#connor x black!reader
pinkdoodoofart · 2 months
Your Hair (Connor x Black! Reader)
Summary: Connor is still adjusting to being at the DPD and improving his relationships with you and Hank. He starts with you, trying to understand you more and grow closer to you. (Will be a bunch of one-shots in chapters I guess?)
Word Count: 1141
This has not been proofread, wrote this today before work so it will be edited later maybe. A little comfort oneshot for those who struggle with liking their hair, i def struggled ToT
Though he has his own desk now, Connor is still not generally familiar with his environment or his partners at the DPD. Lieutenant Anderson, better known as Hank, shows much disdain towards Connor. Making it difficult to work on cases efficiently, much to Connor's dismay.
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However, all is not entirely formidable. His other partner, (Y/N), quiet as you can be, was pleasant and understanding. When you first met, he wasn't ignored, pushed to the side, or spoken to rudely. Instead, you greeted him as if he were another human being. However, meeting at the homicide crime scene of Carlos Ortiz was not what he would consider cordial.
Today was a slow day at the department. Hank hasn't shown up yet, Gavin is loud and obnoxious, and no one will even bat an eye in his direction. Connor sits at his desk, scanning over the same files repeatedly looking for anything to pique his interest.
"Good morning Connor," a sweet and soft voice greets, prompting Connor to raise his head in the direction of his quiet partner. His eyes shoot up to your head before responding. Your hair was gigantic and different from when he last saw her with braids.
"Good morning (Y/N), did you have a safe drive to the station?" He questions as he watches you set up at your desk. He couldn't stop his eyes from drifting to your hair as he spoke. You look at him with a soft smile as you sit down, "I did, less traffic than normal thank fuck." This makes Connor chuckle a bit, you're quiet, but you have quite a dirty mouth.
"That's good..." he says as he keeps staring intensely. You look up to see him staring intensely at your head, making you look up as if something was above you.
"Is something wrong Connor?" you question while sitting at your desk, facing him. Finally, his attention shifts to your face as he turns his head to the left slightly, "Your hair is drastically different from the last time I saw you. It's... very big". This makes you let out a loud and uncontrolled laugh (which gets the attention of other coworkers, prompting you to quiet down), not telling him about the unintentional innuendo he said.
"I took my braids out and decided to go with the 'fro," You say simply staring at him with a smile trying to calm yourself down. This further confuses him, it shouldn't look like that after taking them out, right? "Do you like it, Connor?" You ask while puffing it out as if putting on a show for him. He continues to stare, perplexed by the volume of your hair having increased considerably. While distracted, he doesn't notice you moving closer in your chair. "You seem lost in thought, you good?" You examine when your first question remained unanswered.
"I'm fine Detective, but I do have a question," he finally responds after some time. You nod and sit patiently, waiting for him to elaborate. "Your hair's volume and mass has increased drastically, how is that possible?" He sounds like a curious child when an adult is working on something unfamiliar to their knowledge.
"My hair is very interesting Connor. When wet, it shrinks and curls up, when blow-dried, it expands. My braids were getting old, so I decided to take them out, wash my hair, and go with the 'fro." You state, touching your hair as you explain. The circle on his temple goes yellow for a moment before transitioning back to blue, "I see, that is very interesting Detective. It's vastly different than my hair." You pause, lips forming a tight line, which does not go unnoticed. "Did I upset you, Detective?" He asks slightly worried and confused, did he say something wrong?
"No, you're fine Connor. Just thinking about how younger me would've loved to have hair like yours," You say, slightly cringing at the thought. Once again, he does his cute little head tilt, "Like mine? My hair is fake as I am a machine." You chuckle a bit before putting a hand on his shoulder, "I mean the texture hun". He's further confused by your answer, why would you want hair like his?
"But why? Your hair is beautiful and unique whereas the texture of my hair is simplistic." You smile at the compliment before you explain yourself, "Growing up, I went to a predominately white school, from kindergarten to high school. Everyone had straight hair, could jump in the pool and their hair wouldn't shrink or be hard to comb through. Even when I straightened my hair, it didn't look like the other girls. Although I was never bullied for my hair, that didn't stop the insecurities." You finish while looking at the ground.
A hand pulls your head up to look at its owner, Your hair is beautiful the way it is (Y/N)," He reaches a hand towards your hair, silently asking for permission to touch it. With an approving nod from your end, he feels through your hair slowly, letting out a noise of satisfaction. "Your hair is soft to the touch, and smells of coconuts. It's like a soft blanket that could keep you warm from any cold. Love your hair as it is (Y/N)". His response brings a blush to your cheeks (not like you can see it), a feeling of delight rushing through your chest.
You close your eyes with a hum as he continues to comb his fingers through your hair, "Thanks Connor, This feels really good." You say as you lean more into his hand. He stops his hand for a moment before continuing.
"I am glad you are enjoying the feeling Detective," he states without stopping. Before you can utter another word to Connor, a loud noise erupts from the desk across from his. Connor stops as you both look up to see Hank staring at you both intensely.
"What the fuck are you doing to her Connor?' Hank asks, confused but with a hint of amusement in his tone. Connor removes his hand quickly as you continue to sit, refusing to make eye contact with either individual, "Detective (L/N) and I were having a conversation". Connor states while staring at Hank with a neutral expression. In the corner of your eye, you can see Hank staring at you before he scoffs, "More like digging your mechanical hand in her hair," he stops for a moment, seeming to try not to laugh before continuing, "We got another place to check out, get your stuff and let's go," and with that, Hank is already heading outside to his car. You pack your stuff up and quickly head in Hank's direction, but not before smiling softly at Connor. Smiling in response, Connor felt his day had suddenly gotten better
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howtotrainabraincell · 2 months
Head Cannon bc I can - What kinds affectionate the different assassins would be - Part 1
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Ezio Auditore da Firenze - The Lover of Love. Family man very affectionate/grew up in a loving closely knit family/family oriented/notices little things/sweetheart with a side of spice/he reminds me of the hot tamale candy lol spicy AND sweet at the same time bc he can be a cinnamon roll one second and then become the oven that you PUT the cinnamon roll IN. He seems like he would play the lute for you the few chords that he learned when he was younger that is, and he MIGHT sing but don't count on it haha. Man wrote some real nice letters when he was older so I bet he would try his hand at love letters no matter which Ezio you prefer, and they would be sweet. Loves to give hand kisses whether they be sweet or steamy. Often comes up behind you and wraps his arms around you in a hug, and imo LOVES it when you rake your fingers through his hair gently scratching his scalp. Would instantly be down bad for someone who cooks Italian food for him because it makes him feel loved and cared for.
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Bayek of Siwa - The Kind Lover. Proud affection/"look at how awesome my partner is I worship the ground they walk on"/offers an arm for escort/is not afraid to hold your hand/great at letting people know where they stand and setting boundaries so no one will be confused about who he has feelings for. Very attentive and notices the little things/can kick ass and then some but is so gentle and sweet with the one he loves (no one touches a hair on their head or disturbs the air around them or so help him Anubis...) /great at communicating and is not afraid to talk about feelings. Have a feeling that he enjoys fresh baked bread and anything sweet he can get his hands on, and also loves to share them with his love. NO ONE can tell me that he doesn't take good care of the person he loves because man is a sweetheart protector and dang good provider. Forehead kisses are a big thing with him, where he gently cradles your head to do so, and lots of eye contact when he tells you that he loves you.
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Edward Kenway - The Cheeky Pirate. sexual tension/handsy and cheeky but will stop if you're uncomfy/he knows when to behave/won't hesitate to smooch you to the ninth realm and back if someone looks at you like they want you/ have a feeling that he is BIG TIME into holding his partner in front of him at the wheel and steering the Jackdaw (letting them drive but not really)/spoils his loved one rotten any chance he gets (even if it is stolen lol)/will probably make you his co-co-captain alongside Adewale.
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Ratonhnhake:ton/Connor Kenway- The Respectful Lover. Not really one for PDA but you'll know that you're loved by him/does gush about you to people from his tribe and everyone at the Homestead knows he's DOWN BAAADD (the tribe elders have predicted a wedding date lol bc they know that he'll marry you. Definitely teaches self-defense and fall in love 5,000 times harder if they made an attempt to learn Kanien'keha/if they love animals and nature, he again will worship the air they breathe. If you cook for him especially recipes from his tribe, he'll probably get emotional because they remind him of home, and he would be head over heels in love with someone who was open to learning about where he comes from and the ways of his people. If you defend him when someone is rude to him (despite being well able to defend himself as we all know) he will feel protected and loved, which he's rarely felt in his life since his mother.
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Jacob Ethan Frye - The Sweetheart. Makes his partner feel valued ESPECIALLY as a woman because he's not a typical 19th century man who's all "women's place is in the home having babies and cooking and cleaning". He WILL LISTEN TO YOU and also put great faith in your opinion/cheeky and very flirtatious/can get flustered if partner matches his energy though lol/ something tells me this man LOVES and is WHIPPED for domesticity he's had a crazy, dangerous life with too many near death experiences to count at only 21 years old and while he would still be the chaotic cinnamon roll you fell in love with the Rooks and fight club and all he would love to come home to peace and calmness. If you cook/bake for him he will literally turn into a bottomless pit he LOVES IT though it will sometimes start sibling squabbles between him and his older sister because she loves your cooking too haha. Also teaches self-defense but will get flirty with you real quick so it's probably best to learn from Evie lol. VERY genuine and he means every loving word he says and every touch he gives. Protective of you and will throw hands if someone disrespects you. He also loves to make you laugh and tell.me.WHY I am so dang sure that he LOVES it when you play with his hair especially if you scratch your fingers lightly against his jaw and the scratchy whiskers he has there.
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Desmond Miles - The Lonely One. Proud as well/total gentleman with sexy swagger lol/loves to take you out on his motorcycle/loves it when you come visit him at work because he'll be doing his job and look over to see you which makes him instantly happy/TOTALLY shows off his bartending skills and winks at you while doing it being a total flirt/ love language without a doubt is quality time and physical touch. Man is VERY affectionate imo because he's touched starved and most likely lonely (even with the Animus he still wants you because you comfort him). If you defend him from Shaun when he's being annoying or pushing him too much or clap back at the male half of his DNA, he will literally love you forever. Man is FERAL for a significant other that will defend him and care for him the way he wasn't all those years alone.
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Altair Ibn La'Ahad - The Reserved Soldier...who's Smitten. Doesn't do PDA most that might happen is an arm offered for an escort or a hand on the waist to push you behind him/will kiss you on the cheek before he goes off on missions the same way he does the rest of the members of the Brotherhood (even if you're not part of it) while saying to you in Arabic "Safety and Peace my darling". Shows affection by smirking at you when you're flustered and acting as your intimidating AF bodyguard/in private tho...he's very amorous and loves having physical contact with his partner. Totally the type to lie there and rest with them or lazily kiss and hug. Not averse to showing that he loves you in public or declaring his love because he does love you very much, he just wants to protect your honor and avoid anyone (read: MALIK) heckling/harassing the both of you about being lovers. You are for his eyes and his eyes only whether it be hand holding, kissing, or various other things that he often thinks about...
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Arno Victor Dorian - The Hopeless Romantic. Very affectionate also from being lonely and touch starved/not afraid to show his love for you in public. He DEFINITELY writes you love letters that are just - SIGH. He has a way with words and just pours everything into the letters he writes you, what he loves about you and why, how much you mean to him, how he would do anything for you. He's a hopeless romantic and when he falls in love he falls HARD and gives the one he loves everything (cue traumatic flashbacks of a certain ex-now deceased red haired lover of his). I think he would be SO in love with someone who noticed the little things about him and took care of those things. If he's sleep deprived? You let him sleep in and fix him breakfast in bed. If he's lonely while working? You sit with him wherever he is and read/ write/look out the window and watch Paris silently comforting him with just your presence. If he forgets to eat? You fixing him something delicious to eat and bringing it to him giving him a kiss and words of encouragement. Bringing him tea/water/coffee/hot chocolate while he's working. Would definitely spoil you with treats from the Cafe and if you work there, he'll drop by every so often to give you a sweet quick kiss. I think he would also show affection by helping you get ready in the morning and take this the way you wish...but he's really good with corset laces, buttons, and layers upon layers of fabric. He's thoughtful and sweet taking time to think about you (even though he barely thinks about himself). Will legit protect you with his life he refuses to lose you and will do anything to keep you safe. He loves to have slow relaxing days with you to have a moment away from his normally stressful life. You pulling him away from his work for distraction or holding him when the Council annoys him is always welcome. You will definitely know that he loves you with everything that he has.
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melanatedeuph0ria · 6 months
welcome to my page !!☆
hiiiii & welcome to my melanatedeuph0ria!! for ab a yr or 2 now, i’ve been mainly reading fics on tumblr on characters like rick grimes, spencer reid, toji, etc. (nonblk characters mostly let’s be fr..) and throughout those yrs, i’ve been noticing a complete lack of..
“well, if the fic just says ‘reader x (character)’, couldn’t you just use your imagination to insert ur race?? 🤔”
while this IS true, i feel like us as black & poc readers should have the opportunity to read some fanfics that makes us feel SPECIAL & RECOGNIZED, in aspects such as our skin, hair, & realness without it being stereotypical or just having us feel defaulted to a white pov. (also without it being just SMUT cmon y’all)
also, we all know rick grimes luvs some MELANINNNN ‼️🗣️
so, with that being said, i am here to bring justice to my fellow blk readers who needed a lil spice in their reading, so the imagination part could be a bit easier 🫶🏽
SOME of the fics i make will be poc x reader, others will be just x reader & up for interpretation !!
NOTE: this is NOT me saying black readers ONLY want black-centered fics, nor is this me placing black readers in a box, NOR is this me putting down “x reader” fics!! this is me saying that, although i do enjoy fics without a specified race most of the time, sometimes i feel like having fics catered to poc are special as well because there aren’t many on this app to call our own!!💗
ty for sticking around until the end, and im hoping to start writing fics soon !! 🌷🌸
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jazziejax · 4 months
𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡
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Odessa Moore and Antoinette Benoit were best friends. Sisters in a way. Two girls with opposite personalities that were both raised together in the Catholic Church foster care system. After coming of age they moved away together, relying on each other to work through the trauma such a time brought them. But life away wasn’t any sweeter. They were struggling to stay afloat in the big city and the days were getting more miserable by the day.
And as if the great force up above answered their prayers, that only one continued to do, a letter was sent their way. A letter addressed to them from the church, asking if they would like to come back and help out the foster home for the summer, the death of Mother Martha taking a toll on the community. Pay and housing included. And after some careful consideration, the girl agreed, leaving behind the small life they created in the span of four years to go back home. A place that brought back terrible memories.
But things have changed in the past four years. There are new children within the home, better establishments within the town, a new church was added onto the old one and new people roamed the area. Maybe this won’t be so bad.
𝐈. 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐲 𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬
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I just want to preface by saying that I mean no harm to any religion. I love and adore all religions, they are very important to my development as a person and to me as a person of faith. I just want to use this story as a way to explore religious trauma and controversial topics within some religions, while also adding some romance. I mean no harm whatsoever and if it’s too much of a problem, I have no issue with deleting the story. Trust me, I get it. There are some things I don’t like about people disrespecting religious groups. Thank you! <3
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cutecurly-hair · 7 months
Hearts Unleashed (Part 5)
Pairing: Nick Nelson x Black!fem!reader
Warning: Fluff, Smut, Body Shaming
Words: 5,738
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The weekend flew by, and before I knew it, Monday had arrived with its usual speed. I found myself back in the same classroom, at the same place and time, but something felt a little different. Nick and I had been texting non-stop over the weekend. It was just casual conversation, nothing special, but for some reason, it made me inexplicably happy.
