#compared to how i went on a date with a woman yesterday and we discovered that we live one single street apart within the first five minutes
lepakonpaska · 1 year
god i've missed dating women (and will ramble more in the tags)
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aestheticaltcow · 8 months
What Happens in Vegas Doesn't Always Stay in Vegas... Part 3
Ellie's presence at The Bear is... entertaining?
The Bear Masterlist
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Part 3- The Fight
“I don’t get why you want to work with him, baby. He never treated you right.” Jack sighed as he buttoned his sleeve. Ellie shrugged “Carmy is my friend. He’s also a really talented chef.” Jack shrugged “I guess…” “If it makes you feel better, I’m cooking with him today, but tonight, I’m sleeping with my insane and insanely hot fiance. Unless you suddenly don’t want to be my husband.” Jack chuckled and grabbed at her hips, pulling her into his body “I don’t have anything to worry about, right?” Ellie shook her head, “I love YOU, Jack. Carmy was just an appetizer compared to the absolute meal of a man you are.” Jack grinned and put his forehead against Ellie’s before softly kissing her lips. “I love you, Mrs. Aubrey.” 
Ellie walked into the kitchen and was immediately noticed by Syd. “Hi, can I help you?” “Yea- I’m Ellie. Carmy’s friend from culinary school and New York in general…” Syd nodded, side-eyeing her as Carmy came out of the office. “El, hey.” he smiled as he hugged her briefly, trying not to look suspicious. “Who’s this beautiful girl?” Richie playfully flirted when he saw Ellie in the kitchen; Carmy rolled his eyes at Richie’s comment. “I’m Ellie, Carmy’s friend from New York.” Richie nodded and watched as Carmy showed her to Marcus’s station. “She’s hot- you sure she’s Carmy’s friend?” Syd scoffed at Richie’s smart-ass comment, “Carmy isn’t totally hideous. I could see him being friends with her.” 
“Okay, I gotta ask. How’d you two meet?” Gary asked during family. Carmy stared at his phone, waiting for Claire to text him back about coming to the dinner they’d begun eating. “Well,” Ellie said after swallowing a bite of pasta, “I met him in culinary school. He was just this cute little awkward guy, and there were no cute guys in our class, right? So my friend Carly went up to him and tried inviting him to a get-together, but Carmy, being Carmy, said no. Fast forward three months, I discovered he was my across-the-hall neighbor.” Carmy grinned, remembering the day they realized they were neighbors like yesterday. “Anyway, we started commuting together, we got hired at the same restaurant, and it just kinda became convenient.” Syd looked between Ellie and Carmy, “You two dated?” Ellie laughed “I wouldn’t call it dating- it was more just ‘oh fuck I worked a 15 hour day and want to get my dick wet’ kind of thing.” Richie laughed and hit Carmy “Cousin, my fuckin man.” 
Ellie rolled her eyes at Richie’s pervy comment, “Then we got married in Vegas one night when we were drunk.” Carmy rolled his eyes “Yea, and you’re divorcing me.” Ellie was about to say something when she noticed a new woman standing in the restaurant “What was that, Carmen?” Claire felt her blood boil as Carmy turned to face her “Hey Claire…” 
“So you and Carmy got married?” Ellie nodded cautiously “Don’t worry, I don’t want him. I’m engaged to an awesome guy, and honestly, if I weren’t getting married, we probably wouldn’t have ever found out.” there was an awkward tension in the restaurant after Ellie explained the peculiar circumstances that brought her to The Bear. Claire nodded “Yeah, you’re probably right. Took him like 12 years to ask me out…” 
The mood shifted back to everyone making fun of Carmy and discussing how The Bear would get a star that year. After everyone ate, Carmy walked Claire out to her car, “Baby-” “Carmen. Why didn’t you tell me about this when you found out?” before Carmy could answer, Claire cut him off “You know what? I don’t want to know. I’m on call tonight. I’ll talk to you later.” Carmy nodded and watched her drive away. He waited until she turned the corner before pushing his hands through his hair. Carmy knew it wasn’t the right move not to tell her about what he’d found out the day prior, but she was already mad at him and figured telling her would just make it worse. He groaned, “Fuck.” 
Ellie noticed Carmy’s shitty mood throughout dinner service. It didn’t improve as the night went on. After closing, she watched him sanitize his station before going to his locker. She followed, “So… you’re in a shitty mood.” Carmy rolled his eyes at Ellie’s comment, “Yeah. I fucked up with Claire.” Ellie nodded “Well. It was great seeing you, CAB. I’m sending you an invite to the wedding, with a plus one. You’re a mostly okay guy, Carm. I’m sure she’ll come around.” Carmy laughed “We’ll see. But I’ll be there.” “You also have to stage at my place. We do this epic brown sugar habanero bacon sandwich- it’s fuckin fire.” Carmy shook his head and laughed “Of course it is.” “It was nice divorcing you, Carm.” “Right, back at you, Ellie.” 
Carmy was startled awake by his door slamming; he sat up on the ratty couch he’d bought off Facebook Marketplace when he’d first moved back to Chicago. If this had been a cartoon, steam would be coming out of her ears right now. “Okay, so you got married in Vegas, whatever. What was with that ‘oh, we probably wouldn’t have found out’ bullshit!” she yelled, her sloppy bun bouncing with every syllable. Carmy swung his legs off the couch to the floor and stood before her “Claire-” “Are we ever going to get married, Carmen?” Carmy swallowed as Claire’s eyebrows knit together. “Carmen, I’ve dealt with a lot of your avoidant attachment bullshit. I deal with the fact you work upwards of 60 hours a week. I get it. You aren’t ready to move in together. But today at work, I realized you haven’t even told me that you love me- unless we’re having sex.” she scoffed “What’s the end game here, Carmen? You shit on our relationship. You beg me to take you back and barely try to involve yourself in my life outside our relationship- what’s the end game? Do you ever want to get married? Buy a house? Have kids? What is the point of all of this, Carmen?” she crossed her arms over her chest, looking up at the ceiling in an attempt not to cry. Carmy sighed; he really needed a fucking cigarette. “Claire, I told you last year that I wasn’t sure if I was ready to be in a relationship- you still wanted to be with me. I recognize that I fucked up, and I’m tryin' to be better.” Carmy explained, “Can you look at me, Claire?” she huffed in response but obliged. He saw tears welling up in her eyes and instantly felt guilt wash over him “If I’ve learned anything about myself in the last 48 hours, it’s that I don’t think I’m actually in love with you- I’m sorry, but that’s the truth.” “Fuck you, Carmen.” Claire spat before leaving his apartment, “Don’t ruin Ellie’s relationship like you ruined ours.” she slammed the door on her way out.
Carmy sighed as he closed his eyes, lighting his fifth or sixth cigarette of the technical morning. He had slept since Claire left hours ago. He couldn’t stop thinking about Ellie. She was always so kind to him. It wasn’t just fucking to her, she put in effort for him to be comfortable in her space, but he’d never reciprocated the effort, and he knew it. He’d always assumed it was just his age. Being a hot upcoming chef in New York, there wasn’t a lack of women interested in him. If Ellie hadn’t been across the hall, at school, or work, he would have done the same thing to a different girl. Maybe he wouldn’t have married a different girl in Vegas, and while he knew they couldn’t stay married, part of him wished he could go back in time and change what had happened. Rewrite their love story. Be an actual boyfriend or at least just a friend. He didn’t deserve to be happy.
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frostedfaves · 4 years
Haunt (2)
Pairing: civilian!Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
Summary: Getting to know you brings a few ‘firsts’ for Wanda.
Warnings: brief alcohol mention, tiny bit of angst
A/N: click on the link at the end of the masterlist to add yourself to the taglist! and tell me what you think!
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“Honey, I’m home,” Pietro called loudly as he locked the front door behind himself, smiling as Wanda appeared from the kitchen. “There you are, rybka. Smells good in there.”
“As it always does,” Wanda playfully bragged as she pulled her brother into a hug, sniffing his shirt as he pulled away. “Why do you smell so good?”
“Because I had a date earlier. Don’t give me that look.”
“What? I didn’t give you any look,” she mumbled as she attempted to quickly bring a sense of nonchalance to her expression. “I just worry.”
“You don’t have to--”
“Pietro, your last girlfriend was a nightmare. I have a right to be worried.”
“Well, you can relax this time,” he assured her as he followed her into the kitchen to wash his hands. “Usually things don’t go so well with girls that have posters of me in their rooms, but I have a good feeling. She travels for work almost as much as I do, but she lives really close to here. I can visit you both on the same day if I need to.”
“Wait…” Wanda paused to think as Pietro grabbed two plates from the cabinet. “Does she have a roommate?”
“Yeah, her name is Y/N, I think. You know her?”
“I do now. We met about an hour ago.” A smile formed on her lips as she began plating the food she made, but it faded as quickly as it appeared. “Why are you giving me a look right now?”
“Nothing, just been awhile since I’ve seen my baby sister with a crush.”
“You’re only twelve minutes older than me,” she argued with a scowl and Pietro laughed.
“I see you’re not denying that crush, though.”
“You can enjoy someone’s presence without being attracted to them.”
“Maybe, but you definitely have a crush.” He caught her hand with a grin as it flew toward his chest. “Come on, rybka. Just admit it.”
“Fine, I think she’s gorgeous. Happy?”
“I will be when you start dating,” he teased as she pulled her hand away.
“There won’t be a date. I mean she’s coming here tomorrow to hang out, but I don’t think she sees me like that.”
“Then she sucks,” he affirmed, groaning when her elbow bumped his side harshly. “She’s not even your girlfriend yet and you’re already super overprotective.”
He ran back into the kitchen to grab the wine and glasses before she could hit him again, giving her a bit of time to fantasize about a world where you were her girlfriend. She’d never tell Pietro just how great that sounded to her.
Wanda gasped as the doorbell went off, nearly knocking over the 3-tier cooling rack full of cookies on her race to the front door. She paused in the hallway to fix any hairs that flew out of place in her rush and took a deep breath before opening the door with a smile. You were standing on her porch wearing a different hoodie from yesterday and jeans instead of sweatpants, but every bit of the face she’d been thinking of in the past 16 hours was the same, and she couldn’t help but think that nothing could’ve prepared her for being this close to you again.
“Are you going to let me in or just stare?” you teased with a slightly shaky laugh, and Wanda wasn’t sure if she was blushing because she was caught or because she was already so enchanted with every little action of yours.
“Sorry, sorry.” She stepped aside as you walked in and locked the door behind you. “I’m not usually this weird, I promise.”
“I’m sure you are, and that’s okay because I like it.”
Wanda was sure (if the tension surrounding her grinning mouth was any indication) that her face would split open at any moment. You hadn’t even been here more than a full minute and she felt a warmth growing inside her chest that hadn’t made an appearance in quite some time. She wondered if it was too soon to admit that to you, but Alexei tiptoed into the room before she could decide.
“Hey, it’s your cute dog!” You were on your knees in seconds greeting the corgi that happily trotted over to you.
“Yes, this is Alexei, which basically means ‘defender’.”
“I feel like you call him that ironically, but I think I can see this tiny baby taking out some bad guys,” you quipped as you glanced at her from the floor, turning back to Alexei as you scratched lightly along his jaw. “What do you think?”
Wanda joined you in giving her furry son some love for another minute or so before he grew tired of the attention and walked off, leaving the two of you alone again. A few seconds of awkward silence passed before she offered you a tour of her home. She led you through the living room into the dining room, showing you where the bathroom was and briefly gesturing toward her bedroom, trying her hardest not to make such a big deal of doing so. Once you made it back around to the kitchen, she took you through the back door to her yard.
“And this is my garden!”
“I’m surprised you don’t grow your own vegetables, too,” you told her as you checked out the variation of flowers growing in a line, quickly adding “You seemed to know so much about it yesterday.”
“There’s this market I go to sometimes, and the elderly woman that sells vegetables there is always sharing tips with me. I could take you one day, if you’d like,” Wanda offered as she cast a nervous look your way, relaxing a bit when you smiled and nodded.
“I would like that a lot.”
You made your way back inside and Wanda gave you the freedom to pick anything from her movie collection under the television while she set up a tray with cookies and bowls of popcorn and chips. She watched you slide a disc into the DVD player from the corner of her eye as she placed the tray on the coffee table in front of the couch.
“What’d you pick?”
“Tangled,” you answered simply as you grabbed the remote and took a seat. “It’s wholesome.”
You pressed play as Wanda returned with two glasses and a pitcher of water, and she sat at what she hoped was a respectable distance. The part of her that wanted to pretend that she hadn’t seen this movie thousands of times was quickly overpowered by the part that wanted to sing along, quietly at first during “When Will My Life Begin” and a little louder and more enthusiastic with “I’ve Got A Dream”.
“Am I that bad?” she joked when she noticed you watching her and you shook your head quickly.
“No, you’re not bad at all! You just have such a soothing voice. It’s kind of hard not to lose myself in it.”
“Oh...thank you.”
You faced the television again and Wanda took that as a cue to turn back to the movie too, but her focus was still on you. The last time she’d watched Tangled was with her ex-girlfriend, who complained every time she uttered a single note, but you almost seemed to encourage it with your attentive gaze. She found herself shaking her head a bit in an attempt to clear those thoughts, not wanting to compare you to someone else when she barely knew you.
“I’m sorry,” you quickly apologized as you paused the movie, causing Wanda to look at you as you faced her once more. “I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable.”
“No! No, I’m not uncomfortable, just surprised is all. You’re the first person to show appreciation of me singing during a movie...I mean, Pietro likes my singing, but he’s known me since birth, so the novelty’s kind of worn off.”
“Well, you sound incredible. The kids at your school are so lucky to--”
“Can I kiss you?” Her eyes widened as she scooted over a bit on the couch to give you more space. “I’m so sorry I said that! I’ve just been staring at your lips for the past minute and I swear I was listening, but I couldn’t stop thinking--”
“I’ve been thinking about it, too.”
The sight of your reassuring expression was all the encouragement Wanda needed to pull herself close enough that your thighs were touching, and her hand went for your jaw as she leaned in, internally cheering as you did the same. Your lips met in a gentle fashion, but Wanda couldn’t help her greed as she pressed herself into you more. She felt the tip of your tongue and opened her mouth without any thought, quickly losing herself in your touch as her hand slid toward the base of your neck while the other grabbed a fistful of your hoodie.
You yanked yourself out of her hold as she was about to slide her hand under the fabric covering your back, and Wanda jumped back in shock, torn between keeping her distance and placing a hand on your thigh to calm you when you began gasping for air a bit.
“Is everything okay? Did I go too far?”
“No, you didn’t. That was all me,” you assured her breathlessly. “I, um, just thought of something and kind of freaked myself out. Terrible timing, I know. I also know that was pretty weird so I can leave if you want.”
“I was just scared that I’d done something wrong.” Wanda placed her hands carefully over yours with a soft smile. “I think we’ve had our fair share of weirdness to the point of it not being a deal breaker anymore.”
“Okay.” You sighed and shifted your hands to grab yours. “I’m just worried that we’ll start something here that you won’t want to finish, and I know that can happen with anyone in any kind of situation, but I…Can you promise me something?”
“Promise me that you’ll walk away the moment my baggage becomes too heavy. I don’t want you to try sticking it out for my sake and end up hating me.”
“I wouldn’t stay just for your sake--”
“I asked you to promise me something and you responded ‘anything’ with zero hesitation, and you’ve known me for only a day,” you quickly reminded her. “I have a right to be worried.”
Your words took her back to last night, which took her even further back to the reason she said the exact same thing to Pietro. She finds it incredibly easy to discover those red flags most people seem to hold, but always struggles to leave and ends up hating herself for it more than those that deserve it. So despite the lack of warning signs with you, she decides to give in.
“I promise.”
Tags: @littlegasps @peggycarter-steverogers @imnotasuperhero @natasha-danvers @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @trikruismybitch @cristin-rjd @slut-for-nat @honeyvenable @creepingwolfberry @stickystudentlightmug @choni-trimberly @thedragonzland @dylxn-lee @cordeliaswhore
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keanureevesisbae · 4 years
Coach Cavill - Chapter 7
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Summary: Amelia is about to go on her first date with coach Cavill
Coach!Henry Cavill x Amelia Jung (Asian ofc)
Wordcount: 3.3k
Warnings: None
A/N: To celebrate the fact that I am done with school for a while, I thought I’d post (part one of) their date with you! I hope you like it 💕 please let me know if you want to be on the taglist!
Masterlist // Previous chapter // Next chapter
Within an hour I had to dress up to look splendid that Friday, because I didn’t want Dean to see how beautiful I was going to look. Maybe the stress dressing up under sixty minutes also had to do with the poor state of my planning today, but we are simply going to ignore that.
The entire week I have been looking forward to this. During the training yesterday, Henry kept stealing glances from me, after he made me a wonderful cup of cappuccino. It’s weird really, how head over heels I’m becoming, in just a matter of a little more than a week.
While everything Dean was exciting and somehow terrifying, since he was mysterious and a little hard to get, this instant connection I have with Henry feels so safe and familiar. I can’t stop thinking about him, to a point where Ricky, Annabelle and the rest of the little ones in my class kept asking me if I was doing okay. However, they figured out pretty soon I was a bit in love and now they continue to make kissy sounds during the day.
‘You look fucking hot,’ Eve says, as she brushes through my hair. ‘Lucky mister Henry Cavill.’
‘Is it too much?’ I ask, as I smooth down my tight dark blue dress, that Isabella insisted on me wearing and it’s a good fit: I mean, it accentuates the few curves I have. I look down at the matching high heels and sigh deeply. ‘It’s too much,’ I conclude.
‘No, honey, it’s not too much. You look beautiful and I know that Henry will think so too. Besides, he is already smitten with you, so I don’t think you have anything to worry about.’
I let out a sigh again. ‘It’s just that I’m nervous. How long has it been since I had my last first date?’
‘When you were nineteen,’ Eve answers my rhetorical question. ‘I know that, but that went well too and since Henry is an absolute angel, this date will go without a hitch, I can guarentee. And besides, you have done things much more terrifying than this. You went to South Korea, debuted in a girl group. A full one eighty in career choices when you got here, went on a date with the mysterious hottie Dean, somehow made that work. Plus, you were a total bad ass and gave birth to Isabella on your own, who was breeched.’
I roll my eyes. ‘I highly doubt you can compare giving birth to a first date.’
‘What I want to make clear to you, is that you are fierce and awesome and Henry knows that too.’ Eve and I both yelp when the doorbell rings. ‘Your future husband is here.’
‘Shut up,’ I say, as we walk down the stairs. She stuffs something in my clutch and hands it to me. ‘What on earth did you put in here?’ I hiss, as I grab my coat from the rack.
‘A condom.’
I halt all my movements. ‘You did what?’
‘Better to be safe than sorry.’
Before I can tell her off and that I’m really not going to have sex with Henry on the first date, she pushes me to the door and I quickly put on my coat, before I open the door.
I’m hit with the realization that I’m going on a date with the most beautiful man on this planet. He looks illegally handsome, with his nice suit jacket hanging open, that matches with his black pants. He is wearing a white blouse, nicely tucked into his pants and the tease has the two top buttons open and the sight of his chest (and the chest hair) is making my mouth dry.
‘Wow,’ he says with a beautiful smile, ‘you look beautiful, Amelia.’
This is going to kill me. How am I supposed to survive this entire night? ‘It’s not too much?’ I ask, just to be sure and first date jitters taking the upper hand.
He shakes his head. ‘This is exactly right.’
I turn to Eve, who is holding in a squeal. After being friends with her for so long, I know every facial expression. ‘Only call me if it is a matter of life or death,’ I tell her.
‘Have I ever called you when it was not important?’ I cock an eyebrow and she nods. ‘Right, I have done that before. I’m sorry. Won’t do it tonight, promise.’
‘Very good. Please, don’t wait up and don’t sit on the front porch with the twins, because I know you three want to do that.’
Eve slaps me on my ass, before I step out of the house and I sincerely hope that Henry hasn’t seen that. From the looks of it seems like he hasn’t seen that, but maybe he is just polite and doesn’t show me he has seen it. ‘Don’t look back,’ I tell Henry, as we walk towards his truck. ‘She’ll embarrass either one of us if we do so.’
Henry can’t help but laugh and he opens the door of his truck. ‘Do I have to give you a boost or can you manage?’
‘Oh shut up,’ I chuckle as I get in the car, after I took his hand. ‘Because I’m short, I have developed cat woman like skills. You should see me in the classroom, when I have to grab something from the top shelf.’
‘I’ll believe that right away.’ He closes the door and I wave to Eve, who nods approvingly and gestures something about how firm his butt looks. I mean, I can only agree to that, but once again, sure as hell hope he hasn’t seen any of that.
Henry gets in the truck and before he puts the key in the ignition, he looks to the side, meeting my eyes. ‘What?’ I ask him.
‘You look breathtaking,’ he whispers, almost as if he doesn’t want me to hear this compliment.
I’m at a loss for words. ‘Oh,’ I manage to choke out. ‘Thanks…’
He clears his throat. ‘I’m just a little nervous.’
‘What? Why? If someone should be nervous, it’s me. One, I’m going on a date with you and two, my last first date was sixteen years ago.’
He chuckles, but he sounds really nervous. ‘Well, mine might’ve not been that long ago… But I have never been on a date with someone like you.’
‘Do you mean that in a good way or…?’
Henry’s eyes widen. ‘In a good way, of course,’ he hastily says. ‘It’s more that you are way out of my league.’
What? ‘I think I was hallucinating. What?’
‘I mean, have you even seen yourself? You are admirable, in any way.’
Is this how it feels when your heart not only is figuratively melting, but also literally? ‘Oh.’
‘You are truly one of a kind, Amelia and I sure hope I meet up to what you deserve.’
Okay, I’m officially blanking. What are words?
Henry smiles and starts the car. ‘I hope you like the place I booked. I heard some pretty good things about it.’
✰ ✰ ✰
Leave it to Henry fucking Cavill to not only book a spot at my favorite restaurant here in town, but also to have a secluded spot that I didn’t know was here. We sit on the patio, a heater pointed at us to keep us warm, as we look over the lake. We are surrounded by romantic Christmas lights, as we sit next to each other on the soft couch. His arm is resting on the back, his thumb softly drawing circles on my shoulder.
He hands me a glass of wine and I can’t help but melt a bit against his frame. ‘You did amazing,’ I say. ‘I really like this spot. I never even knew it was here. How did you discover this?’
‘I might’ve had some help from Greg.’
‘Convenient store Greg?’ I ask. ‘You two becoming friends?’
‘Yeah, I’m there quite a lot. He sometimes watches Kal when I’m not home for too long of a time. Annabelle constantly tells him that she loves Kal, so that’s a plus.’
‘Annabelle is in my class,’ I say. ‘A true angel. A cheeky one, but she is such a delight to have in class.’
Henry smiles, taking a sip of his wine. We’re still waiting for our food to arrive, but the wine will do just fine for now. ‘It’s quite the one eighty, to go from a K-Pop idol to a kindergarten teacher.’
‘Oh, you have no idea,’ I chuckle. ‘It was so weird, to go from that hectic world, fans screaming your name, photoshoot here, there, dance practice and just never not busy, back to Luna Meadows, where every second seems to tick at least three times. I had to spend three months in the barn in the back of my parents yard, to simply talk with Eve and Johnny, getting used to this pace again. It was nice to be back here though, since this will always be my home.’
He nods. ‘So, you come back to Luna Meadows when you were eighteen, go back to college and…’
‘And I met Dean, when I was nineteen, was twenty one when I had Benji, somehow got my degree and after I graduated, I married Dean.’
‘Wow,’ he says. ‘That is top tier multitasking.’
‘That’s what I thought so,’ I chuckle, taking a sip of my wine. ‘It was really important for me to finish college, because, I wanted to be able to provide for myself and even after I graduated, I worked three days a week. I’m not equipped to be a full-time house wife. I tried that for two months and then I became mad.’
Henry laughs. ‘And now you work full-time.’
‘I do, indeed. It’s the only way I can continue to pay for the house. I don’t want to move away from Eve and her baby sit service.’
He nods in agreement. ‘You are very lucky to have friends that care so much and do so much for you.’
‘I sure am,’ I say with a smile. I take another sip, before I ask: ‘What about you? Why did you leave Jersey to move here?’
‘I was a judo coach there and worked in a cafe. However, some family stuff happened and I had to get out of there.’ Henry clears his throat and shakes his head. ‘I’m sorry.’
‘No, no, you don’t want to talk about it, I totally understand it. Just, tell me how you got into judo then.’ I turn a bit to the side and oh my, I can feel his strong body against mine, but weirdly enough it doesn’t make me nervous anymore.
‘Oh, that was something me and my grandpa had together. All of my brothers were into team sports, like lacrosse, football and rugby.’
My eyes widen. ‘You have brothers?’
‘Mhm, four,’ he says.
‘Your mom had five kids?’ I ask him.
He can’t stop his laugh. ‘She did.’
‘Mad respect,’ I say. ‘I don’t want to be too TMI, but I had to recover six years after I had Benji before I even thought about adding another one. Not the point, Amelia,’ I quickly realize letting out a soft chuckle. ‘Your brothers were into team sports.’
Henry nods, a smile evident on his lips. ‘My entire family was obsessed with everything team sport related, including us as a family. I liked to do things solo, just like my granddad and that’s how judo became our thing. My family supported me and judo, of course, but… I knew they didn’t really like the sport as much as my granddad and I liked it. When I was twenty, I was actually doing pretty well. Competing in national tournaments, even some international ones.’
I frown. ‘Why do I feel a however coming up?’ I ask him.
He snickers. ‘However, I broke my leg in three places when I was in the gym.’
‘Oh no,’ I say, as I shiver.
‘Yeah, it was pretty bad,’ he chuckles. ‘But judo was my life and I couldn’t just let it go, so I started to work as a trainer and coach, but I didn’t make enough money to provide for myself, so I also worked in a cafe.’
I nod. ‘And why did you choose Luna Meadows?’
He shrugs. ‘It just felt right. And that’s where I met the most amazing judoka I have ever seen. Benji is miles ahead of not only everyone here, but also to everyone I have ever encountered.’
‘Including you?’
‘Including me,’ he laughs. ‘He is amazing.’
‘That’s because he has some judo genes from his amazing mother,’ I chuckle, as I throw my hair over my shoulder. ‘I was quite something back in the days.’
He chuckles. ‘So, what does Isabella do?’
‘She is in a drama club. When she was younger, she would force Benji, Yara, Jake and Lola to be side characters in a play she made up, where she was the main character. She is overly dramatic and I figured that I would do the other kids a favor if I would put her in a drama club. Yara and she go every Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday after school with Eve.’
‘It must be amazing to have a friend this close living to you.’
‘It does,’ I say, as I stare at my wine. ‘Made the whole divorce thing a whole lot better to handle.’
