Square Egg
84 posts
FtM cosplayer, he/him, kind of bad and memey. Follow me on insta as well, @witchydigit. I'm constantly tying to improve and be even more creative!
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witchydigit · 1 year ago
Oh, if only some wretched witch would curse me and turn me into some sort of abominable beast. Then, perhaps, I could be free of the ills that plague me; remedy myself on a feast of human flesh as I sow rampage and ruin in the wake of my tormented wandering.
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witchydigit · 2 years ago
-vibrating intensifies-
I will not elaborate
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witchydigit · 2 years ago
Okay, so I've been on mandated rest because I think I sprained my hand during practice, my knee could always use more rest, and now when I was supposed to start backy coworker gave me her kid's cold because she didn't want to mask at work. One of these days I'll actually get to return to my schedule, I stg 😭
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witchydigit · 2 years ago
Tfw you forget to check what's in a flavoring before downing a whole cup of it. Am I gonna regret it for a month, or is the heartburn just for chugging coffee?
Living with an apparently undiagnosable food reaction sucks, nobody can even tell me what to look out for, let alone can I remember it.
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witchydigit · 2 years ago
Hi, I'm back with more staff stuff! Maybe one day I'll make more photo content (I want to make a new costume and get the camera out so bad), but my time is limited so for now I'm just sharing some of the stuff I take while focusing on my practice. I'm excited to do more short choreography, really get a feel for how to incorporate my tricks into a full piece
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witchydigit · 2 years ago
I'm gonna buy myself a new, longer staff as reward for reaching my savings goals well before my move. I think the lever points will be at a better height, and will be more forgiving with the length, and it will help with some dance aspects that are a little extreme with a shorter staff. I'm just... bad at spending money, but also excited to be at a stage where I can justify purchasing a new prop and have solid reasoning behind it.
The leather grip wrap tho? That's just pure extravagance and me being a stubborn ass about synthetic materials (look, I'm worried about replacing grip tape with adhesives, what if it's gummy and won't come off and affects the balance or something). One thing at a time, though. Maybe I can test a braided corsage wrap once I have the new staff, see if it gives me rope burns like I'm expecting, lol!
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witchydigit · 2 years ago
Just a li'l staff practice at MomoCon. I need to work on my stage fright, and the only way to do that is actually practicing and performing in front of people. Bonus points if it's in my fave cosplay, right?
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witchydigit · 2 years ago
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You huddle closer to the fire, feeding it twigs to eke out its feeble life against the wind. And you know that you, too, will succumb to the cold. -Original Prose
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witchydigit · 2 years ago
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So I was taking some nice pictures when this Chad decided it was a good time to keep trying to flirt with me. After I gave him zero time of day and continued to direct my photographer. And yes, he is standing off camera of this pic and staring at me.
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witchydigit · 2 years ago
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I don't know what to post here any more, cuz I wanna keep my main blog free of cluttered reblogs. So here, have a hotel hed selfie with bedroom eyes ig
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witchydigit · 3 years ago
I... swear I didn't forget about this app. Totally... That's why I haven't been promoting my stuff here... Totally.
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witchydigit · 4 years ago
MSTTT Rainbow Roadtrip 🐴🌷🐍🐦🦎 
Is this a road trip episode, or is it a convention episode?
Featuring: 🐴 @secret-bowling-techniques 🐍 @fox-in-the-machine 🐦 @porkchizz 🦎 @witchydigit
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witchydigit · 5 years ago
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JUICE doesn't tend to to well because it's such an obscure cosplay, but I still adore my space boy, guys! Also I have a thing going one with his photos, stay tuned to figure out what 😏
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witchydigit · 5 years ago
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"New year, new me. I've streamlined my stress-eating by keeping snacks stashed just under my bed."
Okay, but seriously, I've just been mindlessly eating stocking chocolate ever since Christmas. I don't have anywhere else to put it but in a pile next to my desk, or in my stomach, lol! Do you guys binge holiday sweets, or do you save them until the next holiday so you have a steady stash of sweets?
#nitw #nightinthewoods #nitwcosplay #nightinthewoodscosplay #maeborowski #maeborowskicosplay #nitwmae #nitwmaecosplay #cosplay #cosplayer #malecosplayer #cosplayboy #ftmcosplayer #genderbendcosplay #genderbendmaeborowski
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witchydigit · 5 years ago
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"Peek-a-boo! I found you!"
📷: @corrosive.art .
If you look closely, you cam see where my makeup is starting to sweat off, because Florida heat sucks! But I guess it kind of adds to the grungy aesthetic. I guess.
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witchydigit · 5 years ago
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"Wanna come join me in the Shadow Realm?"
📷: spooky.kiddo.cos.v1 (Insta)
Those bedroom eyes may look sexy, but really it's just me trying not to pass the fuck out in the middle of this shoot. Lesson learned: it's perfectly okay to nap during a convention, don't let your fomo tell you otherwise!
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witchydigit · 5 years ago
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"I don't care what you think, as long as it's about me." -FoB
📷: scuba.ash(Insta)
Throwback, I realized there were some photos from this shoot that I never edited and posted. This is why, when my patreon launches, I'm offering the entire photo reel (bloopers, candids, and all), as one if the tiers! You'll be guaranteed to see all my content, plus some pretty embarrassing photos, lol! Also this is almost two harnesses ago, technically, since I'm working on a regular harness with my new design. My cosplay closet looks more like a BDSM closet at this point, with all the harnesses laying around!
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