#constantly telling me to make friends while also telling me to not express my opinions while also my entire team is 20 years older than I a
poundfooolish · 6 months
my work is undergoing a lot of restructuring and we're all getting shuffled off to new teams, and my boss just floated to me a team he thinks I'd be a good fit for, basically doing the same stuff I'm doing now with a closer focus on just fixing problems, ie, my favorite part of the job
If I do actually get moved to this new team though the actual new favorite part of the job is gonna be no longer working under this man
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kpop · 6 months
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K-Pop Spotlight: DAY6
Come one, come all to a K-Pop Spotlight that is sure to dazzle and delight ’til the final curtain. This week, all eyes are on DAY6 following the release of their eighth mini-album, Fourever, and brand new title track, "Welcome to the Show." We caught up with the band to discuss their goals as they approach their 10th anniversary and their ever-growing connection to their fans through their music. Check out our full interview below!
Tracks like “Welcome to the Show,” “The Power of Love,” and “Get The Hell Out” seem to have very different themes. Can you tell us a little about how these songs relate to each other and what aspects make this album cohesive?
SUNGJIN: As we pursue the idea of being a 'band that sings every moment,' it seems like our albums, including the recent one, prioritize diversity in songs and situations rather than unity. Consequently, our albums contain various genres and narratives. However, there seems to be a commonality in most songs, depicting situations that everyone has either gone through or might experience.
Young K: First and foremost, I would say this album is a compilation of the best songs we could create. There's definitely a theme of love running through it. "Welcome to the Show," "The Power of Love," and "Get The Hell Out" all talk about the concept of love.
What goes into creating titles for DAY6 songs and albums, especially those that don’t come directly from your lyrics? Do you find it hard to condense the intentions and themes of a song into a title?
Young K: While there have been cases like that, all the songs on this album came from the lyrics. Sometimes, when choosing a title, we select the one that best describes the song—other times, we choose to give it a twist or make it more intriguing.
WONPIL: Naming songs involves a lot of deliberation. We often contemplate which title will catch the eye and capture the song's essence. Usually, we try to take it from a verse in the chorus. This can be a challenging part of the songwriting process.
Is there a creative project you’ve always wanted to work on but haven’t gotten the chance/found the time?
SUNGJIN: I'm very curious, and have a principle of "trying to experience as much as possible." There are so many things I want to try musically and personally, especially among the things I know but haven't tried yet.
DOWOON: I hope we can have a song that we can collaborate on with My Day, like a choir.
What does your work/studio setup look like? Where do you feel the most creatively inspired?
DOWOON: We try to keep the studio as tidy as possible and make it comfortable for practice sessions.
WONPIL: When working on songs, we talk a lot. We get inspiration from little conversations, joking around, sharing stories, and listening to music from various eras regardless of genre while giving opinions. We also try to build emotional connections with the songs. There’s a lot of communication going on. The songwriting process takes place in the studio of our long-time collaborator, composer Hong Jisang, with whom we've been working together since our debut.
How do you want to evolve as a musician/producer?
Young K: I want to be eagerly anticipated and awaited as an artist. Without those who wait for us, we wouldn't release or even step onto the stage. So I’m always thankful for My Day.
WONPIL: My biggest goal is to make good music for My Day and the public, so I think I'll continue to ponder. When working on songs, I pour my sincerity into them. I constantly strive to express this sincerity musically, fully capturing the emotions I want to convey. I hope to create songs that can still be listened to even after 10 or 20 years.
Design your own Tumblr blog: choose an aesthetic, a blog name, and would you be a frequent poster or lurker?
SUNGJIN: I think I’ll use it to catch up on friends' updates. For the blog name, THUMB BLUR sounds good to me. I might end up being a lurker who never posts.
DOWOON: Maybe a blog for plants? I think I'll post it like a diary.
Want more DAY6? Check out their new mini album Fourever and the music video for the title track “Welcome to the Show,” both out now!
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helsensm · 9 months
I cannot hold it in anymore I am absolutely OBSESSED with your art and the way you draw Lao.
I also would like to inquire….. just perhaps… what are your top head-canons for him, and/or your opinions on popular ships for him/which ones you like?
No pressure!! I hope you are having a wonderful day 🧡
me, trying to act normal every time an awesome artist I look up to says something nice about my art
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Thank you so much! first of all, please take this Lao with you, he's yours now~
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now let me preheat my bad english.....
Most of my Lao headcanons (if they are not related to a particular art I made) were yoinked from another ppl, because DAMN FELLAS your brains are sexy. 😏 So you might have heard some of them already, but here's my top general hcs for him.
NOTE: we are talking about the current timeline mk1 Kung Lao
- Lao is very expressive with his hands and he's THE TOUCH person. Just look at how many times he took Raiden by the shoulder in the first chapter alone?? He'll be pushing, and patting, and shoving, and punching you all over while telling about his breakfast or something.
- Lao is struggling with inferiority complex. Since childhood he was under a tremendous amount of pressure, he has to do things right, to be better, or else he would be mocked or punished. Now he believes that he should be the best, or he would not be taken seriously. He's constantly seeking validation in his peers, causing him to act cocky and over-confident.
- Anger issues, usually when someone questions his skill.
- People call him lazy because he tries to act like everything comes naturally to him. In reality he trains hard and takes things seriously. Like, he's fighting with a RAZOR RIMMED HAT fgs, it's not something you can master in a day! Also he always got energy running through his veins, lucky bastard... *cries in iron deficiency*
- He makes his hats by himself. With his hands. He designs and creates. ALL of them. I will die on that hill.
- He's a slow to trust, but ride or die as a friend.
- He's a trouble maker FOR SURE, but not a bully. He's respectful and polite to most of the people (if they don't provoke him), also drinks his respect-women juice.
- Master of sass and sarcasm. And yes, I think he swears, but in the right circumstances or the right company.
- He's got rizz NOW, but in his teens he had zero game because he could not keep his mouth shut and would scare off the person with the most ridiculous piece of idiocy.
- I read it in one fic and really loved the idea that Liu Kang "told the blossoms" about Kung Lao, and they really liked him 🌸 so now they are following him around and bringing him news and gossips, that's why there's always those goddamn petals aroung him aasghGHHHj 🌸🌸
- He's rolling his eyes at Johnny, but they quickly become besties.
- He actually has a cold relationship with Liu Kang. Don't get me wrong, he trusts him, respects the hell out of him and will run into a wall for a man. But I think Liu will distance himself because of all the memories of HIS Lao and how badly they sting. oTL
- That smile and a bow Lao did after loosing to Raiden? He meant that. Loosing hurted BAD, but the pain was pushed aside by the sence of pride and happiness for his best friend.
oh shit, this is getting out of hand, I'm starting to think about the other timelines and dynamics, we'll be here all week hhhhgh
About the popular ships... Well, I'm a big fan of railao (yeah NO SHIT who would have thought), but I am a multishipper, so I'm just happy to see my fav characters feeling good in someone's hands. 😊
I really like the liulao and laoliutana for several different reasons. 👀 The johnshilao (or is it laojohnshi..? erm) was the one that didn't impress me at first (love the Lao just third-wheeling with a tired expression <:'D), but recently I'm starting to warm up to all the different dynamics these three can have. And that is, in no small part, thanks to you and your kenlao agenda 👀💖 damn you created such a nice cozy universe for them I'm 🥺💕💗💖
Bi-Han/Lao is a bit random, but I love how catto did them, they are such a cute pair of assholes! >:3
ummm, yeah, so I'm going to stop there ahahhH. Thank you again for asking and for all the nice little feels your art provides, I admire you tremendously~
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obsidianbaby · 4 months
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a/n - this is all my opinion!! I would love to hear what y'all think about this if you fuck with harry potter
this is an au where the plot of voldemort does not exist btw**
probably balled his eyes out when the Hogwarts acceptance letter came (even though it was expected) mary lou definitely hung it up on the wall
definitely got into slytherin (he's so cunt and ambitions)
would be great friends with pansy, they would spend time people watching and making hilarious commentary
would think draco is the most insufferable loser to ever exist and would constantly laugh at him when he's being whiney and dramatic over something stupid
probably the photographer for the school
also at every hufflepuff and gryffindor quidditch game cheering for his brothers even if they're facing his own house
probably has his own side business making herbal salves, etc.
