#cleaning unhealthy
colfy-wolfy · 17 days
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hello again I'm insane. I will never not love drawing slugcats hugging and cuddling. but my md hyperfixation hasn't stopped yet so it's nuziv
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previous // T$$ AU Masterlist
(both characters use he/him)
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yandere-daydreams · 4 months
I'm a big promoter of making what you want to see, I know everyone isn't "naturally gifted", but you can build skill with study and practice.
You wanna see a fic for something niche? Write it! You wanna see a yandere fic for this one character who doesn't have yandere? Write it! You wanna see something cute and fluffy? Write it!
I know that having to write what you want to read can suck, but if you stick with it long enough, you'll start to see other people come out of the woodwork too and I think that's the best part.
exactly!!! i think fandom in it's best form is just kinda one big group project where everyone contributes something to the collective conversation, so it's very counter-intuitive to try and pick on the people who are doing their best to make more of the things they love when you yourself are simply. not. i get that not everyone has time to write and draw for pleasure, but if you're going to bitch about what other people do contribute, you really have to be adding something yourself. if you think there are too many dead dove fics, block the tags/authors and write some fluff. absolutely curate your own experience, but don't try to curate everyone's unless you want fan-spaces to die out entirely.
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trickstergoddess28 · 13 hours
Hating Sylvie shouldn’t mean defending the TVA. I’ve seen so many people make really good takes about Sylvie and why she’s a terrible person….until they start simping for the TVA simply because Larry The TVA Loki variant does, and saying “LoKi iS rIgHt1!1! Le TvA aRe Le GoOd GuYs aNd WaNt tO sAvE eVeRyOnE, aCtUaLlY1!1!” No, you can acknowledge both Sylvie and the TVA are all pieces of shit, are not “heroes”, and deserve zero sympathy.
I will never sympathize with Sylvie nor the so-called “Heroes” (as some of you people so self assuredly put it) of the TVA. They all fucking suck.
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trollbreak · 4 months
Ouhhhhhhhh the imagery of ripping out your own heart to present it to someone with shaking hands as blood soaks your clothes and stains the floor
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zilodak · 7 months
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gotham-response · 10 months
Day 3 of the city-wide recall on all hygiene products (it's the classic Willy Wonka scenario, except the chocolate bars are toiletries and the golden tickets are joker toxin). I have become completely desensitized to body odor, but my acne's never been worse
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carlyraejepsans · 7 months
"you'd think people from the minority with a specific slang word for "young, skinny, clean-shaven effeminate man" would be a little less clueless about this stuff, but you know... gay terminology only exists for online jokes right? LOL"
what do you people think a twink is
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miserye · 2 days
it's that season again for my hands
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lilacs-echoing · 1 month
can i just say how absolutely sick of self harm culture i am. legitimately. going on twitter and finding people who just. Post their cuts all day. I really do hope you folks find things that make you happy and fulfilled and keep your bodies safe but in the meantime there is becoming such an incessant need to share and glorify your self harm with everyone that just bothers me to no end
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yourfavepookiebear · 6 months
I vacuumed the WHOLE house today. My room, the hallway, the entrance, the exit, my mom's room, the living room, the kitchen etc !!!!!
It's the only chore I take pleasure in doing because I just LOVE vacuum cleaners !
A few days ago when I was at my aunt's house she was cleaning her house and I actually had to bite my lip to stop myself from offering to vacuum the whole house for her ! IM SAYING THIS SERIOUSLY
That's just how much I love vacuuming ! VACUUMING SUPREMACY
whenever someone talks about vacuum cleaners I feel hungry, strangely enough.
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tamagotchikgs · 3 months
every once in awhile im forced 2 the realization that i will never have a healthy relationship w food and i do not like that i will shut it right back away as fast as i can
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mahikamihan · 6 months
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I Am Deceased.
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cottoncandylesbo · 1 year
being bipolar usually sucks hugely except for when you have a three hour cleanup session where everything gets done right after the biggest breakdown of your life
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suedemotion · 4 days
my eyes are getting better, my hair is getting longer, body getting stronger. and i haven't even completely divorced my mom yet. i can't imagine how stress-free and healthy i will be when i can finally put some real space between us.
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caffeinatedopossum · 9 months
I wish someone would talk to me, everyone I know is either asleep while I'm awake, always busy, or honestly just really depressing/triggering to talk to (though I feel bad saying it)
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