#connected and automated vehicle
jcmarchi · 10 months
Real-World Traffic Demo Reveals Energy Savings - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/real-world-traffic-demo-reveals-energy-savings-technology-org/
Real-World Traffic Demo Reveals Energy Savings - Technology Org
Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers determined that a connected and automated vehicle, or CAV, traveling on a multilane highway with integrated traffic light timing control can maximize energy efficiency and achieve up to 27% savings.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers took a connected and automated vehicle out of the virtual proving ground and onto a public road to determine energy savings when it is operated under predictive control strategies. Credit: ORNL, U.S. Dept. of Energy
In a demonstration, a plug-in hybrid passenger vehicle in electric mode was driven down a busy corridor in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The test vehicle and the timing of traffic lights along the longitudinal route were controlled by ORNL-developed computer algorithms.
“The energy efficiency of the transportation system and the CAV itself were optimized by avoiding idling, hard braking and accelerating as much as possible,” ORNL’s Jinghui Yuan said. “With integrated optimization strategies, CAVs can achieve significant energy savings.”
Two control strategies were implemented on the traffic signals and the CAV and integrated into a cyber-physical system. They were first tested in a digital twin-based traffic simulation and ORNL’s virtual proving ground, the Connected and Automated Vehicle Environment Laboratory.
Source: Oak Ridge National Laboratory
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automotiveera · 1 year
Driving the Future: Autonomous Commercial Vehicle Market Revolution
The autonomous commercial vehicle market is experiencing growth and is projected to reach USD 1,302.1 billion by 2030. This development can be ascribed to the continuing development in commercial vehicle technologies, growing government aid for autonomous commercial cars, and rising requirement for effective advantages and well-organized and safer driving options.
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In recent years, the semi-autonomous category, on the basis of vehicle autonomy, contributed a higher revenue share. Vehicles must be fortified with electronic stability control or at least one of the progressive driver-assistance system ADAS features (either for steering or acceleration) to attain level 1 automation. Most of the European nations and the U.S. have forced the acceptance of basic ADAS features in all new commercial vehicles, which essentially makes all of them semi-autonomous.
In recent years, the truck category held the larger market share, and the category is projected to remain dominant in the vehicle type segment of the industry during the projection period. This can be credited to the growing utilization of autonomous trucks for logistical processes, like domestic logistics transportation, automated material handling, logistics digitalization, and yard management.
In the coming few years, on the basis of the application segment, the public transportation category is projected to advance at the fastest rate. This can be credited to the rising acceptance of autonomous shuttle facilities for public mobility reasons. Numerous start-ups and recognized businesses are coming up with strategies to grow level 5 autonomous shuttles for public transport. Such shuttles will not need human drivers for the process, which will aid transportation agencies save on working prices.
In the past few years, the North American region dominated the industry with the highest revenue for the autonomous commercial vehicle market, and the region is also projected to remain in the top spot during the projection period. This can be mainly credited to the increasing research and development activities on autonomous automobiles and growing aid from the federal and state governments for advancing autonomous driving technologies.
The APAC region is projected to witness the fastest development because of the booming vehicle industry here. APAC is the globe's largest vehicle maker, responsible for almost half of the annual production.
Hence, the continuing development in commercial vehicle technologies, growing government aid for autonomous commercial cars, and rising requirement for effective advantages are the major factors propelling the market.
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autocarsindia · 2 years
Connectivity and automation are two different things, but when used together, these two technologies will change the format of driver error and congestion, resulting in safer and healthier roads.
What is connectivity in vehicles?
A connected vehicle can exchange information (or data) with sources both inside and outside the vehicle. This could be with other vehicles, road infrastructure, or any other connected network or thing.
Increased vehicle connectivity means that vehicles are communicating with each other and with infrastructure, which can improve safety, reduce traffic congestion, and support more efficient transportation systems.
Connectivity means that a vehicle can detect another vehicle approaching from over the hill without even seeing it, and that it can also be aware of work in progress around the corner; connected technologies provide the ability to perceive things that are further away than sensor technology. whereas for all vehicles and infrastructure to work together, a connected approach is required.
For example, in Singapore, smart traffic lights are being installed that communicate with each other via Bluetooth or an RFID chip. This allows them to know when they need to turn off and on certain lights, which helps create a safer environment for drivers and pedestrians alike.
And also, some cars now have built-in cameras that can help prevent crashes due to blind spots on roads by warning drivers about hazards ahead using visual cues like flashing lights or even text messages sent directly from the car itself.
Increased vehicle connectivity means more ways for car, truck and other vehicles to communicate with each other and with infrastructure. It can help improve safety, reduce traffic congestion and help us all get where we need to go more efficiently.
Another example is automated parking systems that allow drivers to leave their cars parked in designated spaces without having to worry about finding one themselves. They also save one’s time spent looking for parking spaces.
And at last, let me tell you about Autocar India, the best magazine for car comparison and reviews. They bring you the latest and greatest automotive news, as well as expert reviews of cars and motorcycles. If you have any questions about a car or bike, you can ask an expert through their advice feature.
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sourcreammachine · 2 months
a truck simulator / road trip style videogame but set in a transportpunk utopia
everything that can fit into a standard shipping container gets sent via freight rail. bridges over the bering, darién, gibraltar, york, dover and malacca carry ultrafast freight trains faster than Concorde, and conventional rail lines carry it further. there’s even automated sorting centres passing consumer packages onto delivery ‘vans’ which use the tram/trolley system, getting packages from another continent alll the way to your doorstep. it’s paradise
that’s all, of course, for everything that fits within a regulation-size shipping container. everything that fits in the rail system
you are a member of the hauliers’ cooperative. road haulage is for oversize loads only. your job is oversize loads
the motorways have either been replaced with new rail lines piggybacking their infrastructure, or they’ve been totally demolished – so you only have access to the regular old inter-town highways, or worse. many of these roads are in a bit of a state –claimed by potholes, overgrown with moss, flooded completely – so these deliveries need the hand of a professional
there’s not been zero advancement of battery-powered vehicles, not at all. your cab is proper cush with no pesky combustion engine in the way, and you’ve even got power delivery to your rear wheels to control the position of your ass. what’s more, space technology has replaced your wheel systems with the wheel-feet seen on planetary explorers, allowing for omnidirectional travel and perfect manoeuvrability. this is offroading, despite being on the road. your absolute top speed is probably 80kph in ideal safe flat conditions
with six hours a day (including lunch, with two hours possible overtime) you’ll be clearing a couple hundred k per day, from city to city. end your shift by plugging in at a chargepoint at the city’s truckstop, from where you can use the public transit system to see the sights, get some scran, and kip at a local bunkhouse (all free of charge). workers’ rights apply to you, of course
HSR connects cities, commuter rail connects towns, light rail connects large villages, and rural literail connects small villages – so the only private vehicles on the roads are typically carrying those who live outside villages to their local park & ride. most are ebikes. many walk
with almost no cars, with no buses, with no standard-size lorries, the roads are near-empty for traffic. with the road system massively scaled back, with swathes of agricultural land deprecated for rewilding, with massive curtailment of exurban sprawl through densification, the vistas you see are incredible
you are a part of the world and must work with it. the 4x4 (or more) nature of your vehicle is you communicating with the world around you, touching and feeling it to make your way through. you are not here to bulldoze and pave and carve a path, you’re negotiating access. this is why you’re a professional
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000marie198 · 2 years
Happy Wholesome Wednesday!