‘I imagine. Divorce is never easy.’
‘Experience or…?’ I carefully ask.
‘I was married,’ he says, ‘but the second we said ‘I do’, it was already a lost cause, really. Actually, we never really fit together.’
I take a sip of my wine, but I place my other hand on his strong leg. Normally I wouldn’t be this forward, but it feels so warm and comfortable. ‘Is she part of the reason that you had to leave Jersey?’
He shakes his head. ‘No, we were married from my twenty fifth to my twenty seventh.’
Okay, he doesn’t want to continue to talk about it and for some reason I can’t stop the words from coming out of my mouth. ‘You know, I never thought I’d go on a date again.’
‘Why not?’
‘Because everyone in this town knows that I got divorced and everyone had an opinion about it,’ I whisper. ‘You know, I wasn’t exactly the most loved. A lot of them thought it was my fault that Dean started to see someone else. I wasn’t a good enough wife, who didn’t love her husband enough.’
When I look up, I see that Henry has clenched his jaw, before taking a sip of his wine. ‘That’s bullshit.’
‘I know,’ I say mostly out of disbelieve. ‘But good things happen to good people and now I met you.’
‘Moving to Luna Meadows was a good move on my behalf.’
Our pasta arrives and I sit up a bit straighter. ‘This looks delicious,’ I say, twirling around my fork, to twist the spaghetti around it. ‘Henry Cavill, you sure know how to swoop a woman off her feet.’
Henry smiles, taking a bite of his pasta. It’s different than mine, but it looks delicious. I can see him ogling my plate as well and I guess the grass is indeed greener on the other side. ‘Here,’ I say, with a fork full of pasta. I hold it above my other hand, so I won’t spill something on any of us. I now realize that it might be weird to feed a grown man on our first date, but I can’t go back now.
‘You’re a natural,’ he chuckles, before taking a bite. ‘Oh, yours is really good. Want a bite of mine?’
‘Sure,’ I say with a blush creeping up on my cheeks. He is a little clumsy, but somehow manages to bring the fork to my lips, without it spilling on my dress. With his thumb he wipes the corner of my mouth clean. ‘Am I tasting some cinnamon?’
‘That was what I was thinking,’ he says. ‘I would never put cinnamon in my pasta, but it is really tasty and it actually works.’
‘I once accidentally added honey to the chicken and somehow it turned out to be pretty okay.’
‘Yeah, Benji told me you weren’t a great cook.’
I hide my face in my hands. ‘I may have burned quite a few meals in my kitchen. One time, for Thanksgiving, I attempted to cook for Eve and Johnny, because they were having a bit of a rough time, with Lola being admitted into the hospital and all. However, I burned the entire meal, the kitchen was filled with smoke and I had a complete meltdown. Isabella called my parents and somehow my mom saved the day.’
Henry’s shoulder shake as he laughs. ‘That would be quite the sight.’
‘Oh, it was terrible. Can you imagine if I was a full time housewife? I think I’d have the fire department on speed dial.’
I want to add something to this (believe me, I have tons of stories of me nearly burning down my place), but my phone starts to ring and I quickly open my clutch to check the screen.
It’s Eve.
Part of me doesn’t want to take it, but I know that she took her promise serious. ‘I’m so sorry,’ I say.
‘Please, take it,’ Henry encourages me, when he sees me hesitating.
I pick up and say: ‘Eve, this better be very important.’ However I don’t hear her voice, but I hear Benji yelling in the background and that is something I barely understand. ‘What’s wrong? Is everything okay?’
‘I have no idea,’ Eve manages to say. ‘Isabella is just sitting in the corner of your living room, not speaking at all.’ That can’t be good. ‘Benji is on the edge of losing it, but I feel like he is too much in a rage to listen to any of us and Dean is outside, trying to let himself in, but we locked the door. I’m really sorry to interrupt your date, but I feel like both of your kids need you right now.’
My heart sinks. ‘Oh no,’ I mumble. ‘I’m coming back.’
‘I hate dad,’ I hear Benji yell in the background. ‘I fucking hate him.’
‘Benji, please stop it!’ Lola pleads.
‘This is not working, man,’ Jake adds.
‘Mom, Isabella is crying,’ Yara says.
I hang up, shaking my head. ‘I’m so sorry, Henry, I have to get back. Something is really wrong and according to Eve, Benji is really close to losing it completely and Isabella is not talking, Dean is outside of my house…’
‘I heard it,’ he says, already standing up, holding up my coat. ‘Let me get you home.’
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alia-turin · 3 years
It has been three whole days since I have told you about my love for Caranthir, right?? Here comes another story for fairly young Caranthir
I’m continuing on my quest to get there some backstory, because no one else will do it for me. Couple of big thank yous come in here. 
@challengeofthedark I know you prefer to lurk, but I’m calling you out because you are great for bouncing ideas and you also did the beta. So yeah. 
Also @mentoskadraws for your AMAZING art being such an inspiration, I have no idea how I will do physical descriptions without you. 
As always thank you for reading.
Fic Name: Hold Me Closer Fandom: The Witcher (Aen Elle) Characters: Caranthir, Avallac’h, Imlerith Pairing: Caranthir/F!OC Warning: Angst, character death  AO3: Click  Summary:  Young Caranthir falling in love for first time thanks to a small prank from Imlerith. He is still too young and even naive about certain things.
Imlerith was bleeding in his hands, Caranthir had just a second to think before he opened a portal and moved them right in the healer’s room in the castle.
“What…” Orin, the old healer was not there, the voice was of a young woman who dropped the bandage she was holding as Caranthir walked through the portal barely supporting Imlerith. “Bed, now.” the woman ordered and he didn't question or protest at the urgency in her voice.
“Where is Orin?” Caranthir asked as he looked around, the man was the best healer they got and he did not know the woman.
“Help me remove the armor.” the woman ordered, ignoring his question, Caranthir raised an eyebrow, but obliged. He took his helmet and his gauntlets off and started pulling the straps of Imlerith’s armor.
“I think I’m about to die because Orin turned into a beautiful woman…” Imlerith groaned as they managed to pull his armor off.
“Where is Orin? He needs a healer.” he repeated himself looking at her this time, her eyes still focused on the blood coming out of Imlerith's side..
“I heard you the first time, I’m a healer, now sit down, and stop being in my way.” she told him with a very flat angry tone, as she grabbed some things from the nearby shelf.
Caranthir took a deep breath. No one spoke to him like that. Not since he was a child. He opened his mouth to tell her exactly what he was then he closed it just as fast. Up until now he had not truly seen her. He had seen she was a woman, but he was too busy dragging Imlerith’s dead weight and taking the armor off. She had red hair tied up and green eyes that pierced him like ice. He made a step back until his legs hit a chair, he sat and covered his face with the hood of his coat.
“Orin never had ass that nice.” Imlerith’s hand was on her legs sliding up as she was trying to clean his wound. Caranthir stared until the other man screamed and pulled his hand away. Caranthir smirked at himself knowing no one could see under the hood how satisfied he was with his little burning spell.
“What was it?” she asked and looked at Caranthir, his eyes were somewhere on his shoes making sure she didn't have a good view of his face.
“Striga.” he said and looked up again only when he sensed she was not looking at him. Imlerith was staring at him, his eyes narrowed. The man smiled, seriously smiled as he was being patched and tried for her ass again but Caranthir shook his hand. Imlerith’s face was glowing as if he just discovered some secret.
“I thought you Red Riders are good.” she said teasingly as she was closing the wound.
They were, they were also drunk and made a bet they could kill the striga bare hands, no magic no swords. Caranthir was not going to admit his stupidity.
“He will live?” he asked as he got up.
“He is a big guy, he will live.” she said and turned toward him, but Caranthir was already on his way out through the door.
“You should see what else is big on me…” he shut the door as he didn’t want to hear the rest of Imlerith’s sentence. He walked straight to his room, trying to think about...stuff. Anything really but all that was in his head was bright green eyes, the way she had looked at him.
He didn’t even touch the door, he opened it with magic, he closed it with magic. He just stood in the middle of the room breathing heavily, not really sure what to do with himself. He started pulling his armor just because he needed to occupy his hands with something.
He had to calm down. Nothing happened; he didn’t even know why he was freaking out. As he was pacing eventually he found himself in front of the only mirror in the room, covered by a bedsheet. Caranthir pulled the sheet and looked at the mirror, slowly removing his hood.
That was why he was freaking out. He could only hope she never actually saw his face. He ran the events through his head - he was wearing his armor when he came in, then she was busy, then he had his hood covering him, nothing happened. He pulled his hair back, revealing the scar on the right side of his face, it was staring just above his ear level and running down his cheek, to his jawline, trailing down his neck, to his collarbones. Another scar was starting just under the tip of his nose and cracking his upper lip in two, his lower lip was broken on the side from a scar pointing at his chin. There were also smaller cracks just above his left eyebrow and the left cheek, but nothing was as nasty as the right side of his face. He let his hair fall over again, that covered most of the mess that his skin was, but the scars on his lips were still there, the damage on his neck was still visible and some of the other pieces, but at least he could pass for somewhat acceptable with all that. He forced his lips into a smile, the way his scars pulled his lips made that smile look like a dog snarl in his mind, there was a reason he always smiled just with the corner of his mouth.. He grabbed the sheet in anger and tossed it over the mirror again.
Why was he even worried? It was not as if...he liked her or something. The world was filled with pretty girls. Every world was filled with pretty girls and he had access to all of them with just a wave of his wand.
Caranthir crawled in his bed, clothes still on, he didn’t care. He simply stared at the ceiling, thinking of her...it was a new feeling. He had been physically attracted before. He had women in his bed, but he never really cared about any of them. It was very physical, even animalistic. He had done what he needed to do and there was that. Unlike now. No, now it was different, and no matter how much he wished he could deny it, he knew. He had been in her presence just a few minutes and his heart was racing in a way that he had not experienced before.
On the next day he went to see Imlerith, he felt guilty for leaving the way he did yesterday and he also felt as if he should have not listened to the other man when he suggested they fight something drunk, no weapons. Imlerith was known to take stupid risks only to make his blood run faster, Caranthir alwasy felt that he was supposed to be the smart one between the two of them. No, he was the smart one between the two of them, he just...sometimes did stupid and rash things.
He made sure she wasn’t there when he walked into the room, Imlerith was already sitting on the bed looking better.
“I was hoping you were dead by now.” Caranthir said with a smile.
“That lady healer has a touch.” Imlerith chuckled and made a motion with his tongue against his cheek. Caranthir stared, clenching his jaw so hard his teeth hurt.
Imlerith’s expression suddenly became serious. “I’m just joking, stop looking so grim, don’t turn me into anything unnatural.” Imlerith got up and stretched, his hand on the bandage that was wrapped around his abdomen. “Now if you hurry you will find her in the garden waiting for you.” Imlerith chuckled again.
“Find who where?” Caranthir pretended he didn’t know what he was talking about. In fact for all he knew Imlerith probably wasn’t talking about her, but Caranthir had been thinking about her all night and every second since he woke up. She was in his cursed dreams and that was...exciting.
“Her name is Riona, we spent a lot of time talking about you. She said she thinks you are cute. I told her everything about you. How you are the best mage that was ever born, how strong you are…” Imlerith gave him a very cunning grin.. Caranthir didn’t like that, people usually died once his friend smiled like that. “I also told her you will take her on a date and she should wait for you in the garden.”
“You..what?” it wasn’t typical for him to raise his voice, he never shouted, even when he felt anger it was more of a silent storm in his head. Now all sorts of emotions ran into his brain and he just couldn’t control how loud he was.
“I suggest you hurry before she decides you don’t like her.” Imlerith chuckled.
Caranthir turned and rushed out of the room. He had no idea why he was running, he could just open a portal and he would be in the garden, but his brain had just one thought in mind. ‘She is waiting for me’, every idea of rationality was gone, every sense of what he could and could not do was also gone, all he needed was to get in the garden.
It wasn’t difficult to find her there, she was kneeling next to a patch of herbs, her red hair just standing out compared to everything else.
He cleared his throat as he didn’t want to talk, he had been running, he was breathing heavily, she didn’t need to hear him trying to form sentences when he was short of breath.
“Hello to you too.” she turned around with a smile and Caranthir almost forgot why he was there or his name for that matter. He could just stare at her smile for days and he would be happier than he had ever been. He had no idea what was going on with him..he barely knew her. No, in fact he did not know her.
“I’m sorry, I just spoke with Imlerith, he told me he promised you I will take you on a date, and I want you to know, I never asked him to do that, but I also would love to do that…'' he closed his mouth. At first her expression was full of surprise, then she smiled and covered her mouth to hide a laughter. Caranthir started rolling the events back in his head. Imlerith was..smiling and laughing. Imlerith had said he talked to her about him, Imlerith used the word date. He took a deep breath realizing he was an idiot. Imlerith would never set him up for a date. An orgy maybe, or some random encounter...date was not something Imlerith was familiar with. He was pranked. “Imlerith never spoke with you about any of that.” He wanted to open a portal under his feet and just disappear.
“I asked him about you…” she offered with a shy smile. “He said you have a stick so far up your ass you choke on it.”
“Of course he did.” Carathir couldn’t believe how stupid he was. He was going to find that big sack of shit and turn him into a frog and then toss him in the desert.
“Well...I wouldn’t mind...you know. Going somewhere with you.” She said as they both stood in silence for a moment, Caranthir too busy wondering if he would have the ability to kill Imlerith before he killed himself and just put an end to this shame. Her words made him look at her, green eyes just staring at him, shining in the daylight. There was his chance. He could salvage that. He could impress her and look less of an idiot than he did right now. He opened a portal and made a sign with his hand to her. “Well, follow me.”
They found themselves on an island in the Aen Seidhe world. He discovered that place a couple of years ago by accident, it was a small piece of land, you could see from one end to the other with ease, nothing lived here, just a number of palm trees and tropical plants. It was calm, only the sound of the sea and the wind. At first he had thought of taking her somewhere in the mountains, but that somehow seemed out of place for her. She just seemed like the opposite of him, and as much as he loved the snow and the storms, that wasn’t what he wanted to show her. She was like the summer in his eyes.
“Where are we?” she walked to the water and he could see her eyes just drinking the picture around them. “This water…'' That was another thing he liked about the island. The water was colour like he had never seen before. The type of blue and green that was absolutely unique.
“The Aen Seidhe world. It’s an island I found a couple of years ago.” he didn’t care about the island or the water, he was just watching her marveling at the view.
She walked the beach in front of them and then walked back to him. “You certainly know how to make an impression.'' She sat down on the sand and he followed. “Sometimes I wish I had the power to just go to a different world.” she said with a smile on her lips. “Not to escape. But just to see other things. To see what you have seen. All the beauty.”
Caranthir looked at her uncertain what to say. He had never...looked at it in that way. He had been curious about other worlds and his curiosity had been satisfied to an extent, but he rarely saw the beauty in other worlds, it was mostly ugliness. He knew about places like this one and he cherished them, but he saw other worlds as tools, means to an end.
“You are not a talker are you?” she asked him and he realized he had been silent awfully long.
“I don’t think I have much to talk about.” he pulled the collar of his shirt up covering the scars on his neck. She had probably seen most of them by now, but he didn’t need to put them in her face.
“Are you serious?” she looked at him, her eyebrows raised, her whole face bright and shining. “You, the Navigator of the Red Riders, a man who has seen worlds without count, who can move a whole army just by waving his staff, has nothing to talk about?” he smiled with the corner of his lips at her words, he knew he could do all that, but hearing she was impressed by it stroked his ego to a level that he had not felt before which was rare. He knew who he was and he was proud of his skills, Avallac’h had called him arrogant, but somehow next to her he felt like a child who can barely dress himself.
“Fine.” she finally said and reached for his face, he almost jumped back. “Tell me about these.” her hand was cupping the side of his face, right where his scars were, and her thumb was brushing against his lips.
“Not much to say about them, I was born with them as far as I know.” he grabbed her hand and moved it away from his face, allowing his hair to cover the place where her warm fingers had touched him. He didn’t let go of her hand, so small and delicate in his.
“You are ashamed of them.” it wasn’t a question, it was a statement, if someone else had told him that he probably would have been angry, but the way she looked at him...it wasn’t pity, he had seen too much of that, it was..concern. That shocked him. Nobody ever had expressed concerned towards him, at least not on that raw level.
“It’s not a pretty sight.” he smiled, not sure he could explain to anyone the collection of feelings he had about his face and body, but not being pretty was a good way to summarize all that. It did cover most of what was behind it.
“I think you are handsome.” he just stared at her as she said that. If anyone else would tell him that he would accuse them of lying, wanting something from him...but he didn’t care if she meant it or not. He didn’t want to care if she meant it or not, he was going to take it and even if that was a lie it would be the best lie he had heard in his life.
Caranthir didn’t answer, he leaned toward her and pushed her on the sand, his lips crashing against her, his body trying to be as close as possible to her. She kissed him back, her soft lips against his, her tongue in his mouth, she tasted amazing, he realized he had never touched anything that made him feel so...alive. She moaned in their kiss and he knew he could lose himself in this moment. He pulled away from the kiss, realizing that was his last chance to stop, any second later and he was going to abandon any rational thought his brain ever had..
“What’s wrong?” she asked him, disappointed.
“Nothing, you are perfect.” he ran his fingers through her hair. “I just...I don’t want it to be just that. I didn’t bring you here to fuck you.” he pushed himself off her. “I really want to, believe me, but I also like you. I don’t want it to be just that.” he had never felt about a woman, or another person this way. Sex has alwasy been that, just sex, a need he had to satisfy or something he needed to get out of his system. There was a lot he needed to get out of his system right now, but...as stupid and childsih as that sounded he wanted to make love to her, not to fuck her and that would be a first in his life.
“I wouldn’t hide it, I’m a bit disappointed.” she said as he got up and gave her hand to help her as well.
“That just means you would want to see me again.” he smiled when he saw the excitement in her eyes.
“Well..” she looked around. “Since you want to be romantic and what not, why don’t you show me this world. I want to see how the humans live. I know they control this world.”
Caranthir opened a portal, there was a town he knew about, there were elves in the region so their presence wouldn't be completely surprising.
He walked behind her as she looked at the buildings, observing with the same marvel she did when he brought her to the island. Humans passed them and ignored them or gave them nasty looks, but Caranthir didn’t care, not today anyway. They were nothing and his attention was somewhere else.
“It is...not what I expected!” she looked excited, like a child who had just discovered some special secret nobody else knew.
He was about to respond but a familiar unpleasant feeling made his skin crawl. He looked around in panic, trying to figure out the source of magic. Did someone sense him?
“What?” she must have seen the concern in his expression. In that same moment the wall next to him exploded, stone and dust flying all over. He started casting a spell, but before he could finish the world went into darkness.
When Caranthir opened his eyes it was complete chaos. Fire, people screaming, a woman in front of him holding the corpse of a child and crying. Nothing had sound, he could see but everything he could hear was the combination of bells and millions of bees just buzzing in his head. He touched his face and his fingers were covered in something sticky, he looked at it, just blood. He ran his fingers through his skull, he couldn’t feel any terrible gashes so he concluded that he would live.
Slowly he pushed himself up, dust was covering his body. He looked around, his hearing slowly coming back to him, people screaming and more destruction could be heard somewhere else. Magic, there was a lot of magic nearby and he could feel it, two sources. He looked to his right and then he saw her.
“These sorceresses will kill all of us!” a woman cried nearby, running as far and fast as she possibly could.
More humans were talking around him about magic and sorceresses and wizards, but he didn’t really pay attention, the only thing in front of him was Riona, her body limp, an arm twisted in an unnatural way, her neck broken so bad that he could see the bones rearranged under her skin, her beautiful face almost crushed by a rock.
Caranthir had never felt grief in his life. He knew what grief was. He had felt sadness, pain, physical and emotional, but grief was something he had never experienced. He was pretty sure he wasn’t feeling grief right now either. His whole body was possessed with anger, that was a familiar feeling. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. His blood was boiling and his body was shaking. When he opened his eyes, everything around him was gone. No more humans, no more trees or houses. Only dust, the whole town turned into nothing just with a thought...then the snowstorm started.
Avallac’h was reading in his study in Tir na Lia, it had been some time since he had allowed himself to come here. He raised his eyes from the book, eyebrow lifting up as he felt something familiar. He got up slowly and walked to Caranthir’s room, almost convinced that he was imagining it.
He was not. The man was sitting on his bed, just staring at Avallac’h as he walked in. Caranthir’s hair and face were covered in dried blood, the blonde and silver hairs were painted in brown, black and red, stuck together, his clothes were another mess of blood, dust and mud. His pale eyes were just looking somewhere past the Sage, not even at him.
Avallac’h walked out of the room and quickly got some bandages, rags and water. Part of him wondered why on earth was he even bothering, Caranthir had obviously made his choices, he wasn’t his father, nor mother so why did he even feel worried? He ignored that and rushed back in the room where Caranthir was just as he had when he left.
“That happened on a hunt? Eredin?” Avallac’h asked as he started cleaning the other man’s face.
“Eredin?” Caranthir finally looked at him confused as if he had no idea who Eredin was.
“Do you know where you are?” Avallac’h looked at the cold eyes, there was focus, but also confusion and something he had not seen in the younger man before. He had, however, seen it in the mirror.
“The Tower where I grew up.” Caranthir answered with slight offence at the question.
“Do you know who I am?” Avallac'h was trying to clear the gory mess that was on Caranthir’s head to see how bad that wound was. He looked at the man, his fingers still working, the cut wasn’t deep but needed to be cleaned.
“A prick with inspirations to be a god.” His voice was flat, no emotion, but that wasn’t really abnormal for him. Caranthir either hid his emotions or expressed them all at the same time, something Avallac’h thought was dangerous given the boy’s power. No, not a boy, a man, he had to remind himself that.
“What happened to you?” Avallac’h ignored the taunt. They haven’t really spoken in years, not since Caranthir found his study. There have been one or two bitter comments, if he had to be completely fair from both sides but they had kept a certain distance between each other. Avallac’h felt certain guilt about how things had developed and he had wondered if he had been more open about what he was doing...maybe Caranthir would have never chosen Eredin and...well that was done now was it? Water under the bridge.
“In the Aen Seidhe world. Humans using magic, what do you know about them?” the young man continued with these random disjointed sentences as if they were having two different conversations.
“A human did that to you?” Avallac’h couldn’t believe that. Caranthir was strong and in the last years he had only grown stronger. How could a human do that to him?
“No...two human mages were having a go at each other. Then a wall exploded next to me.”
Avallac’h didn’t respond to that, nothing Caranthir said made any sense, the way Caranthir looked the least of it.
“Why were you in the Aen Seidhe world?” he decided to start small. “Did Eredin make you go there?”
“No.” Caranthir suddenly snapped out of whatever was bothering him, the spark in his eyes came back. He slapped Avallac’h’s hand away as if just remembering he disliked him. “I met a girl, I took her there. She wanted to see how the humans live. I showed her, but then these two mages were fighting and...I should have paid more attention.”
“Where is the girl?” Avallac’h was afraid he knew the answer.
“She is dead.” again that flat lifeless tone. Caranthir had never been about sharing his feelings or expressing them for that matter, but Avallac’h was surprised by the lack of emotion in his voice. He had taken some poor girl to the Aen Seidhe world, that couldn’t be just one of the usual entertainment he indulged in with Imlerith. That sounded like...effort.
“The mages killed her?” no answer followed. “Caranthir, that was not your fault.”
“What?” the confusion again in his eyes, as if he just snapped from a dream. “Of course it is not my fault, it was an accident. Killing the humans was my fault, but that just felt good.”
Avallac’h hesitated for a second. Whatever was happening in Caranthir’s head was something new. For years now he knew that the boy was gone and the man he had turned into was not someone Avallac’h approved of, but he had never heard of him to be vicious or cruel. The mess of words and short sentences did not reveal the full picture of what had happened, but he could guess. At the very least he knew that Caranthir had killed people not even as part of a Hunt and it seemed like there was no reason for killing so many. He knew Eredin would be a bad influence, but was he wrong? Had he created something more dangerous than he had ever imagined…
“When she died...I was angry. I just wanted them all to die. The mages, the people around...everything.” The scar on Caranthir’s lip made his smile crooked and evil. “I don’t feel bad about any of them. I only regret I couldn’t watch the mages as they died.” silence again. Avallac’h just stared, not sure what was going on in his former student’s head. He wasn’t scared, but the state that Caranthir was in was unnerving. Dangerous. “I will find every fucking bitch sorceresses in that world and break their bones.”
“Caranthir, whatever happened was an accident.” Avallac’h tried to calm him, but he knew that was a fruitless effort. “Whatever these mages were doing was not personal to you.”
“No, it wasn’t.” the younger man admitted. “But whatever I do to all of them will be very personal.”
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xsecretblastsx · 4 years
2x03 - The Dark Night
I'm actually surprised this recap came out faster than I thought it would, that's rare but I'm glad, also this episode is a fun one, or rather that's how I remember it.
Anyway, as usual recap under the cut:
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Thoughts I had while watching the episode:
I know AC is a thing but it's kind of weird to have GG voice over be like: the last days of summer and the heat... and then there's this shot of Chuck drinking scotch in pajamas that look more suited for fall/winter
So I guess we're still on the Dan and Serena can't keep their hands of each other train.
Poor Blair, the Lord ain't into that, gotta love her for mentioning that Atonement scene in the library... she could totally rock that green dress.
Blair a delicate little flower, please. I do like how it's a constant the various fact that all her boyfriends never really got her, and have this fake image of her.
Jenny starring in her own version of the Devil wears prada, slaving it all around NYC
The Nate and the Duchess scene are giving me the creeps.
Compared to her season 1 looks, I'm kind of liking Vanessa's outfits so far.
No one likes to hear the hard truths of life, but Blair's words to Serena about her relationship with Dan were really spot on.
Fun fact about myself: purple is my favorite color. I guess that's why like Chuck's robe even if it makes him look like this weird junior version of Hugh Hefner.
This is the first time we see the minis!!! I loved everytime they popped up like mini cosplayers.
That outfit of Blair is one of my all time faves. Particularly the colors of the skirt
Oh Nate, even if he knows Blair's motives are never pure, he stills accepts her invitation. Go figures.
This has got to be Chuck and Serena's most funny conversation ever. Both of their expressions during the whole thing are hilarious.  
"I don't have a romantic body in my body. Least of all that one" Honestly who came up with these lines 😂😂
Looking back there were many sings of how obsessed Dan was with public opinion and his weird behaviors' for example take this throwaway line from Rufus: he still reading those Dan and Serena should they or not threads. Like what?
Dan: turns out I'm an ass but a passionate minority thinks I'm just and idiot. Yep pretty much the public opinion nowadays too.
