#ck's official art
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chaoskirin · 1 year ago
Ninja Sex Party: The Comic Book
Hey everyone! The official Ninja Sex Party comic book is finally gonna be on sale this Friday! A lot of awesome people worked on this comic, and I did colors on the third short story. There's a limited run of 150 copies signed by Dan, Brian, and Joe (the line artist) and he posted a preview up on his Instagram. Check it out by clicking on the art below (which is part of the comic!)
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axel-tiredstudent · 1 year ago
Edited this mha official art to fit my own personal headcanons! :D
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lunasilvis · 1 year ago
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WAKE UP SNOOPY, IT'S SPRING TIME (2024, acrylic on canvas, 20x27 inch)
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gunkbaby · 1 year ago
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izzyizumi · 4 months ago
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{Jou reading the poems?!!}
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{D I G I M O N} ~ N e w Y e a r s 2k24 M e r c h a n d i s e + {A d v e n t u r e} 25th A n n i v e r s a r y Ver. K O U S H I R O AND M I M I ARE P L A Y I N G KARUTA!!!!!
{I believe Jou in the back is the one reading out loud the poem cues on the Yomifuda, while K o u s h i r o & M i m i search for Torifuda!!}
(Koushiro is wearing a p u r p l e kimono, traditional wear; that likely has a pre-tied haori himo, specifically a bonten-fu!)
Edit/Crop'd by @izzyizumi / koushirouizumi {Do Not Remove Caption} {Do Not Copy} (A S K to Use!)
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{My main ship is another Koushiro ship; but R e s p e c t my R u l e s!!}
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fishsouper · 1 year ago
if they had tumblr on the lotf island simulator bc silly :))
🐚 thechief Follow
God I love him so much. Every time we kiss I feel so alive.
🔥 csharpmf Follow
🐚 thechief Follow
…this is literally about us
🔥 csharpmf Follow
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🦎 helloitssimon Follow
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found a ton of these beautiful leaves and made a flower crown!!
🦎helloitssimon Follow
so. piggy has informed me that the rash on my arms and head is due to the posion ivy ive been wearing for a week.
#everything itches :,(
(23 notes)
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🐷 number1ralphstan Follow
Greetings and salutations! This is my first official Tumblr post. My name is Peter. I use primarily he/him pronouns but do not mind they/them.
If you’re a supporter of J*ck or The H*nters DNI!!! I am a Ralph supporter!!! You choir boys make me sick!!!
I have asthma and I am gay. If you insult me, or call me fat, YOU WILL BE BLOCKED!!!
If you are anti-Ralph, I’m not afraid to call you out as the CONCHPHOBE you are!
🐺 xX_RogerTheHunter_Xx Follow
lmaoooo kys piggy
🐷 number1ralphstan Follow
#I AM SO ANGRY RIGHT NOW #YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF #tw h*nters #tw conchphobia #tw j*cks tribe
(341 notes)
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👬 sam-and-eric-the-twins-alt-account Follow
#we’re personally more ralph-leaning #but not picky
(15,326 notes)
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🔳 mulberry-boy-deactivated
t hebeasty i know it’s there i lnow the hel p help theyre is a beastie pleas
😭 PercivalWemdeysMadison Follow
hey op are you ok
😭 PercivalWemdeysMadison Follow
(40k notes)
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🤡 sillybillymaurice Follow
brooo my homies @xX_RogerTheHunter_Xx and @csharpmf were talking about their kill streaks and i said “do you play on an open server or a private world” and they just looked confused 😭😭😭 like bro did. were. were you not taking about minecraft????
🐺 xX_RogerTheHunter_Xx Follow
🤡 sillybillymaurice Follow
girlie help?????
#ur so silly like wtf
(12 notes)
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🔥 csharpmf Follow
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bro check out this fire art i whipped up this afternoon 💪💪💪 nothin much just a quick doodle 💪💪💪
🐷 number1ralphstan Follow
Hey OP. Maybe do some research on famous art before attempting to plagiarize the Mona fucking Lisa. You disgusting credit thief.
🐺 xX_RogerTheHunter_Xx Follow
maybe you should learn what a joke is lmao
(31k notes)
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🐚 thechief Follow
This is your daily reminder to take care of yourself! Drink water and eat some pig! AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DONT LET THE SIGNAL FIRE GO OUT!!!
🔥 csharpmf Follow
…i forgor
🐚 thechief Follow
#literally so pissed /srs
(2,176 notes)
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🐺 xX_RogerTheHunter_Xx Follow
i am #strong. i am #emo. i listen to #mychemicalromance. i am #dark
*lifts black hair off face, revealing black eyeshadow* i cannot feel love. i care about no one. because i am #EMO!!!! /srs
🦎 helloitssimon Follow
🐺 xX_RogerTheHunter_Xx Follow
no!!! don’t be sad- *bites black lipstick covered lip and glances away* i… i love you
🦎helloitssimon Follow
🐷 ralphsnumber1stan Follow
Oh my God. And you call ME cringe.
