#colossus 13
haydenhappyrave · 2 years
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chronostutter · 11 months
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colossus is a comedy
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fluideli123 · 1 month
I've watched the DP&W movie twice in theaters and three plus times on a pirated site, and I wanted to grant my analysis on Wade and Logan's relationship that not only respects Vanessa--because Vanessa was literally Wade's Soulmate until shit hit the fan and you can pry that fact from my cold dead hands. But also explains how Logan and Wade actually represent a a-spec experience and relationship that I feel like no one has really gotten into. Am I saying they're a-spec? No. But that doesn't mean queer relationships that are fairly normal in a-spec spaces doesn't mean they don't exist outside of them as well.
First of all, the only two reasons I believe Vanessa and Wade broke up was 1) Wade went back in time to save Vanessa and he told her after his usual routine of jokes and lies and 2) Wade finally believed he could be something more, a hero, only to be turned down by the people who are known for their heroism, leaving him lost.
I genuinely believe Vanessa had a hard time taking in that knowledge, but knowing Wade and everything they've been through she would get through that like the badass she is and work through it using her plans A-Z, as she always does. But I think to really stop that woman from continuing to start a family with Wade like she wanted to in Deadpool 2, is if Wade was no longer within the right mindset to do so.
Deadpool 1 introduced Wade as someone who believed he was a bad guy who got paid to fuck up worse guys, he refused the term hero, and the moment he even tried to reach for something selfless. An act that would hopefully spare Vanessa from the pain of cancer, it all got fucked up and he got turned into a monster. Someone he deemed even lesser than he was before. So far gone and completely removed from what he was loved for (his looks and personality, but how could his personality stand alone when he looked so ugly? As ugly as he always felt on the inside?)
So he turned to what he's always known: Tracking people down and making them pay. In his mind this only confirms that he's a monster, he isn't deserving of Vanessa, of anyone. Which is why he finds comfort in Blind Al, a woman who will only have to deal with his personality and not be able to see how ugly he actually is. Symbolism for showing only half of himself and not him in his entirety (not that he can hide it from her, she's too wise, knowledgeable, caring, and knows Wade better than he knows himself at this point.)
Eventually, he finishes his hunt and is still loved despite what had transpired. Vanessa still chose him, still loved him. So maybe despite how ugly he is, he can still be loved. This grounded him, solidified his self worth, have him such stability that he had a thriving relationship with Vanessa that they were SO ready to start a family, aspired to live that dream. Another act of selfishness. Only to, once again, be met by pain. Get his dream taken away, once again resorting to what he knows: revenge.
Wade wants to be a hero? He gets forcefully mutated. Wade wants a family? Vanessa gets killed. Both are immediately solved by death, but that self-loathing and sickening hatred towards himself do nothing to cure that same confirmation he had once thought he got over: That he wasn't a monster, he could be loved, be something else.
So of course Vanessa is who, even in death, looks him in the eyes and tells him he cares, he has always cared. He cares so deeply about the people in his life he meets who unconditionally love him for him as time passes, despite all his flaws.
Wade wants to be a hero? Colossus believes he can be. Wade wants to save the 13-year-old abused kid? Vanessa knows he can. He saves lives by sacrificing himself. He scarified his comfort to show Vanessa the full truth of his ugliness, he sacrificed his life for Russel to give him a better life. Maybe he isn't a complete monster, maybe he can believe again. He can be selfish, he can be reckless. So he goes back and saves more people. Heroes do that. They save the people they love. You don't hold the whole world on your shoulders, no, like Miles learned in ATSV you think of one person of the few people you want to fight against the world to protect. And he did just that.
With Vanessa back and a big family he can finally chase after what he wasn't meant for. Because it's only happened twice, it wouldn't happen again-
Rejection. He can't be a hero because people don't need him. He is the needy one, the one who wants to be needed, needs to be wanted. So, it's the crash. The final straw. He breaks. He breaks so hard because what the fuck is the point to trying if every time he is met with failure? Rejection? Pain? Loss? He becomes so stuck in figuring this all out he neglects his relationship with Vanessa, causing issues. They go separate ways, but still so close, because you don't just lose your best friend like that, even if you're no longer partners. They're always meant to be together one way or another.
So you have this broken man who is searching for purpose, years later still harboring this tiny flicker of hope that he can be greater. He can be great. He can be a hero.
His world is in trouble, he doesn't think twice saving it. He accepts he isn't perfect for this, not like all the big guys back in Avengers headquarters, but he can't let his loved ones die because of someone he's had a vendetta against the last two movies.
He literally fights and fights and fights to find someone to help him, Wade can't save who he loves he has to find someone else you can, anyone else.
Than a broken, desperate man walks into a bar to see another broken man who has since long given up.
The thing about Logan and Wade is that they don't need words. Wade blew himself up in order to die in the second movie, Logan drinks himself away, both knowing they can't die no matter how much they want to. How much they believe they deserve it.
So Wade sees a Wolverine who has potential, who hasn't hurt him (unlike the others, he gets hurt so much, guys) and places his faith in him without hesitation. From that moment on he has never truly doubted Logan's abilities nor his heroism, because he knew his Logan and if his world was anchored by a Logan than all Logan's are built with something he isn't. They're made to be heroes, made to be important. Yeah, they fight, but I strongly believe that's how two broken men say everything words can't possibly describe.
I mean what words could describe the way they go all out on each other, knowing the other can't die, the way Wade looks up at him, not wanting to regrow his entire body because he needs to save his world and understands Logan and has to decide to say something that'll convince him to help. Wade doesn't know if stopping the machine will completely save his world or if a new Logan will patch it up too, it's his own educated wish he passes onto Logan. Because just like Russel, he cares. He understands. He wants to help.
It's that faith, hope, and resistance and face of humor despite it all that causes Logan to stick by that dumb asses side. He lost everything, he is seeing someone like himself before he stumbled home drunk from the bar to find everyone dead. Someone who is capable of doing something he wasn't able to. He wants to help, more and more for Wade and less himself, a silent journey of healing following Wades steps everywhere they stumble into.
Because Logan was just drunk at a bar before being told he was needed to save a world, told he was the worst before being offered help anyone, getting praised over his capabilities, and than told again and again how he is able to be someone he never thought he could be. Much like Wade was and is.
Logan sees it. Wade most likely ignores it, much like anything else. He isn't very open with anyone other than Vanessa as we've learned.
So just- of course Wolverine is the honest one, of course he hits low, he sees himself and Wade and wants to hurt him. Wade wants to hurt him back, but only when he's directly attacked by his words and threats, a way of not taking shit. Logan took shit from the world and than didn't from Wade and his emotional rollercoster right. And I think without whatever happened in that Honda Odyssey things wouldn't have been the same. They needed that fight, that release, that hatred from themselves to burst into the form of someone else who could take it just as much as the other could.
Logan listens to Wade's home at the borderlands. Logan is given kindness and tough love. Logan joins. Logan begins to understand how most linger by Wade's side despite everything. He sees why. He's a force, he doesn't give up, he doesn't quit, not for others. It grants strength, though imperfect and messy.
