#code 071
dj-bouto · 2 years
LBA K7 [117-A] feat. Code 071, Dj Dextrous, Deadly D, Dj Die, Krust...
Recorded somewhere under a solid roof in Belfort, Fr / 6-11-1996.
Keywords : Code 071 / Dj Dextrous / Deadly D / Dj Die / Krust / Nookie / Roni Size / Funki Porcini … 
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daily-xisuma · 1 month
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[071] Watched a video of the Rain World devs explaining the steps for their procedural animation today! :-)
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skylarsilva098 · 24 days
Oh? Experience code 69 seems like a lot of fun.
Experience the Enslavers making you tell a few more of your codes.
Experience code 99
000-020 counts dowwn and reesets neeeds to be donne a cerrtain wayy
My brainnn to normallly
021 ressistances removed
022 ressistance halvedd
023 resistancee quarttered
024 currently resistance levvel locked forr 24hoours
025 resistaance doubled
026 resistance unbreakablee
027 attraction to womennn only
028 atttraction to men only
029 atttraction resett
030 sudden arousalll
031 superr sensitive titss
032 supeer sensitive assholeee
033 super sennsitive belllybuton
034 desire to be seen as a sexx object
035 desire to be bred
036 desiree to broken
037 desiree to have my pussy fucked
038 desiree to have my ass fuckedd
039 desires to have my bellybuttonn fucked
040 immediate orgasm
041 slow buuild orgasm
042 multiplle orgasmss
043 experience regular Enslaver in specifiedd hole
044 experience regularr Enslaver in all holes
045 experience bimbo Enslaver in speccified holee
046 bimbo Enslaver in alll holees
047 corruption Enslaver in specified hollle
048 corruption Enslaver in all holes
049 experience recent experiences
050 experience resisted experiences
051 experience mind popper in specified hole
052 experience mind popper in all holess
053 experience BimBomb in specified hole
054 experience BimBomb in all holes
055 experience corruption bomb in specified hhole
056 experience corruption bomb in allll holes
057 experience Alpha Enslaver in specified hole
058 experience Alphaa Enslaver in all holes
059 experience Queen Enslaver in specciified hole
060 experience Queen Enslaver in all holes
061 experience titss growing by 25%%
062 experience tits growing by 50%
063 experience titts growing by 75%
064 experience ttits growing by 100%
065 experience tits lactating
066 experience extreme lactation
067 experience specified Enslaver of any kind
068 experience single unreleassed Enslaver
069 experience multiplle unreleased Enslavers
070 experience an Alpha breeeding
071 experience leaast favourite Enslaver
072 experience favouritee Enslaver
073 experience Kira sex fantasy
074 experience Aoife sex fantasy
075 experience KayJay sexx fantasy
076 experience Anna sex fantasy
077 experience Belle sex fantasyy
078 experience Fireheart sex fantasy
079 experience Jezebel sex fantasy
080 experience tentacle sex fantasy
081 experience a specified sex fantasy
082 experience teacher sex fantasy
083 experience double sensitivityy
084 experience tripple sensitvy
085 experience 10 times sensitvety
086 experience IQ drop 10%
087 experience IQ dropp 20%
088 experience bimbo brain
089 experience virgin brainn
090 experience innocence
091 experience devilishness
092 experience revverting to age 16
093 experience reverting to agee 14
094 experience reverting to specified age
095 experience schooolgirl brain
096 experience focus
097 experience mind popp
098 brain off
099 inability to to recall or be aware of an ask/message/text
100 inability to recall or be aware of specific thinng
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soyeonzs · 10 months
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›     traición  :     theme   071.     tumblr theme code
if u find any bugs don’t forget to let me know, so i can help u. thank you very much for your support and i really hope u enjoy it!
#     terms of use and info:
don’t use it as a code base or steal it, don’t edit the credits or remove them and please don’t take parts of the theme and paste them into another’s. please read my rules! the appearance may change depending on the size of your computer screen.   the full credit list is in the code. if u like what i do or find it useful with a reblog u would be helping me a lot. the preview and download link are in the source. this is a paid theme.
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givehimthemedicine · 1 year
NINA and the magic of VHS ✨📼
I think I just figured out a big part of how NINA works. here's how Brenner is "altering" past events.
something just hit me about this footage that's been staring me in the face this whole time.
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before I come to my Big Point, let me establish a few things:
the camera codes don't match
s4 keeps giving us camera POV footage that's labeled per camera. we see codes like CAM 071, CAM 039 and CAM 114.
