#consensually and preferably from husk
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corpusdiem-seizethedead Ā· 5 months ago
Pentious: Ssssay, where'ssss Angel? I wanted to assssk him for advice on assssking sssomeone outā€¦
Husk: Uh-what? No, you really shouldn't.
Pentious: What? Why not?
Husk: Angel is a dumbass. He doesn't know shit about love.
Pentious: He's literally your boyfriend.
Husk: That's exactly how I know that.
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New fic idea šŸ’”šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆšŸ„ŗ
So um
Human!AU Trans!Alastor raised by Husk and Rosie to be strong and independent
Gets pregnant.
Whether from consensual or non consensual sex idk yet.
I'm currently a trans author who's ovulating and I don't EVER in a million years plan to have children. But ummm. Alastor can!
The main plot will be Valentino stepping up.
Because I want this to be Valastor, cause I want it! *stomps foot*
The real question is why does he wanna step up šŸ¤”į““į“¹
I have 3 options hwre
1) the baby is his and his parents would fucking kill him (in this case the sex is consensual) (OR the baby is Vox and Vox is like "Fuck that shit" and Valentino steps up attempting to make Vox jelly, and it works! But oops he's fallen in love!)
2) Alastor, a semi famous singer or dancer or something, being publicly shamed outside of a planned Parenthood after going there for a test. And Valentino whose mama did NOT raise him to stand back during an injustice, and is also famous but for his Casanova stage image in lots of sexy hot movies (both X rated and theatre approved. I'm making him an actor ;p), steps in and rescues him, maybe even punches a protestor or reporter or something. And um. They're all over the news about their apparent "affair" and how Alastor is another of Valentinos flings and Alastor is apparently such a whore now (even though this is his first scandal), and Valentino is like shit. I made it a looot worse than if I did nothing... So he vows to stay by Alastors side, at least until the birth, to try and make it smoother for him, like, shield the rumors (maybe the real baby daddy is some low level shit who took advantage of Al, and is tryna get popularity by being the one to get Al pregnant) and they ya know. Fall in love UwU
3) Alastor gets drugged, and left used in Valentinos bedroom at his college dorm/frat. And Valentino stumbles in drunk, gets in bed with him, and they wake up, naked, with hints of sex having happened. And so Valentino steps up when Alastor finds out he's pregnant- thinking it's his. UwU
And I'd just like to know which of these y'all would prefer to see!!!
Thank youuu
Other things involved but the main plot I'd also love ideas!!!!
In this I'm gonna keep my Rosie/Velvet and Husk/Angel ships where they're half their age and is their younger sugar babies but in this they're not seperate they're happily in an open marriage UwU
Ummm. That's non negotiable. UwU
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shootinwebs Ā· 10 months ago
( Content Notes: sexual abuse implied, parent death, child death )
Headcanon that, if someone actually asked Alastor about his sexuality directly, he would have no idea how to answer. Not even if someone explained what asexual means, and the scope of the ace spectrum.
He doesn't understand anything about his personal life, because he's never had the space or support to work out his trauma. His mom was that person for him, and she died when he was fifteen -- he had no one to talk to on Earth after that, about anything personal. She was the only person who could've helped him figure himself out.
Very similarly to Angel, because of experiences with sexual violence, he has a hard time being able to tell when he actually wants to have sex with someone. For both him and Angel (except with Husk after some time), they can even say yes and go through the whole song and dance, before realizing later that they weren't entirely comfortable with it.
Angel did become someone Alastor talks to about sexual trauma and that cognitive dissonance, after one day when Angel accidentally sort of blew up at Alastor and told him and/or showed him something particularly gruesome about Valentino's abuse (something alarming enough that Alastor felt he had no choice but to help Angel calm down or at least stay with him). That's how they became close friends, and even each other's go-to person for talking about their personal trauma from sexual violence.
They have a lot in common in that regard: violent thoughts and impulses, extreme anger, wanting to have sex with someone one moment and wanting to kill them the next, having no idea what they want, isolation and feeling like no one knows them at all, and having a strong aversion to sharing anything personal about themselves.
And probably most troubling of all, feeling like they are what happened to them, and nothing else. That they have to invent these fake personas, because they feel there's nothing underneath those masks but the fallout of sexual abuse.
Angel knew he was gay from early adolescence, and it's largely because there wasn't much in the way of him being able to figure out his sexuality.
Alastor, on the other hand, feels he never had the chance to figure it out, because the abuse happened when he was too young to really know himself.
So, he struggles to know if his frequent aversion to sexual experiences (and even how his libido usually seems lower than that of most people his age) is part of his identity and the way he's wired, or if it's because there truly was never enough healing or closure from the violence he went through.
(He also had a daughter from one of these non-consensual experiences, who didn't even live to a year, and all of that very much had an impact on him in the sense that he outright refuses certain ways of having sex. He's very particular for more reasons than just personal preference.)
It's the same with the possibility of him being aromantic. He doesn't know if he's aro, or if he just lacks the ability to be able to connect with people so closely. To be able to give himself to them without fear.
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sirserpentine Ā· 5 months ago
tagged by @angie-long-legs <3
answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
whatā€™s your OTP for your muse(s)?
Radiosnake takes number one when it comes to romance and qpr <333
what are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
Many things! From fluff to angst to toxicity, comedy, serious, long relationships, short romps, I'm interested in all sorts of dynamics and stories! Things I WON'T t be touching on this blog are written out scenarios relating to non-con, CNC, and dub-con. Graphic depictions of such things really trigger me. Mentions of them relating to muses backstories are expected since it's Hell, but I can't write those situations esp if they are fetishised in any fashion. Relating to that since it sometimes comes up, Pentious is sometimes willing to utilise hypnosis for sexy times, but it's strictly consensual and falls nowhere near mind control.
how large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
Pentious doesn't have a particular preference, but he wouldn't go for anyone who is under twenty years of age. He'd likely prefer Sinners, demons and angels who have been in Hell for a while, too. He was 44 years old when he died, but he's well into his second century counting Hell. He's an old boy. xD
are you selective when shipping?
Yeah, I'd say so. It takes longer for me to ship with ocs as well, since it takes longer to get to know them than canon characters.
how far do steamy moments have to go before theyā€™re considered NSFW?
I'd say until graphic words are used/genitals and nudity is mentioned.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
Angel Dust, Husk, Rosie, Lucifer, Arackniss, Baxter, Cherri...
does one have to ask to ship with you?
Oh, definitely. I need ooc collaboration with ships, otherwise I'm not comfortable.
how often do you like to ship?
I'm fifty fifty on it! I like ships but I also love other kinds of relationships.
are you multiship?
Absolutely! This said, I really love to mention and work in existing relationship verses in other threads if given the permission to!!
are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
Gently obsessed, I think XD
what is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
Still Radiosnake... And Ozz/Fizz. And Baxter x Niffty, those sick fucks.
finally, how does one ship with you?
The best way is to interact and ask! With shipping, there should be plotting first. I find it hard to jump right in. Pentious is pretty old fashioned too. Relationships usually fall somewhere in slow-burn, if it's not just a one-night-stand etc. :D
tagging: @hazbinned, @hellpride, @top-shelf-tender
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felicjana050896 Ā· 10 months ago
I agree and I will add something from myself:
Vaggie is addicted to Charlie, on the one hand she likes what Charlie likes, she doesn't like what Charlie doesn't like, and this is toxic, the moment Charlie ,,saved" Vaggie after her fall, Vaggie was addicted to Charlie, her whole life. If we had the same situation, but there was a guy in the role of Charlie, then there would be people saying that it was toxic, that this guy was bad, that he had incapacitated her, etc., but suddenly when the same situation happend with two women, suddenly no one he doesn't see anything wrong with it, on the contrary, it's sweet that one person is cmpletely addicted to another... (of course, Charlie didin't make Vaggie addicted to herself, Vaggie herself beame addicted to Charlie, but addiction is still addiction is unhealthy and looks bad for the future of such a relationship).
Vaggie supposedly supports her, but... only when Charlie insists on his own... at the beginning Vaggie is always ,,No, it's nonsense", ,,You won't change them", ,,Don't do it", haven't you noticed that Vaggie to all Charlie's ideas is at first ,,No, don't do that!"(?), but Charlie does it anyway and only then Vaggie is like ,,eh..., ok, I'll help", she does it with complete reluctance, she forcec herself to do something that she doesn't want, that she really doesn't like internally, but at that moment she removes her character, removes for Charlie, it's not healthy..., in normal life, if you were a kind of extrovert, liked parties, concerts, meetings with friends, and your partner would be an introvert, he/she would prefer to stay at home, with a book and tea in his/her hand, then such a relationship will not work in the long run, and suddenly here we are supposed to believe that this relationship is 100% working, that both Charlie and Vaggie are 100% themselves in it and are happy, nd their relationship is 100% healthy..., NO, it is not, no matter how much you justify this relationship, it is unhealthy and unrealistic in the long run, Charlie is a total extrovert and Vaggie is an introvert, it shouldn't work and doesn't work....
Third, as Husk himself said, Vaggie hates herself..., she hates herself for who she is, who she was, which is why, even though it can't be seen at first look, she is actually unsure of herself, which is why she relies so much on Charlie and gives in to her and her opinnion, it is not without reason that say if you hate yourself, you cannot really love someone and it is true..., because a person who hates himself/herself is unsure of himself/herself, his/her true character, because of this she is so ,,reliant" on Charlie, at first she says ,,NO!" to all Charlie's ideas, this is a glimpse of her introverted character, but when Charlie just slightly isists on her own, she says ,,ok" and gives in, and this isn't what healthy relationship should look like, a healthy relationship should look like this: two people DISCUSS a given thing, arguments for and against and reach a consensus, but Vaggie doesn't fully present her opinion, there is no conversatio, there is no the most basic thing, on which a relationship is built, Vaggie is completely incapacitated by Charlie..., I don't hate Vaggie, on the contrary, I feel sorry for her because I would like her to be truly herself and truly find her true happiness, not a happiness dependent on Charlie, again if ONLY the other person's happiness makes you happy, then it's an ADDICTION and you're not really happy, I'm surprised that Vaggie fans don't see it at all..., by the way, all the arguments supporting Chaggie's relationship that I've seen, either on Tumblr or Twitter, or Tik Tok, it all comes down to two things:
Chaggie is cute- sorry, but just because two people look cute (which you yourself presented in the screenshots, so I guess you support this argument too) is not the definition of a good relationship... just because two people look cute in a photo doesn't mean that they should be together... this is not an argument... there may still be zero chemistry between them, they may nost suit each other at all, etc., appearance has nothing to do with action, and should not be an argument at all in the relationships.