Logan believes Wade deserves better. So he plans on sacrificing himself only for Wade to once again show how much of a Hero he wants to be and could be. Only for those two idiots to hold hands to madona and come to a mutual understanding and comfort that has Wade making room for Logan in his and Al's apartment.
And there is something so inherently a-spec about not being explicitly sexual with each other, having an understanding that goes beyond direct words and full truths. They they can hurt one another and it feels so good, so wanted and cherished. How they support one another by being fucked up and sloppy. They're wrecks and they help the other heal, do what they're too afraid to do.
What is more a-spec than two people looking at each other with adoration and trust? To be two people who cannot be placed within a single both because their relationship and meaning to one another isn't so neatly cut and within expectations? To love in a way that blood and standing side by side is a comfort? A steadying point in which everything becomes clearer with time?
They make me so fucking sick, they make me so FUCKING SICK.
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heckcareoxytwit · 4 months
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The Quiet Council and the Five variant covers by Phil Noto
Quiet Council variant covers by Phil Noto
Immortal X-Men #1-18 and X-Men Forever #1-4
Magneto (Erik Lensherr) = Immortal X-Men #1, March 2022
Mister Sinister (Nathaniel Essex) = Immortal X-Men #2, May 2022
Destiny (Irene Adler) = Immortal X-Men #3, June 2022
Emma Frost = Immortal X-Men #4, July 2022
Exodus (Bennet Du Paris) = Immortal X-Men #5, August 2022
Sebastian Shaw = Immortal X-Men #6, September 2022
Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner) = Immortal X-Men #7, October 2022
Shadowcat (Kitty Pryde) = Immortal X-Men #8, November 2022
Mystique (Raven Darkholme) = Immortal X-Men #9, December 2022
Professor X (Charles Xavier) = Immortal X-Men #10, January 2023
Storm (Ororo Munroe) = Immortal X-Men #11, May 2023
Colossus (Piotr Rasputin) = Immortal X-Men #12, June 2023
Cypher (Doug Ramsey) = Immortal X-Men #13, July 2023
Krakoa = Immortal X-Men #14, August 2023
Selene (Selene Gallio) = Immortal X-Men #15, September 2023
Hope Summers = Immortal X-Men #16, October 2023
Apocalypse (En Sabah Nur) = Immortal X-Men #17, November 2023
Jean Grey = Immortal X-Men #18, December 2023
Proteus (Kevin MacTaggert) = X-Men: Forever #1, March 2024
Elixir (Josh Foley) = X-Men: Forever #2, April 2024
Tempus (Eva Bell) = X-Men: Forever #3, May 2024
Egg/Goldballs (Fabio Medina) = X-Men: Forever #4, May 2024
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tadc-harlequin-au · 2 months
Depressed!anon here. Thank you for inspiring me 💜 heres the concept for my goofy lil oc(art coming soon)
OAKE 13 Model-D, The Ochre City/ Oakley, the Wistful Vivarium!
A multi-die Puppet designed as a moving city, meant to be capable of housing a sizeable population. Well, for the rich, of course. Multiple soul dies were used to make the entire city move, with Oakley at the head, and seven additional soul dies for the legs, windsails, and tail of Model D. OAKE stood for Oct-Alma Automotive Kinetic Environment, with three models being prototyped. OAKEs never made it to full-scale production, due to the immense resource requirements and the fragility of the sanity in the soul dice. Oakley was one such prototype, Model Dragon. 
As 13 M-D, Oakley was old enough to witness the fall of humanity. His immense body contained a giant vivarium, a completely enclosed mobile city. As the other seven soul dice slowly became corrupt and caused the destabilization of the vivarium, Oakley did his best to lead his collapsing body to what he hoped would be a safe haven, before he too gave into madness. He gave up his fight not far from the City of Circuits, an immobile head attached to a rusting hull.
As a rebuilt Puppet, Oakley has a smaller frame, and his own body for once. Now a dragon Animatronic, he can freely roam to his heart's desire, providing a method of fast travel for Pomni when they cross paths. Oakley's one and only wish is to see the world rebuilt.
if I had a nickel for everytime someone created a dragon OC with such a fleshed out and intriguing concept for this AU, I would have two nickels
which isn't a lot but it's SO AWESOME THAT IT HAPPENED TWICE AUGH
My brain immediately thought of Shadow of the Colossus for this big guy and I think that's so amazing, I LOOOOOOVE giant creatures colossal beings my absolute beloved I wish we had them in real life but as friends
I'm getting sidetracked I'm just so excited for this concept like WHATTTT, A GIANT MECHANICAL DRAGON THAT'S ALSO A FLOATING CITY?!??! FOR THE RICH!???!?!?! I WANNA SEE THAT SHIT JUST TO WITNESS HOW SUCH A THING TRAVERSES FROM POINT A TO POINT B AUGHHHH THAT SOUNDS SO COOL (but also... very tragic.... 7 dices were used... containing multiple souls... Oh, these poor, tragic people who had to be subjected to such cruelty. I hope they found peace somewhat, if the dices were destroyed)
The concept of fast travel was something I've been considering for this AU too, mostly with the idea of "soul magic + device that causes object displacement" (or more commonly known as "teleportation") BUT NOPE, GIANT DRAGON NOW, LOVE IT, PITCH IT, SELL IT
(also reminds me of The Last Stag from Hollow Knight, would Oakley also be giving Pomni the option to go from city to city? All the major, largest cities of this world are neighbors, and they kinda form like, a weird giant cog)
OH, this makes me SO excited to see your concept art for it. like, oh my lord. Goodness gracious, it's going to be amazing and I just know it. As usual, take your time, don't feel pressured, I await the lad's visual concept with all the patience in the world teehee :3
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rettomus · 10 months
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Inktober 2023 works PART II
11. Wander [Wander - Shadow Of The Colossus]
12. Spicey [Nia - Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann]
13. Rise [Rise Kujikawa - Persona 4]
14. Castle [Howl - Howl's Moving Castle]
15. Dagger [Garnet - Final Fantasy IX]
16. Angel [Flonne - Disgaea]
17. Demon [Laharl - Disgaea]
18. Saddle [Soul & Maka - Soul Eater]
19. Plump [Fat Chocobo - Final Fantasy IX]
20. Frost [Jin Kisaragi - Blazblue]
21. Chains [Naminé - Kingdom Hearts]
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sheikfangirl · 3 months
your puppet zelda headcanons are definitely making me reconsider her as a concept!! i agree she felt very underdeveloped but has a lot of potential. from a gameplay perspective, if you had your way in integrating/rewriting puppet zelda into totk's narrative, how would you do it? i feel like you'd make her infinitely more developed lol
Hey @pitchblackespresso Thank you for your patience! I know, your question has been in my inbox for a couple of days now but I thought it was so interesting I really wanted to take the time to think about my answer before replying. Obviously, I would've looooove if the dev team added more depth to Puppet Zelda, I mean, she's a walking horror movie trope just waiting to ooze angst and hurt!! hdkjlsgjsjniosdgv!!!!! I happen to be a game dev in real life and I play games with a game dev point of view... I always put myself in the team's shoes and I have empathy for them. Making a game is hard work and what they achieved with TotK is insane. Obviously Puppet Zelda wasn't their priority and I can't wait to learn more from the Masterwork book... I would never ever pretend I would've done a better job than them!! Buuuuuuuut! We are here to brainstorm and have "what if" fun! Here are a couple of confused ideas that will, hopefully make sense :) Find a way to boost the "confused Link" narrative. Puppet Zelda was so obviously NOT the real Zelda, I wish the writers had played with our skepticism a bit and made us doubt and consider that she might just be the real Zelda. I want to be manipulated by Puppet Zelda dammit!!! (and be stepped on, but that's another story)!
