#constantine x king shark
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It’s been a couple years and i still Can’t believe DC made constantine x king shark canon? Like WOW! 🥺 thank you so much 🥺
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In season 3 episode 5 of HBO’s Harley Quinn, Constantine is wearing an “I Tanked the Shark” t-shirt (passed out after the drinking contest) that... CAN’T be a coincidence, right? 👀
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notfeelingthyaster · 7 months
marvel lgbtqia+: as happy as possible, colorful, married/stable dating, powerful, half of the new generation, shapeshifters, the fucking king of the fucking space, gods
dc lgbtqia+: clone-obsessed, high school dropout, traumatized, have guns, no therapy, dating sharks, crazy villain lesbians
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echosdaffodil · 8 months
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(Not only Queer DC Fans tbh also a lot of straight people who are homophobe but for whatever reason i've seen so many queer people hate on him. Everytime. Mostly when he gets a DC pride storyline.)
Also the people who treat him like his poltitcs are unimportant to his character and mischaracterise him with "Oh yes he's going to be a good father for super child xy" are on my watch list. Like he's canonically an alcoholic and got his one son who was already traumtised to kill a person. Thats the person you want to be a father for people? The one who got Timothy Hunter almost eaten alive by cannibals??? Be serious. I dont apologise him for his actions, he's literally meant to be a shit, i still hold him accountable and reflect on his actions. His main DC characterisation is flawed and brings me so much pain when it was so perfect within parts of his original run.
I really needed to get this rent out of my system.
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gothamrumours · 4 months
Shark and Exorcist
To the people of Gotham, there are some freaky couples but I must say I've never expected to hear about how John Constantine dated King Shark. Which I would've never expected, monster fucking who.
It's not the most uncommon to date meta-humans here in Gotham, but I this one is a bit surprising since I didn't think King Shark dated humans, but we all learn something new every day It's quite adorable that our British Exorcist dated King Shark. Honestly, it's right up his alleyway among many others. Like his dated Zatanna, Nick Necro, Lucifer, and more....wow, he gets around a bunch. But anyway, this relationship was clearly more hidden at first since NO ONE knew about it until they broke up, so it's possible it was a short one, but part of me doubts that. Since Constantine is normally more out with his lovers.
Your Loyal Journalists,
Gotham Rumors
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letzoespoilyou · 1 year
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My Monster ship is King Shark X Constantine!
Thank you Justice League Dark: Apokolips War
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luckyshinyhunter · 5 days
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👑🐟King Shark, Mi Amor!🐟👑
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artfulusername · 9 months
You know what I'm going to do? I've gotten to a fun point in this ficlet (okay, it's going to be longer than that). I'm going to go ahead and post Part One of this unnamed thing.
Title TBD
John Constantine felt like a proper idiot standing outside of Nanaue’s favorite sushi place. He had a large tray in hand and realized that he had no idea where his ex was staying these days. King Shark rarely strayed from Hawai’i of late, but there was still more ground and ocean to cover than he’d considered in his haste to see if there was something to Dream’s nonsense.
The King of Stories could have just as soon been making the whole thing up to get rid of an inconvenient third wheel. John wouldn’t put it past him. So, there he was. Wishing he could smoke and cursing his cousin’s name for rendering him unable to do so. Instead, he rolled the toothpick around with his tongue and held the tray one-handed so he could fish his phone out from his pocket.
He scrolled through the local news. Maybe there was a pattern of missing persons. Nanaue wasn’t as prolific with his meals as he had once been, but maybe there was a trail he could follow. Perhaps he should have been more focused on the area around him. Maybe then he wouldn’t have been so fucking startled when a hand clamped around his bicep, jostling the sushi for a moment before John balanced it properly again.
Great. He was getting jumped or kidnapped. His usual bloody luck. Why had he come to Hawai’i again?
His fingers tightened around the edge of the tray, the plastic digging uncomfortably into the pads of his fingertips. “Oi! What’s this all about?” He turned his head to look at whoever had snagged his arm. His gaze met a well-muscled chest in a tight black t-shirt. And then it lifted. Ah. Shark tattoo on his throat. That was certainly a sign.
By the time his eyes met his assailant’s through dark sunglasses, a leaden weight sank in his stomach like an anchor. “Boss wants to see you,” came the rumbled answer to his question. At least his ex had good taste in minions. If he lived past walking through the front door, he’d say as much.
