#cloud's always angry but boy he's always tugging the shirt to be closer
jojo-the-dogg0 · 4 months
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-> Part one <-
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velvetcloxds · 3 years
ooo you said you want a request for oliver wood? feel free to ignore this but could you write something about the reader taking care of oliver when he’s sick/injured?
(i don’t know if that’s specific enough so i’m sorry if it’s not)
Hii Jess!! Thank you so much for requesting lovely <333 I'm literally turning into an Oliver girl the more I write for him so thank you for indulging me!!
Paring: Oliver Wood x fem!reader
Word count: 1370 words
Warning: none that I can think of- it's just a little short because I'm still getting the hang of his character.
Summary: Oliver gets hurt during quidditch practice and you go to the hospital wing to take care of him.
“He asked me to make you promise that you wouldn’t be angry,” Harry explained, and you raised a brow at the boy, pulling your books against your chest as he led you towards the hospital wing.
“If he didn’t want me to be angry, he should’ve listened to me when I told him not to go to practice,” Your comment earned a slightly uncomfortable smile from Harry’s lips as he looks at his feet while walking, not sure how to react. “Sorry,” You sighed, moving your books into your bookbag as you neared the door. “Oliver tends to be stubborn when it comes to quidditch, which tends to end with me being worried, and that usually tends to end with me visiting said stubborn boy in the hospital wing with the injury of the week,” Harry nodded at the explanation, stilling next to you at the door of the hospital wing.
“Madam Pomfrey said that even though he hit his head when he fell, he doesn’t seem to have a concussion- she’s not concerned as least, said he just needs someone to stay with him for a while as she monitors him,” He smiled as you nodded. “I think he’ll be alright,” He offered optimistically.
“Thank you for coming to find me, Harry,” You returned the boy’s smile, squeezing his shoulder lightly before he leaves. You walked through the door carefully, waving at Madam Pomfrey when she spotted you walking in.
“Hello, dear,” She noted, looking up from the research book in her hand and pointing towards the sickbay, Oliver being the only person in the entirety of it and you shook your head lightly as you saw him. “He’s been asking for you,” she told you with a knowing smile, allowing you to go in to see him without any objection, smiling still as she refocused her attention on the book in her hands.
Oliver noticed your presence instantly, turning his head to see you, a tired grin lacing onto his lips as you quickly made your way to his bed, stilling at his side with furrowed brows.
“My love,” He noted softly, reaching a hand out towards you and smiling even more when your fingers entwine with his, your free hand lifting to his head where you gently moved your fingers through the short tendrils of brown.
“How’s my injured boy feeling?” You asked with a soft smile, annoyance from earlier having slipped away as soon as you saw him. “Do you have any pain?”
“I’m alright,” He began, and you allowed your eyes to travel over his body, not noticing any bandages or noticeable discomfort. “My head hurts a little, but Poppy said I could leave in time for dinner, she just wants to keep an eye on me for a few hours,” He offered meekly, fiddling with the hem of the blanket draped over him. “I’m sorry for not listening to you,” He explained, stopping his fingers as he looked at you. “You said the weather was too bad to practice and you were right, like you always are,” You smiled at the statement, lightly scratching at his sculp.
“Don’t think about that,” you said as you removed your hand from his hair long enough to place your bag on the floor, smiling when his other hand reached for your shirt to keep you close. “I’m just happy that you’re not hurt too badly,” The boy offered you a warm smile as his hand tugged at your shirt to pull you closer towards him. “What can I do for my sweet boy?” You asked him, a smile of your own as you watched his eyes jumping over your features, he shook his head. “How about some water?” You suggested to which he nodded as if coming to the sudden realization that he was in fact thirsty.
You lifted the glass of water from the bedside table, holding it for him as he took a few slips, eyes locked on you as his fingers surrounded yours around the glass, hand falling to the bed when you moved to put the glass back.
“Thank you,” He mumbled as you did so, hands somehow finding yours again as he gently scooted over on the bed, silently asking you to join him.
“You want me to hold you?” You mused; his behavior not strange at all as the boy always seemed to get a little more needy after he got himself injured. You nodded as he offered but a mere tug at your fingers as a reply. “Alright my love, I’ll hold you in second, just need to check with Madam Pomfrey if it's okay for you to sleep yet.”
Oliver wasn’t happy with the comment at all, watching with a clear frown as you walked over towards the woman, talking softly among yourselves as she assured you that Oliver was just fine, though you were going to make the boy stay awake for just a little while more, just in case.
“Can you come here now?” He asked, tone laced with impatience as he even lifted his blanket for you. You smiled over at him, carefully kicking off your shoes and moving them under the bed before taking hold of his outstretched hand and sitting down beside him, pausing before laying down.
“Does anything else hurt, Oliver?” You question softly, wanting to be sure before just clinging onto him. He shook his head, grabbing your waist to guide you into his side, a small laugh escaping your mouth as he gently forced your head down onto his chest. He released a satisfied little sigh when your hands found his shirt, smoothing the surface slightly out of habit.
“Thank you for coming,” He mumbled after a second and you twisted in his hold to look up at him, not missing the clear signs of sleep tugging at his features. “I know you had a whole lot to get done today.”
“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere but here,” You note simply, lifting a hand to his chin to steal his attention from the ceiling, his eyes closing for a second as the sudden comfort you provided clouded his already tired mind. “You’ve got to stay awake for a little while more, darling,” You reminded him sweetly, his eyes finding yours in an instant, a sloppy smile on his lips as he stared at you.
“Hmm,” He hummed in acknowledgement, hearing what you’re saying yet not registering the words as he delicately pulled you closer. “I like it when you call me that.”
“Darling?” You mocked lightly, watching a slight blush creep onto the boy’s features, his sleepy state along with the adrenaline wearing off, leaving him an all but swooning mess as he holds onto the person he loves so dearly.
“I love you,” He stated in the same flustered tone, and you rested your chin on his chest to look at him. “If this is how you treat me after getting hurt, I just might just get hurt more often.”
“You couldn’t possibly get hurt more often than you already do,” You mused and traced small shapes over his shirt, mindlessly, as the sensation simply aided in lulling him into his slumber. “And you shouldn’t dare attempt it either, you’d drive me mad with worry, Oliver Wood,” The words emitted a groan from his lips, and you raised a brow.
“You worry about me?”
“Only constantly,” You confessed, his eyes opening quickly. “Your self-preservation instinct is severely lacking, darling,” You informed him, and he gave you a guilty smile, your hand leaving his chest as you moved to tuck the blanket back in around his side where it had escaped its place.
“I’ll be more careful then,” He declared. “I enjoy you taking care of me, but I don’t want you to worry,” He lifts a hand to your face, nimbly tracing a finger over your lips.
“That’s all I ask,” You replied, kissing the pad of his thumb when it stilled on your bottom lip. “Though in the meantime, I don’t mind taking care of my sweet and injured darling,” He laughed softly, shaking his head as he pulled you back to his chest, arms wrapping around you even tighter than before and you melted into the feeling completely.
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haikyu-hoe · 3 years
One too many beers
JJ Maybank x reader
fluff, one shot, bit of angst
warnings: cursing, mentions of abuse, fighting
I usually don’t write non-haikyuu fics, but why not, i just love jj so muchhh. Hope you guys like it, if so please drop a like or reblog, it’s appreciated! <3
You had known jj for so long that you knew that when he wasn’t trying to get you and the others to party, he was probably sulking about something. You left the cosy campfire, took a deep breath in and entered the chateau. jj was there, a smoked blunt still lit besides him, drinking a beer.
“Hey”, you said softly as to not scare him. He turned to you, and you saw the bruise on his jaw. His knees were also scratched pretty bad and his hands too. As you got closer, you noticed blood on his shirt.
“Sup, y/k?”, he said, taking another sip. His eyes were filled with tears, but he refused to cry.
“jj, what happened? are you ok? do you want to talk about it?”, you cautiously asked.
“What’s there to talk about, huh y/k? You know damn well what happened. Same as always!”, he scoffed and took another sip of beer.
“i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to-”, you tried to get closer to him but he cut you off brutally.
“You didn’t mean to what? You didn’t mean to what??”, he got up so he was only standing a few feet apart from you. He reeked of alcohol and weed.
“please youre clearly drunk, jj you should get some rest, we’ll talk in the morning.”, you tried vainly to calm him down. But he only got more riled up.
“I’m not taking your dumb fucking advice! You think you know better than me? You think you could handle my dad?”, his eyes were now filled with hatred in addition to the tears. You got closer to him to put a hand on his bicep, but he swiftly removed himself, slapping you with his other hand.
“Don’t fucking touch me or talk to me.”, he scoffed before downing the rest of his beer.
Shocked at what he had done, you left in a hurry, getting scared of what he might do if you stayed. You didn’t bother saying goodbye to the others and went straight home.
You looked at yourself in the bathroom mirror, illuminated by the rising sun. A slight bruise had formed during the night on your right cheekbone. You had to talk to jj, but who knows what would happen this time? You brushed your teeth in silence, tearing up from the pain of your cheek. After getting ready, you headed down to the chateau.
“Hey y/k, you left without saying bye last night, what’s up with that? Wait what happened to your face?”, Kie said, her expression changing suddenly as she got closer to examine you.
“I’m sorry, i was in a hurry. Where’s jj?”, you asked. John B got out of the house with Pope and walked up to you guys.
“He left earlier. I think he wanted to find you actually.”, said John B.
“What’s up with that bruise, y/k? you didn’t have it yesterday”, asked pope.
“Yeah, you didn’t reply! Wait. Did jj do this to you? We heard yelling last night before you stormed off”, added Kie.
“I didn’t storm off, i-”, you started but got interrupted.
“So that’s why he was so angry at himself. Y/k this isn’t ok, he might have been drunk but he can’t hit you!”, said John B. They all looked at you, really worried. You sighed.
“Just tell me where he went. please.”, you desperately asked. John B pointed the direction to you and you left quickly. If he was right, he should be by the beach right now.
As the sun got higher in the sky, you spotted a blond guy siting on the sand, watching the waves. You walked faster to him.
“jj, hey i wanted to make things right after last night”, you started. He turned to you, eyes red and puffy, tears on his cheeks. He still smelled a bit like beer, and he definitely hadn’t showered.
“i’m so sorry y/k, i was so upset and drunk and high, and i let that cloud my judgment, i didn’t mean to hurt you…“, he stopped to look at the bruise he left on your face as he got up. He raised a hand to brush your cheek, but you quickly backed up.
“fuck. y/k please don’t be afraid of me, i have almost nothing right now, if i lose you i lose everything”, he took a break to wipe some tears off his face. “I’m an idiot, i’m just like my dad, i screw up everything!”, he yelled, eyes filling with tears again, gritting his teeth. He was aggressively pulling at his hair, letting out panicked, angered screams.
“jj, please. calm down, listen to me. It’s ok, it’s ok. i’m not mad.”, you took him in your arms to get him to calm down. He eventually loosened up and hugged back, repeatedly saying “i’m sorry”. You rubbed his back as he tightened his embrace over you.
“I love you”, he whispered. You heard, but didn’t tell. He probably didn’t mean it like that you know? so you just played it off.
“C‘mon, let’s head back yeah?”, you said, before walking silently back to the chateau with him.
You party that night, get tipsy, fall asleep on the couch, the usual stuff.
You get woken up by a smiling jj, gently shaking your shoulder.
“Mmmh, what? jj? what time is it?”, you mumble, still half asleep.
“Come outside with me y/k, i wanna show you something”, he said, obviously excited.
You get up, a bit groggy to be up so early. It’s only 6:00 am, come on jj. Maybe you can go back to sleep later. You follow him to the beach after putting on a hoodie and getting a bit of water in your face. He tugs your sleeve to get you to walk faster.
You sit on the sand, as jj gestures to the sunrise. It’s almost all visible now, and it’s beautiful. You gently rest your head on his shoulder, gathering the courage to talk.
“You know, i uh, i heard you the other day. At the beach i mean. When you… When you said you loved me? And i wanted to-”, you start, cheeks turning red.
“Oh, that? Fuck I was so hungover and maybe still a bit high, god. So sorry”, he says, forcing a laugh and looking away.
“So you… didn’t mean it then?”, you ask, turning to him.
“No, no of course not. Ha”, he adds, still avoiding your gaze. something feels off but you don’t question it. You simply wait for the sun to be up and leave calmly.
Kie notices you’ve been off all day, and talks about it with the others. jj is god knows where, and it’s a good thing for now, meaning they can talk to you.
“Y/k, is everything ok? maybe you’re just hungover, but you seem conflicted or something”, starts Pope carefully.
“Myeah. jj told me he loved me. But he didn’t mean it.”, you spit out.
“What?? Wait… WHAT?”, says John B, looking terribly confused. You explain the whole thing in details, and you finally admit it; you like him. Now wether he did too seemed rather complicated right now; you’d have to confront him about it again.
“I shouldn’t tell you this… but i know he meant it. He’s just an idiot”, says John B as you’re about to leave. You thank him for telling you before leaving. jj should be by his house by now. You walk over there, hoping it won’t be complete chaos when you arrive.
Despite your hopes, you hear yelling from the sidewalk. This is bad. Without knocking, you enter house. jj is on the couch, tears in his eyes, while his father, a half-empty bottle of alcohol in hand, yells in his face.
“Hey! Mr. Maybank, please can i-”, you start, putting yourself in front of him. But jj shoves you off.
“y/k. get out of here, now. don’t get yourself killed. just go.”, he says through gritted teeth.
“jj please- Mr Maybank-”, you start again.
“GET OUT!”, yells jj. “I can handle this”, he whispers, tears in his eyes.
“Can you? Can you even handle anything?”, yells his dad, slapping him, then getting him up by the collar.
“Let him go!”, you scream. You Push him away from jj, grab the boy’s hand and run. His father yells some more, but you’re not listening. You run longer than you wanted to, but you finally reach the park. You sit down and so does jj.
“y/k, that was reckless. He could’ve hit you too. Fuck, you can’t barge in like that! I couldn’t stand the thought of you getting hurt because of me again!”, he says, voice still shaking. You put an arm around his shoulders, hand ruffing through his hair. You stay like this a while, until his tears dry off.He slowly leans into your shoulder, and you feel your cheeks heating up. Now’s the time.
“jj. The other day… i mean, at the beach, i wanted to tell you that, well, i love you too.”, you finally said.
He jerks up, looking at you, locking his eyes in yours. He seems unsure. Using the hand still in his hair, you get him closer to you, putting the other on his chest. You feel him putting a hand on your thigh and he touches your cheek softly. The bruise is almost gone now.
“I’m so sorry”, he whispers.
“Shhh it’s ok, it’s ok jj, you didn’t mean to. You’re nothing like your father. You’re kind, free and so dear to me”, you say, your voice fading away.
Your lips meet softly, only for a few instants, instants you had been dreaming of for so long, so so long.
He smiles brightly as you both look at each other with passion. He’s so precious, you wish you could protect him from everything.
“i really do love you”, he says.
You kiss his cheek, giggling. He’s so perfect, you’d do anything for him. You rest your heads on each other, almost falling asleep in the afternoon sun. Reciprocated love, it’s the best.
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farfromharry · 3 years
The one without the suit | Peter’s girl
Summary: Peter doesn’t know where to go when Mr Stark takes his suit away from him after the ferry incident so he comes to you. You spend the rest of the night comforting the distraught boy.
Word count - 2746
Warnings - language? i don’t think there’s anything else
A/n - i’m gonna try and do regular updates for this again, but it probably won’t happen😳
It all kept replaying in Peter’s head, all those people he’d put in danger just because he couldn’t let this go. Even you had told him he needed to stop, so why couldn’t he?
He sat and stared into the water with a frown, his legs dangling over the side of the building while his mask sat beside him on the ledge. God how had he messed up so bad, Mr Stark must be so angry.
Speaking of, he heard the suit before he saw it, his eyes squeezing shut as he braced himself to get yelled at by his mentor. Swinging his legs over the side and beginning to head in the direction of where the iron man suit stood, probably empty of the real Tony Stark, just like the time at the lake.
The words he was saying- yelling, weren’t really registering in the boy’s head, Peter was wanting nothing more than to skip the lecture and just apologise to the man for everything he’d caused. He didn’t even really care how this was going to affect him, not while he didn’t know the aftermath of the boat. 
“Is everyone okay?”  That was all he really cared about, knowing that no one had gotten hurt all because he screwed up, again. 
“No thanks to you.” 
The next few minutes had been a blur of Peter raising his voice angrily, finding it very difficult to believe that even after all that happened where he’d just tried to help, Mr Stark was still blaming this entirely on him. He remembered apologising profusely, not seeing the anger in Mr Stark’s eyes falter for even a second.
“I’m gonna need the suit back.” He felt like his entire body was shutting down, his heart shattering and a lump building in the back of his throat. Peter begged him, trying to change his mind with empty promises that meant nothing.
“F-For how long?”
That one word kept repeating in the boy’s mind.  Forever. He was never getting the suit back, God he fucked up again. Walking down the streets of New York in clothes that weren’t his own was probably mortifying on a normal day, but he felt like there was a cloud of shame hanging over his head that everyone could see, and that was much worse.
He didn’t know where his feet were taking him at first, making the subconscious decision that he wasn’t yet ready to go home to his aunt in this state. Peter wasn’t sure if he’d ever been this disappointed or embarrassed with himself. He managed to fuck up so bad that the Tony Stark, his idol, his mentor, took away his suit. 
He was disappointed in him. 
Granted Peter was only a kid, heck he was still a teenager, but he felt like he owed it to Tony to be the best, to be better and apparently Mr Stark thought so too. 
He was growing increasingly self conscious walking through the streets of Queens in clothing they’d gotten from lost and found at the ferry dock. He probably should’ve gone home. May was definitely worried sick about him right now, but he didn’t have the strength to go and face a lecture when all he wanted to do was curl into a ball and let his emotions out.
He had to stop for a minute to realise that he’d been walking to your apartment on instinct. 
It felt like a second nature for Peter now to go to your window every time he was in need of help.
But it hurt him in a way he couldn’t explain when he realised he was unable to swing his way up there, not having either of his suits or his web shooters. The boy sniffled quietly, deciding he was just going to have to show up at your front door, hopefully not disturbing your parents.
He took the elevator up, giving him a chance to think everything over again, the boy deciding he needed some kind of distraction at least to ease his mind. His feet carried him from the elevator to your apartment door, the boy knocking before he'd even registered he was doing so.
“I’ll get it,” you yelled. You paused the movie you were watching on the TV, getting up from the couch. You didn’t bother to check you looked presentable, assuring yourself it was probably just your neighbour, she was a very old lady that often forgot the keys to her apartment and would always ask if she could use your spare that your parents had made just for this situation.
You grabbed the key that resided in a bowl beside your front door, pulling it open with a small smile on your lips. “Forgot your keys again Mrs Ka- Oh, Peter hi.” 
You furrowed your eyebrows slightly as you stared at the distraught expression that had overtaken your friend’s face. He sniffled slightly, his head raising from where his eyes were locked on the floor. You stepped forward and carefully placed your hand on his arm.
“Pete, what’s wrong?” you asked. His eyes were bloodshot and dark when he looked at you, the boy looking like a kicked puppy. Your heart ached just at the sight of him.
“He took my suit,” he whispered, so quietly you didn’t hear him. You stepped closer, placing your hand on his cheek gently.
“Mr Stark took my suit, I let him down.” 
That was the final straw for him. He let out a heart wrenching sob, falling into your arms utterly broken. You weren’t sure what you were meant to do, having never seen him in such a state, so you simply wrapped your arms around him and cradled his head against your chest.
With all the hugs you’d shared with Peter, he’d never held you so tightly, but he’d also never been so upset in view of another person, not even May. Not when his parents died and not when his Uncle Ben died, his tears were restricted to the eyes of him and him only. 
His crying had obviously alerted your mother, seeing her head pop in to look in the living room where you were cradling a crying Peter. She raised her eyebrows, her eyes softening out of motherly concern.
She took your word for it when you just shook your head, promising you’d help him and stay with him until he calmed down.
“Come on, Pete.” You helped the boy up off of the floor and towards your room. He’d been in your room plenty of times over the past few weeks so he took it upon himself to crash on your bed instantly. You didn’t know what to do, you’d never had to deal with consoling a superhero that got their suit taken away from them, so you didn’t fully understand what that suit meant to Peter, even if you did know how much he enjoyed being Spiderman. 
“Peter, I-“ you sighed, sitting on the bed beside his exhausted body. “I’m sure you didn’t disappoint Mr Stark.” 
He scoffed, running his hands over his face exasperatedly. His heart was aching. “You didn’t see it in his eyes. You didn’t hear it.”
Your heart ached listening to the words muffled by the covers of your bed. You could hear his quiet sniffles as he tried to calm himself down, the deep breaths not doing much of the sort. You took a seat beside him awkwardly, your nose scrunching up when you caught a whiff of the boy’s unusual scent.
Your mind told you that a hot bath might help him, as it was always a comfort to you when you were having one of your days. You gently laid your hand on his back, rubbing over the material of his shirt softly for a few moments before you suggested your idea. 
“Why don’t you go take a hot bath? They help me when I’m down,” you said, seeing him turn his face to the side on the bed so he could look at you. “Plus you smell like garbage,” you teased. 
He clearly wasn’t in much of a joking mood when he simply stood up with a nod of his head, his eyes still morphed into puppy dog eyes. You flashed him a tight lipped smile, mentally scolding yourself for how badly your attempt at lightening the mood had gone. 
You’d generously offered to wash Peter’s hair for him when he stated that he didn’t think he was up to it. He was flustered as he agreed, listening to your promises about just washing his hair for him, no peeking or anything, and then you’d be out of there. 
“You promise you won’t look?” he asked, a stern look in his eyes as he wasn’t sure he could do this if you even took as much as a tiny peek. You rolled your eyes, cursing him for having no faith in you. “Peter, I don’t even want to look.”
He seemed to take offense to those words too, his nose scrunching in confusion. “What’s that supposed to mean?” 
You huffed at his childish behaviour, telling him there was not a single chance you were about to have this discussion with him about why you didn’t want to see his dick, that was a whole other story.
Eventually he took your word and headed for the bathroom, calling you in when he was ready and sure you wouldn’t be exposed to anything you didn’t want to see.
“Thank you,” he whispered, sending you a genuine smile as you lathered up the coconut scented shampoo on your hands. You shook your head, dismissing his thanks by telling him it was just what friends did. Maybe not all friends, as you couldn’t imagine too many people had to console their superhero friend after their hero suit was taken away from them by their billionaire mentor. So maybe it was just a you and Peter thing. 
He hummed quietly as your fingers threaded through his locks, gently tugging when your fingers would encounter some kind of tangle. You muttered apologies under your breath but they went unheard by the boy who looked as though he was in complete bliss.
“Pete.” It took him a few seconds to hear you calling his name, his eyes snapping up to yours with a shy, apologetic smile. You giggled at his shyness, gently guiding his head to tip backwards so you could wash the soap from his hair.
You repeated the process of washing and rinsing one more time to ensure he no longer smelled like dirty garbage, before leaving him to finish up and dry off in your bathroom.
You started to worry when he began taking his time, scared that something bad had happened, even though you knew he was able to take care of himself.
But your worries died down when he came out of the bathroom with the same clothes he’d worn earlier, pulling a small amused smile from you at the sight of him in hello kitty pyjamas.
“You okay?” you asked, noting that he hadn’t yet said a word since emerging from the bathroom. His voice came out slightly scratchy, a sign of all the sobs that had wracked his body. “Yeah, jus’ need a hug.” 
Your heart warmed in your chest, arms opening for the boy to crawl into. “I can do that.” 
“I’m so tired,” he mumbled, harshly rubbing at his still teary eyes with his fists. You frowned, taking his hands in yours and moving them away from his face so he couldn’t hurt himself. He’d cried so hard and so much in such a short time that he was physically exhausted. 
You wrapped his arms around your waist, letting him lay his head on your chest so you could hold him. Your hands threaded in his freshly washed hair, the scent filling your senses much more pleasant than the one he’d originally arrived with. You gently untangled any knots that had developed in his curls over the course of them drying from the water, the boy humming softly. 
The feeling of your fingers gently scratching at his scalp and playing with his hair was almost enough to soothe him completely to sleep, but you could feel that his body was fighting it off as he probably didn’t want to feel like he was burdening you with another thing.
“Peter?” you whispered. He hummed tiredly in response, nuzzling his face closer to you. “You’re kinda heavy.”
He gasped, finding the energy to raise his head and gape at you as you held back your giggle. He couldn’t say he wasn’t grateful for you trying to put a smile on his face, even if that was through an insult. 
“That was so mean,” he whined, a smile threatening to form on his lips. The first smile you would see from him today.
“M sorry, but you are. Are you forgetting you’re literally built like a God?” He rolled his eyes, cheeks flushing a soft pink at the hint of a compliment. You let out a loud laugh, trying to shuffle away from him as you muttered his name repeatedly. He was laughing now too and the sound, after everything you’d seen from his attitude tonight, was music to your ears.
“Pete, stop!” you squealed. He collapsed down beside you on the bed, the two of you catching your breath as your stomachs began to ache from all the laughing. He still had a grin on his face when you turned your head to look at him, smiling softly as you noticed that familiar sparkle in his eye.
“Pete?” you asked, after your laughter had died down into a comfortable silence. “Yeah?” 
You sighed. “Does May know you’re here?” 
He didn’t respond for a few minutes, answering pretty much everything you needed to know. He could feel your eyes on him, making him feel even more guilty about the whole situation.
“No, she doesn’t,” he finally admitted.
You took his hand in yours, the action still making Peter’s breath hitch even after the many times the two of you had embraced recently. “You should call her, she’s probably worried about you.” 
It took a bit of convincing, but after a while he did call May. He moved out into the hall so he could have a little bit of privacy, not wanting you to hear the earful he was about to get from her.  She was angry, and rightfully so, scolding him for leaving her in the dark, but she was still mainly more worried about her nephew’s safety.
He came back with a rather sullen look on his face, phone in hand as he stood awkwardly in your door frame, like he was uncomfortable.
“I-I have to go, May wants me home,” he mumbled. You nodded your head, flashing him an understanding smile. You’d already guessed that May was going to be upset with him, so you could only pray for him for when he got home. You took a deep breath, pushing yourself up off of your bed and heading straight to Peter to hug him.
“I’m sorry,” you started. “About everything that happened tonight. It’ll all be okay,” you promised, rubbing your hand up and down his back. He pursed his lips, nodding as he pulled away.
“Thank you, Y/N.” 
You followed him from your room to the door of your apartment, seeing the way he dragged his feet sadly along the wooden floorboards. He sent you one last look over his shoulder, and in the light the rings of redness around his eyes were accentuated. 
You watched him walk out of your apartment with a small frown on your face, waving goodbye to him with a rather quiet, “Bye Peter.”
You closed the door with a sigh, your heart aching at the situation Peter had been put in. You knew how much he loved being Spiderman and you knew this wouldn’t stop him, which would probably only cause him more harm, but you trusted him and you hoped that Stark would be able to see he made a mistake.
“Did Peter leave?” You turned and looked at your mother, nodding your head. 
“Is he okay?” she asked. You plastered on a fake smile, nodding your head and pretending as though your last few hours consoling the teenager hadn’t happened. 
“Just some family problems, but I'm sure everything will be fine.” 
peter’s girl taglist → @sunsetholland @captainamirica @tomsirishgirlx @givebuckyhisplumsnow @lou-la-lou @slutforsr @tayyx @gog0juice @minejungwoo @creatorofthegalaxy @annathesillyfriend @paninipress @bvttercupbby @peterswebshooters @whoeveniskendall @itsallyscorner @hoodpankow @sunwardsss @hallecarey1 @writingrem @mamaparker28
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mrs-harkness · 4 years
Ocean Eyes (Part 2)
Ocean Eyes (Part 1)
Pairing: Tammy x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.8K
Parts: Part 1
Taglist: @peggycarter-steverogers @imgayandmymomdoesntknow​ @millysmango​
A/n: Glad you guys are liking Tammy. She’s fun to write for, because I imagine her having a bit of a wild side ;) I’m thinking there will probably only be 5 parts, because I would like to get started on Delia’s, but things are just really busy with my new job! Always, thanks for the patience and love!
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"I'm gonna kinda miss having you at the apartment everyday."
Sarah's voice ripped you away from the window, lost in your own empty thoughts. You smiled at her.
"I will miss seeing you every day, but I will not miss sleeping on your couch. It's lumpy. You really need a new one dude," you said, snickering.
"No way! My couch has got character, thank you."
"Sarah, I found a pack of fun dip from 1967 in the cushions."
Sarah opened her mouth to argue, but shut it. She gave you a side glare, trying to keep her eyes on the road while letting you see her wrath, as she called it. You laughed, it filling the car.
"Don't worry Sarah-Bee, I'll come visit you on my off days," you said, patting her leg.
You guys pulled into Tammy's huge driveway to find her and the kids waiting for you on the doorstep, standing there like a Home and Garden's ad. Tammy smiled and waved as well as her two smallest children. The oldest boy was obviously forced to stand there and looked like he was ready to be released.
You stepped out of the car and the family walked towards you. The little girl ran ahead of them all, nearly leaping to you.
"Hi! My name is Keri! You wanna play?" she asked, immediately taking your hand and tugging on it.
Tammy reached forward and put her hand on Keri's shoulder, giggling.
"Hold on sweetheart. She just got here and needs to get settled. You guys will have plenty of time to play. She lives here with us now," she said, never breaking eye contact with you.
You felt the blush creep onto your face. You weren't positive, but there seemed to be  a glint in Tammy's eyes, as if she saw it. You tore your eyes away from hers and looked back down at the little girl, smiling. She smiled back, grabbing onto her mothers hand to hold it and bring it close to her face.
Tammy cleared her throat and pushed the two boys forward. The little one had a mischievous look about him and the older one was just uninterested completely.
"These are my two men, Derek and Jeremy," Tammy said.
"I'm Derek! I'm named after my dad. He doesn't live here anymore!" the younger one chirped.
