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A Guide to Historically Accurate Regency-Era Names
I recently received a message from a historical romance writer asking if I knew any good resources for finding historically accurate Regency-era names for their characters.
Not knowing any off the top of my head, I dug around online a bit and found there really isn’t much out there. The vast majority of search results were Buzzfeed-style listicles which range from accurate-adjacent to really, really, really bad.
I did find a few blog posts with fairly decent name lists, but noticed that even these have very little indication as to each name’s relative popularity as those statistical breakdowns really don't exist.
I began writing up a response with this information, but then I (being a research addict who was currently snowed in after a blizzard) thought hey - if there aren’t any good resources out there why not make one myself?
As I lacked any compiled data to work from, I had to do my own data wrangling on this project. Due to this fact, I limited the scope to what I thought would be the most useful for writers who focus on this era, namely - people of a marriageable age living in the wealthiest areas of London.
So with this in mind - I went through period records and compiled the names of 25,000 couples who were married in the City of Westminster (which includes Mayfair, St. James and Hyde Park) between 1804 to 1821.
So let’s see what all that data tells us…
To begin - I think it’s hard for us in the modern world with our wide and varied abundance of first names to conceive of just how POPULAR popular names of the past were.
If you were to take a modern sample of 25-year-old (born in 1998) American women, the most common name would be Emily with 1.35% of the total population. If you were to add the next four most popular names (Hannah, Samantha, Sarah and Ashley) these top five names would bring you to 5.5% of the total population. (source: Social Security Administration)
If you were to do the same survey in Regency London - the most common name would be Mary with 19.2% of the population. Add the next four most popular names (Elizabeth, Ann, Sarah and Jane) and with just 5 names you would have covered 62% of all women.
To hit 62% of the population in the modern survey it would take the top 400 names.
The top five Regency men’s names (John, William, Thomas, James and George) have nearly identical statistics as the women’s names.
I struggled for the better part of a week with how to present my findings, as a big list in alphabetical order really fails to get across the popularity factor and also isn’t the most tumblr-compatible format. And then my YouTube homepage recommended a random video of someone ranking all the books they’d read last year - and so I present…
The Regency Name Popularity Tier List
The Tiers
S+ - 10% of the population or greater. There is no modern equivalent to this level of popularity. 52% of the population had one of these 7 names.
S - 2-10%. There is still no modern equivalent to this level of popularity. Names in this percentage range in the past have included Mary and William in the 1880s and Jennifer in the late 1970s (topped out at 4%).
A - 1-2%. The top five modern names usually fall in this range. Kids with these names would probably include their last initial in class to avoid confusion. (1998 examples: Emily, Sarah, Ashley, Michael, Christopher, Brandon.)
B - .3-1%. Very common names. Would fall in the top 50 modern names. You would most likely know at least 1 person with these names. (1998 examples: Jessica, Megan, Allison, Justin, Ryan, Eric)
C - .17-.3%. Common names. Would fall in the modern top 100. You would probably know someone with these names, or at least know of them. (1998 examples: Chloe, Grace, Vanessa, Sean, Spencer, Seth)
D - .06-.17%. Less common names. In the modern top 250. You may not personally know someone with these names, but you’re aware of them. (1998 examples: Faith, Cassidy, Summer, Griffin, Dustin, Colby)
E - .02-.06%. Uncommon names. You’re aware these are names, but they are not common. Unusual enough they may be remarked upon. (1998 examples: Calista, Skye, Precious, Fabian, Justice, Lorenzo)
F - .01-.02%. Rare names. You may have heard of these names, but you probably don’t know anyone with one. Extremely unusual, and would likely be remarked upon. (1998 examples: Emerald, Lourdes, Serenity, Dario, Tavian, Adonis)
G - Very rare names. There are only a handful of people with these names in the entire country. You’ve never met anyone with this name.
H - Virtually non-existent. Names that theoretically could have existed in the Regency period (their original source pre-dates the early 19th century) but I found fewer than five (and often no) period examples of them being used in Regency England. (Example names taken from romance novels and online Regency name lists.)
Just to once again reinforce how POPULAR popular names were before we get to the tier lists - statistically, in a ballroom of 100 people in Regency London: 80 would have names from tiers S+/S. An additional 15 people would have names from tiers A/B and C. 4 of the remaining 5 would have names from D/E. Only one would have a name from below tier E.
Women's Names
S+ Mary, Elizabeth, Ann, Sarah
S - Jane, Mary Ann+, Hannah, Susannah, Margaret, Catherine, Martha, Charlotte, Maria
A - Frances, Harriet, Sophia, Eleanor, Rebecca
B - Alice, Amelia, Bridget~, Caroline, Eliza, Esther, Isabella, Louisa, Lucy, Lydia, Phoebe, Rachel, Susan
C - Ellen, Fanny*, Grace, Henrietta, Hester, Jemima, Matilda, Priscilla
D - Abigail, Agnes, Amy, Augusta, Barbara, Betsy*, Betty*, Cecilia, Christiana, Clarissa, Deborah, Diana, Dinah, Dorothy, Emily, Emma, Georgiana, Helen, Janet^, Joanna, Johanna, Judith, Julia, Kezia, Kitty*, Letitia, Nancy*, Ruth, Winifred>
E - Arabella, Celia, Charity, Clara, Cordelia, Dorcas, Eve, Georgina, Honor, Honora, Jennet^, Jessie*^, Joan, Joyce, Juliana, Juliet, Lavinia, Leah, Margery, Marian, Marianne, Marie, Mercy, Miriam, Naomi, Patience, Penelope, Philadelphia, Phillis, Prudence, Rhoda, Rosanna, Rose, Rosetta, Rosina, Sabina, Selina, Sylvia, Theodosia, Theresa
F - (selected) Alicia, Bethia, Euphemia, Frederica, Helena, Leonora, Mariana, Millicent, Mirah, Olivia, Philippa, Rosamund, Sybella, Tabitha, Temperance, Theophila, Thomasin, Tryphena, Ursula, Virtue, Wilhelmina
G - (selected) Adelaide, Alethia, Angelina, Cassandra, Cherry, Constance, Delilah, Dorinda, Drusilla, Eva, Happy, Jessica, Josephine, Laura, Minerva, Octavia, Parthenia, Theodora, Violet, Zipporah
H - Alberta, Alexandra, Amber, Ashley, Calliope, Calpurnia, Chloe, Cressida, Cynthia, Daisy, Daphne, Elaine, Eloise, Estella, Lilian, Lilias, Francesca, Gabriella, Genevieve, Gwendoline, Hermione, Hyacinth, Inez, Iris, Kathleen, Madeline, Maude, Melody, Portia, Seabright, Seraphina, Sienna, Verity
Men's Names
S+ John, William, Thomas
S - James, George, Joseph, Richard, Robert, Charles, Henry, Edward, Samuel
A - Benjamin, (Mother’s/Grandmother’s maiden name used as first name)#
B - Alexander^, Andrew, Daniel, David>, Edmund, Francis, Frederick, Isaac, Matthew, Michael, Patrick~, Peter, Philip, Stephen, Timothy
C - Abraham, Anthony, Christopher, Hugh>, Jeremiah, Jonathan, Nathaniel, Walter
D - Adam, Arthur, Bartholomew, Cornelius, Dennis, Evan>, Jacob, Job, Josiah, Joshua, Lawrence, Lewis, Luke, Mark, Martin, Moses, Nicholas, Owen>, Paul, Ralph, Simon
E - Aaron, Alfred, Allen, Ambrose, Amos, Archibald, Augustin, Augustus, Barnard, Barney, Bernard, Bryan, Caleb, Christian, Clement, Colin, Duncan^, Ebenezer, Edwin, Emanuel, Felix, Gabriel, Gerard, Gilbert, Giles, Griffith, Harry*, Herbert, Humphrey, Israel, Jabez, Jesse, Joel, Jonas, Lancelot, Matthias, Maurice, Miles, Oliver, Rees, Reuben, Roger, Rowland, Solomon, Theophilus, Valentine, Zachariah
F - (selected) Abel, Barnabus, Benedict, Connor, Elijah, Ernest, Gideon, Godfrey, Gregory, Hector, Horace, Horatio, Isaiah, Jasper, Levi, Marmaduke, Noah, Percival, Shadrach, Vincent
G - (selected) Albion, Darius, Christmas, Cleophas, Enoch, Ethelbert, Gavin, Griffin, Hercules, Hugo, Innocent, Justin, Maximilian, Methuselah, Peregrine, Phineas, Roland, Sebastian, Sylvester, Theodore, Titus, Zephaniah
H - Albinus, Americus, Cassian, Dominic, Eric, Milo, Rollo, Trevor, Tristan, Waldo, Xavier
# Men were sometimes given a family surname (most often their mother's or grandmother's maiden name) as their first name - the most famous example of this being Fitzwilliam Darcy. If you were to combine all surname-based first names as a single 'name' this is where the practice would rank.
*Rank as a given name, not a nickname
+If you count Mary Ann as a separate name from Mary - Mary would remain in S+ even without the Mary Anns included
~Primarily used by people of Irish descent
^Primarily used by people of Scottish descent
>Primarily used by people of Welsh descent
I was going to continue on and write about why Regency-era first names were so uniform, discuss historically accurate surnames, nicknames, and include a little guide to finding 'unique' names that are still historically accurate - but this post is already very, very long, so that will have to wait for a later date.
If anyone has any questions/comments/clarifications in the meantime feel free to message me.
Methodology notes: All data is from marriage records covering six parishes in the City of Westminster between 1804 and 1821. The total sample size was 50,950 individuals.
I chose marriage records rather than births/baptisms as I wanted to focus on individuals who were adults during the Regency era rather than newborns. I think many people make the mistake when researching historical names by using baby name data for the year their story takes place rather than 20 to 30 years prior, and I wanted to avoid that. If you are writing a story that takes place in 1930 you don’t want to research the top names for 1930, you need to be looking at 1910 or earlier if you are naming adult characters.
I combined (for my own sanity) names that are pronounced identically but have minor spelling differences: i.e. the data for Catherine also includes Catharines and Katherines, Susannah includes Susannas, Phoebe includes Phebes, etc.
The compound 'Mother's/Grandmother's maiden name used as first name' designation is an educated guesstimate based on what I recognized as known surnames, as I do not hate myself enough to go through 25,000+ individuals and confirm their mother's maiden names. So if the tally includes any individuals who just happened to be named Fitzroy/Hastings/Townsend/etc. because their parents liked the sound of it and not due to any familial relations - my bad.
I did a small comparative survey of 5,000 individuals in several rural communities in Rutland and Staffordshire (chosen because they had the cleanest data I could find and I was lazy) to see if there were any significant differences between urban and rural naming practices and found the results to be very similar. The most noticeable difference I observed was that the S+ tier names were even MORE popular in rural areas than in London. In Rutland between 1810 and 1820 Elizabeths comprised 21.4% of all brides vs. 15.3% in the London survey. All other S+ names also saw increases of between 1% and 6%. I also observed that the rural communities I surveyed saw a small, but noticeable and fairly consistent, increase in the use of names with Biblical origins.
Sources of the records I used for my survey:
Ancestry.com. England & Wales Marriages, 1538-1988 [database on-line].
Ancestry.com. Westminster, London, England, Church of England Marriages and Banns, 1754-1935 [database on-line].
#history#regency#1800s#1810s#names#london#writing resources#regency romance#jane austen#bridgerton#bridgerton would be an exponentially better show if daphne's name was dorcas#behold - the reason i haven't posted in three weeks
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౨ৎ class 1-a & class 1-b boys x masc/fem!reader
[fan favorites only]
wordcount ; 893
paragraphs ; 41
sentences ; 53
songs used ; songs listed by each character.
all of them are their canon ages (24+)
# TENYA IIDA [ blame by bryson tiller ]
Tenya doesn’t care what position you two start off in, as long as he’s able to get inside you and hear your moans, then he’s sated. Unfortunately, though, our glorious king, Tenya Iida, cannot last long in any position where he can't see your face. That man NEEDS to see your face; he’s absolutely addicted to seeing your every reaction, especially when he goes deep, sound is not enough. He loves having you in the eagle position, don't even try hiding your face in the pillows.
“I wanna see your face, please.”
# DENKI KAMINARI. [ let em' know by bryson tiller ]
Desperate. That’s the only word I have for this motherfucker. Wanna have sex? He’s down. In doggystyle? Even better. Trust he’s losing his mind as soon as he sees you bend over; expect to have your hair pulled and your shoulders marked with bite marks at the end.
“Look at my little masterpieces.”
# EIJIRO KIRISHIMA [ gang over luv by brent faiyaz ]
As gentlemanly as he is, he’s far from a gentleman in the bedroom; in fact, his favorite position is low doggy. Simply because he can push your face into the mattress and go ham. You want to try and crawl away? Nah baby, he’s grabbing BOTH your arms and locking your ass down; you aren’t running until you’re both finished and he’s tired.
“Why are you moving? Cmere baby.”
# RIKIDO SATO [ ballin by partynextdoor ]
Lethal. He’s strong as fuck, so you better expect to have your pussy absolutely obliterated after a couple of deep strokes, but just like Iida, he needs to see your face to cum, and he's not pulling out either. His favorite position to put you in is young stallion.
That's exactly why y'all have five kids.
“A few more won’t hurt, baby.”
# HANTA SERO [ things & such b partynextdoor ]
The moment you mention wanting to have sex, you don’t even need to move to the bedroom, he loves fucking your brains out on the couch anyway, locking one of your legs over his shoulder while his hands hold your other leg down to keep your legs open so he can watch himself going in and out, your hands WILL BE TIED. Sero is obsessed with watching your breasts bounce to, it drives him insane and makes him finish in a matter of minutes, and he’s not stopping even after cumming first.
The messier the better.
“Look at you sucking me in, goddamn.”
# SHOTO TODOROKI [ jaded by drake ]
Probably the calmest man you know outside the bedroom, but when you’re both in the mood? Your back will be hurting. He loves seeing your back arched; if he goes too deep and you ruin the arch, he’s pushing you right back down immediately.
“What did I say? Lower it back down.”
# IZUKU MIDORIYA [ can i by drake ]
A whole power bottom, he loves having you on top of him, guiding your hips while you ride him. When he's feeling a little adventurous, he likes to grab your throat, forcing your eyes to stay on his as he starts to fuck up into you. HE'S A WHINER. The closer he gets, the whinier he gets.
“Can I cum in you? Please let me cum in you. I wanna cum in you so bad, please. Fuck, I'm cumming."
# KATSUKI BAKUGOU [ altitude by monetell fish ]
As soon as the “Wanna have sex” comes out of your mouth, it’s over for you; it doesn’t matter if y’all are in the living room, bathroom, kitchen, or out in PUBLIC. Trust, he’s going to find a way to have your ass folded and panting. He likes folding you into a pretzel just as much as he likes having you on your hands and knees.
Wanna try and move his hands? They’re locked behind your back. Start squirming and crawling away? He’s got a solution for that ass.
“Stop fucking squirming and take it.”
# HITOSHI SHINSO [ first fuck by 6lack ft jhene aiko ]
Gentle touches and hard deep strokes.
He’s far more focused on having his hands explore your body while doing it, might accidentally brainwash you when he asks, “Is this okay?” or “Want me to go harder? I can’t understand you baby.”
He loves positions where he can see your face as well.
# NEITO MONOMA [ sweat by zayn ]
This bitch cannot accept defeat; all that shit talking about lasting longer only to cum inside you after a couple of pumps, seeing your back glistening and your ass rippling each time his hips snapped against you was enough to send him over after five minutes. Don't worry though, he keeps going until you're finished, and then keeps going... and going just to get the 'last word' in his own way.
“What was that? All I hear are mumbles, tsk tsk, what a shame.”
# TETSUTETSU TETSUTETSU [ feel it by jacquees ]
Oh baby, he LOVES folding your ass as much as he loves your reactions to him going balls deep each time. Pulling your hair, shoving his fingers into your mouth when you got too loud, and pushing your back down into a deeper arch just to hit it deeper when he has you on your hands and knees.
'Overstimulation is key' is his mindset when he's fucking you.
“Yeah baby, keep cumming.”
i think y'all can tell who i listen to a lot and which characters are my favorite by writing this 💀..
#tenya iida smut#hanta sero smut#katsuki bakugo smut#denki kaminari smut#neito monoma smut#tetsutetsu tetsutetsu smut#ejirou kirishima smut#rikido sato smut#shoto todoroki smut#izuku midoriya smut#shinsou hitoshi smut#my hero academia smut#x reader smut
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say red.
featuring: Iwaizumi Hajime x f!reader
contains: academic rivals to lovers, dom!Iwaizumi, rough s*x, degradation, dirty talk, creampie
note: all characters are over 18!
MDNI | 18+ content
word count: 2k
series: 1. say red | 2. say red | 3. say red
You’d never paid attention to Iwaizumi Hajime. Just another face in the lecture hall, another voice answering questions, another serious guy with a serious face taking things so seriously.
It’s only when you’re paired together to work on a semester-long project that you pay attention to him for the first time. And wow – he’s fucking annoying.
“We need to meet up more than once every two weeks,” Iwaizumi tells you, frowning at your suggestion. “We won’t get enough done before the deadline.”
“It’ll be fiiiine,” you sigh. “The project barely contributes to our grade. All we need to do is pass.”
Iwaizumi narrows his olive eyes at you, entirely displeased.
“How are you,” he bites out. “… top of the class?”
You give him a sweet smile, throwing up a peace sign.
“Because I’m great, obviously.”
You had somewhat noticed that Iwaizumi’s name was always second below yours whenever test scores were published. It’s clear that’s a sticking point for him because he clenches his teeth so hard, you can see a muscle bouncing in his jaw.
“We’re meeting up twice a week,” Iwaizumi says, standing. When you open your mouth to protest, he gives you a hard look. “That’s final.”
You roll your eyes and shrug.
“Fine, fine.” A grin crawls across your face. “Iwa.”
He shoots you a disgusted look.
“Don’t call me that.”
��What, Iwa? It’s cute.”
Iwaizumi pokes his tongue into his cheek and rolls his eyes skyward.
With that, he gathers his bag and stomps out of the lecture hall. Your gaze follows the back of him as he disappears, the smile only slipping off your face when he leaves.
“So annoying,” you mutter to yourself, packing up your own things.
But it’s only until the end the semester. You can grin and bear it that long. Plus, it’s like you said before – the project barely impacts your grades. Iwaizumi might want to force you into way too many boring meetings but you have absolutely no intention of cooperating.
Iwaizumi messages you his address and a time to come round to work on the project.
Gotta buy a girl dinner first before you invite her to your bedroom, you message him back. He ignores you.
Like most other students, he lives on campus with a few other roommates. You half-expect to see them when you arrive at Iwaizumi’s but he tells you he’s chosen a day when everyone else is out.
“I need some peace and quiet if I’m dealing with you,” Iwaizumi says.
“Flattered,” you reply.
His room is neat and tidy, a smattering of volleyball trophies on the shelves. You vaguely remember that he’s on the college volleyball team but you didn’t know he’s good enough to have trophies. You smooth your features into something neutral so he doesn’t know you’re impressed.
You both sit at his desk, where Iwaizumi’s already set up notepads, pens and sticky notes.
“You’re prepared,” you remark, eliciting a heavy sigh from Iwaizumi.
“I’m sure it seems that way to someone who doesn’t even bring a pencil to class.”
You swing side to side on his wheely chair as Iwaizumi launches into his plan for the project, talking you through the list of bullet points. You make noncommittal noises, your eyes drifting off.
He has kind of a nice face, you think, your gaze dropping from his short dark hair to his sharp jaw. Iwaizumi’s wearing a t-shirt that stretches across his broad chest, the sleeves tight around his biceps. Damn, he’s pretty built, too.
Iwaizumi continues talking as your mind wanders. You wonder if he’s a good kisser. Hmm, probably too serious for that. Only chaste tongueless kisses and missionary in the dark.
You grin at your own thoughts and Iwaizumi stops talking mid-sentence.
“What are you laughing at?” His brow furrows. “You’re not even fucking listening.”
“Uh, no, not really,” you admit, throwing your hands up in defeat.
“Jesus christ…” Iwaizumi puts his elbows on the desk, digging his palms into his eyes.
He wants to launch himself out of the window. How is it possible that you of all people beat him in class? He freezes when he feels your finger trail over his shoulder.
“What are you doing?” Iwaizumi looks up.
“You’re so tense,” you say. You’re not lying – Iwaizumi’s muscles are like boulders. You give his bicep a poke and realise there’s almost no give. “Maybe that’s why you’re taking this so seriously.”
“You’re just taking this too lightly,” he says, frowning.
You’re looking at him weirdly, your eyes locked onto his, and the way you’re touching his arm is making his cheeks feel warm. What the fuck is going on?
Iwaizumi’s adam’s apple bobs as he swallows hard and you smile, knowing you’ve got him. You stand up to move over and put yourself in Iwaizumi’s lap instead. His thighs are as hard as the rest of him and it feels like sitting in an actual chair. You wrap your arms around his neck.
“You’re kind of cute, y’know,” you say, cocking your head.
“Kind of,” he echoes, giving you a flat look. “Thanks.”
Iwaizumi’s hand rests on your thigh despite his unimpressed tone. You give him a sweet smile and trail a finger along his jaw, feeling the slight stubble there.
