our matches more often! It was because of you!” 
  Being a high-profile prosecutor had left Rio with little free time. It must have hurt when Ryoga realized that she had made time out of her busy schedule not for him but for me. I looked at his face and noted that his lips were trembling. Despite the alcohol he had consumed, his eyes were filled with lucidity. 
    “Listen…!” I gasped as I teetered over the edge of the railing. “It was casual! We—”
    In an instant, Ryoga positioned me over the edge, the deck railing digging into my lower back. I saw the bright expanse of the stars before me, my blood rushing through my ears. Rio’s cry weakened his grip and I felt my instincts kick in. Quickly, I freed myself from Ryoga’s grip and pushed him away. I circled him and he rushed towards me. We struggled for a few moments as we exchanged blows, making our way down the empty deck. I narrowly avoided a kick and slammed Ryoga against the railing. Distantly, I heard Rio crying for help. 
   Still, Ryoga kept trying to punch and kick at me, even as a bruise was forming on his cheek. He swung towards my face and I roughly pushed him away, my muscles rippling with fury. Too late, I realized as I saw his body flip over the railing. It seemed to happen in slow motion. 
     The shine of his shoes against the moonlight. The way his curls flew in all directions of the wind. How his furious expression melted into shock and then fear. How his mouth opened up into a scream. His corsage, fluttering loose and scattering in the wind. 
    “Ryoga…!” I yelled, sticking out my hand. 
    It felt as if I was trapped in gelatin, my limbs refusing to move fast enough. All that lifting. All that training. And it couldn’t even save him. It only killed him. Our fingers briefly touched, briefly interlocking before pulling away. The coldness of his skin shocked me, as if he was already beneath the waves. Rio’s scream melded with her brother’s and mine. The once-peaceful starlit night seemed to be full of nothing but screams in that moment, piercing and endless. And then a small and distant ker-plash as Ryoga’s body sank beneath the waves. 
    I jolted awake with a gasp. 
     “It was an accident,” my manager said. “Plain and simple as that.”
    His voice echoed in my mind as I watched Ryoga swim, the fish long eaten. It wasn’t my fault. As Ryoga passed me by, he didn’t grace me with a single glance. I felt a twinge of relief as he passed me by indifferently. Perhaps this was a gift from heaven. A blank slate with Ryoga who, I knew now, was the love of my life. 
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Gemstones for Psychic Abilities.
Psychic abilities and psychic protection can be developed and enhanced by the use of crystals and gemstones. They, like all elements, contain energetic properties. Their powerful energies have the ability to heal our bodies and heighten our spiritual lives by correcting unbalanced vibrations in the body. Listed below are some of the more common crystals and gemstones used by psychics and those who want to achieve a higher consciousness and thereby open up communication with the spiritual realm. Other gems or crystals can be used in conjunction with those on the following list or you may find some of your own choosing that work just as effectively for you in these areas.
Azurite: This stone vibrates at the level of the “third eye”, which helps enhance clairvoyance and a greater sense of intuition. It also has the ability to resonate up to the crown chakra and can aid and assist in heightening spiritual connections. The stone vibrates to the throat chakra to enhance psychic communication. It is a deep azure blue color, which correlates to the indigo blue associated with the brow chakra. It is one of two basic copper carbonate minerals.
Amethyst: This stone enhances psychic abilities of all types, including clairvoyance, clairaudience and telepathy. It also works as a great psychic protection tool. It vibrates to the frequencies of the third-eye and crown chakras and is also a catalyst to opening the heart chakra. Amethyst is also a great meditation tool when used in preparation for psychic readings. It is a violet purple color and a member of the Quartz family of minerals.
Bloodstone:  This stone heightens psychic abilities and intuition. It is a grounding and centering stone and vibrates to the frequencies of the root chakra. Many psychics consider this powerful gem to be magical. It is believed to give protection from evil. It also is used to release blockages within the subtle body. It is a dark, shiny green in color with markings of red resembling spots of blood.
Calcite:  All of the many colors of calcite contribute to the enhancement of psychic abilities. This gem allows for a higher consciousness to open and can assist in channeling, astral travel and out-of-body experiences. This stone has properties for healing, purification and balancing all of the chakras.
Carnelian:  This stone can help with learning to trust your intuition and developing your psychic gifts. In fact, it is used to enhance clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities, as well as those of dowsing and psychometry. It is also used for psychic protection. Carnelian is believed to help transition the living to the spirit realm and vice versa. It has also been used in healing and in balancing the root and sacral chakras. It is an orange-red stone and is a form of Chalcedony quartz.
