#community financial assistance
update on my housing situation ~
With the end of summer swift approaching, I've been looking forward hopefully to moving in with a relative who lives about an hour away. I would've been able to transfer to a nearby Walmart, and my expenses for rent would be less than half of the cost of what I'm paying to stay at budget motels. Those plans are delayed indefinitely as, fortunately for her, she's had some relief for the osteoarthritis pain she suffers and has returned to work full-time. For now, she can manage her mortgage without needing additional income from renting to me (although she's unable to maintain her property, clean or even vacuum, which would've been my responsibilities). She also wants to keep her spare room available for her daughter, who's been having trouble meeting her rent for an apartment she shares with her boyfriend in the Bronx. As a result, I remain homeless...for now.
so I'm gonna have to ask for help again...
I've gotten through August better than usual; I'm glad to share that it's been over a month since I've needed to make a post like this. However, between my continued cut in hours (even as the service desk remains chronically understaffed) and a hike of about 20% in local room rates (I usually save about 15%/night by paying weekly), I'm in need of help. I'd like to try to raise $450 - &500 for the month of September, with my immediate need of $200 to manage next week's lodging. As ever, I know that I've been very blessed to receive the friendship and generosity of this community, and I send out my heartfelt gratitude for donations of any size, and to those who reblog this to help boost my plea. Thank you for any manner of help you can provide!
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lilithism1848 · 6 months
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mousedetective · 3 months
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So we were (thankfully) able to cover most of the charges that came out on the first and pay our storage units. We have two more loan payments coming out on the 10th but I'm not as worried about those as I am the larger loans I have. I make $1200 a month, and I might be able to get help with the two I just made payments on, but the loan I have to make the first payment for on August 3rd is $550, and that's going to wipe me out and I have to have $1000 saved by August 18th to more into temporary (but more stable) housing.
I probably will continue to pay one of the two smaller loans if I can pay one of them off, or pay the largest loan if I can pay the smaller two off, but either way I want to make payments on them to knock what I owe down/pay them off completely, so any help at all would be utterly amazing. And any help raising the $1000 for housing in August would be much appreciated.
EDIT: You guys. We might have an apartment soon! I got an email Friday afternoon from one of the complexes we were waitlisted at, and they want us to come in and do the move in packet. I need to come up with $75 for the application fees, plus $525 for my mom's current overdraft/Speedy Cash loan payment and $445 for my current overdraft/Speedy Cash loan payment, and I need to knock down at least the two smaller loans, but yeah. I am so excited!
EDIT 2: My daughter just got diagnosed with Covid. Her symptoms are pretty mild, thankfully, and she's on Paxlovid for it, but yeah. We need ideas for getting stuff for her to eat since her throat hurts so much and my food stamps card has disappeared (I have yogurt smoothies and bottled water, and she can suck on cold applesauce packets, but that will only last until Thursday), and any help I can get covering overdrafts and the loan payments on the 10th would be much appreciated as well so I can get us food while i wait for my replacement card.
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camryn-aisling · 2 months
Crosspost from cohost
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afroclusterfunk · 5 months
This stomach pain is really eating me up. I hope the colonoscopy will shed light on things but the prep is making me shaky and weak (add it to the list of things making me sweat). I know there's the element of spirit where my sense of self is growing. When I think of my old names I feel the pain there. I'm healing thru it. It hurts. I know the stress from caring for mom makes it worse. I know the fear of thinly veiled threats. There's so much I need to do. I have plans. But most importantl, I need to lie down and try to rest so that the flare doesnt get worse.
I have $50 worth of bills each month. trying to secure meals (I have low mobility/energy when I have a flare so I need to order delivery), and I'm also trying to save for travel to a safer place $500
So far I've only raised $3 but it def helped.
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If you have the spoons to boost it or the funds to support me with my basic needs and help me afford to live.
Cashapp $femmeboigarfielf
Venmo: garfgodot
Ko-fi.com/cosmickarike (credit cards/PayPal)
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lured-siir3n · 3 months
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Please share! We all know how expensive top-surgery is, but it's also the most important thing to trans-masc folks. It's the biggest dysphoria killer. If you can't donate, please share and spread the link. It makes a big difference! Thanks!
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hollycreadisserda · 1 month
hello, i am in a big need for money right now. because of my depression episodes i got in a financial problems and i need to just get my life together
if you can't support me, please reblog, it means a world to me
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payment is via paypal and ko-fi
I also design characters; i can draw backgrounds, action poses, small animals.
