#clint barton prompt
katebishopsleftshoe · 3 months
clint barton x younger!avenger
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𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃
a/n: my first headcanon-post on here aahhh I'm so excited! I hope you guys enjoyy
word count: 1.2k
warnings: age gap (reader is 24, clint is in his 40s), reader is fem!
𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃
• clint barton is not the type to go for younger girls
• usually he leaves that to tony stark, who is basically leonardo di caprio reincarnated
• "noo don't turn 25 you're so sexy aha" - literally tony
• but then this young woman joins the avengers, probably just turned 24, amazing fighting skills
• everyone in the compound is all infatuated with her, watching her every move with heart eyes
• clint barton can't help but admire her too, but he knows that such a young gorgeous girl like her would never want an old guy like him
• miss new girl has already wrapped steve rogers around her little finger and clint knows he stands no chance
• until things take a twist
• you have an upcoming mission which clint is supposed to train you for
• you're both very nervous to start training together, mostly because you've both been eyeing each other for a while (not knowing that it's mutual)
• greetings at first training are kept very short, just because you're both very nervous
"clint", you nod, greeting your new training partner. he was just walking into the gym, water bottle in his hand. his training clothes consisted of grey sweatpants and a black long-sleeve compression shirt. jesus christ. you had to stop yourself from drooling.
"y/n", he greets back with a tight-lipped smile.
• clint obviously showed up to training like this on purpose, wanting to see if you'd have a particular reaction
• spoiler alert: um yeah you did
• basically it only increased the little crush you were harboring on him
• when clint saw you stare at his muscles for a little too long, he had to bite back a smile
• eventually, when the two of you would become more comfortable with each other and he would wear similar things, he would ask you stuff like: "like what you see?"
• you just roll your eyes, overplaying the fact that obviously you do 🙄
• after a while of training, you and clint become a well-coordinated team!
• you notice that you guys actually have the same type of humor, so training sessions are always filled with lots of laughter
• before training, clint braids your hair so it doesn't get in the way (i'm screaming)
• he knows a few braids because of his daughter and he's glad he remembered them so now he can do them on your hair
• he's soo afraid to hurt you during training and always goes easy on you
• freaks out when you fall
• "baby are you okay?" and he says it so worriedd
• the "baby" just slips out 🤭
• both of you get so flustered
• clint is like "why tf did I just say that" to himself
• you only murmur that you're fine, allowing him to help you up, but he accidentally pulls you up against his chest
• he literally freaks out even more when you touch his torso with your hands
• you quickly distance yourselves from each other, awkwardly avoiding each other's gaze
• moments like these only get more frequent between you two
• for example when you have to sit on clint's lap on the way home from a mission because there isn't enough space in the car or when you bump into him the hallways of the compound, him being shirtless because he just took a shower
• you both know you like each other as more than just friends / teammates but you don't know what to do about it
• so you just quietly pine for each other and flirt during training
• but of course it's always just "friendly" and "casual"
• clint and you obviously have banter, his sarcasm and playfulness is at its peak when he's with you
• the two of you like having little verbal play fights
• clint during training with you: "that's the best you can do?"
• and he says this while smirking and wiggling his eyebrows which makes you want to jump him 🙄
• but you counter: "your ass must be pretty jealous of all the shit that comes out your mouth"
• this makes clint laugh loudly and he wraps an arm around your shoulder for a moment saying "good one" while grinning
• in general he lovessss that you always have comebacks for his sarcastic remarks
• sometimes, when he wants to tease you even more, he picks you up, slinging you over his shoulder 🤭
• "clint, put me down!!!"
