#cold laser device
americacryous · 7 months
Harnessing the Chill: America Cryo's Cooling Wraps for Humans Revolutionize Cold Compression Therapy
Explore the innovative approach of America Cryo in enhancing cold compression therapy with their cutting-edge Cooling Wraps for Humans. Learn how these revolutionary products are reshaping recovery and wellness strategies, providing practical solutions for athletes, patients, and individuals seeking optimal performance and comfort.
Introduction: The Evolution of Cold Compression Therapy
In the realm of wellness and recovery, the integration of cold compression therapy has long been hailed as a cornerstone for alleviating pain, reducing inflammation, and accelerating recovery. With advancements in technology and a growing emphasis on holistic approaches to health, America Cryo has emerged as a pioneering force in revolutionizing cold compression therapy. Central to their groundbreaking solutions are the Cooling Wraps for Humans, designed to optimize comfort and efficacy in therapeutic applications.
Understanding Cooling Wraps for Humans: The Core of America Cryo's Innovation
At the heart of America Cryo's offerings lies the Cooling Wraps for Humans – a fusion of cutting-edge design, premium materials, and advanced cooling technology. Unlike conventional ice packs or wraps, these innovative products are engineered to deliver targeted cold therapy while ensuring maximum comfort and flexibility for the user. Whether recovering from intense workouts, managing chronic pain, or seeking post-operative relief, individuals can now harness the power of cold compression therapy with unparalleled ease and effectiveness.
Benefits Beyond Conventional Solutions
The integration of Cooling Wraps for Humans into one's wellness regimen unlocks a myriad of benefits that transcend traditional cold compression therapy methods. Here's how America Cryo's offerings stand out:
Precision Targeting: With adjustable straps and customizable sizing options, Cooling Wraps for Humans provide precise, targeted compression to specific areas of the body, ensuring optimal therapeutic benefits.
Enhanced Comfort: Crafted from premium, breathable materials, these wraps prioritize comfort without compromising on cooling efficiency, allowing users to wear them for extended periods with ease.
Versatility: From sports injuries to post-operative care, Cooling Wraps for Humans cater to a diverse range of therapeutic needs, making them indispensable tools for athletes, patients, and wellness enthusiasts alike.
Durability and Reusability: Unlike disposable ice packs, America Cryo's wraps are designed for long-term use, offering durability and sustainability without sacrificing performance.
Unlocking the Potential of Cold Compression Therapy
Beyond the individual benefits of Cooling Wraps for Humans, America Cryo's mission extends to empowering users with comprehensive resources and insights into the principles of cold compression therapy. Through educational initiatives, workshops, and online resources, the company aims to demystify the science behind cold therapy, empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their wellness journey.
The Intersection of Innovation and Wellness
As AmericaCryo continues to push the boundaries of cold compression therapy, its commitment to innovation remains unwavering. By leveraging feedback from users, collaborating with healthcare professionals, and staying at the forefront of technological advancements, the company continually refines and evolves its product offerings to meet the changing needs of its diverse clientele.
Conclusion: Embracing the Chill with AmericaCryo
In a landscape where wellness and recovery are paramount, AmericaCryo's Cooling Wraps for Humans emerge as a beacon of innovation and efficacy in cold compression therapy. By marrying cutting-edge technology with a commitment to user-centric design, the company empowers individuals to take control of their health and well-being like never before. As we journey towards a future of enhanced recovery and optimal performance, AmericaCryo stands poised to lead the way, one cooling wrap at a time.
Unlock the Power of Cold Compression Therapy with America Cryo's Cooling Wraps for Humans – Experience Relief, Rejuvenation, and Recovery Today!
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laservetbcure · 1 year
Shoulder arthritis in dogs is a challenging condition, but with the right approach, it can be managed effectively. Early diagnosis, combined with a comprehensive treatment plan, can significantly improve a dog's quality of life. At-home laser therapy using the B-cure Laser Vet is a promising addition to the arsenal of treatments for shoulder arthritis, offering convenience, non-invasiveness, and minimal side effects. As a responsible pet owner, it's your duty to seek the best care for your furry friend, and by working closely with your veterinarian and incorporating innovative treatments like at-home laser therapy, you can help your dog live a happier and more comfortable life.
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b-curelaser · 1 year
Finger joint pain can be a debilitating condition that affects people of all ages. Whether it's due to arthritis, repetitive strain injuries, or other underlying causes, the discomfort and limited mobility can significantly impact one's quality of life. While treatments like professional cold laser therapy, such as the Laser Pro, offer effective relief, prevention is always better than cure. In this article, we'll explore lifestyle habits and early intervention strategies to help prevent finger joint pain and maintain optimal hand health.
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bcurelaservet · 2 years
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Learn more about GOOD ENERGIES USA INC. The company that develops, markets, and distributes B-Cure Laser (human and pet) products around the globe.
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Fall Drabbles, Day 2
prompt: "Are you cold"
pairing: Matt Murdock x fem!reader
summary: Matt waits patiently for you to admit he was right.
warnings: swearing, adorable fluff
a/n: I had so much fun writing this one. I hope y'all enjoy.
w/c: <1k
Bracing yourself for the bitter chill of the wind, you couldn't help the shudder that overtook you as the hair on your arms rose. You didn't need to glance at Matt to see his smirk, you could feel it--directed at you like a goddamn laser, searing the words 'I told you so' into the back of your head. 
“Don't even say it.” You grumbled, crossing your arms in a desperate attempt to retain the brief warmth the subway had provided. 
“Say what?” Matt asked innocently, mirth dancing across his face. With a huff you stalked ahead of him towards the stairs, leaving him to his own devices as you both exited the stop.
Tonight was date night, the first you'd had in nearly a month. The two of you had been swamped recently--Matt with work and deviling, you with travel and family drama. Tonight should have been a much appreciated reprieve from the mundanity of your day to day life, and it was, until the sun went down. 
Matt, in his all-knowing glory, had warned you that the gorgeous autumn day would give way to a crisp evening, encouraging you to wear a jacket to fight off the frigid air. Putting WAY too much faith in your midwestern heritage, you had simply laughed. “It's 65 out, Matty. Practically swimming weather.” 
Cursing your past self's lack of foresight, you shivered miserably against the blasting current of night air. You and your boyfriend had enjoyed a delicious dinner and were headed to a candlelit orchestra performance in the park.  Wearing nothing but a flattering, thin-sleeved, dress, you were quickly losing steam—but you would rather freeze than admit your mistake to your cocky partner. His ego didn't need the boost.
Catching up to you and taking your arm, Matt's fingers slid into the crook of your tense elbow. How was he so WARM? Sure, he HAD worn a jacket but it was disgusting out here! It couldn't have been over 35. Ugh, curse him and his tendency to run hot. It made the thought of cuddling up to him so tempting. His beautiful hands tracing soft patterns along your skin as you slowly thawed from his body heat...
No. Stay strong. You can do this. 
