#comic sans discourse
braisedhoney · 2 years
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so uh, has this been anyone else’s experience with the recent tumblr ut rp renaissance or is this just a me thing?
@sansofficial​ @gasterofficial​ (tagged with permission lol, thanks for the laughs!)
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tofuingho · 8 months
My preferred font is Comic Sans because I hate that weird loopy, double decker lowercase a.
The lowercase a should be a circle with a little kickstand.
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capricioussun · 1 year
I’m super curious, are there any headcanons or characterizations of mine any of y’all totally (or somewhat) disagree with?
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killerbees-hehe · 2 years
What is is about Comic Sans that makes my intestines squelch around my stomach
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Transcript: i think the fandom was genuinely better before 2020. or at least 2021. maybe i see nostalgia through rose-tinted glasses, but 2015-2019 was the best era of this fandom. people say cringe and free but there’s a difference between unknowing cringe and acknowledged cringe, and the former is just more genuine. more fun, more free. things were better, in my eyes. now there’s useless discourse (there was, of course, discourse then, but now people have wrapped morals into it. you’re not a bad person who wants to abuse people if your favorite character is canon nightmare sans, god), even worse fanon that people have dubbed as canon (dream is not an uwu baby, yes, but going in the entirely different direction and making him a mean smoker is just as fanon and inaccurate, you’re no better, so get off that pedestal), and just the bullying that comes with liking older interpretations.
blueberry is fine. uwu star sanses are fine. slendermansion bad sanses are fine. teddy bear horror is fine. any interpretation is fine. but there’s art left and right of people drawing characters punting those other interpretations whilst the creators themselves continue to make their own interpretations that are the same, if not worse, levels of inaccuracy and mischaracterization. it’s hypocrisy and i don’t doubt that in four or five years this era of the fandom will be mocked and a new, just as wrong interpretation will emerge. i don’t mind this, you can characterize anyone however you want. that’s what makes this fandom great. it’s just the fact that this is combined with the bullying of other interpretations that makes it hypocritical and me upset. not even to touch upon the new fanon of “sans would show no emotion of papyrus died”. in an attempt to move away from one side of the spectrum they went too far to the other, rather than settle upon the perfect balance.
in general i also grieve what will never come back. the style of older popular artists drawing sans, that line weight jakei and superyounma used that pulled the style together, the obsession when dream and nightmare became truly popular, the formation of the star sanses, the overuse of the word ‘senpai~’ when it came to crossmare, the comic dub movies on youtube, or how everyone obsessed over sans and made him overly edgy and emotional. the animation memes, the genuine sans fangirls, not the satire ones. ichika. the othertale animations. early underverse and the silly comics jakei made for it. the terrible wattpad fanfiction. amino. actually, we can leave out amino. i don’t miss amino.
it wasn’t all perfect. if i’m honest, it was a dumpster fire in a lot of ways. but it was my dumpster fire, and what once burned became nice and toasty. the fandom now is great, don’t get me wrong. i love how it’s turned out, i love how characters are no longer white anime boys and how people have begun to acknowledge how certain things are bad, rather than ignoring it. how underrated characters have been getting more attention.
but if i had to pick between the fandom now and the fandom then, i’d pick then in a heartbeat.
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childrensward · 11 months
Making Accessible Interaction Banners - a Guide by Binoo "ChildrensWard"
Interaction or "DNI" (do not interact) banners are a staple of the age regression community, but too often are they made without taking accessibility in mind, whether it's because they're unreadable, have excessive eye strain, or aren't marked with alt text.
Therefore, in the hopes that I can help people out with this, I decided to write a mini guide on how to make your banners accessible for as many people as possible!
Under the "read more" cut, this guide will cover the following:
Fonts, and how to choose the best ones
Text, and what your interaction banners should say
Colour contrast, and why it's important in making your graphics accessible
Eye strain, and why it generally should be avoided
Alt text and image descriptions, and how to write them
And an example of an interaction banner I made using the criteria I've written in this guide!
