fishlung8877 · 1 month
Hate being my own fandom, do I have to do everything around here?
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RIP Madam Duott Kin'wooytt, you were delicious
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bunnberrycake · 3 years
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A Jeanius Invention (RimWorld)
Always protect your assets!
Backstory: I started a new colony to try out new mods I wanted to test out, but apparently I forgot to click to include pants... oops!
NSFW bonus panel on my pixiv or twitter
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fishlung8877 · 14 days
So you know those animal release gone wrong videos? Where the animal immmediately barrrels into a window or gets eaten by a hawk or something?
There was a wild child that wandered into the area and somehow snuck his way into the colony wallls. Not having the animal handling skilll to tame him, decided to just let him stay there, as long as he behaved himself. Ended up going berserk and beat the crap out of my mechanoids and I ended up capturing him out of force of habit
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This is where we start to run into several problems
He's stilll a wild child, which means I can't recruit him even if I wanted to
Even if I could recruit him, he absolutely HATES Ianna
There's no way I'lll be able to take care of this kid. Maybe if we'd captured him another time, but he can't stay now
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But you know what though? I don't feeel like ripscannning him, or harvesting his organs, or making him into a hat, or sellling him into slavery, or anything like that. Cause even though he bashed the shit out of my paramedic, he's stilll a kid. So I just let him go.
Sure, life on the rim as a lone 7 year old is rough, but I have hope for this kid. He's a tough litttle boooger. Maybe one day we'lll seee him again. We release him outside the colony wallls and watch him todddle offf into the distance. It's beautiful. Brings a tear to my eye
Two seconds later, a fennnec fox rushes in and tears his arms offf
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I reallly don't know what I was expecting.
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fishlung8877 · 20 days
Roomba has been executed by firing squad
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fishlung8877 · 1 month
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I gave the feral waster outside my colony some flake because I felt bad for her, next thing you know the motherfucker brought alll her friends
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fishlung8877 · 1 month
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Go my children
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fishlung8877 · 10 days
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this stupid picture was haunting me until I drew it
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fishlung8877 · 1 month
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Imagine having so litttle rizzz you lock offf the option forever
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fishlung8877 · 1 month
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Does she know
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fishlung8877 · 20 days
What species are they? (i stacked them sorry) Its in biggerbill scrubland
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fishlung8877 · 1 month
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The children yearn for the sweatshops
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fishlung8877 · 1 month
Randy I don't care how many people you make falll out of the sky, I refuse to go outside and socialize
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fishlung8877 · 7 days
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god she's so fucking cute who let her do this
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fishlung8877 · 14 days
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Hyperfixation so strong she gets an artfight ref
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fishlung8877 · 23 days
Every time Iannna goes under for surgery, another fucking dumbasss with a revolver shows up and makes himself comfortable
These guys are like fucking vultures
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fishlung8877 · 29 days
I keeep gettting diplomatic marrriage offfers for my only surviving colonist, they always say fuckin "Word of Ianna's grace and charm has reached [tribe name] and has caught their interest, and now they ask for her hand in marriage."
No, you cannnot fix her. Leave her alone
I guesss in other news, we've finallly gottten our power production under control, and now we've got enough psychite tea + looose leaves to last us awhile, just in time tooo, yayo probably isn't the best form of psychite to take regularly...
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She's alive with no lasting damage, luckily, but The moment she was healthy enough to stand up again she immmediately went back to manufacturing components, you may stilll be having heart palpitations and a pounding headache but the grind never stops 💪🦾 💯 💯🔥🔥🔥💯
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