#clergy fetishism
desecratedclergy · 2 months
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"Be not ashamed. Angels will descend in your time of need."
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He's just like me fr.
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stagkingswife · 1 month
How would you describe "godspousing"? Is it an actual practice, a title you obtain, or a mix of both? I am simply curiously asking, since I don't know much about it, as much as it popped up on TikTok or YT shorts, and no offence intended it at least there sounds kinda, how to say it, fetish-y for lack of a better word. I am hoping you would un-make that image in my mind with your answers.
If these are the platforms you’ve found out about godspousing on, I can understand your confusion and trepidation, neither one are really prone to nuance. “Godspouse” is just the term for a person in a romantic or sexual relationship with a god or spirit, and what that means different for everyone who engages in a such a relationship. For me it’s an integral part of my spiritual practice, for instance my romantic relationship with Oisin defines how I work with him as a spirit and how I worship him as a god. There are offerings I make for him, ways I worship him, that are different than how I worship my other gods. I would describe my relationship with Oisin as similar to Catholic nun in some ways. Our romantic relationship as a marriage, a long term monogamous romantic relationship, and my devotion is on the level of clergy - meaning I prioritize my religious and spiritual practice over other things in my life, up to and including my physical well being sometimes. But that’s not how everyone’s relationships work. Some people are polyamorous with their spirits, some people’s relationships are more like dating or friends with benefits than a marriage, some people’s devotion is more casual. It truly depends on who you ask.
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obscure-imaginations · 3 months
GHOST headcanons based upon the movie! Spoilers under the cut.
Notes: I am not interested in “unmasked ghouls” so keep that out of here. I am also not comfortable with xtians and/or c*tholics interacting with ANY of my posts. I can't stop you from enjoying GHOST, but GHOST is a sacred thing to me and my spiritual practice, and for my own personal mental health, go away, please. (Very upset about the asshole who wore a cross shirt to the concert and ended up in a few shots. Disrespectfully, fuck you)
-Not a headcanon but since the “new guy” already has a mitre? I’m praying to hells below that it’s Papa III.
-The reason Aether was replaced by Phantom was because Aether broke a leg doing a stunt. He couldn't heal in time, and since he’s already an older ghoul, he decided to just retire. Dewdrop is still adjusting to the change, choosing to engage more with Rain than Phantom.
-Sunshine is half air, half fire. She plays air instruments but you can see her fire heritage ignite when the pyrotechnics go off!
-Only certain clergy members are “permitted” to see spirits. Both for the protection of the general populace and for further protection on any important magics. This generally creates the “talking to yourself” illusion amongst the high ministry.
-Adding onto that for the canon, that’s why no one sees the spirits of Papas I-III. Sister Imperator couldn’t have them going around speaking against her!
-But that spell is breaking now that Sister Imperator is down…
-”Frate Imperator” just means “Brother Imperator” in Latin. Sister gave/attempted to give Copia a demotion, as Imperators are only advisors to the Papal line.
-The dancers are all Siblings of Sin! Usually it’s just Papa and Ghouls plus a couple tech people that get to go out touring- they hire a lot of “regular” people to help, like the humans for dress and stage, to keep up appearances. They don't need crowds swarming where the ministry is, after all.
-The orchestra ghoulettes are air and quintessence ghouls. Air for the string instruments and piano, but you could also feel the power they hold. Especially the opera singer. Quintessence ghouls have dominion over spiritual magics, and they definitely used that to their advantage to create a stellar performance.
Now for the angst.
-Even though Copia is very upset with both Imperator and Nihil lying to him for all these years, as you saw, it’s hard for him to stand up to them. He’s always had that problem and it still persists in (un)death.
-The twins are humanoid demonic familiars to Nihil. When he died, they died too.
-Due to Nihil’s neglect and generally shitty Papahood, his band ghouls did not like him. Thus they didn't give a fuck when Nihil and Imperator had their little fight. They took the opportunity to snag Nihil’s cash and had a tour of the city.
-Even though Imperator was the one in dire need of medical attention, I appreciate that the ghouls ran to help Copia first. They all knew she was bad for the clergy- killing the past 3 papas will never be forgotten, no matter who’s in charge. It was only when Copia waved them away did the ghouls go to look at Imperator.
