#cleric caregiver
ur-fav-is-agere · 3 months
Goeniko from King Of Fighters
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Is a big sister/cleric caregiver!
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bunnelbaby · 1 year
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✨🧸 Cleric Caregiver flag for divine healers that take care of kiddos and critters of all kinds (please reblog if you save)! ✨🧸
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mtg-cards-hourly · 1 year
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"The guilds each believe its way is right, but their ways only bring blood to Ravnica's streets and tears to Ravnica's families."
Artist: William Simpson TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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faefoundmoon · 1 year
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kiss the cook/cleric/caregiver ! ❤️
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best-nun-tournament · 1 month
Round 1, Match 26
Mother Mildred (Call the Midwife) vs Silque (Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia)
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Mother Mildred is an Anglican nun of the Order of St. Raymond Nonnatus, is a midwife and caregiver, and is Mother Superior.
Silque is a mendicant nun serving the goddess Mila
Mother Mildred
She is funky! Unlike most managers she delights in getting her hands dirty and helping out if she believes that is what she had been called to do. Absolutely a fun character and really shakes up the dynamic of the house when she comes to stay.
Beautiful woman... beautiful woman... Anyway she's the first cleric you get if I recall correctly in the game so you rely on her pretty early on and she's a good unit! She learns warp early which is a great spell for all kinds of strategies. But this isn't about her gameplay! She's just a fun character. She's far from your standard quiet nun type. She enjoys the Girl Talk (tm) and tries to have some with Faye (although Faye shuts it down because she hate gossip or something). She's so cool and girlboss. But even with all that she's still very devout! Because it was Mila's teachings that saved her as a child, she is extremely dedicated to serving the Mother Mila. Also she likes to eat raw bags of flour and hard stale bread. The justification for this was that she was raised humbly (first on a pilgrimage with her mother then by the Novis Priory) but I think it's just goofy as hell. Also she has a high luck growth which is also funny because she gets kidnapped like twice and I don't think that's very lucky.
More stuff: this is just more stuff but I find it interesting how her mother served the god Duma while she serves the goddess Mila, opposing dieties. Even though she was raised for the first years of her life by her mother who was a Duma Faithful, she was raised the rest of her life in a Mila-dedicated Priory so she serves Mila although her mother served Duma.
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oathwilled · 7 months
paerin's gruff and can be a curmudgeon, but he is, by nature, a caregiver. he actually really likes his role as a battle healer of sorts, a lot more than he'd readily admit. he'll take care of people when they're sick or injured, he'll fuss over them, and he's not a priest or a cleric by any means but he's capable, especially out in the field.
and he likes it. finds a deep satisfaction in it, finds that he's kind of good at it despite having no bedside manner. he wonders sometimes, honestly, if that's where life would've taken him if he hadn't lived it by the sword, but that's the way it went and that's the way it is.
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duckieberry · 1 month
BG3 Classification AU
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This AU was made in collaboration with @dustbunnybaby
All of the base AU information used to write this AU can be found —> HERE!!!
This post is for specification for how Classifications would work in BG3 (and technically DnD but not really since the logic between the games is a bit different) so it will not go over all the aspects of the AU! Please look at the base information post linked above first before continuing, thank you!
Though I will reiterate this here - There are many different versions of classification AU’s that focus on different dynamics. This version is specifically based around and is for age regressors so this ISN’T a k*nk based AU and is ENTIRELY sfw.
The treatment of littles varies from place to place and group to group.
The city of Baldur’s Gate is fairly good to their littles as there are multiple policies put into place to support littles that live there.
Some religious groups -like the Church of Shar- do not treat littles well within their ranks as they are viewed as incapable and liabilities to their deities. While other religious groups -like those who worship Silvanus- treat them as equals and think that all classifications should be celebrated.
The Githyanki specifically have very cruel views on littles. While they don’t have classifications themselves they look down upon those who have them, especially if they’re littles. They view classifications as an easily exploitable weakness.
Race Info:
Note: for those who aren’t familiar with DnD and by extension BG3. Race does not refer to ethnicity, it's the term used for species!
Humans were the first race to have classifications. Other races began to inherit them from humans til eventually they became a normal part of all human adjacent species (a human adjacent species is identified by whether that race can parent a child with a human or come from a human through cursed bloodlines). Elves, half-elves, Orcs, half-orcs, and Tieflings are capable of developing classifications (My research into dwarves, gnomes and halflings provided inconclusive evidence so those guys are up for debate as to whether or not they can have classifications). Meanwhile Githyanki and Dragonborn are incapable of developing classifications naturally but they are able to act as a caregiver if they choose to.
Testing is performed by clerics. The cleric will gather a small sample of blood either with a syringe or by making a small cut on the shoulder. The blood is put into a small dish where the cleric will cast a version of the spell ‘Identify’ called ‘Ascertain’ ; it allows the Cleric to learn the individual’s classification. If applicable they will also learn the individual’s age range.
Suppressants and Spells:
While there are herbal suppressants available, most people turn to potions and spells since the effects of herbal remedies are minimal in comparison to other options. Potions for headspace management are fairly simple to make and therefore are cheap to buy and easy to come across though they aren’t overly effective in comparison to spells.
There is only one potion that is more effective then its spell counterpart. The potion is called ‘cotton thoughts’. It helps littles/flips slowly enter their headspace. It will put them in what would roughly be considered the middle of their age range. This potion is very sweet thanks to the large amount of berry juice used to mask the taste of the ingredients so it’s easier for littles/flips to take. These potions are extremely hard to make and its ingredients are incredibly rare so they are very expensive and not worth producing because of this. Coming across these potions is incredibly difficult to the point of being nearly impossible so most people use spells anyways. (Yes, we know goodberries don’t occur naturally. No, we do not care)
Certain spells (Au specific) are specialized for effects on classifications instead of being a chance side effect.