Vaggie supports Charlie (as you presented)- I already explained above what kind of ,,support" it is... for example, just because a person gives some money to a poor person doesn't necessarily mean that it is a good thing..., one person will give money to a poor person for no reason, just because he/she WANTS IT, out of the goodness of his/her heart, another person will give money to a poor person, e.g. to promote himself/herself in front of his/her friends, saying that: ,,look how generous and good I am"..., supposedly the same act, but completely different motives. The same in this case, Vaggie supports Charlie, but as I have already presented above, only after Charlie insists, herinitial reaction to literally EVERY idea and action of Charlie is ,,NO!", she only gives in when Charlie say ,,YES!" after her ,,NO!" and she gives in..., which shows that her support is not sincere, because it doesn't come from HER, but from CHARLIE, her motives is CHARLIE, not that she wants to support her, because she believes her, because she thinks that it's a good idea etc., NO, practically Vaggie always thinks that Charlie's ideas are bad, stupid and unnecessary, otherwise we wouldn't have that ,,NO!" at the beginning..., it's not healthy and sincere support....
So tu sum up, Chaggie's entire relationship is based on unhealthy things that boil down to Vaggie's addiction to Charlie, which makes the relationship not really sincere... and it won't be until Vaggie becomes 100% herself and is able to say: ,,I love you Charlie, not because you saved me when I fell, not because you are this or that, but I love you just like that, I fell in love with you and don't ask me when it happend, or why it happend, because I won't be able to tell you, but I know one thing, that I can't stop loving you no matter what you do, because I love all of you, both good and bad, I love you"- when Vaggie whenever say such words then I will believe in her true love for Charlie, btw speaking of loving for good and bad, Vaggie doesn't like singing, she doesn't like sinncers, etc., she doesn't like everything that Charlie loves and devotes herself to..., and how can you truly and sincerely love another person without loving him/her completely..., this is not love..., besides, while writing about it, I remembered a certain quote in my language about love, which I will try to translate (I have hope it's good) into English:
,,If you love someone for their beauty, it is not love, but lust. If you love someone for their intelligence, it is not love, but admiration. If you love someone for his possessions, it is not love, but interest. If you love someone and you don't know why, that's true love."
Because love happens independently of us, we have no influence on it and we do not decide about it, it just happens, we can look for arguments why, when, how, but in fact we will never be able to 100% define the love that we love. we love the other person because what is undefinable is the most true and beautiful, which is why we close our eyes when we kiss or have the so-called head in the clouds when we dream about something or are in love, because it is something we feel, not something we think about.
Now coming to Alastor....
Yes, Alastor is not a good character, he is manipulative, has a high ego, is sadistic, etc., but..., he is also not completely evil, as Viv herself confirmed (which you can find on her streams, which I don't feel like linking anymore , you will find a lot of them on the Internet or even I have them included in my posts) Alastor is a Dexter-type serial killer..., he kills, but he has a certain moral code and he follows it, he only kills those he deems worthy of death (there's also a comic drawn by Viv where Alastor saves a woman who walked into a butcher shop from a salesman who wants to kill her or something..., kills the torturer, and doesn't hurt her at all because:
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So Alastor only kills those who actually deserve it, we have a thread in the pilot about him killing previous overlords, but as we know well and what Vaggie herself says, the current overlords are unpredictable, so the previous ones were probably not any better, but rather worse..., Husk was also an overlord, we don't know what he was like, but we can safely assume that he wasn't good either..., by the way, the name Alastor comes from the Greek and is another name of Zeus and means a demon who punished the guilty for completed sins innocent, quite an interesting choice of name, for our "completely evil and only antagonistic" friend, don't you think...:
,,Alastor, anĀ epithetĀ of theĀ Greek God Zeus, according toĀ Hesychius of AlexandriaĀ and theĀ Etymologicum Magnum, which described him as the avenger of evil deeds, specifically familial bloodshed. As the personification of a curse, it was also a sidekick of theĀ Erinyes. The name is also used, especially by the tragic writers, to designate any deity or demon who avenges wrongs committed by men."
Viv also said that we would learn about the past of each of the Hazbin crew, and since Alastor belongs to the Hotel, he should also, from what she said, we should also learn about his parents, and there is no point in showing the past of a given person and his parents if it is going to be completely and unforgivable the bad guys..., Alastor and Charlie are the main characters of Hazbin Hotel, whether anyone likes it or not....
Moving on to Charlie and Alastor's relationshipā€¦, Chaggie's relationship is already doomed for me (especially when the author herself on Tumblr posted that the series will not focus on Chaggie's relationship and will never be based on it, so I'm sorry, but if the author herself writes a post that this relationship is practically thrown into the trash in the series and will not be explored in any way, then how can I take care of it and worry about it, when I know in advance that the creators themselves don't care about it. .., it's impossibleā€¦), Charlie and Alastor are similar to each other, Viv herself said that she created Charlie as a mirror for Alastor, and that already says a lot, but at the same time in some respects they are opposites and here, e.g. What stands out to me is the thread I mentioned above, that Alastor kills mainly those who deserve it, while Charlie wants to save and give a second chance to those who are seemingly evil, so we have an interesting dualism, Alastor kills the guilty, Charlie wants the guilty saveā€¦, therefore, these are two people who have the potential for personal development in a relationship, if such a relationship were to occur, they are able to learn a lot from each other, we can already see it in the series that Alastor, despite everything, even if he wants to deny it, he starts to like this hotel gang and is able to hold back for Charlie, such as not touching Sir Pent, and accept him because Charlie wanted to give Sir Pent a second chance (even though, for example, Vaggie completely wanted Sir Pent out of hotel and did not accept him there for a long time) whether he spared the Egg Boys (even though Vaggie again ordered them to get rid of them), while Charlie learns from Alastor how to be in power, how to be a leader, he gives her courage and self-confidence, something that Vaggie is the complete opposite of ("Don't do it, you'll look like a fool" never sounds nice), Alastor makes Charlie become more confident in herself and her opinions, no matter what her motives are, she wants to train her to be a real princess of hell, not just a pretty face that everyone laughs at because she is so clumsy, Alastor sees in fire in her and brings it out of her, and that's goodā€¦, the series itself is ultimately about the fact that the good guys don't have to be so good (see Adam), and the bad guys don't have to be so bad (see Sir Pent), so it would make no sense if Alastor, who seems so bad at the beginning, would be like this until the end of the seriesā€¦, NO, the series is about transformation, about the fact that appearances can be deceiving, which is why Alastor is not at all and he won't be as bad as the antis think he is, because it doesn't make sense in this plotā€¦
So to sum up, their relationship is a relationship that has huge opportunities for both of them to develop and make them be better versions of themselves, which Chaggie's relationship does not have at all and will not have (according to Viv's post).
Besides, Chaggie has zero chemistry on screen (as I mentioned above, looking cute together is not chemistry, chemistry is something that is inside, in the compatibility of two people's characters, preferences, and not in the fact that they look prettyā€¦), it also has zero references to their relationship, unlike Alastor and Charlieā€¦, Rosie suggesting that Charlie is Alastor's girlfriendā€¦, the Lucifer-Alastor-Charlie scene, Lucifer at first thinks that Alastor is Charlie's boyfriend ( Alastor himself is very touchy towards Charlie here, for good reason), until Charlie introduces Vaggie and tells him that he is her girlfriend, you can see the huge relief in Luciferā€¦, the moment when Charlie and Alastor lie in bed together on a pillow shaped like hearts, when Charlie later pours out his complaints to him, he is lying on the bed, and this heart-shaped pillow is so specially exposed that it cannot be moreā€¦ etc., there are many CharliexAlastor moments that scream "relationship in future" and sure, it may just be baiting by the creators, if I see something like this once - it's cool, it's just bait, if I see it twice - it's cool, it's just bait, if I see it four - cool, it's just bait, but if I see something like this for the tenth time , it's impossible not to think about it and say to yourself "damn, there must be something in it"ā€¦ why do they make so many foreshadowings for Charlastor in the series and beyond, if they are never supposed to be canonā€¦, it's so strangeā€¦
Viv, who posts on her Twitter, a video where Charlie describes her ideal man and literally describes Alastorā€¦, saying that Alastor is asexual (it has never been confirmed that he is aromantic, it's just fans' guesses, and again it's a bit strange that Amir somewhere said that Alastor is aromantic and then immediately withdrew from it, if he really is aromantic, they should leave it like that and let us come to terms with it, but in this case case, it is constantly denied by the creators, almost all the time, as if there would be something to it in the futureā€¦, so at the moment Alastor's aromatic nature is just an invention of the viewers, the creators deny it, in addition, aroace people can also be in a relationship, being an ace means that you do not feel sexual attraction, and being an aro means that you feel romantic attraction, but it does not mean that you cannot be in a relationship or that you cannot have sex, there are many such people, who are in healthy relationships with sex, because being an aroace is simply about feeling the relationship differently and that's all) and that he is a typical psychopath with a high ego who only loves himself, and at the same time creating the second character (Charlie) as a reflection of this asexual psychopath and honestly saying that Charlie is a mirror image of Alastorā€¦, and the recent event celebrating the Hazbin Hotel coming out, which had Viv there, cupcakes with Alastor and Charlie's faces, and cardboard figures of Charlie and Alastor with hearts next to themā€¦, well pleaseā€¦
If we are not to ship them, why do the creators give so many hints that in any other fandom would be seen as "Oh, these two will be together in the future"ā€¦ it's all really weirdā€¦, plus in stores related to Viv, there are things that are related to couples, we have Fizze and Ozzie, Stolas and Blitz, Millie and Moxxie, generally canon couples from Helluva Boss, and from Hazbin we have things for two couples so far.. ., Chaggie and Charlastorā€¦, plus for Charlastor there are these two posters/paintings available signed by the actors themselves, where in one of them Alastor and Charlie form a heart with their hands, why Chaggie, who is and is supposed to be a canonical relationship, not there are such thingsā€¦ to put it bluntly, it's hard not to ship the relationship that was created from the very beginning by the creators and Viv herself as a coupleā€¦ and then, despite Chaggie's relationship, it is still pushed by the creators as a couple, in the form of things to buy, or series and non-series references to them as a coupleā€¦, how should I ship Chaggie (who is unhealthy anyway), since Charlastor is exalted by the creators themselvesā€¦, howā€¦.
