Pidge / Mikey / Roman
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pidgeon-brained · 11 hours ago
If your friend is struggling, the signs might not be obvious. A cry for help can take many different forms. Try checking in on them if you hear them express any of the following sentiments:
I miss Supernatural
I should rewatch Supernatural
Supernatural was such a good show
I hope they make more Supernatural
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pidgeon-brained · 2 days ago
I'm glad that people are still having fun on tumblr even after we found out about the frightening ghoul that reblogs posts but doesn't say anything
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pidgeon-brained · 2 days ago
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My Jesus collection grows
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pidgeon-brained · 4 days ago
I hate when people ask me about my preference but I don’t understand their preference level. Like yes I kinda want Chinese food 10% more than I want a sandwich but if you want a sandwich like 40% more than Chinese food then I would say it’s totally reasonable we get sandwiches.
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pidgeon-brained · 4 days ago
In the end, Sam didn't call either of them. He proposed on a quiet night out after receiving the news he made it into law school (secure your future first after all). Jess looked beautiful, all the vision in her white sundress, it seemed so easy to ask her to marry him, even more than that it seemed so easy to imagine her marrying him.
The wedding was shortly after, they had things to save for and couldn't afford anything big. Jess' dad pitched in to help with the venue and the dress but it was just their friends and close family - - well, Jess' close family.
He thought about calling, once, twice, maybe even a couple hundred times. He went over Dean's number in his head, what he would say "Hey Dean, long time no see, look I'm getting married would you come?"
Then he thought about what Dad would say, or worse, do. So he didn't call, he hoped, perhaps in vain, that Dean would just know and he would show up. That maybe some cosmic force would drag Dean back into his life with something like "Dad's on a hunting trip, and he hasn't been home in a few days."
Fat chance.
No, Sam asked his Stanford friends to be his wedding party, and Jess didn't push for more. She knew his relationship with his family ranged from complicated to devastating.
Sam told himself it was better this way, after all, imagine if he had asked Dean to be the best man? Getting drunk and giving some speech he didn't prepare for, and then start telling stories of the "good ol' days". That would be embarrassing.
Not that Sam's embarrassed of his brother by any means, Dean's a good guy, who can be fun to be around when he's not being a total dick. It's just that they're from different worlds now. Dean is a definitive piece of the past, and Sam doesn't have any connection to that past anymore.
Jess is his future.
And sure, maybe he left one or two voicemails for Dean when he was drunk and reminiscing. But if Dean got them he didn't show. And maybe Sam wandered if that meant Dean was dead. But he figured perhaps that he would know if Dean was dead. He'd feel it.
So Sam didn't call, and Dean didn't show. And maybe if Dean replayed those voicemails every night no one would know. Because maybe Dad was on a hunting trip, but Sam was out living his apple pie life, and Dean wouldn't interrupt that if there was a gun to his head.
We know Sam was gonna propose to Jess before she died, but do you think he would’ve called Dean to tell him? Do you think Dean and John would’ve been invited to the wedding? Do you think they would’ve gone?
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pidgeon-brained · 5 days ago
Recently on TikTok I've been seeing a LOT of hate for Lisa, so I guess my most unpopular opinion is that Lisa was a good character and I liked her a lot. She really added a lot to the story as a whole.
What is your most unpopular supernatural opinion??
Mine is I didn’t really like Sam’s demon blood arc.
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pidgeon-brained · 7 days ago
Don't worry! I did not take this as an attack, I am also a big fan of discussions. I do see your points, and I do agree that they have a lot of love for each other. I love having discussions with people who care as much about the source material as I do, I think sometimes people get so caught up in their headcanons or canon divergence that they don't honor the source material.
These counters have given me something to think about, especially the second one because it's been a while since I've rewatched that specific section, and I could definitely see how I may be a bit foggy on it! (As much as I love Dean he is notably an issue when it comes to keeping his brother alive. I fear he'd almost sacrifice the entire world if it meant not letting Sammy die and I think Sam is more logical / goal oriented which I believe actually speaks much more to the fact that Sam believes he is a bad person and deserves to die but that's a different post for a different day)
I definitely agree that Dean doesn't recognize his faults, especially around Sam. Dean has built an identity on being idolized. If Sam doesn't look up to Dean than Dean's failed as a person and I think that creates an almost unhealthy dynamic between the two of them.