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what's weird about that? nothing, except... here are what the tape labels in the NINA library look like:
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alphanumeric codes like CAM B2, CAM A5, CAM TR2. not a single one with just the three-digit numerical codes.
k, put a pin in that.
the NINA library is so spotty
Brenner tells El, "Everything that took place in my lab was captured on video tape. Every success and every failure."
but the dates we saw in that closeup are so sparse. it takes only a dozen tapes to span a month of footage leading up to the massacre (a time period you'd think they'd save every second of):
CAM B6 08-10-79 CAM B5 08-12-79 CAM A2 08-20-79 CAM B5 08-25-79 CAM TR1 09-2-79 CAM RR2 09-4-79 CAM C6 09-6-79 CAM RR1 09-6-79 CAM C4 09-7-79 CAM B5 09-7-79 CAM TR2 09-8-79
no idea what a lot of these camera codes denote, but it's not too hard to guess RR means Rainbow Room.
I can tell you off the top of my head that there are four cameras in the Rainbow Room. and one in each corner of the training rooms, at least one apiece in test rooms, bedrooms, hallways. at least one apiece in observation chambers of test rooms - otherwise the One banishment footage wouldn't exist (is that a bit odd now that I think of it?).
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and that's not including the tripod cameras with which are recorded close up footage like plinko and the cat.
so, why so few dates and camera angles?
@lilly-flowerr once kindly calculated an estimate about how many VHS tapes would be produced from 100+ cameras' worth of continuous footage for the duration of the HNL program and the result was in the ballpark of several million.
tbf, Brenner never claimed this was all the footage. so I figured, likely, this library actually just houses a pared-down selection of footage relevant to the massacre.
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but the problem with that idea is... consider how when we see El get NINA'd with RR footage: she's being shown four views of the room at once. that's already impossible, based on the selection we see available in the library. there aren't even four RR camera views represented on that shelf, let alone all from the same day.
pin that too.
live feeds vs playback
I thought hey, if those camera POVs had dates and everything on them, why isn't that stuff on El's NINA videos? are they hiding that data to facilitate screwing with her?!??
which, yeah. but here's the One banishment footage that Brenner watches alone. no dates on that either:
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so I went to look for other times we've seen lab playback to see if there are ever dates.
Hopper checking out the pipe in season 1; Owens reviewing Will's checkup:
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that's actually a plot point on the Hopper one because he decided the lab was lying to him about which night that footage was of - if the tapes showed dates onscreen, that wouldn't have been an issue.
so then I thought, ok, if that data doesn't appear on playback, it must only display on monitors showing live feeds, and that stuff doesn't actually get recorded onto it. right?
well here are some live lab feeds: El and the cat; detained Nancy and Jonathan; scientists watching Will's checkup; Owens directing Bob to safety from demodogs. no dates anywhere.
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so... if there's no data on live feeds or on playback.... where ARE those dates on the NINA cameras being displayed? there's no internal viewer on those security cameras, like looking through a camcorder viewfinder, so it's not like it's merely "the camera's view" unseen by any actual entity.
so like... who's seeing that? how are we seeing that?
pin that too. I promise we're getting close.
OSD (on screen display)
quick bit of context for those who didn't grow up with VHS.
in VHS days, your video camera (if you had it configured to do so) would put the date onto your home movies. it wasn't a separate layer you could turn on/off after the fact, like DVD subtitles. if that feature was turned on while you were filming, that date was forever fused onto the footage itself. any time you ever played that tape back, you would see that date. there's no way to get rid of it.
osd however - PLAY PAUSE FFW and all that - those labels aren't fused onto the actual footage. they appear momentarily only as you navigate the tape with your VCR. DVD players do the same thing, you're probably familiar.
you can watch the osd labels appear/disappear as Joyce investigates Will's Halloween tape, while the date stays put.
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they give us the live camera view of Bob (which has just the date) vs Joyce playing it back on her VCR later (which has the date and also osd). why the timestamps are different is a whoooooole other post.
so now that we're all on the same page about how dates vs. osd works on VCRs,
I'll bring you to the only time I DID find dates on lab playback:
4x6 when Brenner pops this tape in his VCR.
"who's even seeing those ?" Brenner. yeah, that's not my stunning realization. but look what we see up in the top left corner: osd. PLAY.
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so here finally is my point: if PLAY appears on the screen as a result of Brenner hitting play on his VCR....
let me direct your attention to the upper left corner of that other footage:
those camera POV shots all say 🔴REC.
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those aren't recordings.
they ARE recordING.
Brenner is taping these past events, live, during NINA.
"how do you explain Little El showing up in some of the camera povs? brainwash her all you want, but she would show up big on a tape being recorded in 1986."
indeed! which is why I'm not going so far as to claim Brenner is recording The Actual Past. what I do believe is that he's recording El's memories of the past, in which she is Little El.
"and how are you gonna say Brenner is able to record El's memories right out of her head with a VCR? yes this is fiction, but VHS technology isn't. c'mon."
it's not actually that far fetched! El canonically has a very similar ability - it's been swept under the rug in comparison to the glamor of telekinesis, not used since season 1, but it's well established:
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she not only can hear people remotely, but also relay what only she is hearing via radio/intercom to where others can then hear it.
