#but oh god every single part of my body is in pain and I’m literally crying unable to sleep
flamingthespian · 9 months
Who up crying from the pain 👌
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3rachaslut · 6 months
kinks i think skz would have (part 3)
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cw: smut obviously (MINORS DNI) the tw’s are kinda obvious with the sub header but read at your own discretion babies 🤍
a/n: not proofread sorry for any mistakes. also i’m so happy to be writing again! lets be delulu together xox
part 1, part 2
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bangchan; hair pulling
oh my lord this man is relentless,
he’d be grabbing fistfuls of your hair and yanking your head up to look at him when you’re on your knees underneath him
“you look so pretty on your knees for me doll”
will literally snatch your hair as he’s fucking you in missionary and growl like an ANIMAL down your ear as he’s so deep in your pussy
“f- fuck baby, ah- feel so good around my cock”
the way your mouth drops open at the sting on your scalp as you stare up at him with mascara down your face from him deep-throating you omg you look devine babygirl!
“don’t cry angel you’re doing such a good job for me” *continues to FACE FUCK you*
lee know; edging/ overstim
we all knew this one was coming
you best believe lee know would make you BEG for him to let you come every. single. time. without fail. you would be a whimpering, sobbing mess
“if you want to cum, what do you say baby? … hmm i don’t think think you want it that much” GOD
he would be holding the vibrator to your clit for ages! smirking at your face contorting as the pleasure just builds and builds in your pussy.
“such a good girl for daddy hmm?” HELP (i am simply a dog)
“that’s it, keep begging sweetheart” AHH
and when he does let you come oh. god. he would make you orgasm over and over again until you’re crying! your pussy would be so red and swollen afterwards and he lovessss to see it
“no no doll, you begged me to come so take it like a good girl”
changbin; pussy slapping
hear me out-
so, changbin would be on top of you fully clothed whilst you’re bare naked underneath him and even the sight of you alone is enough to have his cock digging into you from his pants
he’s the type to play with your clit until you’re mewling but would SLAPPP your pussy once he hears you beg to go faster
“you don’t tell me when to do with your pussy darling”
the way he would smirk slyly as your body jolts up and your legs shake in surprise at the sudden impact o.m.g!
each slap would have you groaning from your whole chest as he continues slapping your sensitive clit again and again and he would even have the AUDACITY to chuckle down your ear at your reactions
“you’ll get my cock soon enough baby, don’t worry”
hyunjin; praise kink
i feel like this one being on the list was inevitable. hyunjin and praise kink just go hand in hand
the way he would trace your entire body with his hands leaving kisses on your exposed skin with his eyes full of adoration i’m CRYING
“you’re actually ethereal y/n..”
each time he would kiss the inside of your thighs, he would look up at you with your head thrown back in bliss and smile lovingly at the sight of you enjoying yourself. (all he cares about is your pleasure i SWEAR)
“that feel nice baby?” um YES
none. stop. compliments of how beautiful your body is and how he’s the luckiest man in the world
lots of make out sessions because trust me, this man is drunk on you!
“so fucking beautiful”
han jisung; marking
because han AINT SHARING
the thought of anyone else looking at you has han feeling the need to mark you as his own. you’re his and he’s yours. done!
seriously bestie, the amount of hickeys he gives you is crazyyyy! but would absolutely kiss each one after making them
“my gorgeous girl, aren’t you? only mine” the POSSESSIVENESS i love urgh
the way he would have you moaning underneath him as he sucks on your neck again and again and the way you would sound so sexy he would be lowkey going feral for you.
“fuck baby, i love you so much”
felix; pain play
because, in my opinion, felix can’t contain his dom side around you…
as in he would be shoving his fingers down your throat whilst pinching and twisting your nipples just to hear your choked moans whilst you writhe under him
and the way he would chuckle smugly af at the state he would put you in every time. (his deep laugh has me on the floor)
“is it hurting baby? aww… good”
the lasting bruises of his hands all over your thighs and ass for dayssss
the way he would nip his teeth against your clit just to see you jump and buck up into his face when you feel a sharp sting onfbsjsn
*deep voice* “good girl” — AHHHH i’m sat!!
seungmin; objectification & humiliation
this one is my personal fave… stay with me !!…
i know for sure that seungmin is a super soft lover but you can’t tell me this man doesn’t respectfully disrespect you to the point of orgasm !
the way he would tease your clit forever just to look into your desperate af eyes and laugh at you for being “such a needy fucking puppy yeah?” and the way he would call you a whore and slap you in the face afterwards IM WET
“can’t speak now pup? aww are you so dumb on my cock that you’ve turned into nothing but a doll for me to fuck? yeahhh…”
and the way he would choke you until your eyes roll back in bliss just to laugh at how pliant you are O.M.G
the aftercare though! he would give you so so many face kisses and cuddle you so tightly only to do the exact same thing the night after
jeongin; Msub
look, i’m constantly torn between wanting innie to rail me and wanting to corrupt him but this oneeee…
when i tell you the whimpers this man lets out whilst you tease the top of his cock is heavenly, i mean dangerously
“y/n- mistress! please!” oh my
his eyes would be focused on YOU, never taking his eyes off his beautiful girl
so much begging and pleading and the way he would moan even louder in desperation when you smirk at him because he knows it gonna be a long night
“i’ll be good! i’ll be so good for you! please y/n!”
the way he would grab your face once he comes down from his high and just kisses you for so long with SO much passion. i will cry
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tortillamastersblog · 3 months
ᗢ Enough | Wanda Maximoff ᗢ
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader
Warnings: mild injury
Summary: It seems as though no one can stop Wanda Maximoff from getting what she wants, and what she wants is America Chavez so she can steal her powers and travel to a universe where you and her children are still alive. . .
It turns out, no one doesn’t include you though.
Continuation of Take My Hand, but the two parts can be read separately which is why I’m not naming it “Part 2”
“Fuck!” I sit up with a yelp, clutching at my pounding head.
It feels like someone is jumping around on it and when I open my eyes it takes a couple of seconds for everything to come into view.
That “everything” turns out to be Wong, standing right in front of me with wide eyes.
“Ahh!” I scream again and jerk backward to get a bit of distance between us. “What the hell?!”
One minute I’m at peace, floating around in nothingness with no sense of time or self and the next I’m. . . here.
I look around, and freeze when I realize I’m no longer in Wakanda.
I’m in a dark, wood-paneled room with a single window that is covered by a wooden screen. It has intricate designs carved into it and only allows a tiny amount of light to enter.
Red and yellow pieces of fabric are draped over the ceiling beams and the whole room is filled with smoke coming from a golden incense burner that is shaped like an antique oil lamp.
I’m sitting on a simple cot in the middle of the room, and stare at Wong.
“What happened? Where am I? I died?!” I shriek with realization, but before Wong can answer, an explosion rattles the building and bits of dust and rubble rain down on us.
He pulls me to my feet and dusts me off before dragging me out of the small room into a long hallway.
“There’s no time to explain! We need your help,” he says as another explosion shakes the ground beneath us.
Being a bit unsteady on my feet since I literally just returned from the dead, I stumble and trip after him as he leads me through what I’m now realizing is a temple.
Oh my God, this is Kamar-Taj. Why am I here? How am I here?!
“Wong, stop!” I whimper, ripping my arm from his grip and leaning against a wall.
My head is pounding in time with my heartbeat and every now and then black dots dance across my vision.
Wong seems conflicted about not going on, but lets me rest nonetheless.
“How am I here?” I ask softly. “I’m supposed to be DEAD. . . Wanda. . . she d-destroyed the stone.”
I smile sadly at the thought of her sparkling green eyes and the way her lips would twitch whenever I told a corny joke.
“You were dead,” Wong explains. “And you were sent here for burial. But as time went on we realized your body wasn’t decomposing. It wasn’t even turning cold.”
I tilt my head in question and shudder when the ground beneath us shakes yet again.
Wong looks around frantically, obviously dying to get going, but he continues to explain nonetheless.
“The mind stone is what brought you back to life all those years ago when Hydra experimented on you which is why it killed you when Wanda destroyed it. But then Thanos turned back time and used the stones. You were trapped between life and death for six years and it took me until now to realize that all you needed to come back was just a little bit of a jump start.”
I wince. “Jump start?”
“I shocked you with a spell,” Wong dead-pans and I stare at him with disbelief.
“But it won’t keep you alive for long,” he continues. “You need the stone to actually live. This is only temporary, but I didn’t have a choice.”
Great. So I’m running on limited time.
“B-But, why?!” I ask, clutching at my head.
Wong averts his eyes and shifts on his feet uncomfortably. “It’s Wanda, Y/N.”
I straighten up and ignore the resulting sting of pain that runs down my spine.
“What about her? Is she okay?” I say with wide eyes, but Wong doesn’t answer.
He just stares at the portal ring on his hand and as the seconds go by, I realize what is happening.
“It’s her, isn’t it?” I whisper when the ground shakes again.
Wong just nods and I sigh, gesturing for him to show the way.
This is exactly what I was afraid of. . . She couldn’t take any more and broke.
And now she’s attacking Kamar-Taj for some reason.
We continue down the hallway and Wong throws open the huge oak door once we reach the end of it.
The sight that greets me makes my blood freeze and I hold onto the doorframe, trying to process everything that’s happening.
Hundreds of sorcerers are in the courtyard, holding up shields of glowing orange magic and countering every strike of red energy that rains down on them from the sky.
A couple of sorcerers are already on the ground amidst the smoking rubble and for my own peace of mind I’m telling myself they’re just unconscious and not dead.
My Wanda wouldn’t kill anyone. Not on purpose.
“Fall back!” I hear a familiar voice and when I look to my right I see Stephen Strange.
He looks worn and battered from the fight, but when his eyes meet mine he perks up.
Not with a smile though. No, he’s scowling like there’s no tomorrow, but luckily it’s not directed at me.
“Wong! I can’t believe this— I told you—“
“I’m the sorcerer supreme, Strange!”
“What happened to letting the dead rest?!” Strange counters as red streaks of magic continue to rain down around us.
Wong just scoffs and makes a shield just in time to stop one of the red streaks from hitting us.
“I didn’t have a choice!” he counters loudly and all of a sudden everything around us goes quiet.
The assault from above stops and the smoke begins to clear.
“I knew you were a hypocrite, Stephen, but I never thought you’d stoop this low and resort to cruel trickery.”
Wanda’s voice makes my heart skip a beat and when I look up there she is, floating above the temple.
I feel myself smiling, but that smile quickly vanishes when I take in her appearance.
She is still my Wanda, yes, but she looks very different than the last time I saw her. Her eyes are sunken in and they don’t sparkle the way I remember. Her cheekbones are also more prominent, which seems to be the result of losing quite a bit of weight.
And then there’s the whole Halloween-ish outfit she’s wearing. I mean, is that a crown on her head?
Don’t get me wrong, she looks great, but so unlike the fiancée I left behind.
She gracefully lands in front of us and easily deflects the attack of one of the injured students close by.
“Wanda. . .?” Stephen prompts, but Wanda ignores him and narrows her eyes at me.
“Who are you?! Some kind of shapeshifter?” she asks, her voice low and threatening. Her eyes glow red and and she tilts her head slightly.
“I— No, Wanda. It’s me,” I say with a hesitant smile. I push myself off the doorframe and hold out my hands in front of me in an attempt to soothe her, but before I can even take a single step in her direction, I’m hit in the chest by her magic.
It sends me flying backwards through the oak door and into the hallway. When I hit the ground, the breath gets knocked out of me and I blink rapidly in an attempt to stay conscious.
What the hell?!
“Y/N!” Wong exclaims, but he too gets knocked off his feet when he goes to help me.
Stephen follows shortly after when Wanda flicks her hand and she steps over him with a snarl.
Then her eyes land on me again and she bares her teeth. “No, you’re not! Y/N is dead! So, I’m asking you again. . . Who are you?”
“DON’T CALL ME THAT!” she screams with wild eyes and before I know it, I’m hit by another streak of magic.
This time it does more than just take my breath away and I yelp in pain, clutching at my chest where she hit me.
It feels like I’ve been electrocuted and the current is still running through me, forcing tears into my eyes and down my cheeks.
“Wanda,” I gasp. “Please, stop.“
Another blow hits me, this time in the stomach, and I squirm in pain with a sob. My hands are trembling and I feel myself getting weaker with every second that goes by. Wong’s spell must be wearing off.
“No!” she howls, using her magic to lift me into the air. It wraps around my body and throat like hot wires and I try to claw at it to get it off me. “How dare you pretend to be the love of my life?!“
“Wan. . .” My voice dies in the back of my throat when her magic tightens around my neck.
Her eyes glitter menacingly and for the first time since knowing her I feel actual fear creep into the pit of my stomach.
“You are not my Y/N,” Wanda hisses through gritted teeth.
I swallow harshly and avert my eyes so I don’t have to keep enduring the hate and distaste she is looking at me with.
What happened to her? Why doesn’t she believe me? And why is she hurting me? She’s never hurt me. . .
“Wanda, enough!” Stephen cuts in. He’s struggling to get back on his feet and leans against the wall for support.
“Zip it, Strange,” she counters. “Did you honestly think I’d fall for this little stunt of yours? Did you honestly—“
A whimper that claws its way out of me cuts Wanda off. My head is feeling like it’s being split in half and I know what that means because it’s the same thing I felt when the mind stone was being destroyed.
I’m running out of time.
I close my eyes and instantly, images of Wanda’s smile flash through my mind. I hear echoes of her giggles and happy squeals and my heart flips at all the memories we share.
I remember the feeling of her warm body beneath me and the sting of her nails digging into the skin of my back.
I remember the taste of her tears when we kissed after I proposed and she said yes, and I remember how her eyes lit up every time I entered a room.
Oh, how I love that woman, or should I say loved? Because that woman doesn’t seem to be the same as the one in front of me right now.
This Wanda is ruthless and cold hearted, and it breaks my heart to see what she’s turned into.
I’d honestly rather still be dead than witness this side of her.
The ropes of magic around me disappear and I feel myself being carefully lowered onto the ground. Once I make contact with the cold stone, I shudder and wrap my arms around myself.
Everything hurts and I just want to go back to being dead, but then a pair of warm hands on my cheeks makes me open my eyes.
“Y/N?” Wanda whispers, horrified, and her voice cracks when her eyes connect with mine and fill with realization. “Oh my God.”
She strokes her thumb over my cheek and I flinch at the small gesture which makes her eyes fill with tears.
“Moya lyubov. . .” She crumbles on top of me and clutches at my shirt with shaking hands. “It’s really you.”
I freeze beneath her and squeeze my eyes shut again when another blinding pain shoots through my head. This makes Wanda pull back and look at me with wide, worried eyes. “I hurt you, my love. Oh my God. I-I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen— I can’t believe I—“
I groan and wince again, lifting one hand to push against my throbbing temple.
Wanda’s hands cup my cheeks and I watch a tear roll down her face. “W-What is it? What’s happening? Am I still hurting you?”
She pulls back and stops touching me completely, frantically looking me over for any signs of injury.
Wong takes the opportunity to get to his feet and comes up behind Wanda to place a hand on her shoulder.
She doesn’t react to his touch and continues to run her eyes over me.
“What is it?” she asks, terrified. “What’s going on? What hurts, Y/N?”
I blink helplessly, not able to get any words out as another wave of pain washes over me.
“Wanda,” Wong says softly. “There nothing you can do.”
Her head whips around and she looks between Wong and Stephen. “What?“
Wong sighs with a sympathetic look and squeezes her shoulder. “I— The spell I used to bring Y/N back to life only works temporarily,” he explains.
Wanda gapes at him before turning back to me. Her chin is trembling and she takes my hands off my temples, lacing our fingers together.
It’s only then that I realize her fingertips are completely black and I have half a mind to pull away, but then my eyes meet hers and all my fears from earlier are washed away.
Looking back at me isn’t the new, heartless Wanda. It’s my Wanda and the agony on her face makes my own heart hurt.
“No, not again,” she whimpers. “I can’t watch you die again.”
Around us, all the injured students and masters who’ve been hesitant to approach move closer. To my surprise though, they’re not getting ready to attack. They’re simply watching us with sympathy and sad smiles.
Stephen and Wong share a knowing look and I realize that this was Wong’s plan all along.
“Darling,” I finally managed to gasp out. “It’s okay, just stop this.”
Wanda sobs and squeezes my fingers. “No, it’s not. Please, stay with me. . .”
I smile sadly and twitch when the last of my energy disappears.
“No! Please, please!” she cries, her eyes glowing red with emotion. “I love you.”
I love you, too. . .
The last thing I see before closing my eyes is the black slowly crumbling and chipping off her fingertips and the crown on her head glowing a bright red before disappearing.
A year later. . .
“What are you doing out here, darling? It’s cold,” I whispered against Wanda’s ear, coming up behind her on the balcony and wrapping my arms around her waist.
Wanda chuckles and leans back against me, tilting her head so she can look at me. “Just thinking. . .”
I quirk an eyebrow and run my thumbs over her stomach. “Are you okay?”
She smiles and lifts one of her hands to pull me down by the back of my neck, connecting our lips in a soft kiss. “I’m perfect. I was just thinking about what comes next.”
