#cole x Vania
xylofondue · 2 months
One of the things I hate the most about homophobic / toxic fans of any piece of media is that they'll be like:
"Omg why can't two guys / girls just be friends like omfg"
But the minute you apply their own reasoning to any straight or cishet ship they'll get super offended and angry abt it
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the-ninjago-historian · 7 months
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As soon as I remembered this meme, I had to do it. As you can see, Cole is a very proud Papa.🤣
Also, first art I've posted of the bebes! Yay! Their names are Zephyr Brookstone and Valkyrie Brookstone! They're twins! And I should totally make some art of them where they don't look like squishy potatoes. Lol.
Edit: Almost forgot to add this. Reblogs are greatly appreciated! Same for any of my other art! No reposts though.
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pan-annigans · 5 months
Jay x Nya: best ship!!!
Zane x Pixal: they are soulmates and no one can say otherwise.
Kai x Skylor: the two of them balance each other well, plus seeing Kai get all lovey-dovey around Skylor is just cute.
Lloyd x Akita: Akita likes Lloyd for himself and isn’t interested in his status as the Green Ninja, she just might be the one person he could be with without having to worry about keeping up appearances.
Cole x Vania: they’re just great together (as lovers or as friends), their dynamic is sweet and both admire and encourage each other with just simple honest words.
hi!! thank you so much!
I'm going to post art for all of these, along with a few of my thoughts on the ships that have been sent to me. Just for funsies :)
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Fun fact, I used to hate Jaya. I thought it was really forced in the canon, and Jay's really obsessive behavior that is the catalyst for all of the events in Skybound always really bothered me? But tumblr has completely turned me around on this ship. They have their moments in canon, but in fanon they're really wonderful. thanks tumblr <3
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these two...... 🥺they are really good i will admit. I'm a big fan of glaciershipping myself and I tend to prefer it over pixane, but these two are so lovely to each other and i totally see the appeal. I just wish pixal wasn't so sidelined in the canon fr what were they doing with her character??? let her be around more often let her and zane be sweet together. please smh
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SKYLOR ALSO HAS NOTHING TO DO MOST OF THE TIME-- honestly this show sidelines like all of its female characters so hard. but these two are great toooo theyre sweeeet 😊 i just wish skylor was used for more than cameos. i like that she's the only one that can consistently shake kai's ego it's a great dynamic
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lloyd and akita!! i'm gonna be so real with you guys i forget about akita so often ;v; which is a shame... i give her the award for most sidelined female character because she existed for half a season. but she and lloyd are sweet! I don't tend to ship lloyd with anyone personally, but i do love that they meet under the circumstances of "lloyd is in a world where his name and status mean nothing so he has no pressure to perform". it's a fantastic break for him. holy shit he deserves it
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im gonna be so honest with all of you um. i actually. havent seen MotM yet. i was in the middle of my rewatch, and i got up to the point i stopped, right before MotM, and then Netflix changed their watch policies. and then of course i got busy
but from what i've seen of these two in fanon they seem alright! I usually prefer them in other wlw or mlm ships because of ONE ninjago vine compliation thing i saw with the two of them as this one tiktok and i've never been able to think of them as a couple since then. But they seem like they have a lovely friendship, whether that ends up turning to romance or not!
Thank you so much for sending me an ask, this was a lot of fun and I got to draw a lot of characters that I've never drawn before! To those of you who have sent me asks and reblogs and comments on the original post, I will be working through all of them in chronological order from when I received them in my activity tab :)
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nocturnal-nexu · 6 months
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"I just wanted some water."
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(This happened at, like, 3 am. by the way)
I promised you some VanillaCake shipping @the-ninjago-historian!
And here it is! I finally finished it!
I'm really happy with how the rendering turned out!
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Hey, I mean, they baked it! They can do with it what they wish. :D
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trashnotfound · 5 months
I wanna find more vanilla cake shippers on here, so I guess this is me manifesting this post as the meeting place for all cole x Vania shippers
Or just cole and Vania lovers really (I want more Vania stannie moots 💛)
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crippling-pages · 6 months
genuinely asking here
is there ANYBODY who ships Cole and Vania??? I can’t be the only one can i??
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notgonnaedit · 4 days
Since everyone liked my post about the Ninja kids, allow me to delve further
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Lily, Princess of Shintaro and Master of Earth.
While she loves both her parents, she's very close to her dad, even before she inherited his powers.
She's the perfect blend of both her parents in looks and personality. She's stronger than most kids her age, stubborn, loves to dance, likes sweets (cookies), fair, curious, and adventurous.
Her symbol is a mino (rhinoceros)
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Soliel, Master of Amber, is her mother's daughter. She takes after Skylor more than she does Kai, having little more than his eyes.
She is calm, regal, stealthy, effortless, but she also has a temper and is an older sibling
Her symbol is a viper
Colt, Master of Fire, is all Kai with barely any Skylor except for his eyes. His hair comes from his grandmother though
He is cocky, has crazy hair (mullet), has a temper, a strong sense of justice.