Trigger Puppet Zelda encounters!! Going to a specific place on a Blood Moon and trigger a Puppet Zelda encounter !
Picture this: Blood moon ambiance, 100 times worse! She could've made Gloom Shrines appear, full of hellish puzzles or just straight up old school dungeons? But...scary dungeons!  Who here is OoT Shadow Temple PTSD? I sure am! Picture The Shadow Temple, but black, red and on Steroids....the kind of weird shit straight out of the original Hellraiser or a PG-13 version of Berserk's Eclipse. Evil Quests? Something that would've been super dark but sadly impossible without the integration of some kind of morality system like games such as Dragon Age and Mass Effect (Games I'm also obsessed with by the way) : Having Puppet Zelda give Link Dark quest objectives that would have made us question her sanity and intentions and have consequences on Link.  A Good old fashion Battle We should have had the opportunity to FIGHT HER!!! That would've been HEARTBREAKING!!!!  Bonus: This one is not about Puppet Zelda, but about Link. It seems like a detail but..I wish his model changed as we progressed throughout the story. The closer you get to the end, the more dirty and tired Link would have looked, like Wander in the influencal masterpiece game "Shadow of the Colossus." I hope you are not disappointed by these couple of proposals :) Welcome to the cult! Glory to Puppet Zelda ✋ Cheers!!!
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capacle · 2 years
20 Brazilian TTRPGs I wish also existed in English
Today I offer you:
20 Brazilian TTRPGs I wish also existed in English (because I want the world to know about them)
Buckle up, because you won't BELIEVE the diversity of our indie scene.
[presented in no particular order, and only one per author]
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1. Meu Brinquedo Preferido ('My favorite toy'), by Eduardo Caetano
A metaphor about a child's growing process by deconstructing their fears through playful situations.
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2. SeanchaS, by Jorge Valpaços and Jefferson Neves
A game about myths, construction of identity and narrative around bonfires, about the time of ancient stories and the present time.
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3. Gatunos, by Tiago Junges
A GMless/Solo game in which you play as cat thieves and mercenaries doing the dirty work of the five big factions that run the city.
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4. Nômades (Nomads), by Marcelo Collar
A card-based RPG in which you play as beings who have the ability to find and pass through the cracks in the veil that separates the universes.
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5. Infaernum, by Caio Romero
Create your own apocalypse while playing the game, and interpret characters who experience the last days of all things.
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6. Áureos, Os Dançarinos da Lua ('The Moon Dancers'), by Rey Ooze
A game of fight and freedom where dice play capoeira. You play as an 'Áureo', a former slave who, in a fantastic colonial Brazil, receives the blessings of his Orisha to free his people from slavery.
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7. Veridiana, by Alan Silva
You play as creatures that live in a large tree, embarking on a deeply sentimental journey in search of a cure.
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8. Karyu Densetsu, by Thiago Rosa and Nina Bichara
A game inspired by action anime and manga, with tactical combat, philosophical conversation, and passionate ideals.
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9. Imperia, by Jonny Garcia
A game of politics and intrigue in a medieval court, inspired by Game of Thrones. Create a kingdom collaboratively and assume the role of the most influential people in it.
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10. Goddess save the Queen, by Carol Neves and Julio Matos
A pulp adventure game in which you play as secret agents of the British Crown during the interwar period, with their own agenda connected in some way with their home nation.
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11. Abismo Infinito ('Infinite Abyss'), by John Bogéa
A narrative game of psychological horror in which the protagonists are astronauts, far away in space, involved in a web of lucid nightmares and manifestations of their own fears.
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12. Mojubá, by Lucas Conti and Lucas Sampaio
An Afrofuturistic urban fantasy game inspired by Yoruba and Afro-Brazilian mythologies. Play as a person with fantastic powers who descends from the Orixás, fights evil spirits, and occasionally gets into a rap battle.
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13. Chopstick, by Igor Moreno
A game inspired by action movies of oriental martial arts, gang fights and crime, with a twist on Fate Accelerated.
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14. Contos do Galeão ('Tales of the Galleon'), by Encho Chagas
Create together the legend of a vessel that would have existed during the Golden Age of Piracy. Players will create the ship, its pirates, as well as its enemies, challenges, and rewards.
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15. O Cordel do Reino do Sol Encantado ('The Cordel of the Kingdom of the Enchanted Sun'), by Pedro Borges
A narrative game set in the northeastern 'cangaço' region at the beginning of the 20th century.
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16. Através das Trevas ('Through the Darkness'), by Ramon Mineiro
A post-apocalyptic fantasy game inspired by The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, The Witcher and Diablo.
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17. Nihilo, by Andre Osna and Gustavo Rolanski
A world very much like our own—yet bigger, deeper, and stranger. Secret banks are run by Urban Dragons, Infernal mafias terrorize slums, interdimensional portals open in the basements of abandoned pizzerias.
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18. Caçada ao Colosso ('Hunt for the Colossus'), by Jairo Borges Filho
Reenact stories such as Siegfried and the dragon Fafnir, the Greek Odyssey or legends centered on the opposition of two primary forces of humanity.
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19. Perdidos ('Lost'), by Marcelo Paschoalin
Inspired by Bloodborne and Dark Souls, a world in ruins, fragmented to the point where only memories remain. You'll find relics of yesteryear, monstrous beasts, beings that have forgotten their purpose, and devious paths to tread.
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20. Hitodama - A jornada das almas ('The Journey of the Souls'), by Alexsander Araujo
You are Shinigamis: creatures half divinity, half Yokai, who must carry out missions through different worlds, fighting formidable enemies and saving lost souls.
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xmencovered · 1 year
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Giant Size X-Men 1 - Storm
Rogue and Gambit 1 - Mystique
Sins of Sinister Dominion 1 - Apocalypse
Hellions 5 - Phoenix
Excalibur 13 - Nightcrawler
Marauders 13 - Iceman
X-Men 20 - Dark Phoenix
X-Factor 4 - Angel
X-Force 13 - Beast
Wolverine 6 - Wolverine
Scarlet Witch 4 - Magneto
Wolverine 31 - White Queen
Captain Marvel 47 - Juggernaut
X-Men 13 - Cyclops
New Mutants 13 - Colossus
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ohfugecannada · 6 months
Groot’s many backstories
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So earlier I saw this post by @alastorgould where he over some of the many versions of Rocket’s backstories, eventually writing his own take on it that combined elements of all of them. It’s a pretty good summary of Rocket’s past and it’s many incarnations in the comics, cartoons and MCU etc and I highly recommend you check it out along with his rocket and halfworld related art/fics.
