#cleo was hilarious as always
elodee · 3 months
Joe Hills might be a comedic genius. The "Doc is a giant baby" defense?
Actually a surprisingly strong argument
Alas, Doc getting sentenced to sky jail is the funniest possible conclusion and therefore they stood no chance.
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cuppahoney · 1 year
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hermitcraftheadcanons · 9 months
a lighter take on a recent hc: instead of a birthday party, cleo has a deathday party. everyone wears black and dramatically wails about cleo, who is lying in a bespoke coffin trying not to laugh. gifts are tucked into the coffin with her so that she can be "buried with them". there is cake, because "it's what she would have wanted". joe always delivers hilarious but heartfelt eulogies.
Somebody always ends up tripping over Cleo's open coffin and "accidentally" dropping their cake in, so she can enjoy it too without breaking The Bit.
-Mod Mleem
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redliferiot · 1 year
life series teams i really want to see (+ explanations)
note: this is all my own opinions & ideas, I'm not making team names bc that would be too much work, also I'm only including people who have appeared in the life series so far
mumbo & scott
think of the dynamic. think of it.
i know this sounds a bit random bc they've interacted like Twice in the entire series but I genuinely think they'd have a great dynamic with each other
chill and done with everyone's bullshit + anxiety incarnate
also scott deserves a new bf
cleo & pearl
they have The Best dynamic. allies to enemies to ally enemies to ???
i ain't never seen two bloodthirsty women always one of them is killing the other (pearl quit murdering cleo challenge)
they did team up in last life but
i NEED to know their dynamic as allies when scott isn't there
team girlbosses
etho & grian
i think this team would get the reputation of being super scary and intimidating but in reality they'd both just bring out the patheticness in each other
etho's washed-upness is contagious and grian Needs to catch it
grian & bigb
cmon let them have their soulmates be bromates arc they so wanted in double life
grian & etho & bigb
honestly u can throw etho in too make them a Weird Trio with an Indescribable Dynamic
i do not know what their dynamic would be like as a trio but i do think it would be funny
ren & bdubs
hermitcraft s9 king-and-hand dynamic but make it ~life series~
they'd just hype each others energy so much
for extra fun, throw martyn in for:
ren & bdubs & martyn
idk man I just love the idea that ren declares himself king of a third server & bdubs and martyn have to endlessly compete for his favor its hilarious
jimmy & scar & skizz
team Dies First
they are not succeeding but they'd be such a fun team
tango & impulse
ik these two have teamed up before but I love their dynamic so I want them to team up again
also fun fact when I was first getting into mcyt all those years ago I kept thinking tango and impulse were the same person bc they both did redstone and their voices sounded similar to me
joel & lizzie
let them be married in game
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paziffic · 1 year
It is absolutely hilarious to me that Ethubs, compared to other popular ships in the fan base, is by far the most NORMAL duo.
Like ok ok, looking @last-lifeduo-standing ‘s page, the most popular ships in this fandom are those with lots of like lore, fantastical elements, or idk in-universe importance or significance that makes them stand out. Does that make sense??
For example- Desert duo. Going off popular fanon interpretations, Desert duo is a pair thats the Watchers’ favorite. They are constantly being toyed with and pulled together. One of them is also a Watcher but has no control over the terrible stuff that happens to him and his friends. And remember! This is all commonly accepted fanon stuff.
Flower husbands consists of a two-time winner of the game who won by disobeying the Watchers’ rules. The other guy got some bird curse and always dies first despite his efforts.
Team Rancher, another very popular pairing kind of is treated with the same approach. It’s got Jimmy with the canary curse and Tango is now commonly headcanoned to have a curse of meaningless death (he’s been lore-ified)
Renchanting too has evo listener Martyn, and Ren who very much leans into role playing. Their character significance is quite obvious
As for Ethubs, I’ve seen next to no posts in this fandom treating them with the same specialness that is fucking hilarious. They are literally just two assholes that won fans over by pure skrunkly scrimbloness. By no means are they normal people! They are not normal they are in fact very very strange people. But in both canon and fanon interpretations they are literally just some guys. Ok Etho has a big reputation as a minecraft legend, but one by one people (Cleo, Joel) are realizing that ok he is just some guy. There is LITERALLY an arc in canon about how much of a guy he is. There is nothing special about these two and there never will be. Sure Ethubs has angst and famous moments, but are they Watchers? Cursed? Winners? No! They are just two guys who want to spend their time playing the game being mentally unwell about each other. And the fandom (me) fucking eats it up every time.
