#coding in twine
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manonamora-if · 6 months ago
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The 100% Good Twine SugarCube Guide!
The 100% Good Twine SugarCube Guide is a coding guide for the SugarCube format of Twine. It is meant as an alternative to the SugarCube documentation, with further explanations, interactive examples, and organised by difficulty. The goal of this guide is to make the learning curve for new SugarCube user less steep, and provide a comprehensive and wide look over the format.
The Guide is compartmentalised in (currently) four categories:
THE BASICS or the absolute basics to start with SugarCube. No need for extra knowledge. Just the base needed to make something.
THE BASICS + adding interactivity, and creating a fully rounded IF game May require a bit of CSS knowledge (formatting rules)
INTERMEDIATE MODE adding more customisation and complex code Will probably require some CSS knowledge, and maybe some JavaScript
ADVANCE USE the most complex macros and APIs Will surely require some JavaScript/jQuery knowledge
Note: The Advanced Use includes all the APIs, macros, and methods not covered by the previous categories. This includes code requiring very advance knowledge of JavaScript/jQuery to be used properly.
Each category explains many aspects of the format, tailored to a specific level of the user. More simpler explanations and examples are available in earlier chapters, compared to the later ones.
If something is unclear, you found a mistake, you would like more examples in the guide, or would like a feature covered, let me know!
The Guide currently covers all macros (as of SugarCube v.2.37.3), all functions and methods, and APIs. It touches upon the use of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery, when relevant. It also discusses aspects of accessibility.
The Guides also provides a list of further resources, for the different coding languages.
The Guide is available in a downloadable form for offline view:
HTML file that can be opened in Twine
.tw file that can be opened in Twine
source code, separating the chapters, .js and .css files
Twine® is an “an open-source tool for telling interactive, non-linear stories” originally created by Chris Klimas maintained in several different repositories (Twinery.org). Twine is also a registered trademark of the Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation.
SugarCube is a free (gratis and libre) coding format for Twine/Twee created and maintained by TME.
As of this release (v2.0.0), it is up to date with the version 2.37.3. If you are looking for the guide covering SugarCube 2.36.1, you can find it on my GitHub.
Note: the Guide is now complete. There won't be further substantial updates.
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idrellegames · 1 year ago
As an IF author that does this with a "this is my job" mindset I find it hard to do other things in my day to day because whenever I pick up my phone I feel like I am at work and I feel like I constantly think about my story.
Do you have any tips or advice on how to separate myself from my work and stop thinking about it 24/7?
Thank you!
Having a clear division between work and regular life is really important. I think it can be a little harder to do if developing an IF isn't your full-time gig. If you're working a job or are in school and you're packing IF development on top of it, then it can get really tricky to balance.
I also think that if you're working on a large, long-term project, it's a good and normal part of the writing process to think a lot about your story. Not all writing is done when you are actively writing. Daydreaming about your characters and your story lets you work out different kinks and make new discoveries.
So, you have a couple of choices here. You can reframe IF as your hobby, the thing you do in your free time for fun. Take away the pressure of thinking about it like work. You can pick away at it when the mood strikes, write on your own terms, and if you stop having fun with it, it's okay to slam on the breaks and put it aside until you're ready to come back to it.
But if you want to continue treating it as work or if it is already is your job, then you need to set some boundaries for yourself. This is going to be different for everyone; what works for me might not necessarily work for you. But here are a few things you can try:
Set a schedule. Try to contain the times when you are actively working on your project to within certain regular hours. Set different times for different parts of your job. For example, I only do social media management (tumblr inbox and notifications, Patreon, email, itch etc) during the first couple hours of my morning and then the rest of my work day is for writing and/or coding. I don't get through everything, but it's okay. It's really important for online creators not to fall into the trap of feeling like they have to answer everyone immediately, otherwise you will not get anything done.
If you manage social media for your IF, have separate accounts for your personal stuff and work stuff. I have two tumblr accounts, one that manages this sideblog and the other for personal fandom things. Logging out of my work account and into my personal one means that I'm not seeing notifications from this blog and I'm not tracking Wayfarer stuff. It really helps me keep work as work and downtime as downtime.