I still my thumbs and smile when she turns her attention back to the ocean below us. “And what might that be?” I ask.
Wanda intertwines our fingers over her stomach and raises our left hands to kiss the wedding ring on my finger. “I don’t know. A dog, maybe, and-and some kids?”
She says the last part a little hesitantly and I can’t help but smile even more, rubbing my nose up and down her neck, saying, “I’d love that.”
“Yeah?” she asks quietly and I nod, pressing a kiss to her neck right below her ear.
A comfortable silence settles over us and I straighten up to watch the sunset, slowly swaying us from side to side.
Over a year ago at Kamar-Taj she lost her powers in order to keep me alive. It turns out that I don’t need the mind stone to keep me alive after all, but rather a source of energy and Wanda’s power are enough to last me a whole lifetime. Literally.
Which is why we’re here now, in our own little beach house on the coast of Rhode Island.
After making sure I would definitely be okay, she told me everything about Westview and how she began studying the Darkhold after.
She also told me about everything she did to get her hands on America and once all was said and done she gave me the choice of leaving or staying with her.
I obviously stayed, not deterred by her actions or the pain she inflicted upon me, and we eloped soon after.
We bought this house together with the money I saved before what happened in Wakanda and we’ve been living in married bliss ever since.
“I love you,” I whisper, tightening my hold around her when the sun finally sets, leaving behind an orange glow across the horizon.
“I love you, too,” she replies easily, chuckling when my stomach growls. “How about some dinner?”
I smile sheepishly and kiss the top of her head. “Yes, please.”
She lets go of my hands and turns around in my arms. “Then let’s go inside.”
I hum in agreement and bend down, pecking her lips a couple of times before following her into the house.
This is not as good as Take My Hand, but I just had to write a follow-up because I hate angst without a happy ending and because I think Wanda didn’t deserve what happened to her.
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jujutsubaby · 7 months
after hours (part 7)
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☆ pairing: toji fushiguro x afab!reader, satoru gojo x afab!reader ☆ summary: time to face the music, even if you're hungover. and by music...it's the missed calls and texts and from toji. what could he possibly want? ☆ tags: modern au, academia au, babysitting au ☆ warnings: mentions of alcohol, food poisoning, sexting, slight dubcon, dirty talking ☆ a/n: another longie (7.8k+ words SORRY) but i hope you guys enjoy the foreplay. y/n is about to be dicked down every day like good for her!! but also!! wish that were me! 🤭 next one will be filled with smut so dw u horndogs!! also i'm unsure when then 3sum will come but i'm thinking in like SOON in like...10ish parts (i hope not more). i want to slow burn lead up to it and hint it more before actually writing about it LOL (also ik it sounds like a taco bell commercial in the end its not ok i just love taco bell!!!) 🖤🤍 series masterlist 🤍🖤
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the soft morning light shines through curtains you forgot to close last night, and the harshness of the sun causes you to stir in your sleep, waking you harshly.
your heart beats fast and you open your eyes and are unable to move a single limb on your body. panic sets in, only to dissipate seconds later as you find a rather tall lump of a man’s leg trapping you in the corner of your sofa.
ugh, how did i get here? why is it so bright? why does every inch of my body hurt? oh god, i’m about hurl.
you barely hold back dry heaving in your laid down position. your head is pounding and you don’t like how empty your stomach is right now. why do my legs hurt? i feel like i can’t feel them anymore. oh, right.
the large shape of a man who’s body is halfway strewn across yours, satoru, is now constricting the blood flow to your legs, and you know you have to do the daunting task of waking him up.
“psst, satoru. wake up.” you lightly pat his unruly head of white hair, but with no success. you start hitting his head harder, as you quickly start to lose more feeling in your legs, until you practically are shouting his name, swatting his head and kicking his torso. satoru abruptly wakes and turns around the small sofa, which actually has no room for turning, so he actually ends up taking a small dive into the hardwood floors of your living room.
satoru lets a groggy yet painful groan. “what the literal fuck, y/n?!” his words are almost incoherent with sleep laced between them as he rubs his arms that took the brunt of the fall. “as if my head isn’t aleady fuckin’ killin’ me.”
you groan out in pain. “my legs were being suffocated by your large body!”
none of you answer, and continue to lay still in your respective positions for what feels like hours, until your headache becomes almost too unbearable to withstand.
“satoru~” you whine out. “m’head…it hurts so much, i feel like i’m gonna die…” you turn your body as slow as you can to the edge of the couch to see satoru’s face. his eyes are still closed, but scrunched, and his hand is resting on his forehead.
“it’s called a hangover. get in line, stupid.”
“don’t call me stupid right now, satoru. i’m in pain!” you cry out, your fingers doing their best to sooth your pain by rubbing harsh circles on your temples.
satoru slowly sits up without looking at you, grabs a decorative pillow from the chaise of your couch, and immediately face plants on to it on the floor, effectively falling asleep once more. you think that’s not a bad idea, now that you have more space, and close your eyes and force your mind to concentrate on anything but your throbbing head.
okay, so we got back from the barcade. me and satoru…we…kissed. we definitely kissed. i remember that. and then? did we have sex? no, that doesn’t like us - neither of us are keen on having sex drunk for a variety of reasons besides the obvious ones.
your thoughts slowly drown out as you find yourself falling into a second deep slumber.
the second time you and satoru wake for the day is the most disconcerting: a loud, high pitched scream.
you wake up with your heart pounding so hard, you think you’re dying from cardiac arrest. satoru thinks he threw up in his mouth from how fast he stood up with a headache. both of your eyes look at the direction of the scream and see a horrified and bewildered shoko staring wide eyes and slack jawed at you. wait, why isn’t she looking at my eyes? she’s looking at my…oh my god!
you look down and see your bralette lightly torn up and your titties completely exposed and you immediately turn to look at satoru (who’s alternating between staring at your eyes and your tits). and then back at shoko.
oh? oh. OH. OH! it fucking hits you like a ton of bricks and your hungover brain immediately goes into panic mode, shoving all signals of hunger, pain, and soreness aside.
“sh-shoko, it’s obviously not like that. this is actually so funny, you know…” you do a failed attempt at a lighthearted chuckle and fumble around for a decorative pillow until satoru hands you the one he was sleeping on.
“yeah, it’s not at all what you think it is. i didn’t…i didn’t even know she had boobs until like…right now. i swear, it’s not-” satoru bumbles, also going into damage control.
“save it. i don’t care. not right now, when i’m too hungover,” shoko says, closing her eyes and raising a hand up as she bolts to her room and closes the door.
you figure you do the same and hastily get up and grab satoru’s hands. the two of you stumble your way into your bedroom and lock the door and catch your breaths.
“ohmygod this is so embarrassing,” you say whisper, not wanting shoko to overhear your conversation. you start rubbing your temples again as satoru face plants, again, on to your bed. he doesn’t respond to you so you join him and push him to his back and try to get his attention. his eyes are still scrunched closed and he lets out a groan.
“satoru, do you even know what happened? shoko probably thinks we had…ugh i can’t even say it!”
this makes him open one eye to look at you and cock an eyebrow. he lets out a laugh, which makes you let out laugh (against your will). you playfully hit his chest but he intercepts your wrists with ease and pulls you on top of him so that your sitting up on his torso while he’s laying down.
this feels nice but…you know deep down you two should probably address the elephant in the room. you uncomfortably clear your throat and he opens his eyes. “maybe we should talk about last night…” you say with a sigh.
“what’s there to say? there’s nothing wrong with two friends kissing,” satoru says cheekily, his voice still slightly deep and groggy. kinda hot.
his response puts you at ease, and your fingers start toying with the buttons on his shirt (not in a sexual way, but in a ‘this feels nice to fidget with so i don’t have anxiety’ kinda way).
“yeah, but maybe we should…i dunno…talk about it?” you question, avoiding eye contact with him.
“like, i dunno…” you start to chicken out before forcing yourself to say what you really want to say. “i dunno…are we only gonna kiss each other from now on? because i kinda still…wanna kiss toji…” your voice becomes barely audible near the end.
satoru stays quiet for longer than you anticipated, and you’re about to step off him to throw up in the bathroom before he finally responds with a resounding hum.
“yeah, i don’t mind. if i’m being honest…with us having school and work and all…it might be hard to make this an exclusive thing. and also…i know mia was a bitch to literally everyone but…god…” satoru sighs deeply. “her ass was insane, i’m sorry!”
you laugh wholeheartedly and grab a nearby pillow and hit his head softly in jest. you should’ve known someone like satoru, someone as horny as satoru, would not want to be tied down during grad school just yet. a sense of relief washes over you as you feel grateful that satoru has always matched your wavelength since high school. you start to think of the second elephant in the room. what will we tell shoko? and suguru? and utahime and literally all of our friends? there’s no telling shoko hasn’t already told utahime…
“also…maybe we should keep this between us…for now. especially after…” you trail off, deep in thought about the prospect of your friends finding out. 
“yeah, that sounds like a good idea…” satoru says, smirking slowly. “definitely because of our friends but also…it’s always fun to have a sexy secret with someone.”
“shut up!” you give him a smack across the chest, before thinking. i mean, it’s not like you hated kissing him. and you didn’t hate it when he played with your titties. “maybe…i mean…maybe we can still, you know, fool around still?” you say shyly.
“maybe we can fuck too if that’s something you’re down for?” satoru says unabashedly.
you lean your body down, pressing against him, and bring your lips inches from his lips, before saying you’d like that a lot. he closes the gap and starts kissing you deeply, just like the night before. satoru’s hands move up and down your hips, leaving no part of your torso untouched. your hips buckle into his and starts grinding against his already hard member. your skirt from last night has already risen up, so the cool metals of his belt are grinding up and down your clothed core, making you squirm and moan into his mouth.
satoru breaks the kiss and you whine at the loss of contact. your lips immediately latch on to his neck, leaving small wet spots all over.
satoru groans. “fuck, need this off.” he puts his fingers around the waistband of your skirt and shimmies it off of you, leaving you exposed in your thong and have ripped bralette.
your hands immediately get to work and unbuckles his belt. your hands fumble as you unzip his pants and slide them halfway down, his erect clothed member coming into view. satoru lets out a throaty breath as you start palming his hard member and leaving kisses from his neck down to his happy trail. before you’re able to start kissing below the belt, satoru pulls your head up via bunching up your hair into a makeshift ponytail and starts to kiss you as he sits up. 
“maybe we should take this into the shower…” he mumbles in between kisses. you nod and break off the kiss. 
“what time is it?” you say, as you look around for your phone. you find it only to see that the battery is completely dead. frowning, you get up to charge it before continuing your activities with satoru. 
“jesus, it’s 11 in the mornin’” satoru says, sounding slightly flustered. “fuck! i’m gonna be late for a lab meeting!” he says, as he starts to put his belt back on.
you frown. “so no shower sex?”
“i promise you, i want nothing more than to fuck your brains out in that shower.” satoru scrunches his eyes, and you wonder if he’s in genuine pain over the fact that he can’t. “but i unfortunately told nanami i’d personally talk to professor masamichi about his referral.”
“since when do you care about holding up your end of the bargain like that?” you say, cocking an eyebrow. you’ve known satoru for years, and you don’t think he’s ever showed up to a professional meeting on time, nor did he ever care to follow through with requests given to him by his peers.
“yeahhh, i know but nanami said he’s gonna send a deep web hitman for me after tricking him into my party and forcing him to be on my pool team…soo…”
“you’re so insane.”
“i think i’m going insane forfeiting pussy to go to a lab meeting, alright?”
you laugh softly. perhaps it’s probably a good time to let satoru go so you can begin your day. you have a laundry list of things to get done that thinking about it is enough for you to feel sick (showering, studying, talking to shoko without satoru there, and more things you know you’re forgetting). “well, thanks for offering anyway,” you say. 
“c’mere,” satoru says, holding out his arms to you. you melt into the hug he gives you and look up. 
“still seein’ you for study group later?” you ask him, recalling you, nanami, and haibara were planning to do some studying for your final at the university library later this evening. 
“oh shit, yeah. gotta clean up the aftermath of last night at my place and then i’ll be there,” he assures you, before grabbing his phone. you quickly put on a pair of pajama shorts and replace your torn up bralette with an old sleeping oversized tee and lead satoru to the doorway of your apartment. you wave goodbye to him, and prepare yourself to have a potentially awkward conversation with shoko after what she saw this morning. 
you scurry to shoko’s bedroom and knock twice on the door, and shoko immediately opens it and lets you in. you give her a pouty look, internally apologizing for the sight in the morning. it’s not necessarily that she saw you topless (you guys are roommates and nip slips happen), it’s more so that you were topless with satoru. 
“glad to see you finally wearing clothes, you slut,” shoko says tiredly. you can detect a slight joking tone in her voice and it relaxes you immediately. you sigh softly. 
“listen, shoko.” you start but hesitate. you want to tell shoko what really happened last night, but you remember you’re the one who didn’t want to tell your mutual friends about you and satoru. shoko and you have been best friends for so long and you can’t bear to lie to her or keep something from her. no literally, you tried to in the past but she saw through you within minutes and you ended up divulging everything to her. you figure now is no different, and you also trust her not to tell suguru or anyone else. 
shoko snaps her fingers at you. “hello, y/n? where’d ya go?”
“i hooked up with satoru last night.” you say quickly, praying she doesn’t ask you to say it again. 
shoko is silent and you cannot read her face for the life of you. “okay, it wasn’t even a hook up, i dunno why i said that. we just made out and like sortofmadeittosecondbasebutit’snotthatserious-”
your rambling is interrupted by shoko’s laughter howling across the room. shoko tries to calm down and collect herself. “wow, i mean, i sort of clocked it because of how you were this morning but oh my god? like it finally happened?”
you plop down on her bed next to her and shake her to make her stop laughing. “shokoo~ stop it! i was really horny last night, okay!” you’re scrambling to defend yourself from this blunder. 
“yeah, but him? kinda…embarrassing, no? i mean i know he’s hot, like even i can attest to that but gojo is like…hot and insufferable…like i’m happy for you but at what cost to you?” shoko explains as she wipes away tears from her eyes from laughing too hard. 
“i know, it is embarrassing and i dunno what i see in him but…when i see him…shoko,” you start rubbing your temples as you feel your headache coming on again. “i just wanna fuckin’ jump his bones, dude.” you think you hear shoko mumble something about how she cannot stand straight people. she has a point. 
“so what now?” shoko asks, getting up from her bed and grabbing her scrubs from her closet, slowly getting ready for her shift at the hospital. 
“well, for starters, you cannot tell anyone because we said we would keep it secret so you gotta pretend you dunno about this.” you go on to tell shoko about how you guys would continue to fool around casually. “it’s because we have so much going on and you know…i still wanna kiss toji.” wait, toji. toji’s text? did he respond. how could you have forgotten something you were obsessing over the whole night yesterday?! it finally hits you that satoru finally took your mind off of toji for a while, and that he could’ve finally messaged you back this morning. 
shoko mulls this information over for a bit, and you already know what her next question is. “can i tell utahime? pleeeaaassseeee!” she whines. 
“if you tell utahime she might actually kill me in my sleep.” you say exhasperatedly. 
“no, no she won’t. she might want to take you for a psych eval or something but that’s it. she might throw up too, i guess. and she might cry for you. and she-”
“okay, i’ve heard enough.” you stop shoko, getting up from her bed and heading back to your room. before exiting shoko’s bedroom, you quickly give her permission to tell utahime but no one else. it’s quite pathetic how fast you run to your desk where your phone lay charging. your practically jumps out of your chest as you see 5 missed text messages from toji: 
toji: Holy fuck, pumpkin 🥵 your titties are so fuckin insane. im so fuckin hard right now.
toji: Wyd tn? 
toji: You’ve made me so hard right now n someone’s gotta help me fix this mess. Im bout to beat myself off to this pic fuck
toji: [1 Photo] 
toji: [1 Video]
you open the photo he sent and gasp. it’s a photo of him in front of his mirror, shirtless, and him holding his clearly erect member, except it’s barely peeking through the granite counter tops of his bathroom. you open the video and see it’s a video of him…oh my god, it’s a video of him touching himself? you’re appalled and turned on because he looks so good in it and you wish it was you getting him off instead. you check the timestamp, and you’re embarrassed to realize he sent this around the time you were having your heavy makeout session with satoru or around the time you passed out shortly after.
the video continues to play as you strip yourself completely, creep to the bathroom, and turn on the shower. as you wait for it to get to the temperature you like, you continue to watch the video of toji stroking himself, and your hand automatically guides itself to your already wet and throbbing core. just knowing toji recorded this for your viewing pleasure (and it was indeed an immense pleasure viewing it) turned you on so much that you felt near your climax already. you start rubbing harsher circles on your delicate bundle of nerves, until you’re unable to hold back any longer. the sound of the shower blocks out your throaty moans, and you end up coming undone around the same time as toji does in the video. you breath heavily as you see white streaks painting toji’s shower, not dissimilar from your location. 
through heavy breaths, you quickly send a picture of your fingers resting and covering the bare “v” on your body. this time, you immediately get a response. 
toji: Fuck pumpkin, you left me all alone last night and now you do this?
immediately you respond back, biting back a smile. 
y/n: you’re the one who left me hanging all day :( i had to cum all by myself just right now looking at your video daddy
you hit send and it’s been only 10 seconds before you see that toji is ringing you. you let it ring a little bit longer, not wanting to sound desperate for him, even though you totally are. “hii toji~” you say sultrily. 