#no hate on Simon even though he’s a weirdo #but Roger is like a different breed of freaky #tw h*nters #tw j*cks tribe #tw conchphobia
(865 notes)
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bronzecats · 11 months ago
National Rainbow Week of Action in Canada
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In this post I have compiled all the information I could find regarding upcoming events for the Rainbow Week of Action. There are two online events, and dozens on in-person events across the country.
"Within the Rainbow Week of Action, we are pushing governments and elected officials at every level to take action for Rainbow Equality and address rising anti-2SLGBTQIA+ hate. As such, we have identified calls to action for every level of government. These calls to action can be reviewed here."
Event list below:
Events are listed in date order, provinces in general west-to-east order. I have included as much detail as possible, please reference the links at the bottom of the post. At this time, there are no events in N.W.T. and Nova Scotia. Last updated: May 14th, 9:53pm PDT. Please note that I am not officially affiliated with / an organizer of these events, I have simply compiled all the dates to share on tumblr. Original post content.
15th: Fernie; Fernie Seniors Drop-In Centre, 572 3rd Avenue, 6:00PM. (Letter writing and Potluck)
17th: Vancouver; šxʷƛ̓ənəq Xwtl'e7énḵ Square - Vancouver Art Gallery North Plaza, 750 Hornby St, 5:30PM. (Rally)
19th, Sunday: Abbotsford; Jubilee Park, 5:00PM. (Rally)
15th: Lethbridge; McKillop United Church, 2329 15th Ave S, 12:00-1:00PM (letter writing)
17th, Friday: Calgary; Central Memorial Park, 1221 2 St SW, 5:30PM. (Rally)
17th: Edmonton; Wilbert McIntyre Park, 8331 104 St NW, 6:00PM. (Rally)
17th: Saskatoon; Vimy Memorial Park, 500 Spadina Crescent E, 5:30PM. (Rally)
17th: Regina; Legislative Grounds, 2405 Legislative Dr, 6:30PM. (Rally)
May 18th: Saskatoon; Grovenor Park United Church, 407 Cumberland Ave S, 6:00PM. (Art event)
16th: Carman; Paul's Place, 20 1 Ave SW, 7:00-9:00PM. (Letter writing)
19th: Winnipeg; Manitoba Legislature, 450 Broadway, 12:00PM. (Rally)
15th: Barrie; UPlift Black, 12 Dunlop St E, 6:00-7:30PM. (Letter writing)
15th: Chatham; CK Gay Pride Association, 48 Centre St, 5:00-6:30PM. (Letter writing)
15th: Peterborough; Trinity Community Centre, 360 Reid St, 12:00-3:00PM. (Letter writing)
16th: Midland; Midland Public Library, 4:30-7:30PM. (Letter writing and pizza)
16th: Ottawa; Impact Hub, 123 Slater Street, 2:00PM. (Letter writing)
16th: Toronto; Barbara Hall Park, 519 Church St, 11:30AM. (Rally)
17th, Friday: Barrie; City Hall, 70 Collier St, 6:00PM. (Rally)
17th: Cornwall; 167 Pitt St, 5:30PM. (Rally)
17th: Essex; St. Paul's Anglican Church, 92 St. Paul St, 6:00-8:00PM. (Letter writing and pizza)
17th: Hamilton; City Hall, 71 Main St W, 6:00PM. (Rally)
17th: Kitchener; City Hall, 200 King St W, 6:00PM. (Rally)
17th: London; City Hall, 300 Dufferin Ave, 6:00PM. (Rally)
17th: Sarnia; City Hall, 255 Christina St N, 1:00PM. (Rally)
17th: Sault Ste Marie; City Hall, 99 Foster Dr, 11:30AM. (Rally)
17th: Ottawa; Confederation Park, Elgin St, 5:30PM. (Rally)
22nd: Renfrew; 161 Raglan St. South, 7:00PM. (Letter writing, fashion and makeup event, and pizza)
May 15th: Lachute; CDC Lachute, 57, rue Harriet, 12:30PM. (Letter writing event)
17th: Woodstock; Citizen's Square, Chapel St, Next to the L.P. Fisher Public Library, 12:00-1:00PM. (rally)
17th: Saint John; City Hall, 15 Market Square, 12:30PM. (Rally, flag raising)
18th, Saturday: Fredericton; Legislative Grounds, 706 Queen Street, 1:00PM. (Rally)
May 17th: Middleton; NSCC AVC RM 121, 6:30-8:30PM (letter writing and pizza)
May 15th: Charlottetown; Peers Alliance Office, 250B Queen Street, 6:00-8:00PM. (Adult drop-in)
May 16th: Charlottetown, Peers Alliance Office, 250B Queen Street, 6:00-7:00PM.
May 17th: Charlottetown; PEI Legislative Assembly, 165 Richmond St, 12:00PM. (Rally)
16th: Whitehorse; The Cache, 4230 4 Ave, 2:00-7:00PM. (Letter writing)
May 16th, Thursday: Iqaluit; Four Corners, 922 Niaqunngusiariaq St, 5:00PM. (Letter writing)
Reference links:
About the Rainbow Week of Action.