TLDR: all of the popular duos in this fandom have heavy lore elements to them because they consist of winners, or fan-appointed watchers/listeners/cursed people.
And then there’s Ethubs
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riacte · 7 months
Yeah yeah TNT trap but one bit of the stream that absolutely fascinated me was the neighbours solidarity between Ren Iskall and Beef. Ren and Beef freaking out over Iskall running back and targeting False if they ever let sight of him. Ren's brain having dived into a "it's us against them" mentality and being anxious around the mountain people because of course he does that, it’s his favourite hermit’s life on the line. Of course he would see as some sort of war even though nothing happened. Ren naming their voice chat group something boring and nondescript like “neighbourhood planning” so no one would join. He’s both still Ministering and keeping up with the theatrics by pretending to be in a so painfully boring meeting. Neighbourhood mafia boys trying to kill Bdubs (for False). Iskall being like lmao you guys are stupid. Lol. Anyways.
And it was so funny how when the trap was done, they were like ahhaha lol see you guys later. Or never. We never knew each other.
Which naturally freaked everyone out. And what was fucking funny is that other people like Grian, Joe, and Hypno were online and aware of the scheme. They even made references to it in chat. Grian and Joe at least were watching Ren’s stream, because of course he was streaming a top secret operation (and Beef later was like WHY ARE YOU EVEN STREAMING and Ren was like 🥺 this is why I’m a bad reaper). But I don’t think anyone snitched. Everyone acted normal, if not nosy.
The part of the stream that charmed me and gave everyone the impression of “oh, we’re REALLY in it now” was when Ren was alone in his Gigahut and someone whispered to him about Bdubs being on. And those three neighbourhood members met up in Ren’s hut and just sat there panicking and talking about Bdubs. It was so tense. They were the image of three scared whimpering people huddled together on a sofa in the relative safety of their neighbourhood (far away from Bdubs’ trap). (On a side note, I’m always glad when builds are somehow the backdrop for dramatic and tense moments because the build instantly feels lived in and the space feels used. Like there’s a core memory attached to the build now.)
And in the end, they decided to venture out to spy on Bdubs. Which they did for an hour. With spyglasses and crouching. And Ren, good old Ren, was pushed centerstage because he was the second reaper to ever exist and still hadn’t gotten a kill AND he was dead set on supporting his False, and since it was the final two, Bdubs has to go.
Watching the hermitchat go by while those three were intensely studying Bdubs like a nature documentary was hilarious. Seemingly nondescript discussions. The trio panicking and then Grian sent out “have faith”, which might be in reference to G’s own fishing thing but the trio took it as a double message for their own plan (since G was watching the stream). All the whispering. It’s killing me. And False logging on, mostly unprotected (because they were all away!!) and Cleo being like yayy I have no allegiance to False I’ll blow up whatever <3 And False saying she needed a miracle and those three were like WE ARE TRYINGGG (False was aware the three were trapping). Ren’s refusal to say something in chat because he’s a red name and he’s tense.
Ren had to be the one to activate the trap (even though Beef was the one who suggested it and Iskall laid out the redstone). SO the other two had to leave him alone while they engaged Bdubs in discussion so Ren could sneak in and blow them up. Our poor reaper had to fly solo with 2.9k people on his stream. “It’s just you and me, chat”. He’s sat there for three hours. He’s missing dinner.
