#cleo was hilarious as always
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elodee · 9 months ago
Joe Hills might be a comedic genius. The "Doc is a giant baby" defense?
Actually a surprisingly strong argument
Alas, Doc getting sentenced to sky jail is the funniest possible conclusion and therefore they stood no chance.
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hermitcraftheadcanons · 1 year ago
a lighter take on a recent hc: instead of a birthday party, cleo has a deathday party. everyone wears black and dramatically wails about cleo, who is lying in a bespoke coffin trying not to laugh. gifts are tucked into the coffin with her so that she can be "buried with them". there is cake, because "it's what she would have wanted". joe always delivers hilarious but heartfelt eulogies.
Somebody always ends up tripping over Cleo's open coffin and "accidentally" dropping their cake in, so she can enjoy it too without breaking The Bit.
-Mod Mleem
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ask-the-koopa-family · 4 months ago
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Heres a little story of the koopa family that happens in the future!
Hope you like it, art/Oc are mine dont copy/repost!
A quiet evening at Bowser’s castle. The kids, now teenagers and young adults, have gathered in the living room. Laughter echoes through the room as they chat about everything and nothing, lounging on cushions, surrounded by snacks and drinks. The atmosphere is relaxed, but as usual, Iggy is already preparing his teasing.
Iggy, with a mischievous grin: — So, do you all think we’ll end up married or stay old singles in this castle?
Wendy, rolling her eyes: — Speak for yourself, Iggy. I’ve got my options open. You’re the ones who are stuck!
Bowser Jr., laughing: — Yeah, no shortage of suitors for you, Wendy… even though you scare off half of them!
Cléo, laughing: — Oh, Melody, your childhood best friend… Are you ever going to make a move, or are you going to keep playing the shy little prince?
Bowser Jr., embarrassed: — It’s… it’s just complicated, okay?
Iggy, rubbing his hands together, sensing his moment: — Oh, but wait. We’re always talking about Bowser Jr., but what about Ludwig? The great and mysterious Ludwig, so secretive… But I remember a time when he had a massive crush on… Rosalina!
The others burst into laughter.
Larry, amused: — Oh yeah, everyone knows that! It was hilarious! Ludwig, in love with the princess of the stars!
Ludwig, crossing his arms, remains stoic: — That’s in the past. It was just a youthful fascination.
Iggy, with a sly smile, adds: — Oh yeah? And what about Cadence Koopa, then?
A silence falls over the room. All eyes turn to Ludwig, surprised.
Wendy, stunned: — What? Cadence Koopa? Seriously, Ludwig? Who is she?
Cléo, shocked, looks at Ludwig with a mischievous smile: — How did you keep that from us for so long?
Lemmy, always cheerful, rubs his hands together: — Oh, this is good! Ludwig, in love, who would’ve thought?
Roy, gruff and frowning, growls: — Seriously, Ludwig? Why didn’t you say anything? We wouldn’t have judged… too much.
Morton, big and imposing, leans on his elbow, intrigued: — Ludwig… in love. Weird, but pretty funny.
Larry, curious: — But who is this Cadence? And how did you meet her?
Ludwig, clearly annoyed, replies: — Forget it. It’s not important.
Iggy, persistent: — Not important? Are you kidding? We all want details, bro!
Wendy, with a sly smile: — Ludwig, it’s not like you can hide it forever. Spill!
Ludwig, seeing the conversation spiraling out of control, takes a deep breath, then shows a mischievous smile: — Fine. You want to play this game? Let’s talk about YOU.
Iggy, laughing: — Oh, I sense this is going to be good!
Ludwig, starting with Iggy: — Iggy, you always make fun of others, but you never mention how you tried to ask out Hariet, only to be completely ignored because she didn’t care about you!
Iggy, shocked but laughing: — What?! Did you really have to bring that up?!
The others erupt in laughter.
Ludwig, turning to Wendy: — Wendy, you’re always talking about keeping your options open… should we talk about your huge crush on Boom Boom? And how you dropped him as soon as you found out he was already dating someone?
Wendy, blushing: — How do you… Wait, were you spying on my conversations or something?
Bowser Jr., laughing loudly: — Oh wow, Wendy! Not so untouchable now, huh?
Ludwig, turning his gaze to Bowser Jr.: — And you, Junior… You can laugh, but you spend so much time with Melody that we’re all wondering if you’re just playing her bodyguard to avoid telling her how you really feel.
Bowser Jr., blushing: — Hey! That’s not true, I… I’m going to tell her, one day.
Cleo, amused, teases too: — Yeah, we’re all still waiting for that “one day.”
Ludwig, finally turning to Cleo: — And you, Cléo… The perfect little sister who plays the innocent card. I have nothing on you—yet. But I’m watching you...
Cleo, smiling: — Haha, good luck with that!
Everyone bursts into laughter, the general surprise replacing the initial teasing.
Ludwig, with an even wider smile: — Oh, but wait, I’m not done yet. Lemmy!
Lemmy, who had so far avoided the conversation, freezes: — Oh no…
Ludwig, with a piercing gaze: — No one ever talks about your little escapade with that circus magician… what was her name again? Teddy! She taught you her tricks, huh? But you never told anyone how you tried to impress her with your own act and ended up in a disaster.
Lemmy, blushing: — Hey! It wasn’t that bad, it was… just a bit too much juggling… and, okay, a collapsed stage.
Roy, laughing loudly: — Lemmy, the master of disasters!
Morton, still serious, watches, but Ludwig turns to him with a sly grin: — Ah, Morton… You seem so strong and calm. You never mention that you’re afraid of ghosts, right? The great Morton, terrified of a simple light in the dark.
Morton, wide-eyed: — Morton… not scared!
Iggy, laughing hysterically: — Oh, yes, you are, bro! We all saw you jump when you were little, thinking you saw a ghost in your room!
Roy, crossing his arms, trying to avoid the conversation: — Okay, fine, everyone’s had their embarrassing moment.
Ludwig, not letting him escape: — Not so fast, Roy. You wanted to avoid the rumors, but you never tell us why you suddenly stopped talking to Pom Pom, that girl you thought was cool… until she beat you in a fighting competition.
Roy, grumbling but smiling despite himself: — She got lucky that day, that’s all.
Larry, laughing: — Yeah, we all believe you, Roy!
Ludwig, with a satisfied smile, interrupts Larry: — Oh, and you, Larry. You think you're a strategist? Let’s not forget that time you completely messed up the plan to trap Mario… by forgetting to set the traps.
Larry, surprised and blushing: — Hey, it happens to everyone! And besides, it was… a long time ago!
Roy, laughing loudly: — Larry, the legendary strategist, who forgets half the plan! Seriously, bro, you need to work on that.
Lemmy, teasing: — Oh, I’d almost forgotten that story! Mario walked through the whole castle without hitting a single trap. We looked like total amateurs!
Larry, trying to defend himself: — Okay, okay, I messed up that time, but it was stress! You should’ve seen Dad’s face when he found out what happened…
Iggy, mimicking Larry: — “Uh… the traps? I thought you were supposed to set them!”