So, without further adieu, let's get into the real meat of this guide!
Fonts are easily the most important thing about an interaction banner! It's how you're going to best convey the contents of your banner in a way that's readable to the viewer. Here's a quick and firty rundown of the different kinds of fonts, as well as which ones you should (and shouldn't!) use for your banner:
Body Copy fonts are your basic Sans and Sans Serif style fonts that you'll most often find on books and websites, because they're some of the easiest fonts to read in smaller text (10-14pt) due to their lack of details. Examples of Body Copy fonts include PT Serif, Arial, Comic Sans, Roboto, and Helvetica Now.
Display fonts are often used for headers and subheaders and include features such as being thick, having unconventional letters, and, on occasion, being in all caps. However, these fonts should not be used for body or small text, as they will be very hard to read. Examples of Display fonts include Futura PT, Elephant, Noto Serif Display, and Shoreditch.
Script and decorative fonts are subtypes of display fonts, with the former having a handwritten quality to them, while the latter are considered to be the fun display fonts. However, you should be very careful with using either of these fonts- not only can they be hard to read on their own, but neither should be used specifically for body or small text in any circumstance. For the sake of readability and accessibility, however, I'd be more inclined to avoid using these fonts.
Aside from the fonts that your text will be written in, the text itself is also a mandatory aspect of your banners. After all, it's what banners are entirely based on, and it's the very thing that tells you who can and can't interact with your posts.
However, there's something important to keep in mind, and that is how much text you're trying to cram into your banner because you're trying so desperately to fit your entire DNI criteria onto it.
What I think is important when it comes to making your banners is to keep any text you have on there as short as possible. If you bombard your banner with all this specific criteria, then you're more likely to make your readers confused, whether or not they happen to be a screen reader user.
When making your banners, ask yourself the following questions when deciding on your criteria:
How likely is it for someone interacting with the age regression or similar communities to fit this criteria? Have I come across a good number of people who fit this criteria that makes it worth mentioning?
Is this criteria at all relevant to the content I'm presenting? Do I need things like inter-community discourse terms from other communities on my banner if I'm making content specifically for age regression?
Is there any "unspoken" criteria that everyone agrees upon that doesn't need to be included? These might include nazis, racists and white supremacists, homophobes and transphobes, ableists and eugenicists, misogynists, anti-choice, etc.
If your answers show that the specific criteria is not relevant, then it's best to leave it out to keep the information on your banner more clear and concise.
Colour Contrast
While colour contrast is something often talked about in web development circles, it's also an important skill to learn when making any sort of graphic design- which is what interaction banners essentially are. Without taking colour contrast into mind, you're left with a banner that may not be easy for most people to read; let alone those with low vision or blindness. We also need to think about things like people who may be using old or outdated monitors, people reading on smaller screens (like a smart phone), and bad lighting and glare. As Contrast Rebellion puts it: aesthetics are important, but aren't the ultimate goal of design.
Okay, so you've understood the reason why colour contrast is important, but how do you put it into action? How do you know your colours of choice are readable?
Well lucky for us, there's many resources out there that help us in choosing the right colours! Here are a few of my favourites:
CSUN: Color Contrast - An introduction article on colour contrast, why it's important, and some examples of good and bad colour contrast choices.
Random A11y - If you don't have any colour combinations in mind, Random A11y is here to help! With it's vast amount of randomly generated colour contrast combinations, you'll have plenty of options to work with. Don't like the combination you're given? Just click on the "new colours" tab to generate a new palette!
Colour Contrast Analyzer - This is a free program for Windows and Mac that helps you with colour checking with a variety of different features; including multiple ways to select colours (CSS color formats, RGB slider, colour picker tool), and a colour blindness simulator.
Accessible Colors - If you don't want to or can't download the program above, then this website works just as fine with checking colours, too! Just enter in the hex codes of your colours, the font size and weight, and which level of conformance you'd like your colours to pass.