I noticed a bunch of curly black hair in front of me. Charlie and I hadn't talked since that day. I sent him a bunch of texts, but he didn't reply. I checked with Ellie and Tao, and they hadn't heard from him either. It wasn't just me he was avoiding; it seemed like he was avoiding everyone.
Interrupting my thoughts, Nick said, "This is Nellie," showing me a picture of his dog, and she was the cutest thing in the world.
"Oh, my god, she's so cute! I've always wanted to have a pet, but ever since our cat died when I was little, we just never got a new one," I said, a tinge of sadness in my voice.
Nick's brows furrowed in concern, a cute little habit that I couldn't help but notice when he was puzzled or concerned about something. "You know, maybe you should come round to my house and meet her. Plus, my mom has been bugging me to invite you over" he suggested. I couldn't contain the smile that spread across my face, I don't know if it was because of Nick's mom has been asking about me or Nick inviting me to his house.
"Are you free on Saturday?" he asked hopefully, his brown eyes searching mine.
"Yeah, I think so," I replied, feeling a flutter in my stomach.
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ +
"Charlie! Charlie! Wait up!" I yelled across the bustling school hallway, dodging through students those rugby drills are finally proving some use.
Finally catching up to him, I took a moment to catch my breath. "What happened with you? I've been calling and texting you. I was even this close to coming to your house to make sure you were alive," I said, demonstrating the minuscule gap between my thumb and forefinger to prove my point.
Charlie turned to me, his face a mix of surprise and sheepishness. "Sorry, I've been dealing with some stuff, and I needed a bit of space. Didn't mean to worry you."
I crossed my arms, trying to hide my concern behind a facade of annoyance. "A simple 'I need space' text would have sufficed, you know."
He scratched his head, a nervous grin appearing on his face. "Yeah, I know. I'll keep you in the loop next time. Promise."
As we walked, the tension melted away, and our usual banter resumed. Charlie might not be telling me everything, but our friendship stayed solid, thankfully.
"Ugh, I've got a ton to catch you up on," I exclaimed, pulling him into a tight hug. His laughter filled the air. "Do I detect some juicy gossip?" he teased, a cheeky grin spreading across his face. Even though I haven't talked with him for a couple of days, I still couldn't help but miss him. I had every right to be mad, but I knew deep down Charlie was keeping something from me, but it was within his right to tell me when he is ready.
"Oh, you have no idea," I replied, joining in the laughter.
"You look fine, sweetheart," my mother remarked as she emerged from the archway. She must have noticed my tenth attempt at fixing my hair and the frustrated sigh that accompanied it. Admittedly, I may or may not have put on a little makeup. Sensing my mom's curious gaze, I decided to address it before she could.
"I'm going to a friend's house. I'll be back around 5," I informed her, trying to keep it casual.
"Are you heading over to Charlie's?"
I hesitated for a moment, then replied, "Um, no, his name is Nick," hoping my response would slip past without her catching the name. My mother, sensing something, walked over to me and handed me my coat and gloves, well aware of my tendency to get cold easily. I was honestly not made for cold weather.
"Is this a boy from school? You know how I feel about you going to somebody's house," she probed, hinting at her concerns. I knew I had to choose my words carefully to navigate this conversation if I wanted to be allowed to leave the house.
"He's my classmate in English. I want him to look over my paper that's due next week," I lied, maintaining a calm tone and hoping she wouldn't see through the deception.
"You've never needed help with your papers before. You're really good at writing," she remarked, clearly skeptical of my story.
"This paper is 50% of my grade. I have to do well on it," I asserted, emphasizing the importance of the assignment and knowing that grades were a language my mother understood well. Having dealt with her expectations back home, I knew I had to convince her to let me go.
She looked pleasantly surprised. "Yes, you're right. Grades are important. I'm surprised I didn't have to remind you," she smiled, genuinely pleased to see me showing concern for my academic performance. Seizing the moment, I quickly put on my coat and gloves, ready to head out the door.
"Come back in time for dinner!" she yelled as I walked away. I gave a quick nod to show I heard and hurried off before she could ask more questions.
My hands were practically freezing, despite the gloves doing a lousy job of keeping the cold out. I stubbornly kept them on, pulled my coat tighter, and power-walked down the street. The bone-chilling London winter seemed to pierce right through me, making me pick up the pace even more.
I stood there for a moment, torn between knocking and ringing the doorbell. My indecisiveness was playing its usual tricks on me. But before I could finally decide, the door swung open. There was Nick, giving me a gentle smile.
"Hey," he greeted. It was kinda unexpected to see him so chill and casual, a side of him I hadn't really seen beyond the school environment.
"Hey," I smiled back, deciding to ditch my gloves that weren't doing much to fight off the cold anyway.
Nick made a gesture towards a delightful chocolate and white mix Border Collie. "Uh... this is Nellie."
"Hey, Nellie. You're so adorable," Reaching down to pet the dog behind its ears. The warmth of Nellie's fur against my hand brought an unexpected comfort, making the chilly weather outside seem momentarily forgotten.
"Did you do something with your hair?" he asked, his eyes locked onto my puff ponytail that had consumed a good chunk of my morning. Lately, I'd been experimenting with new hairstyles, breaking away from my usual braids.
I immediately reached up to touch my hair, a hint of worry crossing my face. "Wait, is it bad?"
He shook his head without hesitation, offering a reassuring grin. "No, you look… it looks great." His compliment made me feel like the effort I put into styling my hair that morning was totally worth it.
"Okay, you better come in before Nellie thinks we're going for a walk," he said, his eyes lingering on mine for a moment longer than necessary.
Walking into his house, I couldn't help but notice how incredibly homey it was. The place just radiated coziness, making it clear that it wasn't just a house; it was a warm and welcoming home. Definitely nothing compared to mine, my house was just cold and empty still filled with boxes. I noticed a few portraits on the wall, nowhere really of his dad. Which I have nothing to brag since my parents have been divorce.
He led me upstairs to his bedroom, which I couldn't help but feel uneasy, like it was way to personal...like I shouldn't be here. But as soon as I saw his room it was very clean...? Definitely not what I was expecting.
Nick saw the look on my face "What? What's wrong?" he asked looking around confused. I couldn't help but chuckle, breaking a smile "It's so clean in here...it's weird," But overall, it suits him with the rugby poster littered all over the walls with a cute little light hanging over his bed. There it was again, that small hint of vanilla, smoke and a mix of musk but the musk was a lot stronger.
Dramatically, he placed his hand over his chest, gasping, "Are you seriously thinking that I am weird because I know how to clean,"
"I just never expected something like this," I said, gesturing to the room. Walking around, I noticed a few books on the shelf. "Especially for a rugby player. I mean, aren't you guys supposed to be dirty, by default?" I picked a book off the shelf, the title reading "Le Petit Prince (French Edition)."
A French Novel?
Sensing my curiosity, Nick blushed, swiftly taking the book from my hand and putting it back on the shelf. "My dad gifted it to me, but I barely read it," he admitted, a touch of embarrassment in his expression.
Sensenig that his dad was a sour subject I decided to drop it. Still observing his room, noticing the little trinkets of action figure and posters, until my eyes landing on the little snacks on the TV stand plus Mario Kart next to the Nintendo, excitement bubbled up within me as I took in the familiar sight.
"You have Mario Kart!" I exclaimed, my eyes lighting up at the sight of the game. Memories of playing it flooded back.
Nick's eyes beamed. "You like Mario Kart? Do you know how to play?" he asked, a playful smile on his face.
I nodded. "Me and my Dad used to play all the time when I was little. I still do, just never really picked it back up," I said, shrugging.
"Do you want to play?" he asked, holding the Nintendo playfully.
I smiled. "You don't even have to ask."
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ +
"Come on, Come on I'm in the lead! Can you just let me win" Nick yelled, he was particularly begging at the point.
"It doesn't matter cause you're not going to win," I smirked. He's literally the King of Rugby and practically wins at everything. This is one thing I'm really good at, so I am definitely not going to let him win.
"Can you let me win one time? You've won five or six games."
"I am literary going easy one you,"
"No!" he groaned at the screen when he saw my Princess Peach cross the finish line. I couldn't help but laugh at his reaction.
"You need more practice, Nick. Maybe I can give you some tips," I teased, reveling in the playful banter. It was one area where I knew I could outshine the rugby star.
He pouted, "I don't need tips. I just need a fair chance." The adorable pout he sported was enough to make anyone's heart melt.
"I think this is just Karma kicking you in the ass; you can't be good at everything," I said sarcastically, while grabbing a little popcorn.
He nodded in agreement, "No, you're exactly right. You're just good at everything," he admitted.
"No, I'm not," I chuckled. But there was something in the way he looked at me, and it's been happening a lot lately. I can't quite figure out why he has this knack for making me feel this way. It's as if a single glance from him is all it takes to turn me into a bundle of nerves.
"You are. You're a proper little nerd. And you don't even know it."
"I am not!" I protested, playfully nudging him.
"Let's see. You're good at video games. Literally all school subjects, but especially math's. Amazing at photography. Befriending dogs, and you are good a sports manager. Like I have never seen our gear so clean before-"
"Shut up!" I interrupted in a playful groan, feeling warm flush spread across my cheeks. Covering his mouth, while pushing him onto the bed. It seems this was the only way of shutting him up.
"You know it's true," he mumbled from beneath my hand, a blush coloring his cheeks. "Get off me. Seriously, get off," he added with a laugh, the room filled with our shared laughter.
The laughter quickly faded, leaving a lingering warmth between us. I don’t understand this feeling, I have never felt this way before. Our eyes were saying one thing, but our bodies were saying another. In that stillness, I became aware of the soft sound of snow falling outside.
"Oh, my god" I was star-stuck looking out the window.
His eyes followed mine, and as he turned to the window, a quiet gasp escaped his lips.
"It's snowing."
We just look at each other we didn't have to say anything, we jumped up from the bed, rushing down the stairs putting our coats on. The air was charged with anticipation, I was on the brink of witnessing snow for the very first time in my fifteen years. Nick handing me a hoodie in the process.
I shook my head refusing the offer, but he only shoved it back in my face,
"You were freezing when I first saw you this morning," he chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eyes. But he wasn't taking no for an answer.
I couldn't help but laugh, realizing he had a point. Gratefully accepting the hoodie, I slipped it on, feeling the warmth envelop me trying to ignore his overwhelming scent.
"It's a bit big," you said, glancing at the blue fabric draping down to my knees.
"It looks good on you," he said breathlessly, he was looking directly at me. Two compliments in one day, that was definitely something.
It was absolutely beautiful outside, the cold didn't bother me as much as before, it may or may not have something to do with the hoodie I was wearing.
Nick wasted no time sticking his tongue out to catch the tiny snowflakes. His cheeks had a rosy flush, and there was something about the way the light hit his hair, making it look a bit browner. He looked marvelous.
Caught staring, I locked eyes with him, and there was a fleeting smile on his face. Before I could fully process it, he playfully threw a whole snowball at me, leaving me in disbelief. I hurriedly made a makeshift snowball. It instantly became a snowball fight.
For a moment, just a moment everything seemed perfect, the way he laughed when Nellie was eating the snow. To when he brushed the snow off my hair. The way he took pictures of me when I made snow angles. When he laid beside me all I did was listen to him talk any and everything.
It was just perfect.
I couldn't shake the knot in my stomach, and suddenly, those stolen glances and shared moments held a new weight. When he looks at me, it's like he's seeing something beyond the surface. There's this intensity in his gaze, and I can't help but admire the way he looks at me. The way his eyes light up when he smiles, the little expressions that make him uniquely him. The realization hit me -
I have a crush on Nick Nelson
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ +
"Are you even listening to what I'm saying?" Ellie snapped her fingers in front of my face, trying to grab my attention. My eyes, however, were glued to the three little bubbles dancing across my screen, eagerly awaiting Nick's response.
Ellie couldn't resist taking a peek at my screen, and a knowing smirk crept onto her face as she shook her head. "Oh, I see what's got you all distracted now."
"Yeah, yeah, I'm listening," I mumbled, tearing my eyes away from the screen to meet Ellie's amused gaze.
She chuckled, leaning back in her chair. "Nick, huh? The mystery guy who's got you glued to your phone?"
Blushing, I tried to downplay it. "We're just chatting, you know, about random stuff."
"Random stuff, right," Ellie teased, wiggling her eyebrows. "I've seen that look before. You've got the 'crush glow' all over your face."
Rolling my eyes, I shrugged. "Oh, come on. It's not like that. We're just friends."
Eyebrow raised; Ellie smirked. "Friends who text 24/7, interesting definition of friendship."
I sighed, realizing she saw through my attempt at nonchalance. "Okay, fine. Maybe there's a tiny crush. But seriously, don't make it a big deal."
Glancing out the window, I spotted Nick chatting with a pretty girl that I always seen around school. They were standing so close, and her laughter reached my ears even through the closed window. My heart sank as I watched them share a moment. She was effortlessly charming and ever so pretty, and the way Nick's eyes lit up in response made my stomach churn. It felt like they were in their own bubble, leaving me on the outside looking in.
Ellie looked at me and she frowned and nudged me gently. "Y/N, what's going on? You look like you've just seen a ghost."
I forced a weak smile, attempting to mask the turmoil inside. "Oh, nothing. Just caught up in my thoughts, you know?"
But Ellie wasn't buying it. She followed my gaze, her eyes narrowing as she took in the scene outside. "Oh...that's Imogen. That's one of Nick's close friends,"
"Oh, really?" I tried to sound casual, but I could feel a knot forming in my stomach. "Just a friend, huh?"
Ellie shot me a knowing look, her eyebrows raised. "Y/N, are you getting jealous?"
"What? No!" I protested a bit too quickly, my cheeks heating up. "I mean, why would I be jealous? We're just friends, like I said."
Ellie chuckled, clearly amused by my reaction. "Sure, just friends. a friend who you have a crush on."
I rolled my eyes, attempting to change the subject. "Let's focus on something else. What were you saying before about our plans for the weekend?"
Ellie raised an eyebrow, clearly not letting me off the hook that easily. "Smooth transition, but we'll get back to this later. Anyway, I was thinking we could do a little movie night at Tao's. We can bring some snacks, binge-watch our favorite films, and just unwind."
"Yeah, that sounds great," I replied, trying to shake off the uneasy feeling. "Movies and snacks sound like the perfect distraction."
As we continued discussing our weekend plans, my mind kept drifting back to Nick and Imogen. I couldn't help but wonder if there was something more between them. Were they just friends, or was there a deeper connection? The uncertainty gnawed at me, and I found myself absentmindedly scrolling through our previous texts.
The guys were practicing for an upcoming match, and I was just here cleaning the Rugby they have already gotten so dirty after a couple of throws. Occasionally, Nick would glance over in my direction, offering a reassuring smile or a quick wave.
"I can't believe they have cleaning rugby balls. Doing the dirty work while we get all the glory?" Charlie teased, nudging me with his elbow.
I chuckled, playfully swatting at him. "Someone's got to keep these in top-notch condition. Can't have you all playing with muddy balls, can we?"
Charlie raised an eyebrow. "Speaking of action, I noticed I haven't been seeing you lately. Any particular reason?"