His symbol is a stallion
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Ben Walker-Smith, the Master of Water, and his twin sister Harper Walker-Smith, Master of Lighting, are a mix of their parents. They have their father's hair, but have both their parents eyes. Their skin is a blend and they both have freckles. Harper's are darker and Ben's are lighter.
Ben is more calm than his sister. He's also a bit shy.
Harper is super energetic and when she loses her temper, she's known to go on rants
Both twins are proficient in mechanics and engineering
Ben's symbol is an otter. Harper's symbol is a spider monkey
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Ezra Borg, Master of Ice, is basically his father with black hair and marks like his mother.
He's logical and calm, but he does have a sarcastic streak. He has an affinity for nature, specifically birds
His symbol is an arctic owl
Julia Borg is an absolute menace. She has purple marks that are similar to Pixal's, but they follow a pattern that's more similar to Zane's. She's an excellent inventor, and she can be a bit quirky sometimes. She loves to prank people and gets tips from her uncle.
She doesn't have an Elemental Power, but her symbol is a fox
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blossomdaaisy · 3 months
I'm currently watching season 12 when the ninjas go to Shintaro and it's funny how Lloyd warns Cole about Vania because she's a princess like Harumi was. Poor boy, he's not over her yet🥹
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gregorio-makes-art · 3 months
Happy Pride Month!
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segafan13 · 5 months
AS A MESSAGE TO ALL OF THE NINJAGO FANS WHO DON'T LIKE COLE X VANIA: I get it, I don't ship myself, but to go out of your way to bully the people who do isn't good, they're just as valid as you so get it together and just block people u don't like
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beba-780 · 4 months
Western Ninjago - Vania
Vania is a young noblewoman of Shintaro, she is also the only daughter of Mayor Vangelis.
She met Cole after he saved her from some trouble in the mine, that was because she disguised herself as a miner so she could see up close how her people work in the city mine.
From that moment, Vania and Cole began a love relationship since thanks to Cole she managed to get to know more about her city and its inhabitants.
Her father has forbidden her from going to the city, since according to him, the city has become dangerous for her, but she knows that everything is a lie, since sometimes Cole sneaks to her home and takes her away walk through Shintaro.
Vania loves her father, but lately she no longer knows him as the father she once loved, since she has seen how her dealings with the Clinthon family have made her city and her city suffer several of its inhabitants.
Lately her father has become harsh with her as he tells her that her nobility must be kept clean and pure, and he will not let the peasants of the city get close to her. But Vania ignores these teachings.
Her best friend is her faithful dog, Chompy.
She has fun watching Chompy play with Lloyd, she also likes to give Lloyd various delicious snacks.
Seeing that his father makes the peasants of his city suffer, now more than anything he wants to remove him from the presidency, that is why he secretly tells Cole about all the deals he has made with Tyrrant, but having no proof precise cannot accuse him to the higher authorities in Ninjago. But she studies a lot about how to be a good mayor for her.
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kaiaden · 4 months
Hi um can you cover how toxic cole x vania is getting?
Thank you for the Ask Anon!
Welcome back for another stream of Kaiaden’s 123 News Now program!
Today we bring up a decently sized controversy among the Ninjago fandom. But first, here’s a lovely message!
DO NOT HARASS ANYONE MENTIONED BE IT THEY BE HOMOPHOBIC OR AN ASSHOLE! You are only feeding them the attention they crave, and make them want to make more posts
ANYWAYS! Back to today’s program!
Now Cole x Vania has been the pinnacle of a typical m x f ship. I don’t personally ship it, but do respect it, and I hope you all do too. However, the toxicity comes from whether or not it’s canon, and when it ties to people becoming territorial over a ship, since, y’know, it ain’t twitter without that sweet, sweet territory. As shown in this post:
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While they aren’t out right hating on Geode, it’s clear that they are saying that Cole can’t be with someone else in a ship. (Along with Kai)
While many controversy surrounding this topic include lots of things, whether it’s likable, is a big thing. While I can’t deny, they have a decent amount of chemistry between them, lot of other fans think otherwise.
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Now onto whether it’s cannon or not. Spoiler alert, it’s not.
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Doc Wyatt, is one of the writers, who have spoken about this ship.
However, some fans don’t care, which, you do you, it’s called freedom, do what you want as long as it’s legal.
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Some Cole x Vania shippers are on the side of people who are pissed with people shouting out ‘it’s cannon!’
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Some people dislike it and label it and outcast the ship along side the infamous Greenflame ship, because they believe that Vania is way younger than the ninjas, and push their head cannons as cannon
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where am I with this ship? I’m with these guys:
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who cares if it’s Cole x Vania or Cole x Kai, Cole x cake. In the end, as long as it isn’t hurting anyone, I really does not matter.
That’s it for this program! Thank you for tuning in, and have an amazing rest of your day!