Sorry for any Imperator and Nihil fans but I just cannot stand them 😅
-As seems to be the horrible, horrible canon judging by the one little scene… Nihil has a foot fetish. 🥲
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cinnamonnangel · 1 year
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(The Seventh House is ruled by Libra and Venus.)
House of marriage, personality and character of our partner, partner’s job
Civil partnership, bilateral relations, long and committed relationship, close friends, closely associated with, opposite side, associations, union, consultancy
Terms of relationship and behavior
Joint ventures, hostilities, adversary, rivals, competition
Traits we feel lacking in ourselves, the parts of us that are in us but have not been revealed and that we have difficulty in accepting
Lower back, skin, external sexual organs, bladder, ovaries, blood
International relations, military or civil wars, treatises, arbitrators, illegal criminals, marriage and divorce rates, foreign trade, public relations
(The Eighth House is ruled by Scorpio, Mars and Pluto.)
House of death - natural or unnatural, accident, suicide, fire, drowning, diseases, corruption, crises, surgery
Sex, sexuality, erotism, desire, fantasies, fetishes, sexual life
Alteration and transformations, sharing
Heritage, money that comes to us beyond of our control, money that comes to us from others, inheritance from husband
Tax, alimony, debt, heritage, loan, lottery, gambling
Robbery, fighting, theft, slaughter, butchers, coroners, harassment, rape
The fears, privacy, feel rage towards, abomination
Psychology, occultism, parapsychology, subconscious, spiritual psychology
Genitals, groin area, colon, sex organs, gall bladder, rectum, urogenital system
International debts, international financial agreements, charges, stock certificates, interest rates, foreign exchanges, credits, fuses, mortgages, pension funds, legacies, mortality, life-critical, suicide
Surgery, morgue, surgeons, laboratories, nuclear forces, sewage, organized crimes, terrorists, detective, demimonde, arms, underground sources, cabalistic subjects
(The Ninth House is ruled by Sagittarius and Jupiter.)
House of wisdom, mastership, higher education, academic trainings
Cults and thoughts, abstract reasoning, moral evidence, philosophizing, religious cult, reflection, abstract thoughts
The house where we deepen the information we get from the 3rd house
Distant relatives
Society's mindset, social law rules, social and moral rules, harmony with society
Expedition, long trips, distant travels, foreign countries, foreigners, exterior, crew, communication instruments, media, broadcast
Hips, thighs, sciatic nerves, lower spine, liver, autonomic nervous system
Foreign relations and trade, courts, laws, judges, minorities, companies, advertising portfolios, religion and clergy, the country's philosophical and religious tendencies, migrations, long-distance communications, fast-moving news, broadcasting, popular culture, foreigners
Universities, airlines and transport, maritime transport, ministry of foreign affairs, flight attendants
(The Tenth House is ruled by Capricorn and Saturn.)
House of profession, honor, social status, public esteem, dignity, business, character, reputation and career
Glory, name, fame, recognition, way of life, purpose and power
Social roles, status in society, the part of society that sees us, social identity, prestige and title
Marital status, our partner's family, parents, father, authoritarian leaders
Skin, hair, knees, teeth, bones, joints, skeletal system, reputation
Government, the state's reputation by foreign countries, heads of state, powers, executives, leaders, celebrities, notable personages, public figures, uplands
(The Eleventh House is ruled by Aquarius, Saturn and Uranus.)
House of friends, groups, associations, endowments, a circle of friends, people around us, hives, social environments and organizations
Goals, future plans, hopes, goals of life, wishes, happy news, wealth, fortune, expectations from life and dreams
Income from career, colleagues, international friendships, audiences we offer ideas, incoming wealth, gains, profits, writings
Social media, mass media and virtual communities
Endowments associations, politics, parties, establishment, the masses
Lower leg, calves, ankles, electrical impulsive of the nerves, circulatory system, elimination
Allied countries, social institutions and administrations, legislative changes, national mobilizations, revolts, revolutions, organizations, erosions
(The Twelfth House is ruled by Pisces, Jupiter and Neptune.)