Eye strain
A bit of a sore topic for some, but I feel I must put it bluntly for people to understand: making your colours easy on the eyes of the viewer should be your top priority over your aesthetic. Some people, like myself, have certain health conditions that are triggered by eye strain, and by continuing to slap extremely contrasted rainbows on your banners, you're continuing to put disabled people through worsening symptoms, all because you feel the need to retain your aesthetic.
Many of the same resources shared in the Colour Contrast section can also help you to rule out any eye-straining palettes. Also, a general rule of thumb to keep in mind is: if a colour palette is eye straining enough to cause you some mild problems, then it's enough to cause someone with a disability more severe symptoms.
Alt text and image descriptions
I think a lot of us find writing alt text to be daunting- I know I did for a long while, which is why I never wrote any for my posts until recently. But really, once you get the hang of it, it can be very simple and easy to write! Even so, people who don't know how exactly to write alt text often fumble with this- either writing too much or too little, not being clear enough, or just copying the image caption and calling it a day.
Here's some tips and tricks on writing better alt text:
Alt text generally follows the Object-action-context rule. In the words of Alex Chen at Medium: The object is the main focus. The action describes what's happening, usually what the object is doing. The context describes the surrounding environment.
Be specific and concise, and even consider the content of the post or webpage it's on as well. You'll also want to consider the function or purpose of the image, and what you want your viewers to gain from it.
Keep your alt text short, as long descriptions with too much flowery language and filler words can be distracting when using a screen-reader. Generally, most screen-readers will cut off alt text at around 125 characters.
Avoid using "image of..." or "picture of...," as HTML codes will already identify your images as such. However, in this case, mentioning what type of image it is can add context.
Always check for spelling mistakes, as this can affect the user experience, causing interruptions and confusion.
Not related to interaction banners specifically, but avoid including alt text for decorative images that are used to make your post prettier. In this case, insert the word "null" in your alt text fields.
Image descriptions are a little different in the fact that they're allowed to be more descriptive than alt text, considering screen readers won't be able to cut off any alt text at 125 characters. Even so, it's still best to keep your image descriptions as short as possible to save from redundancy and confusion.
Please remember that writing alt text and image descriptions can take a lot of practice and trial-and-error, so don't give up if you can't get it right the first time! Write and rewrite it as much as you need to, or even consider changing your interaction banner altogether if you think it can't be described in words concisely.
An example
Taking what we've learned above, let's take this banner I made just for this post as an example of these characteristics put into action.
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In this example, I have chosen the hex colour #4D0000 for my text colour, and the colours #B5F3DC and #E3B158 for my background. According to CCA, the contrast ratios for my colours of choice are 12.8:1 and 7.9:1 respectfully, which both meet the minimum contrasts of 1.4.3 for AA and 1.4.6 for AAA.
I have chosen the font FS Lola Bold, which is a type of display font that's best for headers and subheaders, but not so much any body or small text. I don't have to worry about this though, because I don't have any small text in my banner.
I've also kept my criteria to a simple "No DDLG/CGL interaction," because I feel that this is the most relevant information regarding the content of my blog and the posts I make. Short and simple, yet specific to who I don't want interacting with me. I also like the idea of my favourite fictional characters protecting my blog, which is why I've included another short sentence for it!
Here's an example of what the image description or alt text for this banner could look like:
[Image description: Banner that reads "Toopy and Binoo protect this blog, no DDLG/CGL interaction!" On it are the titular characters from the show. /End ID]
And if I were to have both alt text alongside an image description, then the alt text could be as simple as what the banner reads, which would be:
"Toopy and Binoo protect this blog, no DDLG/CGL interaction!"
Remember, you don't have to go into every little detail with your image descriptions or alt text, because then it can become very confusing for certain people to decipher! Keep it simple and state the minimum.