Website letter writing events list (does not include all events)
General events website list (does not include all events)
Instagram general events image list
Instagram letter writing / pizza party image list
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kaidanworkshop · 6 months ago
Workshop Update: Open Beta Announcement!
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Happy Spooky Month Spectators! We've got important information to cover, so let's jump right into it.
During our [REDACTED] event on Friday, we announced our upcoming Open Beta! Open to members of our Discord server, we will be shadow dropping a link to the beta version of KR:CE sometime in the next two weeks. We are seeking the help of the community to track down any mod incompatibilities or bugs, so we can get them ironed out before our release on Nexus.
To prepare yourself and your mod lists, you can refer to our updated KR:CE Mod FAQ, as well as our new Beta Tester Guide.
Next, we are recruiting new staff members for our CK & Assets Team and our Community Team!
As our community continues to grow, having more staff will help us better meet the needs of the Spectators, as well as help speed up production times for KR:CE post-launch. You can apply here.
Finally, we have commissioned two Spectator artists to help create material for the KR:CE Nexus mod page, but we are also seeking a graphic artist with experience in web page design. We will be posting an official commission request for our Art Volunteer community later this week.
We thank you so much for your continued patience and cooperation. With your help, we can make the public launch of Kaidan Revoiced: Community Expansion a smooth success!
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terrence-silver · 10 months ago
Imagine beloved had left 80s Terry around the same time as John and he couldn’t find her despite all of his resources. Then at his little garden party where he’s introduced in CK, he/she turns up with Kreese. How would he react?….
The One Who Got Away
Terry Silver x Reader (With spectacular amounts of meddling from John Kreese)
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John believed himself a good friend, even when nobody understood his methods.
His technique.
But, sometimes genuinely favorable intentions tended to be misunderstood in life precisely because truth had the habit of being a hard pill to swallow for some, the same way Terry misunderstood him when he hung up the phone on him after decades of radio silence even though John didn’t take it to heart; not in the way someone else might’ve taken it to heart, anyway. He understood bitterness. Festering, unresolved issues. Baggage. Old resentments. Hell, he lived with a great many old things like the lack of closure as the only companionship he could openly boast for quite a while — in fact, old memories proved to be better company than most people would've. After all, Terry reached out countless times over the years, offering him opportunities, employment, money, second, third and fourth chances, never once getting the fact that to John, living off of quite so much charity was like castration, even if a good friend was the one holding the amputation blade. He might as well not be a man if someone else puts his bread and butter on the table instead of himself. Of course they both knew where the other was these past thirty something years, the short distance between them like an aching gap that couldn’t close or stop bleeding. John was legally homeless because, to him, there was a certain honor in refusing handouts and across town, Terry was cooped up in possibly his millionth new mansion since the 80’s, switching his usual old haunt up in The Hills for a beachfront porch out in Malibu were he took to hosting garden parties and charity events nowadays; a pastime for the semi-retired.
It was all over the newspapers and luckily, John enjoyed swapping through articles — has done so ever since he was a young man. Terry Silver had no marriage, no children, no official affiliation with any martial arts by the looks of it, some woman beside him.
John knows her type.
What GI's back in the days used to call a Boom Boom Girl.
A Boom Boom Girl putting on airs that she wasn't a Boom Boom Girl.
John places his finger over her face on the glossy paper of the periodical, covering her features as he eyes the phone in his hand, wondering if Terry never quite got down to having either progeny or matrimony because it wasn’t with you; somehow, things fell apart after the ‘85 tournament and old friendships and creeds broke into a thousand pieces, you becoming the one who got away amidst the wreckage and all the fallout. John felt responsible for you. Responsible, perhaps, in a way an older brother would be. A father, even though you were close in age, only several years of difference between you. Thinking that someone Terry cared about was in equal measure someone he should keep an eye out for. Watch, from afar. A solidarity of a Cobra for another Cobra and the Cobra’s mate. You never married either. Never had kids. John kept a careful tab on everything. Seems like the three of you were much the same, he thinks, as he hits up your number, one hand entering the digits who went to some pretty big lengths to track down, his other hand and his finger still pressed against the paper of the periodical; something or other about a Mindfulness App and its upcoming promotion. John saw nothing wrong in sabotaging an existing relationship to make another one happen. Picking apart people to bring together someone with somebody else. He’s done worse in life. Done better too. Never regretted any of it. This was probably the first time he was willingly playing a game of Good Cupid, Bad Cupid.
To quote Terry himself, extreme situations required extreme measures.
A nearby thin, black ballpoint marker stands on the table of his dojo office and listening to the clicking of the phone line pressed against his ear, John unplugs the top, drawing an X over the face of the person Hello! Magazine’s interviewer described as one Cheyenne Hamidi, standing next to Terry during what seemed like an official photoshoot of sorts. Promotional glossy bullshit with a plastic sprinkling of sparkles doused all over it.
Battle plans.
