#blood powers
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BLOODLUST Masterlist
Part One Part Three
"Fine. Fine." Y/N raised her hands in surrender. "But I'm only consenting to reconnaissance. We go in, collect information, and we get out."
KF and Robin exchanged giddy smiles.
Then Robin turned to Y/N, a sly gleam in his eyes. "Ready to be whelmed?"
The fire is still burning bright when the four of them arrive at Cadmus.
The fire brigade was busily attempting to put out what flames still remained, as well as trying to rescue the scientists and workers who were in the building.
"STAY PUT," a firefighter ordered through a megaphone. "WE WILL GET YOU OUT!"
That was the last thing Y/N heard them say before suddenly the ground shook with the weight of a loud explosion from within the laboratory. She saw the impact blow two of the men in lab coats out the window and into the air.
"KF, go!" she shouted, and she didn't need to tell him twice.
In a blink of an eye, Kid Flash raced towards Cadmus and ran up the steep face of the building, catching the poor scientists before they could meet an untimely demise. His momentum led him to speeding up to the roof, where he deposited the scientists before he tripped and fell.
"Shoot!" he managed to yelp, before quickly finding purchase on the windowsill. "Oh, thank god."
"It's what's-his-name!" one of the firefighters exclaimed. "Eh... Flash Boy!"
Robin snorted.
"It's KID FLASH!" KF grumbled. "Why is that so hard?"
"He's soooo smooth, isn't he?" Robin mused as he, Aqualad, and Bloodlust ran up to the building.
"Shut it, Rob," Bloodlust snarked. She grabbed her knife and sliced her palms and the soles of her feet. Then she lunged up at the side of the building. "STICK!" Her hands and feet stuck strongly to the concrete, and she began to climb up like a spider towards KF. "Hold on, buddy."
"Yep!" KF replied. "Kinda all I can do at the moment!"
In a couple seconds, Bloodlust crossed the building and arrived just before KF's grip could falter completely. She grabbed his wrist, and he clung to her arm fast, and she hauled the two of them into Cadmus through the open window.
"Must they always run ahead?" Aqualad muttered as he watched. He sighed. "We need a planâ"
But then he turned, and found Robin, too, had disappeared from his side. Instead, he saw the youngest of them all running up the fire truck ladder before grabbing onto an unused hose and using it like a rope to swing himself into the window as well.
Aqualad sighed. "Of course."
He hurried over to the fire trucks, right beside the firefighters still trying to hose down the fire.
"I need to borrow that!" he quickly warned, before he pulled his two Atlantean weapons from their sheaths and redirected the water from the hose to propel himself into the air, up to the roof, where the two scientists remained. "Step aboard. Now."
The men didn't hesitate. Aqualad landed first, as he set foot on the windowsill his friends had entered through, then lowered the scientists down the ground.
"Finally," Bloodlust called as Aqualad entered the building.
"I appreciate the help," he sarcastically replied.
"Hey, you handled it!" Robin protested, typing away at one of the computers he'd opened. "Besides. We're here to investigate. Poetic justice, remember?"
"Yeah," Y/N noted. "Investigate. KF," she added sternly, leveling the redhead with a look as he made shadow puppets using the light of Robin's screen.
"Sorry, sorry," Kid Flash mused in a very unapologetic tone. He glanced back to see Bloodlust was no longer looking, then resumed his shenanigans with a silent snicker.
"Robin," Bloodlust called, "found anything?"
"No, not much yet," the Boy Wonder replied. "Check some of the physical files and stuff, might be something there."
"Got it." She marched over to another desk and plucked the papers off of it, struggling to read the contents in the minimal light. She found notes on different DNA samples the lab had been given, most likely via ancestry tests and the like. One paper had, in bold red letters at the bottom, PATERNITY TEST NEGATIVE. Y/N set that paper aside and kept looking.
Suddenly, she heard the familiar ding! of an elevator, and frowned. She looked up to see Aqualad had gone off, and KF was following, and so she did the same.
