#cocunut tree
jdragsky · 2 months
hey bad news about your boyfriend. yeah unfortunately he fell out of a cocunut tree. sadly he is no longer the product of all which came before him :/
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whomstress · 10 months
Heme no jax (A song for Jax)
First Crush Human au BunnyDoll Fic I promised with the poll on Tumblr!I've been practicing Hula dancing and learning more about Pacific Islander culture and LOVE this video and how the professional hula dancer in this moves. It's just so graceful and beautiful. And the tradition and heart that goes into it really inspired me.
SO I based my obsession of this amazing dance on my current hyperfixation lol. It's short so you can watch it or not but just know that Ragatha is pretty much dancing the same as the woman in the video and she is singing the song in it.
This very much a passion project fic so I hope you guys like it.
It was a beach day again. Caine tried not to do the same thing every day, but of all the time he’s been here, there have been a handful of days by the water. Usually by the lake, but on a rare occasion he’d heard from Ragatha, he’d take them to a room he made. A beach that only reached about a mile around in a circle. Sand, cocunut trees, and the ocean included.
Rolling his eyes, he lazily lays in a hammock under the sun with his hands behind his head and watches the others from behind. It’s been a while since he got some serious sun, and his skin was starting to look more purple than brown, which always rubbed him wrong way. They were all granted bathing suits, and they got to choose, for the most part. He chose to avoid it all together, changing into a purple hoodie and yellow swim shorts. He may be the most attractive one here, but he also had to be humble that way. He couldn’t help but chuckle at his own sarcastic thought.
He looked around at the others, as most of them played in the water. Kinger was building himself an actual sand castle to hide in, while Gangle helped him with her comedy mask intact for once. As much as he hated it, the old man actually had a good body. How did the guy always bend over, like a question mark, and have abs? Gangle, of course, was boring as hell and also sporting a jacket, but it had little cat ears and cat paws to cover her hands. She was hanging out with Ragatha as she went over her encyclopedia of ocean knowledge. As someone actually forced to have stupid animal ears come out of his head. The cutsie jacker made his eyes roll so back in his head that he actually saw black for a moment.
Ragtha, of course, had to be wearing some kind of traditional hula outfit. Cheater. That wasn't in his options. It was a long red dress with many folds that looked fluffy but sturdy at the same time and swayed with every move she made and, whatever that leafy hula hat thing was called on her head. He made a joke about weren’t hula girls supposed to wear coconut bras and grass skirts with a wink, but instead of getting flustered, she gave him a 5-point lecture that he once again only half listened to.
Ever since Caine let them know they were going to the beach Ragatha had practically been vibrating in place from excitement. He never quite paid attention to what she was saying when she’d gush about going to the beach, but since she told everyone and their mother too, he happened to pick up that one of the few things she remembered all this time was her being Hawaiian and having a deep appreciation and “heart” with the ocean. Whatever the hell that meant.
Jax understood her, kind of. One of the few things he also remembered, though he rarely spoke it out loud, was thinking in Spanish as much as English and the food he grew up with. He didn’t like speaking about, and he liked to be left alone about his past.
Not that he’d ever admit they had something in common. Her chipper attitude did get on his nerves at times, but over the years, he’d been there with the variety of characters he’d cycled through. He’d rather have her stick with him this long than anyone else. Kinger was fun to mess with, but he was also so out of it most of the time that his insults and jokes went straight over his head. When Gangle lasted longer than most, she became a new target as well.
There was always something different about Ragatha, though, that he couldn’t quite put his finger on. He didn’t like to dwell on it too much, but he did learn when her smiles were fake and rarely true. Though he stayed mostly to himself today, Jax caught himself staring at Ragatha more often than normal. Not that he usually stares, but it was just that her smile was brighter than the damn sun today.
It was… weird.
And it made him feel weird. She’d directed her smile straight to him at times and beckoned him to come over to them as if she genuinely wanted his company for once. He refused every time but something uncomfortable would stir in his chest, seeing her smile fade for a moment like she was upset, he wouldn’t spend time with her. He decided he wouldn’t even entertain a thought of what that could mean, and even with the blazing sun, he forced himself into a sleep. A habit he unfortunately had to learn to do.
