#coffee critical
infernaljazzman · 9 months
Father is it just me or is everyone nowadays a self confessed coffee connoisseur, like I don't get the self confessed bit, what sins is the coffee community up to? Some double shot expresso, with 3 quarters milk, cinnamon, sugar, aspartame, pumpkin spice latte and extra venti?
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shakingparadigm · 5 months
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they are sooooo cute
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g1ngerbeer · 5 months
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i named the whole au after this joke
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utilitycaster · 2 years
I understand not being a big fan of the appearance of past PCs, and I shared that earlier on, and even shared the argument that I wanted Bells Hells' story to be about them...but I feel like the time for that argument has passed. As we've gone on, that is in fact the story - that they're a bunch of level 8 adventurers who have fallen into an endgame scenario because of little peripheral threads and because of who one of their companions is. The story is, on some level, about not being about them. They've had so little time to drive their own destiny; it's been fetch quests and pursuit from the start, with little in the way of the odd jobs and proper stumblings one would usually expect.
And I hope that after the solstice they'll get to do that! But I think having Keyleth and the Ashari, Beau, and Caleb there hammer the above home: this is so much bigger than Bells Hells is prepared for, and they're here because a few weird things that happened in Jrusar (which is all that Eshteross ever wanted to look into, and all Treshi ever wanted to do) were unbeknownst to them part of a plot Ludinus Da'leth has likely been working on for several centuries; and because Imogen and Fearne are involved through accidents of birth. In many ways, it echoes Laudna's entire story. It's just people who were minding their own business in a town, and someone powerful and ruthless did things beneath it that affected the population at large because of a plan with cosmic ramifications, and they became involved out of an accident of location.
I'll admit - I do prefer a story where people are actively seeking something, or running from something, rather than caught up in bigger and bigger webs of conspiracy, but that's not the one being told right now, and the version in which far more powerful allies don't appear is a tragic and cynical one, whereas one with Keyleth, Beau, and Caleb says "yeah, this is fucked up, and it's not fair that you're here on your own to deal with this rip current of an event."
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t1sunfortunate · 8 months
I truly do think one of the largest pitfalls among the "media consumption is my passion" crowd is the tendency to treat characters as human beings with agency rather than narrative tools manipulated by the author
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whiskeyswifty · 5 months
Sometimes I can’t tell what is genius and what is accident with Taylor, genuinely like I’m not diminishing what she does. For instance, the recent album phenomenon where almost right away, every single person, critics included, made their own “TTPD Edit” if you will. A trimmed down selection of the 31 songs that either they think made a tighter album, fit into a narrative they liked, created a new narrative, or whatever compelled them. Obviously I don’t think Taylor wants anyone to cut any of her songs off an album she herself made, of course. So here is where I err on the side of accident. But then… I think about how the number one thing all artists, even Taylor sized ones, are tasked with is creating engagement around a product. Taylor for this album tried to start the “fortnight challenge” which went absolutely nowhere. However, the fact that everyone, haters and lovers of ttpd alike, have made their own edits, which is an incredibly active form of engagement and stream booster, is an astoundingly brilliant stroke of….. luck? Genius? I can’t tell. I can’t fucking tell!!! Maybe it wasn’t accidental and she was intentionally clever to drop an obscene amount of songs that resemble more of a sketchbook than a solid story or even sonic cohesion (again not a knock just a pretty objective observation compared to previously more cohesive works of hers and others). An album almost… stay with me here, almost too messy that it begs you to finish it up, clean it up. Engagement that was so compulsive and universally experienced by everyone that its unreal to me how that’s unintentional. And she’s especially intuitive in this arena, finger on the pulse, mirrorball woman that she is. The data dump release format feels almost like a strategy in that way. But I can’t quite believe she would ask of us to pluck our own apples from her abundant but still carefully cultivated tree and make our own pies. She encourages us to incorporate the songs into our lives yes but don’t tell her how to do her job, surely not! So I guess even if it was accidental, I suppose that’s still somehow a form of genius to me, that even her impulses are in tune with how to best engage a modern audience. Having been in this business, and on this end of it, for so long that she can just sense when to drip feed us and when to stuff us like foie gras geese. Does she fundamentally understand that audiences hate being told what to do, as she feels the same way herself, and knows how to guide engagement without forcing it? Is that also insane? Giving her TOO much credit? Idk I can’t decide but it’s a stone I turn over and over in my brain. She figured out that the house always wins and so she became the house. Astounding.
