#control over consciousness
hjartasalt · 7 months
Are people off tikok aware of the lady who is dying of cancer and signed off all her rights to her latest single to her 7 year old son in the hopes that she'll have some amount of money to leave behind for him and initially her song was taking off and getting a lot of streams until someone pointed out that she follows the IDF on instagram so now people are debating over whether or not it's morally correct to stream her song even though the money exclusively goes to her son what stage of capitalism is this
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loudlittleecho · 3 months
Too Late to Save Them: Frozen in Time
Part 5
Forever Ice
A company that has its hands in commercial and medical. 
An insulated cup that keeps your drinks cold? In perpetuity?
An insulated container that keeps your medicine cold, without refrigeration? Helpful for the unhoused and migratory? Keeps donated organs cold during travel. Supports medical supplies and food supplies to war torn countries.
Makes Nathan millions. 
No other company can replicate his Forever Ice. 
Many try. Many fail. 
Nathan reaps the rewards of a good businessman.
His company has grown, and so many want their hands in his stock. 
His investors want to know the secret. They want him to duplicate his ice and have more of it available. (He tried; but the ice will only grow back after some is split from the main source. . . the boy. It won’t grow on its own. He did think about. . . splitting the child, but even he wasn’t that inhumane).
The world had developed and changed drastically from when he was a child. 
World ending threats and superhuman aliens existed.
He should have accounted for someone wanting his ice. . . for using unsavory means to get it. 
As he stared at the assassin in front of him, he attempted to bargain. To pay him not to kill him. 
The masked man shook his head. 
“If only it was that simple.”
- - - 
Nathan’s body moved. Nathan’s body spoke. Nathan’s body performed decent enough for no one to realize that it wasn’t Nathan controlling it. 
Meanwhile Nathan begged and cried out in his mind as his body was piloted by someone using a chip embedded deeply in his brain. 
The one controlling Nathan made him transfer funds to an undisclosed account. The one controlling Nathan made him break into the Ice. Made Nathan see the boy again. 
Observe with his eyes as the frost built up and covered the boy in ice. 
And again, this time with specialized equipment. 
The one controlling Nathan made him warm up a bit of the boy's arm; to put in a specialized syringe. To pull out his blood.
The one controlling Nathan made him watch as the boy shivered lightly, before the frost built up around him again. 
The one controlling Nathan sent the vial away. 
The one controlling Nathan had him repeat this process over the course of months. 
The one controlling Nathan got along with his workers; his friends; his family.
No one noticed anything was wrong. 
Nathan was trapped in a living hell.
- - -
Darla’s boss was a good man. He owned the company, but he always made time to talk to every employee at Forever Ice. 
Darla was part of the night security. Nathan would strike up and keep up conversations with every member of staff, staying personable and down to earth. It wasn’t often she was offered (and good-humoredly reminded) to call a CEO by their first name. He made sure they had competitively good pay and benefits, and asked about their lives and families, and remembered what they said! 
Nathan Anderson was a good man. 
- - -
Tim had paused looking into the company for a month, but he was back at it now. 
Forever Ice had. . . inconsistencies about its creation. In the published history of the company it stated that the unique material was created by Nathan Anderson, a Wisconsin native who was also the head of the company. 
However Mr. Anderson’s education history was in business. He had an abysmal employment history, often jumping in on frankly embarrassing inventions and companies that had no chance of success. However, he seemed fairly charismatic and seemed to have found his ‘Golden Goose’. 
Now, having a formal education was not necessary for success. (Tim was the poster child for that). Unless Anderson was hiding a great intellect- and a lab- this wasn’t his own creation. 
Tim paused. Anderson could have created it. Not by science, but perhaps by his own biology?
Was this a metahuman using his…abilities… to make a profit? (Wouldn’t be the first)
However, there were plenty of groups that liked to stop that kind of thing. 
Tim sighed. So far everything seemed to be working fine for Anderson. 
He filled out a report documenting the company and added it to the ‘possible concerns’ folder for the JL. He also added alerts for himself; if anything changed with the company, he’d look back into it. 
At the moment, he had more pressing cases to attend to. 
- - -
This place had loyal employees. Leonard Snart was impressed. His team took out security (non-lethally), and had cameras altered to repeat feeds. He wanted to see the process of Forever Ice. This Ice had worked well in his guns against the Flash crew, and he wanted to see if he could advance it further to his uses. 
That’s why he was here, at the source. 
However, it seemed his crew wasn’t the only ones here, as he noticed the now frozen security camera. He sighed. It had the tell-tell signs of Mr. Freeze Of course that one from Gotham had been thinking the same thing. 
He alerted his crew quietly. 
Freeze could be reasoned with. Sometimes. 