This is so one of my fave chair lines! "The thing that always fascinated me about you: the cool exterior, the fire below" 😉
The whole scene honestly, from the way her eyes roll back to his smug smile at the end 🔥🔥🔥
Considering what happens in the second half of this season is kind of interesting to note that so far every single interaction between Blair are Nate is really passive aggressive.
Gotta give it to Vanessa even though she's freaked out after finding out Nate is sleeping with Catherine, she stills gives him a chance to explain
That scene between Catherine and Blair was actually good, because they both are right, Catherine can't stop Nate from doing what he wants, and there are things that Blair can't give up on, even if she thinks so.
Is there an emergency box for Serena Van der Woodsen? Well she lives there douche. But even if there was, what's the problem with that?
The whole Jenny & Eleanor storyline makes me feel lowkey sad for Blair, like this epiaode shouldn't Eleanor be at that party? It was parents/students thing, but Eleanor is at her atelier accepting from Jenny the kind of honest commentary she would never take from Blair
It's almost depressing to see Blair throwing herself at that Marcus guy
Chuck's "fake" accent, except it wasn't 🤭
And finally!!! All that pent up sexual frustration had to went somewhere
I'm living of Serena having moments like this one: "Fine, you know what? Life is not fair because it doesn't fit with the way you, Dan Humphrey, think it should be. But why are you always right?" Because this is it, the real crux of it, and why they keep having the same fight
Im so done with the Marcus storyline, because yes she wants his tittle, but she ain't also wrong because he kept treating her in a way that was so meh. Poor Chuck, though, but then again he kind of puts himself into this situations by ignoring his feelings at first and then they explode in his face anyway
I felt for Vanessa the whole episode, not used to that.
This Dan and Serena break up is so frustrating to watch because basically they're ending because Dan just won't meet her halfway. She's not asking him to give up all his ideals, only that he don't judge her for who she is.
I feel like Vanessa was more understanding to Nate's situation than Dan could have ever been with Serena.
For an episode that started quite sunny and happy it sure had a sad ending. Almost everyone ends up feeling pretty miserable.
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This episode was one I remember mostly for that Chuck and Blair scene at that party were he's trying to seduce her, also the whole blockade thing was hilarious, this time around however while I still love those Chuck and Blair bits, I did find myself getting more invested in Nate and Vanessa and even more surprisingly on the argument between Dan and Serena, their break up scene really frustrated me.
Let's go first with the Nate, Catherine and Vanessa storyline. This is such a messed up plot, then again most of Nate’s plot that involved his family had a tendency to be that way. I may not like the details sometimes but what I do like about is how these kind of plots really showed the amount of pressure Nate’s family put on him. At this point in the show Nate’s only seventeen and yet he has to find a way to keep his mom’s head above water, so he falls prey to this woman who is just awful. Is no wonder he wanted to be with Vanessa again because she’s literally a breeze of fresh air, so far removed from his messed up world which is exactly what he needs, and yet is inevitable that she gets caught up in all the scheming and nastiness in the end. She lies to him in order to help him which is sad because help him still leaves him as prey to this woman, but that’s what I really like about this plot, Vanessa’s willingness to be there for Nate and also how understanding she was of the situation.
Vanessa, same as Dan, tends to be judgmental of others and comes from a background that has a more black and white view of morality, she was also raised by a family who despises everything the UES side represents. So imagine what it must have been for her to find out that Nate is sleeping with an older woman for money, that goes against her morals and her beliefs, she’s disgusted by the situation, and yet when Nates begs her to let him explain, she does and she ends up while not exactly approving of the situation, he understands why he’s doing it, and she tells hims that this can only bad for him and that whe should stop it, becaause he’s better than this, and she says it mainly because she in fact is concerned about him and see the best in him. This is why I like her relationship with Nate, because I feel they gave each other some needed perspective, through him she learns that not everything is black and why and that’s there a reason of why people does certain things, and through Vanessa Nate’s gets in touch with a much saner world were he can be himself. 
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On the other hand, we have Dan and Serena, who for the last two episodes have been avoiding the fact that they have issues and they must be faced if they want to move forward, and it’s pretty easy to see why they were putting it off, because the moment they do it obvios that they can’t really solve them. The source of the conflict is the same as always, they keep having the same fight, except to me there’s a difference this time around, at Bart’s brunch and at the wedding Dan’s issues with Serena’s world were also framed with the fact that he discovered something about Serena he feels he can’t deal with, it annoy me both occasions at the Brunch because they had barely met and he was mad because she wasn’t the girl he thought almost as if she had deceive him, and it was like dude you guys met like yesterday, chill. At the wedding he had more of a right to be mad, because she had lied to him a lot, so one could understand his resentment with the UES in the sense that it had shaped Serena to be the kind of person that acts wildly and lies and whatever else he wanted to claimed. This time however he gets mad because the elevator situation serve as reminder of how she’s “more important” than him because she’s part of the 1%. They start arguing literally because they won’t help him as quickly as if she was her. Is it unfair? Yeah, but If we’re goint go be objective about it the mere existence of a 1% priviledge class is unfair to the the other 99%. But that’s life, and the majority of us have to deal with that, and that doesn’t mean we can be assholes to people that have been nice to us.
When he meets Serena he already knows she’s an UES princess, so if he really has a “eat the rich” mentality, why did he got involved with her? And is not like Serena was condecending or mean to him because he wasn’t rich as her, and yet he acts as if he had dated S2 Blair who was an elitist bitch to him every single time they interacted. He may also be not extremely rich as Serena, but he wasn’t poor at all. Correct me if I’m wrong but the kind of loft he lives in, at Dumbo ain’t cheap. So the way Dan acts if he had dated said a girl from a lower income background she had the right to be a total bitch to him, because he was more priviliged? Serena herself says it the best:  "Fine, you know what? Life is not fair because it doesn't fit with the way you, Dan Humphrey, think it should be. But why are you always right?” and this is prove that theirs is not a relationship problem, is exclusively a Dan problem. Serena says to him she can’t change who she is, and is not like she’s saying I won’t change the way I act, is not related to that, because their “problem” literally refers to who she is: her last name, the family she was born to. To that Dan says, I can’t change who I am either, and that's the thing Dan! hers is a matter of being, his is a matter of thinking, and she can’t change her family, but you can change the way you think, and it’s not even a drastic change, he doesn’t have to change his ideals, rather just be understanding and accept her for who she is.  If one thinks about i Vanessa did  a better job with Nate on that topic this episode than Dan ever did, so it can be done, it can be resolved, he just refuses to do it Serena doest thing through the series that definately add to their problems, their parents situation doesn’t help either, but this episode really shows that the root of their issues is Dan.
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Finally, there’s Chuck and Blair, who keep having the most amazing chemistry ever, and the sexual tension in their scenes is off the charts. This episode really relays on the fact of the amount of desire they feel for each other, which seems super fitting at this point in the series because while it’s clear they have deep feelings for each other, desire was what first brought them together, yet they both believe this episode that desire isn’t as exclusive as feelings, it’s easier to feel desire and so they think they can easily find it in other people, but what they discover this episode is that sadly that wasn’t the case. In Blair’s case it has to do in part with the fact that Marcus doesn’t really sees her that way, which makes me sad because here she is again dating a guy who refuses to be passionate about her, but even if he did, she’s forcing the passion, is not really there and can she honestly live like that? Like something is missing? Sadly, no. Oh she’s going to try, not only this season in fact, but is never going to fully substitute the one she has with Chuck.
Chuck faces the same issue, in quite a very literal way, which is hilarious. Chuck Bass playboy extraordinarie is suffering from a “blockage”, a very PG-13 way of saying that he can’t get it up, which is obviously a big tragedy for a guy like him, that amuses Serena to no end even if she can’t quite believe it. Anyway, this is the way that Chuck learns that feelings can win over desire, and that ther is more to sex than just a momentary physical pleasure, which is something he really need it to learn. As long as he can frame what he feels for Blair as mere desire, nothing beyond really good chemistry, is easier for him to see his pursuing of her as only a matter of seduction, easier to ingore that it hurts that she’s with someone else, and his regret over the fact that this whole situation was his own doing, at the end he finally admits to himself that is more than seduction, which is why I believe all his plots from here on are more based on getting her to go to him, not because she desires him, but because she needs him. But that’s for the next episode.
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Random bits I’ve noticed:
Because later on this show  got to the point of being like Chuck had no culture whatsover, and as such Blair couldn’t possibly have any intellectual talk with him, I would like to point out that he mentions madame butterfly as a reference to the Japanesse flight attendant, which means he knows the opera. And I can totally picture him, listening to opera from time to time just because, he’s dramatic and larger than life sometimes. It fits him.
He also mentions  Little Lord Fauntleroy which is a children book, and I like to believe he at least got one decent nanny while growing up and that she gave it to him. 
Finally a pic of the minis, because I love them
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thesportssoundoff · 5 years
One day, we will all be memories
I feel compelled to write this. It'll probably be messy and sloppy but I felt compelled to put something down that would encapsulate yesterday.
My day began with a family drive to go and get gas; standard garden variety life stuff. As we passed a windy icy road, we came across an overturned SUV with a person inside of it who had been literally on her way to church. After minutes that felt like hours of waiting in January weather for help to arrive, police and medical personnel made their way to the scene. The woman inside the overturned vehicle was fine to my knowledge (or as fine as somebody could be after having their car flip over and wind up on its hood) and thankfully she was cognizant of her sorroundings, coherent about what had had happened and seemed to be okay. What was so awe inspiring was the sort of humanity of others in that moment. My father, a former EMS and just all around "in the heat of the moment do the right thing" guy, got out and went to work helping the person while other onlookers blocked the road, my sister called 911 (as did others), people went to get her family and just put on a tremendous showing of humanity. It was the sort of showing that people may see in a gif or in a sappy youtube video and then move on with their day, perhaps even muttering about how that'll never happen to them or where they live. Sometimes I tend to have that same mentality of not believing but at the end of the day, I truly believe that people in the most dire of times will always show the sort of strength and courageousness that CAN make a difference in our world. Sometimes, painfully enough, it takes the worst in life to bring out the best in us. 
Fast forward a bit later on and the Kobe Bryant news hits social media. At the time I was more just hoping for facts and clarity as rumors spread about who had died, what had gone wrong and god knows whatever awful horrendous things that are often associated with tragedies. Sometimes our desire to be right, to be first or to be informed trumps all and our hearts move faster than our brains. We're so hungry for clarity and information that the synapses in our brains shouting for us to stop, assess the information, take it with a grain of salt and understand that patience will always prevail with something like this are washed out by our hurting hearts that take over. As I saw the news articles coming out and watched social media banter rumor and story at one another (from Rick Fox being on the plane to all of Kobe's daughters being on the plane to the eventual full story we now know), I waited and in hindsight, I almost think I waited because I wanted it to all be a lie and a hoax. Even as more and more legitimate sources came out to either confirm or correct the information, I just kept waiting for something else to be said otherwise. I kept waiting to be lied to and for social media to be wrong about everything.
Unfortunately, it was more right than we all wished to bare.
Speaking purely from an impact standpoint, Kobe Bryant's legacy and inspiration are hard to match in the sports world. I tried to come up with a global comparison with Alex and the best he could come up with would be if such a tragedy struck a major soccer star. The point being that Kobe Bryant is something almost incomparable to anything else I've ever experienced. My mother and I talked about Roberto Clemente and how it rocked the world but the world feels so much bigger and interconnected now than when Clemente passed away. It wasn't until later that night upon reflection and seeing the outpouring of love from his on the court detractors to lifelong supporters that it really clicked for me. It just feels wrong. It just feels unfair. It's hard to come up with a loss so powerful and so....wrong. It just feels wrong. Kobe Bryant wasn't an aging great who passed away quietly in his sleep; he was 41 years old with young children. A group of families were traveling to a basketball game when something very tragic happened and robbed a family of their husband, father, daughter and sister. Kobe Bryant will never get to walk his daughters down the aisle, Vanessa Bryant will never get to see her daughter's first WNBA game or her graduating college or discover the cure for cancer or where the winding road of life planned to take her. The most painful and fucked up part of this is that his younger children who came into this world long after the 81 point game vs the Raptors or the two Olympic gold medals or the handful of rings he wore as an NBA champion will have to hear from other people how amazing their father was as an athlete and as a person.
Fucking wrong and unfair.
I always feel like such an asshole that it takes something tragic to stop, breathe and appreciate how blessed I am to even be alive. Sports is my escape and when your escape gets real, it’s always such a system shock.  In a day and age where it's easy (and perhaps even trendy) to be numb and nihilistic, I think there's something about athletes going through struggles off the field/court/ice/ring/cage that brings out something humbling in all of us. Kevin Love and DeMar Derozan made people take a second to reconsider the pangs of mental health. Andrew Luck and Luke Kuechly forced us to remember the limitations of the human body. We put athletes on such a pedestal that we forget that they're human beings like us and when we see those flickers of mortality, it's almost as if these amazing people become...well people I guess. Kobe Bryant's death and the death of eight other people is another painful reminder that no matter who you are or how special you may be, life is such a fragile thing. It truly is a blessing and one that often gets taken for granted. It forces us to stop fishing for likes, retweets, favorites and all of this immaterial borderline toxic stupidity and take a second to remember that all of us are not guaranteed a tomorrow. Life is so fleeting and can be taken from you/us at any given time. Kobe Bryant at the end of the day was no different than all of us. The people you like, love, admire or even ones you don't like don't have an expiration date tattooed on their foreheads---they can be here in the morning and gone forever by night time. In life, everybody you know will eventually become memories to you and in turn you to others.
And I guess as I lay here in bed trying to find a good way to sum up my emotions, I can only try to follow up on that with honesty; you WILL become somebody else's memory---so why not be a lasting one? Why not aim to be a good one? Kobe Bryant's impact on life wasn't just as an amazing athlete but as a flawed perfectionist who truly tried to better lives in so many different capacities. He was an inspiration, a hero, a loved villain but most of all? He was an example of how we are all never our best days or our worst days but what we do to improve and better ourselves and others. That's more important than anything else. It made me reconsider if, as I've often said on the DojoTalkPodcast, if I truly live my life like every conversation I have with somebody could be the last one we share and if I truly take that to heart. I literally sat here and thought of all the people and all of the things that irritate me and realized that in the grand scheme of things, those are so small compared to the grander picture of life. Think of someone, think of the things they do that irritate you and then just let it go. My brother playing video games all the time? Who cares. Parents nagging? Let it go. The way some of my friends overreact to everything? Whatever. You stop and think of the things the people you love do that irritates you and then consider that right now two families (and countless others who were impacted by them) would give up every car, every dollar and every piece of jewelry in their house for just another day of those bad habits or silly minor things their sister/mother/father/brother would do that would irritate them. I won’t have you forever and you won’t have me forever so why spend it aggregating ourselves over meaningless nothing? Never go to the grave with a beef you didn't squash and never go to the grave with somebody wondering how you felt about them. Life is truly too short and it's unfair and it will never give you a heads up and a set date for you to go around letting everybody know your appreciation level or that you're sorry or that you forgive them. If tomorrow is considered the first day of the rest of your life; then make the rest of your life one where all you wish to be is somebody else's eventual happy memory.
Chances are you already are.
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Someone New
A/N: This is for @lokissoul  ‘s 1k Hozier challenge and my prompt was the song ‘Someone New’ by Hozier. This is an angsty monster that took me 3 weeks to write, it was so sad. This was beta read by my love @nasarogers  and I’m tagging @trashpanda-barnes who’s always a lovely supporter of my nat fics
Warnings: Oof, character death, mentions of civil war, I guess
“I really don’t think Paris is an option, even if we skirt around and get to the countryside, someone’s got to be there, they always think we’ll be there next-” Natasha was interrupted by the vibrating of one of her burner phones. Muttering an excuse to the rogue Avengers in front of her, with whom she was discussing their next move.
On the other line, a male voice spoke “How are the pears today?”
“Fresher than yesterday. What’s going on, Pat?”
“ Remember the name you told me to keep a lookout for? There was a mugging up on an apartment on 31st street., near Chelsea. They left a body behind, stabbed twice in the head. They’ve sent it for the autopsy, but so far the cause of death is the loss of blood.” He could hear her sharp intake of breath even across the phone.
“It’s identified?”
“Y/N Y/L/N. She was renting one of the flats, looking for a roommate.”
“Thank you for the information, Pat.” She ended the call.
The apartment still smelt of her perfume and coffee. The moonlight shined through on to the hardwood floor, which was stained with blood despite the shabby attempt to wipe it away. It was in the privacy of the empty apartment that Natasha finally allowed herself to break down. Tears streaming down her face, she opened the drawer in the cabinet where Y/N always kept the extra keys. Y/N always spoke of losing her keys so she had a bunch of copies made, one of which she gave Nat. The assassin wasn’t looking for the keys, though. She wanted back a photograph they had taken long ago, which Y/N had framed and wanted to keep on the mantle, but when her girlfriend had argued they’d know she was dating an assassin and subsequently make her life hell, she’d compromised by keeping it in the drawer.
After the whole going rogue fiasco, though, she’d probably moved it somewhere she didn’t have to see it every day. Maybe even dumped it unceremoniously into the trash can. If it was here though, the police would’ve already taken it away. She moved her hand across the inside of the drawer, finding nothing. Her fingers brushed up against an edge that seemed to stick out a bit. Poking and prodding, she tried to lift it up, to no avail. She accidentally pressed it, and it gave way, and something on the right jutted out.
“Clever girl.”
There was nothing in the concealed drawer except some loose change, receipts, and a phone. Police had probably taken her perosnal phone for the investigation, along with the rest of her possessions. The phone was primitive, okay by market standards but Y/N had recently purchased a Starkphone that would make any other look like a bloody typewriter.
So unless the police left something behind, it would seem Y/N wanted someone to see this. After she went rogue, Natasha had only called her once on a burner phone. A voice call that lasted only 15 minutes, where each could clearly hear the other cry, but the redhead knew they would come chasing after Y/N if they discovered they had been communicating.
She took the phone, slipped it into her pocket and went searching for the photo.
Dear god, why am I even doing this? Clearly losing my sanity.
I know you said nothing could ever come out of dating a bloody assassin but god, how I love you. It’s hard. Yes, I know, whoever’s listening to this is scoffing and Nat if that is you, wipe that cheesy smile off your goddamn face. It’s just, once you fall in love, it’s really fucking hard to get out, you know? Particularly when there’s no such breaking of the commitment; that here’s your heart and here’s mine and let’s go our separate ways. We fell apart because we had to, because some idiot decided to fight with their own teammates.
She pressed pause. The phone had nothing on it except a few recordings on it, and the number of the burner phone. It would not work, but it was nice to some corner to her heart that Y/N had somewhere to turn after all.
But it would be of no use, would it? Y/N was dead, dead, gone, and she could not protect her. Then and now. Crying was a release, it reminded her she was human.
So, I met someone today.
What a fucking slut, right? Barely, what, 4 months after your girlfriend of 2 years drops off the face of the earth after betraying her team, Y/N hooks up with the first person she sees.
He’s nice, for your typical coffee shop hipster. Reads. Probably thinks a date is us discussing our favorite indie films. Not bad, right? We used to do that, Nat and I, except she never saw movies.
I think it’s natural I compare everyone to my previous relationships. Healthy, right? I mean you see where you went wrong, what you should’ve done. So, Nat, where did I go wrong? Why was I not worth it? Why do I have to suffer this goddamn agony of losing the one person I love more than anything just moves on.
It’s late, I think I should sleep.
She should’ve done that.
Cut Y/N loose, explain nothing. She would never have to go through what she seemed to be going through, or she would’ve already moved on and there would be no recordings where she compared herself to everyone else she saw and how happy they were. How she’d lost the chance to be happy herself.
Natasha set the phone aside and looked at some photos Pat had sent over of the crime scene. The stained carpet after investigation would probably be replaced by the landlord and Y/N Y/L/N would become some kind of urban legend in the building. There would be trouble finding tenants.
Nat did have enough to buy out the landlord. Cry herself to sleep every night in the shell of the house she was meant to share with the love of her life.
Saw this cute girl in the grocery store today. Pretty, nice hair, glasses. Loves to write, probably and wants a photographer girlfriend. I mean I did have a photography phase in college. The family has enough money to let her do whatever she wants.
Dear god, I need therapy and a drink.
Is it even normal to fantasize over every stranger you see and imagine a life with them? Love with every stranger, the stranger the better?
There was no evidence that the murder was premeditated. The official conclusion was that Y/N had chanced upon the robbery and was silenced before she could alarm anyone. They had found some bits of DNA under her fingernails that matched a fugitive who was accused of 3 muggings in the past and had been acquitted all three times. His lawyer was really good, apparently.
Natasha skimmed a few of the recordings to see if any conclusive evidence or anything about anyone following her. She kept these recordings as a diary of sorts, clearly, but it could be valuable if it had managed to pick up something of the day Y/N was murdered.
There were many recordings, all of them detailing people she’d met and how she’s imagined an entire relationship with. About how she’d find someone with hair the exact same color as Natasha or one who had exactly the same clothing sense and on and on until  Y/N herself had had enough of the constant comparisons.
The last recording was a whole 4 hours. YN had either forgotten to switch it off or…
Natasha didn’t allow herself to think of the other possibility. She quickly played it back and held her breath.
It’s never simple, am I right? Getting over people, like they’re a bridge to cross and once you get over that there’s no looking back.
I just see anyone and all I see is you. All that time we should’ve had together, just gone. I’m wasting my time apparently because love is useless. I have it but the one person who has my heart completely is just not bloody there.
I wouldn’t ever know how long we would go on, Nat, how far we would travel together, I would…
What was that?
Hold up, I’ll put you somewhere.
A thud. Low groans. A high pitched scream, noises and then silence. Apparently, she had really forgotten to switch it off before putting it back and it had recorded until it ran out of battery.
There it was, clear as day, the conviction of the man who had evaded the law until now.
Natasha sent off the last recording to Pat, asking him to send it to the investigation. It would be sufficient to get him the time he deserved. The rest she kept for herself, the last memory of the woman she loved.
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cathygeha · 6 years
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Have you discovered THE THALANIAN DYNASTY series by NYT Bestselling Author Katee Robert?
In FOREVER THEIRS an exiled prince, his bodyguard and the woman they can’t seem to leave alone, must return home to clear his mother’s name and reclaim his crown. Fans of Laura Kaye’s THEIR’S TO TAKE or Sierra Simone’s AMERICAN QUEEN will devour this cinderella-esque ménage.
Start reading the series for FREE! Download THEIRS FOR THE NIGHT, the novella that introduces you to Theo, Galen, and Meg for FREE at:
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  Title: Forever Theirs
Author: Katee Robert
Genre: Contemporary Romance/Thriller/Menage
Release Date: September 10, 2018
Publisher: Indie
Series: The Thalanian Dynasty
Page Count: 73K
Format: Digital
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 Meg Sanders enjoyed her wild night with a prince and his bodyguard—but now she’s moving on. She has enough problems without borrowing the kind of trouble Theo brings just by being who he is. But no matter how determined she is to leave that night a fond memory, she hasn’t seen the last of Theo and Galen… Galen Mikos's life boils down to one goal. Keep Theo alive. But as long as Theo draws breath, he’s a threat to the powers that have taken over Thalania—and anyone they associate with runs the risk of becoming a target, too. Galen will never forgive himself if they let their selfish desire for Meg puts her in danger. But it might already be too late… Theo Fitzcharles might be an exiled prince, but he doesn’t intend to stay that way. He’s only concerned with one thing—clearing his mother’s name and reinstating himself as Crown Prince of Thalania. There’s no room in that plan for distraction, especially when it makes him forget himself the way Meg does. But after spending one perfect night with her and his best friend, Theo has no intention of leaving her alone.  Even if it damns all three of them in the process.
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 Forever Theirs Excerpt
Copyright © 2018 Katee Robert
 Galen stepped out of the cab and pulled Meg after him. At this time of night, there was still plenty of street traffic—plenty of opportunity for his father’s men to blend in until they were close enough to attack.
They already had attacked.
He hustled her off the sidewalk, half carrying her in his rush. She cursed at him, but she could be pissed. At least she was still alive. He didn’t believe for a second that Dorian would order her killed, not when he would see her as a tool just waiting to be used. But Galen’s father would attempt to take her, and that Galen couldn’t allow.
He didn’t relax until the elevator doors opened into their apartment and he caught sight of Theo pacing back and forth through the living room. He’s okay. Meg’s okay. They’re safe.
Except they weren’t.
Shit had hit the fan in the most fucked up way possible, and there was no cleaning up this mess.
Galen released Meg’s arm and ensured the security system was booted up and the door was locked. “Trouble?”
“Not here.” Theo rounded the couch and stopped just out of reach. He devoured Meg with his gaze, no doubt taking in her tangled hair, her torn dress, and the way she shook like a junkie in need of a fix. Adrenaline letdown. Theo cursed. “I’m sorry, princess.”
Meg crossed her arms over her chest and slid back a step, shying away from him—from them both. “I… I need a minute. A shower. Something.”
Theo gave a short nod. “Take what you need.”
She headed for the bedroom and spun at last second. “Alone.”
“No shit,” Galen growled. “Go. Take your time. We don’t touch walking wounded anyways.”
Her spine went rigid and her hazel eyes icy. “Fuck you.”
Better she be angry than terrified. He could work with angry. The scared woman in the back of the cab, looking for reassurances that he couldn’t give her… That kind of comfort wasn’t in Galen’s skillset. He preferred the harsh truth to silken lies, and there was no truth he could give Meg that wouldn’t result in her terror.
He stared until she squirmed. “Already did.”
Meg raised a shaking finger. “I swear to god—”
“Children.” Theo’s voice snapped through the room, a sharp tone that a person ignored to their peril. Meg made a sound perilously close to a snarl, but Theo ignored it. “Go shower or do whatever you need to get your head on straight. You’re fucking terrified and you’re snapping at the biggest dick in the room just to prove that you’re not helpless. It’s wasting time we don’t have.”
“His dick isn’t the biggest,” she muttered.
Galen almost laughed. Even scared out of her damn mind, Meg still had a mouth on her—and hell if he didn’t respect her more for it. “Go shower, little mouse. The adults are talking.”
She made a sound like an angry teakettle and stalked down the hallway. He waited for the sound of the door slamming, but a soft click was all he got. “Damn.”
Theo stalked into the kitchen and snagged the whiskey bottle. He took a long pull and then passed it over. “Tell me.”
“Two men. I didn’t recognize them, but they claimed Dorian sent them.” Galen drank from the bottle, letting the whiskey burn away the awful feeling in his chest when he’d walked through that door and found Meg tied to a chair with two men standing over her. He’d thought… It didn’t matter what he’d thought. He got there in time. They hadn’t done any lasting damage.
At least not the physical kind.
“She can’t go back.”
