transmorphobots · 1 year
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I planned for him to be a sniper but unfortunately I did his stats wrong and he can't hit anything. The party's failwife boyloser
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#ColdCock #HearbleWhisky
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yashley · 7 months
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It’s about this time, another voice pushes into your head, like a bat out of hell. 
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tenthhex · 5 months
I did the most INTJ thing the other day and I started telling a fellow kinkster about it. He doesnt know much about MBTI so I started off by telling him that the Intj stereotype is Batman. Well. That conversation derailed right into "Alfred forcemascing Bruce as a young adult and erasing all evidence of his wrong gender". I don't read fanfiction, but someone please write this. I'll read it. Idgaf if it's "bad". Feed this gremlin.
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aevarswall · 3 months
Surely after this good work I'll be holy enough to approach God without shame!
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grin-unsettling · 2 days
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Today's LGBT+ Headcanon is;
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Maximillion 'Max' Galactica from Ace Attorney-Trans Nonbinary (He/They)
Species: Human
Status: Alive
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it really doesn’t seem like Page One is having a very good week.
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zodiac-wars · 10 months
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Absolutely nothing in this entire season so far rocked my shit like this scene. Maybe nothing in D20. Absolutely coldcocked.
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Alan Davis' run on Excalibur is iconic... and with him leaving the book, it takes such a sudden drop in quality that it feels like getting coldcocked out of nowhere.
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transmorphobots · 1 year
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Dreadshadow's Raiders! Pinch (it/its), Coldcock (he/him), and Upend (she/her). They're a trio that handle most of the Dreadship's supply runs. Each of them has a minicon partner. Upend and Pinch knew each other for a while. Coldcock is a defector from the Runaway Fleet and he's known by the current party as their failwife (affectionate). They're a pretty powerful trio and they're always willing to do the dirty work.
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beardedmrbean · 9 months
Ravioli/raviolo anon here. It occurred to me that I never followed up on my story of how I escaped my roommate's various attempts on my life and I managed to dodge them all like some drunken Mr. Bean. (Is that what I said? I hardly remember, lol. For the record, I don't really drink so much anymore. After I walked home from a birthday celebration a few years back (it wasn't a rager or anything, the bar was just across the road and my birthday is in February so we didn't want to go far) and coldcocked my dome running at top speed into a fence (I was trying to make it into the exit gate before it closed, didn't realize there was a post that came out horizontally across because I don't see very well on account of the fact that I wear colored lenses), I cracked my skull and you can still see where I hit the fence (on my head, I mean, it was a wrought iron fence so I assume I didn't damage it but I never checked), so that's when I realized it was time to slow down).
So it WAS a true story, (I don't really watch television or read much though so if it does resemble a piece of media, I wouldn't know it, lol). Anyway, since I tend to ramble, I will make an effort to keep this in the realm of "less than a novel" but I can't exactly make any promises. I don't know how to add a "read more" or anything fancy like that so in the interest of shortening it I won't be offended if you screenshot only the important parts or even just don't answer it, lol.
There's a little bit of backstory about how I ended up living with the roommate and why he wanted to kill me, long story short he was in the hole about $1600 with me because he bought a motorcycle from me but was "still making payments" on it. He suggested I come room with him in this cheap apartment while we both drove for UPS for peak season. He got fired day two on the job, and so after that he planned to rob me as soon as I finished the season. (In addition to never paying for the bike). I'm a simple guy, though, so I really only had my truck (worthless) and a mattress, and I was just working for the love of the sport so I sent all my checks to my mother and had her send me back a hundred a week. So he can't rob me, so he decides at this point he's mad enough to kill me, and thinks himself pretty clever and that he can do it without getting caught.
About a week into this nonsense, he tells me he's got a job interview in NYC or something, he's gonna be gone tonight, whatever. I'm like, fine, no big deal, hope you get the job, buddy, I'm pretty terrible at this whole UPS thing so I'll be back at midnight or something when I'm done my route. I get home, and I'm about to go to bed, and that's when I decided at about 1AM I sincerely want a grilled cheese sandwich. So I got up, drove across town, and went over to a buddy's house for grilled cheese at 1AM. Come to find out we had a gas leak all night and my roommate is just VERY SHOCKED that we BOTH happened to be out, what are the odds. I'm all "hey, man, God is good, I'll drink to that, get me another beer".
Not long after that, I finish my route at who friggin' knows how late, I'm the last guy in the lot, even the security guards have gone home, and my truck (which cannot be locked, I don't have a key for the door so I leave it unlocked) is, what the heck, locked. I have no way of calling my roommate (same reason why I drove across town to find my buddy instead of just calling and asking: I didn't have a phone at the time), and it's looking like I might just freeze to death out here because it's -3F and it's after midnight in New England, so there's nobody out and about. Well, nobody, except this old Russian guy who sees me standing next to my truck, asks if I need help, and when I tell him I'm locked out, he tells me he's been in prison a few times for carjacking and will get me into my truck in no time. Which he does. So I bring him home with me and we have a beer (he had a few more than me, I had to work in the morning. You know how it is.) (And for the record I have never driven under the influence. I didn't go to college, my CDL is all I have. I don't dick around with that.)