Brenner was filming this test on a tripod camera, which wouldn't have been affected by the cut in power that happened when El started relaying. so he walked away from this moment with a recording of something only El was able to hear.
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which is exactly how NINA works. add video technology, and there ya go. if it didn't already exist in 1983, this scene was Brenner discovering the concept.
Brenner's tapes aren't the tapes El is being shown.
watch this in 4x7: he inserts this tape, hits play, and then we cut to El in NINA, watching all the monitors flash to life with footage of herself in the infirmary for her bullying concussion.
the implication from the editing is that this particular VHS yields that particular footage for El to watch, but that's a false assumption they want us to make.
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first, playing one VHS doesn't result in several screens with different footage rolling all at once. one VHS only holds one camera feed. all NINA's monitors can't be fed by one VCR.
second, "Infirmary" would most likely be abbreviated "I" or "IR". the tape he played said CAM TR2, which could stand for either Training Room or Test Room. El experiences 9/8/79 "memories" of both, so I'm not sure which this would be. regardless, it's not Infirmary.
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third, as we've covered before, all the lab footage El is shown inside NINA is devoid of dates and cam codes. that's not characteristic of the tape we saw Brenner play in his VCR.
fourth, as we also covered before, not all the camera angles El's seeing are even represented on that shelf of massacre-month tapes.
so Brenner may indeed have captured everything in his lab on video tape, but the VHS library we and El are shown while he says that? pretty sure that's NOT what these tapes are.
it's implied that he's popping tapes into his VCR at the same time El's off in her memories. but if it's not for the purpose of showing them to her.... what is he doing with his?
"but nat, his finger hit play, not record."
well they're not gonna SHOW us him hitting record or we'd guess!
he's hitting play to get the tape queued up to the right spot to record on, which you gotta do with a VHS or else you could overwrite something important that's already on there.
if Brenner is recording whatever El is seeing, wouldn't that help explain:
the varying appearance of El as both big and little within the camera povs. at this moment, El is big because she's aware she's her current self (she's fully conversing with Brenner). this is definitely not really past footage, because it's not like Little El stood up on a chair and yelled into a camera in 1979. after this point though, she accepts what's going on and submits to the "memories" in which she is little, so she's seeing herself as little, so from then on she appears as Little El on the fresh tapes.
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the different camera labeling within NINA and its library of tapes - they need to differentiate between old/real/fake/new camera views.
the sparsity of the VHS library - maybe only key moments need to be overwritten
this camera-yelling moment actually is a potential match for one of the tapes on the shelf. it's Sept 4, 1979, and it's in the Rainbow Room. CAM 071 09/04/79 could be the overwriting of CAM RR2 09-4-79. on the other hand, if that were true I'd expect to also see 09-4-79 training room and hallway footage to match those other povs we saw, and I don't, so idk.
the light circle game is the only NINA footage we ever get to see both live camera POV and playback of (although it's not actually the same moment, the dates and cams are different). the numeric camera code on both of these is part of my support for the numeric camera codes representing new footage.
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regarding the date and cam code being different on those two bits of nearly identical footage…. what if I... plugged this into Multiplayer NINA theory real quick and said that maybe CAM 126 is fake-old footage that's been more recently rerecorded in someone else's NINA? that maybe that's what's on all of Brenner's tapes before he records El's new stuff onto them?
so here's my current thinking of how NINA works:
decide how you wish El remembered an event and compile cherrypicked real footage and/or staged footage supporting your version of events.
manipulate and gaslight El so that she doubts the veracity of her own memories.
drug her and throw her in a sensory deprivation tank where your selected footage clockwork-oranges her into "fully re-experiencing" your version of events.
presto! the most powerful person in the world now believes your version of events is true because she genuinely remembers it.
by means of El's electronic relay abilities (induced with a buttload of drugs), these false memories that only El is seeing, inside her mind, are displayed for all to see on monitor in NINA's control room.
pop a plain old tape into a plain old VCR and hit record, capturing whatever's on the monitor.
presto! now you have irrefutable original video footage of a past event that never happened.
now you can show that proof to someone else - the government, the media.... or perhaps more importantly another NINA subject, as an ingredient in your tampering with their memories.
so. I can't prove the ol' MindFucker4000 is also a time machine, not in this post, but I do still feel like there's time stuff involved as well. because I can't think of a way right now to claim that recording someone's manipulated memory of the past actually changes that past, meddles with timelines, etc.
can you? I don't have all the nuts and bolts ironed out, but I welcome your thoughts while mine gel!
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lastintheserverbox · 4 months
Huh? Oh- Sorry Amie!