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I always think everyone is free to shipp who they want, but in Hazbin I will never understand who puts Charlie and ALASTOR together.
This is so...sick
Alastor himself aromantic, asexual and above all an ABUSER of the worst kind.
The song Loser,baby places Husk as a loser enslaved to Alastor in the same way as Angel is enslaved to Valentino.
They can tell me all they want that "I can prove Charlastor can work" but the canon says otherwise and to see Chaggie get so much mud from these shippers is really frustrating.
At least Vaggie really thinks about Charlie, not manipulating her for his own purposes....
But then people ignore all those times when Vaggie has been OF REAL SUPPORT to Charlie.
This rabble who belittle Chaggie watched the show with their eyes closed and ears plugged.
Listen to Whatever it takes with your ears pls
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concubuck Ā· 3 years ago
((buckle up kids today you have to read about the onceler on my alastor hazbin hotel roleplay blog
((I threatened promised an essay on Why The Heck Was Onceler Fandom Like That, & Why Alastor Selfcest Is (And Isn't) Similar) here it is:
Now, I wasn't a part of Onceler fandom, but from what I've read other folks say and from what I've seen in other tumblr RP fandoms, it was basically a perfect storm of of factors that still take place to a lesser extent in other RP circles:
crossovers with slightly AU duplicates being more frequent on tumblr as opposed to Discord or forums or other RP venues because the lack of divisions between RP groups allows duplicates to rub shoulders
favored characters getting so many multiples that people start shipping them with each other
characters that meet Tumblrā€™s Preferred Archetype (the sexyman) getting more attention than other characters
... Onceler fandom didn't do ANYTHING that doesn't happen in normal tumblr RP fandoms. The difference that made Onceler selfcest such a big phenomenon is that these normal fan behaviors were pushed to an extreme, because the source material was a movie with ONLY ONE character that met tumblrā€™s (sexyman) standards.
A perfect example of a fandom doing the same thing but to less extremes... is Mr. Alastor Hazbin Hotel.
Now let's go into an explanation for WHY below!
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Imagine that when a character with the right traits (Tumblr Sexyman) is picked up by the right demographic of fandom (fans of Sexymen), the fandom collectively has 100 units of Fan Energy they can spend on ships for that character. When itā€™s a character like Alastor and there are other popular characters that people can ship him withā€”Angel, Charlie, Vox, to a lesser extent Lucifer Husk Niffty Mimzy Rosie Whoeverā€”then that 100 units makes a tower 20 units tall and 5 units wideā€”the width of the tower is from spreading out the popularity across multiple ships.
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Thereā€™s still energy getting poured into Alastor selfcest (most common example: demon!Alastor x human!Alastor shippy fanart) but that ship won't get very tall because the Fan Energy is being spread across multiple ships.
As opposed to the Onceler, where all that energy got poured onto a singular point (selfcest ships), because there weren't really any other appealing shippable characters in the movie; so Onceler selfcest was a tower 100 units tall and 1 unit wide, and you could see that motherfucker from two hundred miles away.
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All the shipping energy poured into one ship, instead of spread around.
And we can see more similarities between how the Onceler got treated and how Alastor is (and has already been) treated in Hazbin fandom!
Most of y'all here are familiar with the the 2P/3P/4P Alastor phenomenon, rightā€”making AU versions of Alastors with a dozen different colors assigned different personality traits and such. (Although aside from the single super-popular 2P design, there's no fandom consensus on what any of the other versions should be likeā€”but suffice to say that a lot of people are making a lot of them.)
VERY LOOSELY, thatā€™s what happened with the Onceler on tumblr. An unusually large fandom hopped onto this movie but the Onceler was the only character they liked out of it, people started making RP blogs and art askblogs for the Onceler, but they couldnā€™t all write the EXACT SAME CHARACTER, so AUs reminiscent of the 2P phenomenon started naturally developing.
ā€œThis AU of the Onceler failed in his objectives and got depression,ā€ ā€œthis one SUCCEEDED WILDLY and now heā€™s, like, king of the planet,ā€ etc.ā€”fans starting with normal, expected, slight AU versions of their character, and then branched out into more and more divergent AUs as they started looking for fresh ideas.
And then they started going ā€œthese two AUs are now totally different characters, what if they *meet?* what if this dude whoā€™s depressed because he failed meets the version of himself that achieved all his wildest dreams, how do they interact with each other?ā€
You see the same thing happening with Alastors in tumblr RP. "These two Alastors meet and they get along because they have a lot in common." "These two Alastors have NOTHING in common and they're fascinated with each other because of that." ā€œThis Alastor got EVEN MORE POWERFUL and became a god, that Alastor went insane from the boredom and started wearing ahegao hoodies, then they met and now theyā€™re fuckingā€ā€”this is all stuff that's happening naturally in Hazbin RP circles. Except, with the Onceler, it happened in a fandom where EVERYBODY was doing the same thing with ONLY ONE CHARACTER.
And so the Onceler selfcest phenomenon became big enough for outsiders to notice and go ā€œhey what the fuck.ā€
And so now any fandom demonstrating similar behavior is talked about like this character is "becoming like the Onceler", because the Onceler is usually the only/biggest example of this phenomenon that folks who haven't been embedded deep in tumblr RP ever hear aboutā€”when really it's the biggest example of a common dynamic.
Any time you see somebody going "hey, is this character going to end up like the Onceler?" what you need to do is look at the fandom where the character is from. Are there other interesting characters that the fandom sees as shippable? If there ARE, then that character's never gonna end up like the Onceler, no matter how popular they areā€”because the selfcest shipping will be diluted by other ships with other characters.
The Onceler selfcest phenomenon was running concurrently with Homestuck's peak popularityā€”at the exact same time the Onceler was making waves, I could have told you about five separate Karkat RP blogs that were stuck in an on-again off-again polycule. But it was Homestuck, where there are over 50 designed-specifically-for-tumblr-to-love characters that were all sharing attention, so things like that didnā€™t stand out in the broader sea of Homestuck RP. There are so many potential ships in Homestuck that Karkat fans took their 100 units of shipping energy and made a tower 2 units tall and 50 units wide, with much less attention poured into any one single ship (including the selfcest).
In Transformers fandom, with HUNDREDS of characters to choose from, every once in a while you'd find some folks RPing Starscream/Starscream or Soundwave/Soundwave because they're popular characters with a lot of folks RPing them (and because Starscream's an egomaniac who WOULD make out with himselfā€”characterization's an important factor in who selfships!). I've heard about Sans & Papyrus selfship polycules out of Undertale fandom. I've heard of it with Handsome Jack (the most fandom-popular character and also an egomaniac) in Borderlands. I've been told it happens in TF2 fandom (which in the source material has the potential for characters to run into "themselves", and so ease of duplicates interacting & thus selfshipping opportunities is baked right into canon). I saw it during Wreck-It Ralph's brief burst of popularity with alternate versions of Turbo.
And same, Iā€™m sure, for all the other similarly as-large-as-Onceler fandoms out there that *no doubt* had selfcest but to a less dramatic extent. Only Onceler fandom had the 100-unit-tall monster, every bit of energy poured onto one ship and one character.
So, in conclusion: Alastors interacting on tumblr sometimes selfship with AU versions of themselves, just like Onceler RP blogs do. This isn't because Alastor is following in the Onceler's footsteps; it's because Alastor has this in common with the Onceler.
This "AUs selfshipping" thing is common in fandoms with one or two super popular characters. It arises naturally from what fans naturally do (gravitate to writing/drawing the characters they like; make AUs for the characters they like; interact with other people's AUs for the characters they like), and the only reason the Onceler stood out so much is because ALL of the fandom's energy was poured onto only one character. It's not possible to have a full-blown repeat of the Onceler phenomenon in any fandom where there's multiple interesting shippable characters. Alastor/Alastor, even if it gets really popular, is never going to be as attention-grabbingly huge, as long as there's similarly interesting characters like Angel & Charlie that people very frequently ship Alastor with.
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logan-k-strong Ā· 3 years ago
Heavy Is The Head, pt. 1
He generally preferred a medium-dark roast blend, but this particular blonde surprised him. The citrus notes were remarkably subtle, and balanced. Certainly less offensive than the last time he tried to broaden his horizons. On the other hand, he knew with absolute certainty that the acidity would catch up to him around noon. He double-checked the shelves behind his bathroom mirror to ensure antacids were in stock, very few sensations being more disagreeable than a subtle, though constant burn.Ā 
He was lucky, all considered. At least, thatā€™s what he was told.Ā 
Just before the Dreaming, the world finally caught on fire. For decades, most expected the end of civilized Earth to arise from warfare. Nuclear missiles leveling entire cities, civil wars crippling countries, etc. The truth was that it simply got too hot. Of course, anyone who was actually paying attention knew that it would, but that had long since become a point well past arguing. It was just a matter of getting on with life in the new world. So, he did.
For the most part. Charlotte still crept into his waking thoughts from time to time; most often the wrong time, as if some vengeful spectre, or a debt collector. For the most part, his resolve was sound. He could steel himself against the memory, swallow the burn. But she could find and exploit even the slightest gap of doubt in his armor with those stilettos, and she had proven that fact time and time again.
He cursed as his bleary eyes wandered to the clock above the stove; he realized he would be late. He shoved two antacids down his throat, drained the rest of his now cold coffee, and hit the door.