I also draw comics; price is discussed individually- starting at 60$
I will draw almost anything but extreme nsfw and realism; if you have any questions just feel free to ask me<3
you can also help me by donating straight to my ko-fi!
thank you for reading and helping me out 💘
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tuliptiger · 9 months
Hi uh I started a GoFundMe for myself.
My paypal is dragongard87 @ gmail . com
Long story short for the last 2 years I've been trying to build a house.
I'm generationally and personally poor. I make roughly $36,000 and that's if I'm allowed to work the full year since I'm a temporary seasonal employee.
The last contractor I had working on it for 1 and 1/2 years lied to me, wasted materials, was inexperienced and didn't let me know when things got bad. I'm pursuing legal action but it's expensive and time consuming.
I've been living in my car since April to try and make this work. Not only were his mistakes wasted time and effort but it was a lot of wasted money I wasn't expecting. I started working with a second contractor and he's been great so far but gave me an estimate of redoing the foundation. It ended up being double the price by the end and he didn't give me a heads up towards the end.
That's the general situation. I hate doing this, I know it's towards the end of the year and Christmas so people are pretty tapped out for money. I'm at the lowest point I could be and please know I wouldn't ask if I wasn't desperate. I already took out a personal loan and have 2 jobs, my family is poor and can't help.
Any help or sharing of this is greatly appreciated. Likes are honestly appreciated too and at least I know I'm not shouting into the great expanse. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope everyone has a good end of year/new year.
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candleswans · 7 months
hi there! one of my close friends is homeless and needing donations, so i am sharing their gofundme here. please share and help out if you can!
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larkspur-collective · 7 months
Hi, all. Really hate to do this but.. Our parent is on SSI , a fixed income, and we've been trying to keep the two of us out of homeless shelters, working incredibly hard doing so. Neither of us would be safe in shelters. Currently, all our money is going towards barely keeping a roof over our heads, not even counting food and other necessities, and we can't manage that much longer. We really really need all the help possible to stay in a safe environment and out of danger until March 1st at the least. We need, at the very least, $200 in airbnb gift cards [we're staying at one and even have a discount, but we need to last til March] and $200 via paypal or cashapp. My paypal is @kaithepotatochip, and cashapp is @LyghthousesX. Please help if possible;;
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sobeautifullyobsessed · 2 months
don't want to ask again, but must due to a financial setback...
I've delayed this all week because it physically pains me to do this again so soon, but the need to buy food and pay for gas, plus renewing my driver's license (it cost me $65 more than I budgeted for) have forced my hand. My work hours are still being cut, so far through the end of July. So, I have to try to raise $150 by this weekend to keep my room another week (we're currently in a 90+ degrees heatwave again). I'm exploring a couple of other options but in the meantime, anything I can raise towards that goal would be heaven sent. My deepest thanks go to anyone that can help in any way - and to everyone who continues to bear with me for the necessity of this plea.
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campbluesky · 18 days
HEYEY!!! HI THERE we're a physically disabled queer mexican did system!! And unfortunately, we are BROKE and YOUNG and unable to get a job for MANY many reasons. We have been waiting a VERY long while for the medical system to look our way and help find out what is wrong with us so we can get help faster, but unfortunately we live in america!! So it might take literally a decade or more!!! We would REALLY appreciate if you'd help us by getting us some things that will make life MUCH more easier to live! Its been getting excessively harder and harder to keep going both emotionally AND LITERALLY!!! Our mobility has been getting worse and our general health has been declining as well. ANYthing on our list would really really help !!!!
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mousedetective · 28 days
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09/06/24 - Updated Post!
My mother and I are both overdrawn (my mom by $210, me by $517) with charges on both accounts that are going to be retried in a few days. My large loan payment also defaulted, but my loan company agreed not to do automatic withdrawals on my account so I can put money in when I have it; however, my balance has gone back up to $1890. We need help covering the overdrafts and the loan payments.
The rest of the money will go to pay a mover to help us get stuff out of our larger units. We have another month on the units that a friend paid for but we need to try and clear out all three units we have by October 1st. My mom is worn out so any help I can have with a mover getting stuff out and bringing it up the stairs would be great.
We also need to raise $1300 to get work done on our car; our brakes were failing and we got those fixed but there was a secondary, less important problem that we still need to take care of (pinion axle or something like that) that we need to do $500 down to get the part. So some of the money will go to that, too.
Two urgent needs off our Amazon wishlist we need are the incontinence underwear and the lightbulbs. Our overhead light has no bulbs that work, and my daughter needs three more bulbs in her lamp. The rest will be saved to replace them. If anyone can help get the dresser as well, that would be much appreciated and would help my daughter get more space in her room.