Want me to comment on a specific topic in Ninjago’s toxic side? Send me an ask or a comment!
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the-ninjago-historian · 5 months
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I was bored, so I made this doodle of Vania and Cole as dragons. Enjoy!
(@only-lonely-stars @tiana4evahh @trashnotfound @nocturnal-nexu)
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beybladeninja · 3 months
I’ve had this story idea for a while now - bear with me.
Cole Brookstone was known for a lot of things. Being the Black Ninja, Master of the Earth, for one. Being the son of a famous Royal Blacksmith, and the great hero Lilly/Gilly/Milly of the Caves, for another. He was also known for being the first Shintaron king in centuries to be born an outsider, as well as the first king to be a part of a three way marriage. His queen, Vania, and fellow king, Geo, ruled the lands of Shintaro with a firm yet gentle hand. His people often referred to him as “The Earthen King”.
But the thing he was known the most for was his treasure. Yes, the Earthen King would often boast at dinner parties and special events that he had in his possession a great treasure. A treasure he protected so dearly, he vowed that none would be able to take it from him. Not even in death.
He would speak at length about the majesty of his treasure, how it was rivaled by no other, and how ironclad its protection was. But the more he talked about it, the more others talked about it. Noblemen, peasant folk; word spread and intermingled until the treasure became a legend all on its own.
Soon, though… that legend reached the wrong ears.
As the story goes, Cole was awoken one night by a figure standing over his bed. The figure held a knife to his throat and threatened to kill him and his family if he didn’t tell them where his treasure was. While Vania and Geo quivered in fear beside him, Cole taunted the wannabe thief, saying that even if they killed him, his treasure would join him in death. Angered, the thief put the knife through his shoulder and asked him again. This time, Cole spoke words that would haunt Vania and Geo for years to come:
“My treasure…
It’s in the palace…
It’s in the gardens…
It’s in the mountains…
It’s in the mines…
It’s in the wastelands…
It’s in the deserts…
It’s in the forests…
It’s in the laboratories…
It’s in the seas…
It’s in the streets…”
His answer only agitated the thief further, and they removed the knife from his shoulder in order to slit his throat. At Vania’s and Geo’s conjoined scream, the guards stationed outside the bedroom door were spurred into action. They broke down the door, apprehending the still furious thief.
But they’d acted too late. Cole Brookstone, the Earthen King, was dead.
In the years following the assassination, many approached Queen Vania and King Geo and asked them about Cole’s final moments. Time and time again, they would repeat his final words and the riddle he’d spoken about the location of his treasure. By the time they also passed, the riddle had become part of the legend.
Years passed, and treasure hunters all throughout Ninjago are still trying to decipher the riddle. None have been able to find even a scrap of the legendary treasure, but where one treasure hunter falls, another always pops up. The hunt remains to this day, along with the ever-present question:
Where is the treasure of the Earthen King?
Yes, I know Cole x Geo is practically canon now, but I’m not ready to give up on my Cole x Vania ship. Cole x Geo is pretty cute though, so I did the only logical thing to do: made a poly ship!
Now for my question: what do you think Cole’s treasure is?
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snazzilystoopid · 1 year
This isnt a headcannon post, but I actually wanted to give my view on something. And PLEASE do not hate me for this 😭
Okay, sure its not the best. But it's also not the worst..
*coughcough Greenflame coughcough* (JUST MY OPINION!! I see them as brothers.)
Now, let me explain.
So, it's kinda obvious that the creators felt bad that Cole hadn't gotten a love interest and decided to throw in Vania somehow idek but ANYWAYS
To put it simply, yall hate on her bc she "ruins" your headcannons??? Some of you ship Lava, or Bruise, or you hc him as aroace, but you also forget Vania is quite obviously not his love interest. Sure, most fans would think that she is, because she takes an interest in Cole, and they work together to stop Vangelis, and he hugs her in S16, and all of that, but that doesn't mean its fact.
(He literally said at the begining of motm that he "doesn't even like her like that" to Lloyd.)
I personally don't feel like Cole wouldn't want to date/be with someone right now, though I don't hc him as aroace.
I feel like Conia could've worked if they just gave them more time. I mean I think the ship is adorable, but they weren't given enough screen time together and they didn't give the two enough time to build an actual relationship.
Like Jay and Nya, for example, they had to go through ALOT just to end up together in Skybound.
I'm not saying they should've introduced Vania earlier, but I just feel like if their friendship had more effort put into it, Cole and Vania could've at least become close friends at most. If I'm being honest, if Conia was canon, I acc wouldn't mind it.
It's not that deep 😭
I thought the hug was cute tbh, and NO I personally don't think it's the best ship, but it's amazing in it's own weird way. So stop hating on it. Pls. And thank you 🥰
(If they aren't together, they're at least definitely besties. Sorry not sorry.)
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trashnotfound · 3 months
They were real to me 💛🖤
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