The Guardians arrived three days after the wildfires began. Earth had myriad spectators, but most were just that. The vast majority of the audience casually looked on with the same aloof schadenfreude with which the human populace once mainlined reality television. The problems were just too plentiful, and human-kind too stubborn for most to even consider lending aid. The general consensus was to let the (barely) sentient life die out, and then mine the husk for whatever resources could be gleaned. Sell them to the highest bidder, and set up a strip-mall.Ā 
The Guardians had other plans. The humans in power were by and large obstinate, and cruel, filled to overflowing with hubris, and woe-fully war-minded. However, the level at which the race had progressed in such a short amount of time was at least mildly impressive, showing significant promise. The Guardians only tuned in every hundred years or so (on the commercial breaks, one could suppose), and every single time they did, there was some groundbreaking development, more often than not several. A new disease discovered and subsequently conquered; mitigated, at the very least. A humanitarian crisis of some sort or another quelled and en route post-haste to recovery. So they began to watch more closely, more frequently. The prominent conclusion from the data was that the human mind, when presented with a problem, was (in working theory) malleable enough to adapt and conquer nearly any number of adverse scenarios if applied in controlled, uniform measures.Ā 
And that was more valuable than any other chemical compound on the planet. With a species this resilient, this adaptable, this prolific, the possibilities were difficult to truly quantify. However, they fully intended to try.
They put out the fires in one fell swoop.
Ā They promised a solution. The remaining human life would be suspended in an artificial animation, a paradise of sorts, until the Earth was prepared to be re-inhabited, they said. The data gathered over the past few millennia would serve this purpose. It was simple enough. In truth, most of the populace followed the same pattern anyway. It was easy to replicate. And so it was that human-kind began to dream, for the first time since man saw fit to govern man. In sleep, they were given freedom from fear. In sleep, they forged their own reality from nothing more than hope and a promise. In sleep, they would soon learn to wake up.Ā 
In the real world, this sidewalk was a cacophony of blaring horns; angry pedestrians launching all manner of obscenities this way, and that; one hot dog guy blatantly slandering the other hot dog guy fifty feet down the way, and vice/versa; frantic street preachers shouting doomsday. The works.Ā 
It remained as bustling as it ever was; however, the general overtone was vastly more favorable. Passersby smiled and greeted one another. The hot dog vendors agreed to disagree. A hurried, albeit forgiving stream of business professionals flowed efficiently down the avenue, pedestrians and motorists alike, their previous grievances assuaged by the vacation they now inhabited. They still went to work, sure. They still felt the stresses and strains of the life known before, but they were kinder, gentler. There existed no cause for quarrel in this dream, no true sting housed within the framework. Why should one disrupt it?
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kweebtrash Ā· 5 years ago
StreamHearts Timestamp 11:59pm
Title: Fuck It, I Love You
Pairing: Camboy!JohnnyxCamgirlOC (Rem)
Word Count: 3.1k
Genre: Smut/Fluff
Features: established relationship not a perfect sex life, heavy size kink, soft-ish dom johnny, petnames, teasing, fingering, unprotected sex, creampie.
Though Rem is a smart business woman she hides behind a computer screen all day designing websites for large companies. However, when her day is done sheā€™s still behind a computer screen but now showing the world how hard she can cum. She never wanted to be a camgirl but when financial duties called she took it upon herself to make it. The spotlight (and money) got to her and she expanded to showcasing her nerdy side; livestreams, lewd cosplay photoshoots, letā€™s plays, subscriptions, review, vlogs, tutorials, you name it. Her streams catches the attention of a fellow cammer, Johnny, who on a whim decided to message her. Both arenā€™t the sexed up dolls they pretend to be in the online life and instead ease their way into a relationship with not so perfect sex, mistakes, and total confusion.
A/N: This used to be on my Kofi which im closing down and just putting everything up on here. This isnt continuing.
MasterlistĀ  Ā  Ā Johnny Only Masterlist
ā€œI just want to tease the fuck out of you.ā€ The words came out as as sultry whisper poured into my ear. His tongue trailed against the cartilage, leaving the skin heated and wet similar to the junction of my thighs. Johnny had been kissing me for god knows how long. I had become so lost in him; his words, his touch, his entire being beside me. I was helpless and unable to escape the intoxication though I never wanted to. His words, however, put me in a place of submissiveness where i feared his teasing.
ā€œP-please donā€™tā€¦ā€ I whined as I chased his lips from a kiss he denied me. ā€œDonā€™t tease me. Iā€™ve been good.ā€
ā€œHave you?ā€ His eyes were heavily lidded, pupils dilated with oxytocin and endorphins. The thrill of my eminent destruction only added to the sparks between us yet I was dreading it entirely. ā€œI saw what you were doing in your last stream. You got a bigger dildo, didnā€™t you?ā€
My face rushed with color as i averted my gaze. ā€œW-well...i wanted to practice.ā€
ā€œPractice for who, baby?ā€ He smirked and pushed a few sweat drenched stray hairs away from my face.
ā€œY-you, of course.ā€ We hadnā€™t fucked on camera yet. We had come to the consensus not to until we perfected the art of intimacy between us first. Though there was a small problem, or rather a large problem. The first few times Johnny had tried to penetrate me it was futile. The thickness of his head was no match for how small my hole was. No matter how many fingers he could attempt to fit inside me (barely two) to try and stretch me out or how much lube or cum i exerted helped. And so I took it upon myself to cast aside my six and seven inch dildos to try and accommodate for the moment where we would unite.
ā€œStill too much, huh?ā€ He chuckled lowly. I watched as his fingertips barely brushed against my skin as he made a ticklish trail down my stomach to the thin fabric of my panties. They slipped beneath the cotton and i instinctively spread my thighs. His middle finger pushed between my lower lips and circled my entrance languidly. ā€œWhy is my perfect princess so tiny?ā€
ā€œIā€™m sorry,ā€ I said with a heavy pang of guilt. I had constantly felt like I had ruined moments in our beds because my body wouldnt except him even if my mind and heart were yearning to have him so deep inside me that i could feel him in my stomach.
Johnny pressed a kiss to my forehead and smiled. ā€œDonā€™t be. I love how fucking tight you are for me.ā€
I scrunched up my nose and pushed his face away playfully. ā€œDonā€™t say such things. You make it sound pervy!ā€
Another chuckle. ā€œI canā€™t help it sometimes.ā€ He began to move his finger through me, gathering the wetness that had accumulated and spreading it over the most sensitive areas. ā€œYou know it turns me on to see how small you are.ā€
I pressed my lips together in an attempt to hide a mewl. I was lost on what I had wanted to respond with as my brain frizzled. ā€œU-uh, um...I th-think your size kink is s-showing!ā€ My stomach clenched when he dipped his fingertip in, alarming me. He shushed me gently, cooing at me to relax as he placed kisses and nibbles along the column of my neck.
ā€œI got you, baby girl. You know i do.ā€ I wrapped my arms around his torso and pulled him closer together so i could bury my face in his chest. His free arm snaked around me as well, settling on my shoulders as he gauged my reactions to his minuscule thrusts. I bit down on his collarbone as I rushed to rock my hips and let him know that I was able to take more. He pushed into me deeper, curling his finger quickly in an effort to make the sound of my natural lubrication bounce off the bright pink walls of my room. ā€œDid you get all worked up just from me kissing you?ā€
He was proud of himself. I could always tell in the tonality of his voice. A certain cockiness that anything he did made me wet. It stemmed from the exchange of us watching each otherā€™s streams. I had spent hours consuming video after video of him jerking off, fucking his own ass, and doing other lewd acts that got him tips in seconds. He, on the other hand, told me that he was more captivated by the faces and sounds I made and would prefer to just watch as he fucked me. It sounded silly to say since I had thousands of viewers and I masturbated on camera but I was still a shy person who preferred to metaphorically hide their head in the sand like an ostrich. Johnny intimidated me as many a times my face would be forced towards his and i was commanded to not dare look away. His deep brown eyes would peer into my soul, eating it up like a meal and leaving me an empty husk of a woman once I orgasmed at his hands. ā€œShut up.ā€ I said through gritted teeth as he halted his vibrant thrusts.
His finger left me and instead disappeared into his mouth. With a slick pop he removed all of my taste from the digit and sighed as he gave me a once over. ā€œTake these off.ā€ He snapped at the band of my panties that he had stripped me down to during our initial makeout session. I hooked my thumbs into the waistband and wiggled them down before flicking them off my foot. Johnny spread my thighs wide, leaving me completely exposed. I went back to hiding in the crook of his neck, hoping he wouldnt notice if i distracted him with some bites. A harsh tap to my clit told me otherwise. I yelped and laid my own defensive slap against his chest. "Jerk!"
"Dont close your legs then." Johnny said sternly. I pouted, puffing out my cheeks as i rolled away from him, my arms across my chest. His large hand grabbed onto my hip and pulled me onto my back again. He didnt particularly like when i protested or became a bit bratty. A submissive princess was where he liked me to be at all times. Though now I wasnt even able to utter a word because he hooked his leg over mine, keeping my thighs separated while one hand grabbed both my wrists and pinned them above my head. His other hand was back to grabbing my face and forcing me to look at him. He'd be damned to hell if he didnt break that habit of mine. "The fuck did i just say?"
I flexed my fingers as i tried (and failed) to release myself from his grasp. "You saidā€¦" i looked into his eyes that had honeyed in the yellow glow of my bedside lamp. That was another weakness if mine, as if Johnny as a whole wasnt enough. His eyes in particular always destroyed me. I couldnt expressing the rest of my sentence, which was supposed to be a snarky retort, because of the intense hold he had over me. I was instead stuck nibbling at his bottom lip and whimpering for him to let me go. "I could touch you." I finally said in between small licks. "Youre hard."
"And? I get off on seeing you get off. I also get off on when youre a good girl for me."
"Liar. You love it when i misbehave. You always start moving the toys faster when i do." That was what he used when he really wanted to punish me; small dildos and vibrators in various settings and speeds, making sure i writhed and arched with every thrust.