Anyway, It inspired to make my own post going over some of the backstories/incarnations of my personal favourite gotg character: Groot. Because A) as mentioned, he’s my fave, and imo one of the more underrated Guardians members out of the core 5, and B) Groot actually has quite a few takes on his backstory already through not only multiple retcons in the 616 comics continuity but also through several multi-media adaptations of the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise. And I thought it would be fun to share some of them with you all.
Obviously, this isn’t gonna cover every single piece of media Groot has been in/has had his backstory mentioned etc. But I did my research and tried my best to cover a good chunk of the most notable continuities and adaptations.
Also, I haven’t read the entirety of every comic Groot is in ever (I.E. the latest gotg Grootfall/Grootrise story arc) so forgive me if I get a few details wrong. If there are any die hard gotg/Groot comic readers out there, feel free to politely and respectfully correct me on a few things.
The Comics
In the main marvel 616 comics there have been at least 3 different versions of Groot’s backstory and origins. 4 if you count his very first incarnation…
Tales to astonish #13 (+ other King Groot appearances)
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King Groot is the giant tree like ruler of Planet-X, and an alien invader who lands on earth to kidnap the humans from a small town in order to take them back to his home planet and experiment on them. Conventional weapons used by the towns military don’t work as this groot is immune to fire and explosives. But thanks to the quick thinking of protagonist human scientist Leslie Evens, king groot is taken down by genetically bred super termites. He seemingly dies in this story but later makes appearances in comics like the Howling Commandos, aiding the team. Most commonly being seen as an inhabitant of Monster Isle. There was a time where it was thought the groot on the guardians of the galaxy was the same groot as king groot (mainly the annihilation: conquest series), but this was later retconned as a different Groot impersonating King Groot. Which brings us to…
Guardians of the Galaxy #14 (2013)/Annihilators #1 and 2 (2012)
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Groot was a flora colossus sapling who along with his fellow saplings (also all called groot) were looked after by a group of elder flora colossus called the Arbor Masters. This groot was different from the others as he often brefirended the maintenance mammals; small intelligent mammal like beings who most other flora colossus looked down on as inferior. One day, another group of flora colossai were bulling a squirrel-like maintenance mammal and groot steps in to defend it. After one of the more violent flora colossus nearly kills the mammal, groot snaps and tears the other colossus apart. Presumably killing him. This catches the attention of the Arbor masters, who then have groot banished from the planet via a space ship.
This groot would later go on to impersonate king Groot and join the team that would become the Guardians of the galaxy, in Annihilation Conquest: Starlord #1, where he’d first meet his teammate and future bff Rocket Raccoon. The way he was written in annihilation conquest made it seem like he was the same character as King Groot, but this was later retconned in Annihilators #1 and 2 as well as Guardians of the Galaxy #14.
Groot vol.1 (2015)
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My personal favourite comic origin for groot. (Also literally the best version of Groot in any media ever dont @ me)
Groot is born on Planet X, where the flora colossus are towering giants who regularly kidnap beings from other planets to preform experiments on them. Groot is disturbed and appalled by the actions of his people but feels powerless to do anything… until one night where he discovers a little human girl, Hannah, being held prisoner in one of the holding pods and decides to help her escape.
After teleporting Hannah away back to Earth, Groot remains behind and destroys the teleportation pad, presumably cutting the flora colossus off from earth, and he is banished by his elders. Groot then wanders the universe for a while, taking in all its wonders and sights, before being thrown in a kree prison where he meets Rocket for the first time. Rocket can’t understand Groot at first, but over the course of months sharing a cell with him, does. After this the two form a fast friendship and break out of prison, becoming bounty hunters/criminals and eventually joining the Guardians.
Groot vol.2 (2023)
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One of the most recent and drastically different origins presented in the comics so far.
In this miniseries, Planet-X is a lush forest covered planet and the flora colossus, unlike the other comic origins, are a benevolent and peaceful race of sentient plants ruled over by a giant matriarch tree called Granopy. She looks after and tells stories to a child groot and his two friends Tweeg and Gleef.
One day their forest gets burnt by a gang of mercenaries known as The Spoilers, led by an evil Flora colossus named Agz, and the three get kidnapped. But are freed by a young Mar-vel. Together the four of them, along with an Alpha Centurion hunter called Yondar, fight against the Spoilers and save Planet X. As of writing this, the Grootfall/grootrise arc, which references this miniseries, has only just wrapped up. So It’s not clear if this story is supposed to be a prequel to the 2015 Groot origin or if it’s a full on retcon of it. (Im gonna assume the latter, given how different Flora Colossai are in this compared to the previous origins. Unless Flora Collossus society/planet X as a whole really went down hill after Groot grew up, somehow going from the peaceful forest utopia we see in vol. 2 to the desolate wasteland ruled by an evil king groot in tales to astonish/groot number 6 but I digress) so it’s up in the air for now if/how they connect to each-other…
Origins in other media
As a Marvel multi-media franchise, the Guardians of the Galaxy, and by extension Groot, have had a number of different adaptations and interpretations across various non-comic book mediums including movies, games, tv shows etc. so let’s take a look at four of the most famous ones.
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Weirdly enough, despite this version of Groot (and his son Groot ii aka baby groot) being the most widely known by general audiences thanks to the popularity of the MCU, MCU Groot is the most mysterious when it comes to his origin story. We never get any implications or mentions of it in the entire gotg franchise (outside of a mention of Planet X in the nova police lineup scene in vol.1). The closest we get is an idea James Gunn had planned for a short film about how Groot and Rocket met and a few very brief mentions about it in interviews. In the tweet about the short film idea, James explains Groot was caged up at an intergalactic zoo housing exotic alien creatures and was treated like an animal. Until a worker at the zoo, a robot/cyborg named Tibus Lark, became attached to Groot and helped him escape, becoming his closest friend. Until they found themselves in a hole/prison where Lark and groot would meet Rocket. Being mortally injured, Tibus would explain his and Groot’s story to Rocket before entrusting Groot with Rocket and dying. Rocket would then use the robotic parts of Lark’s body to build his big gun seen in the first gotg and break out of the pit with Groot. Beginning their criminal partnership and (dysfunctional) friendship.
Gotg Disney XD cartoon season 1
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In the Disney XD cartoon, Groot grew up on an idyllic and serene Planet X ruled by his father(?), both coming from a long line of flora colossus spanning billions of years who, along with all life on Planet X, all grew from an object known as the world pod. A source of power that exists within groot. Shortly after a day of battle training with his father, the Kree and their leader Ronan invade the planet to mine it of its resources. Dispute the protest of its natives, the planet is burnt to ashes, leaving groot the lone survivor. He’s then taken by the kree and experimented on, along with other kidnapped Earth animals. This is where he meets a newly anthro-ified Rocket, and the two break out together and eventually join the guardians.
Gotg Telltale Game
Like the MCU version, we unfortunately don’t get a look into his backstory, but what we do know from the alternate story path where Rocket stays with Quill and Groot goes with Mantis when the team break up is he is the last of his kind and empathises with mantis greatly because of it.