Separate your work and downtime spaces. Sometimes it's just as simple as working in one room and relaxing in another. This can be a bit tricky if you only have one device that you work from. I have a PC so I can't move it around, so if I'm using it to game later I try to change up my space (by getting a different chair or changing something else about my set up) so I have some kind of physical difference to trick my brain into going from "work mode" to "relax mode". Sometimes I have to get out of my office entirely in order to get that sense of separation, otherwise I feel like I am constantly at work.
If you're on your phone a lot and you don't really use it to make your IF or have alternatives for writing, get rid of the apps that put you in a work headspace. I got rid of the tumblr mobile app a couple years ago and it was probably the best decision in terms of actually keeping me out of work mode.
Take time off. Give yourself a weekend. Pursue other hobbies, play other games, write things other than your IF. IFs take a very long time to make, you can't go at it 24/7 or you will burn out.
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glucosify · 2 years ago
Glucosify's Quick Start Guide to Twine's Sugarcube for Interactive Fiction
Or GQSGTSIF for short.
Very simplified guide to making interactive fiction on Twine, using Sugarcube. This won't cover how to change the UI or anything like that, it's really the bare bones on how to make passages, variables, choices etc. There are multiple ways and syntaxes to do these things, I'm covering the ones I use but it's really not the only way to write code and to do these things ^^ This is not a replacement to the documentation, I'll link relevant parts of the documentations throughout the guide but it's really going to be your best source of information Let me know if there's anything else you think I should add in there ~ 1. Passages & StoryInit 2. Variables 3. If statements 4. StoryMenu (bonus)
First of all, assuming you've already downloaded Twine and opened a new project, make sure that your default story format is Sugarcube (in the top left of the window, go to Twine -> Story Formats and click on Sugarcube then at the top left 'use as default format')
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Now, go back to your project. In the top left, click on Passage -> New : this is how you'll create new passages.
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Passages are what makes the game essentially, it's where you write your story. Whenever you play an if and you click on a choice and it progresses to a new passage of text, that's how it's done. Make sure to name your passages in a way that makes sense to you, two passages can't have the same name. It's probably best the names aren't super long either considering the names are what you'll type in your code to make the player go to this or that passage.
Special passages :
there are some passages that have special functions. Create a passage and name it StoryInit : this passage is used to store variables. Whenever a new game is started, it will load up the variables states as they are in the StoryInit passage. This is essentially a default state where no progress has been made in the story so for example : all stats would be at 0, all relationships points would be at 0, the MC wouldn't have a name yet etc. We'll store our variables there. Variables are attached to values, these values change as the player goes through the story. A variable's value can be many things, it could be a string which is anything that you'd write inside double quotes "" and would be printed as is in the string. For example :
<<set $mcName to "">>
$mcName is a variable. Its value changes to whatever the player chooses for the MC name. As you write your code, you just have to type $mcName and it will be changed to whatever name the player has set it to. A variable's value can also be a number, in this case, you wouldn't write it in double quotes.
<<set $confidence to 50, $maxConfidence to 100>>
It can also be a true or false statement.
<<set $IrisRomance to false>>
Figure out what needs to be a variable in your story and add them accordingly in your StoryInit passage, you'll add more variables as you go. Remember to give them a value, even if the value is 0 or "". Common variables would be for the MC's name and different physical traits, personality stats, pronouns, character's relationships stats etc. For this tutorial, write in your StoryInit :
<<set $mcName to "">>
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Now, let's test our variable. Create another passage, call it start. In the top left bar, select Start Story Here : you should now see a little green rocket attached to your start passage. This is the passage the players will first see when they launch your game.
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Inside the "start" passage, let's make a way to enter your own name with a simple text box.
<<textbox "$mcName" "Enter your name">>
Under it but still inside the "start" passage, let's write a simple link that will let us go to the next passage when we click on it.
<<link 'click here to confirm your name' 'next'>><</link>>
((the first string in the single quote is what will be displayed on the screen as the link, the second word in quotes, in this case 'next' is the name of the passage this link should direct you to))
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Now make a second passage and call it next. Inside that passage, write this :
My name is $mcName.
Let's see if it works : in the top left, go to build -> play.