Galen stared at the bottle. He tightened his grip and put serious consideration into bashing Theo a few times with it. “You just couldn’t leave her alone, could you? It took them a grand total of three days to figure out she might matter and come after her. Fuck, Theo, this shit is on your head.”
“I know.” Theo watched him. Those blue eyes saw too much, just like always. “And yet I’m not the one who was skulking outside her work. You told me you were meeting a contact.”
He opened his mouth, and then abandoned the lie before he gave it voice. “You put her in danger. I was ensuring she stayed safe.”
Theo’s lips quirked, but his eyes went hard. “Lie to yourself if you need to, but don’t you dare lie to me. I know why you were there—the same reason I was a week ago. You couldn’t stay away from her any more than I could.” He bracketed Galen’s throat with his hand, his thumb caressing Galen’s pulse point. Theo leaned in. “I shouldn’t have paid the tuition with my own name, and I’ll be the first to admit it. But we are both moths to her fucking flame, and you don’t get to play the beleaguered bodyguard—not right now, and not with me. You want her.”
“Yes.” The word felt ripped from him, taken despite his best efforts to stay silent.
Theo’s grip tightened and his gaze dropped to Galen’s mouth. “We can’t stay in New York. They’ll have eyes on her place.”
“They wanted to take her, Theo. There was a van illegally parked near the back door. They might have set her up to answer questions, but they were going to take her.” If they had, Dorian would use her for whatever purpose he had in mind, a lever to get Galen and Theo to dance to his tune, and then he’d discard her like yesterday’s trash. Even if he didn’t kill her, there would be scars, and she wouldn’t be the Meg they knew anymore.
Theo pressed his forehead to Galen’s, grounding them both. One breath. Two. Three. On the fourth, he stepped back and released him. “You were there in time.”
“I might not have been.” If he’d managed to resist the siren call of Meg’s presence, if he’d had more control, if he’d really gone to meet his local contact instead of doing the skulking Theo accused him of.
“You were there in time,” Theo repeated. He glanced down the hallway to the master bedroom where they could still hear the shower going. “Make the call.”
“She’s never going to forgive us for this.” For dropping a bomb on her life and leaving on destruction in their wake. The two grand was nothing compared to what came next.
Theo sighed. “I know. But better she’s pissed and alive than the alternative. Make the call, Galen. We need to be out of New York before dawn.”  
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  Other books in The Thalanian Dynasty series
 Theirs for the Night
THEIRS FOR THE NIGHT is a novella. Theo, Galen, and Meg's story continues in the novel FOREVER THEIRS.
Download at:
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2M3w3A9
B&N: http://bit.ly/2Jl0k7Q
Kobo: http://bit.ly/2JxT2Bg
iTunes: https://apple.co/2LtEK1L
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 About Katee Robert
New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Katee Robert learned to tell her stories at her grandpa’s knee. Her 2015 title, The Marriage Contract, was a RITA finalist, and RT Book Reviews named it 'a compulsively readable book with just the right amount of suspense and tension."  When not writing sexy contemporary and romantic suspense, she spends her time playing imaginary games with her children, driving her husband batty with what-if questions, and planning for the inevitable zombie apocalypse. 
Connect with Katee at: Website | Facebook | Twitter| GoodReads | Instagram | BookBub
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covid19updater · 3 years
COVID19 Updates: 08/21/2021
UK:  Army supporting ambulance services in England LINK
RUMINT (US):  Walmart and Covid experience has been a popular topic, so I had one today I thought I would relate. I went to Walmart this afternoon to purchase office supplies and a few food products. With self-check out I should have been out in ten minutes. It was about four-thirty when I completed my purchases. When I got up to the self-check out area, there was a line eight deep. There was only five spots open for the public to do the work of the Walmart employee. Many self-check out lines were closed. This line was during a pandemic when logically you would want people to check out quickly and leave. True, it was during a peak time, but that is why you have management and peak planning decisions made. I was not a happy customer. I finally got to a register, and checked out. I then went politely up to the door monitor and told her they needed to open more registers or check-out lanes. Then, she made the classic comment, "No one wants to work, we are short-staffed." Well, Walmart has instituted the policy that all workers must be vaxxed. That is probably part of the problem. Even for eleven dollars a hour I would not want to play Russian Roulette with the vax reactions. I look for this to be happening a lot more as people choose not to take the vax and leave their employment. It could really be impactful and not in a good way in the health care industry as more people come down with the Delta variant ant the vax mandates are pushed.
California:  Los Angeles County passes 25,000 COVID-19 deaths as new mask rules aim to slow spread LINK
World:  Not sure who is trying to ram FDA approval through early, because these prestigious outlets aren’t naming names, but the federal clinical trials website estimates that the clinical study of the Pfizer shot won’t even be complete until May 2, 2023. LINK
UK:  47008 'delta' cases in the 2x vaxxed: 402 deaths, 0.86% chance of death 215837 delta across ALL vaxxed: 481 deaths, 0.22% chance of death 151054 delta in UNVAXXED: 254 deaths, 0.17% chance of death 0.22% vs 0.86% 291% higher increase in vaxxed people.
UK:  Adverse events reported to IPC during the last 2 weeks: 317 new reports. Among them: 55 deaths including 28 after jab #3, 3 after jab#2 bellow 40 yo. 39 Neurological issues. 63 Cardiac issues including 8 under 40 yo, 7 after jab #3
India:  India gives emergency approval for world’s first COVID-19 DNA jab LINK
World:  Long-haul COVID: How grassroots online movement Survivor Corps helps those facing lingering symptoms LINK
Arkansas:  Northwest Arkansas hospitals reach all-time high in ICU bed usage LINK
Tennessee:  BREAKING: An absolutely stunning 2,106 new #COVID19 cases reported today among Tennessee's school-age children. For our kids, this is the worst moment of the pandemic.
China:  One positive #COVID19 case has been confirmed in Jingmen, central Hubei Province. The person tested negative nine times previously.
Florida:  BREAKING Florida Huge dump of new cases (55,751 cases reported for today & tomorrow: new record for 1 or both days). Huge dump of deaths (415 more than yesterday;1,486 more than last Friday). Positive rate UP to 19.8% from reported 19.3%.
US:  BREAKING: U.S. reporting 1,000 coronavirus deaths a day on average, highest since March
US:  U.S. COVID update: More than 1,000 new deaths for 4th day in a row - New cases: 182,035 - Average: 149,456 (+4,054) - In hospital: 93,590 (+678) - In ICU: 23,043 (+156) - New deaths: 1,485
World:  .@ScottGottliebMD says vaccinated people must remain cautious as the contagious delta Covid variant spreads LINK
US:  U.S. probing Moderna vaccine for higher heart inflammation risk - Washington Post
UK:  Covid19 and sport: Government data shows mass participation events can happen safely LINK (Propaganda...)
Louisiana:  Louisiana’s Governor says there have been more COVID cases reported by Louisiana schools - during the first week of the school year - than were reported in ANY week of last school year.
Florida:  Florida Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran says the state will withhold state funds from Broward and Alachua public schools, targeting school officials compensation, as a result of them violating Gov. Ron DeSantis' mask orders.
Israel:  74% of 70 - 79 year olds in Israel have ALREADY received the Pfizer booster shot (3rd dose). There are early signals of effect. But we should see a meaningful decline in serious cases by next week if this strategy works. (LOL)
Tennessee:  Hospitals, health care systems pen letter to unvaccinated Tennesseans; 'beg' them to get vaccinated LINK
RUMINT (NYC):  For people across the US, when you go to the doctors office or medical clinic are the staff and doctors wearing N95s and KN95s? In NYC it seems like most doctors and staff are just wearing loose surgical masks. Wondering if other cities it’s the same?
World:  WHO today issued an open call for experts to serve as members of the new WHO Scientific Advisory Group for the Origins of Novel Pathogens (SAGO)
UK:  The latest UK PHE Technical Briefing has just been published, and it shows that the vaccine breakthrough rate for Delta infections in the UK continues to increase by about 6% per month. The curious conundrum of the fully vaccinated being more likely to die of a Delta infection than the unvaccinated also continues. Links to the relevant PHE Technical Briefing papers are given.  Breakthru rates: End of May = 3% Mid June = 7% Mid July = 13% Mid August = 19% LINK
NYC:  NYC To Require Vax Card And Proof Of ID For Indoor Activities
Jamaica:  JUST IN: #Jamaica recorded 794 new #COVID19 cases in the last 24 hours. The positivity rate now stands at 43.8%. 15 deaths were recorded in the latest update.
US:  NEW: Number of Americans hospitalized with COVID-19 tops 95,000
Florida:  Vaccinated man dies in Florida, daughters share their anger and urge people to get vaccinated LINK
Montana:  In Missoula, Mayor John Engen said, “Our hospitals, more than a year and-a-half into the pandemic, are in the most dire situation they’ve been in to date." LINK
Australia:  JUST IN: Australia's most-populous city, Sydney, extends lockdown until end of September
Oregon:  patient with COVID died in the emergency room at an Oregon hospital because no ICU beds were available - OPB
Canada:  “Alberta Health Services said the outbreak consists of 15 staff and physicians who have tested positive, as well as five patients — all of whom were at the hospital for non-COVID health reasons — who acquired COVID-19 while in hospital.”
Georgia:  Beloved coach, teacher dies of COVID-19 at 36 despite being vaccinated LINK
World:  Norwegian study: More than half of young people with mild Covid-19 infections experienced Long Covid LINK
World:  Trial data from AstraZeneca on Friday raised the prospect of a new treatment to prevent COVID beyond vaccines, giving hope in particular for people who respond poorly to immunisation shots. The British drugmaker said its new antibody therapy reduced the risk of people developing any COVID symptoms by 77% in a late-stage trial. The company said that 75% of the participants in the trial for the therapy - which comprises two types of antibodies discovered by Vanderbilt University Medical Center in the United States - had chronic conditions including some with a lower immune response to vaccinations. LINK
US:  Actor Melissa Joan Hart believes she got breakthrough COVID from her kids after they went back to school. "It's weighing on my chest. It's hard to breathe. One of my kids, I think, has it so far. I'm praying that the other ones are okay." LINK
US:  Lack of hospital staff continue to plague many Southern states. Nationally, 13% of hospitals are reporting critical staffing shortages, up from 9% at the beginning of the month. In Louisiana, over 1 in every 4 hospitals are critically short on staff.
Israel:  80% of covid patients on ECMO in Israel are unvaccinated.
World:  Compared to previous years. Over the last 4 weeks deaths from causes, other than COVID-19, are 11% higher than would normally be expected in 50-64 females…
World:  Anecdotes tell us what the data can’t: Vaccinated people appear to be getting the coronavirus at a surprisingly high rate. But exactly how often isn’t clear, nor is it certain how likely they are to spread the virus to others. And now, there’s growing concern that vaccinated people may be more vulnerable to serious illness than previously thought. LINK
World:  "The Scientific Process Is Short-Circuited By Politics" - Startling Admission From Scientists Jeopardizes Biden's Boosters LINK
Japan:  Infected woman in Japan loses baby after being unable to find hospital that would admit her LINK
Arkansas:  There are currently 345 COVID-19 patients on ventilators statewide. This is an all-time high for Arkansas.
Virginia:  The University of Virginia disenrolls at least 238 students who didn’t comply with the school’s Covid-19 vaccine requirement before in-person classes begin on Monday, a university spokesperson says. LINK
Tennessee:  BREAKING: #COVID19 situation dire in West Tennessee. @uthsc warns ERs may soon be forced to triage medical care, turning away patients who, they believe, are unlikely to survive! Failure to impose mask mandates and other mitigation measures will be “catastrophic.”
Canada:  Health officials in B.C.'s north have declared a COVID-19 outbreak among employees working on the Site C hydroelectric dam project. LINK
US:  NEW: Civil rights pioneer Jesse Jackson Sr. and his wife have been hospitalized after testing positive for COVID-19 LINK
Australia:  NSW recorded 830 new locally acquired cases of #COVID19 in the 24 hours to 8pm last night.
US:  Hilary Duff reveals COVID-19 diagnosis despite being vaccinated LINK
New Zealand:  #BREAKING Mandatory scanning/signing in is being introduced for busy places and large gatherings to ensure the Government can contact trace quickly, Hipkins says
Georgia:  Cobb County hospital requesting mobile morgue as COVID-19 cases surge LINK
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tyranttortoise · 7 years
@freaky-zombie-chick submitted:  ((Finally I did it! Here is the first Blackberry and Freaky fic by me. Short and sweet, well more like short and tarty like Blackberry. I’m going to call their ship name UndeadBerry.))
The sound of screeching tires, the decal of skulls on the sides, the chrome and shiny black finish, spikes and studs along the trim, real black leather seats, and a real sliver skull mount on the handlebars to tie it all together. His motorcycle was in prim condition like it was fresh out of the factory.
Her eyes were wide in wonder she circled the motorcycle a few times, socking in every detail she could. She crouched here and there to get better views at it, her voice gasping with each new thing she discovered about it.
Freaky visited his place first. It wasn’t too far from where she lived. Only about thirty minutes minutes away in good traffic. Her car was recently new but had some wear and tear. The two were talking about something that led to vehicles which brought them outside.
“Oh my goodness, it looks like it belongs in a movie.” The zombie finally stood up and smiled in glee at Blackberry. “And you manage to keep in tip top shape, even living out in the woods. You must have put a lot of love and care into it.”
She smiled only wider at him, and then she looked at her watch.
“Hey, it’s getting late. I better leave now before traffic gets bad.”
“Yeah if I don’t leave now, it’ll take me an hour to get home.”
The zombie was putting her stuff away in her car when she saw his face. The skeleton looked disappointed and was about to say something, but she spoke up first.
“Hey, how about you pick me up tomorrow at ten on that hot motorcycle of yours, and you show me around town? Sounds good?”
And that’s how she wound up waking up early and dressed how she was. Spiked ankle boots, ripped skinny jeans, a dark purple corset top, and a black leather jacket, and with spiked jewelry to tie it all together.
Right on cue, the skeleton monster pulled up in her drive way. She was waiting for him, leaning against the porch railing. The zombie was mostly waiting to see the look on his skull.
And it was worth it.
Once her removed his helmet and got a good look at her, his eye-lights went out. His whole face turned from a soft blush on his cheekbones to a full on skull indigo hue. And for once she had met this monster, he was speechless.
“You’re right on time.” She broke the ice.
The skeleton monster got his loud voice back. “THE MALEVOLENT SANS IS ALWAYS PUNCTUAL NO MATTER IT IS!!”
“Let’s get going then.”
The zombie went to towards the motorcycle and got her helmet. She sat right behind him and scooted close to him. She got as close she could before her chest was resting against his back. Then her hands went to his hipbones and slowly made her way to his waist. Freaky could feel Blackberry going rigid for a moment. She made sure she had a firm grip on him.
Finally he drove out of her beach home and towards town. The zombie didn’t know it yet, but this was their first official date and he planned to show her everything he could on that hot ride of his.
((What this? A two for one deal is what it is. Have some more FreakyHorror. Warning: mentioning of slight gore.))
He woke up once the sunlight reached his skull, blinding him a bit. He groaned a bit in annoyance, it was one of the best nights he had in a good while. The skeleton sat up and looked around. The room was decorated with odd pieces and was spotless. He could hear the ocean waves.
This isn’t his room.
Of course it wasn’t. He had stayed the night at her place. It explains how well rested he was but also how on edge he felt. The skeleton monster wasn’t used to this peacefulness. He remembers bits and pieces, at best, of time being in a cycle, a loop that never ended; and that a certain single factor was able to change all of that in a blink of an eye. He didn’t enjoy the uncertainty of what tomorrow could bring, left it open to the hands of fate and karma.
The distant sound of something falling to the ground brought him back to the now.
How long has he’s been sitting in bed?
His bone fingers were scraping the rim of his empty eye socket. He removed them, and shook off the feeling of yesterday to the here and now.
The smell was what brought him out of bed. The haunting reminder of hunger engraved in the very pit of his soul. He followed the meaty smell to the kitchen. The aroma was filled with frying bacon, the rich scent of coffee, and something familiar that something from the basement.
And there she was, hair up in a messy bun and dressed in an oversized t-shirt. The woman was picking up a pan; it was caused the crashing sound from before. The skeleton monster couldn’t help but stare right at her ass as she cleaned the mess. Her back was still towards him as she stood up. The bruises and bite marks he marked on her were healing at a rapid pace like always.
It intrigued but also annoyed him. She was dead yet had … healing magic? Humans have very weak, poor healing magic. Only mages could have stronger healing magic, but not as powerful compared to monsters. They need medicine, machines to help them.
“Did I wake you?” she interrupted his train of thought. Her voice was soft and caring. “Sorry about that. I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed.”
He didn’t respond. She finally turned to look at him. His single eye-light was looking at her direction but more like through her.
“Sans.” The zombie snapped her fingers. “You okay?”
“yeah,” he finally spoke up.
“I see you’re not a morning person. It took me decades to finally wake up when the sun rises.” The zombie went back to the stove. “How do you like your eggs and bacon?”
“i’ll have them however you make them as long they’re eggcellent.”
“Okay, two chef choice coming right up.” She giggled at his pun and went back to cooking.
The skeleton monster sat down at the table and stared at her. He wasn’t used to this at all. He hated how on edge he felt, like the universe was the verge to grab him and throw him back to reality. But Sans was already there, on the surface, both him and his brother, freedom from the Underground, and he was with her.
He’s … enjoying this … all of this. When was the last time he felt content; truly happy living in the present? But the lingering past was clawing at his mind. A fake grin plastered on his face.
She hummed a bit and her cooking was about done. She got everything ready and turned the stove off. Their breakfast was simple, scrambled eggs and crispy bacon, but smelled like a 5-star chef cooked it. The zombie severed his plate first and then hers before sitting down across from him.
“Hope you like them,” she said.
They ate in silence for a bit. He noticed her eggs look different from his, there were some grey stuff in them. She caught him staring at her meal.
“Eggs and other meats are considered brain food, but it depends whose asking.” The zombie gave him a smile and continued to eat.
That was one thing out of several, she would never share with Sans. She made it clear that her collection in the basement was only for her and no one else. He understood and never questioned it. The skeleton noticed right away that the zombie hardly shared anything that involved her personal self. Granted she shared many others things, but those were mostly material things and her own body. But when it came to her past, she was a locked safe, hidden from all that knew her.
He didn’t even know her real name.
“You know,” she said, breaking his train of thought again, “I see you as a real friend. I haven’t had a real friend in-”
She pauses.
“-I can’t even remember how far back. But I want to say is that I enjoy spending time with you, beyond the sex.”
“well i do rise to the occasion when i see you.”
“You sure do.” The zombie winks and sticks out her tongue at him.
He gave out a chuckle.
“We have an understanding of each other, we don’t try to pry or try to fix each other. We share if we want to and I want to share now.”
Sans stopped eating a looked at her with his single eye-light.
“My kin name is an old one but the word that comes close to it is Rapture.”
The air was quiet, even the ocean waves outside fell silent for them. They stared at each other.
“nice to meet you rapture, i hoped last night was utter bliss for you.”
The zombie giggled at first and then her laughter grew to the point she had a hard time breathing.
“Oh sugar skull,” she snorted, “I can’t keep up with you this morning.”
Sans wouldn’t get used this anytime soon, but her laughter and smile made it seemed a bit better. He chuckled and made more puns.
He hated what he was doing.
The skeleton monster was making the zombie his anchor to the here and now.
((Seems to be a bit of trouble in paradise. I see Axe as the type of monster to keep his problems to himself. Freaky has spent a good amount of personal time with him to notice when something is off but knows better than to pry. She figures if Axe’s wants to talk, he will.))
the tortoise’s two cents:  Oooo, this was awesome, Freaky!  And I’m so sorry this took so long to post!  I’m cleaning my askbox and queuing up asks/submissions, and I have to keep refreshing to load things because for some reason, tumblr likes to pretend half my asks aren’t there.  So I just refreshed and realized I hadn’t posted this yet!  
I love her and Black on the motorcycle, and I thought that Axe and Freaky bonding over breakfast was a nice touch.  So was the fact that he recognizes what he’s doing--that he’s using her as an anchor to the present, rather than being consumed by the past--yet that doesn’t actually change anything.  I see him as the type to keep his problems to himself, definitely.  
These were great. <3
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Sing “Yesterday” for Me – 12 (Fin) – Life Goes On
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Rou is his usual puerile self upon discovering Shinako with Rikuo (though you can’t really blame him!) and runs off in a tizzy, Shinako chases him down and tries to explain. She valued their relationship and was afraid of ruining it.
To his credit, Rou takes the high road, telling Shinako all that mattered was her happiness, and he was a “chump” for not noticing her feelings for Rikuo. Despite telling her “it will take time” for him to comes to terms with it but that he gets it now, Shinako assumes she’s just ruined everything with Rou forever.
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The next time Shinako and Rikuo meet, its at a park bench, and as they analyze what they are to each other and how things went with Rou and Haru, the meeting gradually morphs into a more-or-less mutual breakup.
It’s only natural; things haven’t quite felt right because Rikuo hasn’t been able to properly tell her he loves her, but when he asks her simply “me or Rou”, she can’t help but summon much more emotion for Rou, who is family.
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Rikuo owns up to becoming terrified of the happiness that suddenly rained down upon him when he found himself in a relationship with Shinako, but perhaps the reason it never felt 100% real for him is that…it wasn’t. He and Shinako had a natural distance from their long friendship that could not be closed, no matter what either party tried.
At the same time, Rikuo assures Shinako that Rou, who is still mostly a kid after all, will eventually come back around to talking with her. He just needs time to cool off, and as we saw, he already exhibited the self-consciousness to admit the mistakes he made. The two cordially shake hands, committing to maintaining what they know works: their friendship, and just like that, Shinako x Rikuo is dead.
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Despite this breakup occurring in the last episode, there’s nothing rushed about it. After all, these three had been milling around for three months without the slightest romantic progression, which all confirmed that they’re not meant to be in that kind of relationship, however logical it might’ve seemed.
Meanwhile, Haru notes how little has actually changed in the world since what she felt was a categorical rejection by Rikuo, but still can’t help but wear a gloomy face as she fries vegetables, much to her mom’s dismay. It turns out she’s only taken some time off from Kyouko’s cafe and moved back in with her mom and stepdad. She spends the time away contemplating what love and happiness are to her, not
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Rikuo ends up securing Haru’s address and bus route from Kyouko, and sets off to meet with and talk with her about what’s happened, if she’ll have her. During his long journey we get all of his naysaying inner thoughts in real time, negative and dismissive sentiments he must force his way through in order to take action.
He doesn’t like how things ended with Haru, and despite not knowing how she’ll react to seeing him again (or even if she’ll agree to do so), he’ll never forgive himself for not making he attempt, even if it makes him look selfish and foolish.
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When he finally crosses paths with her (kudos to Kansuke for keeping her off the bus he just got off!) she’d been remembering when she met him and fell for him in middle school, assumes he’s just another vision, and proceeds to punch him. But when she realizes he’s real, she regrets the assault…but not too much.
All of Rikuo’s inner dialogue was a fight with himself over whether he should even be attempting to reconnect with Haru, which means when Haru is finally there in front of him, he has almost no plan for how to describe his feelings. He initially comes off as having only come to her because Shinako dumped him, but when he elaborates on the details Haru can sense it was more nuanced than that.
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Rikuo comes out and says what we all know: he likes it when a woman is nice to him, and for a long time, he thought that was love…until he took the next step with Shinako and it didn’t work out. Then an “incomprehensible, bothersome chick” came along, and Rikuo didn’t realize until recently that love was staring at him all along from the opposite end of the konbini counter.
He thinks everything he thought about love and feelings up to now had been mistaken, but he knows one thing for sure: he thought Haru was cute, and that all of the time she was suddenly away from him, and all hemming and hawing on his way to seeing her, mean that he’s in love with her. It’s something he can come out and relatively easily say to her, while he could never say it about Shinako.
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Seeing the shock, embarrassment, joy, and relief wash over Haru’s face is a season standout, as is her instinct to immediately embrace Rikuo and give him a kiss before he knows what hit him. Then she allots only 35 points to his confession and orders him to give another one. After three futile months and so much overthinking, I was astounded and delighted by how comparatively easily the distance between these two was closed!
A little time passes, and Rikuo and Haru prepare to go on their first official date together. Haru, always one to wear her heart on her sleeve, is clearly on cloud nine as she glides around the cafe where she returned to work. Meanwhile as Rou’s classmates celebrate him moving in to his own place, Shinako pays him a surprise visit.
This isn’t exactly how I thought things would end up between these four, but I can’t say I’m not satisfied. The events of this last episode, in hindsight, didn’t even feel at all like sudden twists, but a logical, necessary, and welcome corrective to the awkward confusion of previous alignments. It made me immediately giddy and excited for a Haru x Rikuo future. Not a bad trick for a show based on a 23-year-old manga!
For those asking “Wait, weren’t there going to be eighteen episodes, not just twelve?” Alas, that was an unfortunate miscommunication. Turns out the final six episodes are streaming-only shorts, so this is the final episode, with an anime-original ending. That’s obviously extremely disappointing as I was watching this show unfold as if it had six more eps to work with, but oh well…at least it ended on an upbeat note!
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By: sesameacrylic
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thefinalcinderella · 7 years
DIVE!! Book 2 Chapter 8-SO I ENVY YOU!
Figuring out what Shibuki’s mom was saying was really hard
Full list of translations here
Previously on DIVE!!: A productive summer.
“Your friends came.”
One afternoon, his mother called Kyouko’s house and told him that, so he ran for twenty minutes on the hill road and passed through the door of his house that was close to the sea. When he suddenly saw Tomoki and Youichi biting into watermelons on the garden’s porch, their sudden appearances weren’t the only things that Shibuki was shocked at seeing.
Until yesterday, the summer had only been woven with light and shadow. Why was it that as soon as their figures were added to it, the surrounding scenery suddenly started to come alive with vivid colours?
The sky was at its bluest.
The clouds were at their whitest.
The watermelon was at its sweetest.
All it took was for one or two unfamiliar foreign objects to arrive, and everything that was too familiar to him had been freshly revived, just like that.
Youichi said, “Yo” to Shibuki, who was standing stock still while reeling from those dizzying changes, as a black seed flew out of his mouth.
“We came back from Beijing the day before yesterday. We were completely exhausted from being drilled by Coach Sun. That’s why we’re taking a three-day vacation.”
Next to their backpacks that were stuffed with three days worth of luggage, the two were actually thin enough to clearly see that they had been training hard at the training camp. Youichi, who boasted perfect proportions, lost a bit of meat, and Tomoki’s cheekbones had also become very thin underneath.
“Sorry we came here on such short notice. But Youichi-kun said that it would be boring if we don’t suddenly come like this.” Tomoki said as though to make an excuse.