“pumpkin, you better come over tonight.” toji’s husky voice sends shivers through your spine, and you have to physically stop yourself from rolling your eyes in pleasure. god, this is just what his voice does to you? you want him bad. 
“hmm, why should i? i’m hurt after you ignored me all day, toji.” you try to sound strict and upset over the phone but it’s hard when your body is already ready for another orgasm. 
“aww don’t gimme that,” toji coos. “i’ll take care of your pretty little puss- oh whoops, megumi is here, but you know what i mean.” you can hear him smirking on the other line and you almost get second-hand embarrassment from him almost saying a bad word in front of megumi. 
“how can you take care of me when you don’t even respond to my texts?” you whine. “go fuck the other girl you were fucking last night instead of me.” oh wow. you don’t know where that came from, but the hangover you have right now is making you feel brattier than usual. and you actually do want to know what he was doing (or who) all day yesterday, even if it makes you a hypocrite since you were with satoru last night (and this morning). 
you hear toji roar with laughter, a little too much in your opinion, and you pout. where does he get off laughing about how he ghosted me last night? “okay, if you must know…megumi got himself some classic food poisoning from the parent-teacher conference.” though the parent-teacher conference feels decades away, your heart drops for poor megumi and you gasp. “calm down pumpkin, he’s fine now so don’t worry. his friends just made him eat somethin’ weird on the playground, i think.”
“oh my god, toji!” you say horrified. “okay, i’m coming over tonight with some soup. and not for you okay, for megumi.” who are you kidding? you’re also partially going so toji could fuck your brains out but you’re not about to give him that satisfaction. 
“whatever you say, pumpkin. see you at 6:30? i’ll make dinner.” ugh, he always knows what to say to sound so romantic and you fall for it all the time. plus, seeing a domestic toji in the kitchen…god you can’t even think about it because you might end up screaming at how horny you might get.
“see ya, daddy.” you say jokingly. toji and you say goodbye and hang up. you quickly shoot a text to your study group quickly making up an excuse as to why you can no longer come. while nanami and haibara respond in the group with thumbs ups, satoru messages you privately. 
satoru: wtf i didn’t know fucking you this evening was still on the table?
 you furrow your eyebrows in confusion. what the hell is he on about?
y/n: what r u talkin about u weirdo
satoru doesn’t respond, and you’ve been wasting so much water already having an entire phone conversation with toji and, admittedly touching yourself that you might as well get in. the hot shower envelops your sore body, and before you’re able to fully wet yourself, you hear the ding of your phone. you really shouldn’t…but you were never good at controlling yourself. you quickly open the shower and bring your phone in, shielding it from the water. 
satoru: u obvi cancelled to see toji im not stupid
y/n: no comment 
satoru: cancel on him i promise u baby i will fuck u better and harder tn
your eyes widen at the offer. you recall a couple nights ago refusing a similar offer he texted you, but this time felt more serious. you want to see toji, but you also want to see satoru. you’re about to mull over the options before an image of a sick megumi pops into your forehead, and you immediately know you have to go to toji to at the very least see megumi and maybe read him a couple bedtime stories and help him with some missed homework. 
y/n: toji’s kid got food poisoning :( i feel like i should go see him but…let’s link tomorrow?
satoru: he’s using his kid to get pussy that is insane. but yes ok fine cya -_-
you chuck your phone outside the shower, and close your eyes. you try to think of things that don’t involve sexy moments with satoru or toji…or satoru and toji and instead think of how much extra studying you have to get done tonight since you’re opting to go to see toji. as always, you fail to think of anything else.
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the timer for the soup you’re making for megumi beeps and you turn it off hastily, determined to finish up one last problem set before going to the kitchen. through some miraculous intervention (and advil), you were able to hunker down and solve through the problem sets you were supposed to solve with your study group and prepare a simple chicken soup for megumi. after five minutes, you check your work hastily, before deciding it’s enough for you to get full marks and sprint to the kitchen, which now smells like chicken stock and veggies and you hum. you’re excited for megumi to try the soup your mom had made for you whenever you had food poisoning. 
you go back to your room and finish packing your bags and picking your outfit for the night. since you’re  just staying indoors with toji, and the weather says it’ll be a pretty warm evening, you opt for your comfiest pair of fleece shorts and a well loved collegiate sweatshirt. you’ve perfected the art of a “no makeup” makeup look throughout the years, so you’re able to get by with just throwing your hair in a messy bun and calling it day. you quickly grab a large to-go soup container for the soup and pack your bags to head to toji’s place. 
you hate feeling like a child but just merely thinking of seeing toji after him being so distant with you yesterday has your heart doing cartwheels like you’re in fifth grade with a crush. you’re also excited to see a domestic toji in action in his fancy kitchen. maybe a bit too excited, you think, as you feel the wetness pool around your core. god, snap out of it already! the night hasn’t even started yet. 
you drive into toji’s 4-car driveway, only to see toji’s garage door open. huh, that’s weird. you normally park in his driveway (he’s asked you to so you’re not left walking to your car during the late nights when you babysit) so you pull up anyway, despite the confusion. you see toji’s head peek through the garage door inside and he looks…oh, he looks kinda upset. you’re about to get out of the car and meet toji but he starts to walk towards you, his face only softening a tiny bit, which is unusual. oh, something must’ve really annoyed him. 
you open your car door and get out halfway to talk to toji. “hey toji, you okay? what’s wrong?” your voice is laced with concern. once toji gets within arms length of you, you reach up and start rubbing his chest in an effort to sooth him. 
toji grunts, and quickly leans down to peck your lips. “sorry pumpkin, megumi just told me he signed up to bring brownies for his soccer potluck early tomorrow morning. n’ they gotta be homemade.”
you furrow your brows even more in confusion. you know about the monthly potlucks megumi has with his soccer team on the weekends, but there’s usually some silly theme to them (last month’s was barbie themed so everyone had to bring in something pink). you guess this time around the theme is homemade meals and treats. “what’s the issue? there’s still plenty of time to grab something from the store…”
“the issue is i wanted to use that time to cook something nice for my son’s insanely hot babysitter, y/n.” toji replies bluntly. 
“ohh~” it came out of you by accident, and you’re a little embarrassed as you feel the heat rising to your cheeks. “th-that’s fine toji. you don’t need to-”
“i wanted to…and then i wanted to eat her pussy for dessert.” his eyes darken and he smirks coyly. toji pulls your body closer to his and leans down to give you your first proper kiss of the night. your arms wrap around his neck, which he uses as a signal to deepen the kiss by inserting his tongue into your mouth. you allow him and his tongue wastes no time exploring every inch of your mouth. you find yourself moaning into the kiss softly and tugging on his hair, until you hear megumi yell for toji from the garage. you both immediately snap back into a respectful distance apart. 
“daddy, i’m ready to go.” megumi says, his voice slightly tired. you grab your bag and soup container from your car and walk inside the garage to greet megumi, who’s eyes beam when they see you. he runs to you for a hug, which you gladly return with one hand. 
“hey there, kiddo. heard you were sick last night,” you say pityingly. 
“yeah i ‘frew up because yuji and nobara dared me to eat some weird smelling cheese from the cafeteria.”
you make a disgusted face. “megumiii, you have to stop doing stuff because you think it’ll make you look cool. it’s just gross.” you stand up and turn to toji. “i made him some chicken soup, it’s still warm so be careful but i think it might help him out.” 
toji thanks you and takes the soup and your bag from you. he tells you to wait out here with megumi while he quickly puts it inside the fridge. you turn to megumi sympathetically again. “how are you feelin’ now, bud?”
“i’m totally fine now!!!” he says very energetically, doing various dramatic stretches to supposedly “prove” that he was all good. “but…daddy’s mad because now he has to make brownies instead of dinner for us.”
“daddy will get over it, don’t worry.” you wink to megumi. “i’ll put in a good word for you. maybe i’ll even help you bake some brownies, kay?”
megumi’s eyes light up at the sound of baking a sweet treat with you, and it melts your heart. “really?! you mean it?!” you nod in response and give his cheeks a friendly pinch, causing him to laugh. 
“what’s going on, you guys talking shit about me?” toji walks into the garage, and you finally get a proper glimpse of what he’s wearing: loose slim fitted grey sweats and a skin tight compression shirt (that perfectly shows off his toned chest), which he’s currently covering up (to your dismay) with a black fitted quarter zip. it almost makes you forget about how he swore in front of megumi. almost. 
“toji! don’t say that word in front of your son, oh my god.” you playfully chastise him as you pretend to cover megumi’s ears. 
“fuck, my bad. megumi, don’t say what i say.” toji says without a care in the world. 
“shit!” megumi says out loud, and he’s about to say another word but you give him a disappointed glare, which makes him immediately stop saying more alleged swear words. “to be fair, i learn most bad words from nobara. she knows soo many…” okay, you need to dissect that later with him. 
you notice toji reaching for his car keys and you start protesting. “wait, toji, i can drive us. my car is already open and in your driveway anyway…” you’ve never driven toji anywhere, and it’s kind of exciting to potentially have that opportunity now. toji seems to hesitate for a bit, purely out of ego of letting the girl he’s sleeping with drive him somewhere, but acquiesces. you give him a bright smile before taking megumi’s hands and heading to your car. you get him seated in the backseat of your mini cooper, and megumi marvels at being inside your car for the first time. 
“woah! this car is so small and tiny and fun sized!” he says while laughing, and you ruffle his hair. finally, the first person to ever say something nice about the size of your car! 
you shut the door and see toji already on the passenger side furrowing his brows while looking at your car. you know this look. you’ve seen this look on satoru and suguru, and any guy who’s over 6 feet tall and is riding in your car for the first time. 
“pumpkin, i am not gonna fit inside here. let’s just take my car.” 
“don’t be dramatic, you’ll fit. everyone fits inside this car. now get in.” you huff, already getting settled inside and putting on your seatbelt. toji get into the passenger seat, and the sheer weight of his build causes the car to shake. he adjusts his seat and tries to get as comfortable as he can. you see his legs are bent in uncomfortable angles as he puts his seatbelt on. 
“this is the last time i’m getting in your tiny ass car, y/n. i feel like i’m about to die.” oh he called you by your name. he’s definitely hating this but…he did ignore you the whole day yesterday. sure, megumi was sick but it would’ve taken 10 seconds max to say that through text. 
you start to back out of his driveway and drive to the nearby target. “you’ll get over it. also, i was thinking…” you make eye contact with megumi from the backseat and give him a wink and he returns one as well. “maybe i can help megumi with baking brownies, too. and maybe we can just order takeout instead? spend the rest of time helping megs get his rest for tomorrow?”
you bite your lip and turn to face toji during a red light. you hate to sound cocky, but you know he can’t resist you when you’re looking at him like this, and you’re right. toji obliges, but swears he’s going to pay for dinner regardless, and you don’t object. 
megumi fills the car ride with random tidbits and stories from school and his sick day yesterday while you and toji entertain him. throughout the ride, toji alternates between holding your free hand and rubbing circles on your thighs while you drive, which you make a mental note of telling him not to do because it definitely distracts you from the road. 
at target, the three of you grab ingredients for the brownies pretty quickly, before getting in a moderately long line. while waiting, your eyes wander and see the cutest black lace bralette (pretty similar to the one satoru destroyed last night). you really want to check it out, so you quickly tell toji and get closer to inspect it. the beautiful lace designs are just so your style, and the price range is perfect, too. you make another mental note to come back and make satoru buy it for you. 
“like what you see?” toji’s voice startles you and you turn around quickly, and feel the heat rise to your cheeks. “i think you’d look sexy in it, for what it’s worth.”
“th-thanks, toji. i might get it later…”
“you should get it now. i’ll buy it for you. after all, your bralette got ripped last night, right?” what. the. fuck?
the color drains from your face and if you weren’t feeling hot before, you sure are burning up right now. your throat feels dry and you start stuttering. “wha-what are you talkin’ abou-”
“the one that…god what was his name? satoru? yeah, the one that satoru ripped, right?” toji is fully smirking amusedly now, and you look like a deer caught in his headlights at his mercy. 
“h-how do you know th-that?” you say, your eyes widening at your (slutty) night out being caught by toji. 
“oh, sorry, i thought you knew. i called you last night, pumpkin, remember?” toji inches closer to you and his pupils dilate. your breathing gets more erratic and heavy. what? no he didn’t. or did he? oh my god. it hits you that you answered his call via your body movements with satoru and you didn’t know. and you didn’t bother checking your call logs this morning because there was no missed call from toji since you technically answered it. oh my god. 
“you made me so fuckin’ hard with that pic of your tits, y/n. i had to call you to help me get off, but it seems like you were too busy getting off too.” toji’s lips are inches from your ears, and you can feel his breath as he whispers in your ear, and it makes your eyes roll far back in your head. “i can’t lie, pumpkin, your moans while he was playing with you…” toji groans and you dare to look down his hips to see a tent forming in his gray sweats, making your breath hitch. “it made me so fuckin’ turned on that i just had to touch myself to it. but don’t worry, you didn’t miss much. i sent you a full video of it, too.” 
you have to bite your lip hard to prevent yourself from moaning in the middle of the women’s section of target out of all fucking places, but you let out the tiniest whimper that only toji can hear. 
“don’t worry, pumpkin. i’m not mad you were with someone else. you’re such a needy slut who needs to be taken care of, and when daddy can’t help, you have to find your own way, isn’t that right?” he grabs your jaw roughly and forces you to make eye contact with him. “answer me, pumpkin.” he says more forcefully. 
oh, you are so finished. you are done for. your panties are a complete mess and you wish you had brought a second pair with you because they are just ruined. you swallow before answering toji with a shaky “yes daddy.”
toji releases your jaw, but not before giving your lips a quick peck that leaves you wanting more. way more. he squeezes your ass, which you don’t expect and let out an unfortunate and embarrassing squeak, causing a handful of people nearby you guys to turn around and wonder about the noise for half a second. toji grabs the bralette and heads back to the line where he made megumi wait with the cart. you take a moment to yourself to process the information toji revealed and get your breathing under control before heading back. you feel like maybe you should be upset about this, but…it’s just turning you on? those forbidden feelings you’ve been having about satoru and toji taking you at the same time are bubbling to the surface with toji’s confession, and you force them down unsuccessfully. toji’s a fuckin’ freak but that just turns you on even more. 
in the car, you’re still unable to properly hold a conversation with megumi and toji properly because of how flustered you are. you crack a window open, and you bite your lips so hard that you’re sure you bruised them when toji places his hand on your thigh again. a mangled moan gets stuck in your throat and you cough quickly to cover up any suspicion. 
“s-so, what are we gonna do for dinner? t-takeout? where?” you stutter, quickly trying to regain your composure. 
“i want taco bell!” megumi yells excitedly from the backseat.
“megumi, y/n is our guest here. we can’t just take her to taco bell. think of a nicer place than that. what about panda express?” toji turns around to chastise megumi, but his hands are still firmly gripping your thigh. 
you cough again and wish you had a bottle of water to help your dry throat. “i love taco bell! let’s go, it’s okay,  toji.” you press to start the car ignition, and ride to taco bell is anything but silent, with megumi talking about the countless items he wanted to get from taco bell, and toji dissuading him from doing so. 
“even if you’re feeling better, why in the world would you want to eat a chicken crispanada? who even told you about that?” toji asks exasperatedly. 
it’s probably yuji, he’s always eating something weird.
“yuji told me about it.” megumi says without missing a beat, causing you to smile. by the time you pull up to the taco bell drive-thru, toji has talked down megumi to reduce his never ending list of taco bell items, but not by a lot (“he’s a growing boy!” you told toji). 
toji does the honors of remembering everyone’s orders and responding to the cashier when he asks what the order is. “yeah, uh, hi, can we get 5 crunchy tacos, 1 mexican pizza, 1 chicken crispinada…”
“CINNABON DELIGHTS!” megumi interrupts from the backseat. 
“yeah, uh, the 12 pack cinnabon delights…” toji looks over at you to get your order. you whisper to him you want a crunchwrap supreme and he frowns when that’s the only thing you want. “you gotta have something else, pumpkin…” he encourages. you know you probably should, but there’s no way you can eat as much as him and megumi, which makes you hesitate. 
“i just don’t think i can finish another thing by myself…” you say quickly, knowing the cashier might be getting annoyed at how long it’s taking for you guys to order, but toji doesn’t seem to care. 
“we can split some nachos, yeah?” toji squeezes your thigh reassuringly, and you smile and nod. 
“yeah, and maybe a nacho bell grande? that’s all for us.” the cashier sounds bored and he tells you guys the total and asks you to pull to the front. in the front window, the bored cashier’s expression immediately changes when he looks at you…wait. not you. 
the cashier immediately straightens up and adjusts his shirt. he looks almost nervous as he reads out loud the order you guys have, but stutters every time he looks up and makes eye contact with…toji. he stutters out the total, and toji smirks at him while he takes out his wallet and pulls out his card, passing it to you to pass to the cashier. the cashier hesitates to run his card, and it looks like he’s deep in thought before he starts to speak, this time more confidently. 