She found the two boys standing at the mouth of a hall leading to an elevator shaft.
"There was something in the..." Aqualad muttered.
KF frowned. "Elevators should be locked down."
"Well, this one isn't," Bloodlust replied, stalking over to it. She heard Robin's footsteps as he followed. "That's suspicious. Rob, is this what I think it is?"
"This is wrong," he agreed, pulling up his holographic screen to search his archives for a confirmation. "Thought so. This is a high-speed express elevator. It doesn't belong in a two-story building!"
"Unless the building isn't just two stories," Bloodlust realized. She touched the doors and frowned. "Aqualad, you said you saw something enter the elevator?"
"Something that also doesn't belong here," he said.
He stepped up to the doors and gestured for Bloodlust to step aside. When she did, he placed his hands on the gap between the doors and pried them open with a shout.
The rest of them clambered beside him and gazed down at the elevator shaft. It stretched downwards for far longer than a supposed small-scale genetics laboratory should require.
"And that's why they need an express elevator," Robin quipped.
He pulled his grappling hook launcher out of his pocket and fired it into the ceiling of the shaft. Then he leapt into the shaft and continued to fall and fall until his line eventually came to an end at just around a floor labeled SB 25.
"I'm at the end of my rope," he muttered, a soft shock in his tone as he swung over to the door of the elevator. He quickly sidestepped until he found a decent spot to sit, then produced his screens again.
Aqualad came down next, followed by Bloodlust and then Kid Flash.
"I knew something was off with this place," Bloodlust hissed, touching the cold metal of the door again. "Not only is this an express elevator; these doors are heavily reinforced. They're probably not indestructible, but most definitely bulletproof. And I can feel it vibrating. Robin, these have tech behind them. Passcodes."
"On it," the Boy Wonder replied. "Bypassing security... there. Go."
Aqualad didn't miss a beat. He tore these doors open too, then the four of them slipped inside quickly. They found themselves, wide-eyed, in another enormous hallway. The lights were a deep red, the walls and ceiling and floor a murky black. Panel upon panel of black metal ran down the hall, giving the room a strange aura about it.
"Welcome to Project Cadmus," Robin announced.
Kid Flash wasted no time in rushing again. Aqualad tried to grab him to stop him, but the boy was far too fast. He sped ahead, only to severely underestimate his speed and fail to smoothly as he neared the end of the hall. He tripped and skidded across the floor, grunting in pain.
And then there was a thud. A heavy, scarily close weight dropping beside him, and KF opened his eyes as a strange, elephant-sized creature lifted its foot and began to lower it right over him.
Luckily, as per his powers, KF was more than fast enough to get out of the way of the herd of... creatures? As he stepped back and rejoined his friends, who were now in the hall with him, he struggled to understand what he was looking at.
The creatures were enormous. They had gravelly gray skin with strange red markings and pale underbellies and curved tusks emerging from the sides of their fanged mouths. Their eyes were a deep red and their faces seemed curved in permanent snarls. Bloodlust swore one of them met her gaze as it passed. They roared and blew steam from their nostrils, the heat so intense it was nearly disorienting.
"What are those?" Bloodlust asked in a hushed whisper, only for her eyes to then catch a glimpse of yet another anomaly. "Huh?!"
Seated in a sort of crouched position on the top of the monster was a tiny creature with beady red eyes and markings to match the bigger creature over its own cool gray skin. There were hard-looking lumps on their knees and curved appendages coming from the sides of its face. As the monsters passed, the tiny creature's horns began to glow a bright red.
Y/N's heart skipped such a long beat it might as well have stopped. There was this strange sensation in her body as she met the goblin-creature's gaze; a tingling which started at the top of her head and trickled pleasantly down to the tips of her bare toes. She was always aware of the blood in her body thanks to her metahuman powers but suddenly her understanding of it all was... heightened? Was that the right word? She was hyperaware of the beat of her heart, of the rush of her bloodflow, of theâ
Y/N jumped. "What?!"
Kid Flash was standing right next to her, his hand on her shoulder, a concerned look in his eyes.