So at this point, my roommate is pretty pissed. I'm either too hammered or too tired to notice. UPS is really kicking my ass. It's finally Christmas time, time to celebrate the end of peak season with a trip to the bar, oorah. He gives me a bottle of Poland Springs and says to drink the whole thing, it's water and we're gonna be drinking hard tonight, gotta hydrate or die-drate, bitch. I knock it back and wouldn't you know it, that son of a bitch didn't give me water, this is straight Everclear. I get to the bar and I'm already sick, I go straight to the toilet and barf all over the place. Somewhere along the line I went up to the bar and started dozing off, at which point they kicked me out, so roommate says "don't worry, I'm gonna take him home". Not sure what the plan from there was, tbqh. I DO know that I realized about halfway out of the city that we weren't headed back to our apartment, and that we were headed towards either Connecticut or NYC, and I told him I wanted to go back home because I did NOT want to go to NYC because if we were going to NYC, that meant we were probably going to watch Eric Andre with his boring cousin in Queens and I was really not in the mood. I'm pretty sure he planned on dumping me somewhere on the highway where I'd freeze to death, and I was slipping back and forth out of consciousness, but I was SO consumed by how badly I did NOT want to go to Queens and watch Eric Andre, I called the cops and told them I was being kidnapped to watch Eric Andre. They were more concerned about the kidnapping part for some reason, (criminal restraint, I think is actually what they called it), caught up to roommate and I halfway out of Clifton Park (we'd apparently been doing 110MPH on the freeway and he was swerving all over the place) and he got arrested.
The next morning the cops told me I should press charges, but that meant staying in the state (because I'd have to be there when it went to trial) and I had other plans. So, I let karma do its work on the roommate (no idea where he is now or what's become of him, but I do know he lost his license and later blew every cent he had on some raffle scam for a Toyota out in California), packed up my stuff, and moseyed on.
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I'm marathoning The Twilight Zone with a friend online today (watching the same eps on the same service) this was wilder than any episode I've seen ever.
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happyk44 · 8 months
The most ideal age rate for Grover (for my personal amusement anyway) is him aging at a third - which would make him look about 13 when Percy is 16, and 16 when Percy is 24. Add in my "their bromance is physically affectionate" headcanon and shenanigans ensue 🙌
Lol, Grover looking 18 at 46 calling a 30 year old man his best friend in public, as said 30 year old holds his hand and leans into his side and snuggles him from behind and calls him babe (platonically). Percy going from best friend, to babysitter, to possible older brother, to potentially the father? (or maybe he's just a creep, get 911 ready)
Grover getting an extra few years of the kids menu and discounted movie prices and free/cheaper bus rides, and being so miffed when he has to start paying full price for things. Percy teasing him because by the time he qualifies for senior citizen discounts he's still gonna look way too young for it.
("you should've milked the cheap prices while you had them, G-man" "shut up Percy, or I'm gonna get you arrested for being a pervert" "well now I'm gonna cuddle you even harder" "okay, but if that lady staring at us coldcocks you, I'm not explaining shit")
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beebopurr · 6 months
Sgshesgs I'm so sorry but that pic with suiko Leo next to Draxum
In the midst of admiring the latest in cool outfits of turtle raised by Draxum and how the pattern and silhouette looks like a cobra hood and snake belly pattern the colors coldcocked me with
Monster High Cleo De Nile
Suiko vs. Cleo De Nile when
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S03E05- Hot Off the Press
Jeeves’s attitude over Bertie wanting to impress Florence is the bitchiest he’s been in a WHILE.
How am I even supposed to take this other than Jeeves being wildly jealous
What’s the heterosexual explanation
Like, it’s never even explained here WHY he disapproves of Florence, but Bertie takes it as a given that he’ll react poorly, and he’s right
Stephen Fry’s bitchface is carrying this episode
This is interesting. They’re doing an adaptation of not just an early short story, but the VERY first one chronologically, and relocating it to a point where J&W have already had several novels’ worth of character and relationship development. So Bertie is at the point where he more or less completely trusts Jeeves and goes along with his schemes expecting them to yield the result he wants, but in this episode Jeeves is working AGAINST what Bertie thinks he wants. You didn’t typically see that in the later novels, usually they’re pretty closely in cahoots. So now rather than being an establishing character moment, it’s become the opposite. This sort of thing is no longer in character for Jeeves, and therefore conveys a real sense of desperation from him not to let Bertie marry Florence
The fascinating choice to have Bertie deliver the “fate worse than death, viz. marriage” line WHILE he’s engaged, supposedly willingly, to Florence
I understand the practicality of reshuffling the family relationships and condensing similar characters into one (Wodehouse characters do tend to fall into a small number of archetypes within which characters are more or less interchangeable), but I still miss most of the plot of The Mating Season. And most of the cast of The Mating Season. :(
J&W banter about Gussie’s ankle work is iconic
Hey, at least they kept the absolute most important part of TMS, viz. Jeeves coldcocking a cop
Oh, I could write a lot more about how the restructuring of J&W’s conversation post-Florence-breakup changes what we’re being told subtextually about them and their relationship
Maybe I shall another day
But one part of it is that moving the “I think Lady Florence has overestimated the danger of people being offended” bit from the beginning to the end changes it from a disingenuous faux-innocent act on Jeeves’s part to Jeeves excitedly grabbing the opportunity to infodump about the psychology of the individual
I think this is very cute
Mixed feelings about these last couple episodes, lads (gn)
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anthurak · 2 years
Seriously, we’ve seen a LOT of dudes getting punched in Gundam...
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...but I’m fairly certain Chuchu is the first to just straight up coldcock some asshole with the first punch!
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