#cornerstone ask
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teaboot · 8 months ago
I've been stuck in bed all day today and I'm morbidly curious
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800db-cloud · 1 month ago
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creative-clawmarks · 6 months ago
since Tim enjoys chew toys...does he also enjoy the occasional,"good boy" ?? (This literally sounds freaky I don't mean it like that I promise 🙏)
As a general rule if you were to treat Tim like a dog it would upset him. Just because he can take on an animal form doesn't mean he isn't still a person, he's just wired a little differently.
Some things he can find exceptions to. Chew toys have a practical application in keeping The Wolf busy, games like fetch can be fun in the same way playing sports is, and even the most distant of people appreciate physical contact so getting pet now and then isnt a big deal.
But speaking to him like he's a dog, like he can't understand you or you need to patronize him, he hates that. It reminds him of the hospital when a lot of the staff would treat him like he was below human intelligence. So if you called him a good boy he would snap at you that he doesn't need your approval.
(The snag to all of this is that it's different if Brian is saying it.)
(And yes, it is for freaky reasons.)
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diamondkat · 2 months ago
I always love you Hazbin takes
Please, if you have any more thoughts on Alastor, his past/future direction/suffering, I would love to hear it
Thank you. This is the first Hazbin Hotel ask that I have gotten on this blog. I have so many thoughts on Alastor as he is my current hyperfixation. For this Ask, I will focus on what I think the show will do with Alastor in Season 2.
For most of Season 1, Alastor was presented as a powerful relatively untouchable character but we could see that there were some cracks. Season 1 ends with Alastor losing to Adam and with us being shown that there are things that Alastor is scared of and areas of weakness that he is currently incapable of dealing with. I expect season 2 to continue from there.
More accurately, I expect Season 2 to present Alastor inversely from Season 1. Alastor's staff is broken and he is currently weakened by an angelic injury. For most of Season 2, Alastor is going to be presented as weakened but we will also be shown signs that this doesn't mean that he is weak. I expect Season 2 to end with Alastor regaining his power in some way and winning a fight that it looked like he was going to lose.
Things I think will happen in Season 2 as part of this include, Alastor struggling with his duties at the hotel including his job of protecting the hotel while Lucifer is being a jerk who makes things harder, meeting his owner, and getting Alastor's backstory from when he was alive and his past relationship with Vox. These will all serve to highlight his vulnerabilities while showcasing the strength he uses to get past them or the ways that he suppresses them. I also expect him to have more interactions with Angel Dust as that is the only other fellow core main cast member that he hasn't spent any time with.
Vox will likely kidnap or put Alastor in a situation where he struggles to defend himself in his weakened state in the penultimate or last episode. This is where we will get the inverse of the Season 1 finale fight, the fight would turn in Alastor's favour when it looks like he has no way out with the restoration of his powers. Think of it like watching the fight with Adam in reverse.
With regards to his relationship with the hotel, Season 1 has him slowly moving towards the hotel and ends with him joining the group in their final song after he has taken care of his injuries with a reduced desire to get close to them. I expect Season 2 to have him moving away from the hotel emotionally. Whatever bond he was building or could have built with the hotel is going to get damaged by Lucifer's arrogance and elitism. However, I have a feeling that Season 2 is going to end with Alastor realising that it might be okay to get a little closer. I don't know how they are going to pull that off with how little I expect the hotel to be helpful, but I have faith in the show.
Hope this satisfies your ask. Let me know if you want me to talk about something more specific.
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melongraph56 · 1 year ago
either wholesome xephna or rival ship rythna. whichever you prefer! go as feral as you want with the latter if you pick it hehe
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I just now realised I read your ask wrong. I'll redo this ask to do it justice another day whoops. but hey! have both ships :)) beating the shit out of each other,,
also I've run out of request, please send more!! you have until wednesday >:)
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biowho · 2 months ago
Could you please explain the watching an acorn grow in real time thing I've seen it twice and now I'm so curious 😭
During the development of the original Fable, the studio's (Lionhead) lead Peter Molyneux kept hyping up how Albion (the game's setting) was going to be a constantly evolving world and used an example of being able to plant an acorn and then watch it grow into a giant oak tree over the course of the game. it was an impossible and empty promise and he knew that full well so when folks bring up I hope I can plan a chord and watch it grow in real time they're jabbing at the fact a studio is saying something that the rest of us know isn't going to happen
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actualbird · 10 months ago
hello zak! i just showed my friend (who isn't into tot, but she had to suffer from listening to my incoherent tot ramblings) your volume 2 nxx investigation team behavioral studies, and she wants to say:
"please continue to be in this fandom, your presence is a blessing. for a lack of better word, you are like the fandom cornerstone. every fandom would wish to have someone like you in them"
in other words, your analyses cooked so hard (also in her words), she doesn't even go here and she enjoyed it very well. she also wonders if tot fans are okay /lh DASDJHASLJDH
HI CHIKAAAAAA!!! what a surprise to see in my ask box not on anon for once HAHA.