"Are you okay?" he asked. "You sorta zoned out for a second."
"I..." Y/N took a shaky breath, then frowned. Why was her breathing so heavy now? "Sorry, I just... I don't know." She put her hand to her chest. "My heart feels like it's going supersonic right now. It... it must be the shock, I guess."
Robin didn't look convinced. "Doubtful. Are you feeling alright?"
"Yeah," Bloodlust assured him. "I'm okay. Um. What were those?"
Aqualad shook his head. "We do not know. But this is proof that Batman, Black Canary, and you were right. Cadmus is keeping far too many secrets."
"Well?" Robin prompted. "We're here now. Might as well uncover a couple more."
Y/N frowned. "Robin, I said only reconnaissance."
"C'mon!" KF protested. "Blood, we're already here. We can't exactly leave now! You can't say you're not curious."
This is a bad idea, Y/N noted. She glanced at her friends' faces, their looks of hope for her to agree with them (even in Aqualad's gaze, surprisingly). But I am intrigued by all of this. What were those things? Can we find that out? And not be caught by our mentors?
"Fine," she amended, waving KF away from her face. "Fine, fine. But if things go south, I'm calling Arrow."
"What?!" KF demanded.
"Hey, better him than Bats, right?" Y/N reminded him. "And he can help keep Canary from killing me."
"It's a deal," Robin said, cutting off Kid Flash before he could get annoyed. "If stuff hits the fan, you can call GA."
"Good." Y/N nodded. "Now. Where do we start?"
They were shocked upon opening the first vault, which really didn't bode well.
Robin found a bit of difficulty in hacking open the vault, which he was initially frustrated by.
"That's a first," he grumbled. "Hold on."
There was no need to hold on, however, because he managed to crack the code five seconds later. With a satisfying click and hiss, the vault doors slid opened.
"Okay..." Robin muttered, looking into the vault. "I am officially whelmed."
Inside the vault was column after column of cylinder-shaped semi-transparent containment chambers. Within each chamber was yet another unidentifiable organism with similar characteristics to the giants and gremlins from earlier. At the center of the room was an energy of sorts; a buzzing, bright blue ball of something, flashing rapidly as it drew power the containment chambers.
"They're... they're living batteries," Bloodlust realized.
Kid Flash marched up closer to the chambers. "This is how they hide this massive underground facility from the world! The real Cadmus isn't on the grid! It generates its own power with these... things." He placed his hands on his hips. "It must be what they're bred for."
Aqualad turned to Bloodlust. "You were right, my friend. They truly live up to the legend of their name."
Bloodlust nodded silently.
"So Cadmus creates new life," Robin noted. He marched up to the blue sphere of power, to the little control panel at the base of the structure, and connected his own monitor to the controls. "Let's find out why."
Y/N saddled up beside Robin and read his screen over his shoulder. Her eyes fell on paragraph after paragraph of scientific terminology and lab reports.
"They call them Genomorphs," Robin narrated. "Whoa! Look at the stats on these things!" He tapped on the image of the giant creatures from earlier, opening up a window with a characteristic breakdown of the organism. "Super strength, telepathy, razor clawsâthese things are living weapons!"
"They're engineering an army," KF muttered. "But for who?"
"Wait." Robin leaned forward and tapped on one of the files. "There's some other stuff. Project Kr and... ugh." He shook his head. "The file's triple encrypted. I can'tâ"
The four of them whirled around at the sudden shout, eyes wide and hands clenched into fists. Rushing towards them, a group of growling Genomorphs at his heels and shoulder, was... was that Guardian?!
"Wait!" he shouted, stopping dead in his tracks as he scanned the faces of the teenagers. Recognition flashed in his eyes. "Robin? Aqualad? Kid Flash? Bloodlust?"
"Hey, at least he got your name right," Robin teased KF before he continued trying to hack into the files.
"I know you," Aqualad spoke up. "Guardian. A hero."
"I do my best," Guardian humbly said.