Safest Shelter Part 2
The keys on the keyboard produced light clicks as gloved fingers tapped over it with practiced ease, the rows of code appearing on the monitor incomprehensible except to the two tailed fox who was entering it.
Nearly finished with the self assigned task, Tails took a cursory glance at the time displaying in the corner of the task bar and continued with the completion of the code that would wipe away any signs of his intrusion from the Eggnet.
The entire day had been spent trying to stop the hordes upon hordes of badniks from invading Central City. The bots had arrived without a warning this time with the orders to overwhelm and they just kept on coming. Even with Sonic giving it his all and the others joining in to lend a hand, it hadn't been enough. For every ten bots that were taken down, thirty more took their place and the group of heroes was put in too much of a time crunch to be able to seek out any Chaos Emeralds.
That left them with no choice but to switch the strategy and Team Dark suggested to take out the source, basically stop the production and launch of the badniks altogether. While the fighters and heavy hitters worked on keeping the invading hordes from causing more damage to the city and worked on protecting the people, Tails headed home to manually hack into Eggman's network and switch the automated commands. It took quite a while, having to not only stop the badniks that were already sent off but also cancel all the continuous production and deployment commands from the various factories. Then there was the matter of rerouting the transportation crafts.
Evening had arrived by the time he finished with his task and then went on wiping all signs of his existence from possibly getting detected. It was a cautious process, considering how much tight the upgraded security on the network had become. He constantly had to fight back from getting his own connection hacked. It had been a couple of hours since he rerouted the last of the sent out vehicles, working on thoroughly analyzing any possible viruses that could've been sent out to infiltrate his personal network. The only updates he got from the strike and defense teams were that any more new badniks had stopped coming and they were working on beating and clearing out the hordes that were already present.
Finishing with typing up the code and deploying it, Tails leaned back and stretched. Taking into consideration the amount of badniks present when he had left the city to work behind the scenes, the amount of people that were in potentially harm's way and how spread out the armies were, he had concluded that it would take the others a few hours at most to complete their mission. Considering what the time was, that meant that his brother was probably done and on his way back right about...
Now. Tails smirked, satisfied at the accuracy of his estimation as he heard the signature sonic boom that accompanied his brother whenever the hedgehog broke the barrier of sound. Shutting down the computer, the twin tailed genius hopped off his office chair and headed out of the workshop area and towards the front door, passing the lounge. He hadn't even reached it before the knob turned and the door was pushed open, his blue furred brother stepping inside, the dark sky speckled with occasional stars visible behind the tired hedgehog, showing that night had already fallen.
"Hi, Sonic," he greeted. "How'd the battle go?"
"It got much easier after the badniks stopped arriving," the other responded with a tired grin as he stepped inside, closing the door behind him. "It took us a while to take out the last of them and help with post battle cleanup effort but we wouldn't have gotten that far without you, Tails."
"Well of course," Tails sent his brother a cocky grin, "Where would you even be without my tremendous skills and crucial work?"
Sonic chuckled in amusement, plopping doing on the couch with a sigh.
Tails studied him, a quick visual examination revealing that his brother was alright save for some superficial bruises and scrapes which would heal on their own. Aside from that, Sonic looked dead on his feet with exhaustion. Being in a constant battle since late morning without a pause and then not having the energy boost that followed the usage of Emerald's power resulted in even the hyperactive hero getting tired.
Approaching his brother before he could doze off on the couch, Tails took Sonic's arm and pulled him to his feet, keeping the other's arm around his shoulders to help the hedgehog to his room.
Some years ago, and still to this day, it would've been Sonic who'd carry a sleepy tired fox to bed and tuck him in. Now, it was the younger fox who returned the favour, supporting his exhausted big brother as they both headed upstairs, Sonic unable to hold back a drawn out yawn as he leaned on Tails. He resisted the hold of sleep, preventing himself from dozing off right where he stood so he wouldn't pass out on his little brother.
He knew Tails was strong enough to carry them both when he couldn't, someone he could always trust to fall back on, his wingman, his partner in crime, his brother. He could always depend on Tails.
Once they had climbed to the upper floor, Tails dragged his droopy, nearly half asleep brother to his room, Sonic following along without a fuss as he let out an incoherent mumble.
Once inside, he allowed the weary hedgehog to plop down on the bed and kick off his shoes, telling him to lie down as soon as he did. Sonic complied, releasing a soft sigh as his head hit the pillow, eyes already falling shut due to drowsiness.
Tails smiled and draped a blanket over the other, carefully tucking him in as he adjusted the fluffy covering and once rubbed his brother's blanket covered shoulder.
"Hm?" Tails responded as Sonic's eyes slid open to glance at him, sleepy but grateful.
"Thanks, lil' bro."
Tails perked up at that, smiling as he gave the other a reassuring pat on his shoulder.
"Goodnight, Sonic."
"Night..." Sonic mumbled, voice barely above a whisper as his eyes slid shut once again and his breathing turned deep, soft snores beginning to escape him as he fell into a deeper slumber.
Tails still had a contented smile on when he silently left the room, turning off the lights and closing the door on his way out.
Part 1
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jpitha · 1 year
The Dreams of Hyacinth 15
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Yon led everyone out of the building and to Tulip square. She glanced up in the sky and Nick heard the siren announcing a Hopper being called.
As the Hopper came down though, this one was different. Instead of the garish bright colors of a regular Hopper, this one was all black and blue highlights. As it settled on the ground there was no fanfare, no automated voice and when the door opened, Nick was thankful; there was no sandalwood. Yon stepped in. "Come on, we're leaving."
The three of them stepped into the vehicle and the door closed silently behind them. Instead of the rough takeoff of the Hopper, this car lifted smoothly and silently into the air. It took station around 300 meters over the ground and started zooming down arm, towards the base.
Nick looked at Eastern. "What about Jameson?"
Eastern looked out the window as the ground flew beneath them. "He wanted to know what happened, I guess we should call him."
Yon held up a hand. "I got this. Let me take care of it." Yon's eyes flashed blue and she looked distant for a few minutes. "There. You're free. I explained to Jameson what happened and what we're aiming to do. He was unhappy about being Voiced, but I explained it all."
"That's it?"
Yon nodded. "That's it. Jameson and I share opinions on AI/BI rights." She waved her hand dismissively. "It's fine, I promise. It's not like I killed him over our connection or anything." She shrugged. "He was able to block it anyway."
Eastern glares at Yon. "Yon!"
She laughed. "Ancestors, you believe anything. If an AI tells you they can do something BIs just believe it. We could tell you that all AIs only consume K'laxi tea for energy and you'd all just nod and tell each other how logical it was." She laughed again.
They continued to soar down arm and as they did the buildings nearer the base grew taller and taller until they reached the narrow tall spire of Houndstooth One, the tallest building on Hyacinth.
Since Hyacinth is spun for artificial gravity, tall buildings tend to not be as popular as in other locations. While Hyacinth is very large and there's no worry that Houndstooth One will touch anywhere near the center and the penthouse be in microgravity, a person on the upper floors does feel noticeably lighter, and people tend to get motion sick.