The spell ‘Little mind’ can temporarily put a person regardless of classification into a regressed headspace for about an hour. This spell has a very high chance to fail.
‘Guardianship’ does the same thing as ‘Little mind’ but instead gives the affected person caregiver instincts for about an hour. This spell also has a very high chance to fail.
‘Clear head’ is very good for headspace management. Even though its name implies it does similar things as ‘Calm emotions’ it does not change or affect the person's emotional state which is why it’s preferred.
There is also a menagerie of normal spells that can: act as suppressants, have a low chance to force a person to regress, enhance instincts or even temporarily shift a person into a false classification as a side effect of their primary purpose.
Spells like ‘Fear’ can possibly cause a little to almost instantly regress. It also has the chance to cause a neutral to enter into a pseudo-regressed state, or possibly make a caregiver enter a protective rage (for flips which ever classification they lean towards typically tends to be the effect they experience)
The spell ‘Antipathy’ has a similar effect to ‘Fear’ but its opposite, ‘Sympathy’, only has a note-able effect on caregivers, flips and neutrals in which it enhances a caregivers/flips caring instinct and there’s a chance it can give a neutral temporary caregiver-like instincts.
‘Calm emotions’ can be used as a headspace suppressant; but it is also used by caregivers to help a Little/flip calm down if they’re extremely distressed though it is used very rarely for this purpose as it has a high chance to push a little/flip outside of headspace.
Hags and Devils:
Classification affects many aspects of life, one of which being how a person's magic feels. The magic of a little might be described as soft or dainty though it is no less powerful than the magic from an individual of another classification, a caregivers magic may be described as warm and protective and a flips would be somewhere in between.
Hags and Devils can pick up on this difference in magical aura and use it to their advantage to coerce and manipulate people into making deals with them. They tend to favour those who have conflicts with their classification and offer to take their classification away in return for their soul or something else. Both Hags and Devils are fully capable of ‘removing’ a classification but in reality they’ve put up a powerful magic blocker that prevents the person from entering headspace and removes the symptoms of headspace repression. In doing this the person who’s classification has been ‘removed’ will seem hollow as if they’re not all there. These classless people are still themself and are still able to go about their lives; they just feel a constant sense of emptiness and distance from the world around them.
It is also possible for a Hag or Devil to give a classification to a race that would otherwise not have one. The exact effects this has on the individual is unclear as it rarely happens.
Illithid Tadpoles:
Illithid tadpoles are extremely dangerous to littles due to the fact the symptoms of infection are very similar to and often confused for regression sickness.
Due to the illithid invasion, it’s been discovered that these little parasites can cause a classification change. When this classification change occurs it’s often preceded by the parasite progressively getting more active and moving a lot more violently. The tadpoles' increased activity can prevent the host from sleeping while also causing them headaches.
What exactly it does to elicit the change is unknown, but it’s assumed that it bites the part of the brain responsible for classification. There is a sharp pain for a few moments before the host feels what’s often described as ‘a switch being flipped’.
The classification changes caused by these worms can happen at any time and without much forewarning. They don’t seem to do this often as it’s been an undocumented effect for so long and the number of recorded cases is very small (under 200)
This section has some changes that would allow certain story events to fit the AU better and adds new things that doesn’t fit in the above categories.
Ethel - the encounter with Ethel would go basically the same as it does normally but the move set she uses has a new addition. Ethel has access to the ‘Little mind’ spell. Just like her ‘Vicious mockery’ she has some unique dialogue for each of the companions upon the spell succeeding:
“Toothy for someone who’s nothing but a helpless babe!” -directed towards Astarion
“Gonna cry to your mummy, little one?” -directed towards Gale
“Now now, no need for the tantrum, deary” -directed towards Karlach
“Cry harder, petal. Maybe Vlaakith will finally hear you” -directed towards Lae’zel
“Feisty for a little pup” -directed towards Wyll
“No wonder Shar doesn’t want you… sniveling like a little babe” -directed towards Shadowheart
“Bear? You look more like a cub to me” - directed towards Halsin
“Done playing hero, petal?” -directed towards a Tav character
“Tiny things like you shouldn’t play with things so sharp” -directed towards a Durge character
Upon the spell failing she gives one of her existing exclamations of frustration.
In the Underdark there is a new variety of extremely rare mushroom called the Tiny cap. These mushrooms, despite what their name implies, are rather large. Their cap is a dusty pink with vibrant blue spots. The reason they are so rare is because their mycelium only grows one to two mushrooms every 5-7 years. It takes decades for the mycelium to grow enough to support the large fungus they produce. Older books imply they used to be more prevalent but their slow development and the overharvesting of their spores has damaged their numbers severely.
The fungus gets its name from the effect its spores have on littles/flips. When inhaled the spores cause a little/flip to drop near instantly. Caregivers and neutrals are unaffected.
The spores of this fungus are the main ingredient in the ‘Cotton thoughts’ potion. Within the potion the effects of the spores are diluted so they’re more manageable and safe for use as rapidly dropping isn’t healthy nor comfortable for a little/flip.
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feliniakattus · 1 year
Allegiances drop (finally)
im happy to answer any questions about anything!!