"What are you doing down here?" Bloodlust demanded. "And why've you got those Genomorphs with you?"
"I'm Chief of Security," Guardian explained. "You're all trespassing. But we can call the Justice League, figure this out."
"You think the League is going to approve of you breeding weapons?!" KF fired back.
"Weapons?" Guardian questioned. "What're you... what am I..."
But he was cut off as the Genomorph on his shoulder turned to him, its horns glowing red. Y/N, too, staggered back, suddenly overcome with a strange urge; although, to do what, she was unsure.
Guardian pressed a hand to his head, groaning in discomfort. But then he opened his eyes again, a glimmer of determination in his eyes, and he looked back at the protégés. "Take them down hard! No mercy!"
Bloodlust was the first to act. She slipped her knife from its sheath and slashed at her palms, allowing the stray drops of her blood to fall.
"SMOKE!" she ordered, and her blood erupted into billowing red smoke.
Robin was quick to take advantage and produced his grappling hook launcher again. He fired it up onto the support beams overhead, then leapt up, allowing the wire to carry him to brief safety.
The Genomorphs advanced, slashing through the smoke and snarling; but their vision was obscured. Bloodlust took full control of the smoke and concentrated it around the eyes of the Genomorphs, blinding them but allowing her and her friends full visibility.
One came too close for comfort, and she lunged at the monster, letting the blood on her palms touch its skin.
Instantly, the Genomorph let out a high-pitched, agonized shriek as its flesh began to burn and boil. It fell to the ground, and Y/N moved on to the next enemy combatant until she heard the electric crackling of Aqualad's weapons and followed the sound. She saw him knock down Guardian, and she ran alongside him and KF to escape the vault.
They booked it as fast as they could, staying out of reach of the Genomorphs by just a hair. Alarms began to blare, sending waves of pain through Bloodlust's head, but she kept sprinting until she found Robin, busily hacking away at the elevator. KF ran ahead, seemingly scolding him, until the elevator door opened and they rushed inside. Bloodlust quickly followed.
"You couldn't wait for us?" she panted, turning to Robin with a glare.
"You made it!" Robin grinned. "No need to complain!"
The growling of the Genomorphs grew closer, and Y/N looked up and yelped, pushing herself against the side of the elevator just in time to allow Aqualad to jump into the shaft. The doors shut behind him, trapping them inside.
"Okay, good," Bloodlust sighed. She stood and dusted herself off, then commanded her hands to heal. "Now, we leave."
But the floor level display continued to increase. They were going deeper into the sublevels.
"We're headed down?" Aqualad demanded.
"Dude!" KF turned to Robin. "Out is up!"
"Excuse me?" Robin frowned. "Project Kr? It's down, on sublevel 52."
"This is out of control," Aqualad protested. "Perhaps... perhaps we should contact the League."
"On it," Bloodlust began, but before she could reach her communications device, Robin grabbed her wrist. She leveled him with a wide-eyed glare. "Explain yourself or I will cut off your hand, Robin."
"Look, Blood, I think you're going to want to see this stuff," he implored. "Trust me."
"You promised that I could call Arrow!" Y/N reminded him. "Make good on your word!"
But then the elevator dinged open, and soon Y/N was too shocked by what she saw to even remember to call Oliver.
The hallâif it could even be called thatâwas strange, red, and flesh-like in appearance. Glowing blue pustule-esque structures jutted out from the wall, emanating ominous light.
"What is this place?" Bloodlust whispered.
Robin ran ahead.
"No!" Bloodlust reached for him, but he was already too far. "No, I don't like this at all, guys."
"Well, we are already here," KF tried to convince her, before quickly shutting up because Bloodlust gave him such a cold look he turned away. He elected to run after Robin.
Aqualad sighed heavily. "I will go with them. If you wish to stay back, that is your decision."
Y/N wanted to fall to her knees and kiss his feet in thanks. She hated this feeling of being here. The air was thicker, the walls looked alive, it was unnatural, unreal in all the worst ways.
But then Robin's words came back to her:
Look, Blood, I think you're going to want to see this stuff. Trust me.