I think that was only made worse by John and his commands for Dean to look out for Sam and make sure that Sam is always cared for.
I think Dean's real issue is that he NEEDS to love Sam more than Sam loves him. I think if he can definitively prove that Sam doesn't love him as much / doesn't need him, than he can almost accept that Sam wants out of this life. I think it also helps him cope with some of the larger disagreements in the show (demon blood era, purgatory, the tasks to close hell).
Saw a tiktok saying Sam didn’t love Dean as much as Dean loved Sam and had to put my phone down. Like did we watch the same show???
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pidgeon-brained · 7 days ago
I mean,,,
A) Sam spends large parts of the show attempting to get away from Dean
B) there is fully a scene where Dean is talking about what he did to save Sam and says "you would've done the same" and Sam point blank tells him he wouldn't.
C) in the episode where Sam and Dean go to heaven many of Dean's most important memories contain Sam, almost all of Sam's revolve around him getting away from the family.
Sam loves Dean, don't get me wrong, but Sam can't divorce the identity of Dean from the identity of their father. Dean is "Daddy's good little soldier" and Sam resents that without really seeing that Dean had to be John's soldier to protect Sam.
They love each other, there is a mutual devotion but there is a significant part of Sam that resents Dean, just as theirs a significant part of Dean that infantilizes Sam.
Saw a tiktok saying Sam didn’t love Dean as much as Dean loved Sam and had to put my phone down. Like did we watch the same show???
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pidgeon-brained · 10 days ago
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pidgeon-brained · 10 days ago
Dean Winchester killed two lesbian nuns on his first hunt alone. 16, queer and alone. The words his dad wrote after are almost identitical to the words he wrote when Mary died "Dean's not talking much."
"I'll worship like a dog and the shrine of your lies / I'll tell you my sins so you can sharpen your knife"
Season 8. Dean on his knees, begging Castiel to remember him, trying to break the mind control. Castiel is an agent of heaven, a direct mouthpiece of God and all things good and dear God he is going to kill Dean and Dean's only objection is that if Castiel is going to kill him it'll be by his own accord.
Dean worships his partners because he is lucky to be loved, always lucky to be loved.
And Dean Winchester has never believed in God and he has never prayed but by all things holy he's gonna pray to Castiel, because if anything can be good and true and pure it. Is. Castiel.
Take Me to Church
This one might get a little spicy. Which doomed romance does this song remind you of more?
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pidgeon-brained · 10 days ago
Harry Potter & Hamilton we're close toss-ups, they were often happening simultaneously though I think I have more handwritten Harry Potter / Percy Jackson crossover fics than anything else
quick question...
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pidgeon-brained · 11 days ago
A good thing you can do with an ulcer or other painful sore inside your mouth is to keep pressing your tongue against it to make it hurt more, or even bother it with your teeth for some reason. You can do a similar thing with bad memories!
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pidgeon-brained · 11 days ago
In your defense, Dean also loves WWE so they're related like that :3
how do I even explain to people that my two interests are a homoerotically charged tv show about ghosts from the 2000s and WWE. Like yeah I like watching a dude drink demon blood and go insane and people fake punching each other.
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pidgeon-brained · 13 days ago
Rewatching supernatural is so surreal. Like conceptually I KNOW where this ends. I KNOW Castiel revokes thousands if not millions of years of faith for this man whose only framework for love is being willing to sacrifice yourself. I’ve met the monster at the end of this book.
Even so, I’m absolutely floored every single time I’m reminded that Cas confided in Dean that he has doubts in literally the 2nd episode they interact. It’s just insane to me because yes, he likely has known of him all his life, but still, you never know how someone is going to react in a situation until they’re well and truly in it.
