#oh my god????? I’m freezing????
cybervom1t · 9 months
my texan ass is not acclimated to this kind of cold y’all holy shit
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gaytobymeres · 10 months
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York train station, a cold November Sunday 2023
Taken on Rollei 35S on Ilford HP5 film
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peculiaritybending · 29 days
It’s actually pissing me off how much I really really want to like the heathers musical but just…don’t.
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m4ggotm0ld · 3 months
kaeya ily but sometimes you need to shut the actual fuck up😁
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Teen Wolf Motel California
So many thoughts about Teen Wolf Motel California
#So like I’m well and truly stoned#But like Boyd#This is like a crazy thing to be the third thing we learn about Vernon Boyd#We know he’s lonely. We know he was/is in ROTC. We know that as a child a CHILD his sister went missing#And they don’t even give us all the information about that! That makes me so mad#And Scott#We’ve been fed hints that Scott feels like a failure for three episodes now#And the kind of vision he get is SO INTERESTING. This vision hasn’t happened yet and while it is something we know he worries about#It’s such a specific situation. Why not Matt? Or Gerard? Why Duecalion? The first two have actually threatened Melissa’s life before#The goal was totally for him to want to kill Deucalion#And there were only 3 more deaths predicted not 4#How much of that was Scott and much of it was the Darach?#And then they put that thought in my head and have Scott consistently throw himself at dangerous situations without further addressing this#Ever again#And Issac#Every other time we see him a panic response#it’s like fight or flight (I can’t remember if those are real or not but for the purpose of language and I’m high I’m using them?)#But this time he freezes#Why#and like the whole thing with Ethan too#Like that just makes really neat implications about whatever the fuck the twin wolf mega wolf thing means#Like who has control? Is it equal? Do they know where Ethan starts and Aidan begins?#But like also I’m high and I don’t think the writers thought this much about this shit before writing this episode#It just gives me so many worms in my brain they are eating my brain oh my god#Teen Wolf
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a-moth-to-the-light · 1 month
trying to navigate between “it’s not men’s fault that i go into panic mode around them” and “oh my god can’t these men see that i’m deeply uncomfortable. why are they still talking to me. oh maybe it’s because they see i’m uncomfortable but don’t give a shit about how i feel”
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forfuckssakejim · 10 months
Love waking up with multiple pains. Like. 🙃🙃🙃🙃 as if everything in life doesn’t suck enough.
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useramor · 7 months
my grandfather has a big slobbering dog that for some reason is always going AFTER ME. i don’t like dogs they make me so anxious i just want to be left alone :(((( and naturally everyone keeps making fun of me for being afraid of dogs because ‘he’s just a puppy!’ HE’S HUGE AND HE KEEPS BITING EVERYTHING I DON’T WANT HIM NEAR ME!!!!!
