#colorado sporting clays
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largemouthbassnation · 3 months ago
Great upland bird hunting in Coloroado
Shooting Sportsman writer Eddie Nickens talks about the first upland hunt he has just had with son Jack at Kessler Canyon in … source
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newagesispage · 6 months ago
                                                                                    JULY 2024 
     Jason Cooper found a stegosaurus in Colorado. The skeleton is up for auction this month at Sotheby’s. ** Kevin Peterson found a new species of Pterosaur in Australia in 2021. It has now been called the most complete speciman of an anhanguerian from the mid-cretaceous and it had a 15 ft. Wingspan. ** A family in North Dakota found a teen Rex. ** In Montana a Lakiceratops was found. The Cretaceous creature was about 22 feet long, 5and a half tons and looked a bit like a rhino. There were 2 curving horns above the eyes and a headshield with blades and spikes. The plant eater was found only a couple of miles from Canada. 
JB Pritzker seems to have managed the budget in Illinois. For the first time in over 20 years, the state of Illinois is looking good in the finance department. Thank you, Susana Mendoza and the other hard workers that have made the state fifth largest economy in the U.S. ** JB has also unveiled a $41 billion infrastructure bill. Hell, we’ve already got so much done on the roads with the Fed bill, the place will be smooth as silk, 
Gov. Wes Moore of Maryland, pardoned more than 175,000 marijuana and drug paraphernalia convictions. The order was timed for Juneteenth to address decades of social and economic injustice. These are the kind of elected officials we need.  
Chad Daybell was sentenced to death. 
Claudia Sheinbaum is Mexico’s next President. 
The largest Republican event in Illinois, the annual Lincoln Day Dinner was hosted by Mike Johnson with Darin LaHood. ** Why did Johnson invite Netanyahu to speak to congress on July 24. Why? 
Billy Ray Cyrus and Firerose are divorcing and blaming each other for abuse. ** Word is that Ben and JLo have split. 
L.A. and NY seem to be banning cell phones in school. 
Breaking will debut as a new Olympic sport in Paris. 
The California state fair is allowing cannabis tents for selling and smoking. 
Can’t wait for Longlegs with Nicholas Cage and Maika Monroe. Osgood Perkins directs and he also directs Stephen King’s The Monkey. 
Jennifer Saunders and Joanna Lumley will be back for a 2 hour tribute: Ab Fab inside out. 
Watch out for Clay Higgins who was sanctioned by the Anne Frank foundation. 
Jimmy Kimmel is taking the summer off but has left the show with guest hosts. The first week started off with a bang with Martin Short. Kathryn Hahn, RuPaul, Lamorne Morris and Jeff Goldblum will also step in. 
L.A. Police found 3.4 mil in meth at a traffic stop. 
North Korea and Russia have signed a defense pact so that all available means will be used to assist each other. 
History never gets old. 
Stay awake or be arrested- Justice Sotomayor 
The Supreme Court seems to be dragging their feet on some things. They did uphold banning domestic abusers from owning guns. Thomas dissented, of course! ** The Court also allowed emergency abortions in Idaho on a temp basis. The court also weighed in on the census and won’t allow the citizenship question. The ruling about federal agencies allows that they should be able to fill in the details aren’t crystal clear which essentially undoes the Chevron decision. The Court also ruled that outdoor sleeping bans don’t violate the 8th amendment. That takes care of 1 problem the unhoused has. They also ruled that the charge of obstructing an official proceeding must include proof that a defendant tried to tamper with or destroy documents. 
About 2 dozen bottles of preserved cherries and berries have been found in Mt. Vernon. It is surmised that they were left there before the American Revolution. 
When will this selfie generation look back and realize how silly they look all holding up tiny boxes at concerts instead of jammin’? 
Washington Week has new digs. Was finally glad to hear on this show that Kamala Harris is a perfectly great VP and should be the pick IF Biden were to actually step aside. Yes! 
Louisianna has decided that the ten commandments should be in every school room.  The cult propaganda will be paid for by donations. ** Oklahoma is telling teachers to teach bible lessons after 5th grade. These Christian bullies are trying to get everything thru in case their power goes away. They welcome the lawsuits cuz they love this Supreme Court. 
Randy Travis spoke on Capitol Hill about intellectual property and the internet. 
Bolivia had a failed coup attempt. 
 Michael Crichton’s Eruption was finished off by James Petterson. 
The Hollywood Arby’s that has been running for over 50 years has closed. 
Georgia Jagger is having a baby with Cambryan Sedlick. She also has a lotion line called May Botanicals. 
The Panthers won the Stanley Cup. 
Chris Bell won the Xfinity and cup race on the June 22 weekend!!! 
Avery Sehorn, 18 was arrested for breaking and entering and larceny. 
Hunter Biden was found guilty on lying on gun paperwork.  
The U.S. has about 130 thousand orphaned oil wells that could contaminate local water among other risks. 
Jordan Peele will put out his next film in October 2026. 
Trump claims that Joan Rivers voted for him but she died 2 years earlier. ** Poor Debra messing must be in Hell for all the shit she must be getting. It came out that Trump was apparently attracted to her once. ** Scary Clown 45/34 announced he wants tariffs and no income tax. What? About 8 million people fell into poverty during his administration, I don’t think his ideas are sound. 
Biden and Obama had a LA fundraiser hosted by Goerge Clooney and Julia Roberts. Jimmy Kimmel interviewed the gentlemen. The Father’s Day weekend soiree made about $30 mil, a record for a single Dem event. Paul McCartney’s vegan get together pulled together the Stones, the Beatles, Springsteen, Austin Butler and some DJing by Taylor Swift. 
I am glad Jasmine Crockett gave us all the entire context of the ugly exchange between she and the green goblin. Lawmakers waited all day for MTG and her co -horts to get back from supporting their felon to even get on with the business of the people. All that and then MTG starts insulting others. Why do so many want to trample the rights of the rest of us? 
The Tonys were held on June 16. Winners included Daniel Radcliffe, Illinoise, Suffs, Hells Kitchen, Jeremy Strong and Sarah Paulson. The Outsiders won best musical. Angelina Jolie produced and daughter Vivienne was a PA. Hillary Clinton made an appearance as she produced Suffs. My best dressed were Idina Menzel, Erin Darke, Alicia Keyes, Lena Waithe, Paul Tazewell, Daniel Radcliffe, Arianna Debose, Renee Elise Goldsberry, Billy Porter, Elle Fanning, Cynthis Erivo and Kara Young. 
Would we be here if Trump and Netanyahu hadn’t torn up the Iran nuclear deal? Israel has trouble on all sides with Hamas and Hezbollah and Iran. Netanyahu behaves just like Trump in that he won’t talk to journalists who disagree with him. His cabinet is full of Jewish supremacists and extremists. ** Israeli minister Benny Gantz quit and Netanyahu dissolved the war cabinet. ** The U.S. has sanctioned an Israeli group for damaging aid to Palestine. 
Alex Jones is liquidating much of his empire to pay Sandy Hook parents. He can and is still spreading his lies. 
Jiminy Glick interviewed Bill Maher for Real Time. Maher’s book is #1. ** Glick also hosted Kimmel on June 27. 
We are now being told of the bad qualities of Scotchguard. Now that 3M has spread their poison to thousands of products and 50 years have passed since they found out, they have let us in on the secret. 
Aric Almirola was suspended for an altercation with Bubba Wallace after a Nascar race. 
Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Those who prevent history being taught fully intend to repeat it. - Carole Mueller Mcintire 
The First Presidential debate took place on June 27. Dana Bash and Jake Tapper asked the questions on CNN. With 37 years debate experience, Joe Biden disappointed everyone. Trump was measured, firm and confident. Did he babble lie after lie? Yes. Did Biden make Fox news and the other Trumpers come? Probably. The debate was everything the right could have dreamed of. Did he have a cold? People looking for the senior moment did not wait long. I couldn’t help but think that it was almost the opposite of the famous Nixon/ Kennedy debate. People who watched thought Kennedy won but those who listened found it much more even. This time Trump looked mean and Biden looked weak so it was a wash with watching. But, listening, Biden was a mess. Every hesitation, every fumble, every distant stare was a gift to Fox. Biden is slow but rarely wrong. His words were mixed up but there were no outright lies (much) like his opponent. They both dodged questions because they were too busy with their pissing contest. Golf scores?? WTF? It is bizarre when trump is the one that thinks they shouldn’t act like children. Biden was too over rehearsed and Trump had no cohesive answers ** I did love the way they cut off the mikes. That should be a keeper!!!! There is so much wasted time when they talk over each other. I liked the lack of audience too. That is what rallies are for. ** Why does Trump think that Christians don’t vote? ** Back in the day, Presidents didn’t campaign, they let the work speak for them. If Biden stays then he might want to lean into that. I also get tired of Dems listing off those who should take Biden’s place and they never seem to think of our more than competent VP. Kamala Harris hit it out of the park when she was interviewed after. If Joe stays, I am glad she is there. If he feels he can’t go on, she should be our pick. Is it because she is a woman that we don’t think of her first?  She is ready!!! VP’s are always made fun of but let’s not forget how great those VP’s can be when called upon like Lyndon Johnson, Teddy Roosevelt and FDR. If Joe decided to go, Harris/ Pritzker please!! But.. Hey.. At least we are all talking about Joe and not Scary clown for a change. Joe has our attention. I still believe Joe has great people in place and had a bad moment but I am still confident. I don’t know any 81 year olds personally who have a lot of energy at 8 at night. I think we have forgiven Trump for MANY bad days so Joe can have get a pass on this horrid night. 