Chrysocolla:  This stone aids in the connection between the physical and spiritual realms. It can heighten psychic awareness and continue to develop it further. It is also useful in inducing dream states. This stone can be used to re-energize all of the chakras. When placed at the brow chakra or third-eye chakra, it strengthens the power of second sight. Chrysocolla is a bright blue-green in color and is usually found nearby copper.
Emerald:  This stone enhances psychic abilities, assists in the knowledge of future events and aids in achieving a higher consciousness. It also offers strong psychic protection against evil or negative energies. It is connected to the heart chakra and it allows the upper and lower chakras to flow into balance. Emerald is the green variety of the mineral beryl.
Fluorite:  This stone comes in many colors; however, violet and purple are the most common ones. This stone offers strong psychic protection from psychic vampires or negative energies. It enhances intuition, psychic abilities, spiritual connections and spirit guides. It can open the third eye and aids in achieving a higher consciousness. It is also very good to use during meditation before giving a psychic reading. These stones can also be used to effectively cleanse human auras and the chakras.
Herkimer Diamond:  This stone is known to have magical properties and aids in psychic abilities, in particular, clairvoyance, telepathy, connecting with spirit guides and accessing past life information. It can energize all of the chakras and promote balance and spiritual flow through them. It is a stone of attunement and is a wonderful stone to enhance the energy and powers of all other stones placed near it. It is a clear, bright form of quartz.
Iolite:  This stone aids in increasing clairvoyance (psychic visions). It allows for any untapped psychic powers to awaken and emerge. It can stimulate the third-eye or brow chakra and can also help balance the auras. Its energies are an effective tool for use by tarot readers, astrologers, empaths and psychic mediums. It is also helpful for those trying to get more in touch with their own spirituality. It is translucent and violet in color. Other names for the stone are “water sapphire” and Viking’s compass.
Kyanite:  This stone can immediately align and heal all of the chakras and align the auras. It increases mental telepathy and clairvoyant abilities and aids in lucid dreaming and astral travel. It is also useful in making connections with your spirit guides. Channeling abilities can be enhanced with this stone, along with psychic abilities and intuition. The stone is most commonly a cornflower blue color. Black kyanite is used for strengthening psychic protection.
Labradorite:  This stone increases psychic abilities and heightens intuition. For that reason, it was given the name the Wizard’s stone. It is also a very powerful stone for connecting with your spirit guides and with precognition. It can bridge the gap between the physical and spiritual realms and fosters psychic responsibility so that no harm comes to anyone involved in a reading. It offers very strong psychic protection.
Lapis Lazuli:  This stone aids in the contact of spirit guides and angels. It is a great stone to prevent unwanted psychic attack, which is especially important for psychics who open themselves up during a reading. It is a powerful stone and is not to be used without caution, particularly when using it in the area of the third-eye or brow chakra. It will develop intuition, enhance psychic powers and increase clairvoyance. It works through the throat chakra to enhance psychic communications. The stone brings psychic protection and is believed to allow access to ancient wisdom and truths. It is a blue colored stone.
Malachite:  This stone is used to enhance psychic visions, especially when combined with Azurite. It balances all of the chakras, but in particular, the heart chakra. It has a high spiritual energy, which aids in prolific dreaming. It can also be used for aura cleansing. The stone color is bright green and it is one of two basic copper carbonate minerals. It is also known as the “peacock stone”.
Moonstone:  This stone aids in communicating with spirit guides and assists in heightening abilities. For those who use divination tools, such as tarot cards, rune stones, crystal balls or pendulums, this stone is a good one to possess. The stone enhances intuitiveness and is thought to be a wish granting stone, as well. It also brings in balance to those who wear it. The stone color is white, milky or creamy. It is also known as the psychic’s gemstone.
Quartz:  This stone is one of the most powerful for expanding psychic abilities. It enhances psychic vision or clairvoyance when placed on the third-eye chakra and has extraordinary psychic protection powers. It can also be used to balance all of the chakras. The stone is associated with the Crown chakra and because of this it is excellent for use in communicating with and understanding the messages from the spirit world. It has potent and strong healing properties and increases and amplifies the energies that surround it. The stone is also known as the “Universal crystal”.
Snowflake Obsidian:  This stone assists in increasing the psychic ability of clairaudience and other psychic powers. It can be used as a tool when scrying. It is good for calming the mind’s chatter before and during meditation and can be used to balance the mind, body and spirit. It helps in channeling spirits and with psychic protection, by blocking psychic attacks. The stone is black with white snowflake patterns and is a natural volcanic glass.