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It will open an html file in your default browser. Considering we haven't touched the UI, it will have the default Sugarcube UI. You should have a textbox on the screen and a link under it in blue. If your link is red or if you have an error, go back to your code and check for misspellings or make sure you have the right amount of quotes etc.
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Type whatever name you want inside that text box then click on the 'click here to confirm your name' link. It should now have changed the $mcName we wrote in the next passage into the name you input in the box. Congrats, you've learned how to set, change and display a variable :^) Now, let's say you want personality (or relationship) stats that change when you select a choice. Back in your StoryInit :
<<set $confidence to 50, $maxConfidence to 100>>
If you want to have a visual elements like actual bars and meters, I would suggest making it easy on you and just getting Chapel's meter macro. You just copy the minified code inside your Javascript file (top left -> story -> Javascript) and then write in your StoryInit and in your relationships / stats / profile page as explained on his demo. Go back to your "next" passage. Under the first sentence, let's write two choices link, one that will lead to an increase in confidence and one that lowers it.
<<link 'You are not confident. Life is hard.' 'sadface'>><<set $confidence to Math.clamp($confidence - 10, 0, $maxConfidence)>><</link>> <<link 'You are very confident. Life is great.' 'happyface'>><<set $confidence to Math.clamp($confidence + 10, 0, $maxConfidence)>><</link>>
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((Math.clamp might look intimidating but don't worry too much, it's just to make sure your variable's value doesn't go over the min and max allowed so you can't go below 0 or above 100 in this case. You write the variable you want to change then a + or a - followed by how many points you want to remove / add - in this case, 10. Then the 0 is the minimum and the $maxConfidence is the maximum value.))
Now create two new passages, one called sadface and one called happyface. To make sure your variable changed, type $confidence in both of the new passages and play your game.
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On one of the statement, it should now say 40 instead of 50 and 60 in the other one. Congrats you've learned how to change a stat. :^)
But what if you want two choices to lead to the same passage but to display different informations depending on how high / low a stat is? Welcome to the world of if statements. Back in StoryInit, you know the drill :
<<set $idiotLove to 0, $idiotMaxLove to 100>> <<set $idiotRomance to false>>
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New passage, call it LoveCheck. Go back to your "next" passage :
<<link 'Click here to get 25 love points with the idiot.' 'LoveCheck'>><<set $idiotLove to Math.clamp($idiotLove + 25, 0, $idiotMaxLove)>><</link>> <<link 'Click here to get 50 love points with the idiot.' 'LoveCheck'>><<set $idiotLove to Math.clamp($idiotLove + 50, 0, $idiotMaxLove)>><</link>> <<link 'Click here to get 100 love points with the idiot.' 'LoveCheck'>><<set $idiotLove to Math.clamp($idiotLove + 100, 0, $idiotMaxLove)>><</link>> <<link 'I\'m allergic to idiots.' 'LoveCheck'>><</link>>
((you need to add a \ before your apostrophe when it's supposed to be part of the string, otherwise, the program will just think that's a closing single quote and not an apostrophe))
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Alright, so now go to your newly created LoveCheck passage and let's write your first if statement. An if statement is basically a condition that you set, if the statement is 'valid' so like if it's a match then the program will ignore every other 'if' possibility. This is important because it means the order of your if statements matters. An if statement can be as simple as :
You are a person. <<if $idiotRomance is false>>You are not in love with an idiot.<</if>>
((this means that if the variable is false, then the second sentence will be displayed but if the variable is true, then the second sentence wouldn't be displayed to the player.)) An if statement can have an else :
You are a person. <<if $idiotRomance is false>>You are not in love with an idiot. <<else>> You love an idiot, I'm sorry. <</if>>
Note that this is the same as this, using elseif :
You are a person. <<if $idiotRomance is false>>You are not in love with an idiot. <<elseif $idiotRomance is true>> You love an idiot, I'm sorry. <</if>>
What this does is, if the variable is true, it will show the third sentence and not the second one and vice versa if the variable is false - because an if statement will only display the first statement that matches, if the variable is true then it will ignore any statement that require the variable to be false. As I said earlier, the order of your statement matter especially with variables tied to numerical values. You'll understand better once you try it - let's do it in the wrong order first (still in your LoveCheck passage), we'll print the $idiotLove variable to see its value :
$idiotLove <<if $idiotLove gte 25>> You like the idiot a little. <<elseif $idiotLove gte 50>>You like the idiot quite a bit. <<elseif $idiotLove gte 100>>You've fallen for the idiot, it's too late to save you. <<else>> You don't even know who the idiot is, good for you.<</if>>
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Click play and let's look at the problem. If you click on all the links, the number will be different but the sentence will still say that you like the idiot a little, even if you have 100 points. That's because gte stands for greater than or equal to, 100 is greater than 25 so the first statement is always valid so long as you have at least 25 points. The program sees the first statement matches and is valid so it has no need to read the rest of the if statements. To remedy this, we just change the order :
$idiotLove <<if $idiotLove gte 100>>You've fallen for the idiot, it's too late to save you. <<elseif $idiotLove gte 50>>You like the idiot quite a bit. <<elseif $idiotLove gte 25>>You like the idiot a little. <<else>> You don't even know who the idiot is, good for you.<</if>>
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Now it works. If statements will be your most used tool I imagine, especially if there's a lot of variations in your story. You can use if statements for pronouns, for stat checks, romance checks etc.