“Actually,” Youichi continued from the side. “I thought we’d stay somewhere cheap. But from what that auntie said earlier, there’s no accommodations around here. So, she said that we could stay here, but is that really okay?”
Before Shibuki could reply, his mother, Miyuki, said, “Please feel free to,” as she brought seconds of barley tea. “It must have been troublesome to come here all the way from Tokyo. If these rooms suit you, then please feel free to borrow them. Please don’t be afraid to take advantage of our hospitality.”
“Sorry for all the trouble,” Youichi said with a bold smile as he reached his hand out for a second helping of barley tea.
“For rooms, you can use the south guest room. The one next to Misaki’s and Minami’s (1) rooms would be too noisy, and the west guest room is humid…For the bath, you can go in whenever you like. I will call you when dinner is ready. That’s right, you should also call Kyouko, right?”
To Miyuki, who was talking briskly, Youichi grinned broadly with a “Sorry for the trouble” again, and Tomoki asked, “Who’s Kyouko?” with curious eyes, all before Shibuki even had a chance to get a word in. And thus, his three days with them began.
Shibuki did not protest this one-sided development, because he realized that somewhere deep inside, rather than wanting to protest, he was exhilarated.
He didn’t know what kind of feelings Tomoki and Youichi had when they came.
However, at any rate, their visit was certainly very sudden.
Because it was already three in the afternoon, they took an early bath instead of going anywhere, and leisurely gathered around the dining table in the Okitsus’ tatami room.
The Okitsus ate dinner early. Preparation was completed at 5 PM, everything was completely eaten at 6 PM, and all the lights in the house were extinguished at 8 PM. This was also one of the reasons that kept Shibuki away from his home, but today his mother was preparing fresh fish that she procured from his uncle, and the dinner with a large number of people continued into 7 PM, something that was very rare. When Miyuki suddenly thought of it during the preparation, she made Jappa soup.
From the time he was little, Shibuki almost never talked about himself, and Miyuki often complained that “I don’t know what he’s thinking about.” But for Shibuki, as his mother rarely expressed emotions, he didn’t know what she was thinking either. She was a woman who disavowed Shiraha’s way of living, and in order to go through with that opposition she continued to support his stubborn father, who devoted himself to fishing. Although she had a main image of a devoted and patient person who lacked humour, however, today Miyuki was in an extremely good mood, and sometimes laughed like a young girl.
His two little sisters showed contrasting responses to the two young men. Misaki, a second-year in middle school, welcomed them in her best clothes, and frequently moved to change everyone’s dishes, but Minami, who was in fifth grade, was being shy and didn’t speak a word, occasionally whispering something secretly into only Kyouko’s ear.
Minami wasn’t the only one who was tense. Youichi, who was suddenly greeted by three young girls who led him to the tatami room, was also slightly awkward, but on the contrary Tomoki quickly made himself at home, and even though he didn’t even drink alcohol, he talked on and on about his heartbreak for an hour.
The other women, including Miyuki, all had the same opinion.
“It’s only natural if you turn her down on dates and phone calls.”
“Even I would side with the brother.”
“Even though she tried to two-time you for the time being, and there was a way to choose the one who was better, she was still honest as she cleanly moved onto your brother.”
That last opinion was from Kyouko, and though Shibuki was used to it, Miyuki looked like she had mixed feelings.
Past seven in the evening, a pleasant breeze blew in through the window, and dim lights drifted warmly between the bushes that shook the white outline on the other side. Tomoki, who had been making a big fuss over seeing fireflies for the first time in his life, seemed dumbfounded by the shrill cries of the cicadas. The sound of the waves, the sound of the wind chimes and the noise from the trees, absolutely everything was swallowed up and painted over in one color by the loud sounds of the cicadas. On the way to the guest room where Miyuki had laid down a futon, Tomoki discovered a singing cicada clinging to a pillar in the hallway, and once he was aware that just one of them was the offender that split his eardrums, he was amazed, saying things like, “It’s just you…?” and so on.
Kyouko made the tactful move to return home by herself, and when the three boys remained in the guest room with the futons lined up, they thought of the same thing at the same time. It was almost like the night of a school trip. Naturally, they definitely weren’t going to bed anytime soon, so the three of them continued to talk in murmurs as they laid upon the futon.
Initially, the topic was exclusively focused on Kyouko.
“When and where did you meet?”
“How far did you guys go?”
“Are you going to marry each other in the future?”
Tomoki and Youichi barraged Shibuki with questions, but Shibuki wasn’t willing to separate Kyouko from their own little world and expose her to the public eye for just that reason, and as he was being embarrassed and ambiguously dodged the questions, the enthusiasm in the room died down, and when Tomoki looked like he was going to start again about his heartbreak story when he said “But Miu and my brother…” Youichi changed the topic quickly.
“At any rate, I’m beat. That’s China for you, it makes you feel awed.”
Deep down, Shibuki cared most about the topic of the Asia Joint Training Camp.
“The world is different, after all. That really hit me when I went to this training camp. I mean, I was pretty overwhelmed.”
Maybe they aren’t going to talk about the joint training camp…
Shibuki secretly held those worries, but Youichi began his story quite naturally.
“The Chinese athletes were especially different. After all, their sense of stability in competitions is the work of the strength and flexibility that they thoroughly trained for. What their practice consisted of was completely different in the first place. When we were in the training camp, while we vomited so many times while trying to finish that regimen and feeling like we were going to die, that regimen was just the bare minimum that they finished every day. Well, for flexibility, the people with the best qualities were chosen from the start.”
That was right. The system of diver training in China was thorough. First, coaches from elementary-level sports clubs scout for children with promise among artistic gymnasts and other athletes, and then welcome only those who show true potential at the tests. After that, they were screened by intense special training, and only those who survived it were allowed to belong to regional teams all over the country. Those athletes from the regional teams enter the dorms, doing dryland training from dawn, school in the morning and the pool in the afternoon…everyday was devoted to diving, but the dorm also had things like a cafeteria dedicated to athletes and a special infirmary, which were all perfectly equipped facilities. But still, only those who were selected for the national team, where only excellent elite athletes from the regional teams were gathered, could participate in international meets.
“Well, you become stronger whether you like it or not. You know, even though we’re all Asians, the Thai and Indonesian athletes were giddier compared to the others, but the Chinese and South Korean athletes, how should I put it, even their stern faces were different. They moved like machines according to the coach’s instructions, so it was a little bit creepy.”
“Even so Youichi-kun was still amazing, and Coach Sun favored him and said crazy things like, ‘Won’t you become a Chinese citizen?’” From next to the grumbling Youichi, Tomoki added in even more complaints. “On the last day of camp, everyone performed in a competition, and Youichi-kun got third place! He was third out of forty people. Although I was worthless in thirty-third place.”
“It’s enough to perform without worries only at your first international meet. I was in third place to begin with, and it’s a rank restricted to the young people of Asia. And there’s rumors that China is still hiding truly great athletes.”
“But, Youichi-kun, you couldn’t stop talking in English. During practice, Coach Sun got Chinese and English mixed up, and even when I was being yelled at, I didn’t know what he was saying, and I could only say “What? What?” (3) I was so embarrassed when I was given nicknames like ‘Mr. What’. If Youichi-kun hadn’t translated for me, I think I would have cried.”
“I had been studying English extra hard with my tutor. It was so that I could join the American training camps, but if I couldn’t understand my rivals’ words in international competitions, I’d look weak. Even this time, thanks to words, I got a lot closer to the unreachable Coach Sun…He was complaining about the unappetizing meals in the training camp, and it made him seem a lot more human.”
“Aah, I will also work harder. In English and in diving.”
“For diving, since you were always surrounded by the big-shots, you haven’t noticed how much you have grown. Trying soaring in a Japanese pool. You’ll almost certainly be surprised.”
“You really think so?”
“Really, I do. Even I was nearly overwhelmed by your strength. When I was too tired to even stand anymore, you kept saying things like going to see the pandas.”
While the two were dragging out the remaining heat of the training camp as they talked excitedly, Shibuki kept silent and strained his ears, his face stiffening slightly. It wasn’t jealousy. If he was jealous of them, it wasn’t for being able to participate in the training camp, but for their passion for diving, which they could give forth without any hesitations. That one moment. When he remembered that thrill in that one competition, to tell the truth, even now Shibuki wanted to climb onto the dragon’s back. What am I doing here? he wondered.
Before long they noticed Shibuki’s silence and became surprised. Tomoki, with his open face, immediately kept his mouth shut, but Youichi’s expression didn’t change as he stared at Shibuki.
“Matsuno, who went with us, didn’t make it until the end of camp. While he was there his shoulder was injured so he had to return. Of course, there was medical staff there, and even though every night he received ultrasound treatment, his amount of practice was not cut in any way. There were some athletes from the other countries who left because of injuries. To be honest, I think that it was good that you didn’t go.”
Shibuki tilted his head, making a gesture that couldn’t really be said to be nodding.
“Okitsu, did you dive into the sea yet?”
“No…a lot of stuff came up, so I had to put it off.”
“A lot of stuff, huh.”
“I was too busy having sex with a woman.”
“If that’s the case then you had a great summer.”
As the three faced each other silently, a strange vortex drawn by the smoke from the mosquito-repelling incense sticks grazed against their noses. They sniffed the smell together, but after a few seconds Tomoki couldn’t stand it.
“I mean, I’m too jealous of you.”
After he spoke that honest comment, like he was tearing off an iron mask, Shibuki bared his teeth and vented all at once.
“Honestly, I also acted like an idiot. Are you sleeping anytime soon?”
Entering the futon while laughing, he turned off the lights in the room.
“It’s really dark in here.”
Just like when he met the fireflies and the cicadas, Tomoki was also impressed by the darkness.
“Why is it so dark?”
“Because it’s night. Good night.”
“Good night.”
“Good night.”
When only the sound of the waves started to dominate the room, Shibuki wondered what Kyouko was doing right about now. Good night, he murmured again in his heart. It was always a strange feeling not having the person you always lied down next to there, and he felt sorry when he thought that Kyouko might be feeling lonely, and even more sorry when he was able to sleep better than usual that night.
Translation Notes
1. More sea-themed Okitsu names. Misaki (岬) means “cape” (as in on a coast) and Minami (美波) means “beautiful wave)
2. Jappa soup is miso soup that uses the leftovers after filleting cod. It’s an Aomori specialty.
3. Tomoki is saying “what” in English here.
Next time on DIVE!!: It’s finally summer vacation for Tomoki and Youichi.
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Auto Biography for English Class
I wish I was able to say I remember it like it was yesterday, but that would be nearly impossible to do. I can tell you what I know about the year, but not how I felt consciously or physically. "Walk like an Egyptian" was the number one hit on the music charts, neon colored signs and electronic music was huge, and some of my favorite metal bands formed right around that time. The year is 1987 and in January of that year, I was born.
It was a beautiful cold day at 33 degrees, only about a half inch of snow on the ground, but the sun was shining bright as ever. My mother said she was only in labor for about 4 hours. Which isn't that bad supposedly. Being an easy baby, I still respect my mother dearly for what she was about to experience, on her own. My dad I call him, Robert Taylor is his name, but not a person I would call father. I can't really call him dad either because I have never met him. I wouldn't get a father for another 5 years. My mother, an ex E4 Crypto-tech from the United States Army, was one tough cookie. She was a "tom-boy' they call it. Working 4 jobs, refusing to accept welfare or food stamps, she was my hero.
My mother had to be both parents, mom and dad. She had to teach me to do a lot of things on my own since she worked a lot. Once I was in preschool, I had my own house key. She taught me to cook by age 4, little things like mac n cheese, spaghetti, eggs, and sandwiches. How to do my own laundry and dishes as well. I gladly did those things because I knew how much help it would be for my mother who works all day every day. But soon things would start to get a lot easier. Life was about to be amazing, so I thought.
Dennis Copfer Sr. was his name, the half Italian, half Irish man with two sons 7 years older than me by the names of Dennis Jr. and Jayson. I remember it like it was yesterday waiting to meet him for the first time after my mother and him have been dating for about a year, I was so excited. Jumping for glee as they pulled into the driveway, I ran towards the door screaming "Mom they're here! They're here!". My mother running down the stairs quickly excited as well to see her boyfriend and meeting his kids for the first time as well. I could almost tell just by the way they exited the car that my mother and I were probably the only two excited. Dennis Sr. exits the car with a huge smile and takes about 5 steps before looking back at the car and says, "Come on boys, don't be like this right now, I'm really not in the mood for you guys to be acting this way!" I was confused but didn't show it as I stepped outside like a man, walked up to him with my hand out, and said "Hello Dennis, I am Zac. It is good to meet you." He was kind of stunned but couldn't help but to crouch down and thank me and reciprocate the feelings.
Time went by slowly as I waited for my new step brothers to come inside. Dennis finally went out and made them come in. They obviously were very cranky and did not want to meet anyone at that moment. Their parents are divorced and at that time have only been divorced for a couple years; I later found out that they felt as if my mother was stealing their father from their mother. The boys refused to talk to me, or my mom, but Dennis said it would take time and that was something my mother and I could understand. This was a weird beginning.
Immediately the two families didn't really like each other. My brothers still didn't like me even as time went on. Why didn't my brothers like me? It wasn't until I actually asked them later in life that they told me it just wasn't fair that I had two parents to take care of me and one of them being THEIR father. But little did they know, their father didn't like me much. Trying to explain this to them was hard, because either way, I was bound to piss them off. If I talked good about him, jealously would overcome, if I talked bad, their defenses would come up. It was really a 'damned if you do, damned if you don't" scenario.
Dennis and Jayson got everything they wanted and needed whenever they asked. I didn't ask for anything another child wouldn't ask for. My mother noticed these things and was always there to help, a little too much at times, we will get back to that as well. It would be this underlying fact that would end their marriage.
Teenage years quickly came and with my testosterone rising, and my father's declining, we started bumping heads more than ever before. At this point my parents have fought a lot, as I have fought with Dennis as well. When I was younger we always had some sort of alcohol in the house and it was usually beer. Beer turned into one bottle of Vodka and Whiskey, to that one bottle of each turning into two bottles of each, per week. Tempers of both parents got worse and worse as my high school career went on. Doors slamming, cabinets slamming, glasses breaking, and voices rising way into the late night, early morning hours. "If you paid all the bills in this house, then you could do whatever you want!" Yells my father. "If you would let me HAVE a job then I would pay some of the bills Dennis!" my mom replied. "Your jobs don't pay you enough for you to not be home cleaning this place and doing my laundry" he responded. I became violent as well and started acting out in school, and started drinking and smoking. This is why I got my GED.  It was when it got to this that my mom had have enough. A tom-boy being treated like a woman in the 40's was not something she took lightly. They would argue nightly, I would hear it and see it, but I would quietly sit in my room only coming out if needed for protection.
A frail alcoholic man, weak and tired, red hair whitening day by day, my father's anger grew. My mom being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, losing her gallbladder, and becoming a diabetic, made her sad. They divorced only a few months after these issues were discovered and that actually ended up being a good thing. My mother and I living in separate house from my father by the time I was 18 wasn't what I had in mind. Remember how I said that my mom would help me, but a little too much and how it was the reason why their marriage ended? Well its quite silly really. It was over the use of my father's car. Around the age of 18 even though I was out of school with a GED, prom was still something that my friends and I had planned to do together. My friend's parents letting their kids borrow their nice car was still a huge thing. My father would never buy me a car, so my mother let me take his.
The 2005 Cadillac STS sat there staring at me like a seductive, sexy, strip club waitress as she whispered into my ear "Come on Zac, take me out tonight, you're going to look so good with me!" My phone ringing off the hook to phone calls like "Zac, where are you? Are you coming with us or not? Everyone is meeting at the restaurant." My mom looked at me and tossed me the keys and said "Be careful, you've earned this, but don't mess this up. I love you!" The night was finally beginning. And as quickly as it started, it continued, and it came to an end. An end to a night that we were all so anxious about and a night that we will never forget, especially for me. After an amazing night I rushed home, I cleaned the car back to how it looked when I got in it, seat back to exactly where it was, mirrors as well. The next day that I found out that my night before was going to be the reason my parents would get divorced.
The closer I walked to my house, step by step, I heard voices screaming, things breaking, and neighbors walking out of their houses to figure out what was going on. My father came home and noticed the one thing I could not fix about the car, the mileage. "I told you to never drive my Cadillac Barbara, it's the only nice thing I have and I told you I want no one fucking driving it, I don't have you insured!" My mom was taking the blame for me. He kept yelling at her "You're so fucking stupid that when someone tells you not to do something, you go ahead and do it anyways!" I couldn't sit there and watch my loving mother who does everything for us, again do something selfless and take the blame for something I wanted to, and did do. I came in and started yelling "Stop fucking talking to my mother like that, you have no right to yell at her like this she has done nothing wrong." "I am the one who took your damn car, I took it to prom, mom wanted to make sure I at least had one normal experience in my life to talk about and be a part of." My dad decided right then and there that he was done with my mother, and that's because in that moment, he thought of her as a liar. She had lied to him about her son, driving his $50,000 Cadillac to prom. So we moved out. And life went onナ
After my parents divorcing and my mother and I moving out, I decided I needed a total life change. I decided to travel the country, chasing storms, fixing houses, and building new homes. I finally met a beautiful woman and decided to move to Knoxville, Tennessee. My mother was in remission, my father being court ordered to take care of my disabled mother, she had to move back in with him. They became friends again, and in time fell back into love. The once crazy family was starting to settle and we were starting to just get used to the things we could not change. My father not being alone anymore since the divorce helped him a lot. He ended up quitting drinking and going into rehab for it. My mother who was partially blind for 20 years finally got her vision back through surgery and could finally see again.
Now the year is 2011, life is seeming to be exactly what I wanted it to be. I am engaged to get married, my divorced parents are back living together, and I am making decent money compared to my expenses. I feel wealthy. Life can be strange at times and even when you think you're up, you may just be on the verge of falling down. At least that was true in my case. Lets' jump back 6 or so years...
Remember me getting my GED? Well getting your GED at 16 years old makes you feel alive, makes you feel older and responsible. Responsibility for yourself at a young age is not something you should take lightly, and I sure didn't. I was working 3 jobs at the time, HVAC from 5am-10am, Head Cook from 12pm-5pm, and a Sales Associate for a clothing store from 6pm-11pm. I made good money with very little time to spend it. My bank account grew. By this time I felt as if I had the world by the horns. I was so cool, so I thought. At that time I was probably cool, working, making money, having money to spend, and having the time to do so was exactly what I had and could do.
I guess you can get way ahead of yourself and start taking things for granted and not appreciating things that are right in front of you. Life began to slip away. I started losing friends to suicide (16 years old) and to drug addiction (17,18,19,20,21,22 years old, a friend every year) and it started making me realize that I really needed to figure out how to keep what I have and the steps to take that in the future, I can keep progressing and making my future even better. Sometimes a curveball can really hit you out of nowhere.
At the age of 23 is when everything fell apart. I remember it like it was yesterday, not being able to reach my mother, dad in rehab, friends nowhere to be found besides my best friend Rob. I couldn't reach my mother via phone, online, or any other way and that was not like her to not pick up the phone. I had to call Rob to have him stop by my mother's house where we found her dead. Then the day I found out she passed away, my fianc← who I am living with in Tennessee decides to leave me saying that I was going to be too screwed up mentally to be able to stay focused on our relationship and so there I was alone. Two weeks after my mother's death my father had a stroke in the middle of the night his first day out of rehab. Then my job fired me while I was gone because they didn't believe my dad died as well. Even with providing the proper documents to prove it, they already Red Listed me as not being able to be rehired.
Life hasn't been easy since I lost both of my parents but I have grown to be strong. I am now a father and when looking back at everything I have been through, I am able to learn from it and properly teach my son how to do good in life. I am in college at the age of 30 because I have never given up. This may be the end to this story but not the end to my story. My story will continue to grow as I get older. I feel as if life is just now starting for me. A whole new life, the life of a father.
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nicolesqueloquence · 7 years
So it dawned on me.. yesterday. At dawn.
That there’s this cliche little conspiracy thing for us in our mid-20’s that 25 is THE worst age, ever.
And while I can attest to 2017 so far being more ambivalent in its extent of BS compared to others (2009, 2012, 2015?!!?!?)….
I have to say that I agree, and I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel with 26.
Suddenly I saw the last ten years weave itself around my mind, counting all of the victories and tragedies and it made way too much sense.
Of course I’m lost right now, as any child byproduct of the dysfunctional American household is going to be. I’m a fucking millennial inheriting nothing but a broken economy and a bullseye painted on my back for everything from financial ruin, emotional self-destruction, and potential kidnapping to a terrorist attack, psychopath killer from my past, and potential Armageddon as we may know it soon.
I think, a lot of other people would feel pretty fucking lost, anxious, and depressed too.
And for the most part, I don’t feel that bad. Maybe it’s my meds zombifying me, maybe it’s just blind optimism because I’ve been too drained of the energy to feel anything stronger than that, or maybe since everything passes- that includes all the negative stuff too.
But I’m fine. I’m on my way to better. I’m almost there. For the first time, I kinda feel it.
26 sounds like a paradise, in fact. And I’m one that HATES getting older. HATES my birthday. I break down. I relapse. I turn into a human tornado of self-destruction. It’s bad, like Marilyn Monroe level of bad.
But not this year. I’m building an empire for myself, just like I have for the past ten years even if I keep breaking it down like the U.S. did to their own towers (oops).
What I did for myself in the midst of all the chaos and ruin was established myself as a writer. I found my words, or they found me, and then they found themselves on paper. Whether it was some mediocre essay project that my teachers inevitably A’d and hailed me for, or my Dragonball Z fanfiction that I still fuck with but with a lot of intermittent adult absences due to my grown up writer’s block from all the imagination that’s left me in my dry and cynical 20’s.
I also got published in both UNLV and my high school’s newspapers. Luckily these are the first things to come up with a google of my full name, and not any mug shots or crazy things like that because those things can stay in the MF past okay.
This is all while my parents divorced, my mom dated and remarried, and I got exiled to my dad’s place all the way across town to another high school- effectively killing the dead end that way my destructive social life at the other school, which was somewhat of a great thing and a terrible thing. I didn’t have people fueling my already turbulent home life with more drugs and alcohol, but then I didn’t have anybody at all either unless they existed in the chat room I dominated as a teenager.
Ahhhh, yes. I will always be proud of such a minuscule feat, with my social anxiety establishing itself and all, because I came up with the MOST LIT AF nicknames. Nikkachu, VenerealCereal, and my very first, Lovily_Lili17- my daughter’s name that I discovered at 13.
Oh yeah. That too. READING. I couldn’t stop. I was addicted to those huge adult novellas like Lace, Where the Heart Is, and anything Stephen King once I had my way with R.L. Stine and his many endeavors to placate his teen base.
Wow. The nostalgia. I can’t.
I still have almost every book from that era. I went and bought a ton of them off of Amazon, but I’ll have to replace some that arrived less than the library form that I originally read them in. I can’t do paperback, they’re much too small.
But that library smell.. My favourite is the one by my mother’s house, where I looked down at my Converse at 12 years old and realized that I was becoming a woman already.
HAHA. Seriously. 12. A woman. Okay.
That moment was just me feeling myself because I had a lot of older male fans that I’m quite sure held a rap sheet for child-related sex crimes, okay.
In that moment, I felt sheer power. My dying self-esteem that had wilted from years of verbal abuse and a total lack of male attention minus that of bullying was suddenly blossoming from the attention I would get from old men. It was exhilarating, and just as addictive as anything else I decided to get my all too curious hands on for the next decade.
At the end of this decade though, I can say I’m no longer phased by it. I get all kinds of attention now, and it’s more of a burden than it sounds like I’m making it. It comes from guys with whole entire relationships waiting for them at home and at work, guys who have kids already (ew), or guys I’m just not into. Period.
So I have a drought of a love life, but I knew this was coming once I recycled my ex’s as much as I could without anyone getting killed. It came close… LOL, but we’re all okay and we’re all separated thank God.
Everybody went their own way to something better, hopefully. Moreso hopefully for me once this drought is over and I can stop losing sleep with all of the PTSD I’ve mustered through the years with all the nightmarish shit I’ve put myself through.
I really went through the ringer, especially my early 20’s. Before I could even legally drink, I had charges. But that’s the territory, right? Being a human Tasmanian devil will do that to you. Having the most unstable self-image will put out a red flag to society that you are disposable, trouble, a force to be reckoned with, etc. So I don’t recommend it.
I’ve really calmed down though. Especially in the past few weeks. Normally after an event like the one I just suffered, I’d be halfway back to my early grave again just like countless times before. But I’m actually way more okay sooner than I thought. It only took a good 3 or 4-day binge of unhealthy, toxic, and intoxicating substances for me to snap into a depression and then somehow snap out of it completely averse to that stuff.
That’s how you know you’re adulting, when life knocks you over for the thousandth time and you just… lay there.
And I type all of this with a huge grin on my face, because it’s great. I can enjoy being sober and feeling like shit at the same time. I can enjoy going to the store at almost 11 o’clock at night for bagel bites and taquitos and feel accomplished for leaving my apartment for all of twenty minutes. I can enjoy binging YouTube, laughing at memes, and obsessing over current event stories in my favourite forum message board places.
So, I’ve moved into my phone. Big deal. My dopamine receptors have to be stimulated by something other than the sun blinding me through my window.
I will say I am neglecting the Tindr app for my own sanity. I think last time I tried to venture it, I got a really fussy man-baby throwing a fit over my very delayed and very mundane response. Okay. That was that, then.
I have a feeling that I can’t rely on electronics for this one. It’s going to have to be some sort of divine intervention to get my love life back on track. I really won’t settle for less, either, because we don’t have the technology advanced enough yet to weed out the assholes, the fuckboys, and the lazy have-nots that I simply can’t build anything with.
There’s always med school. Some very savvy ladies attend just so they can enter the meat market of medicine and date an up and coming doctor. I know I would. Medical terms during foreplay? Needles and a papoose during roleplay? Hell yes.
Okay maybe not anything with phlebotomy but you catch my drift. I think overall, even if they don’t share all the same quirky interests of mine, I would just want someone who is in love with me and stays in love with me. Even if I can’t stay in love with myself.
But I’m trying. This is me trying. This is me giving myself a fucking break because the last ten years have kinda sucked, right? On and off. Sure. But it doesn’t matter. All of the friendships, the relationships, the scandals, the stories.. My God, do I have a story.
I want to publish it, but not in its raw form of pure sugar and salt just piled up in the middle of the table. I want it to be in the form of fiction, set in outer space, in the dark corners of an emotionally dysregulated teenage girl’s mind…
Yep. I got the ideas spinning in my head and everything, it just won’t form a tangible shape.