“Maybe you need some stress relief, hm?” you suggest, dragging your finger down to his hard chest.
“And you’re offering?”
“I thought you were supposed to be smart?” You cock an eyebrow. “Obviously, yes.”
Iwaizumi regards you, eyes sharp, and your breath hitches. Your smile nearly falters but you save it in time. It feels like he’s looking through you, into you. It’s a struggle to hold his gaze but you’ve never been one to back down. So you look right back at him.
Iwaizumi’s eyes soften and you see him smile for the first time. No, he smirks.
“Say red,” he tells you. “And I’ll stop.”
“O-okay.” You’re annoyed at yourself for stammering but something’s changed with Iwaizumi and it’s thrown you off.
“Repeat it back to me.”
“If I say red, you’ll stop,” you tell him and he gives a short nod, satisfied.
Iwaizumi stands abruptly, picking you up with him and throwing you on the bed. You yelp at the sudden movement, bouncing softly against the mattress.
You don’t have time to ask what the fuck is happening before Iwaizumi’s on you. He presses his mouth against yours, kissing you roughly. He pushes his body between your legs, forcing them apart to accommodate his thick frame.
One of Iwaizumi’s hands grabs your hip as the other snakes around your throat, holding you with enough force for you to feel it but not so hard you’re gasping. His soft lips are in contrast to the sharp stubble scratching your skin, his tongue sliding over yours.
Okay, I might have been wrong, you think. There’s nothing chaste about this.
Iwaizumi grinds his bulge against your clothed pussy, now exposed to him as he tugs up your dress. The friction through two layers of fabric is teasing, making your hips buck, desperate for more. You moan into his mouth and he squeezes your throat.
“Needy little slut,” he says roughly.
Iwaizumi’s degrading words only serve to turn you on even more. His voice has completely changed, now deep and throaty and utterly commanding. Iwaizumi keeps one hand around your neck as his other reaches down to unbutton his jeans.
“Is this what you want so badly?” he says as he pulls his cock free.
You gasp as it slaps against your mound, sending a spark of pleasure through you. You try to nod but Iwaizumi has your throat in too tight a grip.
“Use your fucking words,” he spits. “Tell me.”
“Y-yes, I want it. Please, I want it.”
Iwaizumi reaches down and you hear a violent rip. You’re not able to look down, your head fixed in place, but there’s a cool breeze across your exposed pussy. Your mouth drops open as you realise he’s ripped your panties clean off.
Iwaizumi smirks at your reaction.
“You act like a slut, you get treated like one.”
The Iwaizumi you knew before, so serious and studious, is long gone. You look up at him, his eyes feral, and realise you’ve severely underestimated who you’re up against. He lines up the fat head of his cock with your dripping hole.
“Look how fucking wet you are already.” Iwaizumi pushes himself inside you and you give a choked moan at the feel of him stretching you. “You don’t even need me to get you started, do you? You’ll spread your legs for fucking anyone.”
Iwaizumi’s flurry of degradation is making your pussy drool for him, only spurring you both on. But a nugget of defiance forms in your chest, even as tears stick to your lashes.
“This what your needy little pussy wants?” he demands, pushing in deeper to bottom out.
His cock feels so fucking good, dragging against the sensitive bundle of nerves inside you to make your whole body feel like it’s on fire, but your determination not to let him take over fully kicks in.
“Y-yes, Iwa,” you breathe out.
Iwaizumi’s jaw clenches.
“I told you not to fucking call me that,” he grits out.
As if to punctuate, he starts to pound at you hard. Every slam pushes you closer to the edge, sending a jolt through your body to the tips of your toes. His large hand around your neck is delicious, pinning you beneath him as he fucks you raw. You sink your nails into his forearm, lustful whimpers falling from your lips.
“S-sorry…” you gasp. “… Iwa.”
Iwaizumi growls, moving faster and setting a brutal pace.
“Fucking brat.”
You don’t have the strength to talk back anymore. Iwaizumi’s cock is pulling you to the edge, making your eyes roll back in your skull as he rips an orgasm from you. Your pussy clenches down like a vice grip around his cock and a moan escapes Iwaizumi’s throat.
“Fuck… fuck…” he groans.
Iwaizumi fights the urge to squeeze his eyes shut, wanting to watch you bounce under him. Your walls are so slick, so hot, so fucking tight. You’re tearing down all his restraint, moaning so sweetly even as his fist is wrapped around your throat. He knows he’s not going to last much longer.
“I’m… gonna cum…” Iwaizumi says, voice hoarse.
“Inside me,” you plead. “Cum inside me, Iwa.”
Your words tip him over the edge.
His grip tightens on your neck, almost making you dizzy, as he thrusts once, burying himself fully. The moan he makes as he comes undone inside you is intoxicating, satisfying in a way you can’t explain. Iwaizumi’s chest heaves as he half-collapses on top of you, his arms shaking as he holds himself up.
Neither of you say anything, breathless and sweat-slicked.
“Well.” You break the silence with a grin. “I dunno about you but I definitely feel better.”
Iwaizumi’s serious face returns as he rolls his eyes, pulling away from you. He tugs a few tissues free from a box on his nightstand, handing them to you first before himself.
“What a gentleman,” you coo, cleaning yourself up.
“It’s polite. I’m not a savage.”
“The way you fuck says different.”
Even though you’ve still got his cum spilling out of you, Iwaizumi’s ears go pink at your comment. He ignores you and buttons his jeans back up. Cute, you think with a smile.
You point at your destroyed underwear.
“And you ruined my panties. That was rude.”
Iwaizumi’s cheeks tint as he blushes harder.
“Yeah, sorry.” He rubs the back of his neck. “I’ll buy you a new pair.”
“Don’t be ridiculous.” Finished cleaning yourself up, you hop off his bed and straighten your dress. “I’ll just make sure I’m not wearing any next time.”
Iwaizumi stills.
“Next time?”
“Duh.” You put a hand on your hip. “That was great, right? And my head feels totally clear. I think I’m actually ready to listen to your project plan or whatever.”
You take a seat at his desk, hands clasped demurely on your lap and smiling sweetly.
“Twice a week you said?”
#haikyu smut#haikyuu x reader#haikyu x reader#iwaizumi x reader#iwaizumi x you#iwaizumi x y/n#iwaizumi smut#iwaizumi hajime x reader#iwaizumi hajime x you#iwaizumi hajime smut#hajime iwaizumi x reader#hajime iwaizumi x you#aoba johsai smut#seijoh x reader#seijoh smut
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Collection of nrmt/klpl fics!
An oomf on Instagram asked if I could compile all my favorite Ace Attorney fics! They are all and Wrightworth and Klapollo fics. The first few are my favorites (usually means they made me cry or emotionally impacted me 🧍) but I like all the others I linked here ofc as well! Many of these came from rec lists on tumblr, because that’s how I started out reading aa fics!
Wrightworth fics
Legal Partners by Miggy, 132k words, 34/34 chapters, 2013
Summary: Miles Edgeworth isn't totally sure how he ended up in this bet to demonstrate the strength of his and Phoenix Wright's (entirely professional and platonic! really!) relationship, but he knows it's Klavier's fault.
Absolutely one of my most favorite fics ever, I’m not gonna lie. Genuinely so good. I was clutching my phone the entire third act of the fic, absolutely ridden with anxiety. I read for 12 hours straight that third act, during exam season, eyes absolutely bloodshot and had a splitting headache by the end because I was staring at my phone for far too long. It’s so good.
I think my biggest qualm I have with this master class of a fic if I had to say, would probably be the characterization of Klavier? he feels too straight in this I don’t know how else to put it. But honestly it’s so minor I don’t really care and I’ve read this twice (which I never do)
Project Matchmakers by WingSongHalo, 126k words, 16/16 chapters, 2018
Summary: It was quite distressing, Pearl thought. For years previously, she had been quite fixated on the idea of her cousin and Mr. Nick living happily ever after. Even after she had accepted that this would never happen, she was always somewhat enamored of the idea that one of them would someday be caught up in a whirlwind romance, passionate and adventurous.
So she was rather surprised to find herself immensely enjoying the steady, familiar relationship she saw between a defense attorney and a prosecutor. It wasn't loud or flashy or wild, but calm and reliable and quiet. Rather than a blazing fire that consumed everything, theirs was an affection like a candle flame, bringing forth light and warmth.
Well, except for when they were in court. Then they were rather more like two overzealous flamethrowers.
An excitable group of girls (and a reluctant Apollo) team up to make Phoenix and Miles realize they're crazy about each other. But are such measures really necessary?
Canon universe.
Loved this one. Very good. I loved the side casefic it had and how it affected the main characters as well. I love the everyone ships wrightworth trope so much.
A Night You’ll Never Regret by MaudMoon (Idle_Wanderings), 88k words, 7/7 chapters, 2018
Summary: After learning about a clerical error on their wedding certificate, Maggey and Gumshoe decide to go all out and invite their friends and family to a vow renewal ceremony in Las Vegas. Edgeworth, spurred on by his sister's threats encouragements, decides to use the trip as an opportunity to express feelings he's been holding onto for years.
However when Edgeworth, Larry, and Phoenix wake up the morning after Gumshoe's bachelor party, it doesn't take them long to realize things didn't go as planned: Edgeworth's cards have been declined, Larry has been mysteriously injured, and Phoenix wakes up wearing a wedding ring. And, to top it all off, Gumshoe is missing. They'll need to rush against time to find Gumshoe before his wedding, and to do that they'll need to figure out what the hell exactly happened last night.
Soooo good! I love the mystery aspect of it all and everyone recounting and slowly piecing together what happened. It’s very sweet too and also kinda nsfw be warned…. also Maya x Rhoda was definitely not what I was expecting tbh
To play due process like a fiddle by Harmony, 19k words, 1/1 chapters, 2024
Summary: As far as Miles can tell, Agent Lang's initial impression of certified hot mess Phoenix "That Man" Wright upon their first meeting wasn't exactly the most positive, and tragically enough, it's not like Miles can really blame him for having that perception.
That said, they both probably should've known that Phoenix hadn't been named the Turnabout Terror for nothing.
(Or: what it means to judge solely based on first appearances and then have all of your expectations rocked off-balance, especially when they revolve around one of the most outstanding attorneys the criminal justice system has ever known).
Deeeeeelicious. So good. Love the tension between Phoenix and Lang and them essentially kinda fighting for Edgeworth even though it’s a very skewed battle against Lang. Aaaagh
A fool in love (with you) by gen, 17k words, 1/1 chapters, 2016
Summary: Miles and Phoenix (finally, no really, after two years of being engaged) decide to tie the knot. On the day of the wedding, they are reminded of all the moments that got them there.
Sooooo cute! This one helped inspire me for my last chapter of my own wrightworth fic actually! This author actually wrote a klapollo long fic I’ve been meaning to check out actually, called The Sound of Silence. I’ve been scared off by how heavy the warnings of the angst ahead are ngl. But this one shot in contrast is very fluffy and sweet!
A Beginner’s Guide on how Not to Write Steel Samurai Fanfiction by chameleonwrites, 16k words, 6/6 chapters, 2021
Summary: Verity Baytum, a court stenographer, has a secret passion for writing Steel Samurai fanfiction based around the pairing Magisteel. When she finds an unlikely source of inspiration during her job, she can't help but watch court proceedings in search of further lines that fit her fics.
Miles Edgeworth, said source of inspiration, has a secret passion for reading Steel Samurai fanfiction based around the pairing Magisteel. It doesn't take long for him to realise the reason the characters sound like him and Wright is not due to personal projection.
I really liked this one, it’s very funny and sweet. I also realized this fic kind of predicted the name Verity for an AA character…
Yours, Mine, and Maybe Ours by estelraca, 13k words, 1/1 chapters, 2015
Summary: Phoenix convinces Miles to bring Trucy in with him for Bring Your Daughter to Work Day, despite Miles' misgivings. Everything becomes even more complicated when Kay Faraday and Shi-Long Lang call on him for assistance. Set between the original trilogy and Apollo Justice; mild spoilers for both Investigations games.
Loved this one! I really like any fics with Trucy as a bigger character (wow who knew look at all my SNS accounts with trucy pfps) especially ones that delve deeper into her relationship between her and Edgeworth.
The Prosecution Rests by Commander_Freddy, 4k words, 1/1 chapters, 2016
Summary: Miles Edgeworth goes to bed, and then wakes up.
Very good. Short but impactful and angsty and sweet. Commander Freddy has some other very good AA fics you should check out also.
Archeology by sunsmasher, 8k words, 1/1 chapters, 2014
Summary: Phoenix and Maya finally clean out Mia's office. Far, far too many people help.
Very short but very good. Deals with Mia grief and also has side Wrightworth content.
To Their Happiness by ,,,,, 41k words, 10/10 chapters, 2024
Summary: Trucy Wright sees that her daddy's friend, Miles Edgeworth, makes him happy in a way she can't. She knows he's sad and lonely, despite trying his best to hide it from her. She makes a promise to herself that she would try to have Miles around as often as she could, for his happiness.
Or, an evolution of Wrightworth's relationship through Trucy's eyes. Trucy and co. sees Phoenix and Miles feel that special way that adults feel for each other and tries to matchmake them. It's mostly Trucy doing that, though.
teehee. you think I wouldn’t go without promoting my OWN fic? you thought wrong!!! I’m also working on a Klapollo fic (it’s like 37k words so far) but I’ll be lucky if it gets uploaded by the end of 2024 with the pace I’m writing it at. It’s so close to completion though…
Klapollo fics
Hot for Justice by indirectkissesiniceland, 43k words, 26/26 chapters, 2013
Summary: After the events of State v. Misham, Klavier finds himself in a slump, stressed at the prosecutor's office and unable to pen new songs. To his surprise, he finds creative inspiration—and unexpected feelings—spending time with Apollo. Now if only he could release the new tracks without raising any suspicion as to whom his love songs are for.
God, is there a klapollo fic rec list without Hot for Justice on it? It’s such a classic, and rightfully so. This fic also inspired me as well to write my next fic! It’s just this good.
Vacation All I Wanted by JJsADragon, 111k words, 24/24 chapters, 2020
Summary: “A vacation?” Apollo asked.
“Yeah! You know what a vacation is, right Polly? When are you going to get another opportunity like this? A beach vacation? A pool? It’s not like you could afford this place without splitting the cost.”
One condo. Six lawyers. Seven secret plans. What could possibly go wrong?
This fic is like. A need I go on? Moment. It’s so iconic and good. This along with Legal Partners probably permanently organized my brain chemistry, I think. Good god the angst. The fluff. this fic genuinely made me sob which. A book hasn’t done that to me in a very long time! there’s a scene where Apollo talks about grief and that was very relatable. This fic also does breach the subject of suicidal ideation, but it is brief. In general this is a lighthearted fic!
If it’s really me you seek by seamint, 83k words, 21/21 chapters, 2021
Summary: “Anyway,” Ema keeps going, fully ignoring his sarcasm in favor of staring at a neat corner where the walls meet the ceiling. “I asked if he wanted to go to your party together, but he said he wasn’t going.”
“What?” Apollo suddenly finds it very hard to breathe. “Why?”
“Hell if I know,” Ema says nonchalantly, but then she turns to him with a smirk. “See if you can figure it out: I believe he told me, and I quote—ahem—'Ach, I would, Fräulein, but I believe Herr Justice would be more comfortable without me there.’”
Or, when Apollo comes home from Khura'in only to learn that Prosecutor Gavin is avoiding him, the last thing he expected was for Gavin to offer to let Apollo stay at his house while he looks for a new apartment.
It’s been a hot minute since I read this one (one of the first klapollo fics I read) but this one was veryyy good. Very much inspired me. Honestly all of Seamint’s stuff is good.
And if all my wishes could come true by seamint, 45k words, 8/8 chapters, 2022
Summary: “‘Our son’ my ass. You’re getting way too into this,” Apollo grumbles, rolling his eyes. “Is this your dream? Do you dream of being divorced and paying alimony, Gavin?”
Klavier doesn’t tell him that as far as dreams go, his is to live in a world where a relationship with Apollo, past tense or otherwise, is at all possible. Apollo doesn’t need specifics, or terrible confessions in vet clinics that show how badly Klavier wants to play pretend with him.
Or, Klavier, Apollo, and how cats bring people together in the most convoluted ways possible.
Looove this. Very fluffy. Mikeko being the center of attention as well and that’s of course why we’re reading this who cares abt klapollo frrr
Turnabout Dungeons (and Dragons) by Synthpop, 170k words, 33 chapters, 2016
Summary: According to Mr. Wright, Dungeons and Dragons is good, if not crucial, for cultivating trusting relationships between friends and coworkers. Apollo has his doubts.
So goood. I love D&D and Klapollo and this is the perfect mix of this. Bard klavier, paladin apollo, need I go on? Phoenix is the dungeon master and Ema, Trucy, Athena and Simon are also apart of the party as well
can I go where you go by parchmints, 40k words, 6/6 chapters, 2021
Summary: Apollo Justice has rotten luck: he actually wins the grand prize for a mail-in contest, but It's a couple's getaway to a fancy ski lodge in the mountains and Apollo is aggressively single. With no one to go with, Apollo offers them to Klavier since surely, a rockstar would be able to find a date before then, but Klavier has a better idea—they go together and pretend they're a couple. That way, they both get a vacation, plus free food and wine.
And well, Apollo's never been one to pass up free food.
So good!!! There’s some wonderful art in this one as well!! I remember being super hooked by this one and giggling over the fake dating stuff. Loved it
Things are as they are by hechima, 34k words, 3/3 chapters, 2021
Summary: Klapollo cabin fic. That's really all this is.
Need I say more? Yes, two cabin fic recs back to back. One cabin in the snow and the other in some desert. Loved the character analysis in this one.
Gravity by Euphorion, 46k words, 7/7 chapters, 2014
Summary: In the aftermath of his brother's arrest, Klavier is trying to balance his law career and a solo music career, with some success—but with less savory consequences as well. His fans are fixating on every aspect of his life, desperate for his attention and jealous of his relationships with the people around him. They've singled out his courtroom rival, Apollo Justice, as the target of their frustrations.
hooo boy this one is pretty angsty in a way. Lots of things going on in this one. We have some crazy Gavinners fans in this, endangerment of lives, stalking, mail… it’s a bit dark but very engaging!
It’s all that I am and all that I have by eternalmagic, 58k words, 12/12 chapters, 2016
Summary: Apollo sucks in a breath, attempting to steel his nerves. Should he honestly send this...? He doesn't even know who this man is. This is a huge, huge mistake. But, even so, he hits send before he can remind himself of how awful an idea this is.
Dear You,
I think I love you. Just wanted you to know.
Klavier's phone pings with an email notification, and the moment he reads it, the smile fades from his face. God, this was so much easier when he didn't know that the sender hated him in real life.
[ or, the you've got mail au. ]
Sooo good! I’ve never watched the movie before, and honestly, you don’t have to. It’s very engaging and oh my goddd the angst you have to get through to get to the fluff…. So worth it.
Anyway, Here’s Guilty Love by u_andcloud, 129k words, 22/22 chapters
Summary: The entirety of Ivy U is smitten with Klavier Gavin—with one exception. Apollo Justice could do without Klavier’s constant presence in the quad, where he serenades passerby with acoustic versions of his band's songs. Apollo is also not particularly fond of Klavier’s clothes, his hair, his tendency to sprinkle German into his conversations, or the fact that, despite all of this, Klavier is still at the top of the class.
So when Klavier asks Apollo to help him start a club for aspiring lawyers on campus, Apollo isn’t entirely sure why he accepts. It’s a resume builder, he tells himself. It’s not like he has to like the guy.
Except, well....he's starting to think that he might.
[Or, a simple college AU turned AA4 re-imagining.]
AHHHHH. College AU fic set in Ivy U. In AU fics like these, I’m always interested in how the author will deal with Kristoph, considering his story is so intertwined with both Apollo and Klavier. This fic did it so well and seamlessly my goddd. I loved it.
Undeniable you (the currents pulling me onward) by experimentaldragonfire, 59k words, 11/11 chapters, 2020
Summary: Kristoph Gavin is found dead in his prison cell, and Klavier Gavin is the prime suspect.
With nobody else available to defend him, Apollo Justice flies in from Khura'in to take the case--but during the course of the trial and its aftermath, long-hidden secrets come to light.
I looove Klavier being suspected of murder fics. They executed this concept very well. I know abt experimentaldragonfire as they were one of the hosts for the klapollo minibang (2024) I was apart of! Their writing is indeed, fire. Check out their other fics as well!
Apollo Justice: Between the Cases by joggingoctopus, 84k words, 18/18 chapters, 2023
Summary: What happened between cases in the Apollo Justice game? Here's one way things could have played out!
A retelling of apollo Justice, kind of! I really liked how the author explained some of the stuff in Ace Attorney, and it will go into my personal AA belief system I think. They also have a sequel fic which I’ve yet to read bc im very scared! (Clay things)
Delicate by ronsenberg, 30k words, 5/5 chapters, 2020
Summary: Everything about the situation is wrong, from the suitcase in Apollo’s arms to the blaring of car horns from the cars waiting behind him. It doesn’t matter. “I have been thinking-” he starts, voice faltering. It is very unlike him to be at such a loss for words, but he has never found himself in a situation quite like this before. “Ach, wondering, really-”
Apollo raises his brow, glancing at the digital clock on the dash and back into Klavier’s eyes in quick succession. “Klavier, my flight-”
“-Marry me?” The words come out in a rushed and poorly articulated interruption. Apollo blinks, his mouth falling slightly open in surprise. “When you come back, ja? Marry me.”