Houndstooth One does away with all that because they have a starship gravity generator installed. It's a solid, comfortable standard Earth Gee from the bottom to the top. As they stepped off the Hopper onto the roof of Houndstooth One, Nick, Eastern and Selkirk got a view of Hyacinth that few ever get to see.
Nick had to admit, it was a beautiful view. Back on Parvati he and his parents would take a day trip into the mountains and go on hikes. It would be a few hours of a hot, sweaty slog but at the end, they could look down over the city and the ocean and it felt like he could see forever. Eastern looked excited and pointed out the lake they visited. The breeze on Hyacinth was just enough to make the lake sparkle as the small waves reflected the already reflected sunlight. Yon indulged them a few minutes to take in the view.
"It's it lovely? I love the Reach and even Venus, but the view of Hyacinth from up here is just... so human." They turned in surprise to see a human shaped woman. She was dressed in a smartly tailored suit in royal blue with bright yellow accents. Her blond hair was close copped and spiky on her head. There was the hint of tattoos sticking up from where her suit and her neck met. She looked at them with steely blue eyes and while she had a kind expression, Nick had a feeling that she wore fury as easily as she wore kindness.
Also, there was a glowing crown made of light and dust glowing very very slightly over her head.
Eastern immediately got to her knees and bowed. "Empress!" She looked over at Nick and Selkirk and hissed "Bow down!" Nick and Selkirk glanced at her, and then back at the Empress and then awkwardly got down as well.
She laughed. "Rise, please. I am... unofficial here. There's no need for all that right now. Technically I do not exist." She glanced over at Yon and then back to the three of them. "Well, I do exist, but you know what I mean." As Nick and the others stood back up she smiled. "I'm sorry if I startled you. Our number is still rather small, even after all these years, so I have the ability to welcome all newcomers myself. If all goes according to plan, I will lose that ability soon enough, but even then, I'm happy you are here and agreed to join us." She reached out her hand. "Please. Call me Raaden."
Nick, Eastern and Selkirk took her hand in turn and shook. As they did, they felt the tingle of encryption keys being transferred. Nick raised an eyebrow.
Raaden winked and turned her head slightly. At the base of her neck were 10 cybernetic link ports.
Eastern looked at them confused. "But, you're the Empress. You don't need all that, do you?"
"No, technically I don't." She touched the back of her had absently. "But, I wanted to make sure that I could communicate the same as everyone. As useful as the Builders were, the AI faction's weapons are such that that option is closed to us for now. There will be no Builders as long as there is the anti-Nanite gas. I will not sacrifice any of my subjects unnecessarily." She looked out at Hyacinth with them. "I'm learning that... long term plans are necessary when dealing with people who can live more than a thousand years." Nick could have swore he saw her eyes dampen with tears. She blinked rapidly and turned away. "Come. We have much to do. Now that you three are here the true work can begin." She walked away from them and stopped a moment. "Oh, you can leave your weapons here. I'll make sure they're safe, but you won't need them." She gestured to a guard standing by the door off the roof. He was holding a foam lined case.
Eastern, Nick and Selkirk looked at each other. They had been armed for less than two hours. Eastern didn't hesitate and took off her submachine gun and placed in in the case. Nick and Selkirk shrugged and followed suit.
Eastern, Nick, and Selkirk trotted after the mysterious empress and followed her down one floor to an opulent apartment. It had floor to ceiling glass walls offering views of Hyacinth, rich furnishings, and a bustling staff.
Raaden sat in one of the couches, her back to Hyacinth. She spread her arms and hung them over the back of the couch and put her feet up on a cushion that was already in place. "Can I offer you anything? Tea? Coffee? I have excellent coffee. I never liked it as much as Melody did - I guess I was too used to ship's instant - but in her memory I keep some of the finest coffee I can source. I promise, it's excellent."
Nick nodded, not sure what else to do. "Sure, thank you so much. I'll take a coffee." Eastern nodded in assent. Selkirk shrugged and said "If you have any chamomile, I'd like some."
"Of course Selkirk, I have a batch you might be interested in. It's some of the first chamomile grown on K'laxi. I'm told that the planets physiology makes for an interesting cup."
After a moment, four cups were bought out. Two of coffee and two of tea. Raaden took one of the teas. "I'll admit that even though I keep fine coffee around, these days I rather prefer tea." She took the mug and held it up. "To new beginnings." and took a sip.
Nick, Eastern and Selkirk joined in the toast and drank their drinks as well. Nick had to admit, the coffee was excellent.
Raaden put her cup down. "Now then, Yon has told me that you're interested in getting cybernetic implants Selkirk. This is still the case?"
Selkirk nodded. "I feel like I'm being left out here. I would like to be a part of-" she gestured "-all this and it sounds like in order to do that, I need to get chipped.
A K'laxi accented voice from the kitchen called out. "Don't call it getting chipped, Selkirk. It makes it sound like we're getting a locator implant for a pet." A K'laxi walked in holding another mug of tea. She looked older than Selkirk, with deep red fur. She was also wearing a blue suit with yellow accents. "Hello, I'm Um'reli, the last Builder. Nice to meet you."
Nick heard the capital letters. "The last Builder? Raaden said that the Builders were gone?"
Um'reli's ears flattened. "Yes. They are. I'm the last one. I was with Hel-Raaden when we escaped. Honestly, I should have been on my own ship at the time. Though, if that had happened I would have died with all the rest." She shrugged and her tail swished at the same time. "I can only assume i'm here for a reason, so I do all I can to help out the Empress." She turned her head and there were 10 ports at the base of her neck, sitting just under the fur. It was difficult to see them if you didn't know what to look for. "Luckily Selkirk, you're not the first K'laxi to get the implants. I think you're..." She looked at Raaden. "The Sixth?"
Raaden nodded. "Yes, that sounds right."
Um'reli smiled. "It's a little weird Selkirk, but once you get used to it, it's actually very useful. You've used a neural coronet before? The, er, reflexes to use that are almost identical, it'll just feel... sharper, snappier? The information will be easier to get to." She sat in a chair across from them. "So, any questions?"
Selkirk stared at her tea a long time.
She lifted her head and looked at Um'reli. "You're a Builder."
Um'reli nodded. "I am."
"And you have all those-" Selkirk waved her hands "-nano machines in your body."
Another nod. "I do."
"And you worked with the previous Empress, Melody."
"Melody and I were friends. Even before she became Empress. We worked together on FarReach, the Starjumper that brought us out to the Reach. When FarReach left, I stayed and helped Melody."
Um'reli chuckles. "Well, at the time, I wanted some of the power that Melody seemed to have. You have to understand, we were all from this side of the galaxy. What would you do if your friend suddenly became all-powerful and said 'hey, you want in on this too?'"
Selkirk took another sip of her tea. "I see."
Um'reli nodded, her ears flicking. "But, as time went on, I realized how much stress Melody was under. How hard it was. How much she was trying to help everyone. I wanted to make her job easier, to give her a break." She looked out at Hyacinth for a moment and continued. "I... I was devastated when she died. It's been ten years. It still hurts. But, the work goes on." She broke her gaze with Hyacinth and looked at Nick, Eastern and Selkirk. "We're here to help. It won't be easy, and everyone won't see it that way. We'll probably have to fight again. This time though, we'll be ready, and we're hoping what we're doing now can get across the idea that we're here to help better."
Nick looked at Um'reli. "Yon had mentioned that you're trying to make it so anyone can pilot a starship."