AND BEEF YELLING AT REN TO ACTIVATE THE TRAP WAS SO STRESSFUL. Even when the ruse was up, and even when Beef and Iskall were like hahaha Ren you SUCK so bad, Ren continued with his last shred of hope and absolute last shred of dignity. He lied. And Beef was probably like 👀 Ren hasn’t given up yet! Gotta distract Bdubs more!
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I haven’t watched much Beef before this but now I’m quite charmed with him. He’s great with improv, fucking hilarious to bounce off with, and kept calm and steady throughout the operation. I love how him and Iskall had to hold Ren back from charging in like a madman and blowing himself up because doggy self sacrificial tendencies. Beef was the brains and common sense. And I love how supportive he was of Ren the entire time.
🥺 Beefrenskall. The trappers. The neighbours. Flying high their banner for False. Wanting to be a miracle for her. 🥺🥺🥺
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saltygilmores · 1 month
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls-Season 3, Episode 12. "Lorelai Out Of Water" Part 1
Ladies, we have more filler. I can't complain. This episode was so easy that I watched it twice.
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Lorelai has offered her garage as rehearsal space to Hep Alien. But first! They have to clean out said garage, which they haven't attempted to enter in years. Then they debate whether or not Lorelai ever remembered to call the Garage Cleaner Uppers that one time a few years ago. Thrilling stuff! It's been a while since we've last had a sexually tense Luke vs Taylor showdown.
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Gilmore Girls is bought to you by our sponsors, Office Depot, Circuit City, and Blockbuster Video. Hold on. I'm getting word that Office Depot still exists. Really?
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Nothing to see here folks, just Rory comparing her mother to a woman famous for having sex with rockstars...then insinuating that she should sleep with Zach. I'm sorry Rory, this MILF only has eyes for one teenage boy. One who is a lot less talented than Zach.
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This is weird, but hoo boy, it's about to get weirder.
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Well well well. Who would have ever thunk that the deeply repressed Christian girl has a submssion kink? Soggy Rygalski is her Daddy ordering her around and reminding her that her drumming is inadequate. Lane personally requested that Dave verbally berate her in front of the other band members in order to...distract them? The plan is that if they see Dave treating Lane like a kicked dog, they won't realize they're crushing on each other? That's kinda messed up? This presumes that Dave and Lane are both confident that Brian and Zach will see Dave treating her like crap and have no thoughts about it except "I guess they're not smooching." Although we've yet to see if this plan, once put in motion, actually works. Anyway. Sure Lane's Dom Daddy is a lispy geek in a patterned sweater, but SaltyGilmores does not judge. It’s always the quiet ones am I right?
Seems like they’ve found a creative way to get off while staying in God's good graces. Have fun you kids.
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"Rory, this is all I have" Thanks to Rory I can cross off the "cockblocking" square from my End of Episode Bingo Card.
Rory tries to come to Lane’s defense, but since it was all just part of Lane and Soggy’s sex games it wasn’t actually necessary.
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Oh, we know why.
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From the messed up mind of AmyShermanPalladino.
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"Yes Daddy"
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SAME. Oh. She's talking about the place. The place with all the coffee. Alex's kids are named Hilary and Jeff, 6 and 9.
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Once again, Lorelai is no Miss Cleo.
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Of course she said yes. Alex is totally worth waking up at 5 am for. Back in The Hollow, Lane is chipping away at Mama to obtain permission to go to the prom and hatching another harebrained scheme to bring Soggy Rygalski into Mama's good graces, it involves a Korean wedding and Rory is invited apparently. Whatever.
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Well well well. Look who took the place of Stars Hollow Beauty Supply's worst (dead) employee. No respect for the dead, huh. Not even a little shrine or memorial plaque or photocopy of her obituary displayed on the counter. Tragic. #Honk
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Where did Lane get 40 bucks? At the Inn, Lorelai is speaking to Sookie regarding her Fishing Date Regrets.
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He sounds dreamy. Tell me more.
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And the Mid Season Temporary Love Interests just keep on comin! Now we just have to wait for Lindsay. Oh dear God. I just remembered Max comes back in this season too. And maybe even soon. Help. While Lorelai seems to have terrific chemistry with her new temporary Luke substitute (Alex), Luke's Lorelai substitutes (Rachel, Nicole) have always fallen flat and seemed dreadfully boring to me. That's probably on purpose. We're stuck with her for a while. Whatever.