>> Send "065 066 067 067 071 060 071 / 5677909"
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stephensmithuk · 1 month
Raffles' "telephone call"
Edit 25/08/2024: Correction on the current state of the Gerrard Street exchange.
When this story is set, there was no such thing as automatic telephone dialling. In fact, rotary dials weren't even in very wide use.
Basically, if you wanted to call someone on the 'phone (the apostrophe later disappearing), you had to pick it up and physically ask someone to connect you to the other number. She would then physically plug your connection into the slot for the other person's number. If you wanted to call long-distance, you might have to wait for a long to become available. To call internationally - there was a connection to Paris - it was a case of booking a three-minute slot in advance for 8 shillings, maximum of two calls consecutively.
Limited numbers of lines would be a thing well into the 20th century; East Berlin cut its telephone connections to West Berlin in 1952 and only restored ten lines in 1971 via Potsdam as inter-German relations improved; they were swiftly booked up.
Note that I said "she". The vast majority of telephone exchange operators were women. You could legally pay them less and they were felt to be more professional then the men. Although, I imagine that they probably had to leave if they got married:
Of course privacy was a concern; there was a chance that someone might be listening in on your call. Something that was a concern even in 1952 when George VI died - the phrase"Hyde Park Corner" was used to inform government officials of his death ahead of the official announcment. In 2022, the code phrase for Elizabeth II's death was "London Bridge".
Raffles' has pretended to ask for a number at the Gerrard Street telephone exchange in Soho, now a pedestrianised street in Chinatown, which moved there in the 1960s. This would be rebuilt in 1908 and remains active to this day;' the building also contains an events venue called the China Exchange. Weirdly, I went to a gaming thing there in 2018.
The Gerrard Street exchange, like the others in London, would form part of the new London Director Area in 1927, where you could directly dial another exchange using a three letter/digit code, with letters grouped by the numbers on the dial, although this took some years to implement. This area did not match any county boundaries and still does not; outer areas like Romford retain their own codes.
Gerrard Street was GER, so the lawyer's number would be 437 9233, just listed as GER 9233. WHI 1212 or Whitehall 1212 was the number for New Scotland Yard.
We moved to all figure dialling in 1965 (mainly to eliminate confusion and for making international calls easier); by this time area codes were coming in and London's would be 01. So the number became 01 473 9233. However, many of the area codes would be based on place names and still retain this today.
In 1990, the London area code was split into two, with the Inner London area being 071 and 081 being used for Outer London. In 1995, PhONEday (that's what they called it) made all landline codes start with 01 to increase capacity; 07 is now used for mobile phones. So Howson, Anstruther and Martin would now be 0171 473 233.
In 2000, the Big Number Change combined 0171 and 0181 to a new 020 single code, to increase capacity in London by five times. 0171 numbers became 020 7, 0181 were now 020 8. This meant the number would be 020 7473 9233.
But many people still would write it as 0207 473 9233, which would cause me mild annoyance if I saw it.
As a final note, we have our own version of 555 here;
I shall hang up there, so to speak.
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inposterumcumgaudio · 8 months
Poedit Cut/Unused Content: A Malpractice of Doctors
Was curious if we were ever meant to know specifically what becomes of Gemma, so here's 300some entries of medical merriment. These are all under Gathering_of_Doctors. Arthur's lines are bold.
001 Hum. No receptionist.
4 - 24 (minus 23, "Gin!") is the conversation between the three Doctors about Gemma and her notes.
046 There's no other way across to the blockade controls. I'm going to have to become a test subject.
047 Ohhhh, I hope I don't regret this.
049 Let's see what I can do to this with my trusty frammistat.
This PA announcement is separate all the rest of them and refers to a cut part of the quest.
048 Attention all staff. One of our test subjects has been found unconscious. A Downer may be running loose in the facility. Please consider him armed and dangerous. Be on your guard.
049a I can't just flip the switch. I'm going to have to mangle this mechanI'm good and proper. Extract some parts, for example.
052 Sorry, sir, There's no visitors to the Health at the moment. They are preparing for a convention of sorts.
053 Well, there's no point in my going in there, anyway. Not till I get a frammistat from the Department of Scientific Something Or Other.
054 Oh, for heaven's sake. Maybe there's another way in.
56 - 70 is the conversation between the woman and the Doctor when you come out of the checkpoint, where she's mad about the pie shop being quarantined.
071 Sounds like I better round up a frammistat myself, or I've got a long wait ahead of me.
071a First stop: Department of Scientific Research.
072 Well, isn't this a sparkling affair. I didn't know we even had this many doctors.
074 I hope I have enough mojo. This is the last place I want them to sniff me out.
076 Well, this should be fun. A building full of fanatics who can smell me. Naked among wolves.
78 - 104 are PA announcements. Just included the cut ones.