"Among a million other projects, yes. This is the one you three were brought in for though."
Raaden had spent the conversation watching Nick, Eastern and Selkirk. "Yon will take the lead on this project with you. Um'reli and I may stop in for an update or to check on progress, but I can see you're uncomfortable. I want you to succeed. I don't want you sitting there fidgeting because you're worried I'm going to use my Voice on you. I hardly ever use it anymore."
Eastern looked up at this. "But you still can?"
A nod. "I still can."
Nick was struck with a flash of reckless abandon. "Use it. On me. Make me do something."
Raaden was taken aback. "What? Why?"
Nick grinned with a bravado he certainly did not feel. "Think of it as the final step in our application process. A way of showing your bona fides.
Raaden looked at Nick a long time, her steely eyes not blinking. Nick stared right back, holding his coffee cup a few centimeters from his mouth, as if he was going to take a sip as soon as they were done. Finally she blinked and smiled. "All right Nicholas North." She stood and for a moment, everyone saw her crown appear on her head bold and bright.
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Nick stood up robotically. Standing up he looked in surprised shock at Raaden. After a moment, Nick shakily sat back down.
Raaden sat and her crown faded. She looked at him with a sly expression. "Well?"
Eastern looked at Nick. If Selkirk had to guess, Eastern looked excited and... jealous? "How was it?"
Nick looked at Raaden and then back at Eastern. "I stood up. There was no force in the world that was going to stop me. It was simply... the next thing that had to be done."
"Exactly." Raaden stood back up. "Selkirk? Go with Um'reli. She can get you prepped for surgery. Nick and Eastern? You can stay here with Yon and work out next steps. I have to go... take care of things for the next month, so please, you may have use of my penthouse here while I'm gone, though I suspect you won't be here that long. I'll be in touch."
With hardly any fanfare or ceremony at all, Empress Helen Raaden walked out of the penthouse.
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Self-Driving Cars: Accelerating Change in the Automotive Sector
Buckle up and get ready for the ride of a lifetime! The auto transport nationwide is undergoing a groundbreaking revolution, and self-driving cars are at the wheel, steering us toward a future of unprecedented possibilities.
From eliminating the need for a driver to enhancing safety on the road, autonomous vehicles are transforming the way we travel, commute, and even think about transportation.
Imagine a world where rush hour becomes a thing of the past, where traffic jams are a mere memory, and where every journey is smooth and stress-free. Self-driving cars are making this vision a reality, as they navigate through congested roads with unparalleled precision and efficiency.
But it's not just about convenience and ease. The impact of conditional driving automation goes far beyond our daily commute. They have the potential to revolutionize industries, reshape cities, and even save lives.
With autonomous vehicles, businesses can optimize their logistics, reduce costs, and improve delivery times. Hospitals can transport vital medical supplies faster than ever before. And individuals with mobility challenges can regain their independence and freedom. It's a win-win situation for everyone.
But how do self-driving cars work? How do they perceive their environment, make decisions, and ensure safety?
These are the questions we'll be diving into in this comprehensive LinkedIn article. We'll explore the cutting-edge technologies that power autonomous vehicles and the challenges they face on their path to perfection.
So, fasten your seatbelts and join us on this exhilarating journey into the world of self-driving cars. Discover how they are transforming the auto industry, redefining mobility, and paving the way for a brighter, more connected future.
Stay tuned for the full article coming soon! Like and share if you're as excited as we are about the future of transportation. Let's drive innovation together!
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Ford ST : The Sportscar
Ford is a name that holds significance for drivers across multiple generations globally. Ford, being one of the leading manufacturers, has produced some of the market's most famous vehicles, ranging from high-performance hot hatches to durable SUVs.
Ford offers a wide range of vehicles, including their performance lineup which includes Ford RS and Ford ST models. Though they both have attracted loyal fans in the car enthusiast community, we will concentrate on the second one.
Let's delve deep into the background, features, and the different models available of the Ford ST.
The history of Ford ST:
Ford ST originates from the 1990s, during which Ford opted to add a touch of athleticism to certain models. The ST badge was launched in Europe to designate high-performance models in the Ford range.
The initial Ford ST model introduced in 1996 was the Ford Mondeo ST24. It had a 2.5-litre V6 engine that offered improved power and handling qualities in comparison to the regular Mondeo. The ST24 received positive feedback, paving the way for the growth of the ST line.
Throughout the years, Ford continued to enhance and improve the ST lineup by introducing additional models to meet the needs of various market segments. The UK car market witnessed the release of ST versions of well-known classic models, quickly becoming popular for their exciting performance and nimble handling. (Brown, 2023).
The ST line-up has a selection of Ford's most sought-after vehicles, such as:
Ford Fiesta ST A high-performance hot hatch that combines power, precision, and style for an unforgettable experience on the road.
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Ford Focus ST Turbocharged power, nimble handling, and an aggressive design that's sure to turn heads.
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Ford Puma ST Offering the perfect blend of practicality and performance, this dynamic compact SUV has a lot to offer.
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The 2.0-liter Ecoboost engine in the Ford Focus ST produces 184 kW and 360 Nm of torque. It takes 6.5 seconds to reach 0-100kph, with a maximum speed of 248kph. The fuel efficiency is calculated to be 6.8 liters per 100 kilometers. Auto-Start-Stop is included in the package as well, leading to an increase in fuel efficiency by as much as 6%. This motor is connected to a 6-speed manual gearbox.(Brown, 2023)
The Fiesta stood out with its easy power. The 1,6-liter turbocharged engine delivers 240 N.m of torque starting at 1,600 r/min up to 5,000 r/min. When entering Mpumalanga from Gauteng, simply press the right foot to overtake slower trucks. Having 205/40 R17 tires on its wheels and a firmer suspension setup to ensure the Fiesta ST stays stable on suitable road conditions, I did notice it felt unstable on imperfect pavement. (magazine, 2013)
The Ford Puma ST can be equipped with either a 1.5-liter turbo three-cylinder petrol engine generating 197bhp, or a 168bhp 1.0-liter Powershift version with mild-hybrid technology. The 1.5-liter engine has strong power at low rpm and increases power in a consistently linear manner. With an endorsed 0-62mph time of 6.7 seconds, there are faster sports SUVs available, but the performance is sufficient for it to be an enjoyable driving experience. The Powershift variant takes 0.7 seconds more to reach 0-62mph, making it seem somewhat ordinary compared to other models in its class. Although it remains fairly lively and adaptable for regular driving, there's a slight sense of disappointment when comparing it. Another important distinction between the two engines is that the 1.5-liter option is equipped with a six-speed manual transmission, whereas the Powershift model features a seven-speed automatic transmission. The manual transmission has quick gear changes and optimal gear ratios, allowing you to fully utilize the distinctive engine. The automated transmission smoothly and rapidly changes gears, but manual gear changes can be made using the paddles on the steering wheel if preferred. No matter which engine you choose, the standout feature of the Puma ST is its handling. If you ease off the gas pedal while turning, the car will gradually rotate on its front wheels, helping you steer it accurately out of the corner. (Cheung, 2024)
These 3 models of Ford's each have their own unique features and capabilities that can be used in different situations to their advantages depending on the driver's current environment and needs/wants.
https://www.carmag.co.za/driving-impressions-blog/ford-fiesta-st-5/ https://www.whatcar.com/ford/puma/hatchback/review/n22293.