The two of you finally arrived at the venue for the performance--- unfortunately, the seats were not only outside but crafted with stainless steel. Their shining material sapping the remaining warmth from your skin mere seconds after sitting down. You set your jaw and tucked your body in as tight as you could without drawing the attention of your overly perceptive boyfriend. And it worked...for the first half of the performance. 
By the intermission, even the strength of your resolve couldn't keep your teeth from chattering violently. Matt looked at you, with more concern than you were expecting. “Sweetheart, if you need to leave—”
You shook your head defiantly. “I'm-m f-fine.” You stammered, tightening your jaw once more. 
Shaking his head at you, Matt huddled closer to you. ”You're clearly miserable, let's go home.“
Sighing in defeat, you dropped your trembling head against his shoulder, sinking into the cloud of heat around him. ”I'm c-cold, Matty.“
The shit-eating grin reappeared across his face. ”What was that? Are you cold?“
Elbowing his stomach, you glowered at the stage. ”Shut-t up.“ Moments after your reluctant admission, a heavenly warm garment was slipped over your shoulders. 
Exhaling with relief, you nestled into his side. “Thank you.”
“Of course, darling.”
“I'll wear a coat next time.”
Matt laughed at your empty promise, knowing damn well that he'd be giving you his jacket again and again this fall—and he wouldn't have it any other way.
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I dunno if you’ve already been asked this, but how advanced do you think Amphibia would become in ten years (aka during the time skip at the end of the show)? Just curious of what other fans think about it since i‘ve been slowly writing a fic of my own where the trio returns and things became a bit more advanced since they were gone.
Through a combination of uncovering the ancient tech within the old castle and Polly's robotics/engineering and her knowledge of tech from Earth (as much as she could remember, tho' both Anne's old phone and Frobo's memory helps her remember) it'd be a bit safe to say that the tech could be roughly at Earth's level but mostly in major cities. In the countryside towns like Wartwood, it's limited but still an upgrade from their rural medieval society before the war. Some electric lamp posts, communication devices (phones, etc), early automobiles/trains/planes, laser weaponry and armor for defense against the wildlife, heaters for the cold snaps, and more.
By the time the Trio return it's a whole new Amphibia and are amazed by how quickly they advanced in a short time (tho' they don't have cat memes yet so the Trio can't 100% impressed)
At least that's how I play it
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kyronymph · 2 years
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Konig x Fem!Reader
Category: Slowburn; Smut
Warnings: Violent imagery in beginning.
Tags: Size difference, Giant dick, Asking consent, Blowjob, Eating out, Missionary, Doggy, Gentle and Hard fucking, Praising, Aftercare. Codename: Raptor for y/n
Notes: My first ever fanfiction. Heavily inspired by my current playlist lol And of course my undying love for this giant hunk of a man. I'm open to criticism as this is my first time writing! It's slow at the beginning on purpose, but you can always skip to the end for the spicy stuff! Hope you guys enjoy <3
“HQ do you copy?” Konig radios in. “Copy. You’re clear to move forward. You have execute authority.” “Copy. Konig Out.” You watch as the giant switches from relaxed to laser focused. From your short time on the team, you’ve noticed his ability to adapt perfectly to any situation. He looks over at you and your teammates, confirming you all are ready to go. The five of you head towards the snow-covered forest clearing slowly, crouching to avoid detection. The mission is to gather intel on illegal weapons distribution by the United States Government. Konig signals you and your teammates to go into position. While they keep guard, you head into one of their tents and look for the laptop. You find it quickly and plug in the hardware to begin downloading the necessary files. All goes well until you hear Konig over the radio, “GET OUT OF THERE NOW RAPTOR!” You can hear the slightest hint of panic in his voice. You know you need to leave now, but the download is nearly finished. You take the chance and wait for the download to finish.
A gunshot rings out and you hear a thud nearby. The ice cold realization that a teammate has been downed hits you instantly. Gunfire is erupting all around as you watch the meter count down. “Come on, faster damn it!” you mumble angrily at the device. A shuffling sound comes from the tent entrance, startling you. One of the Americans found you and is pointing a pistol at you. You stay still, trying to think of a way out. If you grab for your gun, you’re a goner. You don’t know much English, just German and Russian, so talking your way out is out of the question. You put your hands up, thinking being captured is better than being killed here. Just as you raise your hands, the American falls to the ground as if his puppet strings were cut. Konig, with his silenced pistol pointing where the soldier’s head was, stands at the entrance of the tent. You mark the look of relief in his eyes as he sees you unharmed. “Let’s go, now” he says firmly. You nod, but turn to grab the device. Better some intel than none, especially with how badly the mission has gone so far. Heading out of the tent you see two of your teammates laying on the ground, blood pooling under their lifeless bodies. 
As you make your way out of the encampment, backup for the Americans shows up. “Fuck” Konig grunts. He instinctively puts you behind him. You’ve never been this close to him so you’ve never experienced this protectiveness. “When I say go, you run. Got it?” he says to you without turning. “I’m not leaving you Konig” you reply desperately. “I need you to get out of here, please.” His tone is soft, he sounds worried. You’re stunned and confused as this comes out of nowhere. “Please Raptor,” he begs. You nod. The Americans go to surround the three of you. “Go” he whispers. Without hesitation, you sprint for the nearest trees. At that moment, he begins spraying down Americans with your teammate. 
You nearly make it to the treeline when you feel something hit your shoulder. Your shoulder goes slack and a hot pain shoots through your body, but you keep running. One of the Americans must have gotten past Konig. You start to panic but will yourself to stay calm and think. Your knowledge and quick thinking is why you got on this team afterall. 
The snow shows your footprints, as well as the blood trickling from your shoulder. You spot a small stream, so you get up and start running for it. The American spots you and lets off another round. This one hits you in the thigh, causing you to fall hard into the icy ground. Panic sets in immediately, knowing you have no way out. The American comes up to you and laughs. He says something in a mocking tone, but you don’t know what it is. You’re laying on your back now and he stands above you. He takes his gloves off and cracks his knuckles on both hands. You brace yourself as he straddles you and begins punching you in the gut, then the face, the chest, gut again, face again, and so forth. The metallic taste in your mouth is strong. He could be doing worse things, you think to yourself.
As you lay there, being beaten, you nearly lose consciousness. After God knows how many minutes you hear a rage-filled scream. The American stops and turns to the sound, and you can see his face drop in pure fear. It’s Konig running full-speed at the American. The American tries to make a run for it but he’s too slow. Konig grabs him by the back of the neck and slams him on the ground. He then flips the soldier and begins beating his face. You can hear the crunch of bone each time his massive fists make contact. “Don’t ever fucking touch her again!” he screams as he punches the American. The soldier goes limp, but you can still see his chest rising and falling. “Wake up, I want you to feel this,” Konig says with what you can only assume is a smirk under the mask. You can see the pure murderous intent in his gaze. He slaps the American until he gains consciousness. Then he picks him up by the throat. With his 6’10”, heavily built stance, he has the soldier dangling far off the ground. Both hands wrapped around his neck, he squeezes and you watch as the soldier claws at Konig’s hands. After a few minutes the soldier goes completely limp. Konig lets go and he falls to the floor with a heavy thud. 