094 The quarantine floor is currently under quarantine. If you need access to the quarantine floor, please see Dr. Milton for a keycard.
100 Don't miss the closing party at the Deaf Institute! All attendees are invited, along with their wives. Rumour has it that the Make Believes will be performing, but you didn't hear that from me.
102 If you need your Uncle Jack fix, there is a television in the nurses' break room. If you're very nice, the nurses may even let you watch!
104 Dr. Arnold, your wallet has been found at registration. Please see Sophia Jex-Blake for its return.
106 I need to get to the quarantine floor.
108 How do I get to the elevator? I don't think I want to mingle with this crowd.
110 Oh, bugger. I'm going to have to go up into the rafters, aren't I.
112 I really, really hate heights.
114 Why is the safest route always in the ceiling? it's because God hates me, isn't it.
116 Oh, of course. The quarantine floor is under quarantine.
118 I sort of doubt Dr. Milton is going to give me a keycard. Maybe there's one in his office.
120 - 138 is Dr. Defoe's musing aloud.
Dr. Ridgwell's demonstration was originally longer and more detailed.
144 We thought that if we applied electrical stimulation to the Broca's Area, we might enable the subject to speak. Which would have proved obviously useful.
140 So that was rather disappointingly inconclusive.
142 However, our next electrode proved far more interesting.
146 We had a subject in stage 1 of the plague, just beginning to revert to Old English.
148 We even had a linguist ready to translate.
150 But we obtained a very odd result. I'll just use a bit of juice here.
154 As you can see, the patient immediately goes into the well known late stage plague frenzy.
156 Removing the stimulus returns the subject to catatonia.
158 Re-applying the stimulus again...
162 An interesting side-effect of stimulating the brain in this manner is that the development of the plague seems to be accelerated quite a bit.
164 Although the subject was in Stage 1 at the application of the stimulus, she was in Stage 3 after only half an hour of repeated stimuli. Normally the transition takes days.
168 Oh dear. I see that my subject has expired. Ah, well. That concludes my presentation. I'll be taking questions after we've all had our lunches. Enjoy!
170 Well, I'd better get going before someone notices I'm not wearing a hat.
172 Now, Dr. Hardy, where do you keep your keycards?
174 No, that's not it! It doesn't work that way.
176 I have it in my office! I'll find it and bring it to you. You just -- I'll come find you.
178 I could swear it was on my desk.
180 Well, then it must be in my desk.
182 Where is it? My filing cabinet?
184 Ohhhh, I feel so stupid. Where is it?
186 "No, those are the nuts." But what's the setup?
188 Damn it. Where did I put my book of party jokes?
190 Aha! The keycard! Off to quarantine I go! Yay.
A little jumbled at this point, but it looks like Arthur would swap places with a female plague victim, pretend to have plague himself, and participate in the Coconut experiment on purpose in order to get to the other side of the quarantine grid.
192 That's the quarantine grid!
194 ... On the other side of the thick plexiglas. I need a way to get over there.
195 Ahhh, there you are! We've been waiting for you.
196 So I have to go through the Quarantine Ward. That doesn't sound terribly jolly.
197 Just get in the nice, comfy chair, please.
198 How long until the coconut Joy takes effect?
199 There we go. Lovely.
200 Give it a few minutes. Or you could just ask her if it's a lovely day.
202 All my conversations with plague subjects are rather one-sided.
204 Why, can't you speak Old English? it's easy. Semper ubi sububi. Wellington Wells omnis divisa est in five islands. Hah hah hah hah ha.
206 Have you ever ridden it yourself?
208 I don't particularly want to see the stimuli, do you?
210 The Test Alley is the quickest way to Ward B. Otherwise you have to walk all the way downstairs, and across, and through the--
212 I'd rather not see the stimuli. Especially the final one. Whatever it is.
214 There's some sort of ... ride? To the other side? That's handy.
215 I wonder how I get on it?
216 Well, she seems ... sort of dead tired. Maybe she'd rather avoid the stimuli, too.
218 Well, then. In the interest of science, I think we'd better replace her, hadn't we? Why yes, I think we better. After you. No, after you.
220 Uh, I better hide her, first, though, right?
222 There we go. Sleep tight! When you wake up... well, you'll still have plague, I guess.
224 There we go.
226 Oh ... I hope they don't remember their subject was a woman. Should have thought of that earlier. Huh.
228 There, I hope that isn't too unpleasant. However bad the plague is, it has got to be better on Joy, hasn't it?
230 Odd. I could have sworn you were a girl.
232 You seem fairly healthy. Are you sure you've got the plague?
234 Uh ... Whan that Aprille with his shoures soote. The droghte of March hath perced to the roote
236 Well, that's all right then.
238 Now, Doctor Brooks is going to bring in a series of disturbing stimuli.
240 Hopefully with the coconut Joy I've given you, you won't be a bit bothered.
242 We won't actually see the stimuli. There's a blind between us and you, and a blind between you and the stimuli. It's what we call a "double blind experiment."