“um, actually, sir, we’re having a new promotion if you’re interested…”
toji hums in response. “and what’s that?” he asks it so sensually that you have to do a flabbergasted double take between the two of them. is this what you think it is?
“you see, the meal’s on the house…in exchange for your number.” the cashier coyly returns a smile to toji, not breaking eye contact with him, and as a result, totally ignoring you and megumi in the car. you sneak a glance behind you at megumi and you’re surprised to see him looking completely bored and unamused by what’s happening. 
“gimme a pen and the receipt and you got it, sugar.” toji’s response is a bit too quick for your liking, but you’re still in shock as a quickly jots down his digits before handing the receipt back to the cashier and pocketing his card. the cashier winks at him as you drive up to the second window for your food and toji looks completely unphased by what just transpired. you turn to look at him incredulously, with wide confused eyes and your dropped. 
“what…was that?!”
“jealous? don’t worry about it, pumpkin. not the first time someone’s asked me  my number for a free meal.” he chuckles, still nonplussed about the entire interaction. 
you shake your head, baffled. “w-what? so you’re telling me multiple are just? into you like this? also i’m not jealous!”
toji shrugs and grins. “guess so. i mostly care about the free meal, and currently, my eyes are for you.” he assures you by squeezing your hands quickly and giving you a quick kiss on the cheek. 
you laugh at how absurd it is. no way he’s flirting with cashiers for a free meal. you make a mental note to tell shoko about it later, even though you know it will just fan the “toji doesn’t have a job” flames even more. “oh my god, you’re a slut! you, like,  just give it up real easy, huh?” you tease, but you make sure to mouth the word “slut” so megumi can’t hear the foul language. 
“you’re one to talk,” toji says, and you both laugh as you get your food and drive home quickly before the food gets cold. 
at toji’s place, toji helps set the dinner table for megumi, while you offer to start on the brownies since you weren’t as hungry. toji sits at the dinner table with megumi, and you both entertain him and his jokes and stories as he eats his dinner hungrily. after a particularly disgusting story about yuji eating a worm on the playground (“this is why you’re getting food poisoning so much, megs!” toji says while you chastise him once again about the dangers of peer pressure), you can feel megumi’s voice get lower as he gets more tired. it makes sense – he had a rough day yesterday, and so he’s more tired today. 
“someone’s sleepyyyy” you sing and lightly tease megumi, as you fill up a cup of water for him. 
“i’m not! i’m very awake and i can watch-” megumi is interrupted by his own yawn which he fails to hide from either of you. “i can watch some tv. i need to watch more euphoria…” he pleads. 
“what is this show you’re watching?” toji questions, looking at megumi quizzically as he starts throwing away trash from megumi’s dinner. your eyes widen and before megumi answers, toji cuts him off. “doesn't matter. no tv for you because your body needs to recover and you need to sleep early tonight.”
megumi pouts so hard that tears begin to brim his eyes. “but this isn’t fair,” he whines. 
toji picks him up with one arm with ease (did his biceps get even bigger?). “tell you what, you go to sleep early, and let me and y/n bake your brownies for you. and i promise you i’ll let you have a brownie for breakfast tomorrow morning.”
you shoot toji a frown. you always try to prep some overnight oats or pancakes or something more balanced for megumi to have in the mornings after you leave, but you know toji has to lose some battles to win some to avoid a crying temper tantrum tonight. toji shrugs as he looks at you and throws the remaining trash away, as megumi immediately cheers up hearing about his impending brownie breakfast. 
toji turns to you. “gonna put him to bed, be right back, pumpkin.” he gives you a quick wink which sets your heart ablaze, thinking about what the rest of the night will hold. your dinner is probably cold but you don’t care as you’re back in the target clothing section, toji’s words sending a chill across your spine and drying your throat. you both haven’t gotten alone time since then, and, as much as you hate to admit it, you feel yourself getting wet through your panties. 
you take a seat after setting out  the ingredients for the brownies on the granite counter, and have to cross your legs to prevent your thoughts from getting too dirty too fast…
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enchantedabode · 1 year
Keith Kogane’s NSFW Alphabet :3
This isn’t proofread I’m sorry 💔
Tw: blood and knifeplay
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Keith definitely wipes you down with a warm cloth if you don’t wanna take a bath. If you’re in the mood for something like that he’d for sure do ANYTHING for you.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He’s a stomach guy. Flat, fupa, chubby, abs? He doesn’t give a single FUCK he’s laying on it, cumming on it, nibbling, biting, kissing, licking.
Sadly he doesn’t have a favorite body part but if he had to choose it’d be his hair. He likes how silky and nice it is, don’t ever call it a mullet he will get mad.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He will always pull out, he has a fear of children but also the idea of the child being discriminated against for being part galra. If you ever asked him to cum inside you would have to BEG for it, and even so he’d still secretly pull out. (It’s his trauma leave him be 💔)
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He’s masturbated to you in his lion on multiple occasions, I mean like it’s not like he was in space or on a mission.. he just wanted a closer relationship to you and his lion ig..
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He has the idea thanks to porn and shit but he’s never had actual sex unless it was with you. Maybe he had a fear of it idk.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
doggy style, missionary, reverse cowgirl, lotus flower, and spoon.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He’s very serious about sex, no matter what he needs to know if he’s hurting you or not. Maybe every other time you have sex he’ll giggle when he’s cumming but that’s mostly from the stimulation.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Considering they’re always running away from Zarkon and other aliens of that nature I doubt he has time to shave himself. I’m sure he’ll keep it trimmed but not a full on shave.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He’s EXTREMELY intimate and romantic during sex. He adores the idea of feeling close and romantic to you especially when it’s something like this, he wants you to feel safe in his arms….or dick..whichever you prefer ig
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He would always jack off to the thought of you before you guys started dating. Of course it was when you guys were flirting intensely and you were getting really touchy with each other. Otherwise he would’ve felt guilty..
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
I have a LOT of kinks for him but that’s for another fanfic. He’s into knifeplay, not cutting or stabbing of course but that look on your face when he puts his knife to your neck or pussy oh my god. He’s also really into blood he can’t help it’s his galra 😞. He likes seeing blood on him when you scratch or bite him but seeing you in pain and bloody is something he genuinely can’t stand. (Hypocrite 😒)
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
ONLY in his room (I’m lying). If you ever begged pleaded or sobbed he’d probably give in and do it in his lion. IF his lion was okay with it, occasionally he’d finger your behind a pod or something. He hates quickies though..
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Training. Seeing you all sweaty and panting, hands on your knees as you gasp and pant after a rough round of fighting with that SCARY ASS DUMMY. God everytime he sees you like that his body reacts on its own, the warmth in his crotch gets more intense by the second.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He will literally NEVER, share you with someone else and if you even mention something like it he’ll get defensive and all worried saying things like; “why? Do you not like me anymore? Did I do something wrong? Did you not like how fast I went last time?” You’ll have to constantly comfort him. Poor baby is so insecure he’s never been in a relationship like this before.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Oh he can sit in between your thighs for hours, sucking, licking, drooling. That shit is a whole ass 5 star meal for him. Eyes rolling back, gripping on the sheets, groaning, moaning. He doesn’t mind getting head although he can eat you up every day if you let him.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He’s usually fast but if you need him to be gentle he’ll try his best to control himself. If he gets close to cumming he needs to go faster or he’ll basically be edging himself.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He despises them with his entire being, he wants to be close and passionate with you. He needs to feel your body against his, it genuinely feels wrong to not fuck you passionately. If you really need it he’ll finger or give you head before you go on a mission or something. Same for him, he’ll allow you to jerk him off if he really needs it but most of the time he doesn’t.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Like I said earlier he likes blood and knifeplay but he doesn’t really wanna do anything other than that. I mean sure he likes the idea of learning your kinks and he’d love to try them but his kinks are pretty solid and he sticks to them.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
His normal human form he can go up to 3 on a good day. If he’s in heat (Bc he’s galra and I say so) he can go about…..too many to count but if I can put an estimate about 5-7.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He has a vibrator for you because he knows it’s hard for you to cum from just penetration alone. He’s used it on himself once and it was a mess, never again.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Oh he loves foreplay, rubbing and teasing your clit and seeing you press your thighs together trying to get as much stimulation as possible ngh~
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Yk how I said he giggles when he cums? Well he also has a high pitched moan when he cums as well. But for the most part he just grunts and mumbles sweet nothings under his breath.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Forgot to mention it but he wants to be chained/tied up and let you peg him (please he needs it)
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Idk that part galra is putting a LOT of images in my head so…normally 5 soft 5.7ish hard. In heat? 7-8 it just depends if his horny levels are high enough.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?
He can go for about 45 minutes each round but for heat (I’m sorry it’s stuck in my head) about an hour or so….each round..
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Normally he’ll wait for you to go to sleep in his arms after cleaning you up. But if he’s in heat (I’m genuinely so sorry) he’ll immediately fall asleep after while you weakly pet his hair from how hard he fucked you.
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stannyramirez · 10 months
𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐧, 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐞, 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝
“I need some salves and shit for intense body beatings!” “Look, my husband got the living shit beat out of him and it’s all my fault!” “Help me take his pain away, pronto!” “You’re a fucking idiot. That’s what you are.” “This ain’t fucking Jurassic Park.” “I am so embarrassed for you because I am a professional martial artist.” “Come on. Let’s just you and me hang.” “Well, you know I love a sibs-free hang sesh.” “I’ll rip your asshole out and eat it and kill you!” “Get this pillowcase off my fucking face!” “These fucking animals snatched me straight out my whip!” “I figured out the part about the cousins being involved, maybe you can find some fucking clues, too.” “Let me guess, you were sitting there quitting, giving up.” “I am in no mind space to be teased right now.” “We have been kidnapped, you fucking bitches!” “Puke on yourself and eat it, please.” “Is that you in here screaming like a bitch?” “Well, we’re going to ransom you to your daddy for money.” “You deserve this life, dude!” “I can’t see you, but I can smell ya.” “Why don’t you laugh in my face, you motherfucker?” “It’s not funny to do jokes like that.” “And how can I help you on this blessed day?” “You ruined my life. You didn’t think I was gonna make you pay?” “Five million a head.” “You must think I’m fucking stupid.” “I sure do think you’re stupid, but what does that have to do with anything?” “Oh, no. You got your facts mixed up.” “You’re a self-righteous asshole.” “It’s filthy as fuck in here.” “Chicken doo-doo is getting all ground into my fuckin’ seduction dress!” “How can you eat in this dirty-ass heat?” “When that door opens and the little one walks in, I’m gonna slay him, cut his fuckin’ face off, and wear it as a mask.” “Sounds insane and not doable.”
“Serves you right, trying to argue with me.” “You know, literally, that is the thing that pisses me off the most about you. Every single time I suggest anything, you’re so eager to just jump down my throat, punch holes in my shit.” “Homeboy, like you’re not trying to always argue with me.” “You’re constantly acting like I’m gonna mess everything up.” “You do mess everything up.” “I will fucking kill you!” “I demand to be held captive in a private silo right now! ...Please!” “I wondered what that was, but I thought it rude to ask.” “Stop crying! Ain’t nobody gonna ransom you!” “That’s a good job with the voodoo dolls.” “Please, let me help. I’ll sacrifice my life and my body if need be.” “We’re gonna get more money than we know what to do with!” “I mean normally, yeah, I could, but you know, I am malnourished right now.” “Wanna see this? Freak athleticisms?” “Just do it. What’s wrong with you?” “Boy, your daddy didn’t leave you with much, did he?” “Your daddy threw money at you instead of raising you right.” “Fear of God is the best chance you got.” “If you don’t have the stomach for it, hell, I’ll do it.” “I don’t mind killin’. It ain’t nothin’ but a thing.” “Do your dumps, boy!” “He thinks that I don’t have it in me to hurt you.” “You don’t run nothing but your mouth.” “He chafes real bad, and a burnt rectal from cheap TP could make him very despondent.” “I bet no one’s gonna miss me.” “I don’t want my kids to be one of those kids that loses a parent like somebody in a fucking Disney movie.” “I don’t want my sons to be Bambis.” “I never want to be treated any differently than you guys just ‘cause I’m a lady.” “He ain’t following any sort of rules about ladies and mens.” “Kill the biggest one ‘cause he’s tough to handle.” “I know I get on your nerves, always riding you and shit. It’s just because I feel like somebody needs to make sure everything’s gonna turn out okay.” “You do get on my nerves, but if you get murdered, I promise to try and avenge you.” “Make sure that my wife and kids have a good life, watch after ‘em?” “Yeah, I feel like your kids are old enough to take care of themselves.” “I’m just gonna go into beast mode and start biting faces and dicks.” “If I die, please don’t remember me that way.” “Oh, god. Oh, shit. This is happening.” “I came all this way to bust you out of here.” “I’m sure that little dick would love to see me murdered.” “I mean, he might not mind you dead, but he wouldn’t want to see it happen.” “Did you call your mama and tattletale on us?” “Your brother there, he’s a big dope.” “You try stopping me, I’ll put another hole in your face.” “Kin don’t mean nothing.” “Family’ll turn on you on a dime. You gotta treat ‘em like you treat anybody else.” “Get the fuck out of the car.”
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phantomspren · 1 year
I loved the finale.
I truly did.
But the lack of anymore Wittebane lore was really sad to me, cause honestly that’s been my favorite part of the show since I first saw Hollow Mind. 
And there probably would have been something if Disney hadn’t cut it, but, well, I can’t change that and I’m still disapointed so here’s the fic I wrote when I should have been in bed and I had just finished crying for literally thirty minutes straight.
Basically, this is kinda a mess but I had fun writing it and it was disturbingly therapeutic for me. 
Philip died.
He honestly hadn’t expected that to happen.
He’d lived for over four hundred years only to be stomped into the ground, driven from the most powerful body he’d ever inhabited.
His flesh had been ground into the dirt under the boots of a descendant of the witch who had led his brother into temptation and out of the light of God, and a human who had betrayed her whole species. 
After four hundred years, that was how it all ended.
And he’d been so close.
And now he sunk into the darkness, the light above growing dimmer. He was unable to breathe, but his lungs had no need for air. He wasn’t sure if this was due to his being dead or his lack of a body. The liquid was dark enough that he couldn’t tell if he had any physical form at all.
He continued to sink.
And his mind replayed each and every of his failures.
His failure to properly destroy the human girl.
His failure to maintain the loyalty of a single one of his grimwalkers.
His failure to…
His failure to make Caleb understand his betrayal. His betrayal of both their ideals and of Philip.
His failure to bring Caleb home.
Four hundred years was a long time to grieve.
A long time to live with the blood of your brother on your hands. 
And a long time to seek vengeance against those who had taken him down the path of sin.
And he had still failed.
His descent ended.
The liquid beneath him simply gave way, and Philp began to fall far more rapidly. The air rushing past him finally gave him the knowledge that he did in fact have a body, but he noticed nothing more of his physical appearance than a flash of Caleb’s blue coat before he thumped into the ground. 
His vision blurred for a moment, but when it cleared, two all-too familiar faces loomed over him.
Evelyn, her short red hair a mess around her head. Her eyes contained a storm.
And Caleb.
That damned cardinal sat on his shoulder. 
“You stole my coat,” he said, a self-satisfied grin sneaking onto his face. “I’d like it back.” 
“Caleb,” Philip gasped. 
“Surprised to see me?” Caleb’s smile widened. “Is it because you thought that our souls would end up in different places perhaps?”
He tried to ignore the theological implications of it all.
Caleb proffered a hand to Philip.
In over four hundred years, Caleb’s smile hadn’t changed a bit.
But oh, how the situations that invoked that smile had shifted.
Philip smacked Caleb’s hand aside and the bird gave an alarmed chirp, but Philip just pushed himself to his feet.
Before he could get a look at his surroundings, he saw the rats nest of red hair approach out of the corner of his eyes and the next thing he knew he was laid out on the ground a second time, his nose throbbing in exactly the same place as it had three hundred years ago when the other Clawthorne had punched him. 
This time when his vision cleared, the tears of pain finally having been blinked away, Evelyn still still had that storm behind her eyes but she shared Caleb’s smile.
“Bastard,” she said, the word containing the same force as that which was contained in her expression.
“I’ve changed my mind,” Caleb said. “You can keep the coat.”
“I hope it serves as a reminder of all that you have done,” Evelyn spat.
The two turned to go.
Caleb was leaving him again he was leaving with the witch he was abandoning him again again again again.
“Wait!” Philip pushed himself to his knees, reaching a hand out after them.
Evelyn kept walking, but Caleb turned.
Caleb met his eyes.
“I have lived with the decisions I made every day for centuries,” Philip started. “I have grieved over them every day. But I was doing it for the good of our souls, for the good of humanity!”