• "sorry princess, no can do! not until you agree to stop whining about me paying for your lunch"
• "clint-"
• "no y/n, I don't want to hear it. I really don't mind paying from time to time. anything for you"
• a few days later, you, clint and the other avengers went out to party to celebrate another mission gone well
• you're eager to dance and you wanna dance with clint
• he refuses first, which annoys you
• "come on you grandpa"
• "y/n I have many skills but dancing isn't one of them", he laughs
• "come onn, try at least!!", you encourage him, smirking
• he sighs, reluctantly letting you drag him on the dance floor
• you both start dancing while the other avengers go to the bar to order drinks
• they come back to their seats only to see you and clint making out on the dance floor 🤭
• that evening basically kick-started your relationship
• literally, clint can't believe he pulled you
• he feels so lucky to be your bf
• but he's also so scared you will dump him for any other younger guy you meet
• he definitely thinks he's not good enough for you :(
• so you gotta reassure him sometimes
• you guys are the goofy couplee
• you make dad jokes to each other all.the.time and your friends are soooo annoyed by y'all
• you even make jokes during missions like when there's a weird ass looking alien you have to fight you tell clint:
• "omg clint look he's literally you"
• clint: 💀
��� honestly he loves you but sometimes he's also so done with you because why are you showing him the 5th meme in a row??? XD
• clint does take on the more dominant role in your relationship bc he's always watching out for you, does a lot of things for you (he once built you a shelve from Ikea you really wanted for your books)
• he likes to take the lead so when you're with him and for example exploring a new city / traveling, you can just relax and because you know clint already took care of everything that needed taking care of!!
• maybe he also has a slight arrogance and thinks he knows things better just because he's older and more experienced 🙈
• that's probably his only red flag though, other than that he's naturally a golden retriever bf
• when you're sad he always knows how to lighten the mood and make you feel better instantly
• his kids also love you and after laura left clint you're definitely not the stepmom but the mom THAT STEPPED UP!!
• you and his kids are clint's #1 priority and he intends to spend the rest of his life with u :))
i hope you guys enjoyed!!
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kilibaggins · 6 months
Physical Affection Prompts
hi all! I just thought I'd make my own list of various physical affection prompts and since no idea is ever original some of these are 100% on other peoples lists but im not using other lists as reference or copying anyone. this list is for my own use and other peoples use and there's no need to credit me (though it's always nice).
reblog to have your followers send you these as prompts !! or just use them for your own writing.
all of these are meant as sfw prompts but some may seem a bit more intimate.
tracing someones face
tucking hair behind their ear
forehead kisses
desperate hugs
crying into their neck/shoulder
reversed little spoon & big spoon (the one who is normally the big spoon is the little spoon and vice versa)
holding their hand under a table
kissing their hand
kissing their collarbone
sitting with legs in their lap
morning cuddles where they're both mostly asleep and they don't want to wake up yet but they want to cuddle
petting their hair
head pats
sitting on the floor in front of them while they sit on the couch and their arms touch their legs.
holding both of their hands
hugs from behind
gently touching their waist to move past them (dont do this to someone you're not dating! dont believe I have to say this.)
grabbing their wrist or hand and turning them around
playing with their hands when nervous
slow dancing
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tremorsmackenzie · 1 year
There is an unexplored time period in shield where maria, bobbi, may, natasha, isabel hartley, sharon carter, clint and coulson all worked simultaneously at shield and its a crime that we havent seen anything set in it. that literally sounds like the best thing ever.
like, may has nat in her contacts (season 2 i think). come on.
just imagine the snark.
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frenchfriedgiraffe · 9 months
week 1: pet
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so obviously when given the prompt “pet” i just had to draw the best duo in the history of… everything? what can i say, i love these guys.
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thanks again to the legend PT for motivating me to do this (and for the prompts of course)
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oldfangirl81 · 7 months
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Because even if it wasn't true Bucky/Nat/Kate would write it while he slept. And Clint would wear it with a smirk.
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widowwnat · 4 months
natasha romanoff prompts/headcanons 4/?
natasha's birth name being natalia alianovna romanova is somehow unknown to the avengers
when the accords came out and the avengers were reading whilst sitting in the meeting's table, they get to the page where it says the names of the avengers and a little box underneath each name for them to sign.
all the names are there 'anthony stark, steven rogers ect.'
they see one name thats completely unfamiliar 'natalia alianovna romanova'.
tony is obviously the one to speak up and ask 'who the hell is that...?'
and secretery ross looks and him and smirks 'that is your resident miss romanoff'
natasha turns around and deadpans 'bitch you thought natasha was a russian name?'.
'thats one very long name yk?' sam says.