I hesitated for a moment, debating how much to reveal. Finally, I decided to open up to Charlie, knowing he'd always knows what to do. "Well, I've been meaning to talk to you about that. You know, get some 'guy advice.'"
"I think I am the worse person to give 'guy advice'. especially now" Charlie looked down the ground.
Noticing the sadness in his eyes, I joked around with him "Oh come on, Charlie, don't be so hard on yourself. You're my go-to guy for advice, whether you like it or not."
He managed a small grin, "Alright, shoot. What do you need from my services this time?"
I sighed, glancing back at Nick on the field, his focused demeanor contrasting with the playful banter of the other players. "It's just... things have been different lately. We've been hanging out more, texting, you know, normal friend stuff. But I can't help but feel there's something more."
Charlie looked worried as soon as I brought up Nick's name, "Of course this is about Nick Nelson,"
I nodded, "Yeah, it is. I mean, we're friends, but there are these moments, these looks, and it makes me wonder if there's something more. And then today- I don't know... it just hit me differently."
Charlie glanced around to ensure no one was eavesdropping before he spoke. "Look, I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but there's something I think you should know."
My heart sank a little, and I furrowed my brows in concern. "What is it, Charlie? You're making me nervous."
He took a deep breath before continuing "Okay so Tao told me to tell you that-
"Wait why couldn't Tao just tell me himself?"
Charlie looked a little uneasy "Because Tao is Tao"
Great he still doesn't like me.
I shook my head, urging Charlie to continue. "Tell me what Tao said."
He took a deep breath before continuing, "Tao found out from a friend who is also friends with Nick, and he said that Nick is single. But he is super interested in this girl that was originally from the all-girls school."
I swallowed the lead in my throat "What girl,"
Charlie sighed looking out onto the field "Her name's Tara Jones,"
My heart sank as Charlie dropped the bomb about Nick's interest in Tara Jones. Her name replayed in my mind like an annoying song on repeat. I couldn't shake off the blame creeping in why did I let myself get attached? Was I just too naive, thinking there could be more between us?
Nick's wave from the field added salt to the wound. I managed a feeble smile and a wave back, but inside, it felt like a whirlwind of emotions. Watching him, I questioned every shared laugh and conversation we had. Were they all just leading up to this moment where he'd be drawn to someone else?
The game raged on in the background, but my world stood still in that painful moment of realization. The cheers from the crowd turned into distant echoes, drowned out by the pounding of my heart, echoing the rhythm of disappointment.
How can I be so stupid.
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ +
She was so beautiful, and I could see why Nick might be into her. Browsing through her social media, her confidence and elegance just stood out. It's something I feel like I lack. Her dark skin had this warm, rich tone that glowed in every photo. The more I looked, the more I found myself comparing. It made me question if I could ever match up to someone like her in Nick's eyes. The more I scrolled, the more I felt like an outsider peeking into a world that seemed so different from mine.
"See, I told you," Tao said, peering over my shoulder. Charlie shot him an annoyed look.
"Tao, come on, give it a rest. This doesn't necessarily mean anything," Charlie snapped.
"Like hell it doesn't," Tao retorted. I deeply sighed; their bickering wasn't making the situation any better. Isaac looked at me with a hint of concern.
"We don't even know if she actually likes Nick back," Isaac chimed in, attempting to offer some comfort.
Charlie scoffed, "I'm the one stuck seeing them in class every day, and trust me, it's nauseating. Believe me, he's into you," he added, shooting me a look.
Tao, fixing his gaze on Isaac, cautioned, "I've warned you about fueling romantic fantasies that just won't happen. Life isn't a romance novel, you know." ignoring Charlie reassurance.
"But I want to believe in romance." Isaac wined still looking hopeful. Our heads turned to the door when Ellie came in, Isaac immediately jumped at the chance "Ellie! So, there's this girl at school who Nick's got a crush on?"
"We've heard from multiple sources" Tao cut in, but Isaac completed ignored him "We don't know if they're a thing. Can you talk to her? Since she is in your year"
Isaac's hopeful gaze shifted to Ellie, who raised an eyebrow at his enthusiasm. "Whoa, slow down. First, spill the tea. Who's this mystery girl Nick's into?" Ellie said, playing dumb while glancing at me to check if it was Imogen we were talking about. I just quietly shook my head no
Tao chimed in, "Her name's Tara Jones. She was originally from the all-girls school."
Ellie crossed her arms, processing the information definitely wasn't expecting that. "Tara Jones? She's a sweetheart, I don't know Tara that well. I can just go up to her and ask who she fancies. And I'm, too busy being the cool, mysterious new girl, who everyone wants to hang out with."
Isaac quickly jumped back into the conversation, seizing the opportunity. "We just want to know if there's something going on between her and Nick. You know, for Y/N's peace of mind."
"I'm fine. It's honestly fine. I'm just being an idiot and overthinking things," This whole thing has been stressing me out, more than I realize. It's probably best if I cut my losses now before I get more attached.
Ellie gave me a sympathetic glance rolling her eyes while she sighed "Well, I can try to find out, but no promises, only if I get a chance I'll ask her,"
I flashed her a thankful smile, and Isaac promptly leaped into Ellie's arms. Sometimes, I forget how much of a hopeless romantic he is. Charlie joined in, gesturing for me to join them. Gratefully, I embraced the warmth of the hug. I realized I wouldn't know where I'd be without them.
Tao sat there, glaring, watching the scene.
The next school day rolled around, and I made a quick stop at the boys' locker room to check on inventory, making sure to steer clear of any awkward encounters, especially with Nick Nelson. Luckily, I managed to avoid any unexpected run-ins. However, as I strolled to my next class, it hit me that I'd be sharing a class with him soon. The knot in my stomach tightened, and a sense of unease settled in, a reminder of the events from the day before.
Waving at Charlie as I eased into my seat, a jumble of nerves hit me hard. Concentrating seemed like an impossible task, with my thoughts entirely hijacked by the looming encounter with Nick. What in the world was I even going to say to him, if I mustered the courage to say anything at all? The classroom blurred as my mind grappled with racing thoughts.
"Y/N?" he said, staring right at me with worried eyes.
Finally returning back to earth, I mumbled, "What?"
"You just spaced out," he observed.
Not knowing what to say, I managed a simple "Oh," fiddling with my blue pen, which oddly seemed to help with my nerves. Nick, sensing the habit, scooted closer to me. I swear I could feel his body warmth.
"What's up?" he said, looking directly at me. "I can tell when something's on your mind," he added in a hush, leaning even more closely.
Gosh, I hate the way he makes me feel. The way I act around him is ridiculous. I hate that every time he gets close, my heart races, every touch, every feeling. I hate all of it!
Why does he make me feel this way?
"Do you...Do you want to come to my house later?" I blurted out, causing for Charlie to peek over at me with panic eyes screaming What the hell are you doing!
He looked surprised, but all he can do is smile.
Mom is not going to be here until super late, so I can have the house all to myself. I cleaned from top to bottom of house, throwing all the boxes away and tightening up everything was squared away.
Hearing a knock at the door, it was him standing at my door smiling from ear to ear.
Opening the door for him, "Hey,"
"So, how does this work?" he asked hesitantly, glancing around the room as if unsure of what to capture with my old Canon. The way he held the camera was so awkward, it brought a smile to my face.
Figuring it was a fair trade after all the rugby lessons, I decided to teach Nick a thing or two about photography.
"You can take a picture of anything you like, really. It could be something beautiful, something that grabs your attention, or simply anything that intrigues you," I explained, observing him furrow his brows while peering through the viewfinder.
"Anything?" he asked, seeking confirmation.
I nodded, a spark of enthusiasm lighting up my eyes. "Exactly! That's the beauty of it. Photography allows you to freeze a moment in time, to capture something you love, like, or find amusing. It's incredible how a single image can encapsulate so much emotion, tell a story, or even memories."
Nick listened attentively, his curiosity evident. I continued, "You see, every photo has a story behind it. It's a way of preserving feelings, experiences, and moments that might otherwise fade away. You get to share your perspective with others through the lens, allowing them to see the world through your eyes."
As I spoke, I could see Nick growing more intrigued, absorbing the idea of photography beyond just pressing a button. "Give it a try," I encouraged, "Capture something that stands out to you, something you'd want to remember."
Right as I looked back at Nick, I noticed that fuck, he was looking directly at me. His eyes looked into mine and there it was again, that knot in my stomach. I didn't know what to do, I had completely froze. His eyes seemed different though-
Feeling a buzz in my pocket, I checked my phone. It was a message from my mom, letting me know she wouldn't be home until midnight and that there was lasagna in the fridge. A sigh of relief escaped my lips, knowing I wouldn't have to explain having a boy in my room when she returned.
Hearing a click, I turned to Nick, curious about what had caught his attention through the lens of my camera. "What did you take a picture of?" I asked.
"Just something that I thought was beautiful," Nick replied with a soft smile, his eyes lingering on mine. Raising my eyebrows confused but also curious. He didn't say anything at all, other than putting the camera down.
"Want to watch a movie?" he suggested,
"Already one step ahead of you," I grinned, pulling out one of my favorite Marvel movies.
We settled into the living room couch, time passes by, and my eyelids begin to grow heavy. Waking up to see the credits rolling I quickly sat up. I completely sleep through the whole entire movie.
Looking out the window, it was dark outside, looking at Nick he seemed to be tensed.
"I feel asleep, didn't I?" I chuckled.
Nick's lips curved into a gentle smile, "Yeah, you did. Must have been a comfortable couch."
I stretched my arms, attempting to shake off the drowsiness. "Sorry about that. I guess I needed the nap."
Nick shrugged, "No problem. You looked peaceful."
We sat quietly, the feel of the movie night still in the air. Even with the unexpected nap, the evening felt calm.
"I should probably head home," Nick said, glancing at the time. "It's getting late."
As he stood up, I walked him to the door. Opening it without caring about the cold air seeping in, the night possessed a certain calmness, and the air held a subtle tension, like the moment before something shifts.
"Thanks for inviting me over," Nick said, and for a moment, our eyes met in a way that spoke volumes, yet said nothing at all.
"I wish that you didn't have to go," I admitted, feeling the weight of the night settling in.
"I wish I didn't either," Nick confessed, a hint of reluctance in his voice.
"You look so cuddly like that," he added, his gaze lingering on my knitted sweater.
My eyes softened, and a playful grin tugged at the corners of my lips. "You think so?"
He nodded, smiling back at me. "Yeah, like a giant teddy bear."
I chuckled, feeling a warmth spreading through me that had nothing to do with the sweater. "Well, I guess I'll take that as a compliment."
Nick's cheeks turned a shade of pink, and he scratched the back of his head, a sheepish grin on his face "It's meant to be one," he replied, and we stood there for a moment, the unspoken words hanging in the air.
He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well, if I didn't have early morning practice, I might consider staying longer."
I felt a subtle warmth spreading through me. The casual banter, the shared laughter it all felt so easy and right. Yet, there was an unspoken tension, a magnetic pull that lingered between us.
"I guess I'll see you around," Nick said, but he didn't make a move to the open door; it looked like he wanted to say something else he just couldn't find the words.
As he stepped closer, the air between us seemed to shift, and before I knew it, he pulled me into a gentle hug.
Vanilla. Smoke. and Musk
I slowly wrapped my arms around, wanting to not let go, but he quickly pulled away, backing towards the door.
"Um… catch you on Monday," he mumbled, clearing his throat, his gaze fixed anywhere but on me. He melted into the night, leaving me standing there, gaping at the door, with a whirlwind of thoughts spinning through my mind.
Charlie casually peeked around the side of the door, and from the look on his face, it was clear he caught the whole thing.
"Still questioning if he's into you?" Charlie asked, shooting me a knowing look.
Part 6 Link Here: https://www.tumblr.com/cutecurly-hair/759302465187414016/hearts-unleashed-part-6
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plzravagemethxxx · 6 months
BLOODLUST Masterlist
Part One Part Three
"Fine. Fine." Y/N raised her hands in surrender. "But I'm only consenting to reconnaissance. We go in, collect information, and we get out."
KF and Robin exchanged giddy smiles.
Then Robin turned to Y/N, a sly gleam in his eyes. "Ready to be whelmed?"
The fire is still burning bright when the four of them arrive at Cadmus.
The fire brigade was busily attempting to put out what flames still remained, as well as trying to rescue the scientists and workers who were in the building.
"STAY PUT," a firefighter ordered through a megaphone. "WE WILL GET YOU OUT!"
That was the last thing Y/N heard them say before suddenly the ground shook with the weight of a loud explosion from within the laboratory. She saw the impact blow two of the men in lab coats out the window and into the air.
"KF, go!" she shouted, and she didn't need to tell him twice.
In a blink of an eye, Kid Flash raced towards Cadmus and ran up the steep face of the building, catching the poor scientists before they could meet an untimely demise. His momentum led him to speeding up to the roof, where he deposited the scientists before he tripped and fell.
"Shoot!" he managed to yelp, before quickly finding purchase on the windowsill. "Oh, thank god."
"It's what's-his-name!" one of the firefighters exclaimed. "Eh... Flash Boy!"
Robin snorted.
"It's KID FLASH!" KF grumbled. "Why is that so hard?"
"He's soooo smooth, isn't he?" Robin mused as he, Aqualad, and Bloodlust ran up to the building.
"Shut it, Rob," Bloodlust snarked. She grabbed her knife and sliced her palms and the soles of her feet. Then she lunged up at the side of the building. "STICK!" Her hands and feet stuck strongly to the concrete, and she began to climb up like a spider towards KF. "Hold on, buddy."
"Yep!" KF replied. "Kinda all I can do at the moment!"
In a couple seconds, Bloodlust crossed the building and arrived just before KF's grip could falter completely. She grabbed his wrist, and he clung to her arm fast, and she hauled the two of them into Cadmus through the open window.
"Must they always run ahead?" Aqualad muttered as he watched. He sighed. "We need a plan—"
But then he turned, and found Robin, too, had disappeared from his side. Instead, he saw the youngest of them all running up the fire truck ladder before grabbing onto an unused hose and using it like a rope to swing himself into the window as well.
Aqualad sighed. "Of course."
He hurried over to the fire trucks, right beside the firefighters still trying to hose down the fire.
"I need to borrow that!" he quickly warned, before he pulled his two Atlantean weapons from their sheaths and redirected the water from the hose to propel himself into the air, up to the roof, where the two scientists remained. "Step aboard. Now."
The men didn't hesitate. Aqualad landed first, as he set foot on the windowsill his friends had entered through, then lowered the scientists down the ground.
"Finally," Bloodlust called as Aqualad entered the building.
"I appreciate the help," he sarcastically replied.
"Hey, you handled it!" Robin protested, typing away at one of the computers he'd opened. "Besides. We're here to investigate. Poetic justice, remember?"
"Yeah," Y/N noted. "Investigate. KF," she added sternly, leveling the redhead with a look as he made shadow puppets using the light of Robin's screen.
"Sorry, sorry," Kid Flash mused in a very unapologetic tone. He glanced back to see Bloodlust was no longer looking, then resumed his shenanigans with a silent snicker.
"Robin," Bloodlust called, "found anything?"
"No, not much yet," the Boy Wonder replied. "Check some of the physical files and stuff, might be something there."
"Got it." She marched over to another desk and plucked the papers off of it, struggling to read the contents in the minimal light. She found notes on different DNA samples the lab had been given, most likely via ancestry tests and the like. One paper had, in bold red letters at the bottom, PATERNITY TEST NEGATIVE. Y/N set that paper aside and kept looking.