Konig turns to you and you watch as his gaze instantly switches to worry. He runs to you and falls to his knees. He opens his jack and rips two pieces of fabric from his under shirt. He ties off your thigh and tries his best to cover your shoulder wound. He covers you in his massive jacket and picks you up effortlessly. “You’re going to be okay, I promise.” He runs for a while, not showing any sign of exhaustion. “Where’s Jaeger?” you ask weakly. “He’s gone too.” Konig says without an ounce of sadness. Resigned, you lose consciousness.
When you come to, you’re in what looks like an old office. You try to prop yourself up but pain shoots through you. You look at your shoulder and thigh and notice clean bandaging. Your mind immediately jumps to Konig. You look around the small room and see no sign of him. Ignoring the burning pain, you get up and limp out of the room. You exit the office and see him sitting at a makeshift cooking pot situated in a large open room. Some old machinery litters the place but otherwise there’s plenty of space. Konig hears you and turns, getting up instantly to pick you up. “You should be laying down,” he says, looking down at your face. That hint of relief shows in his blue-grey eyes again. You take a moment to admire his eyes, given it’s the only thing you can see and you’ve never been this close to him. While fully conscious at least. You catch yourself, feeling your cheeks heat as he stares at you intently. “Let me get you something comfortable to lay on at least” he says as he gently places you on his seat. He walks into a second office and emerges moments later with a few couch cushions and a thick blanket. “That's all I could find, I’m sorry.” Apologizing? The American must have knocked a few good ones into you. Konig NEVER apologizes to anyone. Not even our higher-ups. He must have realized what he said as he turns his head to the side quickly. “I, um, I made us something to eat. I went out and only found a few squirrels. Eat as much as you want, I will take what is left.” Konig says rather quietly. You oblige and start eating, but leave a full squirrel for the giant. 
“Thank you for taking care of me Konig” you say with full gratitude. This is probably the most you’ve talked to him at any point in time. He usually keeps to himself and only says what needs to be said. Given the circumstances, it might not be too weird though. Konig turns to look at you and you see his eyes soften. You feel the blood rush to your cheeks again. You turn away out of embarrassment. “I will always look out for you, Raptor,” he says softly. His voice is beautiful. Not one you would expect from a man of his stature. “I-I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable” he says shyly. He seems so out of character. Konig is not known to be shy or nervous. Closed off, but not shy. What happened to the big, cocky, murder-happy brute? Konig sees you thinking and decides to move closer to you. He sits down on the cold concrete floor, knees tucked to his chest. 
You turn to look at him and he turns to look at you. “At least sit on these cushions if you want to be on the floor” you say in a joking tone. He looks at the cushion and then back at you. “I’m too big” he says matter of factly and turns back to the fire. You feel as though a blush crosses his cheeks, but you can’t tell with that damned mask on. “What do you look like under there anyway?” you say casually, trying to keep the conversation going. He keeps his gaze on the fire as he says “probably not what you imagine I look like.” “Hmph. Take it off then and let me be the judge of that” you say playfully. Now he turns to look at you. “You won’t like it. I rather not” he says with a defeated tone. What happened to this man, you wonder to yourself. “If you don’t feel comfortable that’s alright” you say genuinely. His gaze softens, making you blush. That goddamned look. You feel butterflies in your stomach, more so than you have ever felt with any man or woman. “Are you good with personal questions?” you ask. “No,” he grunts back. “Alright well I’m bored so I’m gonna ask anyway” you say with a big smile. Konig looks at you with that soft gaze again, and you swear you can see a smile in those beautiful eyes of his. “Have you ever kissed anyone?” you ask shyly. You look down at your hands to hide the heat in your cheeks. “Yes. Have you?” he replies. Shocked that he actually answered, you look back up at him. “Oh really? Who? And no I have not” you say with surprise. “Some girl in high school” he answers shortly. You catch him take a quick look at your lips. “How would you feel being my first kiss, Konig?” you ask boldly. You have no idea where this confidence is even coming from. He might not usually be shy, but you definitely are. Konig’s eyes widen and he turns to the fire quickly. He’s definitely blushing under there now. “I uh, I don’t know” he says softly. You look at him and slump a little. Pain shoots through your shoulder but you ignore it. The perceived rejection is enough to focus on. Konig turns and sees your disappointment. “No, no I didn’t mean it that way Raptor. I just… no one likes me. I’m meant to be alone. I hurt everyone I try to get close to. I don’t want to do that to you too. I don’t mind sitting on the sidelines and watching you live your life. As long as it’s a good one” he says solemnly. “You’re not meant to be alone Konig, that’s bullshit. Everyone deserves to be loved. Yes, even you, you big goof” you say tenderly. He looks at you with that soft gaze and you swear you could melt. He says nothing as he moves closer. “Raptor, no one has ever been so kind to me as you. Even before today, you have always shown me kindness and warmth. You’re the only one who isn’t afraid of me or what I can do. I have loved you from afar ever since you joined our unit” he speaks to you softly. “I just haven’t said anything because I was afraid you would laugh or be disgusted.” “WHy would I ever be disgusted by you, Konig?” you ask as you stare into his eyes. Without another word he gently cradles your head in his giant hand and lifts his mask with the other. You take a second to look at his face. He’s on the paler side and has sandy brown hair sticking out from under his helmet. Eye black covers around his eyes, and slightly onto his nose. You can still see his light colored eyelashes and brows through it. His nose is on the larger side, but not wide, and has a bump on the bridge. It’s slightly bent to the left, likely from being broken in a fight. His lips are full but not overly large, and a gorgeous pink. His jawline is sharp but his overall face has a soft look to it. And of course, those beautiful blue-grey eyes of his. He looks at you and leans in for a kiss. 
He’s gentle, so as not to hurt you and your injuries. His lips are soft velvet on yours. You love the taste of him, the warmth of his mouth on yours. You lift your good arm and grab the back of his head. The kiss begins to turn more ravenous, his tongue finding its way to yours. Although it is your first kiss, it feels natural. He acts as a guide. You move a bit and wince at the pain. He immediately stops kissing you and looks at you with concern. He looks down and notices the wound opening on your thigh. 
Worried, Konig runs to grab fresh bandages and some water. He cleans your wound and bandages it. He caresses your face gently and then leans down for a forehead kiss. “I think it’s best if you get some rest” he says softly. You oblige, even though you rather be doing other things. Damn you, American, you grumble in your head. Sleep comes fast once you lay down fully. You dream of Konig, and all the things you want him to do to you.