House of tribulations, secret matters, troubles, subconscious, covert and covered topics, privacy, loneliness, ermitage, place of isolation
Thoughts, anxieties, and fears underlying repressed consciousness, spiritual life
The things we hide from others and are afraid to tell, our shadow sides, psychological problems
Karmic transmissions, burdens and problems we brought from the past
Secret enemy, backfriend
What kind of pregnancy our mother had, our condition in the mother’s womb and the emotions transferred to us in the mother’s womb
Fantasies and fetishes
Feet, all bodily fluids, the lymphatic system
Secret enemies, secret organizations, private affairs, spies, psychics, fortune-tellers, wizards, deep and secret affairs, criminals, thefts, assassinations, drugs, addicts, dark business people, unemployment and strikes
Hospitals, prisons, rehabilitation centers, mental hospitals, faith houses, orphanages, clinics, charities, overseas
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year
Howdy pal here I am again okay okay
mk so, I'd like to be matched with a papa, because I love the pookies<3
Aight, in personality, I have crippling social anxiety and I can't even talk to people in a super market to ask where a product is because that has led me to multiple panic attacks for some reason, don't ask questions, but once I am comfortable around someone that changes a lot. It takes quite a bit for me to get comfy, but once I am I'm like,,, too comfortable- Very loud, clingy, childish, over all just an asswipe. I enjoy making art and poetry and I can't make it through my day to day life without music or I'll just ascend. I have struggled with insecurity and mental issues, self-harm, etc, and have recently had a relapse episode in those things but I am too afraid to open up about that to most irl people, but things are going way better now.
On physical I am around 5,6 and I have a red wolfcut-ish thing. I enjoy baggy or anything more gothic or witch or 80s esc for clothing, and my music taste is practically everything and everything accept k-pop and dutch rap. I enjoy romance novels because I miss out on that too much irl and I enjoy horror because that's just entertaining, idk.
just random other things I thought I'd include would be I am a cardiophile, but more on the comfort and not fetish side of it. I enjoy doing hair, or playing with it, and I do that a lot to my friends when we're just chilling because it's funny. I enjoy singing and acting like I am in some sort of musical when I'm alone and I love nature, just going on walks or collecting plants. I practice witch craft, also more on the nature side of things in that way. I have volunteered multiple times at events for little children even though I hate them, it's the art side of things and I enjoyed face painting them for Halloween events or carnival things. I collect a lot of little trinkets and like giving people stupid stuff as un needed gifts and I WILL get personally offended if you do not cherish them.
There we go love goodluck<3
Your match is... Copia!
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He understands what it's like to have social anxiety and he is really supportive about it. You both help each other to deal with it.
He sees you reading romance novels (which I'm pretty sure is a genre he reads too) and realises you want to expereince that. So when he is not on tour, he tries to take you out for a romantic date or do some kind of gesture whenever he can.
He loves watching movies with you, but if it’s a horror one he’ll probably jump into yo ur arms.
He's really happy that the sound of his heartbeat is comforts you. He’ll stroke your hair and smile as you curl up against him your head resting on his chest.
He loves walks with you, it gives him time away from being Papa and all the stress of the ministry. He also loves how happy you are when you get a new plant. However sometimes he has to plan a route that avoids the nursery section of Primo's garden, because you only have so much room for plants.
You two make a good team. One good example is at clergy events when you do facepainting for the children. Even though he is awkward when children are around he likes them. So you can focus on the art and not have to intereact much with them and he gets to spend time with the little ones.
One day he catches you singing and acting like you are in a musical. At first you are mortified, but then you see the huge loving smile that appears in his lips. He starts singing the other part of the song dramtically jumping up on the table and acting in character. This is now one of your favrouite things to do together, especially when it's raining outside.
He cherishes all the little gifts you give him. You become afraid he just chucks them away because you never see them again. But then you see him carefully place it in a wooden box he keeps under the bed. It's the one he takes on tour with him, filled with things to cheer him up if he feels down or misses you.