Gotg Eidos Game
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Through conversations with Groot (with Rocket, and later in the game Mantis, translating for Quill), and a few parts of rocket’s conversations, we learn that Groot’s father was the king of Taluhnia (the original native name of Planet X) as well as the other branch worlds. Groot himself wanted to be a forest caretaker so he could care for the plants of Taluhina. In contrast, his father and the arbor masters were corrupt and favoured the needs of the few over the many, and enslaved the sapient animals on Taluhnia. With some saplings even hurting these mammals for fun. Groot however, preferred thier company over the others of his kind due to how nice and smart they were, comparing them to rocket in his convo with Quill and Mantis.
Unfortunately, however, they along with the rest of Taluhnia, would perish after the Chitari would test an experimental doomsday device on the planet. After the planets destruction, the other branch worlds would mobilise an attack, but they were no match for the Chitari and were destroyed as well. Fortunately, groot was able to regrow himself into a smaller sapling form. Making him, as far as he knows, the only survivor. In his smaller form, he would eventually be sold to the collector, but would later be stolen by rocket who raided the whole place while drunk. It’s kind of a mix of the maintenance mammal stuff from the gotg issue 14 story and the general flora Collossus are corrupt stuff from that and groot issue 6, with the alien race wipe out the flora colossus part from the cartoon (though swapping out the Kree for the Chitari this time).
…And that’s it for the most famous Groot origins! Again, this doesn’t include every incarnation of Groot ever, but I think I covered my bases with the most notable continuities. Maybe I’ll have a go at writing my own take on the origin at some point, but for now, I just hope you all enjoyed learning about Groot’s different pasts as much as I did researching them…
Also let me know if there are other, more obscure versions of Groot and his backstory I missed here. I’m always down to learning more Groot lore.
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battry-acid · 4 days
Ur autistic Colossus post is so good! I like it a lot. I'm a bigger fan of his sister so I don't usually analyze him on his own so it makes me appreciate him a lot more! I'd love to hear your thoughts on his relationship with Kitty
ty!!!!! and i also love illyana, she's so awesome and her relationship with her big brother makes me so happy. i love how different and yet so similar they are and how they always care about each other so much no matter what. <333
kitty and piotr....oh boy. this is probably gonna be way longer than it needs to be, it will probably take multiple posts. i just have a lot of thoughts. i also anticipate pissing a good few people off so i apologize in advance for that.
<< warnings: inappropriate depiction of a minor (visuals), inappropriate age gap in a relationship, non-consent, mentions of pedophilia and child marriage, alcohol (visuals) >>
it's too big of an age gap. that's it. it's not that i think the two of them don't have some kind of chemistry as characters, it's simply the fact that kitty and piotr met when piotr was 18 and kitty was 13. 13 years old. when they break up, kitty is 14 and piotr is nearly 20. and their ages are constantly commented on. it makes my stomach twist to think of either of them in that kind of inappropriate relationship, and it makes me feel even worse to know how much the other x-men encourage their relationship in the comics. really, really makes me sick.
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issue #129. kitty is introduced as 13 years old. two pages later, the writers draw attention to kitty noticing piotr first when she meets the x-men.
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issue #131. piotr carries kitty to safety. after bopping one last baddie, piotr notices kitty staring at him.
this is all innocent stuff at first. i'm not bothered by this, as it's a one-sided crush kitty has on an older soon-to-be teammate. teen girls can have their cute little crushes! it's no biggie. it isn't reciprocated by piotr, and that's all that matters to me.
then the shit hits the fan when "days of future past" starts up in issue #141.
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they're married in the future. married. they had children together.
once again, there is nothing inherently wrong with this. they're two consenting adults in the future, an age gap isn't that big of a deal. but this is the writers' way of solidifying that they want piotr and kitty to be a couple. that is the plan.
where my problem with the writers' portrayal of these characters starts is when kitty's future self takes over her present body, and everything immediately becomes weird.
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smells like a woman. what the fuck does "smells like a woman" mean???
now that the writers have established that kitty and piotr will assumedly become a couple, they can start pushing for it even when the events of this story arc end.
issue #143 is when my skin really starts to crawl. i have seen multiple people draw fanart specifically of these few panels, and as cute as the art may be, the fact that kitty is 13 years old and piotr is 18 years old at the time will never leave my mind.
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kitty starts coming on to piotr and it is immediately joked about and encouraged by the other x-men. kurt and logan will be especially bad about this from now on.
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even kitty's parents have no issue with this relationship. y'know, the incredibly protective parents that didn't want her to join the x-men at all at first due to how dangerous it is.
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issue #149. "boyfriend." cool. thanks, logan.
i must emphasize again that my problem is not with the characters themselves, i love all of the x-men, it is the writers and the marvel heads that approved of this character arc. the characters don't question the inappropriate nature of this relationship because the writers don't question it. the characters encourage it because they're given the morals the writers have.
in my heart, logan, kurt, and every other x-man would never approve of this kind of relationship. in my heart, kitty would never pursue it. and in my heart, piotr would never reciprocate it.
but he does, because the writers want him to. and in issue #151, we see them kiss for the first time in the present:
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i also want to point out that the writers aren't the only ones at fault with this. in this same issue, look at how the artists choose to illustrate kitty:
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this is way too sexualized of a depiction of a minor. they choose to emphasize her ass and skinny waist and give her the facial proportions of an adult woman. this is not the first nor the last time they will sexualize kitty while she is still an underage character.
it sows discord how different the characters look/how they're depicted visually vs. how they're written to act. piotr as a teenager was still drawn to be a fully grown mature adult despite his very young demeanour. kitty is constantly in bikinis and her face is drawn as if she's much older than thirteen. she's immature and impulsive and has traits that are expected of a kid/teenager, she is treated like a kid and even called "kid" by characters like logan, but she isn't always drawn as one. and i don't want to hear about "oh well some teenagers physically mature faster than others" because if this is the only way you depict people of this age group, there is a problem. comic artists of this time are kind of famous for having no clue how to draw kids (though honestly comic artists of today still have that issue). it is incredibly important to me as an artist and a writer that these depictions are as accurate and appropriate as they can be.
continuing on to issue #153. god, i hate this one. if not for the depiction of kitty and piotr, then the racial caricatures for sure.
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kitty begins taking on a motherly role for illyana (who is still a toddler at this point) as piotr watches over her. kitty tells her a bedtime story, and in the story, piotr's role in it is as "her true love".
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oh and also? hate the portrayal of kurt in this issue. yeah, he's got mad game, he gets so many bitches, can we not have one of the people he pursues be 13 years old??? please??? and, again, the characters don't take issue with this because the writers don't.
issue #159. she simultaneously talks about being 14 years old and being in a relationship with piotr. the writers want to emphasize how young and inexperienced she is while simultaneously pairing her up with an adult character.
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then the brood arc happens. if you don't know about the brood arc, it's like an alien ripoff. i love the drama of it, seeing how characters grapple with their imminent death, but i am not one that enjoys the analogy of something alien growing inside of one's body. not my cup of tea at all.
anyway, onto issue #165. i want to share these pages in full.
