#component integration
Understanding the Growing Applications of LTCC and HTCC in Automotive Sector
With the growth and usage of power devices, particularly 3rd-generation semiconductors, semiconductor devices are progressively evolving in the path of miniaturization, high power, multi-function, and integration, which also put forward greater needs on the performance of packaging substrates.  Ceramic substrates possess good heat resistance, high thermal conductivity, low coefficient of thermal…
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cc-zerozero-ff · 6 months
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Practicing drawing that thang because my first doodles made it way too pretty. I gotta go all in on the freaky shit here!
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sugarpsalms · 1 year
One of my favorite things about Vader Returns AUs is that there's just really no way for Obi-Wan to be sure it isn't temporary. Vader may have his tail tucked now and yes, he's making promises and swearing convincingly, but there's a big ol' elephant in the room, and its name is "he's 180'd before". And as much as Obi would like to believe that he won't again (because this whole affair is giving him stress ulcers) how can he? Betraying yet another master is what brought Vader back to HIM. it's a parlor trick at this point, and not a very nice one
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mag200 · 1 year
something something if spirit hadnt been a kids movie spirit and little creek wouldve died making that jump but it still wouldve been freedom. to be clear i’m not saying it shouldve been like that and even this is not meant to be a grimdark interpretation. i just think that spirit and little creek become some kind of folk heroes. they make it because they’re characters in a kids movie but if they were real i think on an emotional level they would’ve succeeded even in death. the jump was never as much about believing they could land on the other side as it was about not being willing to be taken alive.
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idsb · 6 months
I do want to go home to my boyfriend and I do want to like, get to whatever my life is gonna be but the idea of hitting stop on my life here is making me feel sick. I have to quit my job in the next few days and after the birthday I’ve had I just. I don’t know. Like I do know but I can’t face it. And I also don’t know.
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dreamlanddeluxe · 8 months
I need to educate myself further on the depths of early tech advancements and video art, but eventually I'd love to make a video essay about how it connects to electric dreams because I truly believe that in a way it's a love letter to the rising genre of video art and electronic sound art present in the movie's time period. I know it I just need more context to make proper connections.
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edge-oftheworld · 9 months
are you normal or did you figure out how to support a friend through a mental health crisis by thoroughly analysing the dynamics of four australians?
are you normal or did you figure out mid burnout how to trick your brain into working in a way that centres and upholds your own intuition and values by hearing their story?
are you normal or are you in the midst of a podcast binge on secular buddhism that you're having Lots Of Thoughts about because one musician mentioned it once?
are you normal or did songs put the fragments together in your brain to start you figuring out who you really are, when it's not what you're supposed to be?
are you normal or does a band doing things their own way and starting to learn how to feel more alive make you realise that you can work to implement that too and know you've got the grit in you to actually do it?
are you normal or are you bending the concepts of neurodivergence and mental health around art and spirituality and figuring out it's far less black and white than what the dsm gives you inroads to because you've seen the lived lives of people like you?
do you really want to be normal? or if you can get this much out of art and out of existence, isn't this something to be celebrated? if someone told you this was the impact you had on their lives, wouldn't you celebrate it?
won't you celebrate it with me?
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homestuck/hiveswap music opinions? (doesn't have to be both)
I'm obsessed with vriskas motif, and conductors cabin in hiveswap, plus raw honey reminds me of a harvest moon song I've spent years wishing I could remember
vriskas motif goes HARD esp with the guitar riffs or whatever the fuck they got going on with that. killed by 8r8k spider goes so fucking hard for no reason and like good for her. she has some of the best character tracks.
but my FAVORITE FAVORITE leitmotif is liquid negrocity/ballad of jack noir. it literally makes me go crazy hearing it bc you know shits about to go the fuck down.
and its like. i also go "hi toby" whenever im listening to that motif come up.
im also a big fan of tensei and james roachs work on the homestuck osts, i ESPECIALLY love roachs stuff for the friendsim/pesterquest stuff.
also, fun fact: old secret from hiveswap literally made me start crying because of boldirs scene in pesterquest. its so mournful in that context and the violin with the low brass band REALLY pulls it together.
i like to rank homestuck/hiveswap music based on how much fucking chills i get hearing it. like. making me go "oooggghh the themes."
its also why songs like flare make me fucking transcendent. my homestuck music tastes varies wildly between "big epic boss fight" and "the most melancholy shit youve ever heard"
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fishlung8877 · 3 months
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god she's so fucking cute who let her do this
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smbomcom · 3 months
What Is An Inductive Force Sensor?