A Post-Spirit of Justice Proposal fic.
As of writing this right now, I just finished this fic so it’s very fresh in my memory! I really liked it! The way they wrote what would most likely be a realistic depiction of Klapollo if it were to happen in real life. It has all the downs and lows and the highs that you’d expect in a realistic relationship.
Glowing embers dying fire by virtualmushroom, 88k words, 20/20 chapters, 2023
Summary: Klavier has a crush on Apollo and he makes that abundantly clear.
Apollo, however, is oblivious and takes Klavier's enamored flirting for simple teasing. After all, why would a famous prosecutor rockstar come to like an "average" guy like him?
Despite that, Apollo comes to unlearn the preconception he has of Klavier and see beyond his mask, into the person he really is, someone not as cheerful as he may appear.
An also realistic in-canon depiction of Klapollo I really like! This was also written by my good friend!
Words Come Fluently by ItsyRoyal, 50k words, 12/12 chapters, 2021
Summary: Klavier Gavin is the most famous rockstar in the world. Guilty Love is about to go platinum and the tour sold out fourteen stadiums. So there's really, really no reason why one anonymous music critic on Youtube who hates him should get under his skin. And yet somehow he'd do just about anything to convince MikekoMusic to like him.
Apollo has been doing Youtube as a fun side hustle while he tries to break into the talent management industry, and he's just landed an assistant gig working for Kristoph Gavin. Whose main client is his golden boy younger brother. Whose music Apollo has been anonymously trashing for years.
Yeah, this is all going to go fine.
auuuuuuuuuuugh oh my god the DRAMA in this. Really good. The best part about this is the reassurance of no murders and clay BEING ALIVE!! I love clay alive fics, esp if they’re of him reacting to Klapollo.
Mission Control by ForeheadandFop, 12k words, 1/1 chapters, 2015
Summary: Like any good friend, Clay takes an interest in Apollo's career; he can't help it if the most interesting part is Klavier.
Loved this as well. Very good. It fulfills my needs of clay reacting to klapollo as mentioned above but however. This is canon compliant….🧍happy ending though …
I think that’s it for my list for recommendations! Sorry a lot of them are long fics 😭😭
#ace attorney#apollo justice#klapollo#wrightworth#wrightworth fic recs#wrightworth fics#klapollo fic recs#klapollo fics
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rating Parahumans guys on how well I think they'd be as parents
Brian: I think Brian would believe he is a great father, but there is too much repressed emotions and depression in there to properly care for and raise a child. 3/10, Not particularly good.
Alec: Alec has lacked a real positive parental unit in his life, and while I don't think he would purposefully be shitty to a kid, I think he might fall back on what he knows from his own youth. Might be a fun older brother though. 3/10, needs to focus on himself first
Danny Hebert: Too sad about his wife dying to properly parent. no further notes. 2/10, Danny please get it together Taylor is relying on you
Armsmaster: Would rub off his worst personality traits onto a kid, resulting in them being the average r/malelivingspace user. Might also encourage child to grow poor facial hair. 1/10, I feel bad for whatever unfortunate soul is consigned to this fate.
Coil: Coil would be an absent father for 90% of your childhood, unless you were useful for his plans. In that case, he would feed you drugs or some other unethical thing and make you work for him (child labor (bad)). 2/10, conditions are poor but you might get to meet some of the other children he has, fixing the playdate situation.
Kaiser: See in story results. -5/10 Nazis don't make good parents.
Uber and Leet: They come as a package deal obviously, and they are actually pretty okay parents, they aren't great obviously but they aren't tremendous failures either. That is until you show up on one of their livestreams and then you are the laughingstock of the school. 4/10 Don't upload your kids online.
Scion: Too sad about his wife dying to properly parent. Also not emotionally available. 1/10, get it together man people are relying on you.
Mark Dallon: Not necessarily a bad parent, but he has a laundry list of problems that he needs to work through before he can begin to think to focus on his kids. 3/10, he's trying by god. He's not doing good but he's trying.
Number Man: He would probably respond to any question his kid asks with some weird philosophical math metaphor. Is a killer cook though. Also math classes would be a breeze. Unfortunately, most of his time is dedicated to cauldron. 5/10, grades will be great.
Accord: The worst type of helicopter parent. He would make itineraries to follow any time his kid went out and would require them home in pristine condition super early. Has a rigorous study schedule and puts a lot of pressure on you to succeed, and you know he wants whats best for you but like its stifling and you aren't really living for you but for him. Sure grades are good but you just can't do it anymore. 4/10, the depression and GPA are soaring.
Jack Slash: As seen in Worm, he is an absolutely killer parent. Has a fun family vibe? check. Engages with his children's interest and allows them to pursue it? check. Keeps his child intellectually and creatively stimulated? check. Takes his family all over the country to see new exciting places and people? check. Dude is simply top tier on the parenting skill. Sure the family dynamic is a bit unorthodox, but when the results look this good can you really argue? 10/10 Jack Slash has got it going on.
#inspired by all those weird reddit threads talking about if Taylor would be a good mother#why is that such a popular discussion?#geniunely I don't understand#worm#parahumans#wormblr#jack slash#armsmaster#number man#accord#scion#alec vasil#brian laborn
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So Webtoons is getting sued by a bunch of law firms in class action lawsuit. Saw it on reddit. Apparently they lied to shareholders about revenue which is like one of the worst things I could imagine doing to your shareholders. Then their stock dropped again. Wow....wonder how this is gonna effect readers going forward or how they're gonna be more exploitative in the future. Not saying the down of Webtoons has begun but I wonder if it's gonna be the start of it.
Yep, I've been following this since the initial investigations began.
All that said, we likely won't see anything of this for a while, if anything even comes of it. The reality is that Webtoons... really didn't actually lie about being bad at making money. It's literally outlined in their IPO documentation:
So these lawsuits, at least in my opinion (*I AM NOT A LAWYER NOR AM I ANYONE WHO HAS ANY EXPERIENCE PLACING WALL STREET BETS, TAKE WHAT I HAVE TO SAY WITH MOUNTAINS OF SALT) is less about Webtoons 'lying' to shareholders and more so about them kicking the debt down the road which these lawyers want to try and hold them accountable for. It's not uncommon for startups to seek out private and/or public funding to help them stay out of bankruptcy, but such practice is incredibly shitty because if a company was already near the point of bankruptcy to begin with, what exactly is going to change to ensure that they actually make that money back with an additional net gain for those investors?
So in that sense, either something will come of this, or it won't, nothing's really a guarantee as of now. It's just as common for startups seeking public investments to get sued within their first 1-2 years because a company not returning on their initial investments within 3-6 months is a prime cut for lawyers to drool over. Despite their attempts to be honest about their earnings, the vast majority of Wall Street investors are paranoid little fuckers who invest in whatever's new and exciting with the hopes that it'll turn them a profit quickly and without headache. Unfortunately, Webtoons isn't a company that's known for having huge profit margins, which these investors would have realized if they knew anything about this industry or at the very least, bothered to read the fine print that Webtoons was obligated to lay out for them in their documentation. At best the majority of them saw Webtoons' offering that covered buzzwords like "content generation" and "AI" and went "yes please, I love money!" without realizing that webtoons, as a medium, have some of the highest production expenses to lowest-paying demographics out there and therefore companies like Webtoons aren't going to be a short-term gratification. It's more like waiting it out for the "next big thing" that will make that stock valuable again, a massive gamble that isn't guaranteed to payoff. And that's just the game of Wall Street in general.
That said, it's because of how difficult it is to directly monetize digital comics that Webtoons often has to rely on selling merchandise and IP rights in the hopes they'll land a whale - but even their pre-existing whales like Lore Olympus and Let's Play have either nothing to show for themselves, or have left the platform entirely. Of course, they'll vaguely claim that two of Netflix's highest-performing projects came from their platform, but any peek at an aggregated Top 10 list will prove that that is simply not true, and at best, they're referring to True Beauty's live action adaption, which is simply not even close to breaching that list of all-time top-performers (except probably in Korea but this is Goldman Sachs and their American investors they're trying to convince), All of Us are Dead (see above, same situation as True Beauty), and Heartstopper which is... not even an Originals series. Of course, that didn't stop Webtoons and Tapas from boasting about Heartstopper's Netflix adaption and its success on the platform, but literally none of its success is exclusively owed to either of those platforms, Alice Oseman flies solo and if anything, Heartstopper never would have gotten to the point it's at if it were tied down to a Webtoon Originals contract.
So in a sense, until anything comes of these lawsuits, they're more so just lawyers jumping on their own investment opportunity - the opportunity to get settlements from Webtoons for both their clients and themselves by extension. At best what they feasibly have against Webtoons is the company getting way too high on their own supply without anything to feasibly show in terms of profit for their IP's. Considering how many IP's they sold to television and film production studios back in 2019-2022 when they were at their peak over the lockdowns - a peak that is long in the rearview mirror - they are incredibly behind in actually paying off those promises. Even in a recent meeting they held just the other day with Goldman Sachs, they're quoted as saying: "When Rachel Smythe was a graphic designer in New Zealand, 4 or 5 years ago, and she had a story to tell, we enabled her to not just tell it in one part of the world, but globally. She became a NYT Bestselling author, she is rumored to be releasing soon as a major animated release."
When even the company that hosts Lore Olympus as its prize pig can only say that its long-anticipated TV production that both Rachel and Webtoons have been assuring people on repeat that the show is "still happening" and that what they've seen so far "looks amazing" is simply 'rumored to be releasing soon'... I don't even have the words to describe how embarrassing that is for them. Never mind the fact that Lore Olympus has been over for months and both it and its creator, Rachel, have been falling into the pits of irrelevancy. They don't have any other home-runners to bet on, they're just continuing to bank on Rachel as their own example of someone who "got big" even though it was years ago and that fame is now shrinking with the passage of time, you can even see the performance of the series dipping in its own front-end metrics over time. They are trying so hard to convince people that they're worth investing in when the one thing that actually DID have that kind of allure has now come and gone.
Never mind the fact that again, most Wall Street investors probably don't even participate in webtoon culture so the name "Rachel Smythe" isn't some golden ticket to fortune. Lore Olympus might get a bit more of a reaction, but it's going to be a lot more mixed due to how divisive the series became in the end, and general audiences who are new to Webtoons as a public company (and the medium as a whole) are still not so likely to know what the fuck that means or why it's significant. The best time to pull the "we have Rachel Smythe!" card in the public investing pool was, like many other things Webtoons has fallen behind in, years ago. Now it's clear Webtoons thinks that Rachel is their own personal J.K. Rowling, but they forgot the part where Rachel is creating for an incredibly niche and historically unprofitable medium that is nowhere near as big as what Harry Potter was back in its prime, and - personally speaking - that Rowling and Rachel are both, well... terrible at what they do.
Webtoons also has the added burden of not being a startup company. They're not some grassroots Silicon Valley tech startup run by a bunch of friends "with a dream", they're an extension of an industry that thrives overseas but barely has any infrastructure to support it here. They've been bankrolled for years by an overseeing tech company - Naver - but have consistently failed to get out of the red and so of course, now they're turning to public investments to help them out and subsequently, are passing that debt off to the next highest bidder, which is Wall Street. They had nearly a decade to figure their shit out here in the West and while they had their opportunities to thrive, those opportunities have come and gone, a lot of doors have closed and now this all feels like their own attempts to rip those doors back open again.
There is a LOT to insinuate already that Webtoons - a Korean-hosted platform - wasn't ready to enter the Western market and this fumbling of their public stock image is yet another great example of that. Even outside of Webtoons, other Korean-run platforms like Tapas have relied on private investments to keep them afloat (and still do, Tapas is still operating privately) and have routinely struggled to get a real foothold in the greater Western industry despite how much they hyped themselves up as the "next big thing". They're all playing the same game over and over again expecting better scores even though the playing fields are entirely different than what they've come to expect in Korea, where much of the entertainment industry is built around webtoons, much like how our entertainment industry in the West is built around comic giants like Marvel and DC (and even those giants are faltering as we've been seeing over the past several years).
Anyways. I don't know if this lawsuit is gonna go anywhere, there's a lot to the legal process that could lead to a variety of different outcomes, but at the very least, their plummeting stock value and the lawyers circling them from above is yet another notch on their belt of fuck-ups over the past few years. I know it's easy to say this in hindsight and I'm not the kind of guy to say "I told you so", but considering I've been following along with the bullshit of these major platforms for years and knew as soon as Webtoons was rumored to be going forward with an IPO that it would lead to disaster, I'm pretty confident in saying, "No really, I told you so." And I don't entirely blame the investors for that (except for the ones that clearly didn't read the fine print) - I also blame Webtoons for that, because they are a chronically unprofitable company run by a bunch of clowns who manufactured their own demise by getting in WAY over their heads and clearly don't even have a concept of a plan let alone an actionable one.
And that sucks, because the people who stand to get hurt the most are the ones who were made those empty promises years ago, long before the platform entered Wall Street - and that's the creators who were promised that their livelihoods would be secured and their work would be protected.
I will forever bully and make fun of Webtoons for everything they've done in and to this industry. I hope at the very least those investors learned an expensive lesson, and that the damage these lawsuits have already caused to Webtoons' public image - regardless of whether or not these lawsuits win - empowers others who have been screwed over by them to speak up and make their moves. They are not a monolith. They are a brittle business operating from the trunk of a clown car on their way to becoming a penny-stocks sham.
Fuck Webtoons <3
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Fellow Travelers Fic Recs | Hot July
It’s the middle of summer and the mercury’s rising… Why cool down now? Here’s a long list of hot and steamy fics to keep you busy for a while. A variety of kinks for all persuasions–BDSM, Dom/sub undertones, Father Skippy fantasies, student/teacher sexy times, getting off at the office, Rehoboth Beach bondage and spanking and so much more. One thing’s for sure, they’ve all earned their E rating. Crank up the A/C and check them out!
The list starts with the top ten highest rated NSFW fics in the fandom, followed by everything else in no particular order.
Happy Reading!
Looking for more recs? Check out the FTFR fic register. Not quite what you're looking for? Tell us what you had in mind, here! → 💌
✨ Show the authors plenty of love with your comments and kudos on the fics you enjoyed after reading! Likes are lovely, but please reblog to share this content with your mutuals! ✨
🍑 sacred word, bind me [E, 8K] By brokendrums | @brokendrums Tim takes a vow of silence, Hawk vows to break it.
🍑 We are tragically meant to be [E, 1K] By Fuddlewuddle | @fuddlewuddle He looks softer in his sleep, Hawk muses; fingertips lightly skimming over the ridge of Tim’s cheek bone, the curve of his ear feeling the small indent from where the frames of his spectacles rest whenever he’s awake.
Part 1 of Fellow Travelers
🍑 Teacher's pet [E, 11K] By ascandalinpink | @ascandalinpink Tim’s first class for today is his first class ever in this particular elective. It’s a foreign affairs course taught by professor Fuller, whom Tim has never met, but he’s heard about him. All high praise, which leaves this course highly sought after.
As the professor enters the classroom and the chatter around him dies down, Tim understands perhaps why this course is so popular. And it might have nothing to do with the curriculum itself.
Or, Tim starts sleeping with and develops feelings for his college professor.
🍑 Mad about the Boy [E, 5K] By redmyeyes | @redmyeyes “Tell me,” Hawk said, tilting Tim’s head back to give his forehead a quick kiss, “what does my boy want for his birthday?”
“Am I still? Your boy?”
Part 4 of Fellow Travelers
🍑 More. [E, 2K] By redmyeyes | @redmyeyes Tim wants more. Hawk obliges.
Part 2 of Fellow Travelers
🍑 Feeding on chaos and living in sin [E, 2K] By Fuddlewuddle | @fuddlewuddle Tim doesn't expect Hawk to call. And even when he does, the call doesn't go as Tim expects. But then he should probably stop trying to predict what Hawkins Fuller will do.
Part 2 of Fellow Travelers
🍑 I Guess I've Got The Christmas Blues [E, 5K] By captainquint | @jesterlesbian Tim Laughlin stood in front of Hawk, one hand still raised as if to continue banging on the door, his tweed jacked dotted with snowflakes. Water droplets were trapped on his glasses, maybe from melted snow. But with how red-rimmed his eyes were, there might have been teardrops on his glasses as well.
Hawk’s slightly intoxicated reflexes took a moment to spring into action upon seeing Tim. “Skippy,” he grinned, “what, did you miss me that much? I’ll still be here after New Year’s."
Tim’s face screwed up in a look of righteous fury that Hawk knew meant an argument was coming. And before he could react, Tim was shoving Hawk backwards and into the apartment, slamming the door behind them.
“You absolute ass!”
Or, Tim confronts Hawk about his being investigated by the M Unit.
🍑 the thrill of your sweet embrace [E, 4K] By redmyeyes | @redmyeyes 1957 anthology series. Standalone chapters of missing/extended scenes from 1957.
Part 7 of Fellow Travelers
🍑 Love [E, 2K] 💠 By Ikharys "It's going to be okay," Hawk whispers. Something in Tim's eyes makes it clear that he doesn't believe it, but he's not willing to argue. Or, the cabin scene, but a little different.
🍑 Lost Somewhere [E, 1K]💠 By Anagrrl Humming to himself a little, fingers digging into his palms briefly, Tim leans forward.
🍑 Can I? [E, 3K] By mailboxbutterflies | @mailboxbutterflies The kink is consent. The kink is open communication. (But also the kink is praise).
Or, taking the "Is this alright?" line from Ep1 and running with it.
🍑 Who Do You Belong To? [E, 2K]💠 By mrschesapeakeripper “That’s my good boy.” All those years later and the praise still made him blush. Or, the missing scene from the mutual masturbation episode. None of that "no touching" nonsense.
🍑 You taste divine [E, 1K] By nightfall_in_winter | @carnivalrow Hawk joins Tim in the shower in episode 6 because he wants to kiss him...there!
🍑 Love Is An Angel Disguised As Lust [E, 2K] By ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) | @bluebellsinburbank Hawk's eyes darkened, from outshining the daytime sky to rivalling the night. His lips curved into a wicked smirk. If Tim didn't know better, he might suspect he'd just played right into Hawk's hands. "Educate me." That wasn't exactly what Tim had intended. But, his attention caught by the glint off Hawk's wedding ring, Tim decided he could work with that. Or, the edging fic that's probably sixty percent soft.
🍑 I want you to fuck me [E, 2K] By nightfall_in_winter | @carnivalrow THAT scene from Episode 8 but slightly different. :) Chapter 1 is Hawk's POV, Chapter 2 is Tim's POV.
🍑 Educate Me [E, 13K] By fullerthanskippy | @fullerthanskippy A Hawk x Tim AU in which the timelines jump from 2012 to 2014 to present day 2024. When present day Tim receives an invitation to the 10 year reunion of his Georgetown graduating class, he is filled with both hope and dread that he will run into one particular professor.
One man who was the through-line of his two years in grad school. The man who taught him more than he could have ever learned in the classroom.
When Tim is re-acquainted with Professor Hawkins Fuller, he immediately flashes back to 12 years prior, when he first encountered the man that he had no idea would be the greatest love and loss of his life.
Or, tons of garbage filthy smut sprinkled in between pining, angst, and fluff. Contains explicit material including but not limited to the likes of top!hawk, bottom!tim, top!tim, bottom!hawk, dom!hawk, sub!tim, bratty!tim, and much, much more. Enjoy!
Part 1 of Educate Me
🍑 you’re a gas leak and i’m a woodhouse [E, NR, 2K] By Anonymous “I want you to treat me like one of those bathhouse boys.” Part 2 of we do have reputations, we keep it secret
🍑 Rail me until I can't stand [E, 4K] By nightfall_in_winter | @carnivalrow Various missing scenes from episodes 1 and 8. Chapter 1 is Hawk's POV of their last time before Hawk's betrayal. Chapter 2 - Tim's POV of the same scene. Chapter 3 is a missing scene from Episode 1. Hawk is Tim's first because Skippy never went all the way with Bob...
🍑 After Hours [E, 1K] By ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) | @bluebellsinburbank “That’s it,” Hawk praised, petting through the soft strands of Tim's hair. “Good boy.” Tim moaned softly around him, swallowing him deeper into the blissful pressure of his throat. Or, The office sex fic that no one asked for.
🍑 I Belong to You [E, 2K] By Cyantific | @beyondxmeasure This isn’t even close to how he saw their night ending, but here they are, and if Tim wants it rough, who is Hawk to deny him? Or, the ‘Hit me.’ scene… but a little different. In which Hawk still hits Tim, just not where you think.
🍑 in the still of the night [E, 1K] By thewindyoubargainedfor | @thewindyoubargainedfor Tim stayed up, waiting for Hawk to call. Hawk made it worth his while.
🍑 Only Himself To Blame [E, 1K] By ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) | @bluebellsinburbank An evening out leads to some fun on the floor.
🍑 All Tied Up With Nowhere To Go [E, 2K] By captainquint | @jesterlesbian “Are they too tight?” Hawk asked, tugging on Tim’s wrists.