'romanova? huh. so are you like a lost princess? a descendant of the romanov's?' tony asks
'no tony. i am not. its a common russian surname.' she looks and him and says 'i think.'
'ok princess.' he replies, taunting.
natasha groans in her hands knowing he's gonna call her that for the next year.
steve looks confused and says 'wait but when we were in that bunker and zola said our names, he said 'Romanoff' not 'Romanova'.
'Romanova isn't on my sheild files. it was spoken in person to Fury, Clint and Maria. Otherwise the only other place you can find that name is in my old KGB files. which im assuming is where Ross found it. Loving the privacy Ross.'
'you're welcome miss romanoff.'
'fuck you mr secretary.' she says with a smile.
IF you wanna write a fic on this please do (i would but i have zero fic writing skills) send me the link or smth i wanna read it too xx :)
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katebishopsleftshoe · 3 months
clint: *wearing grey sweatpants and a black compression shirt*
y/n: when has this become a WHORE HOUSE??!!
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be-compromised · 2 months
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Promptathon 2024
Hi All, welcome to the 2024 edition of the annual be_compromised epic summer promptathon!
Been wanting to jump into the fandom but not sure where to start? Now’s the time. Newbie or a lurker? Here’s the perfect opportunity to say hello! Not been active in the fandom for a while? Welcome back. Promptathon is a fun, no-pressure environment where you can post zero to as many prompts as you like, zero to as many fills as you like, and join in the squee or just quietly enjoy the fun.
We’re a Clintasha (Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff) community that welcomes ALL THINGS MARVEL. We’d like Clint and/or Natasha to show up in prompt fills somewhere, but what that means is up to you - individually or as friends, lovers, spouses, partners, gen fic, ANYTHING. Yes, that means we also welcome other characters and pairings (and threesomes or moresomes.)
If that sounds like the kind of party you’d like to join, please read on for the event timeline, how to leave prompts and fills, and a few rules to make sure everyone has a fun time.
TODAY: Prompting starts! GO, GO, GO MONDAY 5 AUGUST: Now is when you can start leaving fills for prompts! (You can also keep prompting) MIDNIGHT SUNDAY 29 SEPTEMBER: Promptathon, both prompts and fills, ends at midnight in whatever your timezone is. 
A masterlist will be posted shortly after the event ends, on Dreamwidth and tumblr.
Promptathon takes place on Dreamwidth, but you do not need an account to prompt, fill, or join in. Anonymous comments are enabled; if you comment anonymously please consider including your online handle(s) in your comment so we know who you are and can credit you!
Please post each prompt in a separate comment to this post.
Prompts can be anything – simple or elaborate, words or pictures, songs or poems, lyrics or phrases, anything that could inspire a fanwork. Use your imagination. Go wild! You can also re-use prompts from previous events, whether they were filled or not.
You can leave as many prompts as you want. We’re serious. Keep coming back. We want as many prompts as we can possibly get.
Please put a spoiler warning at the start of your prompt if it contains spoilers/speculation relating to any Marvel films/tv shows released in the last six months.
Comment in a reply to the prompt that you are filling.
The subject line of your comment should be: ‘FILL: title, rating.’
You can then post your entire fanwork in the comment if it’s short enough AND/OR you can post your fanwork anywhere else on the internet and post a link to it in your comment.
Your comment must also include: > Title > Rating (ie film ratings or AO3 style ratings) > Any warnings OR you can say ‘choose not to warn’ (think about the AO3 warnings or take a look at our comm guidance if you’re stuck) > A spoiler warning if your fill contains spoilers/speculation relating to any Marvel films/tv shows released in the last six months. (Not everyone has Disney+/can get to the cinema.)
Following these guidelines 1) makes it easier for people to find your fills during the event as a one-stop shop, and know what they’re clicking on and 2) makes it a LOT easier for your mods to create a masterlist at the end, without missing any of your fills. Thank you!