Bound by the alliance, five groups of different species come together for mutual protection and the benefits of living together. The other kattii are unwilling to join, and free of the rules imposed by the Leagues, although they miss out on food and companionship on their journeys.
The Grasslands
Savannah Coalition
Emperor: Crane Song-Glide, a slender, long-furred mostly white molly with thin horns and grey patches
Dark Song, a black and white tom with unusually long horns and green eyes
Mangosteen, (acting consul: Thunder)
Jackal Creek, a ginger tabby jack with yellow eyes and brown horns
Baobab Root-Soar-Claw, a thick-furred warm grey tabby tom with thick horns
Medlar Root-Soar-Claw, a grey and gold tortoiseshell jack with green eyes and curled horns
Mowana Creek, a pinkish grey mackerel tabby molly with blue eyes and short horns
Thunder Root, a slender grey tabby point tom with amber eyes and thick horns. 
Clover Bud-Creek, a pretty fair brown speckled tabby tom with dark blue eyes and black hooves
Cleric, Marrah Glide, an albino molly with pink eyes
Apothecary: Fern Antler-Claw, a pale ginger mackerel tabby molly with light orange hooves
Salvinia Bud-Bones, speckled ginger jack with a significant scar on their belly 
Sumac Claw-Bud reddish brown mackerel tabby molly with long legs and green eyes
Syringa Bud-Fang, a brown tabby tom with a jagged white marking on his belly
Senna Bones, speckled cream tom with one missing leg and yellow eyes
Acacia Bud-Fang, swift mottled brown jack with short, sleek fur and streamlined horns
Vera Fang, a beautiful light brown tabby tom with patches of darker fur and black hooves
Lantana Glide, dawn-coloured molly with lighter chest and paws and pinkish eyes
Nutmeg Claw-Bud, a slim brown mackerel tabby molly with green eyes and long legs. 
Cinnamon Claw, a tall, slim ginger mackerel tabby molly with green eyes and a long tail. 
Pagoda Stem-Bud, spotted cream molly, partially paralysed with a broken horn.
Cassia Antler, a black and white jack with a large scar on their back and broken horns
Oak Song, a dark gold spotted molly cub with amber eyes, tutored by Thunder, Cassia, and Cinnamon
Pigeon Song, a grey-gold spotted molly cub with green eyes, tutored by Baobab, Lantana, and Syringa
Marula Creek, a dark grey-gold spotted tom cub with yellow eyes, tutored by Jackal, Sumac, and Vera
Motopi Creek, a light grey-gold spotted jack cub with blue eyes, tutored by Clover, Acacia, and Senna
Caregivers: Mangosteen Root-Soar-Claw, dark ginger mackerel tabby jack with blue eyes and white belly.
Combretum Root, big light gold spotted tom cub with a white belly and green eyes
Paspalum Soar, small dark gold spotted molly cub with a white belly.
Retirees: Kunai Stem, thin dark, pinkish-gold jack with long horns and a missing eye.
The Inland Sea
Broad Pod
Monarch: Sterlet, long-tailed sandy-red tom with white side stripes and a long muzzle.
Successor: Sprat, slim, sleek cinnamon tom with white side stripes and a short muzzle
Anemone, a dishevelled ginger classic tabby molly with long fur and green eyes
Coral, a huge orange tom with thick tail fins and blue eyes
Jellyfish, a massive dark ginger classic tabby molly with a cool grey underbelly
Bryozoa, a small, sleek pale red mackerel tabby jack with a grey belly.
Algae, a sleek pale ginger mackerel tabby molly with green eyes
Dulse, a big dark red classic tabby demimolly with green eyes and white spots
Cleric: Inri’rrp, a melanistic tom with blue eyes and cream paws
Apothecary: Crab, a sleek red classic tom with yellow eyes
Kelp, a dark red classic tabby jack with dense fur and green eyes.
Trout, a cinnamon ticked tabby molly with a thick, bushy tail.
Rockweed, a small mostly grey tom with pale ginger tipping and yellow eyes
Abyss, a large red classic tabby jack with yellow eyes
Urchin, a messy furred dark ginger jack with a grey belly
Laver, a small dark red mackerel tabby molly with white spots and yellow eyes
Nika, a blue-grey tortoiseshell-tabby jack with red patches and green eyes
Shrimp, a red and white spotted tabby molly with blue eyes
Aurelia, a longhaired, slim spotted tabby molly with blue eyes and light red fur
Lamprey, a sleek, nimble cinnamon point molly cub with green eyes, tutored by Dulse and Laver
Porpoise, a swift warm mink point molly cub with green eyes, tutored by Anemone and Aurelia
Red, a bright red classic tabby tom cub with a thick, bushy tail, thick fur and green eyes, tutored by Jellyfish and Rockweed
Grey, a mostly grey and white classic tabby tom cub with thick fur and green eyes, tutored by Coral and Nika 
Rapid, a warm grey ticked tabby tom with blue eyes and a silver underbelly.
