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linusbenjamin · 1 year ago
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Person of Interest 'Root and Shaw'
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inposterumcumgaudio · 4 months ago
Poedit Cut/Unused Content: Crones
000 PC_Sal All right, I have my pituitary extract and my amalgam. I need to replace the safrole and the mephedrone. How do I get those?
001 PC_Sal The weird sisters! They're always making potions and things out of herbs. I bet they could help me.
002 WellF Is the place still secret?
003 WellF Secret and swept and deep
004 WellF Who will call the Maiden?
005 WellF I have called her; she is here.
006 WellF Who will call the Mother?
007 WellF I have called her; she is here.
008 WellF Who will call the Crone?
009 WellF I have called her; she is here.
010 WellF Seven times four the Sun hath fell
011 WellF Now the prophecy fulfill
012 WellF Let the hurly burly quell
013 WellF Let her come forth, if she will.
014 WellF ‘Tis time, ‘tis time, she comes
014a PC_Sal Hello? Nimue? Vivienne? Morgause?
014b PC_Sal I could swear I just heard them! Where are they?
014c PC_Sal How do they do that?
015 WellF All hail Sally Boyle, mistress of alchemy!
016 WellF All hail Mistress Boyle, who knows the secret of maternity!
017 WellF All hail Mistress Boyle, who seeks the other shore!
018 PC_Sal I keep forgetting - you know my secret.
019 WellF We drew down the Moon!
020 PC_Sal You drew down the Moon?
020a PC_Sal This potion will help your daughter sleep.
020a WellF This potion will help your daughter sleep.
020b WellF She won't get hungry as quickly.
023 PC_Sal In fact … I came here for some ingredients I need for some … well, drugs.
024 WellF We'll help you with what you want. But first, learn what you need. You don't even know what that is!
024a WellF Before the learner attains wisdom, the teacher has the right to give several tasks.
024b PC_Sal Several.
024c WellF That's how it works, yes.
024d PC_Sal All right…
029 PC_Sal When will I see you three again?
029a PC_Sal When will I see you three again?
030 WellF When you know what is unknown!
031 WellF Anon, anon!
Crones_1_Chanting R_0 Is the place still secret?
Crones_1_Chanting R_1 Secret and swept and deep.
Crones_1-Chanting R_2 Who will call the Maiden?
Crones_1_Chanting R_3 I have called her; she is here.
Crones_1_Chanting R_4 Seven times four the Sun hath fell,
Crones_1_Chanting R_5 Now the prophecy fulfill.
Crones_1_Chanting R_6 Let the hurly burly quell,
Crones_1_Chanting R_7 Let her come forth, if she will.
001 WellF Who approaches the sacred circle?
002 WellF A maiden!
003 WellF A mother!
004 WellF A wise woman!
005 WellF Wise and yet not wise.
006 WellF Yet count them: One, one and one make one.
007 WellF One who is three comes near
008 WellF Three who are one await
009 WellF Tis time, 'tis time, she comes!
020 WellF This recipe cannot cure your daughter.
021 WellF But she'll be stronger. You'll have more time to save her.
022 PC_Sal Wait? What? Gwen's not sick!
022a PC_Sal Wait? What? Gwen's not sick!
023 WellF Um…
024 WellF Can't hurt.
025 WellF The magic will help her whether she is well or ill.
026 PC_Sal I… don't know that I believe in magic.
027 WellF What else is left to believe in?
028 WellF The potion isn't magic. It's herbalism. Your Mum knew herbs pretty well, didn't she?
029 PC_Sal Yes. Especially what you can do with foxglove.
029a PC_Sal Yes. Especially what you can do with foxglove.
030 WellF Have you tested magic and proved it wanting? Or have you simply assumed that what you don't understand can't be true?
031 PC_Sal I suppose I … haven't tested it.
032 WellF Then do this, if you like: we place our sacrifices in a chest in the wilds. I'll put the place on your map. Put some bricks in the chest. And say this prayer.
032a WellF Then do this, if you like: we place our sacrifices in a chest in the wilds. I'll put the place on your map. Put some bricks in the chest. And say this prayer.