would fucking love astronomy and herbology
would threaten to cast a spell on Chris all the time that would silence him (wouldn't be surprising if he actually did)
constantly taking pictures of his friends and his brothers and making cute little photo albums to commemorate his experiences
definitely attaching cute lil trinkets and pins to his robes and his bags
got into gryffindor (no one's surprised)
expressed how proud he is of his brothers for the house they got into (even though he's really sad they aren't all going to room together)
sneaks out of his dorms occasionally to take turns sleeping in his brothers' dorms
100% on the quidditch team as a chaser
definitely hangouts with fred and george causing mayhem
has the girls at hogwarts wrapped around his fucking fingers but actively avoids any type of romantic situation
probably be a part of the dueling club
would love going to hogsmeade for shopping and for the pubs
would absolutely hex himself by accident, multiple times in fact
absolutely getting caught on many occasions sneaking into the kitchens for sweet treats
probably has a butterbeer addiction
would use any excuse he can to not wear his robes (they're too thick and heavy)
asks the most wild outlandish questions in class leaving the profs too stunned to speak
obviously in hufflepuff even though he was sure he'd get into gryffindor with chris
also on his house's quidditch team but as the keeper (we already know he has goalie skills)
when he isn't with his brothers or in class he spends his time reading with hermione at the library or with luna and neville at the lake journaling
if there was a hogwarts student paper he would definitely be in charge of the anonymous advice section
would spend his weekends trapping himself in his dorms until someone literally drags him away from his bed
would adore mythical creatures classes
his pet of choice is most definitely a cat
probably going to hagrids daily to help him with his animals and listen to his stories
closest to luna and neville because he will be content just sitting there listening to them ramble on about creatures and magical plants
best flyer (neck and neck with harry)
goes on late night broom rides with harry
you can probably find him at the top of the astronomy tower or at the edge of the black lake in the middle of the night just enjoying some peace and quiet
would get extremely homesick while at hogwarts and he counts down to post days so he can receive letters from his friends and family back home (even though he rarely writes them back)
tell me some of your headcanons for the triplets at hogwarts!!
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ATEEZ as Boyfriends
Anon request: Can I get a headcannon of what you think Yunho would be like as a boyfriend, a totally mysterious anon don't mind me
Let’s jump into the basics of the universe as we explore how each member of ATEEZ would act as partners, in age order. There are around 1700 words total in this dive, and this post is only the SFW headcanons for the boys, so it’s super fluffy.
Reminder: These are my own assumptions and not to be taken as truth. Take my opinions with a grain of salt. This is fiction.
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Seonghwa is a massive giver. He's highly attentive to people he's close to and would be especially so for his partner. He will take the lead in the relationship if he can, using physical touch often to lead his partner around and protect them from dangers. He'll use any excuse to hold their hand or touch their shoulder. He wants to be touching you whenever you're together, half to remind himself that it isn't a dream and half because he wants everyone to know you are together. Although he'd be expressive in complimenting you, always making sure to point out small specifics he loves about you instead of simply calling you pretty/handsome/gorgeous, he would be very shy when you compliment him in the same way, smiling and getting red as he avoids your eyes. As an idol, he would know that he can't share your existence with everyone, but he ensures to subtly remind those who can know often that you are his partner, and makes sure you know that you are one of the happiest aspects of his life.
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Hongjoong is a quiet lover. He's often focused on work, so there's a high chance his partner becomes a muse for him. He doesn't put the full focus on his lover in his life as he's such a hard-working and ambitious person, and wouldn't want his lover to focus all their energy on him either. He'd be supportive towards whatever his partner wants to do, but he'd be clumsy in his expression of it. He's all smiles whenever his partner comes to him proud of themselves, but will stumble over his words when congratulating them. Often, this leads to the dynamic mimicking those middle-school crushes who would pick on one another, but it works. He'd also be a photographer boyfriend; he has an ever-growing album of (mostly) candid photos of his lover for himself to look back on whenever they aren't together. Although he's quiet and doesn't want to show you off, he'd like to match aspects or styles of outfits with you - matching accessories, phone cases, or pops of color. As an idol, he's the type to massively weigh the pros and cons of opening up to the fans but might accidentally mention having a partner during a casual livestream. However, he'd be exceptionally careful not to reveal any details about you.
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Yunho is such a sweetheart. He wants to be touching his partner constantly, as physical touch is an important love language to him. Most of the dates that he plans will revolve around sharing food, as he loves to see his lover eating well and enjoying his choices. He's a planner; he'll sit there and make sure everything is perfect in his mind before even telling his partner about the idea. Ever see a puppy prancing around happy to show off his favorite toy? That's Yunho with his lover. He wants to introduce them to all his friends, and he's extremely attentive to how he affects you. Holding you gently, shielding you without being obvious about it, and meeting you on your level during conversations whenever he can. He's also very attentive to your emotional state. He learns all your tells and likes and dislikes, so he can know how to help you when you need him. As an idol, this is someone who pouts at management for asking him not to reveal his partner to fans. While he understands their reasoning, he wants to share such a big happy part of his life with ATINY.
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Yeosang is another quiet lover, but different than Hongjoong. He will express himself through small touches and quality time. He doesn't need to talk to his lover all the time - feeling their presence is enough to improve his mood. I feel like he's prone to overstimulation, so body doubling with the occasional hand touch may be the best thing for him. Just let him quietly sit with you as you're busy working or vice versa, and he couldn't be happier. He's very expressive when he talks, and would love to make his partner laugh more than anything. Although he has a very clear sense of humor, he pays attention to what works best with his lover and uses it. Their smile and laugh constantly make him beam, especially if he causes it. I think he's silently protective, using himself as a barrier - both physical and emotional - between you and uncomfortable situations or people. Because of this, I think he'd be far too wary of the potential cons of revealing you to ATINY, so he wouldn't (unless he's announcing his marriage).
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San is a gem. He's clingy and easily excitable and often impulsive. This doesn't change with his partner. He will often spontaneously do things for his lover, even if they told him not to, because he wants to show his love. He will be one of the most supportive people in his partner's life and will be extremely giddy about all the things they do and the goals they reach, little or big. However, he's also very sensitive to how he treats other people and becomes extremely picky when in a relationship - must get the timing perfect, must find the best possible way to say something; man becomes a perfectionist when it involves his lover and their emotions. Early on, he will seriously sit them down just to talk about pet names, because he wants to choose ones that are meaningful and deliberate while ensuring that his partner doesn't have any negative feelings towards them. He wants to use your name sparingly in the deepest moments, like the first time he says he loves you, so that it's more meaningful. Although he's the happy-go-lucky type and would want to deal with his negative emotions out of his partner's view (at least in the beginning), he would always want to know when his partner is unwell, even if only slightly. In terms of revealing you to his fans, it will take a long time for him to take any risks. Although he's trusting of his fandom, he wants to keep you safe, so he often pushes those parts of his life away from one another.
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Mingi changes a lot as the relationship progresses and he becomes more relaxed around you. Although he's always going to be his quirky and giggly self, he becomes somewhat shy when beginning to talk to his partner. Even for a bit after becoming officially exclusive, he will tone himself down slightly, as he'd be a bit worried about scaring them away. He would be the type to use subtle touches to remind his partner that he's there for them, and he'd like very much to be a rock for his partner. He's comforting and affectionate and will show softer PDA without much hesitation. He loves holding your hand and giving you hugs, regardless of who sees you. He's also big on mental health and might linger over your well-being more than the others, but it's always in good faith and you know he's simply trying to help you. He'll leave little notes or texts for his partner when they are apart for any amount of time, and will constantly show his love rather than saying it. Mingi wouldn't have to tell the fans about the relationship; ATINY would simply ask after pictures of the couple flood the internet. He's a bit careless with it because he believes love should be expressed openly. When his fans ask about it, he would have a hard time hiding his giddiness while answering, so everyone would know regardless.
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Wooyoung is the definition of middle-school love. He will pick on and tease his partner constantly and want the energy returned tenfold. He's an actions-over-words person, so prepare for constant clinging when he has high energy. Despite being very fun and loud and chaotic, the relationship will often bounce between times of silence and chaos, as he likes to focus on one thing at a time with all of his energy. When he's at work or focused on a project, he might forget to message you back, but he will make up for those silent days by giving you his ultimate attention when you're together. Suddenly, work doesn't exist - nothing else exists but the two of you - because you're with him. He will ask you an ocean of questions once you move past the initial teasing, wanting to learn anything and everything about you as soon as he can. He'll be sure to plan dates you've mentioned enjoying or do things with you that you've expressed interest in. ATINY would have no idea you exist because he separates work and private life so well. Why would they have any reason to believe he has a lover when he's always expressing his undying love for his members and fans anyway? It doubles as the perfect way to keep you safe from toxic fans.