Debate performances can be overcome. At the first sign of adversity the spineless Democrats want to throw under the bus, their own incumbent President. - Allan Lichtman 
Did the late night guys have a feeling that Joe would blow it and they didn’t want to face it? They all leave on vaca at once? ** It is pretty sad that before the debate, journalists basically thought Trump would be ok if he could just act normal and Biden would be ok if he can stay upright. Both accomplished these small tasks but barely. ** I often joke that Trump must be trying to lose with the things he says but debate night, I wondered if Joe was on our side. Is he trying to lose? 
 I never watch the View anymore but I checked it out after the debate and I have to say I was alarmed by Sara Haines appearance. She always looked so natural and I could hardly see her for all the makeup. To each his own but I found it quite sad. What happened there?? 
I notice that on genealogy shows, the middle child is given away more than one might think. 
Julian Assange pled guilty to conspiring to obtain and disclose classified U.S. National defense documents. The Wikileaks founder was ‘on the run’ for more than a decade. 
The Surgeon General has declared gun violence a health crisis, loneliness as an epidemic and social media a problem too. 
KKK recruitment letters have been showing up in mailboxes. That sounds about right. 
Days alert: Arianne Zucker and Shawn Christian have been engaged since 2021 and are now tying the knot!! ** Please more Tina Huang!! I wish her daughter and Abigail were alive on the always there island. Bring back Jen Lilley! I just can’t believe that I get my Days wish that Brady and Teresa are back together (if only for a moment ) but wrong actress. And seeing Teresa and Leo together really made me miss Gwen and Leo’s friendship. Emily O’Brien is a good Gwen. I hate Gwen. Soaps need those characters. That is the fun of a soap! Just let her go back to Gwen.** Oh no Johnny and Chanel don’t leave!! ** So great to see Clyde. Is he getting sexier? ** It was great to see Julie talking to Marie. Glad she is still kicking in the scheme of the show somewhere. ** I realize how much I miss the Kate and Lucas scenes. They are such a great Mother and son story. Heat that up!! 
Look for the new doc: Liza: A truly terrific absolutely true story. 
Travis Scott was arrested for disorderly intoxication and trespassing. 
The return of the Boeing Starliner has been delayed. Why is this company still going? 
It’s the age of hate. - Charlamagne the God 
The entitlement is that politicians keep raising their wages and giving corporations tax breaks but won’t give us $15 an hour. - Rev. Dr. William Barber, author of White Poverty 
Scary Clown 45/34 made a big show of himself at the Capitol. The ass kissers applauded for a scary long time. Trump told his people, “ Milwaukee, where we are having our convention is a horrible city.” He later clarified that that wasn’t what he meant. He claims that he was just concerned about the crime numbers and that he wants to be safe. Homicide is down 41%. Well, now Dems have billboards all over Milwaukee and there are t shirts on line with his hate. ** I love Milwaukee- Joe Biden ** and BTW, despite the insane fear mongering that Fox news spreads, crime is actually down across the country. When they are confronted with facts they claim that it doesn’t ‘feel’ like it. How do they live with themselves?? 
Al Capone would kill Mike Lindell. - Trump 
The Republicans blocked a bill to regulate the Supreme Court. I will never understand this need to let authority run roughshod over this country. And this pattern of distrust and secrecy from Nixon to Reagan to Trump and the Bush’s. Power and money is not enough, they must push the rest of us down. What is that about? Why do they want us to be Russia? The whining about the way the court behaved in regards to Trump is priceless. Let them go to court in Russia and see how fair it is. ** Trump wants to lower corporate tax rates even more. He visited a black church over Father’s Day weekend in Detroit. Detroit is 77.8% black.The black pastor tried to get more African Americans to come to the service. There were a couple of local rappers and a former mayor just out of prison. Cameras panned back to show the pews filled with mostly white men in MAGA hats and Trump mug shot tee’s. ** What is this obsession with water pressure? Is this just Florida?  I don’t know anybody that has these same problems. 
A fan at a Trump gathering apparently told him he had been to over 200 rallies. “Wouldn’t it be incredible if he voted for Biden? It would be suicide before Biden, right?” -Trump ** Trump has been upset about tele prompters lately. 
I have to hold on to hope that this cycle of hate will lead to a cycle of love and we will elect some smart, fair, loving people. C’mon future.. Spread the love!! Stop the loud and usher in the peace! We need more of those kick ass Gov’s who R getting it done!!!! 
Corey Booker and Tammy Duckworth have introduced a bill to protect IVF. 
Hollywood’s walk of fame welcomed Richard Blade. 
The Bike Riders stars Austin Butler, Tom Hardy and Jodie Comer.  
The Boston Celtics won the NBA title again. 
Upside down flags and designing their own hate flags are really becoming a thing. It is like a club for 12 year old boys. 
C’mon Jan 6 offenders: Pay your restitution. Why do so many folks think they should not have to be accountable? 
Thank goodness for Paul Saltzman and Deb Gendler and the like. It is great to see the bits of the Beatles story that they saw since the actual Beatles were a little busy. 
Florida is flooded. 
What this comedian said will shock you from Bill Maher is #1 on the Best sellers list. 
The rules are in place, the debate is coming and we need to hold their feet to the fire. **Polls show that over 50% of the country thinks Trump should drop out of the race. There are countries he won’t even be able to visit because he is a convicted felon. 
It is curious how many Republicans worked on and recommended the immigration plan and as soon as Biden liked it and set things in place, they turn on it. 
Tyson’s CFO was arrested for intoxication and was suspended. 
Hannah Einbinder has a comedy special: Everything must go. 
Mel Brooks got a Peabody which makes him a PEGOT. 
The Colorado GOP issued a call to burn gay pride flags because, “God hates pride.” 
Dr. Pepper is now as popular as Pepsi. 
Dr. Squatch has insured Nick Cannon’s balls for $10 mil. 
The movie 2000 mules about election fraud was pulled off market after a defamation suit. 
Rob Schneider was asked to leave a charity event for hospitals of Regina foundation in Canada. People started walking out after he was ranting about vaccines, women’s rights and how white men are persecuted. 
Julia Louis Dreyfus acceptance speech for her webby was great: Listen to old ladies Motherfucker’s. 
If it had been anybody but Hunter Biden, the gun people would have been screaming about rights. I thought the NRA wanted everyone to have a gun no matter what. 
Illinois new slogan should be: Come to Illinois where you can enjoy all your rights! 
Tokyo Vice was cancelled. 
Now they seem to be after Brown V. Board of Education. 
The Daytime Emmy’s came and went on June 8 hosted by Kevin Frazier and Nischelle Turner. General Hospital won most of the big ones. Dick Van Dyke won for guest actor on Days. Hooray for Robert Gossett and Thorsten Kaye. I was really hopeful for Eric Martsolf  but maybe next year. Melody Thomas Scott was awarded for lifetime achievement. My best dressed were Sunny Hostin, Steven Nichols, Linsey Godfrey, Abigail Klein, Lisa Yamada, Courtney Hope, Heather Tom, Paul Telfer, Jackee Harry, Suzanne Rogers, Jennifer Hudson and Danielle Pinnock.  
A giant bus covered with trump paraphernalia crashed into a sign. ** Rep John Rose’ kid showed us how ridiculous these mentally ill people are. We all want to do that when they start this mind- boggling complaining all the time. 
BTW, isn’t it time to turn the cameras off Trump? Watching and scrutinizing everything he does is not turning his core off. Out of sight out of mind. Oh, I know it isn’t going to happen but I can dream. ** The top biggest political donors prefer Trump. About 69% of his donations come from these wealthy donors. His tax breaks for the rich expire in 2025. Biden has vowed not to bring them back. He is working on those tax loopholes. 