that aside, oh gosh oh gOSH THIS IS SO SWEET OF YOUR FRIEND TO SAY :((((((( first off, thank you for sharing the nxx analyses compilation with her, im glad it's something that crossed your mind because that means it hopefully made an impact on you too :"3
second off, IM SO FLATTERED UUUWAAAAAAHHHH //sniffling. i surely do hope people like having me in fandom ;w; frankly all i wanted to do with the nxx analyses volumes 1 and 2 was share my deranged ramblings to people. so to think that those deranged ramblings were enough for ur friend to say such kind words huhuhu, im emo ;-;
thank you both to you and your friend!!! im rlly rlly awed to get that kind of feedback, it warms my heart
ps: no tot fans are not okay. we're never okay. KLBDDSJFBLSDJF
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twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat · 9 months ago
You are such a good writer, it actually somehow breaks my heart when a story ends. How did you get so good? Any tips or tricks for people who want to start writing also?
anonnnnnn T_T you’re so so sweet. that means the world to me !!!! i love you !!!!!!!!
honestly i . still have a Lot to learn when it comes to writing so i don’t know if i’m very qualified to give tips </3 but!!! as basic as this answer is, i really do think the only ways to improve are through reading and writing. writing is obviously vital since you won’t get anywhere without actual practice, but so is reading!!! it’s so important to observe and notice different writing styles, and to find out what kind of writing you enjoy. by reading different works, no matter what they are, (my biggest writing inspo source is a video game lol) your brain will naturally store up words and expressions and techniques :3 it’ll make writing so much easier, i promise.
also, remember that it’s more than okay to imitate, especially when you’re starting out!! no one finds their writing style immediately. it’s totally fine to latch onto your favorite authors and try writing like they do — that’s what i did too!! (thank you richard siken + hit award-winning indie rpg disco elysium 🙏) so just try to have fun with it and experiment !! i believe in you!!! <33
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spencer-is-someone · 15 days ago
Hey Spencer! I just wanted to thank you for your kind words and enthusiasm regarding Oh Your Smile 🥺 it's really wonderful to know that someone out there likes that work and that it impacted you 🫂 thank you again, friend
you’re welcome Rach! It’s my philosophy that, if you have a compliment, you should say it, so I am not one to hold back on compliments lol
hope you have a good day <3
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bear-do-well · 4 months ago
My bf and I often play board games together when we're in the comic book store, often cooperative games due to my stupid fear of board games, and we might just be the biggest cheaters in the history of cheaters.
The key to a healthy relationship is cheating together in games, not cheating on each other
partners in petty crime
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wulfhalls · 1 year ago
When I saw your new url I was so confused. Where is iskarieot. Where : (
i go by tumblr user formerly know as iskarieot now lmao
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ask-obt · 2 years ago
Dielle would you kiss rune on forehead when she sleeps if you cloud get away unnotice
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Dielle: Oh... um, no... You shouldn't touch anybody's body in an intimate way without them knowing! Especially considering Rune already seems on edge about what happens to her while she's unconscious...
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kitakamismonster · 1 year ago
still not sure how this whole rotomblr thing works
Or just this online stuff in general... um here are my friend's I made....
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Reminder that I need ask for this blog to work qwq/ooc
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melongraph56 · 1 year ago
draw lomadia NEOW (if you so desire)
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can I please you with a buff lom?
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currentlyonstandbi · 1 year ago
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thatlittledandere · 2 years ago
Send me a sunflower and risk me talking about shonen anime
The true tragedy in Kakashi and Obito is that despite both of them basically building their entire lives and identities on the foundation laid by the other, they fundamentally do not understand each other. They don't even know each other!
The Obito that Kakashi modelled his nindo after never existed. The Kakashi Obito spent all those years hating never existed. Both of them based their whole existence on a fictional version of someone they only somewhat knew. And it... it's all they have. It's all they know. For almost 20 years they culminated their respective raisons d'etre with the other in mind. And it was always an unfaithful interpretation of the person in question.
So then it turns out Obito isn't actually dead, and Kakashi isn't actually a remorseless murder machine, and these extremely dysfunctional men cannot deal with it. Kakashi, especially, mourned Obito all these years- And is still doing it! He's mourning the man standing in front of his eyes, unable to accept he's not the boy from his memories. And Obito is unable to accept Kakashi's compassion.
They do not see eye to eye. They are not on the same page. They are not the people they thought they were. And the pale imitations are all they have ever known. It breaks my heart.
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