#confident tim drake
giotanner · 4 months
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Robin - Tim Drake ready for one of his know-it-all lines filled with “I told you so”
The entire video is on tiktok
Ko-fi ☕
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bluerosefox · 3 months
Striking of the Clock
BrainDead or DeadTired idea.
During Tim's BruceQuest he uncovers hidden texts/tombs of a being that controls and watches over the Time Stream and Tim knows this being will have to be his best bet of finding Bruce while also trying to figure out on his own how to get Bruce out of the Time Stream as well.
However the being doesn't have a summoning sigil due to being an Ancient.
He does find the sigil for the Ghost King however, a being that borderlines into Ancients power territory and could in theory grant Tim an audience with the Time being if Tim plays his cards right.
In the end, Tim decides it was worth a shot. He convinces Ra's to 'help' him summon the Ghost King. Ra's wanting to see if such a being could be real and to see how far Tim is willing to go to bring Bruce back, allows League resources to be used.
It takes a few weeks, with Tim also making plans to undermine not just the Council of Spiders but Ra's as well, but eventually the time to summon the Ghost King comes.
Tim honestly was expecting the large eldritch like being that showed up, he just wasn't expecting the being to be basically a formed galaxy mixed with ice and the northern lights itself.
He also really wasn't expecting when he negotiated a deal with the Ghost King, and taken into a place called the Infinite Realms when they shook hands (Tam and Prue is also taken with him, he refused to leave them with Ra's), for the being to shrink down and turn into a white haired, green eyed teen around his age who starts flirting at him.
Nor was he expecting for another being, one that apparently is able to shift aging forms, and a grandfather clock in its chest to appear next to the teen and bonk the white haired teen with a staff and tell him to stop flirting with his future new apprentice....
Wait what?
Danny is rarely, very rarely summoned since taking the mantle of Ghost King. Due to being a new Ancient most old sigils that was once connected to Phantom (mostly teens from Amity tired summoning him a couple of times) no longer worked and the only ones that did were the ones he gave to his friends and family or the Ghost King ones (but again rare due to how rare texts/tombs to the Ghost King is written down)
So when he felt the pull of a summoning he made sure to go in his eldritch form, mostly to see if he could scare them or at least intimidate.
Honestly he was expecting the cult, given the fact they summoned a being known as the (freaking) Ghost King, maybe not them being assassins/ninjas but still a cult.
He wasn't expecting the cute, same age as him too, guy in the room.
(CW totally paused time for a second, gave Danny a file on who and why he was summoned, discussed getting Tim Drake out of Ra's hands (and maybe allowing CW to finally have his own future apprentice because Tim is a smarty smart whose been slowly able to figure out the freaking Time Stream itself.), and then started the timeline again)
Danny decided, after striking a deal, that since he's going to be working with Tim, aka Red Robin (who Danny found out used to be Robin! From Gotham), from now on he might as well shoot his shot and flirt with him and-
"Stop flirting with my new apprentice for now My King, we have work to do."
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sirhinkjinks · 2 years
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dads and their inability to remember your friends' names
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ravenpureforever · 19 days
One thing I really do love the Sins of Youth storyline in YJ98 is that really does show how good at Young Justice are at being superheroes.
Because all the adults get de-aged and it’s absolute chaos and they can barely keep their shit together and Young Justice wonders if they’re that bad and the answer is “actually no you’re not, you’re actually doing pretty solid for your age in experience and you’re being held up to an unfair standard that invites more criticism to your actions”
It’s also a fascinating exploration of how adult anxieties are unfairly projected on to teenagers and while they of course still have room to grow and change and mature, the kids are, in fact, alright and actually capable individuals who do need support and guidance but aren’t helpless idiots by any means
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flamingpudding · 10 months
Thinking about writing a dpxdc batpham Christmas Story...