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mightyflamethrower · 10 months
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Seattle middle school students sent a group of conservative moms pro-LGBTQ nastygrams as part of a recent assignment.
The parental rights group Moms for Liberty posted pictures of the hate mail they received from the Jane Addams Middle School class on Saturday.
Many of the colorful, hand-drawn cards repeated gay pride bumper sticker slogans such as “Say Gay” and “Gay is slay,” the Post Millennial reported. Others repeated more pointed messages, such as “stop being a rat” and “stop bullying and excluding LGBTQ youth.”
Enclosed in the package was a letter from Ann Christianson, a social studies teacher and coordinator of the Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) at the middle school. The GSA nonprofit network openly declares that its clubs are “vehicles for deep social change related to racial, gender, and educational justice.”
“Dear Moms For Liberty, Please read the enclosed cards from concerned middle school students in Seattle, WA,” Christianson wrote.
“Seattle Public Schools are spending class time indoctrinating and weaponizing your children,” Moms for Liberty responded on X. “The building of the Red Guard in America.”
Author and cultural critic James Lindsay decried the “demonic” letters on X and called for any school staff involved to be fired.
“Seattle middle school kids made to send hate mail to @Moms4Liberty,” Lindsay wrote. “This is demonic Red Guard stuff. People should be fired, if not jailed.”
Moms of Liberty has made a name for itself in recent years by calling out inappropriate sexual content in schools. The group is frequently targeted by left-wing agitators and has been labeled an “antigovernment extremist entity” by the far-left hate group Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).
According to the SPLC, the conservative moms have a “web of political allies” who are connected to “antigovernment groups, White nationalists, election deniers, and participants in January 6th events.”
Christianson said in an automated email that she has taken a leave of absence from work, although it  was not immediately clear whether her leave of absence was voluntary. “Thank you for contacting me. I am currently on a leave of absence and not checking email. If you have an urgent issue or question, please contact Assistant Principal Madeline Benz,” the teacher said. “I look forward to connecting when I return.”
This is not the first time the district has been embroiled in controversy. Following the George Floyd riots of 2020, SPS banned police from campuses and has regularly used a curriculum for MLK Day that removed Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. from the material and discussed his Marxist advisors instead. In Jan. 2021, the district sent out an email to faculty with education resources for teachers to indoctrinate students into the ‘abolish the police’ movement, and gloss over the riots that lasted for months across the country and caused billions of dollars in damage. Schools in the district have even offered free sex change “treatment” to students as young as 13 without informing the parents.
According to the Washington State Office of the Superintendent’s most recent report card for Jane Addams Middle School, 38.6 percent of students failed to meet the grade level in English, and almost half the students failed to meet the grade level in mathematics.  Another 34.2 percent failed to meet the grade level standard in science.
This is the way of communists in every generation. They always use the children as leverage against the parents. When Cambodia fell to the commies the communist had children execute their own parents.
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automotiveera · 1 year
Electric Bus Charging Station Market Is Propelled by Supportive Government Policies
The electric bus charging station market is projected to grow at a significant CAGR. The market for electric buses is experiencing significant growth due to the increasing use of these buses in the public transit fleets, and the government’s supportive policies for the development of charging infrastructure for electric buses, further boosting the market.
The depot charging type category holds the largest share in terms of volume, driven by the advantages it possesses such as ease of operation similar to diesel bus stations and installation costs compared to others. In addition, public fleet operators prefer overnight charging for electric buses.
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APAC accounted for the leading contributor by revenue in the electric bus charging station market driven by China's extensive use of electric buses. Whereas, North America is the fastest-growing market during the forecast period because of the favorable government initiatives aimed at promoting electric mobility, leading to an increased adoption of electric buses in the region.
The rising adoption of electric buses in public transportation fleets is a key driver behind the growth of the market, as the global shift towards a low-carbon economy, supported by the Kyoto Protocol ratified by 192 countries. Governments worldwide are implementing incentive programs, such as subsidies, tax rebates, and grants, to foster the development of electric bus charging infrastructure.
Additionally, the increasing demand for electric bus charging stations in private spaces is opening up significant growth prospects for market players. The competition within the hospitality sector is driving market growth, with many hospitality service providers now offering charging facilities for electric buses on their premises.
Moreover, numerous large multinational corporations are incorporating charging facilities into their employee welfare programs. This presents lucrative opportunities for manufacturers and installers of charging stations.
Hence, this industry is propelled by many key initiatives taken by government or private players for a safer environment and innovations in mobility solutions, thus boosting the market.
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nurliarahmawati · 1 year
Digital Revolution: World Transformation in the Digital Age
The Digital Revolution started at the end of the 20th century and continues today. This event is marked by the development and adoption of revolutionary information and communication technologies, such as the internet, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, big data, and the Internet of Things (IoT). The Digital Revolution has changed almost every aspect of human life, including the way we work, communicate, shop, get information and seek entertainment.
Here are some key moments in the history of the Digital Revolution:
1960s: Development of the Internet At first, the internet was developed as a military research project called the ARPANET by the United States Department of Defense. In 1969, the ARPANET succeeded in sending its first message between two computers in two different locations. This is the beginning of the development of computer networks which later became the basis of the internet that we know today.
1970s: Early Computing In this decade, computers began to be widely adopted in the world of business and industry. This technology is used to automate tasks that were previously performed manually, increasing efficiency and productivity.
1980s: Personal Computers (PCs) The invention of the personal computer or personal computer (PC) brought a new revolution in technology. PCs made computer technology more accessible to the general public, changing the way we interact with technology.
The 1990s: The Internet's Golden Age In 1991, the World Wide Web (WWW) was created by Tim Berners-Lee, linking documents and resources on the internet via hypertext. This was an important milestone in the development of the internet which brought about an explosion of information and global connectivity.
Early 21st Century: The Age of Digitalization In the 21st century, there is an acceleration in digitization. Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets are growing in popularity, giving millions of people worldwide access to the internet. Online services such as e-commerce, social media, and cloud-based applications are growing rapidly.
The 2010s: Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT) Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) are starting to dominate the world of technology. Artificial intelligence is used in a variety of applications, from facial recognition to product recommendations. IoT connects devices and objects around the world, creating a complex interconnected ecosystem.
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The Digital Revolution continues with the rapid development of technologies such as artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles and biomedical technologies. In facing this change, it is important for us to continue to develop digital literacy, maintain data privacy and security, and optimize the benefits of digital technology to create a positive impact on society and our lives. The history of the Digital Revolution is a story of limitless innovation, progress and transformation.
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satoshi-mochida · 7 months
Open-world camper van exploration game Outbound announced for PC - Gematsu
From Gematsu
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Netherlands-based studio Square Glade Games��have announced open-world camper van exploration game Outbound for PC (Steam). A release date was not announced. A Kickstarter campaign is coming soon.
Here is an overview of the game, via its Steam page:
Outbound is an open-world exploration game set in a utopian near future. You start with an empty camper van and turn it into the home of your dreams. Build and explore at your own pace. Scavenge materials, craft, automate production, and build in and on top of your vehicle with modular parts. Advance in technology and efficiently use energy to power your home. Adjust your strategy to adapt to new landscapes and changing environmental conditions.
Key Features
Source Energy – Fuel your electric camper van with energy from the sun, wind, or water.
