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vegehana-food · 14 days ago
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✿ ローズクッキー ✍️ ストロベリーパウダー8g,アーモンドプードル15g,ザクロジュース大2,焼成後形崩れる
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kkimura · 2 years ago
I’ve been into making sweets/dessert using oatmeal lately as you can see on my YouTube channel 🍪
My body has been feeling nice and light lately! (and I lost extra pounds while gaining muscle! )
Oatmeal rocks and tastes so good!
Check out my channel for more easy, healthy-delicious recipes ☺️
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chikuwashika · 2 years ago
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hello-mox-universe · 2 years ago
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Bakin cookies!
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i-b-restaurant · 2 years ago
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🍪🍠sweet potato Cookie🍠🍪
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your-sweet-cookies · 2 years ago
Character bio: Tokumei Kukki
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First name: Kukki (kanji: クッキー)
Last name: Tokumei (kanji: 匿名)
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/They
Birthday: 10th of October (Zodiac sign: Libra)
Hair color: Dyed light grey/silver
Eye color: Black
Age: 24
Height: 5''5' (165 cm)
Weight: 110.23 lbs (50 kg)
Occupation: University student majoring in Psychology
Sexuality: Demisexual, Panromantic
Face claim: Rose from Blackpink
Family: both parents are alive, she's an only child
Likes: reading, music, art, long walks, favorite color is purple, favorite animals are cats (she owns a tuxedo kitten named Mr. Snuggles), favorite food is pizza, favorite desserts are chocolate cake and cookies, favorite ice-cream flavor is pistachio ice-cream, for funky patterns she prefers big cats patterns (leopard, jaguar, tiger, you name it), video games (she's mostly into RPGs and visual novels, but she won't say no to a good point and click adventure or action based game with solid plot), hugs and cuddles, movies (sucker for a good romance and comedy, bonus points if you take her out to a rom-com), cooking (she's one hell of a baker), helping others, has an affinity for knives and many more. For additional information not listed here, you can always send in an ask and Kukki will gladly answer.
Dislikes: lying, dishonesty and people who stab you in the back (if you do that to her, you're screwed buddy!), being compared to others, overbearing people who tell her what to do, narcissistic people, rudeness, bad music that sounds like nails on a chalkboard or a dying cat's howling, bullies, discrimination, thunderstorms, swearing (when it's directed towards her), people that think they can treat you like an object, alcohol (this girl can't hold her alcohol too well, give her anything that's over 10% alcohol and she'll become tipsy in no time), crowded places, partying (not much of party goer), and many more. For additional info not listed here you can send her an ask and she'll answer.
Appearance: Kukki mostly wears muted colors and is drawn towards pallets consisting of greys and blacks, but once in a while she's not one to say no to a pop of color. Her silver dyed hair reaches her shoulders and most of the time she'll wear it untied, other possible hairstyles being ponytails and messy buns. For make-up, she won't go heavy on it, in favor of a more natural look.
Backstory: Kukki has been a lonely child for most of her youth, being picked on by other children for being a goody-two-shoes and an overall studious student, things only evolving for the worst as she began becoming a target for bullying too. This resulted in her having rather mediocre social skills and high insecurities, which prevented her from forming many connections with other people (if she will approach you, that means she has interest in you, but once she gets attached to you, you can bet she'll be a loyal friend or partner until death (or until you betray her)). As an adult, she chose to pursue psychology in the hopes that she will become a counselor in order to help out those who've been through similar experiences as her and put an end to bullying and harassment.
Roleplaying rules
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respect-love33 · 5 months ago