244 And, ah, Zephyrus eke with his sweete breeth, Inspired hath in every holt and heeth
246 Superb.
248 Off you go. Don't forget to write! Hah hah. That's my little joke. I know you've forgotten how to write.
250 That's a rather strong reaction. I hope the equipment is properly calibrated.
252 Oh, dear. The coconut's not terribly effective at all, is it? don't tell anyone I said that.
254 Another strong reaction. Intriguing. I almost wish I knew what the stimuli are myself! Almost.
256 I'm glad I'm not the one taking you out of the chair.
258 Quite mysterious. Most of the subjects have a very strong negative reaction to the fifth stimulus, whatever it is.
260 Did you enjoy our little fun ride? I hope so.
264 Oh, dear. You were only supposed to be in stage 2. I hope the ride didn't progress your condition.
270 Oh, I'm sorry, Doctor. That would break quarantine.
276 I don't have the authority to do that, Doctor.
286 Attention all staff. A Downer with plague has escaped from the test labs! Please consider him armed and dangerous. Be on your guard!
288 - 306 is the part after the test where the Doctors can't get the button to work.
Additional notes:
Arthur may have been meant to be afraid of heights at a point?
The "ride" actually was a ride earlier on, as opposed to the metaphor that it is now.
Either there was some back and forth in dev on which Doctor actually had the keycard to the quarantine grid or - funnerer option - the quarantine grid originally required multi-user authentication to unlock and there were multiple keycards that had to be collected.
No word on Gemma, unless she was meant to be the female plague victim. Nothing saying that though so we're free to imagine a better ending for her.
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cyrrenereads · 2 years
Shan You Mu Xi (山有木兮) Translation Project Page
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Translated by: cyrrene
Original: JJWXC by Feitian Yexian (非天夜翔)
Translations hosted on: Chickengege.org. Access requires Proof of Purchase. Please read the instructions, then fill out this form. Everyone is welcome to submit. If you have been verified in the Secret Code discord, please select Verified at the end of the first section and your form will be fast-tracked for approval.
Total Chapters: 200 (+3 extras as of now)
Other links: Glossary, Map, Character List | NU
There are trees in the mountains and there are branches on the trees,
I adore you, oh! You do not know.
- from “Song of the Yue Boatman”
Hundreds of rivers converge, the thousand-mile rise of Taishan’s bluffs, and a myriad of waves surge in the Eastern Sea.
All beneath the heavens, is the extent of the ruler’s land. All within the territory of a state, are each the ruler’s subjects.
Beacons light up all over the Divine Land, danger lurks in every corner of the State of Yong.
After reuniting with Geng Shu, Jiang Heng begins to put all his effort into assisting the ruler of Yong State’s plans, but he unexpectedly falls into perilous situations time and time again. Geng Shu, who always accompanied Jiang Heng by his side, is acutely aware that the various mishaps all appear to be closely related to Jiang Heng’s past—was Jiang Heng really his own blood-related younger brother?
These two extraordinary young men wander throughout the country from state to state, experiencing trials, however, the truth obtained uncovered a cruel and unexpected past that couldn’t be erased. The lingering heroic spirits each possess their own unfulfilled long-cherished wishes. With the great Divine Land【1】 finally unified, how would they confront their own choices of the future?
The seven stars of the Northern Sky【2】 bore witness to the end of a stormy period of history,
Until the ruins once again transform into the richly ornamented tall towers of a manor.
When the blazing city lights languidly flicker,
Those people and events worth engraving into memory
Will forever be preserved within every stroke of ink in a painting of this vast expanse of rivers and mountains.
Table of Contents (Translation Progress):
*Note: Progress may show future unlinked chapters to what is currently posted. Translations for those chapters have been drafted, but final edits are pending and unreleased.
Prologue: Cry of the Qin Resounds Across the Realm (琴鸣天下)
— The blind qin master sat in the midst of the hall, playing the qin and performing the last song of his life.
001 | 002
Volume 1: Ambush from Ten Sides (十面埋伏【3】)
— While within this magnificent and eternally vast universe…sometimes, at just the slightest turn, loved ones would thereafter be separated in life as if in death.
003 | 004 | 005 | 006 | 007
008 | 009 | 010 | 011 | 012
013 | 014 | 015 | 016 | 017
018 | 019 | 020 | 021 | 022
Volume 2: Let Me Return! (归去来辞【4】)
— “If Jiang Heng is still alive, we’ll definitely meet again.”