So many battle plans for the Thirty Year War.
Terry shouldn’t have terminated their phone call like that. Shouldn’t have left him out in the cold when all he wanted to do was talk. Cut him off, will he? The man who saved his life as many times as he did? His oldest ever friend? Whenever John Kreese was faced with an unmovable wall that barricaded him out, he returned to the place with a tank. You happened to be a crucial part of his heavy artillery.
A familiar voice answers on the other side; you sound aged. But still you.
-"Hello? Who’s this?"-
You inquire carefully, the questioning in your voice peppered with confusion once you get no immediate answer back. John sets down the marker on the desk. After a brief moment of silence, he has to smile. My, was it good to hear you loud and clear after all these years. He wondered if you’d recognize him if he spoke. Regardless, taking no chances, he chooses to introduce himself, hoping you wouldn’t hang up on him like Terry did. He shuts the periodical he’s drawn on, tossing it aside.
-"Toots? It’s John Kreese."-
-"Look at you. You’re a smokeshow!"-
-"Oh, please, John, I’ve aged. I’m all wrinkles."-
Those are the first words you exchange once he arranges a meeting, wondering to a degree, how was it that for all his connections, money, resources and usual habit of getting what he wants when he wants it, Terry never sought you out when John managed, not possessing a quarter of his means, concluding that Terry simply choose to capitulate, which was entirely out of character for him, to be as defeatist as to give up on something he felt belonged to him. Things changed. Things needed to be back to order, by the looks of it. John squeezes your hand in a handshake, for old times sake. -"I resent that."- He says, smiling into his own chin, looking you up and down. The years did it's toll, but you were still a grand lady. Shocking how nobody came to scoop you up over the years. Less shocking once he'd consider the fact that he'd make them disappear even if they tried ---- for Terry's own sake. Even if Terry never asked him to do that, John knew --- oh, he knew he needed someone to do that regardless; someone needed to pick up the good fight for him and in his stead occasionally now that he was seemingly playing the role of a Pacifist in newspapers people kept in their salons and never actually read. So, naturally, John plays clueless and asks the very question he already the knew the answer to. -"Tell me, how come you never got married? How’s that even possible?"- He goes by way of flattery, watching something gloomy wash over your face as you sit down on a nearby park bench, sighing deeply. That serious, huh?
-"Oh, John. You know why."-
He knew why. He knew everything.
Collecting intel was one of his talents.
But, still. A looker like you? Men in this city either became dumber over the years or they've lost their taste entirely. Probably both.
-"He’s never married either."-
And he just about should've been by now, he yearns to add.
Keeping his thoughts to himself for the time being and instead, John immediately chooses to cut to the chase; cut the bullshit, get to the point, meeting your glance knowingly and you nod, visibly gulping hard. It was clear it was difficult for you to talk about this --- that this was a taxing topic, even after all these decades, even though you knew exactly who he was talking about even without a name ever being mentioned. Terry was always on your mind, wasn't he? At least, frequently enough that he didn't even have to be brought up directly for you to catch the context immediately. -"Look, I was the one who ran when things got out of hand. You know that. He’s got every right be hurt."- You manage, appearing almost apologetic about it. -"And by the looks of it, he’s been doing very well for himself now. Then again, has there ever been a time when he wasn’t?"- You looking down towards your own lap and the hands on them, chuckling to yourself with a note of bitterness, and yeah, there have been times when Terry Silver hasn't been doing good, and if John could attest to that with certainty it is because he's seen him at his lowest and ironically, for all the razzle, dazzle, glitz and glamour, he'd be damned if anyone could convince him he was doing good right now, no matter what the shills in the media were claiming; Newspapers you no doubt saw too. John wondered if you were jealous? Heartbroken? You had to be. If his Betsy went and married some random schmuck who wasn't him he'd about ram his teeth down his throat over it, and that would only be the introduction. -"What I mean to say, John, I am happy, if he’s happy. We’re from two different worlds, we always have been, but Terry’s contentment is all I want."- 
No lies detected in your voice.
Only honesty. Clear as a stream. Just as vulnerable. Fragile.
See, this is exactly why he wanted you for Terry.
Almost noble.
The willingness to stay in the shadows and self-sacrifice your happiness.
Not a single advantageous, opportunistic bone in your body in regards to Terry.
True love.
That was it. What it looked like.
In strange ways beyond explanation, your manner reminded John of Betsy all his life --- Betsy if she was allowed to age and grow old, no more than it did there and then, something similarly timeless and eerily haunting about you two; something sweet and genuine once you said that you wanted nothing but Terry's contentment and he figured, Terry, Twig --- he needed all the help he could get even when he didn't realize it. Even when he wouldn't admit to it. Ever since the war, he needed a push in the right direction. Someone to guide him in a seamless sense. Save him. John would guide him. Save him, yes. For the umpteenth time. John would guide him right where he witnessed Terry happiest back in the day, right to you. The natural payment for that would be Cobra Kai reestablished and reinstated to it's former glory where it belonged. John watches Terry's back, Terry watches his. Who said there wasn't a thread of selfishness to the transaction? In 'Nam, when rations were low, John tended to let Twig drink out of his canteen, eat from his share of meals purely so he'd have a fighting chance at growing a pair of muscles and surviving the long marches out in the jungle even if it meant there would be less food left for John. Was it quite so different today, over forty years later? John gets Cobra Kai and Terry gets the love of his life because John would ensure the meeting possible. Precisely because he was ready to selfishly meddle. Divide and conquer.