...but cause I am a self-conscious B with self-esteem problems when i overthink to much, I am going to let you guys judge, or if you want, use the bare base idea for yourself 🙃
This is the bare base idea:
Bruce reads a newspaper while dodging Dick and Cass, who are attempting to put a Christmas hat on him. Duke and Steph cheered on a candy cane battle happening between Tim and Damian, with Damian's just so happend to be sharpened. Thus, it's more like how long can Tim avoid getting stabbed battle. Jason and Alfred cook in the kitchen, which causes Alfred not to realize the fight happening in the dining room. And Danny watching them all narrowed eyed and poking the turkey with a long metal stick as if it would come alive and fight him any second. Before turning to them when he sees it 'twitch' and declaring he is disowning them all until after Christmas. The Bat family just stared at Danny as he left for a moment very perplexed and confused like deers in headlines.
Now the batfam is making it their mission to help him endure Christmas and Tim might let Danny in on a secret just so he no longer will be hung up on the Santa is real or not argument his parents used to have.
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fruitfloats · 3 months
au where the robin costume doesnt change at all between dick, jason and tim and they all look similar enough that sometimes they cant tell the difference between each other in photos.
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aceofshitposts · 2 months
Batquinn oneshot where Harley switches sides after joker kills Jason? Like it's the catalyst for her escaping
OOOH what a good one. i usually headcanon that harley is accepted as the arkham psych right after jason's death and joker's admission into arkham post getting almost every bone in his body broken for it BUT
i like this a lot here we go
It's the first time Bruce has been in public since Jason's death.
Jason never liked these things. Neither has Bruce, not really, but especially now he feels the sharp sting of holding a champagne flute in one hand and holding a placid smile on his face with no one here to commiserate.
The parade of well wishers seems never ending. People coming to shake his hand and sympathize for his loss in one breath and try to talk business the next. The same people had shown Jason nothing but disdain when Bruce had adopted him; whispering about street rats like Jason belonged under the shoes.
Bruce clenches his fist, not for the first time tonight. He wants to be out on the streets. He needs to be out there. Out on patrol where he doesn't need to hide behind a tired smile.
"Hey, take it easy there, big guy."
There's a hand on his bicep and for a moment Bruce sees pure red. He barely manages to reign in a snarl as he turns to whoever just touched him-- gently. Like they actually cared. None of them actually cared--
Blonde hair swept over one pale shoulder. A red cocktail dress with a slightly garish feather boa wrapped delicately around her elbows. Red lipstick and pale blue eyes looking at him without fear.
Harley Quinn. Joker's girlfriend. What was she doing here and did that mean Joker was prowling around too? He should be in Arkham, there was no way he was fully healed from Bruce's last encounter with him--
"Hey, hey, eyes down here," Harley says, snapping her fingers in front of his face. Bruce's vision focuses back on Harley, a small smile gracing her face when he makes eye contact. "Deep breaths. He's not here, he's not coming, okay? Let's go sit down before you break that champagne flute."
She gently reaches for the glass, taking it easily from his hands and leading Bruce off to the side from prying eyes.
His mind continues to race. Was this a trap? And-- she mentioned him. She's must mean Joker but then. Did she know? If she did, how did she know? And why was she even here?
"Sit," Harley demands as they step outside into the night air.
Numbly Bruce finds himself sitting on the bench she points at, dropping himself onto the polished wood with a grunt. Harley settles in next to him, a small gap between, and begins to pick at the feathers in her boa.
"He was a good kid. He didn't deserve that."
Bruce has heard a lot of people say some variation of that all night long.
It's the first time he's actually believed someone means it.
"You know," he says in response. There's no use in denying it. He's too tired to even try.
Harley looks at him with a lopsided smile.
"Course. Who do you take me for? I've got a PhD, y'know."
Silence settles between them. Bruce doesn't know what to do. Even with her association with Joker, she wasn't involved in what happened. Bruce was clear headed enough to acknowledge that.
"I'm not with him. Anymore, I mean. We were already on a break when he left and..." she's fiddling with her boa again, red feathers falling to her feet. "You have no reason to believe me but I never wanted to hurt Jason like that."
Harley stills, taking several deep breaths.
"I never wanted to hurt you like that. But this isn't about me." - Harley stands, dusting plucked feathers off her lap. - "I just wanted you to know that."