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Hey look everyone. There's the baby. Where have you been, young man? I've hit my 30 screenshot maximum. Stay tuned for part 2. (As always, your comments, feedback, reblogs and tags make my day)
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dollsorwhatever · 10 months
Creeproduction Spectra
Figured this would be valuable to post here as well since these are so new lol Despite spending almost an entire day complaining about Creeproduction Spectra having the wrong head sculpt and polypropylene hair, I did actually buy her from Paulmart the day she was first listed because Spectra is one of my favorite MH characters (along with Cleo ofc, and Wydowna- please make a collector or G3 Wydowna Mattel I am begging you) and because I was curious to compare her with my original Sig Spectra that came from the very first batch and is slightly different from later batches of Sig Spectra lol Original on the left, Creepro on the right!
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Some things of note: -Can confirm she has poly hair! Appalling. I get that kanekalon is discontinued, but there are nearly identical saran matches for Spectra's original hair colors, so this was purely a result of Mattel being incredibly cheap. Mattel has recently made a pretty significant effort to make new saran batches of g3 dolls that originally had poly, so I really do not understand why they would do this for a reproduction doll that is primarily directed at adult collectors lol It's also horribly layered in a way that I find baffling? Sig Spectra has always had weird layers but the creeproduction has, like, a mullet. I'm not even bothering to style it because she's getting a reroot ASAP.
-Creepro uses the less detailed Spectra sculpt with less prominent cheekbones that was introduced with the final batch of Signature Spectra and used for most of her subsequent dolls until 13 Wishes. It also sits a lot lower on the neck than the original sculpt, which is why she looks slightly less relaxed than my original.
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I honestly hate that they chose to reproduce this sculpt instead of the original (her HC doll also lacks cheekbones btw) and she would have been lesser compared to my original even if she didn't have poly. Spectra's original sculpt is one of my favorite MH heads they've ever done so it's pretty annoying to see them using the simplified version for her new dolls, especially considering they made switch in the first place because corporate allegedly thought the original was "too scary" for children. Despite my disappointment at her lack of cheekbones, I do actually really like her face and I find it a little hilarious that I managed to get such a good one after all the complaining I did lol
-While Creepro Spectra has a shorter neck than her original doll, she has a longer neck than the other Creeproductions; this is because the other Creeproductions (both waves) have shorter necks than their original dolls, but Spectra's original doll already had a much longer neck than the other characters. I guess she had some extra neck to spare compared to the rest lol (it's more accurate to say that the neck length is still the same, but all of their heads sit lower on the neck knob than their original dolls for some reason) -Her screening is mostly based on the version used for the late batch of Sig Spectra, but interestingly has a side glance! The only other version of Sig Spectra with a side glance is a variant from her second or third batch (with cheekbones) so it's interesting that they chose a side glance for the reproduction.
-Her earrings match the first batch Spectra (black chains instead of silver like subsequent batches), but the rest of her outfit is more reminiscent of the batches that came after. For example the belt on the first batch is much more simple than the one used on later batches, and the creepro comes with the more detailed belt. -Skirt is slightly shorter and her boots are also darker (improvements imo) -The silver necklace and bracelet shackle are made of a much more transparent plastic than the original (not an improvement) -Her top is mostly the same but the construction is slightly less fitted and the pleather feels a bit cheaper.
As much as I actually sincerely like her, I think it's overall a mixed bag; the poly is the worst part imo. I can look past the sculpt being wrong because she is really gorgeous despite that, but it's unacceptable for any doll to be rooted with polypropylene, and especially not a reproduction. And I can't help but think about how amazing she would have been with her original sculpt. Luckily I can reroot and I look forward to giving her knee length saran hair..... but I shouldn't have to do that! According to the retailer who first got these, they will get a wide release on Amazon exclusively in April of 2024 and he only managed to get them directly from Mattel because they hadn't decided to make them Amazon exclusives until after he ordered stock. So keep an eye on Amazon in a few months! Also according to a very reliable inside source on Reddit, there will also be a new batch of wave 1 Creeproductions in 2024 as well!
