#ninjago vanillacake
trashnotfound · 5 months
I wanna find more vanilla cake shippers on here, so I guess this is me manifesting this post as the meeting place for all cole x Vania shippers
Or just cole and Vania lovers really (I want more Vania stannie moots 💛)
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notgonnaedit · 4 days
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I spent forever on this!
Lily Brookstone
Ben and Harper Walker-Smith
Soliel and Colt Smith
Ezra and Julia Borg
Close ups under the cut!
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Each kid takes after the parent who's power they share, with a little of their other parent mixed in.
Soliel is regal
Ezra is calculating
Lily is steady
Ben is gentle
Harper is hyper
Colt is temperamental
Julia is tricky
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the-ninjago-historian · 5 months
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I was bored, so I made this doodle of Vania and Cole as dragons. Enjoy!
(@only-lonely-stars @tiana4evahh @trashnotfound @nocturnal-nexu)
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only-lonely-stars · 5 months
Where Are You?
Oneshot – (FFN) (AO3)
After the Crystal King's defeat, Vania thought everything was supposed to be peaceful. Then the Merge came, throwing Shintaro into chaos. To make it even worse, she hasn't heard from Cole since it happened…
It wasn’t long ago when Vania, Queen of Shintaro, thought everything really was going to work out. 
Now that hope was only in her daydreams and memories.
The fierce battle against the Crystal King had tested everyone, from greatest to least. When Vania heard of the battle, she marshalled her forces as fast as she could– of course, a militia was hard to muster quickly, and the royal guard was small. As soon as her men were gathered, and supplies were prepared, they set out at full tilt to Ninjago City, the center of the battle.
They arrived not a moment too soon, sweeping through the enemy forces, crushing Vengestone soldiers to dust beneath their feet. Vania spearheaded the attack, with Chompy, Hailmar, and the Upply at her side.
She would never forget her dear Cole’s face when he saw her, grinning from ear to ear, flushed from fighting. What a sight! The light in his eyes, the hope they shared, the moment when they knew all was not yet lost.
The Ninja took on their dragon forms, the ultimate form of Spinjitzu, and the battle was all but won in that moment. Too bright to look at, too powerful to stop. Vania barely knew what had happened; a moment later, everything was in motion.
Spinning, whirling motion.
The battled raged on, and she heard distant snippets of Cole’s fight against her father:
“You turned my people against me, turned my own daughter against me!”
“Oh, that! Yeah, kinda brought that on yourself.”
There was a horrible thud , shaking the buildings nearby, and Vania jumped into action to spur Chompy forward. They swooped in, just as she heard her father’s last horrible taunt.
“The Crystal King wanted you for himself. Lucky for me, he isn’t here to see this.”
Panic flooded her vision. In retrospect, Vania didn’t know what she’d done, but her father was lying prone on the ground and Cole had gone to rendezvous with his team…
Only the last stand remained.
Just before the end of it all, Cole had swept down on his dragon wings (she didn’t know where they’d come from) and given her a tight, warm hug that she wished had been just a little bit longer.
It was momentary, before he swept away on his dragon wings once again, and left her to deal with the army. He headed for the Crystal King, the Overlord– it was the greatest battle of their lifetimes– the Ninja prepared to strike down their hated foe–
–and they won!
Vania recalled again, how they had celebrated the defeat of the Crystal King. How everyone had come together to rebuild the city and the Monastery of Spinjitzu. How Cole had told her all about his adventure, from saving Nya’s life to his brief stint in prison to the battle they had just fought.
She remembered how it felt to press a kiss to his cheek before she left, hoping that he would accept it.
She knew with certainty that his bewildered smile was enough to sustain her heart. No matter the distance between them, no matter how long they were apart. 
She was wrong.
When Vania returned home with her victorious army, with gifts from the people of Ninjago City, something was wrong in a small, subtle way. 
An odd trinket appeared here or there that didn’t belong. 
There were some strange weather patterns and odd lights in the sky.
Vania swore she’d seen magenta light in the corner of her room… surely it was just more of those tiny crystals even her best laundresses couldn’t get out of the fibers of her battle dress. She’d shed them for weeks after the battle.
Then it got worse. 