The next morning you wake, and see Konig laying on the cold concrete next to you, asleep. You look at him laying there, mask back on, and he begins to move. His eyes open and lock onto you instantly. “Good morning Raptor” he says with a smile in his eyes. “Good morning Konig,” you say back. “I know you’re still in bad shape, but we really need to contact HQ. Do you think you can work on that?” he asks, worry written in his eyes. You know the worry is for your well-being. “I feel better, I can handle it” you say confidently. “Alright. I will go hunt for some food. If you need anything, radio me. And I mean anything” he says with that soft look. You smile and nod at him. He turns to grab his gear and head outside. You begin working with the minimal equipment Konig was able to scrounge up from god knows where. With the equipment available this will probably take some time. 
A few hours later, Konig returns with a doe slung over his massive shoulder. The deer looks deceptively small slung over his shoulder, but as he gets closer you see just how big it is. This man makes everything look small. You wonder what you look like next to him and blush. “What are you thinking about Raptor?” Konig asks with the hint of a smirk. The question snaps you out of it and you reply, “Nothing, just trying to figure something out.” “Mmhmm” is the only reply you get back. 
Konig begins his work on the deer. Despite his massive hands, he’s extremely precise and delicate. You watch him work, his muscles working in his strong forearms. Blood clearly does not bother him. The warm crimson liquid covers his hands. He’s surprisingly efficient with the deer’s carcass. Every cut is precise and thought out. You leave him to his work and continue on yours.
Your work has you entirely focused, Konig has to remind you to eat and rest throughout the several days it takes. Your wounds are healing quickly. You can walk and lift things, though there is still some pain. Konig does most of the heavy work for you, even though you insist on doing it yourself. After a while, you get a makeshift signal enhancer up and ready. You attempt to radio to HQ but get no response on the other end. Defeated, you get up and move to the fire. Konig is cooking up some of the deer meat you have left. It needs to be eaten today, as the snow can only preserve it for so long. Konig turns to look at you. “What’s wrong Raptor?” “I got the radio enhancer up and running but I’m hearing nothing back from HQ. I know they probably need to verify some things and make sure it isn’t a trap, but it’s still frustrating” you say in an irritated tone. “It’s going to be okay. We will get out of here one way or another. I promise” he says with that soft look. You look at him and smile, knowing he speaks the truth.
This is the first time you’ve had some time to relax since working on the signal enhancer. You sign and tuck your knees to your chest, wrapping your arms around your legs and resting your head on your knees. You hear Konig move closer to you, and then you feel his arm wrap tightly around you. “So, uh, did you want to talk about that kiss at all…?” Konig asks shyly. You lift your head and look up at him. He’s so massive next to you, your mind jumps immediately to the thought of him above you. You blush hard and look away. “It was amazing” you say wholeheartedly. “I’ve been thinking about you these past few days. I did not want to bother you though, seeing how focused you were on your work” he says quietly. He lifts his mask and you see the heat in his face. His eyes dart to your lips and back to your eyes. The look makes you blush even more. “Oh yeah? What exactly have you been thinking of, big guy?” you ask playfully. Before he can respond, you get up and settle yourself in his lap, facing him. He chokes on whatever he was about to say and his face turns a bright red. You feel his already massive bulge get bigger and harder under your weight. You look down with wide eyes, shocked at the sheer size of him straining against his cargo pants. He lets out a small grunt. Without question he grabs your face, gently, but with ravenous lust. The kiss isn’t gentle this time. He kisses you ravenously, wanting to taste every inch of your mouth. Your tongues tangle and spar, only parting for a moment to catch your breaths. He pulls back and stares at your bruised lips. “This is what I have been thinking about,” he says with a lust-tainted voice. He picks you up and moves you to the office, kissing you on the way. He seats himself on the couch with you straddled in his lap. You feel his hot cock press into your wet heat through layers of clothing. Having never been with someone, you second guess yourself. Will you be able to handle all of him? Konig senses your thoughts shift and stops. “Is everything okay? Are you uncomfortable? We can stop right now, I will hold no grudge Raptor” he says with nothing but pure love and concern in his gaze. You smile at him and say “I appreciate that so much Konig. I want to keep going, I’m just worried about you, uh, fitting I guess” with a huge blush. “Oh” he says with a glance down at his straining bugle. “I promise to be gentle, and we stop whenever you say the word” he says, followed by a kiss on your forehead. “I would never wish to hurt you, no matter how badly I want to be inside you” he says with that cocky grin you know so well. That’s all you need as you get back to tasting his sweet lips. You bounce slightly, trying to rub that ache between your legs. He rocks with you, hands on your hips, savoring the pressure. 
You pull back and look at his gorgeous eyes. Then you look down at the massive bulge sitting under you. You slide down from your straddling position and sit yourself between his legs. You lift a hand and move to unbutton and then unzip his cargo pants. You feel the strain lighten a bit in his soft boxers. He lets out a little grunt at the extra space. You start rubbing him up and down gently, then sliding your hand down and cupping his balls through the fabric. You roll your fingers and play with them. Konig lets out a little whimper. You look up at him and smirk. Your fingers find their way to the band of his boxers and pull them down. You let out a small gasp as his full length comes free. If you had to guess, he’s 11.5 inches with a girth between a redbull can and a soda can. It’s absolutely massive and Konig can tell what you’re thinking about. “You’re just big all around huh” you say while staring at his length. Konig chuckles at that. You grab his cock at the base and move your mouth to his tip. He’s uncut, but with how hard he is, his pink tip is peeking out clearly. You lick the underside of his tip up to the slit. “Fuck” Konig grunts at the feeling of your warm tongue on his cock. You stroke his cock gently at the base as you continue teasing his tip. After licking up several beads of precum, you close your mouth around his head, continuing to work his tip with your tongue. Konig grunts and runs a hand through his hair. His other is gripping the couch’s armrest tightly. You slowly work your way down his cock, taking as much in your mouth as you can. You’re careful to keep him from cumming, you want this to last. As you work his cock, his hand travels to the back of your head. He grips your hair but doesn’t force you down. You enjoy the feeling of his fingers in your hair, his warmth seeping from his palm. You pick up the pace and put more pressure with your hands. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum” Konig grunts with a low voice. The hand gripping the couch squeezes the fabric, ripping it. You feel him pulse and start emptying into your mouth. He rocks his hips forward with each throb. You hear his sign as he lets out the breath he was holding. The cum spills out of the side of your mouth, running down his length. You swallow what’s left in your mouth.
Konig grabs you gently and sits you on the couch, the seat still warm from his massive body. He pulls you forward by the legs, sliding your cargo pants off. He spreads your legs and stares hungrily at your wetness. He looks up at you with that ravenous look in his eyes. Then he moves his face down to your core. His tongue swipes from bottom to top, slightly lingering on the bead at the top of your core. He circles it, then teases it gently with his tongue. You grab his hair and push his face into your center. He stiffens his tongue and enters you. You let out a soft moan. You feel him smirk at your pleasure. He pulls his tongue out and teases you again. “You will cum for me” he says with a grunt. With that, he slides one of his fingers into you. You arch your back at the filling feeling of just one finger. He licks and teases at your clit while he thrusts his finger in and out at a steady pace. He’s careful not to change his rhythm, as you get closer to climaxing. He keeps going until you grip his finger and pulse as the release washes over you. He chuckles, saying “good girl” while he stares at you with that seductive look.