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Jongho is reserved as a lover. Although he is extremely caring and appreciative of everything you do for him and with him, he expresses his love in subtle ways. He never forgets important dates, whether that's birthdays and anniversaries or simply when you have an appointment. He always makes sure you leave on time and with everything you need for wherever you're going, and will always give sweet little kisses before you leave and when you arrive. He'll learn your favorite songs and artists to have an impromptu karaoke session with you while you're relaxing together, and will always have the next date planned out before you even have time to think about it. He's protective and slightly possessive but silent about it. He shows it most by keeping his hand on the small of your back or his arm wrapped around your waist in public, especially if you're wearing something more revealing. He would prefer you dress modestly in public, but would never fight you on your outfit choice, so he simply proves to everyone that you are his with these small actions that become a habit to you. He won't say that he loves you very often, but you will always feel loved by him. He wouldn't want to share you with ATINY, and he would only express that he has a partner to stop delusions from progressing too far. He'll know exactly when to say it and when not to.
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yuri-is-online · 6 months
A while ago you said in a post that Ace’s isolation seems to come from how he values Yuu and Deuce’s friendship more and I think you perfectly worded how I feel. I would like to hear more about it if you have more to say!
Like yeah he’s a very friendly and outgoing guy. He can easily make friends/acquaintances but there’s also a clear line between those friends and where Deuce Yuu and Grim stands.
He gets along really well with his seniors as seen by his relationships with the basketball club, Playful Land and hell I bet this new event will prove that too. But it gives me more of a vibe of a younger kid endearingly annoying his older classmates than friendship.
Among the first years, he doesn’t seem to be as close to them as Deuce is. Like Deuce and Epel have this whole bond going on because of Chapter 5, Deuce and Jack are in the same club etc. Ace is kind to his fellow first years and helps them out like in Fairy Gala If with Ortho but again there’s this divide. Everyone knows it’s Ace, Deuce, Yuu and Grim as the group.
Multiple people have mentioned how those 4 are constantly together and how it’s rare to see one without the other and I think that’s really important when you take into consideration on how Ace literally ditched his last girlfriend because they were too different in terms of taste (well there’s more to unpack with that but that’s not what I’m here to talk about). Quality time is hugely important with Ace in my opinion, he wouldn’t hang out with people he hates and seeing the amount of time he spends time with those three and how the game makes an active effort to make us pay attention to it tells us that yeah Ace definitely values his friendship with Deuce, Yuu and Grim more than the others and why Ace feels so separated from the other first years at times.
He also tends to keep people at arms length because of his inability to really express affection towards his friends so it just comes across as him being snarky and mean when that’s really not the case. This also does show with Deuce Yuu and Grim yet goes to help them whenever he gets the chance, buys gifts for them, spends time with them etc. Like bro his actions tell otherwise it’s so funny he’s like a tsundere.
I think his exterior kind of makes it hard to people to really get close to him and I think he purposely does that, so to see him have obvious bias towards a group of people is really important.
Gotta admire his loyalty, once you’ve proven yourself he’s sticking with you for the rest of his life. Sorry for rambling but uh yeah your response gave me thoughts.
I would like to thank the aceyuu community for their continued dedication to putting deeply insightful character analysis in my inbox. I love you all so very much. I also love your icon very much, Gen 5 best pokemon (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
it gives me more of a vibe of a younger kid endearingly annoying his older classmates than friendship.
Yes very much this. Ace is the baby of his family, and there seems to be a decent age gap between him and his brother. He repeatedly talks about wanting to be like his seniors, and Jamil mentions at least once he is generally respectful towards them. His level up lines imply he wants to try challenging Riddle again, but it seems less because he disrespects him and wants to be dorm leader and more because he wants to prove he's gotten stronger.
Friend groups
So I have been thinking since the first and second time we talked about this trying to pick out who exactly Ace's friend group even is outside of Yuu and Deuce and ??? Deuce knew who Epel was before you properly met and he and Jack do seem to get along pretty well but Ace? I feel like maybe the intention might be to have him be closer to Ortho and Sebek, which sort of makes sense. They're all the youngest in their families and look up to their seniors to varying degrees but still. Ace specifically, like you said, is literally always around either Yuu or Deuce. In Idia's lab wear vignette Ace literally stays over alone with Yuu to watch horror movies and sends Grim to get the drinks alone 💀 like sir? Hello? And he implies he's done this more than once??? I like the idea of quality time being important to Ace, he says the most important thing for him in a partner is someone you have fun with and like being around so yeah. That makes sense for him.
I think back on how Ace initially interacted with Yuu and Deuce and, while at first I was a bit hesitant to say Ace keeps people at arms length, but you can literally see him doing that in the prologue. He's a brat towards people his own age, and while I imagine he has always been super popular to a degree I don't know if I can see him ever having had as deep of a friendship with anyone as he has Yuu and Deuce. I'm not sure if I would say he does it on purpose 100% of the time, but his Suitor Suit vignette does seem to imply he does it when he feels particularly embarrassed by something. He isn't just like a tsundere, he is one and honestly I was not expecting to like him as much as I do because tsundere isn't really one of my favorite tropes.
Gotta admire his loyalty, once you’ve proven yourself he’s sticking with you for the rest of his life. Sorry for rambling but uh yeah your response gave me thoughts.
Never apologize for rambling, it is the last thing I will ever take issue with and that goes for anyone in my inbox.
I hard agree. Ace's loyalty to Deuce, Yuu, and Grim should scare anyone trying to mess with them. I am waiting with baited breath for Grim overblot he is just going to pop off I JUST KNOW IT PLEASE YANA PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE
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lemongizumo · 5 months
I didn’t want to make any public posts about what’s been happening in the past days in our fandom because of my health issues. Some of you know, mostly people I consider my friends now, others because I was offering emergency commissions to solve hospital and treatment costs, but my health isn’t that good lately and the level of drama, intensity and everything around this topic was affecting me. Still is a bit. However, after everything that has come out, so many similar experiences, so many people being manipulated, hurt and damaged because of this one individual who I considered my friend, I can’t remain silent anymore. I just can’t. I’m still shocked and feeling so many emotions, from sadness to concern, from disappointment to anger. Even guilty for not realizing how disgusting this person was. It’s unbelievable.
I won’t go into any details, those involved know everything that needs to be known. I will not share screenshots either but there are plenty to prove what this person tried to do until the end and how many people she damaged.
I became her friend months ago, around August/September of last year. I considered her a real friend, a good one even, she was nice to me all the time and talked to me every day for all these months. She bought my friendship with love bombing, gifts, with praise about my art and me, a fucking naïve idiot, thought she was sincere. I never noticed the red flags until it was too late, how she was collecting artists along the way and discarding the ones that weren’t useful. She was after popular people, writers and artists, anyone that could give her status. She wanted her name seen everywhere and she invaded every space she could. She also promoted her server to anybody who had big numbers or was known in the HG fandom.
I didn’t know anybody in the fandom, only some names I followed because I admired their art or writing. I always spent my days in any fandom as a spectator, doing fanart and having casual conversations but not getting close to anybody. She was the first person I let get close to me.
I trusted her and that was a mistake I’ll regret for a long time.
She took advantage of me not knowing anybody, she used me as a dumpster bin to trash talk about others, she played victim over and over again, she claimed some people hated her, and she made me believe so many things that I later discovered weren’t real. She twisted reality to her convenience; she created a false narrative where she was the poor victim who was attacked constantly and that she only wanted the best for everybody. She just wanted to be ‘nice.’
Knowing English isn’t my first language and sometimes it’s hard for me to understand certain expressions, she used that to be able to act as a bigot without me noticing until it was too late.
And I believed her. I believe every single fucking word she said about others, because why would she lie? She was just trusting me with things, right? She was just warning me about people, she cared about me, she was just looking out for me.
I’m a good friend, I know I am. Friendship has always been important to me, and I’m faithful to whoever I care about. I thought I was being a good friend to her by defending her and giving her my thoughts and opinions about all these ‘awful’ people who didn’t like her and were against her.
She just wanted an ally.
Her love bombing and praise only lasted until I didn’t act the way she wanted.
I confronted one of her ‘friends’ in her server after that person was exposing an innocent writer just to humiliate them. I was mistreated and attacked. She, the owner, didn’t do anything to stop it while I was telling her in dms what was happening. She didn’t do anything at all because she didn’t care.
She didn’t care either when I showed her proof that her friend was a terf. I was worried, I was so naïve I thought maybe this person didn’t know about her friend being transphobic. But she knew. She didn’t act surprised, she just did her best to clarify she wasn’t a terf ‘by association’ in between jokes and tried to justify her friend over and over again. She dismissed my worries and acted like it wasn’t such a big deal.