He slept in what could only be described as a gentle nightmare. It was the first time he broke down when he got there. The memory of that awful day and all the feelings that came with the realization that he couldn’t leave. He'd tried so many things to get out. But on that horrible, horrible day, he had a nightmare about what happened after running out of options to escape. Everyone was a monster to him, believing they weren’t real. He even threatened Ragatha with a knife he found, but she showed him he couldn’t get a cut on her, and he broke.
This is usually where his nightmare ends, but today he remembered what happened next. As everyone else backed away from his downward spiral, whispering something about "abstraction,” she walked forward. He tried to threaten her again, but she just kept coming. She tried to touch him, but he wouldn’t let her, and when he thought he was at his bottom, he heard a beautiful voice. It was gentle and calm, and even with his hiccups and heavy breaths, he could hear her through it. He listens distantly and slowly focuses. He doesn’t know when he starts to calm, but he’s mesmerized by the voice. It’s in a language he doesn’t know, but it doesn’t matter because his breath begins to even out and his head finally starts to clear. He doesn’t know how many times she’s sang the whole song, but it’s enough times he starts to notice the sounds of the first lyrics when she starts over.
Jax doesn’t know her name, but part of him coming down from his terrible high is taking in every bit of her face. Her eyes were closed, but she looked like a doll. Her frizzy red curls looked like they were soft as yarn, and her skin looked plush. He focused on her mouth and her slightly pink lips as they formed beautifully around her song. Something like a chill comes over him when she slowly opens her red and blue eyes and gently smiles at him. “Are you okay?”
He doesn't answer, but says, “One more time.” He’d never ask again; this is the only time anyone here would see him like this, including her. He says it all in his eyes, and without a word, she nods, starting over.
Jax closes his eyes and waits for the soothing feeling to come over him one more time.
“O Kalākaua he inoa
'O Ka pua mae'ole i ka lā”
His eyes snap open, and he searches for the sound to make sure he hasn’t lost it. It’s sunset, and his vision takes a hit from accidentally looking directly into the sun. As his vision clears, he finds Ragatha dancing on the beach, singing the same song she sang to him years ago. And all of a sudden, he’s back. Back to that day, back to that moment, where he is mesmerized by every one of Ragatha’s gentle moves and sounds.
“Ka pua maila i ka mauna
I ke kuahiwi 'o Mauna Kea”
The way she moves her body almost completely matches the waves behind her, as if she and the sea are dancing together. The movements are so fluid and blend together so effortlessly that it makes it seem easy, but from spying on her trying to teach Gangle earlier, he knows it's anything but. Her dress flows when she spins like a halo around her body.
“Ke 'ā maila i Kīlauea
Mālamalama i Wahinekapu”
Dancing always seemed like a waste of time to him, but watching her movements as captivating as her song, he finally understood why it was a profession. How can someone invoke such beauty and emotion with such a simple melody and sway of the body?
“A ka luna o Uwēkahuna
I ka pali kapu o Ka'auea”
And her song. so kind to the ears. It wasn’t just him. Even Kinger was completely still for once, allowing everyone to lull into a comfort they no longer had the luxury of.
“Ea mai ke ali'i kia manu
Ua wehi i ka hulu o ka mamo”
Anyone could fall asleep to Ragatha like this.
“Ka pua nani a'o Hawai'i
'O Kalākaua he inoa”
He wanted to fall asleep with Ragatha like this.
“He Inoa No Kalani Kalākaua Kulele”
Finally, she finishes with a strong movement, just slightly out of breath, and silence lets the moment of tranquility last a little longer before Cain sets off a confetti cannon, scaring everyone half to death and inviting them to a dinner. Coming back to earth Gangle and Kinger rush to her side, giving her compliments galore, and he watches her as she tries to stay as humble as possible while also showing appreciation for their compliments.
