#close valves
svarrnim-forgings · 1 month
Self-Closing Valves | Svarrnim Forgings
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Svarrnim Forgings is the best self-closing valve manufacturer and exporter in India. These valves enhance safety and efficiency by preventing leaks and minimizing waste. Typically utilized in fuel dispensing systems, water conservation devices, and gas lines, self-closing valves operate through a mechanism that relies on either spring tension or hydraulic pressure to return the valve to its closed position when the controlling force is released. We Produce well-tested high-quality LPG valves. self-closing valves represent a smart solution for enhancing system integrity, safety, and sustainability in various settings. self-closing valves represent a smart solution for enhancing system integrity, safety, and sustainability in various settings.
visit source URL : https://www.svarrnimforgings.com/compact-self-close-valves.html
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saintaviator · 5 months
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Assorted half-life doodles ……
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sheepkebby · 1 year
Transgender Ellis in a little suit :)
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Suit mod
Trans flag golf club mod
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cybervom1t · 6 months
my texan ass is not acclimated to this kind of cold y’all holy shit
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consumeroflemoans · 7 months
I love when media combines my two favorite things: Fish and trauma-based capitalism
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caterpillarinacave · 7 months
Shoutout to my first valve for collecting more spit than I ever thought possible and double shoutout to my first valves tuning slide for its violent refusal to come out of the rest of the instrument
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skeletalheartattack · 10 months
Favourite personal weapon?
(you CANNOT say battleaxe!)
probably scythe. like i know it's not really good at all for like. combat. but like look at that shit. pretty dope blade while i hold the stick. sooo cool.
#ask#anon#im not sure anything else really compares. i dont honestly think about real life weapons that much really that said.#not without being like. shotgun. or double barreled shotgun. atleast if were restricted to melee combat here.#most games i tend to play shotgun a lot#except tf2 recently where ive been shooting pee darts and donking folks with cannon balls#granted. i range from class to class with no real like... goal? whatever fits the situation and that im confident in.#like i like playing soda popper milk fan o war scout a lot. i like playing pee sniper w/ shahanshah.#for demo i tend to always go loose cannon scottish resistance scottish handshake#scottish resistance cause i like coating a battlefield with stickies and just doing my best to detonate them when i think its important to#fucking hate sticky spamming btw. valve had the right idea nerfing that shit when they did. yknow. before they reverted it.#those things should be doing 60 damage when spammed... and like can do 144 after like a second or two or whatever#that way it punishes spamming and rewards using them as traps#but then the people who have sticky stranges would get mad or whatever. idk. its weird to me that valve reverted the nerf somewhat#it does a lot of damage and you dont gotta even hit the enemy directly with the projectile. so its an easy weapon.#idk.#for heavy i dont have a real loadout im happy with. i tend to go brass beast family business and eviction notice#ik tomislav is like the best overall minigun but. idk.#eviction notice really sucks but once someones pestering me up close i really like to chase them down while punching them#since most of the 9 classes cant get out of range. ive managed to do it a bunch despite how much i dont like the weapon.#like. i wish it didnt have the max health drain. id prefer if like. i couldnt be overhealed if i had them equipped.#the slight speed increase is. okay. paired with the increase in speed when hitting a player.#though if it was simplified. id add those two stats together for the on hit attribute.#so like... less damage. faster swing speed. faster movement when hitting an enemy for a second. and no overheal when equipped.#instead of it just being a weirder worse gru.#that way its just about punishing players who get too close. and makes you weaker if youve got a medic. since you cant be overhealed.#soldier... i just use rocket launcher/black box panic attack and whip. nothing really unique about my playstyle with him.#engineer. panic attack pistol gunslinger or jag.#im no good with the widowmaker and i like having 6 shots so id rather not use the frontier justice.#anyway im at the tag limit. thank you for the ask anon!!!
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homerforsure · 3 months
How long is it between Eddie finding the nun picture and doing his sexual frustration work out in the station gym? One day? Two?
All I'm saying is "constantly horny for each other" Buddie seems very real rn.
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alex51324 · 2 years
Life Pro Tip(s)!
1.  Find out where the main water shutoff valve for your residence is located.  Do it now.  Yes, even if you rent or live with family. You never know when you will need this information.
For example, you could have just woken up, and you go to turn on the bathroom sink, and the handle pops off in your hand and water starts fountaining everywhere.  
2.  When something breaks and is spraying water all over your place, Step One is to shut off the main valve.  
Once you’ve done that, you can work on figuring out if there’s another valve you can close, that will allow you to keep using other fixtures in your home until the problem is fixed, but going straight for the main valve is the quickest way to stop the water, which will reduce the amount of cleanup/water damage you have to deal with.  
Especially do not go downstairs and get the pliers to try again if the baseboard shutoff valve for your fountain-sink won’t turn.  Go directly to the main shutoff valve.  Following this procedure may prevent problems such as the collapse of a section of ceiling on the floor below, and the loss of any electronic equipment that may happen to be located in that area.  
This post brought to you by Personal Experience.  