Shintaro had always had earthquakes. They were a consequence of the extensive cave system, plus the instability of recent years. Plus, the city was built near one of the largest faultlines in Ninjago! Minor quakes were common, and their only real consequences were the rockslides which blocked some of the mountain passes. This was normal. Expected, even.
They ignored the little earthquakes which shook Shintaro until three struck within the same week, each of them strong enough to topple already unstable buildings.
Unfamiliar storms raged. 
Rain poured and then suddenly stopped. 
Crops failed. 
Everything became unstable.
The Merge came, and none of it mattered much anymore. A great tear formed in the sky, magenta and shining brighter than the sun over the city of Shintaro. The Mergequakes began, and Vania watched as her people struggled to find safety as their mountain home seemed to fuse into something else– somewhere else–  anything but their old, familiar landscape.
The Merged Lands formed, with Shintaro suddenly bordered by a strange, wild land that had a large floating island hovering above it. The whole place was teeming with blue light and filled with strange, bipedal animals! Lions, birds, reptiles, and more…
Helpless to stop the chaos, Queen Vania directed her people, desperate to protect them. She ordered her soldiers to help evacuate the citizens, and the people did their best to prevent their city from crumbling to the very foundations. The Munce and Geckles surfaced to help, with their superior knowledge of stonecraft contributing greatly to the effort.
The aftershocks died away after a time, eternity yet only a moment.
Slowly, so slowly, everything started coming back together.
Eventually, a tense peace came back.
Queen Vania sighed heavily, leaning back in her throne. Holding court had been a low priority for so long that now there were more petitions and emergencies than ever before. She’d never been so sleepless before. 
She took a moment to summon the energy to deal with at least one more matter. “Hailmar, is there anyone left to meet with?”
The Captain of the Royal Guard shook his head. “No, your Highness. Just a report from the scouts.”
“Oh, thank the Master!” She closed her eyes, slumping tiredly against one of the armrests on her tall white throne. “What do they have to say?”
Hailmar cleared his throat, rustling through papers until he found the right one. “Mugwort says that they have come to the end of the changed landscape to the north. However, they’ve noticed very few Shintaran Ridgebacks, and several empty nests.”
Vania hummed, unable to stir up more energy. “More?”
“Yes, ma’am. This makes seven empty nests between all the scouting parties.”
“It’s not mating season. Why are they gone so early?”
“I’m afraid we don’t know. However, Steele said he noticed signs of some kind of struggle, and scorch marks on the walls of the cave where they found one of the nests. They seem to be from the strange drones we noticed the other week. He suggested that perhaps the dragons are not leaving willingly, but are being… dragon-napped, as it were.”
Vania opened her eyes, frowning deeply. She looked over at Hailmar, noting his grave expression. “What about our letter to the Ninja? Have they responded yet?”
He shook his head. “No, ma’am. No response of any kind to any of the letters we’ve sent. There’s been no sightings of them anywhere.”
Vania watched him for a moment, then sighed. “...I see. What else did Mugwort say?”
“Nothing else of importance. Just samples and reports about the strange plants and animals they’ve seen. I have forwarded those reports to the royal botanists, zoologists, and geologists for continued study.”
“Very good.” She nodded. “If that’s all, then… I think I’ll retire to my rooms.”
“As you wish.” Hailmar offered her a smile. “Would you care for an escort?”
“Thank you, but no. I want to be alone.” She smiled in return, but she knew it was unconvincing. “Let’s talk about this more over supper.”
With those parting remarks, she rose from her throne. The golden wings mounted on her back lifted her up, and she descended the stairs, coming to rest on the ground at the base of the dais. She walked out of the throne room, a small contingent of guards following her, and wearily made her way to her rooms.
When she was finally alone (as alone as a queen could be, considering how strange their world had become), she fell forward onto her bed with a heavy sigh.
No answer.
With a heavy heart, she strained her arms behind her to unclip her wing harness, unwilling to get up. Once they were off and pushed to the foot of her bed, she reached under her pillows to pull out a framed picture. It was one of herself and Cole, long before any of her current worries had existed.
Just looking at it made her frown, exhausted tears coming to her eyes, heart aching. 
“There’s been no sightings of them anywhere.”
Where are you?