Any reblogs of this post, monetary help or buying things from our Amazon wishlist would be so helpful. We're almost on our feet and hopefully we won't need as much help in the future. Thank you very much for reading, and have a pleasant day!
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wheels-of-eyes · 1 year
Help me pay for animal bills
Yesterday (9/9) my rabbit passed away after being hospitalized for under 24 hours. I authorized the emergency vet to do anything they could to save him, and it was a valiant effort. Unfortunately he was just too far gone.
I am now over $4000 in debt soley in vet bills and I want to pay it off as fast as possible so I no longer have the reminder. I will not be asking for the full amount, as it's a lot and and I'm aware it may feel sketchy to some, but I would appreciate help towards at leat $2000 of it, as I'm the sole earner for myself, my disabled partner, and our two remaining pets. Because of that,
anything helps.
I have commissions open if you want art in exchange (see the pinned post on my blog), otherwise the best way to send me money is vnmo @ waerwolv
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its-a-beautful-day · 25 days
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I've been helping one of my friends find safe housing after multiple major life struggles. Unfortunately on the drive back home from their hotel I popped my tire on the freeway.
Luckily everyone was safe and there was no further damage. But, even with AAA, the tow to get home cost $80. I've found a new tire and am hoping to either use a car jack and tire iron from the local tool library or have a friend help me Thursday with getting the popped tire off and the new one on.
I'd really appreciate some assistance to help get me back on the road and ready for work this Friday. [Ko-Fi link]
Total: $230
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angelinatoybox · 2 months
Please help me keep my apartment!
Hello!! My name is Jaszmine and I am asking for help so that I do not lose my apartment this month. I have another account on here but I am unfortunately too shy to ask for help but since I am in an emergency situation I can't afford to feel that way right now.
TLDR and gofundme link on the bottom:
To start, I was finally able to leave an abusive home that I lived in for the past 24 years. I got my first apartment in June and it was the first major thing I had ever done for myself. But unfortunately, a few days before I was about to move in, my big sister passed away. My life had been going further downhill since then. Two months prior to all of this, at my then new job, they had started extreme budget cuts which largely effected our hours. I am supposed to be full-time and worked 36 hours a week. Very shortly after I had gotten hired, my hours went down to 21 hours per week. (more below)
At first this was somewhat manageable, then coincidentally, two weeks after I had moved into my apartment and my sister had died, I had received an email telling me that my wages were soon to be garnished for student loans… STUDENT LOANS. They had informed me that they would be taking 25% from my already short paychecks- my checks that were already small due to them cutting hours. I had the organization that was garnishing me, under their advising, to send them my paystubs and expenses so that they can lower the percentage that were taking and/or completely stop- but they denied twice. Despite seeing how little my checks were compared to my rent, on top of my other utilities.
My account has been in overdraft for months. I am not able to get food for myself at all. I have applied for food stamps and have been denied twice. They said I make too much which is insane to me, because I have absolutely zero spending money. I don’t even have spare change.
I have applied for so many jobs ever since they have been cutting hours. I have been turned down by each and every one. I have two more job interviews coming up that I am PRAYING goes through because my whole situation literally depends on it. I have asked for more hours at work and they always respond that there are none to give and that there are absolutely no shifts to pick up. I have tried food pantries and I am unable to get transportation to go out there. I cannot even afford a bus pass.
In the past two weeks, I have already received an eviction notice on my door- and mind you, I JUST moved into this apartment. I have finally been able to get a court date to file for hardship for my wage garnishment case, and I am extremely anxious about how I am going to be able to make it there. I have no friends or family who live around me who are able to take me.
My next paycheck comes on the 31st of this month, and I already know that the very little that I am going to get with this check will be going entirely towards my rent. My electric, phone and water bill are going to be cut off and this will be another month that I have very little to no food in my fridge. I am just praying that its at least enough to cover my rent. I absolutely cannot afford to lose this apartment. Shelters are unfortunately not an option for me and I absolutely do not wish to go back to my previous residence. I'm hoping that this job I am interviewing for comes through because it really make all of the difference with how my current situation is going.
TDLR: I moved into a new apt in June, my work hours have been cut since April and my wages are getting garnished for student loans. I have little to no food and I am needing enough to cover the rest of my rent for the month of August.
Anything helps! And I am deeply grateful for everyone who donates and/or took the time to read this. Thank you!!
I can also take:
Chime and cashapp: $jpjpow
Paypal: @jaszminepowell
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