Wendy, laughing: — Come on, Larry, we still love you. We know you’ll be a great strategist… maybe someday.
Larry, sighing but smiling: — Yeah, yeah. One day, I’ll prove to you all that I’m the best strategist in the family. You’ll see.
Ludwig, satisfied with the chaos he’s caused, stands up calmly and declares: — There. Now that everyone’s little secrets are out, I think we can stop talking about my private life.
Roy, trying to regain composure: — Okay, Ludwig. Well played, well played. But I wasn’t expecting that…
Lemmy, laughing: — Who would’ve thought you’d be so good at dishing out the dirt?!
Morton, still surprised: — Many secrets here. Ludwig smart.
Iggy, wiping away a tear from laughing: — You really managed to shut us all up. Respect, bro.
Wendy, smiling: — Alright, you got us all. But it was funny.
Cleo, still laughing: — We should’ve known better. Ludwig, you hide it well!
Bowser Jr., with a forced smile: — Yeah, you scored a point, Ludwig. But I promise, we’ll get our revenge.
Ludwig, standing with an air of triumph: — You can try. But for now, I’m at peace. Good luck beating me at my own game.
The atmosphere relaxes again after Ludwig’s final “reveal.” They all laugh together, fully aware that despite the teasing and the secrets exposed, they remain a close-knit family.
The others exchange knowing looks, some still shocked, others amused.
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poppyberry · 3 months ago
unintentionally strong narratives in an improv series, Gem version
Was watching different perspectives and thought the following was a fun accidental narrative through-line:
Gem and Joel said that they would be the final two and duel to the death, and they were loyal to each other all the way through. But when it came to the expanded Family…
Well, these lines from her in the finale sum it up:
“Me and you against the world!”
“You’re going to get to the end, and I’m going to get to the end…and maybe Etho will get to the end too!”
“I can’t believe Etho killed me. Or all people! It’s always the ones I trust the most, isn’t it.”
Gem accepted Etho into the Family and humored his little betrayals, but considered Grian to be more of an unwanted side-piece, cheerfully telling Cleo she didn’t care if they killed him in the previous episode.
But when the chaos of the finale broke out, Grian did his best to protect Joel’s yellow life, and Etho did the opposite, taking Gem’s yellow life. Gem was then overwhelmed by the wild cards she’d been escaping all season (they finally all caught up with her), leaving Grian as Joel’s sole ally in the final eight, getting to the end and being against the rest of the world together, and the one that would fulfill the final showdown promise.
Grian was genuine, Etho was dishonest; between them, Gem showed preference to the wrong stray.
Similarly, she rebuffed Pearl the entire season, just to mess with her, dragging out their conflict because she was certain they both had plenty of time, only to lose her chance to resolve it in the final moments.
Pearl would then be the one to mourn Gem the most, while Grian ended up in the role Gem thought she would play.
All together it makes a fun little narrative of misplaced faith (in others and oneself)
Also, other lines from her finale that ended up being hilariously ironic:
“Maybe you should consider your friendships!”
“Kill the evokers before you’re down a teammate!”
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butterr-bee · 3 months ago
WL!Winner Imagery Thoughts
Since the Wild Life finale was yesterday I thought I would share my thoughts on what the winner’s celestial symbolism should be in the form of a very long tumblr post, because what else do I have to do with my time?
Spoilers for the Wild Life SMP finale and winner + long post
Firstly a big congrats to Joel for winning!!! It's very deserved and he worked so hard for it, so GG!!
Like I said above, I’ve got some thoughts about what celestial body we should use to represent him as a winner and so I’m going to share them with whoever stumbles upon this.
[NOTE: Anything I say here is not meant to attack anyone who has different opinions or belittle anyone. I’m doing this for fun and to share my thoughts, not to hurt anyone's feelings. I love you all, do whatever you want forever.]
So far for each of the winners we have;
Sun - Grian
Stars - Scott
Moon - Pearl
Mars - Martyn (some people say Comet/Meteor but Mars is the most popular)
Earth - Scar
Pluto - Cleo (this depends on your personal headcanons as well but I like it, and this post isn’t about the intricacies of mine)
Now as funny as all of the “he should be car” jokes are (seriously they’re hilarious to me), I don't want to take away from his win by making it a joke, especially since we already have someone who isn’t fully accepted as a serious winner. (IDC if it was April Fools, Cleo you will always be a winner in my heart)
I’ve also seen a few people say Mars or Meteor, but this becomes confusing with Martyn’s symbolism and takes away from Joel’s win as well. I want to avoid that as much as possible because he deserves the same respect as the other winners.
Other ones I’ve seen are; Chariot, Supernova, White Dwarf, Shooting Star, Neutron Star, Jupiter, Mercury, and I’m sure there are more. None of these really stick for me so I’m going to go ahead and add to the list.
Usually, I’ve stayed out of discussions about winner symbolism in the past and left it up to the more brainy fans, but I have thought about what different players could be from time to time since I absolutely love space. When my older sibling said Venus it got my mental hamster going on its wheel.
Venus has been a popular planet in history for an incredibly long time and in many different cultures. It’s the second brightest object in the night sky (second to the Moon) and has a fascinating synodic cycle (how it moves through the sky). This movement causes it to get to a certain distance from the Sun to make it look like it’s disappearing from the sky for several days and then reappearing on the other side of it. Because of this, Venus can appear before sunrise in the morning or after sunset in the evening, but it never seems to reach the top of the sky. This has led to it being known by two other names, Morning Star and Evening Star. It also has many other names in different cultures and it wasn’t until the 13th century that it was given the name Venus, but I won't go into all of that today.
Venus has lots and lots of history around it mythologically, having been portrayed as both feminine and masculine and even as two figures at once. It’s known for representing love, war, beauty, and relationships—and it just isn’t quite right for Joel.
So after doing my extra research on Venus, I found that it wasn’t really the best fit (sorry Kat, not enough talk about family for it to cut it /hj). Even with the interesting parallel of Grian and Joel’s dynamic and how Venus goes from one side of the Sun and ends up on the other, it was too much of a stretch. I was going to stop here but then I got thinking about other planets and my mind wandered to the seventh planet from the sun.
You all know and love to make jokes about his name, Uranus! (a little pet peeve of mine, it’s pronounced your-un-us NOT your-anus)
Uranus is one of two Ice Giants and has the coldest planetary atmosphere in the Solar System. It’s named after the ancient Greek deity of the sky, the father of Kronos, but it has been argued that it has more mythological relevance with my favorite boy Prometheus. You know, the Titan that ticked off the gods by stealing fire for mortals and now has to have his liver eaten by eagles for eternity? Yeah, my boy.
This planet is known for being the planet of freedom and revolutionary vision. It represents the urge for change, the ability to visualize new possibilities, and “breaking through”. Much like how Joel was trying a new tactic for winning this season, Uranus is known symbolically for defying tradition and embracing change and originality.
So, it’s known for breakthroughs, extremes, innovation, and rebellion. Sounds about right for Joel, but I didn’t want to stop there. Doing more digging I looked for other similarities between the two of them.