He stands, towering over you as you lay on the couch. Konig walks out of the office, returning with the cushions by the fire. He lays them on the floor, then walks over to you, and offers you a hand. You take it and he pulls you up effortlessly. He bends over to kiss you. “Are you sure you want to keep going?” he asks genuinely. You let out a breathy “yes” and that’s enough for him to take you over to the cushions and lay you down. He stares into your eyes with a look that is nothing but pure love. He kisses you passionately, tangling your tongue with his. He pulls away and moves down to your center. He tastes the sweetness of your cum one last time. Then he moves up and hovers over you. Konig guides his tip to your entrance, teasing it by rubbing his head up and down your core. He stops at your entrance again and slowly pushes into you, looking at your face the entire time. You groan at the sheer size of him. “That’s my good girl” he says in a breath. He lets go of his cock as he slowly pushes into you, then out, progressing further with each thrust. You grab at his tensed forearms, feeling his muscles. He groans with each thrust deeper into you. “Fuck, you feel so good on my cock baby girl” he moans as he thrusts. You grip hard onto his cock as he fills every inch of space you have. Once he’s fully in you, you feel your stomach stretch slightly. Looking down, you can see the bulge of his cock in you. You whimper at the filling feeling of having him inside you. Konig starts speeding up with his thrusts. You moan at the feeling of him pushing into you. He keeps thrusting, guiding his head down to your peaked nipples. He pulls your shirt up and removes your bra, all while continuing to thrust. His massive hand surrounds your breast. He licks and twists gently at your nipple. The extra stimulation is enough to finish you again. Konig feels you pulse and grip on his cock, causing him to cum. “Fuck!” he shouts as he erupts. You feel every pulse of his cock as he fills you with cum. You both pant hard as you relish the sheer bliss of the moment. Then Konig flips you over, placing the cushions in a way that supports your abdomen. He pulls you up slightly, your ass facing up. He rubs it and gives it a soft smack. You whimper at the sting of it but like the feeling. He runs his thumb across your center, causing you to jerk at the sensitivity of it. Konig lets out a breathy chuckle. “I’m gonna fuck you like the animal I am now, is that okay baby girl?” he says with that cocky tone. “Y-yes, I want you to fuck me hard Konig,” you say in response. “That’s my good girl” he lets out on a breath. He guides his cock to your entrance. All gentleness disappears as he thrust fully into you, slightly shoving you forward. He lets out a loud grunt as he grabs your ass and grips it. He begins thrusting ravenously. You moan as his balls slap against you with each thrust. He puts one leg up with his foot on the floor, the other with his knee on the floor. He thrusts harder and the friction makes you cum hard. He cums at the same time, your pulses in sync as he empties into you. The cum spills out from being overfilled. He slowly pulls out of you and starts rubbing your back gently. You get up and turn to face him. He’s on his knees on the floor. You walk up to him and hug him and he holds you tight. You barely have to bend down to kiss him in this position. “That was amazing,” you say to Konig. “Yes it was,” he says with lust still in his eyes. “This should be a regular thing,” he says, this time with love in his gaze. “I would like that,” you say with a smile. You both get up and move to the couch. He lays down awkwardly, barely fitting on it. His legs hang off the end. You giggle at the image and lay down on top of him. You snuggle into his chest and he wraps his arms around you tightly, followed by a forehead kiss. “H-how do you feel about being my girlfriend?” he asks nervously, all signs of that dominant beast from just minutes earlier, gone. “I would love that Konig,” you say, caressing his beautifully rough face.
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multi-fandoms-posts · 19 days
The Crossing of Worlds Part 1
X Men Masterlist
part 2, part 3, last part
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The other world:
It’s a stormy night over New York when Charles Xavier and his team of mutants are on the trail of an extremely dangerous mutant. They are dealing with a mutant who has the ability to open portals to other dimensions. "We need to be careful," Charles says as they approach the abandoned warehouse where they suspect the mutant is hiding.
Y/N, Charles' girlfriend, who has teleportation abilities, stands beside him and gazes skeptically at the building. "And you’re sure he’s here?" she asks, her eyes narrowed in concentration. Her teleportation skills make her an indispensable part of the team, especially against such unpredictable foes.
"Yes, I sense his presence," Charles replies calmly and focused. "He is here."
Erik hovers beside them, looking skeptically at Charles. "This mutant can open portals, and you think we can stop him without getting sucked into one of those damned things?" Erik asks.
"That’s the plan," Storm murmurs from behind Erik, watching the sky. "We need to overwhelm him before he can open another portal," Storm says.
"Fine and dandy, but if he manages to fling us all into another universe, I will never forgive you, Charles," Erik growls.
"We'll manage," Scott says.
"Jean, stay close to me," Charles instructs. "We might need all the mental support we can get."
Jean nods, her eyes flickering slightly as she extends her telepathic senses to the surroundings.
Suddenly, a blinding flash splits the air. Before them stands the mutant, surrounded by swirling energies that dance like living beings in the air. "You have no idea what you're doing," he roars, raising his hands. "I open gates to infinite worlds! You can’t stop me!" the mutant screams.
"We’ll see about that," Charles murmurs, sending telepathic commands to his team. "Attack him now!"
Scott immediately fires a laser beam at the mutant, but he dodges with a mocking laugh and begins to open a massive portal. Y/N teleports behind the mutant to surprise him, but he is faster. With a swift motion, he tears the portal wider, and before any of them can react, they are all sucked into the glowing, spinning void.
The world spins, and the air feels electrically charged for a moment. As the X-Men are ejected from the portal, they land hard on a cold floor. A dull thud echoes through the room as chairs and tables topple over. For a moment, it is silent, except for the faint hum left by the closing portal.
Charles carefully lifts his head and looks around. "Where are we?" His voice sounds firm but also confused. He senses that something is different. The mental connection to his surroundings is disrupted, like static noise in his head. His telepathic senses are weaker here; he cannot perceive anyone outside the room.
Y/N rises beside him, looking around and frowning. The room is cramped, messy, with rundown furniture and walls that have seen better days. "This is definitely not our universe," she murmurs, brushing dust off her pants. "It feels... wrong."
Scott, Jean, and Storm get up and look around. Jean places her hand on her forehead as if trying to grasp something. "I... sense nothing here. It’s like a mental vacuum."
"This can’t be good," Scott adds, instinctively adjusting his visor, ready for anything.
Erik, on the other hand, looks around unimpressed, his metallic powers sensing the sparse metals in the room. "We shouldn’t waste time. The mutant we were tracking must be somewhere here. We need to find out where he is before he causes more damage."
Y/N teleports to the other side of the room and appears next to a battered table covered with strange weapons and devices. "What the hell is this place?" Her voice is cool, but it’s clear she understands the situation as little as the others.
Before anyone can answer, the office door opens. Five figures enter the room, each with a stance that immediately shows they’re ready for a fight.
