#contraband smuggling
if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"Truck Seized At Fort Erie," Niagara Falls Review. October 16, 1933. Page 10. --- Contraband concealed beneath load of weekly newspapers ---- MALT-EXTRACT ---- FORT ERIE, Ont., Oct. 16. - (CP) - While customs officials declined to give out information it was learned here today that a truck destined for Brantford had been seized at the Peace Bridge together with a quantity of contraband malt extract. The seizure was made by a special inspector from the Customs Excise Department in Ottawa.
It was learned the contraband was concealed beneath a load of weekly newspapers being trucked Into Canada.
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likesdoodling · 2 months
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Just an au idea I thought up a while ago :D
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peach-moths · 4 months
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Shark illustration I made at work and had to get the IT guy to smuggle off the computer for me
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sincerely-sofie · 7 months
I know that officially Twigs bunker door had failed due to a lack of maintenance and loss of technological knowledge
but given how the Aunt was willing to set the bunker on fire, I sometimes wonder if she sabotaged it on purpose
then again, its not like theres any way for Twig and Co. to even know the full story
… Would now be a bad time to say that the Future was restored in such a way that Twig’s bunker is intact and everyone inside is still alive, including her aunt, and that I’ve been planning a comic that explores a possible reunion with her as well as a paradoxical human version of Twig?
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This is from the book, while Crowley is trying to talk Aziraphale into helping him stop armageddon, and does his drunken ramble about eternity. Apparently God enjoys The Sound of Music.
“You’ll enjoy it. You really will. You won’t have a choice.”
I feel like this line gets overlooked a lot. It’s an important line, for sheer horror potential.
Whatever the control mechanism is, clearly it isn’t running on every angel at all times, because if that was the case, a rebellion never would have happened. Aziraphale wouldn’t have six thousand years of doubts piling up to critical capacity. Gabriel wouldn’t have been able to escape.
But it’s also clearly very easily turned on, since they both accept that it would be used for something as petty as enjoying a movie. This lack of will can be rolled over angels at any time, for any reason.
Aziraphale clearly has some dread of this. *Crowley* knows it, and used it to convince Aziraphale to help him stop armageddon. But Aziraphale is very good at letting one part of his brain know something while another part of his brain denies it, so it’s not clear how much *Aziraphale* knows he dreads it, even as that dread shapes his character.
He’s never really broken free of Heaven. Even when he was being called a traitor, he wasn’t fallen, and so he was expecting to be called home eventually. And he’d be happy, of course. He won’t have a choice.
Aziraphale’s been trying to walk away from Heaven for at least six thousand years. He walked away from guard duty. He gave away his sword. He lied straight to God’s face about it. He lied to the archangels, and then straight up told Crowley he was ready to go to Hell. Several millennia of trouble-making and demon-fraternizing later, he stood in the middle of Heaven, declared he wasn’t going to fight in any war, then escaped via the demonic act of human possession. He is ready to GO.
And still his wings are snowy white. He’s just as angelic as when he first worried the pretty starmaker might get in trouble, and tried to protect him with a warning.
But he can’t escape. Heaven isn’t letting anyone else go. And he knows what his future holds. Eventually, no matter how many times they put it off, eventually he will be called back to Heaven.
And so, what promises can he make Crowley?
To stay with him always? Of course not. To love him? Can he even promise to love him? No. He’ll eventually be dragged back to Heaven, and he’ll be happy to go, and he won’t even miss him. *He won’t have a choice.*
And perhaps that’s the problem. He loves Crowley too much to make promises he can’t keep.
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consolecadet · 1 month
I'm rereading Idoru and it's incredible how now, 14 years later, I actually understand what is happening in the plot
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guiltye · 1 year
imagine being designed to be genetically perfect and then you meet alec.
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Tagged by: @revenantinflames "You saw how many letters were in my url yet punished me anyway. Jerk."
D - Don’t Stop Me Now - Queen E - Everybody Wants To Rule The World - Tears For Fears F - Final Countdown - Europe I - In My Life - The Beatles (his personal favorite here) N - Never Gonna Give You Up - Rick Astley (has no idea about the meme) I - I Shot The Sheriff - Bob Marley and Eric Clapton  Either is good. T - Take On Me - a-ha E - Escape - Rupert Holmes (that disgusting human ‘probably a euphemism’ song) L - Lonesome Loser - Little River Band Y - You Gotta Fight for Your Right to Party - Beastie Boys N - New Moon on Monday - Duran Duran O - O Superman · Laurie Anderson (listens in private, will tell you it’s stupid.) T - Tokyo - Bruce Cockburn  A - All the Young Dudes - Mott The Hoople R - Rocky Raccoon - The Beatles (Nope. No resemblance. Fool got shot. Shut up.) A - A Real Hero - College & Electric Youth (hasn’t heard but would be a Ryan Gosl-er) C - Call Me - Blondie C - Come On Eileen · Dexys Midnight Runners O - Out Of Touch - Hall & Oates O - Oh! You Pretty Things - Bowie N - No Use in Crying - Rolling Stones
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"...Maybe Stark (@overclocks) is right. Maybe I do got a music problem that needs expanding..."