Sapphire:  This stone helps to open up the lines of communication with the spirit world, as well as to assist in providing clarity for the messages they send. It aids in developing psychic powers, the third eye or second sight, telepathy, precognition and out-of-body experiences. It can also be used for heightening intuition. It brings spiritual enlightenment and psychic protection. The most common color of the stone is blue; however, it comes in many other hues.
Sugilite:  This stone is an excellent one for healing and offers psychic protection from negative energies, entities and attachments by creating a protective shield. It can stimulate channeling and automatic writing. The stone holds Divine energies and assists in spiritual grounding and awareness. It opens the third-eye, crown, soul-star and other etheric chakras. It also aids in the development and use of psychic abilities. The stone is a purple violet color and is also known as the healer’s stone.
Turquoise:  This stone is an excellent enhancer of clairaudient and clairvoyant abilities. Stronger psychic powers will emerge when carrying and working with it. It is associated with the throat and third-eye chakras. It can be used to cleanse the body’s energy centers and balance and open all the chakras. The stone heightens communication with the spirit world and increases spiritual attunement. It is a good stone for psychic protection and will help keep any negative energies at a distance.
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gem-quest · 5 years
[QUEST o1. - E N T H R O N E D]
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(written by @bebemoon)
. . . Quest 1 .
. . . T O U R N E Y . A N D . F A I R . I N . W I L D F L O W E R . M E A D O W . . . L E V E L . O N E . . .
Neddy gazed up at the lighted announcement slipping across the sky of level ten like a scrolling billboard ad in Times Square.
She was squarely amid the Prince's bursting gardens, headed in the way of her "nest" as she liked to call her homebase, when the lights of the announcement banner had drawn her eyes skywards- twinkling gold against cornflower blue.
"Jack!" Neddy called ahead of her on the garden trail. When there wasn't an immediate response, she started forward again, stumbling a little as her eyes were still pinned upwards. "Jack!"
Finvarra's gardens, where Neddy had taken up residence since the incident, was a knot of overgrown mazes whose centre was a raving-mad fairy party thrown by the hedonist fairy Prince Finvarra- an npc with far more brides than scruples. He and his brood made the argument to players traveling through that it made far more sense to lay about and drink honey wine with them than it did to slog through level after level, narrowly escaping death at every turn, with the ambition of returning to a world of "imminent catastrophic death" and until then, "inescapable boredom".
"Would you not, my dear, much rather Partake?"
Enticing though the notion may have been, Neddy, at the time of clearing the level, had been able to refuse the Prince because she had had someone to stick with-  
But that was before. More and more she felt the lure of the sweet meats of the fairies' forbidden feast.
Neddy arrived back at her nest on the outskirts of the gardens, far from the clamour of the Prince's ceaseless bacchanal. She hurried up the short twiggy ladder and into the leafy alcove of her self-made refuge. It was little more than a hovel of bent branches bound together in the shape of an acorn's cap, but Neddy enjoyed the green smell of it and the fact that it was well out of the way of most players who traveled through ten. In the beginning, she really relished the isolation.
"Jack?" Neddy repeated in sing-song, half-preoccupied with locating her player-plexus. She knew full well that the creature wasn't inside the nest- he was much too large. But she hoped he was nearby since she wanted to leave soon and didn't dare go into any other floor without him now that she was alone.
She got on her hands and knees to reach the plexus- which was just a thin, quartz-y screen no bigger than a tablet in the real world- beneath the cot of sewn-together rose petal bed clothes on which she slept.
Neddy tapped the crystal screen, swiped into her Inventory, scrolled downwards through the list of items, and selected a 'Drink Me' potion. The concoction appeared like magic, hovering above the plexus screen in an illumination of blue until she took it into her fingers and gave the tiny, glass bottle substance. She tucked it into the hip pocket of her wafer-thin robe.
Overhead, Neddy could hear the beat of Jack's flower-skinned wings on the air. It was time to go.
< < < Spell used: I C T U I U M > > >
Jack was never pleased about being shrunken down to the size of a Lhasa Apso or being carried in a reed basket on Neddy's back, but (most of the time) Neddy wasn't looking to cause havoc by having a fully-grown dragon in tow. When travelling through peaceful levels, making him a less threatening size seemed only right. Such was the case in revisiting level one.
The flowering meadows outside of Yue City conjured all kinds of unwanted images in Neddy's mind. It was the initial spawn point for all players, and the last she had seen of it, she had been with her boyfriend. She had been with their entire party, in fact. Even Bloodbriars, a pale vampire mage-knight, who shared Neddy's love of dance . . . among other things.