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merevide · 11 months
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strohller27 · 8 months
#Transitionary periods of life are So! Stressful!!#I hate getting texts and stuff from friends and family like ‘did you get into [prestigious university i applied for] yet?’#like. No! they only let in like 15% of applicants! it’s going to take them a while to decide!!#and their immediate follow-up question is ‘when will you find out?’#That information! is NOWHERE. on their WEBSITE!!!#plus we just had three snow days at work and I missed out on like 20 of my work hours for last week#so my paycheck is gonna be super slim on Friday!#and I have not bought groceries in a while!#thank god I have a remote job or I would probably be freezing my ass off in a tent right now! (woo precarious situations!)#oh. and I have my comprehensive exams to prepare for too.#I have three weekends to write three 5 page (single-spaced; 10 if they’re double-spaced) research papers#these three weekends will be happening in March.#that’s. not very far away from us right now. I got. a few weeks. tops. to prepare for this.#and I did do a lot of prep work already. I took a capstone course. I did an independent study#and I read a LOT of stuff about phonetics/phonology last month#but like. I won’t know the questions until the weekend I have to write the paper. 5 pages in 2 days. that’s stressful.#i am suprised I’m not wearing a rut in the floor from pacing so much!#I will be going insane. ​through no fault of my own. (unless you count giving up a cushy job and moving internationally a fault? yeah ok)
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dynamiteghost · 2 years
tldr; i was gonna make an ask blog for an irish lads AU of mine but i feel weird doing that now but i still wanna make an ask blog so would anyone be interested in an ask blog for one of my mainly RT AUs?-
V ramble (with more information tho) under the cut V
i have like 7 irish lads AUs and one of them i was planning to make an ask blog for and i was really excited about it and was planning to do some cool stuff with it but i feel weird making it now bc of recent events so i’m not going to but maybe one day-
though i have a few other AUs that are more so just RT so uh. would you guys be interested in an ask blog for one of those or something- the only AU i’ve posted about/of is my MLP AU/MLP!RT, but i have a sort of MCYT!C!RT which is just part of a huge shared AU i have with some online friends, basically just ‘MCYTverse’ ig- but that one also happens to be my main.. design ig?? i came from DSMP and then HC so- the other AU i can think of that is mainly just RT (though in this case is also a crossover-) is my Watcher!RT AU which is an AU of the previous AU (which we just refer to as ‘our canon’ since it started off as headcanons but got far too out of hand) and the idea of Watcher!RT came from the fic that actually brought me to rtumblr lmao (edit: i found the author’s tumblr while scrolling the RCU doc! i forgot they had tumblr but it’s @dustph03nix :D disclaimer that my AU is different plot wise & fanon(?) wise & how Watchers work wise, & i did not originally come up with the idea of Watcher!RT, if that makes sense)
this got way too long because i started rambling as i do so the TLDR at the top was added afterwards
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IT”S F/O TOURNAMENT TIME BITCHESSSSSS (sans monty cause he’s a loser /joking)
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(closes at 7:30 p.m. est, whoever wins gets a drawing of me smooching them btw)
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told my mom earlier that i’ve been intentionally filling up my time socially because i’m scared of having alone time bc the past few times i’ve given myself alone time i end up constantly thinking about being single and my whole shitty break up and i get really sad and angry to the point where i don’t want to leave my couch to eat or piss and she was like “that was a month ago now you’ll be fine you need to rest” and like objectively i know she’s right but also. i was also right.
#like genuinely i’m happy with where my life is at in terms of my career/school is going well#and i have my friends back in town which has been lovely#but like. for a solid three months i did not think i would be single right now. and by god i do not miss my shitty ex#but small things will continue to remind me of him even though i don’t want to think about him#and i am also constantly white elephanting myself by being like ‘oh you haven’t thought about him today! nice!’ and then thinking about him#but even then when i say thinking about him it’s more just being angry at what he did or missing being physically affectionate with someone#and that doesn’t have to be him#but oh my god do i miss being physically affectionate with someone. holy shit.#i did not understand the appeal of kissing before but by god do i now. and i have NO ONE to do it with#all of my best friends are in long term committed monogamous relationships. literally all of them#and i’ve already disastrously fucked up the dating a friend of a friend thing so i doubt anyone will want to recommend anyone to me now#the two guys i had the idea of trying to flirt with are both entirely unavailable#so i quite literally have zero prospects and no idea of where to find new ones bc the day i get on a dating app is the day that hell freezes#and i just feel so fucking lonely dude 🙃🙃#and i also feel very behind because all of my close friends are in committed relationships and i’ve never experienced that#even tho i want to so badly#i just. idk#anyway vent over#mari is irrelevant
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nellectronic · 7 months
if you saw my previous post no you didn’t. anyway someone please send me stupid funny pictures and/or videos
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flamingthespian · 9 months
Who up crying from the pain 👌
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jlheon · 3 months
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(𝓹airing) — psh x fmr ꣑୧ 𝓯renemies to lovers ; fluff, profanity, & lots of kissing (𝔀ordcount) one-thousand five-hundred forty 𝓹eng's note. these pics. #iWantThat 𝓫ookshelf
𝓼ynopsis. seeing your ex in public leads to hiding in a small photobooth with your annoying student council vice president park sunghoon
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“you’re late,” sunghoon says in the most agitating voice possible as you walk through the classroom door.