Billy Butcher stands in the middle of the room, eyeing the X-Men with narrowed eyes and slowly lowering his weapon, but not out of his hands. "What the hell?" His voice is a deep growl, full of mistrustful aggression. "Supes. This isn’t my damn day."
MM, Hughie, Kimiko, and Frenchie line up behind Butcher, all with watchful eyes on the newcomers. The tension in the room is palpable.
"Supes?" Storm murmurs, raising an eyebrow. "We’re not ‘Supes.’"
"That’s what they all say," Butcher snaps. "What the hell are you doing in my office? And better yet, how did you get in here?"
Charles raises a placating hand. "We’re not here to fight. We were pulled here through a portal. We have no idea where we are."
"No idea where you are?" Hughie steps forward uncertainly, his gaze shifting between fear and curiosity. "This is the real world. You’re obviously Supes, so what’s with this portal crap? Homelander?"
"Homelander?" Scott repeats the word, throwing a bewildered look at the other X-Men. "We have no idea who you’re talking about. We don’t know any Homelander."
"This just keeps getting better," Frenchie says, blowing out a puff of smoke from his cigarette. "Now they’re clueless too."
Erik steps forward with a menacing calm, crossing his arms. "I have no patience for your games. Whoever this Homelander is, we’re not here because of him. We’re tracking a mutant who can open portals. That’s what brought us here, and we just want to go back."
"Oh, that sounds convenient," Butcher growls, turning his attention to Erik. "You sound like someone who thinks he can control everything. You know, you remind me of someone. Homelander, who I’d love to take out."
Erik’s eyes narrow, a dangerous glint in his gaze. "I’m not like this Homelander you speak of. But if you keep provoking us, you’ll regret it."
Butcher smiles coldly and leans in slightly. "Oh yeah? And what exactly are you going to do, Sup?"
Charles senses the situation is about to escalate and steps in immediately. "There’s no need for violence. We’re here to figure out how to get back to our universe. This isn’t our fight."
Hughie glances at Butcher with concern. "Maybe we should really listen to them. If they’re from another world... it could mean Homelander has nothing to do with this."
"Listen to them?" MM repeats, snorting quietly. "How do we know they’re not lying to us?"
Y/N, who has been silent until now, steps forward and raises her hands in a calming gesture. "I can get us out of here. My powers allow me to teleport. But I don’t know where in this world. We need information, and you obviously need some too."
"I don’t trust her," Frenchie murmurs quietly, still staring at Y/N.
Butcher scrutinizes Y/N for a moment before dismissing the situation with a sharp gesture. "Fine. But no tricks. You’re in our world, so play by our rules. The moment you make a wrong move, you’re dead."
Erik raises an eyebrow, his gaze hard. "I have no intention of staying here. But if you stand in our way, you will regret it, I guarantee that."
The tension remains thick in the air, but Charles sees his chance. "Maybe we can help each other. We’re here because we’re chasing someone who might also be a threat to you. If we work together, we could both win."
Butcher gives Charles a suspicious look, but it’s clear he’s considering it. "Work together?" He laughs softly, but without real humor. "I don’t work with Supes. But maybe, just maybe, I’ll let you live long enough to figure out how you got here."
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avatarvyakara · 1 year
Based on a post I’ve been reading:
Strands of Webbing in…well, Strands of Webbing
Basically where the Spiders get their webs from.
Peter B. Parker (616): inorganic, webshooters
Miles Morales (1610): inorganic, webshooters
Gwen Stacy (65): inorganic, webshooters
Peter Benjamin Parker (90214): organic, from wrists
Peni Parker (14512): inorganic, SP//dr’s spinnodules
Peter Porker (8311): organic, from wrists
Miguel O’Hara (928): organic, from wrists (mine doesn’t have the electric webs except when dealing with his own version of Doc Ock)
Peter Pauker (4314): organic, from wrists
Ben Parker (9817): inorganic, webshooters
Roshni Raj (820): kinetic energy-powered hard-light holograms, wrist-bound lasers
Mabel Reilly (1647): N/A
Billy Braddock (467): inorganic, fingertip-based webshooters
Spider-Glitch (68): inorganic, webshooters (real-world), organic, from wrists (the Program)
Cindy Moon (423): organic (in multiple colours and textures), fingertips
Pavitr Prabhakar (5244): organic, summoned by a spell
Hobie Brown (965): inorganic, webshooters
Peter Parker Otto Octavius (43053): inorganic, webshooters
Anansi (3): depends on the mood he’s in
Mary-Jane Watson (5218): organic (black), from symbiote
Mayday Parker (66): inorganic, webshooters
Peter Parquagh (311): organic, from fingertips (activated by touch against an object)
Peter Kaine Parker (66): inorganic, webshooters
Peter Parker (559): inorganic, webshooters
Peter Parker (126): inorganic, webshooters (and occasionally pumpkin bombs)
Kimiko Peni Parker (8022): inorganic, SP//dr’s web projection devices
Piguel O’Malley (20061): organic, from…honestly better not to say, but also inorganic, webshooters
Miles J. Morales (9198): inorganic, webshooters
Cindy Moon (1610): organic (in multiple colours and textures), fingertips
Mayday Parker (616): inorganic, webshooters (don’t tell Mom)
Benjamin P. Parker (1610): inorganic, webshooters (don’t tell Mom)
Ben Parker (66): organic, from wrists (*really* don’t tell Mom)
Gwynn Stacey (81): inorganic, webshooters
Addy Brock (14512): inorganic, inorganic, Ven#m’s spinnodules
Jessica Drew (404): N/A
Anya L. Corazon (2770): N/A
Natasha Romanov (998): organic (venomous to varying degrees with cnidarian-like barbs), from wrists
Thiago Cabral (1918): inorganic, webshooter
Peggy Price (1867): organic (can conduct heat or cold or maintain equilibrium temperature), from wrists
Peter Parker Zombie Spider-Man (2149): …you don’t wanna know.
Doing a lot of these…
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americacryous · 7 months
Moove Equine: Advanced Cryotherapy and Compression for Equine Recovery
Elevate equine rehabilitation with Moove Equine, blending cryotherapy and compression for inflammation reduction and accelerated recovery from lameness. With customizable protocols, moving air pressure, targeted compression wraps, and precise temperature control, Moove Equine by trainers, riders, and therapists for post-work recovery and sports horse soundness. Package includes device, hose extensions, transport bag, and wraps for leg or hock.
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laservetbcure · 1 year
Dogs are often referred to as man's best friend, and as responsible pet owners, it's our duty to ensure their well-being, including their dental health. Canine dental care is not just about keeping your furry companion's breath fresh; it's about preventing painful conditions like gingivitis and periodontal disease that can lead to serious health issues if left untreated. In recent years, there has been a significant advancement in veterinary medicine that's changing the game when it comes to canine dental care: therapeutic laser therapy.