The meadow, very unlike the last Neddy had seen of it, was lifted with the roaring voices of crowds of players surrounding the lists and brimming with every manner of species from every guild milling between the colourful tent stalls topped with snapping banners in red, blue, black, and yellow. The aroma of cooking meat (well-cooked unlike fae fare) was in the air.
Some other players materialised behind Neddy and shoved past her on their way towards the tourney- as if there wasn't open space all around them.
"Ogres," Neddy muttered. She hefted the reed basket further up onto her shoulders. "Keep your eyes peeled, Jack. If you see /him, say so."
The dragon yawned poisonous gas into the air before curling back into the basket bottom with a sigh. Once he took on the size of a lap dog, he promptly became one in spirit too.
As to just why she wanted to see him, even she was unsure. She'd had days of isolation to ponder her own feelings on the situation- nothing of note had surfaced. Neddy decided her heart would tell her what to do once she laid eyes on his face.
Of course, the trick was finding him. And the tourney- because violence was assured- seemed as good a place as any to start searching.
Neddy gravitated towards the closest jousting list, which was set with proper bench seating, but was so swarmed with onlookers that a lot of players were forced into sitting or standing on the barriers. NPCs in neutral-claim colours made up the King's box, as expected.
She forced her way into a press of on-looking players to get herself against the balustrade for a good look at the current match-up. Squeezed sideways between a pair of brutish types (one was clutching a pole through which a full cooked pheasant was spiked upon, now partially eaten), Neddy was able to see the action- At one end of the list, a Moonstone rider in glistening silver armour was waiting mounted upon a winged snow-white steed, and at the other end, an Obsidian rider in a void of black armour was hefting themselves onto a massive black boar. Once the Obsidian rider was in place, they were given a brutal-looking lance of what, to Neddy, looked like charred bone.
The trumpets resounded and the crowd erupted in fevered roars as the two riders set off towards the tilt barrier- towards each other. A few heartbeats and it was over- the Moonstone rider was violently unseated by a crushing blow to the head. The result had been so extreme that Neddy half-expected the body of the Moonstone rider to dissolve as dead players' bodies did, but they were apparently somehow still alive.
Then, just as the Obsidian boar-rider was starting the stadium wave, a pair of legs came into view as someone boosted themselves up onto the balustrade over Neddy, semi-blocking her view of the list.
"Excuse me?" she demanded, flicking the offender's fish-netted calf. "You can't just-"
"Hey, what’s up? You’re Neddy, right?"
Neddy looked up, surprised because she recognized the voice. "Inferna?"
The face that belonged to the legs peered down at Neddy through a curtain of candy red hair. Inferna beamed down at her and offered her a hand up.  
Neddy accepted her gloved hand and was easily drawn up from the ground and onto the balustrade beside the red-head. She grabbed onto an overhead beam to keep her balance.
"View's better up here," said Inferna on a wink.
Inferna then seemed to notice that Jack was on Neddy's back because she released a strange little noise of excitement- not unlike the noise she'd made when first encountering him in the gardens. "God, Jack is so freaking adorable! Does he still like sugar cubes?" she wondered, reaching deep into one of her pockets.
Neddy was barely listening- she was stunned to see the girl again. "How are you faring out there?" she asked, concerned.
“It’s been pretty chill on my end,” Inferna replied easily, giving Neddy a cheeky grin. “Haven’t really done anything exciting, besides get some blueberry scones from the Tearoom the other day; they’re amazing. I was at Level 39 the other day, but fighting the dragon is so much work, so I fucked off after a few minutes.”
Neddy shuddered. She'd heard of Mawrgawse, and she wasn't looking forward to facing the beast.
Inferna clenched one of her eyes shut as she dug further into her pocket and then drew out a sugar cube as well as a tiny tube of red liquid. The red-head pulled the top off of the tube with her teeth and then proceeded to dump the liquid contents directly onto the sugar cube. “Ooh, fuck, Jack is so cute. Here, you’re a good boy, aren’t you?” she said, tossing the sugar cube in the air and clapping with delight when Jack caught it in his mouth.
The boar-rider was mounting up for a second go even though an opponent had not yet appeared. A thrill of excitement rippled through the assembled crowd of players.
Inferna turned back to Neddy, still grinning. “What about you? Got anything fun going on?”
"Nothing quite as exciting as thirty-nine," Neddy replied. "I've just gotten through floor twenty-nine by the skin of my teeth. Mermaid Cove won't be easy for me since I'm currently, you know, on my own."  