“i wouldn’t be late if you did your job,” you huff, walking right up to the desk he sat at and dropping the bags of decorations you had picked up from the party supplies store.
“hey! i said i would pick those up!” he says annoyed, sifting through everything you brought.
“mrs. kim said we needed them by today! why the fuck were you just sitting around?” 
“geez, loosen up,” the boy gets up from his seat, his tall body looming over yours. “let’s just go decorate the gym.”
the two of you split up the bags of party supplies and headed towards the gym where the rest of the council and student volunteers were waiting. 
setting up for the fundraiser was easy until you and sunghoon started yelling at each other over which color streamers should be used over the doorway. 
jake had to drag you away by the shoulders to come to help him with the balloons. sunghoon felt a bitter taste when he saw jake with his arm around your shoulder but decided to ignore it. 
“hoon,” jungwon calls out. “we’re out of balloons!”
“that’s why i should have bought the decorations…” sunghoon mutters under his breath before walking up to where you and jake were giggling. 
sunghoon walks up behind you and places a hand on your shoulder. “we have to go back to the store.” he whispers in your ear. 
you freeze at his touch but nod and say goodbye to jake. he lets go of you and the two of you walk out the exit leading to the parking lot.
the two of you get into sunghoon’s car and he drives off to the mall. 
there’s an awkward silence between the both of you, which you can’t decide if you like bantering with him over it. there’s so much tension due to sunghoon’s lingering touch from earlier.
once inside the mall, you quietly walked side by side into the automatic doors. 
only a few feet from the party supplies stores you halt. spotting your ex-boyfriend and old friend seemingly on a date.
“sunghoon,” you whisper, tapping on his shoulder. “do you see what i see?”
he rolls his eyes at you finally breaking the silence but then looks up to see for himself. once he does that the two seem to have had the same idea, making eye contact with the other.
“oh shit they saw us,” he panics, grabbing your hand and pulling you into the photo booth you were conveniently standing next to.   
the photo booth is small. way too small. sunghoon is already sitting as you uncomfortably sit on the ledge with your legs peeking out from the curtain. 
“get up,” he instructs. 
“what?” you raise an eyebrow. “i’m not letting them see me again! especially not with you!”
“i meant like come here,” sunghoon grabs you and settles you on his lap, so the both of you fit into the small space.
“oh my god, what if they come over here!” you panic resting your hands on his shoulders. “this is bad! especially since i’m with you of all people-”
“with me?” sunghoon questions. 
“well, like when we were dating, he always thought you had a crush on me, which isn’t impossible! i had to keep reassuring him but he never believed me! like me and you are barely even friends-” you ramble, balling sunghoon’s shirt in your fists as you freak out. 
“woah, calm down,” he tells you, prying your hands from his uniform so you don’t wrinkle it. “it’s not like they’ll come to talk to us.”
just as the words left his mouth the sound of two sets of footsteps were picked up by your ears. you started to become overwhelmingly nervous. it was the first time seeing your ex-boyfriend since the split and the fact your childhood best friend was on a date with him. 
even if you drifted, shouldn’t she have some sense of girl code?
“you’re shaking,” sunghoon stares at you. 
“no i’m not!” you shake your head, your heartbeat being undeniably fast. “but like i haven’t had a date since him and that’s kind of sad for me-”
“i swear i saw her,” the familiar voice of your old friend says, sounding so close. “it could have been anyone though.”
“no, i saw her and that motherfucker,” your ex hisses. 
“wow, i’m ‘motherfucker’,” sunghoon whispers, rolling his eyes.