Tim’s wrists were, at that moment, bound to the headboard of Hawkins Fuller’s bed by some carefully knotted neckties. Tim was struck by the thought of Hawk wearing one of these ties to work on a later day, becoming distracted in his office thinking of what they had done with them on this night. His mouth twitched up at the corner.
“Hey, are you listening to me?” Hawk placed a hand under his chin and tilted Tim’s face towards Hawk’s own. “This is important. I don’t want to hurt you.”
Tim rolled his wrists and wiggled his fingers to show they were fine. “I’m not made of glass, Hawk, you don’t have to treat me like I’ll break.”
Hawk teases a tied-up Tim Part 2 of FT Valentine's Day 2024
🍑Shut Up and Drink Your Milk [E, 4K] By bre_thomas | @bre1995 ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) | @bluebellsinburbank It all started with Hawk's "shut up and drink your milk" and then whispering how he wanted Tim to "fuck him". With those words alone, Tim doesn't hesitate. An extension of the Episode 8, '57 sex scene.
🍑 they said beware (lord hear my prayer) [NR, 2K] By Anonymous Tim’s eyes strayed to the windows, what lay beyond them—who lay beyond them.
🍑You're an Angel, I'm a Dog [E, 2K]💠 By spiffyyy He was never that good. “Father, forgive me for all the times when I fall short of your standards…” He took a breath and watched the ceiling fan rotate once, then twice. “And I’m sorry for this. It was what you gave me.” Tim picked his phone up and swallowed dryly before tapping on the notification to open Grindr. Or, the unlikely pairing of religious trauma and a Grindr hookup.
🍑Control and desperation [E, 3K] By mailboxbutterflies | @mailboxbutterflies Now Tim was really confused. "H...Hawk I really need to pee—" "I said no. You want to be a good boy for me, don't you, Skippy?" Tim nodded slowly as he started to put the pieces together. "Then hold it," Hawk repeated coolly. Tim saw a familiar fire behind Hawk's eyes. The kind that suggested he would be rewarded if he obeyed. "Okay, fine." And then, "Or at least I'll try." Or, Hawk makes Tim wet himself and then rewards him with shower sex.
🍑 Bloom [E, 2K] By hot_hellboy | @hot-hellboy Hawk fists Tim for the first time.
🍑 Fetch [T, 1K] By Deputy_Buck | @deputy-buck Hawk was consumed in drafting a small speech for a function Senator Smith had organized —something about acknowledging McCarthy's threat to the State Department but encouraging diplomacy— when Tim showed up on his doorstep looking like a kicked puppy. His boy promised that he would be quiet and that all he needed was to be somewhere safe while he felt this way.
🍑 Forgive Me Father [E, 2K]💠 By Loopygrove Hawkins lets Tim finish.
🍑 I want you to fuck me [E, 2K] By nightfall_in_winter | @carnivalrow THAT scene from Episode 8 but slightly different. :) Chapter 1 is Hawk's POV, Chapter 2 is Tim's POV.
🍑 Like Other Couples [E, 4K] By palfriendpatine66 | @palfriendpatine66 After the trip to Rehoboth Beach in ep 3 “Hit Me”, Hawk takes another shot at giving Tim the romantic dinner he wanted, this time opting for a more private affair.
🍑 Have You Ever? [M, 1K]💠 By Cozy_coffee “Has anyone ever licked that cute little ass of yours?” A fic in which a bold Hawk introduces a somewhat shy Tim to the pleasures of rimming.
🍑 hell is empty, and all the devils are here [E, 4K] By alorchik | @alorchik Hawk Fuller, a committed skeptic, spends his summers in a country house, living a solitary bachelor's life. His routine is disrupted when he unexpectedly encounters a young local priest who now constantly occupies his thoughts.
🍑 Our Little Remedy [E, 2K] By captainquint | @jesterlesbian A pinch of teeth at his neck made it known that Tim had heard him. He seemed restless tonight, rowdy in a way he got when too worked up about something. And it usually ended in one of two ways. Either an explosive argument that ended with one of them storming out, or fucking until they both lay exhausted, sweaty and sated. He could work with that. “Skippy, are you trying to ask me for something?” Or, bathroom blowjobs at the Cozy Corner.
🍑 all of my fighting done [E, 1K] By startagainbuttercup | @startagainbuttercup How he spent four weeks not kissing him, Hawk would never know. He doesn’t want to ever, ever stop, as he presses Tim to the door and gently licks into his mouth, touching his face and his solid body under him.
🍑 Chain of Command [E, 2K] By ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) | @bluebellsinburbank Corporal Laughlin and Sergeant Fuller have some fun together.
🍑 'Home' [E, 4K] By bre_thomas | @bre1995 Hawk comes to visit Tim after a rough visit with his parents. And then spends the next morning with Tim. Filler/Missing Scene from Episode 2 'Bulletproof' The "It doesn't matter, I'm home now," kiss.
🍑 Two Can Play At That Game [E, 7K] By bre_thomas | @bre1995 ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) | @bluebellsinburbank Hawk and Tim spend a very enjoyable morning together.
🍑 Got It Bad, Got It Good [E, 4K] By ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) | @bluebellsinburbank Tim is in training for a marathon. Hawk thinks his Skippy ought to stop teasing him so much.
🍑 I Wanna Be a Cowboy's Sweetheart [E, 3K] By captainquint | @jesterlesbian Hawk tipped his hat politely towards Tim, the way he always did when he rode back into town and stabled his horse at the Liberty Bell, where Tim worked as a stablehand. The pay wasn’t much, but it was steady work, and the off-chance of spotting Hawkins Fuller in leather chaps astride a horse sweetened the pot considerably.
Hawk flashed Tim the look that he understood meant “Meet me around the back,” so Tim dawdled for a few moments more, trying in vain to wipe off as much dirt and muck as he could from his shirt before oh-so-casually strolling to behind the stables, where it met the treeline and provided just the right amount of cover.
🍑 Don’t Pull Your Love Out [E, 5K] By Cyantific | @beyondxmeasure Hawk visits Tim in prison, and it stirs up a lot of feelings, and a lot of memories. Part 4 of Man's Second Best Friend
🍑 It's Rude To Speak With Your Mouth Full [E, 1K] By ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) | @bluebellsinburbank Hawk was playing with fire, he knew, but the minute Tim had walked into his office, eyes lighting up just from the sight of him, Hawk had been powerless to resist. Whatever his boy wanted, he would have. And when Tim stepped between Hawk's legs, dropping to his knees with the grace of a lifetime of devotion - well, there were definite perks to working late.
Yet another office sex fic.
💠 Authors: If your tumblr (or other socials) isn’t linked, and you'd like it to be, let me know and I'll be happy to add it. Or, if you are linked, and you'd rather not be, please contact me to remove it.
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10 of my Favourite Horror (Adjacent) Movies and Why You Should Watch Them
(Not in any particular order or subgenre. TW are super vague, spoiler-free, and from my memory, but I would recommend looking up more specific ones before watching any of these if you are easily triggered. Not all triggers are listed because these are horror movies, so stuff like death and murder is to be expected.)
Let me know if y’all want a part 2, because I’ve got about 7 more! (It could have been one post if Tumblr didn’t limit my images to 10)
1. Parasite
A struggling lower class family slowly integrates itself into the household of a rich family without their knowledge.
Most of you have already seen this one, or been told to watch it. I am no different: this movie is popular for a very good reason. Divided into 3 clear acts, starting with comedy, and making its way through drama into horror. Also, great commentary on classism, very psychological at times and makes you wonder who you should really be rooting for.
Scary: 2/10
Gore: 3/10
Disturbing: 5/10
Psychological: 6/10
Actual genre: Dark comedy thriller
2. The House That Jack Built
Serial killer Jack recounts some of his most influential murders.
A bit infamous and controversial for being very messed up, but still really good. Highly psychological, with a lot of narration and use of metaphor. Especially fun if you have any knowledge of Dante’s Inferno. Definitely not one to watch if you want a protagonist to root for.
Scary: 3/10
Gore: 6/10
Disturbing: 10/10
Psychological: 8/10
Actual Genre: psychological horror art
TW: sexism, corpse mutilation
3. Creep (1&2)
A man is hired to help film messages from a dying man to his son.
I’m usually not a fan of found-footage, but there’s something special about Creep. On top of that, this is one of the few movies where I can confidently say I like the sequel more, which is shocking because the first one was amazing. Very funny and off-beat, with a sense of foreboding underlying the whole thing.
Scary: 3/10
Gore: 1/10
Disturbing: 3/10
Psychological: 4/10
Actual genre: found footage psychological horror
Edit: now has a TV show! Haven’t watched it yet, but saw some clips and it looks great! Follows the same formula as the movies :)
4. Mother!
A woman and her poet husband live quietly in a secluded house away from society.
Very metaphorical and highly feminist; definitely not a movie that everyone appreciates, but if you enjoy analysis or just being really weirded out then this is a good for you. Starts slow and snowballs toward the horrific climax.
Scary: 3/10
Gore: 7/10
Disturbing: 7/10
Psychological: 8/10
Actual genre: psychological horror
TW: cannibalism
5. Perfect Blue
Mima is a young pop star looking to join the acting industry.
Brutally realistic to the point where I had to stop watching and take a walk at one point. Very much “female rage” and a protagonist that will live in your head rent free for the next 6 years (or maybe that’s just me). Very triggering in a lot of ways, but worth it if you’re not sensitive to the topics it covers.
Scary: 5/10
Gore: 4/10 (animated)
Disturbing: 8/10
Psychological: 10/10
Actual genre: psychological thriller
TW: depersonalization/derealization, nudity, stalking, rape scene (she is acting in a tv show but it is still the most uncomfortable scene of the movie), inaccurate portrayal of DID
6. Midsommar
A couple and their friends go on a vacation to their friend’s remote hometown for a Midsommar festival.
Probably the best-known out of this list, and again for a good reason. 90% of the film takes place in broad daylight, and the visuals are absolutely gorgeous. Once again will bring up the question of who is in the right and who is in the wrong (I have the answer to this question and I will fight you in dms if you’d like).
Scary: 3/10
Gore: 8/10
Disturbing: 8/10
Psychological: 7/10
Actual genre: folk horror
TW: long and graphic sex scene, nudity, close up and graphic gore, cult stuff, suicide
7. The Call
A woman moves back to her childhood home and receives a call from the woman who lived there 30 years prior.
I got really into modern Asian horror films a few months ago and this is one of my favourites. The dynamic between the protagonist and antagonist is one of my favourites, and finishing this movie felt like finishing a 3 season TV show because of how well paced it was. Really hoping there will be a sequel with the same concept, even if it is not likely.
Scary: 6/10
Gore: 3/10
Disturbing: 6/10
Psychological: 6/10
Actual genre: psychological thriller
TW: abuse
8. Incantation
A cursed woman takes back custody of her young daughter and does everything she can to keep away the effects of her curse.
This one was popular on TikTok for a while, and for good reason. Another found footage in a more traditional sense, and a bit confusing at times, but overall a really solid scary story. Very cool effects as well.
Scary: 6/10
Gore: 4/10
Disturbing: 6/10
Psychological: 5/10
Actual genre: supernatural horror
TW: derealization
9. Pearl
A farm girl dreams about leaving home and living as a show girl.
Mia Goth is a national treasure, but we all knew that already. I watched this one before X (the actual first movie) because I didn’t know they were connected, but I much preferred this one. The Wizard of Oz vibes combined with Pearl’s unsettling behaviour made is a really creep film to watch.
Scary: 4/10
Gore: 4/10
Disturbing: 6/10
Psychological: 5/10
Actual genre: horror
TW: porn
10. The Platform
A man is stuck in a prison where a platform of food is lowered through the layers of cells for inmates to eat as they please.
I’m a sucker for psychological movies that take place in a very limited space. If you’ve ever played and enjoyed the game Presentable Liberty then I’m gonna go ahead and say you’ll like this too. Not every question is answered, but the film is more about the human condition than the prison they inhabit, so it’s not too much of a problem.
Scary: 2/10
Gore: 9/10
Disturbing: 8/10
Psychological: 9/10
Actual genre: social science fiction horror
TW: cannibalism, suicide
#parasite#the house that Jack built#creep#mother!#perfect blue#midsommar#the call#incantation#Pearl#the platform#horror movies#horror movie recommendations#psychological horror
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Don't Blame Me (3.01)
Pairing: Dean Winchester x FBI Agent!Reader
Season 3 Summary: The deeper you fall into the world of all things supernatural, the more the lines between right and wrong begin to blur. With a little help from some magical friends, can you finally change the Winchesters' fate and give them the happy ending they deserve?
Warnings: 18+, language, flashbacks with enemies to lovers vibes (SPN S2 & 3 are saying hi 👋), canon adjacent re-writes, same old S2 cliffhanger (I'm genuinely sorry lol)
Word Count: 4.8k
A/N: Welcome back, guys!!! It's seriously been way too long. I got distracted with life and a ton of other projects, but I'm so happy to share more of those two knuckleheads 🤍
This will not be updated regularly but as much as I can. Thank you for understanding 🫶
Series Masterlist || Main Masterlist|| Tag List || Ko-Fi
1. Lemons
November, 2006
One by one, people rushed out of the elevator, all either busy on the phone, stuck in research papers or the casual morning conversation with a colleague, until the stuffy thing eventually reached the 27th floor of the Hoover building, the ding not coming soon enough as you impatiently tapped your heels on the dingy linoleum before hurrying to your desk with a heavy stack of files.
You’d been up all night, racking your brain till your skull almost broke. It certainly felt like it a few times last night, catching yourself reaching for the wine glass more often than you used to, sometimes even wishing it were something stronger, like whiskey or a goddamn shot of tequila.
Unfortunately, a comfortable level of alcohol made the gruesome pictures that lived rent-free in your head slightly more blurry, and was a cure-all for a goodnight’s sleep. Better than NyQuil, or anything else you could get over the counter at the pharmacy at least.
But that’s the thing about signing up as an FBI profiler and specializing in missing children – there would never be a peaceful night for you ever again, and you knew that. You were fine with that deal, though, because in the end, you always helped the ones that needed it the most, which was probably the best sleeping pill of all.
Halfway through a cup of the blackest coffee and a bowl of sugary cereal to keep the engine running, a shadow cast over your cubicle before a folder unceremoniously dropped down in front of you. Curious as you were, you ignored the messenger at first and immediately pried open the folder, skimming over its contents.
Dean and Samual Winchester. Brothers. Born in 1979 and 1983, respectively. No noteworthy jobs. No steady address since 1983 – the year their mother was killed in a house fire. The younger one went to Stanford, pre-law, but dropped out a year ago after his girlfriend passed – also in a fire. Huh. Their father then died a few months ago in a hospital, while the brothers still continue to aimlessly drive around the country in a black ‘67 Chevy Impala, committing crimes along the way. Certainly, a lot of death seemed to surround that strange family and accompany them wherever they went.
“Can you get a profile going for me?” The deep, gruff voice ripped you from your trance and caused you to blink up at the man before you for the first time.
“Uhm, and who are you?” FBI agents were typically rude, stand-off-ish, and generally unpleasant to deal with. Everyone essentially thought they were a big shot, and the guy’s giant ego in front of you seemed to be no different.
“Special Agent Viktor Henriksen,” he introduced himself, a crooked smile shaping his lips. “And you’re Y/N Heller, top of your class at Columbia. Your boss says you’re the best one he’s got, and I need the best for those two. They’re a special kind of fucked in the head.”
You smiled half-politely at him, biting back the sigh, and said through your teeth, “Well, let me be the judge of that, Dr. Phil.”
“Oh, trust me. You’ll come to the same conclusion, sweetheart,” Henriksen replied cockily, making you clench your jaw at his little nickname for you. Guys in the FBI were the fucking worst. All of them were a bunch of competitive, cocky, alpha assholes. “I need a profile ASAP. They’re on the road and already have a couple of murders under their nasty belt. I know they’ve only just begun.”
You frowned slightly at the armchair analysis. Everyone always thought they knew everything. Funny how all those experts still seemed to need you, though.
And well, your first instinct told you the brothers weren’t as twisted as Henriksen made them out to be as you studied the folder in front of you once more. All you saw so far was a lot of trauma and some misguided notions that surely required extensive therapy – maybe even a pill or two.
“I’ll get right on it.” You gave him a resolute nod and accepted the case. Your curiosity was piqued, but not for the reasons Henriksen probably hoped it was. Either way, you needed more information first before giving a final judgment.
January, 2007
Henriksen stormed into the little trailer with you in tow, several heads turning your direction and bodies ducking out of the way as a group of police officers scowled at the two of you. Your superior bickered with the lead detective for a good fifteen minutes about jurisdiction, a true dick measuring contest, while your head was still with the young woman you interviewed at the jewelry store an hour ago.
Sam and Dean Winchester had taken Milwaukee under besiege – or rather a bank. Which you, frankly, found quite the odd duck. You really hadn’t taken the criminal duo for bank robbers. Petty theft? Sure. A full-on, big bank robbery with hostages and witnesses and TV cameras? Not so much.
You knew they used fake credit cards to keep themselves afloat – you collected their receipts religiously like your mother cutting out coupons from the papers. But maybe the brothers finally got tired of filling out one stupid application form after the next and needed a quicker fix. So, why not rob a bank?
Crazy people usually do crazy things.
However, speaking with a few witnesses of a jewelry store the brothers frequented earlier that day only left you with more questions buzzing in your mind. The two of them seemingly became even bolder, pretending to be FBI agents this time to inquire about a recent robbery – another odd thing to do.
Were they checking out the competition? And on top of it all, the oldest Winchester also cheerily flirted his way into the store clerk’s goddamn panties.
Patriot my ass, you thought with a scoff, repeating the words of the young woman. Who would do such a thing? You didn’t know whether to be offended or appalled.
There was a little itch in your gut that told you something was definitely off about the brothers, and it bothered you that you still hadn’t figured out what it was. No matter what evidence landed on your desk, you could never quite put your finger on it.
Nevertheless, the facts remained the same: Dean Winchester committed at least one murder and was a main suspect in several others. And together with his little brother, like a co-dependent Bonnie and Clyde, they frolicked randomly throughout the country, committing crimes that ranged from petty theft to grave desecration and, in a recent development, murder. They were raised on the road by a grieving ex-marine and never knew a real home, aside from cheap motels and an old car. Talk about “screwed for life.”
Judging by the ruthlessness of the crimes, however, the profile of the perpetrator simply didn’t fit the Dean Winchester of the infamous stories, heard in whispers around the Hoover hallways.
Furthermore, chatting to a few alive victims and witnesses of past cases in your research journey only led to more question marks than closure points. Every single person, young to old, male to female, poor to rich, all described the older Winchester as kind, sweet, and utterly charming. Could it all just be an act? The seductive means to a bitter end? The Manson and Bundy of the 21st century?
But then you also had to consider the source of their supposed crimes, the reason they did what they did. And well, if you asked the Winchesters personally, they’d probably claim they’re saving the world from real-life, flesh-eating monsters and whatnot.
Monsters – the stupidest thing you’d ever fucking heard. Did these grown men really believe in vampires and ghosts like two little kids? Or was it just a clever ruse to scam people? Some long con like those paranormal investigators and psychics, which everyone knows is just bullshit served in a crystal ball.
On the other hand, you had treated patients with a shared psychosis before, a folie à deux, but the brothers certainly took the whole goddamn cake and ate it, too.
Still, there were too many other puzzle pieces in play that simply didn’t fit, finding yourself surrounded by loose ends. You’d always hated those.
“You know, if I come to more field adventures with you, maybe I should finally get a gun, huh?” You smirked at your grumpy superior.
The bank robbery marked your third time away from your boring desk. Henriksen asked you for help with a few of his other cases as well, seemingly having taken a liking to you – a rare thing indeed. The guy was usually a hardass, and it took you a few weeks of schmoozing to win him over. However, once Henriksen had taken you under his wing, he had promised that if you proved yourself, he’d put forward his recommendation for your special agent training at Quantico’s academy and mentor you.
That was all you’d ever wanted. Truthfully, when the FBI recruited you during your master’s at Columbia, you’d never thought once about taking a weapon into your own hands and storming a building. But you wanted to do more, help more than what you could achieve from your boring, gray cubicle.
“You’re not ready for a gun yet, rookie. I don’t want you to fucking shoot me.” Henriksen laughed tauntingly and picked up the phone, ready for his threatening call to the brothers after you thoroughly coached him on what to say to get them to crack. “I’ll teach you how to shoot when we get back to DC, alright? Then it’s just you and me and the gun range, rookie.”
“Just remember to stick to the script, alright?” you reminded him with a frown, which only earned you a dismissive eye roll.
Of course, your superior didn’t stick to your profile and invented his own little background story, which was only remotely along the lines of your analysis.
What surprised you, though, was how defensive the older Winchester became upon the mention of his dead father, hearing the inconsolable grief in his voice even over the strained phone line. He sounded lonely and lost, and it admittedly tore on your heartstrings a little. Losing a parent was never easy, and you couldn’t help but sympathize – even if he technically was a potential killer during an on-going bank robbery and threatening the lives of around ten hostages.
And then, poof.
Never did you think there was any way the Winchesters could possibly escape the crime scene. Henriksen had that bank building locked down, sealed, and surrounded. And yet, the brothers still fled the awaiting claws of law enforcement, escaping with a clever plan straight out of a movie.