Scale, a heavily pregnant ginger tabby jack with green eyes. (Ginger, Rapana)
Storm, a grey ticked tabby and white tom cub with blue eyes
Splash, a massive grey mackerel tabby tom cub with amber eyes
Scorpene, a sleek cinnamon tom with white side stripes and a long muzzle
Katran, a big red ticked tabby molly with a silver underbelly and blue eyes
Wave, a grey classic tabby point molly with green eyes and cream
The Desert
Sand Skulk
Water guide: Papyrus, an agile, warm grey molly with faint stripes and golden scales
Guardian: Lotus, a sand-coloured molly with dark scales lined with gold 
Dune Council:
Cornflower, a beautiful grey and cream molly with golden eyes and scales 
Palm, a brown and gold trans-tom with bristly fur and hazel scales
Hollyhock, an elegant golden tom with a silver scar along his back and silver scales
Delphinium, a blue-eyed silver jack with warm undertones and silver scales
Henna, a ginger classic tabby trans-molly with green eyes and dark scales
Safflower, a cream-coloured jack with dark gold scales and white freckles 
Lychnis, a warm silver molly with amber eyes and silver scales
Cleric: Tohor, an albinistic tom with pink eyes and soft scales
Apothecary: Dill, a warm-toned grey molly with black speckles around her eyes and black scales
Poppy, a cream molly with black freckles and scales
Doum, a tall cream classic tabby jack with green eyes and dark scales
Jujube, a nimble grey and cream molly with gold scales
Persea, a warm grey mackerel tabby tom with black scales
Mimosa, a cream mackerel tabby tom with white speckles and scales
Tamarix, a grey spotted tabby jack with green eyes and black scales
Cotula, an agile warm grey molly with spotted fur and pale scales
Pimpernel, a sun-faded white tom with a grey tail and gold scales 
Lovache, a cream mackerel tabby jack with dark cream scales and orange eyes
Nacazcul, a grey classic tabby tom with gold scales and spots
Sycamore, a brown mackerel tabby trans-molly with dark brown scales and green eyes
Poinciana, an orange jack with green eyes and grey overtones, tutored by Lychnis and Poppy 
Sunflower, a cream tom with thin grey stripes and dark grey scales, tutored by Safflower and Pimpernel
Samwa, a cream and grey classic tabby molly with green eyes and gold scales, tutored by Henna and Cotula
Balsam, a sturdy golden trans-tom with green eyes and soft black speckles on both fur and scales, tutored by Palm and Nacazcul
Carob, a black mackerel tabby molly with burn scars and a broken scale
Nitre, a sturdy golden jack with an old thick scar on their paw and cream scales
Cattail, a small ginger mackerel tabby molly with a fluffy tail and black scales
Amaranth, a small pale brown tom with gold scales
Rush, a grey and gold molly with gold scales
Alhagi, a pale gold molly with black scales 
Sawgrass, a grey tom with an old scar on the back of his neck and speckled gold scales
Cressa, a pale brown tom with a fading short tear on his chest and pale black scales
The City 
Relevant Creatures
Thyra, muscular black smoke Court Kattus molly cub with lilac eyes.
Oak, enormous golden striped Court Kattus and Yeenix hybrid tom with protruding fangs.
Tojo, slim brown spotted Yeenix molly cub with amber eyes and a nose and earring piercing.
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thetinyblossom · 1 year
ੈ✩‧₊˚ All is well ੈ✩‧₊˚
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-Hurt/comfort + reassurance
-Vox Machina (Crit Role campaign 1)
-Regressor Scanlan Shorthalt/Caregiver Pike Trickfoot
🌙AO3 Link🌙
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Scanlan is a bit… bad at dealing with his emotions, this is a known fact to his group, he is the “funny guy”, the “flirty bard”, that’s his personality, well… at least part of it.
He is also caring and emotional, a father, a husband and a good friend. All those facades of Scanlan are loved by his group of friends, by his love, Pike, but, everybody has their secrets, including the bard.
Growing up, he found a little side of him that he felt ashamed, his age regression (gods he didn’t even know that it had a name!) is a topic he avoids talking about as much as possible, it does feel lonely, but when Pike brought it up, as she was explaining to the group about Grog's own regression, it dawned on him… He himself regresses
“No, no, no, it’s just some stupid feelings”
He thought to himself, but the more time went by harder was to ignore those feelings. Everybody has so supportive of Grog, would they be also supportive with him? Would Pike still love him?
“That’s silly Scanlan, grow up”
“Grow up” and he pushed those thoughts way, he accepts being a caregiver, he enjoys being able to take care of his friends but, when it comes to him, he just ignores as much as possible.
That’s his secret… well… it was a secret, until today.
He had an awful day and he can’t shake off the feeling of being a little boy, wanting comfort and to have a pacifier in his mouth, of warm hugs and being held, being the one getting comfort instead of always comforting….but he felt so ashamed, so vulnerable… but he has no energy to fight those feelings of shame for long, he toss and turns on his and Pike’s bed.
He feels useless, he can’t help but hug a pillow and suck his thumb, looking for some comfort as he softly cries.
Pike softly wakes up at wearing his soft sobs
-Scanlan? Dear? Is something wrong?
She asks a bit sleepily, not sure if he is awake or having a nightmare. Her sweet voice brings some comfort to Scanlan, who looks at his lover, his face tear-stained, and can only mumble a bit as he wipes away some tears that keep pouring
-Pike… you know that… that thing? That regression that happens to Grog? Yeah… that’s it and I just… can’t help it
-Oh Scanlan dear
Pike coos him, her tone so soft and caring
-It’s ok, I understand, come here, my love
She pats her lap for him to rest his head on it, the bard does so and clings onto the cleric’s soft and motherly touch
-It’s ok, shhh, you’re alright, mama is here ok? Let me take care of you my sweetheart
Pikes words are exactly what he needed to hear, he hugs her and she embraces him, holding him close to her…
…So comforting, so soothing, like heaven…
Pike cradles her little boy, softly humming and singing a lullaby, making sure Scanlan is comfortable and feeling safe
His tears cease, he feels at ease, suckling on his thumb as he hears Pike’s comforting words and sweet melodies, he feels like baby…. Her baby
And all it’s safe
All it’s well
The night is like a mantle, safely holding him and his dearest love, his dearest cleric, his dearest mama
Soon they fall asleep, cuddling
And all is safe
All is well
All is perfect…
-Goodnight, little one
-Goodnight, mama
…So perfect
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pinkmeanieofficial · 2 years
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Alma of Keltar + Cleric of Ilmater
Alma is an orphaned child of a couple of refugees, little is known about her family’s past, except they were former members of a noble court (alleged) and sacrificed themselves in order to give their child a chance of survival.