There were no answers. What had happened to the Ninja in the Merge? Even now, she was only hearing the most vague rumors about the Green Ninja re-appearing, or perhaps just some impostor, running around with a baby dragon and children dressed in orange and pink. It was so hard to get news from Ninjago City, and now that they’d renamed themselves The Crossroads, it was even more confusing.
It didn’t matter. They weren’t her Cole.
She let herself rest face-down on the bed, weak tears running down her cheeks, dripping off the tip of her nose to wet the duvet. 
She couldn’t make herself believe he was dead. If he were dead, there would be proof of it! 
She laid there wondering, thinking of when she’d last seen him: banged-up, victorious, slowly relaxing after the last threat to the balance was eradicated. Smiling, working hard, celebrating with his family in a way she just couldn’t interrupt.
She'd made a promise to herself then:
Next time. Next time, I'll tell him how I feel. I can't spoil this moment. 
Now there might never be a next time. Cole might never be coming back to her, or to anyone .
Nothing was okay anymore.
Framed photo in hand, Vania cried herself to sleep.
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crippling-pages · 5 months
Cole and Vania when they realize they love each other (based off that one audio I found)
Vania: he’s so cute, and sweet, and caring, and kind, and so ADORABLE!!!! 🥰 yk I think I have the BIGGEST crush on him!!! ❤️
Cole: Wait…. What’s this… is this… why am I feeling like this??? F-for her??? Wait… no it can’t be.. AWW FSM DARN IT AHHHHHHHHHH I HATE FEELINGS SOMEONE HELPPPL WHAT DO I DO ABHHH
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ninjago-shipping · 1 year
VanillaCake = Vania x Cole
Cole is known for liking cake, and some would say that vanilla sounds like “Vania”. Another reason is that Vania gives vanilla cake vibes.
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nocturnal-nexu · 6 months
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"I just wanted some water."
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(This happened at, like, 3 am. by the way)
I promised you some VanillaCake shipping @the-ninjago-historian!
And here it is! I finally finished it!
I'm really happy with how the rendering turned out!
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Hey, I mean, they baked it! They can do with it what they wish. :D
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guplia · 3 days
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Hello anon! Thanks for the ask(s)!
Hmmm tbh I'm not very keen on shipping and as of rn I like a total of three Ninjago ships: Kai x Skylor, P.I.X.A.L. x Zane and Vanillacake shipping (Cole x Vania!) Honestly I don't have a favourite.
My favourite duo, however, is definitely Kai And Lloyd! (NO NOT GREENFLAME EWW) I love their dynamic through the seasons! How they hate each other when they first meet, but end up becoming brothers. And in season 5 when Kai promises to take care of Lloyd? That's one of my favourite scenes in the entire series!
Idk if it's true or not but I've heard that Ninjago's producer wrote a non-canon story in which Lloyd says something like this about Kai: "He was my father and my brother when I needed one." I can't confirm if he actually said that but nevertheless it's pretty sweet! <3
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afoxintheuniverse · 3 years
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Ayyyyyyyy have some Ninjago drawings that have been WASTING away in my sketchbook (cause I haven’t finished it yet and I’m too lazy to Finnish editing the sketchbook vid I already started...) Also even though the shadow kinda covers it up, I draw jay with heterocromia because....  I can.  
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senseiwu · 3 years
The ninja take Vania for a ride on the Bounty and she is SO EXCITED SHE IS FREAKING RIDING THE DESTINY'S BOUNTY, THE NINJAS' FLYING SHIP
Halmar and the other guards are flying along after or below them; they don't want to get in the way of her fun (even though she wouldn't see it that way if they were on board too) but they do want to make sure that she and the others don't get attacked by the bats again
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penofwildfire · 4 years
Theory: In order to be a “canon Ninjago love interest”, a girl needs to have two things: a ponytail, and a matching/complimenting colour scheme to the boy. Seriously, think about it. Pre-season 8, Nya and Jay’s relationship was on-and-off and all-around complicated, but once they were finally allowed to just BE A COUPLE instead of all the will they/won’t they nonsense, Nya got herself a ponytail and a silver/blue colour scheme. Skylor has, you guessed it, a ponytail and an orange/red colour scheme, and is technically Kai’s love interest (although I DO NOT ship them at all. Forget Jaya hate, let’s get some Kailor hate!). Pixal has a freaking PONYTAIL and though her colour scheme is a little hard to pin down, she tends to stick to some combination of purple (or blue), red, and white, which I think matches Zane’s white, blue and silver pretty well (sue me I’m not an art student). 