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epiphainie · 4 days
"you can't fix everything."
"well, you know what? i fixed you."
"oh really? how?"
"cause i joined the 118. and i made you mad. and i made you cry. i made you laugh sometimes, you know? i drove you crazy, but i think you spent so much time trying to make sure that i didn't get myself killed that it made you remember what it is to live."
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ashleyjohnsonoftheday · 6 months
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Day 757
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You could say that I have strong feelings about this ongoing debate
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stardustdiiving · 5 months
Oh my god Arlecchino in the web event
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She barely reacts when you give her drinks she likes/dislikes. Absolutely enthralled with her
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e-johnsen · 1 year
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BeauYasha Week Day 4 (delivered late) - Library
If you think about it... every week is beauyasha week. I WILL make it through this list.
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sparring-spirals · 2 years
(im extremely caffeinated rn this might not make sense, lets go)
With recent events, absolutely amped for Bell's Hells to become a full manifestation of the concept "horrific force of nature".
Between Orym, and Fearne and now Laudna, plants that grow and sprout and die around them, all the pretty bits of nature as well as the horrifying aspects of it. Waking up with flowers grown over and into you. Branches outstretched like fingertips, roots that can ground and choke. Vines that move on their own and wrap around your neck like a noose. Poisons and toxins growing around you. Out of you. Exquisite. Fantastic.
With Imogen, a storm, raging, crackling, bearing down, rain that could either save you or flood you. The sky turning a deep, deep red, cloud cover and nature gone silent in the face of something awful. Lightning and wind that can tear everything to pieces, that drown out everything else, set things aflame and rip them apart. Sexy. Unparalleled.
With Chetney, a wolf, howling in the distance, bloodlust that crawls in your veins, rage that is bestial and also very, very natural. A wild look in someone's eyes, glint of sharp teeth in the dark, predator and prey and jackrabbitting hearts. Visceral. Passionate.
With Ashton- Time, space, gravity, literal forces of nature, slowling and warping and bending around you. Your limbs inexorably heavy, your feet no longer planted on the same patch of ground, everything going too fast or too slow. Laws of the universe, the things keeping it anchored- all bending around you to swallow you whole. Right before a big ole stone cracks your head open. Horrifying. Inexplicable. (cool as hell).
And even with F.C.G: Something manmade, a pure technological advancement, metal and magic fused. Except: everything about them, their purpose, their kindness- wrapped up in human emotions, feelings and passion. Vulnerabilities too. Insecurities, weaknesses, patterns of mistakes made by all living minds. There is nothing more natural. Nothing more inescapable. Mortifying. Awesome as fuck.
Bell's Hells! Forces of nature! By some broad definition. With all of the inherent horror and menace that term implies. Bell's Hells as a spooky, otherworldly troupe, except everything about them is the worst bits of this world come to life. hell yes.
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365coffeethoughts · 6 months
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3hobbitsinatrenchcoat · 11 months
I've had a few hours of sleep and some time to process and I have A LOT of emotions about Ashton right now.
Like. The thing I keep circling back to is everyone EVERYONE is afraid, Ashton included. But Ash pours their fear into rage and fuel, clings to the hope that their actions will keep others alive for just a little longer.
Last time they didn't get to chose their fate, this time they did. They poured all their rage and pain into hope that it would keep them alive long enough without involving and risking their family.
It wasn't selfless. It was selfish in many ways. A determined grab for control of fate, a chance to BE something, protection for someone they love who was uncertain of the path ahead.
Is it selfish to protect your friends? Ultimately yes.
And when it failed? When their one constant, their rage, failed them? Their friends strode into danger anyway. Ashton did everything they could to keep them away. Because they would stop them. Because they would get hurt trying.
Ashton took the fall, again.
But this time they didn't wake up alone.
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taiyami · 2 years
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I never go back on my word. Thats my nindo: my ninja way!
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bloopitynoot · 1 year
Shadowgast Bakery/Coffee/Tea Shop Au's I Love
Okay I promised this after the Shadowgast Fics that made me Ugly Cry list, but instead I ended up doing a Space Opera-AU list. OOPS.
That's fine - it gave me some extra time to read again for this list!
So here it is, in all it's fluff and glory - some of the Bakery/Coffee Shop Shadowgast AU's that I love.