Build – Build your moving base with a modular building system. Customize your vehicle with paint, decorations, and furniture to create your own perfect cozy place.
Grow – Create gardens to nurture delicate and delicious plants and mushrooms. Eat them raw or cook them first to refill your needs.
Craft and Automate – Craft workstations and tools from resources around you. Upgrade, connect, and automate to produce more complex parts.
Explore – Explore a colorful open world with a variety of biomes, resources, and secrets to uncover.
Watch the announcement trailer below.
Announce Trailer
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Revolutionizing Business with IoT: Comprehensive Services and Monitoring Solutions
In today's fast-paced digital era, the Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming the way businesses operate. At RadiantEdge, we understand the immense potential of IoT and are committed to helping businesses in Dubai and beyond leverage this technology to drive innovation, streamline operations, and enhance productivity.
Why IoT is the Future of Business
The Internet of Things refers to the interconnection of everyday devices to the internet, allowing them to send and receive data. This technology enables businesses to automate processes, improve efficiency, and make data-driven decisions. From smart factories to intelligent supply chains, IoT is the backbone of the modern digital transformation... Explore More...
RadiantEdge's Comprehensive IoT Services in Dubai
As leaders in the IT industry with over two decades of experience, RadiantEdge is proud to offer a wide range of IoT services tailored to meet the specific needs of businesses in Dubai. Our IoT services in Dubai include:
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IoT Strategy Development: We work closely with our clients to develop a customized IoT strategy that aligns with their business goals. This includes identifying key opportunities, selecting the right IoT platforms, and designing a roadmap for implementation.
IoT System Design and Integration: Our team of experts designs and integrates IoT systems that connect various devices and sensors, enabling seamless communication and data exchange. We ensure that these systems are scalable and secure, allowing businesses to grow and adapt to changing market conditions.
IoT Implementation and Deployment: From pilot projects to full-scale deployments, RadiantEdge manages every aspect of IoT implementation. We ensure that the transition to IoT is smooth and that systems are operational with minimal disruption to business activities.
Custom IoT Solutions: We understand that every business is unique, which is why we offer customized IoT solutions. Whether it's a smart building, connected vehicles, or an intelligent supply chain, we develop solutions that are tailored to your specific industry and business requirements.
IoT Monitoring: Ensuring Optimal Performance
One of the critical aspects of IoT is ensuring that all connected devices and systems are functioning optimally. Our IoT monitoring solutions are designed to provide real-time insights into the performance of your IoT ecosystem. With advanced analytics and proactive alerts, businesses can monitor the health of their IoT networks, identify potential issues, and take corrective actions before they escalate.
Key Features of Our IoT Monitoring Solutions:
Real-Time Data Analytics: Gain actionable insights from your IoT devices with real-time data analytics. Monitor key performance indicators, track trends, and make informed decisions to optimize operations.
Proactive Alerts: Our monitoring systems are equipped with intelligent alert mechanisms that notify you of any irregularities or potential issues. This allows for timely intervention, reducing downtime and ensuring continuity of operations.
Scalability: As your business grows, so does your IoT network. Our monitoring solutions are designed to scale with your business, providing consistent performance and reliability.
Security and Compliance: IoT security is paramount. We ensure that your IoT systems are protected against cyber threats and comply with industry standards and regulations.
The RadiantEdge Advantage
Choosing RadiantEdge for your IoT services in Dubai means partnering with a team of professionals who are dedicated to your success. Our expertise, combined with our commitment to innovation, makes us the ideal partner for businesses looking to embrace the future of technology.
Experienced Team: With over 20 years in the IT industry, our team has the knowledge and expertise to deliver high-quality IoT solutions.
Customer-Centric Approach: We prioritize our clients' needs and work closely with them to deliver solutions that drive results.
Global Reach: While based in the vibrant town of Nashik, we serve clients across the globe, delivering cutting-edge technology solutions.
The future of business lies in the Internet of Things. At RadiantEdge, we are committed to helping businesses in Dubai and beyond unlock the full potential of IoT. From strategy development to monitoring and maintenance, our comprehensive IoT services ensure that your business stays ahead in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.
Ready to revolutionize your business with IoT? Contact RadiantEdge today to learn more about our IoT services and how we can help you achieve success.
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govindhtech · 6 months
Genio 510: Redefining the Future of Smart Retail Experiences
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Genio IoT Platform by MediaTek
Genio 510
Manufacturers of consumer, business, and industrial devices can benefit from MediaTek Genio IoT Platform’s innovation, quicker market access, and more than a decade of longevity. A range of IoT chipsets called MediaTek Genio IoT is designed to enable and lead the way for innovative gadgets. to cooperation and support from conception to design and production, MediaTek guarantees success. MediaTek can pivot, scale, and adjust to needs thanks to their global network of reliable distributors and business partners.
Genio 510 features
Excellent work
Broad range of third-party modules and power-efficient, high-performing IoT SoCs
AI-driven sophisticated multimedia AI accelerators and cores that improve peripheral intelligent autonomous capabilities
Sub-6GHz 5G technologies and Wi-Fi protocols for consumer, business, and industrial use
Both powerful and energy-efficient
Adaptable, quick interfaces
Global 5G modem supported by carriers
Superior assistance
From idea to design to manufacture, MediaTek works with clients, sharing experience and offering thorough documentation, in-depth training, and reliable developer tools.
IoT SoC with high security and intelligent modules to create goods
Several applications on one common platform
Developing industry, commercial, and enterprise IoT applications on a single platform that works with all SoCs can save development costs and accelerate time to market.
MediaTek Genio 510
Smart retail, industrial, factory automation, and many more Internet of things applications are powered by MediaTek’s Genio 510. Leading manufacturer of fabless semiconductors worldwide, MediaTek will be present at Embedded World 2024, which takes place in Nuremberg this week, along with a number of other firms. Their most recent IoT innovations are on display at the event, and They’ll be talking about how these MediaTek-powered products help a variety of market sectors.
They will be showcasing the recently released MediaTek Genio 510 SoC in one of their demos. The Genio 510 will offer high-efficiency solutions in AI performance, CPU and graphics, 4K display, rich input/output, and 5G and Wi-Fi 6 connection for popular IoT applications. With the Genio 510 and Genio 700 chips being pin-compatible, product developers may now better segment and diversify their designs for different markets without having to pay for a redesign.
Numerous applications, such as digital menus and table service displays, kiosks, smart home displays, point of sale (PoS) devices, and various advertising and public domain HMI applications, are best suited for the MediaTek Genio 510. Industrial HMI covers ruggedized tablets for smart agriculture, healthcare, EV charging infrastructure, factory automation, transportation, warehousing, and logistics. It also includes ruggedized tablets for commercial and industrial vehicles.
The fully integrated, extensive feature set of Genio 510 makes such diversity possible:
Support for two displays, such as an FHD and 4K display
Modern visual quality support for two cameras built on MediaTek’s tried-and-true technologies
For a wide range of computer vision applications, such as facial recognition, object/people identification, collision warning, driver monitoring, gesture and posture detection, and image segmentation, a powerful multi-core AI processor with a dedicated visual processing engine
Rich input/output for peripherals, such as network connectivity, manufacturing equipment, scanners, card readers, and sensors
4K encoding engine (camera recording) and 4K video decoding (multimedia playback for advertising)
Exceptionally power-efficient 6nm SoC
Ready for MediaTek NeuroPilot AI SDK and multitasking OS (time to market accelerated by familiar development environment)
Support for fanless design and industrial grade temperature operation (-40 to 105C)
10-year supply guarantee (one-stop shop supported by a top semiconductor manufacturer in the world)
To what extent does it surpass the alternatives?