She was found as a newborn by the steps of the House of The Broken God, wrapped in bloodied rags in the arms of her corpse mother, who was apparently murdered by an unknown creature, and the baby was in dire condition. She was quickly taken in and cared for by Brother Servan, who served as her tutor and caregiver.
There were many attempts to get Alma adopted by local families, but the child’s bond to Brother Servan somehow prevented that from happening. In the end, it was decided that Alma would grow under the church’s tutelage, but would be given a choice to live however she wanted when she’d reach the right age. Eventually came the day that the young girl would decide to return to society as a civilian or become a sister among the others, she picked the clergy. Alma was then appointed to perform her initiation rite, and passed without any issues, becoming an official “Adorned”.
 (It is believed that Alma was the youngest to ever go through the “Wine Initiation” in her temple).
Alma completed her basic training by the age of 17, receiving a new title as Sister Alma and picking a path for the next steps within the Ilmatari clergy. At first Sister Alma looked forward to enhancing her healing and medicine skills, a choice that was heavily influenced by Brother Servan; she then moved to Cloister of St. Ramedar, in Starspire Peninsula. In there she joined the local temple and began her years of learning and helping the locals, the years of study and practice lead her to join The Followers of the Unhindered Path, becoming a nomad agent of Ilmater.
Through her travels, Alma gained the nickname “Sister Alma The Kind” due to her humbleness and merciful attitude even towards her foes.
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SAINT OF THE DAY (October 3)
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St. Théodore Guérin SP was born Anne-Therese Guerin on 2 October 1798 at Etables, Brittany (France).
As she was growing up, the French government was virulently anti-clerical, closing down seminaries and churches, and arresting priests and religious.
Her cousin was a seminarian who lived in hiding in her parents’ devout Catholic home.
He instructed her thoroughly in the faith and she displayed an advanced knowledge of theology, even at a young age.
Anne-Thérèse entered the Sisters of Providence at 26 and devoted herself to religious education.
Her intellectual capacities were formidable, and she was even recognized by the French Academy for her acheivements.
In 1840, Mother Théodore Guérin was sent to Indiana, USA, to found a convent of the Sisters of Providence in the diocese of Vincennes.
There, she pioneered Catholic education, opened the first girls’ boarding school in Indiana, and fought against the anti-Catholicism prevalent in the day.
She was well known for her heroic witness to faith, her hope, and her love of God.
The fledgling years of the convent of Our Lady of the Woods were difficult, with the ever present danger of it being burned down by anti- Catholics.
The persecution also came from within the Church, from her own bishop who, on not being allowed to tamper with the order’s rule, excommunicated her.
The excommunication was eventually lifted by his successor.
In 1904, James Cardinal Gibbons said that she was “a woman of uncommon valour, one of those religious athletes whose life and teachings effect a spiritual fecundity that secures vast conquests to Christ and His holy Church.”
She died on 14 May 1856 after a period of sickness. Her feast day is celebrated on October 3.
She was beatified by Pope John Paul II on 25 October 1998. She was canonized by Pope Benedict XVI on 15 October 2006.
She is remembered as a woman devoted to prayer, an educator, caregiver, and leader.
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cimmeriana · 1 year
Melinoe's mother, Elisheva Tavaras, was born a Druid and was lured into the community of Shadow Druids during her maiden years. As she grew older, she secluded herself so that she could live her life out communing with nature. To Elisheva, nature was superior and no humans or humanoids deserved to prosper from its bounty.
In her solo travels, she grew a deep hatred for others and their blatant disrespect for nature. Her hatred grew so intense that, from her fury one winter's day, upon seeing the horror of miles of trees felled, she annihilated an entire village. It was then, as she told her daughter, that she first met Bhaal and fell in love. Her love drove her to declare herself a Cleric of Bhaal, to give him her soul and her heart and her body.
Bhaal, of course, never returned her love, but rather manipulated her love and devotion to him to use her as his vessel to bear his child of divine blood.
Melinoe was a child of immaculate conception, and Elisheva was simply the womb for her to feed from and her caregiver until she was determined of age.
Unfortunately, Elisheva had no idea how to be a mother properly. They turned a cave into a home, as her mother refused to chop down the beloved trees to make a cabin. Elisheva taught her how to kill with purpose. Every part of the animal must be used. Animals, mother said, were far better than people and deserved more respect.
There was love there, as she of course would love the child of Bhaal, but she was unintentionally neglectful. Perhaps from a deep, internalized fear or perhaps just ignorance.
This often meant that Melinoe was allowed to wander to her heart's content and often went unpunished for any bad behavior. She was a wild child, a little tiefling child only ye high with bare feet coated in mud and hair filled with twigs.
Little Noi. Little Nell. Little Beastie.
A feral child of the woods who used her little fangs to rip freshly caught fish to shreds and drew pictures in the blood because it made her mother and the voice inside her head laugh.
A travelling family of merchants had happened upon her one day as they were heading to Baldur's Gate. This wild little girl with glowing white eyes. They took her, convinced from her untidy presentation that she was an orphan.