“You do realize that’s not an excuse, right?” Caleb said. “It was still you who made those choices. Not God. You refused to change even when confronted with the fact that you were wrong. You’re not that boy I used to know, Pip. I loved him, I truly did. But… when I was confronted with a better way of seeing the world, one that relied less on judgment and more on love and acceptance, I had to take it. I offered you that choice, later on. Perhaps I should have offered it to you sooner, but I was desperate to escape the hate that we had surrounded ourselves with. And…” He glanced over his shoulder at Evelyn, who was now waiting in the distance. “Well, I was a teenager. A foolish boy in love. I could never have guessed how that hatred would distort you. I loved my younger brother. But I thought that you would be strong enough to resist. You aren’t that boy anymore. And I cannot love this monster that you’ve become. And this time, me leaving you is not the act of a child. It is the act of a man who is leaving behind the demon who attempted to steal everything from him and the world and the people he came to love. And…” Caleb’s face contorted, the smile momentarily leaving his lips. “And then trying to bring me back. Again and again. Just to kill me again.”
“I was trying-”
“The first time I left you, it was of my own free will and I regret that. I regret not bringing you with me. The second time, you forced me to leave you by killing me. And now I will leave you again and I will never look back. I have said all that I have needed to say to you. Goodbye, Philip.”
Caleb turned and strode away. 
What Philip didn’t know was that he’d only been brought to the end to bring closure to his elder brother’s troubled soul.
As Caleb’s words began to sink in, began to worm their way into the crack of Philip’s heart, that purpose was fulfilled.
Philip still felt as though he had done what was right. For that was who he was. Merciless, uncaring, desiring only to fulfill his own wants and wishes. 
The words hurt, yes, and he recognized some of them as true, but they changed nothing within him. 
And so for a final time, his body began to lose form. His flesh gave way to a mass of green sludge, a symbol of the corruption and damage he had done to his own flesh and soul. With no bones or body to contain him, his being simply slipped into the earth, where the ways of the universe finally expunged him from existence.
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neteyamsilly · 2 years
my favorite bits of this GUT WRENCHING, HEART SQUEEZING, PAINFUL TO THE POINT WHERE IT SUFFOCATES YOU, TEARS INDUCING MASTERPIECE. this is kinda long I'm sorry in advance. Adding a bead to his songcord about how he got his firstborn daughter to utter her first word: dada. ANYTHING ABOUT JAKE AND HIS CHILDREN WILL ALWAYS HAVE A SPECIAL PLACE IN MY HEART “Good job, boy!” Jake had cheered. “Say I got that fish!”
Out of the camera’s frame and making little jumps on your toes, you’d blithely yelled. “Yeah, you got that bish!”  LITERALLY THAT VIDEO OF THE KID WITH THE FISH- MADE ME FCKNG LAUGH LMAO ("I got that mf fish!") “Ye“That’s right!” The cockiness was dripping from you as you pulled on his dreads. “I’m Toruk Makto Makto now. The first of my name!” THE RIDER OF RIDER OF LAST SHADOW HAD ME ROLLING TBH “Don’t do this to me.” Jake couldn’t breathe as he shook his head, he was about to lose it, about to tumble down the edge he could never climb his way up from. In denial, he didn’t lift his hands, losing all strength in his upper body and gradually collapsing forward as his forehead found yours. “Don’t do this to me, sweetheart, not like this. Please, not like this.” SARAH AND JOEL FORM THE LAST OF US OH MY GOD- “What child does not seek her parents when she is hurt?” OH GOD HERE COMES THE FEELS (AND HONESTLY SAME...) “How am I a mother when I can't feel her pain? How am I worthy of being her mother when I saw my child’s pain and just sat there helpless? Why would the Great Mother ever want to send her back?” She just kept going, not having any mercy on Jake’s soul. “Where was I when she won against her ikran? Where was I when she had her first flight? Where was I to protect her from those demons?” I KID YOU NOT I DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE I WAS ALREADY CRYING WHEN THIS SCENE CAME UP YOUR WRITING IS SO BEAUTIFUL, AND I LOVE HOW YOU CAPTURE EVERY SINGLE BIT OF EMOTION FROM JUST PRETTY MUCH EVERYONE ELSE WITH YOUR BEAUTIFULLY CONVEYED WORDS. AND IT REALLY HIT CLOSE TO HOME WHEN THIS PART CAME UP.
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me reading this ask fr fr
thank you for taking time to literally take out all lines you've liked, that must have taken a lot of time AND for the kind words 😭 THE FLASHBACK TOO!! this fic is littered with references and tropes i love LMAO
so happy you're enjoying it!!! have a lovely day <3
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thebookowal · 1 year
I think I should just throw it out. There is a random information.
because Ivy cursed the person who made this movie to burn in hell because he have created such a terrifying plan whoever wants to be a killer
well, I mean, if your sergeant and you are a psycho, then probably you would think of it as a very good plan to keep in mind
The human centipede
three movies of that shit exist
and you guys think “oh! it’s just really scary movie it’s really realistic and have a good quality!” well, actually, no
there’s a lot of things wrong about this movie and basically the name is one of them
(it has warnings it will actually might cause fear of centipedes Chilopodophobia and it can cause depression, anxiety, and it can cause many many things shit this movie I think it have more than one poster that have more than one warning hafe the poster is a warning God dammit)
what , more terrifying and will get you absolutely terrifying and I’ll be able to sleep at night
Which I’m not proud to be the cause of it
that it can be possible
no, not I mean in your dream is Orion your nightmares are in your head no, I mean it’s actually can be possible
The Director talked with actual surgeons and ask them. “How can we able to make a human centipede” and they just told him “it’s easy it’s just buy a couple steps and *chef kiss *voilà”
(that’s not really how it went, but he did actually ask them how to make it come to life)
so we’re in danger
every single time I-
end and I can’t actually just avoid thinking about it or avoid seeing it, but there’s something completely wrong with me and my imagination I could just imagine pain that doesn’t actually exist in my body
like at some point, I thought that was something crawling on my hand, and when I looked, there was nothing and I keep scratching it but the crawling thingy didn’t stop !!!
so imagine just getting tied up in both sides both end of your body
I actually just imagine being a part of it at some point through this fear, and I still do and I felt weird thing around my mouth and on my booty
and I cannot sleep at all. I think about this literally every night of my life and I get always terrified and I would imagine I’m just looking at me and tell me that I will join them. What the fuck
why is this happening to me? I literally try to keep my head away from it but it’s always keeps going and going and it doesn’t stop
at some point I thought OK this is probably because it’s my favorite I said there’s no way because before I write this post I just decided to you know see if it was really my favorite if I can handle the poster and I couldn’t I actually do feel like throwing up
and God dammit did the movie just let me learn wanna listen
well, two but one of them we already know “do not talk to strangers do not get inside stranger house is even if they offered “
but the one that I learned from, do not hold your poop do not hold your need of waste disposal
even it was pee or poo. Do not
i’m not even going to tag the stupid ass movie because of the nightmare that I managed to have
God, dammit I was fucking middle of a fucking heard a whole fucking line of people just being a fucking centipede this is a fucking NIGHTMARE!!!
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frecklystars · 6 months
Ahhh I’m so glad you enjoyed the Oscars performance of I’m Just Ken, I was wondering what you thought of it! This may be obvious and I’m just not picking up on it, but what were the implications you mentioned in the notes of Ken mimicking a knife stabbing him in the original performance versus shattering a glass and stabbing himself with that in the Oscars version? Did you mean that the difference is meaningful? I am interested to hear your thoughts! Apologies if it was something obvs tho lol 🐢
OHH I just meant in a literal sense that he's implying/mimicking he's stabbing himself in the chest with something pointy bc he's in THAT much pain when I went "the implications!!" hehe. this isn't the first time I phrased something in a weird way, and it shall not be my last :) sdlkfhdsfhdklsf I do want to say I like when there's that kind of thing in choreography! Mimicking you're stabbing yourself in the heart when you're emotionally wounded... ugh I eat that shit up. The Jabbawockeez (my favorite dance group) do that move all the time and it's-- UGH IT'S SO GOOD. Implying that you're so wounded from someone's words/actions that you feel as if you are physically bleeding to death from a stab wound piercing your heart is mmmmMMMYYYYY FAAAAAAVORITE!!!!!!!! 💘💘💘💘💘💘 I've actually been meaning to do Ken fanart of him stabbing himself with a glowing cupid's arrow ever since the movie was released in theaters. On opening night I was like "oh. I am drawing that at some point" and it's been, what, three quarters of a year? Haven't drawn it?!! I gotta get ON that
BUT ANYWAY AHH THAT'S MY FAVORITE PART!!!!! I like the difference between them too now that you mention it I DO wanna say something about that :3c I feel like........ Ken stabbing himself in the heart with a knife in the movie version showing how hurt he is dealing w/ his unrequited feelings/disrespect from the doll he was Made For, how it's a very slow feeling that festered within him for 60 crotchless, slutty years... his expression isn't an enraged sort of anger but it's just. bitter! he's tired and bitter and heartbroken! WAIT I made gifs hold on--
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VS the Oscars version when Ken (we'll pretend it's Ken taking possession of Ryan Gosling's body for 3 minutes and 14 seconds) takes a champagne glass, is so hurt that it just feels like... an intense depression from a heartache that won't go away,,, total, utter desperation within the moment,,,,,, not something building up over time, but rather all of his resentment kind of simmers until it feels like it's breaking him, like his sadness is burning like acid eating him up from the inside out. You see all of that rage and anger put into every Ken that mimics smashing the glass on the staircase, and that anger melts into total despair when they're stabbing themselves. Taking a champagne glass, something that is not meant to cause harm, shattering it with such force until it becomes a weapon, and stabbing himself in the heart with the jagged shards -- and not even just stabbing himself with it, but the way he curls his body a little, then taking a pause, a breath -- OOGH. GOD it just!!! really accentuates his pain. Movie!Ken is in a dream ballet dance number, all of his feelings are in every move he makes. His bitterness and resentment is all in his expression as he keeps walking forward and continuing the choreography.
Since the Oscars version of this Ken is doing a performance based more on feeling (and, well, something built for live TV rather than a movie with a million camera shots and multiple takes), him sitting on the steps to pierce himself in the heart with his own champagne glass just seems so much more... what's the word i'm looking for. somber? just so utterly depressed and disconsolate... the way a movie version of just this one single line can be so different from a live TV version bc the choreography is different, the Feeling is different, the expressions and urgency within his movements are different!!!! ughhh so good!!!!!! It's my favorite part in the dance number, so seeing him not just mimic stabbing himself with a knife, but rather SHATTERING a GLASS to stab himself with the jagged shards??? UGHHH THAT WAS INCREDIBLE. That was Just For Me. I can't stop thinking about it....... I'm utterly obsessed.............
I'm really bad at phrasing things but hopefully I made SOME sense here heheh///// thank you for asking btw :D
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hoomanityisavirus · 1 year
I feel like shit today.
I feel like I don’t deserve to live or that even if I did feel like I deserved to, it wouldn’t matter bc majority of my world doesn’t want me to exist. Majority of my world and my people don’t want my body to look the way it does. They don’t want my personality to act the way it does. They want to curate the content I am giving them while I exist. And instead of me just making peace with that and deciding their opinions are nothing but just opinions, it makes me feel like my brain is on fire.
I want to fling myself off a building just bc a lot of humans are unintelligent and things that are beyond their scope or perspective “scare” them into being the hateful idiots that they are.
Instead of finding differences to be beautiful or interesting, they see it as terrifying and contagious. Too bad we cant convince everyone that Covid isn’t “woke”. Maybe then these fuckknuckles would put on a god damned mask.
I hate it here. I hate that of all the ways WE CAN CHOOSE TO EXIST on OUR PLANET that we choose to force ourselves to pay, in order to thrive here. This is quite literally our world. We run it, we decide how things go here and this is all we made of it? We’ve created a capitalist hellscape so that 14 billionaires and their children can have excess and private jets while the planet physically crumbles & the rest of us starve? We let that happen? HOW? Who?
Really pay attention to that: this is OUR world. Humans. Humanity. The planet earth? That’s a “human planet” when we zoom out to more of a galaxy-perspective. So we, the humans, who own, operate and keep this entire thing going, decided to work at jobs that we literally hate, that take up the absolute majority of our time, every single moment of our existence(because even when we’re not there, we’re thinking about work or the people AT work that we have to coexist with)? FOR WHAT.
This is where I get unhinged because in my not so humble opinion, humans are fundamentally stupid. You can ask any given philosopher, scientist or even someone who’s “born a genius”, they all say it eventually; humans are fucking stupid as hell. It’s why we need warnings on everything because AT SOME POINT, some idiot decided “oh this is totally a great decision I’m sure I’ll be just fine” and then they WERENT FINE.
I mean think about it, at one point creating fire or a wheel was the smartest we could fucking get. The astrophysicists of our world at one time were just: “the weirdo villagers who stare at the skies until their neck muscles seize from the pain of constantly looking upward”.
Even now the dumbest parts of us are based in “yew lewk deffernt than WHUT I want yew tew lewk I HAYTE THAYYYYYTTTTUH”
Like excuse me WHAT???
So because genetically one of us is born with pigment in their skin that’s significantly deeper than yours, THEYRE a problem??! they’ve got literally all the same internal organs as you, their blood turns red when it meets oxygen. They have hair, and thoughts and dreams, but because they don’t look like someone might be able to see through their bodyyy?? Suddenly they’re an abomination and deserve to be treated as “less than” *YOU*??
Give me a fucking break.
So because I don’t feel right having two fat sacks sitting on my chest, you believe I deserve to be killed? That I deserve to have no one love me anymore because I don’t want to create more of…this?
I don’t want to contribute to making more of us because there’s already over 7billion of us here rn and that makes ME “the problem”?
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If my eyes could roll further back, they would fall out of my skull.
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httpdabi · 3 years
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The Game
Genre: Smut
Summary: Playing a game made for couples with your best friend wasn’t such a bright idea. Or was it ?
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: 18+ (Minors, leave me and my blog alone), spanking, mention of daddy kink, cream pie, rough, dom!Dabi, praising
,, Can you hurry up already ? ‘’ Touya yelled from the living room as you were getting ready. ,, We are only going to buy groceries, we ain’t going to Met Gala for fucks sake’’ he hissed, once he realised that you ain’t answering him.
,, Give me a second’’ you screamed, as you were putting on your mascara carefully.
,, I gave you a whole fucking hour, woman’’ Touya snapped back, rolling his eyes playfully. He had to stress around a bit. Thinking about it, the two of you looked like married couple, yet you were nothing more than two best friends and roommates.
Once you were done, you made your way toward the shopping center that wasn’t that far away from your apartment. There wasn’t any specific reason the two of you were going there, you only needed some groceries to get, and you could literally get that in the store near your apartment. But the two of you decided to go out a bit, since both of you were pretty much focused on the studies last few days.
You and Touya know each other since you were little kids. Your mother and Rei were childhood best friends, so you and Touya grew up together. It was one of those forced friendships, that would have some huge development later on. As you were getting older, you started realising that you actually liked spending your time with him.
,, I hate this.. When I have money, there is nothing nice to buy, but when I’m broke as fuck, every dress is looking beautiful’’ you rolled your eyes disappointedly. Every time you don’t have much money, the stores around are having such a beautiful collections.
Of course, being your best friend, Touya always bought you clothes you had your eyes on, as a small surprise after you had a long and hard day at uni. You really loved him. Not only because of that, but simply for being him. Everyone knew how damn grateful you were for having him and your life and you really never tried to hide that.
,, Let’s go see if they have some board games, maybe we can buy something and play tonight’’ Touya suggested, grabbing your hand as he took the lead. Every time Touya would hold your hand, your heart would skip a beat. Probably because of the fact that you had one big and fat crush on your best friend.
You were not sure when did it start. Maybe when he pierced his nose, or when people started thinking that the two of you are couple, or maybe the feeling was always there, but you kept it somewhere buried in your mind. Hiding it from everyone and especially from him.
,, Oh, I always wanted to play thing game’’ Touya said, holding a small, black package in his hands. You tried to grab it away from him, but unsuccessfully.
,, What is it ? Show me’’ You squeaked excitedly, hoping it’s something fun.
,, It’s Drunk in love’’ He said, waving the small package in the air. Confusion and jealousy washed over you as you looked at the back of the package. You’ve heard about that game, it’s one for couples.
,, Should we buy it ? I really want to play it’’ He asked. Only confusion was left in your body once he asked you that.
,, Isn’t that a game for couples ?’’ You asked him back.
,, Yeah, but it really isn’t something special, after all everyone is mistaking us for couple, so i don’t see a problem here’’ Touya said, winking at you. ,, Unless you are scared’’ he added fast. You knew that he was just trying to tease you a bit, it was how he always got things his way.
,, You know very well that I ain’t scared. But Touya, that’s not something we should play’’ you said honestly. Sure you would love to play that with him, but you didn’t know what kind of game that really is, so it gave you mixed feelings.
,, Trust me, the game is not a big deal. It’s just fun.’’ He said, looking down at you, hoping you’ll agree with his suggestion. ,, Trust me doll’’ he repeated, and the moment you let a deep breath out and rolled your eyes, Touya knew that he won, making his way to the cashier immediately.
,, Let’s buy something to drink at least’’ you said, hoping that the game won’t be so bad at the end.
,, We have to, it’s a drinking game anyway’’ Touya laughed, placing one arm around you, as the two of you walked to the store with alcohol.
The two of you bought a bottle of vodka, before you made your way home. Not wasting any time, Touya helped you put the groceries in the fridge, before he opened the small package. He took two small glasses for shots, and placed them beside the deck of cards that were already on the table in the living room.
