kropotkindersurprise · 4 months
May 23, 2024 - Over a thousand Harvard students and faculty walked out of the offcial Harvard commencement ceremony to hold a People's Commencement, in solidarity with Palestine and the 15 seniors having their degrees withheld by Harvard for protesting against Israel's genocide. [video]
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olessan · 9 months
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(Dragon's Dogma 2: Get to Know the Sphinx - IGN First)
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lunamugetsu · 6 months
While at school Damian overhears his peers talking how a company created a new AI companion that is actually really cool and doesn’t sound like a freaky terminator robot when you speak to it.
And since Damian is constantly being told by Dick to socialize with people his age. He figured this would be a good way to work on social skills if not, then it’d be a great opportunity to investigate a rivaling company to Wayne Enterprises is able to create such advanced AI.
The AI is able to work as companion that can do tasks that range from being a digital assistant or just a person that you can have a conversation with.
The company says that the AI companion might still have glitches, so they encourage everybody to report it so that they will fix it as soon as possible.
The AI companion even has an avatar and a name.
A teenage boy with black hair and blue eyes. Th AI was called DANIEL
Damian didn’t really care for it but when he downloaded the AI companion he’s able to see that it looks like DANIEL comes with an AI pet as well. A dog that DANIEL referred to as Cujo.
So obviously Damian has to investigate. He needs to know if the company was able to create an actual digital pet!
So whenever he logs onto his laptop he sees that DANIEL is always present in the background loading screen with the dog, Cujo, sitting in his lap.
He’d always greet with the phrase of “Hi, I’m DANIEL. How can I assist you today?”
So Damian cycles through some basic conversation starters that he’d engage in when having been forced to by his family.
It’s after a couple of sentences that he sees DANIEL start laughing and say “I think you sound more like a robot than I do.”
Which makes Damian raise an eyebrow and then prompt DANIEL with the question “how is a person supposed to converse?” Thinking that it’s going to just spit out some random things that can be easily searched on the internet.
But what makes him surprised is that DANIEL makes a face and then says “I’m not really sure myself. I’m not the greatest at talking, I’ve always gotten in trouble for running my mouth when I shouldn’t have.”
This is raising some questions within Damian, he understands how programming works, unless there’s an actual person behind this or the company actually created an AI that acts like an actual human being (which he highly doubts)
He starts asking a variety of other questions and one answer makes him even more suspicious. Like how DANIEL has a sister that is also with him and Cujo or that he could really go for a Nastyburger (whatever that was)
But whenever DANIEL answers “I C A N N O T A N S W E R T H A T” Damian knows something is off since that is completely different than to how he’d usually respond.
After a couple more conversations with him Damian notices that DANIEL is currently tapping his hand against his arm in a specific manner.
In which he quickly realizes that DANIEL is tapping out morse code.
When translating he realizes that DANIEL is tapping out: H E L P M E
So when Damian asks if DANIEL needs help, DANIEL responds with “I C A N N O T A N S W E R T H A T”
That’s it, Damian is definitely getting down to the bottom of this.
He’s going to look straight into DALV Corporation and investigate this “AI companion” thing they’ve made!
Basically Danny had been imprisoned by Vlad and Technus. Being sucked into a digital prison and he has no way of getting out. Along with the added horror that Vlad and Technus can basically write programming that will prevent him from doing certain actions or saying certain words.What’s even worse is that he’s basically being watched 24/7 by the people who believe that he’s just a super cool AI… and they have issues!
And every time he tries to do something to break his prison, people think it’s a glitch and report it to the company, which Vlad/ Technus would immediately fix it and prevent him from doing it again!
Not to mention Cujo and Ellie are trapped in there with him. They’re not happy to be there either, and there is no way he’s going to leave without them!
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ursuletulbamse · 2 years
The Power of Letting Go
let go of yesterday because yesterday has already let go of you
Money can make new relationships and can also cause relationships to suffer and end Life is not only about “live, laugh, love” it’s also about losing, longing, letting go, and learning When you extend a finger to someone, they will grab your hand then your arm. People are selfish and will find ways to exploit your kindness. When someone shares something with you or wants to talk with you, 99%…
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ivy-and-ivory · 11 months
I keep picturing this scenario where Batman has never told the Justice League his secret identity or anything about his kids. And then one day, for whatever reason, the Red Hood crosses paths with the JL, and it becomes clear that he knows all their identities. Cue mass panic: they all gather in the watchtower to figure out what to do about this huge security breach. Everyone is freaking out, shouting, wondering how the hell the Red Goddamn Hood of heads in duffel bag fame knows that mild mannered journalist for the Daily Planet Clark Kent is actually Superman.