Closing words
I think that's everything that I wanted to cover in this post. Of course, there's more to accessible design than just text and fonts alone, but when it comes to interaction banners, it's usually the focal point of the images, which is why it's so vital that people with disabilities can also read your banner- especially when they contain important information about your personal boundaries.
Age regressors often pride themselves for the image we've set up for our community, that it's safe for everyone to join and no one will be judged or excluded for who their are. But the reality is, we still have lots of work to do before we're ever at that place, and making our community more accessible is just one of these steps that we should all be encouraged to take. Besides, what kind of message are we sending if we don't take the steps to make our space as accessible as possible? How do you think it'd feel to realize that a community you wanted to join is actively hostile towards you because of the refusal to learn how to accommodate for them? Especially when we have such a huge demographic of disabled people in the community, we can and should be doing better to accommodate for everyone as much as we possibly can.
Learning accessibility is a skill that requires time and practice, and I don't expect anyone to be perfect at it the first time around. The aim of doing these things isn't to make sure that every single thing is 100% accessible in every single way imaginable and with no mistakes whatsoever; but to instead encourage, develop, and incorporate good accessibility practices into our every day lives.
Thank you for reading,
- Binoo
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clannfearrunt · 1 year
I think I've unwittingly become the fucking Splatoon Gender Bad News Guy but I would not get your hopes up in the slightest:
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The translation in Splat 3 has been kind of Weird, not with the major shit as far as I know (thankfully) but with little things on the side; they have little oddities that would not be fucking there if the English team were communicating well with the JP team, which doesn't inspire confidence in the quality of their already pretty Meh english twitter posts.
I would watch the info on Dedf1sh's Official Bio on their splatbands info section of their website:
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(sorry every website I use is in comic sans it's the firefox settings)
If they change Ded's pronouns to they/them in here, THEN I would get out the bottles. Or if they use they/them in the actual game when Side Order comes out.
tldr: bizarrely, I super would not trust the goddamn official Twitter account for info which is certainly a fucking sentence but it's true! Shit's weird. Shit's weird in the game even. Just don't get your hopes up and get them shattered or god forbid start up discourse I can't do this again you Cannot Start Dedcourse 2. HOLD YOUR HORSES EVERYONE we have jumped the gun on Dedf1sh Translation before and it ended in disaster learn from the mistakes of the past
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tobi-smp · 11 months
while we're talking about old fandom discourse, literally no brand of dream smp discourse was more useless than the "your character can't wear That because My Character is wearing that!!"
it's plainly ridiculous in all its forms, fighting over which little dollies are allowed to wear which dress while we smash em into each other.
but personally the most ridiculous to me is when wilburians got mad at inniters for putting tommy in wilbur's clothes, because 100% of the time inniters were doing that to show how much tommy loves and cares about and misses wilbur, Especially when depicting tommy like, actively Grieving for wilbur after his death (or a version of him, in ghostbur's case)
I love wilbur and I've shared many a meal with wilburians, but this truly elevated it from silly nonsense to Actually getting mad when other fans like and care about your blorbo
"inniters can't let wilbur have Anything !!!" and it's tommy wearing a tee shirt that says "I love wilbur he is my big brother" in comic sans
the little brother - big brother dynamic reigns eternal, well and truly
(before anybody comes at me, this is required reading for this particular topic: [Link])
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Here is my Comiket haul, for those who may care!
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Arranged on the apartment chabudai for maximum weeb vibes. I won't go through all of them, just note a few to showcase the diversity of things that were on offer. If there is one someone wants a deep dive on, let me know, happy to take photos!
First up, the centerfold star - A Bocchi/Shimo-Kitazawa Fan Celebration doujin in the shape of a vinyl record:
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Its extremely adorable, these guys went all in. It comes in an album case with "tracks", the vinyl-shaped doujin has an A side and a B side with totally different content when flipped, and when you are reading it the text slowly rotates page by page as if you are "playing" the disc.