033 PC_Sal Bricks?
034 WellF See what comes of it. And then return.
036 PC_Sal But … about my ingredients…
036a PC_Sal I was on Harry Haworth's team when we invented Joy. One day I hope the Goddess will forgive me for that.
037 WellF We'll help you with what you want. But first, learn what you need. You don't even know what that is!
038 PC_Sal Oh, of course the lads are here. Mustn't let the birds go thinking they can do things by themselves.
038a PC_Sal Oh, of course the hooligans are here. They've never liked the Sisters much, have they?
039 WellM We'll have no witches here thank you!
040 WellM We're not scared of you!
041 WellM Ye shall not suffer a witch to live!
042 WellM Monstrous regiment of women!
043 PC_Sal There we go. Five bricks. Now I just say this prayer…
044 PC_Sal Goddess, lighten my burden. Give me the strength to carry what I must, so I no longer need the strength of others. Goddess, I dedicate these bricks to you. Blessed be.
045 PC_Sal Huh. That's it?
046 PC_Sal That's strange. I do feel stronger. Maybe because I'm not carrying around a ton of bricks?
047 PC_Sal I guess I should talk to the weird sisters again.
Crones_2_Chanting R_0 Who approaches the sacred circle?
Crones_2_Chanting R_1 A maiden!
Crones_2_Chanting R_2 A mother!
Crones_2_Chanting R_3 A wise woman!
Crones_2_Chanting R_4 Wise and yet not wise.
Crones_2_Chanting R_5 One who is three comes near.
Crones_2_Chanting R_6 Three who are one await.
002 WellF Did you say the prayer?
003 PC_Sal I sort of feel stronger, actually. I think I can actually carry a bit more.
004 PC_Sal You can't prove it's magic, though. What if it's psychosomatic?
005 WellF So what if it is? you're still feeling stronger.
006 PC_Sal I'd rather you taught me about herbs. I need them, for the drugs I have to make.
007 WellF Patience. You are close to the learning you seek.
009 WellF Our henge has been occupied.
010 PC_Sal The old stone circle? The "Wedding Party Stones"?
011 WellF There's ancient power there.
012 WellF The sacred circle has been polluted.
013 WellF If you can clear it, then we'll teach you about the herbs you need.
014 PC_Sal Well, that sounds sort of fun and righteous. Why not?
015 WellM Do you think it's sweet enough?
016 WellF I was on Harry Haworth's team when we invented Joy. One day I hope the Goddess will forgive me for that.
016 WellF Why don't you taste it? Hah. Seriously, you won't die from just a smidge. It'll just make everything burn a little brighter, is all. Back at the house, we'll give everybody a huge cup of it.
017 WellM It doesn't hurt when we … free our souls from their fleshy prisons. Does it?
018 WellF I think your heart races for a bit, then off we go to the ethereal plane.
019 WellM Why don't we use hemlock? Like how Socrates killed himself. Hemlock doesn't hurt at all.
020 PC_Sal My god. They're brewing poison!
021 WellF Because we already made two big batches of digitalax. Can you imagine if we came back to Reverend Father with a big bowl of hemlock now? He'd laugh at us. Might not even let us come along on the sacred journey.
023 WellF All our questions will be answered once we're no longer in the prison of our bodies. That's what he said, right?
024 PC_Sal It's some sort of suicide cult! I'm not gonna let them poison a whole bunch of people!
024a PC_Sal I guess I can start by getting rid of this batch.
022 WellM I'll just keep stirring then.
025 PC_Sal Now I've got to get rid of this poison.
026 PC_Sal They've still got two batches back at "the house," wherever that is.
027 PC_Sal What's this odd sigil of theirs? Maybe the weird sisters know?
028 PC_Sal Huh. I wonder if I've "cleared" the circle. Shouldn't something have happened? God, now they've got me believing in magic. Still … I have a feeling there's something else to do.
029 PC_Sal What? Is someone here? … That was very strange.
001 WellF You cleared the circle.
002 PC_Sal I could swear something was there. Or someone.
003 WellF There's power there, if you let yourself feel it. They must have had a reason to put the stones in that place.
003a PC_Sal I'm sorry. I didn't clear the circle. I couldn't.