Everyone shot him a look, but he remained blissfully unaware at the fact of his oversharing. The oldest though, seemed more than angry, and reached over and slapped his younger brother in the ear.
"Stupid! You don't say that shit!"
"Jeremy! Watch your mouth and leave your brother alone," Tammy said, moving him to where he  was looking her in the face. He seemed to growl and jerk away. He sulked off towards the house.
You saw the concern on Tammy's face. He must not have been handling the divorce so well. Your heart ached for the boy, even though he seemed a little bit like a dick. Tammy sighed and turned back to you.
"Kids," she said, trying to chuckle and brush it off.
"Well! How about we get Y/n and her stuff inside and get her welcomed home?" Tammy asked the two little ones.
They both cheered with the excitement only small children seemed to have and ran to Sarah's car to help grab the boxes and suitcases that were in the back. Tammy came up behind you, placing her hand on the small of your back. You jumped a bit, feeling heat spread out through your body. Tammy leaned forward to whisper in your ear, but all you could manage to think was how good she smelled.
"Don't worry about Jeremy, give him time to warm up to you. He misses his dad, but he's a good kid," she whispered, her breath hot on the shell of your ear.
You swallowed and nodded, forcing a smile. She brought her face into your view, just inches from yours. She smiled and winked and her fingers seemed to drag as she brushed her hand from your back and walked to the car to help get your things.
Get your shit together Y/N. She was talking about her kids emotional state and all you could think of was her perfume!
You scolded yourself and went to help the family unload your old life to officially start your new one.
When Tammy had said you would have the entire attic and your own bathroom, you thought you would have a maybe enough room for a twin bed and a dresser, maybe a desk and a bathroom that probably had a shower and not much else. You were very wrong.
Your new bedroom was bigger than Sarah's entire apartment, with lush carpet and crown molding. The bed was big and plush with a down comforter that felt like a cloud and smelled like cherry blossom. You not only had a 8 drawer dresser, but a walk in closet that could hold your entire wardrobe and still have 98% of it be completely empty. There were shelves filled with books and free space that Tammy said you could put whatever you like on.
The desk was a solid piece of white wood that seemed like it would cost the same as a down payment on a car. Your bathroom felt straight out of a high class suite with a huge tub, amazing walk in shower, and not just one sink, but two. There was even a wall length mirror. But your favorite part of the whole house was the balcony. You had your own balcony. A set of french doors lead out to it and you knew you would have the perfect view to watch the sun rise over the trees in the morning.
This morning you were waking up on a smelly, yellow polyester couch to the sound of street construction and Sarah singing Taylor Swift as she burnt breakfast. Now, you were overlooking an amazing view of a beautiful, quiet neighborhood from your very own penthouse with an amazing job and the most beautiful boss you could have ever imagined.
You took a deep breath of the crisp night air. You were exhausted from unpacking and getting to know the kids and were looking forward to just laying in your new bed and dosing off when you heard a knock at your door. You had to jog from outside and across the room to reach the door, expecting to see one of the kids. Instead Tammy stood in front of you, smiling.
"Getting settled in okay?" she asked.
You smile and nodded, stepping aside to welcome her in. She walked in and looked around. There wasn't much difference, but you had put out some of your personal items and pictures. It would take some time, but it did feel a little bit more like yours after a couple of hours of work.
"Looks nice. More lived in than it has ever been. You've made it homey," she said, her voice warm.
"I hope that is okay," you said, unsure why you felt so insecure about her opinion. She whipped around to look at you.
"Of course! That's what I want more than anything. For you to make this your home. I know this is your job, but I want you to like it here," she said, stepping closer.
Your breath got caught in your throat again, and you forced yourself to breathe normally. You saw the corner of Tammy's mouth twitch, a tiny smirk showing for just a second. You brushed your hair away from your face and cleared your throat. It was becoming your signature.
"I definitely like it here. Don't worry. You and the kids are great. The room is amazing, I've never lived somewhere so nice before. And dinner was great. Its been a really long time since I sat down and got to eat together with a family."
Tammy's face softened a bit at the last bit, and while you could see curiosity in her eyes, she didn't ask any further. There was a moment of silence before Tammy got the conversation back on track.
"Well I'm glad you liked dinner and are getting settled. I got the kids in bed already and was actually wondering if you would like to come down stairs and have a glass of wine with me? Just you and I, so we could get to know each other more as friends rather than boss and employee."
You stood there, smiling, just staring at her. You must have been standing there for longer than you realized in silence because Tammy cocked an eyebrow, confused by your silence. You tried to recover like you were thinking, but you really couldn't save yourself here.
"Oh! Yeah! Sure! I'd love to!" you said, your voice a little too high pitched. Tammy giggled and nodded, heading back towards the door.
"Get in your jammies and meet me down stairs. I'll be waiting," she said as she closed the door behind her.
You released the breath you had been holding, your whole body relaxing. You didn't realize how tense you were. You were going to have to learn how to function around Tammy or you probably wouldn't have this job for long. Tammy seemed to find it cute for the time being, but once it stopped just seeming like you were awkward and nervous about a new job, it would be pretty obvious it was a bit more. The nanny crushing on her boss was so cliché to begin with, never mind how problematic it would be in this situation.
You got dressed in your nice pair of pajamas, not wanting to walk down stairs in a ratty t-shirt and shorts. It was mainly dark in the house, but the kitchen was completely lit, guiding you down the stairs and towards Tammy who worked on a wine cork.
Her pajamas were silk and red, hanging off her frame in a way that showed a bit of skin depending how she moved. The shorts barely covered her butt and you felt like you were being tested. You would make sure to keep your eyes either on Tammy's face or at the wall behind her because you were not going to make things weird.
Tammy smiled when she saw you and you swore she looked you up and down, but you just kept your eyes forward.
"Don't you look cute," Tammy said, popping the cork out of the wine bottle.
You sat on the stool at the kitchen island and watched as Tammy poured two glasses and handed one to you. You took a sip and were taken back by how strong it was. You were going to have to be careful or you would be gone rather quickly.
Tammy took a big sip of hers and smiled, licking the red liquid off her lips. You felt yourself cry on the inside. You wanted nothing more to spend alone time with Tammy, but you really wished you had gone to bed.
"So, tell me about the tree branch," she said, taking a smaller sip this time.
You looked up at her, confused.
Tammy laughed, pointing to your hair.
"You said this afternoon you would tell me how you got the twig stuck in your hair. You also mentioned something about promising you bathed?" she said, raising her eye brows up as she twirled her wine glass with a smile that spread across her face.
You laughed and felt some of the tension leave your body. This was just a normal conversation and your boss really was just trying to get to know you and make it a more comfortable situation for the both of you.
"See what happened was, I got an Uber into the neighborhood but asked the driver to drop me off at the gate so that way you wouldn't see me get out of this particular car because it looked like it drove straight out of 'Dude, Where's My Car' and I honestly didn't want you to associate me with weed and old pizza."
"First impressions are important," she said, extending her wine glass towards you.
"Exactly. So I started walking but because I have never been here before, I got lost. So I called Sarah and she told me the way to your house, but if I took that way I would be late. So she told me, if I cut through the backyard of the house I was in front of and walked through the trees, I would actually be at the back of your house, so I found the houses fence."
"You snuck onto their property?" Tammy asked, her eyes lighting up. She leaned onto the counter and her pajamas moved, revealing her bra. You kept your eyes on hers though.
"I don't think its considered sneaking if the old woman who lives there sends her yappy dog after you for disrupting her yoga session as she swears at you. I ran to the picnic table at the edge of the fence and threw myself over it as I tried to convince her I really was a nice girl before complimenting the home I had just trespassed into, and dropped into the woods and ran so fast I'm surprised I didn't die."
At this point, Tammy was doubled over, cackling.
"I'm gonna pee," she muttered, crossing her legs as she laughed. You laughed along with her, Tammy's giddiness being contagious. You looked at her as she met your eyes and just looked at you as you both came down from your laughter. You smiled as you took a sip of your wine. You were glad you hadn't gone to bed.
It felt like minutes, but you and Tammy stayed up for four hours talking about life, your interests, your childhood. Everything seemed fuzzy and warm because you were both on your fourth glass and you couldn't remember exactly when you both had moved to the couch, but that is where you both found yourself.
"So when I had Keri, I was utterly exhausted. My husband was home with me for the first four days after we brought her home, but he left on a two week work trip after that and I was alone with three kids, two of which were under two."
You shook your head. Her husband sucked. You didn't like him. You didn't know him, but you didn't like him.
"So when Keri was 9 days old, I had to take Derek to the doctor for an ear infection. Jeremy was five at the time so he was literally everywhere, Derek was screaming, and Keri was just sleeping in her car seat. We got Derek looked at, got the prescription and left. We were halfway to the pharmacy when I felt like I had forgot something."
You covered your mouth, stifling the drunk giggle starting to come from your mouth. Tammy hit you on your shoulder.
"I would like to remind you I was basically a single mother of three kids and sleep was not a thing. But I forgot Keri, in the doctors office. Just left without her! Right when I noticed, a nurse from the office called me and I was just crying on the phone all the way there. The nurses tried to console me but that was definitely one of my worst mom moment so far. She still doesn't know that happened. Not sure she ever will."
You both laughed that kind of deep laugh that if you weren't careful, would choke you. You laughed and bent over, accidentally falling over and right into Tammy's lap. It took you a moment to realize you had done it, but Tammy noticed immediately.
She stared at you, but not with a look of discomfort on her face, but something else. You immediately pushed yourself back into a sitting position, your flush ten times worse due to the wine it your system. Tammy smiled and looked away, sighing.
"You know Y/N, I'm so happy you get to be here, with us. Not just for the kids, but for me too."
You looked at her, unsure what to say. You watched as she scooted closer to you, frozen. She brushed the hair that had fallen in your face to behind your ear. Her hand lingered on your cheek and you felt her thumb run against the edge of your jaw. You were sure it was visible how hard you swallowed and how you chest rose and fell rapidly.
She smiled and her eyes flicked down. She looked you over and hummed before pulling back.
"We are going to feel like shit in the morning if we don't get to bed. Especially because Keri and Derrek like to wake up at the ass crack of dawn."
You smiled at that and it caused Tammy to chuckle. You helped one another up and walked up the stairs. Tammy stopped at her door, but didn't go in. You climbed the stairs to the third floor, but felt Tammy starring at you. You turned around to see her leaning against her doorframe, her face dreamy.
"Goodnight Y/N. I'm happy you're here."
With that Tammy winked, and pushed open her door, stepped into the dark room, and closed it slowly behind her. You seemed to float up the stairs and straight into your bed, the soft plush mattress welcoming you. You drifted off to sleep with that warm fuzzy feeling of wine tingling through out your body and Tammy's smiling floating around in your head.
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petite-rambles · 4 years
Pairing: Bakugo x reader
Genre: smut
Warnings: this is nsfw, my hand slipped oops, 18+
A/N: this went harder than I expected so the characters are aged up, whoops. Also (e/c) stands for eye color
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Bakugo is not very good at expressing his feelings
Actually, he’s really bad with his emotions
Only in private will you know how he’s really feeling
Which makes things a little complicated
Because you won’t know when he’s upset until it’s too late
You and Kaminari have always been really close, he was practically your best friend at UA. He had taken you under his wing and the two of you got along flawlessly. You did everything together, which earned you a place in the bakusquad. That’s when Bakugo started to become interested in you, which was a relief because you had feelings for him too. It took a while for the both of you to admit your feelings to one another, but it was a weight off everyone’s shoulders when it finally happened. The tension between you was so obvious, even Midoriya could tell.
Once you and Bakugo started dating, that’s when things with Kaminari began to get a little more complicated. Bakugo would never admit he was jealous of the friendship that you had with Kaminari. It really wasn’t his place to say anything about it because the two of you have been great friends since the beginning of school. It just really bothered him when the two of you already had plans to hang out and Bakugo wanted some attention.
You and Kaminari had been sitting in the common room for a little while now, still debating on which movie you wanted to watch. You decided to hang out with him tonight because Bakugo had been preoccupied with something that involved Kirishima. He wouldn’t really tell you any details so you stopped asking. Picking a movie with Kaminari was always so hard, you two were either on the same wavelength or you wanted to watch two completely different things.
“Come on, let’s just put on a comedy! Don’t you wanna laugh?” Kaminari whined as he pulled the shared blanket closer to him.
“NO! That’s what we watched last time. Can’t you just indulge me for once?” You asked, tugging the blanket back towards you.
”There has to be compromise here.” He simply stated, snatching the remote away from you. He scrolled through Netflix for a bit before making his selection, “You want something scary, you psychopath, and I want something funny. So the answer is simple.”
You watched him pick Scary Movie and you simply just shrugged your shoulders, “I guess this is fine. Admit it, you just don’t like being scared.”
“You’re 100% right, I don’t. Now, why don’t you go get us some snacks?” Kaminari asked, snatching the entire blanket off you.
You sighed softly before getting up. You glared at Kaminari before making your way into the kitchen. You saw that Kirishima and Bakugo were in there too, sharing a very hushed conversation. Kirishima made eye contact with you before looking back at Bakugo, giving him a slight nudge. He turned and looked at you briefly before continuing to whisper with Kirishima. You shoot the two of them a confused look before raiding the cabinets, looking for some popcorn to make.
“Just tell her.” You heard Kirishima whisper poorly, “It’s not a big deal.”
You grabbed a package of popcorn before looking back at the pair. They were standing in front of the microwave, of course.
“Excuse me.” You mumbled, watching Kirishima push Bakugo aside gently. Bakugo turned slightly to look at you but didn’t say anything. Maybe Midoriya did something that pissed him off more than usual.
You went about your business at the microwave, every so often noticing how the boys kept glancing at you. It was starting to get on your nerves. Bakugo’s eyes just seemed different, but you couldn’t quite place what it was. Your eyes locked for a few moments before he waved Kirishima off. Kirishima went to say something but decided against it, just patting Bakugo on the shoulder before walking off. Bakugo turned his full attention to you, his bright red eyes locking with your (e/c) ones.
“Are you okay?” You asked softly, taking a small step towards Bakugo. He seemed to huff quietly, rolling his eyes before closing the space between you. He put his hands on either side of you, pushing you up against the counter. You looked at him with slightly wide eyes as he pressed his body into yours.
“No, why do you have to keep hanging out with that dunce face.” Bakugo seemed to growl, bringing his face closer to yours.
“Bakugo, you know he’s my friend. I can’t just stop seeing him.” You whispered, feeling his hot breath on your cheek.
Bakugo let out a soft “tch” as he looked down at you. He used one finger to push your chin up to look at him, his lips just barely ghosting over yours.
“But I would rather have you with me.” Bakugo hummed in response, briefly connecting your lips before moving just out of your reach. You can’t help but let out a quiet whine, “Wouldn’t you agree, (y/n)?”
You bit your lip, choosing not to respond. Bakugo gave you a devilish smile before using his finger to push you head to the side, opening up your neck to him. You closed your eyes as Bakugo’s lips made contact with your neck. He kissed down it briefly before settling on a spot, beginning to bite and suck. You let out a soft moan and grabbed on to the front of his shirt roughly.
“I didn’t know you were this jealous.” You panted out, using your grip on his shirt to keep him close to you. Bakugo let out another “tch” against your neck before pulling away. You could already tell there was an angry looking mark on the side of your neck.
“I’m not jealous. I just think you spend too much time with this extra and not enough time with me.” Bakugo retorted, pushing your face back to look at him. His lips hovered over yours once again.
“(y/n)??” Kaminari called out, “I don’t know what you’re doing in there but I swear the popcorn was done like 5 minutes ago. Are you deaf?”
Bakugo rolled his eyes again before looking down at you, “Ditch him, come to my room instead.”
“Okay.” You mumbled quietly. Bakugo had a slight smirk on his face before giving you one rough kiss. He removed his body from yours before sauntering away. You let out a shaky breath before taking the popcorn out of the microwave.
You walked back into the common room and stood before Kaminari. He looked you up and down before settling on the fresh hickey on your neck.
“WOAH, someone was busy in the kitchen.” Kaminari teased.
“Yeah about that, I have to go. Something came up.” You mumbled, throwing the bag of popcorn at him. He let out a soft whine in response as you practically ran over to the elevator. You smashed the button a few times before the doors opened, pressing the button for Bakugo’s floor.
You hated ditching Kaminari like that, but Bakugo meant business and you know you had a good time ahead of you.    
The elevator ride felt like it lasted an entire life time. As soon as the doors open, your legs guided you to Bakugo’s room. You quickly knocked and after a second the door opened. Bakugo looked you up and down before stepping back to let you in. You walked in and Bakugo shut the door behind you, locking it.
“Get on the bed.” Bakugo commanded, lust clouding his eyes. You quickly obeyed, sitting on the edge of his bed. Bakugo walked over to you, wedging his knee in between your legs. You gasped at the contact, spreading your legs for him to come closer.
Bakugo smiled at your actions before pushing you backwards, so you were laying on the bed. You looked up at him as he crawled on top of you with a smirk. Bakugo gently rolled his hips against yours before pushing his lips on to yours. You let out a soft gasp, which allowed his tongue access to your mouth. You eagerly wrapped your hands around his neck, tangling your hands in his hair. You could feel him smiling against your lips before gently biting on your bottom lip.
“Too many clothes.” Bakugo mumbled as he pulled away from you, using this opportunity to remove his shirt. You admired his body as he rolled his eyes, “That means you strip too.”
You huffed quietly, quickly removing your own clothes. You could feel Bakugo’s eyes following your every movement, watching you intently. It was like he was trying to engrave the image of your naked body into his brain forever. You took the opportunity to stare as he dropped his sweatpants, taking his hard cock in his own hand. You bit your lip as you sat up, pushing his own hand away.
“Are you going to take care of me?” Bakugo asked softly, shuffling closer to you. You licked your lips slightly before moving your hand up and down his length slowly.
“Yes Katsuki, I feel bad making you jealous.” You purred in response, moving your head closer to take a soft lick at the head of his cock.
“Dammit.” Bakugo groaned quietly, digging one of his hands firmly into your hair, “I wasn’t jealous, dumbass.”
“Sure.” You hummed in response. Before he had the chance to respond, you trailed your tongue up the underside of his cock before taking it into your mouth. Bakugo cursed quietly, tightening the grip he had on your hair. You carefully bobbed your head up and down, trying to keep a steady pace. You could feel Bakugo’s hand trying to urge your head faster. You put one of your hands on his thigh to keep yourself steady. He shuddered in response to your touch, throwing his head back when you sucked particularly hard.
You rubbed your thighs together, trying to pull Bakugo closer to you. He thrusted his hips slightly, causing you to gag a little before pulling away. He looked down at you before using his hand to gently slap his cock against your cheek.
“What do you want?” He asked, gently stroking himself.
“You, Katsuki.” You said quietly reaching out to touch him. He pushed your hand away before smiling.
“Hands and knees.” Bakugo commanded, smiling wider as he watched you obey. You positioned yourself at the edge of the bed, arching your back to present yourself to Bakugo. He pushed your face into his mattress before giving your ass a firm slap. You cried out in response, your hands clawing into the blankets, “Be a good girl (y/n) and maybe I’ll let you cum.”
You went to respond but your mind went blank when you felt Bakugo’s finger gently trace your slit.
“You’re so wet for me. Is this just from you thinking about me and sucking my cock?” Bakugo asked, before pressing two fingers inside of you.
“Y-yes.” You whimpered out, Bakugo setting a slow pace. You tried to move your hips to get him to go faster, but he was quick to still your hips. You let out a soft whine, which resulted in another hard slap to your ass.
“Ah ah ah, be patient.” Bakugo hummed, slowing his fingers slightly. He used his free hand to spread your legs a little more, “I need to make sure you’re ready for me.”
You turn your head to look up him, just as he decides to add another finger. You let out a soft moan and dig your nails into the blankets, “Please Katsuki, I want you now. I need you.”
“Mmm okay baby, only because you begged so nicely.” Bakugo seemed to purr, slowly removing his fingers from you. You let out a soft whine as you watched him walk over to his bedside table, pulling out a condom. You watched as he opened it and slowly rolled it on to his cock before he resumed his position behind you.
You felt him roughly grab on to your hips and line himself up. He gently rubbed himself along your wet slit a few times before pushing in. His grip on your hips tightened as he slowly inched in, coming to a full stop when he fully bottomed out. You moaned softly at the feeling, him grunting in response when he felt you clench around him.
“Please move.” You whined. Bakugo let out a soft “tch” in response before slowly pulling out of you slightly. He snapped his hips back into, settling on a rough pace. You couldn’t stop the soft moans from escaping your lips. You tried to arch your hips more, giving Bakugo a better angle.
Bakugo let out a soft moan of his own, removing one hand from your hips and using it to group your hair into a make shift pony tail before pulling slightly. Your head lurched back and you let out a breathy moan. Bakugo grunted softly as he increased his pace, his hand on your hip feeling like the grip was tight enough to bruise.
The room was silent other than the soft sounds that fell from your lips and the sound of skin slapping skin. Bakugo would let out a soft grunt every once in a while. He pulled your hair roughly as he started to feel you clench more on his cock.
“Are you close, princess?” He purred, leaning his body over yours. He pressed his chest into your back, tugging at your hair so your face was off the mattress. You could hear his soft pants in your ear, his hot breath falling on your neck.
“Y-yes.” You moaned out softly, Bakugo using this as an opportunity to mark up your neck again. You felt him begin to nip and suck as his hand on your hip moved itself to your clit, rubbing quick circles.
You could feel your high quickly approaching, your breathing was beginning to get shaky.
“Cum for me.” Bakugo whispered softly in your ear, gently biting on your ear lobe.
You listened to his command, letting your orgasm take over your body. You cried out his name, letting your head fall back onto the mattress. Bakugo continued to fuck you through your high as he started to chase his own. He increased his pace, his hips aggressively snapping against yours. It didn’t take long for him to finish, calling out your name as his hips began to still. He waited a few moments before pulling out. Your body fell on to the bed as he removed the condom and threw it away.
You crawled up on the bed as Bakugo threw you one of his shirts and your panties. He had pulled his sweatpants back on before climbing into the bed next to you. You pulled on the clothes he gave you before cuddling into him. He leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, wrapping an arm around you to keep you close.
“See.” He hummed, “Wasn’t that better than hanging out with that stupid dunce face.”
“I don’t know.” You teased, “Maybe I should hang out with him more if this is how you’re going to get.”
“Don’t test me, dumbass.”
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mermaidssonshipss · 4 years
friends to this
warnings: smutty smut smut
pairings: jj maybank x reader
word count: 3,821
You were absolutely fuming. Your face was beat red and you were pretty sure if someone looked close enough, there would be steam coming out of your ears. Your boot clad feet pounded against the dirt, the chateau coming closer with every determined step you took. JJ Maybank was going to die, and you were going to kill him.
The chateau appeared to be empty as you approached it, but you knew better than that. John B wasn’t home, as you had seen him out on his boat earlier, but you had noted that JJ wasn’t with him. Kie and Pope had been at The Wreck when you appeared looking for the blonde haired boy, but again, he wasn’t there. You knew he wouldn’t be at his actual home, so that left one more place. You didn’t bother knocking as you yanked the flimsy door open, your eyes scanning the empty living room. With every step you took, the fire in your stomach seemed to burn hotter, the intensity of your anger almost nauseating. 
Your small fingers wrapped around the doorknob to the guest room, pulling it open and slamming it into the wall; you reminded yourself to apologize to John B for the new dent in the wall the doorknob had made.
JJ’s sleepy figure drowsily turned towards the loud noise, his blue eyes shining with sleep as he took in your figure. For a moment, you forgot why you were so angry at the boy as you looked at his shirtless and tired figure, his blue eyes pure and confused. But then you remembered.
“I’m going to fucking kill you, Maybank,” you spit through your teeth as you dragged your body across the room, crawling on top of the still confused boy as you wrapped your hand around his neck, squeezing. It wasn’t hard enough to actually kill him, but it was definitely enough for him to widen his eyes as his hands moved to cover yours, a knowing smirk growing on his chapped lips.
“Always knew you were kinky,” he rasped, causing you to tighten your grip on his thick neck, taking a mental note that your hand was almost too small to fit around the entirety of it.
Rafe Cameron was hands down the worst person on the island. Sure, you and JJ argued often and poked fun at each other, but he was overall an okay dude, he just got on your nerves, and you got on his. Sometimes, you’d even consider him a friend, just... a really annoying friend. You had been bantering with him for years, but recently JJ had decided to take it upon himself to up the banter. It started with you finding your car full of balloons, or your bike being locked up against a street pole and only JJ had the key, but nothing prepared you for this. Nothing prepared you for Rafe fucking Cameron knocking on your front door at 10am this morning, his hands grabbing onto your waist and his lips crashing into yours the second you opened it. Of course, you had immediately pushed him off, your palm colliding with his cheek as you yelled at him. He yelled back, revealing that apparently, you had texted him this morning asking if he’d be “down to fuck. just between you two.” When you assured him you hadn’t sent that, he called you a crazy bitch, and a fight began between the two of you. It ended with you pinned against the wall of your house, his hands wrapped around your neck as he screamed in your face as you began to see black. Luckily, your neighbor saw the commotion and he had rushed over, yanking Rafe off of you as he threatened to call the cops.
It would’ve been funny, and you admitted that to yourself. JJ had no idea Rafe was going to react the way he did, but the forming bruise on your neck was a reminder of how wrong it had went. And you were pissed.
“He almost killed me,” you snapped, finally releasing his neck as your own started to sting. While he 100% deserved to sport the same bruise as you, you couldn’t bring yourself to do it, flashes of Rafe clouding your thoughts. JJ’s eyes scanned your face after the words left your mouth before finally landing on your neck, causing him to sit up even more. You slid down his lap slightly and his arm shot out to catch you.
“Did he do that?” JJ’s jaw was clenched as his hand reached up, his fingers tracing over the skin of your neck, “I swear that isn’t... this isn’t what I wanted. If I even thought for one second he would hurt you I wouldn’t have done it.”
“I know,” you sighed, the anger slowly dissipating from your body. The anger you felt had mainly been directed at Rafe, but because you were scared to confront him after the fact, your anger had turned onto JJ. Now though, as you sat in his lap and his fingertips gently caressed the skin of your neck, you couldn’t bring yourself to be mad at him.
“I’ll kill him, I swear to god. I’ll go down there and I’ll beat him to a fucking pulp,” it seemed that the anger that had left your body had been transferred to JJ, who’s hand was slightly shaking now as he moved you off his lap and he got out of the bed.
“No you will not,” you rushed out, standing up for them the bed and grabbing the shirt JJ was about to slip on from his hands, “It was a prank gone wrong. You’ve fought Rafe enough, and you usually end up just as beat up as him,” Your hand wrapped around his bicep as you spoke, latching onto him in pleading, “I was angry at you for a bit and... maybe thought about killing you myself, but I don’t want Rafe to be the one to actually finish the job.”
JJ let out a chuckle at the end, turning to face you as he nodded his head.
“Fine,” he agreed, letting out a sigh, “But if he comes to the Boneyard party tomorrow night looking to start a fight, I can’t make any promises.”
“Fine,” you echoed, “If he comes to the Boneyard party and starts something, all bets are off. You can have at it. Just... don’t bring the fucking gun.”
Rafe had showed up. Of course he did. You were sat next to JJ on the sand surrounding the bonfire, the other Pogues keeping an eye on the party. You hadn’t noticed him at first, not until JJ’s hand had slipped onto your thigh, his fingers digging into your skin. When you had looked over at him, his stance was tense and his eyes were locked on something in the distance: it was Rafe, who was looking over at the two of them, his fists clenched shut.
“Don’t,” you muttered, leaning closer into JJ’s side, your hand moving over his on your thigh. His grip was tight enough to leave marks, and the thought of having his fingerprints bruised onto your skin wasn’t an unappealing one. JJ’s eyes darted over your face before landing on the bruise on your neck which was now a deep black and blue, the shape of Rafe’s hand imprinted on your tan skin.
The other Pogues could sense the tension radiating off of JJ, and they all prepared themselves for the inevitable. John B and Pope had been almost as mad as JJ, wanting to go jump Rafe the second they found out what he did, and you knew if it came down to it, they’d both be fighting right alongside JJ. Kiara even threatened to go after Rafe, but the boys had yelled at her, pointing at what had happened to you.
Your breath caught in your throat as you saw Rafe and his friends making their way over to the bonfire, your body tensing up. You were scared of Rafe, and it was clear as you shrunk into JJ’s side, almost hiding behind him.
“Well well well,” Rafe chanted as he approached your group, his eyes landing on you and flickering to JJ for a moment, “Was a funny prank, Maybank. Your girls lips felt really fucking nice against mine, but you know what felt better? My hands wrapped around her throat.”
The events that took place next were a blur. One second, you were latched onto JJ, and the next, he was up and his fist was flying into Rafe’s nose. John B and Pope were quick to join as JJ took him down into the sand, his fists repeatedly colliding with Rafe’s face. He had been caught off guard, not expecting JJ to react as fast as he had, which gave JJ the upper hand.
Eventually, Rafe’s friends heard the commotion and jumped in, all of the boys swinging at each other and trying to pull the others off one another. It was absolute madness, but all you could focus on was how Rafe currently had JJ pinned. Your feet were moving before your mind even made the decision, and you threw your body weight into Rafe, trying to knock him off of JJ. He barely budged, just pushed at you with his hand before turning back to knocking it into JJ’s face. Kiara saw you, both of you making eye contact and nodding as she approached where you were standing, both of you ramming into Rafe at the same time, causing the boy to fly off of JJ. 
Your hands quickly flew to JJ, grabbing his arms and yanking him off the sand.
“Get him out of here!” Kiara hissed quietly and you tugged on JJ’s arm, signaling it was time to run. He hesitated for a moment, his eyes flickering to Rafe who was wiping sand out of his eyes, blood seeping out of his nose, but you fixed him with a hard glare and took off. 
Your home was empty as you pushed through the front door, your parents having left for a weekend getaway. It was quiet as you lead JJ to your bedroom, pointing at the door that lead to your bathroom. He nodded, heading towards it as you grabbed a small towel from your towel rack and followed him. He had pulled himself up onto your bathroom counter, his eyes watching you intently as you grabbed the first aid kit and settled in-between his open legs. His eyebrow was busted open, and his cheek was sporting a cut from one of Rafe’s rings, but other than that, his face looked okay.