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An inductive force sensor is a type of sensor that utilizes the principle of electromagnetic induction to measure force. It operates by detecting changes in inductance caused by the force applied to the sensor, translating these changes into corresponding electrical signals. Typically, such sensors consist of coils, a magnetic core, and an outer casing. When force is applied, causing a displacement of the magnetic core, it alters the magnetic flux density within the coil, thereby generating measurable electrical signals.
Get more details: What Is An Inductive Force Sensor?
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coldgoldlazarus · 1 year
Honestly, in hindsight I think I missed the mark here a little bit with my original post. Because the standard powersuit in most of the games isn't actually a bad look? Not as iconic, sure, but the triangle shoulders still look good, and I've seen some fan concepts for new suit designs that go back to that in some interesting ways. I think it does help that those designs still tend to have some level of bulk to the shoulderpads, not the Varia's full Super Robot look, but at least there's some noticeable substance to them.
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I love how they manage to hit that sweet spot of looking aesthetically pleasing and filling her silhouette, without stepping on the Varia suit's metaphorical toes. Samus Returns' take in particular is a really nice vibe.
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No, what I was thinking of was specifically the Prime 1 version of the basic powersuit, which does specifically look bad to me. The whole design is weighted with the Varia shoulders in mind, so without them it just winds up looking really gangly and awkward. Plus, the triangle shoulders looking like they fuse directly into the sides of the chestplate instead of moving on their own is just a really weird choice. They just look weirdly piddly and flat, and it also winds up further emphasizing the weird shoulder displacement issue that the Prime Varia design shares, but can distract from. Idunno, it just makes her look like she has Kongu Mahri proportions:
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So TLDR, I still love the Dread suit's redesign, but I think I was too harsh about the powersuit and the concept of triangle shoulderpads before. It can be done well, it has been done well, but Prime 1 just didn't, and that colored my perception of it in general.
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vpofcookies · 5 months
I've started to draw like those how to draw books where it's just
Step 1: circle
Step 2: detail
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fideidefenswhore · 2 years
YES! Anne was much more affectionate in TLE (which I also confess I enjoyed before opening like a single history book lol) so I think somewhere along the way she just got sick of Anne and changed her tune 🙄
same, same, same...you know, it was published the year before the lady in the tower, so it almost feels like she sort of developed a more symapthetic view whilst researching anne’s downfall specifically; and then reverted back to her extremely unsympathetic views of the six wives of (1991) and the king and his court (2001)
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klavierpanda · 1 year
3 exams down, 5 to go
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likeabxrdinflight · 2 years
too many social media therapists out there like "wooo I don't believe in ~medical diagnosis~" as if insurance companies don't blanket refuse to pay for treatment without one
"I don't believe in dsm" bitch then what are you billing for? that's cute if all your patients are wealthy white folks who can pay for shit out of pocket and don't need a diagnosis, but some of us work within systems that require it. whether or not you ~believe~ in diagnosis is fucking irrelevant.
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thetechnorc · 2 years
Exploring the World of Integrated Circuits Base: 40 Pin Wide IC Base
Integrated circuits (ICs) are the building blocks of modern electronics, and they come in a range of shapes and sizes. An IC base is a component that holds an IC in place and allows it to be readily replaced or removed. In this article, we will look at the 40 Pin Wide IC Base, which is a specialty IC base built to hold ICs with 40 pins.
The 40 Pin Wide IC Base is a high-quality component utilised in a variety of electrical applications. It is intended to support ICs with 40 pins and is larger in size than other IC bases to accommodate the greater number of pins. Its IC base is normally constructed of high-quality materials such as plastic or ceramic, ensuring its robustness and lifespan.
The 40-Pin Wide IC Base's pins are organized in two rows, making it simple to install and remove the IC. The IC is positioned on top of the base, with its pins aligned with the appropriate pins on the base. Once the IC is in position, the base secures it, and the IC's pins establish contact with the pins on the base.
The 40 Pin Wide IC Base is perfect for applications that require the IC to be securely held in place and have adequate area to support the larger size. This integrated circuit base is widely utilized in electronic applications such as microcontrollers, memory modules, and digital signal processors. One advantage of adopting the 40 Pin Wide IC Base is that the IC can be easily replaced. If the IC is broken or has to be improved, it is simple to remove it from the base and replace it with a new IC. This facilitates the repair or upgrade of electronic devices, which is particularly important for industrial or commercial applications.
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