"Psssh, nah. I have exceptional tastes with everything. I'm not tagging too many morons in this, I'm feeling merciful. Plus, you cannot beat my musical choices."
"...but I am tagging you, Danvers, (@paragonrising) as payback for your usual flarking paperwork!"
Additional losers to tag: @blackjack-ohare, @spiderz0mbie, @beatfreesmysoul, @galestrings
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ausetkmt · 1 year
Georgia Correctional Officer Arrested For Smuggling Contraband Inside Jail.
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daydreamerdrew · 10 months
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The Adventures of Captain America (1991) #2
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"Un faussaire est envoyé au pénitencier," Le Soleil. May 8, 1943. Page 19. --- Chicoutimi - (D.N.C.) - Le juge Boivin a présidé un terme de la Cour du Magistrat et a prononce plusieurs condamnations variant entre un et six mois de prison pour vol et a également infligé des amendes considérables pour des infractions aux règlements de la Commission des Prix et du Commerce en temps de guerre.
M. le juge Boivin a condamné un étranger du nom de Joseph Rioux à trois ans de pénitencier pour obtention d'argent sous de faux prétexte. L'enquête dans cette affaire avait été conduite par la Sûreté Provinciale de Chicoutimi, qui retraça enfin le faussaire qui avait fait onze victimes. A la suite de nombreuses plaintes pour faux et emploi de faux documents dans le district de Chicoutimi, le constable Eudore Ouellet, officier de la patrouille de Chicoutimi, partit le 5 avril, d'après ce qui a été révélé à la Cour, pour se rendre à Sacré-Coeur, près de Tadoussac, où le faussaire était supposé se cacher sous le nom de Joseph Rioux.
Agissant sous les ordres du sergent Emile Moffet, l'agent Allard fit 150 milles de voiture dans des conditions plutôt difficiles, à cause de la tempète. Il courut le risque de traverser le Saguenay, de St- Etienne à Sacré-Coeur, à travers les glaces, dans un simple canot de toile. A Sacré-Coeur, les informations qu'il recueillit eurent pour effet de le conduire jusqu'à l'Anse Creuse, à plusieurs milles dans le bois, où il se rendit en raquettes jusqu'au camp du faussaire. En entrant dans le camp, le constable Allard se trouva tout à coup en face d'un homme solide recherché par la Sûreté Provinciale de Québec depuis deux ans, Allard ne prit pas de chance avec l'individu et l'arrêta à la pointe du revolver et lui passa les menottes.
Comme il a été révélé à la Cour. Rioux vivait dans la région depuis environ un an et se cachait dans les environs de Sacré-Coeur. De temps à autre, il se promettait un petit voyage à St-Fulgence, St-Felix-d'Otis, St-Etienne, Anse-St-Jean et aux alentours et se faisait passer pour l'acheteur de bois d'une grande compagnie de Québec. Si on lui vendait du bois il payait avec un chèque qu’il signait Joseph Rioux.
Le 27 avril, Rioux comparaissait devant M. le juge Boivin pour répondre à trois chefs d'accusation pour faux. L'accusé plaida coupable et fut condamné à 23 mois de prison. Le lendemain le prévenu comparaissait de nouveau devant le juge Boivin pour répondre à huit autres accusations de faux et emploi de faux documents. Il plaida également coupable et le juge le condamna à trois ans de pénitencier.
Le 30 avril. le sergent Emile Moffet transféra le prisonnier à Québec et le 1er mai, il comparais sait, sous le nom d'Alphonse Ouellet, devant le juge Laetare Roy à Québec pour répondre à l'accusation de faux et emploi de faux documents.
Le juge, ayant été mis au courant des condamnations antérieures reçues à Chicoutimi et considérant le passé de l'accusé qui avait déjà "pensionné" à plusieurs reprises au pénitencier, l'envoya au bagne pour un autre quinze ans.