- - -
Nora felt so ALIVE as she snuck into the facility. 
There wasn't any guards; the camera’s she easily froze. 
In the before, she never would have done something like this. 
She wasn’t a good person anymore. She admitted it. 
Before the illness, she had tried. Be the good daughter, the good student, the good wife. Once she had her diagnosis she had been gentle. Gentle to her family, her friends, her ballet company, to the doctors, to Victor. To give them a good memory of her once she had gone. But now? . . . 
This was her life, and she was going to LIVE.
Now, where. . . 
She paused. She had expected a lab, but not. . . hmm.
There in the center of the room was an irregular chunk of ice. One side chipped in fairly deep. There were carts and pics on tables near the ice.
She went over to the chipped side. Was this Forever Ice?
Ah, there was probably a machine in the center that created the ice, similar to one of Victor's inventions. That’s simple enough. 
She began to gently break into the ice.
. . .
Snart found the door slightly ajar, the security panel frozen over. 
He listened. 
A woman’s voice. Soft.
“What have they done to you?”
Snart paused. That certainly wasn’t Mr. Freeze. Was this another rogue with ice? Or even worse- a new hero?
He pushed the door gently open and saw a woman; deep blue skin, blond hair- gently trying to remove. . . something from a large block of ice. 
She didn’t seem to notice him. He continued to watch. 
She was incredibly gentle, snapping ice under her hand (she had enhanced strength it seemed), before pulling-
Was that a child?
She hefted the boy up; pale blue skin, black hair- and moved to the entrance. 
They locked eyes.
Her expression was surprise, then anger.
“Are you a part of this.”
Her voice, cold with growing fury.
“No.” He slightly paused, watching her expression. “I’m here to rob the place. Surprised as you.”
He observed her appearance. She wasn’t Mr. Freeze, but her suit mimicked his. 
Did Freeze make someone else like him? Glancing at the child. . . Someones? 
Snart made a decision. 
“I have a secured place not far from here. We can keep it cold for the both of you.”
The woman looked angry for a second; an expression of desperate independence Snart was well familiar with. 
“Look. I don’t hurt kids. This one obviously needs help.” He paused, glancing at the boy. Already a thick layer of frost covered his skin.  “And you seem like you want to help him too.”
He didn’t voice that he thought they were related; that was their business. 
He waited.
- - - 
Nora held the boy- a young teenager- in her arms. His body was warm, but also produced ice. It was like he had a fever, and his body was attempting to fight it. 
This was not what she had intended to find. 
A child, frozen in his own ice. Used by a company. 
The man in front of her wore a winter outfit, holding a type of gun loosely to his side. He carried no emotion throughout their conversation. 
She had meant to simply rob the place of all the ice she would need to update her suit.
But this boy. . . 
She was getting angry. Angrier. She walked over to the man, gently handing him the boy. 
“Get anyone you care about out of here. Keep the kid safe. Give me a moment.”
The man took the boy and swiftly turned, walking out of the room.
Nora began to release her fury. 
Slowly at first, but then she couldn’t control it. 
The room, the halls, the building froze under her cryokinesis. 
She cried and screamed, unsure where all this emotion bubbled from. 
She had been frozen against her will. Returned in this altered state. Intended to follow someone else’s life.
There was a boy, sick, his body used for someone else. 
Life was cruel. 
Unfairly cruel.
- - - 
Snart watched impassively as the entire building froze over.
The child in his arms was already heavier, another layer of ice building up. Soon he would have to put him down. 
The woman stumbled out, looking spent. He didn’t comment on the frozen tear streaks lining her face. 
His crew already had a truck prepped. He placed the frozen boy in the bed, and motioned to the woman. 
She got up and sat beside the ice.
Snart closed the tailgate and headed to the driver's side. 
He hadn't planned on this.
Part 6
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angelnumber27 · 3 months
violently forcing myself to have better days
#everyone’s different and this isn’t true for everybody of course:#but a lot of the time we have more control over things than we can see in a difficult moment#like for example#a negative thought is inevitable and not something you can just stop. however you CAN decide from there how you let it effect you#it’s way easier said than done but you genuinely can be like hey I’m going to have a good day today#I like to set my intentions for the day and not allow my trauma nightmares to dictate how my whole day goes#but in order to do that I have to consciously decide that I deserve better and then create that for myself#does this make sense?#do things you know you enjoy/ things that make you feel better. take care of yourself. create little healthy routines to do each day#even if it’s just for 5 or 10 minutes#you have to act to make a genuine positive change in your life and circumstances#tried to say this as well as I could but I struggle w articulating exactly what I mean#like my thoughts are too complex to translate into words#anyways though I just wanted to add this- this post is not to make anybody feel bad whatsoever.#if you struggle with certain disorders and such it genuinely might be close to impossible for you to actually be able to have that control#and that’s okay. it doesn’t make you any less of a person and it is not your fault that you experience those difficulties#I just wanted to remind people that it is possible to control certain aspects of your life and it is possible to snap yourself out of it#I know I need to remember this as often as I can#that’s why I shared it#I hope this makes sense I do not know if it does lmao#(the tags)#my thoughts are so jumbled up. idk what other word to use lmao
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fjordfolk · 2 years
here's a pet peeve of mine: editing gear and leashes out of a dog portrait etc or w/e is great and valid and all but i also think showing dogs with appropriate equipment is i-would-go-as-far-as-to-say important. especially re: blog/instagram/slice of life style content. imo it endorses responsible ownership.