003b PC_Sal There were people there. Wearing these sigils.
004 PC_Sal The people there… they were wearing these sigils.
005 WellF Oh, Lord, the Space God people. Ransom McKenzie's congregation, in Gardner House.
006 PC_Sal They were making "digitalax."
007 WellF In small amounts, it's a drug. More than that, it's a poison.
007a WellF You can make it from red foxglove seeds.
007b WellF We make all sorts of useful potions and things out of it. You could, too.
008 PC_Sal I think their "reverend father" is planning for the whole lot of them to kill themselves.
009 WellF I can think of a lot of reasons to kill yourself in the Garden District. But no one should have their death chosen for them.
010 PC_Sal You know about my mum.
011 WellF I remember; there was a terrible accident. Your mum put the wrong herbs in the family dinner. The whole family died, except you. It was just before the train, so I always wondered. It wasn't an accident, was it.
012 PC_Sal I think she didn't want my sisters to be scared, all alone in Germany. So she killed them. And I guess she didn't want dad to hate her. So she killed him, too. And she couldn't live with herself. I don't know why she left me behind.
013 WellF Here.
013a WellF Mix it into their poison, and it should change from poison, to … let's call it an eye-opener.
013b PC_Sal This is the recipe for … digitalax? And something more…?
014 WellF Come back, and I'll have the rest of what you need. You're making a sort of herbal blackberry Joy, aren't you?
014a PC_Sal You know your chemistry.
015 PC_Sal For ladies who live on a crag in the Garden District, you seem to know a lot about what's going on.
015a PC_Sal For ladies who live on a crag in the Garden District, you seem to know a lot about what's going on.
015a WellF You'll need digitalax for that, among other things.
017 WellF You stopped them!
018 PC_Sal How do you know that? Magic?
019 WellF We can see it in your face.
020 PC_Sal They weren't very happy with me.
021 WellF You took away their sense of purpose.
022 PC_Sal I couldn't let them do it.
023 WellF What your mother did. Do you worry that you have that in you?
024 PC_Sal All the time.
025 WellF To be a mother is to worry.
026 WellM You have worlds within you. Only some are death.
027 WellF Here: the recipes you need to replace the blackberry Joy.
027a WellF You'll need red owl butterflies. Opsiphanes cassiae. They're hard to find, but they're all over the train station.
027b WellF You can use our old butterfly net!
028 PC_Sal Thank you.
028 PC_Sal Oh, perfect. Ollie Starkey lives there… who knows if he remembers me.
028 WellF Well then.
029 WellF Blessed be.
030 WellF Blessed be.
031 WellF Blessed be.
032 PC_Sal This is brilliant. I can replace almost everything I need with botanicals, and the odd butterfly.
034 PC_Sal Where do I get my mercury amalgam, though?
036 PC_Sal It's a byproduct of making Joy. But I can't get into the labs any more. Who can I talk to?
038 PC_Sal_Bill_Hockney Harry Cavendish. He was fired, wasn't he, and nobody would talk about it. Maybe I should pay him a visit.
040 PC_Sal They can't know if Gwen is sick? How would they know that?
042 PC_Sal I better check on her, though.
044 PC_Sal I wish I knew how they did that.
046 PC_Sal Off I go to the train station, then, to catch some butterflies
002 WellM This is our test of faith, my friends. We hate this world, we all hate this world. We hate living in this flesh bag, not knowing our Higher Purpose.
004 WellM But … do we hate it enough? Anyone can say, sure, I hate living in a flesh bag. But then you say to them, "Well, don't, then." And they're scared. They're scared to jump. What if the Pickup Vehicle is not really in orbit? What if there is no Pickup Vehicle?
006 WellM That's why you need to hate, really hate the flesh bag. You have to be willing to not living in it, without any solid confirmation that the Pickup Vehicle is there.
008 WellM Does this seem strange to you? It shouldn't. Jesus Christ said, "For whosoever will save his life shall lose it," Matthew 16. The Hindus seek moksha, liberation from the cycle of rebirth. They all ask us to embrace the next world and to joyfully give up this world.