So, really, in the end, who gets more out of the deal?
-"Look, toots, I’ll be going to see him to talk business."-
John offers.
-"If you want to come with me, you should."-
-"No, John, c’mon. I can't."-
You immediately snort and fidget, overtaken by a nervous edge of unwillingness.
Profusely embarrassed, gripping the edge of the bench with both hands.
Looking like you wanted to stand up and make an excuse to leave.
-"I can’t randomly show up in his life like that."-
Can't or were too afraid to?
Because John wasn't afraid; he'd scale the walls of his mansion if he had to.
Fight whatever security detour there was in place.
With you on his back.
-"Give me one good reason why you shouldn’t."-
John inquires, taking no prisoners, being as serious as he could be as he scrutinizes your anxiety, because no, genuinely, your place was by Terry's side ever since the good, old days. Everything between there and now was a load of bullshit and if John loathed anything it was loads of bullshit. You shake your head, prodding on, still not convinced. Did you think someone was going to come along and award you a Medal of Honor if you were continued to deprive yourself of joy? -"No fair! Tell me what’s this business you two are suddenly talking about? I thought you weren’t close like that anymore."- You furrow your brows with incredulity and John simply shrugs, choosing to be blunt. After all, he didn't track you down and bring you out here to pull your nose or waste too much of his own time doing so when there was work to be done. He came here to tie up loose ends. -"It’s Cobra Kai."- He confesses, holding your gaze firmly. Your mouth remains open, like you intended to say something, but the words remained stuck halfway in your throat. Sounded like you haven't heard that name uttered in thirty years and like you weren't certain if you should even say it anymore, after everything that's transpired. -"Cobra Kai?"- You stutter, practically shooting up from where you were seated, your body language rigid. Stiff as a board. -"So, this is what it’s all about? I should've known you had an agenda the minute you contacted me! You want me to butter Terry up for you, John? Isn't that right? Get whatever financing and bankrolling you need to get your revenue expanding! None of this is honest, good or dignified!"- You point a finger at him, ranting, visibly impassioned and John has to smile into his chin. Feisty, huh? Feisty and ever so selfless once again, with all the consideration in the world for Terry's honor and well-being, like the saint you were. If anything, another proof you belonged together; that is, if Terry as he was now was man enough to even deserve you back.
And after all, so what if it wasn't honest, good or dignified?
When was war ever honest, good or dignified?
What Cobra Kai was about to do is enter an all out war.
Terry could be out here blowing his cash on buying some broad with an over inflated ego and a smug face the credentials for an unearned start-up and splitting grey hairs on a silky mansion cushion like the sad, neutered old pensioner he's made himself out to be, or he could be bringing their life's work to the fullest potential and fruition, get married to you, have an actual legacy to boast and be the man and the warrior he was always supposed to be; John didn't save him as many times as he did in Vietnam to have him withering away doing nothing with himself, and if that was the wrong attitude to have, then fuck it. John stands up too, placing himself in front of you. This wasn't just about the money and you knew it. This was greater than money. Cobra Kai, him, you and Terry were always greater than money. Terry and you were a major chunk of John Kreese's entire life. -"No. I want old times back. I want things made right. Set straight. And I want you to be on good terms again."- John explains himself, nearly saying 'I want the clock to go back', deciding not to, choosing not to risk sounding too damn sentimental for his own good, regardless how true it was. -"Why?"- You shrug your shoulders, appearing angry, unsatisfied with what you've just heard. Would you be more satisfied if he told you he was concerned with who his friend wasted his time on? That he wanted Terry with someone who was good for him? Who knew him inside out? Someone who understood him? Loved him?
Because John could do that. So, he does.
-"Because he cares about you, doll."-
John allows his head to cock to the side, endeared by the way your eyes welled up with suppressed, prideful tears once you were rendered temporarily speechless by that bit of unfiltered truth. You cared about his Twig too, didn't you? You cared about him more than you've ever cared about anyone else. Always have. Otherwise, you would've settled down. You would've done so ages ago. You could still do so now, in spite of your wrinkles and the occasional silver hair; a beauty even now. The same way John would've settled down if it wasn't for Betsy's memory. Just the way Terry would've too, if it wasn't for the memory of you. But, here you were, still choosing to be your stubborn, combative self. Well, Terry liked them with some spunk and fire, after all. So did John.