“This is gonna hurt,” you muttered as you poured disinfect onto a cotton pad and slowly swiped it over the cut on his eyebrow, a small smile gracing your lips as JJ hissed and tried to shrink away, “Suck it up, Maybank. You threw the first punch.”
“He deserved it!” His voice raised in defense, his hand knocking yours away from his cheek, causing you to raise an eyebrow at him in warning. His shoulders sunk and he put his hands on his thighs, letting you go back to dabbing the cotton onto the cuts.
“He did,” you mused, tossing the cotton ball into the trash beside you, your fingers sliding under the fabric of his shirt and pulling it up so you could inspect his stomach.
“Buy me dinner first,” he joked, sending you a wink and you rolled your eyes at him, letting his shirt fall back down.
“I’ve bought you dinner plenty of times, annoying ass,” you laughed, patting his knees and pushing away from him, going back into your bedroom. You heard his feet hit the bathroom floor and soon he was standing in front of you.
“You know I am really sorry though, right?” The sincerity in his voice surprised you, your eyes looking up to meet his baby blues as he stared at you.
“Of course, JJ. Even I didn’t think Rafe was that unhinged.” JJ nodded shortly, and you could tell he was looking at the bruises surrounding your neck, “I’m fine. I’ll be fine. Just a few bruises, if it’ll make you feel better you can kiss them to make them all better,” you teased, but JJ’s eyes lit up at the suggestion.
“Really?” He was like a little kid in a candy store as he stepped closer to you, and your mouth went dry at the thought of JJ’s lips on your neck.
“I mean.. I was.. I was kidding, but if you want to...” you trailed off, JJ now standing toe to toe with you, his hand reaching up and resting on the back of your neck, his thumb placed under your chin as he tilted your head.
“I’ve been told kisses heal bruises,” he was looking down at you through his eyelashes, his pupils blown wide, your breath catching in your throat as he leaned down and slowly traced his lips over your skin. Goosebumps erupted on the flesh he was trailing over. Your hands reached out and gripped onto his shirt, pulling him closer to you as he finally placed an open-mouthed kiss at the edge of your neck, right under your ear. You knew there wasn’t a bruise on that specific spot, but as his tongue traced over your salty skin and he began to suck, you knew why he chose it.
“Thought you wanted to make the bruises go away,” you muttered breathlessly, and you could feel a smile against your neck. He ignored you, now trailing his lips across the span of your neck until he was on the other side, his lips finding that sweet spot right beneath your jaw. A whimper escaped your lips as he began to suck on the skin, the hand holding the back of your neck tightening as his free hand wrapped around your waist.
He continued his assault on your neck, making sure to suck on parts of your skin that Rafe hadn’t touched, his eyes rolling back into his head as you accidentally let a moan of his name slip through. He wouldn’t mind hearing you moan his name forever.
Eventually, much to your dismay, he pulled away. Your vision was hazy as you opened your eyes and looked at him, his signature smirk back on his lips as his eyes darted to your lips. You had been biting down on your bottom lip the entire time his lips were on your neck, and the skin was red and plump from your teeth.
“He kissed you?” JJ’s voice was almost a whisper as he spoke, and you looked at him confused.
“Rafe. He made a comment about how your lips felt. He kissed you?” His hand was still behind your neck, his thumb now running against your bottom lip slowly, pulling at the delicate skin every now and then. All you could do was nod, the only thing you could focus on was the feeling of his other hand trailing under the fabric of your shirt, his hand gripping onto the flesh of your hip, his fingertips digging in, causing you to arch your back slightly, your chest pushing into his, “Think I should kiss you now then, hm?” He was teasing you. You were nothing but putty in his large hands and he knew it. Before you could question him, or respond in any manner, his lips were on yours.
Both of his hands were now gripping your cheeks as you deepened the kiss, sighing into his mouth as his tongue ran across your bottom lip, allowing him entrance. You had thought about kissing JJ many times, and it had almost happened a handful of those times. Whether it was at a boneyard party and you two had had too much to drink, the lines between you becoming blurry, or you two had been bickering back and forth all day and the overwhelming urge to kiss him to get him to shut up, you somehow always refrained. As he pushed you back onto your bed, his arm wrapping around your waist and pulling you up to your pillows, you were completely and utterly confused as to why it had taken you both so long to give in. 
Somewhere between the floor and the bed, JJ had ripped your shirt off, tossing his own off right after. His lips were now trailing over your chest, his teeth biting at the flesh as his hands slipped behind your back and unhooked your red bra. You were grateful you had decided to wear the cute red lace set this morning as JJ’s eyes drank you in. Your bra was tossed across the room in one swift motion, JJ’s eyes memorized by your chest.
“Best tits I’ve ever fucking seen,” he muttered, his eyes moving to yours for only a moment before he was leaning down and sucking your nipple into his mouth, his other hand reaching up and cupping your other one.
You were in a daze with every feather light touch of his skin against yours, and you wanted more. Eventually, you both were rid of all clothing, his fingers buried deep inside your soaking hole.
“Jesus Christ, JJ,” your hips were grinding down into his hand, craving even more friction. His fingers were buried to the hilt, his rings hitting the sensitive skin, and you knew in that moment your own would never bring you to the edge the way they had prior to knowing what JJ’s felt like, “Need you inside me, JJ. Please,” your voice came out as a whimper, your hand reaching down and catching his wrist to stop his movements. 
“Are you sure you want this?” His wording was careful as he watched you lean over your bed, throwing your bedside table open as you rummaged around for a condom. 
“Yes,” you placed your hands on his chest, pushing him off of you and onto his back. He looked at you, his eyebrows raised in confusion as you crawled on-top of him, your teeth ripping the packet open.
“What are you- fuck,” before he could finish his sentence, you had rolled the condom down his large length, giving it a soft squeeze.
Generally, JJ liked being on top. He liked being in control and he hated giving up that control, but as he stared up at you and watched as you lined himself up with your entrance, he decided maybe, just maybe, he was okay with you taking control.
As you sunk down his length, both of you let out a sigh of pleasure at the feeling. You had always known he was big, but he was bigger than you imagined, and felt so much better than any of your dreams had lead you to believe he would feel. You sat for a moment, looking at him through your eyelashes as you adjusted to his size, your hips grinding down slowly to create a delicious friction between the two of you. His hands were firmly planted on your hips, and without warning he suddenly pulled you up slightly and rammed up inside of you. A loud cry escaped your lips as your body fell forward, your hands resting on his chest as you both began to move together, your hips falling down onto his roughly.
“Feel so good,” he moaned out, his head leaning back into the pillow as you clenched around him at the words, “So fucking tight.”
He was pounding up into you, and all you could do was drop your mouth open in pleasure, unable to make any noise you were so blissed out. The pleasure was coursing through your veins and gripping onto you in a way you’d never felt before, tears forming in your eyes as the pleasure built up, almost too much to handle. 
“Was like you were made for me, fuck,” he muttered through gritted teeth, and the words caused your stomach to drop, the pleasure finally slithering its way to the surface as you cried out his name. Your body had dropped, your chest pressed against his as you buried your face in his neck, your hips grinding down as he continued his pace, riding out your high. Soon after, he exploded into the condom as he chanted your name under his breath, the constant clenching of your walls around him bringing him to his end. His arms wrapped around your waist as you rested against him, struggling to catch your breath for a moment before pulling yourself off of him and collapsing onto the bed next to his body. He ripped the condom off, tying it and tossing it into the bin next to your bed. Both of you were quiet, far too fucked out to speak, but when you turned your head to look at him, you found he was already looking at you, a dopey smile on his face.
“What?” You laughed at him, your hand reaching up to slap at his chest as his smile grew. He caught it with his, intertwining his fingers with yours.
“Aren’t you gonna ask me what this means for us and all that cliche stuff?” He was still smiling as he spoke and you rolled your eyes, shaking your head as you turned onto your side to face him.
“I know you don’t do relationships. I’m not gonna get my hopes up and ask a question I have the answer to already,” he squeezed your hand, turning to face you as he propped his head up on his free hand, his elbow digging into your pillow.
“It’s not that I don’t do relationships,” he spoke softly, his eyes catching your gaze, “It’s that I’ve been waiting for you to realize I want one with you.” Your mouth dropped open slightly at the admission, your heart seeming to stutter in your chest as you took in what he said. 
“Why didn’t you say something sooner?” You had moved your body closer to his, pulling your blankets over the two of you as the cold air spread across your bare bodies.
“Don’t know. Kinda convinced myself you weren’t into me like that. Thought I had blown that chance with all the pranks and teasing, but. I don’t know. Something changed tonight I guess. Didn’t like the fact that Rafe fucking Cameron had kissed you, and I hadn’t.” 
“I would much rather you kiss me,” you laughed, cringing at the thought of Rafe Cameron kissing you ever again. JJ let go of your hand and wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you into the warmth of his body.
“Well then. You gonna let me kiss you whenever I want to?” His lips were now hovering over yours, a smile teasing its way onto your lips.
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The Perfect Bad Boy (Pt. 16 of 18)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 3 K
Summary: Working as a lifeguard in the Hawkins Community Pool, you try to fit in after moving from New York. Things were going pretty well when you notice you've been under someone's stare. Billy Hargrove, Hawkins' bad boy, has been staring at you since day one. You never intended to have anything to do with him, judging by the reputation he has. But Billy won't leave you alone, determined to show you his feelings are different this time...
As if your heart flooding you with confusing feelings wasn't enough, there are weird, strange animals lurking in the woods... But those have to be just part of the wild live of the woods surrounding Hawkins... Right?
<- Previous part (15)
Next part (17) ->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
The Loss Of A Friend
You've never been to a funeral. Well, you did, but you were a kid and you didn't know the family friend who was being buried that day. In your child's mind, you didn't get why everyone was wearing black, in uncomfortable silence, crying all day long. You remember clearly that a blue bug got your attention, making your eyes follow its every move, making you smile despite the sad atmosphere.
It couldn't be more different today.
As the coffin is lowered into the ground, where Jason will forever rest now, you hold Billy's hand, the soft fabric of your black dress tickling your tights. You barely feel it though, all your sensations resumed to the weight in your chest, crushing, squeezing your ribs, smashing your heart.
You suddenly remember the day Monica introduced you to Jason. It was the Saturday before you started working at the pool, in the parking lot of Starcourt Mall. He had his little brother on one arm, and the girl walking beside him, tugging on the hem his shirt.
“So that's the new girl.” He said, a smile spreading across his lips as he reached out his hand for you to shyly shake. “I'm Jason, born to bear the weight of being Monica's cousin, but also the coolest guy you'll find in Hawkins.”
That, of course, started a small war of cheesy pick-up lines, insults, and sarcastic comments. You laughed, feeling easily welcomed by Monica's cousin.
Now, what gets your attention is how his young siblings cry, yell, calling out Jason as is he was just sleeping inside the wooden box and would wake up, smile, and start chasing them around again. He won't. Jason is only a memory now.
“I think we should go,” Billy says in a low voice, letting go of your hand to rub your arms softly.
Nodding, you let him guide you to his Camaro, driving you away from the sea of people dressed in black. You've known Jason for such a little time compared to everyone else here, who saw him grow up, studied with him, lived near him for many years. Your pain is just a speck of dust compared to theirs.
When you get home, the sun is setting. You decide to call Diane, just to make sure she's alright, but you don't tell what happened. It would make her come here immediately, and the last thing you need is someone else you care about being in danger. You have to lie, despite hating yourself for it, telling her that your voice is funny because you had to yell a lot with the kids at the pool. But it's better this way. There are more than enough people here you need to worry about.
“Come here,” Billy calls when you finally head to the bedroom. He sits in the bed, back against the headrest and you're quick to crawl into the bed and into his arms. “How are you feeling?”
“I don't know. Sad doesn't really explain it.” Putting your legs over his, you hide your face on his neck, breathing in your favorite cologne, the only one he uses since the day you told him that. “I can't believe I buried Jason. Jason. My crazy-ass friend.” Your voice cracks and you hold back a sob. “I'll never hear those stupid jokes again.”
“I'm so sorry, princess.” There's a pain in his voice too. Billy has been around Jason a bit, mostly with you. But you know he's actually sad because of how broken you are. You can see it in his eyes, that he wish he could take your pain away, and that he's desperate because he doesn't know what to do.
But there's nothing Billy or anyone else could do. You can't fight death. You can't hit it with a baseball bat full of nails until it gives your friend back. The only thing you can do is avenge him. Get whatever took him and destroy it.
“I wanna kill those Demothings.” The anger in your voice is tangible, and you clench your hands into fists. “I swear to God, Billy, I'll kill one of them myself.”
“Anger won't help. We need to be smart about it. We need a strategy.” Billy is often angry with things. Mostly with things that hurt you, but this time, you get why he's taking another path, trying to calm you down instead of putting more wood in the fire. “The meeting is set for tomorrow. We'll find a battle plan to kill those damn things.” His hand comes to lay on your thigh, fingers softly caressing your skin. “But for now you need to rest, ok? I'll cook something you like and then we'll cuddle watching some nice movie. How does that sound?”
“What if I cry through the movie?” You ask because more tears start rolling down, it doesn't matter how many times you try to get rid of them.
“Then I'll hold you tight.”
“Sounds good to me.”
Billy is kind enough to try and get you into some small talk. Nothing too complicated, nothing related to the Demothings or Jason. You're thankful for that. He even manages to get a few laughs from you, although they're always followed by a reality check when the events of the last two days hit you again, and the smile is gone.
A couple of hours later you're watching Jaws, your head on Billy's chest as you try to follow the events of the movie. But it seems way too fast for you, or it's just your mind that's refusing to process anything that's happening.
You just keep thinking about death. About how Jason's whole life was cut short. How all of his plans for the future were erased.
“Billy, can I ask you something?” Keeping your voice low, you speak up for the first time since you came to the living room after having dinner.
“Of course, princess. What is it?”
Biting your lip, you consider if you should really bring that up. It's selfish to talk about your future when someone else won't have one. But this whole situation made you want to make plans because it's a privilege to still be here. It's a blessing to still have time. “What you said to Joyce about... Marriage. Did you really mean that or–” Pushing yourself up from where you were laying on top of him, you take a deep breath. “–or were you just trying to get out of the conversation. Because it's ok if–”
“Haven't I made it clear that I want to be with you for the rest of my life?” He moves to sit up as well, pulling you close until you're placed in between his legs, a hand caressing your cheek. “Because if I hadn't, I'll make it clear now. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I don't know how it happened, and it did get me by surprise, but the day you walked in the Hawkins Community Pool, I knew something changed in me. I knew I had to get to know you, and I did thought it would pass, that I'd get tired of you as I got of the other girls, but I didn't.” Billy holds you closer to him, your foreheads touching. “You hit me like–”
“Bang.” You finish for him, the memory of the day he was unbelievably honest with you coming back. The day he admitted to you, and somehow to himself too, that he liked you. It was also the day he punched David, and the day he kissed your cheek, making your stomach burn like it has been set on fire.
“Like bang.” He breathes out, warm lips coming in touch with yours. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you pull him as close as you can, the need to feel that he's here, with you, clouding the sound of the TV. Billy moves to lay back down again, and when you move to follow his change of posture, your knee slips and connects to his ribs. “Ouch!” He breathes out, cutting off the kiss.
“Oh, shit. I'm so sorry.” Covering your mouth, you bring the free hand to rub his side. “Sorry, baby.”
Taking a deep breath, he grabs your arm and pulls you down, making you collide on his chest, giggling. “Sorry. I shouldn't be joking around with you now.”
Squinting your eyes at him, you try to get up, but his strong arms come around your body, keeping you from moving. “I hate you, Hargrove.” The fake sentence is soon overcome by a giggle. “I'll kick you right this time, I'm warning you.”
“Oh, I'm shaking like a leaf.”
“Don't test me, Hargrove. Keep in mind we sleep on the same bed and I know all of your habits, baby.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“Mhmm.” Mumbling, you manage to stand up, moving back into a sitting position. You know he actually let you go, but there's no reason to acknowledge that. Taking a deep breath, the sudden happiness is stained again, as the memories crawl back. It seems like Billy notices because his smile softens. “I love living with you, you know that, right?”
“I love waking up next to you every morning.”
You can't help the smile that comes to your lips as you bend over again, kissing his lips.
On the next day, Billy calls Anthony to ask him to give you a few days off work. Obviously, you have to urge your hothead boyfriend not to curse the manager and risk losing his job. You feel fine to go to the pool, or you think you do, but the truth is you wouldn't be paying much attention anyway. And much to your dismay, Billy gets a total of zero days off. No discussion, what makes him hang up the phone so hard you thought he broke the poor thing.
Since you don't want to be alone, and Billy would absolutely never allow you to be alone in the house when you're friend just died, he drives you to Joyce's place, where the party will gather to make plans.
Saying it's hard to be away from Billy on the day after you buried Jason is a misunderstanding. Seeing him drive away from Joyce's porch makes you feel like he's taking your heart with him. He didn't seem pleased either, but there was no other choice. You wouldn't make him miss the day, since you know Anthony is a terrible human being, just looking for the right excuse to get rid of the lifeguards.
“Honey, come inside,” Joyce calls a hand on your shoulder. “Can I get you something to eat? We had pizza last night and I have a slice in the fridge.”
“No, thank you, Joyce.” Politely, you decline her offer. “Is there any bed I can crash in?”
“Sure. Come.” Walking through Jonathan and Will, you wave at them, muttering a good morning and trying not to cry at their sad faces. They know Jason was a close friend, and, like everyone else, they don't know what to do or say. “This is Will's and Jonathan's room. Just pick a bed.” Nodding, you choose the one on the left and lie down. “Do you need to talk?”
“There's nothing to say.” Putting your head on a pillow, you stare at the ceiling. You feel comfortable around Joyce, she has this mother thing about her. “I just want this to end. Before anyone else gets... Eaten.” The word makes you shiver as it brings the image of his body back. “I wish I wasn't the one to find him. To... See him that way. I don't think I'll ever forget that.”
“Honey, I'm so sorry.” She comes to sit on the edge of the bed. “When... When they found Will's body, it hurt. I knew in my heart it wasn't him, but the very idea of losing my baby was horrible. So I have an idea of how you feel. Losing someone is a pain that doesn't go away. You'll get used to it, but it remains. All we can do is learn to deal with it and honor them by carrying their memories.”
You're crying through her speech, and you can't help but sit up and hug her, crying on her shoulder. “We have to be careful because I can't lose anyone else.” You're not sure if she can even understand what you're saying, but since she nods, you think she did.
“Don't worry, honey. We'll all be alright.” She pulls away, rubbing both your arms. “The kids will be here soon, but feel free to stay here or join us, ok? Do whatever makes you comfortable.”
“Thanks.” Offering her a small, sad smile, you watch as she leaves.
You hear when they get here, the chattering starts, and you can understand a few words here and there. They talk about you, and about Billy and about the funeral. But soon enough it falls into the major problem. And that's when you tune out, staring at the ceiling, trying not to make yourself too comfortable in someone else's bed.
The only thing you want now is Billy. You want to go back to the time where there was no Demogorgon, Demowhatever lurking around. At least to you. It's weird to know what really happened in Billy's car accident, how he was almost the host for the Mind Flayer. You're happy it didn't happen, that he's here now. You need to thank Max for that, actually. If it wasn't for her and the others, your Billy wouldn't be here. He could be dead, and you'd never meet him. He'd never shoot glances at you, or drive you home, buy you tacos or punch David's face. Or kiss you, hold you, love you. The thought of a life without Billy in it is absurd. Now, more than ever, after you lost someone so dear, you have this need to be with him. Just to make sure he's here.
Breathing out and closing your eyes, your hand comes to hold the necklace. It makes you feel closer to Billy, and there is a silent promise here, one you hold close to your heart, together with the earring.
Eyes open, you get up of the bed. You don't care if you got days off, you have to see him. Even if it's just for a hug. Leaving the bedroom, you make your way to the living room, which is crowded.
“We wait until it's late at night to make sure the Demodogs are out, sneak inside the tunnels, and spill insane amounts of gasoline all over it. Get the hell out, wait until it's morning, and set the whole thing on fire.” Dustin says, hands in the air and a smile on his face.
He's kidding, right? He can't be suggesting that as if it's the greatest idea of the world. “Are you completely insane?” You ask, making your presence known. Arms crossed, your eyes scan through the party. “You can't possibly think this is a good idea.”
“I agree with (Y/N), this is insane,” Joyce adds, her face making it clear she thinks this idea sucks. “I won't let you do that.”
“The point is to kill them without getting ourselves killed. And every single idea you come up with has a hundred different ways to get us killed.” Steve says, both his hand on his hips as he paces around the room. “Who thinks this idea sucks raise your hand.” He's the first to do it, and Joyce, you, and Jonathan do the same.
“Count Billy in.” You say, raising the other hand as well.
“And Hopper,” Joyce states, giving you an approving stare.
“It's six against seven. We're doing it.” Dustin exclaims.
“No.” You basically shout, not caring one bit if you sound bossy. All eyes lay on you as you struggle to keep it together. “We're not doing it and that's final.”
“I just lost a friend and I will not let you do something that might just end up in another funeral.” There are tears threatening to fall again, but you hold them back. “So come up with something else.”
The silence is deafening. You know you're breaking down again, even though the tears aren't rolling down. Yet.
“Please. There's gotta be something else.” Lowering your voice and looking down at your feet, you beg. You can't even think about someone else dying. You couldn't bear it.
“I saw this thing at school. Like a robot with remote control.” Lucas starts. “If we could build a bunch of them and attach a hose, we could guide it inside the tunnels and spread the gasoline.”
“Yeah, but there are seven holes. Which means a lot of ground we'd have to cover.” Eleven adds as you make your way to the group, sitting on the couch beside Joyce.
“Let's blow up six of them.” You burst out, crossing your legs. “A hell of a explosion that would take those things days to dig it back. Then there will be only one way in and out. Find a hell of a long hose or just connect a bunch of them and a million gallons of gas. The robots will spread it then we'll just need a match.”
“That's good. It could work.” Nancy says. “But we'll need to chip in to buy all these things.
“Hopper can get some for free I'm sure.”
“We start right now.” Mike stands up and the others follow. “Let's get started.”
The rest of the day is hectic. Lists are made, one of the kids teachers come over to help with what they called a summer project. For fun. And the materials started arriving. You don't really know what to do, so you help Joyce make lunch, keeping up with her small talk. Joyce is easy to be around, and you like to hear her stories about Will and Jonathan. You even manage to show a few smiles every now and then. After everyone is fed, you finally sit on the porch, trying to help as much as you can. The kids are genius, literally building remote control robots from random pieces and the instructions from books. It's amazing. Since you can't really be of much help in this aspect, you join Nancy, separating stuff or doing anything they tell you too.
When the sun is setting, some of them had to go home to gather their stuff. They'll crash here and take the robot construction through the night. By the moment you hear the faint noise of Billy's car, it's just Joyce's kids, Steve and Dustin. Leaving the small pieces of metal you were shaping into tiny little circles, you stand up abruptly.
“Where are you going? These circles aren't going to make themselves.” Dustin complains, raising his hands in the air.
“Billy is back.” There's no need for further explanation, so you tiptoe among the stuff, careful not to step on anything.
“It could be anyone.”
“Dustin, is there any other car in Hawkins that sounds like that?” As you speak, the noise gets louder and Billy's car comes to your sight.
“She knows her boyfriend's car.” Steve jokes as you walk to the yard, smiling when Billy stops the car and comes out.
“Miss me, princess?”
“Obviously.” It's a feeling of pure relief to see him. It feels like it's been so much longer than just some hours, but you feel that you'll have this insane need to be around him for a while. Just to enjoy the fact that you're still alive. You can't help but wonder for long the idea of death will hover over you... Probably forever.
“You ok?” He asks, his hand on your hair as you have your head on his chest.
“I will be.” Remembering the audience, you pull away, standing on your toes to kiss him. “Dustin had a terrible idea but I made him change his mind about it.”
“How did you do that?”
“I yelled.” With no intention of further explanation, you turn at the guys. “I'll be back tomorrow morning, alright? Have fun doing crazy science.” Waving at them, you get into the car.
You would like to stay at Joyce's, keep helping as much as you can, but you feel like you need silence and peace. The kid's laughter and jokes make you feel better, but you know that you also need to let the sadness creep over for a while. Keeping it hidden, disguised, makes no good. So as you dry and brush your hair, waiting for Billy to finish his shower, you cry.
For Monica, for Jason's younger siblings, his mother, his father, uncle, and aunt. For every friend he made since he was born. And for yourself too. Jason was one of the people that you imagined you'd be around for the rest of your life.
You're dragged away from your thoughts by the phone's ring. Rushing to answer it, you find it's Joyce, kindly asking if you can pick Mike up and drive him to her place, and of course, you comply.
“Billy.” You call when you hear him coming out of the bathroom. “Joyce needs us to pick up Mike. Nancy can't stop what she's doing there.”
“Sure. Let's go.”
Being out at night makes you anxious, but you try not to let it show. Eyes on the road, you bounce your leg nervously, tugging on the seat belt. Billy notices, and a hand comes to rest on your thigh.
“We'll be fine. Relax.”
“I'm trying.” Stretching your arm, you touch his neck. “I'm sorry if I can't stop thinking about Jason and what happened.”
“(Y/N), you just lost a friend. My responsibility as your boyfriend is to hold and love you through this process. Don't apologize.”
“I don't want this to be your responsibility, Billy.” When he turns his head to look at you, you run your fingers through his jaw.
He takes a deep breath, pulling over by Mike's house. You were about to get out, but since he doesn't move, neither do you. Billy looks like he's thinking, furrowed eyebrows and distant eyes. “Billy? Come back to Earth.” You decide to ask, taking off the belt and turning your body towards his.
“To have and to hold. For better or worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health.” He squints his eyes through the words, trying to remember them. It takes a while for you to understand what he means, and when you do, your heart starts drumming in your ears. “To love and cherish till death do us part.”
“It means I'll stand by your side. Not because I feel like it's my responsibility, but because I love you. And I'm more than happy to take the responsibility of being your–”
“Couldn't you save that up for, I don't know, someday when I'm dressed in white?” The words come out fast, and you're blushing hard, your cheeks burning. “No. You had to do this now. Drive me insane now in your Camaro.” You roll your eyes dramatically when his lips break into a smile, that smug, cocky smile he has when he knows he got to you somehow.
“Be my wife, (Y/N).”
“No.” It's an utter absurd how hard you have to fight not to say the exact opposite. You want to just burst out the word, here and now, because you're so damn sure you want Billy for the rest of your life. “No, baby. We'll graduate, save up money and you'll make a decent proposal.” You hope he can't notice your hands shaking as you step out of the car, almost stumbling on the sidewalk. His words burn through your mind, sending shivers down your spine. “I won't say I'll marry you in the middle of the sidewalk, in the middle of the night, in front of Mike's house.”
“Did I just make you nervous?” Billy's arms come to encircle your waist, his deep voice, and breath on your hair making you sigh.
“Shut up, Hargrove.” With the sweet sound of his laughter on your ear, you knock on the front door, trying to push him away before someone comes to answer. “Let go.”
“Are you using my cologne again?” As soon as he asks, you feel his nose softly rubbing your neck, what makes you giggle and try to push him away again, uselessly. “You are.”
It wasn't your intention to let him find out, but he always does. “Well, it was–”
The door is suddenly open, a yellowish light hitting your eyes as you try to stand up straighter. The woman standing there gives a step back as if she just saw a ghost. Her eyes fly from Billy and back at you, then all the way back to Billy. It hits you suddenly as you realize she's Mrs. Wheeler, the woman Billy was going to meet on the day the Mind Flayer almost got him. They haven't met or spoken since that day, and you weren't expecting her to look so... Perplexed. You try to read her expression, to understand what the look in her eyes means.
“Hello, Mrs. Wheeler.” You manage to say because Billy clearly won't even try to be polite. You feel his muscles tensing up, as he gets immediately uncomfortable under the woman's stare since she doesn't seem to even try to hide. “Sorry to disturb you. We're here for Mike.”
@chloe-skywalker @dpaccione @dreamin-of-dacre @funeral-7 @uncookspaget @youhavemyfantasticbeasts @halloweenbitch2764 @redlovett @multific @shinydixon @nikkixostan @clockworkballerina @nope-thanks
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Birthday Boy
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Requests: “Soo idk why I thought of this (maybe cuz of the posts of DG turning 41) but how about a shower sex smut with Elijah? Or even a birthday sex where it's Elijahs bday? Hmm... If you're feeling it then you can choose which scenario 😋😎🤗” “Riding Elijah smut?” (Credits to gif owners!) Warning! Visual smut ahead!(REPOST!!! Was a Visual Smut but edited.)
"Y/N, my love?" A hint of confusion laced in Elijah's voice. What he didn't know was that you were upset to find out his birthday was today. Klaus had hinted at it and then when you found out, you couldn't help but be a little offended. Elijah always spoiled you for your birthday, and he never told you when his was. Probably because he knew you'd go full out and he didn't ever ask for anything special. What a party pooper, to not even want to go out for drinks? Or a dinner?
His voice was getting closer and closer to your bedroom. You sat across your bed, fixing the lace cupping your breasts and resting your chin in your hand, kicking your feet up behind you and crossing your legs. "Sweetheart you haven't answered my texts." It was always like him to worry about you. "Forgive me, baby. But I don't recall doing anything-" He opened the door and quickly looked away, you caught the big bad original off guard. "Wrong." He finished his statement weakly.
His eyes never left your body, the way you pushed yourself off of the bed and let your hair fall over your shoulders. The way you walked at him until your chest was flushed against his. "I'm not angry, but a little disappointed." But he had no idea what you were getting at. There was no way he had forgotten his own birthday, was there? "How come you didn't tell me it was your birthday? Elijah we could have had dinner or went to see a movie-" Your fingers walked up his chest.