Ragatha is so distracted she doesn’t notice Jax had come closer when Kinger and Gangle started to move toward the feast. She saw him from the corner of her eye and turned to him with a teasing smile to ask, “So what did you..." She paused at the intensity of his eyes and asked, “think?”
Jax stays steps closer, her tan skin glowing with a golden light from the sunset, making her look like an angel in the light. She shuffles a little, uncomfortable under his powerful stare, her face starting to flush pink. She tries to joke, “Was it that bad?”
“What do I think?” He moves closer into her space, and she moves back just a mini step suddenly realizing how much taller he is than her. He looks at her face over like he's trying to memorize what she looked like before slowly moving to her eyes. “Do you really want to know?"
She pauses moment and then nods. Her mouth is slightly parted and he's watching her reaction when his hand moves closer. He brushes a loose curl behind her ear before dragging her fingertips softly across her cheek, making her shiver. One finger reaches her lips and he places the slightest pressure as if testing the feel agaist his skin, and she gasps. "I think," He pauses holding her in anticipation and moves in just an inch closer, but she feels like there’s no space left between them. He looks up back to her face a in a deep blush and hooded eyes and smirks just the slightest bit in pride, moving so he can whisper in her ear, “You're weird.”’
She blinks not registering anything but his hot breath against her ear when he snaps back with a with a wicked smirk and lazily walks away with his hands behind his head. “You coming, or what dollface? I’m starving!”
She’s left there light-headed and breath still caught in her chest, and it takes a moment to compose herself and her flustered nerves. What was he doing? He had never acted like this before, she questioned herself. But what she doesn’t know is that he was asking himself the same thing.
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niceinchnails · 1 year
Red cabbage for bulletin bundle
upgrade barn
truffle in bulletin bundle
upgrade coop
rabbit foot in bulletin bundle
buy pomegranate tree
give cocunut/cactus fruit to linus until 3 hearts, learn sashimi recipe, give sashimi to pierre
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rigatoniiiiiiii · 11 months
39 and 41?
Ask game
39: My favorite ice cream flavor
the problem with ask games is a lot of the questions ask about favorites and I am the worst person to ask that. I love most things!! It’s hard for me to choose between anything.
I typically like cocunut, rum raisin, pistachio, vanilla, cookies and cream sometimes. OH there was this one time my dad got me this honey caramel flavored icecream and it was heavenly.
41: Where I want to be right now
Rn I’m at school, i think any other place would be preferable. If I had to choose though it would probably be napping at home, or in a tree maybe.
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khyatigarg · 4 years
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tech---poet · 4 years
When you don`t plant random things and then stuff wont start to grow and you wouldn`t have no clue what tis dis?
Spring 2078 BK  春 (The season of ripe)  ( - Random japanese translation: "Blowing face is not cold, willow wind", yes, touching you like a mother's hand." 
What's your favourite 'ਬਣ.banarispat' - plant/flower/tree? Watermelon, obviously.
(Banarispat means thing made by nature or something along the lines of thing made and put and thriving connoting natural things like flowers and trees)
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everyone: uhhh
paul: MOaNa make wAY make wAY gather the cOcUnut
everyone: UH UH
paul: consider its trEES
everyone else: TRees
everyone: aknxowksx and NO ONE LEAVES
bill: its the cIRcle of liFe
in conclusion paul (tgwdlm) new a musical better than everyone else
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sugunfibres · 3 years
Processing Of The Coir Yarn Fiber in Salem
Coir Yarn is one of the oldest natural fibres found in the world today. It has consumed  for more a millennium by different coastal regions across the world . Many industrial and household products are being manufactured from this fibre.Coir Yarn traders in Salemis very popular all over the world .Coir is obtained from the fruit of the coconut tree. The water resistant fibres which are strong cover cocunuts inner fruit. The white flesh in inned side of thefruit  is formed by hard brown kernel. The fibrous layer forms a strong, shockabsorbing mesh which protects the seed from mechanical damage and is waterresistant.The individual fibre cells are  hollow and narrow , with walls thick  of cellulose. They look pale when at immature stage but later they turn hardened and turn yellow when a  lignin layer, a woody chemical which is complex, is sprayed on their walls. Mature brown coir fibres contain more lignin and less cellulose than fibres such as flax and cotton and so are stronger but less flexible. White fibre is smoother and finer than theharder brown fibre but is also weaker. The coir yarn  is generally waterproof and is the only natural fibre that is damage resistant  by salt water.