Thank you, Don Jr. for never shutting up about Epstein. Curious people looked into your assertions that your Father had no connection there. Flight receipts show Scary Clown flew with Epstein at least 7 times. 
Alec and Hilaria Baldwin and kids are starting up a reality show, The Baldwins. Timing could be better 
Some of the things the house ethics committee have been investigating about Matt Goetz have been dropped. They are still looking into the sexual misconduct, illegal drug use, accepting improper gifts to dispense special privileges and favors to individuals and sought to obstruct the investigation of his conduct. 
Peoria’s Planned Parenthood reopened. The renovation is complete after the 2023 firebombing. Tyler Massengill is serving 10 years and has a $1,450,000 fine. 
Biden’s new program provides legal status to 500,000 immigrants. 
Wisconsin has charged Kenneth Chesebro, Mike Roman and Jim Troupis with forgery in a fake elector scheme. 
There is another elder lady movie , The Fabulous Four. This one has Megan Mullaly, Susan Sarandon, Sheryl Lee Ralph and Bette Midler. 
Books are an idiot’s natural enemy. - Josh Johnson 
2 moronic climate activists were arrested for spraying orange paint on Stonehenge. Hey, Just Stop Oil.. Why R U fucking up a historical site? There must be better ways to get your point across. 
Traitor Tulsi Gabbard is trying hard to get Trump’s attention. She does not fight hard enough for him though.  
The latest sexual assault news: Kanye West has been sued for sexual harassment. ** Howard University revoked Sean Combs honorary degree. ** Texas megachurch pastor Robert Morris resigned after an accusation from a woman who claims he has abused her since she was 12. 
Stephen Colbert seems awful proud of his EW cover. 
There is nothing loving about Dolly Parton’s false gospel. Parton’s version of love, which includes condoning immoral sexual behavior is unaligned with God’s vision for humanity. (Parton has said that you should be who you are.) - Ericka Anderson  I think she must be reading the wrong book. She has since said that she regretted using Dolly as an example for the point. She is still making the point! 
Jennifer Esposito directed, wrote and starred in Fresh Kills. The film shows us the female side of the mob. 
The Supreme Court took away the ban on bump stocks for firearms. 
Corporations are pussies. - Jon Stewart 
Saw this bumper sticker: Ted Bundy was a republican/ Ed Gein was a democrat 
The Daily show is right: Let Ticketmaster run the border. They know how to keep people out. 
Frasier is pulling out all the stops for season 2: Patricia Heaton, Spencer Grammer, Yvette Nicole Brown, Dan Butler and Edward Hibbert are joining in. 
OK.. The stills they are releasing for the new Waltzing with Brando with Billy Zane do look amazing. Richard Dreyfuss and James Jagger also star. Bad timing on the Dreyfuss front. 
Elisabeth Rohm directs Devil on Campus about Larry Ray, cult leader.  
Justin Timberlake was arrested for DWI. 
The Club Q killer, Anderson Aldrich was sentenced to 55 life sentences. 
Porn is truly unleashed on X. 
People were calling for Pat McAfee to be tossed off ESPN for calling Caitlin Clark a white 
Rep. Byron Donalds talked of his support of the Jim Crow era. 
July 1 will see Steve Bannon back to jail. He seems to love the attention it brings him so it all works out. ** He fought it but the Supreme Court said he has to go. 
The Kansas Supreme Court decided that voting is not a fundamental right.  
The co -editor of Variety, Ramin Setoodeh has a new book, Apprentice in Wonderland. Citizens of NY were apparently in stitches when they got word of Trump hosting the Apprentice because they all knew what a horrible business man he was.  
Biden weak? FDR was in a wheel chair and he got a lot done. Why are we so prejudice about age and handicaps?? 
Will Trumps gun permit be revoked in NY because he is a convicted felon? The ads showing him as a convicted felon have begun. 
Martha Alito really hates pride flags and tells us so on tape. Her husband is determined to make this country rich with Christians. Why did we come to America to begin with? These people need to live in the real world and realize there are people with other thoughts than their own. ** Funny how they want to keep women in their place unless it is their women then no rules! 
Micheal, You were the only husband I ever had and one of my lifelong friends. I will miss you forever my Bam Bam, my friend. Micheal Dale King 1963-2024 
R.I.P. Marian Robinson, Martin Starger, Bette Nash, Jeff Kreiner, Orlando Cepeda, Bill Cobbs, Alan Scarfe, Tom bower, Betty Anne Rees, William Anders, Enchanting, Jerry West, Tony LoBianco, Seven, Kevin Brophy, Mark James, Angela Bofill, Erich Anderson, Tamayo Perry, Al Schultz, migrants thrown overboard by the Greek coastguard, Tony Mordente, Anouk Aimee, victims of the Ecuador landslides, heat related deaths all over the world including over 1300 in Saudi Arabi ,Willie Mays, Spencer Milligan, Bill Cobbs, Kinky Friedman,  Taylor Willy, Gary Weaver, shooting victims, Donald Sutherland, Martin Mull and Mike King. 
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travelloverr · 2 months ago
Things to do St Austell: A Cornish Gem
Hello! St Austell in Cornwall has a lot to offer if you're searching for a fantastic retreat. There are many places to visit in St Austell that highlight its coastal charm, verdant gardens, and intriguing history, as well as a plethora of unique Cornwall attractions.
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Exploring the Natural Beauty
The Eden Project: A global symbol of sustainability, The Eden Project is a must-visit attraction. Immerse yourself in the biomes, housing diverse plant life from around the world. Wander through the Rainforest Biome, marvel at the Mediterranean Biome, and explore the outdoor gardens.
The Lost Gardens of Heligan: Step back in time and discover the enchanting Lost Gardens of Heligan. Explore the sprawling gardens, encounter the iconic Mud Maid, and wander through the stunning rhododendron valley.
The South West Coast Path: Embark on a scenic hike along the stunning South West Coast Path. Enjoy breathtaking coastal views, spot marine wildlife, and discover hidden coves and beaches.
Charlestown Harbour: Step into the past at Charlestown Harbour, a picturesque harbor village with tall ships and historical buildings. Visit the Shipwreck and Treasure Museum to learn about the area's maritime history.
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Unveiling the Historical Heritage
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Wheal Martyn China Clay Museum: Delve into the fascinating history of Cornwall's china clay industry at Wheal Martyn China Clay Museum. Explore the mine workings, learn about the mining process, and admire the stunning china clay landscapes.
St Austell Brewery: Take a tour of St Austell Brewery, one of Cornwall's oldest breweries, and sample their award-winning beers. Learn about the brewing process and enjoy a pint in the brewery's tap room.
Roche Rock: Hike up to the top of Roche Rock, a dramatic granite tor offering panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Admire the ancient Iron Age hillfort and enjoy a picnic at the summit.
Experiencing the Local Culture
St Austell Farmers' Market: Indulge in fresh, locally sourced produce at the St Austell Farmers' Market. Sample delicious cheeses, breads, pastries, and other delicacies.
St Austell Arts Centre: Immerse yourself in the local arts scene at St Austell Arts Centre. Attend exhibitions, concerts, and theater performances, or participate in workshops and classes.
The Greenbank Hotel: Relax and unwind at The Greenbank Hotel, a luxurious waterfront hotel offering stunning views of the harbor. Enjoy fine dining, spa treatments, and water sports.
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Additional Activities
Clay Trails: Explore the scenic clay trails, perfect for walking, cycling, and horse riding.
Pinetum Gardens: Wander through the beautiful Pinetum Gardens, home to a diverse collection of trees and shrubs.
Water Sports: Enjoy water sports such as surfing, kayaking, and paddleboarding on the stunning beaches of St Austell Bay.
Where to Stay
St Austell offers a variety of accommodation options to suit all budgets and preferences. From cozy bed and breakfasts to luxurious hotels, there's something for everyone.
Tips for Visiting St Austell
Best Time to Visit: The best time to visit St Austell is during the spring and summer months when the weather is mild and the gardens are in full bloom.
Getting There: St Austell is easily accessible by car, train, and bus.
Getting Around: The best way to explore St Austell is by car. However, there are also bus services and walking trails.
What to Pack: Pack comfortable walking shoes, a waterproof jacket, and warm layers, especially if you plan to explore the outdoors.
Local Cuisine: Don't miss the opportunity to try Cornish pasties, seafood, and clotted cream.
St Austell is a vibrant and welcoming town with something for everyone. Whether you're seeking outdoor adventures, cultural experiences, or simply a relaxing getaway, St Austell is the perfect destination. Continue reading
FAQs of Things to do in St Austell Cornwall
Q: Is St Austell in Cornwall worth visiting?