She murdered them all in one night, after breaking bread with them and singing songs. After sharing toys with the three other children. She soaked her little patchwork dress with their blood and then ran all the way home to her mother.
It was as if this event was the catalyst. As if it had summoned Bhaal, because he too was waiting. Waiting to claim his daughter.
Waiting to teach her why she had been made.
Waiting to take her into the city so she could finally begin serve her purpose.
Sweet little tiefling all soaked in blood... she was to be her father's daughter. And her father's daughter alone. She didn't hear a scream or cry when she turned away, distracted by the shine of gems upon the hilt of a little blade presented to her. A gift from her father, to show pride in her first real kill.
But she did see the little river of blood that trickled towards her bare little feet.
Mother was now rewarded, Father said, to be freed from the follies of those who would destroy her precious nature.
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dicenete · 1 year
Okay so... I wasn't going to but I did and I started the Dark Urge playthrough in BG3. I made a life cleric half-elf and you bet I will make them the most unhinged character I have ever created. The constant pull of bloodlust and caregiving. :)
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mountainashfae · 2 years
🖊 your Kingmaker character! I know little about them and I'm curious!
let's gooooo! So my Kingmaker Baron is Vio Miette, an Aasimar Inquisitor (This is the art I'm using in-game, though I've redesigned his KM outfit since. Yes he fits all that hair in a braid Saber-bun style.)
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I originally created him as a backstory companion for another OC, and later decided I wanted to try playing him in a Crimson Throne adventure path, but that didn't happen and I got Kingmaker during a sale and decided "let's use him here!"
His birth parents left him with a Temple of Sarenrae after he was born since he resembled the Dawnflower to an astounding degree, and he was raised to be a Cleric. He is completely fine with this. As a toddler he got attached to another Cleric at the temple and they ended up as his primary caregiver and later on his mentor as both a Cleric and a healer. When Vio was around 30, it was revealed that his mentor had actually been lying to the entire temple about being a Cleric and was expelled from the premises.
Vio reacted to this totally normally. He decided he would hunt down his mentor to make them own up to their deception. This is why he's an Inquisitor. He doesn't like to admit it, but he has problems with Sarenrae's belief in "redemption".
He joined the campaign to take back the Stolen Lands with the intention to help out and then leave the new Baron(ess) to continue the business, but ended up in the leadership position and handed the title and couldn't just walk off so he's trying to get everything settled so he can continue his original goal. With every new problem that crops up though, he gets closer and closer to fully snapping and losing his patience. Linzi definitely has a bunch of notes she's not allowed to publish of things Vio does or says that seems out of character for him but is his mentor's influence showing through.
When he finally gets from free time from his official work as a baron he usually spends it in the hospital that Jhod set up in the capital. He feels most at ease when he's able to help heal someone and all the kids enjoy when he comes around because he always carries around caramel candies. It's an old habit he picked up as a teenager.
Ever since he visited the First World for the first time in Season of Bloom he's found himself followed by not only the Guardian of the Bloom, as expected, but also a bunch of other fey of a more wintry nature. No one has figured out yet why an Elder has her eye on him.
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tursanoosaville · 18 days
Finding the Right Employment Agency in Caboolture: Your Guide to Success
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Looking for a job can be challenging, especially in today's competitive market. Finding the right employment agency can make a significant difference in landing your dream job or filling an open position. Caboolture, a growing region with a vibrant business scene, has several employment agencies that connect job seekers with employers. In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about finding the right employment agency in Caboolture, the challenges you may face, and how to navigate the process step by step. We'll also provide a real-life case study to give you a deeper understanding of how an agency can benefit you.
What is an Employment Agency?
An employment agency acts as a bridge between employers looking for talent and job seekers searching for work. They provide recruitment services for a variety of industries, from entry-level jobs to specialized positions. These agencies screen candidates, match them to suitable roles, and assist employers in filling vacancies quickly and efficiently.
Why Choose an Employment Agency in Caboolture?
The employment agency Caboolture sector has become increasingly essential as more businesses are setting up operations in the region. Local agencies understand the Caboolture job market better than national or international firms, offering tailored services that meet the specific needs of both job seekers and employers. By partnering with an agency in your area, you gain access to job opportunities that might not be advertised elsewhere, and employers benefit from candidates who are already familiar with the local community.
Common Topics You Should Know About Employment Agencies
1. How Employment Agencies Work
Understanding the inner workings of an employment agency is critical for both job seekers and employers. Most agencies operate on a contract basis with companies, providing them with temporary or permanent staff. Job seekers register with the agency, and their profiles are matched with suitable job openings.
The agency handles everything from resume screening to preliminary interviews, ensuring that only the most qualified candidates reach the final stages of hiring. For employers, this eliminates the time-consuming process of sorting through unqualified applications.
2. Benefits of Using an Employment Agency
There are several benefits to using an employment agency in Caboolture for both job seekers and employers:
Access to Hidden Job Markets: Many employers don’t advertise their openings publicly but rely on agencies to find candidates.
Save Time: Job seekers can fast-track their applications, while employers save time on recruitment.
Expert Guidance: Agencies offer professional advice on resumes, interviews, and even salary negotiation.
Flexible Opportunities: Many agencies specialize in temporary or part-time work, making them ideal for those looking for flexible employment.
3. Types of Jobs You Can Find Through an Employment Agency
Agencies in Caboolture often specialize in various industries, including:
Administration and Office Work: Secretarial, clerical, and data entry positions.