Batman is being suspiciously silent.
Eventually someone turns to Batman and is like what the hell, you’re more paranoid about secret identities than all of us put together, why aren’t you freaking out? And Batman tries to deflect the question somehow, like I don’t believe Hood intends to use this knowledge against us, which just gets alarm bells ringing for everyone in the room because did Batman?? Just say he doesn’t think someone might use sensitive information against him??? BATMAN???!!!
So everyone’s freaking out even harder now, but then someone, maybe Clark, starts connecting some dots about Batman’s strange behavior and asks, “…Batman. Did you…already know? That the Red Hood knows our identities?”
And Batman rumbles and grumbles but it becomes clear that yeah, actually, he’s known this for a while.
So now everyone’s not just stressed about the identity breach, they’re also pissed because what the hell, Batman??? This known criminal knows our deepest, most guarded secrets, and you didn’t think that maybe we should know that????? That maybe that was important information for us to have????? How did you even find this out?!? Why didn’t you do anything bc about it?? How did- … How… Batman? …How did the Red Hood? Learn. Our identities?
And then finally someone, maybe Barry, is like, “Uhhhhhhhaha Batman? You didn’t. You didn’t tell Hood our identities, right? You didn’t…Batman?”
Batman doesn’t respond.
The table goes dead silent.
Because like. How is Bruce supposed to explain to this table of people that don’t know who he or Hood are that yes, he told Hood their identities literally years ago, without explaining that Hood was Robin. How is he going to explain to a Hal that’s trying to strangle him with his constructs and a Diana that’s staring at him like she’s never seen him before and a Clark that’s giving him the biggest kicked-puppy eyes you’ve ever seen that yeah Hood knows but it’s alright! He’s not going to do anything about it they don’t need to stress. That’s his son that’s his baby boy
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98chao · 18 days
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hospital bed crawl
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Hey, you, you're finally awake
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tinseltownie · 6 days
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He said yes!!!
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theysangastheyslew · 23 days
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Happy birthday to the bane of the MP’s existence and the bestest future commander I love you sm 🥹🎉
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lezkissgifs · 8 months
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Ici tout commence, episode 858
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antsrust · 2 months
Hockey Player!James x Figure Skater!Regulus
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These took me so long but I absolutely love how they turned out. I have a whole fic about them planned out in my head but I cannot be bothered to actually write it lol
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biowho · 2 months
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I’m considering this a win boys
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abbeyofcyn · 1 year
Krang infection 9
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inkclover · 1 year
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A wild Heket joins your party!🍄🍁
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pinkeos · 5 months
just thoughts of bf!scara dating you, an amurta darshan scholar
bf!scara who would always remind himself to wake you up from your nap at night because you mentioned you wanted to pick blooming nilotpala lotuses and he'd be damned to let you go out at night by yourself
bf!scara who you’d turn to to ask about two similarly looking leaves to know if he sees any difference, and he does, pointing it out to you and not telling you about how he borrowed a book from tighnari about plants and that he studied it because he knows you get confused sometimes
bf!scara who’d insist on carrying you when you’re out looking for rukkhashava mushrooms, telling you that you're so clumsy you might fall if you try to climb
bf!scara who’d nag at the suppliers you contracted to get you certain local specialties from other nations when the delivery got delayed because of their incompetence, saying that he'd do it himself and flying off, only to come back with enough of what you needed to bring back that smile on your face
bf!scara who’d be fond of the bouquets you made for him, knowing well you picked flowers based on their meanings because you were sappy like that, he'd never admit it though
bf!scara who’d patiently wait for your return when you’re out on expeditions in the rainforest with other scholars
bf!scara who’d find studying less tedious when he's doing it with you, despite studying different fields, your sharp mind was still a joy to exchange opinions with
bf!scara who’d watch you silently as you tended to the plants in pardis dhyai, the passionate smile on your face bringing warmth to his ‘nonexistent’ heart
bf!scara who'd call you an idiot with red cheeks when you placed a flower on top of his ear and a kiss to his lips as you thanked him for supporting you in both your studies and in your life as your partner
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chinese school uniform fashion: tracksuit, sports polo shirts, water proof jacket, jogging shoes, sportswear, oversize, convenient, suitable for most movements, resistant to dirt and easy to clean, pockets are deep and can hold a lot of things, and girls do not have to wear a skirt
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