Inferna nodded. “Oh, yeah, that level’s a pain in the ass if you don’t have a party. I think I got through it by just finding a group that needed an extra person who didn’t care about Angel’s Breath. Aydina - that’s the NPC you go up against - is kind of a cunt, too. Like, I get that it’s just pre-written dialogue, but the lady could be nicer while trying to fuck us over with that dodgeball of hers, you know?”
When Neddy first met Inferna, after stopping her from Partaking in Finvarra's feast, she was concerned for her given her thoughtlessness about the food. However, it became clear, after hearing all that she had to say about her progress, that the red-head was someone who could too easily tear through the floors even though she was alone. To Neddy, that was enviable- she, too, wanted to help her guild win- she wanted to get out of the game and move on with her life, leaving behind the old for good. This living in Gem Quest was like being trapped within a bad memory. She had to do whatever necessary to help Moonstone escape. Trouble was, she was Enthroned, a weak fairy-kind dancer, and not Inferna, a flame-wielding hellion who (at least in Neddy's mind) kicked in doors and destroyed private property in the real world.  
It occurred to her to ask for Inferna's help when they first met, but she never screwed up the courage. After all they came from different guilds so they couldn't fashion themselves into a party. What was the point other than to make herself look weak and pathetic?
Still. Aydina would be tough. And dodgeball was stupid.
"I'm not very good at dodgeball," Neddy put in. She glanced sideways at Inferna, hoping she wouldn't have to outright ask.
“It was my favorite thing in gym, when I still had to take that bullshit class. All I did was dick around and throw balls at the annoying people in my grade, even if they were technically on my team,” Inferna said.
Her dark eyes were fixed on the restless boar-rider. Neddy was about to ask if she knew the player, but she started to speak again-
“I thought that level was pretty fun, besides Aydina’s totally unnecessary commentary. So I can help you, if you want,” she continued, “if you bribe me somehow. Since I don’t see how helping you with dodgeball helps my Guild, after all.”
Neddy's brows shot up. "Bribe?" she choked on her simultaneous relief and dismay. "I don't have much in the way of coin. . . . I'm not formidable by any means. Surely, it won't hurt Obsidian any if you help little old me move through a lower floor."
Inferna narrowed her eyes, skeptical. “Little old you and a dragon,” she pointed out, gesturing towards Jack asleep in the reed basket.
Neddy nodded, suddenly pensive. Coin was one thing, but Inferna was someone who had back-tracked through multiple levels and re-did the maze on ten just to get her hands on a pastry she could not even eat. Even standing on the barrier, she took a moment now and then to sniff the aroma-filled air like a wolf catching the scent of prey. Food was the answer.
So, Neddy said, "Yeah, okay, I can give you all the apricot tartlets in my inventory if you help me out."
“Alright fine, I’ll do it,” Inferna abruptly agreed, flipping her red hair over one shoulder. “Just tell me when, and I’ll be there. But don’t make it before noon, or I’ll probably sleep straight through it. Like, I’m not even kidding; last semester I somehow slept through ten alarms and missed a 12:30 PM lab. So don’t make it before twelve.”
"Whatever you want," Neddy laughed, and she stuck her hand out to seal the accord between them.
Inferna, with a grin, slapped Neddy's hand in a low-five instead of shaking it- then narrowed her eyes again. “Now hand over those tartlets.”
Neddy didn't want to leave the tourney without having a look through the stalls.
Though newly skint of apricot tartlets, she was in need of a few other items following her final bought with the shellycoat hoards on twenty-nine. Since she was Mermaid Cove-bound, she wanted to replenish her supply of medi-elixir and possibly grab a tide jewel, just in case.
Further down from the over-crowded lists, there was a whole wyvern being turned over a spit by some NPCs, and Neddy imagined Inferna would make easy work of the thing.
Players, some half-armoured, were gathered together, drinking mead and exchanging tales of the front. Others were immersed in Gem Quest's version of the dice game "hazard", which was popular in the taverns (and Neddy didn't have the first clue about). People were arriving at the stalls in pairs, if not more, to make purchases. In every direction, people were together- they were together even if their guilds were different.
Neddy stood in the centre of one of the grassy avenues flanked with stalls and people passed around her like water about a river stone. And her heart was heavy because of it, but it had been so for weeks. Enough was enough.
If he put himself before her gaze again, she would see that he didn't dare do it a second time.
Until then, she had work to do.
[ ref for Neddy’s outfit: x ]
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