Now, all of this seems like speculation, but what I really think solidifies this theory is Harumi. While pretending to be Lloyd’s love interest, she wears green and has her hair up in a ponytail or a chopstick bun. Then, once revealed as the Quiet One, SHE LETS HER HAIR DOWN AND STARTS WEARING BLACK. Seriously, whether intentional or not, there’s definitely a trend here. 
Now, based on this, Akita and Vania are NOT canon love interests (neither has a ponytail OR a matching colour scheme). Not saying you can’t ship Holly or VanillaCake, that’s all well and good, just saying they ain’t canon.
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trashnotfound · 3 months
They were real to me 💛🖤
Tags 🏷️
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notgonnaedit · 4 days
Since everyone liked my post about the Ninja kids, allow me to delve further
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Lily, Princess of Shintaro and Master of Earth.
While she loves both her parents, she's very close to her dad, even before she inherited his powers.
She's the perfect blend of both her parents in looks and personality. She's stronger than most kids her age, stubborn, loves to dance, likes sweets (cookies), fair, curious, and adventurous.
Her symbol is a mino (rhinoceros)
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Soliel, Master of Amber, is her mother's daughter. She takes after Skylor more than she does Kai, having little more than his eyes.
She is calm, regal, stealthy, effortless, but she also has a temper and is an older sibling
Her symbol is a viper
Colt, Master of Fire, is all Kai with barely any Skylor except for his eyes. His hair comes from his grandmother though
He is cocky, has crazy hair (mullet), has a temper, a strong sense of justice.
His symbol is a stallion
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Ben Walker-Smith, the Master of Water, and his twin sister Harper Walker-Smith, Master of Lighting, are a mix of their parents. They have their father's hair, but have both their parents eyes. Their skin is a blend and they both have freckles. Harper's are darker and Ben's are lighter.
Ben is more calm than his sister. He's also a bit shy.
Harper is super energetic and when she loses her temper, she's known to go on rants
Both twins are proficient in mechanics and engineering
Ben's symbol is an otter. Harper's symbol is a spider monkey
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Ezra Borg, Master of Ice, is basically his father with black hair and marks like his mother.
He's logical and calm, but he does have a sarcastic streak. He has an affinity for nature, specifically birds
His symbol is an arctic owl
Julia Borg is an absolute menace. She has purple marks that are similar to Pixal's, but they follow a pattern that's more similar to Zane's. She's an excellent inventor, and she can be a bit quirky sometimes. She loves to prank people and gets tips from her uncle.
She doesn't have an Elemental Power, but her symbol is a fox
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the-ninjago-historian · 9 months
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I did it! My first Cole x Vania drawing! (Please ignore the horrible anatomy and proportions. I'm terrible at it.😅) I also had pretty much no reference for Vania's outfit, soooooooo yeah. Lol. Enjoy her new jump suit I guess?
I've been wanting to draw these two for a while. I have a BIG story planned for them.👀 Lots of classic story book vibes, evil sorcerers, all the good stuff! It's called How the Earth Fell in Love With the Sky. I hope to share it soon! Feel free to ask questions about it! I love to get those kinds of asks. :) - ✒️🐉
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only-lonely-stars · 1 month
The Heart of the Mountain
Oneshot – (FFN) (AO3)
After the Tournament of the Sources, Cole goes underground in Shintaro in search of answers. Queen Vania, who hasn't seen him since before the Merge, follows him.
Sort of a sequel to Where Are You?. MAJOR SPOILERS for Dragons Rising Season 2 Part 2! You have been warned.
Vania wasn’t there when Cole arrived, but she heard about it from her staff. It was the Master of Earth’s first visit to Shintaro since the Merge. She hadn’t heard from him, hadn’t seen more than a few news clips… and he was there.
He’d ignored her, not even bothering to say hello before descending into the mountain. It was his right to go down there, but being snubbed hurt. He did what he wanted, no matter how it impacted anyone else, because usually it only helped people!
Vania was the Queen of Shintaro. If there was anyone who could do as they liked, it was her.
Two can play at this game, Cole.