Alphonse Ouellet, surnommé "Chapeau Blanc", s'était surtout servi, comme alias, des noms de Joseph Rioux. Jean-Baptiste LeBlanc. Jean Gauthier. Colon Ouellet, Léo Bernier, Léo Heppel, téo Bélanger. Léo Mathieu. David Thibault, Bob Thériault et quelques autres,
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ladylvck · 2 years
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"If you ever need something that you...can't get by normal means, please do let me know. We can work something out, fufufufu."
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vvhiskeyneat · 3 months
"so you do think about me." Hartley for one of the new lads ;)
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"I'd like to think most men recollect a decent fuck with fondness." Jack stated as if he was talking about the weather before sipping on his coffee, exhaling as the bitter liquid burned down his gullet. "You take care of business when I ask it of you, and occasionally, you get my dick wet. What's not to like?"
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thewwshow · 10 months
2 Women Arrested for Smuggling Items into Prison
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eudico-my-beloved · 1 year
Hhh i think my moms starting to figure out that i bring my nb to church so i dont have to focus on religious shit and just draw
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sunderwight · 6 months
Okay, concept:
Luo Binghe grew up very poor prior to arriving to QJP. And when he first got to QJP, he was ostracized and neglected. So there are probably a lot of phrases, terms, and ideas that he didn't know were things until SY arrived and started actually teaching him. Right? So the bulk of what he did learn, he learned directly from Shen Yuan's own slightly messy attempts to fake ancient scholarly credentials.
Plus, QJP is supposed to be the peak of scholars and well-read, fancy intellectuals, and YQY probably also doesn't know shit about most of that stuff (having also been a former illiterate street child) and of course is incredibly predisposed to take Shen Qingqiu's side on virtually anything. Especially something frivolous or linked to their shared past, such as someone, say Qi Qingqi, accusing Shen Qingqiu of making up a literary reference or "gibberish" word. If something Shen Qingqiu says is something no one else seems to know, that just proves he's more worldly and well-read than the rest of his peers. Also, Shang Qinghua will probably know it, and despite his many (many) character flaws, Shang Qinghua reads a lot too. There's really very little to convince a former street child turned Demon Emperor whose former education began and ended with Shen Qingqiu specifically and Meng Mo (wildly out-of-touch with human culture anyway) to suspect that some of the difficult-to-source references his master makes really have no worldly source (in this world).
So Luo Binghe, in his quest to become as knowledgeable of all things about his shizun and keep up with him as well as possible, and maybe also put down some arguments he's overheard once and for all, eventually gets annoyed because CLEARLY there is a wealth of cultural knowledge contemporary to Shen Qingqiu and Shang Qinghua that didn't survive to his own generation. His efforts at hunting down all the sources being referenced and origins of certain philosophical ideas or terminology keep coming up empty in certain departments. He's been over the entire QJP library with a fine-tooth comb, but QJP focuses on things pertaining to cultivation, history, and knowledge. Obviously, there are gaps. The archives are unlikely to keep pop cultural references and lowbrow literature, and Luo Binghe begins to suspect (from what tastes his master seems to share with his shishu) that that is that actual source he's missing.
The trashy yellow books and romance literature of their generation! Bawdy poems and lewd artworks so on! Heck, that's probably even where the shared "code" (bad English) comes into play -- disciples are always trying to sneak forbidden material past their teachers and smuggle naughty books into the dormitories. Knowing Shizun and Shang Qinghua, Luo Binghe honestly wouldn't be surprised if the two of them were racketeering that shit in their own disciple days. Shang Qinghua acquiring materials, Shen Qingqiu acquiring buyers, both of them making their extra spending money off of secretly supplying Cang Qiong's population with contraband fiction and art.
Also, that would explain why both Shen Qingqiu and Shang Qinghua get flustered and refuse to elaborate if someone asks them what this or that strange turn of phrase refers to. Shen Qingqiu has a very thin face for actually discussing erotica, and Shang Qinghua doesn't like being caught doing illegal shit.
Luo Binghe desperately needs access to trash lit that's older than he is. However, most of that stuff is not printed to last, and turning it up is like trying to find old Spirk zines without the internet.
Shang Qinghua, the obvious go-to source, also seems to not really have anything that old anymore (intimidating him is laughably easy, if he had anything he would have coughed it up by the second or third time Luo Binghe asked and frowned at the same time), and if Shen Qingqiu did have anything he wouldn't want to be questioned about it. Asking too much might even get it destroyed in an act of excessive embarrassment.
Which means there is just one other person Luo Binghe knows who might be able to lead him to some sources. One other person he is absolutely, 100% certain was extensively reading trashy literature around the same time that Shizun was a young man. Someone who would know where to go to even begin looking for it.
Luo Binghe is going to have to ask Tianlang Jun for help with something.
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