You took two normal glasses and orange juice, in case the vodka might be too much. Touya was already waiting for you, searching for some music on YouTube, as he sat on the floor.
,,Here’’ Touya offered you a cigarette, once you sat on the other side, placing one pillow under your ass. You gladly accepted the cigarette, as you enjoyed the music he found.
The two of you drank few shots of vodka, before you started to play. You weren’t sure what to expect of that game, but if you were being honest, the alcohol was helping you, even tho it was just a little bit.
,, Imma go first’’ Touya said, taking one card. ,, Describe your worst hookup ever or drink’’ he read it out lout. Okay, that wasn’t something so bad, after all, you’ve already talked about it with him.
,, Ehh, that one time I slept with Kai.’’ You said rolling your eyes as you thought about it.
,,Ah, that time when you though he’s still fingering you ?’’ Touya asked, laughing a bit.
,, Yes Touya, his dick was that small’’ You laughed, feeling a little bit more comfy about the stupid game. ,, My turn’’ you added, taking one card.
,, Reveal your biggest sexual fantasy or drink’’ You read it excitedly, wiggling your eyebrows at him.
,, Yeah, no’’ Touya laughed, taking a shot without thinking twice, leaving you all disappointed. ,, Pull another one’’ Touya said, closing his eyes because of the strong taste of the alcohol.
,, Give your parter a piggy back ride around the room or drink’’ a big smile formed on your face as you read the sentence.
,, Easy peasy’’ Touya commented, standing up. The moment he turned around, giving you a sign to hop on his back, you did it. The two of you looked like children, running around the apartment like crazy.
,, Drink if you’ve ever faked an orgasm’’ Touya said, placing the card on the table. Of course you had to drink, thanking God you didn’t have to take a shot for every orgasm you faked.
Card after card, and shot after shot, the two of you were getting tipsier and the cards were getting spicier.
,, Blindfold your partner and make them guess which body part they’re touching or drink’’ Touya read the sentence, glad he was the one who found it first. ,, Yeah, you gonna chicken out ‘’ he teased.
,, Shut up and close your eyes’’ You said thinking about what part you should let him touch. Everything was way too easy to guess. At one point you were almost sure that there was a typo on the card, and that you should touch yourself and he should guess which part, but Touya was 100% sure that he was supposed to touch you.
Taking his hands, you decided that it would be the best if he would touch your collar and breast bones. At your surprise, he was tracing his fingers lightly over your skin, furrowing his eyebrows confusingly as he tried to understand what part of your body he’s touching.
,, Collarbones’’ He said opening his eyes immediately. ,, Ok, you’ve lost, drink’’ he commanded with a smirk on his face, as he took another card.
,, Take one article of clothing or drink’’ Touya placed the card on the table, leaning back onto the lower part of your couch. When he took of his shirt, showing of his perfectly toned body covered with various different tattoos, you realised that the card was referring to both of you. Since your shirt was a bit oversized, you decided to take of your pants.
Trying to ignore the small situation you found yourself in, you took another card fast.
,, Let your partner spank you or drink’’ you read it confusedly, trying to understand what the fuck is happening. Once you understood, you started shaking your head in disbelief, following with one loud laugh. What the fuck did you get yourself into ?
,, Come on doll, come to daddy ‘’ Touya joked, spreading his arms over the couch, as you took the shot of vodka anyway, before you made your way toward him.
Not giving you much time, Touya pulled you down, bending you over his lap. ,, You have no idea how much I wanted to do this’’ He confessed, as he pulled your shirt just enough to show your ass. You couldn’t even focus on his small confession, since you were trying to prepare yourself on the upcoming spanks.
Instead of spanking you, Touya decided to take his time with you, tracing his fingers over your hips and playing with the ends of your panties, pulling them up, forming a thong with them. You were glad that some alcohol was in your system, because you were pretty sure that sober you would never survive that.
,, Now doll, be a good girl and take every single spank for daddy’’ Touya whispered, before he connected his palm with your ass cheek, making you yelp in pain. With every spank he gave you, the pain was getting intenser. But you didn’t mind, after all, isn’t that what you wished for ?
,, Such a good Girl’’ He prised, caressing the red marks he left over your ass. Once you got back on the other side of the table, both you and him started laughing hysterically.
,, Lick your partner below the waist or finish your drink’’ Touya said, smirking widely once again. ,, There’s no way I’m finishing this drink’’ He added, grabbing your arm and pushing you toward him.Touya pushed up on the couch, as he started licking your legs slowly.
You couldn’t believe what the fuck was happening. Both of you half naked, playing some overly sexual game, which led him to licking your legs. You weren’t sure what was driving you more crazy, him licking your legs or his erection that was showing under his grey sweatpants.
Touya placed his hand on your tight, giving in one strong squeeze as he was placing wet kisses on your right inner tight. You could feel his lips getting closer and closer to your private parts, but you didn’t dare to say anything.
,, Wanna know what my fantasy is ?’’ Touya asked, kissing and biting onto the skin around your panties. All you could do is nod your head quietly, lost under his touch and soft kisses.
,, You, you are my biggest fantasy. I want to have you all for myself’’ Touya said hovering over you. ,, I want you to be mine’’ he added, looking you directly in the eyes, before he started leaving soft kisses all over your face.
,, Wanna be mine ? Just you and me doll’’ He asked, biting your lip.
,, Yes’’ You answered him so fast. Fuck yes you want to be his, He didn’t even have to ask you that, you were always his.
Once he heard you say that, Touya pulled his sweatpants and boxers down, letting his hard dick jump straight up. Not breaking the kiss, he started rubbing the tip of his dick around your entrance.
,, Doll, tell me if I’m too rought’’ He said, entering you slowly while he sucked onto your neck, leaving wet love bites. You couldn’t manage to give him a proper answer, hoping that simply nodding your head was understandable enough.
Once he was fully inside of you, he gave you some time to adjust to his size before he started rocking his hips into you. He wasn’t doing it slow, and the position you were in wasn’t the most comfortable one, but you didn’t care about that. All you could think of was the pleasure he was giving you at the moment, mixed with pain.
You wrapped your legs around his waist as he rammed into you recklessly, breathing into your neck as his moves were getting stronger and stronger.
,, So tight for me’’ Touya groaned, enjoying the warm feeling your walls were giving him. It felt like you were made just for him. Placing one hand on your hip, and other one on the edge of the couch, he increased his speed, fucking you stronger and deeper than before. With every move he made, he was hitting your g spot, making you moan louder and louder. You were pretty sure that your neighbours were able to hear the two of you, but none of you gave a single fuck.
Both of you were about to cum. His groans were getting louder, and he was fucking you ever harder, while your walls were getting tighter and tighter around him, making it even more enjoyable for him.
,, You can cum inside’’ You managed to say somehow, moaning his name and squeezing your eyes shut once you reached your high.
,, I was planning to ’’ He groaned, fucking you through your orgasm, making it even better for you. After few thrusts, he spilled his seed deep into you. Moving few more times as he made sure to fill you nice and good, not wasting a single drop of his sperm. Once he was done, he collapsed on top of you, fighting for his breath.
,, I love you so much Doll’’ he said, connecting his lips with your own.
,, I love you too’’ You answered him, smiling widely into the kiss.
That night he took care of you, cleaning you, and taking you to his room, making sure that you are alright and that he didn’t hurt you. That night he made sure to clear some things out, he made sure that you wouldn’t think this was some sort of misunderstanding. Telling you how he actually always wanted to ask you out, and how that game was just a chance for him to get him where he is now. With you in his bed, locked between his arms.
That night you understood that your crush was never one sided, and that you were the reason why your best friend never dated anyone else.
Who would have thought that such a dirty game could bring people together ? Would lead them to confessing to each other. You sure didn’t think so, yet there you are, instead of daydreaming about it, you are enjoying the warmth of your best friend, roommate and lover.
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c-is-for-circinate · 3 years
Wait, isn't "anti" stuff more like "anti-pedophilia" and stuff? Like, you have a point about anti-porn attitudes, but from what I've heard just "anti" on its own means against stuff like kid porn and incest porn and legitimately f*cked up sh*t like that.
Okay!  So this, I think, is actually a great example of what I was talking about, and a really useful thing to understand.  (CW rape, child abuse, etc)
Smarter people than me have written much better essays about why policing thoughtcrimes is a bad road to go down, and I will probably reblog some of them next time they cross my dash for more context.  What I want to talk about is the trigger mechanism, the ‘oh, this looks like danger!!!’ immune response in how we look at different kinds of porn, and how that applies to anti culture.
Here’s the thing: I am anti-pedophilia.  I think that, for most people, that’s a stance that largely goes without saying!  Adults who prey on children are bad.  I’m also against incest; relatives who prey on their family members are bad.  Above all I oppose rape.  Sexual predation of any kind is bad.  In fact, I’d say that’s the most important item on the list.  There is plenty of room to argue about where the lines are between ‘adult’ and ‘child’ and how teenagers fit in the middle, and there’s plenty of room to get historical about the lines between ethically terrible incest, distasteful-but-bearable “aristocratic inbreeding” between distant cousins, and the kind of consanguinity that tends to develop in a small town where everyone’s vaguely related to everyone else by now anyway.  The core of the issue is consent, and it has always been consent.  Pedophilia and incest are horrific because they are rape scenarios where the abuser has far more power and their victim far fewer resources to cope, both practically and emotionally; because harm to children is, to us as a culture, worse than harm to adults, for a lot of very valid reasons; and because they constitute betrayal of trust the victim should have been able to put in their abuser as well as rape--but they are all rape scenarios, and that’s why they’re awful. 
These things are bad.  It is good for us to have a social immune response system that recognizes these things when they’re happening and insists we step in.  That is a good thing to develop!  It helps us, as a society.  It can help the people being victimized.  It’s the same reason educators and childcare workers in the US are all mandated reporters, why we do background checks on people working near kids.  These things happen, and they’re terrible, and it’s good that we try to be aware and prepared for them.  (Though obviously studies show we’re a lot less good at protecting the vulnerable than we’d like to pretend we are.)
The question is: why does that same social immune response trigger, and trigger so angrily, in response to fiction?
Anti culture is fundamentally an expression of that social immune response.  Specifically, it’s that social immune response when it is set off by a situation that, while it has some similarities to the very bad real-life crime of sexual predation including pedophilia and incest, is in and of itself harmless.
If you’re instinct is to flare up in anger or dismissiveness because I’m calling these things harmless, I want to ask you to just take a deep breath and bear with me for a bit longer.  What you’re feeling right now is an allergic reaction.
Humans tell and read and listen to stories about “legitimately fucked up shit” all the time.  It’s part of the human condition.  It’s part of how we process those things happening, not just to use, but to other people in the world around us.  It’s part of how we process completely unrelated fucked-up shit, playing with fears and furies and insecurities that we all have, through so may layers of fiction that we don’t even recognize them any more, playing with power dynamics in metaphor and making characters suffer for fun.  Aside from the fact that literally all stories do this to some extent or another; aside from the fact that drawing lines between ‘ok that’s good storytelling’ and ‘that’s too fucked-up to write about’ is arbitrary, subjective, and dangerous in its own right; aside from all of that, these stories are stories.  All of them. 
Even the ones about rape, about incest, about pedophilia.  They’re words on a page.  No real children were harmed, touched, or even glanced at in the making of this work of fiction.  This story, pornographic though it may be, is part of a conversation between consenting adults.  (And if a teenager lies about their age to consent, that is a different problem altogether.)
Stories in and of themselves, no matter what they’re about, are no more dangerous than a crate full of oranges.  Which is to say: utterly harmless, unless all you have to eat is oranges, all day every day, and you find yourself dying slowly of nutrient deficiency--which is why representation matters.  Or unless someone wields one deliberately, violently, as a tool to cause harm, and someone gets acid in their eye--which is the fault of the person holding the orange. And unless you happen to be allergic to citrus.
The key here is this twofold understanding:  First, the thing that hurts you can also have value to others.  Real, legitimate value.  Whether you’ve undergone trauma and certain story elements are straight-up PTSD triggers or you just don’t like orange juice, that story, those tropes, that crate of oranges may be somewhere between icky and fundamentally abhorrent--but we understand that that is still your reaction.  Even if you don’t understand how anybody could ever enjoy it; even if every single person you surround yourself with is as sensitive and disgusted and itchy about this thing that makes your eyes hurt and your throat stop working as you; that doesn’t make it true for everyone.  That doesn’t make oranges poisonous.  No real children were involved in the writing of this story.  It is words on a page.
But, secondly: the thing that has value to others can also hurt you.  Just because a story isn’t inherently poison doesn’t mean it can’t cause you, personally, pain.  That’s what a PTSD trigger is: an allergic reaction, psychological anaphylaxis, a brain that’s trying so hard to protect its own from a threat that isn’t actually present (but was once, and the brain is trained to respond) that it causes far more harm and misery than the trigger itself possibly could.  And no, it’s not just people with PTSD who sometimes get hurt by stories.  There are many, many ways a story can poke the part of your brain that says, this is Bad, I don’t like this, I don’t want to be here.  The story is still, always, every time, pixels on a screen and ink on paper.  The story causes no physical harm.  But it can poke your brain into misery, it can stir up your emotions, it can make you want to cringe and run away.  It can make you want to scream and fight and go after the author who brought this thing into existence.  It can make you hurt.
This is an allergic reaction.  This is your brain and body, your reflexes and instincts, trying to protect you from something that isn’t really happening.  And just like a literal allergic reaction, it can do actual harm to you if it gets set off.  This is real.  The fact that stories can upset you to the point of pain and mental/emotional injury is real, even though it’s coming from your own brain and not the story itself.  There are stories you shouldn’t read.  There are stories I shouldn’t read, regret reading, will never read, because they hurt me.  That doesn’t mean they’re the same stories that would hurt you.  That doesn’t mean they don’t have value.
And, finally:
If getting upset about stories is fundamentally an individual person’s allergic reaction, their brain freaking out and firing off painful survival instincts in the face of a thing that isn’t, in and of itself, a threat?  Then the anti movement is a cultural allergic reaction.
Fandom as a whole has a pretty active immune system, which doesn’t mean we have a good immune system.  We try very hard to be aware of all the viruses and -isms and abuse and manipulation and cruelty, both systematic and individual, that exists around and within our community.  We’re primed and ready to shout about things at all times.  The anti movement is that system, that culture, screaming and shouting and fighting at a harmless thing on a grand scale.  It wants to stop that thing, that scary awful thing that trips all of its well-primed danger sensors, at all costs.  It’ll swell up and block off our airways (our archives) if it has to.  It’ll turn on the body it came from.  It’s scared and protective and trying to fight, and it’s ready to fight and destroy itself.
Luckily, fans and fanfic and fandom and fan culture are a lot bigger and older than they often get credit for, and it’s not like these cultural allergies are anything new.  We could talk about shippers and slashers in the X-Files fandom in the 90s.  We could talk about the birth of fandom in the days of Star Trek.  We could talk about censorship and book burning going back centuries.  We survived that and we’ll survive this, too.
But god, does the anti movement my throat and eyes itch.  Man is it irritating, and sometimes a little suffocating, to realize how many stories just aren’t getting told out of fear of what the antis will say.  And that’s the real danger, I think.  What are we losing that would have so much value to someone?  What are we missing out?
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tobi-momo · 4 years
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A Misunderstanding
PAIRING: Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader
GENRE: Angst | Hurt/Comfort | Reverse Comfort
WARNINGS: a lot of crying from both you and kuroo | cursing | mentions of sex | cheating (kind of? youll know when reading) | angst | mentions of drinking/being drunk | nothing is suggestive!! oh ya yall are married btw
A/N: ok ik this is long but this idea came from literally nowhere but i decided to write it thank you @combat-wombatus for helping me you helped put ideas in my brain<333 now i wasnt originally going for a happy ending but im really bad at angst so enjoy the shitty ending :)
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“Please, Y/n, you know I didn't mean it,” he pleaded, his large hands desperately grabbing at your form while you push him away, your breaking sobs making his heart shatter. “Please, baby, don’t leave me,” he begs, falling on his knees in front of your trembling body, not being able to tear his eyes off of your heartbroken ones. He needed you to stay. He needed to show you that he isn’t that guy and that he would do anything for you. It was a one time thing. He wasn’t even sober. It wasn’t him. It was the alcohol. He wasn’t thinking straight. Please forgive him, please, please, please.
But you couldn’t. No matter how hard or how much you loved him and wanted to, the pain that ripped at your heart every time you looked at him was too much to bear. So you didn’t. You turn your blurry, glassy eyes away from him as he grabs your hand and forces it into his; your lips quivering and knees shaking. You couldn’t keep the betrayal and agony inside, whining and weeping at him, your knees giving out before your legs slam against the floor, your head near the carpet as you try and keep your affliction at bay.
“Y/n, please,” he whines, tears streaming down his pale cheeks; his admission of his unfaithfulness drained the color from his face. “Please forgive me, I need you, I love you so much.”
“W-” you sniffle, not knowing what to say. You knew you didn’t have to say anything at all, that you didn’t owe him any words, but you just...you just needed to know. “Why,” your voice quivered and cracked, your throat sore, “why did you,” you take a long breath, grabbing your chest to try and stop the heartache, the sudden cramp that formed where it used to be filled with warmth and love, “do this to me? With her?” You look up at him once with wide, searchful eyes as you ponder the reasons and look for the answers in his empty pupils.