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Some of it is the circle's thoughts on Bocchi, but more is about their love for the part of Tokyo that Bocchi takes place in, Shimo-Kitazawa, with sections on show-accurate locations and favourite cafes and stores. They even included a map with all of the spots they recommend you visit in the area!
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This one is to me the most "magic of doujin": we all have favourite parts of our cities, and if we sat down could maybe make a map like this. But why would we do that? Who would care? The joint power of a locally-set anime & Comiket, however, makes that personal map into a piece of art people want to own. This piece is pure creativity & passion, and its very special for that - a symbol of doujinshi.
Also one of their members spoke fluent English and aggressively upsold foreigners at the event ^_^ Successfully so! Good job.
For something a little less high concept, this tiny artbook of Rin from Laid-Back Camp as Ghibli characters is adorable:
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A smol kiki, too cute. And look at her as Nausicaa! Full blue and ready to kick ass.
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Its like 5 pages and each page is a gem, great buy.
This next one is a genre of book I really love - the photography/anime composite book focusing on scene locations, starring our girl Haruhi Suzumiya:
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I appreciate how much fun this one has with its concept, lots of cute drawings on the margins; and the photographs are not all Haruhi related, instead it is just the author's own journey put through a Haruhi lens. This book is another great example of how "transformative" these works are, breaking the bounds of their source material.
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"Hey, its me!"
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Okay, now for some extreme Ash-brand doujin - Flowers for Yamada-san, a history doujin about Hiroyoshi Yamada, also known by the name Koji Kawamoto, a manga & magazine editor who played an instrumental part of the lolicon boom of the 1980's:
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He passed away this year, and so this doujin is a memorial to him, an accounting of his influence and role in early manga, a wider discussion of the lolicon boom in general, and its own creative work; sandwiched between essays are comic depictions of moments of his career done in a mimicry the classic loli/bishoujo early 80's style:
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This will of course take some time to read - I am excited to dig into it. As I have mentioned before, I am toying with the idea of a deeper research project on the "lolicon boom"; its, for understandable reasons, extremely neglected in western discourse of the history of anime & manga. But that moral aversion doesn't change how instrumental this period was, so I think a lot of good work could be done documenting and explaining its place. This book was an amazing find to stumble upon, and the creators are extremely well-researched on this period.
Anyway this is probably long enough lol. I did find some ero-doujin as well of course, though very few - as I mentioned, Comiket was a warzone, and I did not 'prep' for that side of things. I laughed at the idea of people doing days of research to prep of their porn buying adventure - I was the fool, they the wise, you absolutely need to do that if that is your goal. It wasn't really mine but I respect it now for sure - and I actually found the Comiket experience sort of liberating on that front, I "get it" now in a way I didn't before.
This is of course a tiny sliver of the book buys from Japan - hopefully I can make a few posts about the rest soon.
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ask-chara-and-azzy · 10 months
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FAQ under the cut (will be updated more eventually)
Why arent they fully colored? I don't always have energy to do full colored, I also run 4 other ask blogs and am in college so art quality may vary a lot!
What are the mod/blog runners pronouns? Same as the characters but they/them works fine!
What is this timeline/AU like? It's heavily based off my own memories of pre-death but also headcannons and such that fill in blanks! For example; memory: babysitting Sans and Papyrus. headcannon; Narrator chara. This story also will take place pre-death and since I have no set timeline of events and bc this isnt meant to be a strict story type comic this will be very random ask heavy. Also, at one point Chara did have a crush on Asriel due to them seeing him as a bestie until forming a more sibling-like relationship when they got closer with him and thus not feeling romantically for him anymore because "ew, who would date their brother. I can't believe I saw him like that".
DON'T ask about: their deaths! this is pre-death Chara and Asriel (for now) No soriel asks, Sans is a babybones in this AU! Discourse Please limit Chasriel asks (see "What is this timeline/AU like?") NSFW asks, even though I am currently 18 these characters right now are kids!!