"N-no." Bloodlust swallowed her nerves. "I'll come with you."
Aqualad hesitated. Then he offered her a gentle smile, and placed a hand on her shoulder.
"That is quite brave of you, my friend," he assured her.
Y/N nodded. "Thanks."
#young justice#young justice x reader#black canary#ramsey rosso#dc comics#fanfiction#writers on tumblr#robin#kid flash#aqualad#artemis#miss martian#superboy#red arrow#dinah lance#dick grayson#wally west#kaldur'ahm#m'gann m'orzz#connor kent#artemis crock#roy harper#metahuman#superpowers#blood powers
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People: *Literally watch as Marie explodes a dude's dick* Also People: *Also literally watch as Victoria Neuman explodes people's heads and other body parts* Also, Also people: They are retconning Victoria Neuman's power to be like Marie!
#marie moreau#victoria neuman#gen v#the boys#blood powers#literally there is no retconning here#their powers could easily be the same#blood control easily explains how Neuman's power works#especially since it has obvious similarities to Marie's blood control already
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give me your complete and unwavering devotion.
#cant have a vampsona without some religious imagery#i love the dynamic of a god and a devotee#a servant completely and utterly devoted to her god and yet a god is nothing without its worshippers#still has that power imbalance yet that necessity of being together#yummiii#also i hope the three wise monkeys reference was clear !!!#its basically telling her to turn a blind eye on others. telling her to avoid having evil thoughts i.e. not being devoted etc#idk does that make sense ??? eh whatever thought it was p cool#đ©â±đȘ#my art#tw blood#hints of cannibalism if you squint hard enough
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cool af skin
#he hot. he also kinda cringefail but that's overwritten by being hot. hotness gives him powers i think#goodtimeswithscar#wild life#life series#trafficblr#mcyt#fanart#blood cw
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Protecting Family
I'm on a Danny is Dick's child kick rn so I'm making more.
But lets add in some Ghost King Danny!, Dad to a deaged Ellie and Dan! And toddler Mar'i Grayson.
Danny was conceived during Dick's amnesia year when he was Ric and the woman couldn't find him to tell him (or maybe the Owls caught wind of the pregnancy and took her) and he ended up somehow (hmmm maybe a meddling time keeper?) with the Fentons.
Danny grows as a Fenton, he knows he was adopted btw, then becomes Phantom, protects Amity, becomes the Ghost King and things seem to be going okay between Amity Parkers and the Infinite Realms since they took care of the GIW problem, AND has been a good doting teen dad to his deaged 'cousins/clones' turned kids.
Danny was going to go pick his kids up from daycare one day when CHAOS happens. Just as he wrangles Ellie onto his shoulders, cause she wants to be tall today, and about to take Dan's hand cause he's and I quote "A big boy and not a baby like Ellie, Dad!" he suddenly feels the tug of his family being in danger.
Thing is, its a blood related danger. Meaning someone blood related to him was in grave danger, and by the emotions he can feel, its someone young, way younger than him.
The only people Danny knows with his blood in their veins and are young enough for the feeling are with him.
So who?
But due to Danny being a protector spirit AND knowing the feeling is from someone as young as his own kids, Danny decides to use his Ghost King Powers to summon said person from the danger to him.
Danny opens his free arms out just as a tiny toddler with black hair like his own but with bright green eyes, even the sclera were green, in a ruined party dress drops from the sky from the summoning circle that had opened above him.
Danny stares at the terrified child, whose hands are tied by rope and was crying, and takes notes of certain traits she had that he saw every time in the mirror or on his own kids, same eye shape and cheekbones. He can tell his ghost core has claimed her as family but not as his kid though.
No the connection that formed was almost like his connection with Jazz but a bit stronger.
This kid, was his sister. His blood related one.
Dick Grayson, aka Nightwing, and his family were freaking the fuck out.
Dick was already panicked when his daughter Mar'i had gotten kidnapped just a few hours ago by the Joker.