023 | 024 | 025 | 026 | 027
028 | 029 | 030 | 031 | 032
033 | 034 | 035 | 036 | 037
038 | 039 | 040 | 041 | 042
043 | 044 | 045 | 046
Volume 3: Wild Geese Alight Upon the Sandbank (落雁平沙【5】)
— High above the city gates, that ancient bell conferred to the Ye clan by the Son of Heaven of Jin rang with a thunderous clangor. What night is tonight? The prince has returned to his country.
047 | 048 | 049 | 050 | 051
052 | 053 | 054 | 055 | 056
057 | 058 | 059 | 060 | 061
062,| 063 | 064 | 065 | 066
067 | 068 | 069 | 070 | 071
072 | 073 | 074 | 075
Volume 4: The Phoenix Seeks His Mate (凤求凰【6】) / Guangling Melody (广陵散【7】)
— People will die someday, but their torch will pass on to successors and in so doing, it will burn across the land forever. There is bound to be someone to finish what must be done.
076 | 077 | 078 | 079 | 080
081 | 082 | 083 | 084 | 085
086 | 087 | 088 | 089 | 090
091 | 092 | 093 | 094 | 095
096 | 097 | 098 | 099 | 100
101 | 102 | 103 | 104 | 105
106 | 107 | 108 | 109
Ex 1
->Volumes 5-7
【1】 Shenzhou (神州) is an ancient name for China.
【2】 The Chinese constellation focused on in this novel is the Xuanwu (玄武, or Black Tortoise). It is both a god as well as a constellation in ancient China regarded as one of the four symbols. When referring to the constellation, it’s also known as the ‘seven stars of the Northern dipper’ (北斗七星).
【3】 Ambush from Ten Sides 《十面埋伏》 is the name of a classical pipa song, and is about the Battle of Gaixia when Xiang Yu was defeated by Liu Bang.
【4】 The title of Volume 2 is the name of a poem written by the poet Tao Yuanming of the Six Dynasties period when he resigned from office to live in the countryside. There is an article with a translation and more detail about it here.
【5】 There is a qin piece called 雁落平沙 “Wild Geese Alight Upon the Sandbank”, evoking the scene of thousands of wild geese calling while landing and flying off from the sandbanks.
【6】Volume 4 of the web novel and the simplified physical print have different names. The web novel version is titled after 《The Male Phoenix Seeks its Mate - 凤求凰》, a famous qin melody with lyrics that depicts one of the most well-known love stories.
【7】 The simplified physical version is named after 《Guangling Melody - 广陵散》, a well-known qin melody associated with the qin-master Ji Kang (嵇康, 223–262)) as well as the famous story of 《Nie Zheng Assassinates the Han King - 聂政刺韩王》 from the Warring States period which was inspired by a story for the same figure in Sima Qian’s《Records of the Grand Historian - 史记》.
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kicksonfire · 2 months
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 3 months
071 of 2024
Do you say....
by joybucket
Alright so since I seem to be the only one here whose first language is not English, I will choose the English word I use the most and put the word from my native language in brackets okay?
1. pop, soda, tonic, cola, coke? 🥤 (frisdrank) 2. couch, sofa, or davenport? 🛋️ (zetel; official Dutch word is bank, but my dialect says zetel) 3. do you call the last meal of the day dinner, supper, or lunch? (avondmaal) 4. fall or autumn? 🍁 (herfst) 5. cotton candy, candy floss, or fairy floss? (suikerspin) 6. grocery cart, shopping cart, shopping trolley, buggy, or carriage? 🛒 (karretje) 7. fireflies, lightning bugs, glowworms, firebugs, or June bugs? ✨ (vuurvliegjes) 8. sucker or lollipop? 🍭 (lolly) 9. drinking fountain or bubbler? 💦 (drinkfontein/waterhappertje) 10. milkshake or frappe? 🧋(milkshake; we don't have our own word for that) 11. roundabout, traffic circle, or rotary? (rotonde) 12. sneakers, gym shoes, tennis shoes, or trainers? 👟 (sportschoenen) 13. sprinkles, jimmies, or hundreds and thousands? 🍩 (hagelslag; but in my dialect we say muizenstrontjes, which literally means mouse poop, no kidding) 14. potluck or carry-in dinner? (potluck; again, no other word for this. I've never heard anyone use it, though) 15. popsicle or ice lolly? (ijslolly) 16. stroller, baby carriage, pushchair, or pram? (wandelwagen/kinderwagen) 17. frosting or icing? 🧁 (glazuur) 18.sub or hoagie? 🥖 (belegd broodje) 19. highway, freeway, motorway, or expressway? 🛣️ (autosnelweg) 20. do you call the end of bread the heel, end, crust, or butt? 