A lot of what I found fit Joel’s character pretty well, but mostly from past seasons; eccentric, strange, unique, unpredictable, and untamed (although Joel is always strange /lh) but I was looking for something more current, something that was all about family. I did find the word wild used and referred to a few times though which was great.
My search was getting repetitive, everyone had the same things to say about Uranus’s symbolism and I was looking for someone to go more in-depth. But eventually, I made a breakthrough (how fitting)—the word “reformation”, which Oxford defines as “the action or process of reforming an institution or practice”. Bingo baby!
I looked further into this side of Uranus, the sort of things that use the wild aspects of this sort of personality in meaningful and productive ways. Lots of people were saying that negative expressions of Uranus include irresponsibility and rebelliousness without a cause—things that kept Joel from winning in the past—but I found someone who said this;
“Uranus asks us to adopt a humanitarian spirit and global mindset, allowing us to live as one unified being.”
This implies that to reach the positive expressions of Uranus—things like progressiveness, ingenuity, and enlightenment—a person under this planet would need to start looking beyond themselves as a singular goal and to care for and support others. To “live as one unified being” the way one might say a family should work together as a unit for the benefit of everyone involved. In other words, to use their eccentric and wild personality to help others as well as themself.
And what was Joel’s entire Wild Life PoV about? Dom Toretto Flipping his previous tactic of being an insane loner /j on its head and making friends by helping everyone else as well as himself. He used his wild nature and ability to commit to the bit to his advantage and won the whole series as the last green name, last yellow name, and last man standing.
So that is why I propose that we start using the planet Uranus to symbolize Joel’s victory—an equally wild and unpredictable symbol that can step up and help others to help himself.
Now, I know it doesn't fit the rhyme that’s been going around, but I can’t think of anything else that fits better and there's always next season for more rhyming words. (Grian did say see you next season, if it doesn't happen IDK what to say about your rhyme, shrug)
Also, not important to characterization but a fun bit of trivia anyway, Uranus was the sixth planet discovered by the ancient Greeks and Romans and it’s the seventh planet from the Sun. So regardless of whether you consider Joel the sixth or seventh winner, there’s a fun number coincidence.
Sorry if this doesn't make sense or fit, I wrote it all on minimal sleep and without my glasses. Also, I haven't watched all of Joel’s life series PoV yet so maybe someone with better qualifications should do this. Anyway, if you made it this far I love you and I wish you well. Have a doodle that I also did without my glasses for your patience and to maybe sway you some more.
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baocean · 2 months ago
kiss me at midnight - jj maybank
summary - it was new year’s eve, and you were finally carrying out the idea to tell jj how you felt. and in the perfect way, by kissing him at midnight
warnings - alcohol, mentions of smoking
a/n - happy new year to everyone! i hope this year brings so much good! 🍸🪅🙌🏼🩵
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tonight was the night your plan was finally going to pull through.
you had ran through every senario for tonight, getting yourself ready for whatever happened.
it was new year’s eve, yours friends were holding a party at their house, one they hilariously called poguelandia.
you had spent longer than you wanted to admit getting ready, but it paid off. you looked good.
you were sure your target wasn’t going to be wearing anything other than a cut off top and some dirty backwards hat.
really, for him, it didn’t matter what you were wearing. to jj maybank, you always looked like an angel.
you knew that as well, he had never tried to hide how he felt about you.
jj was relentless. calling you pet names, touching you any chance he got, complimenting you with creative, and borderline insane praise.
but until recently, you didn’t feel the same way. you had only liked jj for two or so weeks, waiting for the perfect opportunity to tell him.
so, you were gonna show up, flirt a little, then kiss him at midnight, if everything went right.
kie had texted you a few minutes ago repeatedly asking where you were as you pulled up to the house.
it was packed, a much bigger turn out than you were expecting.
the front door was open, people filtering in and out. there were groups litered around the grass and the porch, laughter and music sounding through the night.
a few people said hi to you, stopping you to compliment how you looked tonight, wishing you a happy new year.
you walked into the kitchen, spotting your friends standing around the kitchen table.
cleo saw you first, shamelessly tapping jj on the shoulder and pointing your direction.
he turned, a huge smile crossing his face immediately, dodging through the crowd to get to you.
he didn’t pass up the opportunity to look you up and down, take you in completely.
“wowwww. mama, i wasn’t sure i could get any down bad for you, but you proved me wrong.” he joked, pulling you into a hug.
you were right, jj was wearing a t shirt and that same ratty hat he always wore. and unfortunately he looked good as ever.
you pulled away, tucking your hair behind you ear. “i’m serious, im gonna picture you in that outfit when im on my death bed.”
you laughed, again, hitting his shoulder. “thanks, j. that’s really romantic.”
you stepped around him to greet your friends, hugging each one of them.
“you look gorgeous. i’m worried jj might explode.” sarah whispered in your ear, laughing along with you.
“thanks baby mama, you look just as.” you kissed her cheek, grabbing a seltzer for you and a water for your newly pregnant friend.
you returned to your friends, leaning against the counter. jj, of course, found his way next to you, throwing his arm on the counter around the back of you. his fingers came to touch your waist, tapping them a few times before letting them sit there.
he was a little high, you could tell from the way he kept taking his hand away to snap his fingers. it was a second nature after he smoked.
you smiled at your friends, so content that this was so normal for you two already.
you made your rounds, said hi to old friends and introducing yourself to new people.
jj was never far behind, you introduced yourself as a pair most times.
it was closer to midnight, the small moments between you and him made you even more giddy to see what happened later.
at some point, jj disappeared from your side, going to hang out with some of his friends from high school.
you were standing on one side of the living room, being talked up to by some guy.
you looked for your blonde, in between fake smiles and uninterested nods and ‘uh huh’s’.
you found him on the other side of the room, staring right back at you. the corner of his mouth lifted up into a smirk when he saw how indifferent you were.
he looked so nice like this, while his eyes bore into you over the cup he was drinking from. eyes having their own silent conversation.
you jerked your head to the side, signaling for him to help you get out of this situation.
in no time, jj was by your side, slinging a heavy arm over your shoulders.
“baby, come help me grab more beer, please?” he pointed towards you, pulling you into him.
“oh, hey jj.” the kook said, giving the blonde an awkward smile.
“hey. what’s your name, again?” he replied, earning you a chuckle you hid in his chest.
“um, addison.”
“yea, nice to meet you. so, babe?” jj turned back to you, pulling you away as both of you gave addison a simple wave goodbye.
“thanks, j.” you tapped his chest, following him as he brought you to his room, closing the door behind him.
his room was messy, but smelled like his cologne and fresh scent from the air spray he used.
you backed up onto his bed, laying down against it, sighing deeply.
he watched you, creeping over to the bed, waiting for you to object. jj sat next to you, leaning back.
your phone buzzed, as you pulled it out you noticed the time.
“oh my gosh, it’s five minutes to midnight already.” you giggled, throwing your phone to the side.