-"Oh, please, how can you claim to even know that!? Leave him be! He's in an relationship! He's moved on! It was all over the ---"-
You start arguing, getting emotional and heated, deflecting, clearly out of fear at the prospect of a reunion taking place, pleading Terry's case for him and if it wasn't for the fact the vista he choose the meeting to take place in wasn't remote, overlooking the gridded skyline of LA, giving you two some much needed privacy from prying eyes he was certain people would be turning around to stare you down, looking for the cause of all the noise and commotion, but regardless of the semantics; How could John claim Terry still cared about you? When two people were as intrinsically tied with each other for as long as he and Terry were, and they've been through all the crap he and Terry have been through, when a man is sure, he's sure. Doesn't require a science.
-"I know that man's soul better than he knows his own, is how."-
Is all John says, finally stunning you into silence.
The mansion was everything the newspaper spreads portrayed it as.
And in person, the walls surrounding the outer garden wall were just as tall as they seemed in the periodicals, their overall width and height causing John's throat to erupt in a chuckle once he landed on the immaculately trimmed green lawn cut to staggering perfection almost resembling a carpet trampled under his footwear pressing down it's surfaces in the aftermath of his jump down, letting you climb off of his back and unto the rug-like grass spread that encircled the whole estate dotted with decorative shrubberies, looming palm trees, white rocks and sprawling and exotic plants; a man simply never forgot his military basic training and the things he picked up there --- not even after half a century --- and in spite of the near bastion like fence embracing the premises of the manor from all sides, John found it easy to come in, undetected, grabbing hold of your hand and guiding you behind himself, following the pathway going along the sleek, white facade of the mansion's backyard. If Terry Silver's new home was a country, it would've been long since invaded by now. All pastels, light colors and jagged shapes; either his tastes drastically changed over time or he was simply following the new fashion of things purely because they were the new fashion of things and because he wanted to fly low, slipping beneath the radar, being like everyone else, pretending to be both the grass and the snake inside of it. Now, all was left was finding the man of the hour himself if he was present on the estate and judging by all the cars parked out front, like so many models on a show, he must've been. A maid carrying a tray of crushed ice in a heavy crystal decanter appears in sight and John feels you gasp in concealed surprise behind him, squeezing his arm wordlessly, fearing getting caught and seen by someone prematurely, no doubt, only for a taller, smartly dressed figure in blue to immediately come into sight once the server nearly drops the contents she was carrying away from whatever party she was catering, struggling underneath the weight of her platter's contents. At this point, John feels your hand let go of his.
Terry Silver. There he was. Meeting his gaze, head on.
He was dressed for vacation, looking like he was on a very long one.
John nods his way, smiling; the gesture unreturned. Figures.
The man, the legend, the myth.
It was time to leave the eternal vacation, though --- come back down to planet Earth.
-"What do you want?"-
Terry immediately snipes dryly, tight-jawed, seemingly cracking his neck, instantly recognizing him, appearing cold and detached, John certain that you were still in his shadow, just behind him, too embarrassed and scared to stand side by side beside him, trying to make yourself look small once he steps out of the looming corner of the manor's outer wall opening into a grand garden affair, riddled with people seated on outdoors commodes and loveseats not far off, further into the estate grounds, waited on by a staff of mingling butlers, finding Terry's eyes travelling from him, to his shoulders, of his arms, to the body adjoined to him and finding you standing there, discerning you, perhaps instantly, the shift in demeanor being almost immediate once the apologetic maid scurries off to tend to her duties and Terry's gaze remains frozen on you, through John. If he was on the verge of arguing with him on sight, the desire visibly disperses and Terry merely stands there, motionless, lost and vacant, you reacting much the same as the party goes on, only a couple of feet away, the silence looming heavy, like a bullet fired in the dead of night. John could swear, if someone dropped a tiny silver cocktail spoon at this party, it would be heard over on the other side, in Mexico; tension only interrupted by a chipper voice cutting through the discomfort looming like a dark cloud. The woman from the newspaper. The one with the 'X' over her face. Charlene, Charlotte, Cherry whatever. John remembered her full name alright, but he didn't bother giving her respect of pretending he did. -"Terrence! Aren’t you going to introduce us?"- Pep in her step followed with an English accent, she stands beside him, showing off a cool smile, Martini glass adorned with a garnish in hand; John interlocks his arm with yours, practically forcing you forward, stiff as you were, refusing to allow you stand behind his back, like some sort of nobody vagrant or a mouse attempting to crawl back into its hole. Nobody puts Baby in a corner, not on his watch, he thinks to himself. The very fact Terry didn't introduce you as This was the woman I loved, wanted to marry, wanted to have children with, wanted to have everything in the world with thirty years ago side by side with the man I've been through literal hell and back with was offensive enough John's taste buds.
So, he introduces himself.
-"Old friend."-
He speaks up, gruffly, with some humor. Introducing you next.
Seeing as how clearly you were too tongue tied to do it by yourself.