i think maybe especially now that more people (in norway at least) are getting dogs or getting into dogs without prior experience. normalizing and showing properly and responsibly managed dogs living enriched, fulfilling lives etc etc. stop skewing the perception of how normal/common it is for dogs to be safely/appropriately off leash in open access areas.
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A) Speedsters can possess the bodies of other speedsters by phasing into the host speedster's body and/or turning into pure energy and merging with the host body via the host's speedforce connection.
B) Speedsters can fuse with other speedsters. During this fusion they 'share' a brain and thought processes.
C) Fusion differs from possession in that fusion relies on both parties sharing control. Possession is easier as only one speedster is in control and it sidesteps the risk of a fusion falling apart due to differing mental states/thoughts. Fusion requires a deep connection and a strong bond to work.
D) Wally and Bart have such a strong bond that they can speak to each other through the speedforce and sense each other's emotions from anywhere in the world.
DC has the ability to unleash a fusion of Bart and Wally upon the world and they have not yet done so. This is criminal. Imagine the shenanigans. The confusion. The hilarity. Especially if they accidentally do it. DC don't be a coward.
#possession is actually extremely common for speedsters. Eobard has possessed Barry. Wally's done it to literally everyone accidentally#Max got possessed by Jay's reverse flash that one time. there are several incidents where this has happened.#Eobard shoved Barry's consciousness into the speedforce and the same thing happened to Max.#but Wally didn't do that. when he possessed speedsters he just kinda... put them to sleep while he took over.#i mean Wally did it to Jay Barry Jesse Bart Ace Max Jai Eobard some random caveman. its harder to name a speedster Wally didn't possess tbh#anyway point being that speedsters merging bodies with other speedsters is extremely fucking common. they just don't like to share mentally#buuuuut! Wally fused with another version of himself on time. this was the first time this had happened ever.#so wally theorized that he could only do it because they had the same DNA. but DNA doesn't factor in at all for possession#and they're only different mentally/control wise. so i don't think that was correct. i think that because they had extremely similar minds#they were able to share consciousness. which is why true fusion hasn't happened since.#but come on. Wally and Walter were extremely different. Walter was literally homicidal a decade older and depressed.#and they could still fuse#so Bart and Wally??? both are skilled enough and both have a strong enough connection.#they could totally do it#and it would be. so funny#dc#dc comics#the flash#kid flash#wally west#impulse#bart allen#speedsters
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a-flappy-bat · 8 months
I had a stupid crossover thought today involving Cortana and Jesse and it settled into this nonsense
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pichupurin · 6 months
Was zim hormonal while pregnant with the smeets? How did they even find out about them?
I mean, how would you even TELL if someone like him was hormonal? I think he stayed pretty much the same. Aside from the occasional (and initially inexplicable) nest building in randomass places, like behind the computers, inside a hole in the sofa, any place there's a corner... I personally don't think he would act much different lol still scheming, still screaming.
As for how they found out, well, in the comic I wanted to make (and this is a rough summary), Zim was trying to get some maintenance done on the PAK but it refused to dislodge from him. In a normal state they can go without the PAK for a few minutes, but with 8 little monsters eating up resources, the PAK read its host's status as life threatening and initiated an emergency protocol which put it into a hyperstate of preservation... or something or nother, lollll so sorry this sounded so cool when I thought of it like 3 years ago :(
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crimeronan · 7 months
I only know about the owl house from you. WHAT is the goop-curse.
the goop curse is a magical illness that emperor belos has, which he worsens by eating palismen (little animal witch-familiars), while pretending that eating them is actually an effective treatment for his symptoms. It Is Not.