“interesting. you get me into a room alone when its conveniently almost midnight. i see right through you, mama.”
your heart raced, but you rolled your eyes and laughed instead.
“you’re the one who led me in here. i thought we were grabbing more beer, babe?” you added emphasis to the last word, rolling onto your side.
“you were the one who chose me to get you out of a perfectly good midnight kiss.” he followed your action, rolling onto his side, letting his head fall onto his hand.
you were stumped, because he was right. it was jj you wish were flirting with you instead of a scrawny man named addison.
so, you smiled, shrugged your shoulders.
“you look so hot.” he closed his eyes and groaned. laughing out loud, you rolled over, letting half your body fall onto his.
you audibly heard jj’s breath hitch, wanting to laugh at his shamelessness.
“thanks, j. you look pretty, too.” you blushed, throwing your head on his shoulder.
the two of you just looked at each other, completely barefaced. it was the same features you’ve known for seven years, but it never got tiring to look at him.
you knew him as well as you knew youself. his lip curved up a little to the left and his eyes crinkled on the side from smiling so much. you were pretty sure his eyes got darker when he was tired. there was a birthmark on his back you swore looked like the shape of italy.
you heard the people at the party start counting down to ten, and jj shot up, taking you in the process.
“oh shit, cmon let’s go back out there.” he grabbed your hand and turned towards the door just as your friends screamed ‘five’.
you pulled him back to face you, stopping him in his tracks. he smiled at you for a second, but when he realized what was happening, his smile dropped.
he looked down at your lips for a split second, getting confirmation he wasn’t just imagining this when you smiled.
you didn’t get a chance to initiate anything, because jj pulled you against him and was kissing you before you realized it.
the action was quick, but the was jj was kissing you was soft and patient, almost like he’d been waiting seven years to do this.
his hands slid around the back of your neck and into your hair.
your arms unconsciously slid around his neck, linking your hands with each other.
jj spun you around so your back hit the door, grunting in the process and he pushed his body farther against yours.
he pulled away, looking almost pained to do so. “happy new year.”
you grinned at him, pecking his lips again. “happy new year, j.”
“if im being honest i think i might be dreaming.” jj let go of you, running a hand through his hair.
you just laughed, blissfully high off how jj kissed you. you suddenly wanted to let him in on your own secret.
“can i tell you something?” you asked him, he nodded.
you leaned against him, blushing up at him. “i had a plan to kiss you tonight. i planned it, like, a week ago.”
surprise painted his face, then, he was laughing. you giggled along with him as he wrapped his arms around you.
“i had the same plan.” he said through fits of laughter, throwing his head back in the process.
“yea, all my friends were in on it. i was gonna do it outside and just hope someone on the water was going to launch fireworks. but this, this is much better.” jj ducked down to give you another kiss.
“well, we shouldn’t keep them wondering.” you smiled, getting pulled out of the room by your blonde.
you were greeted by your friends, cheering and laughing when they saw you two.
jj, with an arm around you, pulling you in to kiss your cheek. you with an arm around his waist, bunching his tshirt in your fist.
“glad your plan worked, jayj.” kie tipped her drink towards the both of you.
he looked down at you, with the same look he always had, and smiled. “yea, me too.”
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chasedeys · 2 months ago
CLEO. in hard knocks when theyre discussing jambalaya and joe kind of like backs into jamarr as jamarr goes forward and jamarr’s hands IMMEDIATELY going for his waist. much to think about
HI YESSS I HAVEEE ARUUURGURHRUHHHHHGGHRH went straighttttt to his waistttttttttt kinda like that mic'ed up lions vid lmaoooooo something to be said abt that ehem BUT REALLY
something about. mindless physical touches. comforting there and gone. a glance of skin and then we're apart. oh you're here and then you're there. like it didn't take that long of contact i guess even if i wannaaaaaa make it longer. wanna make it like. ja'marr lets joe bump into him. ja'marr lets him fall into his chest and traps his hips and keeps him locked there. lets his hands press firmer, doesn't let him up. grins and makes sure he feels it even through the helmet and the space between them. whispers what you don't sense me right behind you? thought you always know where i am like i'm your north star or some bullshit idk something less corny lmaooo and joe just huffs and slams an elbow back to get him to let go. makes it like. who says i didn't know you were there. who says i didn't know you'd catch me. something about wanting a comforting touch in a crowded space just for a single moment of a scheduled practice and no one noticing it being anything more than a bump and moving on. and it's easy! a quick little physical touch and joke and jab and they're following through with teasing zac with his shit pronunciation of louisianan cuisine and his apparent fear of them and its sooooo cute btw how they incorporate nola dishes for ja'marr plays??? that's so cute wthhhhh 😭 who's idea was itttt was it joe....was it joeee 😔🫶 bc it sure as hell wasnt zac lmaooo
and also aughhhggrhrghh cuteeeee how joe was instantly reporting to ja'marr how zac mispronounced it!! jerking his head to zac at ja'marr. 'said it like 'gem-balaya' like yeah he knewwww ja'marr would get a kick out of thissss. did he once had some hilarious experiences with nola pronunciations and dialects?? did ja'marr teach him stuff?? god that's cute as hellll hard knocks can't enddd :(( i want more of these type of practice vids damn it :((((
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redliferiot · 2 years ago
life series teams i really want to see (+ explanations)
note: this is all my own opinions & ideas, I'm not making team names bc that would be too much work, also I'm only including people who have appeared in the life series so far
mumbo & scott
think of the dynamic. think of it.
i know this sounds a bit random bc they've interacted like Twice in the entire series but I genuinely think they'd have a great dynamic with each other
chill and done with everyone's bullshit + anxiety incarnate
also scott deserves a new bf
cleo & pearl
they have The Best dynamic. allies to enemies to ally enemies to ???