A: Absolutely! St Austell offers beautiful gardens, historic sites like Charlestown Harbour, and top attractions like the Eden Project, making it a great Cornwall destination.
Q: Why is St Austell famous?
A: St Austell is known for its historic china clay mining, the iconic St Austell Brewery, and proximity to the Eden Project and Charlestown Harbour.
Q: Can you walk to the beach from St Austell?
A: While not directly on the coast, beaches like Porthpean and Charlestown are a short drive or bus ride away.
Q: Is St Austell Cornwall a nice place to live?
A: Yes, St Austell offers a relaxed lifestyle, coastal access, and plenty of amenities, making it a lovely place to live in Cornwall.
Q: Is St Austell a seaside town?
A: Not exactly, but it’s close to several beautiful beaches and harbours, like Charlestown, giving it a coastal vibe.
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sam-vargas · 6 months ago
Colorado Springs, Breckenridge, Aspen, Frisco, CO
In the distance, a gradient of burnt orange rising to dark blue speckled with white lights, stood as the backdrop for silhouette of the Colorado mountains. As the automatic doors slid open, a rush of dry, temperate air offset the cool, controlled air within the airport, a harsh contrast to the heavy humidity of Florida. The plane had left Florida in the late afternoon, landing in Colorado Springs just as the sun dipped below the line of the horizon. After a two-hour drive in a rental car under a darkening sky, signs for Breckenridge appeared along the road.
The first leg of the trip was spent navigating trails near the hotel. Patches of hard, un-melted snow lay scattered across the hills and trails, protected in part by shade from the tall pine trees. Thin layers blanketed mountain peaks in the unreachable distance. Evenings were spent shopping and enjoying restaurants in the small town nearby. After the winter sports thrill seekers had gone, and the snowbirds had returned from their vacation homes in the South, the streets were primarily populated with locals and summer vacationers. The buildings were quaint, dark brick and light stone with large windows lit by sunlight during the day and the warm orange glow of artificial light at night.
After exhausting the attractions in Breckenridge, we drove southwest, winding between mountains and forests. Most roads had two lanes and were straight and flat, with clear predictable turns and curves. Others ran up and along mountainsides.
I remember looking out the window, past the road and down the steep slope, feeling a combination of carsickness from the winding roads and vertigo from the change in altitude. The knowledge of damp roads beneath our tires acted as fuel on the fire of my growing anxiety. Being a native Floridian, with my Floridian parent behind the wheel, I feared the unpredictable, tight curves as we climbed higher and higher.
Cool, clean air filled my lungs upon opening the car door and stepping out onto the loose earth. The sand and gravel underfoot stretched from the parking lot to a narrow path nestled between Aspens. The mountain itself stood out against the clear blue sky, looming above a crystalline blue lake. Water from the lake flowed into a river alongside the path, cascading over and between rocks and boulders. Small gray stones lined either side of the path leading to the beginning of the hiking trail. Uneven stone slabs and dirt acted as stairs, embedded by time and nature. Trees grew from the mountainside framing the path and curving overhead.
In the ascent up the mountain, breaks in the trees gave way to a shifted perspective. From above, the true breadth of the lake revealed itself, as did the spectacular view of the surrounding mountain peaks with snow topped crests. The path segued from sand to gravel to stone and boulders. Towering trees grew between the boulders along small inclines.
Progression up the mountain path brought higher altitudes and burning lungs, as a life spent at sea level failed to produce the lug capacity necessary for climbing. Frequent breaks extended the hike, but finally, tired and breathless, we reached the plateau.
Past the narrow sand and gravel trail, between trees and boulders, at the top amongst the surrounding mountain peaks, a turquoise blue lake with red clay accents sat nestled in a hidden nook. Breezes snuck past the gaps between mountains, and the sun beat down from a cloudless sky. The rush of water grazing the rocks, grass and dirt, burbled in the silence, accompanied by the rustle of pine needles and the swaying dance of the trees. Scattered voices rang out from passing tourists and hikers, a short burst of laughter, a whisper, a reverent phrase. Most, however, soaked in the silence of the moment, of the lake seemingly separate from the rest of the world.
Leaving behind this oasis was bittersweet, but our plan was to return to Breckenridge within the next day or so. The return trip seemed shorter, easier. The struggle came in leaving behind the beauty of the mountain.
The last leg of the trip found us back in Breckenridge. Rental bikes allowed us to traverse the trails between Breckenridge and Frisco. The long, scenic route ran between the highway and the mountains. Momentum increased with the small dips on the path and decreased as the path once again began to ascend, eventually becoming an incline starting at the base of the mountain. Burning calves worked petals, spinning wheels moved up the slope, and hearts pounded.
As we crested the mountain top, Frisco appeared through the trees. The off-grade buildings followed the slope of the terrain, and streets were lined with event tents crowded with people. Muffled voices rang out, amplified by speakers from the small concert stage at the end of the road. The sound of meat sizzling on the grill joined the cacophony, and the aroma of grilling meat left mouths watering.
The next day, our flight departed once again from Colorado Springs to Florida. Despite cracked, dry, and sunburnt skin, the trip was deemed a success.
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sellndakine · 8 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage 1981 Ceramic (Clay) Colorado “Skinny Skier ⛷ “ Mug.
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sportsminorityreport · 2 years ago
I think the PAC is at a breakthrough point in their negotiations.
OK, not that earth shattering of an opinion today.  But it is a huge departure on my take on their negotiations previously --- based on two tweets, the words of Colorado’s chancellor, and a series of articles I dug up.
For those of you who have read my writing on various platforms going back to my bleacher report days 15 years ago, you know how I work.  
I don’t generally interview sources by choice because I don’t want to be steered by an AD or assistant AD who is beholden to groupthink and conventional wisdom.  That decision admittedly hurts me sometimes, but I am much more interested in the minority opinions that make the unexpected changes that rock conference alignments.
I want to know what they unintentionally reveal when they shoot off to their local media, not their canned speaches.  So I read a lot of articles and look for gaffes and interesting stuff.
Well if you look there are some articles talking about Apple and how deep they will get into the PAC negotiations.  
The talk now is that Apple might be the main buyer for the PAC’s tier 1 content, not Amazon.  Everything I had read before has Amazon driving the tier 1 negotiations. 
Unlike Amazon, I think Apple is a good faith partner.  I don’t think Apple would, for instance, sell out the PAC to get into the Big Ten deal. If Apple is leading the discussion for tier 1 rights, I can understand the potential of PAC optimism.
If true, that changes my perspective entirely.  Apple needs content. Adding SDSU and SMU would probably not be a big deal for Apple.  12 schools, the amount that PAC voting members like Colorado’s Chancellor, Phil DiStefano prefer, might be “right-sized” for Apple. 11 you can sell and one more that is just the cost of doing business to land the PAC.
The PAC can provide a lot of content.  More than most other conferences and more than just the revenue sports.  
Apple has other media contracts where they supply games to linear broadcasters.  
This is an association that makes sense to me.  This looks like the basis of a very healthy partnership.
This is interesting at a time when Colorado’s Chancellor gave an interview where he sounded drunk with success and optimism and said that he thinks there is a pretty good chance the PAC ends up the 3rd highest paid conference per member.
That’s huge...
If I understood his take correctly realignment podcaster Greg Fluglar took this as a university leader setting the bar high for a potential departure if the numbers fall short. Kind of sending a message.
It is possible, but I disagree with that take because the article is so glowingly pro-PAC.  There is setting the bar high, but to potentially have to turn around and announce a departure 60 days from now after pronouncing the PAC and ideal home in so many ways?  I don’t think a university leader would do that. 
I took that as the Chancellor was thrilled that the addition of Deion Sanders as he essentially gives the Chancellor a free pass to do whatever he chooses with his school --- and The Chancellor makes the argument pretty conclusively that the school’s best home is the PAC.. 
Add that to this tweet from Jim Williams that has tipped off this Apple talk..
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That is saying a lot.
Let me give you the articles I am reading.  
Let’s start with an article by David Hookstead from Clay Travis’s pro-SEC site Outkick.com.  Its an interesting pro Big 12 slant. 
Andrew Marchand appears to have hit on this early in late February.  He confirms  many others’ impressions that ESPN and Amazon are lukewarm on the PAC. (He also mentions Fox as lukewarm...What I had been reading suggested they were not interested at all, but that can always change.)  He talks of them discussing more than just using the PAC 12 network to generate content. What if the PAC could end up with a lot of their non-revenue sports on AppleTV?.. all great news in PAC terms. 