In all honesty, you were impressed – and slightly more baffled.
April, 2007
April finally marked a big break in the Winchester case. The brothers were caught during a break-in at a museum in Arkansas, and while Henriksen and his partner Reidy celebrated their big win like Olympic gold, you weren’t entirely sure it was even a participation trophy, finding the whole situation oddly suspicious.
It seemed too easy, and even though your superior told you to just accept it and grab a beer, you obviously couldn’t. Henriksen was cocky and eager, and Reidy was a downright idiot, so it was up to you to convince them you were right – which never worked. The men always loved to tune you out. You’d learned a while ago you had to work twice as hard as any man ever would just to be seen and heard.
Standing in the little gray and bleak room of the Green River County Detention Center, you watched Henriksen and Reidy through the one-way mirror as they interrogated the oldest Winchester, who seemed to collect a few drops of sweat on his forehead once he realized the FBI was involved. While you wished you could be in the room with them, laying down the law, you always loved the advantage of watching a suspect’s interrogation. This was where you truly learned all about a person of interest.
On top of it, this was a special occasion as it marked your first real observation of the brothers. It was more than boring black letters on a simple white sheet of paper, stuffed in a folder with a bunch of crime scene photos. The brothers were finally in a cage without an escape, and you were gifted the joyous task of studying them like zoo animals. Every facial twitch, every nervous tap of a finger, every insecure lick of chapped lips was noted by your brain and added to your overall analysis.
“And after Milwaukee, your brother is now a suspect in a murder case himself. I’d say for you two, ‘screwed to hell’ is a major understatement,” Henriksen told the older brother in his usual cocky attitude, which caused your eyes to roll back into your head.
The Milwaukee murder case was the strangest thing as of yet. One of the bank hostages was killed, and yet, that same hostage emerged alive and swore she did not have a twin sister. Neither were there ever any hospital records of a twin, albeit there was a dead body that looked like an exact replica of that woman. How was this possible? And more importantly, what did it all mean?
“Well, where there’s life there’s hope, huh?” Dean smiled up at the two agents, and you assumed he really had to believe that, considering the prickly situation he found himself in.
“See? That’s what I kept thinking as I was searching for your asses all over hell and gone,” Henriksen smirked and leaned closer to Dean over the metal table, which was the usual FBI dick move of intimidation. “Your dad taught you well. The way you cover your tracks, and after Milwaukee, the way you vanished,” your superior whistled lowly, which coaxed a soft laugh out of the suspect. He seemed to be proud of his escape, which, frankly, you couldn’t blame him for. It was pretty awesome. “Near went nuts trying to find you. Ask him,” Henriksen nodded to Reidy.
“He near went nuts,” Reidy confirmed, and you tried not to puke into the closest trash bin.
Honestly, “near went nuts” was the understatement of the year. That idiot Reidy didn’t even go through half the shit you went through when Henriksen stormed into your apartment at 3am and woke you up by slamming a bunch of files on your mattress.
Incidents like that weren’t a rare occasion, either. They happened quite often, and it was safe to say that Henriksen was positively obsessed with the brothers, which in return, was pretty common for FBI agents. Most of you were like bloodhounds, and once someone caught a trail, they would start digging and never stop until they held a bone between their pointed teeth.
“Shit,” you muttered when the public defender stormed into the room to save your main suspect from his interrogation.
Quickly exiting the room, you went across the hall and snuck into Sam’s, knowing you only had a few minutes before the attorney would fetch him, too. As your colleagues only made little progress with the oldest Winchester, you decided to pursue your own course of action and look for answers, hoping the younger brother was more willing to talk than his counterpart.
“Sam Winchester? I’m, uh… Dr. Heller. I’m a profiler with the FBI.” Smooth. Technically, you’d never interrogated someone on your own before. Usually, you’d sit in while Henriksen asked the hard questions, whispering your suggestions into his ear as you observed the suspect’s demeanor.
“FBI? Great,” Sam murmured with a huff, clearly not amused. He seemed annoyed to be stuck here, which wasn’t unusual for any criminal in his shoes. Still, something seemed different about his irritation as if it was geared toward someone specific, most likely his own brother.
“Yep, you and your brother made quite the headlines in DC,” you noted as you carefully took a seat opposite him. “Look, uhm, can I ask you a couple of questions?”
The younger Winchester scoffed. “Do I have a choice?”
“Kinda? I mean, it’s not like I’m here for official business or anything. I don’t even know if it’s legal,” you spluttered.
Sam furrowed his brow at the waterfall of words. “What?”
“Uh, nothing.” Subtly clearing your throat, you folded your arms on the table and took a deep breath. “I just need a few answers, okay? Off the record. I’m just-, I’m curious,” you admitted.
Leaning back in his chair with narrowed hazel eyes, Sam placed his cuffed hands in his lap and studied you. “Okay…?”
“Listen, I’m not an agent, but my two colleagues are, and they want you and your brother behind bars, preferably with the death penalty hanging over your heads,” you told him truthfully and swallowed the lump in your throat. “But, uhm…”
“But what?” Sam now leaned forward, titling his head in intrigue.
“But if you really didn’t commit these murders… if your brother didn’t, then you need to tell me who did,” you said and caught his gaze.
“Why would you say that?”
“Isn’t it true?” You shrugged your shoulders and sent him a small smile, which he mirrored. That was when you knew for sure your gut was right about the brothers from the start, but you still didn’t feel any closer to the truth.
“So, you think my brother’s not a killer?”
You chuckled. “Didn’t say that. I just don’t see him as the cold-blooded type. Crime of passion? Maybe, but the victims were all strangers to you guys, right?” Sam nodded, and you felt confident enough to continue, “None of the crimes fit the supposed perpetrators, which doesn’t happen that often. So, who killed all those people if it wasn’t you or your brother?”
Sam broke a smile, shaking his head, the mop of hair moving with him. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”
You cocked your eyebrow. “What? The monsters thing?”
The younger Winchester just stared you straight in the eye and wet his lips before there was a noticeable shrug of his broad shoulders.
Great, you were dealing with delusional loonies.
“Told you, you wouldn’t believe me,” he smiled triumphantly.
You squinted your eyes at him. “You got caught on purpose, didn’t you?”
Another shrug.
“Why? Is there a monster here, too?” you snorted your question in mock.
“Ghost, actually.”
“Huh.” You frowned and tapped your fingernails against the metal surface. “You know I can’t help you if you don’t tell me the truth, Sam.”
“You can’t help me either way,” he said simply as if he had already accepted his fate. “Wanna know what I think?”
“If you didn’t believe me even a little, you wouldn’t have come in here to talk to me in the first place,” Sam mused cleverly, earning him a scoff from you.
“Sorry, but I’m not crazy. If you don’t wanna talk to me, that’s fine. Have it your way then.” With that, you rose from your seat and walked to the exit, pronouncing it a hopeless case.
“It’s not crazy if it’s true, though,” Sam added before you closed the door behind him.
You were greeted by the defense attorney and your two colleagues, who accompanied a cuffed Dean Winchester into Sam’s room for their counseling before Henriksen shot you a raised look upon your break of protocol.
“Uh, I was just checking on Mr. Winchester’s mental health for his psych eval,” you excused your behavior with a clear of your throat.
“Hey, why didn’t I get the pretty agent?” Dean threw in and grinned tauntingly at your superior before flirtatiously wiggling his eyebrows at you, deliberately scanning your figure like any low-life criminal would.
And yet, here you were, not buying into whatever he was trying to sell you as you met his green eyes and recognized it was all just a façade. For a moment, it even felt like he realized you knew and saw right through him.
“What can I tell ya? We left her a choice, and she chose the handsome one,” Henriksen retorted, smirking broadly.
“Ouch. So hurtful today,” Dean muttered in jest as the agents shoved him inside the bare room and shut the door behind him, breaking his eye contact with you.
“Going rogue?” Henriksen raised an eyebrow as soon as his attention was back on you, ripping you from your momentary stupor. You offered him a sheepish shrug as a response. “Did you at least find something out we can use?”
“Yeah.” You nodded. “I think they’re planing to break out.”
Henriksen laughed loudly, the sound mocking in nature. “Oh, they can try all they want. They’re not gonna MacGyver outta this one.”
“That’s what you said last time,” you cut into his laughter, causing it to halt as he threw you an annoyed look. “I’m just saying… they’re highly delusional. They actually believe all the bullshit they’re selling. They live in their own world and play by their own rules.”
“Yeah, well, the real world is starting to catch up with them,” Henriksen retorted. “Don’t worry. They’re not getting out, and come Tuesday, we’ll have them locked up tight in a Super Max, preferably with a straitjacket, but I’ll leave the details up to you.”
“Great, thanks.” You scowled deeply.
But when Tuesday rolled around, you were able to deliver a big, fat ‘I told you so’ to your superior instead, as the Winchesters managed to escape once again. Gone with the wind.
February, 2008
The last ten months remained quiet as you went through your special agent training at Quantico and finished your Psy. D. thesis before going on your first few assignments as Henriksen’s new partner. Most days, he still called you rookie, although just to tease you.
Your twenty-third case then landed you in the hospital with a life-threatening stab wound. After two surgeries and a short-lived coma, you were in the green, according to the gazillion doctors and tests at least. You quickly found your old spirit again when a new lead about the Winchester case came in – the first one in goddamn months. Naturally, Henriksen rushed right to Colorado, where the brothers were supposedly held by police, while you annoyed your doctors for an early discharge. Without any luck, though.
Regardless, your partner swore to keep you updated and reserve the main interrogation until you were back on your feet, so every time your phone buzzed on the plastic bedside table, you hurried to answer it, awaiting any news.
“Would you slow down? You’re only gonna hurt yourself more,” Patrick reminded you with a chuckle as he handed you your vibrating phone before you could clumsily tumble out of the narrow bed.
“Don’t you wanna get them, too?” you smiled at the young prosecutor in the creaking chair next to you.
“Oh, I can’t wait to grill them on the stand,” he grinned in return.
“See? But not without my files you won’t,” you smirked and joyfully picked up, recognizing the Colorado area code on your display. “Special Agent Heller, hello?”
“We got ‘em,” your partner’s voice chimed cheerfully through the phone. “Live and in flesh. Just talked to them.”
“You didn’t threaten them, did you? If you come in with a wrecking ball, they’re gonna block me when I’m trying to talk to them. I’ve told you this,” you reminded him sternly but were unable to hide the grin fully.
“Relax,” Henriksen brushed you off, and you were sure there was an eye roll involved. “I promise I had a very cordial chit-chat with them.”
“Uh-huh.” You frowned and teased, “Why don’t I believe you?”
In response, a deep chuckle rumbled through the phone. “Get better and get that ass out of that hospital bed, rookie. I’ll call you as soon as I have those two on a plane to DC, alright?”
“I’ll be happily waiting by the airport bar.”
Needless to say, that call never came, and the Winchesters never made it to DC – neither did your partner. Everything changed after Henriksen’s death, but most of all, you.
September 2008
As the sun downed outside your office window after a long day that just added to an endless row of long days, another shadow crawled across your desk and disturbed your solitude as you pressed pause on the Wu-Tang Clan and removed your headphones.
“Special Agent Dr. Heller?”
This time, you even glanced up, considering they had at least managed to call you by your full title. “Brown-nosing straightaway. I like it,” you cast a grin on your lips and deadpanned, “If you leave your case file on the stack with the others, I’ll make sure to prioritize it, mm-kay?”
The young agent smacked his lips, bobbing his head. “Uhm, actually, I’m your new partner. Special Agent Owen Slater,” he introduced himself with a smile, holding out his hand.
However, when you coolly leaned back in your chair instead, he dejectedly dropped it. “So, Number Four, what do you have to offer?”
“Wow, they really didn’t lie to me when they told me you were hostile, huh?” He scratched his beard, obviously pondering his next move on how to break down your walls.
“Nope,” you confirmed without batting an eyelash. “I just have high standards.”
Warily, he lifted one eyebrow. “Which are?”
“Don’t be unorganized, don’t be lazy, and don’t be a dumbass,” you listed off, smiling complacently.
“Okay, and the three agents before me were…”
“All of the above, yes,” you confirmed, nodding. “When did you graduate Quantico?”
“Uhm, a month ago,” Owen replied, swallowing as his Adam’s apple bobbed with nervousness.
“Great, so they sent me a rookie,” you huffed and got out of your chair with an eye roll, packing up for the night.
“Well, I was a soldier before that. Army Ranger. Did three tours in Iraq. Also had medical training,” he informed you in an attempt to woo you. And granted, it worked.
“Military man, really?” You met his hopeful gaze, cocking an eyebrow.
He smirked widely, albeit cockily. “You like that, huh?”
“Well, it means you’re not completely useless. At least you know how to take orders without questioning my authority.” You grinned at him and watched his smile disappear.
“Yeah, they also told me you were bossy,” the young agent quipped and scratched the back of his neck. “And – I know you’re still working on the Winchester case, even though it’s officially closed.”
“It’s not closed. I don’t care what forensics says. I know they’re still alive,” you muttered bitterly like a reflex. “No one should make the mistake of underestimating them. Trust me. Two months ago, I even found surveillance footage of Sam Winchester. I mean, granted, it’s blurry and very pixelated, but I’d recognize that mob of hair anywhere. And if Sam is alive, then I know his older brother isn’t far. Dean Winchester did not just get swallowed by the Earth.”
“I believe you.” Owen shrugged simply and without any second-guessing, causing your brow to furrow.
“Why? No one else in the FBI does. They all think I’ve gone nuts,” you shared.
“I don’t think you’re nuts,” Owen replied. “Well, maybe a little after I met you.” He chuckled as you fixed him with a glare. “But… you have a 98.7% solve rate. I don’t think you’re wrong a lot. You have great instincts, so I’d be a… dumbass not to bet on those.” He smiled slyly.
Impressed, you approved. “Not bad.”
“So, you wanna go for a drink, get to know each other, discuss this blooming new friendship?” your new partner in question asked with a puppy dog look.
You smirked. “Are you buying?”
Hiding his smile behind pursed lips, he nodded. “Sure.”
“Alright,” you accepted and strolled with him to the elevators. “I know a great bar. They have the best and most expensive whiskey.”
Owen took your teasing in stride, though. “I had a feeling you’d say that. But when life gives you lemons, you’re actually supposed to ask for the tequila and salt. My mom always used to say that.”
You snorted as you pressed the button to the ground floor, laughing, “God, I knew you were a momma’s boy.”
His head snapped to you, eyebrows quirking together. “What, how?”
“Smelled it from a mile away. Call it another instinct,” you sassed.
Owen smacked his lips, shaking his head. “You’re creepy.”
“You know what’s creepy? You not even denying it, momma’s boy,” you teased him and cockily folded your arms over your blouse.
“If I pour alcohol in you, are you gonna get meaner or nicer?”
“The latter.” You laughed.
“Thank God,” he sighed dramatically and grinned, “But don’t worry. You’re gonna like me. I’m gonna wear you down until we’re tying friendship bracelets.”
“Oh good grief… We’ll see.”
2. Tequila – FEBRUARY 24
I've been wanting to write this chapter for ages and show the reader's side of the beginning years. Those flashbacks were so fun to execute. Sam's deliveries in prison still kill me 😂
But rest assured the next part will definitely pick up where we left off in Season 2 😉
For all you newbies to this series: You can catch up on Season 1 and 2 in this master post 🩵
Ko-Fi ☕️Tag List 🤍
For a bullet wound that surely had grazed an organ or two, you strangely felt fine, noticing none of the machines were even connected to you, which caused you to raise your eyebrow. Something odd was going on, and as soon as you rose into a sitting position, you realized what it was as you glimpsed back down at your own physical body in a damn hospital bed.
“Shit,” you cursed and clenched your jaw.
All of a sudden, the afterlife became a very real concept to you, albeit you’d listened to a thousand stories about it from the Winchesters. Still, a small part of you hoped it wasn’t true, as naive as that might have sounded. Seeing was believing, after all, and now, you definitely considered yourself a believer. Better late than never, right?
Even though it's been a while, I've tagged those who asked me to whenever S3 finally posts, so here it is. Let me know in the comments if you're still interested to be tagged in future chapters 🩵
@questionableppls @charmed-asylum @djs8891 @idreamofdeanie @xlynnbbyx
@deans-spinster-witch @jamerlynn @lyarr24 @hobby27 @never-here1992
#don't blame me#season 3#it's been way too long#dean winchester#dean winchester x reader#dean winchester x fbi agent reader#post season 15#dean winchester x you#dean winchester x y/n#dean winchester series#dean winchester fanfic#dean winchester fanfiction#dean winchester fic
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Clint Walker Vs. George Maharis
Clint Walker - (Cheyenne, Kodiak) - Low melodic voice, fucking enormous chest, and he's 6 feet 6 inches for some gaddamn reason. Loved him as Cheyenne Bodie so very much.
George Maharis - (Route 66) - "...I don’t know if I can fully capture what makes him so hot to me, but haven’t we all loved a bad boy with a sensitive soul at some point in our lives? And for me, nobody did it better than him..." Full text propaganda below the cut.
Master Poll List | How to submit propaganda | What is vintage? (FAQ)
Additional propaganda below the cut
Clint Walker:
George Maharis:
One of the stars of Route 66 (1960-1964,) one of the most ambitious television shows of its time. The series followed two drifters traveling the country in a Chevrolet Corvette convertible, Maharis played Buz Murdock, the working-class bad boy with a sensitive soul. Each week he and his friend Tod would arrive in a new city or town and stumble into some local drama (all filmed on location around the country.) Although he was supposed to be one of two leads, as the show went on it became clear Maharis was the superior actor and the scripts started to reflect it. The writers would give him increasingly demanding roles (in one episode, for example, his character is temporarily blinded and has to learn to adjust while staying at a school for the blind) which he always pulled off the aplomb despite the minimal prep time and demanding schedule of shooting 30-episode seasons of TV in a new location every week.
All of this should’ve set him up for a long career as the next Brando or James Dean, but the long hours took a toll on his health and the producers refused to lighten his work schedule to help him recover. On top of that, he was gay in an era when that could ruin your career. The producers weren’t happy when they found out and that probably influenced how they treated him. Subsequent vice squad arrests after leaving the show would hamper his ability to find high profile roles. I don’t know if I can fully capture what makes him so hot to me, but haven’t we all loved a bad boy with a sensitive soul at some point in our lives? And for me, nobody did it better than him. So vote for him for that reason, or as an F-You to all the homophobes who ruined his career.
CW: Brief discussions of murder and (implied) attempted assault
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Random Question Collection
Some questions for people to answer! Go into as much or as little detail as you'd like (though I personally wanna hear people ramble)! Feel free to use this as an ask game, tag game, answer questions in reblogs, send answers to my inbox, or add your own questions!
I'll probably periodically rb with more questions myself lol
What was your second dream job as a kid? Why?
What was your favorite game to play as a child?
Your top 5 most terrible media (books, movies, shows, games, songs/albums/artists, etc.) that everyone has GOT to check out. Why are they terrible, and why must everyone experience it?
What's the most bizzare class you've ever taken?
If you could create any class with any curriculum, what would the subject be? Why this subject?
If you go to college/university (or want to go, ir have gone) what's your major and why did you pick it? What's your favorite part (or what are you looking forward to)?
Favorite homemade food? Why do you like it? Could you share the recipe?
What's your favorite animal? Why? Have you ever interracted with this animal irl?
Favorite color?
If you own/owned plushies, which is your oldest and what's 1 fond memory you have with it?
Favorite part of the day? Why do you like it?
If you could travel to any place in the world at any past or current time where and when would you go? What drew you to that place?
What's a quirk of yours? Do you know why you have that quirk? Any fun stories around it?
If you could be reincarnated into anything or anyone, what or who would it be?
What's a hobby you absolutely love? Are there any hobbies (or other activities) that you want to try? Why are you interested in them?
What is your favorite article of clothing and why is it your favorite?
Are there any tropes that the majority of people love that you can't stand, and why? What about the opposite - any that a majority of people hate that you absolutely adore?
What's the first song you remember loving? First movie? Show? Do you remember why you loved it? Do you still love it?
Someone creates a space for you that is meant to be your most safest comfort space. What's in it? What does it look like? (Does not have to be limited to real things, and can include things like actual space, be underwater, whatever. Imagine you can survive any conditions, the only requirements are that it makes you feel safe and brings you comfort.)
What's the story behind the object closest to your left and to your right?
What's your favorite myth? Why is it your favorite? If you don't have a favorite, or you don't know any, are there any myths you'd like to learn about? Why would you like to learn about it?
What's your favorite short story? What's your favorite passage from said short story? If you don't have a favorite, then how about one that evokes strong emotions for you? What kind of emotions - and what causes those emotions?
First series you remember falling in love with?
Do you collect anything? Why do you collect it? What have you collected in the past?
Favorite statue (can be made by you, be a public statue, be in a museum, whatever statue) and why is it your favorite?
What's a book you haven't read yet, but really really want to read? If you have the book, flip to a random page (no first or last pages) and read exactly one sentence. What sentence did you read? Please share it!
If you could paint your ceiling any color, or to look like anything, what would it look like? Why paint it that way?
What was your favorite board game as a kid? Describe a fun/funny or general happy memory tied to this game.