I trusted her to the point I felt safe enough to tell her I am autistic and how hard it was growing up not knowing that, how everyone treated me as if I was dumb when I was a kid and a teenager. Her attitude towards me changed after she knew my diagnosis. From treating me like I was a child to a condescending way to talk to me whenever I did ‘wrong.’
I supported her when she decided to create a BB just to be called silly and treated as stupid because I wouldn’t join if the terf was there. She simply didn’t care I was affected because I’m non-binary and trans. She just wanted artists for her shitty event because she needed to make a name among other events. She kept insisting that I join, even after she knew the terf was going to be a part of the event. She wanted me to be a pinch hitter artist.
I finally opened my eyes after my medical emergency in February. I decided to open emergency commissions to help with the costs and that led me to talk to people I never talked to before. People this individual didn’t want me to talk to.
I don’t know why things happen but everything seems to happen for a reason. Some people that reached out to me to help me were people this individual talked shit about over and over again for months. And to my surprise, they were nothing like I was made to believe. On the contrary, these people were sweet, nice, and were actually sincere.
Her reaction to me talking to them was passive-aggressive comments, jokily threats and playing the victim. She also started giving me the silent treatment in order to manipulate me again. Which, luckily, didn’t work.
This disgusting individual lied so much I have spent the last few days wondering how much of what she said was true and how much was bullshit. She tried to mess with friendships, she tried to ruin a relationship, she made racist and transphobic comments, she lied about so many people that didn’t deserve it, she thought her lies wouldn’t catch up to her and kept acting like a ‘mean girl’ who wanted to be number one in popularity. She thought having popular friends, who she bragged about, would keep her away from anything.
She thought she was safe and that I was stupid enough to keep believing her.
I’m not stupid. I never was.
And I will not remain silent while she still plays victim, while she decided to blame ME for all of her fucking mess.
When this whole thing exploded, she desperately tried to convince someone she wasn’t bad, that it was all a misunderstanding and that she was just venting to me. A good pity party because she was being called out and she didn’t expect it. She tried to convince them that I was to blame. She didn’t hesitate to throw me under the bus, to make anyone believe I was the villain, exposing me with screenshots, for all we know, were probably manipulated by her. It is now known that she edits, changes and deletes messages.
I’m not a villain for exposing the truth to people I now care about. To people who have been nothing but nice to me even tho they are aware I said awful things about them based on what this individual told me. She tried to brainwash me with her lies and almost succeeded.
The past few weeks have been hard. But it’s harder to see how many others she hurt.
She’s not a good person no matter how much she tried to act like one. Her disgusting behavior led to so much damage and she got me involved in it, using me until the end.
This behavior is not ‘fandom drama,’ it is dangerous behavior, one that should not be tolerated or accepted. Fandom is not a place to escalate in popularity, to surround yourself with popular artists just to get something from them. Fandom should be a safe place for us to enjoy, to escape from reality, from the real world that is hard enough for so many of us.
I will not let her step on me anymore. I will not be her scapegoat. And she will not get my sympathy anymore.
Please be safe out there, do not let these people harm us anymore. This individual and her fucking terf friend can go fuck themselves.
I am so tired.
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shelaghdette · 8 months
headcanon with evidence: shelagh turner is autistic/neurodivergent!
intense interests: shelagh's special interest is obviously the science of midwifery. she's only 30 years old at the beginning of the series, but already her expertise is virtually on par with the older nuns. her deep knowledge is very well respected by her patients and colleagues. she also LOVES to talk about it, you can see her face light up every time she has a chance.
hyperfocus: when shelagh is completely absorbed in a task, she struggles to notice anything else around her. for example, in the very first episode, she doesn't even notice jenny is in the room when she comes to inform sister julienne about her latest delivery. when sister julienne introduces her to jenny, she only very briefly acknowledges her, and then goes back to talking about work, which ties into -
struggling with social cues: in scenes with lots of shelagh dialogue, notice how she struggles to make prolonged eye contact. a notable exception is sister julienne and, later, patrick, but this makes sense. a lot of autistic people struggle to make eye contact generally, but have a few "safe people" with whom it's a lot easier. shelagh also struggles with boundaries, indicated by her lack of ability to ask for help when she needs it or say no when she's asked to do something. she can also be very blunt and forthright about her opinions, such as when she tells jenny to "please stop wittering on about vegetables, i could not care less." she wasn't trying to be rude, she was just indicating her disinterest in the subject in a very to-the-point way. also, when she was infodumping about the bri-nylon nightie, and CLEARLY misunderstanding cues that patrick thought she was extremely sexy in that little get-up 😳😏
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stimming: shelagh is CONSTANTLY stimming. most notable are her hand movements, she fidgets with her hands a lot, and when she sits at a table, she often keeps her hands below the surface. i believe this is so she can subtly stim without attracting attention. oh, and you know the autistic stereotype of velociraptor arms? well, i give you...
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masking: she's a social chameleon. her speech mannerisms were much more formal and clipped while she was still in the religious life, because she was holding herself to a certain standard, even though it's not necessarily required (look at sister evangelina). i think she was trying to model her behaviour and mannerisms on sister julienne, which is SO COMMON for autistic women to copy the behaviour of someone they admire in order to blend. she also "mirrors" body language, seen here. (both have their hands in their pockets, their legs are the same width apart. also peep my babygirl not making eye contact AGAIN while he's directly looking at her face!)
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exaggerated facial expressions and emotive tone of voice: it's a common misconception that autistic people always have monotonous voices and flat facial affect. some do, but just as many are the complete opposite and actually have really varied expressions and tones. ctm fans who don't like shelagh tend to point this fact out about her, but to me it just makes her relatable, because i'm a really emotive autistic person too!
also, this is just anecdotal, but all of my autistic friends who watch ctm agree with me that shelagh is most likely autistic. and we're really good at identifying autistic traits in others.
these are just my observations from watching the show, as an autistic person. if you don't share these views, that's fine! but please be mindful of what you say if you aren't neurodivergent ♡
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AITA the asshole for trying to convince my roommate to break up with her boyfriend? 
I (24 NB) live in a small apartment with three other roommates; my boyfriend, my best friend, and her boyfriend (all 24). My bestie and her boyfriend have been dating for over 4 years now, and my bf and I have lived with them for 3 of those years. Her boyfriend, who we will call Sean, has been slowly but surely becoming the problem roommate. In the past he was a fairly unobtrusive roommate, as his intense gaming addiction kept him holed up in the office for days at a time. However, as he has started changing his home behavior post grad school, the remaining 3 of us, bestie included, have begun to find him wildly intolerable. Bestie and Sean own 3 cats together, while my bf and I have 1. My cat is 9 months old and definitely the craziest out of the cats. He spends a lot of time roughhousing with their 3 girl cats, and while he has never broken any skin or caused serious injury of any kind, they definitely yowl and express their displeasure when they aren’t in the mood for play fighting. Sean finds this behavior on the part of my cat to be infuriating. He’s even said out loud to me that my cat makes him “irrationally angry”. He’s the only one of us unemployed but refuses to get a job (as if he did, his parents would no longer support him financially). Due to this, he spends the most time at home with the cats out of any of us. When I have seen him react to the cats fighting, he has screamed, thrown things, and beat his fists against the wall or headboard. It gives me a low level of constant anxiety that when I’m not home he is going to physically injure my cat. While he’s never hurt any of the animals before, and he’s very loving with HIS cats, his angry behavior has only escalated over the 8 months I have had my cat. Because of this I’m growing increasingly uncomfortable with having him in the house. While I would swallow my discomfort about his behavior and wait out our lease if he made my bestie happy, their relationship has also taken a downward spiral over the last 2 years. He’s cheated (though only online), forgotten her birthday, forgotten valentines day, refuses to care for her when she’s sick, and argues with her constantly. They have been in couples therapy for about a month now but after therapy they tend not to talk to each other as each therapy session brings up a huge fight. Her current position on the matter is that she hopes he gets a job out of our commuting range so that he could live with his parents for a while and not bother us anymore; she doesn’t want him in the house and they haven’t slept in the same bed for months. However, she refuses to break up with him because she doesn’t want to fight for custody of their 3 cats. Over the last couple months we discuss her breaking up with him almost daily. My attitude during these conversations has gone from a more sympathetic lean to just constantly flat out telling her that she should break up with him, and that I’m tired of having him in my house. I feel like I may be a total asshole for being so upfront with her about my opinions regarding someone she truly loves and has built a bit of a life with (and Sean has told me that he wants to marry her as soon as they are out of the apartment and he has a job). So AITA for practically begging my roommate to drop her boyfriend? 