i ain't never seen two bloodthirsty women always one of them is killing the other (pearl quit murdering cleo challenge)
they did team up in last life but
i NEED to know their dynamic as allies when scott isn't there
team girlbosses
etho & grian
i think this team would get the reputation of being super scary and intimidating but in reality they'd both just bring out the patheticness in each other
etho's washed-upness is contagious and grian Needs to catch it
grian & bigb
cmon let them have their soulmates be bromates arc they so wanted in double life
grian & etho & bigb
honestly u can throw etho in too make them a Weird Trio with an Indescribable Dynamic
i do not know what their dynamic would be like as a trio but i do think it would be funny
ren & bdubs
hermitcraft s9 king-and-hand dynamic but make it ~life series~
they'd just hype each others energy so much
for extra fun, throw martyn in for:
ren & bdubs & martyn
idk man I just love the idea that ren declares himself king of a third server & bdubs and martyn have to endlessly compete for his favor its hilarious
jimmy & scar & skizz
team Dies First
they are not succeeding but they'd be such a fun team
tango & impulse
ik these two have teamed up before but I love their dynamic so I want them to team up again
also fun fact when I was first getting into mcyt all those years ago I kept thinking tango and impulse were the same person bc they both did redstone and their voices sounded similar to me
joel & lizzie
let them be married in game
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aberfaeth · 2 months ago
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cleo @chasedeys made one of these and im procrastinating various responsibilities and tasks so i said why not! long-winded rationale below the cut and i mean LONNGGGGGG. full of haterisms but also love <3
my babies my sweeties my cinnamon applessss the whole reason i got genuinely into football in like 2022 was bc i watched them nearly not eat shit against the bills on thanksgiving while my uncle sitting next to me explained the Fucking Curse i.e. that the lions will always lose in whatever way is most devastating to the people who care about their success. and i went HEY! NARRATIVE!!! and now the lions are REALLY GOOD and still managing to lose in the way most devastating to the people who care about their success. as i've said many a time i truly hope some enterprising individual exhumes and exorcises the bones of bobby layne i think that's the only way out but in all earnestness getting INTO into football these past few months i am so grateful these are our guys even through all the emotional turmoil. they've got an energy in the locker room i genuinely haven't seen replicated anywhere else in the league like those guys all adore each other unreservedly and they adore dan and it's so special to watch. LONGASS PLAYER RANT INCOMING amon-ra st brown my princess with so many mental problems one of these days i'm gonna make a webweave about how he has all sixteen wide receivers drafted before him and their colleges memorized and also how his dad gave him and his brothers the "st" because he thought it would look good on a jersey and had him lifting weights age 5 like. john brown you seem like a wonderful father i just think your children might have complexes. JAH AND MONTY SONIC AND KNUCKLES MY TWO HEADED MONSTER they're everything to me the way it's just purely admiration and support between them even though splitting touches is probably not the best for their careers like they just genuinely loved each other from the jump. i get emo thinking about all the shit they've each been through and to be able to come to the lions at the same time and just. find each other and feel safe enough in detroit to let themselves loose and have fun RAUGH. jg16 im the worlds number one jared goff glazer idgaf i will sing his praises from the mountaintop. im not like delusional i know he isn't in the same conversation as lamar/josh/joe/That Devil but i think the idea that the lions need a dual threat qb is so ridiculous like yeah we certainly are lacking offensive weapons here with our #2 ranked yards per game THE POINT is that a qb is more than just stats and jared goff is a leader of men like that offensive line would all take ten bullets for him and it's because he is a genuinely kind person and so so so easy to love. god. um. TA TERRION ARNOLD MY OTHER PRINCESS WITH NO MENTAL PROBLEMS AT ALL FRANKLY seeing him excited and smiley after the divisional loss bc why would you not be excited going 15-2 as a rookie hitting an insane amount of snaps most of your player core young and still on contract the world is laid out in front of you!!!!! cured my depression and i can't wait to see him continue to come into his own GOD the secondary is all so fond of each other thinking about him and kerby That's My Rook I Don't Let Nobody Play By My Rook..him and bb....him and dmo jah and craig in the who would you let date your daughter youtube short SHAKING MY FIST AT THE SKY sam laporta!!!!!!!!!!! my golden receiver king of the one handed dive catch im obsessed with his vernacular like only guy alive to use "sick" and "preposterous" in the same sentence how are you from illinois and have half a surfer accent JAMOOOOOO in possession of the best laugh in the known universe and such a goddamn weirdo like the mcflurry burger thing and his apparently Eclectic music taste let me see your spotify downloads please HUTCH!!! absolutely vicious ice cold hilarious but also so levelheaded did you guys know he listens to instrumentals to hype himself up before games like. he gave hans zimmer as an example. so many more tooooo i didnt even mention lif or penei or craig or any of the kicking unit or our free agents like tim and cd3 IM JUST. man. the detroit lions. Man
deep and enduring fondness
bengals every day i think about the post that's like. joe wearing ja'marr's old worn natty jersey to a bengals game day, the greatest love story of all time is happening in the graveyard of fandoms if this was hockey there would be skywriting about it. BECAUSE IT'S REAL joemarr genuinely baffle me with the level of insane devotion they have to each other like just off the top of my head. ja'marr saying joe's like a god to him. "i've never [played without ja'marr]had that, and i don't wanna have that" "[i work] with joe only. i don't throw with other quarterbacks--i don't wanna". joe burrow #1 in the league pat who. the fucking pinky swear handshake the donut thing "we did a lot of stuff but not on a boat"???? "he try flying knee kicks on me sometime" "we mess around every now and then" "make sure your bags are packed and ready i didn't believe it but he proved me wrong" the clothes saga ANYWAYS. TEEEEEE HIGGINSSSSSSS another guy who like. i read his players tribune article and god he has been through so much and to come out so KIND he is a little piece of the sun in a human body the reaction timer video with ja’marr cheering him on in the bg “forget batman he’s fucking superman” and joe and ja’marr obviously love him so much would sign him themselves “wanna play with him for eternity” if the bengals FO lets him go i fear i will never forgive them. & i know there are other players on this team and i care for them also (mike! 23rookies! trey! ctb!) butjesus christ joeteemarr the world…. vikings closest rival to lions in pure strength of culture i think like god that video of everyone lifting sam onto their shoulders !!! :') cam and his dance recitals.... josh metellus king of the locker room interview....justin jefferson and his beautiful big brown eyes like a cow every time i saw him on the sideline of that rams game i had to put my face in my hands and be so sad for him. and KOC!!! like i said with dan its so so special when you can tell a team just fucking adoooooores their coach and it's so clear with KOC that he really is a player's coach OH AND ALSO IK HE'S INJURED BUT JJ MCCARTHY MICHIGAN BOY he's gonna carry next year i just know it ravens so my aunt lives in baltimore and owns a purple car that she bought because that's how much she loves the ravens. i lived in bmore for 4 years so they're one of my hometown teams too!! obviously lamar jackson is the people's princess and there's nothing more in the universe i want than for him to succeed like he is so goddamned talented and he's such a sweetheart and i really need to try his cologne IT WAS SO CUTE WHEN THEY PASSED IT AROUND THE LOCKER ROOM AND EVERYONE WAS COMPLIMENTING IT LIKEE anyways "kick everybody ass hit everybody hit the r--i was about to say hit the ref DO NOT HIT THE REFS" his lil giggles when he gets tackled i CARE ABOUT HIMMMMMM OKAYYYYYY also london @glittersgloom and cleo have opened my eyes to the beautiful world of derrick henry and i need to find like. clips of him micd or something hey if anyone is reading this can you send me derrick henry content thank you panthers BRYCE YOUNGGGGGG MY SHAYLAAAAA he has had such a whirlwind two years and im so goddamn proud of him (context my parents live in NC so the panthers are also a hometown team LMFAO i get too damn attached to Locations) that one clip of robert hunt saying dont call him BY Reap cause he said it sounded a lil evil leave that baby alone...... his room just so clearly adores him as they SHOULD !!! chuba adam and xavier too I REALLY BELIEVE IN THE PANTHERS SWEEPING THE NFC SOUTH NEXT YEAR I DO