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givemearmstopraywith · 6 months
I often find myself having mixed feelings about my relationship with christianity. I love who god and jesus are and what the bible stands for and its teachings, but I feel guilty for not fitting in at church (I’ve been to multiple churches growing up, and even now at my family’s current one I still feel like an outcast- which is funny considering that’s who churches are for). I want it to be enough for me to just love god but I feel I can’t do that, especially since my current church teaches that you can’t have a relationship with christ if you don’t go to church. I see god’s people in church and I feel so disconnected with them, and I wonder if I’m doing something wrong and if I really *can’t* have a relationship with him if I’m not like them
churches have evolved to be about power. post-reformational, enlightenment developments in the church as an ecumenical body, on one side, opened more readily to the laity the mysteries of church, scripture, and sacrament. but this opening was simultaneously inoculated against any revolutionary impulse that might be ignited by the idea of a personal relationship with God by the institution– one which is about power, which is patriarchal and authoritative. it instituted an anesthetizing repression in which the personal and private element of faith that had once been part of devotion for clergy was not opened up to the laity but dissolved entirely. this element of personal faith constituted an unusualness, an autonomy, of erotic impulse too dangerous to allowed to proliferate in civilization at large unless it could be commodified, unless it was exploitable, made people submissive and easily persuaded. an example of this is the slave bible, which removed passages about equality and freedom from bondage in bibles intended for use by enslaved africans in the british west indies, in order to prevent them from having any idea that God, not man, was the ultimate authority: that anyone could have a relationship with God that was personal, private, empowering, and ultimately revolutionary.
conservative christianity, both protestant and catholic, responds to independent and personal faith as a kind of fetish rather than as a legitimate religious expression. i'm not saying the church you attend is conservative, but this is a fairly universal tack in all churches, because all churches are built on hierarchical authorities and require human forms of submission to that authority to remain vital and exert control. i do not hate the church, i love it, but i also recognize that it often stands more as an impediment for people gaining a closeness with God more than it acts as a means of bringing them closer to him.
in matthew 18:6, jesus says:
if any of you put a stumbling-block before one of these little ones who believe in me, it would be better for you if a great millstone were fastened around your neck and you were drowned in the depth of the sea.
in this passage, christ is specifically talking about children. but spiritually, we are all and are always children. i approach primarily theology through psychoanalysis, and one thing about children is that in their development they are disposed to see themselves and their mother- their nurturer- as part of them. separation is learned. maturation is learning how to be a part of and connect to the world while neither consuming it wholly for oneself nor being absolutely consumed by it. as simone weil says, to eat without being eaten. our spirituality, our connection to God, is similar: we recognize that we are made in God's image a priori, we may recognize our communion with him as private and beautiful, and separation is learned. we are made in God's image and our separation from him comes after: it is a human institution. all separations, not only in terms of personal relationships but in terms of christian conservatism, militancy, and nationalism. all separations are learned and human.
but simone weil also says: every separation is a link. our separation from God is our link to him, because we are separated from God but God is also separated from us. and our separation from other people is their separation from us. our innate state of being, our longing as human beings, is a longing for connection. but it is precisely this separation that is our communion. maybe the church you currently attend is not a good spiritual home for you, but that does not mean that you don't have a spiritual home. christ spent much time alone: he spent forty days in the desert, but a day is a thousand years to God: he has spent an eternity away from his creation, made in his image, whom he looked at and saw was good as he is good. the hebrew bible says tov, not only good as in physically good and beautiful to look at, or good as in virtuous, but good as in a fertile land, as in good gold. intrinsically good. creatively good. the first thing God asks of man is a question of companionship: humanity is capable of creating communion because that is what God does. but first, humanity- and God- were lonely.
your loneliness, your sense that you do not belong, is as profoundly a part of God as you are, as goodness is. don't be afraid of it and don't let how others behave convince you that you deserve loneliness. (God did not accept loneliness nor think we deserved it: that is the story of christ.) you will find a place meant for you. for now, lean on God: he is leaning on you. you will find your place, your heart, your love. christ also felt disconnected from his own community: a prophet is never recognized in his own town. you'll find your way. i love you.
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slushi-chan · 1 year
No batshit random episode plots in a legal or crime show can beat Boston Legal bringing up clergy fetish in this one episode for me
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Saw a pretty odd take on TikTok regarding abuse in the Catholic Church and priest kink. Essentially there's rhetoric that hierophilia/priest kink/religious fetishes etc. contribute to the abuse and harm that the Catholic Church causes and that people with aforementioned fetishes/kinks are guilty of perpetuating harmful narratives.