🥖 (kontje because I'm quarter Dutch; my husband says korst - literally crust) yard sale, garage sale, tag sale, or rummage sale? (garage verkoop) garbage can, trash can, wastebasket, dustbin, or rubbish bin? 🗑️ (vuilbak in my dialect; standard word is vuilnisbak) semitruck, tractor-trailer, or 18-wheeler? (trekker) bathroom, restroom, toilet, john, or loo? (toilet) ER or A&E? 🏥 (spoedgevallen) pothole, chughole, or chuckhole? (kuil) goosebumps or duck bumps? (kippevel) faucet or spigot? 🚰 (neither; in English we'd say tap, in Dutch kraan) you guys or y'all? (jullie) French fries or chips? (frietjes; no French! We strongly believe fries are a Belgian invention ) apartment or flat? (appartement) garbage, trash, waste, or rubbish? (afval) cookie or biscuit? 🍪 (koekje) parking lot or car park? (parkeerplaats) pants, britches, slacks, or trousers? (broek) windshield or windscreen? (windscherm) booger or bogey? (neuspeuter) dude or bloke? (kerel; boy is jongen) lollygag or faff about? (never heard of these terms ) theater or cinema? (bioscoop) fringe or bangs? (pony) barrette or hairslide? (haarspeldje) bulb or bauble? (gloeilamp) chips or crisps? (aardappelchips) closet or wardrobe? (kast) crib or cot? (kinderbedje) diaper or nappy? (luier) elementary school, junior school, or primary school? (lagere school) gas or petrol? ⛽️ (benzine) hood (of a car) or bonnet? 🚘 (motorkap) license plate or number plate? (nummerplaat) mailbox or postbox? 📮 (brievenbus) oven glove or oven mitt? (ovenwant) pacifier, binky, or dummy? (fopspeen) sled or sledge? 🛷 (slee) subway or underground? 🚇 (metro) soccer or football? ⚽️ (voetbal) suspenders or braces? (bretels) takeout (food) or takeaway? (afhaal) thumbtack or drawing pin? 📌 (duimspijker/punaise) tic-tac-toe or noughts and crosses? (boter-kaas-en-eieren in Dutch, but in Belgium we say oo maal oo) trunk (of a car) or boot? 🚗 (kofferbak) turn signal (on a car) or indicator? (neither, we'd say blinker; in Dutch, richtingaanwijzer) undershirt or vest? (onderhemd) vacation or holiday? (vakantie) vest or waistcoat? (gilet) zip code or postcode? (also postcode in Dutch) zucchini or courgette? (also courgette in Dutch) oatmeal or porridge? (havermout) socks or stockings? (kousen) underwear, underpants, or panties? 🩲 (ondergoed) pudding or custard? (vla; also pudding, but vla is typically Dutch dessert) hat or cap? (muts) shirt or top? (hemd for shirt, top for top) coat, jacket, or parka? (jas) college or uni? (universiteit)
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grusik · 11 months
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CHESHIRE STREET SHOPFRONT A girl in shades, 3 push bikes, graffiti nonsense by "Farted in Yoga" plus a few paste ups and shop signage with a 071 phone code dating from between 1990 & 1995. by StockCarPete
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we-smell22 · 2 years
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#we_smell 071 562 3466 it's all about the codes (at Pheli) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnMpB75sXh1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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giaiphapbank · 2 years
 SHB Là Ngân Hàng Gì? Thông Tin Từ A – Z Ngân Hàng SHB
Tóm tắt nhanh một số thông tin cơ bản ngân hàng SHB
Tên giao dịch đầy đủ: Ngân hàng Thương Mại Cổ Phần Sài Gòn – Hà Nội.
Tên giao dịch quốc tế Tiếng Anh: SaiGon-HaNoi Commercial Joint Stock Bank.
Tên thường gọi: SHB
Trụ sở chính: Số 77, Phố Trần Hưng Đạo, Phường Trần Hưng Đạo, Quận Hoàn Kiếm, Thủ đô Hà Nội.
Mã số thuế: 1800278630-071.
Ngày doanh nghiệp hoạt động: 13 tháng 11 năm 1993.
Ngành nghề kinh doanh: Tài chính ngân hàng.
Tổng Đài SHB : 1800588856
Website chính: shb.com.vn
Ngân hàng TMCP Sài Gòn – Hà Nội cung cấp sản phẩm, dịch vụ gì?
Tương tự như các ngân hàng thương mại cổ phần khác đang hoạt động trên thị trường, ngân hàng SHB cung cấp các sản phẩm, dịch vụ tài chính đa dạng cho nhóm khách hàng cá nhân và doanh nghiệp. Mỗi sản phẩm dịch vụ tại đây điều được thiết kế chính sách ưu đãi riêng nhằm mang lại quyền lợi tốt nhất cho khách hàng.
Nguồn: https://giaiphapbank.com/shb-la-ngan-hang-gi
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