Suddenly, she heard the familiar ding! of an elevator, and frowned. She looked up to see Aqualad had gone off, and KF was following, and so she did the same.
She found the two boys standing at the mouth of a hall leading to an elevator shaft.
"There was something in the..." Aqualad muttered.
KF frowned. "Elevators should be locked down."
"Well, this one isn't," Bloodlust replied, stalking over to it. She heard Robin's footsteps as he followed. "That's suspicious. Rob, is this what I think it is?"
"This is wrong," he agreed, pulling up his holographic screen to search his archives for a confirmation. "Thought so. This is a high-speed express elevator. It doesn't belong in a two-story building!"
"Unless the building isn't just two stories," Bloodlust realized. She touched the doors and frowned. "Aqualad, you said you saw something enter the elevator?"
"Something that also doesn't belong here," he said.
He stepped up to the doors and gestured for Bloodlust to step aside. When she did, he placed his hands on the gap between the doors and pried them open with a shout.
The rest of them clambered beside him and gazed down at the elevator shaft. It stretched downwards for far longer than a supposed small-scale genetics laboratory should require.
"And that's why they need an express elevator," Robin quipped.
He pulled his grappling hook launcher out of his pocket and fired it into the ceiling of the shaft. Then he leapt into the shaft and continued to fall and fall until his line eventually came to an end at just around a floor labeled SB 25.
"I'm at the end of my rope," he muttered, a soft shock in his tone as he swung over to the door of the elevator. He quickly sidestepped until he found a decent spot to sit, then produced his screens again.
Aqualad came down next, followed by Bloodlust and then Kid Flash.
"I knew something was off with this place," Bloodlust hissed, touching the cold metal of the door again. "Not only is this an express elevator; these doors are heavily reinforced. They're probably not indestructible, but most definitely bulletproof. And I can feel it vibrating. Robin, these have tech behind them. Passcodes."
"On it," the Boy Wonder replied. "Bypassing security... there. Go."
Aqualad didn't miss a beat. He tore these doors open too, then the four of them slipped inside quickly. They found themselves, wide-eyed, in another enormous hallway. The lights were a deep red, the walls and ceiling and floor a murky black. Panel upon panel of black metal ran down the hall, giving the room a strange aura about it.
"Welcome to Project Cadmus," Robin announced.
Kid Flash wasted no time in rushing again. Aqualad tried to grab him to stop him, but the boy was far too fast. He sped ahead, only to severely underestimate his speed and fail to smoothly as he neared the end of the hall. He tripped and skidded across the floor, grunting in pain.
And then there was a thud. A heavy, scarily close weight dropping beside him, and KF opened his eyes as a strange, elephant-sized creature lifted its foot and began to lower it right over him.
Luckily, as per his powers, KF was more than fast enough to get out of the way of the herd of... creatures? As he stepped back and rejoined his friends, who were now in the hall with him, he struggled to understand what he was looking at.
The creatures were enormous. They had gravelly gray skin with strange red markings and pale underbellies and curved tusks emerging from the sides of their fanged mouths. Their eyes were a deep red and their faces seemed curved in permanent snarls. Bloodlust swore one of them met her gaze as it passed. They roared and blew steam from their nostrils, the heat so intense it was nearly disorienting.
"What are those?" Bloodlust asked in a hushed whisper, only for her eyes to then catch a glimpse of yet another anomaly. "Huh?!"
Seated in a sort of crouched position on the top of the monster was a tiny creature with beady red eyes and markings to match the bigger creature over its own cool gray skin. There were hard-looking lumps on their knees and curved appendages coming from the sides of its face. As the monsters passed, the tiny creature's horns began to glow a bright red.
Y/N's heart skipped such a long beat it might as well have stopped. There was this strange sensation in her body as she met the goblin-creature's gaze; a tingling which started at the top of her head and trickled pleasantly down to the tips of her bare toes. She was always aware of the blood in her body thanks to her metahuman powers but suddenly her understanding of it all was... heightened? Was that the right word? She was hyperaware of the beat of her heart, of the rush of her bloodflow, of the—
Y/N jumped. "What?!"
Kid Flash was standing right next to her, his hand on her shoulder, a concerned look in his eyes.
"Are you okay?" he asked. "You sorta zoned out for a second."
"I..." Y/N took a shaky breath, then frowned. Why was her breathing so heavy now? "Sorry, I just... I don't know." She put her hand to her chest. "My heart feels like it's going supersonic right now. It... it must be the shock, I guess."
Robin didn't look convinced. "Doubtful. Are you feeling alright?"
"Yeah," Bloodlust assured him. "I'm okay. Um. What were those?"
Aqualad shook his head. "We do not know. But this is proof that Batman, Black Canary, and you were right. Cadmus is keeping far too many secrets."
"Well?" Robin prompted. "We're here now. Might as well uncover a couple more."
Y/N frowned. "Robin, I said only reconnaissance."
"C'mon!" KF protested. "Blood, we're already here. We can't exactly leave now! You can't say you're not curious."
This is a bad idea, Y/N noted. She glanced at her friends' faces, their looks of hope for her to agree with them (even in Aqualad's gaze, surprisingly). But I am intrigued by all of this. What were those things? Can we find that out? And not be caught by our mentors?
"Fine," she amended, waving KF away from her face. "Fine, fine. But if things go south, I'm calling Arrow."
"What?!" KF demanded.
"Hey, better him than Bats, right?" Y/N reminded him. "And he can help keep Canary from killing me."
"It's a deal," Robin said, cutting off Kid Flash before he could get annoyed. "If stuff hits the fan, you can call GA."
"Good." Y/N nodded. "Now. Where do we start?"
They were shocked upon opening the first vault, which really didn't bode well.
Robin found a bit of difficulty in hacking open the vault, which he was initially frustrated by.
"That's a first," he grumbled. "Hold on."
There was no need to hold on, however, because he managed to crack the code five seconds later. With a satisfying click and hiss, the vault doors slid opened.
"Okay..." Robin muttered, looking into the vault. "I am officially whelmed."
Inside the vault was column after column of cylinder-shaped semi-transparent containment chambers. Within each chamber was yet another unidentifiable organism with similar characteristics to the giants and gremlins from earlier. At the center of the room was an energy of sorts; a buzzing, bright blue ball of something, flashing rapidly as it drew power the containment chambers.
"They're... they're living batteries," Bloodlust realized.
Kid Flash marched up closer to the chambers. "This is how they hide this massive underground facility from the world! The real Cadmus isn't on the grid! It generates its own power with these... things." He placed his hands on his hips. "It must be what they're bred for."
Aqualad turned to Bloodlust. "You were right, my friend. They truly live up to the legend of their name."
Bloodlust nodded silently.
"So Cadmus creates new life," Robin noted. He marched up to the blue sphere of power, to the little control panel at the base of the structure, and connected his own monitor to the controls. "Let's find out why."
Y/N saddled up beside Robin and read his screen over his shoulder. Her eyes fell on paragraph after paragraph of scientific terminology and lab reports.
"They call them Genomorphs," Robin narrated. "Whoa! Look at the stats on these things!" He tapped on the image of the giant creatures from earlier, opening up a window with a characteristic breakdown of the organism. "Super strength, telepathy, razor claws—these things are living weapons!"
"They're engineering an army," KF muttered. "But for who?"
"Wait." Robin leaned forward and tapped on one of the files. "There's some other stuff. Project Kr and... ugh." He shook his head. "The file's triple encrypted. I can't—"
The four of them whirled around at the sudden shout, eyes wide and hands clenched into fists. Rushing towards them, a group of growling Genomorphs at his heels and shoulder, was... was that Guardian?!
"Wait!" he shouted, stopping dead in his tracks as he scanned the faces of the teenagers. Recognition flashed in his eyes. "Robin? Aqualad? Kid Flash? Bloodlust?"
"Hey, at least he got your name right," Robin teased KF before he continued trying to hack into the files.
"I know you," Aqualad spoke up. "Guardian. A hero."
"I do my best," Guardian humbly said.
"What are you doing down here?" Bloodlust demanded. "And why've you got those Genomorphs with you?"
"I'm Chief of Security," Guardian explained. "You're all trespassing. But we can call the Justice League, figure this out."
"You think the League is going to approve of you breeding weapons?!" KF fired back.
"Weapons?" Guardian questioned. "What're you... what am I..."
But he was cut off as the Genomorph on his shoulder turned to him, its horns glowing red. Y/N, too, staggered back, suddenly overcome with a strange urge; although, to do what, she was unsure.
Guardian pressed a hand to his head, groaning in discomfort. But then he opened his eyes again, a glimmer of determination in his eyes, and he looked back at the protégés. "Take them down hard! No mercy!"
Bloodlust was the first to act. She slipped her knife from its sheath and slashed at her palms, allowing the stray drops of her blood to fall.
"SMOKE!" she ordered, and her blood erupted into billowing red smoke.
Robin was quick to take advantage and produced his grappling hook launcher again. He fired it up onto the support beams overhead, then leapt up, allowing the wire to carry him to brief safety.
The Genomorphs advanced, slashing through the smoke and snarling; but their vision was obscured. Bloodlust took full control of the smoke and concentrated it around the eyes of the Genomorphs, blinding them but allowing her and her friends full visibility.
One came too close for comfort, and she lunged at the monster, letting the blood on her palms touch its skin.
Instantly, the Genomorph let out a high-pitched, agonized shriek as its flesh began to burn and boil. It fell to the ground, and Y/N moved on to the next enemy combatant until she heard the electric crackling of Aqualad's weapons and followed the sound. She saw him knock down Guardian, and she ran alongside him and KF to escape the vault.
They booked it as fast as they could, staying out of reach of the Genomorphs by just a hair. Alarms began to blare, sending waves of pain through Bloodlust's head, but she kept sprinting until she found Robin, busily hacking away at the elevator. KF ran ahead, seemingly scolding him, until the elevator door opened and they rushed inside. Bloodlust quickly followed.
"You couldn't wait for us?" she panted, turning to Robin with a glare.
"You made it!" Robin grinned. "No need to complain!"
The growling of the Genomorphs grew closer, and Y/N looked up and yelped, pushing herself against the side of the elevator just in time to allow Aqualad to jump into the shaft. The doors shut behind him, trapping them inside.
"Okay, good," Bloodlust sighed. She stood and dusted herself off, then commanded her hands to heal. "Now, we leave."
But the floor level display continued to increase. They were going deeper into the sublevels.
"We're headed down?" Aqualad demanded.
"Dude!" KF turned to Robin. "Out is up!"
"Excuse me?" Robin frowned. "Project Kr? It's down, on sublevel 52."
"This is out of control," Aqualad protested. "Perhaps... perhaps we should contact the League."
"On it," Bloodlust began, but before she could reach her communications device, Robin grabbed her wrist. She leveled him with a wide-eyed glare. "Explain yourself or I will cut off your hand, Robin."
"Look, Blood, I think you're going to want to see this stuff," he implored. "Trust me."
"You promised that I could call Arrow!" Y/N reminded him. "Make good on your word!"
But then the elevator dinged open, and soon Y/N was too shocked by what she saw to even remember to call Oliver.
The hall—if it could even be called that—was strange, red, and flesh-like in appearance. Glowing blue pustule-esque structures jutted out from the wall, emanating ominous light.
"What is this place?" Bloodlust whispered.
Robin ran ahead.
"No!" Bloodlust reached for him, but he was already too far. "No, I don't like this at all, guys."
"Well, we are already here," KF tried to convince her, before quickly shutting up because Bloodlust gave him such a cold look he turned away. He elected to run after Robin.
Aqualad sighed heavily. "I will go with them. If you wish to stay back, that is your decision."
Y/N wanted to fall to her knees and kiss his feet in thanks. She hated this feeling of being here. The air was thicker, the walls looked alive, it was unnatural, unreal in all the worst ways.
But then Robin's words came back to her:
Look, Blood, I think you're going to want to see this stuff. Trust me.
"N-no." Bloodlust swallowed her nerves. "I'll come with you."
Aqualad hesitated. Then he offered her a gentle smile, and placed a hand on her shoulder.
"That is quite brave of you, my friend," he assured her.
Y/N nodded. "Thanks."
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korizzybee · 8 months
PJO Book Masterlist
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Camp Half Blood
- Percy Jackson
- Annabeth Chase
- Grover Underwood
- Piper McLean
- Leo Valdez
- Nico Di Angelo
- Will Solace
- Connor Stoll
- Clarisse La Rue
- Thalia Grace
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Camp Jupiter
- Reyna Ramirez Arellano
- Jason Grace
- Hazel Levesque
- Frank Zhang
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- Apollo
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- Calypso
- Lester Papadopoulos
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apolloscastellan · 3 months
Current works: 2.
Last work: Loss of my life final chapter (Published 02/09/24)
Currently working in: ArtPatrick x Patrick's childhood best friend!Reader series, Riff Lorton x Tony's sister!Reader series, Poly!Percabeth x Reader one shot.
Jack Kelly
Racetrack Higgins
David Jacobs
Albet DaSilva
West Side Story:
Riff Lorton
Art Donaldson
Patrick Zweig
Tashi Duncan
Harry Potter:
James Potter
Lily Evans
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ginny Weasley
Ron Weasley
Percy Jackson:
Luke Castellan
Annabeth Chase
Percy Jackson
Dear Evan Hansen:
Connor Murphy
Anthony Bridgerton
Benedict Bridgerton
Colin Bridgerton
Eloise Bridgerton
Penelope Featherington
The Summer I Turned Pretty:
Steven Conklin
Conrad Fisher
Jeremiah Fisher
Taylor Jewel
Stranger Things:
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
Dustin Henderson
Lucas Sinclair
Max Mayfield
The Hunger Games:
Peeta Mellark
Finnick Odair
Famous people:
Ben Cook
Mike Faist
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willsimpforanyone · 2 years
haiii can you do hcs of connor stoll and a gn reader?? golden retriever and black cat thing?? and when i mean the reader's a black cat i mean true cat energy as in they're a real softie when it comes to people they like 😭 (physical touch as the love language plz) dating or just crushing/talking stage, it's up to you :D
part 2 - 'i forgot to say this last night but the black cat energy!reader is a child of apollo RAAAAH SORRY I FORGOT'
so cute i love this, don't worry about not including the second part in the original ask, it's all good bby
golden retriever!connor is just canon i'm sorry
the boy is loyal and hyper and delightful
and we all know golden retriever x black cat is an iconic pairing
your energy when y'all first meet is kinda dismissive like you aren't interested, a little odd for an apollo kid
he's immediately talking to you
all his attention on you
when you start spending more time together you slowly open up to his absolute delight
everything he learns about you he adores
you'll be the first person he wants to talk to you, the one he shows his crafts and plans to
you keep up the facade of being a little indifferent for a while
but it's hard when he's so adorable and sweet and likes you so much
it comes to a head when you see him sitting and talking to someone who's obviously flirting with the oblivious connor
you walk up to them and drape yourself over his shoulders, glaring at the person he was talking to
they make excuses and practically run away from you
connor merely twists his head and presses kisses to your cheek, grinning from ear to ear
from that point on
it's rare to see one of you without the other
the hermes cabin is rarely empty
so connor spends time with you in the apollo cabin
it's common to find you laying across his lap as he explains something that you're half listening to
or connor sat on the floor with prank plans spread about the floor leaning back against the bed
with your hands buried in his hair and legs hanging over his shoulders
he teases you about how different you are with him and your few friends than with everyone else as if he doesn't basically ignore most people in favour of looking at you
you tease him about 'taking him for a walk' when he has too much pent up energy as if you don't occasionally need to go a little bit insane
golden retriver x black cat is such a cute pairing and y'all are adorable
i very much hope you liked it, thank you for requesting!