A lot of people with religious kinks and fetishes are often victims of religious abuse and maltreatment and the idea that, somehow, they themselves are contributing to the systemic abuse in the Church because they get off to kinky roleplay or enjoy smutty religious media is a ridiculous thought. It follows similar logic of blaming victims of sexual assault with rape fantasies of upholding rape culture and normalizing assault.
People are allowed to dislike religion being fetishized and integrated into kink but the fault of abuse in the Catholic Church lies solely on the Catholic Church and its centuries old culture of clericalism and secrecy. An individual finding religious people, items, rituals, etc. sexy in no way has the same institutional power to abuse and harm others the way the Catholic Church and clergy do.
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desecratedclergy · 2 months
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poor little priest.
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
How, what's the best word for it? Confused, yeah let's go with that
How confused would be the clergymen with a monster, that has barely any human heritage, who treats humans with kindness and respect. Who would be absolutely disgusted with what the clergy does?
Although I guess that's Breg already.
[So essentially, a reaction to Breg? Sure.]
How they view Breg's demeanor towards humans
Morell will never really respect humans and shares no particular opinion on the monsters who are especially fond of them. They're exceptionally good prey however, no one can convince him otherwise. From what he's been told of breeders, it's odd that they'd even pay any mind to humans at all. Aren't they incompatible or something? Breg just twists his head is knots, but it'll be fine as long as the guy doesn't try to get in the way of his job.
Gallon finds it so amusing. The guy treats humans like they're innocent, wonderful little creatures. Clever as he is, Gallon reads into Breg's demeanor enough to know something's amiss in his thought process. Something must have happened to have him behave this way. Tsk tsk. It's an erroneous form of thought, humans are usually not to be trusted at all, Breg might learn that soon enough.
Vinnel might make it a game out of scandalizing the breeder. Uhuhu- What an idiot! Awwwe, someone's messing with the precious little meat bags, what a shame... He genuinely thinks Breg needs a wake up call, but wouldn't it be funnier to make him hurt humans by feeding him misleading information? Oh yeah, humans love it when you twist their arm like this, just try it!
Nebul knows better. Breg doesn't care for humans, he cares for an ideal version of them he's actively projecting. It's very rich to have the breeder express disgust, when really, he'd hardly any better himself. Does he actually respect them or does he coo at the like a lunatic at a pet store? Him and the wraith are not so different after all... That being said, Breg stinks of unresolved trauma and Nebul really wants to poke around in his brain.
Santi finds it really odd that, again, a breeding-oriented monster, would grow enamored with a race that he can't impregnate. It's fascinating, if not a bit funny. He feels a small degree of empathy for the monster, since he's not really that gung-ho on torture, but he also doesn't really care about human suffering. Or most suffering. He's from Hell, after all. Part of him thinks Breg is really juvenile in that aspect.
Grimbly is mildly put off by Breg. And, as such, he's going to be a manipulative little snake and say he doesn't hurt anyone. How could he? He's just a tiny little monster, can't you see? He's just a waiter! He definitely laughs about Breg fanboying over humans behind the breeder's back, it's ridiculous how delusional the breeder is.
Patches, putting aside his fervent desire to study a race so close to the siadar, would expend a bit of effort trying to temper Breg's human mania. He was once human before. Humans killed him, Breg. He was put on a guillotine for stepping out of line and learning things he shouldn't. Humans aren't fair or perfect and innocent, they're just as rotten as anybody else, the breeder is a total fool to think otherwise. Cracking that illusion could do more harm than good however, the dullahan is aware of such.
Fank-e also loves humans, so he can relate to Breg on that. They're just neat, right? Though, there's so many of them, lol who cares if his coworkers mess with a few? Come on Breg, there's so many humans out there, don't be selfish! >:[
Sybastian regards Breg in the same way he would a madman, with great distance and watchful eyes. The human fetish is odd, they're clearly meant to be prey, it makes no sense to defy instincts and revere them. For no reason. That's not what he's most concerned about however, the mimic can scent the constant anxiety wafting off this monster, like a barely-controlled frothing dog, and he does not enjoy it at all.
