eigenwhatever · 5 hours
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eigenwhatever · 5 hours
The world's oldest story? Astronomers say global myths about 'seven sisters' stars may reach back 100,000 years https://phys.org/news/2020-12-world-oldest-story-astronomers-global.html
Holy shit, this is cool!
So many cultures call the Pleiades some variation of the "seven sisters" despite only having six visible stars. There only appear to be six because two of the stars are so close together as to appear as one.
The myths also mention one sister leaving or hiding to explain why there's only six. And based off observations and measurements, those two that are so close together used to be visibly separate. One literally has moved to hide.
And based off the similarities between the more commonly known Greek myth and the Aboriginal Australian myth, plus some other stuff, this myth could possibly even date back to when humanity still all resided in Africa!
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eigenwhatever · 1 day
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eigenwhatever · 1 day
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I had a dream that I witnessed something so funny that I needed to draw a comic about it, but nobody in the dream wanted to have a look at the comic or read it. I don't remember anything else about the dream but I needed to draw the comic and show y'all what it was.
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eigenwhatever · 1 day
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eigenwhatever · 1 day
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eigenwhatever · 1 day
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eigenwhatever · 1 day
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eigenwhatever · 1 day
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most talented girl in the world
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eigenwhatever · 1 day
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eigenwhatever · 1 day
“i asked chatgpt-” ohhh ok so nothing you are about to say matters at all
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eigenwhatever · 1 day
you don’t see many people eating hunks of cheese and bread with meat anymore. perhaps due to woke?
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eigenwhatever · 2 days
MOTHER: now eat your vegetables honey so you can grow up big and strong
WOKE SON: i dont WANT to grow up big and strong. i want to be a Twink
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eigenwhatever · 2 days
“Makima would call you slurs” absolutely brainless take. Makima would tell you she’s got your back and to let her know if anyone’s giving you trouble, then quietly out you to your most homophobic coworkers. She’d make a vicious public example of them right before they crossed a socially acceptable line, filling you with relief but further isolating you. When the whisper campaign forced you out she’d hug you a little too hard at your going-away party and murmur that she wishes you the best. Six months later when your savings are running dry she’d show up at your doorstep and explain that she was just in the area and thought she’d invite her old work buddy out for a drink. She’d be wearing the same white dress shirt even though it’s pouring rain and you’d go along even though your girlfriend is due back in less than an hour. At the izakaya she’d tell you she heard about a new job opportunity that she thinks would be a great fit, as long as you don’t have any other commitments right now. You’d ignore your girlfriend’s texts to listen to her. It’s in a new town. You’d have to move. She needs an answer before the end of the night.
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eigenwhatever · 2 days
"im gonna kill myself" [remembers that suicide jokes scare my loved ones] "and im taking you with me!"
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eigenwhatever · 2 days
if i go long enough without human interaction my expression and voice do some video game glitch shit before rearranging into an acceptable impression of a person
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eigenwhatever · 2 days
All I need is for someone to gently cup my face and tell me I'm not as doomed as I feel.
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