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b-curelaser · 1 year
The BCURE Laser, with its advanced laser technology and user-friendly design, is an excellent choice for those looking to benefit from professional cold laser therapy in the comfort of their own homes. Whether you're looking to alleviate chronic pain, reduce inflammation, or enhance your body's natural healing processes, at-home laser therapy with the BCURE Laser can be a valuable addition to your pain management toolkit. As with any healthcare decision, consult with a healthcare professional to ensure that laser therapy is a safe and appropriate choice for your specific condition. With the right device and proper guidance, you can enjoy the benefits of laser treatment for pain and inflammation from the comfort of your home.
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bcurelaservet · 2 years
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B-Cure Laser Vet is a medical device based on low-level laser therapy that can ease your pet's pain, Arthritis, Hip Dysplasia, medical conditions, and injuries.
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halfagone · 1 year
Heya Halfa!
I'm watch Hercules for the first time in a while and something about it made me think about your WonderBat dcdp fic, and gave me an idea to share with you for a fic with Diana being Danny's bio mom, could be WonderBat or not, idk, I'm still very much on a Danny/Jason kick so if it's not WonderBat that's open.
But essentially Danny was adopted by the Fenton's and maybe a checkup with Frostbite has Danny realizing there's more to his powers than being a halfa, but he doesn't know what exactly? So, I'm thinking he just tells the Fentons he wants to find his bio parents, not being out as Phantom, but Idk, and i trust your thoughts.
Basically, just Hercules as inspiration, not trying to stick to its plot, tho doing Dead on Main and Jason as Meg ajfjkshda it would be quite funny
Idk, just had to share this with you, hope it brings you some of the joy the thought brought me!!
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Also have a pic of my roomie's bunny
GOSH I love Disney's Hercules! Hades is an entire mood, and I love him for it. Definitely one of my fave villains ever. But now that you mention the idea...
If we did base it off on bloodlines, where Danny is taken as a child (and like Hercules was taken from his parents in the movie), then we could always make this a Super-Wonder... Wonder-Super? Superman and Wonder Woman ship, but their relationship was very brief. This was before he and Lois had gotten together and got married. And they do canonically date sometimes, and even had a child together in at least one universe, so it wouldn't be super weird.
So basically, Danny grows up a quasi-god (quarter-god? Ugh, that's confusing-) and half-Kryptonian. Except due to his life style and exposure to ectoplasm, his Kryptonian powers don't kick in like a normal half-Kryptonians would. But he does have a measure of super hearing- which gets diagnosed as another symptom of his ADHD later. And he does have freeze-breath! Which is why people aren't super surprised if they catch some cold mist coming out of his mouth when he becomes a halfa, they're pretty sure he's just always been like that?
But for one reason or another, Danny leaves Amity Park for an extended amount of time. Oh! His family takes a vacation to a beach, somewhere nice and sunny. And then Danny gets irritated about something, or maybe there's just a fly bothering him and he glares at it from a distance only to shoot red laser eyes at it and promptly freaks the fuck out. His ectoplasm has never been red before!
He runs off to Frostbite and the Far Frozen as soon as he can, begging for the yeti to help him because there must be something wrong with him! Frostbite is awfully confused at first, and then he asks Danny if he showed any other habits or behaviors before he'd become a halfa. And so Danny explains how he could hear things most people couldn't, but he'd been diagnosed as neurodivergent, and that wasn't exactly uncommon, and then he explained how technology always worked a little funny around him even before his accident and that's why his parents never thought anything was off when their inventions were wonky around him now (he doesn't realize he has lightning manipulation from his bio!mom's side, thus accidentally zapping devices every once in a while), and a handful of other things and it all culminates into this:
Frostbite is pretty sure Danny has never been fully human.
Which would thus lead Danny onto a journey of self-discovery and self-fulfillment and oh yeah, there's a ghost Minotaur that wants to rip his head off his body and they've got a hostage to go along with them. In Danny's opinion, Red Hood makes for a very poor hostage, but he's not about to tell them that either.
I could probably go on eventually, but I adore this idea, so thank you very much for sharing it! :D <3<3<3
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ghostofskywalker · 1 year
Hey bestie! If you're feeling it for your 3k follower celebration, could I request a fic with "I hope common sense is the next cool trend" and whichever Star Wars live action bae you're feeling the most? I still somehow haven't watched the Mandalorian so maybe not Din, but I love everybody else on your list lol so I'd be psyched to read whoever you're vibing with! Congrats again on 3k, you're amazing!!!
hi bestie!! it took me forever to make a decision because i loved your prompt, but anakin won out, and of course i had to include my beloveds the 501st :) i hope you enjoy it!
words: 1,505
summary: sometimes the "tales of your shared heroics" that anakin shared were just thinly veiled proof that the two of you had never thought out a single decision in your entire lives.
anakin skywalker masterlist || join my 3k celebration!!
Dumb Luck
“So, who’s going to share a story next?” Fives had just brought back a new round of drinks for the table, and attention now turned to you, Anakin, and Obi-Wan, the newcomers of the group, since the Jedi didn’t usually go out on the town with their troopers. But the 501st had convinced Anakin to come have some drinks with them, and in turn he had convinced you and Obi-Wan to join the fun.
“Why don’t one of the generals share something?” Jesse asked, raising his eyebrows at you. “A story about Jedi heroics, perhaps?” 
Obi-Wan had just started to shake his head, probably gearing up to say something annoyingly humble about his exceptional abilities as a Jedi, but Anakin spoke before he could say anything. “I’ll share something,” he said, downing the rest of his drink before taking a new one from the center of the table. “Y/N, you’ll remember this one.” 
Puzzled, you turned to him. “Why?” 
“Because you were there.” 
“Do I know about this particular story?” Obi-Wan asked. 
Immediately, you knew what Anakin was about to tell the rest of the group, and you resigned to your fate, along with the inevitable teasing it would bring. 
“It all started last year, when we got kidnapped in the middle of mission.”
When you came to, you were sitting on a cold (and slightly damp) floor, and the only light in the room was a small lantern in the corner. The room was very clearly a prison cell of some kind, and you remembered being knocked out in a fight, but apparently the assailants had bested your partner as well, because Anakin was sitting across the room from you, his head against the stone wall and his eyes closed. It was more than likely that there was some kind of sedative in play here too, because it took a few moments for the fogginess in your brain to disappear. 
Thankfully (for you), whoever had captured you had decided to forgo any kind of restraint, so you were free to get up and move around the tiny cell. “Anakin!” you said, reaching out and gently shaking him. “Anakin!” 
“What?” he asked grumpily as he opened his eyes, clearly having not yet realized the gravity of the situation. 
“We’re locked away somewhere, you laser brain,” you hissed. Your hand fled to your waist, and your eyes widened. “And they took our lightsabers.” 
That seemed to wake him up. Flying to his feet, Anakin approached the metal door of the cell, peeking through the slats of it to see if anyone was around. 
“What are we going to do?” you asked. Your comm device had been swiped too, so there was no possibility of contacting reinforcements. 
“Don’t worry, I have an idea,” was Anakin’s response. 