He did caution that Apple apparently drove off the NFL by being too detail consumed...but that could be a positive for the PAC.  Apple may feel a need to rehab their reputation as negotiation partners. 
Jim Williams pulls back the curtain even further late last month revealing that Apple CEO Tim Cook has for quite a while now noticed what a lot of us have --- that the PAC12 media asset is underpriced --- and has viewed it as an asset of interest.
Reading this article I can imagine Cook laying in wait for the PAC’s other partners to lowball the PAC and then step in and offer a richer but very bearable deal to “Save” the PAC and earn future loyalty from the conference.  He also notes that Apple specifically worked with MLS on their similar visibility concerns. 
There is sooo much there in this article.  I think you can see why the WB negotiations may have ended abruptly.   It is VERY possible that Apple has assured the PAC they will sell content to linear providers like the WB/
Here is some from his amazing article at Forbes...
“Here are some of the possible options on how the deals could work.
Let's begin with Apple TV+ they find a liner partner to sublease some games I still think Fox, CBS, or even the CW would be willing to listen to package for the right price. There could still be place for ESPN to have their Pac-12 After Dark package.
Amazon gets a Friday Night Game of the week meanwhile ESPN airs two Saturday with the rest airing on ESPN+ that would solve the liner issue but would the Worldwide Leader in Sports put up the cash to make everyone happy remains the issue.
Apple TV+ gets the whole package and ESPN gets two games one Friday and the other Saturday.”
As is this...
“A note to the athletic directors who want exposure saying no to Apple and Amazon because of their preference for a liner partner. Perhaps they haven’t been paying attention the only possibility for that to happen is to take a low-ball deal from ESPN that would get a few games on the network but likely a huge package on their streamer ESPN +.”
Finally, there is an article from February by Jeff Collier which is also insightful in the question it perhaps unintentionally asks when it notes the Apple is broadcasting every MLS game.  This is the thing...Linear partners have pretty well established thresholds of levels of interest makes financial sense to distribute.  Streaming partners likely have entirely different thresholds.  Acquiring the FULL Pac sports inventory could allow a LOT more content (different sports) to get on the air than just a deal with say ESPN.
THAT is a very PAC type goal.
His article is also very insightful on how the pieces might work together. 
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siriushxney · 4 years ago
➛ them with a reader who gets really into watching sports
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— included : cc!dream, cc!sapnap, cc!niki, cc!quackity, cc!karl
— warnings : cursing
— note : it won’t be mentioned a lot, but the sport that I thought of as I was writing this was hockey! in celebration of playoffs starting today, here’s some headcanons :) (go colorado)
— also yes my post layout changes every week — i’m trying to find what I like lmfao
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➛ dream
we all know that clay also gets into sports hardcore
so I don’t think he’d bat an eye at you screaming at a tv in the other room
in all honesty I think he’d rush in to see what’s got you so heated
if he understands the sport, he’ll get just as into it with you
jumping and cheering on goals
groaning and yelling when a bed call or goal happens
overall he matches your energy
^ wants to get matching jerseys immediately
➛ sapnap
he doesn’t have to understand what’s going on to flip out
if he sees you freaking out over something
he’ll be freaking out just as much
he gives me ‘physical while watching sports vibes’
not in a weird way
but if the team you’re cheering for scores, he’d just turn to you and hug you
^ he gets excited easily
I can also see him as the dude that’s constantly moving during it
foot tapping, fingers drumming, hands running through his hair, etc.
he definitely gets nervous watching sports (literally me)
➛ niki
while she can see how people get easily hyped up over things
she’s just confused as to why your pacing, yelling, or jumping around
sits on the couch and just watches you lose your shit
“are you fucking kidding me?!”
“what happened?”
will ask you to tell her about what happened even though she watched it happen and can see why you’re either mad or happy
just so she can hear you talk passionately about it
there’s definitely been a moment when she’s streaming and the chat can hear you losing it in the background
➛ quackity
video tapes it
either just for blackmail
to send to his friends
or he’s posting it for the world to see
you make it onto one of those ‘funniest quackity moments’ videos
he will edge you on — if you’re mad about a bad call made, he’ll side with the refs — always
he wants to see how angry he can get you
while he’s teasing and provoking normally, he would also like to actually sit down and watch the game with you
he doesn’t have to understand what’s going on to feel the energy that not only you, but the players on the screen radiate
➛ karl
concerned number two™️
he’d walk in all happy ready to tell you about whatever the hell happened during his stream
see you yelling at the tv
and slowly back away
he lets you be loud — he doesn’t really care
he’s a little scared and a lot of concerned
I feel like he’d also video tape it just so he can laugh at it later
loves loves loves seeing you get so into the game despite not even playing it
^ also I think at first he wouldn’t really be into whatever sport you’re watching
but after awhile it grows on him — so expect him to get hyped and angry with you
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bm2ab · 3 years ago
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Big Boy’s Toys 25 December 2021 The Norman Timbs Special
The Norman Timbs Special is a homebuilt Sport Custom built by Norman Timbs over a span of three years. Norman's streamlined custom was supposed to be a prototype for a limited series of cars reflecting advanced concepts in performance and aesthetics. Being an automotive engineer working with Preston Tucker on his Tucker Automobiles and on several Indy cars, Norman made comprehensive chassis drawings that led to 1/4 scale clay models of several body ideas. The models led to a wooden model incorporating the favored elements. Norman handmade an aluminum body for the car by forming panels on the wooden pattern. The panels were then welded together. The chassis was made of welded aircraft tubing. The car was 17 1/2 feet long with a 117 inch wheelbase, 56-inch thread, and a weight of 2 500 pounds. It was powered by a 1948 Buick Straight 8 engine located just behind the driver's seat. Steering, brakes and other equipment were standard Mercury. The rear body on the car was hinged to raise hydraulically for access to the engine compartment, fuel tank and spare tire. The fuel tank was placed between the wheels. The front hood covered a luggage compartment. In the rear, taillights from a 1939 Ford were installed. Without the windshield the car stood 39 inches tall. Total height with the windshield was 47 inches Total cost of the build was $10,000 according to Mechanix Illustrated September 1949. Once completed, Norman's Buick Special was featured on the cover of Motor Trend October 1949, the second issue of Motor Trend.
In 1954 the Norman's Buick Special was featured in Motor Life February 1954. By then the car had been painted white. it was currently owned by Air Force Officer Jim Davis of Manhattan Beach, California. The article stated that the car was the brain-child of former aircraft manufacturer Larry Timm. According to the story Larry designed and built the car over a three year period ending in 1948. Davis bought the car in 1952 and was, according to the story, the first person to have the car registered for road use. Norman's Buick Special was featured in an episode of Buck Rogers.
For several years the car was parked away in the hot California desert. In 2000 it was featured briefly in the Nicholas Cage movie Gone in 60 Seconds. 2 years later, In 2002 it was auctioned away by Barret Jackson at the Petersen Museum Classic Car Auction. The sales price was $17,600.00 USD. Collector Gary Cerveny was the lucky bidder. Gary began to restore the car himself, before he decided to hand it over to Custom Auto of Loveland, Colorado, and let them complete it. Before Gary handed the car over to Custom Auto he repaired the wheel wells, grille opening and drive train. The car was about 90% original when Gary acquired the car. The body halves had been bolted together, and access holes had been cut in for the rear wheels and the engine bay. In March of 2012 the restored version of the car made its debut at the Amelia Island Concours d'Elegance in Florida. At the show it won "The RM Auctions Trophy For the Best Open Car". Later on in 2010 Norman Timbs' Buick Special was hand picked to be part of the prestigious Customs Then and Now exhibit at the 2011 Grand National Roadster Show in Pomona, California, an elite gathering of the most historically significant customs in the world. In August of 2012 the car will also be competing in the Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance, the world's premier celebration of the automobile. In 1997 the Pebble Beach Hot Rod Class was started. The Hot Rod Class has been featuring roadsters, coupes and pre-war customs in the past. The 2012 Hot Rod Class will be dedicated to Sport Customs and one offs such as the Arthur Bentas' Raven, the 1950 Saturn, the 1947 Kurtis Omohundro, the Maverick sportster, the Coachcraft Special and Vince Gardner's 1947 Studebaker.
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eldritchsurveys · 5 years ago
420 (ayyyy).
Hello :) Do you like to use a lot of smiley faces online? >> Not a lot, but I do use some.
Which instant messaging service do you use, if any? >> Discord. Tumblr also has an IM feature, but it’s not very good IMO. I hate that tiny little window.
What are your opinions on Justin Bieber? >> I don’t have any opinions on him. He rarely crosses my radar.