-"Old friend of an old friend."-
John glances at you averting your gaze awkwardly, forcing a tiny smile and trying not to look at anyone for too long, Cheyenne's giggle giving off the airs that she didn't particularly care what he introduced you or himself as in the vast coterie of all the other people here present with Terry still being as speechless as can be, trying not to show it, giving a million dollar act. Was he truly going to say nothing to you? Not even a common greeting? Nothing at all? Nothing came to mind? -"Oh, how cheeky!"- The woman next to him exclaims, and for fuck's sake, was he going to take that icicle of seemingly haughty, stoic indifference Terry was toting around and ram it in deep until it bleeds; twist it too, for good measure, until he snaps to his senses. John goes in for the jab. -"So, you tied the knot, did you?"- He asks, even though he knew the answer was negative. He did enough research by now. Terry knew him well enough to be well aware he wouldn't come here unprepared and the way he fidgets in his skin, jaw nearly bending forward in discomfort only proves as much. The woman next to him nearly erupts in laughter at the query. That funny, huh? Like it was the funniest prospect she's ever heard in her life. Your arm interlocked with John's only tightens, like a vice. -"Oh, no, me and Terrence aren’t married!"- Cheyenne throws her head back and for a brief second, John catches Terry's eyes grazing you, lingering there from the edge of his peripheral vision, there's the brilliant vestige of tears in the corner of your stare, firmly tucked away beneath your lashes. -"But, any friends of his are my friends."- She declares jubilantly. -"Margaritas?"- Before a yes or no answer could even properly be given, a uniformed server with a silver tray approaches you, offering you both wordlessly a drink, and going for fair play, John grabs himself a tall beverage, being a gentleman and handing you one too even though he was more of a Scotch or beer type of guy, not whatever green cooled off slop concoction this was, cooler perhaps being only Terry's gaze, watching you and watching him unblinking from across the array of decorative glasses while Cheyenne already disappeared from by his side, making herself busy schmoozing a guest not even two steps away.
None of them dare say a word to you.
Certainly not one of scorn, haughtiness, mockery or criticism.
John was certain that if they did, that he'd set the mansion on fire.
-"Why’d you bring her along? Why’d you dredge up the past?"-
The whole thing was tactically hurried; Terry practically ushering him up the second floor of the manor and towards a balcony fenced off transparent glass overlooking the lawn for some privacy. He knew he touched a nerve through the very fact they were in a secluded place, away from the crowd, having this conversation in the first place and that Terry was cutting right to the chance, his body language concealing nervousness, hands in his pockets, shoulders protruding forward defensively. The stance a prisoner of war has when he's being interrogating and trying to convince everyone he doesn't know anything when he clearly does. John speaks dryly. With all the seriousness in the world, keeping his eyes firmly planted on you down below, looking a bit lost but trying to make the best of it, chatting with a maid from across a table spread of elaborate salads. Probably the most preferable company at the whole party, for all intents and purposes. -"Because I believe in a little something called love. You should try it sometimes, Terrence."- John takes the figurative proverbial knife of mockery and digs it in deep and Terry's right there, receiving the blow and returning it in kind just like John knew he would. Terry wouldn't be Terry if he didn't. -"Rich, coming from you! Pushing me away as many times as you did. Disappearing! Wanting to stay gone. Insisting on it no matter how hard I tried. Now, you show up, jumping over the fence of my home, ammunition in hand."- His jaw tightens, hand gripping the edge of the balcony with whitened knuckles, his other free hand pointing vigorously. He was angry. Why, though? If he was quite so happy as he claimed to be? Nothing real could ever be damaged, no matter how much ammunition John brought to the fold. Terry's sudden onslaught of semi-suppressed anger is suddenly replaced by a deep exasperation once his gaze falls down on you; a figure against the green of his perfect lawn. Terry's hand anxiously runs through his loose hair. When did that happen by the way? Did he forget why he tied his hair back so many years ago in the first place? For who? -"Don’t even want to know how she jumped fence. Did you put her on your back or something!?"- 
Avoiding the topic at hand by focusing on random semantics.
Yeah, John put you on his back and climbed over the mansion walls.
What of it?
Would he prefer if he did things the way his new, so-called friends apparently tended to? Discussing on feeding the destitute with Kale over an App? Playing at acceptance and bleeding heart Liberal tolerance and then calling strangers inbred? Pretending that an old army friend was nobody of consequence and that what they've been through out there together, the type of thing someone would write a memoir about, was nothing special either? Would that be preferable?
-"It’s how I do things. You know me. Tough old spine."- 
John shrugs and grins into his own chin, self-content.
Terry's weirdly harrowed reaction brought on a warm wave of relish.
He deserved to have the smug, distant aura of coldness wiped off from his face.
If only for a moment.
John steps closer as he spoke.