I can always make another guide for the UI but for now, I'll just show you how to add another link in the sidebar of the default UI, using StoryMenu.
Make a new passage, call it StoryMenu :
<<link 'relationships' 'relationships'>><</link>> <<link 'stats' 'stats'>><</link>>
Make two new passages called relationships and stats. Write whatever you want in them, if you're using Chapel's meters, you could use the <<showmeter>> macro here to display your stat bars.
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ruesartdumping · 1 year ago
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since i messed up my wrist and cant draw decided to finally learn twine. if yall have any tips or advice ill take em!
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parallaxgames · 2 years ago
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The Workspace in Progress (WIP) <3
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You should buy a rubber duck.
90% of writing interactive fiction is rereading your code trying to figure out what the fuck you were even thinking.
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childrenofcain-if · 4 months ago
Why is C giving Cardan from the folk of air and M is Aaron Warner coded, I'm afraid I have a type...
it’s probably because a pre-confession C writes MC’s name over and over in a piece of paper to have some peace of mind at night, also the rivals/enemies aspect of course. and M basically is a direct authority figure (unbeknownst to the MC) who has a big say in how the house of styx functions 🤭
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uroboros-if · 11 months ago
Content Warning Macro
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(Dedicated to my friends from the sister Ouroboros server ♥️ A cute mini project I worked on for a few hours!)
A macro that allows readers to toggle for topics they find triggering/sensitive to hide them unless clicked/pressed. This simplifies the process by a lot, and comes with additional features!
For instructions, follow the link to the code above. Below, I will be explaining more in-depth about how it simplifies the process, and includes additional features. :)
Simplified how?
When you want to section off portions of the text as it has sensitive content, you may use an if condition to check if the reader is sensitive to it, followed by a linkreplace.
However, doing this multiple times can be exhaustive. It also likely requires you to copy the text twice, for both in the case the reader is sensitive, and the case they are not. This can be unwieldy if you have a lot of paragraphs or a big one. See example below.
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Using the macro, however, you can shorten it to this:
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Not only is this much more readable, it does not artificially inflate the word count of your game and take up space, and it is also much quicker to write!
And some other neat features...
Can section off only parts of a paragraph!
Content warning text is generated automatically, but can optionally be rewritten!
Content warnings only list sensitive topics relevant to the reader, even if that section has multiple other content warnings!
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manonamora-if · 6 months ago
I realised today I never posted about it here so yeah...
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This was a long time coming, so here we are.
Hello person of the internet,
It's ME again! your totally legit supplier of super duper good assets (100% GOOD!!!! NO BUGS AT ALL!!!}. I am back b-back BACK again with a pretty useful file for you! AND A NEW KIND OF FILE!!
Still scam free, still without a single bug, still easy-to-use and to include in your project! What are YOU waiting FOR?!
Download another funky file to make your HARLOWE project run EVEN BETTER!!! In exchange of.... nothing! {YES, THIS IS STILL 100% FREE!!!} or maybe your love and adoration for this little help...