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
I don't think Percy Jackson would fw Ariel at all actually,he'd think she's fine if a bit corny but the Poseidon reveal would make him hate her out of association LMFAO And the Stolls would make jokes about him being her or Prince Eric so he'd kinda have no choice but to ditch the movie as a whole.Percy's actual favorite Disney Princess is Cinderella because he kins her(grew up with an abusive stepparent + Kept herself kind despite all that and the combined loneliness of barely any real friends growing up + Blue)and his favorite version of her is specifically Brandy because he's afrolatino.Maybe he had a crush on her too,who knows(I know,he SO did and Sally made him a replica of her dress for one of his birthday's and he cried like a baby shark)
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ndisalover · 2 months
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resident evil jjba jjk dbh celebrities kpop love & deepspace pjo obey me csm criminal minds
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howtotrainabraincell · 2 months
Head cannons bc I can - Assassin’s body parts preferences (and extras...)
AN: I would just like to say that ALL of the Assassin's will protect their love with their lives, not standing for any disrespect or rudeness toward her in any way shape or form. I may not have put it in the description of every Assassin, but it goes without saying. ALSO, plz don't @ me bc this is my first ever spicy post lol
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Altair Ibn La’Ahad - loves burying his face in her neck and grabbing her backside cheekily lol, loves bathing with her but won’t deny that’s it’s hard to control himself around her naked body. Comes to her after a mission (if they didn't go on it together that is or if she's not an assassin) to hold her and just melts against her, grateful to have her and be back in her arms alive. Pulls her away ever so often to a corner where he'll kiss her breathless and then just walk off like nothing happened (this man-), loves to chase lol if she runs from him, it sets something deep and primal off in him, and when he eventually catches her? 😳😳😳
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Shay Patrick Cormac - definitely breasts lol and has a thing for waists, also loves thighs & has a thing for kissing from the top of her foot to the inside of her thighs, this man can pick up grown soldiers, flip them over his shoulder and then just toss them to the ground like it nothing so he’s strong - tell.me he doesn’t pick up his love and carry her off for some alone time. She won't have to worry about anyone on the Morrigan getting any ideas because Shay has made it VERY clear that she's his and his only. He'll legit fight for her if someone makes her uncomfortable or harasses her and make them regret the day they were born (that is if they can even think afterward bc they'll probably be dead). It - depending on the mood he's in - makes him feel very loved and cared for or very turned on and ready to pin her down, when she kisses the scar over his eye. Don't even get me started on how naughty this fricken man is in Irish Gaelic. (Sir! Control thyself!)
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Edward Kenway - an ass man for sure and he loves the thighs too, stands behind her and glares at anyone who checks her out from his spot behind her where he’ll press a possessive kiss to her shoulder while glaring at them. Why do I have feeling that this man has a thing for women who can shoot guns? If she shoots a gun in front of him all pirate-esque he'll literally beg her to step on him haha. Loves him a mouthy feisty woman because not only does it turn.him.on, he gets a kick out of a lovely woman being able to blow someone out of the water with her insults & statements of self-defense. Will also waylay anyone who disrespects her, he'll actually feed them their teeth (don't test him with her)
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Jacob Ethan Frye - both the man’s bi lol he can have both if he wants, he for sure does playful butt pats and grabs occasionally but usually when they’re alone (USUALLY & if a Rook bore witness? THEY SAW NOTHING), definitely into holding his love on his lap and whispering dirty things in her ear to fluster her. Will fight to protect her and God help them because they'll have him and the Rooks to deal with (that is if Jacob doesn't crush them and turn them into dust that blows away in the wind lol). Also loves him a feisty and mouthy woman, if she's sarcastic, witty and goofy on top of that? This man is more whipped than whipped cream. Total gentleman even if she can hand his ass to him on a silver platter, he still treats her with utmost respect. Enjoys lying in bed with her and cuddling (give the man all the cuddles STAT) lazily playing with her hair and believe it not - not all kissing with the amorous assassin leads to *wink wink*. He genuinely enjoys laying there with her on a slow day and kissing her sweetly, over and over again. Man is a genuine romantic sweetheart (and nothing will change my mind). It's not an odd occurrence for Evie to wonder where her younger brother is, only to find him conked out on his love's chest just peacefully snoozing away as she holds him reading a book or some files. Totally see him tracing his fingers down her sternum until he reaches her breasts and tracing the insides of them to get her riled up (if he's feeling mean he'll even give a cheeky kiss haha). Also loves to chase her across rooftops and make bets of a spicier nature...
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Evie Frye - loves to kiss her loves hands & jaw (particularly that one little spot…) and trace kisses down her sternum, has a habit of cornering her and making out with her lol then she just goes on about her day like nothing happened, plays footsies underneath table surfaces (CHANGE MY MIND). Loves all of her and honestly don't think she would have a preference, Evie's just grateful to have her at all and be with her. Woman was dedicated to being alone as a result of being in the Brotherhood. Think she would get a kick out of witty and playful banter, the more her love speaks the more in love she falls and the more she desires her. She's good with her hands. I said it. Sue me. She.has.good.hands. The woman tis skilled (in more ways than one...) This also pertains to corsets and buttons whether it be doing them or undoing them... Kind think she would like chasing her love through the city too and if it ends up in a garden? The woman internally swoons.
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Kassandra of Sparta - breasts she likes pulling her love against her and then looking down to see them pressed against her armor being gorgeous as usual and she loves to grab hips, she will CUT Alcibiades if he looks at her love lol bc she KNOWS what he's thinking about, only lets her hair down around her love and adores laying in between her thighs while her fingers give her a head a very relaxing massage (seriously they can put the woman to sleep lol)
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Ratonhnhake:ton/Connor Kenway - I think we can all agree that this sweet man isn't very sexual BUT once he settles down, he does have an appreciation for his loves figure. Loves to hover over her from behind and kiss the top of her head, and when things get more intimate between them, he loves to give her kisses all over her face. Flowers with him would be a common occurrence, often times she wakes up to beautiful wildflowers on her bedside table or on the pillow beside her. This man is a good provider. And if she takes an interest in hunting with him, more than a few times he'll briefly lose interest in hunting the animal and playfully hunting her instead... Feel like he strokes her legs lovingly and takes his time exploring the sexual feelings he has for her. He would love her breasts because they're beautiful, soft and full of life.
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Alexios of Sparta - ass for sure he seems like a butt smacker haha she’ll be minding her own business when he comes out of nowhere and gives her a light loving smack. He comes up behind her and literally sweeps her off her feet - no pleasantries, just "you're mine now" lol
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Haytham Kenway - breasts has a thing for tracing the tops of them when she wears dresses to get her riled up all while delivering an “innocent” kiss to her flaming red cheek, will randomly stoop to her level to whisper something 😳 in her ear. Get a vibe that he would spoil her with beautiful jewelry and then woo her until it's the only thing she has on, before taking her to bed... Morning sex seems like the norm for him because he's not always there when she falls asleep arriving home late, but when he sees her in the morning, he more than makes it up to her and greets her in very steamy manner. He reminds her to remain neutral when she stands next to him during a meeting as he sits down with his hand hidden by her dress on her backside gently squeezing and acting completely casual about it the cheeky -
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Desmond Miles - breasts & when Shaun stresses him out, he presses his head into them lol it’s stress relieving, comes up behind her and hugs her tightly, definitely into spooning he likes the physical contact, and he melts when she kisses his forehead. Before everything he screwed, but now with the woman he loves? He makes love and thoroughly enjoys every second of it with her. Having her by his side through everything means more to him than he can express.
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Arno Victor Dorian - this man feels like a worshipper he would love all of her body and take his time with her, but he does tend to go for breasts more coming out of nowhere and kissing the tops of them reverently throughout the day, definitely takes her hand in his and kisses it with full eye contact to the point where it makes her blush, earning a chuckle from him. Tell me that this man doesn't pull her away to corners throughout the day or on a mission and kiss her before walking away casually like nothing happened lol. Got a feeling he's very into whisking his love away just getting her attention and pulling her away to wherever they can have a few moments alone together. Good kisser. I refuse to believe anything else. He swoops in gives a sweet kiss that leaves her flustered, and he stands there watching her with a smile on his face. For some reason I think he's into the whole secret lover rendezvous thing, aka coming in through his love's window or meeting her secretly (it's exciting and he gets her all alone...)
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Ezio Auditore Da Firenze - also feels like a worshipping type of man except everywhere, everything, all the time lol, but he does have a preference for breasts often times hugging his love around the waist and burying his face in them. We've all seen how this man has thing for pinning his lady to the wall...do with it what you will. But he does it to her and OFTEN lol. A little more promiscuous in public - stopping of course if she gets uncomfortable - than others and is not afraid to show how he feels about her. Also, a good kisser. I mean COME ON.
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Bayek of Siwa - he loves her breasts because beneath them lies her heart and he cherishes the fact that she has given it to him, loves to star gaze with her - they lay there together peacefully as he tells her about the constellations and their meaning. Loves bathing with her just laying back and relaxing, eyes roving her form as she cleans him and gives him a shave (he refuses to shave unless she does it for him bc he loves her touch and how great her handiwork is). Gives the kinds of kisses that melt her like a stick of butter lol, a kiss from him has a lot of emotion poured into it telling without words how much he loves her.
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nubimera · 1 year
I kinda need a DbH x Spider-Man au in my life right now
Can I have Connor as Peter Parker? Because let's be honest, that would suit him so well
Just please
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
assassins’ amoures
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Fluff alphabet here for my favorite Assassins (and some Templars) to commemorate the 15th year and for Flufftober
Based off their names
Ezio likes to be the equal one in a relationship, although in some more “spicy situations”, I can see him as a soft dom type. You bring out the better qualities of him, even light-hearted teasing aside. Keeping him focused and building him up keeps Ezio going. Even to the ends of the earth, he’ll do what he can to keep you safe and loved. When he’s in love, oh good luck to any trying to grab his attention. Thoughts are of you, with that blushed far off look, even Claudia and Leonardo are teasing him.
This boy?? This boi! This boyo is so in love he smiles non stop. Always day dreaming of you, reading pieces of poetry or romance literature that reminds him of you. Favorite nicknames are “my love, darling, heart/mon coeur” or personalized ones solely for you. He is every romantic cliche ever and then some! Adorkably a badass! When he’s not being an Assassin, he’s off in the gardens or taking strolls, and you’re always by his side. Arms linked.
S,H,A,Y 🚢 🌊
On the seas, Shay likes to sit out and spend time with you on the deck. On land, maybe a romantic walk at night. Given how this man left the Colonial Assassins and knew the Templars, there are most definitely secrets that can cause a rift but he claims to do so to protect you. That being said, he’s your hype man! Always guiding you and building you up, since he didn’t have a lot of that from someone he genuinely loves. When he’s away missing you, oh he’s an emotional wreck. Not showing it outwardly, but it’s a storm cloud inside him.
Seeing you shoot off an arrow, the sun gleaming in your eyes and hair, you have never looked more ethereal than in this moment. Your strength and focus never fail to amaze Bayek. He sees you as his equal in all matters, though his kisses say otherwise. Passionate and all consuming of your being. Yet even such a focused man is keen to matters of the heart, and his calls for you when he finds the Order and is taken away for his work.
A traditional man of sorts, Haytham likes to you spoil you in such ways. Fine clothes and some jewelry, along with long walks in town squares to show you off (in his own way). Being the significant other of the leader of Templars means you are privy to secrets, but Haytham has his reasons (at least he likes to think so). Aside from that, he adores your wit and humor and when away, likes to imagine the fun banter you two would have. He would absolutely be the type to want to marry you, falling into a peaceful domestic routine of sorts.
A,M,U,N,E,T (Aya)
Before and after becoming a Hidden One, Aya admired your presence. You were there for her through the worst of times and when she founded the Assassin’s with Bayek. Being her spouse, co-founder, fellow partner in crime means you have a leader of a wife who also enjoys a good time. She adores you, and you her, calling each other “my love” or “goddess”. Traveling together adds a sense of thrill and excitement in new places, although if you’re ever homesick, Aya/Amunet wants you to share that with her.
Life on the high seas can be rambunctious but Edward can count on your leadership. Sometimes. When you’re not getting into the crew’s shenanigans. Your fun-serious side, with a dash of ruthlessness, is one of the many becoming qualities he admires in you. When you’re not cracking jokes or death defying stunts/schemes, Kenway does have a softer side to him. Going out of his way to talk to you, or when you sees you off in a distance, daydreams how you’re buying his favorite rum for him as a gift or protecting him. Do you think of him as much as he does you? Or do you remember the time he covered you with a blanket one cold night?
You had been best friends with Jacob, but even the laughs and glances couldn’t fill the you-shaped hole in his heart. When you finally got together, there was never a shortage of admiration on his part about all that he admires about you, including your fun side. That being said, he’s a passionate man who is not shy about making it known how he feels about you, despite Evie’s teasing, and if a Rook tries to get chummy with you they find out real fast! Maybe laying it on a bit thick with the compliments but you know he’s genuine. He likes to scale the rooftops with you to get the best views, especially at sunset. If you ever have nightmares/panic attacks, Jacob knows what that feels like and he’s more than willing to help you through it.
Connor didn’t expect to fall in love after trying to rebuild, but you were a welcomed exception in his life. When he first started catching feelings, he thought it was subtle until your eyes met his and he turned away with a blush creeping on his cheeks. He may not be the most traditional romantic but once you realize what he’s doing, you’re touched by how sweet he is. Once you’re together, Connor’s little nicknames for you are along the lines of “love, dove” or maybe something floral. If you ever have nightmares/panic attacks, that soothing voice calms you down as he holds you close.
Unlike her twin, Evie likes to think she was refined and focused until she met you. Then her more carefree, free-spirited fluoridated when she spent more time with you. Jacob likes to tease that you’re a “bad influence”. She sees you as her equal in every way and comes to realize that even in the most trying times, she can let her walls down for you. She values you, in all ways a loving significant other can: your opinions, your ideas, your wants.
Kassandra is a woman who’s naturally curious and takes an interest your activities/hobbies, be it pottery or sword sparring. Her kisses are heated, gripping to you as if you’re her tether. She imagines a simple life with you at times, living out the rest of your years by the beach. If there’s anything you have set your sights on, your Amazonian love is in your corner 1000%. Romance is not her strongest suit, but you know she tries and that’s all that matters. I don’t know Ancient Greek dialect, but I’d imagine nicknames would be something like “sweetie” or “darling”.
Alexios did not expect to have a family again (Kassandra and his mother), let alone the heart of you. He respects and values you as his equal, and all that you do. He enjoys hunting, sailing and some sparring with you, and encourages you if you want to improve yourself. After settling down, your presence inspires him to be more at peace. He doesn’t have to be closed off or hesitant or the simplest actions. When he confessed, Alexios gripped tightly onto you, pouring every ounce of his soul into words. You gladly accept, and soon are pulled close to him in the tightest hug and sweetest kiss. After that, you could be doing the most mundane thing and Alexios looks at you as if you’re Queen of Olympus itself.