### 1-1. 料理のレシピに関する雑学 料理のレシピは、実は科学の世界と密接に結びついているんです。例えば、クッキーを焼くときに使う重曹(ベーキングソーダ)は、単なる膨張剤ではなく、酸と反応して二酸化炭素を発生させ、生地をふわっとさせる魔法の粉なんですよ!それだけじゃありません。この重曹、実はお掃除にも使える便利アイテムで、キッチンの常備薬とも言える存在なんです。だから、次回クッキーを焼くときは、重曹の真の力を思い出しながら焼いてみてくださいね! ### 1-2. Fun Fact about Cooking Recipes Did you know that cooking recipes are closely tied to the world of science? For instance, when you bake cookies, baking soda isn’t…
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takibu · 1 year ago
「be tempted to do」を使った例文とその日本語訳を複数示します。
"After a long day at work, she was tempted to order takeout instead of cooking dinner." 「仕事で長い一日だった彼女は、夕食を作る代わりにテイクアウトを注文することに誘惑されました。」
"Despite being on a diet, the aroma of freshly baked cookies tempted him to indulge in a sweet treat." 「ダイエット中であるにもかかわらず、焼きたてのクッキーの香りが彼を甘いおやつに誘惑しました。」
"When faced with a challenging decision, he was tempted to take the easier but less ethical route." 「難しい決断に直面したとき、彼は簡単ながらも倫理的でない道を選ぶ誘惑に駆られました。」
"The discounted prices at the shopping mall tempted her to buy items she didn't originally plan to purchase." 「ショッピングモールの割引価格が彼女を誘惑し、元々購入予定のなかったアイテムを買ってしまいました。」
"Even though he was on a tight schedule, the beautiful scenery tempted him to take a detour and explore." 「彼は忙しいスケジュールであったにもかかわらず、美しい景色が彼を誘惑し、遠回りして探索することにしました。」
「Be tempted to do」は、「���惑される」といった意味で使用され、ある行動や選択肢に対して強い誘惑を感じる状況を表現します。
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futuzucooking · 2 years ago
Soft and Chewy Lemon Cookies with Delicious Cream🍋 | Quick and Easy lemon cookies Recipe | ASMR
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vegehana-food · 3 months ago
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✿ チョコレートサブレ ✍️ 粉糖→オリゴ糖20g,黒ゴマラテ10g 次→丸めてクッキー型
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himawari-emi · 4 years ago
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・ #今日も今日とておかしづくり 発酵バターの香り高いガレット この焼き色、ツヤツヤした感じ 何度もツルツルと撫でてしまいます😅 分厚いのより、この薄さ好き 3月は、試験や卒業式で忙しい時期 週末ゆっくりとお過ごし下さい 金曜日おつかれさまでした♡ 2021.3.5 #写真好きと繋がりたい#日々の暮らし#フーディーテーブル#手づくりお菓子#おうち時間#お菓子作り好きな人と繋がりたい#うちカフェ#インスタ映え#カメラのある生活#手づくりおやつ #クッキー #ガレットナンテ#ガレット #onthetable#ellegourmet#foodstyling#f52gram#food52#cooking#foodpic#Instagram#ig_japan#feedfeed#thefeedfeed#feedfeedbaking#thebakefeed#Cookie#galette https://www.instagram.com/p/CMCUA7UB9eq/?igshid=96oarxzrqor1
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photo-img · 5 years ago
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iduidumi · 5 years ago
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makichibayu · 2 years ago
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afternoon tea! 今日は頂きものでアフタヌーンティー。 どれもすっごく美味しくて 幸せなおやつタイムでした〜。 スコーンは、 @kubaya.panto さんから頂いた「さつまいものブリュレみたらし味」 私の好みドンピシャなお手土産を🥹 Kubayaさんのパンアレンジは、もう秀逸過ぎていつも感動ですが、手土産まで素敵でした♡ 奥にあるクッキーは、いつもお世話になっている @uk.uedakentaro さんから、 @romi_unie のクッキー。 これ、大好きなお店だったので嬉しかったです!本当に美味しい。 右のキャンディーみたいなのは、 @amiko_takei_hasegawa ちゃんからもらったチョコレート。 これは、クリスマスのプレゼント交換でした! これ美味しすぎる、、。 幸せなティータイムでした! #戸棚におやつ は今年これで最後かなー! #igersjp #instagramjapan #今週もいただきます #おうちごはんlover #rox_captures #cotta #スイーツ #still_life_gallery #フーディーテーブル #ellegroumet #アサカシ #東京カメラ部 #私のおいしい写真 #私のおいしい時間 #おうちカフェ #beautifulcuisines #as_archive #daily_photo_japan #wp_deli_japan #おやつ #homemade #cooking #週末おかし作り#team_jp_ #食器棚 #アンティーク家具 #古家具 #古家具のある暮らし #戸棚におやつ #スコーン https://www.instagram.com/p/Cms5LWdyCyO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hanaoetepice · 5 years ago
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昨日、八百屋さんで大サービスしてもらいました〜🍓🍓🍓 日参してジャム用苺を待っていたら、普通に大きいやつを! 昨日仕入れたのが余っちゃったから、と半額以下で!素晴らしい! * これだけあると、前からやってみたかった「いちごのポワレ」も挑戦できるよ〜。 大豆ミートのキーマカレーに、チャツネを合わせ��感じでした。 美味しかったです。 * クッキーの方が笑顔だけど、クッキーは苺は全然好きではなく、料理の間期待に震えていたのはミントです。 * At a greengrocer, I got a strawberry at a service price. I'm happy. Cookie is smiling, but he is not interested in strawberries, Mint loves 🍓🍓🍓 * Have a happy day. #犬ばか部 #犬がいないと生きていけません #犬かわいい #ミントとクッキー #元保護犬 #マルヨーキー #いちご #苺と犬 #ビーガン料理 #笑う犬 #ベジタリアン料理 #いちごのポワレ #初挑戦 #dogloversclub #ilovedogs #nodognolife #maltiyorkie #mintandcookie #cooking #dogsandstrawberries #rescueddog #smilydog #smile #lovely #vegetariancooking #vegancooking https://www.instagram.com/p/CAYtEKZDjr3/?igshid=8acgqiieme1s
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hillbitchcooks · 5 years ago
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Captain's Log | March 9, 2020 at 07:05AM | Why am I a Weimaraner
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