“I wasn’t thinking straight, baby, I didn’t know what I was doing, please,” his voice stammers, trying to get you to understand that he really didn’t know what he was doing. “I would never do this to you, I-” “But you did.” Your tone is no longer sad and confused, but angry and fed up. His head backing up quickly, not expecting the response. “You made a promise, Tetsurou, remember?” You glare at him with menacing eyes as you hold up the very finger he kissed and placed the ring on on your wedding day. The beautiful diamond ring that had his initials carved in the interior and little gorgeous jewels that made the walls sparkle once hit with the hot sun was no more; the dark, gloomy piece of rock and metal meaning nothing but lies and mistrust.
“No, Y/n, please. Don’t do this to me,” he adjures guiltily.
“Don’t do this to you?” Your voice laced with deadly venom, standing and backing up, wiping your mouth with your hand in annoyance, placing it on your hip. “You did this to me! You did this to us! You went out! You got drunk! You fucked someone else! And not even a random girl! No! You just had to fuck your ex!” Your voice cracked again before you inhaled sharply and covered up your struggle.
“Y/n, I didn’t know what I was doing!”
“And that’s an excuse?? What, so now you can go fuck whoever you want and say ‘I didn’t know what I was doing!’” you mimic, “so you can get away with it every time?”
He didn’t answer. He looked at the ground, understanding exactly where you came from.
“Hm? Are you gonna answer me, or sit there like a coward?”
He could tell fully well you were just saying this because you were hurt. You didn’t mean any of it. You loved him. No matter what, you will always love him. Trusting him was out of the box for a while, maybe forever. But he can’t lose you. He knew you were soulmates- he knew you were made for each other. There was a reason you guys made it this far and only had big problems now. He needed to find that reason and use it for himself to win you back. He needed you back.
“I’m sorry,” he apologizes, your dramatic hand gestures coming to a halt at his words, your figure coming to a stand still as you wait for him to finish. “You don't deserve this. You don’t deserve me. Please know that it was a mistake and that I’ll never do it again ever, ever, ever,” he repeats, wanting it to sound as sincere as he means. “Just please give me a chance to make this up to you, please don’t leave me by myself without you,” he sobs out, putting his head in his hands.
You knew you shouldn’t feel bad for him. But god-fucking-dammit are you feeling bad for him. You knew you still loved him, you knew he still loved you- that much was obvious. You couldn’t see him for a while, no. Could you guys work it out? Maybe stitch the wound? Wait until the scar is barely visible anymore? Would that even work?
“Tetsurou,” a single, hot tear dripping down your face as you point to the ground. “I don’t know if I can ever trust you again.”
“I know, I know, just please give me a chance to help fix this!” He cries at your feet, his body bundled in a ball of self hatred and guilt. “I can do it, baby. I can help things go back to normal.”
“I don’t think they ever will be normal again.”
He whines, trying to negotiate with you as much as he can. “Let me fix us. Let me give you my everything again, let me show you that I’m all yours and no one else's, please,” he moans in anticipation for rejection, knowing the chances of you agreeing were next to zero.
The next few hours are silent. Him alone in the bedroom. Crouching on the floor as he ponders your possible answer. You work in the kitchen, making food to satisfy your appetite. He could hear your sniffles from the bedroom and picture you wiping your tears as you carry the pots on the stove. God, he was the biggest piece of shit ever known. What the fuck went through his mind when he was fucking his ex? He only remembers some of it, them waking up in bed together after, only wearing undergarments underneath the sheets and him holding her waist as if she were you. He thought they had ended on good terms, knowing that they were better as friends. He rushed out the door, not being able to stay in the same room without getting sick. He knew what he had to do.
He opens the door to the living room, a slight creak gaining your attention as you stir the sauce in the pan. Your eyes are puffy, your lip still trembling as you try to turn away from him. He only takes about two steps forward before he stops, trying to find the words he wants to say.
“Listen, I know you said you needed time, and I’m not rushing you at all whatsoever. I want to give you all the time in the world to think this over. If you need, I can go to Kou’s house and stay there for a while. He won’t mind. I just want to give you the space you deserve.”
You nod in response, your head still facing away before he whispers an “I love you” before he slips out of the apartment.
The next few days were tortue. Not being able to sleep in the same bed he would sleep in with you, not being able to watch the same tv shows, not being able to even be in his presence at least once a day like you used to melted a hole of despair inside you: eating away at your emptiness, taking away the numbness that you so desperately needed right now. The feeling came back- the one that you tried shutting out three hours ago. It crept up at you, flipping your stomach and weighing your lungs down to the floor, your throat sore and dry. Your eyes wet with a blurry wall as your tears build up once again, missing your cheeks as you crouch down looking at the floor, falling on the tile. The droplets containing your anguish splatter on the ground, your raggedy whimpers echoing throughout the vacant apartment, making it all the more obvious he wasn’t there.
Knock knock knock
Was that the door?
Your wide, unbelieving eyes turned to the wooden door frame; the knocks getting louder and faster. You quickly stand up and try to collect yourself, preparing to have a long talk with Tetsurou. You grab the handle, turning it- the door opening with a tiny creak.
“Hi! Kuroo left his jacket at the party the other day, is he here?”
Oh, that bitch.
“No. He’s not.” You deadpan, not finding her cheery, happy expression amusing.
“Oh no! Uh, well, here, can you give this back to him for me?”
“Stop smiling at me like you aren’t part of the reason he’s gone.” You snark, glaring at her with sharp eyes as she backs up, confused.
“You heard me. Don’t act fucking clueless.”
“Excuse me? Who are you to talk to m-”
“Oh, cut the shit,” you roll your eyes, “I know you slept with Tetsurou, you don’t need put on whatever the fuck this is,” you gesture at her.
“What the hell are you talking about? What are you, fucking crazy?” Your eyes narrow in confusion, your disgusted scowl lessening at her words.
“Right. You probably don’t remember because you were blacked out,” you add sarcastically. “He told me what you guys did. Now you know. So, I would love it if you would just leave.”
“What are you- Me and Kuroo didn’t do shit last night. I drank like two beers and was hanging out with another girl the entire time,” she explains, looking offended. Your face loosens into an expression she couldn’t read. “He blacked out early and passed out on the couch while I was busy talking with the other girl.”
“Huh?” You whisper, your disoriented thoughts not aligning to a proper conclusion.
“I didn’t go to bed until like,” she thought back, “I don’t know, three in the morning? There were people passed out on the floor so I decided to take the guest bedroom with her. I was still awake when Kuroo came into the room, I’m guessing because he thought it was yours, based off of how he kept mumbling your name and shit,” she exhales, “he grabbed onto me once he got in and just clung.” You glower at her, huffing. She sees this, sighing before continuing, “Calm down, remember nothing happened. Remember that girl? She ended falling off the bed because I was scooting away from his clingy ass.” You look at her blankly, trying to fit the pieces together. “She ended up leaving the party completely,” she mumbled in embarrassment before you speak up.
“Then why did he tell me you guys had sex?” You mutter quietly, although assuming she heard since her head backed up while she quickly scoffs.
“I swear to God, that man. Listen.” You look up into her eyes- her genuine eyes. “Me and Kuroo didn’t do a single thing. I didn’t do anything to him and he didn’t do anything to me. I’ll have a conversation with him later because he is an absolute dumbass,” she breathed.
What the fuck?? You were just supposed to believe her?
“How am I supposed to believe that?”
“Me and him ended a long time ago. I don’t like him like that and I haven’t for a while. And seeing he was bragging about you the entire time at the party, he’s over me, too. Besides, I’m not even into guys that much anymore anyways,” she grinned and winked at you. The shock and realization hit you like a truck. She wasn’t even- oh my God. She chuckled at your expression; you ran away from her to the counter to get your phone, quickly unlocking it and tapping on Tetsurou’s contact.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” you mumble over and over. To tap the call button, listening to it ring as you bring your phone up to your ear, hearing him pick up the phone almost immediately after.
“Y/n? Are you okay?” He sounded worried. It’s only been about a week, he had hoped that you weren’t going to leave him.
“Get over here, right now, Tetsurou.” Your voice made it seem like it was urgent, so he quickly picked up his jacket from the couch, and you could hear the jingling of his keys as he grabbed them and opened the door, almost slamming it shut once he left.
“Y/n?” He asked at the open front door, wondering why it wasn’t closed. “Y/n, you have to be careful and close the door, we have them for a reason, you know,” he said as he walked in. Even after being at the line of a break-up, he still cares for your well-being. He didn’t even do anything wrong and he was still caring for you as a loved one should. He always did everything to make you feel comfortable and safe, so once he knew that he had slept with his ex he was completely devastated to his core. He didn’t want to do this to you, but you had the right to know.
“Tetsu.” You called. Already back to nicknames? This is good, right?
“Yes? Y/n?” He was scared, to say the least, feeling awkward and not knowing what to do. He walked scarcely towards your figure sitting on the couch, not caring to drop his keys and jacket on the counter. He had a feeling this might go wrong.
“We need to talk.” Shit. This is exactly what he didn’t want to hear. Hearing those words he couldn’t help but think that you were going to make him pack his stuff and go. “So, I talked with your ex.” You speak slowly, not wanting your words to come out wrong. You don’t want him to take any of this in a bad way at all. Yet his eyes widen drastically, his heartbeat racing and his nerves pricking him. “You are just one big dummy, aren’t you?”
What? What are you talking about?
“You didn’t sleep with her. She told me everything that happened that night. She’s not even into guys anymore. Tetsu-”
This couldn’t be happening. Not only did he accuse himself of cheating, he accused himself of cheating with his ex, and that he cheated with his ex at a party, while you two are married. And then it turns out it wasn’t true? What the hell was wrong with him? He jeopardized your entire relationship because he was too drunk to know what was going on.
“Wait, what?” He yells, angrily sitting down on the couch, “so you’re telling me-” you nodded and hummed an ‘mhm’ in response. His hands find their way to his hair, pulling at the roots and scratching his scalp, his low grunts of pain and fury seeping out of his throat as he frustratingly comprehends what he just did.
You rush over to him, grabbing his wrists and pushing them down to his lap as fast as you can, making his eyes find their way to your blown out pupils. You can see the hot tears prickle down his cheek as he frowns at you, completely and utterly defeated.
“Tetsu, I don’t want you to hurt yourself, it’s okay,” you reassure, giving him a happy smile. He wanted to smile back, but he couldn’t control the broken sob that escaped him. “Hey, hey,” you try to grab his attention as he pulls his head down, crying. “It’s okay, baby, it’ll be okay.” You wrap your arms around his head, protecting him as you softly coo and ‘shh’ him quietly in his ear. ‘I’m sorry’ kept coming out of his mouth as he clinged to you, not being able to help his want to be closer to you. The realization that he just almost broke your heart completely and he had worried about divorce for this shit made him want to just rip his scalp out. He was so stupid. So, so so, stupid. “Tetsu, look at me, please. Look at me,” you whisper, bringing your hand to his chin, dragging it up so you could catch sight of his hazel irises. His eyes red and puffy, his cheeks wet and his eyes droopy, you couldn’t do anything but frown at the sight. He hated himself right now, not wanting to face the embarrassment and the humiliation of the situation.
“You don’t deserve me, I’m so sorry,” he whimpered in your arms, gripping them tighter and tighter for comfort- you knowing that he needed it right now. You had already pulled him into your chest, feeling his wet tears soak your shirt, your hands rubbing his back and your fingers gently grazing his throbbing scalp.
“It’s okay, I forgive you, Tetsu, you did the right thing by telling me you did it instead of hiding it from me, and then it turns out you didn’t do it at all.” Your cheeks start to feel hot, and you don’t even realize your sniffles until you could feel a dam break at your water line. You couldn’t stop them, the tears of relief. You didn’t want to stop them. You were glad that they were her, glad that they were for him, glad they were because you knew the truth, glad because you knew you two would be okay.
You looked back at your ring, watching it bloom like a flower in the spring, the meaning coming back to your marriage. It wasn’t just metal and rock anymore, it was a gorgeous promise.
“I love you, Tetsurou. Don’t forget that. You’re staying with me, alright?” you whisper into his hairline.
“Thank you,” he cries.
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taglist: @solar3lunar @flattykawadoorusmilkbread @toosharkinternet @hitosushi @alpha3113 @awmahleebkg
haikyuu taglist: @pies-writes-and-more @luvrboykento
reblogs are appreciated :))
2K notes · View notes
sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
One Wall Over: Geto Suguru x Fem!Reader
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synopsis: you’re new in the neighborhood, but that doesn’t mean you’ll get a warm welcome from your duplex buddy. 
wc: 3k
tw: nsfw, smut, annoying noises at five am, the works 
a/n: ahhhhhhhhh! I am so excited to be taking part in this collab with @suna-reversed reversed for a super sexy jjk collab! Please check out the masterlist for the collab here and the other authors! SO EXCITED TO READ THE OTHERS! (The other title I had for this work is “First of All, How Dare You” because that’s literally me every time I see my hubby Suguru, but anywho!).
Moving in was a bitch. 
For the first time ever, you have no roommates, no parents, and no pets - just you and your meager belongings moving into the little, two-story duplex a friend allowed you to sublet. As you stare out of the window facing the sparse front lawn, you wonder what your neighbor is like. They hadn’t come to welcome you to the home, but you knew they existed by the sound of the bass through your shared wall at five am every morning. 
You assume they’re male or a couple, but you’ve never gotten a chance to see them with your own two eyes.  So you kept a lookout day after day. At exactly four p.m., you would sit across from the window with a book and keep watch, the sun streaming in and illuminating your figure and crossed legs anchored on the window sill. But day after day, you wouldn’t see anything. The neighbor’s car wouldn’t even move an inch from the previous day. Everything would remain the same until the next day when you took your perch by the window. 
It isn’t until you’re out on your front lawn, slaving over the flowers you maintained for a whole month - a new record - that the sleek Range Rover drives up to the garage on your neighbor’s side of the house. At first, you don’t notice it, your eyes firmly planted on the soil at the root of your orchid tree. But then you hear a car door slam, and you look up, watching for the person who would be exiting the vehicle. 
A tall, black haired man slides out of the truck and slams the door shut, his locks tucked into a half bun and a white towel resting around his rippling shoulders. He slides his keys into his gym shorts and turns to walk into the house, barely noticing you on the front lawn in an ill-fitting t-shirt and dirty yoga pants. 
He’s halfway to his front door when you find your voice and yell out, “Hey, neighbor!” You wave your hand at him in hopes that he would return the gesture, but you’re sorely disappointed when he only looks your way with disinterest and walks into the house without speaking. You frown at the encounter, hoping that he would return a little while later and explain his lack of manners, but he doesn’t, and you retreat into the house once more. 
“Unzzz, unzz, unzzzz…” Both eyes fly open at the sound of the bass on the other side of your bedroom wall, the sudden noise jarring you from your sleep. 
“Ugh…” Your eyes slide to the white numbers on the clock face, which politely remind you that it’s five-fifteen AM. Don’t confront him, don’t confront him. You wrap the pillow around your ears, hoping the gentle cushion would block out the sound. But for some reason, it gets even louder, and a groan escapes your lips. There were only two more hours for you to rest, but at this rate, you’d be up until it was time for you to wake and get ready for work. That just wouldn’t do. 
The grey sweatpants deposited on the floor the night before are quickly jerked on, and you pad to the front door, not caring about your appearance as you walk the length of the porch over to his front door. Inhaling, you find the will to bring your fist up and pound on the door, hoping the sound would be angrier than you actually felt. Fear ate at your nerves while you waited. A few agonizing moments later, the door is yanked open, music floods outside, and your neighbor stands before you in just a pair of black sweatpants. Nothing else. 
“What?” he gripes, sweat rolling down his forehead. As your eyes take in the full sight of him, you wonder what kind of sculpted god you had for a neighbor. You could even faintly see the v that would culminate in the bulge near the crotch area of the pants, which apparently is quite--
“Uh…” You had entirely forgotten what you had come over to his side of the house for, but as he leans on the doorframe and gives you a withering stare, you suddenly remember your complaint. “Your wall is next to my bedroom. Can you turn your music down?” You place a hand on your hip, trying to seem more inconvenienced than you actually were in that moment. 
“Yeah, sure.” He shuts the door in your face, and you trudge back over to your side of the house, hoping the music would soften. 
But for some reason, you swear he turns it up even louder. 
“Why don’t you just call the landlord and make a noise complaint?” your friend wonders over the phone, the sound of a frying pan in the background slightly overshadowing her voice.
“But you said you didn’t have any problems with him, Mariela.” 
“Yeah, Geto was nice enough and didn’t bother me much. Not sure why he’s being such an ass now.” You hear an oh, shit on the other end, and Mariela hisses into the receiver, “Hey, y/n, I have to go; the risotto is burning. Call me back if you have any other issues, okay?” 
“Okay.” You hang up and toss your phone on your desk, trying to focus on the words in front of you but failing as the sound of the bass filters through the other side of the wall again. For the fourth day in a row, you’ve been subjected to the sound of pure noise coming through the other side. Tonight was absolutely not the night, mostly because you had a presentation that took you all night to finish, and the clamor was interrupting your prep work for the bright and early eight o’clock meeting. You feel like Squidward, subjecting yourself to the endless noises from the grunting to the bass to the sound of weights clanking back into place. 