Now he was feeling pure dread when his daughter, who was about to be killed, was suddenly pulled into a strange glowing circle at the last minute and disappeared into thin air.
#danny phantom#danny fenton#crossover#dp x dc#blue rambles#danny phantom dc#writing ideas#random idea#dpxdc#de aged dani#deaged dan#Dick is Danny's bio dad#he unknowingly made Danny during his Ric year#somehow Danny was sent to the Fenton's#Danny is Mar'i's half-brother in this#Danny is the Ghost King#and a PROTECTOR spirit#He can sense when his family is in deep danger#even his adoptive ones#and his friends#basically anyone his core claimed as his#but he senses it strongly when blood relatives are in like death danger#Mar'i is scared#but calms down when Danny. Whose a GREAT teen dad. soothes her and helps her out of her ties. And it helps he looks like her dad.#Mar'i's powers hadn't come in yet so she couldn't save herself#Ellie and Dan also help#The three get along like a house on fire once emotions are calmed#Danny realizes that despite knowing he was adopted he never questioned who his parents were#Now he has to figure out how to contact his dad? without freaking him out
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what happens in the honda odyssey stays in the honda odyssey
#this bg is shit but the power of love made me follow thru#the exit is to your left goodbye everyone it was a nice run#close contendor for my worst artpost i ever have made#i dunno anymore#i hate drawing bgs SO MUCH#suggestive#cw suggestive#suggestive cw#codysight art#deadpool#deadpool and wolverine#poolverine#deadpool 3#fanart#wolverine#wade wilson#logan howlett#ship art#deadpool x wolverine#honda odyssey#deadpool movie#deadpool fanart#deadpool spoilers#blood cw#tw blood#cw blood#anyways back to ao3 reading
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THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RINGS OF POWER (2022 - ) Charles Edwards as Celebrimbor & Charlie Vickers as Sauron 2.08 - Shadow and Flame
No, hear me. Hear me! Shadow of Morgoth. Hear the dying words of Celebrimbor. The Rings of Power shall destroy you. And in the end, I foresee, one alone shall prove your utter ruin!
#the rings of power#rings of power#sauron#celebrimbor#silvergifting#trop spoilers#rop spoilers#by kraina#tw blood#tw death#lotredit#tropedit#ropedit#tolkienedit#tolkiensource#ringsofpowersource#ringsofpowerdaily#userzaynab#underbetelgeuse#usermali#userelio#userlolo#usersavana#tusertyler#userzal#userfrodosam#userrainbow#tusermira#userzil#useranimusvox
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"I just⊠don't have Illario's gift for flirting."
Lucanis, babe, I don't think you thought that one through
#im fully convinced viago spent several+ months thinking House Dellamorte was out for his blood#moreso than usual anyway#Viago. visibly rattled: Teia he's staring at me again! What kind of power play is this!#Lucanis: đł#da:v#datv#lucanis dellamorte#viago de riva
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the calamity.
a comic about being seen.
creative notes:
all my other comics
#cw: blood + eye scarring#oh the inherent intimacy of seeing and being seen#just a comic about how the desire to be seen and shown love and compassion unites us all#also big scary monster lady pretty#girl power! the personification of disaster and strife uses she/her pronouns!#i also feel somewhat obligated to mention here that i dont have anything against christianity as a whole#i just think the concept of God is interesting#i went to a christian school for 12 years im allowed to make this comic#comic art#sapphic#yes. interpret the subtext#stillindigo art#heartearters#thats the name of the anthology this will belong to. whenever i finish it#stillindigo comics
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So the hunt is on.
Episode 53 Part 22 First < Previous > Next Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 Ep 41, Ep 42, Ep 43, Ep 44 Ep 45, Ep 46, Ep 47, Ep 48, Intermission, Ep 49, Ep 50, Ep 51, Ep 52
Now will the people in my inbox STOP ASKING ABOUT CHAT GETTING AN UPGRADE?!