DO ask about: Anything not on the DON'T list lmao
This blog has NO DNI bc frankly i don't care and will just delete asks from assholes. fair warning this blog does not support bigotry, if ur caught being a bigot we will block the shit out of u LMAO
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neoyi · 11 months
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Hoo boy, so how long before we get potential discourse on how this comic contradicts the established Crash Bandicoot timeline?
After all, Crash Purple/Spyro Orange had Ripto and Cortex meeting prior to Rumble ever being a spark in Toys for Bob's eyes.
I would say spin-off games in the series are kind of loose in terms of the canonical narrative, but Crash Bandicoot has kind of been an exception to that rule, in that characters first appearing in the forty billion racing spin-offs seem to return (Oxide) with implication that said spin-off happened, or the rest of the games supported extensive cutscenes and an actual plot that it stands to reason that they could all feasibly have happened canonically.
Rumble seem to follow in that; there's no plot to be found within the game, but these comics have served as nice bits of lore for us to chew on. There's not much to hone on, but would I not be a foolish student of Crashology to leave even the shallowest narrative uninterpreted? Unexamined? Left to rot in the sun like that?
I never bought the idea that Crash Bandicoot 4 was meant to be a thorough reboot of the franchise sans the OG Naughty Dog games, because there really wasn't much to contradict that latter games after Crash 4 still couldn't happen. Dingodile joining up with Crash's team (at the least, pragmatically, he seem to be a neutral force here driven by circumstances more than anything) might be the closest cutting off point since he's working for Cortex come Wrath of Cortex (Crash 4 never explains why he quit the ol' mad doctor's group, he just did for some reason), but now that Rumble's out, particularly with this comic, I'm now beginning to wonder if this is the creators' way of essentially wiping the slate as clean as they could and starting the franchise off from scratch.
And I think it needs it.
Oh, for sure, I'd argue it's yet another reworking of the franchise (Crash of the Titans kind of felt like one, even if, as far as I know since I never played it, they don't technically disown the timeline prior to its release) to revitalize and retool the poor series yet again, but this time, there's been a decade long gap - long enough for fans to lament what could have been, what we wished, and eventually, move on from it (well, some of us anyway.)
I was ready to call the franchise dead in the waters by, like, Year 8, wistful that they didn't get the send-off it deserved. Fact of the matter was, the last few games or so have just been a complicated, hot mess. Nobody seem to know what the hell they wanted to do with Crash the moment it fell out of Naughty Dog's hands. Not from lack of trying (and some developers did try), but it lingered around as either a pastiche of the OG game, a wacky-for-the-sake-of-wacky that varied in tolerance with its humor, or a sea of Dreamworkian pop cultural references - it was a mess. It was a HOT. MESS.
THIS comic, however, seem to signify that yes, come Crash 4: It's About Time, the whole ass franchise, after a decade of nothing, whih came after a decade of identity crisis, meant not only is this semi-reboot expected, but is downright necessary.
You could arguably just make A New Crash game that fittingly continues where it left off without acknowledging any of the past games, but with the assumption that it all happened, but ripping off that loaded, blood-chunked bandage for something visibly new, is probably the best this series, at this time, is going to get and ultimately needs.
Cut off the excess and start from where it was at its most simple, then slowly reintroduce the latter Crash elements. It does suck, if you are a fan of the latter-era Crash fans, to essentially be told after CTR that the rest of the games after is potentially no longer canon (Crash 4's announcer during the end credits certainly lampshades it, too.) This comic pretty heavily cements it, but man, it already does it so much better by introducing Ripto back into the Crashverse in just two pages of a comic versus an entire GBA game where he and Cortex... somehow share a universe and just... team up, I guess???
Of course Ripto crashes the party via a portal. Crash and Spyro's worlds are two vastly different places that sharing it together, while not impossible in the right hands, is tonally contradictory. Spyro's world is fantastical whimsy, Crash is sci-fi madness.