On December 21st 2012, if the world starts to go down, what will you do? >> I don’t remember what I was doing. I was in Colorado at that time, and that’s really all I remember.
Do you Facebook creep / Myspace stalk? >> No.
Is there a celebrity you're obsessed with? Who? >> Not really. There are celebrities I like looking at and ones I like watching in movies and such, but I’m not obsessed, just interested.
Do you look at yourself in any reflective surface you pass? >> Usually.
What theme is your calendar? >> I don’t use calendars. 
Is there anyone famous born on your birthday? Who? >> Most certainly, but I don’t know who.
Do you have a background on your cell phone? Of what? >> My lock screen is this Gunship album cover because it looks so fucking cool, and my home screen is a shot of Quentin Oliver Lee as the Phantom of the Opera.
Have you ever watched the clock tick a full minute? >> Yeah.
Is there anyone you know who kind of looks like you? >> No.
Do you wish you had a twin? If you do, do you wish you didn't? >> No.
Which lollipop flavor is your favorite? >> ---
Do you still enjoy coloring with crayons? >> I never enjoyed colouring with crayons.
If someone came up and randomly hugged you, what would you do? >> Flip my shit and probably hurt them.
Are we really getting lazier with all the technology advances these days? >> Possibly. But I can’t be bothered to care about that.
What was the last movie you saw in 3D? >> Probably a Marvel movie, I don’t remember now.
1-ply 2-ply or 3-ply bathroom tissue? Or does it matter? >> 2-ply seems sufficient. I hate the really soft stuff (it leaves particles behind, for one, and it’s bad for the plumbing, for another) but 1-ply is a little too spartan.
Have you ever tried out products at a kiosk at the mall when they ask you? >> No. I avoid those kiosks with the ruthlessness of someone who’s lived in a big city and knows how to avoid canvassers and panhandlers and everyone else who wants my attention (and money).
Do you ever wish you got more actual letters in the mail? >> I don’t really care. If I wanted to get letters that badly, I’d find a penpal and start sending some.
Have you ever knocked/rang the doorbell, then ran? >> No.
Do you take the bus often? >> Not often, because I don’t go out often, but I usually take it whenever I go out by myself.
Do you like serious people or ones with a sense of humor? >> I like people who can do both.
When you read a happy scene in a book, do you find yourself smiling? >> I mean, sometimes, probably.
Have you ever went to the movie theatres by yourself? >> I often do.
Is one of your main reasons for going to the beach to check people out? >> No.
What food do you absolutely despise? >> Bananas.
What is your favorite genre of music? >> I don’t have one.
Do you shave? >> No. I trim occasionally, but that’s all.
What is your opinion on the Twilight saga? >> I think people should feel free to enjoy it without being ridiculed by people with superiority complexes. Also, lay off the fucking author already.
Which celebrity will you always think is good looking? >> I don’t know, tastes are always liable to change.
Do you use twitter? Do you twitstalk a lot of celebrities? >> No.
Have you ever taped your fingers together? Doesn't it feel weird? >> No.
Do you like the squishy feeling of clay or mud beneath your feet? >> No.
What is one habit you wish you could cut? >> Picking at my lips. I’ve tried so hard to stop but nothing works.
When was the last time you used the bathroom? >> About an hour ago.
Do you have an accent? >> To someone, I’m sure.
Do you clean your house? >> I clean part of it.
How many tabs do you have open right now? >> Four.
Is wearing a lot of makeup being pretty or cakefaced? >> ...
Do you care about the Olympics? >> I don’t.
Do you ever wear headphones but then don't listen to anything? >> Yeah, when I’m using them to block out environmental noise.
Do you have a Youtube account? >> I have a Google account, which automatically is a Youtube account.
Do you know anyone who collects pins? >> No.
Do you enjoy taking pictures? >> Not as a hobby.
Do you ever video chat with people? >> No.
Have you ever tried Chatroulette or Omegle? >> I think I tried them once, but it didn’t interest me.
Are you a sports fan? If so, what sport(s)? >> No.
When did you stop trick-or-treating? Or do you still go? >> I’ve never done it.
Can you bake a good cake from scratch? >> I’ve never tried.
Can you bowl? Good? >> No.
Do you wish your life was like a movie sometimes? >> No, because that really wouldn’t make any sense.
Do you just smile or make silly faces/poses in pictures? >> Most of the time I don’t do anything, unless I specifically feel like making some sort of pose.
Do/did you ever like the books you have/had to read in high school? >> I only liked one -- Their Eyes Were Watching God.
Do you live in a small town or a big city? >> I’m not sure what Grand Rapids qualifies as. It definitely ain’t a big city, though.
What is your cell phone carrier? >> Boost Mobile.
Do you have any stuffed toys? >> Yeah, a lot of them.
What was your favorite childhood toy? Do you still have it? >> I don’t think I had one.
What song fits your mood right now? >> I don’t know.
Have you ever had a pet fish? >> No.
What internet browser are you using? >> Chrome.
Do you have a lot of bookmarks (internet)? >> Not a lot, but I have a good number.
Are you doing anything fun this weekend? >> I don’t know yet. Probably not.
Do you have any big plans for the upcoming summer? >> Winter is what’s upcoming, and no.
What did you do last New Years Eve? >> I don’t remember.
Plaid, stripes, checkers, or polka dots? >> Plaid.
Do you join a lot of fanpages on Facebook? >> No.
Can you curl your tongue? How about in a clover shape? >> No.
Is there any TV show that you get extremely excited about? >> Yeah, a few. I’m excited about The Good Place and Superstore coming back for their fall seasons.
What kind of lotion do you use? >> Aveeno.
Have you ever squeezed a zit and popped its nastiness everywhere? >> No, I hate the very idea of zit-popping.
Have you ever bit your cheek, and then bit it again in the same place? >> Yes, and god it’s awful.
Have you ever had a bath with a sibling/cousin when you were little? >> ---
Would you rather not eat or not sleep for 24 hours? >> Not sleep.
Do you ever actually take cold showers during the summer? >> No.
When was the last time you played on a playground? >> I don’t remember. At least a few years ago.
Do you like the really spinny rides at amusement parks? >> Not really.
What's your opinion on facial hair? >> I don’t have an opinion about that.
Have you ever gambled at a casino? >> No. I’m pretty sure just stepping inside a casino would send me into instant sensory overload.
What's your favorite thing to shop for? >> ---
Duz it bothar U wen Pplz tYPe Lyyk th!s ?!!one?!!?? >> People don’t really type like that anymore, so.
Do you know someone really thin who eats a lot (and doesn't puke it up)? >> No...?
Do you make a wish at 11:11? >> No.
What was the last present you bought for someone? >> I bought a couple of small things at Vault of Midnight (a comics/games store) that I thought would be good as stocking stuffers. I have a hard time with stocking stuffers so I figured I’d start early and collect things over time.
Aren't pad and tampon commercials just ridiculous? >> Most commercials are ridiculous, honestly.
Do you use a wallet or just put money in your pockets? >> I use a little zip pouch as a wallet.
Do you like your ID picture (whichever ID you have)? >> Not really, but it’s not a big deal.
Do you do online gaming? >> Yeah.
What was the last thing you put in your mouth? >> A toothbrush.
Who were the last people you hung out with? >> Some people from the West Michigan Geeks meetup group.
On a scale of 1-10, how attractive do you think you are? Honestly? >> No.
Do you think you have a good sense of humor? >> I mean, it works great for me.
Lmfao, Lmao, Rofl, Rotfl, Lol, Haha, Hehe, other? >> I use lmao a lot.
Have you ever tried to count grains of sand in your hand? >> No.
What does your ideal partner look like? >> ---
Do you ever have to write your name on food to keep it from getting eaten? >> No.
Do you have a friend you still hang with even though they're annoying? >> No.
What is one thing you've always wanted to do? >> *shrug*
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patrickfraserstudio · 6 years ago
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Clay court season is well under way. #tennis #sport #active #play (at Vail, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx0tkaagn28/?igshid=15mvjma4r5g68
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Blusky Restoration Contractors - Delivers Exceptional Customer Experiences
Blusky Restoration Contractors services commercial, healthcare, retail, hospitality and multi-family real estate. The company has locations throughout the country and employs workers across the United States. Ranked in Colorado Biz Magazine’s Top 250 Private Companies five times, Blusky Restoration Contractors maintains a 96% approval rating with its clients. The company supports annual charitable efforts, and through its Clays for Kids sporting clay tournament, it has raised over $500,000 for underserved children across the country with the Boys and Girls Club.