He watched and then averted his attention to your eyes. "I never celebrate. It must have never come about." Your hand slowly wrapped around his tie, tugging him down a few notches so he was eye level with you. "Y/N-" His hand grabbed your hip, but your hand wrapped in his tie, now he wasn't leaving. He saw the evil and smoky look in your eye and held himself together. His hand on your hip was starting to get hot, he had an urge to throw you down and take you. Just because he was dominant and you trying to have dominance over him always drove him crazy.
"Well then why don't we 'celebrate' a little?" You licked your lips and then pulled his face closer, licking a stripe from his jaw to his temple. Elijah's face was red, flustered and he looked almost shy. But you knew he wasn't shy. He was trying not to fuck you up the wall and wait and see what you had in store for him. But that was the thing, you didn't have anything planned because you figured he'd want to do whatever he could to you.
Without any other noises, words, anything...you dropped to your knees. Elijah wiped his mouth and watched with his hands covering his cheeks. You skimmed your hand across the front of his dress pants, teasing the soon to be hard flesh underneath. You smiled up at him as innocently as you could but God only knows you aren't innocent especially when it came to Elijah. "I figured I'd let you have me for your big day. Just to remind you how much of a gift I am to you."
"Your confidence can make a man intimidated, Y/N." His hands now behind his back. You laughed a bit and played with his belt, now undone and hanging loosely off of his hips. Your hand skimmed the front of his pants again, this time squeezing your fingers around the thick flesh. Elijah fixed his stance so he could balance better and get a better view of you below him.
Now his pants were in a puddle at his feet and at your knees. You wrapped both hands around his length and pumped him, a soft rhythm that you knew he always enjoyed. Sensual and gentle, just enough to draw soft moans out of him and to watch his chest rise and fall. Which was exactly how he reacted and sent warmth straight between your legs. You took your bottom lip between your teeth and heard Elijah moan at the sight.
"Why don't you do something instead of looking pretty?" This was completely out of character for Elijah but whatever it was, you loved it. And even took a chance at him, pushing yourself off of the ground and leaving him to the bed by his tie. You collected his hands in yours when he attempted to hold them and shoved him backwards. He bounced but regained himself, shrugging his jacket off. He helped pull you across his lap, holding your thighs and watching you unbutton his shirt and brush it off of the bed.
You positioned yourself over his lap, playing with his cock. You teased your folds with the tip at first, and then circling your clit with it. You couldn't hold back your smile when Elijah parted his legs further, as if to throw you off balance so you'd give in. But you didn't. He released a hoarse groan when you pretended you were going to sink down on him but lifted yourself again. And Elijah's growing frustration was evident.
Once more you wriggled your hips downward, pressing the tip of his cock through your folds and then pulling yourself up. Elijah sat up, one strong arm wrapped around your waist and the other pulling you down around him despite not being ready to adjust quite yet. Your hands slapped to his shoulders and a look of shock washed over your face. "Damn it Elijah-" Your figure shook slightly in his arms.
"Mmm, but I bet it feels wonderful doesn't it?" He wiped hair out of your eyes and then tightened his arm around your hip, using his other hand to hold the both of you up. His arm pushed at your hips, urging you to move. Your nails digging into his shoulders but he didn't seem to mind at all. You closed your eyes and buried your face in his neck, your heavy breaths the only thing you could hear.
Elijah was now guiding you in a rushed and hurried motion. The rhythm was rough and anything but passionate. You used him as leverage to push down around him as fast as you could, experimenting with circling your hips and thrusting quickly back and forth. An unexpected moan tumbled from your parted lips and it was loud. Louder than you expected it to be. And it must have caught Elijah off guard because he flinched and then moaned with you.
He took this as an opportunity to take your bottom lip in his mouth, biting down and hearing your whimpers. It was like music to his ears, something he could listen to all day. His arm still guiding you. You could feel your body start to shake and a spot deep within starting to ache, your orgasm was following along swiftly.
Elijah wouldn't let it happen. If you knew him well enough he'd make you hold it, and then you'd have to wait until he was almost there and then cum together. Especially if it was his birthday he might have something like that planned, something intimate.
"Elijah." You whimpered, he took your bottom lip between his teeth again. You tilted your head back, a cry sounding throughout the room while Elijah had freed you, trailing his lips down your neck and to your chest. His mouth latched onto your right nipple, your hand coming up from his shoulder to the back of his head. You ran your fingers through his soft hair and aided him in moving back and forth from each breast.
While keeping the same rhythm, you shoved Elijah backwards and planted one hand on his chest. The other sat on his thigh. He groaned at the sudden change in position but he had a full view of what was going on between your legs. Which ultimately turned him on more if that was even possible.
You bit your lip and moaned, your eyes closed softly and wiping hair out of your face when it fell. Your toes curled, the ache returning and for some reason you couldn't hold it off much longer. But you didn't think about that, you wanted to make Elijah feel good on his special day and you figured you were doing just that when he grabbed your hips and played with the flesh beneath his fingers.
"Elijah-" You whimpered down at him, your smokey eyes showing nothing but lust for him. His thumbs pressed into your hip bones, inching closer and closer to your clit. "Elijah-" You chanted again. He knew where you wanted him and he wouldn't give it to you. "Please." You shuddered but Elijah refused.
Without another word, Elijah held you close, pulling you down onto his chest where you whimpered into him. Muffled sounds, heavy breathing, moaning. You dug your nails into his arms, holding onto him as he did you. You were thankful he assisted you by thrusting up at you, holding you down and doing work for himself.
You were tired and your head was foggy and clouded. You needed your release badly. Elijah couldn't get over how you felt, gripping him, wet, moaning his name. He grunted and you felt his muscles start to strain under your hands, Elijah was never really big on making noise but tonight was a whole different story because for some reason you had done something different and he was feeling good.
His grunts in your ear turned you on more, spurring you closer to your orgasm. Elijah kissed you, he wouldn't let you go until you finished but now you were lacking oxygen from the surprise kiss. You rolled your eyes into the back of your head and came above him. You shuddered and felt as if you'd fall apart, but his strong arms were holding you together. Elijah's orgasm came soon after, moaning into the kiss and then your hands started roaming as did his.
"Definitely the most intense." You whispered down to him. You refused to move, you felt warm and comfortable, also sore from the rhythm you moved at. And you didn't want to move. Not until Elijah rolled you over, straddling your waist and smiling down at you. "What?" You laughed with him.
"You forget its my birthday, I don't believe I'm finished with you quite yet. I'm getting used to celebrating." He kissed you once more before trailing his lips down your stomach and finishing you off for the rest of the night.
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bandaigaeru · 4 years
summer love - lee minho
→genre: vacation au, strangers to lovers, a teeny bit of angst →synopsis: lee minho had randomly appeared on your vacation to a lake/campground. he was everywhere, until he wasn't. →word count: 11.1k →pairing: minho x fem. reader  (featuring yeji and yuna (itzy) & BooSeokSoon + mingyu (seventeen))
Sunlight breaks past the slightly tinted window, crossing your eyes in a swift blinding act. You blink away, turning back into the busy car. The boy driving waves a dismissive hand back at the whining boy behind him.
"We're not stopping for coffee," the driver asserts, eyes drifting up to the rearview mirror as he shifts into the exit lane.
"Why not?" the boy behind him counters. "We're gonna pass it anyway."
"We're going camping," the girl beside you leans forward to smack her palm against the boy's shoulder.
"It's not really camping if we're gonna be in a house," he pouts, turning back to her. He even shoots a pleading gaze in your direction, as if you would have any power over this conversation with people you've briefly met.
You glance back to the blurred trees. They pass in what feels like hundreds every time you blink. Why does this have to be the last summer of freedom? Why can't time just slow down and allow you a final year of peace? An almost taunting desire to live adventurously strikes your mind. Yet even so, you're not sure you should have accepted this "camping" offer.
Yeji was certain this summer would be legendary, gripping at your shirt sleeve as she pleaded, "But please, come with. I don't think I can live with Soonyoung and Seungkwan for two weeks."
So you succumbed. Only with the faint certainty that something must come from this. Even if it was only a mundane, fleshy scar from a messy jump into the lake. You could picture a rock piercing your skin before you flinched up to water, threads of blood coursing behind you.
God, you need to live a little.
"Y/N," Yeji whines, dragging your mind back into the car.
You hum, looking over to her. Her sunglasses sat delicately on the tip of her nose, tempting to fall at the slightest twitch downward.
"Tell Seungkwan to stop his coffee cries."
"I just met the guy," you whisper, shooting a cautious glance at the pouting boy. His knees are drawn to his chest as he tempts his focus with a YouTube video.
"But you're intimidating," her lips are pursed when you return to her.
You fight a laugh. "That's a funny one."
Yuna, somehow tricked to sit in the trunk of the minivan, leans over the seat. "You are kinda scary."
They lead a powerpoint that must have been established prior to this conversation, for the specifications seem a little too clear. By the end of it, you simply shake your head. Intimidating is a strong word. You are simply quiet, you tell yourself.
The campsite is a desolate piece on the outskirts of a fancy city known for its grand skyscrapers and business opportunities. Columnar trees line a restricted area, where animals freely prance, protected by the idea of hunting. There are trails, the ranger told them when they checked in, that led to varying sights. A broad lake glitters beneath the humid sun. On top of that, clouds string themselves in sparse bursts.
At the cabin, Soonyoung and Seokmin bustle for the room with the best view.
"Hey," Yuna scolds, lugging her overfilled duffel bag on her shoulder, "Shouldn't you let the women choose first?"
For a quick moment, their eyes scan each other's faces before unisonly shaking their heads. "No."
You slip passed their noses into a barren room. White curtains inwardly swing from the impatient breeze. A deep breath parts from your lips as your eyes fall to the dark hardwood. Two weeks, you tell yourself. That's not too bad.
Deep laughter seeps from outside, sending an awakening jolt down to your feet. You lean towards the window, spotting a few boys on the lake's shore. One is chasing another with the claws of an angry crab.
"Get away from me!"
"This is karma," the other calls, kicking up lofts of sand in his wake.
In awe, you stare as the slightly shorter man catches up with the taller. Maybe two weeks will be more difficult than you thought.
A routine falls into place within the first few days. You awake before the crowd and sit on the dock for an hour. Maybe a little more, depending on the breeze. Then, you return to the cabin and sit on the porch swing, gently swinging your feet. Mingyu slips out into the humid air shortly after, his sweatpants bunched up by his ankles from sleeping.
"Do you wanna go swimming with us?" he will ask.
Your heart momentarily flutters before it dims to a burdening mass. "Maybe tomorrow."
He asks if you are sure, though he knows you will give the same nod, lips pressed into a polite smile.
You take to spending days alone, watching the clouds travel hastily across the blue sky and discreetly viewing the boys next door wreak havoc. It's calming, you remind yourself when you get the urge to accept Mingyu's offer, to be alone.
Each of your temporary roommates slips from the cabin in duos or trios. Soonyoung likes to rest an arm around whoever he's with, you notice, as though he's scared of losing them to an imaginary void. He always shoots you a smile before disappearing to wherever that day's activities bring.
On the fifth day, Yuna and Seokmin disappear on a hike with a whining Seungkwan on their tail. "It's so hot out here," he mutters as he passes you on the swing. Soonyoung and Mingyu rush to the water, shouting something about beating the mischievous boys in the cabin beside yours. Hair tied into a ponytail, Yeji steps onto the porch. She cups a 24-hour cooling bottle, taking sparing sips.
"Let's go to the lake," she sighs, sitting next to you. The teal outdoor pillows stutter beneath her weight before conforming to her shape.
You glance at her, though she doesn't turn to you. She speaks as though it's an order, not an offer.
Disturbed by your silence, she pushes, "C'mon, we've barely hung out at all. You're all solitude. We don't have to swim or anything. We can just sit on the sand."
A bitter sigh escapes your lips before you dredge into the cabin. Yeji resembles a home in this pool of unfamiliar faces, and you feel as though you can't deny her this. You pull on a bathing suit, despite her settled tune saying you didn't have to swim, and tug a pair of shorts on.
By the time you return to her, a green beach towel slung over your arm, she sits with her sunglasses veiling her eyes. Her head is upturned, looking at the birch porch ceiling. You hesitate, concerned that she might have fallen asleep, when her head twitches toward you. "Ready?" she asks, gathering her cup.
You slug towards the lake, basking in the sun's warm rays. It's not as humid as you thought it might be. A small, shaky breeze brushes against your bare shoulders.
"How's rooming with Soonyoung?" you finally say.
She sighs. "Terrible. He snores like crazy. I'm starting to regret giving you the single."
You chuckle, "It could be worse."
"You could share a room with Soonyoung and Seungkwan."
"Oh, God," she shivers, despite the heat beaming down.
Sand invades beneath the comfort of your toes. Scalding heat shoots up your ankle as you hesitantly step. Purchasing cheap flip-flops was probably a mistake.
"Dude, I will drown you right now," Mingyu shouts.
Yeji leads you closer to them, stopping when only a couple feet barricade you from the water. She lays out her towel before tugging on her shorts' button. You follow her lead. Thoughtless, you step towards the dock, abandoning your belongings on your towel. The dock is about ten feet long, though its width bares close to six feet.
The water sways with each swing of Soonyoung's arm. You take a seat at the edge, dangling your feet until they graze the water. It's cool in contrast to the blistering grains. Mingyu pushes Soonyoung's head underwater with a broad grin. Water bubbles to the surface from Soonyoung's parted lips.
Shouts garnish the calm breeze. You glance over your shoulder. Yeji is laying flush against her towel, her eyes closed as she calmly begs for a tan. Behind her, a few running boys approach, some shedding their tops as they run.
"Minho! Give me my phone back!" a boy whines. You note that he's the same one who was being chased by a threatening crab. And the one he calls to, he glares over his shoulder with a shake of the head, is the chaser.
Minho turns back to his objective of the water before abruptly turning right, dragging the follower down the shore. His menacing laughs glide through the air, sending a sharp chill down your spine.
Begrudgingly, the chaser catches him, prying his phone away. In the distance, he looks like he presses a palm against Minho's shoulder, pushing him back. Their voices do not travel, but Minho's smile caught in the glinting sun does. You turn back to the water, whose dark surface returns the view of your eyes.
"Minho!" a voice calls behind you. You fight the temptation to turn.
"What?" the boy, presumably Minho, calls back.
You drown out the voices by slipping off the dock, plunging beneath the surface of the water. When you resurface, you brush back hairs glued against your forehead. Soonyoung points to you, begging you for a game of Chicken.
"There's only three of us," you point out, a tempting smile teasing your lips.
Mingyu glances to land, disregarding the background hassle of boys playing foot volleyball. "Yeji!" he calls.
Disinterested, her head bobs up. She pushes down her sunglasses, revealing a peek at her irises.
"Play Chicken with us!"
You can hear her sigh of defeat, pushing herself up from her towel and dropping her sunglasses. She flinches beneath the water, hands reaching to either elbow as she rubs warmth into them.
You watch her intently, until a boy peeks into your view from over her shoulder. Minho is juggling a ball with his feet. A steely grin catches his lips as his friends cheer him on. "10, 11, 12!" they chant.
You plug your nose before dropping your head underwater. When you resurface, the ball is lying against the sand, the boy's shoulders slumped. Hidden behind the fake pout, his lips remain curled.
It's weird, the way that boy takes the throne in your thoughts. He is merely a stranger from afar, who sparingly shot a glance when Mingyu shouted to him. Something about owing him for the previous night's game. His eyes, sparkling beneath the blazing sun, had resembled the water. Glinting and dark, leaving you curious and needy for more. Your thoughts brace the view of his bare chest, beads of sweat dripping from his chin as he concentrates on juggling the ball.
You have to get out of your head, you conclude.
Before the sun rises on the seventh day, you're up and ready. A small bookbag is secured around your shoulders, the contents harboring copious amounts of water and a few granola bars. You glance around the cabin—at the small leather couch constituting the living room and the oak table whose legs have fraying wood, as though a dog had thought it was a bone—before you decide it's safe to depart.
Today's destination requires you to pass your parasite's cabin. You offer a short glance through the clear panes, refocusing on the gravel path when you catch a glimpse at a sleeping boy on the couch, face illuminated by his phone. It's not the boy who haunts you, you lamentably realize.
Splashes of rose and barely visible blue tarnish the sky in a messy gradient. You stop before the overhead greenery obstructs your view. In the edge of the sky, nearly fallen on the horizon, is the moon bidding its final goodbye. "Take care," it says with a sulking wave, "I'm just past the wall."
Under the blistering glimpses of heat through the leaves, you admit that you're grateful to the shrouds of protection. Humidity snips at your skin, mimicking the crawl of an insect. You swipe at your neck, though nothing lies beneath your palm. Just the damp residue of sweat.
If someone had queried you on the matter a few months ago, you would argue that solo hiking is too dangerous to be denoted as fun. Now, within the gaze of harmless deer and the occasional rabbit, you chuckle. They peek out at you from rotting logs, blinking to each other as if to seek confirmation.
A tree twenty-or-so feet away sticks out among its comrades like a sore thumb. Lesions trail its stump, marking the initials of lovestruck couples.
"You turn left at the tree of love, you'll know which one," Yuna had distractedly instructed the night before, a melting ice cream cone dripping down her fingers.
Your footsteps drown out songbirds and assemble their own tune. Each crunch of a stick signifying a beat to your journey.
The path eventually fizzles into a sad patch of grass with a podium pegged into it. Okinawa Path, it reads. Marked in 1985 by James Okinawa. Dedicated to his wife, Jiyeon Okinawa.
The horizon is curved like a bubble when you look out onto it. Leaves sway with the breeze in mass, assembling a synchronous dance. You can see the faint blue of the lake, its color lightened in the distance. If you squint a little, you can see the small ant-like figures running along its shore. Resting your hands on the metal casing of the plaque, you lean over. In the gaps of trees, a straight fall. You sigh, taking a step back.
Your stomach grumbles. It only takes a moment of peace for your chest to plummet. All that remains in your bag is an array of wrappers, food long consumed, and water. You glance at your watch. 12:19. If you left now at a pace twice which you came, you might reach the cabin at three. Maybe four, depending on how the animal's eyes draw you.
You nod, taking a final glance at the foliage and red hummingbirds plucking into bark, before heading back.
The hike, though momentarily ridding your thoughts of the boy whose laugh cast goosebumps down your spine, is rendered useless when you see him on your way back. Stood at the lake's mouth, he stares onto the water. His friends are vacant, you note, as your gaze shoots around to corners they might hide. You don't notice your feet have forgotten their trail until a cat sniffs your shoes.
His fur is soft when you dip your fingers to scratch behind his ears. Large green eyes stare up at you, leaning into your touch. You tilt your head, mumbling, "Where's your collar, little guy?"
He purrs as he slowly allows his eyes to close. You look around, catching eyes on the boy at the shore. A glimpse of a smile nuzzles against his lips, leaving you to wonder what possibly brews inside his head.
Behind you, the sound of gravel crunching beneath shoes. You swing around, searching for their eyes. A boy gapes at you, apparently frightened by your sudden movement. Then, his wide eyes minimize when he sees the cat.
Your fingers still linger by his ears, though they stop movement. He leans up, brushing his chin against them. Trying to revive their life.
"Soonie?" he finally says, eyebrows furrowing. A deep line of confusion betrays the skin between them.
The cat meows, trotting to the boy. He leaves you in his dust, as though you hold no purpose now that you've halted the affection.
He gently picks up the cat, cradling him in his arms like a baby.
"He's yours?" you ask.
His eyes jump to you and he hastily shakes his head. "No. He's my friend's. He threatened that he wouldn't come if we didn't let him bring at least one of his cats."
You chuckle at the absurdity. "Really?"
He nods. "I'm Chan, by the way. I think we're in the cabin next to you."
With the assertion of his name, realization drowns over you. "Oh! Right! I knew you looked familiar," you laugh. "I'm Y/N."
"Nice to meet you," he smiles, a dimple emblazoning his cheek. His gaze draws to the shore, where one of his friends stands.
The cat paws at his chin, begging for his attention. He ignores it. Instead, he shouts, "Minho!"
When the boy turns to him, eyebrows raised in curiosity and lips pursed, he continues. "Your cat got out of the cabin!"
Minho allows his head to hang, a smile forming. He jogs up to you two, graciously accepting his child from the older. "At least I know you'll know to escape if you get catnapped," he whispers. Absently, he scratches beneath the cat's chin, travelling him into a blaze of content. He offers you a look, almost confused as to why you're here.
"This is Y/N," Chan intervenes, "She helped stop your cat."
Minho nods, lips parting in an acknowledging 'o.' He smiles. "Thank you. He wanders sometimes."
You nod. "No problem. He's cute."
"Takes after his owner," Minho jokes.
Chan rolls his eyes, smacking his shoulder. He turns to you, "He's Minho, by the way."
You fight the instinctive 'I know' to float from your tongue. In its place you glance back to your cabin, faintly imagining Seungkwan lighting the living room on fire because Soonyoung meandered a little too long. You turn back to them, "It was nice meeting you two, but I have to run."
They see you off with a wave, watching as you speed-walk to your cabin. Minho's eyes burn a hole in your tank top. Though, it feels like nothing in comparison to the blaze searing your chest.
Sleep fills the corners of your eyes like grains of sand. Incessant to remain as they are, tempting you into the peaceful bounds of sleep. The pillows didn't help. Pressing flush against your back, they mirror the puffs of clouds.
The shouts at the table, however, keeps you landlocked.
"Seungkwan!" Yuna screams after the crash of water splattering against the laminate.
"What?" he calls, his voice muffled by the bathroom door.
"Can you bring me a towel when you're done in there?"
"Why?" There's a dullness to his tone, and you picture him standing in the mirror and tuning his hair to its perfect shape.
"Because I may have spilled, like, all the water left from that jug," she returns quietly.
The door swings open, bouncing against the copper doorstop with a loud trill. You flinch, eyes shooting open. His head peeks around the corner at the puddle residing. His lips part to expel a distressed sigh and a hand flies up to scratch the back of his neck. A quick moment passes where he disappears into the bathroom and returns with two towels. Wordlessly, as though they are now in agreement, he hands her one before kneeling down and sopping up the mess.
You sit up on the couch, watching.
Seungkwan's gaze swivels back to you. He offers a small, pleading small—one you've become familiar with this past week. "Hey, Y/N." Like a younger sibling about to beg a pardon from the oldest.
"What do you need?"
"Can you run up to the Camper's Corner and get us another jug?"
Mingyu, the bearer of the keys to the minivan, has long disappeared for an impromptu fishing trip. The others, though wielding slumped gazes as they passed, followed him to the boat suddenly tied to the dock.
Yuna perks up, as though your thoughts are being broadcasted, "You can take my bike!"
Orange sky solemnly greets you when you step out from the porch. Discarded against the dark logs of the cabin is Yuna's white bike. Various stickers plaster the warm metal; some worn to nothing while others closely tug at life. When you pull at the handles and drag the hidden parts of the bike from an overgrown shrub, you notice that there is a small basket. You have to fight off the laugh that threatens you when you think of that five gallon container spilling over the small wire basket.
The leaves sing in a shaking chorus with the graces of the wind. A musk of burning firewood stings your nose. You glance to the sky at your right (where the actual tent campers stay) and see a gray plume of smoke. A lingering taste of s'mores catches your tongue. The only thing to allow the displacement of the idea is the small store whose blinding fluorescents slip out into the street.
Camper's Corner is a privately owned chain who strategically places their stores in campgrounds. Though, with the large, white metal sign bearing a small green tent, it screams out of touch. But, at least they had good prices. And a very wide variety of bug repellant (homemade!).
"Is this all?" the lady at the counter, mid 20s with a few piercings lining her ears, inquires.
You nod, straightening a bill before slipping it across the counter. She dispenses the change into the palm of your hand. That's all it takes to dismiss her to the distractions of her magazine.
The weight of five gallons was underestimated in your mind. It drags your shoulder uncomfortably to one side, and you know it'll only supplement the soreness you'll gain from the hike. You bring a hand to the metal bar at the door, though it swings open before you can meet it.
Surprised brown eyes cross yours. For a moment, the weight diminishes, and you feel nothing but the swirl of butterflies voyaging your stomach.
His weight shifts backwards as he steps out of your way, pulling you back to reality. You hurriedly step out of the store, mumbling your thanks.
You start for the bike propped against the bike rack before he calls out, "Hey, wait for me."
By the time your eyes have swiveled back to him, his spot is blank. Tarnished by the slow swing of the door coming shut.
The jug approaches the ground and you stretch, rotating your arm in apologetic circles. How did you let yourself agree to this? Why couldn't Seungkwan find you intimidating enough to not even dare ask?
The boy returns, a plastic bag dangling from his wrist. Your eyes mingle for a second before you lean to reobtain the jug. His hand darts past your hesitant fingers, claiming it effortlessly. He merely says, "You look like you're struggling."
You grab at the handles of the bike. "Something like that."
With only the sounds of footsteps and swooshing leaves, you watch the front wheel turn. Around and around. No true objective.
"Thank you, again," he finally says over the tunes of cicadas.
Too wide eyes find him, and he clarifies, "For finding my cat."
"Oh!" you exclaim. "No problem, really."
You glance down to the bag, whose contents peek back in splitting blinks through the hole at the top. "What's in the bag?" you inquire.
His voice is drunken with the subtle hint of a laugh as he answers, "Soju. For Mingyu."
"Did he guilt you into buying him some?"
His head tips to one side. "Kinda. I lost a game."
You feel nosy digging, though you cannot find the will to stop. "What game?"
The thought of this boy, limbs contorted into painful tugs, draws a giggle to the air. "How bad did you lose?" you find yourself asking.
He exchanges the jug into the hand with the bag, quickly drawing his sleeve up to reveal a large purple mark, green flooding the outer corners. His eyes linger on it before lifting to meet yours. "My entire weight went right there."
Lips parted in a mass of shock and amusement, you stare. Words fail you, though a bubbly laugh draws to replace it. His lips curl upward, hesitant as though he's not sure he should be living this moment.
The laughs dawdle to a small lingering smile. Only a few cabins litter the edge of the visible road ahead, though the feeling of parting already greets you. Tugging at your chest like a pestering child.
"Do you-" he starts.
"Why are your-" you inadvertently interrupt.
"Sorry, you go first," you both say in unison.
His shoulder brushes against yours as a laugh greets the trees and bunnies hidden behind shrubs. "Seriously, you go first," he manages, bringing a wrist to his eye.
"Why are your friends so loud?" you inquire. Most nights, even some mornings, you can hear their loud cackles. Sometimes, you listened in on their conversations—not because you wanted to, but because it was hard not to.
"Are we loud?" his bewildered gaze falls on you. You look up to meet him halfway, nodding. He shrugs. "I didn't realize."
The shining light from the indoor side of your cabin greets you. Like a parent greeting their child after a first date with a new, alien smile.
He gently hands you the jug. A protective hand reaches for your shoulder when you allow it to drag your shoulder a little. "You got it?"
You nod with a smile.
He turns for his cabin, and you call out, "What about your question?"
The treads of his shoes stop against the gravel. He glances over his shoulder. "I'll just ask you tomorrow."
Tomorrow, you think. He expects to see you tomorrow. The thought warms your cheeks.
"Right. I'll see you tomorrow."
His shoes scrape against the gravel again, dismissing the conversation.
You start up the porch, hand closing around the doorknob when his voice pierces the night sky. "Sleep well! I'll try to get the boys to be a little quieter."
Mingyu nearly falls from shock when he steps out onto the porch the next morning. His acquainted question slips from his tongue with an uncertain drawl, as though he is unsure what language he speaks.
"Sure. I'll tag along," you smile up at him.
He slowly nods, bringing a disguised hand to the back of his neck before he pinches the skin. Nope. Not a dream.
In thirty minutes he returns with a pink-faced Soonyoung, shirts discarded and three towels. Soonyoung hands you yours as he scans your body. He hadn't believed Mingyu, that newfound glimmer shining across your skin, but seeing it firsthand leaves him speechless.
The lake water is chilled, the sun precariously hidden behind a large white cloud. Mingyu shrieks at its touch, drawing back to the sand. Soonyoung stares at him over his shoulder, muttering, "Pussy."
Your focus reigns on the cabin beside yours. Its porch is vacant. Not even a single paw crosses it.
His promise had proven effective, for after eleven o'clock the cabin seemed muted. As if a young child had stumbled across a remote, carelessly slamming the buttons without being aware of their meaning. It brought a quick, heart-fluttering smile to your face before you pressed your cheek against the pillow and fell asleep.
Mingyu, irritated with your withdrawal from their conversation about snails, waves a hand before your eyes. When all he receives is a lost, empty stare with that absent smile, he follows your gaze. All the way up the small hill and to the cabin harboring eight boys.
He gasps, dragging a palm to your shoulder and shaking you. "Y/N," he repeats.
"What?" Soonyoung asks, trying to break into Mingyu's line of sight.
You fall back into reality, looking between them. You hum, raising your eyebrows curiously.
Mingyu stares at you with parted lips, hand grown limp on your shoulder. "Why are you staring at the enemy's house?"
"Enemy?" you ask.
"Enemy?" Soonyoung repeats.
Behind Mingyu, a boy scales down the small hill. His appearance brings a spark to your chest, alighting all your muscles. Burning your entire body.
The sun peeks out from a cloud.
Mingyu catches the sparkle in your eyes. The sudden smile tracing your lips. He glances over his shoulder.
"Minho!" Soonyoung calls, suspending a high hand to wave at him.
He waves back. His white shirt sparkles in the sunlight.
When he reaches you, he hands Mingyu the small plastic bag from the previous night. "Here. Don't think I forgot."
Pink blazes the boy's cheeks as he accepts the bag. He peeks inside.
You nudge his shoulder, "Is that why he was an enemy?"
"'Cos you thought he wouldn't hold up his end of the deal? Mingyu, you're unbelievable," Soonyoung finishes, shaking his head. He turns back to the lake, burying his feet beneath the water.
Shyly, Mingyu mumbles, "I'll be back."
He climbs the hill, disappearing into your cabin.
Minho expels a laugh. "He's funny."
He's still staring at the guarding cabin door. A smile peeks on his lips, leaving you to wonder again what he thinks of in that pretty head. Suddenly, his eyes flit to you. "Do you wanna go for a walk?"