Eivor admires you, loves you, their beloved and equal in every way. An inspiration to fight to see tomorrow with you. Not “showy” with their emotions, or the most blatantly romantic, Eivor still has those moments where they want to be near you at every moment. Making sure you’re well fed, taken care of, or warm during the harsh winters. You’re a much valued and loved person in Eivor’s life, someone worth protecting amidst this dangerous lifestyle.
Though he won’t outright admit it, Altair admires your skill as a fellow assassin in training (mostly as an excuse to be near you). As long as Maria and Malik don’t rib him that the arrogant “novice” has finally been bested. If anything, it indirectly inspires him to do better/push himself to which you tease him relentlessly, but he’ll gladly take it since it’s you. When he finally confessed to you, the tense pause almost killed him (fearing you’d say no) only to return your hug ten fold in an iron grip. Cupping the back of your head. In the younger years, you two daredevils were always seeking out the highs of being an Assassin but mellow out with age. Still, that romance never dies with affectionate banter and nicknames, and gentle touches.
Aveline enjoys shopping with you or even taking (much needed) long walks with you. She sees you as her equal, and values your opinion, be it for both Assassin and other non-related matters. She’s faced betrayal and heartache but you’re an inspiration that there’s always a better tomorrow, no matter how small some victories may be. You confessed to her one night, and it was one of the happiest moments in Aveline’s life, the day you called her “my rose”. One of the loveliest, genuine aspects of her life, Aveline treasures her life with you.
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cutecurly-hair · 1 month
Hearts Unleashed (Part 6)
Pairing: Nick Nelson x Black!fem!reader
Warning: Fluff, Smut in later chapters, Body Shaming
Words: 6,417
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It has been a minute since I uploaded, but I made it up to yall by making this chapter a LOT longer. Enjoy!
"You don't know what you're talking about," I finished as I bit into my banana. Charlie rolled his eyes for the fifth time this morning, taking a bit of his breakfast sandwich and throwing the rest in the garbage.
"I swear your love life needs some proper tending to or it is just going to end up nonexistent,"
"How can you throw that away, I could have finished it for you," I protested, looking at banana resentfully. Mother only gives me fruits for breakfast or protein bars since she thinks having carbs first thing in the morning is terrible for the diet.
Charlie shook his head, his expression a mix of amusement "The sandwich was terrible, you wouldn't like it," which I knew was a lie.
"Ok enough about me, what about you! How are you and that guy you were talking with I completely forgot his name," Charlie face fell, quickly regretting on even asking.
Charlie scratched his head, a sheepish grin appearing on his face. "Um, actually, I decided to break things off."
I blinked, surprised by his response. "You did? Why?"
Charlie sighed; his expression somber. "It's just… things weren't working out between us. We wanted different things, and it was causing too much strain on the relationship. If there was even a relationship"
"I'm sorry to hear that," I said, genuinely feeling for him. "Are you okay?"
He nodded, though his smile was wistful. "Yeah, I'll be fine. It's for the best, really."
I reached out, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. "If you need anything, I'm here for you, Charlie."
"Thanks, Y/N," he said, his voice appreciative. "I appreciate that." I knew something was up, he had that look on his face far too long, I can tell it's starting to eat him up badly.
As we walked towards the school gates, I noticed a gathering of the rugby team, and my heart sank as I recognized Nick among them. And standing right beside him was Imogen.
"Just when you think things couldn't get any worse," I muttered under my breath.
Charlie's expression darkened as he caught sight of them too. "Of all the days..."
I could feel Charlie's stare intensely at the side of my skull, his concern palpable. It was clear that seeing Nick and Imogen was the last thing I needed on top of everything else.
"Do you want to, you know, avoid them?" Charlie asked quietly, already knowing the answer.
I let out a resigned sigh. "I wish we could, but unfortunately I have practice with him after school." We haven't talked ever since that night, he hasn't messaged me, and I haven't messaged him. It seems that everything has been put on pause I swear this boy is just giving me a straight whiplash to Tara Jones and now Imogen.
"You can probably ditch," Charlie suggested, offering a glimmer of hope. "I'm sure Coach Singh won't mind, plus I can probably cover for you."
The thought of skipping practice tempted me, but then I remembered the inevitable consequence: being bombarded by my mother's relentless fitness regimen. She had been devouring articles on quick weight loss methods before spring started, and I wasn't ready to endure another lecture about healthy living.
I shook my head firmly. "Nope, I will definitely be at practice. I'll just head to the library and study while I wait for them to finish, then clean the locker room." he nodded in understanding.
"Thanks, Charlie," I said sincerely, feeling grateful for his support. But as I glanced over at Nick, I noticed him saying something to Imogen, causing her cheeks to flush with a bright smile. My mouth turned sour, and I quickly grabbed Charlie's arm, leading him through the gates.
"Let's go before we miss out on breakfast from the cafeteria," I urged, my tone a little more urgent than intended.
Charlie furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "But we just ate?"
I swallowed hard, my stomach tying into knots. "I'm still hungry,"
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ +
Anywhere else in the world would be better than this classroom right now. I sink into my seat, doing everything I can to avoid looking at the one person I wish I could avoid the most.
I should have just skipped school entirely
I glanced up reluctantly, meeting Nick's gaze. His smile was warm, but it only intensified the knot in my stomach.
"Hi," I replied, keeping my tone neutral.
His brow furrowed slightly, sensing my unease. "Is everything okay?"
I forced a smile, hoping it looked convincing. "Yeah, everything's fine. Just not feeling great today."
There was a moment of hesitation in his expression before he spoke again, his voice softer this time. "Do you want to go to Harry's party... with me?"
My heart skipped a beat at his unexpected invitation. I blinked, caught off guard "I don't think it's my type of thing and if it's for Harry definitely count me out," The guy was just a straight up asshole, there is nothing that nothing that I can make me like the man, especially with the awful things he says.
"Please come. I want you to be there," he looked at me hopefully, and I couldn't ignore the sincerity in his eyes. It almost hurt to see him like this, his vulnerability making me soften.
"Okay," I smiled sheepishly, feeling a little guilty for giving in so easily. I could practically feel Charlie's eyes boring into the side of my head, likely already knowing that I was about to agree.
"I can't believe you did that," Charlie sighed, shaking his head. "I swear, you have the willpower of a peanut."
I chuckled nervously, feeling a flush of embarrassment creeping up my neck. "Yeah, well… he practically begged me. There's no way I could have said no."
Charlie raised an eyebrow, a skeptical look on his face. "Begged you, huh? Sounds like quite the convincing argument."
I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. "Well, you know Nick. He can be quite persuasive when he wants to be."
Charlie sighed, shaking his head in mock disbelief. "I swear, you're like putty in his hands."
I rolled my eyes but couldn't help the small smile tugging at my lips. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. But I'm sure it'll be fine. Especially since you're coming with me."
Charlie raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Wait, what? I didn't agree to that."
I grinned, nudging him playfully. "Come on, Charlie. You can't let me face this party alone. Besides, it'll be more bearable with you there."
He sighed dramatically but smiled back. "Fine, I'll go. But only because I don't trust you to stay out of trouble on your own."
"Deal," I said, feeling a bit more confident about the party with Charlie by my side.
The afternoon sun was beginning to set as Charlie and I rummaged through my closet, looking for something decent to wear to Harry’s party. My room was a mess, clothes strewn everywhere as we tried to find the perfect outfit.
Charlie held up a shirt, scrutinizing it before tossing it aside. “This one’s too plain. You need something that stands out.”
I groaned, flopping down on my bed. “I don’t even know why I agreed to this. Harry’s parties are always so... Harry.”
Charlie laughed, shaking his head. “Agree, but you’re doing this for Nick, remember? And besides, it’ll be good to get out and have some fun.”
I shot him a skeptical look. “You think hanging out with Harry and his crowd is fun?”
He thought for a moment, pulling out a vibrant top from the pile. "Absolutely not but we must preserve. But at least you won’t be alone. We’ll stick together.”"
I took the top from him, eyeing it critically. “Alright, I guess this could work. What about you? What are you wearing?”
He smirked, holding up a simple yet stylish outfit. “Already got it covered. Unlike you, I came prepared.”
I rolled my eyes but couldn’t help but smile. “Show-off.”
Charlie threw a pillow at me, laughing. “Hey, someone’s got to keep us looking decent.”
As I changed into the outfit he picked, Charlie sat on the edge of my bed, giving me a thumbs-up when I emerged from behind the closet door. “See? You look great. Nothing to worry about”
Just then, Charlie's phone buzzed, and I noticed his smile falter as he looked at the screen.
"Shit!" he muttered under his breath.
I turned to him, concerned. "What’s wrong?"
"Tao and Elle just texted me about film night tonight! I completely forgot," typing furiously on his phone.
Trying to lighten the mood, I suggested, "Hey, why don't we invite Tao and Elle? Nick definitely won't mind."
Charlie shook his head, a wry smile playing on his lips. "Tao would rather be caught dead than step foot into one of Harry's parties."
I laughed, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, you're right. But it’d be nice to have them around."
Charlie sighed, glancing at his phone again. "It's fine. Elle's going over there, and Isaac called in sick. He'll be okay," he said, slipping the phone into his back pocket.
I could already tell I was at the very top of Tao's shit list, and it wasn’t about to get any better.
We were halfway out the door when my mom's voice rang out, stopping us in our tracks.
"Do you kids need a ride?" she asked, looking up from her magazine with a hint of concern in her eyes.
I shook my head, forcing a smile. "No, thanks. Charlie's dad already offered to give us a lift."
"Alright then," she said, her gaze sweeping over my outfit. I can feel the eyes pouring at every single detail of what I was wearing, I knew she wouldn't say anything infront Charlie, she wouldn't do that to me "But honey, make sure to suck in your stomach. It looks a little chubby."
I was wrong
My cheeks burned with embarrassment as I forced a smile. "Got it, Mom."
Charlie gave me a sympathetic glance, his eyes full of understanding. "Ready?" he asked, trying to shift the mood.
"Yea," I replied, taking a deep breath, rushing out the door. "Let's get out of here."
As we stepped outside, the cool evening air hit my face, and I felt a mix of relief and lingering embarrassment. Charlie nudged me playfully.
"Don't let it get to you," he said with a grin. "You look great."
I smiled, grateful for his support. "Lets have some fun."
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ +
"Pick up at 10, okay?" Mr. Springer said, glancing back at us in the rearview mirror.
I nodded absentmindedly, my attention drawn to the enormous house outside. The place was massive had Harry really rented out an entire hotel? Just how rich was he?
Charlie’s voice broke through my thoughts. "Can't it be 11?" he pleaded, looking at his dad hopefully.
"No, 10 is late enough," Mr. Springer replied firmly.
Charlie sighed, looking defeated as he got out of the car. "Fine," he muttered.
I quickly followed suit, turning back to say goodbye to Mr. Spring. "Thanks for the ride!"
"Have fun, you two!" he called after us as we stepped into the cool evening.
The smell of cheap perfume and artificial vape flavors filled my nose. There was a long line of people, and everywhere I looked, girls were squeezed into tight dresses, their faces caked with makeup. I started to wonder if we were at the right party. Thank God Charlie helped me pick out my outfit, or I would have stood out like a sore thumb.
Charlie nudged me with a grin. "I could have used your help back there, you know?"
I shot him a flabbergasted look. "You're crazy if you think I was going to argue with your dad."
Charlie laughed, shaking his head. "Fair enough. But you owe me one."
I rolled my eyes playfully. "Yeah, yeah. Let's just get inside before I change my mind."
We joined the line, inching our way forward as the music thumped louder with every step. The hotel loomed above us, lights flashing from every window, just from taking a peek inside I can definitely tell that Harry went all out.
We stepped inside, the noise and lights hitting us full force. People were everywhere, dancing, laughing, and shouting to be heard over the music. I didn't know which way to look; it was so crowded. Charlie grabbed the hem of my top so he wouldn't get lost in the crowd. My palms were starting to sweat.
The sheer volume of people and the pulsing music made my head spin. Charlie leaned close to my ear, his voice barely audible over the noise. "Let'd find somewhere quiet I can barely hear myself think."
I nodded, my heart pounding feeling the bass within my body. We pushed through the throng of people, dodging couples and groups of friends. Every corner seemed to hold a new spectacle: a group of girls taking selfies, a guy attempting an impressive but ultimately disastrous dance move. The flashing lights made my head feel fuzzy.
I was already overstimluted and I haven't been here for five minutes. "Do you want to get a drink?"
He nodded in agreement. "Good idea. I swear, did Harry invite the whole city?" Charlie looked frazzled; it seemed he wasn't doing any better than me.
We walked down a quieter hallway, only a few people milling about. "You stay here; I'll go get the drinks," Charlie said, glancing back at me with a smile.
I nodded gratefully, leaning against the wall to catch my breath, trying to ignore the overpowering smell of smoke and alcohol that filled my nose. Charlie disappeared into the crowd, and I took a moment to collect myself, looking at myself in the mirror. My curls seemed to be frizzing up from the humidity, and I quickly ran my fingers through them, trying to tame the wild strands.
Nearby, a table was filled with enough snacks and drinks to feed an army. I made my way over, deciding a quick bite might help settle my nerves. Mother would actually kill me if she saw me eating this stuff.
I grabbed a handful of chips and popped them into my mouth, the salty crunch grounding me a bit. I picked up a cup of the red liquid and took a gulp, but quickly grimaced at the terrible aftertaste.
Looking around the room, trying not to get knocked down by stumbling people who had clearly had enough to drink, I spotted a familiar face in the crowd. I could feel the heat rising in my face as I realized it was Nick.
Spotting me instantly, a look of relief filled his face. He started making his way through the crowd. "I have been looking for you!" we said in unison.
Even in the chaos of the party, I couldn’t help but notice how good he looked. His hair was perfectly tousled, and his smile lit up his eyes, making my heart skip a beat. He had this way of making me feel like I was the only person in the room. I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks. No matter how overwhelming things got, just seeing him made everything easier.
Nick and I exchanged a warm smile, “How about we go grab a drink?” he suggested, his voice soft but somehow cutting through the noise.
“Yeah, that sounds good,” I agreed, feeling a little more at ease with him by my side.
We made our way through the crowded room, and every time someone bumped into me, Nick would gently place his hand on my back, guiding me forward. It was such a small gesture, but I couldn’t ignore the tingling sensation it left behind.
Finally, we reached the drinks table, a mix of colorful concoctions laid out before us. Nick picked up a couple of cups, handing one to me with a playful grin. “I think this one’s safe,” he said, making me think back to that horrid red liquid from earlier.
I laughed, taking the cup from him. “Let’s hope so. I had one earlier, and I swear I thought it was roofied.”
He immediately looked concerned. "Sorry about that. I forgot how some of Harry's parties can get kind of crazy. I was even debating whether to come," he admitted, staring down at the red cup like it was the bane of his existence.
"It's alright, really," I reassured him. "It’s good to hang out with your friends."
Nick shrugged, a small, honest smile tugging at his lips. "Ehh, they're not my 'friends friends.' It's a lot more fun hanging out with you."
I tried not to let my surprise show, but his words caught me off guard. The idea that he’d rather spend time with me than his usual Rugby buddies made my heart flutter. “Really?” I asked, trying to keep my tone casual, though I could feel my face warming.
“Yeah, really,” he said, meeting my eyes with a sincerity that made my chest tighten. “I always have more fun when you’re around. Those guys are great, but they’re not...” he was trying to find the words
“Fun?” I offered with a teasing smile.