If you’re posting your fill elsewhere, consider including a teaser to catch people’s attention! If you’re posting on AO3, we have a ‘Community: be_compromised’ tag and a promptathon collection available if you like those sorts of things. If you’re posting on tumblr, let us know or tag it with ‘clintasha’ so we can find it and reblog on the be_compromised tumblr. We want people to be able to find and appreciate your fills <3
There’s no length requirement on fanworks submitted. You can create drabbles or epics, vids, art, fanmixes, anything at all; it’s just all about getting creative! Fills do not have to be complete or completed during the promptathon. You can fill as many prompts as you want, and prompts can be filled multiple times by whoever wants to fill them. You can fill more than one prompt in one fill, or make a series out of fills for various prompts. Zero pressure; all fun.
We have a general thread for comments, questions, and general chat as the first comment thread in this post. We welcome reactions, discussion, and cheerleading in replies to prompts and fills. (This is where posting each prompt separately and labelling the subject line of fills helps to keep things organised.) We also have a be_compromised discord server if you prefer a chatroom-style space. (Although as above, all prompts and fills will be in this post as a one-stop shop.) Commenting, cheerleading, and enthusiasm is a huge part of fandom and you are very welcome to join in! Yes, even if you don’t post any prompts or fills.
Our Community Rules apply to this event. To summarise: > No character or ship bashing. This is a positive fandom space. > No plagiarism, or use of AI please - we want to see what YOU create. > Please no RPF (Real Person Fanfiction) or any gossip/speculation about actors’ off-screen non-work lives, as the primary focus of this community is fictional characters. > Please include a rating for fanworks and a warning OR ‘choose not to warn’. > Be kind and have fun!
If you have any questions about anything please feel free to ask! The easiest way is to use the questions thread, which is in the first comment to this post, or ask on the Discord server (‘general’ thread). Your mods are inkvoices, CloudAtlas, and gsparkle.
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moon-language-0 · 2 months
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my submission to @capim-tinybang is now live! one of two prompts released this week to kick off the prompt fest, if anyone's feeling inspired... (what do YOU think is going on, here? all entries welcome! see: event guidelines) [here it is on ao3] 🖤
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frenchfriedgiraffe · 8 months
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week 4: fear
so… 6 days and a billion drafts later, its finally here! i definitely took some creative liberties with this prompt, but i was rereading fun and games and it kind of just took over my brain… a lot.
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frankthesnek · 8 months
♡ sharing a kiss before going in for work (but make it accidental first kiss due to sleep deprivation)
Normally, I only do each prompt once, but since this is so different from the other ask for this one I'll do it again! Thank you 😘
Coming in Hot
Rated G
Prompt: a kiss before going to work
900 words
Steve stood next to the toaster, tapping his fingers on the counter as he waited for his bagel to be done. It was early, and the tower was calm. He'd seen Clint and Natasha preparing for their sparring session an hour or so earlier, but otherwise, it was a ghost town. The toaster finally finished, the crisp pop and ding of it shutting off startling him in the quiet of the kitchen. He plopped his breakfast onto a plate and checked his watch.
It wouldn't be a ghost town much longer, he would bet. Pulling the cream cheese from the fridge, he settled at the breakfast bar and finished preparing his food as he waited.
“Watch it Cap, Stark's coming in hot,” Clint drawled with an amused tone as he entered the kitchen a moment later.
“You don't say?” Steve asked, unsurprised and dry sounding.
The archer just nodded, looking far too happy as he poured the last of the coffee into a mug. 
“Fuck I'm late!” Right on cue Tony entered the space, tie hanging undone around his neck as he fumbled with his cufflinks. “Why does she keep scheduling meetings so early? She knows I'm not a morning person.”
“This wouldn't happen to be the meeting Pepper already rescheduled twice because you keep missing it?” Steve asked, the casualness in his tone giving away that he already knew the answer. 
“Maybe,” Tony grumbled as he picked up the empty coffee pot and frowned. “Barton, I'm gonna kill you,” he promised, glaring at the other man's steaming cup of coffee.
In response, Clint deliberately took a slow drink, holding Tony's eye while he did. 
“Definitely gonna get you. I swear your next batch of arrows is gonna blow up right in your smug little face,” Tony cursed and made a grab for the nearly full mug.