"And what toy should i used on my babygirl tonight? What would get you all pink and squirmy for me?" He smirked and sucked my lips between his, lapping at the soft skin.
"I dont want a toy. I want you." I admitted.
Johnny sighed and pulled away from me entirely. "You know we cant. We've tried and we cant. I told you im not going to hurt you."
"I know!" I clutched onto his arm. "I know. But this time will be different. Im gonna do it."
He shook his head. "If i force it too much i could tear you. Rem, i'm seriously not going to try right now."
"Please!" I begged and looked up at him with puppy eyes. "Just one try, ok? Just one? You dont know how many times I've dreamt about you fucking me senseless. I just want you inside me so badly. I cant take it anymore."
He rolled his eyes, annoyed at my persistence. "Fine. Just one try. And i mean one."
I gave him a sweet kiss and pulled him on top of me. He settled between my legs which i laid on the outside of his thighs. He stroked the smooth and sensitive skin on my inner thighs as he trailed his thumbs upwards to spread my lower lips apart. His tongue darted out to moisten his lips as he drunk in the sight at my slightly flexed gape. "Are you sure?" He asked.
I pushed my hand between us and gripped the outline of his cock firmly. "Johnny I don't want you, I need you."
He went to say something again but snapped his jaw shut. Quickly, he discarded his boxer briefs and guided his swollen cock towards my entrance. Seeing him throb was another part of my guilt. He would leak and swell as we romped around and yet could only get off by a blowjob or a handjob. Sometimes he would thrust between my thighs or against my ass but I knew it was just barely enough for him. His cum didn't belong splattered across my skin; it belonged inside me, filling me to the brim and keeping me warm. I closed my eyes and let every bit of tension leave my body. If I could just get the head in, it would be smooth sailing from there.
A small push threatened the barricade of my tightness. The tension returned but only for a moment. I kept it shoved aside and focused on taking in the tip. I could feel centimeter by centimeter, gauging how far he could go, and when I found the glans stuffed inside me both of us shuddered hard. I covered my mouth as soon as I let out a sharp gasp. The feeling of being stretched burned and tingled and yet I took in the discomfort with a sense of gratitude. This was the farthest we had gotten and even if this was all he could get inside it was better than nothing.
Johnny's hands were trembling as he bruised my hips in the pattern of his fingers. "J-jesus...babe." He sucked in a harsh breath and swallowed hard. Beads of sweat had gathered at his brow and it was almost like he was losing control already. "God you feel so damn good. How are you even taking me?"
I held one of his hands and brought it to my lips, kissing the back of it. "You said it yourself. You saw me practicing on camera but you didn't see what I did when I was alone." I parted my lips then and ushered in two of his fingers, sucking slowly. I circled my tongue around the tips and swallowed all the way down to the knuckle all while perfecting by bedroom eyed gaze at him. His hips snapped as his body trembled, making me wince around his fingers. He had managed to squeeze in more of his cock and even produced some minuscule thrusts that had him looking like he was already prepped to go over the edge.
He gripped harder at my hip to the point where it hurt but I knew it was a sign of pleasure and that's all I wanted to give him. I mewled around his fingers and nudged my legs a little higher to rest by his waist. The adjustment built up pressure in the pit of my stomach and made my overstretched walls clench harder. Johnny groaned deeply and begged me to ease my hold on him but I couldn't. Even when I got used to the new addition of girth I was still suctioned around him. My face flushed as I heard his groans turn into growls. The muscles in his strong arms bulged as his shoulders caved in and an unexpected heat tsunamied into me.
My eyes widened at the revelation that he had cum inside me-the first time I had ever felt the sensation. It was strange and yet because it was Johnny it also felt...cozy in a way. A warm perfection that symbolized him succumbing to everything I had wanted to give him. Though one thing was for sure, I was surprised at how quickly it happened. I let his hand go and instead held onto my tummy that I swore was bulging slightly. Johnny ran a hand over his face and pushed his hair back but as soon as our eyes caught each other his face burned beet red even to the tips of his ears. "Do you...um, do you always cum that fast when you're in someone?" I tried to ask as politely as possible.
He pulled out of me and ran straight to the bathroom, slamming the door harshly. I frowned, realizing that the small comment had hurt his pride but I had to be honest that I wanted more from him. I sat up slowly and felt a rush of cum flow out of me, thicker than I expected. Him pulling out so swiftly left me sore and on wobbly knees yet I walked over to the bathroom, trying to keep my thighs pressed together so I wouldn't make an even bigger mess. "Johnny?" I asked as I knocked on the door.
"Go away." I heard him mumble.
"Johnny, why'd you run? Was it because of what I said? I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."
"Go. Away."
I huffed and grabbed a hold of the door. I was prepared to force my way through but it wasn't locked at all. I stumbled as I stepped in and saw Johnny sitting on the toilet cover, head between his knees and arms dangling by his feet. "Johnny." I sunk to my knees in front of him. "Look at me, please."
"No." He replied, muffled.
"Johnny." I repeated, sternly this time. "What's wrong?"
"'M embarrassed." He mumbled.
"Embarrassed? How come?"
"I've never cum that fast before. Ever. I feel like a loser."
I pushed his head up gently and sighed. "Guaranteed I did want it to last longer but this was the first time you were able to thrust inside me. Maybe it was because of all that pent up energy from when you couldn't do it before. Orrrrr," I nudged his arm playfully. "I'm just that damn good."
"I don't need your cockiness now." He pouted cutely.
"It's ok, baby, really. We're still finding each other out. This is the first time anyone has cared about not hurting me. I'd take that over some idiot that would barge in any day. Please don't be embarrassed."
"Easy for you to say."
"You think I want to be this tight? Sure it sounds like a whole fantasy but being tiny sucks. I want to get railed until I can't walk but I cry as soon as something big comes near me."
"You didn't cry this time." He pointed out and I perked up instantly.
"Hey, you're right. I didn't. That's progress!" I smiled and gave him a small kiss in an effort to cheer him up a little. "And you know what this means, right?"
Johnny sat back against the toilet tank and let out an exasperated sigh. "What?"
"We can keep practicing." I rose to my feet and straddled his lap. "I know you like practicing."
Finally a twinge appeared at the corner of his mouth. He couldn't resist the thought of more touching, groping, kissing, and grinding. "Well...I guess you're right."
I peered down at his still mostly hard cock as curiously got the best of me. "You came but you're still hard?"
He shrugged. "Sometimes it takes awhile to go down. Sometimes I can squeeze another one out."
I lifted my hips and slowly sunk down on him, catching him by surprise. He jerked suddenly and held onto me tightly. "Re-Rem!"
"Maybe we can work on me taking all of you this time. And making sure you last longer."
"I-its your fault for fuckin' suffocating me!" He said through grit teeth. "Just like you're doing now!"
I wrapped my arms around his neck and grabbed a handful of his hair. "Don't tell me you cant take it, baby."
He licked his lips and fluttered his eyes shut. "You have no idea what you do to me Rem."
"You're wrong." I wiggled down more on his shaft, now about a quarter of the way down before the tingling started again. "I know exactly how you feel because you drive me crazy too. Especially now."
He buried his face in my neck, splattering kisses here and there. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."
I giggled and squeezed him tight. "I love you, Johnny."
A silence fell over the room as that was also a first between us. I was afraid he wouldn't reciprocate the sentiment and felt my heart race. Now I was the embarrassed one yet I felt him smile against my collar bone. "Yeah?"
I nodded. "I-is that okay? To say that? I d-dont want to scare you off."
"I'm not going anywhere. Trust me. I love you too." I pursed my lips together to hide a squeal though I was too giddy to even think straight. I almost didn't notice Johnny standing up, myself now in his arms and our bodies remaining connected. "Can I show you how much I love you?"
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childotkw Ā· 5 years ago
The battlefield AU? *Chef's kiss* it might be my favorite so far! If you ever are interested in expanding it, I'm so curious about learning more. Does Harry only appear during battles? Does Harry get whisked away back to his own dimension when it ends, or does he stay in this new one? If he does return, will people recognize there's a new pep in his step? How did he get the necklace? Is it from the OG dimension or the new one? What do both sides think about this man who jumped out of nowhere?
Glad you liked! Itā€™s still a baby AU, but weā€™ll see what I can spin.
Initially, Harry only pops up during the raids and battles. No one knows who he is, or which side; because while he only focusses on Voldemort, heā€™ll also beat back anyone from the Order that attempts to interfere.
He would be remaining in this new dimension, so while heā€™s sad that heā€™s separated from his friends and Ginny, the part of him thatā€™s been going through the motions for years is downright giddy at this new twist.
He gets the horcrux by breaking into Grimmauld Place in the dead of night and promising Kreacher that he would destroy it in his beloved masterā€™s name. After tormenting Voldemort, of course. Which he does - repeatedly. Before rocking up one fight and tossing the husk at Voldemortā€™s feet with a smirk.
The general consensus for both sides is to try and capture this absolute madman - preferably alive.Ā 
The Order / Ministry wants to know who he is and what his intentions are. They have no records of him, and any blood they manage to collect always refuses to respond to their spells. Heā€™s clearly strong if he can hold off a Dark Lord, while still knocking away others, and they want him on their side.
The Death Eaters are told to subdue the man if possible and drag him to Voldemort if they ever encounter him. They are all partially terrified of him, not just because he can stand his ground against their Lord, but because the one time he went after someone other than Voldemort, it was when he managed to almost kill Bellatrix with an unknown cutting curse that only Snape could heal. She still carries the scars.
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corpusdiem-seizethedead Ā· 4 months ago
Angel: *gazing lovingly at Husk* He could kill me, and I'd thank him.
Cherri: *who has heard this for the millionth time* I'd thank him too
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tales-from-gotham Ā· 6 years ago
Loxi x Reader - In Sleep (Rated M)
You know a stranger has been visiting you while you sleep every evening, and you want him to.
