#confederate soldier
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johnjhalseth · 4 years ago
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Jefferson County Confederate Obelisk #2 on Kearneysville Pike. It would be Col. James H. Drake of Fitz Lee’s Calvary brigade mentioned at the base. Killed 40ft to the west of the obelisk on July 16th 1863.
“On the Sixteenth, the Federals, crossing at Shepherdstown and driving in the pick- ets, advanced a large force of cavalry as far as Kearneysville. Here Fitz Lee and Chambliss' brigades of cavalry confronted them and steadily drove them back. The federals were amply supplied with artillery, and at every fav- orable position, made stubborn resistance. Late in the evening, Stuart came on the field and took command, having ordered General Jenkins, with his brigade of cavalry from near Martinsburg to his assistance, who arrived later in the evening. The enemy, having fallen back to Butler's woods, made a final stand. The cavalry could not well operate, and so both sides dismounted their men and fought until dark. The Confederates remained on the field, expecting to renew the engagement in the morning^ but the enemy moved off in the night. There is no official account of the losses on either side. Colonel Drake, of the first Virginia Cavalry, was mortally wounded, and died that night at Mr. Marshall's. About 40 feet from Marker No. 2, measuring west, is the place where he was shot. He was an able officer. This movement of the enemy had been made to ascer- tain Lee's position, but failed. This force was to have been supported by a brigade from Harpers Ferry, but they fail- ed to arrive on time, as will be shown. Company I>, of the Twelfth Virginia Cavalry, was picketing from near Shepherdstown to Engle's Hill; and when the advance was made, they stayed within the enemy's lines to operate. A courier was captured at Uvilla on the evening of the fifteenth, and sufficient information obtained to justify our watching this road. “
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angelkarafilli · 5 years ago
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Dr. James Americas Durham, Confederate Soldier, 28th Tennessee Infantry
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lawmenandoutlaws · 4 years ago
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by Roger Naylor | John Slaughter, who was a Confederate soldier, Texas Ranger and Cochise County sheriff, loved this porch. He was sitting there one day with his family when a cloud of dust swirled up from the south. Pancho Villa and his army rode onto Slaughter’s ranch. After a forced march, the famished soldiers began killing and butchering cattle...
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visionsofour-past · 6 years ago
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• Unidentified Soldier (Confederate).
Date: 1861-1865
Place of origin: United States
Medium: Tintype
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eopederson · 6 years ago
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Confederate Soldier Guarding the Holiday Tree and Loudon County Courthouse, Leesburg, 2018.
The election is over and Loudon voted out the odious Trumpian congresswoman who had represented it. The county courthouse is still marred by this egregious example of racism (see my earlier post on the same subject).
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clancarruthers · 3 years ago
  Thomas Jefferson Carothers 1839–1905 BIRTH 15 JUN 1839 • Williamson, Tennessee, USA DEATH 15 JUN 1905 • Williamson, Tennessee, USA   Thomas Jefferson Carothers was born on June 15, 1839, in Williamson, Tennessee, His father was, James C Carothers 1792–1865     BIRTH 30 JAN 1792 • Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee, United States     DEATH 12 MAY 1865 • Williamson, Williamson, Tennessee, United…
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chiththarthan · 7 years ago
Teacher VS Marvel
Teacher : It is well that war is so terrible, otherwise we should grow too fond of it.
Me: Who said that?
Teacher:  Robert ...
Me: Robert Downey Jr? *excited
Teacher: Robert Edward Lee was an Confederate soldier, best known as a commander of the Confederate States Army. He commanded the Army of Northern Virginia in the American Civil War.
Me: oh yeah!
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yeetlegay · 3 years ago
Mind-reader!Kinn AU thoughts
I just randomly remembered this convo I had with @clandestinegardenias like two months ago (back when I was working on my little vampire!Kinn oneshot) about how Kinnporsche is basically a Twilight AU, which then led into us losing our minds over the idea of the cast having those random special abilities like the Twilight vampires. Since Kinn is obvs Edward, that would make his superpower MIND-READING of all things.
And that’s so !!!!! Because can you imagine Kinn as a mind reader, running this mafia empire with the added ability (which only a handful of people know about) to read the minds of everyone in meetings, to find out who’s planning to cross him, who’s working with his enemies, the second he hears their thoughts. He’d be unstoppable, even more badass, and probably even more of an asshole. (Vegas aka Jacob obv would HATE it bc his special ability is like…growing fur or whatever)
Since Kinn is Edward, that makes Porsche Bella, right? And her special power is this mind shield thing where nobody can get inside her head, including Edward. She’s the only person whose thoughts he can’t read. So imagine how frustrated and intrigued Kinn would be, stumbling across this hot bartender, being so confused that he can’t read Porsche’s thoughts when it’s never happened before. He’s leaned on his telepathy for his whole life to the point that he has even fewer communication skills than in canon, so he’s absolute shit at reading Porsche’s expressions and body language and gauging his feelings, even as he starts falling for him.