Ko-fi | Patreon
#adrien's had it up to HERE with Hawkmoth's shit and the worst isn't even here yet#scarlet lady#scarlet lady au#scarlet lady comic#blue blood#power upgrade#episode 53 part 22
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BLOODLUST Masterlist
Part One
"I don't think I understand," Y/N mused, raising a hand to cut off the woman in front of her. "You think I've been doing what exactly?"
"I don't think anything," Black Canary hissed. She shifted in her seat, kicking one leg over the other and leaning back, almost resembling a queen in her throne. "I know you've been participating in some... unsavory extracurriculars. What you're doing is dangerous, Miss Rosso."
Y/N scowled. "I suppose there's no hiding it, then. And it's just Y/N, thank you very much."
"Fair enough. I can imagine your father plays a part in your actions." Canary raised a brow. "You want to right his wrongs."
"That is not your job," Canary began, "nor is it even your responsibility."
"No," Y/N agreed, "but it's not like you can criticize my decisions. You're a hero, aren't you? Part of the Justice League and everything. It's not your responsibility to save the world, but you took it on anyway." She shrugged. "I just happen to have a personal reason."
There was a moment of silence as Black Canary sized up the girl before her. She wasn't very tall, nor very short, but even in her oversized sweatshirt and baggy pajama pants, she could make out the muscle Y/N must have accumulated from her nightly crime fighting expeditions.
It had been a week since Canary had found out about the girl. And she was awfully good at protecting her privacy, so she had only located her last night. Dinah prided herself on her stealth skills, so she'd assumed that she could break into the girl's apartment without any difficulty or being noticed. Instead, she found herself forced to navigate several traps and bypass at least three alarm systems, only to find the girl waiting for her in the living room with an extra cup of ramen prepared.
"I'm not causing any problems," Y/N pointed out. "I've done your job when you couldn't. Star City is nothing like Gotham, but I've taken down dozens of criminals you and the Justice League determine too small for your attention." She crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm doing a good job."
Canary chewed the inside of her cheek. "You are. I'm not here to punish you, if that's what you assumed."
Y/N furrowed her brow. "Then what do you want? Also." She gestured to the ramen. "Eat. I made it for you, don't let it get cold."
Canary hesitated, almost doubting the innocence in the girl's tone. Is it poisoned? No... no, I don't think so. She might sound a bit resentful, but she doesn't want to kill or even hurt me. She picked up the cup and slurped up some of the noodles. She hadn't had basic cup ramen in years. I don't think she thinks she's strong enough to take me on.
"It's good," Black Canary admitted. "You clearly don't just eat ramen, that's for sure. You need to be stronger than drugstore noodles can afford you."
"I was strapped for time," Y/N confessed. "You disabled all my traps faster than I expected."
"And you still made food for me. You're a good kid, Y/N. That's why I'm here." Canary set down her cup and leaned forward, clasping her hands together. "I'm here to offer you a deal."
She didn't miss the way Y/N's jaw clenched.
"What is it?"
"How would you like," Canary mused, "to become my protégé? We may not have the same superpowers, but I can train you in terms of combat, stealth, teamwork. You're good at what you do, but there is always room for improvement."
This was followed by silence.
Dinah watched as Y/N raised her chin, looking down at her through her lashes. She seemed to be processing the proposal slowly, like she was chewing on something and was deciding whether she liked the taste or not. She tapped the armrest of her chair and pursed her lips.
"What do you get from this?" she finally asked. "What's the catch?"
"I get a protégé," Canary answered plainly. "You can provide help on any missions I go on. Since I'll have helped train you, we'll work together quite well."
"I can't help you find my dad," Y/N disclosed. "I won't help you either. I don't know where he is, and I don't want to know."
"Luckily," Canary replied, "that wasn't even part of the deal. I don't particularly care about locating Ramsey Rosso."
"He can die in a ditch for all I care," Y/N spat.
Canary pondered this for a moment. "Alright. If I or the League apprehends him, or if we get any information about him, we'll inform you, but you decide whether you get more involved than that."
Y/N nodded firmly. "Good. Then I accept."