Bruce grabs her wrist before he has time to really think about it. She starts, looking at him with wide eyes. There's going to be talk tomorrow, probably pictures in the paper.
Brucie Wayne with some new arm candy after the death of his adopted son.
Let them talk. There was no stopping the gossip mill regardless.
Harley was the only person at this gala that really saw him.
"You can stay," he whispers, releasing his grip on her wrist. "If you want."
Harley smiles, small and genuine.
"Okay, B. I will."
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searchforahero · 26 days
was suddenly struck by timkon lisa frankenstein AU. hrm. like takes place after kon dies and tim is doing his cloning mad scientist shit. hrm.
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Hi!!! Was just wondering, willl we be seeing any of the young justice in DSB?
Also does the young justice team even happen?
The awnser is- complicated
I improv a lot of my writing on the spot, with just a vauge idea of what will happen in the future (of course now for beta convinence I made a more solid timeline) and when coming up with that made some major cuts.
Originally it would have actually been Young Justice to "solve" what happened to Tim and raise the alarm, but now that role has been condensed and refilled.
Will they make an apperance?? Perhaps. If not absolutely in a future one shot based on the main fic!!
And if that didn't explain itself then yes YJ DOES exist (with Tims meddling to ensure it happened of course) with some minor tweaks to their stories due to timeline stuff and because I saw some of their stories and went "yeah no"
So while I absolutely adore my beloved YJ- I dont think this series will give them much of a spotlight outside an introspective rant or some mentions- let alone go into continuity changes as of rn
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mbirnsings-71 · 5 months
pssst *boops u* hey
can i offer u homophobic dick grayson?
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the full thing bc this is the best thing ive ever drawn;
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i love kidpix
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reading-stains · 2 months
I just thought about how Dick was the youngest to be taken under Bruce’s wing. Always the youngest, the most shapable of all the kids because he was the youngest. He was a blanker slate compared to the others in the personal identity sense. He was and always will be Dick Grayson. But it’s different to know who you are before the Bat. You haven’t even started pre-algebra. And it’s not easy, later, to know you’re the one that dealt with all the first trials and all the first mistakes and be the youngest to face them.
And he’s had trouble watching Bruce with the others. Jason died. Tim is driven into obsession time and time again. Stephanie is hurt and they all thought she died too.
So he’s hurting. He’s watching Bruce, a man that he knows is at least trying, but having extreme difficulties keeping the kids he takes under his wing alive, let alone stay okay. He’s watching him fail and fail and Dick feels like getting in the way is losing and staying out of it is too.
And when Damian arrives, he’s eight years old.
Eight. Dick had been eight. Lost and confused and his parents died in front of him.
Damian isn’t like him. He comes from blood. He’s killed before he’s binged a kids show. He’s angry in a way Dick isn’t, but he’s still angry and Dick recognizes that in his bones.
And he’s not doing this again. He’s not letting these problems settle again. He’s not leaving Bruce to make the mistakes he made with him and with all the others. He can’t be the best case to come out of Bruce’s parenting. He can’t.
Eight years old, a kid just like he was. A different flavor of traumatized and emotionally unstable, but a kid.
I just thought is it just love? Later, of course it is. Dick loves Damian and I haven’t read anything stating otherwise.
But at the start. Is it redemption for the other times he didn’t step forward, despite the fact he had every right not to while he was hurting? And again, is it self-love? To stop what had been unfair to him, cruel with him, hard for him?
I just wonder. Dick Grayson, when you look at the child, is part of you seeing you trying to save yourself?
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yeetus-feetus · 10 months
Someone said Tim and Ra's gave them Morticia and Gomez vibes, which led to me writing this at 4 in the am. Not exactly what I intended but it still vibes y'know? Enjoy I guess.
Ra's is humming in frustration over some paperwork, league reports about recent attacks against his bases further south. He's trying to figure things out but it's late and he's already attended several meetings today. He's stressed, completely worn out.
Tim, dressed in the finest of dark silks gifted to him, comes up behind the older man; eerie blue eyes uncannily unnatural ringed in the thick kohl. His steps are silent but for the soft jingle of ancient gold jewelry and rare gemstones.