Don't buy from scalpers!
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ahllohehn · 3 months
I headcanon Cleo as the oracle but not just because she’s a red head artist like Rachel Elizabeth dare 
But also because i think the idea of her having to have someone fallow her with a mattress or hand to catch her after she’s done with the prophecy is hilarious 
because I’m imagining that it’s a mandatory job that all campers have to do in shifts and Martyn hates it 
without fail he is always a no show when it’s his turn and he is downright shameless in his blatant ditching 
on the one and only occasion he did show she actually had a prophecy and he didn’t even try to catch her but he came up with a good excuse to get out of trouble 
after that day Cleo loathed him and petitioned for him to never be allowed to have oracle duty again at this point the counselors were ready to give up trying to get martyn to show and cleos word was the last nail in the coffin and as you can imagine martyn was ok with the arrangement
And So martyn won the battle but Cleo would not let him win the war because she would not let that slip( if she was a demigod her mom would totally be nemesis)
The only reason Martyn can get away with messing with Apollos oracle without getting obligated in retaliation is because martyn would be an Apollo kid
That was quite the read /pos
Cleo and Martyn beef will never not be funny
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mama-frog · 10 months
Session 7 Brainrot
I have so much to say about what happened this session so I'm gonna categorize this by person.
Gem: I find it incredibly interesting that she was the person given this task. A) Because she is the one the only Geminislay, B) Because she is like fresh meat to the watchers, C) Because of the infection she is already going through. The darkness spreading across her body probably made her more susceptible to the curse at first than anyone else on the server. She's such a strong player overall and the fact that she had a whole army behind her is terrifying.
Grian: The fact that he didn't get caught by the zombies says a lot about him. He's very good at running and hiding (especially from watcher stuff). I also want to point out WHERE he hid in the end of the session. The pesky bird went into a comfort nest. Definitely unintentional but definitely fun to think about.
Scott: Scott and Gem are, in my opinion, some of the smartest people on the server, so the fact that he didn't get caught doesn't surprise me and surprises me at the same time. Everytime Scott got boogey in a previous death game he did it in a way that was unsatisfactory for the watchers (Not actually killing and killing as soon as possible so the others weren't brewing up a pot of tasty negative emotions). He felt betrayed when Gem finally started to go after him (Even though she didn't go completely nuts until she turned red) and he has such a strong sense of loyalty to his allies. There's also some juxtaposition of him hiding underground while Grian hid in the air.
Martyn: Even though it was on a technicality, I think it's interesting that he was the only one not allowed to be infected. It's as if the watchers know that his chaos is secured and are trying to get the others in line with what they want to see. Also, he's just so damn good at being a red name, I feel like he's the only person to do it correctly in this series. I also feel like he was cheated out of his revenge plot on everyone else on the server because of the curse which might've been intentional on the Watcher's end.
Cleo: She is an icon and she IS the moment. I just love the irony of her being a zombie and not getting infected by the curse. I feel like her closeness to players like Martyn and Scott helped her in her ability to avoid the curse for so long. She's very smart with her allies this season.
Pearl: I'm terrified of how quick Pearl is to go insane when given the chance. Especially when it comes to her dogs. Tilly is always in her heart. This woman was YELLOW and decided on her own to bring up a warden when there already was one. And her gear is so well enchanted. She has learned a lot from previous seasons but she has also lost a bit of her sanity (Especially from double life). What a woman.
Joel: I don't know why he thought spawning 64 zombies so close to him and not on the others was a good idea, but man was it good comedy. Once he became a boogey he played really well though. He's so perfectly unhinged and after Lizzie dying he has very good reason to go insane on everyone else (The spine bit was cruel and unusual punishment). Underrated POV in my opinion.