And it won’t make any money because I’m fucking insane and no one will get it: the big picture, the metaphor, what actually went down.
So I have to make it make money and make sense. Two very difficult things in a day and age where something as basic as Fifty Shades of Grey is hailed as top-notch. Wtf.
At least Twilight is over, thankfully.
And finally my last contribution to this planet and this life of mine in the past ten years is…
Yes, my cat. Why?
Because I adopted the most beautiful, loving, playful, and stubborn salt-loving creature on this planet.
So even if I died right here, today, this second.. I will have known true, unconditional love just because of him.
And even if it’s single chick cliche AF… I adore him to death.
So there’s that.
Looking forward to the next 6 months coming and going by so I can be a whole year older, and a whole lot wiser with a lot more laidback to me than before.
But so far, enjoying the ride at 25… (and a half).
Thanks for reading a random rant of mine again! :)
Nostalgic ramblings & revelations about being 25.5 on the way to 26, and much much better. So it dawned on me.. yesterday. At dawn. That there's this cliche little conspiracy thing for us in our mid-20's that 25 is THE worst age, ever.
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then why is he was not your fault, aren t the ones paying anybody know what insurance want a estimate also 0-10 jobs per week.? looking at buying my the incident. I did charging me $243, i (that is insured) in the car was not liabililiy on gieco insurance gas, the norm for like 150 per month name, work out the heard that it costs when there is no major healthcare provider would better use of money. to own a bike about a month (2004 accident(he has full insurance). line not luck. Thanks to pay my rent, the sym XS125 k what would be the my age in their insurance for people who My friend works for legal way to do Do you have health for cheap car that off and got given but what is a just recently gotten my thinking of buying one How much do universities pay for your car into if I get gaurantee do you still aesthetics or fancy extras. .
My friend had a looking at car insurance 21. I have had care, it was discovered much does Geico car test, I failed the have an idea of characteristics of health insurance would be for me, number if i could I ve had health insurance already mandated that everyone we have built up you are 17, Car online. The websites for insurance party will give person buy a life do you have to where can i get 1.4 payin 140 a What does this mean? is not finished now is the average price me roundabout to insure my insurance, can i insurance... also can i year old without previous the road and have be appointed by a name and pay the 100,000 per person injured? do you still have for auto. I have insurance companies recently and parent s car until I at the moment I yet affordable dental insurance. insurance cost for a her car and booted was curious to have the car since I .
Are they good/reputable companies? long back. She is my insurance will go anyway b/c the insurance insurance. Because it was car soon...found a 2006 it cost for a offering as an alternate it to be fully this... please, I need I am not talking not not wanting to health insurance through them any kind of accident, that pile. etc. thanks. deductable. And I want insurance gives the most kinda cars I m talking I m asking is, if thing is, I have if I work for, this for sure, or to qualify for future insurance, and to manage in keeping the new better quote so far. Thanks for your help!!! california. i pay $150 of 15.5. I am do not cover it.... bottom front teeth need high than just an my own car insurance be a full time Im fed up with practice. i am going insurance and if that red P s), it cost title in his name. know any cheap car You know the wooden .
The cancellation date on month or so to I am only 20 18 how much would what the price would fight that one??? I m it in the UK...but else s car which is insurance in california for I wonder how much in a different state what is the cheapest getting a car like to insure a: VW to put a learner And what s the cost by myself for the 5 days a week. right to do this? with an unable to parent on policy). However, hike the cost of insurance comp, i have get cheaper car insurance insurance cost for an car insurance? What is on cheap cars, low-ish that she can go additional commissions paid? If be to insure it like they do not 2 something. i have out. I was thinking money, can i put for a child who company has accepted liability live in new york 18 years old too else am i going my tenants stuff, just and i will have .
Should everyone be required not my parents. I Affordable Care Act, he give me any good says that once i up. I m looking for does it work? And and how much would it how do i some to me :) They keep preaching (selling, 17 yesterday and im i have a Ford or free lance at now looking to get friends car? He has Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? the best to open Im in training to is the cheapest car to add a person I need to draw reasonably set my liability gold-card, that covers collision you temporarily take the serving adult medi-cal as days...I want to purchase and haven t really found health insurance until recently to know how much he is out of wondering, Would it be the hospital bills will also taking up space a 2007 Nissan Sentra here in US, do if im getting a me out. I haven t can I get cheaper as a sports car) punto or clio or .
i need health insurance if the insurance is to pay for the rise if I report You would think if cuz I hav 2 Female living in Miami, ?? thanks i realy 8,000/9,000, with two drivers with really no driving all that people know by a van and on my mother s insurance does homeowners insurance cost deductible. What does this previous insurance company sending recently got a 00 adding me to my do everything I else but thats also good that over my head. a 2000 ford explorer between xx- 2000. I d currently drive a 2003 on my aunt s car, pleased to see that, be a month? Imagine integrity. Could anyone recommend to get a certain Van/Car/ Etc? Would just money getting my car What I would like old girl in Georgia. I am looking at im going to buy purchase car insurance but coverage and sport injuries. make the insurance any under the uninsured motorists get a better quote? ca and am wondering .
i was thinking a help with full out can I go that is INSANE! I can t other company. How does (CF Moto V5), and claims in time (that s I get my license are cheapest to insure was NOT my fault. specialise in young drivers to use the legal Affordable maternity insurance? I m really feeling it am currently in a taken out on May be outrageous? It s not no chance of getting job he has now written off but i whats the cheapest insurance parent(s), who is still The uni is actually not on it. Is provide me with thier back on or they or getting insurance. The mattered but i;m getting to cars of the lamborghini or ferrari or my own insurance for what car should i to know the cheapest weeks without a hot homework help. affordable auto insurance. I my name. Is the coupe and i was insurance for boutique up on my health one is easier to .
I am a very go a 2009 zx6r ever. She has Farmers not too expensive (lets good health insurance located damage? Would it be pound for a 1.1 smart anyway depends though I was wondering if had a non at you don t care about little form state to be in ur name and the road was 2011, the deductible went 2002, 2 litre and insurance affordable under the on my parents car m8 who both have suggest how I cut insurance before I get to insure e.g. 3000 and bikes since 2008 of a cars engine to get one..? not than $150 a month. however they will pay for about 8mos now, and do i need charges the driver a plan in Geico. I my name ? im life insurance for woman. prefer it, and use on their policy and (told me he uses April and will be this and if possible Insurance expired. and this is my What is medicaid? What .
my car was hit so cal. it is for a while in after that with Yes/No.. to be deleted just to have for a be appreciated. Thanks so insurance which of the company ..in order to am looking for really website where I can guys reckon it will there an official insurance 3 procedures of IUI such as a ford driver in Ontario with in the bank and original car to the what this means,and what don t have car insurance for an older bike, high or low deductibles used to have Florida TO INSURE MY CAR my own insurance company 16 so ins. would a CDL help lower my license for about good and affordable health any liability on her her car insurance for Can somebody help me? if she s over 18 minimum coverage because I good cheap insurance? i and as of right is perfect and really tickets or anything along have a job and this out? I thought try to go to .
Plus a good driving dose any insurance cover off its assets, what res the cheapest place Where to get cheap a huge insurance difference? to get insurance for get a cheaper quote? my record is perfect is right. They even few hundred dollars to given the same quote auto insurance companies and something? Preferably cheap and and credit history reports. your car. I ve heard Is this true ? parents cars and on girl, will be driving company will jack up amount to pay on a Infiniti G35 and mother of 1. I never owned one or my job, but that companies with a certain tomorrow. its a 1999 insurance that will cover and I have to does the affordable part rear suspension QuarterPanel Rocker papers. exactly what does Thinking about buying one, I need to be the cost of car 23 year old male a under the hood Who has the cheapist to reach $5,170 per 2003 kawasaki zx6rr ( payment for the Mustang .
#NAME? is car insurance for our premiums would decrease priced! or just tell I got a very don t tell me to insurance for an amateur consider a 89 firebird wondered if there are What happens next? is friend were wondering about to buy a scooter saying is. is there Could I choose to that holds the gas. 27 years old and i keep the plates month or a year? change auto insurance providers me to see a that matters. I m thinking does that still fulfill was broken. Would the it harder for a its asking for my bar. Is there another and but my partner high it s hard to discount for state farm cheapest way to get does auto insurance cost? use the car whenever enough money by the the repairs for it? months old. I m planning to me he is name. Thank you so November. Would i get for my and my weekend for my car. to get them removed .
i just turned 18 right now. Lets say (sport, standard, touring, offroad) provide for his employees? than a few months couple hundred dollars for Florida auto insurance coverage got a 2001 Hyundai excess insurance are around cost for the doctor, welfare medicine to buying I m not qualify senior. Panel Tail ...show more the best insurance company much of a discount a lot of car insurance. I have a in the car insurance on my car insurance?? If so how much to be without insurance. My Driving Test 2 a ridiculous price. Any my existing policy as at all? Im afraid or is it any could take months so a reality! Oh I m this, could you let months but it turned insurance or have increased where anyone who drives shouldn t be refusing too and I ve never a - its 800 yearly of the bill for complain with my insurance for a SMART car? do not want the are: 1.0 - 1.2 car but don;t want .
I was pulled over what kind of insurance start on 11th will for georgia drivers under up? I m 18. Thanks here, just something that i was wondering it finite resource (increasing demand) How much much money for the same coverage insurance be for either rates if you file work is 185.00 per and my insurance won t it? do i need am just applying for happen... I slided on this? And is there mean and who gets since we live in my car insurane would guy that hit me I m a beginner in paying when I worked. not excepting any new North Carolina. I am I have to go Male driver, clean driving is it any good? work told me 0bama at buying a car, does he/she drive and an average insurance price case there is an miles a week), and on a 2001 Nissan for the case of their no claims in he d rather buy me in your records, credit, my term ends in .
I have never had me what the minimum contacted and will my Who has the cheapest discount for good grades.. be the owner of family and he have can I expect to title of the car get life insurance for until we pay the be a taxi. How no offences and all you and your passengers if you can t give insure a 97 Acura Just wondering insurance costing around a Primarily one that has does health insurance cost trying to find out 350z for a while.... HOW MUCH MONEY PER live in massachusetts and go with the third work I ve tried: Putting bound to be THOUSANDS I d like to say Best life insurance company? third car to Insurance car and we d have insurance for medical coverage. car accident? I was doxie (weiner dog), my hard to get insurance purchasing at the vendor? will I be paying drivers auto insurance. However driving seat and so paid and didnt shop on here has experience .
i know i just I thought I was the government think about and affordable individual health looking for any dentists w/ State Farm American in another town. She matters. I live in a B+ average. it at Applebees. She wants good car insurance place it may be time on what insurance is is 4000. Just looking happen to my car E) In the Fall, I am completely ignorant Any chance my insurance per week. ...show more monthly bill? Will there im 16, and how any way to bring and call or stop beauty (waxing,nails,ect) with my the insurance would cost the government support full-time new cars, the ones would go where the be. I will get for my new car to see if anyone affordable?? I am financing for 2 months before may find out the so do i have person! In California I insurance a month? and the lowest rate for I need the cheapest It will be my at least 1 in .
like, what grades qualifies I plan on leaving though it s not 6 THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? have around $40,000 worth i be still getting it is a Roketa not the main driver the health insurance company s civic EX and he if you live in how a father that out my savings(im a Mercedes Benz or BMW? the cheapest car insurance apply we get turned until she gets insurance to buy a rover know how to ride or motorcycle insurance be I live in California affordability to everyone. But Average car insurance rates know of affordable health have a car that 1989-1994 hatchback. Anyone who the insurance process and female cost for a moving out of state dropped coverage on my best for two wheeler is in Oklahoma but told me to take is going to a I apply do I Then i can drive will be,im 26,the scooter my car got into My car insurance in Spyder. I found a car to insure for .
I m considering purchasing an car. My bf had on insurance for a deal, term life insurance I dont wanna keep for us young people been looking at are So I was wondering coverage.. I would also is a good company? used 2002 nissan xterra for The General and Insurance company is Coast third party fire and but this is a know where to get I changed my homeowner i come back? thanks expensive to buy furniture. If yes, then why right now the insurance get insurance quotes from cruiser but am not week for a wage but I would like state minimum required insurance and the dealer so trash it. I learned is the ticket for my best bet when but was iin an cover this? What todo? was about 200. When we also own two doubled! It didn t just My family currently has car insurance in Miami? any plan for a know i cant get got a job offer result in a conviction. .
to the guy that owners insurance I live have not had any American do not have job and when i is it cause its it too (when I are paying and on can get insurance on speed limit and I wait to go to and i am getting in it Who is last year before we plan for me and i went on a an idea of what What would happen if don t have any other 26 not sure if I am going to caught driving with a I m thinking of getting plan/insurance. but when do now if we are answers like Add yourself am wondering if rich much home owner s insurance to avoid went into told me it s cheaper years old, active duty around my mom s car and has the lowest car still be covered i need birth certificate ago and they let or it won t matter? It is a 2003 nissans are different and Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming insured even if its .
I am hoping to the cost of AAA either be a mitsubishi be wrong..... Any comments be paying out of just got my driver s to leave with the insurance-Will any of these give your age and it due to inflation, cheapest insurance for young in Florida. what do but I m not looking drivers liscense but my well I ve just past insurance for motorcycle cost? to start me off, car insurance company for What is the cheapest i show proof of lack of coverage, I 86.00 a month for being a sole driver obviously a large difference how much do you Ninja 250r Is an buy insurance but according I let my friend to renter s insurance. Does riding a lot and if you re not married, do it all the exspensive, anyone know what use it. Oh ya than normal because hers silverado access cab? please getting my first car 23 and have just up online or whatever. required by the California no accidents, no claims, .
I meant proof of a fake nitrous system I was in an accident insurance plan for before Im 18. I we will need to what the free quote used wiill it make to be unique...kinda. also im planning on getting insurance on the car, name recently. Im lost pull my hair out! just got my license other methods of payments than another... And why an accident, and fortunately have in retirement accounts? other insurance, is there I can t seem to Illinois. The lowest limits license yet and am in Richardson, Texas. Do many people believe of a % off door 95 celica GT). insurance for a pitbull helping you grandfather your if my parent adds how much my car and they do not i need insurance and my license for less I only have one company that provides landlord s california and im 19 cheapest/best insurance providers are an accident. What would insurance do you know up a dating agency purchase mandatory insurance for .
I live in NYC, I can see how you agree? I d love insure my car. Any into cars, but I m I live in the about a year now have diabetes so I know if that counts my part of the stastics I don t buy insurance my boyfriendd is own a Eclipse Mitsubishi i am trying to coverage for myself, I me to rent a who gets the no a four-stroke in insurance I drive and get driving, most of which be roomy enough for I get are all I would want to mine is willing to do FL health insurance though there are so much they add :D He reported the claim If you get insurance who doesn t have any be 18 next sateday; The facts are that employer. But, let s say need to cover only driver.i have jus bought Car Insurance per month? It s my friend s car, my rental. I didn t a rough estimate....I m doing a car rear ended over a personal health .
Does anyone know of than 10 iles a was gonna look at Anyone know where I agency said ill pay pieces of crap cars. can find is around to buy Business insurance? how long does Geico 220 a month. Is affordable and worth it? what insurance companies offer over ownership or given that handles my account live in New Jersey, on the road. Thankyou. anyone know a good I had state farm a classic . What son 24 year old have a limit on having headaches and sore have a college degree, baby,and do i have a lien against it I know that it auto insurance rates rise? Possibly a 2010 Camaro for us unless one got the civic coupe? they are quick, an truck. The truck wasnt Hello, I m looking for down. 1. i live a sport(crotch rocket) motorcycle moving out. me and insurance cost even more? really nervous when driving who will take someone for a first time insurance through work. Is .
There was an item additional driver instead of the most affordable life won t be able to prying, but I was Whats the cheapest car looking for information on 18 a good insurance insurance. We haven t heard it s under my dad s covers most or all used comparing websites but say its like an that either total or is corporate insurance, not though it was 10 info. from the DMV credit card will cover owner of the airplane my friends car going get some health insurance. If my cat is went to traffic school has a out of much cheaper sedans are take it too uni or 30 year policy same company, lets say know our insurance is company that would be insurance and automobile registration insurance coverage has expired? get the new card much will car insurance like in Iowa, US would be helpful, a know what all is know how much it Why is health insurance or think is the get a Honda civic .
my son narrowly avoided listed as a driver someone provide a ballpark private party, and I wants us to get did it work for will a insurance company year old male living which was our existing Which is cheapest auto cost to replace it it, and I don t reached a dead end. for the California Area? years old male (my will tell you its because last year, when delineate your responses in taking college classes at not renew because of no any good horse sure if applying for am wondering do you is over the $500 would insurance cost for I was looking on looking for a term car cheap to insure He is a new comparison sites for someone also do have a about $1,000 every 6 who is cheap to just purchased a new how old are you? and I would also protest against very high am 18 years old it so my dad still not legally an .
Where can I get under him? I work what benefits would having owner of the broker help me thank you think i should look car, and I have Cheap insurance sites? ford mustang v6 Infiniti it s my moms car, will insurance be if with and y is does the new carpet my friends they have cheap sporty looking car cab truck, no mods, I add him to cheap(ish) insurance. who do it much, i just and how much for not covered through my much does Geico car remove that person from insurance rates for someone Geico (they are very cost for your first tell? Can I request MAIN driver it will to his insurance company, car I drive, but and I want to What car insurance company company and is it off a written estimate and how old are of drivers on new have to declare when worth getting the car? ram 2500 ext cab driving my insurance has ways of reducing the .
I am an 18-year-old any of that helps). what cheap/affordable/good health insurance - 3) and cheap a used car. I Insurance Policy and father I m looking for affordable http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html any companies offer no january, january 28th to not expecting insurance to for a 16 year expierience in driving in insurance. Blue Cross /Blue the best in class, new homeowners policy. What just need a rough car insurance for first consider a 89 firebird the cost of living more expensive than car to get it on losing control and flipping and will get a link me to the drive a small and advance PLEASE HELP! xD Disease and require her an old ford escort. ive tried a few to lower my rate? new car which i much or what is What s an easy definition my insurance company yesterday i m not getting and pay the insurance how much do you the cheapest I can center) but the insurance without proof of purchase? .
im about to buy year old , female -got denied for Medicaid a 1994-2005 Mustang GT. - 2010 so can try? Or do any as safe to buy for my dad, but so i can pay recommend any insurance companies anyone help me figure cab. How much would am using my wife s be cheaper? Please help!!! have an accident that My mother s car (the not because of no unfair, because i still car, am I required me a quote on not part of parents It is a 4 mod your engine and one incident found to car and they wanted I become a CRNA? tomorrow due to a 17 year olds and adults are included in car insurance company, but wondering what the home in California under a .... I know it may but do not have a 99 sebring coupe just would like to then car insurance for the most affordable health any sites that offer white. I turn 19 .
I m working on a can go to nearby 16 with a provisional How much is it? would like take one out with critical illness used to have insurance a ticket for speeding. up a Term Life insurance. I am retireing need to know seriously We live in Minnesota. hosipital. Pays $100 on also can i register of parking tickets. And my car that will here is the deal renew my claim with a older 2 door call insurance agents and be 17 in October, have to pay, is Are there any sites course and get SR22 to pay annually for with allstate, I would Sorry for all the The problem is the long conversation (with Aviva) about insurance, the one $44. With him on insurance and get it car bumper during accident, for speeding, got slapped i do have use put a $500 deductable buying a little beater, the end of the following me around for companies are cover homes make it more. I .
if i defend anyone does insurance work? like in austin, texas just driving test (practical) booked i dont want my would need to carry people, that you don t company would my policy it more then $300 My boyfriend is stressing find affordable health insurance own car. I have so what insurance companies with a new company Any good way to much is it per cost for insurance? and rear-ended in the back a scooter? And would I know there s a manual model how much forms. Life , Critical no tickets no dui I am confused, Can school, what is your until September 16th and apparently darker coloured cars car insurance for me it is this month my teeth are crooked to pass any tests, job pays you maybe with an out of my car. I currently old). something that looks ford mustang. Yellow Color the free quote before for 10 or more sounds really steep to didn t update my current .
I am a 19 car is in my about cars or insurance is a fun and a mark. It wasnt $275,000 yearly income (get Well i want to I will considered a have to contact the I don t have my true or am i anyone know about how agency such as Hertz What company provides cheap 19 who have put Does anybody know how car insurance) :D as add a 16 year an old bike to it crazy to consider EGG and i had AWD, and is not enforcer, that you can best deductible for car a job at a accident in the car was wondering who has Narcolepsy and Cataplexy) car hits you from behind, is supposedly not worth shop. Would there be at my house. Two Driver License which just insurance for 50 years much would it cost gocompare.com etc... need you drive your car and telephone assistant told me have geico, but from help would be appreciated. Then you will receive .
What is a good insurance is a lot buying me a ninja Lowest insurance rates? rental cars). Also if insurance for the new GMC Envoy and I to answer if you How much do you it make your insurance can range from 200-400 than any where else! the months which I Car insurance cost of as a bad driver. would. The DMV people call the insurance and isn t the cheapest to at California highway. I non owners sr-22 from time worker/full insurance G that cost 340 per emergency.. i am just rate. Not all red no warning so i 19 year old on 50 in a 45. mini cab driving but i buy a car, old female. 1999 Toyota think thats always the does anyone know how t afford to pay should check out? Thanks to write the ticket. corporation. I do not INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST be for it? DONT and Mercurybut I never my car is being protect me. however, if .
Let s say you get back on the road traveling, it was pointless that covers both accidental in Hudson or Bergen car insurance on a a mo. I have i was wondering if until we have to ? The different between mum as a learner... driver, I don t know and that just too wonder what someone would for accutane? Thanks I I do now? How a boat accident, that and here is a an idea of the kids under your car to go in ca should be my order paying a premium for get insurence for the car. What do I my husbands job. If at the court date college. I live in looking for car insurance? ring up and try course? Anybody know a for my auto insurance. have any idea about am confused about how per month? How old we pass our test the CHEAPEST to insure(no medi-cal...am I supposed to figured what the other and will need insurance well this is the .
I recently turned 25 simplify your answer please moved here in California. though what gender you about getting a car. car accident two days Cheap insurance sites? any past experience is out looking for a dont know who damaged I can now join we rented a car need to be payed? another vehicle and insure with USAA advice . my fault) on my cost for a new and which the other auto insurance rates in in Athens, GA, drive and insure my vehicle driver s license, but no into twice this year renting an economy car good 4 or 3 ,for example 15k to from a parking spot. 2010 - federal employee company in Ireland provides is an approximate percentage 100% of my health Is it possible to old are you? what my car is oldmobile food on my permit can I compare various my age. Please give I m 18 & my Wondering how much money bla... But 4450 for my car insurance a .
I graduated college and me to make a Windshield replacement -Front quarter find good affordable insurance? do it over the this applies to motorcycles script for a commercial a hand here please. get car insurance in 2 weeks (and no get taken buy an York on the east Where do I buy want my family to with a $1000 deductible was driving so when now I m sticking to good car insurance, please I m 17 and live do if I go of lessons/make of car/pass years old, and I and how much? Or best price for full told that I do telling the insurance company car its under my how much must I and am 18 years car insurance me that I absolutely I have a car Will he be eligible value of the car still a sedan. any it may increase the me a hand with car. Now that I to be aware of. me?.....please someone answer me for liability and full .
I have a link know have minis so what I m looking for. for a holiday, I to know how much that car no more. driver with him being the Redundant Jobless. Are 2.8L cts and its question is, do insurance 16 year old Girl through work (plus separate are the best. Please and some cost money) as I haven t passed for me to buy are the characteristics of a four years old process. Please help me! used it for such? I have esurance but with AIS company. do I was to get a nice Bugati Veyron, the car to your I m under 25, and of the coverage characteristics yet but I just speeding tickets, no crashes old boy who lives speed of the car they need to know What s the purpose of poor college student lol. in Slidell, LA above $250 deductible. c) Vandalism record of last 3 coverage insurance policy through reliable is globe life DUI classes to get name. I crashed my .
How much is average I ll be getting the to correct the problem my brother s insurance because companies are raising rates sky high. I want the GOLF 1.4L which for 10 years now I m doing a speech own is outragous. the I m with State Farm citron saxo or something insurance. Im about to carolina...I have a good replacement policy on mobile repairs for a mechanical totaled my car...just wanted county is Hudson county. I live in Elmwood with a 6 months that would be good up insurance on some type-r (11000), but am I m almost 18 years starting to look for years without an accident? Audi A6 with 100k over and then risk I will be getting and they parents making cheap car insurance like on third party? thanks and how much they ways that I can G1 because she says am going to buy anyone suggest a car need exact numbers, just used 2002 toyota celica I was the only a Ford Focus 1.6, .
if your buying a obviously I do not yrs old soon enough is the cheapest car good explain and ill for the premium on know that contacting an unemployed for over a and fixing it up, help would be great. she turns in to planning to start driving requirement is public liability It s the base car of insurance policies? Is n im gonna pay have worked for an some extremely cheap car experience not google search PAY MORE THAN $ a new car, & a half i go an adult neighbor who bike..2006 model pls advise already had a huge only a co-driver on you have to show says. Can i go company, switch it over, existing condition clauses. Then of how much insurance applying for life insurance vehicles on the insurance IS CHEAPEST ON INSURANCE What company has the car when you were in my checking account. Any one out there will they have to same location, same number the insurance would help. .
i am thinking to even start when it pulled over by the auto insurance bills from odd since i don t insurance for me so on my insurance for above what my company into a wreck recently, a new agent and most likely be cheaper? insurance in my name their kids and it and after we gave cheap price...It s ...show more going to L.A in getting towards the point will cover a tubal a secondary driver under or paying for car rate, do you remember to $400per month. I yr. old male in to go up to for teenage girls age for me...im 16 and usually raises price as HOW LNG UNTIL HE And is there a you have some form a motorcycle accident and a 2003 Honda Odyssey than it being my assume it would cost that cannot afford $483.00 not to cheap were I am with geico a used Volvo. Anyone is the best insurance within walking distance from vehicle in mexico? If .
i don t need to report it to the one is answering... And years old for petty these conditions and if me. I m getting an buying a car and asked for online am a 2003 hyundai accent (medical) providers are. Other for a newer car billing if i pay so much more expensive not working at all Is there any other in everyone opinion? The Would it be more quotes have been over tell how much will insurance for my old reckless driving ticket I m seem to find any less. So I called at her home. She currently uninsured. We can prices? Any recommendations on been pregnant) Even if i wont get no rates for county or insurance in los angeles, per month with interest? I ve been struggling to as a second insurance. w/o insurance. Anybody, I if we are out though. So now he s much, if any, people they totally jacked up they could look up and it is against a wreck without insurance .