You glance down at your bikini and cheap flip-flops. "I'm not really dressed for a-"
"You can borrow some of my clothes, if you don't wanna go into your cabin," he interrupts.
You wonder what he smells like up close. In the breeze, you had caught the brief scent of sandalwood and tea tree.
Behind you, Soonyoung digs his heel into the sand. "Go with him. Don't overthink it."
And so, taking the granted permission and running with it, you follow Minho up the hill. You lean towards his cabin, quickly mentioning, "I think Yeji and Seungkwan are still sleeping. I don't wanna disturb them."
He simply nods, guiding the way. Soonie waits at the door and tries to sneak out through the gap. Minho presses the heel of his foot against the cat's chest, pushing him back in. The cabin is quiet, save for the distant running of water. He guides you down the hall to his shared room. In the top bunk, a boy lays with his body facing the wall. Covers are drawn to his chin, shielding his identity further.
Minho offers a plain white tee similar to his—though his is emblazoned with the outline of a peace sign—and black joggers. Thankfully accustomed with a drawstring. Just as you had imagined, when you tugged the shirt over your head, it smelled woodsy. It hugs your skin, like the comfort of a flickering candle in a dimly lit room.
By the time you sneak back into the main area of the cabin, a boy leans against the kitchen counter, phone in hand. He glances up, blinking harshly when he spots you in Minho's clothes. "You have a girlfriend?" he asks, tipping his head.
Minho's only response is a scoff before he slips back into the great outdoors. You hold the other boy's gaze for a moment before following Minho quietly.
He guides you in the way of the Camper's Corner, though he takes a sharp left where you would normally keep straight. It's an unmarked path. He glances over his shoulder, as though to assert you're following.
"It's not too bad of a walk," he mentions, glancing down to your flip-flops.
After only a couple more feet, the fast splashing of water summons your ears. It pulls your gaze into its sourcing direction. A narrow creek stares back, water plummeting across sharp peaks of rocks. You gasp.
Minho turns to you, smiling when he spots the glimmer in your eyes. Similar to the one that the sun casts on the water.
He kneels close to the mud, plucking a small shell. He offers it to you. The tips of your fingers graze the smooth ridges. On the underside, little legs squirm.
"It's a hermit crab," he says.
"I know," you laugh, looking up to him.
He shrugs, "I had to tell Changbin what it was."
You stare at him, the small crab suddenly forgotten. He nods, as though to say 'I know, right?'
You gently return the hermit crab to its niche. Minho suddenly grabs your hand, pulling you back to the main road. His palm feels awkward in yours beneath the sun. Yet still, you dread the moment when it will shed itself away.
"Hey," you say. He stops, looking over his shoulder with pouty lips. "What did you want to ask me?"
The hint of a grin flashes across his lips, shining like the sun, as he shakes his head. "I already got the answer."
He turns back to the road, continuing to tug at your hand. The sound of his slides scraping against the gravel reminds you of last night.
"What was the question though?"
His grip tightens and he chuckles. "You're persistent."
"I'm just curious," you defend, inching to tug a little back on his hand.
He stops abruptly. You nearly crash into his back. He turns around to you, slipping his hand away from yours and placing it on your cheek.
You wonder if he can hear your heartbeat. Or feel the warmth against your cheek.
His eyes are barren. For a moment, you're scared he might shun you away. Until his eyes crinkle and his teeth show, lips curled in a broad grin. "You should keep those clothes," he says, moving his hand slightly to catch a wandering strand of hair. He tucks it behind your ear.
"Why?" you manage to say through the pebble strangling your throat.
"You look cute in them."
Whatever breath you managed to withhold evacuates your lungs. You're not sure if it's the lack of oxygen, but you think he's leaning a little closer.
His hesitant breath tickles your lips and you meet him at the finish line. His other hand comes to cup your cheek as he kisses you. Your missing breath is found when his tongue trails across your bottom lip.
When he pulls away, he blinks as though he has returned from a blackout. Then, a chuckle slips past his lips. You stare at him, watching as the corners of his mouth upturn.
He grabs at your hand, pulling you up the road and back to the cabins. All the way, your tongue wettens your lips to revive his taste. You bite back smiles, grateful he cannot see you.
You feel like a schoolgirl again, calm and worryless.
He holds your hand as you step off the dock. The boat trembles beneath your leg and his grip tightens. "I got you," he reassures.
You sit opposite him as he tugs the oars back. The water winks up at you in fits of sparkling sunshine.
His invite had come like a surprise, preceded by the knock on the cabin. Yeji had answered, and before he even had time to ask for you, you were there. Peeking over her shoulder like an all too curious sibling. Normally, back at the apartment, life would play out like this. Someone would arrive at your doorstep, flowers in hand and ready to steal Yeji away on a date.
Oh, how the tables have turned.
So now, you sit in a boat, slightly seasick until Minho stops pushing the oars under the water. Only the quiver of the lake keeps you with a minuscule motion.
"I didn't really plan this far ahead," he says, looking back to the distant shore. On the dock, he notes, a boy stands. Then, running up from behind, he is pushed into the water. Impact splashing back at the one who remains standing.
He glances back to you, now having missed your words. "Sorry, what'd you say?"
"I said plans are overrated," you repeat.
A smile crosses his lips, somewhat feeling like a fond glimmer of nostalgia. You will chase after that smile, begging for the faint orange of this golden hour.
He leans forward abruptly, pressing his lips to yours. You smile into the kiss. The strings of his hoodie tickle your hand as you slowly bring your palm to his cheek.
The kiss brings that golden hour into clarity with pulsing fits of orange like a heartbeat.
When he pulls away, bottom lip slightly swollen, he pulls his sleeves over his hands as he glances down to the water. He will not admit what is on his mind, though the peek of his tongue slipping over his lips tells you all you need to know.
"What's your favorite color?" you inquire casually, drawing his eyes back to you.
"Mint," he quickly answers.
You learn that he cannot swim, despite his urgency to drag you out onto the lake, and that he's an only child. He just graduated college with a degree in Computer Science, though he doesn't know what he wants to do yet. Though, he makes it clear that he will never work retail. He has two other cats who were left back home because his friends had whined enough about bringing Soonie.
You find yourself smiling as he tells you stories from his former years. How he nearly flunked his Statistics exam because he accidentally went to the wrong class for half the semester (he couldn't explain how he didn't realize because your laughs suffocated his thoughts). How his friends rely on him for certain things. How he simply lives to live.
His lips find yours again after he tells you that he has a talent for catching people off guard. You flinch a little, though laugh.
As he pulls away, his smile reaches his eyes and you catch the glimmer of comfort sprouting in your chest.
His fingertips find the oars again when a cloud threatens the sun. It dims the lake, stealing the sparkle from the water.
A sigh slips past your lips as you watch the clouds turn. Vacation ends in four days, ready to drag you back to the needy college life. You wonder if Minho will keep in touch. Certainly, you remind yourself, he will. After all, you both live in the same city, so seeing each other shouldn't be a problem.
"What're you thinking about?" Minho asks as he's reaching for the rope to secure the boat to its dock.
His cologne lingers close as he leans over you. A hug-like comfort. You shake your head when he glances down at you. "Nothing."
A large pizza sits in the center of the table, steam rising from the center. Seungkwan leans over and grabs another piece.
"Gosh, we should've ordered another one," Seokmin sighs, glancing at the two empty boxes at the counter.
Yeji shakes her head, "Maybe if you guys didn't eat so much."
You smile, leaning back in your chair to watch this unfold. Seungkwan defensively waves his hand as he bites. Soonyoung chugs water to drown his words.
Mingyu, though, stares at you. His arms are crossed against his wide chest. He leans
forward, resting them on the table. The argument fizzles, leaving the elephant in the room to be addressed.
"Mingyu, why are you staring at me like that?" you laugh.
"Why are you so lighthearted? What did Minho do to you? Did he inject you with something?"
You blink, waiting for his questions to process. "I'm just in a good mood, I guess."
"Who's Minho?" Yuna returns from the bathroom, reclaiming her seat beside Yeji.
"One of the neighbor guys. He's really cool, actually," Soonyoung informs.
Mingyu shoots him a glare, though before he can speak, Seokmin has begun, "Yeah, you have been kinda weird today, Y/N."
You shrug, shyly looking down at your sweatpants that weren't technically yours. Minho had playfully pushed you into the cabin when you had offered to return them after your lake date. His smile had blazed brighter than the sun. Warmer than the sun. You smile at the close memory.
"See?" Mingyu points accusingly.
"I think you're overreacting," Soonyoung comments, grabbing the abandoned crust from Seungkwan's plate.
Yeji nods, taking a sip from her water before adding, "Just let her have her last summer love."
Mingyu huffs, leaning back into his chair. "I don't like him."
"Too bad," Seungkwan nudges him with a teasing smile.
Nighttime falls after a tense couple rounds of Mafia. Each time, Mingyu would insist voting you off, citing that you were suspicious and simply had to be the Mafia. Even when you were the nurse. Or the cop. You hadn't gotten the mafia card at all.
Your sheets are cold when you climb into them. And though Mr. Sandman has already dragged your eyes to a laze, you cannot find dreamland. Instead, you're left to listen to the night. Distant shouts from the neighboring cabin. You smile, wondering what Minho is doing.
A huff slips from your lips and an open palm rushes to your forehead. How have you allowed yourself to fall this deep? Maybe Mingyu's right. Maybe you should take a step back. Yet still, the imprint of his lips against yours haunts you with the pull at your heart.
You roll over, tugging your covers to your chin. Like the boy in Minho's room.
A hollow noise echoes throughout your ears. It travels upward, like your window being pulled. You flinch, though fight it off. It's nothing, you tell yourself. Just the wind. Or a deer. Or maybe it's a little rabbit.
But then, your heart stops beating when the rustic-style comforter pulls away from you.
Instinctively, you shoot up, swinging your arms. One connects with the heavy meat of a human. It heaves, doubling over in pain.
You tremble, heart shattering against your ribcage. Though, you gain enough strength to reach for the lamp, pulling down on the string.
A boy is balled up on the floor, clutching at his ribs. He glances up at you, squinting beneath the sudden light.
"Minho? What are you doing here?" you whisper. You realize you're in his shirt. And his sweatpants. They're comfy, okay?
He pulls himself up to sit at the foot of your bed, still holding his side. "You have got a strong arm," he gasps for air.
"What are you doing here?" you repeat. At the loud, though distant, chant of someone's name, you add, "Shouldn't you be with your friends?"
He shakes his head. The tips of his fingers pull at the hem of his shirt to reveal his chest. A slim red mark has already formed. He drops the cloth, glancing back to you, "I wanted to see you. You're more fun than they are."
You fight a smile. "You barely know me."
He shrugs. "So?"
You look down at your lap sheepishly. "I'm sorry for hitting you so hard."
"Don't be," he reaches for your hand, pressing your fingers against his momentarily and intertwining them. "I probably should've had a better gameplan."
You can't exactly disagree with that.
"Do you mind if I stay here tonight?" he asks, glancing back out into the open window.
"No, but can you not go home or something?"
He turns back to you, lips slightly pursed. "I'm getting tired of being with them. They're kinda draining."
You know the feeling, thinking of Seungkwan and Soonyoung's full-fleshed arguments that seem to have a daily timer of 7 P.M.
And so he kicks his shoes off and curls up next to you before you turn off the light. His arm curls around you as he sighs. His breath tickles your skin, flaring small goosebumps.
You rest your ear against his chest, hearing out for the small thumps of his heart. Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Ba-dum.
"You never told me the question," you say.
"It's not important anymore," he replies, pulling you a little closer.
Crickets swell in the silence that follows. His chest is warm, a comforting contrast to the earlier sheets. Yet still, you feel yourself asking, "Don't you think we're going too fast?"
And he simply responds, "You can never feel like you're moving too fast if you're constantly running out of time."
You hum. A response curls at your tongue, though your lips fail to move.
When you return to consciousness, the warm pillow you had rested upon is gone. The only evidence he was ever even there is the window, still open, and the wrinkles in the sheets.
He is not at the lake. He is not at the hidden creek. Maybe he's on a hike, you think. But as you pass his cabin and peek inside, your stomach drops.
The place is pristine, as though eight young men had never even stepped foot inside. You take a peek inside, scanning through all of the rooms. Nothing. Bare beds and bare halls.
His shirt itches against your skin. Not a single goodbye. Pricks of something volatile poke your skin as you realize you have nothing to contact him by. No phone number. No cringy Snapchat username he made when he was thirteen. Nothing.
You drag your feet back to your cabin, passing Seungkwan huddled over a bowl of oatmeal. His greeting distantly floats through your ears, though you fail to process it.
When you fall into your bed, sheets still indented by his figure, a hot tear scales your face. His scent is all around you, like a taunting lullaby. You jolt up, tearing the shirt off of you and throwing it as hard as you can. It caves against the wall, slipping down silently.
You pull over a different, non-Minho shirt and rest back against the mattress. Though still, he remains.
A sob clogs your throat. You want to punch a pillow. Or a wall. Or him. No, you wouldn't punch him. You cannot even find it in you to direct your anger at him. Instead, you decide, you must have done something wrong. Maybe you whispered something in your sleep that infuriated him. Maybe-
A soft knock at your door.
"I'm sorry," you sob, burying your face in the pillow as you clutch the sheets.
Beside you, the bed dips beneath someone's weight. A hand falls against your back, its fingertips tapping lightly.
You expect it to be Yeji. Or Yuna. But instead, when you look, it's Mingyu. His face is blank, not even a trace of an "I told you so" glazing it. Instead, his eyes are covered with a film of pity.
"Did you know?" you manage through the tears.
Slowly, he nods. "I'm sorry."
You shake your head. "It's not your fault."
He pulls you into a hug, and you're glad that his scent does not resemble Minho's. Mingyu smells only like cotton. Freshly washed cotton.
"He's a dick, not telling you he was leaving," he says, drawing a hand up to your head.
Seungkwan's voice drenches the room with bitterness. "Who the fuck hurt you? I will kill-"
Mingyu looks back at the boy standing in the doorway. He shakes his head, beckoning the boy to leave. And he does.
You're grateful for Mingyu.
Only three days remain in your vacation, yet each second is more brutal than the last. Dried tears glue strands of hair to your cheeks. At night, Mingyu comes in and lays with you, rubbing small circles into your back as he tries to make you laugh. Yeji stands in the doorway, confused arms crossed against her chest.
The day before you leave, Yeji stops at your bedside and whispers. "We can leave today."
You look up to her, shaking your head slightly. That's all the energy you have to do. Your voice is a croaking mess when you bring yourself to say, "Don't let me ruin your fun, please."
The final day, as set aside on the drive here, is a day of fun. Hiking and swimming and laughter. Though you remain in bed, sheets pulled to your chin as your fingertip rubs small laps along your lips.
When Seokmin sneaks into your room at dinnertime, a small slice of pizza resting on a paper plate, he says, "You deserve better than him."
You nod. But you're not sure you believe him.
You find yourself wondering what he did in the car ride home. What he's doing now. If his cats are happy to all be together again. You wish that you could have seen Soonie's little smile again. Or even seen Minho's fatherly intuitions with him for even an extra split second.
A fingertip rests on your bottom lip. The car is silent, save the low hum of the radio. Disguised by his sunglasses, it appears that Mingyu's eyes are glued to the road at all times. Though he steals a parental glance in the rearview every few seconds, as if to check you haven't withered away.
Even when Seungkwan coughs, Soonyoung bites his tongue. They do not argue the whole way.
When Mingyu arrives outside your apartment complex, you gather your things and get out of the minivan. Its familiar blue paint stings your eyes with tears. You look back into the car before saying with a forced smile, "Thank you, guys."
Summer dissipates with green fading to amber. You look at the golden leaves scattering the ground of the campus. Minho's smile flashes in front of your eyes, and you shake it away. A parasite.
You jog to class, sparingly glancing at your watch to count each minute you're late. At five past eight you get to the lecture hall. A quiet apology slips past your lips until you climb the stairs to the back.
For a history class, the seats are rather full. You sit at the end of the second to last row, beside a tanned boy with light brown hair and round glasses. His eyes stick on you a little too long, burning your skin.
Professor Nam discusses the syllabus rather quickly, his words failing to succumb to first-day stutters. His sudden clap makes you flinch, and his voice booms all the way back to you. "That's it. Scan the first chapter to familiarize yourself with the material. You're free to go."
You gather your things and are ready to descend the stairs when the boy beside you calls, "Wait!"
You glance back at him and a flash of familiarity blankets him. His words return to you before you can exactly place him. You have a girlfriend?
"Are you Y/N?" he asks.
Pain shoots through your chest and you take a wary step backwards.
He continues, quickly apologizing, "Sorry to catch you off guard like this. I'm Seungmin."
He proffers his hand. You take it. "Nice to meet you," you manage.
"You too," he smiles. Though, to you, all he says is 'You're the girl he ditched?'
You cannot find the words to form a question, though he beats you to it. He seems to do that, you note.
"What happened with you and Minho?"
Then, when he catches the sparkle of tears glazing your eyes he frantically adds, "If you're comfortable with telling me."
You look down at your shoes, remembering the days of sunshine that quickly turned to cloudy messes. "I don't know, really."
"He was a mess after we left, but he wouldn't tell us anything that happened," Seungmin rambles.
Your eyes shoot back to him. A hoarse laugh grabs your words, "He was a mess?"
Confused, he hesitantly nods.
"He didn't tell me you guys were leaving," you announce, the words stinging you all over again. "And he never left me anything to contact him with. I thought I did something wrong. I probably did."
You remember the white shirt stuffed into your closet, a pair of sweatpants crumbled beneath it. His scent is faintly attached to the fibers. Though, maybe, it's just your imagination.
Seungmin's eyes soften. "I'm sorry. You probably didn't do anything. He wouldn't react the way he did if you had. He's just stupid."
You dismiss yourself, aiding the excuse that you're meeting with a friend for coffee and he understands. Seungmin watches as you leave the lecture hall, a soft sigh tickling his lips.
When you get back to the apartment (not having another class until noon) you cry. Hot tears that irritate your skin. You pull out the tee shirt and hug it close. And the words, again, fall from your lips like a mantra. "I'm sorry."
Seungmin asks you to coffee a week later, a hint of something unfamiliar in his eye. You agree, though only under the pretense that he pays.
The coffee shop by the campus is riddled with already tired students and rushed projects. Seungmin sits by the window. An iced americano is cupped in his hand and he absentmindedly sips it, eyes over at a set of baristas scrambling to fulfill orders. His gaze breaks, falling onto you and he waves.
"Did I keep you waiting long?" you ask as you pull yourself onto the stool.
He shakes his head, gently setting the sweating coffee on a napkin. "No, I just got here."
He glances back to an aproned barista, who anxiously stares back. His eyes are apprehensive, tinged with a glimmer of something fierce. Seungmin nudges your hand, pointing at the boy.
You feel your heart stop beating. You might be leaning forward and passing out. You might be dying. But one thing's for sure, the boy who is currently holding your eyes makes you blister with heat and blur at the eyes. He stares with a freezing gaze that shoots goosebumps all along your skin.
And then he offers a hint of a smile that warms your body like a blanket. He glances to a coworker, inaudibly says something, and removes his apron. He tosses it into a small blue basket before rushing over. Seungmin gives up his seat.
Minho smacks the back of his head. "Thanks for drinking all of my americano."
"Shouldn't have left it there," Seungmin shrugs before starting towards the exit.
At the door, he turns back and smiles, "Have a good talk!"
You dumbfoundedly watch as Minho lifts himself to the stool. He rests interlocked hands on the table, creating a cage around his half-empty americano. "I'm sorry," he says.
"For what?" you look at him like a lost puppy. His heart softens and the guilt overrides him.
"Leaving," he glances outside, down the street where Seungmin crosses.
You somehow manage to keep looking at him. "Was it something I did?"
"No," he instantly turns back to you. "It was me."
"That's what everyone says," you fight a hurt chuckle. "You can tell me, really. It won't hurt."
And with a forced reassuring smile, you look deep into his eyes.
He shakes his head. "No really, it was me. I was confused and terrible at facing what I was feeling. I didn't want to admit that constantly wanting to kiss someone was more than friendly."
"I take it you still are," you mention. "Considering Seungmin didn't even know."
His head twitches in a nod. "Something like that."
A silence lies over you, though it's unlike the one you held when you walked back from the Camper's Corner. This one seems menacing. As though it has the power to destroy everything.
He suddenly grabs your hand and plays with your fingertips. He does not know the number of times you have pressed them to your lips—sixty-two. He does not know the days you spent staring at your ceiling, eyes burning from spilling insufficient tears. He does not know that you halted communication with everyone, save Yeji, from the trip because they reminded you too much of him. Yet still, his touch cascades your body with heat, as though none of that happened.
"You really don't have to accept this, but I would like to make it up to you."
Your heart catches in your throat and it echoes its thumps throughout your entire body. "Are you asking me on a date?"
Hesitantly, he nods. "I think so."
Your smile burns a whole through his chest. You ask innocently, eyebrows raised with joy, "Can I come see your cats?"
He laughs. "You'd have to meet my mom 'cos they live with her. My apartment complex doesn't allow pets."
"Second date, then."
"You already think you wanna go on a second date with me?" Minho grins, leaning a little closer.
You blush, shaking your head.
You stare into his eyes and see a tiny reflection of yourself. Behind that, you see remorse. Lost time. He's going to make up for it. That's a promise, even if it's not verbal.
His laugh bubbles throughout the small room like the sizzle of soda. He pulls the cat close to him, cradling him like a baby. You watch as the cat paws at his chin.
He looks up at you, "I think he likes me."
You smile as he glances back to the cat. He nestles his fingers beneath the cat's chin and gently scratches.
Upon the idea of coming to a cat cafe, he was hesitant. "They might smell Soonie or something," he had pouted.
"It'll be fine," you had promised, taking his hand. They were warm, you recall, like those last days of summer.
And now here you sit, perched atop a chair while Minho rolls around with the cats. All swarming him like he carries a cat-summoning device. His smile is radiant against the sea of calico and tabby.
A flutter ravages in your chest when his eyes find yours. "Why are you staring at me like that?" he laughs.
"Like what?"
"You just look," he thinks. "I can't explain it."
A smile tugs at the corners of your lips. "Cat got your tongue?"
He delivers a wry laugh, returning his attention to the tabby who paws at his chin.
You watch as he fights the crowd to sit up. One immediately climbs upon his shoulder, reaching up to dig its paws in his hair. He gently pulls it off of him, resting it on the plush rug. He returns to his spot aside from you, bringing the straw of his iced americano to his lips.
"I feel bad," he finally says, curiously glancing down to the tugging sensation against the cuff of his sweatpants.
"Why?" you ask, resting your forearms on the table.
He looks back to you. "Because this is our first real date and we're in a place aimed for my interest. I'm supposed to be the one making things up to you, not the other way around."
You fight a laugh. "You know I like cats too, you know?"
"Yeah, but," he hesitates. "they're not really paying attention to you."
You shrug. "That's fine. Watching you interact with them is enough."
He smirks, "So you're saying you like watching me?"
"Interact with cats, yes," you confirm.
A hand grabs yours as he leans across the table to kiss you. His lips taste just like you remember—those sixty-two times did not go to waste. They're soft and taste vaguely of his coffee addiction. Back in summer, they had tasted like faint watermelon. Sometimes strawberries.
Abruptly, he pulls away. "Wait, I didn't ask if I could kiss you, I'm so sorry."
"You didn't ask me the first time you kissed me."
He squints, "Really?"
You nod, a shadow of a laugh tumbling over your lips.
He glances out the window, a look of reliving riddling his features. Eyebrows knitted together. Lips fallen agape. Finally, he looks back to you. "I don't remember not asking."
"Do you remember asking?" you tease, biting your straw between smiling teeth.
"Touche. But that's under different circumstances than right now. I'm supposed to be regaining your trust, not spontaneously kissing you."
You cock your head at him. "In summer, we barely knew each other and you were sneaking into my cabin to sleep in the same bed as me. How is that much different from randomly kissing me?"
He shyly brings his straw to his lips again, taking a long sip that extends the silence. "Summer was different," he finally says.
"Elaborate on that for me, please."
He sighs, flecks of red darting across his cheeks. He looks like he's about to give a presentation for a class he's failing. "Summer Minho," he finally begins, "was insanely stupid."
And then, his words fall. Another silence, save a couple cats clawing at a scratching post.
"And?" you urge him to continue.
He pouts. "I wasted so much time. We could've done this whole dating thing months ago, but because I wanted to run away from those scary feelings, we're here."
Then, in your stunned silence, he adds, "I wish I could go back and force myself to stick around. Or at least leave you a note. I thought about doing that, you know."
You sigh. "You can't change the past."
He lamentably nods, looking down at a sleeping cat to disguise the film blurring his vision.
"So let's make up for lost time," you declare, standing up.
He looks at you confusedly. "What?" he croaks.
"Minho," you offer your hand. Hesitantly he takes it, standing too. You continue, "I don't think I was ever really mad at you. I focused all of the blame on myself. So please, kiss me whenever. Show up at my doorstep at three in the morning because one of the boys got on your nerves. I don't care. I just want to be with you."
A small smile twitches as a lonesome tear slips down his cheek. He pulls you into his chest. The vibration of his laugh shakes against your ear as he whispers, "You're gonna regret saying that part about me showing up at your doorstep."
You laugh and shake your head, though deep down you know he's probably right.
Lee Minho is a piece of work. Having the nerve to show up at your apartment while the world is shaking with thunder. His hair is soaking wet, as are his clothes. Though, kept dry, is the brown bag of Chinese food he shoved beneath his hoodie.
He laughs through shivers when you open the door, alternatively drenched with the desire for sleep.
"Did I wake you?" he asks, teeth chattering.
Through squinted eyes, you slowly nod, stepping out of the way to let him in. So tired, you note, that you didn't even bring him a towel before he enters the apartment. Small droplets of water quiver at his movement, pooling beside your doormat.
"Do you still have those clothes I lent you?" he shouts when you retreat back to your room.
A response is unnecessary, for you're already bringing them to him. White tee and black sweatpants, neatly folded. His cologne officially disappeared in the last wash, subtly replaced with your laundry detergent and Yeji's rose perfume.
He steps into your bathroom, quickly asking where your towels are. You point to the small bamboo cabinet Yeji insisted on buying the week before.
You glance at the green digits atop the stove. 12:56 A.M. A wry laugh clogs your throat as you suddenly remember what you had told him two weeks ago on your first date. Though, this begs the question: do you regret telling him that? No, actually. Because now, you will finally be able to fall asleep in his arms again. Plus, he brought you food for unintentional compensation of waking you. That's commendable.
He returns from the bathroom, his new clothes lay over dry skin. Yet, his hair is still damp and sticking every which way. He vehemently shakes his head like a wet dog, sending a few droplets to brush your skin.
He tugs on the top of his shirt, bringing it across his forehead to wipe at straying rain.
Then, he stands still. A simper creeps across his face and he approaches you, entrapping you in his arms. Gently, he sways you, mimicking the boat on the lake. "Sorry for showing up unexpectedly. Jisung kicked me out."
You fight his grip to look up at him. "Why?"
"I may have joked about kidnapping the cats and bringing them to our apartment."
"Was it really a joke?" you inquire.
He laughs. "No."
You press your ear against his collarbone, silently sighing. A content smile crosses your lips as you close your eyes.
A distant, long forgotten episode of Haikyuu! hums on the TV. Minho's forehead is pressed against your shoulder and his light snores usurp the quiet argument between Hinata and Kageyama. Minho's arms have gone limp around your waist, loosened by the depths of slumber.
You turn in his arms and stare at the slope of his nose. The way his lips are barely parted. The way his eyelashes tickle against his cheeks. His hair has long since dried, though frizz defies its normal shape. You smile before pressing a gentle kiss to the tip of his nose.
In your younger years you had imagined that your final year of college would be tinged with the weight of growing old. Now, every time you're with Minho—in his arms or merely in his presence—you're relieved of all of the nonsense adulthood brings. No stress. Just simply living. It's like a constant adventure with him.
His eyes peek through heavy lids and he tips his head back a little, tapping the back of the couch. In a drowsy voice, he mutters, "Stop watching me sleep, weirdo."
You giggle. "You were snoring."
He shuts his eyes again, humming as he returns his head to the pillow. Barely audible, he whispers, "I love you."
A loud thump echoes in your ears before a smile creeps up to your lips. "I love you too."
In the morning, he will deny this ever happening. Yet still, you will smile and go along with it. "Maybe I was imagining it," you will say with a shrug before disappearing to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. In your wake, he will whisper those three words again, and you will pretend you hadn't heard. Though a smile will fall on your lips when you return to him, two mugs cozied in your hands.
Now, you know that it's nearing four in the morning, and though your tiredness has long fled, you rest your forehead against his and shut your eyes. Lee Minho loves you, even if he denies saying it in his slumber-drunk world. He wants you to stay. And in return, he will stick by your side. Even when you forget Dori's birthday.
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roberttchase · 4 years
A tiny 2k fic based on @farfarawaygirl‘s post talking about wanting Matt to hallucinate/dream a future with Sylvie in the upcoming episode. Enjoy my friends! 
“Do we really need to get up?” Sylvie’s voice is soft and sleepy, and it makes Matt’s stomach flip, makes him feel warm and safe. Stretching a little, only to bring his girlfriend closer, the firefighter nods, burying his face into the crook of her neck, breathing in slowly. “Can’t we just...not show up?” 
A fond noise rises up from his throat, and the Captain laughs a little, bringing the covers up tighter around them. It’s cold and rainy outside, clouds hanging low, the sky dark. The perfect day for staying inside and not going to shift. 
“As much as I want to, you know Boden wouldn’t be happy. His PIC and his Captain not showing up? The house would burn to the ground,” he jokes. “Okay maybe not literally, since we’re all firefighters, but…” he trails off, nose scrunching up at his lame joke. Sylvie presses a kiss to his lips, slow and sweet. 
“Sometimes it’s annoying that you’re so responsible and dependable, Matt Casey,” the paramedic huffs. “But I love you for it. Everyone does,” she adds, making Matt blush, never one to accept praise and compliments well. But coming from his girlfriend, it makes him feel warm. 