So Vania canceled every duty she had for the day. She dressed in her favorite adventuring outfit, freshly plaited her hair into a crown braid, and touched up her makeup. Then she followed him into the darkness and depths, bearing a lantern and striding with confidence.
She found him standing in the Heart of the Mountain. 
He was staring up at the statue of Lily, everything illuminated in orange. It almost looked like a trance, the way he stood so still, the way the whole room was built to frame him.
For a moment, she didn’t recognize him at all. 
The ninja before her straightened up, then turned to look at her in surprise. His black hair was longer than she remembered, his eyes a little more tired. “Vania?”
Vania frowned, trying to understand what she saw. Cole was wearing something new: white, orange and steel gray. It was a complicated suit, not unlike a set of armor, and entirely different from a ninja gi.
She preferred his usual black, but it was still quite handsome on him. He was always handsome. 
“You… didn’t come say hello. I thought I would come down and find you.”
In case you didn’t come find me before you left.
Because I missed you.
Why didn’t you bother to find me?
“Oh…” Cole looked away, having the decency to be ashamed. “I”m sorry, Vania. Hailmar said you were busy. I didn’t want to interrupt anything.”
“You know you’re never an interruption.” Vania approached him, but it felt like entering a home uninvited. “I just… haven’t seen you in so long. I heard about your surviving the Merge, and you never responded to any of my letters, and… then you disappeared again. I thought you were avoiding me.”
“Avoiding you? No!” Cole stammered, finally coming to her and grasping one of her hands. The contact was welcome, and she had to smile, looking up into his eyes as he seemed to come back to himself. “I’m sorry, Vania, really. I just have a lot on my mind.”
She laughed softly. “When do you not? Every time I hear from you, you tell me about yet another catastrophe.”
“Ha, well, you know how it is being a ninja. Never enough time or people to help with all the things going wrong in the world.” Cole reached up and ruffled his hair, but he didn’t let go of her hand. With ruffled hair, he looked a little bit more like she remembered– boyish, carefree, adventurous. “And this time is unfortunately no different.”
“So I’ve heard.” She mustered her best attitude for him, pushing away her frustrations. “Why are you down here? And… what’s going on with the new outfit?”
“Oh, this?” Cole looked down, letting go of her hand so he could mess with it. He tugged at the material, as if to change the fit, but eventually gave up with a sigh. “It’s a long story. Maybe this isn’t the place for it… or maybe it is. I don’t know.”
“That… means nothing. You know that, right?”
“I know, I know.” Cole laughed, then stomped his right foot. The earth rumbled in response, producing a bench made of rock that faced the statue of Lily. It was a detailed structure, with indentations that almost looked hand-carved, despite Vania seeing it grow before her very eyes. 
Cole led her to sit on it next to her. It was wide enough for two with just a little space between them. Nothing more than a hand’s width.
It was more distance from him than Vania wanted, even now, and she felt brave. She shifted to the side, so that they were touching at the hip. Cole looked surprised, but when she smiled, he rested his arm on the back of the bench behind her.
Why wait so long, Cole? Didn’t you know I was waiting for you? 
After a moment’s pause, in which Cole did nothing, Vania knew she was being too hopeful. She looked down at her hands. “So. What’s kept you away? I heard there was some conflict with Imperium.”
“Yeah, although that’s kind of old news now. Do you want me to start at the beginning?”
Vania inspected her hands. “...Why don’t you summarize, and then tell me about what happened most recently?”
“I can do that.”
Vania leaned back against Cole’s arm, part of her attention fixated on just how strong she knew he was, and Cole didn’t seem to mind. When she finally looked back at him, attentive to his story, she saw the glint in his eye.
Excitement, adventure, and danger. All the things she loved in his stories! She couldn’t keep back a smile. “Come on, tell me!”
“I was just trying to figure out where to start!” Cole laughed, and with it, Vania’s spirits lifted. “Okay. It all began at the Merge.”
Vania accepted Cole’s cell phone, considering the photo it showed her. “So this one is where I start?”
“Yeah, exactly. That’s the Land of Lost Things.” She swiped through it, seeing the mountains of trash and miscellaneous objects, until pausing at a statue. “That’s… one of Geo’s statues?”
“Yeah! The guy’s a whiz at them.” Cole swiped through a few for her, past other statues, until he stopped. “That’s him, and Bonzle too.”