Trades and Labor: Skilled and unskilled labor, electricians, plumbers, and more.
Healthcare: Nursing, caregiving, and other medical roles.
Retail and Hospitality: Customer service, cashiering, and management positions.
Challenges You May Face When Working with an Employment Agency
While using an employment agency Caboolture can be incredibly beneficial, it’s not without challenges. Here are some common hurdles:
1. Limited Control Over Job Selection
When you rely on an employment agency, you might feel limited in your choice of jobs. Some agencies may push positions that aren’t the best fit for you, especially if they're trying to fill vacancies quickly. It's essential to communicate your preferences clearly from the beginning.
2. Competition from Other Job Seekers
Employment agencies work with a large pool of candidates, which means you'll be competing with others for the same roles. Having a standout resume and solid interview skills will give you a better chance of being selected for top positions.
3. Lack of Transparency
Some agencies may not always provide full information about job offers, especially if it’s a short-term or temporary role. Be sure to ask detailed questions during your interview with the agency, including pay rates, job duration, and job responsibilities.
4. Waiting for the Right Match
Patience is required when working with employment agencies. They won’t always have the perfect job available immediately. Sometimes it may take days or even weeks before a suitable role comes along.
Step-by-Step Guide: How to Work with an Employment Agency in Caboolture
Step 1: Research and Choose the Right Agency
The first step in your journey is to research and identify the best employment agency Caboolture has to offer. Look for agencies that specialize in your field of interest, and read reviews or testimonials to ensure they have a good reputation.
Step 2: Prepare Your Resume and Documents
Before registering with an agency, ensure that your resume is up-to-date and tailored to the kind of jobs you're seeking. Having professional references and any relevant certifications will also make your application more appealing to employers.
Step 3: Register with the Agency
Most agencies will have an online registration process where you can upload your resume and provide personal details. Once registered, you’ll likely be asked to attend an in-person or virtual interview with one of the agency's recruiters.
Step 4: Discuss Your Job Preferences
During the interview, it’s essential to communicate your preferences clearly. Be upfront about the kind of role you’re looking for, your availability, and any restrictions you may have regarding location, salary, or hours. This will help the agency match you with the most suitable opportunities.
Step 5: Stay in Regular Contact
Once you're registered, it's crucial to maintain regular contact with the agency. If you haven't heard from them in a few weeks, follow up to check if there are any new job opportunities. Staying proactive shows the agency that you're serious about finding employment.
Step 6: Prepare for Interviews
When the agency finds a suitable role for you, they'll arrange an interview with the employer. Be sure to research the company beforehand and practice common interview questions. The agency may provide you with tips and feedback to help you succeed in the interview.
Step 7: Negotiate Terms
If you’re offered the job, the agency will often handle negotiations on your behalf, especially regarding salary and other employment terms. However, it’s important to communicate your expectations clearly and ensure they’re represented during the negotiation process.
Case Study: How One Job Seeker Found Success through an Employment Agency in Caboolture
Meet Sarah, a Caboolture resident who was struggling to find a stable job. After being laid off during the pandemic, she sent out numerous resumes but received little to no response. That’s when she decided to register with a local employment agency Caboolture.
The agency quickly matched her skills to a temporary administrative position with a local construction company. Although it wasn’t exactly what she was looking for, the agency reassured her that it could lead to more permanent opportunities.
After a few weeks on the job, the employer was so impressed with Sarah's work that they offered her a permanent role with a significant pay raise. Sarah is now the office manager, and she credits the employment agency with helping her get her foot in the door.
Conclusion: The Value of Using an Employment Agency in Caboolture
Whether you’re a job seeker or an employer, working with an employment agency Caboolture can offer a range of benefits. From time-saving recruitment processes to access to a wider pool of candidates or job opportunities, employment agencies are a valuable resource in today’s competitive job market.
While there may be challenges along the way, such as limited control over job selection or competition from other job seekers, following the right steps can lead to success. Remember to research agencies thoroughly, prepare your documents, communicate your preferences clearly, and stay proactive throughout the process.
With the right approach, finding employment through an agency can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. Just like Sarah in our case study, the next opportunity that comes your way could be the one that changes your life for the better.
Whether you’re starting your career, seeking a career change, or an employer looking to fill a crucial position, an employment agency in Caboolture can make the process faster, easier, and more efficient. Don't hesitate to reach out and explore the possibilities today.
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jobtrainingprograms · 18 days
Finding the Right Employment Agency in Caboolture: Your Guide to Success
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Looking for a job can be challenging, especially in today's competitive market. Finding the right employment agency can make a significant difference in landing your dream job or filling an open position. Caboolture, a growing region with a vibrant business scene, has several employment agencies that connect job seekers with employers. In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about finding the right employment agency in Caboolture, the challenges you may face, and how to navigate the process step by step. We'll also provide a real-life case study to give you a deeper understanding of how an agency can benefit you.
What is an Employment Agency?
An employment agency acts as a bridge between employers looking for talent and job seekers searching for work. They provide recruitment services for a variety of industries, from entry-level jobs to specialized positions. These agencies screen candidates, match them to suitable roles, and assist employers in filling vacancies quickly and efficiently.
Why Choose an Employment Agency in Caboolture?
The employment agency Caboolture sector has become increasingly essential as more businesses are setting up operations in the region. Local agencies understand the Caboolture job market better than national or international firms, offering tailored services that meet the specific needs of both job seekers and employers. By partnering with an agency in your area, you gain access to job opportunities that might not be advertised elsewhere, and employers benefit from candidates who are already familiar with the local community.