I will list a range. Tell me the forst number that comes to mind when you read the range, and ponder why that number. Range: 1-99
If you could have any 5 animals as a pet - you can perfectly provide for them, they get along amazingly with each other and you, they live a comfortable life under your care, and note they do not have to be real animals - what animals would you have? Why?
#ask game#questions#i wanna hear people ramble okay#its my favorite thing#indulge me please#tag game#reblog game#idk all the games
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Ok, but I reached an eureka moment and I need someone to hear me out: will x theo could be potentionally wholesome. Like, you have just some guy who's dating this perfect dude and Will is aware, hell he is probably used to people asking him how he bagged a baddie like Theo, all meanwhile Theo is Will's number 1 fan/supporter, he's absolutely smitten for this wet dog of a man. Their dynamic has so much potential.
NOW YOURE THINKING!!!! Oh my gosh what if I told you they’re in my ship list titled “to write”?
The fun thing about these two is that typically Will’s presence adds a sense of dedication and loyalty like no other to ships, sort of like Annabel in his weird little way that he genuinely WILL GO LEAPS AND BOUNDS. But Theo is dramatic, a bit of a typical sort of man, polite and witty and trying to establish his own life after his father’s while I’d imagine ending up a bit as his father’s golden child. I can imagine looking like a man who wanted the power, the presence that comes with dating this prize and top tier rich boy, entirely regular seeming and with little connection to wealth. But I doubt Theo could see it that way. Because Theo would see Will’s weaseling into his heart as evidence that he is loved, and he is more, right? Theo is rich and high class with his manners and music and the skills and life of what a man of the era should be, but Will loves him and that can be a jarring realization when he’s used to adoration for other reasons. Theo would LOVE him like that, and Will would do his best to try and change, adjust to his environment: be a richer man, learn how to live the life, try to tame his hair. But Theo would likely laugh at him in those fancy clothes, loving and telling him it looks so wrong. Theo would catch Will returning to the grounds or the garden, attempting to get fruit from their tree, and he’d fall in love again with the quiet thought and consideration and little moment of peace that Will gains. He’d love Will’s love, his care and attempt to learn and fit in, and his appreciation for small things. He’d love how he ACTUALLY LISTENS beyond the sound of money in his pocket or fancy clothes. They’d just love.
#wow this was so long mb mate#long post#ALSO ANON YOU GET ME YOU GET ME SO WELL OMFG IM SPINNING YOUUU#root rambles#will teaches theo the proper way to pick a peach and that alone earns him a whole day worth of kisses. He’s so confused what he did#gosh everyone should leave me rarepairs and dynamics in my inbox this is amazing. This is so fun. Like even platonic ones too this rules#nevermore webtoon#will nevermore#theo nevermore#theo vandernacht#nevermore webcomic
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Dangancember 2024 - Danganronpa Top 24 Class Trials - NUMBER 1🥇: Danganronpa 2 Case 4 {BEST CASE IN DR2}
//One could argue that this case doesn't reach the same incredible heights as the case that comes after it. One could also argue that the emotions that this trial gives off make it unworthy of the top spot.
//Many could argue that there are holes in the writing that really make the intentions not come through as clearly as they could do.
//And to be honest, I was seriously considering putting 2-5 at the top of this list, because I do agree that it's probably the better mystery, and story arc, of this game.
//However, this is still my list. And as I said before, I am ranking these trials based on how important they are to me, how much they resonated with me emotionally, and how much I enjoyed them. Effectively, if they had a lasting impact on me, and how strongly they did.
//And with that in mind, I simply could not put Game 2 Case 4 anywhere else.
//As I’ve mentioned before, the fourth cases in these games often mark the point where the mysteries start to push boundaries, leaning into ideas that feel uniquely suited to the medium of video games. This is usually when the developers get more daring with the setup, location, atmosphere, and sometimes even technical elements of the case.
//This applies to both Kodaka AND LINUJ.
//But among them, this particular case holds a special place in my heart.
//Here's why:
//For starters, I absolutely adore this chapter.
//It’s one of those rare gems where everything feels deliberately crafted to mess with your head, in the best way possible. Much like Chapter 4 in V3, the environment itself takes center stage, practically becoming its own character in the narrative.
But while V3’s virtual world only influences the case itself, this chapter traps you in its bizarre locale for the entire duration. This location, as we've referenced a few times up until now, is a giant, fruit-themed funhouse.
//A murder mystery set in a place that sounds like it was dreamed up by a sugar-high interior designer with a vendetta against logic. It’s as unusual as it is brilliant.
//But yes. We've talked about Sakura's locked rec room, the virtual world, the ballroom, and the Tower of Babel, and now we finally get to talk about the infamous Strawberry House/Grape House; a maze-like funhouse whose entire purpose is to confuse the living daylights out of everyone inside.
//And trust me, it succeeds spectacularly. Like V3-4, and what made that case so damn good, is that understanding how the building, particulatly the central tower, works, is downright essential.
//But while the mechanics of the funhouse are enough to make your head spin, what really elevates this chapter is the contrast. For a case that’s as ridiculously complicated and meta as they come, the setup is shockingly raw, relatable, and utterly heartbreaking.
//The despair kicks in from the moment you wake up in this architectural fever dream. There’s a sense of suspense hanging in the air, and before you can catch your breath, Monokuma drops his latest sadistic twist: you’re not leaving the funhouse unless someone kills someone.
Also, to add to the desperation, despite the fact that we're in a funhouse based on food, there IS NO FOOD! So, you’re left with the cruelest ultimatum imaginable: kill or starve. Survive or succumb.
//Personally, I think this setup is complete bullshit, but it’s also what makes this chapter so unforgettable. It’s a constant pressure cooker, and just when you think things can’t get worse, Monokuma turns the dial up to eleven with mandatory Monokuma Tai Chi sessions. Fun fact: Tai Chi on an empty stomach only makes you hungrier! Who knew?
//But yeah, we've already talked about the motives in this story that are basically "kill someone, or die," but I think that argument works for V3-1, and not so much 2-4. And it's mainly got to do with the difference in motives for the Masterminds.
//While Tsumugi is just desperate to get the latest season of her killing game kicked off, AI Junko in DR2 REALLY needs people to die so she can take over her bodies, which is largely why the motives in Game 2 feel like more targeted attacks. If you think about it:
Case 1's motive feels like it could apply to anyone, but Monokuma must have known that Teruteru especially would fall for the trap because he's the one with the sick mother that he needed to get out and save.
Case 2 was set up to be a targeted attack against Fuyuhiko so that he would stage a plan to kill Mahiru and avenge Natsumi.
Case 3 is bullshit because it's literally a brainwashing disease that conviniently makes you act the opposite of how you usually act.
//Compared to some of that, this is tame by comparison.
//At least in terms of ridiculousness and unfairness. Not in terms of desperation; I will make that VERY clear.
//As the days drag on, the desperation becomes almost unbearable. Watching Hajime slowly unravel under the strain is one of the most emotionally gut-wrenching experiences in the entire series. You can practically feel his grip on reality slipping as hunger, confusion, and tension eat away at him and the others. It’s a situation that’s so dire, it might even make you consider snacking between play sessions just to cope.
//(Pro tip: don’t play this chapter while hungry. You’ll regret it.)
//Now, let’s circle back to the Funhouse itself. It’s divided into two sections: Strawberry House, where most of the boys sleep, and Grape House, where the girls and a room-less Hajime bunk down.
//Each side SUPPOSEDLY has its own tower, and while they seem connected, no one can figure out exactly how, besides a single, maddening elevator.
//There are no windows, Monokuma cancels the morning announcements, and any sense of time completely disintegrates. Oh, and there’s something called the Octagon thrown into the mix, just to make everything even more mind-bending.
//This chapter is an assault on the senses, a test of endurance, and a masterclass in psychological tension. It’s frustrating, fascinating, and unforgettable all at once. By the time you finish, you’ll likely be as emotionally drained as the characters. And that’s what makes it so damn great.
//But when the murder actually happens, things get even CRAZIER!
//One of the standout reasons this case is so phenomenal is because it dares to be wildly different from the others, and not just in a "slight deviation from the norm" way, but in a "what-the-actual-fuck-is-happening" kind of way.
//Let’s dive into the first element that makes this case unbelievably unique: the Victim.
//The unfortunate soul this time around is none other than Nekomaru Nidai, and...I do admit that one of the more unfortunate parts of this case is the fact that Nekomaru gets cucked REALLY bad by the narrative in this later part of the story.
//At this point in the story, Nekomaru has already met his untimely demise in an execution that wasn’t even meant for him. But Monokuma, ever the stickler for his own twisted rules, couldn’t let him stay dead, as that would technically break the school trip regulations.
//So, what’s the solution? Resurrect him, of course! But because Monokuma is also a petty jerk, he didn’t just bring Nekomaru back to life, he brought him back as a robot. A full-fledged, chrome-plated, hydraulically-enhanced robot. Out of pure spite. You know, like any sane bear would do.
//So after his execution, he's not only absent for all of Trial 3/the Despair Disease segment of Chapter 3, but after they bring him back, he DIES AGAIN.
//And it makes me feel a lot of shit, because Nekomaru, when you do his FTE's, is actually a RIDICULOUSLY INTERESTING character!
//The big issue with DR2's characters, as much as I love them, is the fact that the best parts of them are only seen in the optional Free Time Events, and without them, they're honestly kind of one-dimensional, and it doesn't make them as sympathetic when they die. Mahiru, Hiyoko, and Teruteru are easily the biggest examples, and Nekomaru is another one.
//All these characters are amazing, but you have to look deeper into them if you really want to see that. I just feel really bad for Nekomaru, because this part of the story screws him over so hard.
//However...Here’s where things get even more interesting: while Nekomaru himself doesn’t play a massive role in the overall murder plot, his robotic status is absolutely central to how the crime unfolds.
//In fact, it’s safe to say this murder could only happen to someone like him. It’s a case tailor-made for a victim with robot-specific quirks, and the execution is nothing short of brilliant.
//Let’s talk specifics, shall we? First up, Nekomaru’s internal radio clock. Unlike everyone else, he has a perfectly accurate internal timepiece, making him the only one who would know the exact time down to the second.
//Then there’s his sleep function. He has a built-in mechanism to enter sleep mode, complete with a timer that can wake him up. And it’s not just a nifty feature; it’s a key element in how the murder plays out.
//Add in a host of other robot-specific traits, and you’ve got a murder mystery that feels refreshingly original, pushing the boundaries of what a Danganronpa case can be.
//What makes this all work so well is that it embraces the absurdity of the situation without losing sight of the logic and strategy that define the series. The murder isn’t just unique for the sake of being unique, it’s a puzzle that could only exist in this specific set of circumstances, with this specific victim. It’s bizarre, it’s intricate, and it’s utterly unforgettable.
//Which is also a large contributing factor to why this investigation sequence stands out as my absolute favorite in the entire Danganronpa series. From start to finish, it delivers a perfect blend of creativity, complexity, and downright bizarre twists that keep you on your toes. The clues you uncover are not only unique but also challenging, making it nearly impossible to predict how everything will play out. It’s a mental workout in the best way possible.
//Let’s start with the setup. By the time Nekomaru’s body is discovered, the group feels like they’ve got a decent grasp on how the funhouse operates. But then, as you start piecing things together, you realize, some of the evidence directly contradicts what everyone thought they understood about the layout.
//This throws a wrench into the group's theories and forces you to think beyond the obvious. The only way to crack this case is by carefully examining each clue, laying them all out in a neat little mental grid, and connecting the dots one by one.
//What’s brilliant here is that almost all the conclusions the group reaches feel logical in some way, even if they’re hilariously off the mark at times.
//Now, let’s talk about the real highlight of this investigation. We all love to rave about the protag switch in Danganronpa V3, but does anyone remember that Game 2 briefly pulled the same trick?
//During this investigation, Hajime, who’s stuck in Grape House, can’t cross over to Strawberry House to investigate. So who steps up to the plate instead? None other than everyone’s favorite chaotic wildcard, Nagito Komaeda. And let me tell you, it’s every bit as wild as you’d expect.
//The peak of Nagito’s investigation is the iconic Final Dead Room sequence. This part is pure nostalgic gold, as it feels like Danganronpa took a detour through an early 2000s Big Fish-style point-and-click adventure game. The sheer absurdity of solving puzzles in this creepy, isolated room, combined with the ominous atmosphere, makes it a standout moment.
//And then, of course, there’s the Russian Roulette scene. This is where Nagito’s…unique...personality really shines. Not only is the concept of spinning a loaded gun for clues objectively insane, but the way he handles it, like it’s just another Tuesday, is as hilarious as it is unnerving.
//tldr; It’s a brilliant combination of clever game design, character development, and humor, all wrapped up in the offbeat charm that Danganronpa does so well. Whether it’s the jaw-dropping twists, the nostalgic game mechanics, or the pure chaos of stepping into Nagito’s shoes, this sequence has it all, and that’s why it works so perfectly.
//And then when we get to the trial, and all of these things are brought up. And holy shit, basically ALL of these elements come together in a way that is downright MASTERFUL!
//Let me say it again for emphasis: this case isn’t just one of the most engaging mysteries in all of Danganronpa, it’s also one of the hardest to crack.
//Seriously, you’ll need to flex every neuron in your brain to make sense of this mind-bender. From understanding time consistencies to grasping environmental nuances, this case demands a lot from you.
//And that’s part of its charm. It’s a delightful challenge that pushes your detective skills to their limits while keeping you glued to the screen.
//The pacing here is impeccable, and every character gets their moment to shine (or stumble hilariously). Even the less-than-genius members of the group, like Akane, contribute to the discussion in surprising ways.
//In fact, not only does she join in in a meaningful way, but Akane ends up being the closest to cracking the case early on, proving that sometimes brute-force logic works!
//I...almost forget that despite being so dumb, Akane is actually super helpful in these trials, because her gut instinct is almost always right. Case 3 notwithstanding.
//The debates feel surprisingly realistic for such an outlandish scenario, with each character proposing their own theories. These range from plausible to downright wacky, but they all make sense in their own way.
//The theories fly fast and furious, covering everything from the layout of the funhouse to the relationship between Strawberry House, Grape House, and the mysterious tower in the middle. Questions about how the elevator works, how it moves, and what secrets it might be hiding dominate the discussion.
//And here’s the kicker: unlike some other cases, almost nothing in this investigation is a red herring. EVERY clue matters, and EVERY detail ties back into the murder somehow. It’s an intricate web that rewards careful observation and critical thinking.
//Now let’s talk about the murder itself, because, wow, it’s a doozy. The killer ends up being, in a very unexpected fashion, Gundham Tanaka, the Ultimate Breeder and hamster enthusiast extraordinaire. Not only that, but he orchestrates one of the most elaborate kills in the series, using almost EVERY aspect of the funhouse to achieve his goal.
//The method is as over-the-top as Gundham himself, and it’s a blast to unravel. Here’s how it went down:
//Gundham manipulated the funhouse’s alarm clocks, setting them back so they’d go off much later than usual. However, Nekomaru had that internal radio clock that always kept perfect time. So, while everyone else is blissfully unaware of the real time, Nekomaru is the only one to wake up for Monokuma Tai Chi.
//Once Nekomaru is alone, Gundham uses the "power of hamsters" to shut him off and ties him to the handle of one of the tower doors.
//Here’s where it gets even crazier: the tower itself is a giant elevator that moves between floors, though it’s designed to keep this fact hidden.
//Gundham manipulates the tower, causing the floor to descend and leaving Nekomaru suspended in midair. When Nekomaru reactivates, he struggles, triggering his fall, and ultimately, his death.
//What makes this case so brilliant is how satisfying it is to piece everything together. The complexity of the setup keeps you guessing until the very end, and the realization of how it all fits together is genuinely exhilarating.
//The sheer creativity of Gundham’s plan, combined with the funhouse’s disorienting design, makes this case a true standout. It’s a wild ride from start to finish, full of twists, turns, and insane moments. And that’s what makes it work. It’s challenging, inventive, and, above all, fun.
//But of course, we need to talk more specifically about Gundham here. And trust me when I say I have been waiting for this for literally almost a month.
//Gundham Tanaka isn’t just my favorite killer in Danganronpa 2, he’s my favorite killer in the ENTIRE SERIES.
//And no, Kaede does not count, because 1) Kaede did not actually kill Rantaro, and 2) even though I like Kaede more as a CHARACTER, I like Gundham's role as a killer more than hers.
//Largely because he combines a brilliant murder plan with an equally compelling motive, both of which fit his eccentric, larger-than-life personality perfectly. His scheme is a masterpiece of manipulation, utilizing every rule and quirk of the funhouse setting to orchestrate an elaborate, nearly unsolvable murder. Add in the unique mechanics of Nekomaru's robotic body, and you’ve got a case that’s as ingenious as it is wild.
//Honestly, this plan was so good that the ONLY reason Gundham lost was due to a minor accident that most players (myself included) don’t even notice until it’s pointed out in the trial!
//Even if the group figured out how Nekomaru died, they might never have deduced who did it if not for sheer chance. Specifically, if Fuyuhiko had chosen to sleep in his assigned room, Gundham’s identity could’ve stayed hidden. That’s how airtight his plan was.
//But what elevates this case even further is Gundham’s motive, which is one of the most fascinating in the series.
//When the trial ends, Chiaki posits that Gundham and Nekomaru might have fought to determine who would die, with Gundham initially luring Nekomaru out with the intent to sacrifice himself so the others could escape the funhouse.
//It’s a noble, heart-wrenching idea that makes perfect sense, but at the same time, it’s only an implication. Gundham never outright admits to it, which adds layers of depth to his character and his actions.
//Instead, Gundham ties his motive to his grandiose, demonic-villain persona and his unique philosophy on life.
//Earlier in the chapter, Hajime expresses his despair over the situation, saying he’d rather starve than see another murder. To Gundham, this attitude is utterly repugnant.
//His entire reason for committing the murder is to jolt the group out of their apathy, to remind them that clinging to life, even in dire circumstances, is a battle worth fighting. It’s a twisted, almost poetic motive that fits Gundham’s character to a T.
//What really makes Gundham’s actions unforgettable, though, is his refusal to drop his villainous façade, even in his final moments. His last words are both inspiring and devastating, cementing his role as a tragic anti-hero.
//Why doesn’t Gundham explicitly admit to his noble intentions? Well, I think there are two reasons.
//First, as he states during his monologue, he wants to uphold his villainous philosophy until the bitter end, sticking to his "evil" persona even as he faces execution.
//Second, I believe he wants to avoid being called a hypocrite. How could he tell the others not to give up on life while willingly sacrificing his own?
//So by keeping his true motives ambiguous, Gundham ensures that his message is one of strength and perseverance, free from contradictions.
//Now...*sigh* Let's talk about the elephant in the room.
//Not too long ago, and while I was looking at references for this review, I have seen a multitude of people talking about Gundham's motives, and being generally confused, and some even upset by the notion. That they think the game is playing it as a noble sacrifice, but believe that it's anything but.
//Beyond what I've just talked about, the murder itself is so elaborate that it overshadows Gundham’s motivations. The focus on the mechanics of the crime, the tower, Nekomaru’s robotic body, and the use of the funhouse’s unique design, leaves little room for deeper exploration of Gundham’s internal reasoning.
//So people usually walk away more impressed by the puzzle-solving than by Gundham’s character arc, leading to dissatisfaction with how his motives are addressed.
//Some fans take issue with this vagueness, finding it hard to reconcile the idea of Gundham as a noble sacrificer with his over-the-top villainous persona. The lack of an explicit confession leaves people questioning whether his actions were truly altruistic or just a convoluted ploy to "play hero."
//And generally, a lot of people seem confused as to why Gundham didn't just step forward and out himself from the start, like how Satsuki Iranami did in A-4.
//What upsets me most, and not to sound rude, is that the reasoning is so BLATANTLY OBVIOUS that I don't see how people miss it. The reason why Gundham stands on ceremony, lets the trial happen, even though he always intended to give his and Nekomaru's life for this cause, is very simple.
//Gundham’s ultimate goal wasn’t just to save the group but to teach them the importance of persistence. He saw that the others were beginning to waver, paralyzed by the dilemma of starvation versus murder. So his actions were designed to snap them out of their indecision, reminding them that survival often requires difficult, morally ambiguous choices.
//He wanted to inspire them to keep moving forward, even if it meant being vilified in the process. And the reason he didn't step forward is BECAUSE of this.
//Gundham wanted everyone to put more value in their lives.
//So what's the best way to do that?
//He makes them FIGHT FOR THEM!
//I'm in no way saying that this kind of moral quandry justifies murder, but while if Gundham had just outed himself as the killer, that would have gotten everyone out of the funhouse quickly and easily, but he didn't WANT it to be easy! Because even if they do escape, that pessimism will be brought out with them, and if Hajime and co. are so willing to give up here, who's to say they won't lay down and die when they reach the NEXT roadblock?
//Gundham’s disdain for Hajime’s willingness to starve reflects his core belief: that life, no matter how dire the circumstances, is WORTH fighting for.
//His decision to kill Nekomaru wasn’t an act of giving up; or an act of burtality or spite. It was a calculated risk to prevent the group from succumbing to Despair.
//By orchestrating the murder, he ensured that the group would be able to escape the funhouse, while also having them struggle to achieve their goals, and realize that their lives are important to them, effectively preserving their ability to continue the fight for survival.