Ludwig thinks it's definitely anomalous of Breg to have such a rose-tinted lens, but ultimately, it's harmless. And that's a lot better than whatever's going on inside The Clergy's walls. In fact, to make up for the atrocities of this establishment, the world needs a lot more monsters like the breeder. Lud will actively encourage Breg's view on humanity and tell him to keep staying far, far away from The Clergy. It's poison.
Belo's not built to pass judgement here. Lessers are creations. What his god does with lessers is correct and allowed, therefore, what his coworkers, operating under Krulu, do with humans is not to be reprimanded either. He doesn't care about Breg's "disgust" towards what is done here, and finds it insulting that he would question the siadar. Clearly, this one is just as much of a filthy good for nothing heretical as the rest of the populous these days...
Krulu is both furious and very intrigued. Breeders are a type of monster he wishes to examine and pick apart further, mostly due to their seemingly unexplained ability to retain siadar genome throughout ages, their cross-species reproduction is fascinating! To see Breg waste it all on lessers, the horrifically flawed poster children of his kin, is enraging in indescribable ways. Breg better stay far away, because he'll never be the same if Krulu ever gets their charred claws on him...
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obsidian-warthog · 1 year
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unwelcome-ozian · 1 year
can a system experience epsilon programming related to multiple different animals? maybe in different sub/side systems?
Yes. Epsilon Programming Ε ε ei (εἷ),-Epsilon programming is used to create animal alters, which is thought to be the key to paranormal or superhuman abilities. Epsilon Programming is typically paired with another form of programming. Some examples of epsilon/beta Programming are: sex kittens. Epsilon programming is used widely in the sex industry for 'pony girls', 'puppy play' and other animal fetishes. The intent of this programming is to give alters attributes their handler will want/need. For example a fox would be the animal form of the altar. The alter for sexual purposes would be told they are a vixen. This would be done if they are male or female. The sexual programming will be layered in. If the programmer wanted the fox alter to remain as a 'system protector'. the alter would be given the attributes of a 'hunted fox'. This means this part would flee if the system were threatened. Foxes are shy animals as a result this part would rarely be seen. They are also isolated animals and nocturnal. The fox alter would cover its tracks using tactics to throw individuals off. If the alter were to have a fox programmed as an 'active alter' the programming would be for 'sly fox'. This alter’s task would be to 'out with' therapists, clergy, friends, anyone who attempted to discover deeper parts of the system. Any animal can be used in Epsilon programming. For Epsilon programming to effectively work the alter must be kept in a cage. When they are in the cage they are treated like the animal the handler desires. The greek or cyrillic symbol 3 will be found on the subliminal level. Epsilon programming is specific to the animal and its purpose and attributes. (Greek programming)
Animal Programming-Alters are programmed to behave as if they are a specified animal. They will behave in a manner that will reveal their programming. Depending on the animal they can be aggressive, sexual, hunters, etc. (Epsilon programming, Beta programming)
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zooterchet · 6 months
Famous Relations
Jeffrey Dahmer: Letter to Congress, to serve in the United States Central Intelligence Agency. Given duties of SKI prison bailiff, as reform of prison sodomey and sexual assault, own request.
Ted Bundy: Economist of whaling and portside stations, music and literature attached. Found own sector of economy was being removed, defected to France, against wishes of MI-6; over ninety kills of foreign executives of British Intelligence, due to breed with "Booth" genome, mother's side; father, Chip Charlebois, still manages Bridgewater Triangle Keno; State Police Captain.
Barack Hussein Obama: Executed, electric chair; replaced, John Allen Muhammad, kindergarten CIA counselor, Jewish by miens and translated circuit, "frog"; raised to teach children to use weapons. Still attempting to deduce how inmate, "Chet", "Lee Malvo", continues to connect to internet, after mass e-mail ping in 1996, forcing deportation out of country through print of "The Matrix", self printed as "Neo", "Keanu Reeves".
James Madison: Rumored to be "German", by cousins out of Britain; Olly Olly Oxenfree, applied to man, as British boy, instead of British girl, resulting in crossing of Potomac; Puritan infantry out of Roanoke, still unaccounted for, sensitivity to Ginko Bolaba noted; as secret detective skills, "INTERPOL" organization formed in place; responsible for Great War, in "scientific method" test, to study "gay gene"; non-Talmudic book of law, US Constitution, as crafted by James Madison.