i like em
cowboys so when i was in middle school in new jersey and everyone around me was a giants fan but i had quirky girl disorder i decided i was going to be Cool and Different and root for the dallas cowboys because my dad had dez bryant on his fantasy team and so i do have a lingering fondness for them even though tony romo's stupid voice pisses me off every sunday. and CEEDEEEEEE CEEDEE LAMB most beautiful man in the world i wish all happiness and success for him bills, texans started making that your graduation stosh edit last week had a panic attack bon appetit no but for real the Narrative. absolutely agonizing. i love when men say insane things about each other like "Since I met him, it kinda clicked. You don't click with everybody. That's somebody I felt like, damn, I could grow old with you. I can see myself with you for a while" and then GET DIVORCED #SAD anyways. i love you cj stroud i love you dion dawkins giants, commanders MALIK NABERS WE WILL GET YOU OUT OF NEW YORK !!!!!! in all seriousness though that clip of jayden picking him up from behind and swinging him around lives rent free in my head and it's london's fault (love you). division rivals and you're cheering for him at his playoff game Mannnnn lsu strikes again. for real though jayden daniels rookie of the decade im enamored by him and his effortless chill demeanor i hope he comes back and wins a ring but like not in the next five years because the lions have to sweep the division for at least half a decade dolphins, pats, jets i've got homies who like these guys!!! shoutout to my roommate's dad and two of my coworkers <3 i like when mike had to get on his tippy toes to kiss the side of tua's head i like that the pats are such a failgirl team without tom brady and i like that the jets are gunning for the longest playoff drought in all of superbowl era nfl history. good luck aaron glenn i'm sure you will have a different go of it than the eight million one and done defensive jets HCs before you (genuine)
neutral zone of obscurity
not much to say here. i like that the bucs had that thing with the duck that was fun. and im tempted to start caring about the jags on account of it would be funny to collect the nfl kitty teams like pokemon. otherwise no thoughts im sorryyyyyy
mild distaste and/or extreme ambivalence
rams i care about matthew stafford i really do. he took such shit for the lions for so goddamn long. on the other hand you get him on a hot mic oneeeeee time saying shit about kerby joseph after a completely clean tackle and now all of a sudden everyone and their mother is an expert on tackling tight ends and the prevailing narrative that he's a dirty player is actually affecting his livelihood (pro bowl noms) and that pisses me off. mr stafford apologize right neow eagles god their fans are the worst in the fucking league. genuinely atrocious and it makes me kinda hate them even though i like jalen (THE POST RAMS INTERVIEW WHERE HES DEF OFF A PERC TALKING IN RHYMING COUPLETS GIGGLING AND SHIT) and aj and honestly ok saquon on the eagles is their main redeeming factor like i would be truly happy for him to win a ring i really would bears division rivals except they aren't as fun as the vikes so they get put down here. caleb williams my pookie we'll get you an oline don't you even worry about it. genuinely though i do love him like it seems like it should be such a nothing thing in the year of our lord 2025 but the fact that dudebros are still insanely homophobic about the nail polish in any given comment section makes me very proud of him for sticking with it. it looks very nice on you caleb. BEN JOHNSON WE ARE NOT ON SPEAKING TERMS (i understand this was the only logical choice for him and we're lucky to have had him this year and he's a brilliant offensive mind and i'm sure he'll do great things but TO OUR OWN DIVISION????? BEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
genuine devilry occurring here
49ers ok i have all the respect in the world for the frock warriors on this website but the 49ers do kind of disgust me as a team writ large like. watching receivers on netflix and you genuinely would not be able to tell deebo and george are on the same team bc they are straight up segregated like cmc's wedding and george's birthday party come straight out of a midsommar outtake and this is not even to mention that awful little freak nick bosa like i do hope he gets cte and it ruins his life and career heart emoji browns fuck deshaun watson im so serious until that team gets rid of him i will be praying and cheering for their downfall every single time chiefs ohh this is last because it's my boring bitch answer like the chiefs are barely fun to hate on anymore cause everyone's doing it but i do believe they have access to some dark devilish magics and i am tired of seeing taylor swift on my goddamn television. sorry women. on a realer note i am still not fond of kareem hunt like im not saying people can't grow and change esp after seven? years but he did assault a teenager on tape and i think you maybe shouldn't be allowed to sign a million dollar contract after doing that OH MY GOD AND HARRISON BUTKER. ANOTHER ABSOLUTE FREAK. FUCK THE CHIEFS SERIOUSLY
green bay
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paziffic · 2 years ago
It is absolutely hilarious to me that Ethubs, compared to other popular ships in the fan base, is by far the most NORMAL duo.
Like ok ok, looking @last-lifeduo-standing ‘s page, the most popular ships in this fandom are those with lots of like lore, fantastical elements, or idk in-universe importance or significance that makes them stand out. Does that make sense??
For example- Desert duo. Going off popular fanon interpretations, Desert duo is a pair thats the Watchers’ favorite. They are constantly being toyed with and pulled together. One of them is also a Watcher but has no control over the terrible stuff that happens to him and his friends. And remember! This is all commonly accepted fanon stuff.
Flower husbands consists of a two-time winner of the game who won by disobeying the Watchers’ rules. The other guy got some bird curse and always dies first despite his efforts.
Team Rancher, another very popular pairing kind of is treated with the same approach. It’s got Jimmy with the canary curse and Tango is now commonly headcanoned to have a curse of meaningless death (he’s been lore-ified)
Renchanting too has evo listener Martyn, and Ren who very much leans into role playing. Their character significance is quite obvious
As for Ethubs, I’ve seen next to no posts in this fandom treating them with the same specialness that is fucking hilarious. They are literally just two assholes that won fans over by pure skrunkly scrimbloness. By no means are they normal people! They are not normal they are in fact very very strange people. But in both canon and fanon interpretations they are literally just some guys. Ok Etho has a big reputation as a minecraft legend, but one by one people (Cleo, Joel) are realizing that ok he is just some guy. There is LITERALLY an arc in canon about how much of a guy he is. There is nothing special about these two and there never will be. Sure Ethubs has angst and famous moments, but are they Watchers? Cursed? Winners? No! They are just two guys who want to spend their time playing the game being mentally unwell about each other. And the fandom (me) fucking eats it up every time.
TLDR: all of the popular duos in this fandom have heavy lore elements to them because they consist of winners, or fan-appointed watchers/listeners/cursed people.
And then there’s Ethubs
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carmensandiegoconfessions · 4 months ago
i always feel like an ass when i think this and its not that big a deal, just a pet peeve that i find hard to overlook.
Some fic writers don't understand how VILE or criminal organizations in general work. VILE Isle isn't a home base everyone returns to when they don't have missions or a place where they have parties or whatever because that would create too much traffic authorities can trace. And they definitely wouldn't bring outsiders there unless they're not going to remember being there. Basically after they graduate, all the operatives would become remote workers and have safe houses in other locations that seem normal, like Cleo's chateau or her apartment.