Were you looking to customise your Harlowe project?
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The Save and Settings All-In-One!
All-In-One because it is both a Template for Save Systems and Settings AND a Guide! Covering different ways of creating saves and settings, as well as ensuring the settings stick between play-sessions.
And, the code is annotated in the relevant passages, StyleSheet and JavaScript code, on top of the Guide.
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journalofjas · 1 month ago
My Twine tutorial surpassed 500 downloads✨ Thank you all for the kind words on it. Please let me know if you have used it in your games, I'd love to see them!
Character Profile Card Tutorial (Twine Sugarcube)
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Hi everyone!
I released a quick tutorial on itch.io on how to make character cards for your character codexes. I was originally making these test cards for my characters for my upcoming IF game, Vals Reborn and after hours of trying to figure out how to make them I finally think I got it down! I wanted to make this tutorial not only for me to go back to but to help everyone make cool codexes too.
In this tutorial :
-HTML and CSS directions
-Character cards with images and pop up screens for character descriptions
-Sample scenario to show how to implement the profile cards
If you use the character profile card from my tutorial please let me know! I would love to see how you customize them. If you also have any questions I will try to answer them as best as I can since I am also learning Twine.
Tutorial Link
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idrellegames · 1 year ago
I would love to get into if writing in the future, I would love to write either a romance or a slice-of-life. If I did, what do you suggest would be the best things to keep in the story innit passages, or could you recommend coding that would be helpful for me?
This is a bit of a complicated question to answer since it's very dependent on what the goals of your game are and your overall design.
I have a small tutorial here on how SugarCube's StoryInit passage works.
You might also find my masterpost of Twine tutorials helpful.
Some of my advice may be out-of-date since they're from a few years ago and SugarCube has been updated since then, but it should get the gist across.
Good luck!
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loveandleases · 10 months ago
Little look at the ui
Honestly I kept going back and forth on what template to use, I easily changed it 5 or more times. Finally settling on one. The template is created by Vahnya. I highly suggest checking it out, it's easily customizable.
I want the character menu's to represent your choice of gender for the Ro's. So here is a little look below at M's profile. (I'm debating allowing players to choose a nickname for Ro's and letting that show on the page. ) Sneaky Peek below~
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loveafterdeath-if · 8 days ago
Heyy dear authoor, I dont know if you are taking question on these but I wanted to ask you about twine and coding. I’ve been interested in writing my own IF but vscode and twee and everything i’ve been reading so far got me super overwhelmed and I tried vscode and everything went red and error with templates I tried to use 😭 I was wondering what is your flow of coding the LAD and how did you started. How is story folders works, how do you structure the files and compile them
Anon... I'm shit at this but I'll try to help as much as I can.
Tbh, I touched a bit of everything before publishing anything. Idk how many games I started on renpy only to abandoned them because I was too lazy to continue and because I dunno how to draw and because I didn't know how to code it in a text only thing. Idk how many IF I started and are still gathering dust in my files and waiting to be rewritten properly, because I wanted to use choicescript at first but didn't understand a single thing lmaooo
I think templates are the most useful for a first IF, especially if you dunno anything about coding etc. I struggled a bit with mine at first (still am sometimes).
You also have to be sure to check if the template was updated for the latest version of twine and if you use the same story formats (SugarCube, Harlowe and... I don't remember the others). Make sure to check in the comments of the template you got too, sometimes some have answers to your potential questions.
My coding flow is a mess so anything I say will probably not help you. I knew some stuff before starting thanks to many attempt at publishing IF, even though I never published any until LAD. We're talking about maybe 2 years of attempts. So in the meantime during those attempts, I've watched some tutorials on ytb for exact stuff I needed, searched on google, on tumblr too (btw check @uroboros-if account, they have a lot of helpful stuff, that's where I found out how to deal with the pronouns, etc. and there's also @outoftheblue-if who knows much more than me (and I used one of their(?) templates! And @manonamora-if definitely will help you better if you got any question about twine!)
I think you should ask or search for the exact things you need. I did that most of the time and gathered it all somewhere in my files. Like, if you wanna know about how to code cycle choices, or how to deal with the pronouns of your ROs, or that kind of thing.