Coir Yarn traders in Salemare known to supply one of the finest coir yarn fiber in salem .
Coconut trees is seen in  the coastal regions of worlds different parts . Some of the main regions include the Indo Malaysian region, on the Ivory Coast, Dahomey and Togo, West Africa and in Mozambique, Kenya, Tanzania and Central and South America.
Total world coir fibre production is 250,000 tonnes. The coir yarn industry is particularly important in some areas of the developing world.In India, majorly  the Kerala State, produces 60% of  of white coir fibre total world supply. Sri Lanka is the country which forms 36% of the total world fibre brown output. Around most  of the coir yarn produced annually in the world is used in the countries of origin, India mainly .u
Yarns and Fibers have been a great discovery for humanity since their first known usage around 1000 years back. Various fibers like the coir from the coconut, cotton, jute have all helped in creating such wonderful things which we have today. Further utilization of these raw natural fibers have resulted in the formation of yarns which is still is the basic ground for all our apparel and clothing industry. In short the entire textile industry is absolutely dependent on these yarns right from the home textile industry to technical textile industry for the interlining work in all the articles and accessories. Natural fibers are still in great demand though man-made fibers are taking the lead in the textile industry.
For More Info: Coir Yarn 
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lovedtogekiss · 6 years
okay so my school- despite being the only public highschool in the area- is extremely art-focused. we have student paintings on every floor, you cant go between classes without seeing at least one. and there’s one on the second floor, and it has this ginger dude hanging from an upside-down cocunut tree in front of what looks like a waterfall into the void. ‘but dave!’ you say, in your squeaky asshole voice. ‘whats funny about that?’
ill tell you whats funny about that, its his expression. he doesn’t look scared. he doesn’t look angry. no. he looks annoyed. he looks at worst miffed and at best visibly displeased. that, combined with his pointy asshole hair and hipster glasses, makes him look exactly like someone would expect humanstuck eridan to look. im not even kidding.
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Herbal Hair OilA unique herbal formula which contains pure essential oils and herbal extracts to nourish the scalp and hair roots. For hair soft, shiny and full of life. Use 3 times a week for beautiful, healthier hair!
Direction of Usage: Before washing hair, massage gently into scalp and roots of hair with fingertips till the oils is absorbed. For optimum result use overnight and three times a week.
Ingredients: Formulated with botanical extracts of Brahmi, Bhringraj, Amla, Ritha, Shikakai,Neem, Burdock Root, Horsetail, Brahmi an pure essential oils of Rosemary, Tea Tree, Camphor and Lavendar infused in bases of Grapeseed oil, Cocunut Oil, Sweet Almond oil, Olive Oil and Mineral oil.