Presumably they get paid for their missions and can live wherever, then when needed, are assigned to a location for an assignment. They don't even all do the same missions. Some are probably spies or double agents or scientists in their own right (i.e. Dash Haber).
speaking of Dash... some of them don't know what a courier is or does and think he's just Cleo's pet or something and it's both hilarious and frustrating. A courier is basically a messenger or someone who oversees the delivery of something. In both episodes he's in it shows basically that. He works with outside criminal groups to trade or negotiate trades or deals for VILE.
In the show it was over chocolate... in the real world it would probably be drugs lmao
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gummysunnybear · 1 month ago
*shaking like chihuahua on speed*
BloodySun au brainrot hours - REGRESSION EDITION
• Sun age AND pet regresses, though the latter is less apparent. Bunny & Cat vibes, but very much Teeny Kitten Aura to this.
• BM also pet regresses but it's more Wild/Feral Cat, and they always clock Sun ((and Lunar)) as Their Person or Their Kitten(s)
• Moon has witnessed on numerous erous occasions BM carrying Sun and/or Lunar by the scruff before. Sometimes they'll carry them in their bigger form, sometimes not. It's low-key hilarious bc of size differences.
• Sun struggles with syntax-to-voicebox connections when he's regressed, which causes a mild lisp at best, babbling at the mid-point, and going nonverbal at worst. No matter how good the connection is, he cannot for the life of him pronounce Blood or Bloddy, so BM has been forcibly dubbed "Buddy" or "Wed"
• Moon and Earth are the on-call caregivers as needed, although most of the time, everyone is self sufficient.
• if everyone is regressed at the same time, BM considers them Pack, and play-fights. Think Big Cat Behavior with tiny cubs.
• Lunar gets WILDLY overprotective of Sun when regressed ((be is Lil Lu + Big Sun, Big Lu + Lil Sun or Lil²)), some part of them goes "protecc the yellow one". It leads to funny and occasionally bittersweet scenarios.
• NONE of them like sudden, loud noises - Sun flinches and freezes, Lunar starts sparking, and BM immediately crouches over the closest Approved Person and hisses.
• regressed Sun has less control over his magic, which can lead to anything ranging from illusion butterflies to catching the curtains on fire. Tantrums can get dangerous without a dampener.
• BM detests baths - they will Only Allow It if it's KC overseeing OR if Sun is there.
• Sunny peeps, chirps and purrs. Has picked up on hissing on occasion.
• Cleo and Muffin both get affronted if someone regresses at home and isn't being supervised. They will both watch over the teeny person(s) until another is home, at which point, they will mosey on over, effectively go "hey, you left your kits unattended, I'm done babysitting, your turn, bye" and vanish (Cleo) or go take a nap, usually on top of Sun (Muffin)
Ya Boi in a mood today, so take these random ideas and sillies-
~ ����
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riacte · 1 year ago
Yeah yeah TNT trap but one bit of the stream that absolutely fascinated me was the neighbours solidarity between Ren Iskall and Beef. Ren and Beef freaking out over Iskall running back and targeting False if they ever let sight of him. Ren's brain having dived into a "it's us against them" mentality and being anxious around the mountain people because of course he does that, it’s his favourite hermit’s life on the line. Of course he would see as some sort of war even though nothing happened. Ren naming their voice chat group something boring and nondescript like “neighbourhood planning” so no one would join. He’s both still Ministering and keeping up with the theatrics by pretending to be in a so painfully boring meeting. Neighbourhood mafia boys trying to kill Bdubs (for False). Iskall being like lmao you guys are stupid. Lol. Anyways.
And it was so funny how when the trap was done, they were like ahhaha lol see you guys later. Or never. We never knew each other.
Which naturally freaked everyone out. And what was fucking funny is that other people like Grian, Joe, and Hypno were online and aware of the scheme. They even made references to it in chat. Grian and Joe at least were watching Ren’s stream, because of course he was streaming a top secret operation (and Beef later was like WHY ARE YOU EVEN STREAMING and Ren was like 🥺 this is why I’m a bad reaper). But I don’t think anyone snitched. Everyone acted normal, if not nosy.
The part of the stream that charmed me and gave everyone the impression of “oh, we’re REALLY in it now” was when Ren was alone in his Gigahut and someone whispered to him about Bdubs being on. And those three neighbourhood members met up in Ren’s hut and just sat there panicking and talking about Bdubs. It was so tense. They were the image of three scared whimpering people huddled together on a sofa in the relative safety of their neighbourhood (far away from Bdubs’ trap). (On a side note, I’m always glad when builds are somehow the backdrop for dramatic and tense moments because the build instantly feels lived in and the space feels used. Like there’s a core memory attached to the build now.)
And in the end, they decided to venture out to spy on Bdubs. Which they did for an hour. With spyglasses and crouching. And Ren, good old Ren, was pushed centerstage because he was the second reaper to ever exist and still hadn’t gotten a kill AND he was dead set on supporting his False, and since it was the final two, Bdubs has to go.
Watching the hermitchat go by while those three were intensely studying Bdubs like a nature documentary was hilarious. Seemingly nondescript discussions. The trio panicking and then Grian sent out “have faith”, which might be in reference to G’s own fishing thing but the trio took it as a double message for their own plan (since G was watching the stream). All the whispering. It’s killing me. And False logging on, mostly unprotected (because they were all away!!) and Cleo being like yayy I have no allegiance to False I’ll blow up whatever <3 And False saying she needed a miracle and those three were like WE ARE TRYINGGG (False was aware the three were trapping). Ren’s refusal to say something in chat because he’s a red name and he’s tense.
Ren had to be the one to activate the trap (even though Beef was the one who suggested it and Iskall laid out the redstone). SO the other two had to leave him alone while they engaged Bdubs in discussion so Ren could sneak in and blow them up. Our poor reaper had to fly solo with 2.9k people on his stream. “It’s just you and me, chat”. He’s sat there for three hours. He’s missing dinner.
AND BEEF YELLING AT REN TO ACTIVATE THE TRAP WAS SO STRESSFUL. Even when the ruse was up, and even when Beef and Iskall were like hahaha Ren you SUCK so bad, Ren continued with his last shred of hope and absolute last shred of dignity. He lied. And Beef was probably like 👀 Ren hasn’t given up yet! Gotta distract Bdubs more!
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I haven’t watched much Beef before this but now I’m quite charmed with him. He’s great with improv, fucking hilarious to bounce off with, and kept calm and steady throughout the operation. I love how him and Iskall had to hold Ren back from charging in like a madman and blowing himself up because doggy self sacrificial tendencies. Beef was the brains and common sense. And I love how supportive he was of Ren the entire time.
🥺 Beefrenskall. The trappers. The neighbours. Flying high their banner for False. Wanting to be a miracle for her. 🥺🥺🥺
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dinahblackdamncanary · 4 months ago
November 1st, Cupid's diary :
"Clawd broke up with Cleo today, although he let her tell every monster that she dumped him. Now Cleo’s dating Deuce, Clawd’s sister Clawdeen believes her brother has been “done wrong” and is very angry at Cleo, and I find this all very confusing and well… confusing. I almost shot Clawd and Cleo again but then thought better of it. Maybe just randomly picking out two monsters that seem compatible isn’t the best way to go about this. I have somehow made a mess out of something that should have been so easy. I guess this is what my father meant by “gaining experience”. Oh, and Headmistress Bloodgood wants to see me tomorrow. I can’t wait to have that conversation."