//On top of this, Gundham’s refusal to admit to a noble sacrifice aligns with his commitment to his "evil overlord" persona. To him, openly admitting a selfless motive would contradict the image he’s built for himself and dilute the impact of his message.
//By framing his actions in philosophical terms rather than emotional ones, he maintains his integrity and avoids being seen as a martyr.
//And I would quote his final lines so I can pick apart what all this means, but...
//I think I'd rather let the man himself do it. Take it away, Chris!
//Love this man and his voice btw^^^
//But yeah, this is such an important sequence of dialogue for me, and if you don't mind (you probably do, but I don't care about your feelings) I'm going to pick it apart.
//Gundham begins by acknowledging that he cannot, and will not, force others to adopt his perspective. He's aware that his views are unconventional and that others may not fully understand his actions or motivations. However, this also demonstrates his resolve. Even if his beliefs are not embraced, he remains steadfast in them, confident in their validity.
//Gundham directly challenges the resignation and apathy that had gripped the group in the funhouse. For him, life is inherently valuable, and simply waiting for death without striving for survival or growth is cowardly and meaningless. This sentiment reflects his earlier disdain for Hajime's suggestion that starving to death was preferable to murder. Gundham views such passivity as an insult to the struggles and instincts that define life.
//Gundham identifies the root of the group’s despair: their sense of abandonment and hopelessness. By calling this out, he frames his actions as a rebellion against this mindset. He believes that resignation breeds stagnation and that nothing meaningful or productive can come from surrendering to despair. His words highlight his desire to jolt the group out of their apathy and push them toward action.
//And then the statement "Giving up on life…That's just an insult to life itself!"
//This statement is the core of Gundham’s philosophy. To him, life, regardless of its hardships, is sacred and worth fighting for. Surrendering to despair or choosing to give up on life, in his eyes, is a betrayal of the very essence of existence. This belief underpins his actions throughout the chapter, including his willingness to kill Nekomaru to ensure the survival of the group.
//He goes on to use a zoological metaphor to explain his perspective on survival. By referencing the natural world's harsh realities, he justifies his actions as being in line with the instinctual drive to live. In his view, killing for survival is not inherently evil but rather a natural part of life. This perspective contrasts sharply with human moral frameworks, which often demonize such actions. By invoking nature, Gundham suggests that survival often requires difficult choices that transcend conventional notions of good and evil.
//But then, Gundham flips the moral question back on the group. If survival through killing is deemed evil, then allowing oneself to die without resistance, effectively rejecting life, must be an even greater moral failing. His rejection of this so-called "justice" underscores his defiance against societal norms and his commitment to his beliefs. This statement also reinforces his role as a philosophical antagonist: someone who challenges the group’s, and by extension, the player’s, assumptions about morality.
//In Gundham’s eyes, resignation to death is not just cowardly but also a rejection of the natural order. He believes life is a sacred, universal force, and to willingly abandon it is to defy the very principles of existence. His critique of humanity’s "arrogance" suggests that humans, in their pursuit of moral absolutes and societal constructs, have lost touch with the primal instincts that drive life. To him, embracing those instincts, even when it involves moral ambiguity, is the true path to honoring life.
//People are free to interpret Gundham's words however they want, but for me personally...these words matter.
//These final words encapsulate his philosophy: life is sacred, and to give up on it is the ultimate sin. His rejection of resignation and embrace of survival, even through morally ambiguous means, reflect his unwavering commitment to his ideals, making his character and his death both memorable and thought-provoking.
//This sequence, and Gundham as a character alone, carry this case to the high-heights, but coupling that with what is generally the best mystery, most engaging investigation and trial, and greatest logical loops in the series.
//And it takes it all the way to numero uno.
//So let's give it EVERYTHING we've got! It's RECAP TIME!
#24: Danganronpa 2 Case 3 #23: Danganronpa V3 Case 6 #22: Danganronpa Another 2 Case 5 #21: Danganronpa 1 Case 3 #20: Danganronpa V3 Case 5 #19: Danganronpa 2 Case 2 #18: Danganronpa Another Case 1 #17: Danganronpa Another Case 2 #16: Danganronpa Another Case 5 #15: Danganronpa 1 Case 6 #14: Danganronpa Another 2 Case 4 #13: Danganronpa V3 Case 2 #12: Danganronpa Another 2 Case 6 #11: Danganronpa Another 2 Case 1 #10: Danganronpa 2 Case 1 #9: Danganronpa Another Case 6 #8: Danganronpa Another Case 4 #7: Danganronpa 1 Case 4 #6: Danganronpa V3 Case 4 #5: Danganronpa V3 Case 1 #4: Danganronpa 2 Case 6 #3: Danganronpa 1 Case 2 #2: Danganronpa 2 Case 5 #1: Danganronpa 2 Case 4
//And with that...Happy Dangancember everybody ;) And Merry Christmas!
#danganronpa survivor#danganronpa#danganronpa 2#dr2#mod talks#ranking#gundham tanaka#nekomaru nidai#dangancember 2024#Youtube
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Ace Attorney AU August (halfway progress update!)
Okay technically it's the 16th (lol, 17th by the time this is done) so a little over halfway actually, but still I thought since I haven't had anything finished to post the past few days this would be a fun alternative!
I've been going a little nuts (affectionate) over @augustwritingchallenge's AU-gust prompts list this year so August has been a wild ride (about 40k words of one, in fact. so far.) but seeing as I will get attached to even the jokiest of AU ideas instantly, I've completed* a whopping 5 whole fics of 16, lol. Considering the shortest of those is over 3k and the longest is over 12k, I think the problem with not finishing these in a timely manner is entirely on my verbose foolish thick skull, haha, but I'm still having a blast with it.
Here is my ao3 series where I'm posting!
And a rundown / progress report / quick teaser of all the AUs including those I've yet to finish, if anyone's interested:
(*by "completed" I should note two of the already posted fics are basically assuredly going to be continued past the challenge, but let's say "completed enough to post and be on theme")
1. Canon Divergence - complete - 4.5k words ("For the Murder of Mr. Wrong" link)
Mia POV, gen. What if Dahlia succeeded in poisoning Phoenix and framed Doug Swallow instead (and then Mia defended him in court)? Basically a 3-1 rewrite. Fun Fact: I only came up with this AU because before I even remembered AU-gust existed at all, I'd come up with like 4 totally separate AUs in which I poison Phoenix in various ways With Real Consequences because it amuses me, lol, but he survives all those other ones and I eventually realized I hadn't even considered straight up killing him off yet so I figured I should try it at least once, haha.
2. Colorless - complete 1st chapter - 3.2k words ("Grey Matters" link)
Phoenix POV (for 1st ch --prob alternating after), wrightworth. "You can't see color until the first time you touch your soulmate"-soulmate AU. 1st chapter is their first meeting as kids (skipping the class trial itself). Fun Fact(s): I really love a color soulmate AU! Big fan of the "only see the color of their eyes" type of one too but uhhh on top of that working better for things that have wild anime eye colors, you could not pay me enough to try to figure out what the HELL is going on with Ace Attorney eye colors at any given time lmfao. (Also--spoilers for what i haven't written yet but hey if you're here you earned it--this IS one of my very many "teehee what if i poison Phoenix just a smidge as a treat for me" fics. NOT my fault the man ATE GLASS. That's on him.)
3. Dark Academia - complete "1st chapter" - 4.4k words ("The Spirit of the Laws of Magic" link)
Mia POV, lanamia. Magical boarding school setting featuring corruption and missing-student conspiracies and a most likely overthought system of magic with hierarchies and prejudices in societal views of academic/formulaic vs folk/innate magic. Fun Fact: I really thought for SURE i was going to skip this day entirely, lol. (foolish.) I don't think i've actually ever personally read anything "dark academia", technically--so if this doesn't read EXACTLY that way, there you go, but i did my best. I also then thought I could live with keeping this vague but I accidentally thought about it too long so... plus at least two people on top of myself at this point have expressed interest in more of this and so I have some semi-concrete Plans™ now.
4. Zombie Apocalypse - conceptualized (but not started)
Concept: probably gen and Phoenix POV, but also because I'm me and they're them, at least a little bit wrightworth even if it isn't necessarily explicit in any meaningful way bc they are Not Normal about each other lol. A little sketchy on how much of an "AU" this counts for, since it could probably be argued to be canon compliant somehow, but basically just: Universe where they make a Pride and Prejudice and Zombies-type Steel Samurai reboot movie thing (featuring, you guessed it, zombies), and Miles comes over and forces Phoenix to watch it with him just to have someone to bitch about it at, and then during that time Maya blows her way into Phoenix's apartment as well with the exact same intentions except her "day job" isn't quite as time-sensitive-strict so she's already finished watching it earlier and knows all the spoilers. Honestly a good chance Phoenix and Pearl (who came with Maya) end up hiding out in the kitchen together to let Maya and Miles rile each other up in front of the TV, but I'm never exactly sure where they'll take me once I wind them up and set them loose on the page, so who knows. I also hadn't necessarily determined the exact time frame yet but for it to make sense as a reboot-type movie/special episode/whatever it probably should be 7yg-or-later so Trucy may or may not be there as well. (That said, in my struggles to complete an actually short one-shot, I probably shouldn't even include Pearl let alone Trucy, lol.) Fun Fact: I also thought I'd skip this day bc I'm not the biggest zombie guy in the world, and to be fair, I managed to do Way Less with it than the dark academia prompt so, yippie?
5. Chess Players - incomplete (currently 3k word WIP)
Miles POV, wrightworth. Miles is a chess grandmaster and back in Japanifornia for the upcoming world cup tournament, but his greatest challenge is actually to FINALLY best Franziska in their annual who-can-get-the-best-Christmas-gift competition. Luckily, he just so happened to hear of an artist who makes bespoke chess sets, so the plan is to get a custom board made for Franziska without her finding out. The plan is not to get trapped in a weird art collective labyrinth with some model-photographer named Cindy who keeps hitting on him but also happens to be protective of the artist he's there to see because "she and her boyfriend kinda-sorta owe him big time", but this is what he gets for coming here without doing any extra research into the artist besides seeing his work and hearing only "his name is White, or, eh, something like that, you know how those artist types are" from Mr. Amano. (AU where we replace law with chess and no I don't think Phoenix could necessarily hack it in the top-world-grandmasters-level of chess tournaments HOWEVER have you considered he DID go to art school so what if he just tries selling custom chess sets until somehow that reconnects him with Miles. Is that somehow a more insane plan than studying law? Maybe. Did Manfred still shoot Gregory but now it was over fucking chess? Maybe. Idk. But I did let Greg live this time at least!) Fun Fact: we can all DEFINITIVELY blame my lovely, terrible, very wonderful friend Ben (shameless friend plug! she's an outstanding writer and has some AA fics of her own too!! @kindlystrawberry on tumblr!!) for making a total joke about "well what about au where they make chess pieces instead" while i lamented not knowing enough about chess to write an actual match and spawning this ENTIRE concept. It is her fault. 100%. She is the guilty party. (I want to finish this one VERY BADLY. Save me.)
EVIDENCE!!!!! Guilty.
6. Reality Show - incomplete (currently 700 word WIP)
Phoenix (& Franziska) POV(s), background wrightworth wedding planning going on as set up but it's also definitely just one of my many excuses to set Phoenix and Franziska up as bitchy worsties who can't admit they enjoy each other's company and will cut you down if you suggest it as such. So far I've only written the quote "set-up" section which is in Phoenix's POV, but that was SUPPOSED to be like 5 paragraphs and cut away and then lead into my actual plan for the main body, which was to be in Franz's instead, so. This is very similar to the zombie one in that it's them watching reality tv instead of being contestants on a show (I don't personally like or watch a lot of reality tv so my creative well was somewhat dry on how to make that work) and then I accidentally thought about Phoenix and Franziska watching something just to judge and tear apart the decisions of every person on it and that was too fun to not consider further, haha. Basically the plan is just they get left alone together and don't know what to do with that and end up wine-drunk and making fun of some reality dating show of some kind and Miles and Trucy come back to them losing it together over something stupid and are like "......uh. what's happening." Fun Facts: I really love the thought experiment of Franziska somehow discovering how often Phoenix's internal dialogue/reads on situations and especially people can be So Bitchy And Judgey despite his affable complexion, and her unfortunately finding his opinions to SOMETIMES be somehow slightly okay. Moderately correct, even--occasionally. I know the section she follows you-as-Phoenix around in T&T is really not long at ALL, but I adore it. There's something about it that so badly makes me want to force them into proximity more (to both their chagrin, I'm sure).
7. Farm/Ranch - complete - 12k words ("Two Little Dickey Byrdes" link)
Gumshoe POV, gumbyrde (tho i still think dickeybyrde is a funnier ship name). 5+1 things--except more like maybe 7-or-8+1 to be honest--so it's more: over 5 times Dick and Maggey sit on a wall together and 1 time they find someone else there instead. AKA: Dick runs his family's small farm (think fantasy farm like in a farming sim or maybe horse girl novel type of thing that has nothing to do with what a real farm is like lol don't worry about it) and Maggey starts working at the next farm over as the latest of her many odd jobs. Fun Fact: oh god this one got so far away from me. it was not supposed to be this long lmao. it's literally the elaborate set-up to a very silly Nursery-Rhyme-I-Didn't-Even-Know-About-Prior-To-This -based punchline!?! still, i was pleasantly surprised by how happy i was with this once it was done... two sittings and about 16 total hours later. haha).
8. Nomad - incomplete (planned/outlined)
Apollo (or possibly Klavier) POV, klapollo. Sort of Jove-Thalassa swap adjacent, but basically: AU where Jove survives the Khura'in fire but loses his memories for [contrived convince sake reasons]. (And also possibly loses some or all of his eyesight just to really go for the parallels?) Therefore: Jove and Apollo stay with Dhurke and Nahyuta and the Defiant Dragons for a time, while Jove recovers, but eventually they leave and head out on their own, just the two of them, and do the traveling musician thing, both because it's dangerous in Khura'in and Dhurke already canonically didn't want Apollo to get caught up in it and potentially get hurt to begin with and because with a functioning actual parent Apollo doesn't need to be taken in by him--and also Jove from what little we know seems like he prefers to be on the move and was already a world traveler anyhow, so even amnesiac maybe he gets a little antsy stuck in one place too long. And so like amnesiac Thalassa, Jove thusly becoming a renowned mysterious musician--and then Apollo, sweet tone deaf Apollo, becoming the sonager of all time (like a momager but...you get it) because he's not that into music but he IS into arguing for better conditions/making deals (contracts!! international legalese!! woohoo!!) with venues and promoters and stuff. And then--oops dang Lamioir still exists and now they have a meet-cute (2 electric bugaloo) (but by then it's later enough Trucy still exists because it will be a cold day in hell when I don't find a way to make her work) and they do music collabs or join up to form a group or whatever and OOPS this means now that Apollo and Jove are with Lamioir when The Gavinners / Klavier specifically meet her and get her to come to do the Guitar's Serenade concert eventually. And Apollo and Klavier ofc thusly also have a meet-cute and then talk and bond etc etc. AND THEN the au STOPS THERE and I DON'T think about how without Apollo Phoenix is totally getting convicted of Zak's murder because there's no way that trial works out as well for him with some other attorney and I also don't think about how reasonable it would then be that maybe Trucy ends up helping Valant with his work setting up the trick for the concert afterward on account of the one father in prison and the other being dead and having left behind a notarized confession clearing Valant's name of suspicion, etc. AND I DEFINITELY do not think about how i could then still so easily get everyone in one place at the concert for Turnabout Serenade and/or any possible funny Sibling (And Thalassa) Reveal that could happen i dont i dont i do not--
9. Accidental Baby Acquisition - conceptualized (not started)
Gen, possibly my weakest / least defined idea on this list, but basically: Phoenix kind of already lives this in canon, lol (insomuch as an 8yo counts as a baby) so I thought, well, how to take it a different direction, then? And I thought, I don't usually go for a Phoenix Fey kind of au because I personally really love the relationships he has with all the Feys as-is in canon and so it's not quite as funny to me as, say, a Miles Fey AU where like Misty and Gregory are married, or any of the ones in that bent, because I'm sorry but that's just SO funny (and sad, but mostly funny) any way you slice it--plus his NAME is RIGHT THERE mia-miles-maya he FITS--anyhow, that completely aside, there are just a lot of reasons I really love the platonic relationships the Feys already have with Phoenix and I don't think it NEEDS to be made specifically familial to still be so very important, y'know? BUT. That said. AU where Phoenix is idk abandoned as a baby or maybe his parents die young or something and it's like a Thing to leave babies at temples or churches or whatever, right? So like--Phoenix adopted by the Feys AU but only because the more i considered it the more i thought it would be WILD for him to literally know Maya her entire life, and it's fascinating to me to consider a Maya who ISN'T basically left all alone to her own devices (and Morgan's) and who has someone absolutely in her corner in the village the entire time even after Mia leaves (who isn't a baby when Mia leaves, love you tho Pearls), AND also and perhaps more importantly, the ships-passing-in-the-night-ness of a scene where, like: Morgan does something sketchy or whatever and Phoenix wants to keep Mia updated but for whatever reason decides to go down to the city and actually tell her in person and so he's waiting outside the courthouse or something (possibly part of or perhaps Most Of the reason he goes in person is because he knows her first courtroom trial is that day and he wants to see her + hear how it went) and when he gets there she's in a heated argument with some asshole in a fancy over-embellished jacket and once that guy leaves Phoenix is like "Sheesh, what's his problem?" You know???? And maybe he really would never even know!!!! Bc he grew up in Kurain!!!! And has no reason to care!!! About some random prosecutor who was mean to Mia!! Aaaah!!! So that, and on top of that, Diego would be there too ofc at that point, and I feel like he would ALSO be quite a funny interaction in this scenario. ("Wow, someone's popular, kitten, you have all sorts of guys waiting on a chance to talk to you, heh?" "Uh.--I'm sorry, WHAT did you just call her")
10. Enemies-to-Allies - incomplete (currently 370 word WIP)
Ema POV, faraskye. Cyberpunk AU where Lana is still under Gant's thumb and Ema, with no other way to stay close to her and getting rejected from any of the sorts of jobs she really wants to do, decides to just join the security force (or cyber police or w/e I decide to call it) and is tasked with hunting down the Yatagarasu, guerilla hacker supreme who is threatening the sanctity of the capitalist overlords. Except Ema's squad gets ambushed and she's captured and tied to a pole, and with her useless fop partner seemingly not coming to rescue her (if he even noticed her absence), she does some quick cost-benefit analysis and decides she didn't really like that job anyway and maybe there's another way she can get her sister back in her life. So she breaks free of her own handcuffs (which she definitely didn't modify into incidental ineffectiveness she's still testing for bugs) and helps fix the "Little Thief" device her captor seems to have broken despite how obviously valuable and impressive the tech is, and they eventually come to something of an agreement. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, and all that. Either Ema as the hardware-engineer one and Kay as the software-programming one as the two sides of the tech coin, or else Kay can just be like doing the physical sneaking kind of spy stuff only--or maybe she knows a little about software but not so much she's a pro the way she is with infiltration and such. Possibly toying with the idea Kay herself is just completely an android, but if not, I think she has some cybernetic cyborg things going on regardless. Possibly from or inspired by her father? I also like the idea that Gant did something maybe more drastic with regards to having dirt on Ema to get Lana to do his bidding--like maybe Ema has a whole cybernetic hand because instead of just her handprint on a leather jacket, Gant has some sicko jar with her entire hand in it in his office safe, or something. I don't know why this would be useful to him but it is certainly an image. I also find it funny if Miss Fingerprint Powder Enthusiast doesn't actually have any fingerprints of her own anymore somehow in this AU, lol.
11. Retail Worker - complete - 6.7k words ("The Bake Anything Boulangerie" link)
Apollo POV, gen. Phoenix gets a job at a bakery instead of the Borscht Bowl Club during the 7 year gap, and Apollo happens to stumble across it and ends up meeting the Wrights while he's still in high school. He becomes a regular at the bakery and is already close to them by the time "Shadi Smith's" murder comes around. And also, yes, sibling reveal right away--at least as soon as Phoenix realizes and can reveal it. As a treat. (Other reveals, though, I might put poor Apollo through on a delayed basis. Also as a treat, lmao, just not one for him.) Fun Fact: I'm being redundant bc this is also in my a/n, but, Baker Phoenix lives rent-free in my brain because Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright was in fact the very first Ace Attorney game I ever played, technically, and Maya and Phoenix semi-brainwashed in that bakery was literally one of my first impressions of them. ........followed immediately by starting a let's play of Justice for All (which i watched through the first case, after which I was like oKAY fine maybe i DO need more context here, i should probably figure out what the actual first game is, and went back to start the series properly at the beginning hahaha). What do you MEAN i have a disproportionate fascination with amnesiac Phoenix, even if I have yet to finish and publish one of my myriad AUs that utilize stupid, unrealistic, plot convenient re-temporary amnesia?? Hm???? Idk what you're talking about. Also everyone who complains about 2-1 is wrong lmao it's objectively (okay subjectively is what i'm saying yes BUT objectively) such a funny place to start without knowing broad plot strokes, it's great. I both knew so much and absolutely shit-all nothing about Maya after PLvPW and 2-1, LMAO. god.