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100nation516 · 2 years ago
Hunting simulator poki
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See also:
Poki Wood Blocks
Amanda Seyfried Pokies
Instagram Cold Pokies
Dragon Ball Super Poki Games
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thebachelordiaries · 7 years ago
Jocks And Finance Bros: Bachelorette First Impressions
Becca, I hope you like jocks and finance bros. 
If not, you’re shit out of luck.
Becca dates one athlete and they beat that one dating preference of her’s to death by casting 18 or so former athletes. Kind of like how they beat “Let’s Do The Damn Thing” tagline to death.
I shouldn’t be surprised, but I am.
A letter to the men on this season of The Bachelorette:
Do you think you deserve this goddess of a woman, Becca Kufrin? You probably don’t. You probably think too highly of yourself to know this.
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Maybe two of you will be good enough for her. Five of you may turn out to be decent people, but that’s me being generous. If it’s anything like JoJo’s season, we will have just one or two decent men. ABC producers, please don’t let me down. Oh wait, you already did with the super-short bios. 
This season we have 25 28 men vying for Becca’s heart, or at least a blue checkmark on their Instagram page. At least one of you will get fake engaged on Paradise and six of you will move from middle-of-nowhere USA to Los Angeles and move back home within a year. I’m not sure which guys will do that yet, but it’s always fun to guess!
Anyway, good luck with your 15 minutes of fame!
The Bachelor Diaries.
WTF: No Q&A?
ABC did not include the usual Q&A in this year’s cast bios. I’m so offended. How will I truly understand these men if I don’t know what kind of fruit they’d be or what kind of superpower they’d want?
I would boycott this season because of this, but I have literally nothing better to do on Monday nights, or any night for that matter. I’m still going to try my best to roast these men, of course. It shouldn’t be that hard.
Despite no Q&A’s, I will still form my own opinions on these guys. I, like Kanye West, am a free thinker. Go poopidy-scoop yourself, ABC.
Ok, now let’s get to know these men:
Alex, 31, Construction Manager
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Alex is the male equivalent of the basic white girl. He likes country music, his dog, the beach and skiing. He probably has “Let’s go on a hike together!” on his Bumble profile and regularly wears a Patagonia dad hat.
Blake, 28, Sales Rep
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We already met horse boy Blake on After The Final Rose. He either played baseball or football in college. Thanks for being so concise, ABC. However, he looks like a baseball player to me. While originally from a small town in Colorado, he definitley lives in LA now. He also believes “two people need to be independent in order to truly love each other” so I think that means he’s into open relationships and or will cheat on you.
Chase, 27, Advertising VP
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Chase, unlike Blake, was definitley a college baseball player who was apparently good enough to be in the College Wold Series but evidently not good enough to go pro— at least longterm. We also met Chase on ATFR and I don’t remember much about him. He likes “adventure” and the “outdoors” so he’s quite the special snowflake.
Chris, 30, Sales Trainer
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What even is a sales trainer? Chris hopes to retire by 40. In this economy? Good luck with that. He is passionate about “fitness” and “health” which is so unique and different. I feel like I really got to know him through that piece of information.
Christian, 28, Banker
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Christian is a former semi-pro soccer player who moved to the US from Mexico when he was three. I feel like his picture makes him look like he has a little head, but other than that he seems alright.
Christon, 31, Former Harlem Globetrotter/ Professional Dunker
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I spent a good 30 seconds wondering why two guys with the same name didn’t have their last name initials included in their bios. It took another 30 seconds to notice that Christon was spelled differently than Christian. So this dude is a professional dunker in LA. My first thought is that he’d have a pretty good intro video package for The Bachelorette. Anyone want to put money down that he gets one?
Clay, 30, Pro Football Player
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Clay was on his way to the poetry slam but somehow got lost and ended up on the Bachelorette. He allegedly doesn’t curse but is a fan of hip-hop music. I think he is the “famous” football player who was in talks to be on this season. Apparently I should care. Never heard of him. 
Colton, 26, Former Pro Football Player
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“Hi, my name is Colt and welcome to my Youtube Channel!” That’s the vibe I’m getting from this picture. I’m also getting Blake Griffin vibes. He just looks strangely tan here. Colton may have a job at the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. I’m curious to know if he has a story as to WHY he is involved with CF. He also lives in Denver and has a dog named Sniper, which is awkward because the neighboring city of Boulder just banned assault weapons.
EDIT: He was the guy who asked out Aly Raisman via public video and they briefly dated. I shipped them so hard. I AM SHOOKETH.
Connor, 25, Fitness Coach
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I feel like I’m going to be sick if I hear one more guy talk about how they were “almost” a professional athlete and how much they lo0o0o0ove working out. I’m sadly only at the beginning of this cast list. Someone pray for me. And someone pray that Connor’s eyebrows grow back after that terrible wax job.
Darius, 26, Pharmaceutical Sales Rep
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Darius works for big pharma yet claims to be dedicating his life to helping others. Err, okay. He likes to dance and travels a lot so my guess is he’s probably not ready to settle down at age 26 despite his 36-year-old hairline.
David, 25, Venture Capitalist
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David looks like every finance bro who lives in West Village and only dates 22-year-old Instagram models. The only difference is that he lives in Denver instead of Manhattan, which by society’s standards makes him more wholesome. He also loves guacamole, but dislikes avocado, which roughly translates to: I don’t cook and eat Chipotle for dinner every night.
Grant, 27, Electrician
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The only way Grant is making it past night one is if he shows up fully dressed as a member of the Village People or as Bob The Builder. If not, he has no chance.
Garrett, 29, Medical Sales Rep
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Pro tip to ABC: The letter A comes before the letter R in the alphabet. These names are out of order. 
Anyway, Garret reminds me of Ben Afleck in that his face just makes me want to punch him..in the face. Besides the fact that he also works for big pharma, he actually has outdoor hobbies besides “I enjoy fresh air and walking in the woods” like fly fishing and showshoeing. I’m hoping he isn’t a giant jerk because I kind of like him.
Jake, 29, Marketing Consultant
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I thought his name was “Joke” at first because I am a terrible person. I think Joke...I mean Jake...is from the same city as Becca. (I’m assuming Minnesota only has one city) I feel like all hot people in cities have this inner-circle where they know of each other, so maybe they’ve crossed paths before.
Jason, 29, Sr. Corporate Banker
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Andrew Keegan? I love your work. “Jason” likes sports and singing along to Disney movies. He contains multitudes. 
Jean Blanc, 31, Colognoisseur
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I love that ABC took a smart, educated, immigrant with a successful job and gave him a fake occupation on television. Jean Blanc is a cologne connoisseur. I feel like he would smell good. 10/10 would smell him.
Joe, 31, Grocery Store Owner
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I feel like a lot of these bios are the equivalent to what it’s like to drive in an Uber. The driver is always explaining to you how successful they are and where they traveled as a way to prove they aren’t some loser driving you around. Joe’s bio screams “Yeah I own a grocery store but also worked in finance before I burnt myself out, so don’t judge me.” Nobody was judging you, but now I am.
John, 28, Software Engineer
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John hopes to be the first Asian male to make it out of night one on The Bachelorette. I can already tell he’s better than most of these guys: he works at a start-up in Silicon Valley, likes wine, plays guitar and bakes banana bread. He deserves a rose, dammit!
Jordan, 26, Male Model
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Robert Mills, who is like an important ABC guy or something, called Jordan the “greatest Bachelorette contestant of all time.” Clearly he’s trying to make us forget about Chad. Good luck with that, Robert. Definitley not happening.
So Jordan is probably this season’s villain. Whatever, I don’t care. I DO care, however, that his bio is bragging about a mediocre 4:24 mile time and “sprinting to the finish line.” The time was written as “4.24″ by ABC and a comma is also missing from that sentence. ABC, let me know if you want to hire me as an editor. Back to the mile comment: A mile is an endurance mid-distance race. Nobody is technically sprinting in it, unless it’s a tactical race. Puns don’t work if they’re factually incorrect. 
Kamil, 30, Social Media Participant
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Kamil works in real estate and is a part-time model, but ABC decided to call him a “social media participant.” He’s originally from Poland but lives in Upstate New York, which is evident based on the fact he’s wearing a denim button-up shirt.
Leo, 31, Stuntman
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It’s crazy how fast Alex Bordy grew his hair in a year. “Not Alex Bordy” is a stuntman in LA, which I heard is a pretty sick job. I am personally a fan of his hair. He knows how to tame those curls and probably rocks a great man bun. I would love to know what products he uses.
Lincoln, 26, Account Executive
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Lincoln has a lot of things going on in his bio. He moved to Boston from Nigeria as a teenager, went to college in Kentucky and moved to Santa Monica for work. We met him on ATFR and he was super nervous, cute and had an accent to make most girls swoon. I’d say make him The Bachelor but 26 is too young in my opinion.