“Well, isn’t this a coincidence? I came here to see him. Got an offering and all.” He lifted the tray as much as he was able. “Take me to your leader.”
Not even a smile.
John was still amused even as he found himself unceremoniously shoved in the back of a cushy black SUV. If he was being driven to his doom, at least he was going out in style flanked by a pair of men who’d put half of the Justice League to shame. There were certainly worse fates.
“Is it going to be a long drive? Sushi doesn’t keep well. Hadn’t really thought beyond getting it. Probably should’ve sorted out my destination first.” Drumming his fingers atop the plastic to fill the silence in the car, he swallowed past the lump in his throat. Sure. He had options. He could reach into his coat and pull out all manner of tricks to get himself out of this situation. But he had to try first.
He rested a hand on the tray, holding it steady. The other hand lifts just a few inches in the air. Not too fast. Nice and slow. He didn't want to unsettle his escorts. Still, the silence was suffocating. Something had to be done. 
With a flick of his wrist, the radio leapt to life. Taylor Swift. What the fuck did he do to deserve a Swifting?
"I say 'I hate you,' we break up, you call me, 'I love you.'"
"Not a good omen," he muttered and flicked his wrist again. The station shifted. He'd accept the instrumental solo from Kansas' "Carry On My Wayward Son." It felt kinder. No less ominous, but at least it felt like something he could work with.
The driver and the guy riding shotgun exchanged baffled looks, but at least the radio stayed on. Thank goodness for small victories. John drummed his fingers on the tray's plastic covering. “Are we there yet?”
Yeah. He earned the press of a gun's barrel in his ribs. Fair play. No one liked hearing that question. “I'll take that as a ‘maybe?’” The gun dug a little more deeply into his side. That was going to leave a mark if they weren't careful.
The driver looked at the gun-toting goon in the rearview mirror. At least that's what John assumed from the glance. “Boss wants him intact. For now, at least.”
With a grumble, the gun-toting goon lowered his weapon. It rested meaningfully on his lap instead. At least his chances of being shot if they hit a bump had lowered. John appreciated the adjustment of the odds in his favor, however slight the tweak had been.
Look. With the way his day was going, he was going to take whatever he could get. The flight had been crap and then it had taken him forever to find some place selling the right kind of sushi. Getting shot would just be the icing on this shit cake.
He let out a breath and let the classic rock wash over him. At least he didn't have to wait too much longer. The car pulled into a parking lot and the goons pushed him out of the car. He held tightly to the tray, pleasantly surprised that it wasn't too jostled.
Everything looked just the way it did when he took it out of the restaurant. Sure, it probably wasn't going to put him back in Nanaue's good graces. But, hey, he could at least give it a shot. At the very least they could enjoy some fine fight before everything went to shit.
Honestly? John wasn't sure what to expect. It had been some time since he'd been around here. It looked like his ex was doing fairly good for himself. The building was nice. Big windows. It wouldn't have been his first choice, but he didn't blame Nanaue wanting to take advantage of the view.
It certainly was gorgeous. Lots of lush vegetation to enjoy. He tried not to gape as the goons walked him into the building. At the center of the building was, predictably, a multi-story aquarium. Filled with colorful fish, it was certainly an eye-catching centerpiece. 
A goon elbowed him to get his attention. “Right. Yes. Nice digs you have here. I'll have to give your boss my compliments.” He offered a crooked grin. It was not returned.
They wound their way through the open, finely-furnished space. John felt every hour of his flights in economy. He could have sprung for business class, but it likely wouldn't have helped much for the level of grime he felt clinging to him. At the very least he could have showered before sushi hunting.
Foresight was not always his strong suit.
It was too late to do a sniff check now. At least he had the sushi going for him. Little good it would likely do considering how he left things. Maybe he should have gotten two trays. Or three. Or maybe something else entirely.
Nanaue wasn't looking his way as they approached. He was staring out of one of the large windows at the frankly breathtaking view of the ocean. Yeah. That explained why he picked the building. From what he could tell, it looked like there was even an easy route down to the beach. His ex had good taste in real estate even if his taste in men was a bit crap.
“You definitely have balls to show your face around here.” The rumble of Nanaue's voice always hit John like an ocean wave, leaving him weak-kneed and inwardly flailing.
He couldn't help himself. “You'd know.” Clearing his throat, he decided a clarification was in order .”About my balls, that is.” It wasn't his best choice. He saw that now.