12. Animagus Wings (Joker) - incomplete (planned/outlined)
Miles POV, wrightworth. Angel/Demon AU, except I'm playing super fast and loose with the rules on that because all my knowledge of Christian-mythos comes from firstly and unknowingly the Chronicles of Narnia and more recently and cognizantly Lucifer (Netflix) and Good Omens. I know that's probably more or less what we're all doing with this kind of AU but still, I'm not even sure I want to refer to Heaven and Hell here, I'm kinda on the fence about maybe just keeping it all very vague? I also accidentally semi-worldbuilt more than i intended incidentally on account of "But Then How-Why Names If Angelic Creatures?" Format-wise it would semi-follow gomens s1 where it's hopping through some meetings between long stretches but also a kind of pre- and post- Fall type of thing? And potentially à la Lucifer becoming, like, these are My Mortal Humans and i will be Spending Time With Them, screw you celestial duties, I'm making my own Free Will, etc. And i mean i guess Lucifer is also a crime procedural lmao maybe they still solve crimes in the end too. Fun Fact: I didn't want to do the original prompt for several reasons, and sure fuck jkr is one of them but even before I knew about her I still wasn't really the biggest hp person in the first place? So i wouldn't know/don't remember at all the way it works without having to do the specific research and i...don't want to haha. Hence. And I know the prompt seems to be using it loosely / might just be borrowing the word and not actually referencing hp specifically but tbh either way human-animal shifter things just in general I can be somewhat picky about haha. (Okay okay plus full disclosure the ONLY idea I have for this sort of thing actually ties into my day-3-dark-academia-extended-au-verse and i COULD make my life simpler by just connecting the two days but Heh who would I be if I simplified things for myself... *sigh*) All that to say: I saw "wings" on the wild card list and I thought, ooh, well that's still sort of a related concept! Let's tag that one in! So it's still kind of day 12 prompt-adjacent, if you squint.
13. Found Footage - incomplete (planned/outlined)
Video Transcript POV? Is that a thing? Possibly capped by a little Phoenix POV (but i don't want that to get too long), wrightworth. Larry's new girlfriend of the month bakes weed brownies and Larry does not realize this and swings by the Wrights' apartment to beg some kind of help off Phoenix and forgets the whole tray there somehow (because it's Larry) and they leave to deal with Larry's thing and by the time they figure the brownies out, in some twist of fate Miles and Trucy have been hanging out (last minute babysitter/adult supervision? but she's at the very very least 14 or 15 here and most likely older, and Nick clearly isn't the most strict about like uhhh supervision in general lol sooo idk. he's helping her with a project or smth. it doesn't really actually matter; he's THERE, that's the important thing.) The point I'm very clearly getting at is they accidentally get incredibly high (not dangerously so because I'm not going that far haha but also, neither of them has actually been high before, so they are Affected) before Phoenix finds out what was in the brownies and tries to warn Trucy and hurry home to like, dispose of them or at least put a warning label on them or whatever, but he is too late lol. By a lot. Definitely an underage drugs tag on this bad boy because it's definitely sometime 18-or-earlier for Trucy, let alone 21. (idk about other places but as a Californian I can tell you Japanifornia "LA" could theoretically have it legalized at 21 for anyone (like alcohol) and 18 with Dr's permission--which Trucy definitely does not have in this AU lol.) Basically, Phoenix grabs Trucy's phone to get photo evidence so he can let them never live this down (after making sure they're okay lmao), but he ofc doesn't get technology so he doesn't realize he leaves the phone still recording when Trucy asks him for something / needs his help, so the recording just keeps going and captures a lot of tomfoolery and eventually some inebriated-to-Extremely-sober Feelings-Adjacent confessions (or maybe more like allusions). Idk, this was actually a fic I thought of before August and wanted to use as an excuse to try a Weird Format for fun, but then i saw this was a prompt on the list and...well. Fun Fact: Cannabis was legalized in California on November 8, 2016 (the first election I could vote in!!! ......uh, rip. lol. but yeah babey I helped legalize weed at least!! gotta remember the positives), which means it was legal right in time for Miles' case(s) / Turnabout Goodbyes!!! Yay!! I mean, I suppose that's genuinely seriously one way to try to mitigate nightmares and manage insomnia--not that I think Miles Edgeworth would ever deign stoop so low as to use an aid to manage his severe PTSD and trauma symptoms, psshaw, who do you take him for? (Get these people some help lol. They all need so much therapy.)
14. Princes & Princesses - conceptualized (not started)
So I've been reading a lot (a LOT) of isekai and/or revenge reincarnation romance fantasy manhwas lately (like, oh, too many, hahaha. they're quite good and they're VERY popular in webcomics at the moment.) Soooo. Soft pitch: Apollo already gets slapped into so many wild backstories he's constantly trying to dodge in an effort to be just a Normal Guy, he's honestly, like, the PERFECT protagonist for one of these lmao. And tell me Kristoph doesn't make a perfect "Upstanding Duke" kind of persona, and Klavier couldn't be the "wild rake" younger brother no one expects much from, and all I'm saying is it wouldn't be that hard to contrive a reason Apollo tries to get Klavier to agree to a contract marriage the way all these stories go, lol. And also, something something, Apollo from the "real world" is an orphan/has an absent family (also like so many of these manhwa protagonists, lol) but then he gets to actually have one in his second life!! I'm such a sucker for that shit. Slightly harder pitch, and the reason I did not let myself actually start writing anything (...yet): so what if the actual plot of the "original romance novel" Apollo is familiar with from the "real world (Earth)" is actually about the slightly older generation and something something instead of admiring Phoenix as a defense attorney, it's just that he instead was Apollo's favorite "love interest" character (not, like, for himself, just the one he most liked to read about) in every way except what a blithering idiot he became when the author had him fall for the female lead--but BEFORE that, he's a cool information guild leader guy who seems like he's trying to work toward some way to improve conditions for commoners in the kingdom (but abruptly there are no more mentions of this after he gets involved with the lead, which is annoying). Aaaand... I guess what I'm saying is, Dahlia is the original female lead because she REALLY fits the whole White Lotus trope, and I'm thinking Klavier is the original male lead because A) hilarious, B) fits in with the idea there's more going on in the ACTUAL world Apollo ends up in that is written in such a way as to make things seem different in the novel (like, that Dahlia and Klavier are actually as nice as they seem and that the terrible things that happen around them are just the trials and tribulations of being main characters and not anything they're directly involved in). And Apollo, the character in the novel Apollo, is an adopted prince of Khura'in, but he's the sickly younger prince and of course not actually of the royal bloodline (and also a man, considering Khura'in is matrilineal), so Rayfa and Nahyuta are the ones the public and other nobles actually know and care about and deal with. But wait! As it so turns out, The Wright Anything Information Guild (I feel like the actual guild name CAN'T have their freaking name on it front and center lol but you get the idea) happens to know some other things that aren't really expanded on in the original novel, and might be key to preventing Apollo's death so he doesn't follow the path of the original story, and also idk maybe Apollo and Trucy are half-fae or something like that and instead of like Aw Yay Bracelet in this AU it's more of a secret Iron Shackle Tool That Will Hurt I Mean Totally-Definitely-Help Us Later (still, in a way, passed down to him by Thalassa, but more as, like... she's kind of a secret hostage and does not manage to hide pregnancy number one so Apollo's now also a secret hostage, but she manages to escape so they don't know about Trucy, only she didn't tell Apollo basically anything to "keep him as safe as possible" or w/e, and......) Well, anyway. It got away from me before I even really wrote anything, that's all.
15. Secretly Alien - unfinished (currently 2.6k WIP)
Trucy POV, gen. Apollo gets sick of very consistently always losing the card games they play at the Wright Anything Agency (usually and in the specific instance the fic starts, Bullshit/BS) and in a stroke of inspiration somehow ropes everyone into playing Among Us instead. ("What! It's still a game of trying to lie/trick everyone else--like you like!--but I actually stand a freaking chance, so we're playing this or I'm going home.") Yes. This is my Among Us AU. Hi. They play Among Us. I'm justifying this one as prime AU territory however because A) Among Us has to exist in this universe, and even more pressingly, B) I found a way to force Phoenix to have--for at least a period of time if not moving forward in perpetuity--an actual smartphone instead of a Nokia-type brick cellphone. Which even under the wild but somehow plausible considering Ace Attorney circumstances I contrived, is just automatically a complete AU lmao. Fun Fact: I am so mad this one wasn't just totally finished day-of, lol. Why I ever thought I could give myself run of an entire WAA 4-person conversation and NOT get instantly derailed is beyond me. (And I want to get the prosecutors there, too?? Someone take the characters away from me.) Anyway. No, I have not written ANY of the actual Among Us part yet. Sigh. Also I haven't personally played amogus since like, 2021? maybe? And I know (now) that it's been pretty updated since then, but, ehhh, I'm just gonna run off like, lockdown-era amogus rules and vibes, lol. If I can get to the game part.
16 - Hobby Drama - conceptualized
I'm going to go out of order this time to say: Fun Fact: I have ALWAYS wanted to write a Reddit-style fic!!! I absolutely love them and I've read some REALLY, really good ones, so I've always wanted to try my hand at it. So theoretically this is the perfect time to make that a reality and write a r/HobbyDrama subreddit fic, buuut I got stuck before starting because I'm torn on two possible routes to take it (I can easily foresee myself caving and just doing both lol). - Option 1: Steel Samurai fandom discourse, always a fun/funny thing to think about, definitely would enjoy having Maya and Miles post some stuff for that. - Option 2: courtroom law fandom discourse, because come ON, how are those galleries ALWAYS SO FULL. The little wiggling rabba-rabba onlookers have GOT to have investment in this shit. And why WOULDN'T they, honestly. I've seen those trials and I have, in fact, spent a Lot of time thinking about them, not that any posts I've made lately would reflect that in any way or anything. Like I know it's hard to tell, but if I can be invested in the Lawyers Fandom, who's to say the people in the courtrooms aren't????? And I LOVE an outsider POV fic actually, I think they're so fun. So anyway. Reddit fic. You will be mine. Just as soon as I can hone my energy
And, what the hell, since it's so late now by the time I complete this "Heh This'll Be So Quick To Throw Together" post, I'll include today's, too:
17 - Flower Shop - conceptualized (at work earlier today. lol)
AU where Daddy Hawthorne is like, 97% less shitty. And the Hawthornes have a flower shop instead of like a gemstone industry or whatever. And he takes both Dahlia and Iris with him instead of dumping one of his daughters at a fucking secluded mountain temple and seemingly forgetting about her forever. On second thought, maybe what I actually mean is he's like 999% less shitty, lmfao. Anyway, Iris POV, but Dahlia (while not a "nice" person by any stretch) is not pushed to such extremes or nearly as desperate as canon, so Valerie lives, Terry Fawles lives, Doug Swallow lives, and Dahlia gets to live a good life overall--because as much fun as I love using her as a villain, she's really such a product of the absolute worst circumstances and I really do find her interesting so I've been kind of wanting to explore her in a less cartoonishly evil light, haha. (Don't get me wrong, I do love the cartoonishly evil light too, but I like spicing things up sometimes.) Like, she does (more) normal teen rebellion things ("Look at my inappropriately older boyfriend, Dad" "I'm going to talk my way out of speeding tickets and petty shoplifting as a bid for attention" etc.) and she still totally orders Iris around and Iris still totally does whatever she asks very much to her own detriment and has to learn to break away and be her own person. Fun Fact: I have a very passionate love for Iris/Adrian Andrews. Is that. Um. Is that a ship anyone else has ever considered before? Is that just me? I'm not sure but very possibly I'll just make this a rarepair fic as a treat, for me alone, teehee. (Like... it's about the becoming the master of your own destiny it's about breaking out of codependent cycles it's about how I genuinely honestly think they'd be each other's type and have chemistry even though they've obviously never interacted lmao... idk what to tell you.)
If you made it this far, take a sprinkle of my undying affection, and may you be blessed with AU inspiration if you so desire it!! (If you do not desire it, hopefully you are not cursed with it. I do not take refunds if you are. Sorry.)
Wish me luck with completing some more fics soon!!! Unfortunately weekends are actually my least free time because I work the most and the earliest hours so I have less time and am more tired, but also on Wednesday I'm leaving for a family vacation, which will either be the BEST thing to happen in regards to AU-gust or the WORST thing lmfao. If nothing else I have 2 flights, and I actually Love writing on an airplane, so fingers crossed for it being Good. <3
EDIT: Now with part 2 for the rest of the month here!
#au gust 2024#au gust#ace attorney#ace attorney spoilers#OH this post is so long. i did not. mean for that to happen. but i had fun with it and now I've got all my ideas in one place! yay#i kind of feel bad about clogging the tags though so idk what even TO tag lol#wrightworth#narumitsu#lanamia#gumbyrde#phoenix wright#miles edgeworth#mia fey#lana skye#larry butz#maya fey#dick gumshoe#maggey byrde#apollo justice#trucy wright#FUCK IT WE BALL im just tagging it all. i put enough time into this to justify clogging tags lol#i typed wrightworth so many times here despite liking narumitsu aesthetically more but in technicality im definitely#writing the localization characters and not naruhodou and mitsurugi.... so. meh. I'll survive lol#aaau-gust 2024#welcome to my patt ttalk#patt's prattle#idk why i have so many ramble tags when i am so bad about using this blog haha#i feel like I'm forgetting smth but if i am I'll get back to it later#I'll be posting everything else to the same ao3 series!! if you want me to ramble forever more about any of these literally#i will do it at the drop of a hat this is my entire personality lately lol. minimally ask me and I'll write you an essay
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– Two Minutes Notice, Helluva Boss
ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜɪɴɢꜱ ᴅᴏ ɪ ʟɪᴋᴇ?
bolded = favorites
✩ keeper of the lost cities ✩ riordanverse (except kane chronicles) ✩ the inheritance games ✩ heartless ✩ gifted clans series ✩ project hail mary ✩ the martian ✩ the illuminae files ✩ the hunger games ✩ the pandava quintet ✩ osemanverse (except for i was born for this) ✩ wings of fire (i haven't read in a while tho) ✩ amari and the night brothers ✩ caraval (only read book 1 so far) ✩ the folk of the air (only read book 1 so far) ✩ harry potter (i don't interact with the fandom much; i hate jkr) ✩ deathcast ✩ the song of achilles
✩ high class homos ✩ the d!ckheads ✩ our walk home ✩ baby tyrant ✩ heartstopper ✩ don't read this ✩ just pancakes ✩ our corner ✩ live with yourself ✩ homesick ✩ from a knight to a lady ✩ lore olympus ✩ sunflowers and lavender ✩ crow time (not finished reading) ✩ loving reaper ✩ go away romeo ✩ hyperfocus ✩ the recloseted lesbian ✩ meow are you?
✩ ducktales 2017 ✩ rise of the guardians ✩ luca ✩ bluey ✩ the amazing digital circus (murder drones/tadc sideblog) ✩ murder drones ✩ how to train your dragon ✩ hazbin hotel ✩ helluva boss ✩ the wild robot ✩ percy jackson and the olympians ✩ heartstopper ✩ avatar the last airbender (i'm on s1 ep4 lmao) ✩ pokemon (sorta? the only anime i've watched is the indigo league and i haven't even finished watching it lol. i'm more of a game player and even then it's just legends arceus and scarlet) ✩ marvel (not anywhere NEAR done watching) ✩ lackadaisy ✩ inside out ✩ my little pony (fim, mlp: the movie, mlp: a new generation, most of the equestria girls stuff) ✩ the lion guard
* = watched playthrough but haven't actually played ✩ minecraft ✩ growbot (haven't finished yet) ✩ pokemon (legends arceus and scarlet) ✩ rayman legends ✩ roblox ✩ minecraft dungeons (haven't finished yet) ✩ kinitoPET * ✩ garten of banban (i've kinda played it? i found a remake of the first chapter on roblox and played that but idk if it counts) ✩ suck up! * ✩ phasmophobia * ✩ plants vs zombies battle for neighborville (yes this one specifically) ✩ the longing (haven't finished yet) ✩ finding frankie *
disclaimer: most likely won't be posting about the artists i listen to, it's probably only gonna be musicals. also of the artists i have listed, i probably only listen to a few songs from them except for a choice few
✩ hamilton ✩ epic: the musical ✩ hazbin hotel ✩ helluva boss ✩ back to the future musical ✩ the lightning thief musical ✩ spongebob the musical ✩ luca (soundtrack) ✩ the wild robot (soundtrack) ✩ the amazing digital circus (fan songs + soundtrack (i listen to a lot of soundtracks when i do my hw guys)) ✩ murder drones (soundtrack) ✩ hunger games ✩ httyd ✩ lion guard ✩ my little pony ✩ gooseworx ✩ ed sheeran (omg look it's something relatively normal) ✩ bailey spinn ✩ imagine dragons ✩ OneRepublic ✩ AJR ✩ one direction ✩ calum scott ✩ JVKE ✩ + several more but there's too many to list so these are just a few random ones towards the top of my liked music lmao
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bothering you with questions! there's so much stuff on your blog, who are your favorite characters? do you have a top 5? why them?
Heyhey howdy! 5 favorite characters... hmm... Well honestly my favorites (for the most part) change like, every other week. But I'll attempt this, and hey, I feel like having a bit of fun with this list, so why not? Also I'm limiting myself to one character per media.
5 of my favorite characters (I know you said top 5 but I'm doing this in no particular order):
Eda The Owl Lady (The Owl House/2020-2023)
Although not the protagonist, I can't shake the feeling that Eda is one of the most important characters in modern animated television, mainly in regards to what she represents; Found family, chronic illness, disability, non-conformity~ But aside from that, I love her episodes! I always look forward to her interactions with other characters because she is always just OOZING with personality.
Nimona (Nimona/2023)
Speaking of representation~ Of course, representation, metaphorical or not is one thing, a memorable personality is another. If I could describe her in one word, it would be CHAOTIC. But in the best way. She is GLEEFULLY chaotic, but how could she not be? She stands out from all the other characters in this film, both demeanor and ability-wise, but she doesn't really have a choice, she embraces, to an extent, her role as a villain in society because 1), It doesn't allow her to be anything else, and 2), destroying the property and pride of her oppressors is SOOOO satisfying.
Also her gruesome nature fondly reminds me of Winnifred from Boxtrolls speaking of which...
Archibald Snatcher (The Boxtrolls/2014)
HAHA IT'S HIM IT'S THE GUY I FEEL VERY NORMAL ABOUT THIS ONE IN PARTICULAR Now, I feel like, normally when people say "favorite character", the first assumption about that person's feelings toward said character is generally "Aw yeaaah! Go character! I want them to succeed in everything!" NO! NOT THIS ONE! STAPPIT! BAD! Nonono, he's not my favorite because I inherently thought "wow that's a cool character", I used to not like him! I used to think he was terrifying! And I'm not saying he isn't terrifying, both in design and motives, but at some point I begun to ask myself the question, "why?" Why are you a bane to my existence yet simultaneously the most fun I've had thinking about anything in a long, long while? And I think I figured it out, You know what else is terrifying? The fucking circumstances he was forced to live under! And that in no way makes any of his political manipulation, scapegoating and attempted genocide excusable, nothing excuses his actions! But GodDAMN if the movie he's in isn't a gut-wrenching depiction of what pushes a man over the edge! If I were to say "Snatcher is the victim!" The general reaction would probably be "NUH-UHHHH!!!!" And you'd be correct, Almost! Because both him and Eggs come from almost the same place of oppression! they are LITERALLY at the bottom of the social ladder, and both of them have to fight their way out! Snatcher brought himself up by turning Boxtrolls, the only class below him, into a scapegoat, and turning the entire public against them (read: attempted genocide). And if anyone reading is wondering about my thoughts on his Drag Persona: It's his main form of escapism! If he gets to be flamboyant, lavish, a functioning propaganda preacher, and actually have some positive attention from (and maybe flirty interactions with) Lord Portley-Rind, who is he to turn that opportunity down? Eggs on the other hand, brings himself up by taking down the upper class(es) and their LITERAL machine of oppression Violence against minorities is what makes Snatcher the primary villain of the film, although arguably Lord Portley-Rind is an even bigger antagonist as he upholds the system that turned Snatcher into what he is, a system that he's still not intelligent enough to question, as he think he can win it by playing their game! Boxtrolls is a fucking "Leopards ate my face" movie and I toss and turn every night wondering WHY I even BOTHER thinking about it so hard when no one else will? It's not just because I think he's hot, guys, I promise.
Junior (Storks/2016)
Guys... I really don't know why I've been watching this movie so much recently. I kind of hate the fact that I love such a stupid fun movie about birds working for not-Amazon and something something family is more valuable than work and corporations. Funny bird movie. Yea I love the silly haha funny bird baby movie. I think about haha stupid bird movie a lot. I have it on Blu-Ray now because I like the goofy bird movie.
Akhira (Wolves of The Mist/2013)
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh man this is gonna be a tough one... only because It's hard to get media more obscure than "10-year-old animated xenofiction series from youtube that has been almost entirely wiped from the internet" But man.... I love Wolves of The Mist. I STAN Wolves of The Mist. I like Rosali but I STAN Akhira. You go girl.
#crowfish crap#asks#favorite characters#anon ask#thanks anon!#blathering#toh#the owl house#toh eda#eda the owl lady#nimona#nimona movie#the boxtrolls#archibald snatcher#no really he is really fucking hot#storks movie#storks 2016#wolves of the mist#inverted fangs#uhh#yea
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