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this entire sequence feels more like an older sibling or parent comforting an upset child then two consenting individuals pursuing a relationship. the dynamic is completely off. this is not romantic, this is exclusively platonic/familial to me. they're going to die, and piotr is not swooning over her till his dying breath, he is comforting her like he would his little sister.
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they have a conversation about the importance of age in their relationship. kitty looks noticeably younger in these panels, drawn more like the child that she is.
i wish i knew what piotr was thinking in all of this. i miss his thought bubbles going into detail about how conflicted he feels all of the time. all we get, in this entire arc of a relationship with kitty, are his physical actions and what he chooses to verbalize. like i said, piotr is very autistic-coded to me, and he very often keeps his thoughts and opinions to himself. as the audience, we don't even get that usual inner monologue of his this time around. i truly do not know what he is thinking.
is the thought of imminent death really making him question their relationship now? or has he been questioning it from the start? why did he kiss her if he's starting to feel as though he shouldn't be in a relationship with her? why is he the only one that has an issue with their age gap? there are so many questions i will never have answers to. i only get to speculate about how he feels and what the intentions of the writers were in this scene.
the brood is defeated, the parasites destroyed, and the x-men have their lives back.
then professor xavier jumpscares everyone in issue #167 leading into #168 by declaring that kitty MUST join the new mutants and leave the x-men for good because she's too young. the iconic "professor xavier is a JERK!" opening page comes from this.
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and the issue is majorly disappointing! by the end, she's back on the x-men team. xavier immediately retracts his statement because kitty does a good job in one training session and that's apparently enough. seeing her in action was enough to decide, yes, she's enough of an adult to be an x-man.
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this is also around the time piotr starts referring to kitty as "katya", a pet name. is it because he's becoming more comfortable in his relationship or because she has now officially been promoted to Adult Status so hes allowed to be romantic with her now?
oh also illyana is a teenager at this point and that's why the new mutants have started their comic run in tandem with uncanny x-men. kitty appears in both comics from now on and is friends with both teams, especially besties with illyana.
i will be skipping over much of the caliban and kitty story arc that happens around this time that is supposed to emphasize just how much kitty is willing to sacrifice for piotr. caliban and kitty's relationship is more explicitly supposed to be depicted as gross and inappropriate since caliban is much more obviously an older adult, and all of the characters hate caliban for being in love with kitty. it felt hypocritical to me as a child and it still feels hypocritical now that piotr gets a pass for being with kitty but caliban does not. why? is it because he's conventionally attractive and still a teenager despite clearly being a huge buff adult man that is treated as an adult and an equal among the x-men? neither piotr nor caliban should be with kitty, it doesn't matter how much older caliban is supposed to be. both have significant age gaps with kitty so both should be inappropriate.
issue #174. "i won't take 'no' for an answer." he doesn't want to go with her, but he does anyway, because he knows she won't take no for an answer.
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she surprises him with a kiss. he's upset, but he forgives her. that little surprise kiss leads to something more. piotr recognizes that kitty looks scared, but she doesn't care, so piotr goes along with it, because he knows she won't take no for an answer.
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holy fuck thank you ororo for coming in at the perfect time end this immediately.
the echoes of what happened to him with nereel in the savage land still haunt me. i do not like that there is a theme of piotr not consenting to implicitly sexual acts in his relationships. << maybe i will talk about that entire aspect of piotr's character arc another time. maybe i won't. it makes me feel so, so much worse than everything that happens with kitty. >>
back to the topic of the new mutants, though. doug ramsey is introduced and becomes fast friends with kitty, which makes piotr, who already felt conflicted about his relationship with kitty, feel even more conflicted.
this conversation between piotr and logan in issue #180 sums up this character conflict the best:
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i do not think that piotr genuinely feels jealousy towards doug and kitty's relationship. i simply think kitty's interactions with doug have brought even more attention to how much piotr and kitty lack in commonality, how much better doug would be as a match for kitty than himself. he's closer to her own age, with similar interests, same level of intelligence, more properly on the same playing field as mutants still mastering their abilities... doug is a peer to kitty, and piotr is not.
it's complicated. but it's also not complicated at all. i too think doug is a better match for kitty than piotr for all of these reasons. i don't blame piotr at all for feeling this way.
there's also this entire theme of changes happening in kitty's life and her having to accept them, like the whole subplot of her and storm who were previously incredibly close striking friction due to kitty not liking storm's new attitude or appearance.
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there's been hints towards piotr and kitty breaking up for a while just as there's been buildup to this conversation between kitty and storm about those themes.
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the-mic-drop · 7 months
Building Link in BG3- Ranger
Ok, this Link is more thematically fitting, but as a recreation of him it's less accurate. Also I don't have as good a grasp of the Ranger class, so this one is likely more flawed.
Hero of the Wild
This is the Link we play as, the wild child, the serial arsonist, the pun maestro. The amnesiac that saved Hyrule on instinct.
Race: Half Elf (Wood Half Elf)
Background: Outlander
Race stays the same, but this Link is no knight, this is him in his second life. Living in the wilderness, exploring the countryside, traveling the land.
Strength: 17 (+3)
Dexterity: 16 (+3)
Constitution: 13 (+1)
Intelligence: 8 (-1)
Wisdom: 10 (0)
Charisma: 10 (0)
Str, Dex, Con, and Wis stay the same, but we switch Int and Cha because this Link is the more animated and less... bright version.
Class & Levels
Class: Ranger
Proficiencies: Nature, Animal Handling, Perception
Favored Enemy: Ranger Knight
Natural Explorer: Wasteland Wanderer: Cold
Nature because duh, Animal Handling because he can ride anything with a natural seat, and Perception because he's used to being on the lookout for danger. Ranger Knight because that's really what he is. You get proficiency in History which makes no sense, but you also gain proficiency in heavy armor which makes plenty of sense, so it evens out. Wasteland Wanderer: Cold because freezing temperatures is the most common environmental danger you can come across in Hyrule.
Level 2
Fighting Style: Archery
Spells: Hunter's Mark, Goodberry
Archery because it's the most appropriate choice, Hunter's Mark because of BotW's targeting mechanic, and Goodberry because of the metric tons of apples Link tends to carry with him at all times. The fact that this Link can use spells at all is a big reason as to why this build doesn't sit right with me, but I digress.
Level 3
Subclass: Hunter
Spell: Ensnaring Strike (Ranged)
Hunter's Prey: Any
Hunter fits because whenever we play as Link, he's always searching for something and usually has to fight something big and legendary before getting it. Unless the big legendary thing is what he was looking for. Ensnaring Strike is an equivalent to stun locking in my mind. As for Hunter's Prey, you have three choices and they're all equally fine for Link. Colossus Slayer gives you extra damage to enemies not at full health. Giant Killer lets you use a reaction to attack an attacking creature that's large or larger. Horde Breaker lets you attack multiple targets if they're standing close enough to each other. They all make sense and I leave this one to you.
Level 4
Feat: Shield Master
Although the Ranger class is typically Dex-focused and Link is a capable archer, our hero is more likely to get up close and personal. So we'll go with the same policy as the Fighter build; max out Str with Ethel and Oblodra so you don't need to use a feat on Ability Improvement. Unlike the Fighter class we only get 3 feats, so we can't give him all the weapon-type feats, so take Shield Master and keep this Link with a classic sword & shield kit. With a longbow for range, of course.