the curse makes him go from this
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to this:
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sometimes when he doesn't Fully transform, he'll just lash out at & horrifically injure hunter with his goop limbs. and then be like oh noes..... you just pissed me off So Much :( you poor dumb idiot who sucks :(((
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#ugh ok I’m feeling really negative about work but#I think this one challenging student sitch (which is more about the mom than the kid) is really getting under my skin#and then is making me make worse decisions in other areas of the work bc I’m like trying to rush things to get dealing with this over with#my therapist would say this is my Fear of Emotional Engulfment causing me to avoid/deflect/try to escape the situation#i just have a hard time not taking work stuff deeply personally#but like ok what is the very worst possible outcome?#it’s that I can’t figure out this student sitch and this company doesn’t hire me again next summer#which doesn’t seem that likely as they’ve been super supportive and have had my back when this mom is crossing boundaries#but if it DID happen - could I survive it?#absolutely. there are one million jobs out there like this and my old coaching company has already said they’d take me back anytime#and I might not even want to work a second job next summer!#so I want to work this week on just really consciously relaxing about work#the emotional stuff is like purely me reacting to someone else’s intense out of control insecurity/anxiety#so that’s what I need to work on managing - just like calming myself down and reminding myself that it is NOT my responsiblity#to soothe this woman’s big feelings & fears#I wonder if there are some common threads here with the other work situation#like I wonder if I’m making things worse in the dynamic by the way I fearfully react to it#when anyone else in this situation would just be like wow. well that person seems like a lot#but not internalize it?? idk
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gammija · 2 years
iiii dont think im gonna post much amagaday about this arc, because i don't enjoy the interpretation that jon was completely innocent in taking live statements, nor do i think basira or especially melanie were irrationally upset at him, and i know a significant amount of posts at least read as if people vehemently disagree
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milo-is-rambling · 1 year
Omg yesterday at my moms therapy I said how well I had been doing and feeling like I can actually handle life and my mom was immediately like “that’s because you’ve been taking your meds regularly again” and like completely brushed off any progress I had actually made and I had to be like yeah totally that’s it that’s why exactly when I haven’t taken my meds for a week straight in idk how long
#I was like yup totally that sure is why I’ve been feeling good totally#not at all that I’ve been spending time to do things I like and journal and process my feelings in healthy ways or that I am consciously#making strides towards regular person sanity#and she fucking brought up adhd meds again like FUCK OFFFFFFF HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY I DONT WANT TO TAKE THEM BEFORE IT CLICKS#I. DONT. WANT. TO. TAKE. THEM. they are a tool in MY mental health toolbox bitch back off my toolbox I know you fucking live adhd meds and#won’t shut up about them but I am happy now and I don’t like my brain on adhd meds and the only reason you want me on them is because you#like me more when I’m doing stereotypically productive tasks so you’d rather have me cleaning the house and not doing the shit I love than#you would have me not taking my meds and making art and writing poetry#like god#she just doesn’t fucking get it#I cannot create when I take adhd meds. that part of my brain just like dissolves.#the way I work is that constantly I have a million projects on the back burner in my mind and when I get inspired I make one#when I take my adhd meds I can’t just pick up a fun project I don’t get those ideas I can’t write poetry I can’t make art it’s like it sever#severs the line between my creative mind and my regular mind and I have nothing in my life that I need to be THAT focused on right now#but I have my perscruption still! like if I ever need it it’s there but that’s not your fucking decision that’s mine and you need to back#off my brain because it is a delicate fucking ecosystem up there in my head and I’m not going to fuck with anything until I have to#god. sorry. went on a bit of a rant. I am just so sick of arguing over my mom wanting to control the way I medicate myself. I am an adult#and she is not inside my brain so she needs to listen when I tell her how things affect me#she takes adhd meds like twice every day and hates the feeling of not being on them but I just don’t like them and she won’t fucking drop it#okay I am getting mad about adhd meds and my mother right before I have to be in the car with her all morning i need to relax#we’re going to psychic we’re gonna have fun#we’re not going to argue about this again.
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thelostsisters · 2 years
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theory: the particle cloud henry found was where the creel house is located, it just wasn’t there yet as the upside down hadn’t taken on the image of hawkins at that time
aka, the particles (ie, the mind flayer) has always been looming over that house in the alternate world
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dollwritesarchive · 2 years
Clark getting ready for work with his breeder balls, yeehaw🤭
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roseworth · 2 years
wait that post about deathstroke is so hilarious isnt he supposed to be better than bruce 💀
fsjhfasdjfhad yeah lmaoooo dc loves to act like deathstroke is a god amongst men and the greatest fighter ever but. i mean he regularly gets his ass kicked by a team that has TEEN in the name. im tired of dc acting like hes so cool and dangerous. he is just some guy
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wrongsung-a · 1 year
nikolai being a dream creature but he's actually a half-nightmare creature
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awesomecooperlove · 1 year
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