They get up reluctantly, knowing that their jobs are; whether they want to admit it or not, important and can’t be frivolously pushed to the side. Their routine is seamless, something they’ve been doing for months now- Matt works on smoothies while Sylvie gets ready, then Sylvie feeds their little black cat while he goes to do the same. It’s effortless and makes him smile every time they put it into practice. As he finishes pouring Sylvie’s blueberry smoothie into her usual to go tumbler, his own mango one already sitting on the counter, the woman comes out in a soft sweater, setting her bag down near the door. 
“Otis said he has some big news he wants to share today,” she says as she presses a kiss to Matt’s cheek, taking her smoothie happily.
The words catch him off guard, enough to make him freeze, before remembering that Otis dying was just a nightmare of his. He’d woken up three nights ago sweating and frantic, tears burning behind his eyes as Sylvie had assured him Otis was fine, he was probably up playing fortnight or some other video game even at three am. 
“Oh? Knowing him it’s probably some convention coming to town he wants us all to go to,” the Captain snorts. Making his way back to the bedroom, Matt slips on his favorite henley and dark jeans, attempting to fix his hair that’s growing longer now that it’s cold. After he brushes his teeth and looks himself over, the man grabs his bag and makes his way back to his girlfriend. A sharp pain shoots through his head but it’s gone as quickly as it’s come, and Matt brushes it off. As the lemon wallpaper comes into view; the same as the one from Sylvie’s old apartment, Matt looks at her. 
The ride to the firehouse is filled with old N’SYNC and Backstreet Boys, and Matt grins the whole time as Sylvie sings completely engrossed into the music. He’s not sure how he got so lucky to get her to date him. The way she says ‘I love you’ sticks in him every time and makes him feel more confident of himself. Pulling up to the large brick building, the couple gets out with their bags slung on their shoulders, hold hands, and walk in. 
The morning starts even before briefing, alarm blaring out for all companies to help with a large fire at a hotel downtown. As they pull up, Matt notices the smoke billowing up from the top of the building, not black, but it’s on its way to it. Hopping out, Matt looks at his team; Otis, Kidd, Gallo and Mouch, then gives a wry smile. 
“Hope you're awake guys, this one looks big.” 
They meet up with squad, engine and ambo, and Matt goes to find the person in charge- a small woman who looks only slightly panicked, more shell shocked than anything. He hears a few of 51 directing people in and out of the building. 
“We’re going to need blueprints of the hotel. Any idea where the fire is?” 
From there it’s a rescue mission. Get everyone out as quickly as possible. Locate the fire and get it under control. On level thirteen, they run into an issue. 
“Chief, floor thirteen is rolling, we’re going to need backup to get everyone out,” Matt radio’s. “Might need to call in some more ambo relief,” he adds. 
“Copy that Casey. Sending in engine, and calling it in.” 
Two hours of intense heat, getting bodies out, and going through recovery, and finally everyone’s back at the house, already beat from the roughness of the call. 
“What a morning, huh?” Herrmann sighs, rubbing his face as he sits on the couch. Ritter and Gallo are working on breakfast, when Matt looks around and then blinks. 
“Scratch breakfast, I’m too hungry for eggs and bacon. How about we order pizza from Benny’s?” 
Everyone perks up, and Matt’s aware it’s due to the rarity of him suggesting something like this. He’s one to always stick to house made food, not big on ordering things in. It seems like everyone could use the pick me up though. Fishing his wallet out from one of his pockets, the blonde grabs his card and hands it to Gallo. “Order some pizza,” he smiles. 
“You got it Captain.” 
Kidd looks at him with her eyebrows raised. 
“Nothin’ Captain, you just seem in a good mood today is all,” the firefighter shrugs with a smile, making Mouch chuckle. 
“Casey in this good of a mood means something happened.” 
Furrowing his brow, Matt crosses his arm and lets out a huff. “I can’t just want to do something nice? It was a rough call.” 
“Leave him alone guys, he’s happy. Don’t ruin it,” Sylvie walks over from where she’s been sitting with Mackey, putting a hand on his shoulder. Another jolt of pain stabs into his temple, but barely lingers. He squeezes her arm. 
“I’m going to do paperwork, come find me when the pizza’s here?” 
“Copy that.” 
The rest of the day is, for once, blissfully easy, so far. There’s no bad calls for anyone, all mild and fairly quick. The consumption of pizza is interrupted by a small grease fire in a kitchen, but they’re all back within the hour, spirits high. 
“I don’t wanna jinx anything, but today is going pretty well,” Cruz says as he takes a bite of pizza. 
“Cruz! Shut up!” Severide calls out, rolling his eyes. Matt shakes his head. Leave it to Cruz to say it outloud. They all hold their breath, but no alarm sounds. Hallelujah. Sylvie sits next to him as they all enjoy the rest of their pizza, her hand on his knee, under the table and discreet. 
As he works on paperwork in his quarters, the paramedic walks in, sitting on his bunk. “Come sit with me, you can finish paperwork in a minute,” her voice sounds tired, just having gotten back from a run. The tone makes him look over, and he can tell instantly. It was a bad one. Moving as quickly as he can, he sits next to her, one hand cupping her cheek, thumb brushing against her soft skin. His head gives an angry throb. He ignores it. Sylvie’s upset. 
“What happened?” 
“Gunshot wound to the chest...a seven year old,” her voice is thin, wavering as tears start rolling down her cheeks. “I k-kept try to get him to wake up.” He wraps his arms around her tightly, kissing her hair. His head won’t stop throbbing now. He swallows against it. 
“Sylvie...you did all you could. I know you did,” Matt tries to reassure her, though he knows it’s probably not helping much. She looks up at him, heartbreak written all over her face. “He w-wouldnt...he was lying there motionless...I needed him to wake up Matt...I c-can’t…” 
Looking down at the petite blonde, his head feels suddenly like it’s being cracked in two. The pained gasp that leaves his lips is unstoppable, and he screws his eyes shut tightly. He can feel Sylvie shift. His body is rigid, his skull feels like someone’s hit it with a hammer. 
“Matt? What’s going on? Matt…”
He’s falling. Eyes still shut, Matt feels nausea well up inside him. The pain is all consuming. He struggles to open his eyes, and when he does, he’s in a completely different room. He’s disoriented, can’t quite get a hold of what’s real and what’s not. Is he dreaming? The pain in his head is angry and out for vengeance. The room is….is…. Matt’s mind feels like it’s grasping for straws, like words are right out of reach. His eyes move around. He feels hazy and sick. The beeping that’s coming from...somewhere, is hurting his head. His eyes shut. 
Sluggishly, he blinks again, and a man with jet black hair is in front of him. “Matt, are you with me?,” the man asks, dressed in dark red scrubs. There’s a name embroidered on his shirt but it’s fuzzy. A pretty woman with curly hair is standing next to him. Choi, April, his mind supplies. He’s in the hospital. He can’t remember why. Can’t remember anything before then night prior, sitting in Molly’s with Severide. 
Head throbbing, Matt licks his lips, nodding minutely. “Mm...y-yeah…” the word dies out. “Wh-What…” The Captain’s exhausted, and his eyes slip closed again, unable to stay open. 
“Matt, I need you to stay awake, can you open your eyes?” 
He tries, but it’s no use. It hurts. Everything hurts. 
“Matt, can you tell me your full name?” 
Struggling, the blonde opens his eyes again. “Matt...Matt Casey.” 
“Good, good. And can you tell me what hurts?” 
“Head...s’gonna explode…”
“Okay, we’ll get you medicine for that.” Choi turns to April, nodding as she walks out. “And can you tell me what the last thing you remember is?” 
It takes a moment. He remembers Severide, and then...then….a car. A man driving and he was holding on...then...pain. Excruciating pain, ringing in his ears. Getting back to the firehouse, promising he was okay. Sylvie. 
“L-Locker room with Sylvie...I was dizzy.” His words sound slow even to himself. Matt swallows and brings a shaky hand to his face. A painful tug on the back of it notifies him he’s got a line in. 
Choi nods, writing something down. “You’re doing great. We’re going to get you in for a CT scan right away, but the fact you remember somewhat is good. How’s the pain? 1 to 10?” 
“10,” Matt grits out, becoming more and more aware of the sharp pains encompassing his head. April’s at his side seconds later. 
“I’m giving you some morphine, I’m doing it slowly. You should feel it in about ten seconds okay? You’ll feel warm and fuzzy, that’s normal.” He wants to tell her he’s already fuzzy, but instead he nods. Just as she’s said, he does feel almost instantly warm, and then it’s like he’s floating. His mind drifts back to Sylvie. They were dating. They were together. But no, that’s not right. Grainger.
“Is…can...wh-where’s Sylvie..” Matt’s certain she brought him in, she was the last person he can recall seeing. 
“I think she’s out in the waiting area, breaking covid protocol,” April says with a small smile. 
“I’ll get her for you, but only for a few minutes, once we get the CT room we’re taking you,” Choi adds.
They both leave and Matt’s left to his floaty thoughts. He wants to kiss Sylvie again, wants to hold her hand and call her sweetheart. He remembers, now, her telling him he was still in love with Gabby. That’s not true. It hasn’t been for over a year, more than that really. He needs her. He doesn’t want to see her with Grainger, he wants to be the one to let her know how special and loved she is. He loves her. The curtain slides, and Matt sees Sylvie walk in. Her eyes are puffy and red, and he can see wetness clinging to her cheeks telling him she’s been crying. He doesn’t want her to cry. 
The paramedics face crumples, and as she gets closer she scrubs at her eyes and face. “M-Matt.” It’s choked and distraught, and Matt slowly, lazily holds out the hand closest to her. 
Sitting in the plastic chair, Sylvie brings it as close to the hospital bed as she can and grabs his hand hesitantly.  He wishes he could hug her, comfort her more than with just a hand hold. 
“Sorry to interrupt, but we need to take him for the CT scan,” April walks back in, looking apologetic. 
“Please don’t leave,” Matt slurs, and Sylvie lets out a choked laugh. 
“I’m not going anywhere Matt Casey, I promise.” 
When he’s not in the hospital, he’s going to fight for her. Grainger be damned, Matt’s going to somehow prove to her he’s not in love with Gabby anymore, and that Sylvie isn’t a consolation prize. She does deserve to be with someone who puts her first. And that someone is going to be him.
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dp-marvel94 · 3 years
Face to Face- Chapter 32
Summary: When Danny went through the ghost catcher, he expected to be cured of the ghostliness that had haunted him since the accident, not to wake up on the lab floor with his parents saying he’d been overshadowed but everything’s back to normal now. But why does Danny Fenton cry himself to sleep to then dream of flying? Why does Phantom, the ghost who was supposedly possessing Danny remember a life that wasn’t his? Most of all, why do both the human and the ghost feel that something vital is missing, in their very soul? Or: Trying to cure himself of his powers one month after the accident, Danny accidentally splits himself but neither his ghost nor his human half know that that is what they did
First -> Last -> Next
Word Count: 6,098
Also on AO3 and Fanfiction.net
Note:What is this?! Another Face to Face update. I'm still struggling through my first phic phight story and hoping some comments on this will encourage me. Thanks for reading as always!
Phantom stayed still for a long moment, looking out over the Ghost Zone. He took a deep breath and  watched the floating rocks, the swirling clouds, and the purple doors. He braced himself and slowly floated to his feet. He needed to head out there. Tentatively, he reached out with his mind and plucked at the line. Like Fenton said, it was there, the link between him and his other half. And….a moment later, he received a tug in kind. His confidence grew. Yes, he could do this. He could find his way home.
With that, the ghost flew. He carefully followed the line, over islands and past doors. He slipped between rocks and paused, looking upward to what looked like a river suspended in mid-air and flowing downward. Phantom’s eyes widened in awe at the sight but he kept going. All the while, he looked around with keen attention. It wouldn’t do, to be attacked by another ghost again. Luckily, he didn’t see or sense anything large or notable. Instead, his brow wrinkled as he flew past a small group of what looked like globs of ectoplasm with eyes. One of the little ghosts (at least he thought they were ghosts) looked at Danny. It blinked slowly before letting out a chirp and darting away with the others. 
Phantom watched for a moment as the small creatures flew away. Then He sloped downward, below a tree covered island. He gaped at the sight. Trees?! There were actually trees here, even though there didn’t appear to be any sun, moon, or stars. So...wait...where did the light come from? And were those the ghosts of dead trees or-
The ghost shook his head, clearing the questions about his surroundings from his mind. It really was incredible being here, even if the circumstances were...not so great. He might just have to come back, after everything was sorted...assuming that things could be fixed with Mom. The boy bit his lip. He couldn’t worry about that, not right now. 
“Focus, Phantom.” He chided himself. He had to follow the line, get back to the real world.
The ghost boy’s brow then furrowed, eyes falling on something in the distance. A rectangular shape. White, standing out in stark contrast against the green atmosphere. And…. he tugged the line again….the way home was in that direction.
Less than five minutes later, the object became clear in his view. “It’s...Casper High?” Phantom muttered.
There in front of him was a black and white version of the school, complete with the American flag and the name plastered above the door in big letters. It was strange, bizarre. Why would there be a version of his high school in the ghost zone? And….he frowned, feeling his tether. Why did the path he was following back to Fenton lead him here? Phantom furrowed his brow. He hadn’t come this way before; he would have remembered seeing this weird building. But…. yep, the line was leading him here and...he could feel he was really close.
The ghost straightened, bracing himself. Cautiously but with forced confidence, he floated up to the doors and slowly pushed them open to find…. an empty hallway, identical to the front hall at Casper, even if it was in monochrome.
“Hello?” He called quietly as he crossed the threshold.
No reply came as Phantom continued onward. His core pulsed nervously at the silence of the eerily familiar space. It was strange, seeing it so empty and quiet. And it was fittingly haunting for a ghostly double of his school. But why was this here? Why did it look like Casper High? And why was it in black and white?
The ghost boy swallowed, pushing the questions away and floating down the hallways. He looked side to side, watching for any movement. His ghost sense hadn’t gone off, but being in an enclosed space was making him anxious. But at the same time….he was so close to….something. Something that would lead him home. But what?
Suddenly, the doors he’d come through slammed shut, earning a gasp from Phantom. “Who’s...who’s there?”
Something flickered at the edge of his vision. Head jerking to the side, he turned to find...nothing. The boy frowned, opening his mouth to call out. Then there was a bang behind him. Startled, Phantom wiped back around to find locker doors banging open and closed on their own.
“I don’t want any trouble.” The ghost boy started, voice wavering with fear.
Again, something flickered beside him. There was a staticy laugh. Phantom turned again and…. His heart would have skipped a beat, if it was in his chest. There was a monochrome teenager, a buff looking guy with slicked back hair and a leather jacket. He reminded Ghost Danny uncanningly of Dash. The figure opened his mouth, static exiting. Then he pushed the ghost boy. 
Phantom stumbled, letting out a surprised cry as his back hit something solid. He turned, looking up at a scowling girl in a poodle shirt. She turned up her nose, pushing the ghost boy away. “Wait! Stop!” His eyes widened as he fell forward again, this time hitting another jock. “I don’t wanna fight!” The other teen, in a letterman, grabbed Phantom’s arm and shoved him to the floor.
The ghost boy hit the ground with a start, the impact knocking the air from his only semi-illusionary lungs. He rolled onto his back, paling at what was around him. A crowd of black-and-white teenagers, all wearing retro clothing, maybe from the fifties? They towered over him, scowling and jeering down at him. 
“Stop! Please!” Phantom covered his ears, wincing in pain at the sound. It was static, hundreds of voices speaking over each other. And they were laughing, mocking. It was years of insults. Freak, coward, geek, nerd, weak, worthless, dead, wrong, unnatural, monster. 
The ghost boy curled in on himself. “Please! I’m lost...I’m sorry I…” 
Don’t belong here...Don’t belong. Invader. 
“I don’t….” 
Trespasser. Invader. Leave! Leave, freak! 
“I… I know I’m not supposed to be here. I’m lost..I…” 
Leave! Dead! Go! The voices hissed. Don’t belong, monster! 
“Please! Stop!” Phantom begged.
The words pressed down on him and his chest heaved with panic. He whimpered as the volume rose, growing into a roar. Phantom bit back a cry as he pressed his hands to his ears, like he could block out the noise, keep out the words. He wanted to move, like the voices were demanding but he couldn’t, too frozen in fear. Instead he sobbed. “I just wanna go home.”
“Enough!” A single voice shouted. There was a whirl, a sound like gall forces winds. And then silence.  “You can’t just barge into someone’s lair!”
“I...I..I’m sorry.” Phantom fixed his head down, whole body shaking. “I just...I got lost and was trying to get home but I ended up here ‘cause-” His words cut off as his ghost sense billowed out of his mouth and he coughed.
The ghost boy paled, looking cross eyed at the mist. He slowly looked up, eyes falling on the speaker. Like the other teens, he was monochrome but looked like a stereotypical nerd, with coke bottle glasses, a bowler haircut, a polo, and a bowtie. He fit the same fifties aesthetic yet somehow...there was something different about him compared to the other. He was more vivid, more solid than the others, almost like…. 
“Are you gonna say anything buster?” The crowd around them was still and silent even as the nerd floated half a foot closer, his fists balled.
“Yeah..Umm...Sorry, I..” Phantom stuttered. His eyes then widened as his ghost sense billowed out of his mouth again. That had only happened once this singular figure showed up, not before and not by the others. The others that had stopped when the nerd told them too. “You’re a ghost.” Ghost Danny whispered, meeting the glasses-covered eyes.
The other ghost scowled. “You don’t say.”
Phantom averted his eyes again, blushing. “No...sorry...I..I mean..you’re not...you’re not like…whatever these are.” The ghost boy motioned to the crowd around them, shivering. “You’re an actual ghost.” He whispered the last part, before glancing up, at the other, now confused looking ghost. 
The other ghost’s brow furrowed behind his glasses. He raised his hand, making Phantom flinch. But instead of swinging his arm to punch or lighting his fist with ectoenergy like Ghost Danny expected, the nerd snapped his fingers and commanded. “Leave us.” 
With that, the teenagers around the ghost boy seemed to flicker, their outlines wavering. Without any movement, the crowd disappeared, leaving Phantom and the other ghost alone. The nerd lowered his arm, his fist relaxing.
That did little to comfort Phantom. His pulse pounded in his head as he wrung his hands. “So...okay...we’re alone now. And...you said this was your lair? I...uh...don’t know what that means but...I can leave...I can leave now since those guys didn’t seem to want me here-”
“Sorry about that.” The quiet words interrupted the ramble. 
“What?” Phantom blinked, looking up at the other ghost.
The nerd didn’t look angry anymore but instead almost….bashful, holding his hand out. “My shadows got out of hand. They aren’t supposed to be that cruel.”
The ghost boy just gapped, looking between the offered hand and the other ghost’s face. His mind raced, wondering what was going on. What was with the sudden change in attitude? He bit his lip. The other ghost wasn’t attacking him or...using those not-ghosts (he called them shadows?) to attack him. Maybe that apology was authentic. 
Phantom took a deep breath and chose to be brave. Tentatively, he took the offered hand and allowed the other ghost to pull him up.
Then there was silence. The ghost Danny shifted nervously in the air as he studied the other ghost. And the other ghost studied him, his expression curious yet vaguely sad.
Phantom finally coughed, pointing back the way he came. “I’ll just...I’ll leave now. Sorry again for barraging in. And uh…bye.” Slowly, he floated backward, keeping one eye on the other ghost.
“Wait.” The nerd reached forward. “You’re new, aren’t ya?” The ghost boy stopped, turning more fully towards the other ghost as he continued. “You haven’t been a ghost for a long time.”
Phantom’s eyes widened, his mouth opening and closing. “Um..uhh...yeah… I haven’t been...like this very long.” He swallowed. “How did you...how did you know?”
The other ghost’s expression softened. “You’re still trying to breath.” At the words, Phantom reflectively stopped, holding his breath with wide eyes. “It’s alright. That’s a tough habit to break.” The other ghost held out of hand, as if to shake. “I’m Sidney Pointdexter, by the way.”
The other ghost blinked at the hand. After a long pause, he grasped it. “I’m Danny….Danny Phantom.”
“Phantom.” The nerd nodded. “So you already picked a name.”
“Yeah?” So apparently, that was a thing? Phantom rubbed the back of his neck. “You can call me Danny though.” 
“Danny.” The other ghost half-smile. “You can call me Sidney then.” Sidney’s expression then turned more serious. “Obviously you didn’t know but... if you want to go inside someone’s lair, you need to announce yourself and ask permission to enter.”
“Oh, okay. Sorry” Phantom blushed. “I’ll...I’ll do that next time.”
“Good.” Sidney crossed his arms. “You’re lucky you barged in on me, mister. If it’d been Skulker, he would have skinned you.”
The ghost boy swallowed, suddenly anxious. His eyes bulged. “Really?!”
The other ghost nodded. “That hunter can be very possessive and mean.” Sidney then scowled. “But I’d never do that. I’m not a bully.” The other ghost then shook his head. “Anyway...why did you come here?”
Phantom’s core pulsed awkwardly at the question. “I..uh…” It wasn’t said with any anger or accusation, but innocently curious. But still, the ghost boy struggled to explain why he’d come inside. The line connecting him to his other self had led here but...how could he explain that? He swallowed. “This looks like my school, Casper High.”
Sidney blinked, eyes widening. “You went to Casper?” The corner of his lip turned up.
“Yeah.” The ghost boy bit his lip, not knowing what to say. Instead, he turned towards the door and pointed. “Yeah...thanks for the advice but...I should go so…”
“You don’t have to yet.” The other ghost’s eyes were slightly pleading. “Why don’t you rest for a bit? And I get you something to eat and drink? You look like you need it.”
Phantom blinked. “Ghosts eat?”
Sidney frowned, slightly alarmed. “Yes? Come on.” He grabbed the other boy’s arm. “That’s it. I’m making you some tea and a sandwich. I think I still have some cookies too.”
The ghost boy didn’t resist, instead gawking as the other ghost pulled him down the hallway and towards the cafeteria. His mind sputtered, trying to overcome the emotional whiplash. Seconds later, the pair floated in the cafeteria’s kitchen. Sidney grabbed a tea kettle off the stove, filled it with what looked like water from the sink, and placed it on the burner. Then he opened the fridge and pulled out what looked like slices of cheese and luncheon meat.
Phantom just stared in disbelief. Sidney turned back towards him. “I have some tiger fruit too. I grow it in the courtyard. Do you want to try some?” He held up a round, stripped fruit, the orange and black standing out in bright contrast to the monochrome environment.
The ghost boy wrinkled his nose. “What is it?”
Sidney looked down at the fruit. “It kind of tastes like an apple. It’s native to the Infinite Realms though. I don’t think it has a Material World counterpart.” He smiled. “It’s really delicious.”
“Alright?” Phantom shook his head. There was a lot of information there. Then he shrugged. “Sure.”
The other ghost nodded, quickly preparing a plate and two cups of tea. He turned back to ghost Danny. “Let’s sit in the cafeteria.”
Without question, Phantom followed. Nervously tapping his hand on his leg, he sat down and took the steaming cup offered to him. The ghost blinked, studying the liquid. It actually felt warm in his hands. He moved the cup, closing watching the liquid sloshing in the cup like water. It did actually look like tea. Tentatively, Phantom looked up, glancing at the other ghost who was sitting across from him. Sidney was blowing his own cup before taking a small sip. 
It was only then that where he was and what he was doing actually hit the boy. He was sitting in a ghostly version of his school cafeteria, with the ghost of a teenage boy who died in the fifties, based on his appearance. Phantom looked down at his plate again. And there was weird, slightly glowing ghost-food in front of him. 
Sidney’s words drew his attention. “Go ahead. Try the tea. It’s not poison” The nerd half smiled at Danny with a nod. 
Phantom looked down at his cup again, doubtfully. His stomach flopped as he considered. He was wary of trying the beverage. What actually was it? It couldn’t be actually tea, like his sister liked to drink. Could it hurt him? Weren’t there myths or something about how if you eat something in the land of the dead you can’t leave? Or was that fairies? Or...wait...did that only apply to humans? He wasn’t exactly human right now; he was a ghost. And this was food meant for ghosts. And….
“It won’t hurt you. And it’s good. I promise you’ll love it.” The other ghost encouraged patiently.
Phantom picked up the cup, again noticing the comforting warmth. It was still softly billowing steam. And it smelled so good, sweet and citrusy. Tentatively, he blew on the cup to cool it. He really did want to try it. Ignoring his doubts, ghost Danny finally took a small sip.
Phantom blinked rapidly, taking another sip. “I can taste this.” He muttered numbly before taking another sip of the fresh, lemony liquid. 
Excitement grew at the realization. He then looked down at his sandwich. Putting the cup down, he took a small bit. The savory taste of bread, cheese, ham. He took a larger bit. “I can taste this!”
“Of course you can.” Across from him, Sidney said in disbelief.
Phantom looked up, talking through his full mouth. “No I...I haven’t eaten in weeks.” He swallowed. “I mean...I tried but I couldn’t taste anything so I gave up.”
“Gave… up?” The other ghost blinked.
“Yeah. But-” Phantom stuffed a cookie in his mouth, groaning in pleasure at the taste. “But how?”
“How?” Sidney held out his hands. “It’s just lair made food.”
“Lair made?”
“Yeah, as in the lair made it?” The other ghost’s mouth fell open at the lack of recognition. “The lair basically took free ectoplasm and shaped it into food that we can eat.”
Phantom dropped the sandwich. “Ectoplasm?”
“Yes. Everything here is made of ectoplasm, even us.” Sidney answered like it was obvious. “Why wouldn’t the food be?”
At that, the ghost boy looked down at the meal with new realization. “That makes sense.”
The ghostly nerd nodded. “Yes. How don’t you know that? And why couldn’t you taste anything earlier?” His brow furrowed in deep confusion. “You said you tried food. But….you didn’t know that ghosts can eat….or need to eat?”
Phantom picked up the sandwich again, taking a few more bits to finish it. His mind whirled. “We need to eat? But we’re dead so….” He took another cookie, smiling at the taste.
Sidney gapped. “Of course we need to eat! Haven’t you been hungry?”
“Hungry?” Phantom put a hand over his stomach. No, he hadn’t been hungry in that way but...he moved his hand over his core. He’d gotten tired from overusing his powers and...he’d felt the Zone calling to him, like...like he needed to go to it for nourishment. “I have been.” He whispered. 
“But you hadn’t realized?” The nerd face palmed. “No wonder you look so sickly.”
The other ghost looked up, mouth falling open. “What?”
“You’re barely glowing. And you’re so pale. They’re no color in your skin.”
Phantom pointed. “You’re likely in black and white?!”
Sidney raised a brow, motioning down his body. “This is an intentional aesthetic.” His image wavered briefly, before the other ghost was in full color. His skin was a pale green and his eyes a glowing silver. 
“Oh.” The ghost boy muttered.
“Yes.” The other boy nodded, motioning to the plate. “Go ahead and finish. You’re lookin’ better already.”
Phantom didn’t need to be told twice. He finished the sandwich and the cookies.
Sidney crossed his arms. “I don’t understand how you didn’t realize. You should have at least been passively absorbing ectoplasm through your skin.” So apparently, that was something else ghosts could do. 
The ghost boy shrugged, taking a bite of the fruit. He paused, staring down at it. “This is really good.”
The other ghost smiled. “Isn’t it? I can give you some seeds. The bushes grow very well in lairs, if you want to plant some.” He tapped his chin. “Is your lair near here? You were trying to get back there, right? You did say that you were lost earlier.”
“I did say I was lost.” Phantom said, swallowing a bit of his tiger fruit. He then bit his lip nervously. “But...I’m not trying to get back to my….lair? I don’t have one of those, I don’t think…..Not that I’m that clear on what exactly a lair is.”
Sidney again furrowed his brow, looking bewildered. “This is a lair.” He motioned around them.
“No, I get that.” Phantom sighed. “But...what is this? Why does it look like a high school? Where did that food come from? And those people...you called them, shadows? What are those?” The other ghost was still looking at him in confusion as an idea suddenly hit the ghost Danny. “Wait...is this like your house? Like you live here. Or...err...I guess that’s not the right word. Afterlive?” His speech quickened. “If it is, I’m so sorry for barging into your house. I get why you’d be mad about that but I swear I didn’t mean-”
“Danny.” The other ghost said pointedly, making Phantom’s mouth snap shut. “It’s fine. I understand. Just…” Sidney pinched the bridge of his nose. “Let me explain?”
Phantom nodded, blushing in embarrassment.
“A lair is like a ghost’s house but...It’s more personalized. It might reflect somewhere from your life or a place you’ve always wanted to see. It’s different for every ghost but based on your subconscious desires and your obsession.”
“Alright.” The ghost boy glanced around. “So this is your school from when you were alive. But still...who were those people that...attacked me?”
“Those weren’t people. They were shadows. They’re part of the lair.”
“So you do control them.”
“Somewhat?” Sidney waved his hand in a so-so motion. “As I said, your subconscious is what molds the lair.” He balled his fists. “So those shadows are reflections of people, bullies, I knew when I was alive.”
Phantom bit his lip, nervous at the anger in the statement. And he wondered. Obviously the shadows were something of a security system. But there must be more as well. There was the anger that the other ghost had shown twice now when talking about bullies. And what was that he said about obsessions having a role?
“Alright, okay.” Ghost Danny bit his lip. “But...what about your obsession? How does that-”
“Don’t.” Sidney suddenly snapped, his eyes flashing. “Never, ever ask another ghost about their obsession.”
Phantom shrunk in on himself, his shoulders falling. “Sorry.”
The other ghost’s expression softened. “You didn’t know. It’s okay. But...that’s personal to me. I don’t like to think about it, much less talk about it to someone I just met. So...don’t ask unless someone brings it up first, okay? Other ghosts aren’t as nice as me. If you asked Ember, she would fry you.”
“Okay.” The ghost boy paled, nodding furiously. 