And it isn't like latter Crash characters cannot return. Crash 4's ending showed that absolutely CAN be the case.
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Guys. GUYS. Nina's still here. Those two awful chicken announcers are still here.
The OG Crash games never really had the deepest stories, with only literal floating heads occasionally spouting the next motive. Having Crash 4 start from there WITH an elaborate narrative is probably the best starting point. There is no reason why any of the others cannot return in new, interesting roles while paying lip service to their older roles.
Setting aside complicated feelings on reboots notwithstanding, Crash Bandicoot really did needed a reset button, and if it means retooling the established canon in a metaphorical Crisis of Infinite Earths way, then so be it.
So yeah, the comic basically told us Crash Purple/Spyro Orange did not happen. And damn it, I think that's for the best.
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On a final note, love this panel. For sake of gameplay, you're allowed to pick whichever character you want, but Rumble's lore seem to imply that villains stay on their end while, presumably, the heroes stay on their side. I guess Ripto serves as a third wheel who decided to muck things even further.
Also, I think Brio is saying Spyro's Japanese translated name, which is amazing cuz' anyone with basic Spyro trivia knowledge knows Ripto's name came from how the Japanese letters look when spelling out the purple dragon's name.
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honey-makes-mogai · 1 year
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[No ID - Help Appreciated!]
ComicSansfontstelic -
A constelic term for those who stel the font “Comic Sans”!
[PT: ComicSansfontstelic -]
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[Banner ID: A pastel yellow banner with a sunflower on either side. In brown text with a white outline, it says "- Please let me know if this has been coined before! -" /End ID.]
[DNI transcript: "-DNI- Basic criteria, anti-mogai, proshippers, ableists, aphobes, racists, zoophiles, rpf shippers, fandom discourse, under 13, transid/transx". /End transcript.]
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alexandraisyes · 6 months
Eclipse (TSAMS) - Springtrap - TSAMS Doodles - KingDings - Mirror Star - SillyWabbits - Lunar - Solb3n - Centaur Clipse - Hungryboi - SOLAR FLARE - Bloodmoon - (Blood)Moon - Lunar Eclipse - Eclipse - Eclipse - Valentine's - Ass - Wither Battle - Solar Flare
Analyses and Talks
Eclipse Is a Sociopath - Traits of ASPD - When Eclipse came back - Ruin and Eclipse - STFU:Fandom Discourse - On the matter of ASPD - Eclipse's Therapy
Character Sheets
Biblically Accurate: Sun - Moon - Lunar - Eclipse TSAMS in My style: Eclipse - Ruin
Halloween Designs - Crossover - Fall Contest (Comic) - 2023 Wrap - Humans
Men (and women) in Dresses
Blorbos - Frank - Frank - Lunar - Eclipse
Errors in Resentment: Meeting
The Deal: Cover Art - Accidents -
BloodySolstice (FNAF AU)
References: Concepts
Misc: DRESS AFTON - Mistletoe -
Prequel - One
Twisted Celestials (TSAMS AU)
References - Moon - Eclipse Ref - Blood - Animation - Blood - Solar -
References: Freyja - Dolus
Misc: Dolus - Dolus - Dolus - Dolus
Commissions and Trades
Indigo - DCA Custom - Sans Dress - Killer - Starsonal - Aurora Borealis - Adopts
Hands - Solar Flare
Sun Heart - Moon Heart - DCA Hearts
Fan Art
BSAU Beach Day - The Deal (19)
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fuscorooni · 2 years
Unpopular DC Comics hot takes:
I liked the Green Lantern movie.
Starfire is a fun date but Barbara Gordon is marriage material.
I like Geoff Johns. He’s a stellar idea guy, and he displays a genuine love and passion for these characters IMO.
I liked the Superman design sans red trunks. The post Rebirth suit with the red boots is my favorite.
John Constantine was better as a separate entity from the DCU proper.