What are these acronyms?
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ofstarsandvibranium · 11 months
Unexpectedly Yours: Part 5
Fandom: Ted Lasso (Regency AU)
Pairing: Roy Kent x F!Reader
Summary: Lord Roy Kent still has yet to marry. He hates the notion that marriage is a way to ensure your status in society. You have delayed your debut to society for years because of the same idea. So what happens when two people who hate the idea of marriage are constantly drawn to each other?
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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You didn't want to speak to anyone the next morning after the dinner. You didn't want to see anyone. You were annoyed and slightly embarrassed with how you behaved last night.
You decided you'd stay in your room for the entire day. Cece had tried to get you to come out and play with her but you expressed that you weren't feeling well. Did you feel bad for lying to your cousin? Yes, but you really just needed to wallow in your room by yourself.
"Lady Clara is here to see you, Miss." Jane announces as she peeks her head into your room.
You sigh, "Did you tell her that I'm feeling unwell?"
"Yes and she's very insistent that she sees you."
You groan as you sit up in your bed, "You may send her up, I guess."
Minutes go by and the door opens. Clara walks in, "Good day, Y/N."
You give a stiff nod, "Clara."
She clears her throat, "I came by to apologize. I never meant to make you feel uncomfortable last night. It was never my intention. My brother has always told me how stubborn I can be. I just-I love him so much. He deserves to be happy. However, I understand that while you and my brother are amicable that doesn't mean you are to be with each other. I apologize greatly for practically forcing you to be together. I am ashamed to say that I'm no better than the rest of society," her head hands low in shame.
"I accept your apology, Clara. Thank you. I admire your love and concern for your brother. He's...a good man. He does deserve love in his life. I'm-I'm just not sure that's me."
Clara nods in understanding, "Yes, well, I'll leave you to rest. I hope you feel better soon," she gives a bow and sees herself out.
As soon as the door closes, you groan and fall back against your pillows.
Roy watches as Cece and Phoebe run around the garden. He's glad that his niece found a friend after moving here. Things haven't been easy for the young girl, and Roy's always done his best to make sure she lives a loving and happy life.
He hears his sister before he sees her. She's walking down the path that leads to where he's sitting, a bench underneath a tree on the property.
"Where did you go off to?" he asks, eyes still on the young girls playing.
"I went to apologize to Y/N," Roy grunts and Clara continues, "I won't meddle anymore. I'm sorry that I've made things uncomfortable for you both."
He nods to his sister, "Thank you. She-She already feels so much pressure on her from her mother, society, she doesn't need more."
"I know, but, Roy...please be honest with me, do you care for her?"
Roy's jaw clenches and he looks away from Clara. He sighs, "I do, but, again, it's complicated. She's so...aggravating, smart mouthed, opinionated. But she's also sweet, she cares deeply for her friends and family. I can't help but be drawn to her."
Clara softly smiles at her brother, she places a hand on his shoulder, "I know I said I won't meddle, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to win her affections. I do think there may be something promising between you two and I don't mean in a business transaction way."
"Did you love Andrew?" Clara sits and thinks about her husband, who's passed, "I wouldn't say love, but I cared for him as a friend. He was definitely the best out of the other men that have asked to court me. He was kind, understanding. He's also the reason I have Phoebe. I may not have loved him in a romantic way, but I do hold him dear."
"Do you think you could've fallen in love with him over time?"
She shrugs, "Maybe."
Clara and Roy both look on to Cece and Phoebe who are rolling in the grass. Their laughter echoing throughout the property.
In the late afternoon, you eventually grew tired of your self-isolation. So you called upon Keeley and Jamie to join you for tea.
In the sitting room, the three of you are lounging, sipping from your cups.
"I feel like I haven't seen you in forever," Keeley states as she takes a bite from a biscuit.
"It's been a few days, Keels," Jamie says with a snort.
She waves him off, "Too long. Tell me, what have you been up to?"
You sigh, setting your cup down, "My family and I had dinner with the Kents last night."
"Oh! I heard about that!" you look at her with a cocked brow, "Your mother told mine. Honestly, I'm a little upset you didn't tell me!"
"How was it? Was Lord Grumps his usual grumpy self?" Jamie asks with a smirk.
"We hardly interacted. He seemed quite miserable actually. Then his niece asked when Roy and I would get married." Keeley and Jamie give you a questioning look and you respond, "Because we played princess and dragons with them. They were the dragons, I was the princess, and Roy was the knight who saved me. The princess and the knight always get married in the stories they've read. Anyway, I told her that what we did was make believe and she got upset. She ran upstairs. Roy followed. Clara and my father made a comment that Roy and I should be together and I-I just got so annoyed and upset. I left the dinner."
"Y/N, why are you so against you and Lord Kent being together?" Jamie asks, genuinely.
"I-He-We're just so different. He's so uptight and grumpy all the time! He's probably only smiled five times in his life! Besides, Jamie, isn't he always rude to you?"
"He's rude to everyone, ain't he?" Jamie responds with a shrug.
You point to him, "That's another thing. He's rude!"
Keeley's interjects, "I think that's just him trying to protect himself from anyone getting too close and potentially hurting him." You and Jamie look at her confused, "What? It makes sense! I heard he was previously engaged to this woman name Georgina Afton. They were super in love, at least it seemed that way. Then Georgina caught the eye of a duke and she broke off the engagement. People say Roy was completely heartbroken."
"So...he's just scared of getting hurt?" you ask in clarification.
"Yeah, I suppose that makes sense," Jamie says, "Wow, love. You never seize to amaze me," he says looking at Keeley like she hung up all the stars in the sky.
"Aw, thanks, love!" she leans in and pecks his lips.
The sight makes you smile. You always hoped to find a love like theirs. It was rocky at first, but Keeley and Jamie...they just make sense to you. They fit each other well and you dream of finding someone who fits you.
Is that someone Roy Kent? You're still not sure.
He frustrates you and makes you doubt yourself sometimes, but he also challenges you. He's caring and adores his family. He's quick witted and snarky, but also funny.
Hmmm...you really had to think about this.
Besides, there were other men that could potentially catch your eye. Maybe...maybe you should start taking finding a suitor more seriously...
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mikuni14 · 7 months
Dead Friend Forever - Ep 10
The tenth episode of the technically BL series which I rate 10/10. What a time to be alive 💖
While watching this episode I was very angry at Phee for not shutting up and then at Jin when he was yelling and being rude to my sweet little creature Tan, but I decided not to judge them (and not to theorize about other stuff) because:
the behavior of all the characters in this episode was strange, off and very sus, so who knows what they are really doing and thinking
I'm drinking an alcoholic beverage as I write this, so I'm very chill 😄
Could Phee actually tell Jin the whole truth and Jin accept it and not make it a big deal? Yes. This is, in my opinion, believable behavior from both of them. Phee is not a cute lil freak like Tan, he doesn't have as much to lose as Tan, he has something to come back to, unlike Tan, he has a home, a parent. Tan has nothing. Jin could be just tired. Tired of what happened in the past, of his guilt, of being hunted now, of not getting enough sleep, of not eating or having a moment to rest and think, of being constantly on fear-inducing hallucinogenic drugs. Phee confessing the truth because he didn't sign up for murder and Jin forgiving him quite easily are both believable. But as with White, Tee, Fluke, there was something strange, something off, in their scenes. Like their facial expressions at certain moments. Weird words. As for Phee - an ax lying coveniently there? A bottle of poisoned water that only Jin drinks? (I can't believe Phee didn't feel like drinking either, they're sweaty, it's night, it's hot, they haven't had anything to drink for a long time) Then all the marks on the trees were different, so I don't know if it was supposed to be the same tree all along? Phee left the ax outside? And it's strange that Phee knew exactly what Tan had done without even seeing it, like removing those cameras' views, or pulling the wire - how did he know it was Tan? I don't know. It was all so strange 🤔 As if… several things were happening at once, several independent revenges? Multiple agendas? Unexpected alliances? Hm. Whatever! No thinking, only vibing 🥳
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Por and Top were wounded in the same place 🙂
I don't know if it's a fuck up of the people responsible for the costumes, or it's someone else, but the masked killer attacking Tee and Tan had different clothes underneath than Top.