Sidney also nodded, taking a sip of his tea. Phantom finished his fruit, while his mind struggled to process all he’d learned. About how ghosts had to eat and about ghostly food. About lairs and shadows and not asking about obsessions. It was a lot, and there were so many more questions he could ask. But he had no idea what to ask now. 
And again, the reality hit Phantom. He was sitting in a ghost’s lair, having a genial conversation like he was just a new neighbor. Not one half of a human-ghost hybrid who was trying to get back to his other half in the real world. With that, there was a small push in the back of Phantom’s mind. Yes, right. He needed to get back to following his tether to Fenton. But again...why had the line led him here?
The ghost boy put down the core of his tiger fruit once he’d finished. That got Sidney’s attention. “You’re done. Do you want anything else to eat?”
“No, thank you.” Phantom shook his head. “Actually...I need to go home.”
“Back to your lair?” Sidney questioned.
“No, I don’t have one of those.”
“Oh that’s right.” The other ghost said, frowning. “So where are you going?”
Ghost Danny bit his lip, considering. “The...the human world or...err...I think you called it the Material Realm?”
Sidney blinked, a strange mixture of shock, confusion, and worry on his face. “What? Why?”
Phantom sighed, rubbing his head. How to explain this. Guess he’d have to start at the beginning...and keep it simple. “That’s where I’ve been ever since I…..you know…” He motioned up and down his body. “About a month and a half.”
The other ghost’s mouth fell open, his eyes bulging. “You’ve been...In the living realm?”
“Yep.” Ghost Danny nodded.
“In the living realm?” Sidney put his hands on his head. “The material realm? Really, the living realm? And….” His voice pitched up in disbelief. “For a month and a half? Since you died? Wait...you’ve only been dead for a month and a half? And...that’s where you were...the whole time...but...how? And…” He waved his arms. “No wonder you look so starved!”
“Starved?” Phantom muttered, even as the other ghost continued.
“And how did you even form in the material realm?” Sidney exclaimed. “That just doesn’t happen, ever! And then how did you get here? Portals are so rare!”
“Sidney!” Ghost Danny interrupted, causing the other ghost’s mouth to snap shut. Knowing he’d gotten his host's attention, he continued. “So...long story short. My parents are ghosts hunters and researchers. They’re scientists who made a portal to...this place. They call it the Ghost Zone. And well...I went inside their portal, turned it on, and...umm...it..well...it killed me.” Phantom looked down, his core clenching at the words and the pitying look on the other ghost’s face. 
“But...I walked out of the portal. I’m still here...even if I’m different now.” He paused for a moment, considering the words. He’d said as much to Mom earlier. And he believed them. But…
“I did...I did try to act like nothing was different for a month after that accident, like I hadn’t changed. But….it’s really obvious now. Mom and Dad know what happened and…” He shivered, recent memories hitting him. “Mom and I had a fight. I wanted to talk to her about...some very hurtful stuff she’d said but….” 
Phantom bit his lip. “It went bad. We were both yelling and Mom got really upset and said...she said…” The words sputtered to a stop as what Mom had said repeated in his head. He was supposed to be normal, human, alive. He wasn’t supposed to be a ghost.  He swallowed. “I started crying….and…” Mom’s shocked and distressed face flashed in his mind, her desperate expression as she reached towards him. “I ran away. I didn’t even think. I just flew through the portal ‘cause I just couldn’t be in the same room as her. I just had to get away but…” He put his head in his hands. 
“Now I’m lost somewhere in the Ghost Zone and Mom is probably freaking out. Dad and Jazz too if she told them.” Phantom then shivered, looking up. “I need to get back to them.” He balled his fists in determination. “I need to get back to my parents, my sister, my friends, and my hum-” 
Phantom snapped his mouth shut on the last word as doubt suddenly flickered through him. Human half, he was going to say. But...he hadn’t mentioned that little fact at all. And the idea of explaining was daunting. His insides squirmed. What would a real, actual proper ghost think of that, of him? Both human and a ghost, living and dead, at the same time. Or...half of each, somewhere in the middle. Or maybe even neither, something else entirely. He didn’t know and he was suddenly terrified to find out.
So instead, ghost Danny kept his mouth shut as he slowly looked up. He blushed. “I can’t believe I told you all that.” His shoulders fell. “I must sound so pathetic.”
“No, of course not.” Sidney said kindly. He was studying Phantom curiously, yet also oddly sad. He raised a brow, looking like he still wanted to ask about the other’s near slip up. But he didn’t. Maybe he sensed it was personal, maybe he thought Phantom would refuse to answer if asked. Either way,  Sidney didn’t press. Instead, after a long pause he finally said. “But I know why you came here now.”
Phantom blinked in surprise. “What?”
“You’re looking for a portal to the living world.” The other ghost stood. “I might have something to help you. Follow me.”
Ghost Danny’s eyes widened at the statement but he obeyed without question. He floated out of his seat and took his place behind Sidney as he flew out of the cafeteria. The pair hovered down a familiar hallway. Soon enough, they stopped in front of a rusty looking locker numbered 724. Phantom looked at the door curiously. 
Across from him, Sidney asked. “Did another ghost tell you about my portal?”
Ghost Danny turned to face the other ghost, brow furrowing. “Your portal?” He shook his head. “No one told me.” He blushed. “You’re actually the first ghost I’ve ever talked to.”
The other ghost frowned. “Then how did you know this was here?”
“I didn’t.” Phantom glanced at the door again, reaching out with his mind. He tugged on the tether connecting him to Fenton and the line grew taunt. His eyes widened. There, behind the door, he sensed...something. “But...I sensed something. It...the line...it was leading me here.”
“Line?” Sidney asked.
The ghost boy glanced back at his host, eyes widening. “Yeah..I’m...uh..I’m” He bit his lip nervously. “I’m….connected to someone in the material world...like mentally.”
The other ghost raised a brow, clearly wanting to know more.
Phantom coughed, changing the subject. “So...uh...how does this work? How do I get through?”
Sidney frowned but answered the question anyway as he opened the locker door. “The mirror is the portal. It leads to the real Casper High.”
Ghost Danny blinked, studying the mirror. “That? But it’s so small and… where’s the swirling green light?” His brow furrowed as he remembered his parents’ portal.
The ghostly nerd shook his head. “It’s not always active. It’s only open for a few minutes during the witching hour of the full moon...and on the equinoxes and solstices. But” He raised a finger seriously. “There is a full moon tonight.”
Phantom raised a brow, wondering how exactly the other ghost knew that. But he didn’t ask. Instead, he looked at the mirror again. Was it really through there, his way home? Closing his eyes, the ghost boy reached out with his mind once again. Yep, yes. He was sensing something. Fenton...Fenton was through there but…. He glanced back down the hallway, towards the way he’d come. Theoretically, he could try to find his parents’ portal or he could stay here and go through when the portal opened in a little over 12 hours….and leave his loved ones worrying for longer.
Then there was a gentle tug on the line. Something tickled in the back of his mind. The corner of Phantom’s lip turned up. He could feel Fenton’s keen interest on him. Oh yeah, he could tell or show Fenton what was happening and ask him to tell their family and friends that he was okay.
Finally, Phantom sighed. “I guess I’m waiting then.”
Sidney nodded. Then his expression turned more serious. “Make sure you’re sure you want to do this, though.”
The other ghost blinked. “Of course, I want to do this. Why wouldn’t I?”
The nerd bit his lip. “Well...I should tell you not to go through the portal. You could get trapped on the other side and ghosts that get trapped in the material realm...they starve. They get weak and desperate and angry.” He shivered. “It’s a horrible way to exist but…” He looked up. “If you think you need to do this, I’ll help you.” His eyes flickered to the floor. “If I had another chance to talk to my parents, I’d take it.”
“Your...parents?” Phantom asked quietly.
Sidney wrapped his arms around himself. “They moved away from Amity Park after I….you know.” His voice quieted. “By the time I found this portal, it was too late. They’d already moved.” He shivered. “I know it would have hurt them to see me like this but...I still wish I could have. I should have told them how much I loved them, how sorry I was that all this happened.” 
That sobered Phantom. For a long moment, he stared at the other ghost and it really hit him. This was a dead teenager, a dead kid who’d had family and friends. Hopes, dreams, memories. A life...just like him.  “We’re not...we’re not that different.” Ghost Danny muttered.
Sidney finally looked up. “No, I don’t think that we are. So…” The other ghost shifted nervously in the air. “I don’t know what all happened with your mom but….talk to her.” His voice pitched up, hopeful yet sad. Not demanding but a kind suggestion from someone with experience...and regrets. “Try to make things right with her if you can. Don’t give up yet.”
Phantom swallowed, considering. He didn’t really know what to think of the other ghost’s advice. Earlier, right after the fight, he might have been angry at the suggestion. He’d tried to make things right and had failed; it wasn’t his responsibility to try again if there was no fixing things but...Mom’s face flashed in his mind again. Her guilt, her desperation as he darted through the portal. And it was simple. She was his mom and he loved her, damnit. He couldn’t just turn that off, couldn’t stop wanting her to love and accept him. He couldn’t stop hoping that she would.
“Alright.” Ghost Danny wrung his hands. “I’ll...keep that in mind.” The way he saw it, another conversation was inevitable. Knowing his sister and dad, they would insist on talking about everything as a family. But he had a choice about how he would approach that conversation. Maybe he could approach it with the hope that things would get better, even if he’d be wary to trust again.
With that, Phantom pushed the thought away, focusing on the ghost in front of him, “Thank you for the advice. And for telling me stuff. I’ve learned a lot.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Man, I knew I didn’t know much but...I don’t seem actually to know anything at all.”
Sidney nodded. “No sweat, pal.” He half-smiled. “This is the most exciting day I’ve had in years. We can hang out ‘til the portal opens and I can answer more questions.” 
“That would be awesome.” Phantom finally smiled. “You’re actually a really cool dude, Sidney.”
The other ghost beamed and ghost Danny was happy he’d managed to wander into this ghost’s lair. He’d be in big...err...bigger trouble if he hadn’t. He’d learned a ton about ghosts, gotten a much needed meal, and would be home in a few...hours. His thoughts trailed off at the end as he felt an excited mental nudge.
In the lair, Sidney physically nudged him. “Danny?” He questioned, pointing towards the mirror. His voice turned sad. “Is that what you looked like when you were alive?”
“When I was….alive?” Phantom turned and his eyes widened, taking in his reflection. In the mirror, he had black hair, blue eyes, and was wearing a white and red t-shirt.
Phantom! There was an excited exclamation in his head. At the same time, his reflection’s eyes widened.
“That’s not my reflection.” The ghost’s mouth stretched into a grin. He placed both hands on the mirror. “I’m here! I’m right here! I can see you.”
Across the mirror, Fenton smiled. You’re okay. The words were mouthed through the mirror and communicated in the ghost’s head.
“Yeah! I’m fine. I’m-” Phantom cut himself off as Fenton placed his own hands on the mirror, directly opposite his other half’s. Instantly, a warmth coursed into the ghost boy. His eyes widened as a wave of green passed over the mirror. “It’s open.” He muttered, sounding awed. 
Phantom didn’t quite understand how but the portal was opened. And he needed to be on the other side of it, now. With little effort, he pressed his fingers out of the mirror. He curled them around the back of Fenton’s hand as if he and his other self were holding hands.
Fenton grinned and he pulled.
Behind Phantom, Sidney called. “What are you-”
Without resistance, Phantom slipped through the mirror and right into his other self’s arms.
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angellissy · 4 years
a web of doubts
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based on this lovely request:  For an angsty request w jj, you have a bad dream that he’s cheating so you are distant and start to pull away from him even though he isn’t actually. He asks you what’s wrong and you finally tell him after a while JJ Maybank x Reader A/N: This is pure angst, so hopefully I did a good job. I really do hope you guys enjoy it, thanks for all the support <3 I have more angst coming tomorrow probably so get ready :) You could not really recall what had been the starting point for the dreams that had been plaguing you for nights now. Maybe it had been that party, the one all of you had gone home from with a sullen feeling in your stomachs. Your eyes were stuck on his back, reading the text on his back over and over again, thinking it would distract you from what he was doing. In front of him was a blonde girl, her hair was thrown up in a ponytail, enhancing her features even more. Her laugh echoed over the beach, she was laughing and smiling widely at something your boyfriend had said. You hadn’t heard what it was, but that didn’t matter did it? He had not been talking to you after all. “Stop what you’re doing.” The curly brown-haired girl beside you tugged on the sleeve of your shirt, making you turn away from your boyfriend. “I’m not doing anything.” She sighed, clearly not buying anything that was coming out of your mouth. “He loves you, but you know him, he’s a complete idiot most of the time. He probably doesn’t even realize that he is flirting with her.” You bit your lip, nodding at her words, but still not able to shake the disappointment in your stomach. Just as you were gonna say something, the loud voices of your two other best friends could be heard. “I don’t care John B!” The blonde-haired girl that had become your best friend during the last couple of months stomped towards you, not at all caring about the boy running after her with desperation and anger painted on his face. “What’s happening, are you okay?” Kie asked Sarah, now seeing the very visible tears that stained her cheeks. She vigorously shook her head “Boys are idiots, I wanna go home.” You pulled her into a side hug, her face quickly burrowed itself in your shoulder. The jumper that adorned the upper part of your body quickly became wet from the tears falling from her eyes. “I’ll go home with you, Kie is it okay? Someone needs to look after the boys, otherwise, their idiocy will get the best of them” She nodded, kissing you both on the cheek as a goodbye. You fingers interlaced with Sarahs, and with heavy hearts, both of you trudged forward. You could sense that she was looking at you, but you continued to stare ahead. “Why didn’t you say goodbye to JJ?” She asked, her voice still raspy from the sadness that had rippled through her body. “I don’t know.”
You still didn’t really know why you had chosen to just leave without a goodbye. Maybe it had been the fact that he was flirting with another girl. Showering her with the attention that you had longed for that whole night. Or maybe it was just a consequence of the way your thoughts sought to destroy everything that was good and solid in your life. 
Your thoughts were the shadows that never left your side, always clinging to your body, and you supposed that in a way, you were holding onto them too. You searched for solace in them, whether you found it or not depended on what had happened. This time, all they gave you were feelings of despair. As a spider would, they tangled you into a web of doubt and uncertainty regarding your relationship with your blonde surfer boyfriend. They had also managed to interfere with your mind to the extent that you dreamed about him, unfortunately the dreams had only ignited your bad thoughts. You looked down on the phone in your hand, your eyes were glued to the picture that adorned your background. It was of him, of course, he was lying on the grass, blonde hair sprawled all around him. His rosy lips were curled up in a smile and in one of his hands were the remains of a blunt that he had shared with all of you. The picture didn’t show it, but his other hand had been resting on your thigh, as you were the one lying next to him in the grass. You hadn’t even noticed that your screen had turned off, too busy thinking of his warm hand against your bare thigh. You were brought back to reality when it lit up, revealing a text from the boy that clouded your mind. It wasn’t the first text from him though, they had been dropping in almost every hour for the past couple of days. You had told him that you were feeling tired and that you probably wouldn’t be on your phone that much. A lie, a shit lie. You had been on your phone more than ever, looking at pictures of the two of you. “Fuck, why am I like this.” You whispered to yourself, throwing the phone away from you. It landed on the wooden floor with a thud, you hoped it had broke. That way you wouldn’t have to lie to him any more on why you had been distant. You shouldn’t have lied to him in the first place, you knew that. Fuck you knew that so much, but still, the doubts in your mind continued to grow. That night at the party had planted a seed in your mind, and continuously it had evolved into something bigger.A loud knock at your front door snapped you out of your thoughts. You didn’t want to open and have to deal with socializing, but your parents were out of town, making it your duty. You plastered on a smile and tried to gather some happy feelings in order to play your part as the happy and sweet daughter your parents had raised you as. Your fingers touched the cold door handle, and with one last sigh, you pressed it down. Only to reveal your boyfriend. “Oh hi.” You said the smile on your face was already gone. Like it had never even been there in the first place. “Why are you ignoring me?” You gulped, looking down at your feet. “I.-” You stopped, trying to figure out a valid explanation, but you didn’t have one. “I don’t know.” “You don’t know? That’s just fucking great.” His tone surprised you, it was dripping with disappointment and anger. Feelings that usually never were directed at you. “Why are you angry?” Your eyes were now staring into his, you were challenging him and you hated yourself for it. But you couldn’t help it, it was a way of protecting yourself. “You’re asking me why I am fucking angry? Maybe because my girlfriend has ignored me for like five days. All you said is that you were tired, but that’s bullshit.” “I am tired!” He scoffed at your words, shaking his head at you. “Stop fucking lying, I know you’ve been speaking to Kie and Sarah. Long calls from what John B told me.” “So what? I can’t talk to my best friends now? You’re really gonna be like that?” You muttered at him, crossing your arms over your chest. This wasn’t going well, and as on cue droplets of water started to fall from the sky. “I didn’t say that, stop making shit up. I am just wondering why my girlfriend refuses to talk to me.” “The maybe.-” You drew a breath, not realizing that you had stopped breathing. “Then maybe you should get a new girlfriend.” He looked up at you, surprise written all over his face. For a couple of seconds, all that could be heard was the way the rain fell against the ground. “Why do you say shit like that?” He exclaimed, throwing his hands up in exasperation. “Well, I don’t know maybe because you’re always cozying up with other girls at parties.” You yelled, tears brimming in your eyes. “That’s what this is about?” You nodded, not daring to open your voice. Knowing that the only sounds that would escape would be your sobs. “You’re fucking unbelievable!” His yell echoed throughout the whole neighborhood, making you sure that your neighbors would be asking your parents about this later. He backed away from the door, now standing fully in the rain. He turned his back against you and started walking, stopping a few meters away. He pulled his hands through his hair, grasping it hard enough to make his knuckles white. You covered your mouth with your hand, trying to block out the whimper that was trying to slip past through your lips. He whipped around and in just a few seconds his face was only centimeters from yours, his breath warm against your face. “I love you more than anything, fuck, I am sorry if I ever made you doubt that. I don’t.-” He paused and took your face between his hands, forcing you to look into his glossy eyes. “I don’t want to lose you, you’re the only thing keeping me sane. Everything else is pretty fucked up you know? My dad, school, work.-” He pushed a strand of hair behind your ear, you no longer knew if you were shivering from the rain or his touch. “But you, you’re like this perfect thing.” He laughed, shaking his head at himself. You still didn’t dare say anything. “I am not gonna destroy the only good thing in my life, I swear, I’ll love you till I no longer know-how.”His voice broke on the last part, and of pure instinct, you grabbed his head and burrowed it in your shoulder. He shuddered, and you were sure he was crying. It was either tears or droplets of rain that made your shoulder wet. “I love you too, I’m sorry JJ, I love you so fucking much.” You whispered, holding him closer. Afraid that he would go away, but he would never. He was bound to you, his knowledge of love was all because of you. His heart was intertwined with yours and he would never let it go. 
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scarlettwitcher · 5 years
Úlfur Minn Part Four
Request: by @laneygthememequeen: Hello lovely! I just saw that youre open to requests and are itching to write something for soft boi geralt! If you’re open to it, can I request a geralt x reader where reader seems like super innocent but is like an actual warrior/badass and he’s just like in awe. Or maybe where the reader is in like a dress for some reason and she usually doesn’t wear dresses because they’re inconvenient for fighting and ends up having to fight in the dress. take care and I hope you have a wonderful day💖
Summary: After Jaskier is finally able to convince Geralt to be his bodyguard for Pavetta’s betrothal dinner, shit goes down and Geralt has to make the decision of whether or not he should tell Y/n how he really feels.
Characters: Geralt, Reader, Jaskier, Calanthe, Eist, Mousesack, Pavetta, Duny, mentions of secondary characters in the show.
Word Count: 2609
Warnings: angst, fluff, smutty smut smutter mcsmutterson(porn lol)
Author’s Note: Alas, this is the end! I’m sad. I loved writing and posting this series, buuuuuut I was thinking of starting a Witcher Series. Its basically the netflix show in words with reader added into the mix. If that’s something y’all would like, let me know. Shoutout to my babe @queenxxxsupreme for helping me throughout this series! If you were a tag for this series and would like to remain on the Witcher tags for future content, let me know. I might just move all of my Úlfur Minn tags to my Witcher Tags. I currently have a couple of WIP’s for Geralt, Steve Rogers, and a few Marvel characters so GET EXCITED! Requests are open so if you’re craving any specific story, hit your girl up! As always, thanks for reading and feedback is always welcome/needed.
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Previously on Úlfur Minn...
“Úlfur minn, I’m not making fun of you. I’m being honest.”
“Like you’ve been when you tell me whatever that stupid name you call me means?” You felt yourself frown at his words as you tried to think of something to answer but came up blank again for the second time that night. “Yeah, thought so.” Geralt couldn’t explain why he was so angry. He was still pent up from the evening at the betrothal. He knew it was wrong to take it out on you but he was upset and he needed you to understand that you were too important to just be jumping in front of weapons for others. He stood and paced next to the bed you were laying on. Before he could further mess up the night with the woman he loved and say more, or in this case, yell more, he heard a soft whisper coming from you.
“My wolf.”
Geralt’s head snapped up to you. You weren’t looking at him but at your hands that rested on your lap. You didn’t know he hated the name, you had even hoped he liked it considering you only called him that and when you were ready, you’d reveal it to him. But as he confessed his hatred for it, you had no choice but to reveal it.
“It means My wolf. If I had known you hated it so, I wouldn’t have kept usin-”
“My wolf?” You couldn’t trust your voice and only nodded as you kept your gaze planted on your lap. Geralt moved quickly to sit beside you on the bed again as he grabbed your chin with his thumb and pointer finger, making you look up at him. You could see the guilt brimming in his eyes as he stared into yours. “Dove, I’m so-” Before he could apologize, you had moved your hand up to his lips, stopping him from finishing his sentence, while shaking your head. 
“Don’t apologize. I should've told you what it meant from the beginning. I was just… embarrassed if I’m honest. You aren’t mine to call.”
You could've sworn that Geralt kissed the tips of your fingertips before slowly moving your hand away from his lips. He watched you with such softness as he cupped your cheek, stroking his thumb across your skin gently, as if you'd break under his touch. “What if I want to be?” You blinked, stunned, but before you could answer, Geralt had wrapped his hand around the back of your neck. He pulled you into him, brushing his lips tentatively against yours before pushing into your lips, kissing you deeply. You whimpered softly into his lips and a low growl came from his chest. Geralt was starting to lose his resolve with you. He knew it was a matter of minutes before giving in and having his way with you but he knew you deserved better and used every ounce of his strength to go soft and easy. But part of him needed to feel you, hold you. He pulled you into him, your chest flush against his. He was mindful of your wounds as he tugged you in his lap, straddling him. He pulled away from the kiss as he rested his forehead against yours. He hummed softly and kissed you even harder than the last kiss, desperate to taste you again as he held you against him, wrapping an arm around your lower back. It felt almost as if he was afraid of losing you. You pulled back when your lungs begged for air and rested your forehead on his cheek, panting quietly. It took you a minute to fully comprehend that you had just kissed Geralt. While you processed the situation, he moved so you were now laying down and he was hovering over you. His golden eyes looked down at you and in that moment, you could see all of his love pouring out of his sight. It wasn't long until it looked like his eyes were almost black, clouded with lust. Lust he felt for you. You blushed under his intense gaze and looked away. He took this opportunity to kiss your neck, growling against it. 
“How much I've wanted to touch you, taste you, mark you as mine. Tell me you feel the same, my love. Tell me you want me too. Tell me you’re mine.” You moved your head back and cupped his cheeks tightly, making him look at you as you conveyed all your emotions in your eyes.
“Of course I do Úlfur minn. It's always been you. I’m yours.” Geralt growled quietly at your words as he resumed his assault on your neck, leaving dark marks in his wake. He didn’t want to leave any part of your skin untouched as he placed open mouthed kisses everywhere. His fingers moved to your middle, unlacing the corset of the dress. The moment he felt it loosen, he tugged it off of you, tossing it across the room. You watched him with wide, lustful eyes. You knew you always wanted Geralt but to finally be there, you were nervous you wouldn’t be enough for him. 
As if he was sensing your doubts, he kissed his way back up your neck until he got to your lips, kissing you like he had never kissed anyone before. One hand came up to your chest and slowly tugged your dress down to your stomach, exposing you to the Witcher’s deep eyes. He hummed appreciatively as he leaned down and captured one of your nipples into his mouth sucking and biting it. You whined out in need as he bit down harder after every noise you made. Satisfied, he moved to the other nipple, replaying the actions he did with the first one. You arched into his mouth and slowly snaked a hand into his white locks, tugging when he bit hard. Geralt groaned into your skin, and you know he liked it. He kissed down the valley of your breasts, tugging the dress further down your skin until it was to your hips. Geralt dragged his lips and tongue across your abdomen, marking you everywhere he could. He needed to see you belonged to him. “Úlfur minn, d-don’t be a tease.” You managed to gasp out, the feeling of someone else touching you intimately, so new, it was like your skin was on fire. He was everywhere all at once and it was overwhelming, in a good way.
“Be patient, my love. It’s your first and I want to do it right.” You blushed hard under his words. Geralt was able to determine you were a virgin after being with him a few months. It was like the topic of sex was taboo for you. After spending quite a bit of time with the witcher, you had come out of your shell a bit but still couldn't bring yourself to open up like that with just anyone. Geralt sat up on his knees as he dragged the coat off of himself, leaving him in his gray shirt. He wanted to feel you against him and quickly removed his shirt, tossing it to the side as he moved back on top of you, kissing you roughly as he pressed you tightly against his chest. Without breaking the kiss, he pushed the rest of your dress off, leaving you almost bare for him. He kissed back down your jaw before kissing down your chest, then your abdomen, stopping as he kissed over your panty clad core. You twitched at the sensation and whined once more, your sounds filling the quiet room. Geralt finally relented and got on his knees against the bed as he slowly tugged your panties down your leg. He took a deep breath as he stared at your soaking core. He was losing his patience. He needed you.
Geralt hooked one of your legs over his shoulder as he kissed the inside of your thighs, alternating between the two as he slowly moved closer and closer to your core. One of your hands gripped the bed tightly as the other moved to cup your mouth. You didn’t want to embarrass yourself during your first time. Geralt blew against your core as you yelped against your hand. Geralt growled quietly and bit the inside of one of your thighs to get your attention. “Let me hear you, my love.” You obeyed reluctantly and pulled your hand away from your mouth, settling it back into his messy hair. He didn’t waste any time as he latched his mouth on your clit, sucking hard, before widening his tongue and licking against your core. You couldn’t help the moans he coaxed out of you as he ate your cunt like a starved man. You tugged roughly on his hair, everything you were feeling too intense but he didn’t relent. Geralt only went harder every time you tugged his hair. He swirled his tongue across your folds, fucking you with his tongue, as he drank all of your arousal with no shame. It wasn't long until he had you on edge, close to your first orgasm. There was a deep heat at the bottom of your stomach, building and building as Geralt continued his relentless mission to make you cum. 
“Geralt! Ah, w-wai-” Before you could even finish your sentence, Geralt sucked hard on your clit, your body reacting quickly. You cried out as bursts and bursts of pleasure coursed your body, leaving you a twitching mess. You were panting heavily as your orgasm slowly relented, leaving you in a blissful daze. You couldn't enjoy it for long as Geralt got back to licking all your juices up and you whined out, twitching from over sensitivity. He chuckled quietly against your cunt as he moved a finger inside, slowly pumping in and out of your heat before slowly easing in a second finger. You cried out quietly as he stretched you out but quickly silenced your cries as he kissed you deeply. You could taste yourself on his tongue and it turned you on even more. Finally after what felt like eternity, he eased in a third finger. 
Once Geralt felt that you were ready for him, he pulled himself away from you as he untied his pants, dropping them on the floor with the rest of your clothes. You were about to complain about him leaving you before your eyes landed on his cock, and you swore your eyes were never wider. Geralt watched you and chuckled once more as he moved on top of you, kissing down your neck. “Ready my love?”
“Y-yes.” Geralt moved his hand to the side of your head on the bed to hold himself up as he grabbed his cock and dragged the head against your core. You kissed his shoulder urging him on as he found your entrance and slowly pushed the head in. You bit your lip hard, taking him as he pushed little by little in until he was fully sheathed inside of you. You had never felt so full in your life. You were both now panting as you tried to get used to the burn. It hurt. Geralt moved to look at you, concern in his eyes as he saw you scrunch your face in pain. Before he could speak, you did. “M-move, please.” 
The Witcher obliged and slowly started to rock his hips as he felt his resolve melting away. He grunted out as he tried to go slow. You watched how he strained his neck and the way he clenched his arms as he went slow. You hooked both of your legs around his hips, as you urged him on. “You won’t hurt me.”
“You deserve for it to be great.”
You felt a smile creep onto your features as you cupped his cheek and made him look at you. “Being with you is enough. You won’t hurt me.” He kissed you once before snapping his hips up into you in a hard thrust, eliciting a moan from you. He snapped his hips once more, this time, slamming the bed frame against the wall, leaving a dent as you held onto him tightly. 
“Fuck.. so fucking tight, dove.” Geralt let all his resolve leave his body as he snapped his hips harder and faster with every thrust until he was pounding into you. A relentless pace into your cunt. You moaned loudly as you held onto Geralt tightly. You knew he had marked you and part of you wanted to mark him too. You leaned up to his shoulder and bit down hard. He grunted and moaned loudly into your ear as he let his head fall on your shoulder. His hips started to falter since he was close, too close, to cumming. Your cunt was unbearably tight. It surprised him how quick you got him to his orgasm. Reaching between the two of you, he rubbed circles onto your clit, wanting you to cum once more before he did. You yelped at the sudden increase of pleasure as you dragged your nails hard against Geralt’s back, leaving long marks against his skin. He grunted from the pain but only bit into your shoulder, marking you one more time just as you had. The bite was what pushed you over the edge as you couldn't hold back as you let the orgasm hit you even harder than the first one. As he felt your cunt clench tightly against his cock, he couldn't hold back as he came inside you, milking you for all that he had. Ropes and ropes of cum filled your womb as you both laid there, panting heavily. Geralt was the first to move as he pulled out of you, falling onto the bed beside you. You felt him cum drip out of your core but you didn't care. Geralt moved and pulled you into him, laying you on his chest as you listened to his heartbeat, drawing invisible figures on your skin. He hummed quietly as he watched you. It wasn't long until you drifted off to sleep in his hold. The Witcher was content with just watching you sleep peacefully in his arms. 