Warning - masturbating, reader asleep butĀ consensual, reader knows whats happening, smut
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It had been a strange few nights recently. You had gone to bed as normal, the windows closed securely, curtains pulled closed and you nestled safely in your bed. Each night you had dreamt a man stood by your bedside, his wild blue eyes gazing down at you, and when you awoke the window had been wide open. The cold air stung your flesh as you removed yourself from your bed to close the window once more and pull the curtains closed. As you crawled back into bed you tried to make sense of these visions. Were they dreams? It had a man really visited you while you slept?
Ā Tonight was no different.
Ā You were unaware if you were asleep or awake, somewhere between the two. The sensation of a relaxed sleep state covered you but your eyes lazily focused on the black silhouette of the man. His arm jolted rapidly, the sound of the slick of his fingers across his shaft as he wanked himself furiously took your attention. The soft heave of his staggering breathe as he came ever closer to orgasm aroused you insanely. Knowing you should have awoken and called the police was the correct decision, you resisted. Intrigued as to his motive. As he exhaled, grunting lowly he released himself onto the bedding which covered you. The liquid dribbled from the tip of his throbbing cock. As he cleared himself the contents, he tucked himself back into his clothing and disappeared from the room.
Your day had dragged and you couldnā€™t wait for the evening to arrive quick enough. Pottering about your house you tackled your chores before relaxing on the sofa with your favourite movie. The only thing on your mind right now was one thing. Bed time.
You had taken yourself to bed earlier than you had preferred, and as you made your way through your usual bedtime routine your stomach fluttered with excitement. Before getting comfortable in bed you made sure your window was closed and the curtains drawn, just as the previous nights had been and getting into bed you lay on your bed. Did you want to fall asleep? You couldnā€™t, your heart raced with the thrill of seeing this stranger again. Rain began to fall from the sky, slamming against your window as it beat down viciously and the roll of thunder crept forward. Like fierce drums in the night sky. A flash illuminated your room, nearby lightning pierced the dark clouds. One flash. Then a second. You closed your eyes tightly, the sounds of the storm outside soothed you but you couldnā€™t help but feel a sense of fear wash over you. Maybe if you lay here for a while, with your eyes closed the stranger would visit you.
The window opened. The latch eased opened gently and even with the creak of the pane no sound was heard because of the thunder. Loki entered your room, his long legs crept in through the window while his leather clad body dripped with water. Loki pulled his hand down his face to rid his eyes of the rain which blurred his vision.
ā€œThere you areā€ he whispered lowly, noticing your beautiful form comfortable beneath your duvet. But what was this? Loki tilted his head as he crept forward toward your bed, each streak of lightning showed him you had pulled the duvet aside. You wore a tight grey vest top, your hand instinctively pulled up the fabric to reveal your stomach and your nipples shapely and alive poking into the thin stretch fabric.
ā€œEager little one arenā€™t we?ā€ he asked, leaning into you. Loki noticed your lips parted for him, so easily. What he wouldnā€™t give for those lips, to brush against the surface of his skin. To feel the warmth against his own begging lips. To have them wrapped around his thick cock.
As Loki exhaled he stood up, the bulge twitched with excitement beneath his clothing, aching to be free. As he wrapped his still wet fingers around his throbbing shaft he began to pump himself with fury. His teeth clenched as his eyes fixed on your perky tits and moved to your hungry mouth.
ā€œDoes myā€¦ā€ he grunted through the pleasure, unable to contain himself for much longer ā€œā€¦Kitten need feeding?ā€ he began to feel as though he was losing control. How were you so fucking sexy?
It wasnā€™t long before Loki exploded. Leaning into you he aimed the tip of his dick to your mouth. Ribbons of his creamy spunk leaked from his every throbbing cock and spilt onto your lips and trickled onto your tongue. As Loki stood up he smiled warmly, proud of his efforts ā€œI hope you enjoy tasting me in the morningā€ he husked as he tucked himself back into his clothing and left your room back into the rain.
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ghostheadcanons Ā· 6 years ago
The Papas and Copia: Vampires
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Anonymous said:
The papas and copia as vampires. How do they approach, love and definitely how do they feed ā™”
Hee hee hee! Youā€™re in luck, Anon! On my other blog, I actually had a Sims save file with all of them as vampires, so youā€™re definitely not the only one whoā€™s intrigued by the idea! 8}c
I am a huge vampire nerd, so this is going to be a very long post complete with Lore woven in....bear with me, now!Ā 
+18 Below!
Quick vocabulary lesson before we get started! A scion is a term for a vampire brought into vampirism by another vampire--their sire. The process is an ugly one--the scion spends a day or two in a fevered, nightmare-plagued sleep as their body changes, and theyā€™re going to be very hungry for blood when they wake up. They require the blood of their sire--almost like motherā€™s milk--in order to grow as a vampire and develop their abilities. In time, theyā€™ll be able to handle othersā€™ blood just fine. The sire drinks from their scionā€™s neck as a sign of ownership, while the scion drinks from the sireā€™s wrist as a sign of their submission and devotion. To allow your scion to drink from your neck shows that you see them as an equal and fully-grown, and that theyā€™re ready to head out on their own if they want.Ā Ā 
Also, vampires have super sensitive necks, and getting fed off of is incredibly pleasurable for them.Ā 
Papa Nihil
The head/master vampire of the surrounding territory. All other vampires living there must answer to him, or be cast out. As old as time itself...and yet, heā€™s still active and has childish sense of humor.Ā Thatā€™s led to almost everyone whoā€™s gone after him underestimating him.Ā 
Itā€™s a mistake they can only make once.
He has a great number of abilities--turning into mist, hypnotizing others, commanding animals, turning mortals to Ghouls (animalistic vampiric servants)....and he can fight.Ā 
How they approach: Actually, others come to him! Itā€™s not every day that he goes out and about anymore. But he still does. He uses his elderly appearance and infirmity to prey on your sense of weakness as he knocks on your door in the middle of a snowy night in order to use your phone. Surely you wouldnā€™t leave an old man out in the cold, would you?
How they feed:Ā His hypnosis is strong enough that he can compel mortals to do just about anything for him. Come here, dear.. And he has them smiling and offering them their necks before they even have the chance to understand whatā€™s happening to them. When he was a young man, he was more cruel to hisĀ ā€˜foodā€™, draining them and leaving them practically husks on the ground. But now heā€™s much more considerate--he knows just how much he can take from you before itā€™ll hurt you, and leaves you somewhere nice and soft, like on your couch or bed.Ā 
How they love: Heā€™ll spoil you rotten! Showering you with gifts and trinkets. Heā€™s had many loves in his time, and eventually they all pass. His children are still here because they were born into vampirism. Honestly, he wouldnā€™t want to Turn you if heā€™s in love with you--he would rather spend time doting on you than actually teaching you how to be a vampire.Ā 
If you become his scion: You have to convince him to Turn you. Has Sister Imperator (his longtime human assistant) help look after you through your Turning, and holds your hand through the nightmares. He has a lot of lessons to teach, being so old and wise, and getting blood from such a powerful vampire means that youā€™ll be very powerful in your own right. Be ready to work hard!
Fun fact: Copia is actually another one of Papa Nihilā€™s scions--back from when Nihil was young. The two of you probably wonā€™t see a lot of eachother; Copiaā€™s a fully grown vampire, and keeping an eye on the surrounding territories is a full-time job for him.
Papa I
Nihilā€™s firstborn. A very old and very powerful vampire. He isnā€™t one for socializing and only attends vampire social events out of obligation for his rank. Rather, heā€™s used his immortality to spend his time in solitude; reading, reflecting, and writing, in the eternal pursuit of knowledge.Ā 
He also has quite a few abilities, but he almost never uses them unless he needs to. His stomach is withered away, so he canā€™t really process human food anymore.Ā 
How they approach: He doesnā€™t approach. The man lives in a castle and never leaves it. Should travelers come asking for sanctuary, heā€™s more than happy to let you stay a night. Donā€™t mind the masked servants, they prefer to keep their appearance secret. If youā€™re an intellectual sort, you can engage him in conversation, and heā€™ll be pleasantly surprised. Donā€™t be surprised if he invites you to stay another night...
How they feed: Actually doesnā€™t do the neck-biting thing. He has an arrangement with the local bloodbank and sips from the pouches as he reads the latest tome or writes down his latest thoughts. If you want him to feed from you, though, he would. Heā€™d be very gentle with you, always asking if youā€™re alright, and letting you tap his shoulder to stop him if heā€™s taking too much.Ā 
How they love: If you catch his eye, he would want to court you properly. Heā€™s a gentleman--getting you books, offering to paint your portrait, and telling you everything you want to know about any subject in particular. You have a veritable fountain of wisdom at your beck and call!Ā 
If you become his scion: He would bring up the idea of turning you, to be honest. Youā€™re very important to him, and he doesnā€™t want to lose you, because he knows how fleeting mortal life is. Would coddle you through your Turning and have his wrist ready for you when you wake up. I hope you like being in school, because once youā€™re ready to start your lessons, thatā€™s exactly what it turns into, with lectures on proper vampire history, techniques, and science. Have fun!Ā 
Papa II
Nihilā€™s second son. A cruel, domineering vampire, powerful and merciless. Heā€™s a lot like how Nihil used to be, back when Nihil was a younger vampire. Lives in a truly terrifying castle overlooking a little town that heā€™s broken into fearing him and giving him tribute. His is the castle they warn you not to go to after dark.