Cleo and Deuce started dating on November 1st, after Clawd broke up with Cleo. I always find 2 things hilarious. Firstly, that Clawd let Cleo tell everyone that it was her who broke up and secondly, that it worked out so well that to this day most of the Monster High fandom thinks that's what really happened 😅❤️
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thecoolerliauditore · 5 months ago
pearl needs to run away from Scott. let him GO!!! I promise Pearl, i promise, he doesn't love you. he loves the idea of you. he loves who he thinks you should be. not the real you, not the one with flaws, not the one he traumatized and broke into a million little pieces and had to learn to pick herself back up again, with the help of the very few people who would help her bandaged hands sort through those glass shards. he wouldn't help you then!! he doesnt deserve you now!!!! please girl, LEAVE HIM!!!!
and look. I know she's loyal. I know she'll probably never leave, because she loves the idea of him too, not the person he really is. she loves the memory of her best friend from a past life, not the man who would hurt her and pretends its all her fault. but. BUT hear me OUT.
gems right there. gem, who she wanted to ally with so bad last season. gem who was excited to see her, who welcomed that broken piece of her with open arms and wasn't scared when she met the scarlet pearl. gem, that killed pearl twice, that pearl was still willing to fight a final time, in what would have likely been a third death for pearl. she can go to her. she can GET OUT!!! she can get help, she just has to take that first step. she has to leave herself, but there's someone there she wanted to be friends with last season so bad, she can take that step now!
the only thing holding her back is her own loyalty. she's a dog on a leash of loyalty and now Scott and cleo have the other end. it's just a matter of if she can chew through it to run away or if it'll strangle her first
HELLO anon this is the anon ask that made me lay face up in my bed staring at the ceiling listening to when she loved she from toy story 2 on repeat fyi (it slowly morphed into nonsense speaker the rachie cover specifically over time. always been a pearl song to me but it was a bit melodramatic before this point. if it gets worse i might have to. i might)
It sucks so much it literally it literally sucks. What you said about them both loving ideas of eachother is so on point, they're both chasing something within the other that is innately self-contradictory.
Pearl wants to forgive him, but her version of "forgive" is to forgo her own feelings of spite and not challenge his view on things, which means she can never get the closure she needs to truly forgive him or get back the Scott she knew in LL.
Scott also wants Pearl back, the authentic one he knew in LL, but he also needs to whittle her down (cough) to something acceptable to him (in this case, shamed for her actions during DL) so his narrative doesn't get challenged. But that's not quite the Pearl he knew either! He can't have both a genuine connection with Pearl and have her exist solely as the concept of her he's created in his head, but he needs both and I really can't wait to see how that pans out. This paragraph is insane copium btw I do know I think you're a lot more correct than I am when you say he never actually loved her but I'm delusional. Logical side of me definitely thinks he's comfortable like this and if anyone's going to challenge this dynamic it's gonna be Pearl not Scott but what if man. What if.
Anyway I've seen so many people begging Gem to take Pearl in and I do get it I do. I personally have like one million fantasies about something like that as well. However I am calling on my Martyn Inthelittlewood clause and saying that I also do want to see Pearl deal with the consequences.
I'm so happy you said that she needs to leave herself because goddamn yes she does!! If Gem just kidnaps her that's just taking away her growth! If she does fuck off and join Joel/Gem btw this will be like. an absolutely hilarious parallel to Last Life. Fairy Fort welcome back none of us missed you. Would be fitting for this season.
The collar/leash imagery is so messed up man thanks. Reminds me of this Scott/Cleo fanart I wanted to draw at one point where they're cosplaying as Denji/Makima but in that halloween costume way where they don't know the characters or the implications. Sorry just had to throw that in there.
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moomoorare · 5 months ago
Okay guesses for what the next season will be called are always hilarious. I gotta take a shot at it too.
Here's my guesses:
- Spare life
Each session you can give your best buddy an extra life, but you'll lose all saturation so you better have food. It's a very secretive series where it's revealed all the hearts were either given to Pearl, who asks them so nicely. To Jimmy the most pathetic guy in the series who BEGS for them. Or Scar, who scams them out of their pockets with a new mechanic called "Trick Track Truck", at least that's what he calls it.
The mechanic is actually useful because the one who gains the most will be brought back to life to fight with the last remaining player.
Jimmy still loses but comes second to last. Gem wins because I want her to.
- One life
Hate this title, great because it confuses people even more with the numbering scheme. Anyways it's actually a murder mystery dinner they all have to solve. They can't really solve anything because they keep killing each other. That doesn't matter because actually they have like 15 lives, also there's a bomb. No one wins. Kidding!!! Skizz wins cus he was the one faking being shot at the murder mystery party he sat up.
-False Life.
Because I want False to be added. That's it. 🥰
-Cub Life
Or Cub. Who's a literal bear that stalks them and makes increasingly crazy ass machines to fuck with them. Also they're all A/B/O coded.
- Zombie Life
Everyone has to run from Cleo who gets massive w's and can kill them all with a stick. They actually start a cult or church for her, ran by Scar, Bdubs and Etho. Grian too bc he's always into that shit. And Gem and Pearl, because I'd like that. Cleo wins again because the others all kill themselves. Also she accidentally kills Bdubs at the start of the season after he says Yuri time for the fifth time she hangs out with the Girrlss.
-One Life for Life
the one who survives the longest has gotta then live through the season like an hardcore world, alone. It sounds sad, but actually all the dead are haunting them. Weait, oh yeah that's sad. Anyways, they win a jackpot of one million netherite scarps and nothing else. So they can say they're rich.
- Grian Life
they all look like Grian, there's two squads of either fish and bird, but they all look like him. Absolutely useless information that changes nothing.
Tagnames are not shown, theyre all numbered Grian1 through Grian17. Grian isn't even number Grian1.
They have one life. The point isn't even surviving because actually you can respawn. It's kinda like Among Us. There's an impostor and that'll be mumbo. He still loses.
- Dumb ways to die-Life
completely breaks the way it's been titled for years and they all gotta find the stupidest fucking ways to die. If you die to a creeper or fall damage you gain a life. You start with three. Goofiest ass wins this season. Fuck lore-heads.
-Run for your Life
they give /op to one player. They all don't know who. It changes each session, three times. The goal is for the all powerful god to die at least one time, but it has to be at someone else's hand, since they can't naturally die, it's a new mechanic. They can absolutely fuck with people but cannot directly kill them.
- Fuck Life
they all um. no. Well they say "fuuuck life!!!" And immediately try to die faster than anyone else to have the saddest ending. First to die is Jimmy. Poor Jimmy. Somehow he's brought back to life. He still dies right after.
That's just my thoughts after having woken up at 4 pm and going to bed at 5 am. Yeuh
So what do you think it'll be? What are your ideas for the next season?
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