Young Justice (1998) was meh to me at best.
Orange shirt Aquaman over shirtless tattooed Aquaman everyday.
The DCU could take with a page from the Marvel universe as having one cohesive government agency to deal with superheroes, a la SHIELD. Maybe Checkmate on a global level, the DEO on a United States national level.
I dunno, I guess that’s it for now. Feel free to engage for friendly discourse.
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raisinchallah · 1 year
the recent discourse re:yuri is so curious to me. my two cents is that some of it can be attributed to the very well researched book on yuri history by erica friedman that came out a couple years back which made the seemingly legit claim that the genre started with women authors. of course the whole picture is more fraught than the viral posts i see on this paint it. and the book itself has a long section on The Bad Parts of yuri. but the quotes i see people use and word of mouth fail to mention that part. i can kind of get the defensiveness bc yuri is so often dismissed as a genre JUST for the tillitation of men in a way that really erases the quite large subculture of lesbian/bi otaku and the women writers themselves. which tbf is often the case with a lot of these subcultures (sooo much "moe" was/is written by women but was imediately dismissed as a dude thing. this kind of radicalized me as a teen.). all of that being said there WAS an interesting shift these last few years on the stories being told and how they are told (maybe because of the critical/comercial success of kabi nagata's memoirs and of series like kase-san and yagakimi? the overall evolving discourse about lgbt people on the public sphere? the uptick in openly queer women writing independent webcomics? none of these? all of these and more? shrugs). i've been reading unhinged gay manga in dynastyscans for like, a decade by now. and it's become increasingly more common for them to feature adult women, people actually saying the word "lesbian", lesbian bars even. it still surprises me constantly. comic yuri hime actually split itself in two (the idea is that the core mag is for women and the other is for men. fostering this idea of yuri by women to women). even the kirara magazine started including a lot of yuribait in its publications. which is a different beast entirely but is amusing enough that it makes me go "okay who is this FOR? yuribros? just to snatch the stray lesbian reader?". sorry for the long message i am just fascinated by all of this.
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no worries at all this is actually extremely interesting thank you so much for all these extra details yeah i have been curious about like general demographic surveys or such of major yuri magazines yeah that makes sense from a lot of my research as well erica friedman seems to be the main source of a lot of information about yuri i have also wondered in general if some of the confusion around the genre also seems to come from a lot of western bookstores manga hosting sites and so on seemingly grouping memoir and short like joke comics about lesbians and so on under the yuri label i mean im sure part of that online is cuz dynasty scans has a really wide interest in what they seek out and translate which like i love that this stuff has a wider audience but its odd to call it yuri yeah ive noticed that as well in terms of shifts in whats actually focused on i read one yuri manga that was also about broader yuri fandom i guess like about a lonely lesbian who wrote yuri doujins and so on helping another manga artist find her love for drawing again and talking about like actual stuff about being gay and so on idk very interesting the places things are going like i think thats the other funny thing about the new narrative around yuri is like as you said its often kinda surprising still when characters actually say they are lesbians cuz a lot of works kinda held onto like oh ur my exception oh this will fade etc idk fascinating stuff thank u also for the details about the states of different magazines very interesting also if u wanna discuss this more in dms :3
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spicyreyes · 2 years
Okay I know yall don't mean it this way but literally stop fucking making jokes about light mode.
I'm visually impaired. I have next to no contrast or color vision. My vision is mostly light perception based. Dark mode looks like a white smear on a grey background. I have to use light mode and zoom in significantly to read messages. I already zoom out several times to take screenshots because I'm so incredibly insecure about the amount of accessibility features I have on my apps. I have gifs turned off. I have images limited. I have colors reduced. I have contrast increased. Can yall let me have access to a regular fucking app that allows me to communicate without being "#roasted" by a bunch of teenagers who think things are useless and ugly if they personally don't need it. It's comic sans discourse all over again and it's not fucking cute. Leave it in 2022.
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