“Extra coffee for you on the bar,” Steve said, pointing to a thermus he'd filled earlier. “Better hurry, if you don't leave now, you'll be late.”
“Thank you,” Tony nearly moaned and picked up the travel cup.
“Uh-huh,” Steve drawled and held up half of his bagel before Tony could try stealing it from his plate. 
“Thanks,” Tony repeated with a sigh, taking it gladly. “Why do you know my schedule better than me?”
“Tony, the hotdog vendor in Central Park knows your schedule better than you do,” Clint piped up with a snort of laughter.
Steve chuckled, and he watched Tony hold the bagel in his mouth as he quickly did his tie. Nimble fingers tugging it into a knot that had no right to be as neat as it was for how fast it had been made. 
“I refuse to acknowledge the truth of that,” Tony spoke around a mouth full and held the thermus up towards Steve. “Is it—”
“Cool enough to drink? Yes.” Steve supplied, taking a bite from his remaining half of the bagel.
“You're an angel,” Tony said blissfully. Then he leaned over the bar and pressed a fast but firm kiss to Steve's mouth before rushing out, already calling the elevator via Jarvis before he left the room. 
Steve's bagel fell from his lax fingers, plopping back to the plate cream cheese side down.
“Did he just?” Clint asked, looking over at Steve with wide eyes.
“Uh…yeah,” Steve muttered, dumbstruck, his lips tingling from the surprise contact.
“And you guys aren't?”
The two men stared at each other for a moment in confused silence. Steve felt his cheeks grow hot. Tony, his friend and long-term crush, had just kissed him. Lips warm, soft, and real against his mouth. Clint was giving him a knowing smirk but was thankfully holding his tongue. A moment later, the quiet was broken by the buzzing of Steve’s phone on the counter.
“It's Tony,” he said, looking down at the smiling picture of Tony in his purple sunglasses that was set as the man’s icon. The heat of flush skirted down his neck and settled in his chest.
“Speaker, put him on speaker,” Clint demanded, coming to stand next to his friend.
Swallowing Steve swiped the call open and tapped the speaker function. “Hello?”
“I can't believe I'm even going to ask this but I'm rushed, suffering from a caffeine deficiency, and am severely sleep deprived so the last fifteen minutes are a blur—did I just kiss you?”
“Um, yes?”
Tony said nothing, only the quiet shuffle of him still rushing to his car coming through the phone.
“Hey playboy, this is the part where you ask him out,” Clint supplied, flinching away before Steve could swat him. 
“Do you have me on speaker?” Tony questioned, his tight voice sounding more flustered than angry.
“Maybe?” Steve hedged.
“Oh for Christ—” and the line clicked off.
“Wow, if that's how smooth he normally is, I can't imagine how he used to snag all the ladies. Must be the money,” Clint chuckled, picking up his coffee and heading off. 
Sighing and shaking his head, Steve poked his sad upside down bagel. Just as he was starting to think it truly had been an accident and meant nothing, his phone buzzed with a text from Tony. Steve smiled as he read it. 
‘Free for a lunch date after my meeting?’
Steve started to type out that, yes, he was free when a new message popped up, turning his smile into a joyful grin.
‘And that does not count as our first kiss!!’
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widowwnat · 4 months
natasha romanoff headcanons/prompts 3/?
ok so image yelena randomly showing up at avengers tower and no one knows who this russian girl is.
then clint sees her and he goes 'yelena? what?'
yelena has NO idea who clint is and is completly confused.
Until natasha walks into the room and sees and incredibly injured yelena and simply says 'fuck yelena u cant just show up her- is that ur blood? shit.'
'how did u even get in here?' natasha asks her
'the window'
'i hope u had fun climbing 25 stories to get in through there. next time just fucking call me.' natasha sounds angry
(bold and italics is in russian)
'woah language' yelena replies, switching to english
then they walk to the elevators and the avengers can hear them mentioning a few names (melina, alexei) and they're like 'woah who tf is that.'
they disappear for like 12 hours then appear in the kitchen to get food and still they dont know who the mystery woman is until natasha finally says 'oh shes my sister' with a smile
everyone is SHOOOCKED like what?
if someone wants to make this a fic please send me a link or smth i wanna read it xx
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askatrigenderlgbt · 1 year
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callie-caje · 5 days
Always there to break my fall
Note: A quick fic, lots of dialogue, about what if Kate didn't go to the Barton Farm for Christmas and instead stayed in the city to handle the mess of her Mothers arrest. Inspired by prompts supplied by the always amazing @superherotiger.