Of course, I can't help but write how much I love Tan, how much I can't get enough of him, how Mio plays him, shows his facial expression, I'm absolutely crazy about him. Look at him sitting on a throne of lies, manipulation and the corpses of his family's enemies. Look at my son and despair 😍! I thought Por's death wasn't in the plan, and it turns out I was wrong. And you know what, I'm cool with being wrong hehe. There are so few characters like this that I clung to him like a child to its mother's skirt. He reminds me of Charn from Laws of Attraction, Kang Yo Han from The Devil Judge, or MLs from Beyond Evil, I love all of them, so Tan also has my heart and devotion.
Watching DFF is an amazing experience. I'm just having total, pure fun, I feel giddy, the show keeps me on the edge of my seat and on my toes. Not a second is wasted, each character is used to its full potential (even Top lol). I was recently talking to a friend about TV series and he told me that lately, every series he watches, he watches and scrolls on his phone at the same time. Well, what can I say, rel. DFF is a series that has my 100% attention 😤
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iicloudyiiddyy · 1 year
I have a request to make.
what would it be like if yandere mitsuri and yandere shinobu were competing for the same darling?
please and thank you!
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Cʀᴇᴅɪᴛs ᴛᴏ @cafekitsune! ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ I ᴅᴏ ᴡɪᴛʜᴏᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ? ♡︎
I LOVE putting out my thoughts and opinions on Yan! So thank you to the delightful Anon who sent me the request! To this, my first original thought when I read this was along the lines of ok..you’re going to have the worst yandere hashira ( “ᴡʜɪᴄʜ ʜᴀsʜɪʀᴀ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʙᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏʀsᴛ ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ?“) fighting with the best yandere hashira. Then I realized that Shinobu would very much bring out the worst sides in Mitsuri. Shinobu plays dirty. She doesn’t care who she hurts or how she does it as long as she has you. She’s manipulative and good at it. She has no qualms about it and she is aware of this. What makes her so dangerous is that fact that she knows how awful she is. She knows what she’s doing and doesn’t dilute herself into thinking that she’s innocent or that it’s not at all what she’s doing like Mitsuri or Rengoku would. Mitsuri like I said would be confused and in complete denial that she is the cause of your agony and despair: “Me? The problem? Why that’s just ridiculous! (ᗒᗣᗕ) She would use the same guilt tripping tactic that Shinobu majors on. “ How could you say that? All I do is show my love and affection and you treat me like this!” For how it would be like it…I have nothing but pity man, you were screwed the minute at least one of them rested their eyes on you. It would be pure whiplash on now Shinobu would charm you and braid your hair to insulting and dragging Mitsuri’s name through the mud. Each would boost each other up while spitting on the others name : “ Oh! Mitsuri did that..? Hm! I can tell. One can recognize her tacky handwork a mike away! Here! Let me fix it! I promise it’ll be a lot better than whatever this is..” I imagine that Shinobu and Mitsuri could once be friends though, with you on their minds all they want to do is ring each others neck. Mitsuri would try to buy you over with affection and treats. Shinobu would sabotage others to get you to be with her. If you were in the corps things would be easy to manipulate to get you to be with them, missions health and free time were all things that they could barge into however if you were a civilian it would be much harder as they also are busy, you are on their mind constantly and they have to see you at least every other day! so because of that they would either have to confront you. They would stalk your schedules watch where you go and what you like and then strike up a conversation with you to get close. They most likely know that the other person is doing that as well so they will try their absolute hardest to make sure that you only see them and only them The tension in the air would be so strong it could spark a fire. You are theirs and they won’t give you up to some wrench that doesn’t know how to keep their hoofs off other peoples property . over all a 5/10, they won’t get drastic until things get hectic. as long as you keep them calm they won’t go feral. Shinobu would be more calculated and take into account how you would react to such things and how it would do no good for her to scare you off yet I think Mitsuri would be more..impulsive
She has your best intentions in mind! (Not really) but she can get so carried away with swatting shinobu off you and making sure that she stays away from you that she misses your horrified expression..
she would make you forget with her homemade strawberry mochi though!
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ᴛʜᴀᴛ’s ᴀʟʟ I ʜᴀᴠᴇ ғᴏʀ ᴛʜɪs ᴘᴏsᴛ! ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ ɪғ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ғʀᴇᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴀsᴋ ғᴏʀ ᴀ ᴘᴀʀᴛ 2 ɪ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ʟᴏᴛ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛs ᴛʀᴀᴘᴘᴇᴅ ɪɴsɪᴅᴇ ᴍʏ ᴍɪɴᴅ sᴏ ɪᴛɴᴡᴏᴜᴋᴅ ʙᴇ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ ᴛᴏ ɢᴇᴛ ᴛʜᴇᴍ ᴏᴜᴛ... THANK YOU TO THE ANON THAT REQUESTED, ITS ALWAYS A JOY TO WRITE! HAVE A GOOD DAY
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girlsinaband · 10 days
the girls in a band masterlist
here is my attempt to create a complete record of comics, shows, and movies about girls that are in a band. migrated from a cohost post. i have personally seen or read all of these. i have also added editorialization with my opinions of them. each section is vaguely in a "most-to-least liked" order, but i tried not to think about it too hard.
my criteria is vague and ephemeral. but generally it is along the lines of: there is at least one girl, and preferably at least two, performing with a physical instrument of any kind with a group of people. purely idol groups dont count for this. also see: The Formula
we are lady parts: the only non anime entry in this section of the list, surprisingly! but a pinnacle of the form. i LOVE this show, it's incredible. and only twelve ~20 minute episodes total! the canonical girls in a band television show. it's funny, it's heartfelt, it's got hella band content. it's about a UK muslin girlpunk band trying to recruit an insanely anxious guitar player into their band while navigating family and relationships, like you do. this is one of my favorite early scenes in case you want more convincing: https://youtu.be/tzAGqmdOBzE
sound euphonium: this time, its a wind ensemble! the sports anime of girls in a band. incredible yuri. the first season is about Competition (guys we gotta rehearse real good and try and get past the prefectural competition!). and then the second season is about Trauma (band-wise, family-wise, relationship-wise, and more!). an adaptation of a bunch of light novels that are unfortunately mostly not translated into english (or not translated very well)
girls band cry: a truly fantastic show. as you can tell from the name, it knows exactly what its about. girl moves to tokyo to escape her family and then gets swept off her feet by an ex-member of a band she likes. this one is mostly about girls being pieces of shit. basically all of the characters are kinda a dick in a fun way, and it makes for great storytelling. going in, the main girl is sorta setting up to be a cute and demure, but it turns out she's a huge asshole to everyone around her. the band (togenashi togeari) is also a real life band that is performed by the voice actresses, and has great music and a 10-song album already! their music is very good. also the show is cg animation but it REALLY goes wild with it and makes the characters super expressive. literally no caveats on the style here like you normally get with cg, it's fantastic animation
bocchi the rock (adaptation of the comic): you've probably heard about this one. girl so anxious her animation is constantly melting gets roped into joining a band. takes the sorta ok 4koma and goes crazy with the adaptation, making use of animation to elevate the sorta basic 4koma gags into full-ass comedy scenes. awesome performances and music.