“if he made a move on her i swear.”
“hey, i have an idea,” he says in your ear. 
sunghoon reaches for his phone out of his pocket, holding you close as he leans over slightly to pay the machine for a photo. the screen activates after processing his card and he selects a random frame. 
the camera starts going and you sit confused as sunghoon starts posing. you can’t help but watch him. he always looks pretty but you must admit he knows how to pose. 
you peek over to the curtain to see two pairs of legs standing outside the photo booth. you can only assume it’s them. 
“you weren’t looking in any of them,” sunghoon recalls, pressing print on the screen. 
“oh, sorry,” you turn your attention back to him. 
“it’s fine, let's do another one,” he says nonchalantly as he pays for another photo strip.
this time sunghoon shifts in his spot, making it so that your face can be seen on the screen without having to turn you around in his lap.
you awkwardly copy sunghoon’s poses until by the second to last picture you hear him again.
“that fucker is in the photo booth,” the male voice outside says, seeing as he drops the photo strip back into where it fell from. 
“come closer,” he tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear. 
“fine,” you lean onto him. “but don’t show my face too much. i’m not wearing concealer today.”
“you look just as pretty,” sunghoon leans closer so your lips barely brush the others. “maybe even prettier than usual.”
he brings his thumb to your bottom lip, gently stroking it before closing the gap. 
you hate to admit it but kissing sunghoon was everything you expected and more. you’ve caught yourself daydreaming about his lips on yours during one-on-one meetings in the conference room. when his hair is still damp from his after-shower practice and his face is still slightly flushed.
park sunghoon can make you mad, especially when he got secretary over you in freshman year. but you cannot deny that even when bitter about the council's choice you wanted to kiss that proud smile on his face. 
he made you mad when he stole your posters when you were running for secretary again the next year. but after he found you crying in the far stairwell he explained he only did that because he thinks you should run for president instead. sunghoon even pulled out another stack of flyers he made for you that he spent the whole night doing.
the sunghoon that got you both kicked out of a council meeting for arguing with each other is the same sunghoon with his lips molded perfectly against yours. 
the same boy that had you studying your ass off when class ranks came out, since he’s your only competition, is the same boy in front of you now with his lips locked on yours.
you start to feel dizzy by the decreased amount of air in your lungs by the minute but you can’t bring yourself to let go just yet. when you start seeing black specs dotting your vision you finally pull away to see a heavily panting sunghoon with a flushed face. 
“sorry,” sunghoon apologizes as he catches his breath.
your heart sinks. he only kissed you to distract you and probably so your ex will see the photos when they print.
“oh,” you fight the frown threatening to appear on your face. “it’s okay. he’s probably gone now.”
“i would have asked for your permission but you looked really stressed and i thought it would help you get your mind off your asshole ex.”
“thanks,” you say with a pout sunghoon finds adorable.
“you still seem sad,” he pokes at your sides, making you squirm in his hold. “maybe another kiss?”
“maybe,” you say shyly. 
sunghoon is out forty dollars by the time you and he are done kissing in the photo booth. he kept mindlessly swiping his card as his lips stayed on yours to prevent anyone from kicking you two out since you were there for a considerable amount of time.
you’re interrupted by sunghoon’s phone ringing profusely. 
“where are you two?” jungwon asks in a panic. “we need those balloons.”
“traffic,” sunghoon says as you plant a line of kisses down his neck, hands tangled in the hair at his nape.
“hurry up,” jungwon advises him.
you and sunghoon return to school an hour and a half after you originally left. with a bag of balloons and a stack of photo strips. most of them capturing purely just of you two making out.
when stepping foot in the gym and you go over to hand jungwon the balloons he so desperately needed. he quickly notices the matching hickeys forming on both your necks and how disheveled your uniforms and hair appear.
“traffic huh?” jungwon asks as his eyes flicker between both of you.
"lots," you nod as you walk away to help minjeong tie balloons.
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