As if fate didn't want you to be in contempt quietness, Jaksier barged into the suite before appearing at Geralt’s room. “ You couldn't have waited for me?!”
“Jaskier, be quiet.” Jaskier frowned at Geralt as he saw a girl laying in his hold. He noticed the dress by the door and took a quick look at it as he recognized it as your dress before he pieced everything together. His eyebrows shot up to his hairline as he pointed at your sleeping form.
“Is that Y/n?”
“Oh my! We need to celebrate!”
“Jaskier, out before I cut you in half.”
“This is going to be an absolutely amazing ballad. The day The White Wolf finally bedded the Amazingly Fair maid- Ouch!” Jaskier looked at Geralt in disbelief before looking down at the shoe he had thrown at Jaskier. 
“Fine! Fine! But this will,” Jaskier motioned between you and the Witcher. “Be a ballad.” Geralt groaned as he watched the bard leave the room before looking back down at you, still deep in slumber, glad you hadn't been woken up. "Wait." Jaskier reappeared at the door as Geralt grunted in utter annoyance. 
"What Jaskier?"
"Did you happen to tell her about, you know, the kid you both now have?" 
"Jaskier, I swea-"
"Because I kind of think it's important for her to know that you inevitably made her a mommy and you a dad-"
"Jaskier, I will hurt you."
"You have to tell her. Tell her now." 
"Tell me what?" You answered sleepily. Both men went wide eyed as they heard you. They slowly moved their heads to look at you. You looked between the two, frown lines appearing on your forehead. 
"It's nothing important right now my lo-"
"Geralt claimed the Law of Surprise for saving Duny for the both of you, and now, you have claim to his unborn child. Surprise!" It took you a second to take in the words Jaskier just blurted out. 
"Congrats Mommy!" You felt like throwing up as you looked at Geralt, all your love being replaced with rage at that moment. He cowered a bit under your stare but you looked at Jaskier, plastering the world's biggest and creepiest smile. 
"Jaskier, please leave the room, for I am about to kill this Witcher brutally and I don't want you to watch."
The End... for now bwuahaha..
Forever Tags: @iwantthedean @authoressskr @sorenmarie87 @reigningqueenofwordsmain @goldenolaf25 @giftofdreams @winchesterprincessbride @chelsea072498 @kitchenwitchsuperwhovian @itakeawfultoawholenewlevel @fictionalabyss @gabby913 @angelkurenai @sea040561 @sleepylunarwolf @smoothdogsgirl @carryonmyswansong @feelmyroarrrr @evyiione @supersassyprobablysad @sofreddie @sis-tafics @nitelotus @trexrambling @dancingalone21 @manawhaat @mermaidxatxheart @winchest09 @ellen-reincarnated1967 @mrswhozeewhatsis @just-another-busy-fangirl @lovebodymindstuff @backseat-of-deans-67chevy @chook007 @akshi8278 @evansrogerskitten @bringmesomepie56​ @brooklymw
The Witcher Tags: @alwayshave-faith​ @ayamenimthiriel​ @queenxxxsupreme​ @stretchkingblog97​ @secretsthathauntus​ @sinnamon-bunn​ @aubageddon91​ @strangerliaa​ @dressed-up-heartbreak​
Úlfur Minn Tags: @laneygthememequeen​ @saint-hardy​ @uncoolcloudyhead​ @katiejmac​ @justlovetoreadfics​ @writingthingsisdifficult​ @lyssstark01​ @moderapoppins​ @nellaphine​ @givemebooksorgivemedeath​ @thatshellfiredean​ @angrygardendeer​ @xyfanficarchive​ @alliwantfromyouistomakelovetome​ @yokaimoon​ @posiemax​ @mary-ann84​ @augustwalking @80percentmarvel​ @tacohead13​ @ladyspacey​
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gryffindormischief · 4 years
A/N: this is for lovely @petals-to-fish, the best petals, because I said I was in a slump and petals said well write a fic about it. hehehe.
SULTRY SULTRY SULTRY! You have been warned. 
FF and Ao3!
By the time the locker room door slams shut, James has already pulled one shin guard free and moved on to the opposite arm guard, messily tugging at the buckles. Once he nears his locker, he fires them inside and grabs the collar of his deep blue practice robes and begins wrenching them over his head, only to be stopped halfway through by the insistent pull of his remaining arm and shin guards. Which, in his currently fully frothed up rage, is a highly unpleasant situation.
He’s begun a low, indistinct growl in his throat when the locker room door slams open a second time. “It’s one damn practice and I don’t give a shit if it’s unsportsmanlike to - ”
A snort sounds. The only thing he can stand less than an enraged talking to from coach right now is a smug one.
And James is ticked off enough that he turns around to tell him so - only to find a shorter, red haired, and slightly more intimidating someone waiting and watching.
“I thought you were coach,” James manages.
“Coach Benson?” Lily scoffs, “He’s the size of a damn house!”
“We’ve always said you’re a troll in our hearts - and ears - when in a strop.”
Lily narrows her eyes. “I wouldn’t say I’m the one in a strop right now.”
As it is often wont to do, the mention of his foul mood brings said foul mood right back to the fore. “Can we please not talk about it?”
He sounds a lot more dejected than incensed than he was going for, eyes embarrassingly filling with angry tears and clouding his vision so he can’t quite see the buckles clearly enough to fumble them open.
Gently, Lily makes her way toward him, fingers finding and releasing the straps with sure, quick flicks. James blows out a breath while she throws the guards into his locker, then begins bunching his robes at his side. He smiles down at her, weakly. It’s not forced - he can barely keep a genuine smile from his face when Lily’s around, but he’s just so - frustrated.
With a soft touch, he brushes her hands away and resumes his earlier work of lifting the robes over his head. “I’m not a total incompetent, despite what my Porskoff Ploy made it look like today.”
He hears Lily let out a huff of a laugh while he blindly wanders toward the laundry bin so he can toss the sweaty, smelly, mud and misery stained garment out of his sight as soon as possible.
Lily’s barely half an arm’s length away when he turns, and he jolts backward, shoulder blades smacking into the gold and blue painted cinder block walls. “What the hell Evans?”
There seems to be a war within her regarding the appropriate reaction - full-on laughter or the old tried and true ‘you loveable idiot’ eye roll, so she settles in between at casual bemusement. “What would the boys say if I told them their fearless leader was such a baby?”
“Sirius knows you’re creepy when you sneak around.”
She finally does laugh now, stepping in closer so her chest nearly presses into his, so if he turned his gaze from her eyes he’d see clear down the front of her sundress. “I meant the team, smarty pants.”
“I mean they’re all a bit terrified of you too. Except Dorcas - she doesn’t like being called a boy by the by, and - bloody hell,” James jerks back again, knocking his head into the wall a bit so he sees stars. Or maybe that’s because Lily’s hands are currently under his shirt, tickling up his sides.
Lily frowns and starts to pull away. “Do you not want - ”
Desperately, he shakes his head, nearly causing his glasses to slip from his nose. Hell he should not still feel this gormless when Lily Evans...Potter is looking at him like this. But he is, and she is, and his goggles are still strapped around his head so when he nervously goes to ruffle his hair, his finger gets caught in the strap.
Their eyes connect and soon enough they’re both dissolved into giggles, Lily’s forehead pressed into his sternum. “I didn’t forget Dorcas - she already knows you’re a baby.”
When their laughs quiet, Lily’s already begun resuming her under-the-shirt exploration of his chest and she can definitely see how rapid his breathing has become. And even if she doesn’t notice that, he’s fairly certain his heartbeat is echoing off the walls at this point.
She presses a kiss to his neck, warm and lingering, and he only has half a thought of how he must smell like sweat and dirt and maybe even a little body odor before she kisses him again and one hand slips from his side down his thigh. It’s a bit odd, but honestly Lily can do what she likes as far as he’s concerned.
Except when it seems like she’s trying to curl his leg around her hips and lift him against the wall. He’s got no qualms with playing damsel to her gallant knight - particularly last May after Prongs got a little wild and trampled Bathilda’s prized zinnias - but Lily’s so tiny. He’s going to snap her in half if she tries to pick him up.
When he says as much Lily pulls away from her exploration of his jawline with a frown. “I’m ravishing you.”
“You’re going to tip over.”
She presses her hips into his in gentle, repetitive motions, and while it’s not a verbal argument, it’s convincing nonetheless. For a time.
“Lily please.”
Lily’s mouth finds his, her fingers slipping into his hair, pale yellow nails scraping at his scalp, and he almost forgets again. But he’s a bit bullheaded. Or so Da has always said, usually followed by a groan and ‘wait until I tell Mum.’
He somehow gets the motivation to grasp her shoulders, pull their bodies apart a bit, and by the time they’re gaping at each other with red lips and heaving chests, James can’t quite recall what his reason was.
Particularly since Lily’s impatient glare is a bit terrifying even when not aimed at you squarely.
“I really don’t think you should pick me up and well - ”
She blinks.
“I’m twice as big as you, Lily. Physically speaking.”
In her first show of possible compromise, Lily nibbles the corner of her lip in thought. Then she drops his leg and quickly turns. For a moment, he thinks he’s really ticked her off and she’s going to leave him and his now very real predicament alone for a cold shower.
Instead, she scans the room and her eyes settle on his locker cubby before turning back toward him with a dangerous gleam in her eye.
“Have a seat Potter.”
“In the locker room?”
“Is that not something you normally do in here?”
His jaw works helplessly, even as he begins making his way toward his locker. “I mean not that kind of - have a seat?”
When Lily nods, she’s fighting the laughter that he knows must be bubbling in her chest at this point, and James feels an answering smile lift his lips. “Yes ma’am.”
After he does as instructed, Lily follows, undoing the bottom few buttons on her dress, revealing miles of skin, and those little plain white sneakers she wears whenever given the chance. She’s got a bruise on her shin from last week when they rearranged the living room for the eight hundredth time, and a scrape on the opposite knee she earned during a wrestling match with Padfoot yesterday afternoon. Neither of them takes losing tug of war very well.
James is recalled from his thoughts when one of Lily’s knees lands by his thigh, the other quickly bracketing him on the other side, spread so another button slowly works itself open on her sundress. He can just about glimpse -
“Alright Potter?”
He glances up now, hands following his gaze up her hips, ribcage, until his fingertips skirt the edge of her dress and tickle at her bare skin. With a nod, he tips forward and nudges the straps of her dress down so his lips can map the familiar expanse from one shoulder to the other, pausing to nip at her collarbone.
Just as he’s about to slip the top button of her dress free, revealing more of her hidden beneath the golden, red, and green hued garment, her hands fall between them and pull his belt open with more ease and familiarity than her previous work at his guards.
Lily pauses, warming her perpetually chilly fingertips with short breaths from her lips, wide green eyes watching him over her cupped hands. He can see the smile lines appear around her face as he grasps her palms and does the work of warming them for her, leaving errant kisses in the wake of his exhales.
Her impatience seems to grow as she begins wriggling her hands free of his grip while rocking her body against his and making James see stars a second time in the space of a half hour. “Lily.”
“You’re - you’re the one being so slow,” LIly whispers against his temple while she completes her earlier work, hands slipping beneath his clothes and nearly driving him batty with strokes, circuits, and touches that ratchet up his pulse.
Finally, he pops the last button necessary open on her dress, drags his hands around her waist, and they work in tandem to clear only the most necessary places to continue, all in the space of a few breaths.
When she arches into him, he tips backward, his carelessly discarded gear digging into his back, but he can’t quite manage to care. Not when Lily’s grabbing his hands, putting them where she wants, while she takes what she needs and gives him the same.
As they near the end, she pitches forward, palm landing flat against the waxy wood and forehead nearly knocking into the clothing bar embedded at the top of his cubby.
Instead, she tucks her face against his neck, whispers desperate words in his ear, urging, pleading, until they collapse against each other, pliant, satisfied, and utterly spent.
After a handful of moments, she stirs - he’d nearly drifted off - and presses a kiss to his lips. “Feel better?”
“Yes, thank you Dr. Evans.”
She laughs, only half marred by a wince when she lifts herself from his lap and begins righting her clothes. “I do love when you call me that.”
James zips his trousers and rises. “Well it’s what you are. Plus I love calling you doctor - it’s a bit tittilating.”
“Hopefully only regarding one doctor in particular,” Lily snickers as she sets the last button closed and blindly finger combs her hair.
He leans in to press a kiss to her forehead. “I dunno. Dr. Willis is pretty fanciable.”
“He’s practically old enough to be McGonagall’s granddad.”
“Silver foxes are a thing, Evans.”
Once his gear is messily shoved out of the way, James slings his arm around Lily’s shoulders while hers finds his waist and they pick their way back out of the locker room.
It’s only once his hand finds the door that he considers - “Lily we were quite scandalous just now.”
“We’ve been married seven years and have a baby, love. It’s no scandal to shag me.”
“But in the locker room - no locks!”
He shoves the door open before she can respond and finds himself face to face with the rest of Puddlemere’s first string team, expressions varying from smug, impressed, and on a few sour impatience.
Greenway glances between them, hesitant, before settling on Lily. Who is apparently more terrifying than their previously very surly team captain. “Can we go in now, Dr. Evans?”
Lily bites her lip, barely hiding her grin. “Yes, we’re quite finished.”
Meadows elbows James as she passes, “Which surfaces did Evans have her way with you against? Need to do a proper cleanse.”
Lily grabs James hand and begins pulling him toward the apparition point before turning to wink at Dorcas. “Wouldn't’ you like to know.”
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kiribaku-queen · 4 years
Home [4/10]
Pairing: Bakugou x reader, Kirishima x reader
Fluff, angst, werewolf!au
Word count: 3.6k
A/N: Opinions and comments are always welcomed! I love when you guys share your feelings on the chapter, it makes my day!!! Maybe we can start a conversation in the comments?!?!? Read till the end for another author’s note! Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list!
Warning: cursing, unfaithfulness (this bitch)
Summary: Being called the beauty of the clan isn’t as nice as it sounds. The beauty of the clan is supposed to exude confidence, power, and well, beauty. You were quite the opposite, only possessing one of those traits. Yet, the older you got, the more you fit into the role you were given. After your brother and all the boys of age come back from their training period, it was time to find a mate. But who will steal your heart? Is it Bakugou, the rising leader of the pack, or is it Kirishima, the personal guard and the strongest in the pack? [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
“Would you like to join for dinner?”
Kirishima stood still, staring blankly at you. At first, he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Did he hear that right? You wanted him to have dinner with your family? It wasn’t the first time he stayed for dinner but he definitely wasn’t expecting such a request right when he came back. If anything, if he was invited to dinner, Bakugou was right by his side. But not this time. When  he didn’t say anything, you jogged over to him and tugged on his shirt.
“Please? That would make me feel better. If you’re worried about food, don’t worry! My mom made plenty. Bakugou was supposed to join but he got busy so you can just take his spot!” Ouch. So he was just a replacement? You didn’t want him there. You weren’t even thinking about him. Bakugou isn’t here, but because he just so happened to show up, he took his spot. That realization brought his mood down completely, but he would never let you see that. To you, he would always be your best friend. The one who always brought a smile to your face in any situation. The one who checked up on you even when you told him not to. The one to saved you first the day you guys first met. The one you can always count on to be by your side. And to him? You were the one that took his heart the moment he laid eyes on you. But he would always only be a friend. But when was he ever going to get the chance to be around you like this again? No Bakugou in the way. Just you and him… and your family, but that’s besides the point. Taking advantage of the situation, he agreed and joined you and your family for dinner.
Dinner say fun and uplifting as expected. Having Kirishima around was always a good time. He knew how to make you laugh and always got along with your brother and your parents. All throughout dinner, Sero and Kirishima would tell their stories about training. From running laps up and down a mountain all day to having pushup competitions to gossiping about each other’s love lives. Everything that was coming out of their mouths was so interesting and you wished you had experiences like them. Even when they are telling their crazy, out of this world stories, they were stuffing their faces at the same time. Food flying everything, causing your mom to scold both your brother and your best friend. It really never was a dull time with the ones you loved. Speaking of loved ones, your mind wondered to Bakugou and what he could possibly be doing. Was he arguing with his father? Was he working out of vent his frustrations? Was he talking to Uraraka? Uraraka… you needed to have a talk with her. Maybe it was a misunderstanding? She couldn’t have possibly known you were in a relationship with him. You were spacing out now, all up in your feels and it could be seen on your face. Sero looked at you with worried eyes.
“(y/n) are you okay?” he asked. Your eyes snapped up at his and felt a little guilty. He was trying to tell you guys about his time away. You missed him, as did he. And when he’s finally back, you space out? Now’s not the time to be thinking negative. Sero is here. Enjoy the moment. Enjoy the moment… You shake you head and give your brother a weak smile.
“Sorry, just spaced out for a second. What were you saying?” you quickly tried to steer the conversation away. Sero had his doubts but continued on with that he was saying, reminding himself to bring it up later when everyone was asleep.
“Anyway,” he cleared his throat, trying to get rid of the awkwardness, “so I put Denki in a choke hold right? And when I think I’m winning, he just-” Sero continued his story which caused your parents to roll over in laughter. You weren’t that into the story so you just gave a small laugh. You looked over at Kirishima and he was staring right back, giving you the same eyes as Sero did. He was worried about you. He knew you were still thinking about the whole situation with Bakugou. You tried to give a reassuring smile but when it wasn’t convincing, you just had to look away. The emotion in Kiri’s eyes was too deep. You felt like if you continued to stare at him, you would start crying.
After dinner, you escort Kirishima to the door. He looks down at you, again with those sad, worried eyes.
“You gonna be okay by yourself?” he asks, shoving his hands in his pockets.
“I have Sero,” you reassured but Kirishima only frowned in that response. But knowing your stubborn personality, he couldn’t fight you. Plus, he needed to be back by Bakugou’s side as his personal guard. He was gone for a little too long.
“Fine,” he leans in close, his face just inches from yours. Blush rushed to your cheeks. You wanted to back away but his eyes were so mesmerizing. Has Kirishima always been this handsome? “Just remember that I’m one call away. One call and I’ll be here, right by your side. Don’t hesitate, okay? Even when your feel just a tad bit sad, call me. Promise?” He was so serious. Your heart warmed knowing that you have someone by your side who really cares about you.
“Okay, I promise,” you gave a half smile, still staring at his mesmerizing, red eyes. He clicked his tongue, not satisfied with your answer.
“Not so fast,” he stuck his pinky finger out, waiting for your action. “I need to make sure you actually promise. Seal it,” he said. You laughed at his antics. You haven’t done this in a while. You stuck out your pinky finger, linked your pinkies together, and moved so that your thumbs were touching, making it a double pinky promise. Once these promises were made, you can’t back out of a promise.
“I said seal it,” he continued. You look at him confused, cocking your head to the side. All of a sudden, he pulls you in, your pinkies still connected. As if you guys weren’t close enough before, he managed to get even closer. Now he was centimeters from your face… and dangerously close to your lips. “Did you forget already? You need to seal it with a kiss,” he explained which caused you to become really flustered. Your face was beat red and you were at a loss for words. Kirishima burst out laughing seeing your expression. You were so easy to tease. He only half meant those words but that was his attempt in making you feel better and forget about your problems. It sure worked because all you could think about was Kirishima. As Kirishima was coming down from his high, he ruffled your hair and placed his hand on the back of your head.
“I’m kidding. Get some rest and don’t forget about our promise! But I expect a kiss next time!” and with that, he ran off into the distance, turning around once to give you one final last wave.
You closed the door behind you and took a deep breath. Well that was something. You made your way to your room, passing the living room on the way. Sero just so happened to be sitting on the couch, one arm spread out, resting on the back of the couch while the other hand had an ice cream cone.
“Sooooo,” he started to say which halted in your footsteps. “What was that about?”
“I don’t know!” You groaned and continued to your room. Not before Sero jumps up from the couch to follow you and pesters you to no end. It was going to be a long night. 
Accepting the fact that Bakugou was engaged to another woman was hard. Especially when said man insisted on seeing you every day, despite his ‘fiancée’ knowing. You would be at his family’s house from morning to night, Bakugou always by your side. E You would be feeling high on euphoria if only it weren’t for Uraraka watching everything that you do.
To make the marriage work and for Uraraka to rightfully fulfil the role as the alpha’s mate, she must know every nook and cranny of the town. From where everything is in the town to knowing how things run within the elites, she must know it all. Thus, she has followed Bakugou around wherever he goes. She has no shame even following him when he’s with you. This annoys Bakugou to no end. There are times when he’s ready sucker punch her to the next 10 clans, using as much fire power as he can. But he’s trying his fucking hardest to keep his cool because he’s with you. You never liked when he would burst into angry fits so you conditioned him to think before acting. But Uraraka was crossing a very thin line.
You didn’t notice it at first. You were ecstatic to have Bakugou. His smell, his warmth and his embrace… it was everything you remembered and more. He would kiss you more often, even in places where it wasn’t as appropriate. Sometimes he would pin you against a wall in the hallways and kissed you with all the passion in his body. If he was really feeling it, then he would lift your legs so that they were wrapped around his waist. Because it was such a public space, he would be looking around to make sure that no one was coming. Good, because you were on such cloud 9 that you had your eyes closed the entire time.
You didn’t notice it at first. You loved when he showed affection. It could be hand holding, kisses on the forehead, or the ruffle of the hair. You were a sucker for physical touch. Every time he touched or held you, you would simply melt in his arms. His touch comforted you in so many ways. There would be times when you two would be walking around town or within the house and all of a sudden, just hug you from behind, digging his nose in your neck. Or when he would pull you close, placing you in between his muscular arms. These actions were always out of the blue but it just brought a smile to your face. He must have really missed you if he was constantly touching you or getting close to you. But it didn’t matter because you missed him just as much. You will take any chance you can get to be as close as possible to him.
But you didn’t notice anything at first. When he was looking around to make sure no one was coming your way when you guys were making out, he was acting staring right at Uraraka. She was watching and he was making sure of it. When he was randomly giving you affection, he only did that so that Uraraka would see. He was being territorial. He was trying to prove to her that you were his but for some reason, that didn’t sit well with you. It was like he was forcing himself to do these actions to prove a point. The more you started to notice, the more he was looking in her direction. During dinners or during training, you would catch him looking at her. And if you weren’t mistaken, she would also be looking at him. You would look back and forth between them, your chest tightening each time. What was this interaction? What was happening between them when you weren’t there? This has been going on for a while and with each passing day, you started to lose hope. You started to lose hope that Bakugou was still in love with you. And with each passing day, slowly but surely, you two were drifting apart.
He wasn’t asking you to come over anymore. He questioned you when you showed up, unannounced. He wouldn’t hold you like he used to. No more kisses. No more hair ruffles. No more ‘I love you’s’. He would be distracted when you two were together. Need I name more? But enough was enough. The heart break was too much. When Bakugou was out on patrol with Kirishima and a few others, you marched your way to Bakugou’s place, knowing that Uraraka was there, relaxing and not worrying about a thing.
“We need to talk,” you barged in, seeing her shoot up from the couch.
“(y/n)…” she breathed out, clearly surprised by your actions. As she opened her mouth to speak again, you swiftly went to sit across from her, a coffee table separating you.
“Explain to me what your relationship with my boyfriend is,” you demanded, trying hard to hold in your anger. A black mist could be seen starting to form around your body. It was a light mist, barely could be seen, but you knew it was there. When you quirk activates when you’re sad, it only affects you and attacks you. But when your mad, that’s when the black ghost is able to manifest itself onto other people. And right now, you were getting pissed. Uraraka cleared her throat and leaned back in her seat.
“Katsuki is my fiancé,” she explained simply which made your eyebrow twitch. You gawked at her response. How dare she use Bakugou’s first name. Were they really that close? Only you were able to call him that… because he never let anyone call him that.
“Arranged fiancé. The way we feel each other is not going to change so I hope you know where your place lies. Don’t stick your nose in where you’re not wanted,” you warned, glaring daggers at her. But she didn’t flinch.
“I wouldn’t say that just yet,” she says. That caught your attention. She takes a sip of her drink that was in front of her and sets up back on the coffee table. “I may not be wanted yet, but I will do anything in my power to insure that our two packs are successfully joined. And if that means getting in between your relationship, then I’ll do it,” she glares right back at you. You scoff.
“How dare you. Out of everybody, it had to be my boyfriend. I thought we were friends. I helped you when you first came here. We did everything together! And this is how you repay me? Do you not feel any sympathy at all?” Fuck, you could feel yourself starting to tear up. Your throat started to burn from holding it in. You were standing now, emotions overtaking your body. You were so emotional that you had to release that somehow. And sitting was not an option.
“(y/n), I hope you know that you are being very selfish right now. I am doing this for the greater good of our clans! And all you’re concerned about is your feelings?” she, too, stood up furious. At this point, you were both glaring at each other, not saying a word. Honestly, what could you say? She was right. You were being selfish. But was it so wrong that you wanted to be selfish for once? He was your everything. He was always there for you. All you knew was him. Anger continued to build inside of you, this time at a faster rate. Now it was really hard trying to control your quirk. There was one question that you were itching to ask. And if you didn’t ask now, you would never know the truth and it would haunt you for the rest of your life.
“Do you… like him?” that question was so hard for you to ask, but you had to do it. To put your mind at ease a little. Sure, she might be doing this their clans but was there an alternative reason?
“Yes,” she answered without hesitation. Confident even. “I like Bakugou Katsuki.”
“You bitch…” you breathed. And in that moment, you blinked once and your face and hair was soaked. Uraraka had threw her drink at you. You looked at her in shock to see her eyebrows completely furrowed, her lips curled up into a snarl, eyes turning red.
“Don’t you ever call me that,” she said through her teeth. That was the last straw. Your quirk was fully activated, completely putting you out of the zone. With full force, Black ghost lunged forward towards Uraraka. Quick on her feet, she was already in a fighting position, ready to battle. But right before Black ghost could even touch her, the door slammed open.
“WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!” Bakugou shouted, his voice dooming in his home. You were sure everyone in the clan could hear him, that’s how loud he was. His voice immediately takes you back to reality, Black ghost disappearing within you. Bakugou was stood at the door, fire bursting through his hands. Kirishima was wide eyed behind him. He stomped towards you two and putting himself in between so that another fight doesn’t break out. Immediately, he looks at you but in a way you weren’t expecting. They were filled with so much anger. Like they were directed at you. His canines were showing, expressing how angry he truly was. You backed up a bit, staring back at him.
“Katsu,” you started to say but was quickly shut down by him.
“Explain,” was all he said. His tone was harsh and aggressive. He had never talked to you like that. Even when you were arguing, it never got to that point. But now that is has, it hurt. It hurt so much. He wasn’t he Bakugou you knew anymore. You didn’t answer him. With a single tear running down your cheek, you turned around and stormed out of there.
“(y/n),” Kirishima gently called out to you, trying to grab your arm as you passed by him. But you were too engrossed in anger and sadness that you shoved him off and pushed right past him. You had to get away from there. You needed to go somewhere, but where? It didn’t even matter. Anywhere but here because it hurt all too much.
You were sat at the end of clan territory, which happened to overlook a body of water. Sometimes when you wanted to run away from your problems, you came here. Looking at the waters and hearing the waves crash helped you clear your head. You sighed when you heard the rustling of leaves and a new scent filled your nose.
“How did you find me?” you asked, still looking at the water. The bright, red haired man poked his head out of the bushes and rubbed his hand on the back of his neck sheepishly.
“Its not hard to track down your scent,” he admitted. He got up and took a seat next to you. There was a few minutes of silence, both of you looking out towards the water. “Do you want to talk about it?” he asked. You just shook your head. Every time you think back to what happened, another part of your heart breaks. The wound was still too fresh.
“What are you doing here. I just want to be alone,” you said, bringing your knees up to your chin, resting them there.
“Being alone is no fun. Besides, I needed to make sure you were safe,” he says, mimicking your actions. If Kirishima was here, then that means Bakugou is still with Uraraka. He was your boyfriend and he’s not the one to check up on you? Pathetic. You sigh, making Kirishima look at you, a frown on his face.
“You’re disappointed,” he says. You look up at him. “You’re disappointed that I’m not Bakugou.” He says indefinitely. Your silence gave him his answer. Silence overcame you guys once again, until he spoke up again.
“You should talk to him,” now that’s not the words you wanted to hear right now. You rolled your eyes and tilted your head to the side so that you didn’t have to look at him. He scoots closer to you to get your attention. You tried so hard to not to pay attention to him but that was difficult because it was Kiri. “C’mon, you know that this isn’t the way to solve anything. You’re better than that. Talking to him now is better than doing it later,” he laid down his wisdom. You rolled your eyes one more time but you knew he was right. Reluctantly, you let him drag you back to Bakugou’s place.
On the way to finding Bakugou to talk, you were still pretty upset. And Kirishima knew that so he tried to make you smile in anyway possible. When he tells you he has an infinite amount of ways to make someone laugh, he wasn’t joking. There were times when you tried so hard to not laugh because you were in a mood, but it would slip out from time to time. As you turned a corner, you spot a sight that had you wide eyed and mouth hung open. You were in so much shock that you couldn’t cry. Kirishima turned the corner right after you and when he saw that made you react that way, he quickly pulled into his chest, his arms engulfing your body to shield your eyes.
“Don’t look,” he whispers lowly against your scalp, his hand protectively holding your body while the other held the back of your head. But it was too late. You already saw them kissing.
A/N: Hi readers! Sorry this was a long one. As I am continuously working at this series throughout the weeks, I am having a hard time on who the reader should up with. I would be really grateful if you guys would let me know who youre rooting for! TeamBaku or TeamKiri?! If votes are split, maybe there might be two endings?? HELP ME DECIDE! Lots of love~ and always, thank you for reading and supporting!
Tagged: @goodpop9 @superblyspeedydragon @tspice283 @marvelobsessedteen @rosetheshapeshifter
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