But on the flip side, to sprinkle in some agony, Kinn being a mind reader means he can also feel all the fear and anger and horror and sadness constantly surrounding him and thanks to his dad he's been forced to just LIVE with that. He's gotten so used to sitting calm and nonchalant while watching people get beaten up, tortured, killed, etc in front of him, all the while feeling everything they're feeling, knowing their last thoughts. And every time he kills someone, it's like experiencing the death himself. He lives his whole life that way, not even realizing how massively fucked up and traumatized it's made him until here comes this person, this ONE person, who's totally immune to his ability. For once when he looks at him, all he feels is blessed SILENCE, and it's such a relief on the one hand, but terrifying on the other, bc how can he trust Porsche without knowing his thoughts and feelings? How can he possibly love the one person who could betray him, lie to him, leave him, without Kinn ever seeing it coming?
And maybe Tawan just made that fear and mistrust even worse because Kinn could read his mind and still didn’t realize he was being played, because he was naive enough to tell Tawan about his ability early on and so Tawan learned how to hide his thoughts (prob with Vegas’s help). Kinn would never trust anyone after that, but especially not himself, and the idea of putting his heart in the hands of someone like Porsche without even the imperfect protection of reading his mind would be utterly terrifying.
But he chooses to love Porsche anyway, knowing it could ruin him, knowing it’s like Achilles baring his heel for the arrow, knowing it could end in a Judas kiss. He loves Porsche enough to take a gambit, even if it breaks his heart.
So anyway I feel very fine and normal about all of that actually
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johnspanhandle · 7 years ago
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Pvt Columbus Summerlin of the 63rd Alabama Infantry Co D Who probably fought in Mobile and it’s surrounding forts.
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dontmean2bepoliticalbut · 3 years ago
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slaygentford · 2 years ago
this is really cursed but an inevitable comparison I was always going to make I think, and that comparison is that vampire bill was really like ah have become a mahnster a dahk creature of the naight ah must hide away and nevah speak to mah family again out of shame for my abominable saylf and the vampire lestat spent 2 seconds being sad and then said eemortalité? unlimited fonds? WEEGS?
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johnjhalseth · 4 years ago
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Unknown Confederate Soldiers at Elmwood Cemetery in Shepherdstown, WV.
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illustratus · 3 years ago
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secretlystephaniebrown · 2 years ago
I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to actually enjoy Jinny Hex. Like yeah, cute design and all, but I can’t ever get over the fact that Bendis uncritically decided to make a character the legacy of a Confederate Soldier and just. never talk about it. at all. and instead go “oh she’s queer and a quirky cowgirl! isn’t that fun?”
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years ago
My sister(had throat surgery two days ago): GOD my throat is on FIRE
Me in more pain ( can't make this joke or she'll get mad at me): we need to get your thirst under control Bella......
this your sister?
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listen I am SCREAMING but also going to take advantage of this opportunity to impart knowledge you didn't ask for. fun fact the one who struggles with thirst in the twilight saga is Jasper Hale! this guy losing his mind right there
bella actually has this whole thing (which some people find to be a let down and boring) where she becomes a newborn vampire and is braced ready for the bloodlust and uncontrollable thirst and then...there is none! she can control her thirst, although with some difficulty at times, from day one! no deranged newborn, no bloodlust, no killing humans. fresh out the resurrection she's like nah I got this.
jasper, on the other hand. he's been struggling for DECADES. if anyone's gonna eat a person it's him. or emmett. emmett's eaten a few people but he's generally good. jasper continuously struggles, so I think that is who your sister is at the moment :)
though if we're going with just experiencing the thirst then it could be anyone I suppose, but you said "under control" so I thought about how she is under control and how jasper. is most likely not to be.
there you go there's your very wanted twilight knowledge of the day I hope your sister's surgery went well and her healing goes smoothly! and also that you make this joke at her because it's funny
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phil-dwyer-stan-account · 4 years ago
“I know Jasper was a confederate but he’s hot 🥺” bestie he looks like what would happen if a dirty mop came to life and experienced constant constipation???
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