Nick’s eyes trailed off, lingering on mine for a moment longer before he nodded slowly. “Well, there’s never really a dull moment with you,” he said with a mischievous grin, “so I tend to keep you close. You know, just in case things get too boring I need someone to liven things up.”
I laughed, shaking my head. “So, I’m your emergency backup for fun?”
“Exactly,” he said, nodding with exaggerated seriousness. “In case this party sucks, I know who just to call .”
I playfully nudged him. “And here I thought you just enjoyed my company.”
“I do,” he said, leaning in slightly with a playful grin. “I just need someone to keep me entertained”
I laughed, shaking my head. “Well, I’m flattered to be your go-to for fun. I have to say, your backup plan is working pretty well tonight.”
Nick grinned, shaking his head. “I’m just glad that your here, I swear I barely know anyone here"
Trying to play it cool, even though I was secretly thrilled that Nick was happy to see me, we made our way to a quieter corner of the party. We found a spot away from everything, where we could actually sit and talk without having to shout over the music.
"You know," Nick started with a grin, "I’ve been forcing my mum to play Mario Kart ever since you absolutely destroyed me at that game. Thought I might finally get a win somewhere."
I burst out laughing, nearly spilling my drink. "You’re practicing with your mum? That’s dedication! Even for you?"
"I'm being serious," Nick replied, his tone earnest. "I’ve never seen anyone play that good. You completely embrassed me"
I grinned, feeling a bit of pride. "Well, I’m glad I could leave such an impression. Guess all those hours of practice paid off."
Nick shook his head, still looking amazed. "You don’t understand. I’ve never been so thoroughly beaten at anything in my life. It was like you had cheat codes or something."
"Just pure skill," I teased, giving him a playful nudge. "Maybe next time I’ll teach you how to win," I teased, then quickly realized it sounded more flirtatious than I intended.
Before he could finish, someone called out, “Nick!” From the number of times I’d heard that voice at practice, I could almost smell the narcissism dripping from it. Nick’s expression shifted to mild annoyance as he glanced over his shoulder.
“All right, mate,” Nick said, eyeing Harry up and down with a look of uneasy tolerance. Despite the size of the place, it seemed Harry’s presence was as unavoidable as ever.
“Why are you hanging out here? Bit boring, innit?” Harry asked, his gaze directly fixed on me. The group behind him exchanged knowing glances, their eyes lingering on me with an air of smugness. I shot him a withering glare, not liking where this was going.
Nick shot me a worried look, trying to diffuse the tension. “We just are”
Harry smirked, flopping down on the couch next to Nick and draping an arm around him as if marking his territory. “I’ve got important news for you,” he announced with exaggerated enthusiasm.
“Yeah, what?” Nick asked, clearly uninterested but trying to play along.
"Tara Jones is here" he annoucned gaining the ooos from the boys. My breath hitched, and a sinking feeling settled in my stomach. I knew coming here might have been a mistake.
Nick’s expression turned to confusion. “So, what?”
Harry looked around as if he couldn’t believe on what he was hearing. “This is your big second chance, mate. Let’s make it happen,” he said with a chuckle, Harry looking over at me "They kissed when they were thirteen. Proper romantic" egging on crowd. He says it like I have been dying to know but all I want to do right now is disapear.
“He should go for it, right?” Harry asked, his words dripping with smugness as he pretended to care about my opinion. I could see the tension building in Nick, his discomfort almost palpable. My own irritation was rising fast, and I was seconds away from telling Harry to back off, because if there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s seeing Nick put on the spot like this.
"Come on, mate," Harry urged, tugging at Nick's arm to pull him up from the couch.
"Harry—" Nick started, his voice laced with protest.
"Come on. She’s just down the corridor,” Harry insisted, ignoring Nick’s reluctance.
Nick hesitated, clearly uncomfortable. "I haven't talked to her in years."
"So? She's super hot, man," Harry insisted, not letting up.
Nick barely had time to respond before Harry turned toward the crowd, calling out, "All right, ladies!" His voice carried through the room, gathering curious glances.
My stomach twisted as Harry’s words sliced through the noise, “Hey, Tara! I've got someone who wants to see you!” I glanced over, and there she was stunning in a way that made it hard to look away. My chest tightened as her eyes locked onto Nick, her smile effortlessly brightening the room. I could feel my heart sinking, a wave of insecurity washing over me. Tara wasn’t just beautiful; she was the kind of beautiful that made me question what I was even doing here.
The music drowned out their voices, but I could still see the way Tara’s eyes lit up as Nick talked to her. A tight knot formed in my chest as I watched, feeling like an outsider in a scene I didn’t belong in.
I’m so pathetic, I thought, standing here, just watching.
I slipped away, disappearing down the corridor, hoping to lose myself in the crowd and escape the sinking feeling in my gut. As I tried to shake off the unease, someone stepped in front of me.
“Hey, you wouldn’t happen to know where Charlie Spring is, would you?”
I glanced up, recognizing the boy but struggling to place his name. “No, actually, I’ve been looking for him too,” I admitted. After a beat, I added, “And you’re…?”
He smiled, looking a bit bashful. “Ben. We met a while back when you were trying to find the film club.”
It clicked, and I nodded, a small smile creeping onto my face. “Oh, right! I remember now. I can’t believe you still remember me,” I said, laughing a bit, though I couldn’t help but feel a bit flustered.
He chuckled softly, “You’re pretty hard to forget…” There was something in his tone that made the words linger, and I found myself blushing slightly.
A warm flush spread up my neck, I honestly had no idea how to respond to that, so I just offered a shy smile. My mind racing for something to say.
Ben’s smile widened, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “So, what are you doing hiding out back here? The party too wild for you?”
I shrugged, glancing back toward the crowd where Nick was still talking to Tara. “Yeah, something like that,” I mumbled. “Just needed a break from all the noise.”
Ben followed my gaze, his expression turning a bit more serious. “Ah, I see. Sometimes these things can be a bit... much.”
I appreciated his attempt to empathize, even if he didn’t know the half of it. “Yeah,” I agreed, nodding. “It’s just one of those nights, I guess.”
Ben seemed to sense my discomfort and shifted the conversation. “Well, if you ever need to disappear for a while, you can always come hang out with me. I’m more of a ‘quiet corner’ kind of guy myself.”
I smiled at that, feeling a little less alone. “Thanks, Ben. I might just take you up on that.”
Catching something in the corner of his eye, he gives me a fleeting smile and then quietly excuses himself. “I’ll catch you later,” he says, before slipping away, leaving me by myself…again.
Finding a lone couch off to the side, I flopped down onto it, feeling like I might as well get a goddamn trophy for being the lamest person in the room. I pulled out my phone, scrolling through notifications that didn’t interest me, my eyes glazing over texts from friends from back home and ignoring the persistent messages from my mother. Only an hour left before Charlie's dad picks us up. Time seemed to crawl, each minute stretching into an eternity.
I sighed, sinking deeper into the cushions, trying to disappear into the background.
"Hi," a familiar voice cut through the noise. I looked up to see Nick standing in front of me, his hands shoved awkwardly into his pockets. He offered a small, hesitant smile, as if unsure of whether he was welcome.
“Hey,” I replied, sitting up a bit straighter, surprised he’d sought me out again.
"You left."
"Sorry, I was just... starting to feel out of place. The guys can be somewhat intimidating," I admitted, my voice trailing off as I glanced at the crowd. It was a bit of the truth, but it didn’t fully capture how overwhelmed I felt.. Not like I am going to tell him that I have a crush on him, that would certainly make matter worse.
He shook his head, a subtle furrow creasing his brow. "Don’t be sorry," he said firmly, his tone edged with genuine concern. "Half of them are just... dickheads. I’m tired of being around them. I'd much rather hang out with you." His words were sincere, his gaze steady.
This was the second time I heard him say that, and I couldn't stop the smile that spread across my face. But as the reality of his words sank in, a flicker of fear ran through me this was real, and that scared me.
I turned my gaze, my smile slipping as my heart raced. What if I was misreading this? What if he was just being nice? My thoughts tangled, and the crowd seemed to close in on me, the noise growing louder and more intense.
Just as I felt myself sinking, Nick reached out and took my hand. The warmth of his touch was immediate, grounding me in the present. His thumb gently brushed against the back of my hand, and I looked up to find his eyes still on me.
"Shall we go somewhere quieter?" he asked, his voice soft yet firm, offering me an escape.
I hesitated for a moment, my mind still reeling, but the gentle pressure of his hand, the way his fingers intertwined with mine, made the decision for me. I nodded, feeling a wave of relief wash over me as I let him lead the way.
As we moved away from the noise, the tension in my chest began to ease. Nick glanced back at me with a playful smile, a glint of mischief in his eyes.
"You want to race?" he teased, the challenge evident in his voice.
I couldn’t help but grin back at him. "You want to race me?" I repeated, already taking a quick step forward to get a head start, my laughter bubbling up as I broke into a run.
"Come on!" I called out over my shoulder, the thrill of the chase energizing my every step.
"Wait, stop!" he shouted, his voice tinged with both surprise and amusement as he sprinted after me, his footsteps echoing up the stairs.
"Unfair, you got a head start," he called out, his mock outrage only making me laugh harder.
"I'm dying!" Nick shouted, his voice breathless yet filled with laughter. I couldn’t believe it the star of the rugby team, gasping and trailing behind me in a race. The thought sent another burst of giggles through me as I glanced back to see him trying to catch up, his grin just as wide as mine.
"Am I hearing an old man complaining?" I teased, slowing down just a bit, but not enough to let him close the gap completely. The sight of Nick, usually so composed and confident, now playfully struggling to keep up, was a rare and delightful reversal that made me wish that we could run just a little while longer.
As we finally reached the top of the stairs, our breath still catching, pushing open the doors
We stepped inside, and I felt my breath catch again, but this time for an entirely different reason.
The grand ballroom before us was stunning. The ceiling reached up high, covered with detailed paintings, their colors bright even in the soft light of the chandeliers that looked like stars. The walls were lined with tall mirrors in fancy frames, reflecting the golden light and making the room feel even bigger.
Nick let out a low whistle, clearly as awestruck as I was. "Wow," he breathed, his voice echoing slightly in the vast space.
Nick shaking his head in disbelief. "Jesus, I knew Harry was rich, but this hotel must have cost him a fuck ton of money," he muttered, his tone a mix of awe and amusement.
I couldn’t help but laugh, the sound echoing softly in the grand room. "No kidding," I replied, glancing around at the opulence surrounding us. "I feel like this place matches his ego big and obnoxious."
Nick snorted, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Yeah, it’s like he’s trying to outdo himself every time. Next thing you know, he’ll be renting out the Eiffel Tower"
I grinned, imagining the absurdity of it. I found a spot against the wall and sank down, admiring the shimmering lights and grandeur of the room. Nick settled beside me, his gaze following mine, but my thoughts were stuck on that moment from earlier. The way he looked at me, the way he said he’d rather hang out with me I couldn’t shake it. It felt like I was becoming delusional, this constant flutter of hope mixed with doubt. I just needed to know, one way or another, so I could either put this silly crush to rest.
"So..." I started, trying to sound casual, but the slight tremor in my voice betrayed me. "Was Harry being serious? Do you like Tara?"
The words felt heavy as they left my mouth, like they were dragging something deeper out into the open. I didn’t know if I was ready to hear the answer, but I had to ask.
Nick's eyes practically bulged out of their sockets. "What? No! No, definitely not," he blurted out, his voice rising in pitch with each word. The intensity of his reaction caught me off guard, making me question why I’d ever worried in the first place.
There was an awkward silence that hung in the air, thick and heavy. I fidgeted with my hands, suddenly hyper-aware of the tension between us.
"Uh… So… you don't have a crush on anyone at the moment?" I asked, trying to keep my tone casual, though my heart was pounding in my chest. I forced myself to meet his gaze, hoping to find some clue in his expression.
He looked away from my gaze, his eyes shifting to the glimmering chandeliers above us. "Well, I didn't say that," he murmured, a hint of something unspoken lingering in his voice.
"Oh," I managed to say, though the disappointment in my voice was unmistakable. It felt as if the air had thickened, the silence resuming its heavy presence as if it had never left. The excitement and playfulness from earlier faded, leaving behind a quietness that neither of us seemed to know how to break.
I broke the quiet first, curiosity tinged with a hint of nervousness. “So, what’s she like, then?”
Nick’s eyes flickered up to meet mine, a trace of uncertainty shadowing his face. “You’re just going to assume they’re a ‘she’?”
“Oh,” I said, my voice softening with realization. “Are they… are they not a girl?”
He hesitated, his gaze drifting to the elegant patterns on the floor. “Um…”
I leaned in slightly, trying to read his expression. “Would you go out with someone who wasn’t a girl?”
Nick’s lips twisted into a thoughtful frown. “I don’t know. Maybe.”
I pressed on gently, my heart pounding. “Would you kiss someone who wasn’t a girl?”
He met my eyes again, his expression a mix of confusion and vulnerability. “I think… I think I might. But I’m not entirely sure yet.”
I nodded in understanding, my mind processing Nick's words. I was genuinely touched that he trusted me enough to share this, but the relief I expected didn’t quite come. Instead, a mix of embrassement and lingering dread churned inside me. The fear of complicating things or making him uncomfortable gnawed at me, my feelings for him never leaving.
“But I wouldn’t mind going out with a girl,” he said, his voice steady but revealing a hint of uncertainty. My head snapped up, meeting his eyes.
He continued, “I wouldn’t mind kissing a girl either.” His eyes searched mine, looking for a reaction. I didn’t know what to say. I turned to him, the question on the tip of my tongue, but the words wouldn’t come out.
His hand was so close to mine, just an inch apart; I could practically feel his warmth. The proximity made it hard to think straight, each moment stretching longer as I struggled to keep my composure. Our fingers were touching, and neither of us pulled away.
Nick glanced down at our intertwined fingers, his gaze lingering on them. He swallowed hard, his nervousness palpable. I took a deep breath, gathering my courage, and finally asked,
“Would you kiss me?”
Nick leaned in closer, tightening his hold on my hand. His voice was soft but steady. “Yeah,” he said, his eyes locked onto mine.
The distance between us shrinking until it was almost nothing. His lips hovered near mine, and I could feel his breath, warm and soft, tickling my skin. My heart raced, a wild, fluttery feeling in my chest as I waited, anticipation buzzing in the air around us.
His lips met mine in a sweet, delicate kiss that sent a rush of warmth through me. It was soft and tentative, like he was savoring every second. My senses where filled with his signature scent, the one that I have missed so much. The familiarity of it made my heart ache in the best way, and I found myself melting into the kiss, wanting to hold onto this moment forever.
Pulling away slowing we looked away from each other, I could hardly believe it Nick Nelson had just kissed me. I’d just had my first kiss… and I liked it.
Really liked it
I glanced over at him, my heart still racing, but he was already looking at me, his eyes soft and searching, as if he was trying to gauge my reaction. The realization that this moment was real, that it had actually happened, made my heart swell with something indescribable.
Without thinking, I reached out, my hand finding the back of his neck, and pulled him closer. I kissed him deeply, pouring everything I was feeling into that moment. He responded by pulling me in tighter, his arms wrapping around me as if he didn’t want to let go, the intensity of the kiss growing with every second. It was as if all the emotions we had been holding back finally found their release in that one, perfect moment.
I could hardly breathe when we finally pulled apart. Staring at him, I just couldn't look away.