A unique herbal formula which contains age old herbal extracts and pure essential oils to nourish your hair, roots and scalp - leaving hair soft, shiny and full of life. These multi Ayurvedic ingredients have been used for centuries. 15ml and 100ml
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lifeonhighway99 · 3 years
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The Cocunut farm.. Morning views of our camping site. #coconut #india #nature #travel #kerala #beach #naturephotography #photography #foodie #food #travelphotography #foodporn #love #sky #instagram #green #instagood #beautiful #tree #trees #picoftheday #sun #mumbai #travelgram #water #coconuttree #photooftheday #instafood #coconutwater #cloudscape (at Kukkude) https://www.instagram.com/p/CN5PkrGn4eI/?igshid=mrzycnd83n1p
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Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin and John Archambault and Lois Ehlert A told B, and B told C, I'll meet you at the top of the coconut tree. In this lively alphabet rhyme, all the letters of the alphabet race each other up the cocunut tree. Will there be enough room? Oh, no - Chicka Chicka Boom! Boom! The well-known authors of Barn Dance and Knots on a Counting Rope have created a rhythmic alphabet chant that rolls along on waves of fun. Lois Ehlert's rainbow of bright, bold, cheerful colors makes the merry parade of letters unforgettable. Gift a copy: https://www.aycaramba.us/product-page/chicka-chicka-boom-boom #classics #funreadalouds #alphabet #abcs #bookswelove #givetheclassics #aycaramba
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greenaliene · 4 years
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A beautiful sunset by the beachside, the sea bordered with fruity cocunut trees and scattered scrubs...we sat there engrossed in the worldly rays of the dipping sun...a brisk wind was caressing me to remain still ...deeply rapt in my own world. I took a cathartic deep breath as I sat reading my book..Nobody could wake me up, far away from the cityscapes. To lie in nature's lap a little while more, I wish!! #artistsoninstagram #creativeart #artistsofinstagram #artoftheday #colours #kochidiaries #trivandrumdiaries #artistsofkochi #sunsetart #beachart #natureart https://www.instagram.com/p/CCbKfutp3PD/?igshid=gwju2v3wsbjs
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aiishadee · 7 years
4, 5, 16, 22, 26, 28, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 55, 58, 63
4. What is your favorite word?
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
Ummm maybe a cocunut tree?
16. The last song you listened to?
Cocoon by catfish and the bottlemen
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
Ummm does climbing count as one???
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
ummm all rules i would make are common sense like don’t discriminate against people you know all that so i guess if they dont do that thry can go for a swim ad not come back??
39. What type of music do you like?
Hobestly dont even know its a mix of things, my playlist will litterally go from indie to dcom songs
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
Sunsets but only because i raerly see sunrises
41.What is your favorite milkshake flavor?
43. Do you have any scars?
Yes quite a lot…. the weirdest place is probably under my eyelids
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?
Uhm i still am figuring that out but i would love to go into the computing field
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
No :(
58. What would be you dream car?
idk an audi or Mercedes-Benz idc really
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
Dragons of course! They can fly and breathe out fire!!!
Thanks for the ask hun!💗
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y-biz-blog · 5 years
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BELIBIS CORNER HOUSE FOR SALE Though gut wrenching and heartbroken, our lived-in bumi freehold 2 Storey corner Terrace House in Perling, Johor Bahru for 10 years is up *for sale*. Rather difficult to part with this spacious 4 bedrooms and 4 en-suite bathrooms. The garage can fit one 11 seater Van and one proton. The extra land is big enough to fit another house of the same size. *For SALE* Taman Perling Double Storey Jalan Belibis Type: Double Storey 22 x 80 Asking Price RM680k Bedroom: 4 Bathroom: 4 Garage : 2 cars Contact Persons: Yazli +60127976071 Azlina +60197770680 Qay +60197278481 Remark: Bumiputra Freehold - Corner Lot - Renovated - Built in aluminum wardrobe - Built in dry kitchen - Built in wet kitchen - Plaster ceiling - Mature mango and cocunut trees - Wading pool 12 ft x 9 ft - Ready for Moving in - Surrounded by public amenities, shopping mall, banking, restaurants, school and banking etc. Easy accessibility:- 5 Mins to Jusco,Tesco and Giant Bukit Indah 8 Mins to Tmn Sutera Utama, Horizon Hills, Nusa Duta and Nusa Bestari 10 Mins to Columbia Asia Hospital, Edu City 12 Mins to Puteri Habour & Legoland 18 Mins to Puteri Habour/Kota Iskandar 20 Mins to Gelang Patah, Tuas (Singapore 2nd Link Highway) 20 Mins to JB City, Senai Airport, Mount Austin and more https://www.instagram.com/p/B5fmExrlEem/?igshid=1cnwmupze91he
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ashtonpinto · 5 years
Coconut Water Benefits
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cat dancing besdies small coconuts
Coconut water has tremendous benefits. I was amazed by reading them. The good news is, we have plenty of coconut trees in our village. The bad news, we need someone to climb cuz these guys are extremely tall. The good news, we human beings can climb haha.
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We have around 3 cocunut trees in our home garden. Occassionally we get cocucnuts in…
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