#Confederate Col. James H. Drake
johnjhalseth · 3 years
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Jefferson County Confederate Obelisk #2 on Kearneysville Pike. It would be Col. James H. Drake of Fitz Lee’s Calvary brigade mentioned at the base. Killed 40ft to the west of the obelisk on July 16th 1863.
“On the Sixteenth, the Federals, crossing at Shepherdstown and driving in the pick- ets, advanced a large force of cavalry as far as Kearneysville. Here Fitz Lee and Chambliss' brigades of cavalry confronted them and steadily drove them back. The federals were amply supplied with artillery, and at every fav- orable position, made stubborn resistance. Late in the evening, Stuart came on the field and took command, having ordered General Jenkins, with his brigade of cavalry from near Martinsburg to his assistance, who arrived later in the evening. The enemy, having fallen back to Butler's woods, made a final stand. The cavalry could not well operate, and so both sides dismounted their men and fought until dark. The Confederates remained on the field, expecting to renew the engagement in the morning^ but the enemy moved off in the night. There is no official account of the losses on either side. Colonel Drake, of the first Virginia Cavalry, was mortally wounded, and died that night at Mr. Marshall's. About 40 feet from Marker No. 2, measuring west, is the place where he was shot. He was an able officer. This movement of the enemy had been made to ascer- tain Lee's position, but failed. This force was to have been supported by a brigade from Harpers Ferry, but they fail- ed to arrive on time, as will be shown. Company I>, of the Twelfth Virginia Cavalry, was picketing from near Shepherdstown to Engle's Hill; and when the advance was made, they stayed within the enemy's lines to operate. A courier was captured at Uvilla on the evening of the fifteenth, and sufficient information obtained to justify our watching this road. “
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