010 WellM Because, of course, there is a Pickup Vehicle. I've been on it. I've talked to the Transcended, both humans and aliens. Trust me, I would have been happy to stay up there. But if I had, I couldn't tell you the good news.
012 WellM I'm not talking about martyrdom. No one's talking about martyrdom. Okay what I'm talking about might look like martyrdom to the cowans. I'm talking about leaving the flesh bag behind. Throwing it overboard. How can you float up to the Pickup Vehicle if you're weighed down by a bag? You can't. It's ballast.
014 WellM We have to leave the flesh bag and be our soul, be only our soul.
016 WellM This is not suicide. Suicide is giving up. This is taking a leap of faith. We have to have faith that the Transcended will catch us.
018 WellM What else is there? Clinging to the life of this flesh bag until it rots? You've seen what the Blight does to a fresh apple. You know about the plague victims. Some of you have tried to talk to them. What do you suppose this world is doing to you, every day?
020 WellM Well, but, how do we know?
022 WellM We don't. That's the test. That's what makes us worthy of becoming Transcended humans, like the Transcended Humans before us, like Jesus, like Buddha, like Guru Nanak we've talked so much about. If we can see further than your sight goes. If we can feel what is just across the river on the other side, on the other plane of existence. Then they will know we're worthy.
024 WellM And what happens if you don't have faith? What if you don't drink the magic potion that takes us to the other plane of existence?
026 WellM Nothing. Nothing happens. Nothing new. Nothing changes.
028 WellM There's no punishment, except how you're already being punished. There's no retribution, unless you already feel like you're being retributed. You just won't ascend, you don't Transcend. And sooner or later, but probably sooner, the way things are going, your flesh bag dies.
030 WellM But then you're not worthy, and you don't float up to the Pickup Vehicle. Your fleshbag drags you down. Your doubt drags you down. Makes you heavy. You sink into the Earth you've always clung to. You've clung to it, now you get to have all you can eat. And your soul rots in the Earth.
032 WellM We're going to start handing out the cups now. Don't worry, there's enough for everyone, more than enough. But don't sip it, or you might feel sick for a bit. A little might make you queasy. A full cup, and you won't feel a thing. You'll just wake up in a little while, feeling no pain, feeling no gravity, looking down at the Earth from the Pickup Vehicle. And then you'll get to meet everybody up there.
034 WellM They've been watching you. They can't wait to meet you.
036 WellM Let's go, let's get those cups out to everyone who wants some.
038 WellM Once you've had your fill, if you feel like it, you can sing along with me.
040 WellM What are you doing? These people are trying to get to a higher plane of existence!
042 WellM Get out! Meddler!
044 WellM Heathen!
046 PC_Sal You sick, dying bastard!
048 PC_Sal Kill yourself if you like, but you're not taking anyone with you.
050 PC_Sal Pickup Vehicle Service on the Hammersmith & City line has been permanently suspended between Eel Pie and Apple Holm. Please make other arrangements for transport to your final destination.
054 PC_Sal I could give them an antidote to their digitalax. But they'll just try again, won't they?
056 PC_Sal Mum made the antidote, didn't she? In case she had second thoughts. But she didn't have second thoughts.
058 PC_Sal Whatever I give them has to give them hope.
060 PC_Sal That's a tall order for a drug.
062 PC_Sal Maybe if I "cleanse the doors of their perception…"
063 PC_Sal They've already started! I've got to get to the poison before they all take it!
063a PC_Sal Fuck in a bucket! I'm running out of time!
064 PC_Sal That's it! That's what they're going to poison everyone with!
066 PC_Sal If I've done this right, they'll realize the world is a lot bigger than the Garden District. Or something.
068 WellM Now, everyone take a small cupful of the elixir we're passing out. You may feel a bit dizzy, that's to be expected. Shortly afterwards, you'll sleep, and when you wake up, you'll be in the Pickup Vehicle meeting some very wonderful exalted human beings and transcended entities.