I doubt I've been helpful, but do feel free to head to my discord if you have more question about stuff!
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manonamora-if · 2 years ago
1(bis)/also-part-of-4 use Tweego not Twine :P
The web version is really convenient and easy to use, but has a ton of issue when it comes to saving. It's great to start out and to quickly test/check something. But if you can install things on your device of choice, I highly recommend using the app at the very least.
If you cannot install the Twine App on your device, ALWAYS PUBLISH TO FILE/CREATE A BACK UP! (before you start, at different interval while you work on it, AND before you close the program)
How to Keep Your Twine Project Safe
It is a tale as old as time. The app crashes, your cache is cleared, your laptop breaks, and hours or days or weeks of work is lost. It's a terrible experience, and you never think about what to do in that situation until it happens to you- and by that time, it's already too late. So here's your prompt to get ahead of things and keep your project protected before something goes wrong.
So here, I'll be going over some layers of security you can use...
1. NEVER use the web app
I know this one's gonna be controversial. I know, a lot of people use the web app! It exists for a reason! But if you do, you're leaving your work very vulnerable.
When you use a local installation of Twine, your files are being saved to local storage. That means that everything is saved on your hardware, and with the exception of a freak event, it's not going anywhere. Don't get me wrong, those freak events aren't rare enough to dismiss (we'll talk about that later), but it's not quite as bad as the web app.
Instead of saving your files locally, the web app saves your progress to your browser's cache- the same thing that saves your cookies and keeps you logged in on websites. If your cache is cleared for any reason, your games will be gone.
2. Write your documents in a separate program
Chances are, if you're using Twine, there's a lot of stuff you can do outside of Twine before moving it into the program itself. A common practice is to write prose in a separate program, and then move it all into Twine when you're finished and write the code in Twine. This is a great way to back up your work, because if Twine has an error, you'll still have all the source files to reconstruct what you had before.
I'd recommend trying to use a stable program to write in. That means something that saves locally and doesn't frequently crash. In other words, do not use Google Docs. Instead of Docs, try one of these:
Microsoft Word (expensive, subscription, but stable)
LibreOffice (free, stable)
Scrivener (one time purchase, stable)
I can not stress this enough. Back up your damn work. Back it up in multiple places if possible.
"Oh, but I'm using Google Docs, it's already backed up!" NO. No it is not. To keep your work truly safe, you need multiple copies hosted on multiple pieces of hardware. If one of those is a Google server, great! But if it's just one, that means that one single failure in that hardware (or the software associated) will mean everything is lost.
You can back up your files from the Twine program by going under the Build tab and selecting Publish to File or Export as Twee. Saving that to your device is already better than having it saved by the Twine app, but you'll be even safer if you back that file up to an external hard drive (or just a cheap USB drive) and a cloud hosting service like Dropbox or Google Drive. To make it extra safe and minimize lost progress, make sure you replace these files regularly.
That seems like a lot of work though, right? Yeah. So here's my final piece of advice...
4. Use Git
Git is how I've been backing up my latest project, Signal Hill. It's intimidating at first, but there are simple and easy ways to use platforms like Github to keep your work safe and fix big errors. To teach you how, I've created a whole separate tutorial, which you can find here.
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crownofefflorescence · 2 months ago
Branching narratives are all fun and games until you have to actually branch the narrative.
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This morning I'm finishing up an important conversation between you and your new "benefactor" (no hints but their name begins with a U) and this doesn't have too many branches yet all things considered.
However, your initial response to the confusion and trauma of this sudden life change adds variation to not only the text, but your dialogue options.
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Me and your MC both at this point. 😂
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eastend-if · 1 month ago
Little update to say I've put the demo up on CoGDemos :-)
Also I'm finally at 11k words and finished the short meeting with Hez ! Prologue wise I have about 2 other events I want to place in there, I already know the end, I just have...to find the path to it 😅
Let me know if you'd like to have it on itchi.o as well as I've heard the mobile interface for CoGDemos isn't the best? (I'm also a mobile player 🤝 But I haven't had the chance to look at it yet!)
Thank you for your patience 🤍
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