Scar: Unhinged
Etho: Ok this part hinges on my theory that endermen are creatures created by the Watchers to interfere with the games. I fully believe that the watchers hated Etho being green so badly that they personally interfered to take him to yellow. The betrayal of your own tool killing you is a tasty snack for the watchers to enjoy. (Definitely not just Etho being washed up). Also the way he is so incredibly loyal to his team members even after being cursed. He's just a stand up guy.
Impulse: I just love the way him and Gem interact. He's like a proud dad whenever she does anything. That's it.
BDubs: I cackled when he got killed by a zombie again. Gem is hilarious for that. He did about as good as I expected under the curse. I do love all his interactions with Etho more than anything else. Those two are such unofficial soulmates (in a non-ship way).
Skizz: A true light on the server. All the better for the Watchers when he gets corrupted by the curse. He deserved to be mean after the heart got burned down.
Tango: This man's rage is so interesting. The way that it gets triggered most when people mess with his base is something I think could be explored (the ranch in double life, the ties base in limited life, and now the heart foundation).
Overall I have a lot of emotions about this last session
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syn4k · 11 months
list of hermits and empires characters who would do drugs and/or smoke cigarettes, ranked from most to least likely
that hermpires chainsmoker poll thats been going around kickstarted a discussion in my discord so i'm compiling the ideas here because honestly its hilarious
list under the cut. warning for... discussion of drugs and cigarettes. obviously
Fwhip: Definitely a chain smoker. Always has a pack in his pocket.
Iskall: that man's radioactive. she does not fear cigarettes. smokes regularly and is not bothered by it.
Cub: does so many weird drugs. high off something or other almost if not constantly i think
Ren: doesn't smoke but has the best weed on hermitcraft and you KNOW he uses it often
False: not exactly a chain smoker but smokes pretty often i think
Wels: maintains that he does NOT do anything of that sort thank you very much. Actually does. inhaling anything destroys him but he likes the taste and the high so he keeps going
Hypno: smokes everything but is pretty chill about it
Beef: also smokes everything and is even more chill about it
Stress: smokes poisonous mushrooms and is entirely unaffected.
Zedaph: definitely does some sort of drugs
Pearl: has a cigarette every now and then
Pix: also has a cigarette every now and then, not really his thing but he'll take one if offered (for esmp s1: i hold that pixandria has at least one hallucogenic that they keep for spiritual purposes but as the resident pixlriffs expert i also hold that pix got really stressed once, horfed an edible out of sheer desperation, and zoned back in in the middle of the night floating on his back in the river anxious out of his shit. he never touched anything of the sort ever again)
Joe: smokes only weed but does not smoke it often, only sometimes when offered
Katherine: smokes weed
Cleo: was a chainsmoker before s2, after that they got their act together
Impulse: not affected at all by anything (weed fumes give him slight headaches) and only does it when everyone else does because why not.
Bdubs: doesn't smoke (takes edibles very rarely) but rolls the best blunts
Lizzie: partakes sometimes but doesn't care for it
Joey: does drugs and smokes cigarettes in the presence of others just to look cool but actually gives zero shits about them
Xornoth: is always so smug about the fact that they smoke what they call "Evil Weed". fwhip steals some and tries it and it's literally just normal grass.
Mumbo: only smokes cigarettes and only when iskall's around. too anxious for drugs- tried weed once and saw the hat man and was shaking for three hours ljke a small dog afterwards
Joel: doesn't give two shits
Grian: nah
Hels: not interested
Sausage: can handle it pretty fine but stopped after he and joel had hermes because he didn't want to set a bad example for his kid
Scott: definitely some sort of drug dealer but i don't think he ever. does them himself?
Gem: doesn't because of concerns for her health, however in esmp s1 she smoked wizard weed (like gandalf) when the academy's paperwork piled too high for her to handle without help
Shelby: smoked weed but it made her really sick and after Katherine got mad at her for it she stopped. she's actually completely fine when it comes to everything else but she swore off trying so she never knew
Evil Xisuma: never did drugs or vaped with nicotine because the things they learned about addiction at school kept them up at night however they did vape water vapour.