Robert the Bruce: Marijuana dealer to the richest men in Britain, Palestinian Arab in origin, "Ishmael"; arranged marriage, to Jacobin line, supported by blood of Shakespeare, "Booth" family; Booth, William Wallace, beheaded, much to shame of family, after marijuana stocks, released to common Irish of Northern Britain, relabeled "Scottish", "Utopian Society"; marijuana growing public, adding to British Empire's dominance over ale and barley crop, for beers and breads.
Pierre the Coward: Breton Crusader, in service to Frankhart; the defeat of Salah al-Din, through own troops of Arab conscript, having been given mark of Muslim, shaved heads and fast, through crops being burned by identical tactic of Saladin, hence those having found fast now in tithe to Church, the system of luxuries offered found inside of common tax of Europe to support of clergy through mutual payment of injury reported.
Joseph Chillton: Affair with Chinese-Indian woman, of high cast, "Mary", results in a bastard, refusing to serve in military campaigns of construction of roads and civilization in Judea. Military tribunal established, to see whom has themselves admitted to evidence to steal theft and proof of guilt, hence open admission of crime through practice of "Ramadan", placed on multiple days or holidays; actually forbearance with woman, of deliberate sect, preferring her drugged, with marijuana at night, to have sex with her as a victim of sexual assault; any retaining homophobia, as having refused sexual assault, therefore surviving parties, as having retained consumption of alcohol, citrus, and pig. Otherwise, a rapist, to be ignored and commonly mocked, as the Merovingian; refused a career as a police officer, soldier of military, lawyer of courts, criminal adjutator of assistance to government ward, or espionage officer in clandestine control of politician.
Samson the Arab: The prosecutor, and the first on record, having portrayed the love of his wife, as refused, due to her large buttocks, and those men preferring the bosom; thus having seduced to be rumored in arranged marriage, however only by woman, and only by man the rejected oath of poverty; the collapse of the entire Arab Empire, at the love affair, a homosexual androgynous having interfered, with the cult of fetish and domination, having demanded Samson, be on top of a woman, through her offering of her anus, as sodomey; despite the tradition of honeymoon, the woman sitting on the face, as preferable, outside penetration, that for a child; the traditions lost forever, and the Arabs banished, to the Dark, the Vampires; Gypsy, psychics.
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terminated-baeddel9 · 2 years
I know she made the joke in order to hurt people because she tagged it as transandrophobia, hoping that trans men she didn't like would see it and react negetively. This is what she said when people responded, and when she had a somewhat civil conversation with perfectlynormalhumanbeing about it. I don't agree with transandrophobia-collection's tags on your post, but I think you were being cruel in your justification for what she said. I think the most helpful response is acknowledging that she lashed out and said something extremely cruel, and not dismissing the people who she hurt outright. I hope she is okay, I truly do. Though I don't necessarily think her tumblr was something necessarily aiding her mental health, since she said she made that post in order to self harm by poking at other people's pain enough that they push it back on her. I feel comfortable making some of these assumptions because it is based on what she said at the time, it showed up in my tumblr explore and I saw her responses to it.
Additionally, I apologize for making assumptions about yours or her opinions of trans men, but as I see that you know now from your other reblogs, you are using a moniker adopted by a group of separatists who made claims that trans men were the most oppressive and untrustworthy group of people because we "chose" manhood, that our dysphoria and choice to get gender affirming care was rubbing what trans women didn't have in their faces, and that cis men were more trustworthy than us because they had the potential to become women. These same women regularly implied that our transition was an act of fetishization of innocent gay men as well. So I associate that label with those ideas—your comment about us avoiding being in community with gay men resembled that to me as well. And the dogwhistles I've been seeing people engaging with a great deal with lately also come from people who are elevating the voices of gender critical "trans exclusionary homosexual males" who have similar ideas. If I have any reservations about engaging with broader communities of cis gay men, it is because those types of people call me conversion therapy on legs or a rapist when I am just trying to live my life.