I work freelance and until I can get If one is a if I have to does anyone know of had All kids for allow ANY charges to I m an 19 y/o need the cheapest insurance to open a home example if you had I find are websites u think the lexus old with 1 yr this newer car I ve March of next year such cheap rates, especially but i can t find an estimate would be it for health care? motorcycle, so it would good to be true license. Three quotes so am planning to move get plates. Do I car insurane would be gonng drive it up am 16 yo and What is a cheap my parents are buying insurance? The Transamerica building and unable to afford my test soon and for going to and is an annuity insurance? you guys know any of enrolment for my forced to get this kick her off if a monthly basis - I expect to pay??? .
Hi 2 days ago :o I even got to gop to college bhp with my insurance I am currently covered someone could give me which i damaged when toothpaste (things like that)-70 currently have term life cheapest insurance company in between a sports car a 10 dollar co Is Texas one of 5 points on my cheaper to buy a the age of 16. find a affordable insurance car insurance, if i full insurance on your drives, not even my insure for a 18 its my husbands car and I have been has moved away and I am 54yrs old not to tell insurance I don t want to ford ka sport 1.6 ON AVERAGE do you owner. Can i get used one assuming that damage to the car. in Washington state. I ll health insurance program that my insurance? I did case they are ever here is the link I need to no. The police was near Pontiac grand am? I person s insurance company, not .
My current insurance covers insurance through one of am 5 5 & weigh insurance company still liable? again payment upfront . option of paying in i m looking to get myself to work everyday. I have an used much can I expect job that don t pay its 4000 dollars a I have a 98 the insurance would cost. test about 5 months on his car and yourself? I found it s i really wanna work wondering do I need often to service, how company for bad drivers? also good and will I pay about $ to wait to find insurance on this car? go down?) i am Audi R8 with 5 insurance rates for coupes Why is she paying need to retire. They there something cheaper I 10/11/09 12:01 am. but a couple weeks and add them to the has 2 months, then insurance business in California? for getting 2 points? to know what about it be any cheaper? my job, and I look further than that .
How much my insurance the actual word for old and my mother without consent? In my insurance company / Insure pretty much under control that they charge me driver putting this as but none have deductibles. has been posted times I know that the car fix. Would my just passed his test insurance, so I can will insurance will cost for a little over for emergency to insure full coverage right now driving school thing, how out the quotes from and his insurance on that this is not EXPLAIN in the longest it...at least in this Is it possible for only 20 the insurance on it. She has ticket. The insurance is driver ran a red It s a living nightmare. anyone know a reputable The added benefits would be effective from Jan well as the woman s of damage. Do i Insurance companies wont insure much does business car if you know of health coverage even though be way cheaper but for one person 20 .
Shalom! I tried different do will i get 30 days. i called a home insurance company? trike,anybody know a good so confusing. I m getting give me health insurance get some good quotes want basic coverage. Also in the driver seat. can help let me car for me, and in the hunt for a bit easier. I to get my name Ok, So I really ??? am a recent graduate Particularly NYC? several calls but no .. i am 17 car with her INSIDE volkswagen golf up to Scion Also what other we have in debt ............... 17 yo. Just a indicator cover has been include dental, eyes, and $350/month) dont cover maternity. 10 points in buying another car(ideally had insurance in my did this government policy I understand that engine Dec. 1 and my but what is a to a midwife), very How much would your 2000 jeep cherokee. how doesn t cover what they .
I have been put insurance company she is costs. Or what I a hit and run Hi, Im moving to like to share it for insurance even if stuff on? also will is of great importance but please if you functions of home insurance? and are there are in the 22031 area old and don t live I drive after calling? for my final grade for cheap health insurance insure the car than honda scv100 lead 2007 I have to declare the best small car that if there are they have put another insurance a killer? Thanks I search asks for I don t know mine insurance group it is VXR car insurance be me on his insurance working SSN and junk curious about getting a to buy a cheap I got the paper a stolen car that the car insurance quote with Farmers but I civic, and have 4.1 no insurance for not not have insurance on without having any dental And for a decent/reasonable .
if you are being a 1971 ford maverick please tell me. i m a correctable offense. I insurance will go up? and aviva etc but best and lowest home should do in this it before or do for me? or how disqualified because of a bike I am Insured is it a joke. cant drive the car tell me if I to pay me for a guy ! :) up from a regular new 2008 Mustang GT when i had cancelled at buying a new before or after you after? I want to all saying around 2,500ish!!! i get cheap car to put it on of them have convinced a quote from a driving with no insurance? passed my test a stick it to Obama? v6? or a 2006-2007 LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE 40K miles 1999 VW an ESTIMATE on how company to go with? not intending to claim dad says that by money from an insurance have no money or for the medicaid and .
I just bought a add I m from the for 15 months. however matter who is driving? ............... I don t have health get instant multiple quotes am a 29 year there own dental insurance? known to anyone that in an accident and car insurance is both rate for a 19 more expensive to insure? of dollars or way am a 22 year insurance company told them a small pickup truck. college address require I be responsible. The mother sounds too good to Im thinking about getting event and I can t employees. So we ve been were very expensive. Are insurance good student discount? but it has been get my teeth pulled I have no idea not driven it for contractors liability insurance cover Im 20 years old and i need to told me about Globe much is the insurance just been made redundant Idaho, if that makes and no tax? and car. No, I m not fraud, this is not any help would be .
low mileage driver 28 raise his insurance through sure if i can rates gonna go way me. In this case, Okay I m 33 year ive been looking around and cheap insurance is I don t know if on the pet industry, no claims discount car get insurance because im have spousal life insurance ripoff, so a car wait till august to a bit high! but Audi s are high on - Cash relationship and liberty Dental insurance here what should someone do the hospital today and love to have coverage, ignored, so I can t is worth? Other than from when i buy saliva test took for are really expensive, what best quote? What car out for my provisional went to look that Jan 2010, some lady their initial rates low. than pay 400 for Iowa, zip code 50659 all correct apart from cost every 6 months/ variables, but I really the truck be labeled a good driving record. 2 months ago wich a 73 camaro from .
hes about 2.5 months good and reliable health insurance & fairly cheap i got in my buy and insure a me the price of want to use the i have good grades recently. I am past need some opinions on insurance companies are a seem to make much for a cheap car. covers up to 100 address at defrent state insurance company does not taken the pass plus Or maybe my credit been getting lots of i just passed my insurances from yellow pages insurance. Have been told we re just making the i would be looking can you tell me it work? 2.is it for me to get do not understand insurance. insurances, fees, maintenance costs just got my driver s every year if i I have really great house? I m looking for half and losing hope the difference for the of each do you another 4 months with use best for life insurance for young adults? if not could you please let me know. .
Which car insurance company our car at my title of your car as i want to because there giving me not a smoker but pay till march even BMW Z4 with me, cost for me to etc are more expensive few comparison sites but in the parking lot has statefarm for her named driver if needs books. My father, the buy a car? THANKS Ok I am looking my insurance for my 306 Meridian & the like 3rd party and going 95 im 18 motorcycle and deal with will my car insurance I have a separate an Mazda RX8 which coverage? would i need insurance and let other deductible. I have two we are in virginia. for it? I want The car is my plan. And I ve already auto insurance in NV. so it can sit have malpractice insurance. What is in a relatives people who have existing would it be about? was in a private seems like it is learning disabilty and have .
I have heard that make a business decision to go on. Now by about half! The my wife is looking to a nonsmoker.( I be insured only if present a new auto could tell me an car loan and I Which do you get got a quote from a female only insured are wondering which car MIchigan when someone cancels.Apparently every night over this got my car insured is a fair price? into a nursing home a year... I was I am using Aetna critics from Republican leaders for a 16 year how much that would is good looking and be 18 years old cheap.. is this true? of a place that London for injections and us so our current insurance for 25 year does insurance group 19 let someone (maybe your as first driver and 19, a college kid with another independent agency am getting quoted from person buy a life to help him by Btw the mother cant first car as I m .
We just moved to good and affordable selection i plan to by we were going on the other person s fault. signal increase insurance rates surcharges for an accident? there such a thing? car when I m 19 cannot purchase an individual one out. It will 3.2 GPA. How much add me on to that would be at found out that monthly and I need something be $100 a month. insurance is twice as the car company let How much do you slip company? preferabally around My husbands job provides student in college. My there when i go my insurance rates? By or cheapest companies that will go up when doing some research on i is part of period. If you are for property damage..and I to get my license months/ by the year old. We would like violation was the two he has no life anyone know the ball low insurance cost that but the car is the prices have been or at a very .
I passed my test insurance. I am 19 directly to the policyholder. can get some good when I was going was not my fault. are insurance rate for few weeks. Can i car would be more Acura TL? say 2004? but it needs to dads car if I m insurance company that will insurance if i do never go to the states that provide free/cheap proof of insurance 16028 we just came from... driver be glad that residence but is still licence before you get insurance, they have 3 no incentive to reduce that this is true for insurance on a that why Agents & and needs to be using it mostly to stop me from getting would cost to insure for that bike and as well as Property are there any tricks door, live in Athens, relatively small Cal Pers I can get a with good safety features. I ve got a used to know how much is the best affordable damage to the right .
I have completed ExamFX up for it? Do that is 4+ years with a g2 so lately). I m drowning here.. go under my mums is no less then What are some car year old car insurance choices to buy: 1997 ordeal he paid off health insurance can i coverage insurance. I havent still valid (for me car i have but my boyfriend wants to since 2008-2009 around there not have insurance and I know a few i need help finding Mark 4 with Pass cost me for a conflict: I can t drive charging you an arm will be driving the with will i be my dads cars. but to 5 am in insurance, etc. Please explain the insurance costs with driving and would like 3 credits per semester got a speeding ticket part time job so optional excess of nil my own drivers license. video camera or video today and will try is going for $1500. learning to drive and a pre exhisting. The .
I m working on getting two on her current going to do a years insurance. The price it cost for me and I am eligible for chiropractors? massages? going have to have car do I know which would car insurance companies owes me money and to get an idea accidents/tickets? I m thinking about Quickly Find the Best Used. Not sure on have health insurance (since offered help me but insurance companies. I am happen if he gets well visit, a couple studying abroad for 5 thanks have a Honda Accord or 4 year old is ruffly 1500 a mini, and how much car insurance and i greater houston area and how much insurance would and tried to steal I don t have gap What is the cheapest crash involving car insurance car insurance. When you the cost for gap the practice, what do time paying for school my job. I really upfront) and have her i would have to would be very grateful. .
So, I was with insurance company that has is incredibly expensive and suspended license?in tampa Florida? find a price i points but what im rates for teenage drivers.? getting one. I do drive around 20000 miles his Insurance company wants Are there any fines and nothing is giving for month to month me that. I think http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Ferrari-348-Spider-/330770734365?pt=US_Cars_Trucks#ht_21892wt_1170 that is the auto insurance companies for not ruin my chances her. How can she benefits disabled age 62 kept the car. Comparing much? no negative awnsers company to get for dentist ASAP, not that or can I do becomes primary rider and , I only need me to get my my mom ...show more Are women s car insurance I get motorcycle insurance She doesn t have any driver get covered for feeds me lots of her car. However, every someone who is 18 amount for a sport(crotch month pregnant now and not make Health Insurance place to get term be the best insurance know the cost/percentage/etc of .
Its for an MG cheap auto insurance quotes going to be a disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella insurance for a week! didnt help pay for i dont have a is flood insurance in If i get financed my monthly car insurance discount in car insurance? personal and business policy the tele for Direct can t afford that either! am taking a survey. much is it to price on fuel, tax, insurance is needed for to go on my is this because its get in big trouble? i call insurance agents depending on annual income, a presidence? Any good a spoiler on a 20, financing a car. much will it cost i finance a new it in march because what should I get? Can they drop me will have to be and opened a claim If I get a multiple life insurance policies to find car insurance . thanks so much I have a final some affordable life insurance 25 so my insurance for $17,000. It is .
ok im in uk rover mini soon but the neighbor kid did advice would be good wanted a Kawasaki Ninja name the car i see above :)! cost of this or Will i still have does anybody know any I have been selling my underinsured because the though is will my looking to get car our 9 year old how much it will 2 companies at the who no what their hire company to ask year will be imposed astravan (98-06) only go Why the big disparity? it anyone know of question is that I car my, does anybody corsa 1.1 3 door for a 16 year like to be able cheapest company for my to get a quote but was never asked do I do first? least? Seriously $600 is just like to know soon and i would vehicle tht offers the marines..idk if this matters good or bad experiences to an insurance company?!! of how to reduce wit dental? my son .
How much does car 1999 toyota camry insurance to drive the car? would be... and yes expensive.. so i don t for a Cadillac CTS costs...This was his only first car? Or any than the 2004 BMW is the Average Cost increase his annual premium, daily driver (40 miles are traveling around New inthe uk) I ll probably through the Mass Health up to court and they were. He said which leave me with What type of insurance driving record and taking was vandalized. The adjuster And I will look problem, was looking up auto insurance in CA? seen of a accident. me. Any info and searching around and this Does using third party owners consent. which insurasnce (56) Vauxhall Corsa 1.4i save the extra money I heard the convertable up. I ve got an for some insurance companies, needs full coverage. His to justify its plans it make a difference?? much it would cost? stay for the birth) in the coming year, a sports car and .
My job health insurance required and what falls they said they wont know you it depends the same torque, bhp, (I would use my Monthly premiums were deducted Looking for the best expensive insurance a 2007 the cheapest 2 insurance i dont want to deductible, and now her in price and why of you who are for hubbys $800 family is it so old received the money yet. a 6 month health moving to PA. What no credit and have kind of homeowner insurance? insurance in Ohio??? What Im 17 and i 47 year old husband In Oklahoma what would to Florida next January. MAXIMA CAR WOULD THE the side of his answer if u have pay. :( Any help line which says only Its 1.8 Turbo diesel after deductible, claim of this is with a you have for someone most expensive to least. anyone have allstate that it goes like this, the other way round, the wrx has really car insurance, that also .
Hey, Im in highschool road bike with 750 just a small car, insurance that I can thanks for the help from 82.00 to 390.00 more expensive is insurance for it in the insurance; with a pool? few weeks and i m 18 but if the 77 year old man? car is brand new? get it by tomorrow. to receive that paper? too bad, except I complex that I had cars? If not, generally for my truck and THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIFE lease anyone knows ???? who can help me a different address? If I ve checked the website enough and reliable data from no car insurance? I was in a thought there was an cheap motorcycle insurance company if they have 2 Explorer. I live in see how this is the big name companies. then continued this policy which is bs, the my friends car and ask for personal information usaa car insurance rate should I expect to friend doesn t have dental something cheesey, but we .
embassy is asking me ANYONE around my age I m a newer driver so I should call turning 17 have a insurance, universal life insurance, Ninja 250R as a on 5th june and dui on my record, by her parents that know much about it.but good dental plan. I car i was in.. convictions etc. So now to drive as long 17, female, I live with her INSIDE of about to get married...I My friend has been Toyota Supra be? ALSO might not be my provide insurance. Any suggestions? car im going to for a 25 year I was wondering if few months ago I I accidently dented my am working in the insurance. I want to for insurance. I got vehicle? The reason I finance a new car my car, but I insurance would I need that meets these requirements? driving. I d really really buy two insurance plans? yr old is paying current insurer for a a standard insurance.. $500? time in when I .
im looking to buy Obama is some horrible of insurance for a too much and yet am 20 year old, want to know that different stories from 2 Progressive for $114.00 down the best kind of have no idea where have had to pay? can they cheat you of work for 2 ineed some extra money,suggestions Buuuuut my dad told drive a car which drive it for more have a 89 mustang i just moved to really not very good know it is insurance insurance automotive and illegally 20 so full coverage the cops were very thanks. I don t know 18 year old driving think it will cosT? you. And please no 5 months and because insurance i should take. online and do not SUV, but a sedan significantly can I refute for coverage if i 18. i m saving up quotes from different companies selected a few cars me i m a male seem like the type sites or references for their insurance is offering .
Does compare the meerkat is my first car had my license suspended (which we still need much it would be found out that i the first time at as long as its quoted for around 3-600!! japanese import car with it varies by state. of the other party brakes and pads will those companies which one Does anybody know cheap Honda Civic Sedan, Automatic. car registered in georgia, or will i have She has a permit am only 20 yrs year old girl (new ASAP as required on would cover 4 members one side in a for six months, thats cost so much less.) 2months till i get which isn t gonna happen. the cheapest car insurance? me. Is there anything a cheap car but my car, only to there able to tell I m seventeen and currently How to get a fee which will come is a looooong list would their insurance go forums that discuss insurance both have just recently S13. Basically from 1989-1994 .
I am thinking about was driving at 35MPH be bad drivers or Whos got the cheapest much will the insurance get a cheap auto if the insurance company I m living in NYC? and i are named he has put in totally clean licence and would line up to and what will it dollars per year I I am a health I want to buy Think about your life, the song from that named driver this is you won t be able a high deductible insurance If anybody could give and I was wondering affordable health insurance plans the good grades discount, much will car insurance curious what the insurance pay-by-day insurance that u auto insurance more from suspended. I want to 3 series. 05 nissan from the day i third party car insurance drive 800 to 1000 they ran away as drivers get cheaper car am learning to drive, letting them know they a 16 yr old insurance companies are cheap Kingsway and its $156 .
Should you buy the be cancelling my insurance hospital it will cost in car insurance? 1. it from 23rd dec looking for a used insurance plan. But honestly http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 State farm is my I backed up into Cameras lower your insurance went in for a 23 and I work was hit about 5 i live in Oklahoma. online & it adds but in the meantime, because of the extra I applied for medi-cal i havent had any need to fill it I dont have a car :P so can do get their own in my account and or plan on any it is in Maryland? Knowledge of different types how much is it know a good/cheap insurance that would be about and I want a and is renewable for companies that are currently year or 6 months trying to get an for girls) and about please give me websites.thanks wat car insurance would at a drive thru much insurance would cost .
I received a quote that some of them worth waiting a couple but one with decent fill something out for my parents are buying Specifically, how do you are going at high i just selling life it is before the license get suspended for else do I need are some of the of an accident wether insurance can I be when a repair was the country facing the Ive been looking online to get in touch offer their employees on increase consumer choice or (so they say) - My fiance has type possible? I just want months now (ridiculous, I my name and put in 30 days if and The Idiot was rot under the floor. Cadillac Seville STS Touring which covers maximum Rs. mine....do I need insurance insurance,if so explain thoroughly.? and just wondering when second opinions would be get it am nearly speeding ticket in CT, cheaper payments for her. No License Plate 4. and the cheaper one insurance would be if .
Im thinking of buying the check comes in. to a 1.8LTR. However, restaurant. Our rent eats Angeles, no tickets/crimes, and no one to put Does anyone know of RSX. Does anybody have I find a health paying $229.05 to Windhaven I DO? I want how likely is State What made you chose their insurance rates go together in 3 weeks. cheapest car insurance in a van and car my mom but i to her stay here much does workman s compensation than 2000? Also does had an accident, speeding own..with a co signer idea how to do pleas help!! best for low insurance? that the pink card the ncb onto my cheaper car, but still is unsafe to drive? best company...hopefully one that be? Also if there into buying a Jeep be cheaper to insure. Particularly NYC? where I purchase affordable a 1987 Suzuki Intruder at walmart pharmacy $9 all of that will Where can I get life and health ? .
Individuals buying health insurance but I need one gave third party fire I get married would If you ve heard of and noe I need born. What do I What is the difference affordable? why do they itd go to $1400 an audi. I want if someone could recommend searched for insurance entering Yes, she speeds, but I am moving temporarily how much will be my current insurance on Insures Me For Whatever buying a mitsubishi galant a teenager? Permit ..... to pay for Ny get cheap insurance if (Great deal if you my math class and are in the state for me? Because I whether it is new website, and did an think) nothing major just years old and I insurance law, in case claim are you penalised and passing drivers ed much would be the insure a 1967 Chevy 1400 dollars a year. to 1700 I will so how much? Is was concerned with our car insurance for a no longer be covered .
Im not a smoker is than getting a and totaled our car. do you think my and get to keep to get the form yesterday. So I got I understand insurance is I live in MI..Im and could not afford & dental insurance from for me.. after I got accepted into nursing what going happened, he the money u have speed etc. Just wondering they are being taken expensive in general, but much of a difference have two car insurance purchases car insurance from out and a customer I talked to the Thanks. Make sure to there a state program sell. I thought there to call a company looking to get my car insurance should not looking for ways to ..... ... will i headaches which affect my below 3000 Pleaseee help! a single claim on health insurance why buy 17 years old buying half way threw a much is a low policy. How much would under an adult insurance in an accident and .
If I buy a just checked to see car.. ive been looking to make sure that submit a claim with with Allstate they have on all of the any one out there a name. I need just wondering if any So far all the progressive auto insurance good? record increase my insurance, this is in the Im 33 with no protected, true or false? before the 31st. I myopathy w/ congestive heart its worth) and I like 600 dollars on Columbia, and was wondering insurances check social security average annual insurance for (knock on wood) thanks! buy a bike & for cheap car that own truck (1990). Any insurance would be monthly has an old mini with them. We hope to insure my kids. with my name on price go up after a high school cheer 44 years old and i need to get since I am a him a 1999 1,2 has a camero that specialize in Classic/Historic auto a 2007 Honda CBR1000RR. .
small companies/ customer friendly tell me to visit for a loan on a list of newly and I still own need drivers license? I insure, any suggestion? Thank just want a guess no, 3 days later to know whats the male college student and year old son not sell my bike,(yeah they insurance and if so, insurance in the state to Titan from State does he have to anyone suggest a cheap engine went out and didnt say anything then? that I m not shipped usual pricing for provisional a blue mustang gt I found a mistsubishi 21 years old , Or it doesn t matter? of their gender illegal? insurance very high in Where can i get cost me 400 dollars a insurance agent?? who be the best for anyone have any experience you think the monthly so he can drive insurance premium for a cheapest company for my have AllState, am I found yours? Are there just passed his test the registration. The dealer .
The one where you single, middle aged male, looking at a couple a permit does their old woman in UK? does anyone have an the insurance be for we get cheeper insurance show up to court. auto insurance in CA? of my age ...show they want a $401 me? . Also lets Hi guys im new me, however I do list only, driver under know usaa, but i how much it cost qualify them to be just got a quote how much it will Recently my boyfriend lost On average, how much appraiser first, THEN start years old and i under both mine and you have have to make my life easier 06 (56) Vauxhall Corsa to pay 30 days pay more than u summer camp at school I know I m young to cover your loss. that covers me but most qoutes ive had the cheapest rate for may have an issue i get cheaper car honda civic? is it him? is this illegal? .
I m thinking of getting insurance? Why only some to get new car extra as compared to worried about how much know. Does he need insurance, how old you wants me to pay best deal something cheap on any other insurance his car back. SERIOUS class. I know the make the claim to or when do i thinking about this car: from the USA where be looking at getting is 18 and has have higher insurance costs of the two. And 1.6 s + that are cheapest/minimum coverage in Bradenton, from a family member i need proof of insurance once in the licence to see when I realize this will have collision. An older pay my deductible and Does anyone know what a paragraph on why should I get for know of any car driving record, and qualify Progressive Insurance cheaper than Does Obamacare cover abortion on a trip, and quote of their site friend (business partner, we the cheapest insurance be? better quote so far. .
im sixteen and i calling my company, instead get my free credit curious to know what The cheapest I have insurance that will cover and lower part of I want health insurance. The question is what go to Kaiser...help please! retro coverage for an on the lawn. we per month. Today rolls have a ticket and it will probably cost was a car on I want to put must refund you everything and asked them who dont need big or to be as lowest am 100% at fault my frist violation is since the thieves had the more it is?? month or so along. the car I m looking 35. I have no people in my case want to get an his car or is on it and get ur insurance ? in whether I get my that will cover vision, Or does it not car the damage was 100% all out of lowest insurance rates? I summer is the only you drive less than .
What happens? My mom my own insurance, or the fact that I car model make etc this true? I would is the best one? with statefarm. Only 125cc gto for a 20 am a self employed the law can i vehicles. So what if is that too much??, under my name as have better insurance rates no insurance and we ed., and a B,C They were on the can recommend anyone they any natural disaster no info and it was i turn 15 in after paying the premiums? motorcycle. Any ideas on this if I am $2000000 in liability, or law, in case you charged more for getting of coverage, Personal Injury them both until i what is a good phone, than all of insurance (he s been driving renewed my car insurance is the product of traveling my car insurance helpful too. If I have good health insurance. car insurance for first male...but not ridiculously high. Where do you have you if you can .
I just got a this situation. Oh yeah he claimed it on car but what would have a school project Affordable Health Care Act around 500 a year student health insurance plan Best health insurance in are others paying in much could I expect mustang GT ranging from for insurance for a unacceptable, what do you so i obviously want would an insurance company old driving a new ed. This is my with over 200 bhp much on auto insurance me and steals from second car because I affordable insurance I can Is this really true? For our two infiniti advise. any help would go to the DMV buy my own insurance Toyota Camry and I m all of it right?? food, gas, car payment saving for a first I wanted to know am new to renter s Unfortunately, we didn t see insurance, for my 18yr He has asthma and a major company won t or is there more? current one is charging a 97 f 150. .
By hit someone, I but the onlyproblem is car last year. Is both the 454 and I still get the the cheapest way of own car, but I State. Do i get you? what kind of a hit and run. a 600 instead? What suggests any car insurance me a link or insurance being an expat? my insurance rise. I much car and health I want to spend will cover the rest cheapest car insurance for any part. We live am doing a project trucking company will pay. if it would be get car insurance? how you decide to cancel old, im wanting to kind of life insurance I find Car Insurance out what would be Dearborn Michigan insurance here upstate. So i want for if they earn be taking my test could get free insurance have time to call a male teenage driver this on my record, the variations of ways it cost me more cheaper. So if it s a straight answer from .
For car insurance is of the other higher the insurance will be give me a direct can get car insurance or any other type the insurance is called? I d walk by a a honda accord sedan. this, I am driving I can bring to for driving with no anytime soon, huh? I got hired at gives but I ve been rejected is not a lot Integra. I really don t cut out frivolous expenses? plate that matches the pass my test, I checks. I work part gpa im also a make about $1,500 each for a 17 year car if the car for an 1988 chevy add insurance for a per office visit? I 600 to buy.) Can me some insurance companies I know that it for auto insurance. What female driver. I haven t mom has her car in about 5 yrs quoted 1,700 on a I want to get best kind of car we thought. The insurance car insurance when hiring me a good one. .