It’s the sound of Geto’s groaning that sets you on edge the most. If it weren’t for the added noise of weights, you’d be convinced he was fucking someone. There was no way he could make so much noise and not know that he was disturbing your peace. Hadn’t he ever heard of headphones? 
You snatch up your set of earbuds on your desk, place them in your ears, and try to turn up lofi music as loud as it will go. But that doesn’t work. Even relocating to the living room didn’t seem to fare you well, and you wonder if he truly had cranked up the music higher than before just to annoy the hell out of you. Finally, you toss your earbuds down and slam your computer on your coffee table. 
You’d had enough. 
Stomping over to the front door, you fling it open and bang on Geto’s door, hoping he would answer it in a rage so you could let out your frustrations. But when the door flies open, he’s dressed in only a pair of gym shorts, this time the outline of his dick even more apparent. But you’re not focused on that. You point a finger at him and inhale to begin your tirade; sick and utterly over his shit.
“Hey! Can you fucking turn it down?” Geto stretches out a hand, and for a minute you think he’s going to grab you by the shirt, but he pulls you inside by the wrist, crushing you against his chest. “What the hell?” You push away from his sweaty chest, backing into the closed door harshly. 
“Lower your damn voice; the neighbors will hear,” he chastises, and turns away from you to grab the water bottle on the counter. The muscled man takes a long swig, then wipes his face with the towel right next to it. 
“I don’t know what the fuck your problem is, but I’ve never been so disrespected in my li--” As you talk, he’s advancing on you, pushing back his long black hair back behind his ears and getting too close for comfort. Once he’s right up on you, you gulp hard, fully intimidated by his size and stature. The music suddenly stops, and you’re left in silence. 
“I’m listening,” he mutters, staring down at you. “Please, continue.” 
“I was saying…” your throat dries up. “What I meant was…” Your eyes travel from his chest to his navel, and then to the hand pressed against the doorframe.
“Uh huh…” He nods, squinting his black eyes at you. “You said you’ve ‘never been more disrespected in your’… life, right?” You don’t reply. Rather, you can’t reply. All of the words you could have ever said are now gone from your skull. “I highly doubt that, y/n.” 
“You’re Mariela’s friend. I’ve seen you quite a few times before you moved in here. Never thought I’d be living so close to you, though. Mariela’s subletting, isn’t she?” 
All of these questions. And you can’t reply to a single one because he’s practically squeezing you between the door and his rock-hard abs. Or are you pressing yourself against the door to get away from the heat emitting from his body - oh, fuck; you don’t know. 
“But I had to get your attention somehow.” The admission startles you so bad that you accidentally knock the back of your head against the door, touching the point of contact in pain and hissing slightly. Geto hums at your blunder, then pushes off of the wall to turn away from you. As he rotates, you catch a glimpse of his erection, now fully apparent in the atrocity that is his shorts. “The yard work wasn’t effective, the trips to the gym and back barely worked; shit, by now I would’ve thought you would throw yourself at me the first chance you got. I guess I had to make you mad enough to confront me.” 
“You literally looked at me and said nothing the first time I saw you!” you retort, throwing your hands up in the air. “Then you almost bit my head off the first time I came over to tell you the music was too loud.” 
“I didn’t expect you to come over the first time. Besides, I couldn’t figure out anything smooth enough in that short amount of time.” Geto shrugs, his shoulder muscles moving like water in the dim lighting of the living room. You look around at the furnishings, noting his impeccable taste in wood and red suede in conjunction with his minimal exercise equipment. “Coffee? You look like you’ve been up for a while.” He leans over a coffee-maker - one of those fancy ones that you’ve seen on TV - and slides a plain coffee cup into the holder. 
“Uh, no thanks.” You turn to the door and begin to open it, but Geto clicks his tongue thrice. 
“You’re just going to leave without getting what you came for?”
You pause for a moment, then turn back to look him over once. “Don’t you mean what you brought me over here for?” A lazy smile spreads across his face, and that’s when you realize that he’s charming, but not necessarily as suave as you first imagined. You shut the door and walk over to him, examining his physique as if you hadn’t just helped yourself to his tall, statuesque figure already. He allows you to look him over, eyes dedicatedly following you.
“Like what you see, doll?” You don’t get a chance to answer as he pulls you into his chest with a smooth movement, then presses his lips against yours. You instantly open your mouth so he can slide his tongue inside, and he does so without hesitation. Hands grasp at your flimsy night shirt, pulling it over your shoulders as he backs you up against the wall, hiking one leg up and wrapping the other around his waist. 
As both of your hands tangle in hair, fabric, sweat, you wonder how long - just how long - he’s wanted to do this. But your train of thought is rudely interrupted by his lips trailing kiss down your neck and to your collarbone, where he pauses for a second, catching his breath. Fingers dance through his locks and he peers up at you for a second, drinking in your flushed expression and breathy exhales. 
“Geto, please, I--” You’re silenced again by his lips, his thick fingers rolling past the waistband of your night shorts and right to your core, where he nestles them into your heat with ease. 
“Goddamn…” The rumbling of his voice vibrates against your chest, and you gasp, feeling every stroke of his fingers inside of you. “So fucking wet… just for me.” Your vision narrows in on the black eyes watching your every move, the angle of your face, the way you tilt your chin to the side and shakily exhale. Everything is perfect. Maybe even better than he imagined at first. But you don’t know that, and you really don’t care to know. All you want is release and for that release to be at Geto’s hands. When he removes his fingers and hoists you onto the suede couch, your first reaction is to cry out in shock. 
His hands roll your shorts down to your knees and then press your legs open, spreading you for him to examine. 
“You’re a mess down there… perhaps I should help you clean up.” 
“Huh?” The double entendre is completely lost on you in the heat of the moment. You watch as he leans down, then moves to lick your core with a flat tongue, stroking up before he goes down again and repeats his action twice. Your head finds the soft cushion of the pillow in ecstasy, and you let out a breath you didn’t realize you had been holding. 
Geto hums down below, fully appreciating your taste before sucking on your clit, hard. You yelp, shooting up, but his hand presses you back down, eyes still closed. Fingers make their way up to your breasts, tugging at your nipples leisurely before tightening and pulling with more tension. “Oh, god, please…” Your hands find his head, and at the sudden application of pressure, he grunts again. And you’re left there in agonizing pleasure, dangling between an orgasm and a build-up of pressure, one stroke away from tumbling into the cavern of blissful unawareness. 
Geto stops without warning, pulling back to watch you as he still tweaks your nipples with varying degrees of firmness. You tug at his shorts in a silent plea for him to discard them, and he waits a minute before sliding them off wordlessly. His length is impressive, you note, his cock springing free from his shorts and angled upwards a little. A condom is produced just as quickly, and he rolls it over himself before spreading you a little wider to accommodate his length. When he nudges his cock at your slit, you realise he’s a little breathless and shaking, but that all goes to the back of your mind when he slides inside of you with little resistance. 
“Fuck, doll, that’s--” He groans just as you moan, both of you relishing the expanding feeling. “God, that’s perfect.” You whimper at his praise and bring your hands to his shoulders, holding on for dear life as he begins to pump into you. Geto’s lips find your neck and he sucks a hickey on your left side, placing another one neatly below it while his hands cup your ass. 
“Does that feel good?” He whispers and you nod, completely at a loss for words. But soon, it’s not enough, and your fingers dig into his back. He’s fucking you slowly… too slowly. 
“M-more,” you whine, and he delivers his thrusts faster, pumping into you and moaning loudly. Your fingers find his face and angles it towards your raised head so you can kiss him on the lips. He offers you that mercy - a deep, languid kiss - while he plows into you with abandon. Pleasure is the only thing on your minds - you just so happen to have found it in each other’s arms - and your orgasm is just within reach.
“Geto, I’m close…” His response to your words is to lift your left leg a little higher so it practically hung off the couch and in the air, deeping his strokes until they settled against your cervix, like someone tapping a soft rhythm into your stomach. “Shit, like that.” 
“Yeah?” he exhales, looking at your face with a blissed-out expression, his cheeks reddening. You raise your hips to meet his with each thrust, hoping your orgasm would arrive before Geto came. There isn’t much you can do though, besides writhe beneath him and pull him closer to you, thereby making you and him almost inseparable. He’s merely rocking into your hips now, cock barely rolling out of you as before. And you can’t deny that it feels like heaven, not when you’ve been so frustrated for so long. 
“I’m gonna cum,” Geto hisses into your mouth, and you nod, constricting a little to urge him on. What you fail to realize is that the constriction was just what you need to tumble over into the abyss of thoughtlessness, and your mouth opens to let loose a guttural moan as Geto fucks you faster and faster, chasing his own orgasm on the heels of yours. “Oh, shit,” Your neighbor sinks into you one final time, shooting his cum into the condom, but pumping in stuttered strokes as if he were really letting loose inside of you. 
When you both fall from the heights of your sex-induced high, shoulders and heads are draped where there is comfort and space, little exhales from his mouth fanning across your breasts. Geto lifts off of your sweaty chest and looks you in the eyes before breathing: 
“Maybe I should start my days with this instead of a workout.”
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lebenspurpur · 3 years
the L-word
the unspoken kind
The smell of the cooked stew on the oven made their stomach rumble. A little bit of oregano, some pepper and paprika were still missing. They hummed while they added the spices. Grabbing a wooden spoon, they stirred the food in the giant pot. They felt like a wizard brewing his potion and the thought made them giggle.
It was dark outside, the chirping of crickets the only sound at this time of the evening. They looked out of their window, hoping to spot a familiar white mask staring back at them but no one met their gaze.
Sighing they walked back to the oven.
A man stepped out of the shadows, stalking their form hunched over the kitchen counter. Knife tight in his hand, he trudged forwards for a better view. The eyes behind his mask lovingly grazed over their familiar expressions and body. The way their eyes glimmered and the corners of their lips curved up, it made him... happy? The familiarity of their movements reassured and calmed him in ways he couldn't explain.
The man sighed and shook his head. He turned and walked towards the main door. "I love you." he thought as he let himself in, "I fucking love you.".
the quiet kind
They were fast asleep, their chest rose with every deep breath they took. Their hair was splattered all over the pillow. Their expression one made out of bliss.
Vincent laid next to them, head propped up on his arm. The air felt cold on his exposed face but he smiled. His eyes never left their face, admiring their beauty and studying their appearance. In his mind he sketched their body, trying so hard to express the peaceful state they were in right now.
Vincent extended a hand and pushed a loose strand of hair out of their face. His fingers rested on their cheek a bit longer, feeling their warmth. He couldn't help but let his hand wander. It traveled down to their neck, over their sternum and down to their abdomen. He tried to remember every single detail, every scar and every mole he met.
Retreating his hand he leaned forwards and pressed a kiss to their forehead. They stirred in their sleep and smiled a little. Vincent let his head fall on the mattress next to their face and hid his bashful smile in their neck.
"I love you," he whispered and kissed their neck lovingly, "so much.".
the heated kind
Their eyebrows furrowed and he rolled his eyes at them. Their shouting made his ears hurt. He wanted it to stop.
So he shouted back, anger and annoyance clearly audible in his voice.
Tears suddenly dwelled in their eyes and they grew silent. Bo felt a shock of pain go through his heart at the sight and rushed forward. His arms quickly caught them and even though they scratched and hit him he didn't let go.
He let them cry in his chest and they slowly stopped trying to escape. Bo still tightened his grip and lovingly caressed their back and hip.
He attached his lips to their hair and closed his eyes, "I'm sorry darlin'. You know I love you. I'm so sorry.".
the proud kind
Bo flinched at the sound of their angry voice shouting at him. He tried to interfere and say something but they threw him a burning glance and he shut his mouth. Motioning with their hands, they argued with him until Bo let his head hang low and muttered a silent apology.
They smiled proudly and put their hands to their hips. Sending a Bo a last hateful look, they turned around and marched towards Lester.
Their steps were energetic and proud and they grinned upon seeing Lester grin. As soon as they reached him he opened his arms and enveloped them in a hug, pressing his forehead against theirs in the process.
"Wow." he said breathlessly and sent them a proud grin, "I love you.".
the flirty kind
She circled her hips and watched them shamelessly gaze at the movements of her hips. Giggling she gripped the pole and swung around, her pretty body moving in ways god never intended it to.
Their eyes never left Baby's body as she finished her performance with a split. They applauded jokingly and she giggled as she arose from the uncomfortable position.
Baby walked down the stage and into the empty room, her only visitor being them. They smiled at her as she approached their seat.
Then they extended their arms and Baby gladly took the offer, sinking down on their lap. Her forehead rested on their shoulder and they wrapped their arms around her. She smiled mischievously and slowly kissed their neck. Leaving little bites here and there her lips slowly moved up to their mouth. Baby finally pressed a passionate kiss on their lips, biting their lip in the process.
"I love you." she then stated and winked at them, "I love you very much.".
the annoyed kind
Otis couldn't help but rest his forehead in his hands upon seeing them try to grab something from the upper shelf. While their darted out tongue and concentrated expression was adorable, he still felt amusement at their blindness. There was literally a stool right next to them yet here they were, on their tiptoes trying to reach the box of cereal with their finger tips.
They smiled upon seeing Otis' expression and giggled, "Oh no, seems like I can't reach my food. What a tragedy that there's no strong man around to help me.".
Otis now groaned but he stepped forwards and grabbed their hips. Lifting them up a few inches they snatched the cereal and he let them down again. Turning around, they pressed a chaste kiss on his cheek and chuckled. "Thank you strong man," they thanked him jokingly. "I love you." they then added and gave him a proper kiss.
The white haired man groaned again and rolled his eyes, "Whatever”, he grumbled the last part quietly, “I love you too."
|Billy Loomis|
the surprised kind
Stu groaned at Billy's agitated rumbling about something. He always ended up like this. As soon as he found something to talk about he didn't stop, especially when the topic was Horror-movies.
Stu grimaced at them and stood up. After quickly saying goodbye Billy immediately started rambling again. They couldn't help but chuckle at his excited expression.
Billy looked up at the sound and stopped mid-sentence. They were actually listening to him. Oh wow.
He was used to people ignoring his words when he got excited about something. That usually led to him shutting up about his personal interests but they were actually listening to him.
He chuckled in surprise and leaned forward to kiss them. They kissed back, surprised at the sudden passionate action.
Billy leaned back a few inches and laughed again, astonishment audible in his voice.  His forehead rested against theirs and he smiled, "I fucking love you.".
|Stu Macher|
the loving kind
They laid on on the grass, fingers intertwined and eyes gazing up at the stars in the sky. It was early in the morning or very late in the evening, it depends on how you want to see the situation.
After a while Stu's head turned and he looked at their side profile. They smiled and tried to ignore his gaze wandering over their features.
A few seconds later their head turned as well and their eyes met his. They grinned, "Why are you staring at me, you're supposed to look at the stars.".
Stu just smiled back and extended his hand to cup their cheek.
"I love you." he whispered quietly and they turned around, giggling like a lovesick teenager.
the needy kind
"Y/N..." the brunette whined, their name drawn out to annoy them. Brahms didn't get an answer.
He crossed his arms and pouted, "Y/N... pretty pleaseee..." he mewled again and they sighed.
Brahms noticed that they were slowly breaking and smirked. "Y/N.." he tried one last time, this time seductively.
They stopped what they were doing and slammed their hands down. "What Brahms?" they said, reserved anger visible and audible.
"Don't you think I should get some attention? I think I deserve some. Y/N I love you and you love me and lovers usually give each other attention. Pretty please Y/N." Brahms begged now, his eyes pleadingly focused on their face.
They sighed and dropped the rug they've been cleaning with. Brahms squealed as they walked over to him and opened his arms. A smug grin was visible on his face as their body hit his in a hug.
the outraged kind
Their sigh sounded annoyed and Josef gulped.
"Josef we've talked about this." they said while massaging their temples.
"I know, I know but look at it. Isn't it pretty?" he wrapped an arm around their shoulders, "I made it for you.". The smile he send them after the sentence was proud and loving.
"But why Josef? Why?" they said, resignation in their voice.
Josef let go of their shoulder and sent them an outraged look.
"Why?" he repeated and scoffed, "Because I love you?". Outraged he turned around and pouted.
They laughed at his temper tantrum and hugged him from behind. Their head rested on his back, "I love you too, you man-child.".
the shy kind
It was warm but not too hot, a nice change. Summer in Texas was always horrible but the evenings were okay. Cold wind caressed their faces and the scent of cigarettes hit their nose.
Thomas was sitting next to them on the porch, eyes closed and mask off. He looked so calm, so relaxed. It made their heart swell.
They slowly snuck over to him, a playful smile painting their features. Thomas opened his eyes as they sat on his laps and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
Turning red, he wrapped his arms around them and placed his chin on their shoulder.
They smiled and placed their fingers on his shoulders, massaging the tense muscles.
Thomas hummed in appreciation. He whispered a quiet "I love you." against their skin and they laughed quietly.
Pressing a soft kiss on his forehead, they chuckled quietly "I love you too, big boy.".
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