Mike, 27, Sports Analyst
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How come every Ohio sports fan names their dog Riggins? Based on his hair, I’m assuming Mike is a radio sports analyst. That hair on television? No thank you. Hopefully Leo can give him some tips to make his hair look decent. Did you know: Becca’s psycho ex Ross used to have long hair? It was not cute. But I don’t think Becca is going to send the long-haired guys home immediately a la the notoriously shallow Andi Dorfman.
Nick, 27, Attorney
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I’m excited for Nick to be on the show because I know him by association. Let me explain: A friend of mine went to school with one of his friends and periodically stalks her social media. The friend is a girl, so I think he’s friends with mostly girls, which may explain why he loves to “brunch.” He looks terrible in this photo. Nick gives me polished, sexually ambiguous vibes based on how he appears on Insta. I also knew he was going to be on the show before R*ality St*ve, which made me feel powerful. It was a rush.
Rickey, 27, IT Consultant
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I know of Rickey too. He was a Bodybuilding.com Spokesmodel Search finalist in 2017. Hashtag #rightreasons. I’m not sure how “online personal trainer” translates to IT consultant, but ok. Side note: I don’t think bodybuilders look good in suits so he might go home night one. 
Ryan, 26, Banjoist
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Before the “Yanny or Laurel” debate there was the “Ryan or Brian” debate on After The Final Rose. Evidently the answer is Ryan. He’s the new Wells and I could not be more excited to watch this babe on my television screen. He plays at least four instruments and loves to sail. He also screams “family money” but it’s ok, we can mooch off his parents together.
Trent, 28, Realtor
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Can you imagine having a child and naming it Trent? This guy never had a chance. He is a realtor and a part-time model (I swear I wrote the same thing a few contestants up) and has appeared on covers of romance novels, but I certainly wouldn’t call him the next Fabio.
Wills, 29, Graphic Designer
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Wills is a graphic designer who loves Harry Potter. I see no problem here. Except for maybe his porno-stache.
Prediction corner: 
Welcome to the prediction corner where I never get anything right. Oh, you know what happens because you read spoilers? Please keep that information to yourself. I like to find out what happens on my own.
Without further ado, here are my baseless predictions:
First Impression Rose: The guys who got the First Impression Rose on the last three seasons became engaged to The Bachelorette. If that happens this year I demand a scientific case study to explain the power of first impressions on women. Anyway, I think Ryan gets it.
Season Villain: Jordan (that was easy)
Next Bachelor: Blake (don’t ask me why)
Winner: Garrett (I like him)
Comment below to let me know your early favorites!
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sellndakine · 9 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage 1981 Ceramic (Clay) Colorado “Skinny Skier ⛷ “ Mug.
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tkmedia · 3 years ago
Colorado receiver La’Vontae Shenault suspended ‘indefinitely’
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By Adam Munsterteiger, BuffStampede: Colorado receiver La’Vontae Shenault is suspended, again. This is the third time in the last 12 months he has been forced off the field for off the field reasons. After being absent during the Buffaloes match up against Texas A&M in Denver, on Monday, Colorado head coach Karl Dorrell announced Shenault has been “suspended indefinitely for violating team and athletic department rules.” Read the full story… —Recent News Feed Stories—- Chip Kelly cracks funny joke about UCLA’s late kickoff time - No. 1 JUCO scorer, Tyrone Williams, commits to Dana Altman and the Ducks - Clay Helton thanks USC, players ‘for opportunity of a lifetime’ - Analyzing Ohio State’s schematic undoing vs. Oregon - Hummer: Clay Helton is gone but USC’s roster issues won’t disappear overnight - Arizona to start Will Plummer at quarterback vs. NAU - Mario Cristobal says Kayvon Thibodeaux is ‘getting better and better’ - Athlon: 14 coaching candidates to replace Clay Helton - Arizona MBB announces hiring of ‘rising star’ Riccardo Fois to complete staff - Ducks TE Cam McCormick to miss remainder of the season - USC football buyout cost for Clay Helton sizable after firing - Oregon linebacker Justin Flowe suffered ‘significant injury’ - Jimmy Lake’s Monday press conference was a steady John Donovan dissection - USC’s Clay Helton fired; Donte Williams named interim head coach - Nelson: Was hiring Jimmy Lake always going to be a mistake? - CB Kyu Blu Kelly has been a game changer for Stanford - USC’s Clay Helton mess is a partial product of the Ed Orgeron drama in 2013 - Oregon shows ‘next man up’ was more than lip service, it’s a culture - Micah Bernard makes strong case for Utah’s lead running back - Plaschke: In wake of the Stanford loss, USC must fire Clay Helton immediately - Former Trojan Sam Darnold shows up former team in Panthers win over Jets - PFF’s Week 2 college football Team of the Week and player awards - In a career-defining win, Mario Cristobal opened his heart up to Duck fans - Report: Urban Meyer ‘unhinged’ about losing, Jaguars’ morale has suffered - Oregon in top five of college football rankings after Ohio State upset - Husky football stumbles turn up the pressure on Jimmy Lake - Breakout performances from offensive trio lead Oregon State past Hawai’i - Ex-Trojan Matt Leinart throws shade at Clay Helton in ugly loss to Stanford - ASU QB Jayden Daniels sets career-high in rushing yards during home win - Arizona left searching for answers at quarterback - Kyle Whittingham: Loss to BYU ‘does nothing’ to goal of Pac-12 title - USC’s kicker ejected for targeting on opening kickoff against Stanford - Dodd: Tough and rugged, Oregon drags Pac-12 back onto national scene - Arkansas trolls Texas with warm SEC welcome after win - Sports Illustrated Top 10 college football ranking - Cat falls from upper deck, caught by fans during Miami home-opener - Pac-12 reportedly came close to adding TCU, Houston - Nick Rolovich says ‘dynamic’ Travell Harris might be WSU’s head coach someday - Cal’s offense comes alive, but PATs doom Golden Bears - Rooney: Don’t talk of moral victories, but Buffs scored one vs No. 5 TAMU
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goalhofer · 7 years ago
1st 10 Results Of Player Jersey #s By Sport On Google: #52
Hockey: Julius Nattinen (Anaheim Ducks), Justin Shugg (Carolina Hurricanes), Jonathan Ericsson (Detroit Red Wings), Sean Kuraly (Boston Bruins), MacKenzie Weegar (Florida Panthers), Jack Roslovic (Winnipeg Jets), Cole Cassels (Vancouver Canucks), Adam Foote (Colorado Avalanche), Cal Foote (Tampa Bay Lightning) & Brandon Bollig (San Jose Sharks).
Baseball: C.C. Sabathia (New York Yankees), Justin Grimm (Chicago Cubs), Pedro Baez (Los Angeles Dodgers), Melvin Mercedes (Detroit Tigers), Yoenis Cespedes (New York Mets), Park Byung-Ho (Minnesota Twins), Craig Bjornson (Houston Astros), Jose Ramirez (Atlanta Braves), Herb Olsen (Brooklyn Dodgers) & Carlos Ruiz (Florida Marlins).
Basketball: Jamaal Wilkes (Los Angeles Lakers), Greg Oden (Portland Trail Blazers), Buck Williams (Portland Trail Blazers), James Worthy (University Of North Carolina Tar Heels), Vitaly Potapenko (Boston Celtics), Tu Holloway (Xavier University Musketeers), Jordan McRae (University Of Tennessee Volunteers), Gary McGhee (University Of Pittsburgh Panthers), Kory Jones (University Of Arizona Wildcats) & Nathaniel "Big Easy" Lofton (Harlem Globetrotters).
Football: Clay Matthews III (Green Bay Packers), Ray Lewis (Baltimore Ravens), Patrick Willis (San Francisco 49ers), Mike Webster (Pittsburgh Steelers), Preston Brown (Buffalo Bills), Khalil Mack (Oakland Raiders), Elandon Roberts (New England Patriots), Denzel Perryman (Los Angeles Chargers), Alec Ogletree (Los Angeles Rams) & Brad Jones (Philadelphia Eagles).
Soccer: Danny Ward (Liverpool F.C.), Nicklas Bendtner (Arsenal F.C.), Liam Walsh (Everton F.C.), Lorenzo Di Livio (A.S. Roma F.C.), Matto Rover (Inter Milan F.C.), Ro-Shaun Williams (Manchester United F.C.), Joe Thomson (Celtic F.C.), Martin Keown (Redding F.C.), Connor Roberts (Swansea City F.C.) & Eoin Jess (Coventry City F.C.).
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