But before you could question him about his plans or even offer your opinion on their effectiveness, he started banging incessantly on the door. 
“Anakin! What in Maker’s name are you doing?” 
He looked back at you, confused. “Getting us out of here.” 
“By getting us killed?” 
“You know, you’re starting to sound like Obi-Wan.” 
But before you could respond to that, the sound of the door unlocking filled the space, and you were presented with the possibility that Anakin’s ridiculous plan (whatever it was), might actually work. You were just grateful that this prison still used old-fashioned architecture, and not the new ray-shield transparent prison walls that the Republic favored. 
You didn’t even get a chance to see the guard on the other side before Anakin had engaged him in combat, throwing himself at what you later realized what was the largest Togruta you had ever seen. 
Even without his lightsaber, Anakin was a force to be reckoned with. With a feral grin on his face and a darkness in his eyes you were a little concerned about, he attacked, showing no mercy when he finally won. The Togruta’s head soon made contact with the stone wall, and your captor slumped to the floor, a small trail of blood leaking from his slightly open mouth. 
Grabbing your hand, Anakin pulled you out of the cell, and now you were faced with your next challenge: to actually escape this place and make it back to your sh- 
“Wait, aren’t the Jedi not allowed to attack unarmed people?” Fives asked, pulling Anakin out from his recounting of the events. 
“We can’t kill unarmed people,” Anakin responded. “But lately, the trend has been a shift in the rules, so I’m not sure anymore.” 
“A trend?” you asked, confused. 
“You know, the way the war has changed us,” Anakin said. “Personally I think it’s pretty cool.” 
Next to you, Obi-Wan sighed quietly. “I hope common sense is the next cool trend,” he said, just loud enough for you to hear. 
“But did you kill that guy?” Echo asked, getting back to the question at hand. 
You looked over at your friend, and you saw the glare that Obi-Wan had just shot at him too. “I don’t think so,” you cut in quickly. “But we didn’t exactly stick around to find out.” 
“Exactly!” Anakin said, reaching over to squeeze your hand once before taking another sip of his drink. “Now, where was I?”  
“We have to find our lightsabers,” you whispered in his ear as the two of you crept through the hallway. “And we have to get out of here.” 
Anakin nodded, and the next time you turned a corner, one of your problems was suddenly solved. “Look! Those idiots didn’t even have someone guard their loot!” 
It seemed almost too good to be true, the fact that both of your lightsabers were just sitting there on a table, surrounding by what you imagined was probably the rest of the bounty they had acquired in the past few rotations. It was clear now that you had probably been taken by pirates of some kind, and it was definitely true that those who captured you had no idea about the true power the Jedi (and their weapons) held. 
But you were not about to look a gift gundark in the mouth, so you grabbed your respective sabers from the table and walked off in search of an exit. 
The halls were empty, your footsteps echoing eerily across the stone floor. “Where do you even think we are?” you asked. “Depending on how long we were out, it could be anywhere.” 
The sound of revelry and laughter was coming from the room at the end of the hall, and the two of you immediately walked over to investigate. Whoever it was that had captured you, it sounded like they were having the time of their lives, and you took one peek inside to see the scantily-clad dancers that were the focal point of the evening, along with all kinds of debauchery taking place in the crowd.
Your torn robes and bleeding scratches were definitely not going to blend in with this group, so you pulled Anakin back before he got you both captured again. But apparently, your luck had not turned around just yet, and you could sense footsteps approaching the hallway. 
Reacting quickly, you grabbed Anakin’s arm and pulled him into a small alcove that had been carved out in the wall. 
“What are you-” he asked, but you cut him off by placing a hand over his mouth. 
“Shut up!” you hissed. “Do you want to get us caught?” 
“Well, if someone actually walks down the hallway we’re going to be spotted anyway-” he shot back. 
“Yeah, if! At least now we have a chance to escape unseen.”
 But apparently you weren’t that lucky, because someone did start walking down the hallway. 
And in that moment, you made a decision that would affect the rest of your life going forward. 
You kissed him. 
There was nothing special about the first few seconds, but once he realized what was happening, you’d be lying if you said your toes weren’t curling a little in your boots. He was an excellent kisser, and afterwards, you’d have a long talk about the attraction you both felt for one another and the possibilities of maintaining a relationship while still serving the Republic as Jedi Knights, but right now all you wanted to do was lose yourself in this moment. 
“That’s what you did?” Obi-Wan’s shocked question thankfully pulled Anakin away from the (rather detailed) explanation he was giving about your first kiss.
“What else were we supposed to do?” 
“Anything else?” 
“Hey! It worked, didn’t it?” 
“You’re just lucky it did, or you’d still be in that cell.” You smirked at Obi-Wan’s remarks, and even though they sounded stern, you knew he didn’t really care. 
The two Jedi started to playfully bicker, and you just shook your head. You were just glad Anakin hadn’t said anything about your current relationship, because it was a lot easier to explain away one kiss on that mission than it would be to explain all the ones you’d shared since then.
- the end -
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cherrylng · 4 months
Gears & Analysis - Bomber Manson [STYLE Series #004 - Muse (August 2010)]
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Bomber Manson Cold-headed unmatched heavy bomber with metallic armour all over its body.
Introduced in 2003 and used until around 2006. The rounded chrome finish (painted by Martin Sims) and rivets on the body give it the appearance of a bomber, hence the name ‘Bomber Manson’. Its specifications are among the simplest of the models Mr Manson built for Matthew, with no built-in effects. It is said that Matthew originally wanted a model with a tremolo arm, and the main feature is a Floyd Rose-type locking tremolo. The tremolo bridge is an Ibanez ‘Edge Pro’, which is renowned for its ease of operation. The neck is also made from an Ibanez guitar. This may be why the head shape is different from other Manson guitars. However, considering the fact that it does not have a scarf joint, which is a characteristic of Ibanez guitars, it is not certain whether this is true or not. Also, like the ‘Laser Manson’, this model has a MIDI controller on the top left of the body, which can be assigned to the controller of a MIDI-compatible device such as the ‘Whammy’. The back of the unit is also equipped with a mechanism that allows you to adjust the parameters of the ‘Whammy’ from the guitar. Although it has a simpler specification than the other models, it is still a guitar with many possibilities.
Pickups & MIDI Controller The front pickups are Rio Grande's ‘Jazzbar’ P-90 type, and the rear pickups are the ‘Crunchbox’, a high gain model also tuned for heavy rock by Rio Grande. The long, thin device to the left of the pickups is the MIDI controller. The mini-switch under the top left toggle switch (which is a kill switch to cut the sound) is probably the on/off switch for this.
Bridge The tremolo bridge is an Ibanez ‘Edge Pro’. This is a unique construction that does not require the ball end to be cut when changing strings, and is the result of the pursuit of rich sound and long sustain.
Back View The back view shows that the back of the body is also rounded and contoured. The neck is maple with a beautiful bird's eye grain. The ‘Whammy’ parameter adjustment knobs can be seen on the control cavity.
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