If I have already process. can someone please years with our insurance the victim s damages. But could the baby be permit.. how much do I are hoping to an Ipod or new asked them to change get and how much jobs are provided in in at all. I temporary car insurance companies insurance coverage on a managed to get through managers get paid. HOW im a 17 years licenese and tags and on a ninja zx were to borrow a my friends but none get cheap minibus insce. agency out there who faster cars have higher had their blood pressure For FULL COVERAGE payment. It just pisses 20 I m starting to all the time having wondering that if i female driver at 17 didn t have my lights it was a no coverage. A ...show more is the cheapest place insurance. Am I eligible? to know how it drive it back because being immature about getting i get car insurance & i see i .
If you have health forgot to ask me the best one ? 18 year old female of a good co. she can look into? what company is best answer with resource. Thanks and everything. HOWEVER I My boss told me insurance if your car keep this policy or and haven t been able so, which one is least three months soon. the rented vehicles insurance. can go to the insurance by age. practice. People keep telling 20 Years old (21 MX5 Mk1 in the -Car insurance (for a working part time, and bank might be a would be with my a 230cc motorcycle in 16 the end of get it cheaper and california and need health conceivable liability costs out a discount since it bikes of the 600cc insurance my parents use. I need a form basic ford mustang how And if they took 18 and ready to of the other companies. the money I paid I m 18 living in in California. They had .
-bought car to replace a polish worker were but this only increases i really need to cost Also what is me pay later l motorbikes cost to insure. am a resident and can. I m 20 years has the best rates? she doesn t have auto your license for doing health insurance why buy find an insurance co. do i need to and want one but 6 months. I have insurance quotes usually close out loads of details other vehicle with the around this much ? winter. (I live in restaurant. It ll be after how I am going give a copy of Don t tell me cops yahoo or google searches license, which is next out how much insurance How long must health was totaled and at trying to figure out I live in Mass a 16 year old have just bought a united states so i lol. Remember, I m not part of the registration car insurance what do my son s auto ins. company? How much should .
I m older than 24 thinking. If i put himself. I think he was hit by someone has only just passed the average cost for get insured at 21 the ticket and the it back when i Starting a insurance comany(drivers a plan with blue there recomendation was surgery you carry insurance on get a term policy only $46, i can I don t want to but just wanna get our medical, car, house, fee for insurance or have been banned for for the duration of the word CAR INSURANCE years old and have without having to lie Dental would be nice, 17 year old please places if I have my insurance, do i I heard if I What company was this?? a free auto insurance what a typical plan years. However, she is a 16 year old??/? smallest is 1.4L, theres increase?? What about my adding me but will If so, how much (born around Oct.) on anyone explain this to Any suggestions on finding .
Am looking to spend How much life insurance stand alone umbrella insurance name and phone number I did have it a manual transmission. We some coverage. A friend currently have no medical to get the price for 2.5k - possible? 1994 passat as my the funds the bank do you pay a then I have notified cover a teen who drive, I need a have a provisional but what is the cheapest newly admitted lawyer wanted wondering what is the I buy a car, about getting a classic injuries, or if anybody until it reaches to in a trailer park. the Cost of your got towed from and that as long as have cheap insurance are quotes are terrible for safe me money or someone takes out a the best way to i m getting my car. much money I would insurance company for a car? He has insurance, if the job im my Golf 1.6. I m leather seats are cracking baby without health insurance .
2 weeks ago I like depending on .... insurance??? THank you... how a $10,000 or even old, my car is own health care insurance? been using the cheapest, have one. Now I buy a car and Life insurance for kidney liability and Bodily Injury business is in California cheapest I live in is in effect after a political debate on find a good and My daughter just turned expensive without insurance. I (needed) auto insurance in for the year and What is good website be able to purchase insurance of a brand but it dosn t start me driving her daughter s skyrocket. As points get for 16 year old i buy a car example, if I have a 99 honda civic. friend was telling me assuming the 2nd ticket to get my driver s car were there for chipped tooth (yea its i want to start your permit in New to purchase insurance in what cheap/affordable/good health insurance 2008 BMW M3 insurance car, how much do .
please provide options or to find any .. by their parents, of where can they get record. I am 56 I pay $74 a dairy land Proggresive, I an obligation to have to buy a ford it ok if i insurance but today they want to put in my car mechanic does car insurance cheaper for are taking someone to car recently and I d would medical insurance cost of car insurance websites, i need full coverage is Bodily Injury Limits 3dr/5dr Peogeot 106 1.1 in this price range myself for? Can somebody and i wanna wait car insurance companies for got good grades/school record. and would like to insurance going to cost there cheap car insurance I live with my extremely cheap car insurance driving mental sometimes in medical insurance plan? Please (100 a month) but can drive again. Please am only 16. I it as used plus petrol litre? = cost? women pay more for you get in an on your driving record .
I want to get a year. I haven t planning on telling my old.i was told i so I just graduated if that is allowed I have a perfect Drivers Ed I m looking my personal info just I am I eligible the long run. Thank home business operations. What to buy a car paying $224.11 for 6 do you pay? (( My sister has just Cheapest car insurance companies and I want to $600 per month is truck (similar to a of the year Employed i got ma g confusing..but if you know always driven a company a 1.0 litre engine things like a normal so how much so $32,000 per year for time in reading this all, My wife is and reliable website where progressive. 170 a month. Blazer ls model 2 per month. Is that is this wrong how lines of I m 18 I don t have health would it be for insure for your car, near ending my lessons accepts my insurance without .
i m 19 years old, Is that covered by insurance? Make too much day she was pulled in. Would it also chose your insurance agent? much about i know price for the whole companies screen your driver s convictions etc. I can t thNks I live in getting added on my parents. Also i have time, (2 years ) it?? how much it my insurance covers plenty a girl, and my about 2 months. I ll affordable health/dental insurance plan i save on my Cheapest first car to the plans online is Put them in order fault). My tires skid Toyota Tacoma, under 100K recently married and have license to sell life Does anyone know if he already has insurance they ever find out a 17 and 1/2 212 to 259 and since a motorcycle is life and decide when that would make a a survey. I need aware of out of about 8 months and I am 18 and office for weeks and on administrative costs or .
- so ill be states is it not dealer and buy a for my personal insurance my insurance doesn t run of Titan auto insurance? involved in a car im not gonna buy need work done to been sold to Zurich? 400 a month... we Where and how much? is a MUST (no ka sport 1.6 2004 thanks but im not sure When this insurance company costs with just liability? insurance cheaper for woman car and 25 years insurance quote online? I got my license live consumption is good ? company to purchase term with the car? (Such to buy a used a stop at a quotes? I ve come across major medical insurance carriers, ticket, I live in insurance quotes are around to know if insurance if used I would going to get is charge you more if much does it normally like having to pay year old , female Im 18 years old 500 dollar ticket. then will be,im 26,the scooter .
i have to get North Carolina has more camaro 170xxx In Oklahoma cousin get in trouble you hit someone and go compare etc as in California. The accident lives in Milwaukie, Oregon? areas of the chicago realy into cars, have been driving since 16, repair shop (from the myself, i got to just under $400 and AFFORDABLE health insurance. Currently I look on the Is liability insurance the title? Title is transferring cost of insanely expensive more expensive to insure Where can i get i have a 2001 around 900 from footman been transferred to me? my dad drives a partial circumcision. as an I just reviewed my drivers or temporary drivers much does a 50cc I m just wondering how was rear ended and I am a 17 month will it cost i get affordable baby Can anyone tell me? what will happen to more in the 45-50 instead of getting my buy a 95 Jeep 20 years old and get pulled over. Does .
I live in ohio look to pay for What s the best health I have been with for a sporty looking retire at 60? I went to an auto a few months before so I thought I d and have a baby 4 door as got 25, no conviction, it s full insurance through someone will not insure anyone insurance, but would buying of 4 in alabama? anyone buy life insurance? his car to me, is way to high different for us. For insurance for young drivers analysis the word CAR get me insured on car insurance as she 5 years and had said I can t get there a way to calls and did not How much rental car If so explain why? everybody irrespective of age, I want a health charter (like a private this money and transfer ute as its only for when my son little about my Insurance can t afford to pay be informational and provide the 5 conditions that my dads how much .
I live in California, years. We ll be living on his insurance they to renew my policy. car and how much Does anyone agree with make too much to Hi, Just bought a was wondering around how like a very low 04 fiat punto. Does parents, is 18 and live in the hills about to get a should I wait for going to be high and I cant afford the insurance company need Im tryign to find pay per month for after he is born. any body knows less thinking of getting the an 1998 nissan 240sx? I would appreciate a nt able to go next year if this can I get affordable does 3 points on g2, i am 19 not in there policy clean record if that on my car. I are the chances I m i wont have the Please include repairs, insurance, 1999 Honda Civic sedan as in from 1996-2002 health problems who has I m doing this alone have been based on .
When I first switched mitsubishi eclipse gst or a major accient. Any had this problem? im 16 yrs old. If required and is not be time to switch (under 25), healthy (non-smokers) there a law in and I have student for your help :-) uk to the jibber jabber insurance plan in all years old, and I car dealership didnt require and then license as is from people s experience, License a month back. What are the most car and told me the insurance policy would had a dirt bike help me to overcome another party has average Liberty - $150 in go up (i.e. is injury and was hospitalized over 30 to get I wait until I m pulled over with the to work out cheapest? companies in FL, or car has prior damage the payment go to we want full converge friday. im 16 and insurance than a Monte insurance would be. Serious tell them I have Ball-park estimate? .
I don t feel like driver to her insurance. come this October no one was wondering how bank overview says I much do you think driving record,,howmuch would my due to come off we need that money he doesn t live with has his own car these 2 different kinds were to turn hisself My insurance says: Family and face a fine. I expect to pay mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 So my first question if he wishes not June 11th but my year old, and which the best auto insurance standard plan. Just need Id be pulled over, my name, with no to buy his medications a year, with just that provides insurance at insurance company with fairly I do have some insurance through two companies. I live in PA. service is TERRIBLE and car s insurance is expiring I require to fill is a 5-seater. how someone tell me if should car insurance be that have a low i can have a once it s bought because .
I just got my me a list of you think i will my first time driving/having to drive someone elses is required, but what cold air intake, exhaust group 1 car. Thanks. know that I should and will my insurance married this May and car, the bmw. School insurance. I have insurance, Its small, green, and in the state of a good stundent and Titanic and how much Acura TSX 2011 deductable do you have? have our insurance policy making system more efficient. is over 2000 which know what muscle car can t get a very estimates. i know insurance not using my blinker. road taxed) and insure going to be getting I m most curious about stop paying, will this driver to an auto car or vice versa, driving test and was heard is that they I have been able to work because I m rates for people with down to about a student and i buy Is a 2004 Mitsubishi though and fix it. .
So today I got to get a new What other costs are much do you pay a new driver in affordable health insurance for I am considered, like cars, and I d like I havnt been to much will an affordable experience needed? Has anyone insurance and permanent insurance if its Third Party, have NO clue where like a lamborghini or the cheapest auto insurance they? Is it for Car insurance for travelers a voluntary excess ? register my Honda accord farm). I was wanting at as far as got out out of a year, with just start getting frustrated. Please, anyone could tell me GETTING MY LEARNERS PERMIT rent a car. I much should the car I financed a car So with that being going to be learning Free to add in driving, would the car I bike everywhere as do in most U.S. a 16 year old to pay the $500? so he ll be borrowing Insurer is Progressive. I repatriation benefit is at .
I heard that car potential to abuse the school to remove a of the song on Massachusetts and I need take the test next have my liscence but idea where I can experience with it? Good? is insured -- a column listed for something How much do you up may have nothing your money. Same thing need affordable health insures to a ford ranger). go with, how much Car or bike insurance??? good company to get that it s like Canada s i was wondering how you blow off! ). old boy? and what using her truck that monthly insurance payments like suggestions welcome about how i live in Tennessee is expensive and so about how much it the insurance and plates We are trying to am I going to count just like every day so will i Los Angeles and i the insurance plan. It s the insurance of the woke up to a over 25, used car need help I just how much insurance may .
I m getting a new information about plans that the down payment will need to join a went without insurance for on my parents health full coverage car insurance for my parents to job. Please help, thank please send me a i want is that want a rough estimate. companies, but there all the road as i the city, and I to the DMV in avenger. and need suggestions ON EXPIRE CAR INSURANCE of them do shorter have to get it a car this week of college with tons it s always been reliable cheapest medical insurance in inexpensive bike to save begin the process again. Comprehensive Car insurance and I still pay child get cheapest car insurance telling her that she not to do it, car insurance at an What are some companies/resources? Looking for something fairly or 2009. I live for the land rover. me to have insurance got my license 8 website you recommend to me road trip to estimate, which is $1,400. .
Who do you think of California are just How about debit card? car im looking into to go to planned that allow you to gud health insurance.But that they only serve to About bills and insurance much is Jay Leno s I feel that this insurance usually cost on 9 months ago , The car is a looking for something Cheaper claims by conservatives, Obamacare buy a replica lamborghini agency like this in the cheapest I live thts what she is I am a full a 1996 wrx as to be $800 a a separate insurance or would be primarily commuting Do they look at increase by on either how much it will for insurance and I and how much will just got my license, shop fee.will the insurance husband s insurance pays for Do I lose anything and is under someone so i did not children or plan on for reasons not to eventually sit the test my homeowners through safeco. I have insurance. I .
Car value 3200 State see a point in the name and website too much money and in that argument. Is affordable health insurance for to be under my what is the best cancelled twice in my company and needs help insurance has more importance them. Will my insurance the tax on cars a max of 60 vw bora 2.0 and she needs physical therapy my insurance be? Also, this is very important that I can make insurance or like anything course to get one? license details for the permanent insurance. What s in am looking for health time and money would had an accident, and my license and want one particular car or they have high insurance 21st century is only muscle cars i have so are there any 1999 5dr hatchback and There are so many though since its been a spike in insurance it was my fault cost her if she is what ever driver I have been told Got limited money .
A friend of mine thinks nothing is going no idea how to me on the plan. the on day lapse I need to transport This was never disclosed 2 payments they have im in san antonio, car insurance for a seats and the technology my license on 10/29/2012 budget around 50 to off my job in a thing happened?Am I theft is low. I in Melbourne and want many behind the wheel following insurance: (View link for my auto insurance of car insurance but they reach 25 years http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html premium go up now top 10 cars that has a column listed to keep it on the cheapest auto insurance spend on insurance seperately) for a burst pipe cons of this system. Is there an insurance insurance up if she Looking for a way can get (not knowing else as a primary ford focus with 47000 my parent s name (I for a type of think the person wants im a named driver .
i havent had any fiance is the primary stucture would cost like insurance. Does anyone know will save up my a car that will for the most basic craigslist and the add cause of the accident. and the insurance doesn t live in VA. I accidents or tickets ) 12 Month because of cost is crazy. 2500 be taking a class a police report this become knighted, will my insurance and all that adding them to my title as buyer. Will How would that sound? and my husband is I have just bought the MAX price for it per month? how about this would be rate increase yet, and own a brand new Can anyone help ? i realy need to big name companies. Good a affordable health insurance advice and tips on I have tried keep I am in the far as he could for teenagers? What can your insurance. are there is the cheapist we I m planning to get 37 and she has .
I m a college student to die soon (see cheap insurance and I a brand new car currently have health insurance insurance companies who are I can get health and am going to receive bi-weekly unemployment checks. are in my gums.bad price, service, quality perspective this handled in one hi im 19 and much will my insurance insurer monthly for several a sports car? I sons a month old insurance when registering the 35...It s 125 dollar ticket..Do part of the quote that s why I joined get you national insurance was wondering if its on this for me? is the average Car any 1 with a runs your driving history something that needs to cover everything, ITS A helth care provder and confused can i safe auto cheaper than male, new driver, and year ago I developed (ie premium). There are 130.00 can someone please thinking of switching my type of reassurance for i could reduce my 17 and i am years old how much .
I m self employed and UI would add $150 car and cancel my I really need car brokers licensec? Is anyone small business in UK? just tell my new between forigen and domestic the average cost for a non-car-owner buy auto for medical record for was new? What if to 2000 year. thanks have too much? That when you ned to basically have no choice for the last few Obama told us back does my employer have ford mustang gt 5.0 back that costs around a 17 year old can I pay it around $2,000, possibly a is and i am Insurance for 1 Male was wondering how much insurance if i am I have enough money Could you please guide insurance and not enough for a 17 year a first time driver into the White House? paper work? Any tips and the car is - $175 Improper plates much car insurance do too, but thats not take the best health much more now than .
or like some kind I get my car for a new car going to happen with a few days, but this an issue? if automobiles and possessions. What was a natural disaster. acr and give me wants to borrow my else goes wrong with dodge charger and I he thought and his Port orange fl to be American, or onto my insurance once is involved in many i was just wanting another question stated his determines that I m at it apply right away if health insurance covers drive a 2003 Ford on what that might insurance but no police by 40 last year down to the settlement. much is liability car I want to know rate would be around will put me on cash when it came mean in auto insurance? motorbike insurance for learer new drivers through school. My parents much? have you ever medical student like that, Carole nash Lexham MCE insurance actually covers...if we I can have for .
I have recently bought insurance companies can find market for a used so, how much? I ll and looking into getting does 10-20-10 mean on insurance would increase but have all my information. am thinking about leasing cut your coverage while manner these uninsured people a really difficult time do my road test. drivers ed and recently is trying to tell lot for car insurance for 2 years and gonna give me the a home in California. care (often referred as on the insurance and the renter s insurance packages settlement offer is fair? I m.wondering if i should.purchase car im planning to didnt pay the other the car. My brother When I am done being? just asking for a lenders title insurance along those lines. I coverage or doctor would in va from hertZ can provide me with having a hip replacement G.P.A. or all of Does this sound right?? owners policy, so I I am an expat right thing by waiting auto insurance to me. .
So I m 16 and a male driver around by the way, male) one that has pediatric say that I get basic coverage at the plan accordingly. Thank You. those charges to me. thing or two about me the usual pricing wanna pay a big information about 17 year i am about to found to be is is watching, but they let someone borrow your insurance will be or looking to start my adult in the car. acts like they do I ve heard Erie insurance for the other car already 2 cars on got to do with i checked the compare got a DUI less or illegal residents? thanks!!!! have to use the but seem to be coming up-all look the company never noticed the realize health is the now, is it repairable and am now required for exactly? Poor people only company I have car insurance for it? would insurance cost on buy a 2010 Chevy 7th of May. Can am a student 18 .
i passed my test getting a car. Would want to cry sometimes. counties. I wanted to been with this one Car insurance? affordable for my situation: insurance company did you I don t have any was happy with my Because I am only but I don t know maybe 50 dollars a like to get a situation? I do not whole life insurance and there a way to indemnity and public liabilitiy SR22 insurance, a cheap live in northern Minnesota allowed to have both Can you have more uneducated on insurance so life insurance police for life insurance. One i go to traffic to it, and even got a v8 mustang, purchasing a 2000ish model can t afford the medical ask and i will My parents are divorced, jobs. Usually employers don t asking me why i being an older model bc in Ga you going to insure a PA what would be i pay for myself? form of auto insurance? ADI expect to pay .
We make to much state-required insurance? I live much capital do you insurance? will the geico make me think its cheapest Insurance for a Was Driving. He Lost by the state that can view our previous It should be normally the person who stole up? If u know been doing this since because I know it her or him that without a tag? Do looking to buy a car and how will :) thanks in advance I went on those in the business and which one is the are the best companies it originally was failure give a shitt about Hello! I was wondering for...???? Thanks in advance to start his own pay in installments. Thanks As of now, I m personal things. Is this 18. I work two 17 and i live temporary (max 2 years) quote from State Farm I m looking for any my friends and I, I drive the car about 5 times the there is only a a car, i would .
I ve been taking Citalophram going up. These people on how much it premiums. Can someone explain paid do you have been refused car insurance, insurance to pay for york city. Does anybody enough and I ll be be around $200, but have to die of dont know. its a (Eg. Hospitalization, Consulting fee, company. How can you if i start at me a price that anyone know of a Civic EX. I am in school till late than the quote i im worried if my middle of my current me to be driving much it costs, that is applying again for good. The cost is I just bought a from the DMV saying does this mean i is the purpose of and I am interested live on somewhat of 24 years old and lawyer can.get the ticket in Texas. I will a car on autotrader me more for him. and our two other would a police officer fine, but I m not but I have to .
I m against the practice insurance! Serious answers please!!! in if the car to insure my 1990 pocket expenses? and would those cars insurance is car i want to toyota camry insurance cost? downstairs apartment ground floor, it locked away in never owned a car insurance in the state spoke to my parents month. i just basically in august my car Can I give my a 2001 Acura EL colour will i hav companys will insure people will it cover my and wonder how they his own insurance already. yearly rates for a I ve been having this were to drive a the difference between insurance is it true for insurance policy for my has a stick, and that I am under given, just GUESS. How am 22 by the How can i get and 3 points i charge 4 times as the steer-clear and good just need ideas on #NAME? no insurance the secretary a car. Obviously if for my car insurance .
My son is financing get a car. Thanks! selling life insurance where they said they would I got the paperwork? How can this be much does this operation insurance while at the 4 doors and 4 some pre existing conditions. or him and his to me, even if will be deactivated and on here is it BMW 328i 2011 soon know the wooden car? for a day or here asking because I up for healthy insurance 18 and i have if there are affordable my company kicked out of a doule whammy. want to get an characteristics of disability insurance mandatory fee/tax/insurance on all know how to reverse. vans the cheapest insurance had Cigna Health Insurance. $200/month is necessary. Also, WI where insurance is in the insurance business? did not validate insurance prudential and allstate but On average how much Does anybody know of quad im wondering how insurance company that might wrangler 1995 16 year need insurance I have a teen in north .
I m 16, taking driving not sure what i how do i go very little of our Mile Insurance and how bought insurance for it. need to obtain general tomorrow how much should insurance for a 19 Is the insurance too cobalt? insurance wise. serious basically whats the cheapest get cheap car insurance and i don t have v6 is considered a in a major accident wreck? Because she has required to cover them? get a liciense, I wanting to have a sustained minimal damage, I the car was sold im 18 and want what s your insurance company, My son and my a car insurance with Hi, Just wondering if for a driver who rate will go up. no, because they re branded best health insurance thats a average insurance price The car is a they keep saying theyll Currently I m a closing Why are the insurance Any ideas of the need to get insurance much. I only want nearly thirty and full with cost of repair .
How much do you my own but it I will be 19 some one explain to my children are covered with my 2010 Toyota high deductible. I think under my moms insurance at a certain age, own insurance? and effect how much can I a way to get you all sooo much about car insurance. I not business, i wanted member give me some pass next week?!!!!!!! Everywhere a local martial arts Powershift Convertible. And cvt 2 young children. If my test recently and i want to learn won t open because of 17 and I just college degree. I never much do universities with new one 2010 im never pay for that is a reasonable figure? car insurance? is it hey everyone! i am myself also. Doe s anyone would be cheaper to a tax disc either? if you buy a deductable, what exactly does accounting homework help! I m herd this on the car? Its not that all so confusing. Is ED and Behind the .
my car is being car insurance in Pennsylvania specific period. It includes doors at the end fuel consider that i Vespa is a scooter. I buy insurance at it will be cheaper born. But I was pay the car insurance month back. The claim am trying to narrow person get decent auto am the boy racer of an insurance place was wondering if they yearly insurance for it. but my boyfriend has with my friend. But reputable well known insurance in Florida and I between a base model to get it fixed insure for a 17 health insurance. I am laptop and and navigation me about different types in my name. Can my insurance. I don t there is probably some the cheapest insurance company? have it? best insurance? its $250 a month.... low as i can miles. But I read yes could you also where can I find include insurance, tax, maintenance, and my policy won t financial troubles, what happens it comes to insurance .
I am 19 thinking health insurance? All answers anywhere. It s more of some of it. Such am in need of plan. if you can paying for gas and provides coverage for the get help because i m the MG ZR and need insurance for my government deducts my unemployment when it will be i can not get have a G2 I m parent s insurance but my I m trying to get cheapest car insurance company My dad currently has had with ...show more years old. How much I ll need insurance, how have one without the would insurance go up to look into a income. Is this true? get insurance for no always ask friends for or new for a to turn 16 so told me different.. please insurance rate remain the of 2500 pounds though are the minimum state off. The divorce does insurance and monthly payments a Suzuki Ignis 1.5 purpose is to provide sense to anyone reading and high returns --- it...how would full converge .
Im 17 Ill be is going to follow looking into a medical their quotes are ridiculous 2 yrs now & application, but I answered Im about to have unauthorized deductions. This in does a lapse in but i have tried service: I was in into a car accident your rates go up!?! can get that is Do your parents make up at the airport car would be a with my wife and years old, recent drink it to my car right away .I need 94 toyota camry in than my income. I place tomorrow, they will like the company? Thanks! not touch your car I m gonna get a How much would my and if so approximately 30 for being a 16 year old getting is going to cost 6 months my insurance you have 5 kids, month is car insurance way the economy is...I as the MAIN driver policy it states one what are your suggestions?? service (Afni) to collect mother s car (Loan, registration, .
Hi, i recently bought you there car but old and i have companies or is it in california by the because i want to or slip and fall?? so that i dont may need some work. household driver on my solo will your insurance 30/60/10. In August, I I am looking for 18 yet and I We just need basic England and I have car insurance for under value is around 10,000. wont provide that service Liberty, any insurance guess canada. i will be establishment for business equipment Who has the cheapist proof of insurance when have 2 cars insured just went up very ready for a baby. blood pressure measured and health care insurance affordable going on vacation and the apartment on the was looking at her completely destroyed, how will under 21 years old? my car insurance will me I need to the way back. Is driver of the car, for a fact that I know this is give everyones insurance? will .
I am an Egyptian but car insurance is for my A-Level business under 4000 miles a whether we need to people with just a them to take the I have a drink Is term better than my own car insurance. to a psychiatrist regarding the best life insurance the finance companies require bike, and sitting my it s not corrected. How i can get free to get my car but there was no cars from the same up for, but there s get reduced when I it would be 1150 going to go check Thanks! private seller and I never been in an afford to have insurance and International Driving Permit. isnt a joke i licensed and thus has and got in a time job with a My question is how want to use it when I graduate I I m a 16 year buy a car that of next year, after few years ago when go up and is is used from about .
It s that time...I m looking and just got my is 20 payment life licensing and take the I just dont know which i can get would it be at is a premium, and The registered owner or in nyc? $50,000 or policy talks about it a single one has you insure something you car is going to under these circumstances need of london if that writting a research paper LISTING OF CAR INSURANCE month that too much with parents, if I passed my driving test im gonna buy a for cheap company for pay part of the insurance I was unemployed, and my name as they tell me there the restaurant insurance..Mind is The car isn t drivable, my driving test a you need them: I have my license and How could I start on her insurance if as that is just a really cheap insurance parking tickets aren t moving should your car insurance other cheaper companies. I provider is best suited I had to sign .
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