Trans men and trans women are both experiencing a great deal of abuse and it makes me feel incredibly isolated. I don't understand why we would direct the same kind of abuse cis people direct at us at each other.
ok, i believe you.
she still deserved better, but this is the world we live in.. we all deserve better, and as we move thru the muck of trauma and pain, we link arms in struggle against transphobia.
the baddel stuff.. i honestly think of as over hyped and seen as a static coherent thing when it wasnt it was just a word tgirls found and researched, found out the history through etymological investigations into old english and its uses by clergy that relates to effeminate gay men, intersex people, what might be called transfeminine people (history ios hard to apply sucha term).
that history shouldnt be over shaddowed by people w bad analysis - but at the same time, the whole reason its such a big deal is because of the hypervisibility ofd trans woman and the demand to be perfect.
that demand, to be a perfect behaved trans woman is something that really resonates with the baeddel stuff, coz its like, no im not perfect, i will fuck up im hyper visible because of my transfeminity and before i claimed mbaeddel, i would be accuse of being a baeddel every time i would advocate for trans women or mention transmisogyny - it was weaponised and used as a way to silence me and others - the terf of trans women, the bad trans woman, the trans woman who is militant.
ive coem across a translesep baeddel and they have the most vile opinions, but i wouldnt abandon baeddel or being a baedling because of bad apples, the same way iu wouldnt abandon feminism because terfs are feminists.
i really wish you well. i hope that somehow some way, that you and i find ourselves linking arms in the struggle in person and not even know its eachother, but that we are in that place doing what we do because we need to protect and make gains for our rights. sorry im getting sappy its just.. yaknow we talking struggle and weh.... ahhh. please be ok.
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vaspider · 2 years
I’m hoping you’d be able to explain something to me as you’re much more knowledgeable on it than I am; I’m struggling to understand how pup masks and leashes/harnesses aren’t inherently sexual.
Unfortunately I’ve not been able to go to a pride event yet as I’m not out to my family and also Covid, so I’m not able to see this is a real life situation and ask people about it. I just came across your comment on the pride post (I assume you know which one, I don’t know what to name it 😅)
I’m sincerely curious and wanting to learn so I’m hoping you can help me!
... because... They're not? They're clothing.
Let me put it this way: I know people who have kinks or fetishes for/including/about the following clothing:
Wool suits
Khaki pants
Silk shirts
Cheerleader skirts
Clergy attire (nun habits, clerical collars)
Rubber aprons
Tailored pencil skirts
High heels
Strappy sandals
Does that make this clothing inherently sexual? No!
I know people who wear pup masks because it's gender-affirming for them. Collars and leashes have long been a part of club/goth/raver wear, but they seem to suddenly become objectionable when the presentation is openly queer rather than "skinny white girls in faux-schoolgirl outfits and collars who are presumed cishet."
So after saying all of that, I have to ask:
What if they are inherently sexual? So what? What does that matter?
We do not censure or censor cishet displays of sexuality through clothing. Tiny bikinis, bodycon dresses -- heck, women wearing see-through dresses with pasties is a regular on the Project Runway runway, a-ok by Bravo and Lifetime viewers -- leather pants on hot women who are presumed het... clothing is, among its many other purposes, a sexual signaling device. It's such an assumed signaling device that there are entire rape defenses which hinge on the idea that clothing on women especially exists to convey sexual availability. Saying clothing is "inherently sexual" opens a door to "well look what you were dressed like," and that's not a thing we need to continue to perpetuate. Clothing is a way humans sexually signal to each other, but it's not the only thing humans do with clothing, so... clothing itself can't be deemed inherently sexual. Everything is context, and that context comes from behavior.
So that brings us back to clothing vs behavior rather neatly. Does the clothing matter or does the behavior matter? If someone is doing something to you without your consent, the clothing doesn't matter, that's wrong, but, and this is important: simply existing in public in a pup mask isn't doing something to you.
Or, more bluntly, why is this okay:
Tumblr media
but this gets people's panties all bunched up?
Tumblr media
(First page results for "woman in collar" and "gay man in collar".)
Both of these images show people wearing clothing which renders them decent in terms of the parts of their body which are covered. What's different in the second is that this image is read as explicitly queer. (And it IS queer, to be clear.)
And that's why people get all fucked up about it.
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