067 Bobby Erm, the lads 'ave… prepared a little merriment to show our gratitude.
070 WellF Hands are … really beautiful … aren't they? They're like … God's hands.
072 WellF I'd never noticed all the colours. Is this heaven?
074 WellF Life's so… short … you know?
076 WellM This place is … bad. It's a bad place.
078 WellF Why did you want us to die? Why?
080 WellF It's because you want to die, isn't it? You just wanted company.
082 WellM Let's get out of here.
084 WellM We're leaving! You can kill yourself if you like!
088 WellM Wait! Stay! The next world is better than this one!
086 WellM Wait! Don't go! You'll miss the Pickup Vehicle. You'll all miss the Pickup Vehicle!
090 PC_Sal Are you mad, or are you just a swindler who's convinced himself? I don't think I care.
092 WellM Prove it's not true! You can't! You might as well try to prove that God doesn't exist!
094 PC_Sal I think Wellington Wells is pretty good proof of that!
096 PC_Sal Sorry, Pickup Vehicle Service on this line has been permanently suspended.
All of Sally's quests for the Weird Sisters. As you can see, this questline was placed earlier in the original draft than it appears in the finished game. Specifically, you'd be given the butterfly net before finishing "Reservations", meaning butterflies were meant to be an ingredient needed to complete it and you'd have to do "Ex Cathedra" first. They play a bit more with twining quests in and out of each other in Arthur's act (nesting "The English Vice" inside "House of the Inventor" or giving you "Haworth Labs" which can't be accessed until you've done, like, four other prerequisite quests). Sally's quests were apparently edited to be much more linear (excluding "Home Cooking", although that's not twined so much as over-arching).
In this order, the Witches would have told her how to make the mercury amalgam and Harry Cavenish (who according to the filename for the subtitle was originally named Bill Hockney) would only have told her where to find it outside the labs, rather than giving her the formula too as he now does. The lines at the beginning of Crones_1 may have been appended after this change, since a lot of times these subtitle bunches start on 002, not 000.
Ransom McKenzie's ramble was actually supposed to be a sermon with some discussion near the end, but that would have limited the audio design to the church room of the house. It was definitely the better choice to do the audio tape monologue thing instead.
I rather wish they'd have left Sally's lines in about sensing a presence at the Wedding Party stones. Like, it's not conclusive of anything, but it does reinforce that Sally is wise but not wise. Wish they would have left those chants in too, come to that.
Vivienne: A wise woman!
Morgause: Well, let's not go crazy. She doesn't even know her baby's sick.
The reveal that Gwen was sick makes a little more sense this way than it does in the game (as is, Sally just gets a premonition about it after seeing a rat), but that Sally doesn't worry about it until after the quest is complete is a little out of character, but that's why it's not in the final cut.
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#Buddypress.pot not recognized by poedit code
The term “groups” didn’t really make sense the way we were using them. #item-header Renaming Elements like “Groups” Removing the image doesn’t collapse the headline though so we’ll bring it close to the left while we’re fiddling: /* remove Group Headline Avatars and indent heading further left */ When you click on a group you’ll see the Group Headline and a huge avatar next to it. In this order, here’s how you eliminate them: /* remove Group Avatars from Activity Stream */ Particularly we wanted to remove Gravatars from Groups which appear in several places: Gravatars are a great idea, but if you don’t have 100 users on the site than they just get in the way.
#Buddypress.pot not recognized by poedit code
The following code amendmends are additions to your child theme’s style.css file. I’ll explain more of this in another article and assume you’re familiar with setting up your own child theme for now. It’s the best and most future proof way for any theme you’d like to tweak because you’re covered if the developers bring out an update. Here are my notes if you’d like to have a go.įirst of all, the BuddyPress Default Theme is a rather complex one so I’d recommend creating a Child Theme rather than amending source code. However there’s still a lot of clutter we didn’t need so I made some quick amendmends. There aren’t many Themes available for BuddyPress so we went with the default theme which I think works best. We decided that BuddyPress would be a superb platform to use for this and went with it. Ray and I have been working on Livestatus, a status report system for television broadcasters.
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