The Genio 510 uses more than 50% less power and provides over 250% more CPU performance than the direct alternative!
The MediaTek Genio 510 is an effective IoT platform designed for Edge AI, interactive retail, smart homes, industrial, and commercial uses. It offers multitasking OS, sophisticated multimedia, extremely rapid edge processing, and more. intended for goods that work well with off-grid power systems and fanless enclosure designs.
EVK MediaTek Genio 510
The highly competent Genio 510 (MT8370) edge-AI IoT platform for smart homes, interactive retail, industrial, and commercial applications comes with an evaluation kit called the MediaTek Genio 510 EVK. It offers many multitasking operating systems, a variety of networking choices, very responsive edge processing, and sophisticated multimedia capabilities.
SoC: MediaTek Genio 510
This Edge AI platform, which was created utilising an incredibly efficient 6nm technology, combines an integrated APU (AI processor), DSP, Arm Mali-G57 MC2 GPU, and six cores (2×2.2 GHz Arm Cortex-A78& 4×2.0 GHz Arm Cortex-A55) into a single chip. Video recorded with attached cameras can be converted at up to Full HD resolution while using the least amount of space possible thanks to a HEVC encoding acceleration engine.
What is the MediaTek Genio 510?
A chipset intended for a broad spectrum of Internet of Things (IoT) applications is the Genio 510.
What kind of IoT applications is the Genio 510 suited for?
Because of its adaptability, the Genio 510 may be utilised in a wide range of applications, including smart homes, healthcare, transportation, and agriculture, as well as industrial automation (rugged tablets, manufacturing machinery, and point-of-sale systems).
What are the benefits of using the Genio 510?
Rich input/output choices, powerful CPU and graphics processing, compatibility for 4K screens, high-efficiency AI performance, and networking capabilities like 5G and Wi-Fi 6 are all included with the Genio 510.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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jpitha · 1 year
The Dreams of Hyacinth 3
First / Previous / Next
Nick and Eastern left the bar and headed down the street. When they reached an intersection with a large blue and yellow painted square in it, Eastern stopped and looked on her pad.
"We're really going to take a Hopper, Eastern?" Nick looked up in the sky. "I hate the Hoppers."
"It's the fastest way to cross arms, Nick, you know this."
Since the arms of Hyacinth were only connected at the bottom, moving from one arm to the other was a bit of an ordeal. One had to make it all the way to the base, then walk along until they got to the other arm, catch transit and head back up. There were whole groups of people who prided themselves on having been born, lived and grown old never leaving 'their' arm.
The Hopper was a solution to the problem of crossing arms. It was a small vehicle, carrying anywhere from one to ten people, that would descend from the sky when summoned and 'hop' up into the air and over to another arm and drop the passengers off.
Only the rich and people looking for an ostentatious way to spend money took a Hopper. Even those of moderate means would take mass transit to the base. A Hopper ride could cost a month's wages.
As they waited, the warning siren of the descending Hopper started softly and got louder as it came down. Coming down on the hum of thrusters, the Hopper was an aerodynamic box that kind of looked like an expensive loaf of bread. When it touched down, an automated voice stated "Thank you for choosing Hopper. Please stand back until the doors have opened completely." As the doors opened, a small fanfare played and Nick smelled incense.
"Sandalwood?" He looked at Eastern.
She shrugged. "I'm sure it's to hide whatever happened in the cab with the last passengers."
"Ew" Nick peered inside.
Eastern raised an eyebrow. "Don't be so squeamish Nick, I was hoping you'd take me for a Hopper ride while we were dating. Having sex in the Hopper is a popular date night." She stepped past Nick and got in.
"I say again, ew." Nick got into the Hopper.
As soon as they were seated, the doors slid shut and it took off. Nick was surprised at how rough the takeoff was. He expected more of an elevator gliding up, but instead it was much more... dramatic. "This is kind of rough, isn't it?"
"People are paying for that. Gotta feel like you're going somewhere."
As soon as they left the ground and rose above the level of the buildings, the Hopper's direction began to move towards the arm the Eastern had requested. Being that Hyacinth spins for 'gravity' as soon as they were free of that motion, things began to feel very weird. Nick doesn't get motion sick, but it wasn't exactly comfortable either. He looked over at Eastern who was plastered to the window, watching Hyacinth pass below her. "People fuck in this thing Eastern? I figure they'd get airsick."
She laughed. "Nick, they'll stop in the center, relative to Hyacinth. You can fuck in microgravity for the low low price of a month or two's wages. Lots of folks use it to show off to their dates."
Nick quickly took his hand off the cushion. "Ew" He said again.
"Nick, they clean them."
"Not enough, I'll wager. I bet sandalwood is cheaper."
Eastern scoffed and went back to looking out the window.
Nick watched idly as Hyacinth spun under them as they flew to another arm. From high overhead, Nick could see that this one was much more industrial than the more residential arm he lived in. Things that look like factories dotted the arm, connected with heavier above ground rail lines than the lighter, hidden metro.
They dropped down into a Square that Nick wasn't familiar with. As the Hopper bounced once and landed, the doors opened, and the automated voice said "Thanks for choosing Hopper! Remember us for all your cross-arm transit needs!" and the little fanfare played again.
Nick had never been on this arm, and was completely lost. Eastern clearly had been here before, and she led him away from the Square, walking purposefully. Eastern turned left and right seemingly randomly as they walked through smaller and smaller alleys until she stopped in front of an armored door. Nick looked up. It looked like a warehouse or a factory or something. Tall, with a false brick facade to hide it's generic construction, it felt like someone doing their best with little money to make the place look like more than the box it was.
Eastern walked up to one of the doors and pressed a small box to the entry pad. Instead of the door opening however, two hatches slid open above them and rather large slug throwers spun out, their servos whining ominously in the quiet of the alley.
"What are you doing, Eastern?" There was a terse voice coming through the speaker. You are supposed to come alone after the job is done."
Eastern pointedly did not look at the slug throwers. "We need to see Jameson. It's about the job. I brought Nick along to corroborate the story."
"We don't know him from Gord, why would we take any bullshit he says as the truth?"
Eastern looked at Nick and raised her eyebrows, like she was trying to get him to join in.
Nick couldn't stop looking at the slug throwers who were following whoever was speaking. "Uh, I was at the job, I can prove I did it as ordered. There's a... complication, that's all."
There was a long pause. Then, the slug throwers spun back into their hatches, and the door unlocked with a loud clank. Only then, did Eastern take a breath and open the door. "Come on Nick, we've got to talk to Jameson."
Nick followed Eastern into the building. After a vestibule with more slug throwers - they were powered down at least - they came into a waiting room. It was... cozy? There were large, comfortable looking leather chairs, deep carpets and even a fireplace?
It wasn't real of course. Any fire on Hyacinth was a serious problem dealt with by the fire brigade as quickly as possible, but at first glance, it was a good illusion. A women was sitting at a desk in the room, watching something on her pad and chewing gum. Her eyes flicked up to Eastern and Nick and she said "Have a seat. Jameson will see you in a bit," and her eyes went back to her pad.