Common Topics You Should Know About Employment Agencies
1. How Employment Agencies Work
Understanding the inner workings of an employment agency is critical for both job seekers and employers. Most agencies operate on a contract basis with companies, providing them with temporary or permanent staff. Job seekers register with the agency, and their profiles are matched with suitable job openings.
The agency handles everything from resume screening to preliminary interviews, ensuring that only the most qualified candidates reach the final stages of hiring. For employers, this eliminates the time-consuming process of sorting through unqualified applications.
2. Benefits of Using an Employment Agency
There are several benefits to using an employment agency in Caboolture for both job seekers and employers:
Access to Hidden Job Markets: Many employers don’t advertise their openings publicly but rely on agencies to find candidates.
Save Time: Job seekers can fast-track their applications, while employers save time on recruitment.
Expert Guidance: Agencies offer professional advice on resumes, interviews, and even salary negotiation.
Flexible Opportunities: Many agencies specialize in temporary or part-time work, making them ideal for those looking for flexible employment.
3. Types of Jobs You Can Find Through an Employment Agency
Agencies in Caboolture often specialize in various industries, including:
Administration and Office Work: Secretarial, clerical, and data entry positions.
Trades and Labor: Skilled and unskilled labor, electricians, plumbers, and more.
Healthcare: Nursing, caregiving, and other medical roles.
Retail and Hospitality: Customer service, cashiering, and management positions.
Challenges You May Face When Working with an Employment Agency
While using an employment agency Caboolture can be incredibly beneficial, it’s not without challenges. Here are some common hurdles:
1. Limited Control Over Job Selection
When you rely on an employment agency, you might feel limited in your choice of jobs. Some agencies may push positions that aren’t the best fit for you, especially if they're trying to fill vacancies quickly. It's essential to communicate your preferences clearly from the beginning.
2. Competition from Other Job Seekers
Employment agencies work with a large pool of candidates, which means you'll be competing with others for the same roles. Having a standout resume and solid interview skills will give you a better chance of being selected for top positions.
3. Lack of Transparency
Some agencies may not always provide full information about job offers, especially if it’s a short-term or temporary role. Be sure to ask detailed questions during your interview with the agency, including pay rates, job duration, and job responsibilities.
4. Waiting for the Right Match
Patience is required when working with employment agencies. They won’t always have the perfect job available immediately. Sometimes it may take days or even weeks before a suitable role comes along.
Step-by-Step Guide: How to Work with an Employment Agency in Caboolture
Step 1: Research and Choose the Right Agency
The first step in your journey is to research and identify the best employment agency Caboolture has to offer. Look for agencies that specialize in your field of interest, and read reviews or testimonials to ensure they have a good reputation.
Step 2: Prepare Your Resume and Documents
Before registering with an agency, ensure that your resume is up-to-date and tailored to the kind of jobs you're seeking. Having professional references and any relevant certifications will also make your application more appealing to employers.
Step 3: Register with the Agency
Most agencies will have an online registration process where you can upload your resume and provide personal details. Once registered, you’ll likely be asked to attend an in-person or virtual interview with one of the agency's recruiters.
Step 4: Discuss Your Job Preferences
During the interview, it’s essential to communicate your preferences clearly. Be upfront about the kind of role you’re looking for, your availability, and any restrictions you may have regarding location, salary, or hours. This will help the agency match you with the most suitable opportunities.
Step 5: Stay in Regular Contact
Once you're registered, it's crucial to maintain regular contact with the agency. If you haven't heard from them in a few weeks, follow up to check if there are any new job opportunities. Staying proactive shows the agency that you're serious about finding employment.
Step 6: Prepare for Interviews
When the agency finds a suitable role for you, they'll arrange an interview with the employer. Be sure to research the company beforehand and practice common interview questions. The agency may provide you with tips and feedback to help you succeed in the interview.
Step 7: Negotiate Terms
If you’re offered the job, the agency will often handle negotiations on your behalf, especially regarding salary and other employment terms. However, it’s important to communicate your expectations clearly and ensure they’re represented during the negotiation process.
Case Study: How One Job Seeker Found Success through an Employment Agency in Caboolture
Meet Sarah, a Caboolture resident who was struggling to find a stable job. After being laid off during the pandemic, she sent out numerous resumes but received little to no response. That’s when she decided to register with a local employment agency Caboolture.
The agency quickly matched her skills to a temporary administrative position with a local construction company. Although it wasn’t exactly what she was looking for, the agency reassured her that it could lead to more permanent opportunities.
After a few weeks on the job, the employer was so impressed with Sarah's work that they offered her a permanent role with a significant pay raise. Sarah is now the office manager, and she credits the employment agency with helping her get her foot in the door.
Conclusion: The Value of Using an Employment Agency in Caboolture
Whether you’re a job seeker or an employer, working with an employment agency Caboolture can offer a range of benefits. From time-saving recruitment processes to access to a wider pool of candidates or job opportunities, employment agencies are a valuable resource in today’s competitive job market.
While there may be challenges along the way, such as limited control over job selection or competition from other job seekers, following the right steps can lead to success. Remember to research agencies thoroughly, prepare your documents, communicate your preferences clearly, and stay proactive throughout the process.
With the right approach, finding employment through an agency can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. Just like Sarah in our case study, the next opportunity that comes your way could be the one that changes your life for the better.
Whether you’re starting your career, seeking a career change, or an employer looking to fill a crucial position, an employment agency in Caboolture can make the process faster, easier, and more efficient. Don't hesitate to reach out and explore the possibilities today.
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