Level 5
Spell: Cure Wounds
This one is just a stand-in for Link's meals and that one(?) time he cured a group with his competent cooking.
Level 6
Favored Enemy: Sanctified Stalker
Natural Explorer: Wasteland Wanderer: Hot
Sanctified Stalker doesn't make much sense outside of how he's always going on quests with god-level involvement. Another Wasteland Wanderer for the Gerudo Desert and Death Mountain.
Level 7
Spell: Lesser Restoration
Defensive Tactics: Multiattack Defense
Lesser Restoration has the same rationale as Cure Wounds. Multiattack Defense is because Link only takes hits one at a time. Enemies can't just wail on you, and now Faerun's dastards have the same issue now.
Level 8
Feat: Durable
Another returning feat from his Fighter build. Link doesn't need much time to recover. Except that one time it took a century, but that's an outlier.
Level 9
Spell: Lightning Arrow
Shock arrows.
Level 10
Favored Enemy: Bounty Hunter
Natural Explorer: Wasteland Wanderer: Poison
Bounty Hunter is just the last remaining choice that makes any sense for Link. This Wasteland Wanderer doesn't make a ton of sense because of how relatively scarce wetlands are in Hyrule, but all the eldritch goop that's been sapping his vitality over the years must make normal poison a cakewalk.
Level 11
Spell: Conjure Barrage
There's... I had a reason for this right? Oh yeah! The bows that let you shoot 3 or 5 arrows at once. Sidenote, Level 11 gives you Whirlwind Attack which is essentially a spin attack. If for no other reason, this makes Ranger Link make sense.
Level 12
Feat: Sharpshooter/Great Weapon Master
We've all had to shoot at something way above us, right? And aiming your bow is tougher than swinging a sword around, so Sharpshooter works on both levels! If that doesn't gel with you, GWM is a classic.
Ultimately, while Fighter Link is easier to play, Ranger Link is more accurate to the Link we know and gives him a couple signature Link things that can make it a unique challenge.
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orangepanic · 5 days
50 Random Character Asks: Asami Sato
You're lucky I love her.
1. Canon I outright reject
That she and Korra are soulmates. I think that was in a comic? Anyway no, after a few months of trying out a relationship in their early 20s they realize they want different things and break up more or less amicably.
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
Asami is actually bad at stuff! She's not perfect at everything all the time!
3. Obscure headcanon
As fearless and caring as she is Asami is also a bit squeamish and is not great with sick people because she's a sympathy vomiter.
4. Favorite line
"Why would there be fence posts but no fence?" Girl for a genius you were so close.
5. Best personality trait
Selfless without being a doormat.
6. Worst personality trait
Gets angry when she's hurt instead of admitting how she really feels.
7. Age/height/weight headcanon
She's 18-22 in canon, 5'9", 140lbs or thereabouts mostly because she's tall and all muscle.
8. Unpopular opinion about them
She's interesting and loveable all by herself without being Korra's girlfriend. She went four seasons without dating Korra but most of the fandom is only interested in her as part of a pairing that wasn't even in the original material. If you ever look up "facts about Asami" more than half of it is about her dating Korra. It's infuriating. She's a person on her own! I hate that the franchise and the fandom have reduced her to the "and girlfriend" tag along of the main character when she has so much to give just as herself.
9. Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character
Her standing up to her dad in The Aftermath. As someone who also idolized a dad who turned out to be a misguided asshole I can tell you that shit is hard. She should get a medal and a hug.
10. Best moment on screen (or in the book)
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I love everything about this.
11. Faceclaim for the role
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Arden Cho
12. Crack headcanon
Asami is a slob. She might look put together but her house is a mess and she's always losing stuff amid the jumble of things in her handbag. She grew up with a cleaning service and it shows.
13. Dumbest thing they’ve ever done
Trying to get with Mako again in Book 2. No. What were you thinking? You're so awesome, go find somebody, anybody who isn't the guy who ghost-dumped you for his "friend" six months ago! (eh HEM I even have a suggestion)
14. Most heroic moment
I was going to say standing up to her father in B1 or flying a biplane in combat conditions in B2 or kicking people in the face on top of a moving train or flying a basically untested piece of mecha onto a robot colossus, but I actually think it's this:
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It's really hard to forgive someone.
15. Worst thing they’ve ever done
Nothing, Asami has never done anything wrong in her life and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise.
kissing Mako in B2
16. Deepest darkest secret they won’t even admit to themselves
Asami is scared that she won't know how to be a mother when the time comes because she didn't really have one. Her dad mostly had staff to do the childcare parts of being a father but she doesn't want that for her family. Asami does want kids, she's pretty sure, but she never quite knows what to do with them and has no idea how she'll balance that with her own interests and ambitions. She's not interested in a stay at home role and finds herself attracted to people who are also as ambitious and dedicated to their interests as she is. She looks at people like Pema or even Korra who seem like such natural moms and then at people like Lin who are all about their career and doesn't see herself in any of them. Asami is desperate for a role model of a strong career woman with a loving family who can tell her how to have it all. Izumi
17. Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them.
18. What they’d go to see a therapist about
Having her mother murdered at home. Having her father and idol try to kill her before being sent to prison for treason for funding and then leading an effort to overthrow the government right under her nose, then being murdered after she decides to try to forgive him and have a relationship again. Always coming in second place after the thing the person she loves loves more than her, and always being relied upon to put her own needs aside for the greater good. Being treated as a hot chick by everyone who meets her but rarely engaged intellectually. Asami Sato, half ATM, half meat slab.
I think Asami needs a lot of therapy tbh.
19. Vices/bad habits
She drinks too much when she's sad.
20. Scars
One on her collarbone from when she broke it riding her motorbike at 16.
21. Drink of choice (not just alcoholic)
I think she'd be into flavored fizzy waters.
22. Best physical feature
Um, all of her? Have you seen this girl? But if you ask her she'd say her hair.
23. If they were a scented candle, what would they smell like?
Lavender and engine oil.
24. Most annoying habit
She chews on the ends of pens whether they're her pens or not.
25. 3 things they’d want to take with them if they were dropped off in the middle of nowhere
Utility knife, a bunch of snacks, duct tape. She'd be fine.
26. What they would do if stuck in an elevator with [insert character of your choice from the same fandom]
It doesn't matter who she's stuck with because she fixes the elevator.
27. Their guilty pleasure
Sneaking chocolate into the spa so she can eat it while soaking in the hot pool.
28. How they feel about [insert character of your choice from the same fandom]
Can't answer this without a victim but Asami generally likes anyone unless they've crossed her, in which case watch the fuck out.
29. Eating habits
Asami cannot cook to save her life but generally tries to keep it healthy, which means a combination of salads, instant soup, and takeout. These are all things she can make. She finds it weird to keep a cook just for herself. Once she's married she happily lets her partner or hired help do the cooking.
30. Sleeping habits
Night owl, heavy sleeper, stomach sleeper under a big pile of blankets. Her partner sometimes checks to make sure she's still breathing.