scott pilgrim takes off: reimagining of the scott pilgrim comic. even more great band content. it's good
k-on (adaptation): pure fluff girls in a band. very cute. kinda like spooning sugar directly into your mouth. it's fun. i wouldn't call it "plotless" but it's basically just about having fun with your friends in a band. oh my god as im writing this i just remembered this is an adaptation of a 4koma that i havent read yet, so i need to do that i have done this now
bang dream its mygo: yep, it's a bang dream! i havent played the gatcha games, but this is a perfectly good standalone show. sticks to the girls in a band formula. stop me if you've heard this one before: a girl wants to form a band, and tries to rope an anxious girl into joining. the cg animation is pretty good in my opinion, but it's still definitely that kind of thing where you might have to get over it
jellyfish can't swim in the night: this more or less slides into this list on technicalities (they have a guitar player and a pianist! and...a producer! and also an artist. they also do perform on a stage. thats a band, right? probably). an artist, who became disillusioned with drawing when her middle school friends mocked a drawing she was proud of, is swept off her feet by an ex-idol (sound familiar?) that's in love with that art piece she is now ashamed of. they form essentially an online artist collective, producing music and music videos with artist girl's art and ex-idol girl's singing. it's about being a Creator online and dealing with all that entails (online identities, shitty randos). the characters all have some Trauma from their respective middle school experiences, and they are working through it. the show started out very strong, but fell apart in the second half and now that it's finished i dont really recommend watching it. very unfortunate
carole and tuesday: directed by the cowboy bebop guy! very up and down. two girls living on Future Mars playing guitar and keyboard form a duo together. the first half was pretty good! it's about them forming their group and gradually getting more famous. the second half is horrible and has insane stupid liberal politics. (what if trump wasn't actually a bad guy he was just being blackmailed by an evil ai or some shit like that. ive pushed it out of my mind. just watch the first half if you want to see it)
whisper me a love song (adaptation): this sure is an adaptation of the manga! i think the manga is only ok and this adaptation is pretty cheap and brings nothing new to the table. also still airing at the time of writing so this adaptation just kinda ground to a halt with like 3 episodes left to go and there's no sign of it continuing to air. weird. it still wasnt very good
bang dream: yep, it's a bang dream! this is the only anime on this list i actively made the decision to stop watching because i hated it so much. i finished season 1, but then season 2 had awful cg and made it clear that i was missing things from not having played the gatcha. don't bother with this and watch mygo instead if you want an actual television show
linda linda linda: my favorite movie and one of my favorite things ever. after a girl band lost two members before their big school festival performance, they ask the first girl they see to join their band as a vocalist, who happens to be a korean exchange student who doesn't speak much japanese. teenage shenanigans ensue as they scramble to figure out their new performance in just a few days. the story is portrayed in a kinda dreamy, meandering way, and is very much about high school girls being high school girls. they know they need to do something important but they keep getting distracted by other things in their lives
liz and the blue bird: my second favorite movie and also one of my favorite things ever. a spinoff of sound euphonium, set after the events of the first two seasons of the show, but very much a standalone thing that can be watched in isolation. two girls (a flutist and an oboist) are playing a duet in this year's show, but a fallout in their relationship in the years prior is still interfering with their performance. they need to resolve their differences and their love and their futures in order to ensure the success of the entire ensemble in the competition. everything about it is gorgeous. i don't know what else to say. a movie where just watching a performance can make you cry
swing girls: movie about teenage chaos. a brass band is going to perform in a baseball game. but then basically everyone gets sick. so they need to try and put together a new band! i gotta rewatch this one it's been a while my memory is hazy
sound euphonium our promise a brand new day (sequel): and now the direct sequel to season 2 of the anime! this is definitely not a standalone thing. remember liz and the blue bird? this takes place during that same year! you get to see the full performance of that piece! but this time it's about the girls from the show and in the show's art style
the runaways: kristen stewart plays joan jett in this one and she's so hot that it basically has ruined my ability to have any coherent thoughts about the movie. if that sounds like a pitch to you then you should watch it
k-on (sequel): sequel to the anime! the girls take a trip to london. not really a standalone thing but i guess you could watch it on its own if you really wanted to. just a great compression of the fun of the show into movie form. girls having a good time
scott pilgrim vs the world (adaptation): you already know this one. i like the story of the comic more but the character performances are great
josie and the pussycats: goofy in that disney channel movie kinda way. the government is secretly trying to use subliminal messaging in music to mind control people into buying things. and the girls' band is brought into this evil world. and only they can stop it....
we are the best: swedish film about some 13 year old girls trying to form a punk band even though they don't actually know how to play any instruments. it's fine! definitely girls in a band but it didn't do much for me
jem and the holograms: i really wanted to find a contrarian viewpoint on this movie to be like "everyone says its bad but i dunno i think its fun!" but no, it just is actually bad. four sisters rocket to fame after uploading one of the sisters singing to youtube. and also there is...a....robot? made by one of the girls' father, that uhhh beatboxes and leads them on a scavenger hunt? i only watched this like four days ago and it's already rolling off my mind. dumb in the "bad disney channel original movie" way (unlike josie and the pussycats which has a goofy camp charm going for it)
how do we relationship: yuri about two college students who are in their school's band club. more focused on their relationship than the bands, but there still is a lot of band content and performances
scott pilgrim: what more can be said
bocchi the rock gaiden: hiroi kikuri no fukazake nikki: the better version of the bocchi the rock comic, since it's not a 4koma. follows a mostly drunken hiroi around, which is something we all want and need
k-on: a great 4koma! unlike the bocchi manga, this really stands on its own as a well-done comic beyond the (also excellent) adaptation. sticks to the format really well and has some truly hilarious gags that i think would only work in 4koma form. lots of fun. also holy hell mugi is really gay in it. im glad the high school sequel comic gave ui and azusa got their own volume to be in the spotlight, they deserve it
beat & motion: wow, jellyfish can't swim in the night really is just doing the same plot as this, huh. and it makes it into this list on an even more tenuous technicality than jellyfish did. an artist, who became disillusioned with drawing when her his middle school friends mocked a drawing she he was proud of, is swept off her feet by a ex-idol musician he's a fan of that's in love with that art piece she is now ashamed of an animation he posted online. this is DEFINITELY "boys in a band". and its KINDA "girls in a band"? im allowing this in the list because it's absolutely got the vibes and two women do play instruments together in it like once or twice. i am enjoying it so far, curious to see where it goes
nana: i stopped reading this after 9 volumes (out of 21) because it got kinda bad and boring. but i enjoyed everything before that! and there is also an anime adaptation and two live action movies i need to watch. two girls named nana, one of whom is/used to be in a band run into each other randomly and end up living together. sort of in the "how do we relationship genre" of girls in a band where it's more about the relationships inside and out of the band. but nana is very much in the band and performs a lot! this is the most heterosexual yuri ive ever seen. they say the most romantic things about each other and talk about kissing all the time and then will be like "damn all this romantic talk about my roommate is really making me hanker for a boyfriend"
whisper me a love song: bloom into you-kind yuri about one of the girls falling in love with the other girl's performance in a band. very basic yuri stuff
bocchi the rock: the manga that spawned the anime! it's a 4koma. and believe it or not, it's not actually very good. the anime did a lot to tighten up the jokes and storytelling
k-on shuffle: it's k-on again! but with different girls. as of writing only one volume is out. it's...fine! i dont care about the characters as much as the original show which is a pretty big knock against it
hello melancholic: also yuri, but didn't leave as much of an impression on me. girl gets pressured into joining a band because she's too gay to say no
kuuden noise no himegimi / kuuden no himegimi: less explicitly yuri, but, you know, girls. also didn't leave too much of an impression on me. guitar girl with an ex-rocker dad meets a girl with a beautiful singing voice. and then joins a band with some of her dad's rocker buddies, then tries to get singer girl to join. its kinda slow and very elemental to this genre in the sense that its mostly just people talking about the band and band related things (practicing, how hard it is to compose music, etc). also one of the few of these that lets its band be properly bad and disliked by people
things that I will add once i read/watch them:
shiori experience
super sonico
show by rock
her smell
miss granny
and that's all i got! let me know what ive missed. i (obviously) love this genre so i'll consume most anything in it
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stephaniebrownslover · 10 months
Annual Duck Competitions With Pastas And Tons Of Other Shit[Crack]—Part 1
I know I'm not funny but please act like I'm sooo funny because I need motivation to continue.
Also I know they're out of character and sorry for that but it's my first time to writing a crack creepypasta fic.
Let me know about your opinions and ideas!
It was a typical summer day. A heat that constantly overwhelmed people as if it wanted to melt them, a bright sun that wanted to share its joy with the world, flies that kept buzzing around and more. In summary, the residents of Slender Mansion were living an ordinary day of summer.
Jeff was just lying on the couch with no purpose, while he was kicking and pushing Ben, who was trying to play a game. Or rather, he was constantly throwing his foot towards Ben, but he was only getting increasingly angry because he couldn't get any reaction from Ben since he was used to Jeff's endless nonsense. 
Clockwork, Nina and Toby, who were as bored as Jeff in another corner of the same communal living room, were talking about a serious discussion about why it was believed that babies were brought by storks.
Because of the environment's being quiet noisy, Helen and Liu were sitting in front of the long windows where the hall on the ground floor opens to the garden. They were sharing their opinions about the Pulp Fiction movie, the last Quentin Tarantino movie they had watched. 
At a moment when no one expected, Clockwork's, who was hanging upside down from the seat, and Jeff's, who was trying to put his foot in Ben's mouth, eyes met. Two close friends, who were quite bored with the aimless situation they were in, shook their heads, almost reading each other's minds.
"Hey, fuckin' elf, stop eating my foot, I need to piss."
"Hope you'll die, you jerk!"
"But you'll miss me."
When Jeff finally managed to free his foot from between Ben's baby hands, Clockwork also told her own excuse.
"Hey look, a stork beating a crab!"
"Somebody help them!"
"I-it's not real, Nina, s-he's just try-ing to di-ditch us."