"Are you okay?" I asked softly, my voice barely above a whisper.
"1..." he began to say, but was cut off by the sound of Harry's voice echoing down the hallway.
"Nick, are you here?" Harry called out, his voice drawing closer. Nick's body tensed instantly, the warmth between us replaced by a sudden rush of panic.
"I just want to talk, mate," Harry's voice came closer, more insistent.
Nick pulled away immediately, standing up with a look of sheer panic. He glanced anxiously at the door, his body flinching at each echo of footsteps in the hallway.
"Why are you hiding?!" Harry's voice called out, growing louder and more frustrated.
Nick's gaze was locked on the door, his anxiety clear. Without a word, he took a final, fleeting glance at me an expression of regret or maybe apology flitting across his face. Then, he bolted out, disappearing through the door just as Harry's footsteps grew closer.
The sudden silence that followed was deafening. I sat there, trying to process what had just happened. The kiss had been amazing, but now it felt like a distant, shattered dream.
I felt confused, the warmth of the kiss now gone. My mind was filled with unanswered questions and a sudden ache. It felt like the ground had moved under me, leaving me with just the memory of his touch.
As I tried to steady my breath, my phone vibrated in my pocket. Glancing at the screen, I saw multiple messages from Charlie asking where I was and letting me know that his dad had arrived.
Banging my head gently against the wall, I couldn’t believe how quickly the night had gone from one of the most memorable to one of the worst.
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plzravagemethxxx · 7 months
BLOODLUST Masterlist
Prologue Part Two
"Well," Y/N sighed. "This doesn't look too hot."
Icicle Junior had leapt down from the posts of the bridge and had created a steep ramp in the middle of the road, sending cars flying. He threw his head back and laughed manically as the civilians swerved to try and avoid the ice.
Y/N rushed towards the cars as they flew through the air. She heard people's screams from within and ran as fast as she could, whipping out her knife and slashing her palms open. She felt the blood gush onto her skin and shouted, "STRONG!" as she caught the car midair and lowered it to the ground as gently as she could before moving onto the next one.
"Finally!" Junior shouted, noticing her. "I was wondering what a guy had to do to get a little attention around here!"
He lurched towards Y/N, only to be thwarted by an arrow piercing the back of his shoulder. Several more forced their way into his wall of ice.
Y/N scoffed and pressed down on the microphone of her earpiece. "Took you long enough."
"Yeah, yeah, shut up," Roy Harper grouched. "I don't see you fighting Junior."
"Civies are more important than villains," Y/N mused. She stepped a bit farther from Icicle Junior as the arrows began to beep, indicating that they were armed with explosives. "That's my motto, Speedy."
The blasts went off, and Junior grunted in pain as his wall broke apart. He fell back and snarled up at where Speedy and Green Arrow stood atop the bridge, their next arrows prepped and ready.
Junior summoned massive clumps of ice on his arms, then roared with effort as he chucked them up at the two archers.
"Junior's doing all this for attention?" Roy demanded. He let out another explosive arrow.
"I know," Y/N grumbled. "It's odd." She rushed at Junior, bloody hands extended, and ordered, "BURN!"
"Oh, no, you don't!" Icicle Junior leapt back, narrowly dodging Y/N's hands, which had started to smoke with heat. "Nobody told you, pretty girl? Ice and fire don't mix!"
He tossed several spikes of ice at her, but Y/N simply smacked a couple out of the way and they turned to puddles at her touch. The rest embedded themselves in the ground, and Y/N kept running.
Meanwhile, Roy and Oliver had made their way down to the street, and were firing off more arrows at Junior as he attempted to dodge each of Y/N's attacks.
"I'm telling you now," Roy stated. "This little distraction better not interfere."
Icicle Junior saw the arrows coming and quickly put up a frozen shield all around him. The explosive arrows made a hole in his barrier, and Y/N began to punch through the ice as well. Her burning blood splattered across the ice, reducing it to water in seconds.
Trapped, Junior threw one last attack. He punched the air in Speedy's direction and kicked at Y/N, sending massive blasts of sharpened ice crystals at them both.
Y/N ducked out of the way, but felt some of the ice pierce her abdomen as she tried to escape the blast. Pain shot through her body and she yelped.
"HEAL!" she commanded, feeling the cuts on her hands seal quickly. The wound from being impaled began to patch itself up, a bit slower than her hands.
Roy, however, practically smirked as he jumped over his attack, pulling an arrow from his quiver and releasing it mid-air. The arrowhead slammed into Junior's chin hard, knocking him unconscious.
Green Arrow looked down at their adversary and chuckled. "Kid had a glass jaw!"
"Hilarious," Speedy said quickly. "Can we go?"
"Wow, such patience," Y/N teased, throwing her arm around his shoulders. "It's almost saint-like."
"Can you blame me?" Roy asked, quirking a brow at her. "Today's the day."
"That it is," Black Canary agreed as she pulled her motorcycle up to them. "Y/N, you good?"
"Peachy." The girl tapped the mended skin of her abdomen, feeling the newly formed flesh. "No more injuries. I may need a snack on the way, though."
"That's good." She tossed a helmet to the girl. "Get on and grab a bar. You don't want to be late, do you?"
The Hall of Justice was not the main base for the Justice League. Y/N had known that since Canary had elected to go off on a solo mission for a month, leaving Bloodlust to work with Green Arrow and Speedy. After a particularly grueling patrol, Oliver had invited the two of them to his house where he proceeded to patch them up, get drunk, and reveal the truth about the Justice League's headquarters.
"You see," he'd mumbled, "the Hall is just a fro-hic!-a front. We used to be at Mount Justice but then-hic!-our enemies found out about it." He'd spread his arms and eyes wide, looking absolutely scandalized. "Can you bel-hic!-believe that?" He'd shaken his head and returned to his bottle. "I can't believe that. How'd they-hic!-find us? I don't know."
Y/N had met Roy's eyes, sending him a silent question:
Do we ask more questions?
Roy had answered by turning to Oliver, his lips pursed in thought. "So, um. Where is your headquarters?"
"Mm." Oliver had lifted a hand and pointed to the ceiling. "The-hic!-Watchtower." He'd nodded firmly. "It's-hic!-in space. A satellite." Then he'd smiled softly. "Lovely view."
And so Y/N knew they were being played when Martian Manhunter and Red Tornado greeted her and the rest of her colleagues.
"Robin, Speedy, Aqualad, Kid Flash, Bloodlust," Manhunter listed off, "welcome. You now have unlimited access to the gym, our fully stocked galley, and of course..." He trailed off as the doors to the library opened up. "Our library."
"Make yourselves at home," Flash offered, gesturing to the armchairs scattered about near the large computer screens beside the Zeta tubes on the far side of the library.
Robin immediately flopped into one seat, as did Kid Flash. Aqualad instead gestured for Y/N to take the remaining chair, and she did with a polite smile, kicking one leg over the other. Speedy rested his hand on the back of her chair, his eyes narrowing slightly.
"Don't tell me," he whispered, barely audible to anyone but Bloodlust, "this is the end of the tour."
"It better not be," Y/N hissed back.
But much to her disappointment, their mentors huddled close together, physically cutting the protégés out of the conversation even if they could still hear.
"Quick debrief to discuss the coincidence of four ice villains attacking on the same day," Batman explained, turning his head back to the sidekicks. "We shouldn't be too long."
With that, the adults turned to the Zeta tubes. Batman typed in his command into the computers, and the tubes whirred to life.
"Recognized: Batman, 0-2," the automated voice rang out. "Aquaman, 0-6. Flash, 0-4. Green Arrow, 0-8. Black Canary, 1-3. Martian Manhunter, 0-7. Red Tornado, 1-6."
"That's it?" Roy demanded, standing up straight. "You promised us a real look inside! Not a glorified backstage pass!"
"It is the first step," Aquaman replied calmly. "You've been granted access few others get."
"Oh, really?" Bloodlust growled. She gestured up to the windows, outside of which several civilians watched with cameras flashing. "Who cares which side of the glass we're on? This is insulting."
"Y/N," Canary began, stepping closer, "I understand your frustrations. Both of you," she added, nodding to Roy. "But you need to be patient."
"Patient?!" Y/N scoffed.
"What we need is respect," Roy scowled, crossing his arms over his chest. He looked to Robin, Aqualad, and Kid Flash, who seemed appalled at the outburst. "They're treating us like kids. Worse... like sidekicks. We deserve better than this!"
But to Y/N and Roy's shock, none of them said anything. Then it hit her.
They don't know about the Watchtower, do they?
"You're kidding, right?" Roy seethed. "You're playing their game?! Why?!"
"Wait, Roy." Y/N tried to reach out for him, but Speedy shrugged her hand away.
"Today was supposed to be the day! Step one in becoming full-fledged members of the League!" Roy shouted.
"Well," Kid Flash muttered, "sure. But I thought step one was a tour of HQ?"
"Roy, they don't know," Y/N said softly, her anger slowly ebbing away.
Roy just leveled her with a cold look. "Then it's about time they learn." Then he turned back to the other protégés. "I bet they never told you, huh?"
Y/N didn't miss the way Oliver stiffened, nor the way Dinah's head shot over to him, the unmistakable air of fury about her.
"This place," Roy began, "the Hall of Justice, isn't the real thing. It's a false front for tourists and a pit stop for catching zeta beams to the real thing; an orbiting satellite called the Watchtower."
Batman, Aqualad, and Flash all rounded on Green Arrow. Canary's fingers twitched, like she was seriously considering strangling the man.
Oliver sighed and raised his hands in surrender. "I know, I know, but I thought maybe we could make an exception!"
"And you told Y/N, too?" Dinah growled. "Without my permission?"
"He didn't even tell us on purpose," Y/N reported. "He was drunk."
"Regardless, you are not helping your cause here, lass," Aqualad said. He tried to step closer to Y/N and Roy. "Stand down, son, or—"
"Or what?" Roy interrupted him furiously. "You'll send me to my room? And I'm not your son! I'm not even his," he snarled, turning to Oliver. "I thought I was his partner. But not anymore."
Y/N froze. "Roy, what—"
But he plucked his cap off of his head and dashed it to the ground. He turned his back to the Justice League, and shook his head disapprovingly at the protégés, who sat in stunned silence.
"I guess they're right about the three of you," he said coldly. "You're not ready. C'mon, Bloodlust."
But Y/N didn't move. She stood still as the world seemed to pause around her. She felt the piercing eyes of Dinah on her back, the bated breath of Roy before her, both eagerly awaiting her decision.
And what would her decision be?
They don't fully trust me, she noted. The League, at least. I'm only sixteen, I don't know my way around this line of work as well as I act like I do. Of course Dinah didn't want me finding out about the Watchtower. I could never make it on my own at this level. Petty thieves are one thing, but now the world associates me with Justice League-level threats, and I'm just not there yet. Not by myself.
But with Roy? I wouldn't be alone, I'd have someone with the same level of training as I. He trusts me, he's shown that time and time again. We're friends. He's my best friend.
But Canary—Dinah—she's like an older sister to me. Without her, I'd still be working three jobs to barely be able to support myself. I'd be broke and alone and I would never have made it this far.
What do I do?
"I..." Y/N swallowed the lump in her throat. "I'm sorry, Roy. But I'm staying with Canary for now."
Roy turned to face her, eyes wide. There was a glimmer of rage in his eyes, mixed with a twinge of hurt. His jaw loosened as he stared deep into her eyes.
"You're joking."
Silently, Y/N shook her head. For the first time in the years she'd known Roy Harper, she had never had him look at her this way. It stung in a manner she didn't know was possible.
"No." Y/N stood her ground. "I-I'm going to stay. With Canary. And them," she added, waving vaguely at the three boys watching this unfold. "I'm not confident in my ability to go off on my own, Roy. I-I don't doubt you. But I'm not strong enough yet."
There was a moment of silence.
"Fine," Roy whispered. "I can't say I'm not surprised. But it does hurt."
And with that, Roy stormed out of the room.
His absence left a bitter taste in Y/N's mouth. She kept her eyes on the doors, even as behind her, a notification alarm went off and the image of Superman projected onto the screen. She kept her eyes on the doors as Zatara, too, joined the call. And she kept her eyes on the doors as Canary walked up to her and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.
"I know it hurts, Y/N," she whispered, "but you did the right thing."
"It doesn't feel like it," Y/N replied in the same hushed tone, her voice cracking at the end.
"So..." Kid Flash started once the heroes had Zeta'd away to handle the threat Zatara had warned them of. "Are you okay?"
Y/N almost laughed at the question. "Do I look like I'm okay, KF?"
"Right, stupid question, sorry."
Y/N nodded.
Aqualad sighed heavily. "My King, I thought he trusted me. And yet... what else are they not telling us?"
"In Arrow's defense," Robin said, "Bloodlust did say he was intoxicated. But I've got a better question. Why didn't you leave with Speedy, Blood? And why didn't we?"
Y/N did not respond. Instead, after a beat of quiet, Aqualad looked up with a frown.
"What is Project Cadmus?"
"Genetics lab," Y/N replied swiftly. "Based here, in D.C. Don't know much else."
"Well!" Robin stood and cracked his knuckles before marching over to the computer. "Let's see what else we can find out."
"Access denied," the computer replied as Robin punched in some codes.
"Ha! Wanna bet?" Robin smirked and his fingers flew over the keyboard again. Soon, he managed to tear down the encryptions on the file.
"Whoa..." KF mused. "How are you doing that?"
"Same system as the Batcave," Robin replied. He pressed one last key, and the computer screen switched to a file titled 'Project Cadmus.'
"Access granted."
"We can see that," Y/N whispered, turning to see the screen. She skimmed the text, then shook her head. "Yeah, that's all they've got. Genetics lab in D.C."
"But if Batman's suspicious, maybe we should investigate?" Robin prompted.
"Solve their case," Aqualad translated, "before they do."
"We'll get in so much trouble," Y/N pointed out.
"Not like you're not used to that," Robin fired back. "Don't think I haven't seen your file, Bloodlust."
Y/N glared at him. "Alright. I might be fine. But you?"
"I stand with Bloodlust," Aqualad said. "They told us to stay put."
"For the blotting out the sun mission," Robin stated. "Not this."
"Wait!" KF cut in, raising a hand to stop them. "Are you guys going to Cadmus? Because if you're going, I'm going."
"Just like that?" Aqualad seemed surprised. "We're a team on a mission?"
Y/N chewed her lip. "I'm still not certain about this. But..." She turned to the screen, looking long and hard at the Cadmus logo. "I'll admit. Canary and I were worried about Cadmus. Have any of you guys heard of the legend?"
"Yes," Aqualad replied. "The Cadmus of myth created a new race by planting dragons' teeth into the ground."
"Yeah. We were worried that this Cadmus may be more like their namesake than they say," Y/N said. "Like, their genetic experiments may verge into illegal territory."
"I see..."
"Great!" Robin clapped his hands together. "I mean, not great, but great! That gives us another reason to check it out for ourselves! C'mon, Bloodlust! If they're doing what you suspect, we could bring them to justice. Our mentors can't blame us for that."
"They are all about justice," KF mused.
Finally, Y/N heaved a sigh. "You're not going to stop trying to convince me, are you?"
Robin just grinned.
"Fine. Fine." Y/N raised her hands in surrender. "But I'm only consenting to reconnaissance. We go in, collect information, and we get out."
KF and Robin exchanged giddy smiles.
Then Robin turned to Y/N, a sly gleam in his eyes. "Ready to be whelmed?"
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