Vania peered at the screen. He looked just as Cole had described him: a purple Munce who was almost obsessed with color and found object art, grinning and showing off his sharp teeth. Bonzle, the spell-turned-skeleton, was looking at the camera with a slightly bored smile. “They look nice! You should bring them to Shintaro sometime.”
“I dunno… Geo’s been burned before. He got stuck there because nobody missed him, since he was off-color.”
“No, you should bring him.” Vania gave Cole a smile, searching his orange-flecked eyes. “We’ve been making real progress since you left! There are some Geckles and Munce who are practically family now. Geo deserves to be around that, to have a part in it.”
Cole laughed, and she suppressed a happy shiver as he toyed with one of her loose strands of hair. “Sure, Vania. I’ll tell him next time we run into each other.”
“Good. I’d love to meet any of your friends.”
“And I’d love for them all to meet you.”
The way he said it made her feel like there were butterflies in her stomach.
You talk to me like that, but you don’t make a move. Stop playing with my heart like this!
Vania felt her cheeks heating up, so she looked back down at the phone. She swiped through a few pictures of two little boys playing– they had to be Fritz and Spitz. “You said you also had some pictures of the City of Temples, right?”
“Oh, yeah! Sorry, I got distracted.” Cole took the phone back and swiped through it, past pictures of the Ninja and their students, past sweeping landscapes and blue pies. He stopped at a cityscape, clad in gold and ringed by mountains. “It really reminded me of Shintaro.”
“Oh, wow! It’s so similar!” Vania looked with delight as he moved through them. “The stonework is just incredible.”
“I know! I wish I’d gotten the chance to explore more.” Cole stopped at a picture of the arena. “Here’s where we fought. I wish I could say I did well, but… hey. Sora won, and we’re all really proud of her!”
“Of course.” Vania rested her head against his shoulder. “Did you get very far?”
“Uh… no, actually. I kind of got curb stomped.”
She laughed. “You? Curb stomped? It must have been a mighty opponent.”
“Would you believe me if I said it was a Serpentine kid?”
“Maybe.” She giggled. “At least you got to watch the rest of those fights. They must have been really impressive.”
“Oh yeah! Especially Lloyd’s fights. He did a great job!” Cole laughed. “And then… well, I missed a few. And that’s actually why I’m here.”
She looked up at him, curious by how his voice had shifted from lighthearted reminiscence into something somber. His expression was as serious as she’d ever seen him. He was looking at the statue again… studying it.
She prompted, “Cole?”
He frowned. “I don’t know, Vania. It was just… weird.”
“What was weird? I don’t understand.”
Cole sighed, and she watched as he seemed to almost physically shrink. She’d long outgrown her childish fantasies about him and his mountainous strength, but moments like these are even more of a reminder that Cole wasn’t just some incredible, legendary figure.
He was just a man.
I like him better this way.
“When I was in the City of Temples, I found a mech. It was attuned to my element. After I’d lost my element to the tournament, I needed a vehicle, and I went back to it.” He drew away, hugging himself with both arms. “It was my mother’s, and there was a mech suit in it that fit me. This suit.”
Vania blinked in surprise. “Is that why you’re wearing this?”
“Ha, yeah. I know, it’s not my usual style.”
“It’s not bad,” she assured, inspecting it more closely. The similarities to armor made sense now, the steel and segmentation. The color scheme also made sense, considering what records of Lily they still had in Shintaro. She’d always loved the color white. “How come there was a suit that fit you?”
“I don’t know.” Cole sighed, his vice-like grip on himself loosening. “It was the perfect size. Maybe it wasn’t my mom’s, maybe it was my grandfather’s. Or maybe my great-grandparent’s? Or even older? I have no idea, and there wasn’t anything inside it to say whose it was originally.” He shook his head. “That’s the thing. It was charged with Earth energy, and I was able to harness it even though my element had been taken by the dragon ivory. I don’t know why!”
Vania’s heart softened. She reached out and laid her hands on Cole’s, watching as he looked over. His eyes expressed pain.
No wonder why he didn’t come find me. He needed answers.
She reached up and touched his face, brushing aside a strand of hair, and said, “I can only imagine how confusing that is.”
Cole smiled, so she continued. “Who knows why it was there? Maybe they somehow knew you would need it.”