As always, written for the beloveds @sunsetuniverse @lunasquared
Title: always there to break my fall
Summary: Kate’s life had been a whirlwind the last week and standing in her Mother’s office as the police tore it to shreds searching for evidence really seemed to sum it up pretty well. One thing she wasn't expecting was the clattering of nails on the tile and the jingle of metal hitting metal as Lucky came running to greet her.
Prompts: -Making room for someone in a crowded vehicle or on public transit.
-Holding someone's hand or arm as reassurance, especially when they are afraid.
Fandom: MCU, Hawkeye
Word Count: 1,455
Thanks for reading!
Fic below the cut check it out! 👇👇👇
Kate’s life had been a whirlwind the last week and standing in her Mother’s office as the police tore it to shreds searching for evidence really seemed to sum it up pretty well. Slowly but surely they began to leave with their arms full of boxes of evidence, the once sophisticated room now a mere shred of what it once was. 
And yet, Kate remained frozen, unable to follow as this was the first time she had entered the office since her Mother’s arrest. 
Her mother had been arrested and was surely going to jail for the rest of her life and Kate was scared and resigned, and some part of her even felt vindicated that this is what her Mother deserved. The other part? All it wanted was to turn back the clock to the start of the week when her largest concern was her lack of credit cards. 
Overall, Kate just wanted her Mom- she didn’t want to be alone. 
A clang of a metal drew Kate from her stupor as Lucky came barreling into her legs. Bending over she laid her knee on the ground to rest her forehead against the dogs’ in a gentle gesture of comfort.
“Hi buddy.” She whispered.
“Thought you could use some company.” Said a voice from the hallway causing Kate to look up from her position on the floor to see Clint leaning against the doorway. 
“Clint?” She said, standing up. “What are you doing here?”
“The kids thought we needed to continue our New York trip and who was I to disagree? They even convinced Laura to come.” He said as he crossed the entryway, officially joining her in the room in disarray.
“They needed to see Rogers again that soon?” She joked, avoiding his eyes as they searched the room before landing on her.
This wasn’t supposed to happen, Clint was supposed to go back to his family and celebrate Christmas with them and she was supposed to be an adult and spend the week straightening her life out before she had to get it together and be ready to lead Bishop Security. Who cared if she finished college? There was a whole company of people relying on her decisions and if she made the wrong ones the company would go broke and she would have to lay people off and then it would be all her fault.
So, it was time to be an adult. 
She must have missed his reply as the next thing she knew she was sitting at her mothers desk chair with Clint on his knees in front of her talking about some movie the kids made him watch last night and how obnoxious Cooper and Lila had been to one another the entire time.
She looked down and saw he was running his thumbs over her hands soothingly as they rested in his own as he spoke.
“You back with me Katie?” He questioned as she started to pull her hands away before he gripped them tight and looked up at her, a tight smile on his face.
“Yeah..” She muttered out, as she stood up, pulling her hands away from him gently. She wasn’t quite sure what had happened. All she knew was she was supposed to be adulting up and figuring this whole life thing out but all she really wanted to do was cry.
She started pacing across the office, ignoring the looks he was shooting at her as she started to make a mental list of things that needed done once Clint left.
“Anyway, you should be getting back to your kids and I have about a hundred emails I need to get a head start on before everyone is back in office come-”
“Kate.” Clint said, cutting her off before standing in front of her once again, “I’m exactly where I need to be. You need to stop thinking and breathe for a second and then you need to relax. No one is going to be back at work for a few days and you need to take a second to process everything, you are going to run yourself into the ground if you don’t slow down.” He finished, hands reaching across the gap between them to rest gently on her shoulders.
The gentle touch seemed to be the last straw because before she knew it there were tears welling in her eyes and Clint was pulling her head down to rest against his shoulder.