Dinah smiled at that. She extended her arm, offering Y/N a handshake.
"It's a pleasure doing business with you, Y/N." She smirked. "Or should I call you Bloodlust?"
#young justice#young justice x reader#black canary#ramsey rosso#dc comics#fanfiction#writers on tumblr#robin#kid flash#aqualad#artemis#miss martian#superboy#red arrow#dinah lance#dick grayson#wally west#kaldur'ahm#m'gann m'orzz#connor kent#artemis crock#roy harper#metahuman#superpowers#blood powers
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Danny goes to a new School
So! When Danny got expelled from his High School, it wasn't really a big Suprise. He had missed for too many days or just walked out in the middle of Class, and his grades were lower than anyone else in the school. It was just a matter of time really.
When confronted by his Parents, he had just claimed that it was the constant ghost attacks getting to him (not a total lie) and that he was sorry.
Well, his parents tried to help.
After hearing about his supposed Fear of Ghosts, they decided that it was a good idea for him to go to school somewhere outside of Amity Park, so he could focus on his Schoolwork and not be distracted by the constant Attacks.
Of course no School wanted to accept a problem student like Danny, so they were forced to look into alternative schools to find one that would accept him. And they did! So they had Danny pack his bags, promise to call regularly, and shipped him off to his new School.
HIVE Academy.
#Dpxdc#Dp x dc#Dcxdp#Dc x dp#Danny Phantom#Dc#Dcu#HIVE Academy#Danny goes to HIVE Academy#Suprisingly they have an actual School System at the Academy#The Headmistress would not have her students be undereducated#They were Villains not Savages#This takes place before Brother Blood ever takes over the School#Danny actually really loves his new School#He was accepted because he was seen as a troublemaker who could easily be converted into a Villain with Ghost Hunter training#I mean he was raised by Ghost Hunters so he must have been trained for it right?#So nobody knows about his Powers#They think he's just a really good Ghost Hunter#Danny mostly keeps his head down#He will occasionally commit a major crime or go on a mission for extra credit#But that's the extent of it#The Titans are extremely confused
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#literally just the name of the devil#but I miss her#i miss her ever CSM update#please daughter come back home your brother misses you#my art#digital art#fanart#art#Power#csm power#power chainsaw man#blood devil#chainsaw man fanart#chainsaw man#csm 192#CSM
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I think it was about a month into dating my betrothed that I first turned to them and said, âYou smell hungry, want to get some lunch?â
âI what? I smell hungry?â
âYeah, like, the empty smell. Arenât you hungry?â
They were, but it was hard for them to accept smelling a state of being. After a few weeks of me pointing it out right before they realized it themself though they asked, âWhat does hunger smell like?â
âThatâs not helpful.â
âItâs like⊠an emptiness that goes past the mouth? Bad breath is more upfront but hunger is like youâre smelling stomach acid, itâs all the way from an empty belly.â
They started smelling my mouth in exaggerated silly fashion but eventually they did start to recognize it.
Theyâre now very smug when they get to use the skill back at me and inform me that Iâm hungry.
#ramblies#my betrothed#itâs like low blood sugar maybe?#I remember the first time I clocked it was in high school sitting next to a kid who only ate candy and his meds and his breath reeked#the hunger in him was great and powerful#ffs foibles#hunger#smelling
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CW // blood, needles (yeah, the guy)

telephone by lady gaga
#needles tmagp#the magnus protocol#tmagp#cw blood#cw needles#how is he so stunningly clean after straight up mincing a guy? the gay#the power of lady gaga
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tumblr should have a pin comment button but shoutout to this one <3
#my man is a softie but not weak#xie lian is so strong and powerful in so many ways I'll fight anyone who pushes that weak naive bottom stereotype on him#like THIS IS THE MAN WHO HAS BLOOD ON HIS HAND#and a certain ghost king finds it super hot so#win win#tgcf#xie lian#tian guan ci fu#san lang#hualian#mxtx#heaven officials blessing#danmei#hua cheng#heaven official's blessing
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