Eastern sat on the long couch across from the fake fire and patted a spot next to her. Nick sat back down, and Eastern leaned against him. Her scent and warmth familiar to him. "Thanks for coming Nick" she mumbled into his shoulder as she leaned against him. "I was worried for a moment you'd say no."
"Oh Eastern." Nick lifted his arm and put it around her, bringing his friend in close. "Old Boring Nick can't leave you in a lurch, you know that."
"I know." She lifted her head and looked at Nick. "I take advantage of it sometimes. I know you still love me."
Nick blinked. That was sudden. How was he supposed to reply to that? It was true, at least a little bit, but Nick thought that people weren't supposed to discuss things like that. "Eastern, you know I'd do anything for you. Even more so when you're paying me."
"I know Nick. You shouldn't though." She buried her head deeper. "I'm no good."
Nick put his arm around her tighter for a hug and she sighed and leaned in more. "Good thing for you I'm a terrible judge of character."
"You really are, Nicholas North, you really are." Eastern sniffed. "We're fucked, you know that right?"
Nicks reply was soft, quiet. "I had a hunch, yeah."
"So why did you come along?"
He shrugged just a little, Eastern's head bobbed as he did so.
"You asked me to."
"Oh Nick..." Nick felt the wetness as Eastern's tears soaked into his shirt. "Nick... if we make it out of this, do me a favor?"
"Sure thing Eastern, what is it?"
"Take me up for a Hopper ride."
Nick couldn't help himself. He blushed just a tiny bit. "Yeah. Okay Eastern, I'll take you up. We can see all of Hyacinth from the air."
She sniffed. "I'd like that Nick."
The girl at the desk looked up. "Mister Jameson will see you both now."
They both stood. Eastern wiped her eyes quickly and wiped her hands on her pants. She took a deep breath, her face hardened and she strode towards the door. She turned back. "Come on Nick, we can't keep him waiting."
Nick couldn't believe it, but he was proud and impressed with how fast she pushed her feelings down and her complete change of attitude. He shrugged and followed her through the door.
The moment they were both through the darkened doorway, it was slammed shut by an unseen hand, and a different pair of arms grabbed Nick and Eastern and thrust them into chairs. The option of resisting didn't even cross Nick's mind as straps were wrapped around his chest and legs. Eastern tried to resist a little and she got a back of the hand across her face for her trouble.
"Fuck! Jameson, why is he wearing rings?"
There was a cackling laugh from the darkness as the straps were tightened. "Your boy didn't even resist, Eastern. Is he the brains of the pair of you?"
"Jameson! We did exactly what you asked, we-"
Eastern was slapped again.
"Quiet, Eastern. When I need to know something, I'll ask. Until then, keep your hatch closed.
The lights came up in the room, and Nick saw Jameson for the first time. When his eyes adjusted to the room, he gasped.
Jameson was an AI.
Normally, it was tough to tell an AI in a body from a BI. They worked hard to make sure their bodies were as close to a biological human as possible. It was a point of pride among some them to pass as human.
Jameson made no effort to pass as a human. His body was missing from the torso down. Tubes and wires hung limply from his stomach, and he was clearly connected to the desk he sat at. His eyes met Nick's as Nick was staring and he winked. "At last we meet, Nicholas North. Am I what you expected?"
"Honestly sir, I didn't even know Eastern was in your employ. We always took jobs from her, and she provided the payment."
Jameson nodded. "Smart of her. I knew that she had a good head on her shoulders." He inclined his head towards her. "It's why you're both alive right now, honestly. He disconnected from the desk, and a small chair on wheels backed away. With a whirr, he wheeled over to where Nick and Eastern were strapped. "How much longer you're alive remains to be seen however." He leaned in to Eastern's face, and she stared at him defiantly. "Tell me what happened. Everything."
Eastern started the story from when she received the job, and Nick would add in where relevant. How he was able to get into the Houndstooth Offices by signing up for a tour (he did not mention Selkirk's work in getting the job set up for them), how he ducked out of the tour to 'use the bathroom,' how be boosted the coffin box from the lab - right where Eastern said it was - Nick made sure to point that out. For a split second, Nick thought about skipping the part about how he got pinged by the Houndstooth CorpCops on the way out of the building, but lost them in the metro and ended with him going to the Thirsty K'laxi to give the coffin box to Eastern.
When they had finished, Jameson leaned back in his chair and looked at both of them with a cool gaze. "You know Nick, a lot of people would have glossed over the fact that you got pinged on the job. They might think me upset that the job wasn't 100% glass." He leaned forward. "You did the right thing though. No job is 100% glass. You got pinged sure, but you ducked the ping like a pro and nothing came of it. I've been checking the Houndstooth back channels to see if I could find out when you boosted the box, and honestly, nobody has said anything yet. I don't even think they know it's gone.
Eastern visibly relaxed.
"But. The fact remains that the box is empty. Eastern scanned it, and I scanned it before you started your story. They either knew someone was going to try and boost her and moved her, or she was never there to begin with and our info was wrong."
Jameson wheeled himself back to his large desk. With a whirr and click, he connected back into it. "Here's what's going to happen. You two-" he gestured to them "-are going to find out where she went. If she's in another coffin box, boost it. If she's in a body, nab her. If - God Forbid - they gave her a ship, steal it. I don't care how, you find her and you bring her back to me."
Eastern was even more pale than usual. She was very frightened of Jameson. Nick, being much more stupid than Eastern, or emboldened by the idea of dating her again spoke up. "Okay Jameson. We'll find her. We'll need some help."
"Your K'laxi fixer? I know about Selkirk. I already assumed she's in the job."
"Well yes, but I mean more, that we need more info. Who are we nabbing. I don't need to know why, but I need who. It'll make it easier to find her if they gave her a body or a ship."
Jameson looked at Nick. He stared a long time, like he was weighing a decision in his head. Finally, he blinked and shook his head. "All right Nick, fine. Her name was - is, Yon." He looked away from Nick.
"She's my daughter."
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prokhorvlg · 2 years
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⚔️ Bigheads Atomic tanks from the age of tactical nuclear warfare
The arrival of the atomic arsenal beckoned a radical shift in the landscape of war. Designed alongside the nuclear submarine and nuclear aircraft during the 1950s, the doctrine of the atomic tank (or BIGHEAD) evolved to thrive in a new battlefield, one devastated by radiation and hellfire.
American contractors would design the safest, heaviest tracked combat vehicles to fulfill this new role. The bighead's turret would contain the entire crew sealed for safety, connected to the outside world by nothing but radio and CCTV. Functioning as mobile command posts, these vehicles could survive for weeks without supply or orders.
The Soviet doctrine, on the other hand, emphasized speed over resilience. Rather than taking the force of a tactical nuclear blast head-on, these tanks would outrun the blasts and reactor failures. They were far less survivable, but much more numerous. They were designed to take whatever would be left of Europe by storm.
Bigheads would demonstrate themselves during the Neutron Wars, a series of nuclear proxy conflicts that ravaged the world, its people, and its environment during the late 20th and early 21st century.
They would become obsolete by the mid-21st, having been largely phased out in favor of interplanetary-first automated armies. They serve as a symbol and reminder of the horrors inflicted by the unrestrained wielding of atomic flame.
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