“Let it out Katie, it’s okay, I’m not going anywhere. I’ve got you.” He said on repeat, running his hands up and down her back, the first comforting touch it felt like she had received in days.
“I’m scared,” She whispered into his shoulder, not sure if she could voice the thought that hadn’t left her alone for days any louder. She wasn’t sure what she was going to do without her Mom, she was always there, a layer of safety that protected her from the world and now there was only Kate to face the world head on and she wasn’t ready. She didn’t want to be alone.
Clint continued to rub her back as she began to calm down, the nerves setting in when she realized she would have to look him in the eye after she sobbed into his shoulder. 
“Hey,” Clint said before she could try and brush the whole thing off. “Let’s get Lucky and we can hop on the subway for old times sake and you can join the kids, Laura and I at our hotel for the week? You need a break and Nathaniel really wants to meet Lucky.”
“I don’t want to impose-” She argued, she didn’t want him to think he had to be responsible for her, she wasn’t his a child- she didn’t need to be coddled despite what a part of her wanted. 
“You aren’t imposing and I’m serious, let’s grab your stuff and get out of here. I’ll come back with you in a few days and help you straighten this all out but you need to think about something else besides work for a bit, kid.” He said, looking straight at her so there would be no confusing his words.
Without waiting for a response he slung his arm over her shoulder and began leading her out the door, grabbing her duffle from the floor just outside the office before letting out a quick whistle, summoning Lucky to her other side. 
“Let’s go home.” He said, leading her further down the hall towards the elevator and out the building.
It was a short walk to the subway and a few people had done double takes when they had seen not Clint’s face, but her own, as it had been blasted all over the news the last few days next to her Mother’s.
Kate was grateful that once they were at the platform everyone seemed more engrossed in themselves and ready to ignore her, it had only been a few days and the starres were already on her last nerve. It seemed like everytime she went outside she had someone taking her photo or looking at her like she was some anomaly. 
The downside to the subway was the mass amounts of people, but in a way it made it slightly easier to blend in. As their train came to a stop and a few people hopped off, Clint started to shuffle her forward, a steady hand on her back as she held tight to Lucky’s leash. Stepping on the train she glanced around before letting out a small sigh. There were no seats in sight, standing it was for today. 
“We should have taken a Taxi,” She muttered, hoping to lighten the mood a bit with a quick joke. It appeared to have had the intended effect as Clint let out a small laugh under his breath before shuffling closer to the doorway.
He nodded at her before motioning towards himself and the space he had emptied for her so that she could stand a little closer to him instead of the strangers she was surrounded by.
She returned his nod with a quick nod of her own before stepping into the space and letting out a sigh of her own at the feeling of having a bar to her back instead of a stranger's gaze.
As she began to relax, the emotions of the day starting to overwhelm her she stepped into his space once more to lean her head against his waiting shoulder. 
“I gotcha Katie.” He said.
And, finally, a part of her was starting to believe it. They may have started out rough, but now Clint was all she had left.
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quietlyimplode · 6 months
“The knock at the door was so soft, it was lucky Clint hadn’t taken his hearing aids out.”
with clint & nat please ;)
The knock at the door was so soft, it was lucky Clint hadn’t taken his hearing aids out.
He looked through the hole to find Natasha on the other side.
Enthusiastically, he opens the door with gusto, only to have her fall into his arms.
“Oh shit,” he squeaks out, falling with her to the floor.
“I couldn’t get away,” she mumbles, coughing weakly.
He looks at her, face bruised, eye swollen shut.
His heart drops as wonders just what mission Fury had sent her on.
“It’s okay, you’re okay,” he whispers, trying to get her into a sitting position without hurting her.
“I’m here.”
Thanks my friend, what a fun one! Hah. I appreciate your prompts <3
Send a distraction - send a sentence and a pairing and I’ll send five more back. <3
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siriusly-writes · 11 months
Give it to me
Give it to me
Your a dick
Great… I’m still not giving you the sticker
POV: your trying to rehabilitate a long life child soldier as an ex-child soldier your self
You forgot that you have questionable morals, no childhood to reference and are not qualified for this.
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