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intertexts · 5 months
#how do i tell my sister that while i appreciate the thought it is in fact not nicer if she takes the couch occasionally and lets me have my#room sometimes. first of all i HATE disruptions like this it's kind of even more distressing 2 be able 2 sleep in#my own room for one night and then i can't again!!! that sucks net zero!!! second of all She Has My Quilt.... trying very hard 2 be normal#and chill about this and not like it's one of the few things i really really really hate other people using & causes me distress etc.#also like i explicitly said 'hey haha don't do this please' & then she did anyway. which she does!!! i forgot about that!!!#also like man i dont fucking want to sleep on someone's used sheets & blankets that's gross. so im arguably less cosy than i would be. gggh#this all seems like.... very minor and stupid im sure however man im like constantly in a state of middling to severe distress over this#shit. because i in fact also hate people going through my shit or being in my room and also having no privacy however#im very good with suppressing and or masking how much i hate it usually!!!!! but dude she fucking hung her laundry & underclothes#to dry or air on top of my fucking books on my shelves. like. ghghhh hate it hate it cant SAY i hate it because of the everything!!!#ok. sorry. minor pressure cooker escape valve complaining over now im gonna go sleep awkwardly on top of the blankets on my own bed with#some throw blankets. leaving my door open for the beafts if she closes it in the morning bc she thinks she knows what i want ill scream.#txt#neg#this is like private kvetching btw ok i love her dearly it's just unbelievably frustrating.
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svarrnim-forgings · 9 months
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Buy Close Valves | Compact Valve | Svarrnim Forgings
Svarrnim Forgings' Compact Self Close Valves are designed to provide reliable and efficient flow control. With the ability to close valves automatically, these valves ensure safety and prevent leaks.
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Tfe X tfp au
Ratchet : Right, the seekerlings are fine,now I just need information about their sire so I can handle their growth properly.
Ratchet:You have something?
Starscream:*Displays a file with medical information about skyfire*
Ratchet:Is THAT really his size??!
Starscream: Yes
Ratchet:HOW in unicron did you manage to handle this??!
Starscream:Do you REALLY want to know?
Aksjdjskaka damn Starscream, get it
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postal-ech · 7 months
Eyy this will probably be the first post I ever make on this site, but I've been reminded of something as of recent
Call it late night nostalgia, but Chet Falisek, a former writer of many of my childhood games posted a couple of videos on TF2 talking about how Meet your Match really changed TF2 for the worst, and I'll post it at the end of this thread here of course.
TF2 has always been my childhood game, probably my first game I ever played on an old shittly Lenovo Laptop my dad let me borrow as a kid, before I was ever able to access stuff like minecraft and gmod and all those other old games from back then but it's been with me for decades, moreso than even Undertale which I've only ever recently gotten back into thanks to Deltarune. I've met my best friend on there, as well as other friends that have come and gone, I've seen a lot of cool and wacky maps and servers - from my old home server that constantly hosted an honestly impressive recreation of Majora's Mask's Clock town and Termina Field, to Mario_Kart and the weird community servers like Slender Fortress, Saxton Hale and its sister game mode Freak Fortress (who the hell still remembers those TF2 OCs eh?) And the likes
But after Gun Mettle and Meet your Match, something definitely changed in TF2, and it was especially the case with Meet your Match
Nowadays community servers aren't so much the forefront of tf2, more so its valve's official casual servers, I don't even think competitive mode is even alive, and if it is I'm betting it gets the same number of players as current day Mann vs Machine, but I feel like a good chunk of that community was lost after Meet your Match that not a lot of people talk about (well, barring other important matters of course like the never ending bot crisis)
There was a magic to logging onto TF2 back in 2013, 2014 when you can just go to your favorite community server, log on and see the people you've been banting and shitposting with since the day you first got on that server, bunnyhop from one end of the map to the other while shooting at each other while micspamming YouTube poops and rolling the dice for weird and wacky effects.
That server is long gone now, less because of Meet your Match and more because people have moved on
But I suppose in this long winded ramble of a post here on Tumblr the message is:
There is value in a community, no matter what it is. It could be Undertale, TF2, could be that small GMod server you ran with a while back, could be that one romhacking group doing stuff with your favorite Nintendo game, but there is value to it.
Granted TF2 is uh, still edgy as all shit as it was before, it's just now got a wide mixture of people from far and wide, but even as the boomer I make myself out to be, there's still people making Source Filmmaker animations with these characters, there's still people playing the game the way they want to, and these people and more are still making memories on this nearly 2 decade old game.
Dont let anyone say otherwise to ya. There's a value in having a community for that game, for all the fan projects they've made, it will always have its ups and downs, definitely some downs you may never forget, but chances are you've met some of your best friends and gotten to see some cool shit along the way, and hopefully that sticks with you long enough to take inspiration from it in the long run.
Guess that's it for my first post here, bar reblogs, wonder where this will go next.
Here's that link, by the by. Go and give Chet a sub too, he brings in some very good insights on a lot of things if you ask me, at least when it comes to his time at Valve and his creative work with the games that were there
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therootednomad · 1 year
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sage-nebula · 1 year
Just when I have someone who might buy my Steam Deck (for less than I paid for it mind you), Valve puts the fucking thing on sale, undercutting me 😒 hate and war on planet earth
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villa-kulla · 2 years
what do 1. Kim’s face during the phone call, 2. THE PARKING BOOTH, 3. Cheryl reading that Howard was murdered, and 4. K i  m  c r y i n g   o n   t h e   b u s  all have in common?? answer: me crying my EYES out omg
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