“Even if it was generations ago? I find that hard to believe,” he confessed with a laugh. “The element of Earth has never come with visions of the future, just… back aches and dirt under our fingernails.”
“Do you need knowledge of the future to know your heirs might need something?” Vania posed her challenge as more of a question, but they both knew she was pushing him. “Cole, I know my heirs will need things. Laws, instructions, records of what I did and why. Your ancestors probably did similar things. You will probably do similar things. The mech was obviously left for you.”
He glanced away. “Maybe…”
“No, there’s no ‘maybe’ about it. I know it’s true.”
Another laugh burst from him, unbidden. “Okay. Sure. You’re right. But that’s not the only thing bothering me.”
Before she could ask, Cole got up from the bench and began to pace. “Here’s what I don’t get. I found a mech that’s just right for the job. Then I had a dream that showed exactly where I would need to go, and the mech got me there. Then, once I actually arrived, the ghost of Master Wu showed up and spoke to me!” 
He was all but tearing his hair out when he looked at her again. “Vania, I don’t understand! He said he caused the Merge. Wu would never do that intentionally. I know he would never want that! I practically raised him– I know it’s backwards, but it’s true, and I know that’s not like him!” 
He stood still, breathing heavily from his rant. 
Vania watched him. Pacing and barely rational. This was the man she had missed for so long, the one she’d longed for all these long months they’d been apart.
She felt the impulse to get up and go to him, so she followed it. She hugged him, burying herself in his arms and his armor. Cole held her, tense yet relaxing slowly at her touch.
Vania took a deep breath, smelling earth and tea and machine oil. “I don’t know either, but we can find out together. You don’t have to figure it out alone, Cole.”
He wilted. “I know. I’ve got my team. But–”
“No. Not just them.” Vania looked up at him, holding his gaze, daring him to look away from her. “You have me.”
“But you’re all the way in Shintaro,” he protested.
“So send me a letter! Call me! We have phones, you know.” She pulled him down to rest his head against hers, daring him to pull away. “Cole Brookstone, if you ask me to come to you, I will come. It doesn’t matter when or where or how. You are not alone.”
He held still, and for a moment, she felt like she’d pushed too far. Had she done something she couldn’t undo? Had she thrown herself at him, more than she had the day they’d met, and he’d disliked it? Had time dampened their connection, their friendship, until every spark of more had been stamped out?
Cole sighed, closing his eyes. “Okay. I’ll… I’ll stay in touch better, Vania. I’ll tell you when I figure out any more of this, or find any more clues.”
Vania closed her eyes to match him. She could feel her fears slowly washing away and being replaced by peace.
“Don’t leave for so long next time, please?”
“Okay. I won’t.”
“That includes if you get… stuck somewhere, or are about to have a big battle, or whatever else is waiting for you. I worry about you when you’re gone.”
“I’m sorry.” She opened her eyes to see him pulling back, and for the first time in their conversation, he looked truly apologetic. “Really, I am.”
“I know.” She smiled again, reaching up to caress his face. Even now, delight coursed through her when he leaned into her touch. “I’m not holding anything against you, Cole. You should know that… I never will.”
“Even if I disappear again?”
Vania laughed. 
This man. This sweet, stupid man. 
“I will search all the Merged Realms if I have to, but you are not disappearing on me again. Ever.”
Finally, the smile on Cole’s face seemed to last. He reached up and toyed with her hair, his hands exceedingly gentle. “As you wish, your Highness.”
His shoulders were not so tense now, his voice softened by affection, and Vania knew that he had gotten what he came for.
The Heart of the Mountain slowly dimmed, coming back to its dormant state, until the darkness was close at hand and broken only by her lantern’s weak glow. The lantern light played across the walls, across Cole’s face, across both of their hearts.
Please… stay with me this time.
She knew he wouldn’t, and yet prayed for it anyway.
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crippling-pages · 5 months
me: *sees people uses what Cole said to Lloyd in the beginning of motm as ‘proof’ that he doesnt like Vania*
me, interally listing off some things: in denial, slow burn, feelings not known yet, “she’s just a friend,” the fact that HE LITERALLY JUST MET HER AND NOT EVERYTHING IS LOVE AT FIRST SITE SOMETIMES THEY GO THROUGH THINGS TOGETHER BEFORE FALLING IN LOVE-
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