Xisuma: has asthma
Jimmy: would quite literally die. Mans gets nauseous if there's a whiff of weed in the room he's in.
Jevin: eats cigarettes just to piss everybody off
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thatstoomanysausages · 2 months
2 give us ethubs 🔥🔥
Oh my god that’s hilarious (Just believe that I definitely made it for you‼️‼️) 😭😭😭 and OKAY I WILL TRY‼️‼️‼️
Love is failing these mfs 👍 (Tomodachi Life)
- TO THE REQUEST OF THOUSANDS (one (singular))
- ‼️‼️‼️
- I walk into Scar’s apartment and him and Grian are making googoo eyes at each other🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
- They caught me and shat themselves😭
- Tango is still horribly depressed btw
- A truffle cured his woes👍
- Gave Joe a ballerina dress and he loves it😍😍
- DOUBLE??????
- What’s worse here?
- Cause these are both incredible
- Mmmmmmmmm
- I think Skizz is a good choice personally
- I’m making X give Skizz a glass slipper
- Cinderella headass😭😭😭🏳️‍🌈
- On the beach FOR SURREEEE
- That’s a big ass slipper😭😭😭
- NO
- NO
- “I’m sorry”
- Impulse introducing Mumbo to Martyn??? Ahusbands👀👀👀👀
- They talked about love😍😍
- Lizzie meeting someone on the roof???
- It’s Mumbo😭😭😭😭
- Why???😭😭😭
- “The building needs someone to clean the drains. I already recommended you.” HUHHH😭
- Skizz: “I always lose things and then forget what I lost”
- Pearl and Joe are fighting
- These bitches have too much drama
- And it’s over😭
- Shallow asses😭😭😭
- “General community atmosphere: reckless” 😭😭 PLEASE
- Grian: “I think Joe needs a special someone, how about setting him up with Skizz?”
- Yeah okay sure let’s go watch Skizz break another fuckinf heart
- Toxic bitch x toxic bitch
- This montage is so funny😭😭
- Grian’s fucking disguises😭😭😭
- They were having fun and Grian goes “they didn’t get on well together” HUH ⁉️⁉️
- Damn aroace Skizz and Joe?? Maybe they’re just straight😭😭😭
- Yay BigB and Tango friends‼️‼️ Love island reuniting
- Skizz is having a sailor moon dream…
- He is quickly becoming my least favourite mii 😍 (jk❤️)
- Skizz “Why would Grian… want me to go out with… Joe?”
- I said they’re a match
- Damn I just realised Skizz might go out with Joe, the person who rejected (ghosted) Tango. And who’s Skizz’s bestie??? TANGO‼️ drama
- If anyone ever says that tomodachi life is boring needs to reevaluate that
- Scar: “me and Martyn might not get along, what do you think of me and Martyn”
- Context: they’re besties atm
- Imma stir things up
- ‘Nothing special’
- “Oh really, then we should try to get closer somehow”
- oh
- I thought they were gonna have a dramatic friendship breakup☹️
- Scar: “I’m not a fast runner”😨😨😨😨😨😨😨
- Life imitates art ig😭😭😭😭
- Bdubs: “look inside me head”
- And there is absolutely fuck all in there😭😭
- “This is the sort of thing I think about”😭😭
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iridescentis · 11 months
In honour of the new series, here is a final 'teams wheel spin'! I added everyone from the past wheel plus Gem!
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Team 1: Tango, Pearl, Joel, Scar Honestly, I am totally here for this absolute chaos, Joel + Scar is always dangerous combination, I think Tango could easily go full crazy in a group like this and we all know Pearl's affinity for madness, I would love this team!
Team 2: Jimmy, Skizz, Etho Absolutely! I haven't really watched much of the streams but I've heard the Jimmy and Skizz stream together a lot? So I'm guessing they have a fun dynamic, and adding Etho to that would be lovely!
Team 3: Cleo, Martyn, Gem, Grian This might be one of my favourite randomised teams so far! Of course Cleo and Martyn are always hilarious, but I think all of them are just so much fun together, I think they would all fit in really well.