He can use hypnosis, transform into mist, turn people into ghouls, and he has a massive amount of vampiric strength and agility.Ā 
How they approach: If you catch his eye, heā€™s most likely going to attempt to seduce you, with silken words and meaningful glances. Heā€™s gotten quite a few humans this way--he even has a few humanĀ ā€˜toysā€™ living with him, solely for the bedroom. All consensual, of course. He keeps them well-fed, and they donā€™t have to do anything other than please him. Whatā€™s not to like?Ā 
How they feed: Generally he feeds from hisĀ ā€˜toysā€™. Itā€™s a privilege he enjoys making them compete for, depending on who can pleasure him the most that night. He has a very low opinion of humanity, and heā€™s not shy about expressing it.Ā 
How they love: Against all odds, if you as a human manage to charm him to the point where he has feelings for you? Heā€™s honestly unsure how to proceed. It was probably your strong will that won him over, and the way you never break eye contact with him instead of dropping your eyes to the floor like most other humans. Heā€™ll make his feelings and intentions on the matter well-known to you.Ā ā€œHumanity does not suit you, child.Ā Join me in the darkness, that we may be one forever.ā€
If you become his scion: Good luck. Papa II isnā€™t going to pull any punches when he Turns you. Will sit back and watch to see if you survive the Turning, and heā€™ll make you sayĀ ā€˜please, masterā€™ before he lets you drink from his wrist for the very first time. He enforces the master and servant dynamic; after all, thatā€™s what a scion is to a sire. His training is brutal; heā€™ll push you to your very limits. But thatā€™s because he knows you can go above and beyond. And when your training is complete, youā€™ll be one of the strongest vampires around.Ā 
Papa III
The youngest of Nihilā€™s children, and the most charismatic. They based the Bela Lugosi DraculaĀ after him. Charming and witty, elegant and sensual, heā€™s not one for secluded living. He loves to attend parties, whether for vampires or humans or even a mix of the two! Heā€™s pretty open-minded about humanity, and thinks theyā€™re more adorable than pitiful (unlike his grumpy brother).Ā 
His abilities include vampiric charisma, transforming into a bat (or bats), slight hypnosis, turning people into ghouls, and actually knowing how to talk to humans.Ā 
How they approach: Heā€™ll hit you up in a bar or at a party, and put all that charm to good use. He prefers humans to other vampires because theyā€™re easier to impress. But play cat and mouse, and heā€™ll definitely be intrigued--more than if you were just a one night stand.
How they feed: He likes to drink from his dates. And he alwaysĀ makes it pleasurable for them, too, usually doing it in the bedroom.Ā 
How they love: If youā€™ve charmed the youngest Emeritus, heā€™ll take you out with him when he goes places. Buy you presents, take you to dinners...heā€™ll show you little nooks and crannies in the city that arenā€™t well-known to humans, strange and interesting things you donā€™t see in your normal day-to-day. Sweet little experiences, just between the two of you.Ā 
If you become his scion: Gets very worried about you if he Turns you. He calls on his older brothers for their expertise, which theyā€™ll give him, helping him cool your fevered sleep and soothe your nightmares. Honestly? Heā€™ll let you drink from his neck a lot sooner than any of the others would, tradition be damned. Of course you two are equals...except maybe in the bedroom. You know damn well heā€™s going to play up the dom/sub nature of the relationship between a sire and their scion when heā€™s bedding you. Itā€™s just more fun that way.Ā 
Cardinal Copia
A man from 14th century Italy. He used to be a mortal man, but when the plague hit, he was terrified for his life. So he went to Papa Nihil and pledged his service in exchange for immortality. Nowadays, he keeps an eye on Nihilā€™s affairs and the state of the surrounding territories, scheduling this and keeping track of that. Unlike many of the others, he has a much easier time going out during the day, so he gets sent on a lot of errands and does a lot of travelling. Instead of his canines, his fangs are his two front teeth, sharp and pointy, making him look more like a rat than ever.Ā 
His vampiric abilities include transforming into a rat, command over rats (though he prefers to think of them as friends), turning people into ghouls, and great accounting skills.Ā 
How they approach:Ā Youā€™ll probably be the one to approach him first, letā€™s be real. After all these years and learning the consequences of being immortal, he doesnā€™t like interacting much with humans unless he wants a quick fuck. Why bother, when theyā€™re going to be dead the next time you blink? But you can win his heart, with time and persistence!Ā 
How they feed: He bags his own blood, so to speak--he likes to pick a target and research them to make sure theyā€™re a loner or a felon (he doesnā€™t kill them if theyā€™ve got family or an actual good person, heā€™s not a complete monster), then kill them and drain them dry. The first drink he takes from their neck, the rest he saves in bags for later in a portable freezer.Ā 
How they love: Would straight up court you. Flowers, dates, dinners.....heā€™s an old-fashioned gentleman about it. Is terribly frightened of letting you in on his secret...so itā€™s only when heā€™s sure youā€™re The One that he tells you what he is. And that he doesnā€™t want to ever be without you. Topolino...will you forsake the light and join me in the dark, so we may be together for an eternity?
If you become his scion:Ā You thought Papa III was worried? Hold Copiaā€™s wine. The Cardinal knows what youā€™re going through, and itā€™s terrifying for him--because he almost didnā€™t survive his Turning. What if you die?? Heā€™s there by your side the whole time, putting rags dipped in cool water across your fevered forehead, whispering comfortingly to you as you toss and turn in your nightmares.Ā 
Itā€™s a little strange for him, having someone he could boss around if he wanted, but heā€™s relatively nice about it. You donā€™t have to call himĀ ā€˜Sirā€™ or anything like that, but if you did, it would make him feel very good. One of the perks about being Copiaā€™s scion is that the man is always on the go--so youā€™ll have plenty of time to learn the tricks of the trade and watch from his example!Ā 
Oh, and heā€™d probably start feeding from you instead of just his own supply. And heā€™ll have you writhingĀ in his arms as he takes his time with your sweet, supple neck.
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neofaa Ā· 3 years ago
Innovation in fashion world!
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According to CB Insights, Industry Analyst Consensus, the fashion industry is one of the world's largest, estimated to be worth over $3 Trillion by the end of the decade. As social media apps, retail shops, and augmented reality emerge, people, are changing the way they shop. To reach their customers, brands have adapted to changing circumstances. The way products are made and displayed through various platforms, creates a lot of impact on the customers. Creating a new and different experience can set a retailer apart from the rest in an over-catered fashion world.
Artificial Intelligence
Over the past few years, brands have been using artificial intelligence to enhance customers' shopping experiences, analyze data, increase sales, forecast trends, and offer inventory guidance. As a result of artificial intelligence, product design and development reflect customer preferences. To create out-of-the-box prototypes of a variety of products, artificial intelligence is being used. By 2030, it is expected that the market for generative design software will be worth $44.5 Billion. Among other things, Google has trained a neural network to understand colors, textures, style preferences, and other aesthetic attributes. Customers can enter their style into the system, after which AI synthesizes big data signals and preferences, including past online purchases. In an online fitting room, a user can virtually try on dress options and select his/her favorite. A 3D design platform renders the dress and tailors it to that personā€™s measurements. Robotics sewers and cutters assemble the dress. Ā 
3-D Design & Printing
3D printing opens up a world of possibilities for customization. It's desirable to wear a trendy outfit, but not everyone wants to wear the same style. Therefore, customization is becoming popular around the globe. By using 3D printing in production, the textile industry can not only functionally optimize its products right from the start, but production steps such as cutting, sewing, or gluing functional components to a textile can even be saved in this way. Also, the 3D print stage itself allows the use of materials that require less water than conventional fabrics like cotton, materials that are usually recyclable, and reusable 3-D design technique can help in the stages of prototyping and sampling and hence allowing resource efficiency and time reduction.
Alternative materials and fabrics
Several attempts are being made to make fabrics from non-harmful sources that are more sustainable. Companies are opting for alternatives that are eco-friendly and cost-effective. Many inventions have already been done. For example, Cruelty-free leather from pineapple leaves, Animal-free wool from Coconut husks, Silk from Banana Stem, and many more alternatives have already been developed.
Virtual Reality and Meta-verse Virtual reality is already being used in every part of the globe. In the virtual world, virtual fashion shows are already taking place. Thousands of visitors and several major businesses can virtually attend fashion events as if they were physically present. Experimenting with this channel, from virtual reality fashion shows to virtual stores, appears to be highly popular. This isn't surprising, given that the COVID-19 period has sparked the creation of novel in-home experiences. Virtual reality may unwittingly become the great equalizer of fashion by bringing unlimited possibilities to the fashion world. For example, digital fashion allows everyone to shop for designer labels. Furthermore, internet fashion shows provide the general public with unprecedented access and visibility into the industry. Meta-verse is growing in popularity, and people are already enthralled by it. The Meta-verse is concerned with more than just physical clothing. People are paying a lot of money to dress up their virtual personalities in a make-believe reality, and digital clothing has become a big business. E-Commerce By 2025, the e-commerce fashion business is predicted to be worth $1 trillion. The compound annual growth rate of online fashion will be 7.18 percent over the next five years. People have shifted their shopping habits from offline to online since internet platforms offer more options and save time. Because of the widespread impact of online shopping, there is a certain level of certainty in the sale of high-end goods and accessories. By 2023, the luxury goods market is estimated to be worth over $80 billion. There are numerous benefits, including a speedier purchasing procedure, price comparison, customer freedom, and no reach constraints. As a result, E-commerce has radically transformed people's shopping habits.
A variety of technologies highlight how technology is automating, customizing, and speeding up the fashion arena, including robots that sew and cut fabric, AI algorithms that predict style trends, and outfits that can be worn in virtual reality. The consequences of digitalization, which is reaching its pinnacle, and social media, which is altering the world, are notable. AI is being used by fashion brands all around the world in their design process. Customers' data is collected in order to determine what best suits them. They assist consumers in selecting clothing based on fabric, color, and style preferences.
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holylulusworld Ā· 4 years ago
Hey! I usually love your work but.... "Shackled" Demon! Dean x reader really seemed like r@pe to me.... idk if you accidentally made it like that or it was something else but.... it really do be looking like it's r@pe . Sorry if you find this comment offensive
Smut/Dub-Con/(mentions of the word non-con) warnings:
I didnā€™t mean it to be non-con and I donā€™t think I wrote it that way. Iā€™m sorry if you got triggered or believe this is a non-con story.
The reader toys with Dean and he pays her back. They are both a bit kinky and like to play with their ā€˜preyā€™. Itā€™s part of the bad bitches bingo so itā€™s a bit kinkier.
To make sure everyone knows itā€™s consensual (but some people might get it wrong and believe it isn't completely con) I labeled it (light) dub-con in my warnings just to be sure. (and tagged dubcon)
Dean freed himself of the ropes and maybe it was too implied but due to the cure with purified blood he could have broken out of the ropes (soaked in holy water) in the beginning but he wanted to play with the reader.
He took over control after her first orgasm as he wanted her to get off and make her believe sheā€™s in control. (They are both dominant.)