Cas knows about Anna, about Lucifer, about the fate of every angel who has dared to even think about disobedience. And STILL he sees this soul that he raised from the pit. Broken and tired and flawed and basically the poster boy for disbelief. A man that didn’t hesitate before shortening his name to “Cas”, separating him from God. (the suffix -iel means “of God”)
And he decides “yes, this is someone I can trust with a secret that could very well get me killed”
They make me sick to my stomach in the best way.
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pidgeon-brained · 16 days ago
That episode perfectly incapsulates the exact kind of freak that Dean was though!!
Dean doesn't give a fuck and he's weird, he's into Vonnegut (canonically seen in a later episode of that season iirc). Vonnegut is FREQUENTLY studied in high school English classes. Which means he likely picked up these interests during high school. Additionally, later in that episode he refers to one of the girls that was possessed as "Martha Dumptruck" because Dean fundamentally views himself as JD. (which is its own post on its own, that Dean sees himself in JD despite the fact that JD is objective the villain and objectively a bad character)
We see through out the series that Dean has a lot of weird niche interests (the entire Brave Heart speech, frequently making niche literary and novel references). He likes sports/PE because he excels at them. but you know the only person with a sports trophy? Sam. (in Bad Day at Black Rock) has a 6th grade soccer trophy.
He pretends to be jock-like to feel like he fits in somewhere, Dean needs to be seen as big and scary and as some guy who could be into sports and who fucks cheerleaders because underneath is some scared little kid who's waiting for his dad to come back.
Dean cheats on his girlfriend because she's too good for him, she's too perfect. She has loving parents that give her normal kid consequences, her mom and dad are together and they care about her and she wants Dean to meet them. And Dean isn't a good enough man to meet anyone's parents, let alone this lovely girl who thinks he's good. And Dean Winchester has certainly never been good in his entire life, let alone when he was 16.
This episode isn't some bullshit "Dean was a Jock in high school" episode. It's about the fact that Dean was a scared little boy who didn't like the person he was who grew into an even more scared man. Dean Winchester hates himself, because underneath all that "I could give a crap" "No chick flick moments" is a little boy who's mom cut the crusts off his sandwich and who had angels looking over him.
the angel castiel going to sam and dean for advice about claire as they were "troubled teens" is actually so important to me. jock dean winchester narratives need to die. that kid was a freak! fuck you andrew dabb for after school special is all i'm saying.
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pidgeon-brained · 16 days ago
See and I see the appeal of Dean behaving like that because he's running on autopilot. Dean's body is a tool he uses to get the results he wants, he's never actually lived in this body, or given his body what he desires.
So he's with Cas for the first time, and he's going into his usual dirty talking, the voice and the look. And Cas is looking at him so. . . Puzzled.
And Dean thinks he misread the signs, that Cas wasn't interested and he's about to turn it into a joke or run away, god knows he's good at running away.
But Cas puts his hands on Dean, touches the handprint, touches him not immediately in a sexual or intimate way, but in a way that's privately intimate to them. Cas knows this isn't Dean this is just his facade.
And Cas is so gentle with him, not caring about Dean's body, not caring about what Dean can offer him, just wanting to be with Dean in every way he can. And it's real, and it's loving and it's intimate, it isn't just sex.
And it's the scariest thing that's ever happened to Dean. Someone loving him and not his body is the scariest thing that's ever happened to him.
am i the only one that thinks dean would be low key panicking the first time him and cas get together?
like some fanfic has their first time all smooth and easy with dean saying sexy shit or just going straight to dirty talk and like…
idk maybe he would but i just feel like cas would have to lead cuz dean would be reciting “oh fuck” over and over in his head
like holy shit this is finally happening but this is also insanely monumental and pivotal and HOLY SHIT.
i dont think hed be coherent enough to successfully dirty talk��� imho
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pidgeon-brained · 16 days ago
The mountain goats is great because youll listen to a song at some point and years later your brain will be in the exact space to understand it and youll be like. Fuck.
Anyways i had a nightmare about the song Palmcorder Yajna, somehow
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