Team 4: Ren, Scott I kept these two a duo because the potential. The lore potential. Scott going from teaming with Martyn to teaming with Ren?? I would love this.
Team 5: Bdubs, Impulse, BigB Well, double life was lovely with these Impulse and Bdubs, I would be happy to see it again, and BigB is always a delight with anyone I think he fits easily into any group so I think this team could actually win potentially? Maybe an unsuspected winner :) Overall, I think these teams are actually pretty realistic? Team 1 and Team 4 are something new I think but not too random, I can see all of these people gravitating to each other
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liauditore · 1 year
cleo/martyn for shipping bingo?
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when i say criminally underrated i mean CRIMINALLY underrated ok. unhinged rambling under the cut
like every fictional character and real person in the world is marina and the diamonds oh no coded but these two are literally this song so much im gonna throw up
One track mind, one track heart If I fail, I'll fall apart Maybe it is all a test 'Cause, I feel like I'm the worst So I always act like I'm the best
they mirror each other so perfectly. they're both deeply insecure people who desperately want to be strong for themselves and those around them, but they dig their own graves doing that by refusing to be vulnerable and only pushing people close to them away.
in my mind they both see the worst parts of themselves in the other person because they're so similar internally, despite having wildly different personalities.
I know exactly what I want and who I want to be I know exactly why I walk and talk like a machine I'm now becoming my own self-fulfilled prophecy Oh! Oh, no! Oh, no! Oh, no, oh!
they both have an ego and a malice that gets them antagonized by the rest of the server which is 100% their fault, and they both pretend they don't care when really both of them yearn for someone, Anyone to see how much they're hurting (but they'd never admit to it).
You type out your bias on me it’s all nitpicks and paying no mind to be so sadistic They pin on the thorns make her maleficent In bloom the rose made a perfect fit He drowns out the crowd that throws a burdened fit They blow up the sound regardless to admit They’re stabbing a knife and quote without a wit “Bet it’s no strife, no it’s just the tip”
(^telecaster b-boy lyrics cus that song changed my life but also it reminds me of them)
Just.. that one clip of Cleo admitting she's a rubbish fighter and saying that she would only drag Martyn down to which Martyn immediately responds that he doesn't care and thinks she's great company. Or any number of the times Martyn offers some dumb surface-level act of servitude towards Cleo because he doesn't know how to just be vulnerable and admit he wants some form of acknowledgement.
They keep testing the waters with eachother but one always backs out when it starts getting too real. They both just want love but their egos won't let them admit it.
Cleo has this magical ability to divorce men she's never dated and I love her for it.
OFC all this aside they're also just both so losercore and dumb and divorced and martyn being The Most Pathetic Man Ever with trying to court cleo is hilarious to watch and also bdubs ships them and I agree with everything bdubs says.
also uh i think ren should join them in the middle idk
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
I'm re-reading Jevin's Egg Disaster and Attempty Number Thirty-Three and the only thing I can think of is
Cleo 🤝 Joe
Says "it's fine" when it's not
I’ve always been curious which one of them picked it up from the other because it’s a thing they both do in like, the same intonation, so they PROBABLY both do it because they talk to each other so much. (“It’s fine. It’s fine.”) either way its hilariously consistent that at least one of them will say it when it’s absolutely not fine,
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devilart2199-aibi · 2 years
idk bdubs and etho can be fun but personally im hoping for a new etho collab. etho and joel was so fun and fresh
you can always expect bdubs to cling to etho regardless but i'd love to see etho with someone else for a change!
Understandable! I'm just a big fan of their banter 😅 whatever happens I'll enjoy it 😊
This is an opportunity for them to associate with other people so might as well try to! The Boat Boys team was so fun. Honestly I'd love to see Bdubs and Joel as a team, that would be hilarious. Before I've said Scott and Etho 🤔 but, hmm... him with Cleo or Ren would be fun too.
Here's some old wishes, including peeps I wish they'd add! ^^
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