Starting with the longer forms:
1 Labor of Love
Labor of Love (43331 words) by OMGitsgreen (let me know if you know their tumblr so I can tag!) Chapters: 6/6 Rating: Mature Summary: "He still looked devastatingly attractive in every possible way and it wasn’t fair because he looked like he had just rolled out of the bed. Essek needed at least an hour in the morning to talk himself into being even vaguely pleasant. “Oh! Guten Morgen, and welcome back to the Xhorhaus Bakery,” Caleb said, a certain pleasant crinkle to his expression. He was smiling a soft, gentle smile that caught Essek off guard. “What can I get you this morning?” At Xhorhaus Bakery, where the Mighty Nein bake up Rosohna's most delectable treats, magic is something that is in the air. For Essek Theylss, there might just be love there too. COMPLETED
Why I loved it: This is one of my favourite fluffy fics. It's the passion for magic, the softness in the baking, and the transformation of lonely-to-in-love Essek that has my heart. This is truly a comfort fic for me, it's just so unbelievably sweet.
2 always the lonely ones know
always the lonely ones know (19348 words) by jolychetta/@hearthianhatchling Chapters: 6/6 Rating: General Audiences Summary: Essek Thelyss doesn't like unexpected changes, but when his usual coffee shop is replaced by a new one, he has no idea how much his life is about to be shaken up. He should hate the Chaos Crew Café and its people, but he keeps returning every day. It definitely has nothing to do with the handsome barista who served him the first day. In the following weeks, everything unravels - Essek's life, his feelings, and the friends he suddenly finds himself having. Learning to become your better self is hard work, it turns out.
What I loved about it: This fic gave me that perfect taste of the "I don't care about the results of my actions but oh no, I have friends and I think I developed a conscious" but also "this iced mocha is life changing". I loved the entirety of this fic, it was as much a fluffy coffee shop au as it was a story of unlearning and coming to terms with your actions. I almost wish it was a longer slow burn!
3 read between the lines (Everything is gradual)
read between the lines (everything is gradual) (3047 words) by Chanse @spottedenchants Chapters: 1/1 Rating: General Audiences Series: Part 1 of in which caleb owns a cat café Summary: Caleb’s gaze roams, his eyes narrowing in a manner Essek can only deem analytic. If this was all a hazing prank-- “You are Jester’s… acquaintance?” Lovely. Even better. His reputation precedes him. - AKA a fateful encounter is had on one sunny day in Nicodranas
What I love about this: This is part one in a hefty cat café universe (I know it says one chapter but I think there are at least like 14 parts??)- and all of it is absolutely adorable. Caleb owning a magical cat café is honestly the most wholesome and expected thing. You've got the high strung disaster hot boy, you've got the mostly confident ginger magic man just interacting so awkwardly. If you like disaster first encounters that evolve into the cutest of relationships- this entire universe is for you. Oh and also, in later parts, Frumpkin is in charge of the cats and his thoughts are a jellicle dream.
On to the shorts list!
(not that these are short listed- rather they are literally just shorter in word count fics)
4 The Nicodranas Harbor
The Nicodranas Harbor (2220 words) by TheBeeIsLost (if you know them here please let me know so I can tag them!) Chapters: 1/1 Rating: General Audiences Summary: Essek didn't want to be here, but he didn't have a choice in the matter. after weeks of keeping himself cooped up in his own home he decides to finally go out and see what all the fuss about this city is. He found a bit more than he thought he would.
What I loved about it: This fic was an absolute whirlwind. Essek leaves the house one time and stumbles upon a ginger wizard barista who has him completely rattled. Very short, very sweet, and Essek Thelyss will be back.
5 serve with lemon and honey
Serve with lemon and honey ((1032 words) by quothhh (if you know them here let me know so I can tag!). Chapters: 1/1 Rating: Teen and up Audiences Summary: "I don't suppose you can brew me anything stronger than chai today?" Essek asks as he sits at his regular seat along the bar, fingers rubbing at the Ludinus-shaped migraine already pulsing between his temples.
Caleb laughs and tucks his book under the counter. "Ja, actually, I think I can.”
In which Caleb Widogast is definitely just a barista and Essek Thelyss definitely isn't a Dynasty spy.
What I love about this: The absolute wizard flirting is so lovely in this fic. It is in two parts! I do wish this world was explored more, it would have made a lovely longform. But as it is, it is wonderful. Just two- normal- absolutely not magical, absolutely not a spy, guys, just at a teashop/art gallery/bookstore/apothecary. Oh and there's a recipe in the notes of the first part *chefs kiss*.
________ And as always- I will happily accept shadowgast recs and theme recommendations for future lists! Up next: I want to do a corporate/business AU list.
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