Nanaue's head dipped. Whether it was in disappointment or amusement was hard to tell. Things could go either way. He offered no additional response. John could accept leaving him speechless.
“I brought sushi? The place has a 5-star rating on Yelp.” Yes, he checked reviews. He still felt a little weird about it. “Looks like it's a favorite of locals. That must mean it's quality.”
“You never really gave a shit about sushi before.” There was amusement in Nanaue's voice. “Why start now?”
That was a good question. It was one he should have anticipated. A smarter man would have had something smooth prepared. All John could manage was, “Because you like sushi?”
Nanaue finally turned and made a sharp gesture at John's escorts. John braced himself. Any moment, he'd be riddled with bullets. It just felt like a getting shot kind of moment.
And then he wasn't shot.
And then they were alone.
John held the tray up as an offering. “Sushi?”
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Watching the first episode of the new season of Harley Quinn.
And I do think it’s sweet the King Shark (the best character) is going to be a father…
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croutonconfidential · 2 years
people be saying john Constantine x king shark
king shark/ john Constantine
but yall dont even realize you could be calling this ship king john
shame on you for shame
yall be sleeping on missed opportunity
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johnconny · 2 years
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Bite me, my love
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fire-fira · 7 months
I randomly stumbled across this, and ngl it screams John Constantine/King Shark to me.
You're welcome. lol
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I finally got to watch Harley Quinn S4 and now that we know King Shark's relationship with his wife/babymama is "mostly platonic" there's room for King Shark/Constantine.
I want to see it in S5!
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marsrize · 2 years
Adrien son of John Constantine and King Shark.
I had this crazy idea, and now I can't get rid of it. So I decided that everyone would suffer with me.
Here's the idea: What if Adrien was the son of John Constantine and King Shark?
Constantine and Nanaue (King Shark) have more of a "friends with benefits" relationship. They are not exactly together. One day, they bump into each other and as usual they have their fun together. However, this time John accidentally casts a fertility spell.
They split up again.
The story should have ended there. Only, a few weeks later, Nanaue felt strange. He found himself with a fever and a lot of stomachache. The time passed and he felt more and more strange. He already had a monstrous diet before, but now it only got worse. His desire to eat had almost tripled.
What makes him feel even stranger is that he craves food that he didn't care for before, such as normal human food. And above all... He wanted to eat vegetables... He was going crazy, right?
He began to steal food from several restaurants on the seaside.
This was not all. He felt less fast, more quickly tired. He felt like he was always in a bad mood. The only thing Nanaue wanted was to be left alone in his underwater cave. Even the presence of fish around him (which was normal at the bottom of the ocean) irritated him to no end.
After about 7 months, he realized that his belly was much bigger than before. And above all, he felt something move in his stomach. It was at that moment that Nanaue knew exactly what was happening to him.
As crazy as it may sound, he was expecting a pup.
The idea of having an heir/heiress bothered him to no end. He wasn't really a father figure. He was a shark, not a stupid human. Nanaue didn't care why or how this happened. The fact was that he was expecting a cub. End of story.
He decided to wait. He had nothing else to do anyway.
Months later, Nanaue gave birth to a ................... He had absolutely no idea what this thing was. However, this... thing?... had golden hair and piercing green eyes. He stared at the thing, then realized that the whatever it was looked like John Constantine.
Nanaue finally found a solution to his problem.
 John was drinking in a bar. He didn't even really remember which one it was. He was just tired. Suddenly, he heard screams. People started running. He didn't move. He didn't care what was going on, he just wanted to finish his beer.
He felt a tap on his shoulder. John sighed, then turned around.
"Hmm.... Nanaue?"
The humanoid shark pressed what appeared to be a small boy against him. He hadn't noticed it at all. And then most importantly... WTF?!
"What the?!"
"He's yours. Not my problem anymore."
The shark then ran out of the bar, leaving the kid in John's arms.
John blinked several times, still in shock. Then he looked more closely at the kid in his arms.
A little blond boy with green eyes.
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My new dnd character! Brine Oceanhopper! She is the daughter of a royal wizard and a shark demigod. She left her underwater kingdom looking for adventure!
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(Yes her parents are a refence to John Constantine and King Shark)
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letzoespoilyou · 7 months
Why can't they just give us what we want and have the Constantine x King Shark ship in the comics. I don't care if it's how they got together or just them awkwardly having to do a mission after the break up or just them having a casual fling or FWB relationship but just some more content. God damn it I just want more of them!
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