At first, his touch is soft and gentle when he reaches out. Then his sharp nails are raking down his newly-wedded husband's richly coloured skin, applying simple pressure and edging that line between feeling good and painful. "Don't torture yourself Dearest, that's my job."
Ra's smiles and turns to him, cupping his porcelain face, thumb tracing a shiny, thin line over his chin. Tim's body reminds him of Kintsugi. "I am only keeping you safe, beloved. These attacks are coming nearer and nearer-"
"You don't need to fear for my safety. I'm just as skilled with a sword as you." Tim cuts off, knocking Ra's' hand away, offended at the meer implication that he couldn't hold his own against a few rival assassins.
"Oh I don't doubt your capabilities, my dear Ghazal. I merely honour you so much that I am willing to fight for for you whilst you rest atop my thrown", Ra's soothes his husband, taking his hand and kissing over his marred knuckles. Acknowledging each scar as a proof of his strength, talent, admirable stubbornness.
Tim grins at that.
"You'd fight for me? You'd have me sit on your throne? Allow me to hold away over all your servants and ninja?" He tests, pulling back his hand from Ra's' grasp and turning to lean against the desk, disturbing some of the documents that lay there.
"Darling I would kill for you", Ra's reminds the younger man. "Do not question the lengths of which I am willing to devote myself to you now that we are one. Everything that is mine, is yours. Whatever you want I will give to you."
"Whatever I want?" Tim bites his lip, considering. Ra's only grins back, wide and promisingly predatory as he bares his teeth.
"Anything you wish for, my beloved".
Tim's got the most dangerous man in the world wrapped around his little pinky finger. He's got Ra's' thinking this was all his own perfectly crafted idea.
Tim smirks.
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onyx-ace · 1 year
To all the super villains out there,
I don’t understand the idea or thought process that goes into plan that involves murdering a superhero.
Like I’m sorry, you want to kill somebody who’s closest friends are most likely other hero’s with god like ability’s
A few examples:
• When Jason Todd was murdered Batman had put the joker in a full body cast for months that “man” pummeled his ass to Arkham and back
• When impulse had died Wally turned his murder into a living statue which, in my opinion, is worse than death
• Back to the joker but when Nightwing believed the Joker had killed Tim he, in a fit of rage, beat that fucker until he flat out died
• saved my favorite for last when Nightwing got shot in the head by KGBeast no only did Batman pummel him so bad he was left immobile and unable to move in the frozen wasteland of Russia, but when he ran into the batgirls (Stephanie and Cass) he got his ass beat. When Wally ran into him he very also got to kick his ass mentioning that there is a long line of superheroes waiting to do the same thing.
I know that the last two didn’t result in death but they were believed to be dead or were attempted murders. Also I’m sure there are many more examples but moral of the story don’t try to kill people with Friends/Family who are powerful enough to stop world ending levels events.
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hood-ex · 2 years
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Nightwing (Vol. 2) #6
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Tim Drake: Robin #5
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fruitfloats · 1 month
i just got home from being a counselor at a marching band camp, this is what sections various bats would be in.
Jason- low reeds, specifically tenor sax (this could be my low reeds bias showing)
Dick- trumpets (or even a trombone maybe?)
Damian- flutes
Steph- low brass, possibly sousaphones
Tim- clarinets
Cass- either color guard or like weirdly i get a front ensemble/pit vibe
Duke- i can see drum line? like quads
Barbara- drum major but previously a flute
feel free to add more to this or even tell me if you get different instrument vibes then i do!
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starrycomics · 10 months
I’m reading Tim Drake: Robin as it comes out on DC Infinite and getting retroactively irritated it got cancelled - the last two issues (#8 and #9) have been such a jump in quality! The plot’s propulsive, the art’s better, I like the use of Batwoman
This is the problem with DC having no faith in ongoing series - they don’t give them time to find their feet and build a story over time, so all comics nowadays are either overstuffed in the first five issues, or cut short unsatisfactorily
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