The reader is a powerful witch and could have killed Dean or get out of his grip anytime.
I recite Dean in my story:
ā€œI-I want you to ride my dick,ā€ panting heavily, his eyes glued to your fingers fucking your slick cunt the demon growls like a wild animal. ā€œI dare you to keep me waiting.ā€
ā€œIā€™m a monster and you just sank down my dick. I hope you didnā€™t get into trouble, sweetheart,ā€ he grins, thrusting upward to hit that spot making you see stars. ā€œThere it is bitch. Now ride me as you mean it.ā€
This shows heā€™s totally into it.
I recite the reader in my story after Dean wins over control:
... you moan at his threat, already dripping for more.
ā€œDo your worst,ā€ you whimper. ā€œI can take it.ā€
ā€œFuck me like a man or leave it,ā€ you quip. ā€œIf you canā€™t get hard, ask your brother for advice. He made me cum so hard last time we had a quickie.ā€
...later when Dean is human again
ā€œNo thank you for your help?ā€ you sit up, grinning at Dean. ā€œOr rather for the fuck?ā€
Both in the end (remember Dean is human now but he still wants the reader and she wants him. She even had ā€˜sex with Deanā€™ on her bucket list):
ā€œI only want to get dicked down good and hard once in a while. Oh! And I want you to help me cross things off my bucket list. I already got hate sex, sex with a demon, sex with a hunter, and sex with Dean Winchester.ā€
ā€œYouā€™re a freakā€¦a kinky one,ā€ husking the words Dean unbuckles his beltā€¦slowly. ā€œWhat else do you have on that list?ā€ he cocks a brow, smirking as you already unbutton the shirt you stole from him. ā€œY/N, I asked you a question.ā€
ā€œGet on hands and knees, bitch,ā€ Dean orders. ā€œYouā€™ll recite your bucket list while I fuck you raw. And no, you wonā€™t get Sammyā€™s dick, only mine. Now hands behind your back, I got a nice rope waiting to tame you.ā€
ā€œI prefer your dickā€¦ā€
If she didnā€™t want Dean, she couldā€™ve beaten the shit out of him or ask Cas/Sam for help. Dean couldā€™ve left the room and not have sex with her again.
In the end, itā€™s hate sex (itā€™s in the warnings too) and not slow and gentle sex. Itā€™s Demon!Dean and a witch. There is no lovemaking but also no forced sex (in my opinion and in the way I wrote it).
I can only suggest to you to not read any of my SPN KINK BINGO or Bad Bitches Bingo stories as all of them will contain kinky smut like choking (but still no non-con, though).
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corpusdiem-seizethedead Ā· 5 months ago
Husk: But please, be careful, Tony-
Angel: You know me!
Husk: Yes, exactly. That's why I'm worried.
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amassingeffect Ā· 8 years ago
30 Day Shepard Challenge - Day 10
Squadmates [Mass Effect 2]. Describe Shepardļæ½ļæ½s relationship with their companions, and their decisions during their loyalty missions.
Legion [if activated. If not, why?]?
Kasumi [if obtained]?
Zaeed [if obtained]?
Kelly [yes she counts]?
Jacob - Both of them being professional and very much to the point with each other, Jacob still showed reluctance when asking Elentari to investigate the Hugo Gernsback. When they arrived on the planet and fought their way through, she paid attention to Jacobā€™s reactions. By the time they found Captain Ronald Taylor, Jacobā€™s disgust was evident. When Jacob revealed that he already considered his father dead, Elentari took the most expedient path to solving the problem: she let the hunters have Ronald Taylor.
Miranda: Cool and distant at first, it took a long while for friendship to develop between Elentari and Miranda. Both saw themselves as doing the right thing for certain reasons, and Elentari harboured mistrust for Cerberus still. The seeds of the friendship started during Mirandaā€™s relocation of her sister Oriana. While on the elevator up, Elentari gently tried to point out that Niket was more than likely the source of betrayal. It wasnā€™t that she wanted to upset Miranda, but more the fact that Miranda was so in denial about the obvious. So when it was finally confirmed and they found him, Elentari saw no reason to step in when Miranda shot him. With Oriana safely relocated, Elentari urged Miranda to at least talk to her and not to remain so distant.
Mordin: Elentari is very fond of him and appreciative of his blunt, straightforward manner, even if it left her a little chagrined some times. She convinced him to save Maleonā€™s data; the damage was already done and if it was useful, it could help in the future to cure the genophage. She saw no point in throwing away information that so many had willingly died to provide, though the method was barbaric. Elentari also stopped him from killing Maleon as she knew he was trying to make amends over his part in inflicting the modified genophage. Killing Maleon wouldnā€™t have helped Mordin with that.
Garrus: He and Elentari are very close and intimate, especially after the incidents on Omega and on Horizon. It became commonplace for Elentari to visit Garrus in the main battery as he installed and calibrated the new Thanix cannons. Their relationship turned romantic during their time aboard the SR-2 together. She helped him to track down Sidonis on the Citadel. She did understand his anger towards Sidonis; when they got to the Citadel, she kept Sidonis talking long enough and then stepped to the side.
Jack: Theyā€™re amicable enough, since Elentari doesnā€™t bother Jack too much in her preferred spot down in Engineering. When Jack asked for Elentariā€™s help in blowing up the old Cerberus base on Pragia, there wasnā€™t even a discussion of why or are you sure; Elentari simply told Jack to give her the co-ordinates. After finally fighting their way through the decrepit facility, they encountered Aresh. After seeing Jack so torn, she decided to urge Jack to spare him, figuring if Jack changed her mind, they could track him down later.
Grunt: Elentari was surprised to realise how close she is to Grunt, more along the lines of parent and child. When she took Grunt to Tuchanka for his Rite of Passage, she did wonder if Garrus was right: maybe lap dances at Omega were the way to go. She was glad that Wrex allowed Grunt to go through the Rite and headbutted Uvenk when he protested to the shaman. Grunt successfully completed his Rite of Passage, even managing to slay a thresher maw as well as killing Uvenk who ambushed them after the Rite of Passage. Elentari bought him a new shotgun Ā and a ton of ryncol to celebrate.
Tali: Elentari considers Tali to be her sister. When Tali came back on the SR-2, if Elentari wasnā€™t in the main battery, chances were good she was visiting Tali down in Engineering and catching up. When the Admiralty board accused Tali of treason, Elentari immediately had Joker plot a course to the quarian fleetā€™s location. She gave the Admirals a piece of her mind for springing information on Tali in such a fashion. Before departing for the Alarei, she talked to them all and quickly realised that Tali really had nothing to do with this nonsense. After clearing the Alarei of geth, per Taliā€™s heartfelt request she didnā€™t reveal the depth of treason that Taliā€™s father reached. Instead, she twisted the trial back on the Admirals, exposing their true motives, and yelling at them some more for daring to question Taliā€™s loyalty to the fleet after everything she did.
Thane: Elentari visited Thane during her weekly inspections to see if he needed anything. It turned into long philosophical conversatiions about the self, their work as well as comparatives between drell and human culture. Elentari frankly admitted that the time factor with Thane did make her more inclined to openness with him. When Thane came to her with news that Kolyat had taken a hit job, they immediately went to the Citadel to stop him; she had an idea of how badly things could go. Thane was trained for this whereas his son was not. After the shortest interrogation in the galaxy, they got the targetā€™s name and managed to stop Kolyat. Elentari intervened personally, asking Bailey to keep him around, to do community service instead of going to jail.
Samara: They occassional have chats in the observation lounge and Elentari gave meditating a shot under Samaraā€™s guidance. One of the first things Elentari did after Samara swore her Oath of Service was to read over as much of the justicar code as she could. It took some doing to track it down, but she enjoys Samaraā€™s company very much, considers her a valued squad member Ā and has no desire to conflict with her Code. Elentari knows who would win in that fight. Tracking down Morinth on Omega and having it end in the showdown wasnā€™t anything she expected. Helping Samara had been an easy decision. Elentari wasnā€™t about to run the risk of having Morinth turn on her at some point and make a run for it whereas Samara was bound to her by the Oath of Service. After that mission, Elentari left Samara alone for awhile to grieve until Samara indicated she was ready for company again.
Legion: Always curious about the geth, Elentari decided to reactive Legion for the simple fact that it defended her against Husks and had welded N7 armour on for repairs. Such things were not the norm behaviour for geth she had encountered so far. She was surprised to learn that Legion was a gestalt platform comprised of 1183 programs. She enjoyed talking to Legion, even if the conversation goes in circles sometimes and is learning much of geth and the quarians. When Legion approached her for help with the heretics and the virus, Elentari had no problems with assisting. She was more surprised when Legion left the decision up to her. She chose to overwrite the heretics, to bring them back to the consensus; using Legionā€™s own logic, she figured strengthening the whole against the Reapers was a much better choice; this way they would know what they were up against and have some knowledge of Reaper patterns and behaviours and could establish possible counters.
Kasumi: Elentari and Kasumi developed a friendship over a love of books, booze and memories, old and faded or sharp and new. During the heist on Bekenstein, Elentari did wonder at just how easily she fit into the room. When they were on their way back to the SR-2, Elentari wasnā€™t too sure what to tell Kasumi about the greybox; she finally said that if she was willing to live with the consequences of keeping it, then she should. With all her scars and tattoos gone, she found she did enjoy the dress Kasumi got for her, and every so often, they window shop on extranet sites.
Zaeed: Elentari is more than willing to listen to Zaeedā€™s tall tales, winnowing bits of information from them. If she brings good booze, he tends to break out the more bigger stories that almost border on ludicrous. On Zorya, she saw enough viciousness in Vido to want him dead. With no idea of how long it would take to save the trapped workers, she had their team press on to catch Vido and let Zaeed get his revenge.
Kelly: Elentari doesnā€™t trust Kelly very much, even more so when Kelly claims she was handpicked by The Illusive Man himself. She feels like Kelly was placed there at The Illusive Manā€™s behest to try and find out more about her. Most of their sparse conversationscenter around work and Elentari handles all her own correspondences.
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