31. If the had a tumblr what would it look like?
Just pictures of hot cars and the occasional Taylor Swift quote. I think she's more of a gamer geek than a fandom geek.
32. Something guaranteed to make them smile/laugh
Asami's feet are quite ticklish. Tickle her feet and she'll laugh whether she wants to or not.
33. Something guaranteed to make them cry
Being dumped.
34. How they react when they are feeling X emotion (sad, angry, excited, scared, etc.—can specify as many as you like)
For a very social person Asami saves her strongest emotions for more private moments. She gets a big smile and will do group hugs when she's excited but in canon we almost always see her turning away or leaving the room when she's upset or scared rather than seeking comfort. The only exception I think is in book 1 where she opens up to Mako about her mom. So I think if she was in a loving relationship she might get a cuddle if she's sad.
35. Their idea of a perfect day
At the beach with a group of close friends, alternating between swimming, games, and sitting under an umbrella with her sketch pad and a pretty little fruity drink. At some point there are massages. She magically doesn't get sunburned. She ends the day tired and happy and feeling loved and relaxed.
36. Their favorite season
Summer. It's the best season for racing and cute outfits.
37. What they really think about themselves
Asami knows that she's pretty and smart and successful. There's no false modesty there. But sometimes she wonders if that will ever be enough for someone or if there's something wrong with her because she keeps being left behind all the same. It takes a lot of steady unflinching love to get her over that final insecurity.
38. Favorite holiday
All of them! Asami loves holidays and celebrations of all kinds. Especially the ones that come with cookies.
39. Favorite game
Assuming auto racing is not a game, kuai ball. She would have said pai sho but she beats most opponents so fast that the only people she really enjoys playing with are Commander Bumi and General Iroh. She and Bumi have a standing game the first Sunday of the month right up until his death.
40. Favorite book
Asami doesn't have a single favorite book and rarely re-reads, but she's very partial to the kind of edge-of-your-seat gory sci-fi thriller that usually involves a lot of people being eaten. I also peg her as a horror movie fan; the more ridiculous and bloody the better.
41. If they could have lunch with anyone in the world (living or dead, from any fictional universe or the real world), who would it be?
The easy answer is her mom. Barring that, everyone tells her she would have loved Sokka so I think she'd be curious to meet him.
42. 3 comfort items
Warm food, warm blankets, and the smell of her workshop.
43. 3 favorite foods and 3 they despise
Love: sesame sticks, pork and chive dumplings, pistachio ice cream. Despise: Gommu's street gruel, tomato carrots, anything served with the head still on it.
44. Their happiest memory
Asami still vividly remembers her first pro-bending championship game. Her team won and she screamed herself hoarse before going to get victory ice cream with her friends.
45. Their favorite celebrity
46. The person they most admire
I think she'd really admire female world leaders like Suyin or Firelord Izumi. Maybe even Kuvira up until she decided not to step down.
47. Their dream job
Stock car racer or pro-bender.
48. Scariest moment of their life
Being ejected from the hummingbird suit.
49. Favorite toy as a child
She had a doll named Yina who she took everywhere. Yina wasn't her baby but rather her pretend sister.
50. A memory they’ve blocked out
Asami was home when her mother was killed. She called the police using the number her parents had shown her but she doesn't remember it.
50 Character Asks
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gwydpolls · 1 year
Time Travel Question 13: Ancient History V and Earlier
These Questions are the result of suggestions from the previous iteration.
This category may include suggestions made too late to fall into the correct grouping.
Please add new suggestions below if you have them for future consideration.
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mugenfinder · 9 months
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Game Informer #212 (December 2010) For this issue, Game Informer published 3 different covers and picked 30 characters they believed defined 10 years of video games.
Full List of characters:
Cover Story: The 30 Characters Who Defined A Decade (GI’s picks for the top 30 characters from the past ten years) 1. GLaDOS (Portal) 2. John Marston (Red Dead Redemption) 3. Nathan Drake (Unchared series) 4. Master Chief (Halo series) 5. Niko Bellic (Grand Theft Auto IV) 6. Alyx Vance (Half-Life 2) 7. Kratos (God of War series) 8. Andrew Ryan (BioShock) 9. Loghain Mac Tir (Dragon Age: Origins) 10. Ezio Auditore da Firenze (Assassin’s Creed series) 11. Ethan Mars (Heavy Rain) 12. Commander Shepard (Mass Effect series) 13. Jimmy Hopkins (Bully) 14. Captain John Price (Call of Duty series) 15. HK-47 (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic series) 16. Elena Fisher (Uncharted series) 17. The Illusive Man (Mass Effect 2) 18. Tommy Vercetti (Grand Theft Auto: Vice City) 19. The Boss (Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater) 20. Tim (Braid) 21. Auron (Final Fantasy X) 22. Razputin “Raz” Aquato (Psychonauts) 23. Kaim Argonar (Lost Odyssey) 24. Jade (Beyond Good & Evil) 25. KOS-MOS (Xenosaga series) 26. Professor Layton (Professor Layton series) 27. Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney series) 28. Wander (Shadow of the Colossus) 29. Ronnie MacFarlane (Red Dead Redemption) 30. King of All Cosmos (Katamari series)
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sleepyisnotagamer · 1 month
full wizard101 worlds ranked but I mean it this time
17. Krokotopia - boring, small, repetitive areas, colonialism!
16. Karamelle - I work retail, okay? this is horrifying
15. Avalon - girl I love arthurian lore but this ain't it! it's just BORING
14. Dragonspyre - every area is the same set of colors and streets and I HATE crystal grove but I do like the final dungeon and that time travel one
13. Celestia - the celestial parts are cool and all the crustaceans can BURN
12. Wysteria - tiny. easy. not much there
11. Mooshu - happy bright world but girlie if this is japan you can't pretend it's china! you can't! easy dungeons tho
10. Marleybone - the ire against the irish is palpable and bad and I'm only happy that it's short and easy
9. Khrysalis - I did like it! but it is long. but I do like it. but it is long.
8. Polaris - love those vibes, don't like the proportions, love the music, don't love the dungeons with a million rooms
7. Wizard City - a classic, enjoyable, nostalgic, I never get tired of it except if I'm in colossus boulevard
6. Zafaria - I know, I know, but besides Belloq and Elissa's tomb I really enjoy this world. not annoying
5. Mirage - open worldy and unique areas and some funny sidequests and the whole dune thing was fun. there's. you know. but it was a nice change of pace
4. Grizzleheim and Wintertusk - I don't always love it but I'm lying I do I mean not always but I do. hope that helps
3. Lemuria - I have to sit with it longer to love it more, but the league of extraordinary animals and the power grazers have pretty much won me over
2. Azteca - beautiful and lush and diverse and fun and far more culturally sensitive!
1. Empyrea - if I'm not enjoying the references I am enjoyably hating them, and also it's more open worldy and diverse and a generally good time. and I had a good team up for the end. so
Novus - I'm just starting. idk. will update when I do.
Wallaru - will update
Aquila - girl it barely exists but if it existed more I would love her
Arcanum - I love wizardversity but this is a train stop, not a world
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