#clubbing with your
90363462 · 6 months
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historical drama/sitcom where two gay best friends (woman and man) get lavender married--and proceed to spend the Fancy European Honeymoon their parents paid for acting as each other's wingman
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wanologic · 3 months
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sorry danny, sam will never think you’re cool
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yooo-lets-go · 5 months
what sort of music does simon listen to- and what are the others’ opinions on it when they inevitably discover it?
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They probably wouldn’t share a playlist
Plus Roach:
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tyrannosarahsrex8 · 12 days
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Welcome to the “whoops! I accidentally started got manipulated into starting the apocalypse!” Club. Members being Jonathan Sims and Mable Pines. They’re both ✨traumatised✨
Bonus comic
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maxgicalgirl · 7 months
Being a “Fun Fact !” kind of autistic is all fun and games until you get halfway through sharing an interesting tidbit and realize that it probably wasn’t appropriate to share in polite company and now you have to deal with the consequences :(
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r-aindr0p · 4 months
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✨The shroud brothers (and yuu) wish you a happy pride month ✨
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lilislegacy · 6 months
random camper: i- i think i might be in love with percy jackson
random camper: any thoughts?
nico: and prayers. you’re going to need them
rachel, calypso, and reyna: *solemnly nodding*
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iero · 11 days
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+ IMDb trivia | in/sp.
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blackmetalbats · 4 months
silly little supernatural people love these thingies so i made a few last one is a little treat mostly for me because i love them lol
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camellcat · 8 months
ahhhahaha I'm rewatching the long game and these two are so fucking funny. they ARE judging you and judging you HARD
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morganbritton132 · 2 months
Piggybacking off this post of mine.
I think it’s hilarious if every member of Hellfire secretly thinks that Steve is an alright guy. No one ever mentions it because Eddie would be unbearable if he found out that they didn’t hate every jock (even the one he has a crush on). The ranting would never stop.
Like one time during Grant’s freshman year, he was getting his bike out of the rack when Steve stopped to tie his shoe. He casually says, “Just so you know, Tom- some upperclassmen like to steal the screws on freshie’s bikes. A kid last year ate shit and knocked out three teeth.”
Totally saved him from what could’ve been an embarrassing accident because every screw in his bike had been loosen to the point of nearly falling out.
The next day, Steve winked at him in the hallway like they had a secret and Grant felt totally normal about it.
There are two things Jeff knows about his step-dad: (1) he likes to restore old cars in their driveway, and (2) he keeps trying to get Jeff to help him with it. Jeff does not want this. He hates cars. It’s boring.
The one day, he gets home from chess club and Steve Harrington is standing in his driveway, holding a flashlight while his step-dad works under the hood. He’s wearing running shoes and the little shorts Eddie is always lusting over, and Jeff is…fully confused.
He doesn’t even say anything, just goes inside.
Then on Saturday, Jeff wakes up fully prepared with an excuse on why he can’t work on the car, but Steve Harrington is in his driveway again with the hood of his BMW up. When he looked out the window later, he can see Steve’s feet sticking out from under the junker.
Two weeks go by and Steve keeps making appearance in his driveway, but no one is asking Jeff to work on the car so. He fully accepts that he walked into the Twilight Zone and never mentions it to anybody.
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sorry im back lol. thinking about 141 sleeping habits!! (not sexual)
price has a tried and true bedtime routine. so much so he gets extremely grumpy when it's not followed to the letter. wants to be showered and cuddled by a specific time. price likes to watch you play games on your phone/console while he lays on your shoulder before he decides he wants you to himself. price will pull you into his chest and kiss your neck and back softly until he gets you all soft and pliant. whispers how he loves you into your ear before he puts his head between your shoulder blades. grabs one of your hands and interlaces your fingers. can't sleep well without having his little love all wrapped up.
i feel like ghost would be inconsistent in bedtime. he sometimes goes to bed after you do, rather than with you, so he'll wrap himself around you. he likes to rub your back sometimes and smell your hair. when you guys go down together, he faces himself towards you and holds your hands. simon is very reverent and will worship you at any given opportunity. however, on the rare occasion he's out before you, simon LOVES when he wakes up as little spoon. makes him so soft knowing you want to touch him as much as he wants you. (extra: simon loves it when you have one of his big tees on. feel like he'd "get you sleepwear" and it's just a well worn shirt of his.)
johnny... the sudsy boy. i know he just sprawls all over the bed. loves for you to be on top of him or him on you. can't stay consistently still so you both move around a lot on the bed. probably will be on the other side of the bed when you wake up. however, he gets pissy when you try to separate from him during the night. you're his, bonnie, stop trying to get him off. needs to have a handful of you at all time for peace of mind. johnny loves you so much and needs that physical reassurance!
gaz is so romantic. i feel it in my blood. def takes several pages out of prices book, yet is still distinct. will always go to bed when you do unless he can't, doesn't matter if he's wired from caffeine or drowsy when you're not. he loves to sit on the toilet seat while he watches you ready for bed. kyle loves when you lay nose to nose beside each other with the lights out. loves it when you card your fingers through his hair and whisper little praises to him. mumbles them back, placing little kisses on your face as he wraps you close to him.
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emiko-matsui · 6 months
if you wanna listen to naddpod you should know this about the hosts: brian murphy is a straightman to his inner most core and he's the funniest person alive, these things exist simultaneously and would not exist without the other. emily axford is clinically insane to a point where it's easier to not try to follow her logic when she says things. jake hurwitz is a certified cool guy but he's the biggest loser in a room of nerds playing dungeons and dragons. caldwell tanner can only be described as exactly what a 1930's cartoon describes as a rascal. three of them are a throuple and the fourth is their boss.
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wilsonmybeloved · 3 days
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heard we were fiddlestanning
you know the drill..
(full image under cut)
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