And Clockwork, who had managed to slip out of the way while those two were talking, walked towards to Jeff, who was making strange hand signs to her from the corner of the hallway. He was looking so stupid that she wanted to throw a punch to Jeff's face.
A friendly punch, of course.
"The fuck are you doing?"
Jeff, raising his left hand in the air, signaled Clockwork to stop. He seemed very excited and it was very obvious that he did not want to be interrupted.
"No need for shitty talk, we're here to talk business." 
Clockwork tied her sleeves together and put on a sarcastic expression.
"Get your head out of your ass, you don't have the capacity to sell drugs."
"The other business."
"Oh, right."
Jeff began to walk slowly here and there in the rather long corridor, it was dark unlike the other rooms. He had a very serious expression when he was constantly pacing, as if he needed to tell someone about a problem that he couldn't talk about. 
It was like he was going to make the biggest decision of his life.
"We must tell the others."
Clockwork spoke using an extremely soft tone of voice. She also knew that this was an extremely important situation and she didn't want to mess things up. This could be one of the biggest tasks that they shouldn't mess up; maybe even the biggest task they've ever undertaken in their lives before.
“No! I mean, no. It's too risky."
Jeff suddenly stopped walking where he was and began to look at Clockwork's face with a scared expression.
"There is no way, Jeff, if we want success in this task, then others must know!"
"There must be some other way!"
"There isn't!"
Jeff, who bent his head to the ground to avoid eye contact, muttered in a fearful way.
"What about the thing we talked earlier?"
"We can't, we've already talked the reasons!"
"We have to try!"
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?"
Neither Jeff nor Clockwork noticed Masky sneaking up behind them because they were both too busy yelling at each other.
Completely no different from a child who had been caught, the two murderers were looking at the proxy that entered the room. Masky, whose porcelain mask was surrounded by filth, was watching them as if waiting for an answer.
Damn it, they made too much noise, and their plans were ruined by their stupid moves, and the stupid Masky would immediately-
"Masky! Just the man I wanted to see!"
Ignoring Jeff, who extended his hand to shake hands with him, Masky walked to the Clockwork in calm but eerie silence. It was a fairly common reality for those staying at the mansion that Masky didn't have many loving thoughts for Clockwork.
He saluted with the same menacing air.
Clockwork, who received the greeting, was nervous like a cat who had seen water, there was no trace of her relaxed mood just a little earlier.
Annoyed that his hand was in the air while an uncomfortable silence was forming between them, Jeff lowered his hand in the hope that his foolish behavior had not been noticed. 
Jeff felt uneasy while Masky and Clockwork were busy threatening each other without needing to use words. He wanted to break this silence.
"Can you keep a secret, mysterious-masked-face?"
Masky's one eyebrow was raised in the air, questioning what he had fallen into. Keeping a secret from his master would definitely not even be the last thing he would do, but in order to find out their secret, he had to gain their trust first. He wasn't sure about the girl, but he was aware that the idiot called Jeff and he knew his mouth wasn't too tight.
This was going to be as easy as gambling with a baby.
"No, Jeff, that wasn't in the plan!"
While Clockwork was shouting with an angry expression, Jeff placed his hand on her shoulder in a reassuring manner to calm her down.
"Relax and trust me, Clocky, everything is under my control."
"If you screw this up, consider yourself dead, fucker."
Masky, who could not stand this nonsense any longer, impatiently tapped his foot on the floor.
"Spill it out."
Wearing a sincere smile, Jeff dramatically raised his hand in the air and spoke using an extremely serious sen tone.
"Tell me, Masky, have you ever wanted to be rich?"
Other parts
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pianocat939 · 1 year
Yan Northern Midwestern Donnie and Yan Southerner Leo fighting Over y/n just sounds hilarious and I love it 😂
Tw: Leo guilt-trips- I think that's about it
Ok imagine this: (and yes I'm sorry this will be mostly stereotypical)
You're just a person who just moved into a middle region state and you know just trying to live a life-
And then you see some turtle dude leaning against this truck smirking and he speaks, "Howdy neighbour, you new here? Well nice to meet you, I'm Leo. What's your name sugar~?"
And you tell him your name and kinda want to focus on other things but bro just keeps talking and then he's like "Ooh, I just got my peach cobbler done, I'll be happy to share it with you neighbour~!" So he goes inside his house to get the dessert meanwhile you notice on your other side another neighbour, also a turtle except he's got a skeptical expression. (idk but where I live people are like introverted af until they become friends- then they're like buddy buddy)
You kinda stare at him for a second before looking away and then he asks, "Are you new?"
[insert response]
"Huh. Stay away from him, that unmannerly southerner will you do no good except constantly asking for your company and asking if you wanna drink beer with him."
And just like that he's entering his house-
Then Leo's already slinging an arm around your shoulder and asking if you wanna drink beer with him while sharing the peach cobbler.
So basically from that day on Leo's constantly going over to your house, hell, he sits on your porch waiting for you as if you're really close. He isn't a bad cook though the times you eat his food.
And you've found out more about your neighbour who you've come to know as Donatello- or Donnie as Leo likes to say. In Leo's opinion he seems to be an anti-social angsty man who has a biased hate for southerners.
But he isn't unpleasant to you in anyway- and the rare moments he does talk to you he's polite and calm. It is funny when he bashes on Leo though.
Ok so when it's winter, Leo's literally a whiny brat and asking if you could snuggle up with him in one single blanket because "I help you keep cool in the summer, so won't you spare me some empathy~?"
You are friends so you comply, but you make sure you're on opposite sides of the blanket so you aren't touching shoulders as Leo would have hoped. Meanwhile, while it's pitch black and you can't see anything outside, (unless if you turned on the lights ofc) the snow on your driveway is getting shoveled away by none other than Donnie himself. (listen- idk about you guys but shoveling snow is heavy af- but then again I rarely do it lmao)
And when he's done he stands there for a second, watching Leo trying to get closer like a clingy mf and he instantly gets pissy and gets back in his home, imagining murdering Leo in his mind.
The next morning, you notice your driveway is shoveled and you're confused but grateful- and to your biggest surprise, Donnie asks if you wanna eat Schwarzwälder (german chocolate cake) bcs he's got a lot left over.
And soon enough Donnie also becomes a good friend of yours, and does little things for you and it helps your life a lot. He constantly bashes on Leo and southerners, you would think it's almost a daily ritual.
He has a weird and perhaps grotesque thing of eating Jam and cheese together- and he seems to love it. (NOT AMERICAN CHEESE- GOUDA CHEESE OR SOMETHING LESS STRONG)
Soon enough you notice Leo getting more annoyed when you say you can't hang out with him because you planned something with Donnie and-
I'm gonna stop here lmao maybe next time will I write the yan stuff haha
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v-anrouge · 3 months
ik you said brutally honest but just tell me if this is mean cuz i dont wanna just ignore you
one of the biggest problems i think is how often you vague post about people/posts. ik its an easy way to get your opinion off your chest but a couple times the posts make moots feel anxious you could refer to them. also i find that just ignoring and/or blocking the person is more helpful/healthy than publicly responding
First of all not mean at all and thanks a lot for not just ignoring me /srs
and yeah this hour i spent talking to my friend we were talking about my constant negative behavior, im pretty sure it's from bpd so it's gonna be a bit hard for me to change but i still really want to, she told me i tend to hate things too much and too easily and lately ive been voicing it everytime something displeases me (this following part she didn't say but i am aware) and that makes unpleasant to talk to because sometimes you just want to have a good time and no one likes a guy whos constantly ruining the mood. i also tend to have a lot of prejudice towards some things and tastes and hobbies and it just comes off as rude and mean and controlling
i am really unsure what i need to do to change that part of me, im thinking of exploring more things i love and focusing on expressing my passion for it instead of ranting and complaining and whining constantly like i used to do back in the glory days (aka the days my followers felt comfortable on my page) i also think i need to start consuming more things like series and cartoons or anime im just unsure where to start especially with the limited access i have (currently only have youtube on tv and my phone which i planned to use to play/draw while i consume said media) but il figure something out. I'm also gonna try to get closer to ppl irl so that ill have less time to my head because i think a big problem is my disorder talks over me and im just letting it do what it wants instead of trying to reign it in
also yes im a toxic person the way i vague post i honestly feel bad about it later but i just idk never tried to stop it either im gonna stop doing that i don't want any more ppl to hate me
i uhm still don't know how to start to recover or what exercises to do to be more positive and be annoyed less easily so uhm if anyone has any tips id appreciate it
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