-"But, you should also know, there was only ever one woman for me, and I loved her all my life. There’s never been another one since."-
He shakes his head steadily, feeling his voice slide forth from the precipice of his mouth with so much firm, unyielding, silent conviction that he could've been easily giving the pledge of allegiance. There's been women in the physical sense. Just not in any that matters. Terry knew that. Terry tried to set him up with the occasional dime piece a million times throughout the years and while John used the opportunity, the epilogue of such acquittances ended the same way; by ending. John thought Terry needed a reminder of that too right before he'd get the bright idea of accusing him of being loveless. Of not knowing what love is. Wouldn't put it past him nowadays. -"I know everything there is to know about it."- John assesses. -"Think you do too, sweetheart."-  He adds, semi-snarky, semi-sincere, watching something about Terry's eyes change. A distant shadow falling over them. The distant sunset overcast across the Pacific vista encasing the outline of his features in a hazy red overtone. The view looked like a million dollars from up here. Probably cost as much too. But, Terry wasn't even looking out towards the ocean. He looked down towards you instead --- all alone, walking out towards the row of palm trees separating his garden from his private beach, away from the company of guests engrossed in their mutual conversations. -"Otherwise, you wouldn’t be here having this conversation."- John states matter-of-factly, scrutinizing Terry's averted gaze, staring out into the distance. No, you'd be down there, with the broad you're flaunting and you'd never let her out of your sights, John thinks to himself. Not up here, discussing who's right or wrong with me. Suddenly, Terry's face erupts into anger. Figures. People tended to get mad when someone made them face the truth of things. It was usually their last refuge. -"You don’t have the right to meddle in my private life. The war’s over! This isn’t military hierarchy anymore! We're not out on the battlefield! You don’t know the first thing about me, John."- He seethes through gritted teeth, speaking in a partially hushed, venom-riddled tone as to not disrupt the party going on below. A party lacking its host up here doing cartwheels around sheer facts instead of going down there --- rushing down there, in fact --- grabbing you by the hand and never letting you go again before you get bored of being alone. Embarrassed at being forgotten and overlooked. And you'd decide to leave.
Not know the first thing about him?
Heck, he knew everything about him!
From when he got his last mandatory Malaria shot in the army stationed doctor's office back in the military and how his arm where the needle jab when through swell up for days because his skin was that sensitive to how they used to eat insects, worms and bugs to survive back in that cage in 'Nam. There was nobody who knew Terry like John --- except for you.
-"Sure do."-
John has to laugh.
Not know him? He knew Terry like his own fingers.
Like his own two hands.
Was time for some tough love on the matter.
-"I know Tofu Screw down there laughed at the prospect of being married to you to your face while you couldn’t get your eyes off another woman who looked like she was going to cry because of it."-
John decides to speak clearly, without murmuring it and for once, Terry seems to be rendered speechless, like he knew what he was hearing was legitimate and accurate, mouth agape right before he took to chewing his own lip in agitation, suddenly uneasy in his own skin. If he wanted to go to you, he should just go to you. Now. Right now. Drop this whole charade. Quite pretending he was something he wasn't. Stop neutering himself. Aim for what he really want it and hold unto it. Cease living a lie. Because of all this? It was all a lie. John knew as much and he knew Terry knew as much too. Was never about therapy. About that crap he inhaled into his nose. It was about passion. Terry being built from it. Every drop of blood in his veins singing out for it. He wasn't built for a half-assed existence. Neither of them were. You weren't either, that was for sure. The old wound was rendered open, bleeding inwardly and one last time, John decides to press his finger into it for good measure. -"Not quite the life you dreamed of, huh?"- He prods and Terry's face and eyes shoot up towards him, appearing haunted, like someone who's seen a ghost. At this point, you stood on the edge of his estate next to a wall of pale rocks on a sandy white dune, windswept against the swaying palm trees, quiet and dignified with your beverage in hand. You could've had your children's children with Terry by your side at this point, going for a coastline stroll at dusk. Funny how when you lose one battle, you tend to lose all of them and one domino collapsing leads to all of them following suit; he supposed that's why he took the tournament loss in 1985 as hard as he did even though Terry never quite understood his reasoning, but he came here today to fix that. Fix forty years of mistake making and put back everything in order. Starting with you. Starting with Terry. Because it was better late than never. Things were only ever truly lost when one gave up fighting and if John had to, he'd prefer going down while still wearing his boots. Remembering to blink, Terry practically spits his words. It was all a ploy, of course. A mask. A carefully curated facade. To conceal just how raw he was right now. John would let him have his coping mechanisms, for now, if that's what he needed. To bullshit and delude himself some more.
-"What'd you tell her to get her to agree to come out here?"-
Only the truth, John thought of himself, so help me God.
Terry's hand grabs the edge of his jacket, pulling him closer, squeezing the zipper.
Careful now, or his guests would find their host isn't quite as mindful as he touts himself.
That there was, perhaps, a bit of Cobra Kai still present inside of him.
That it never left. It was merely brumating.
Now rearing its head; waking up.
-"I told you that you never stopped loving her. Did I lie?"-
John drawls steadily and just like that, Terry's fingers let him go and before John can blink, he's already gone, long legs strutting and rushing down the foyer past a baffled member of staff, away from the balcony, practically rushing down the stairs, leaving John behind. Showtime, he thinks to himself, once Terry's voice, loud and abrupt, echoes across the foyer, reaching his ears like a brewing tempest. -"I’ll need the premises cleared out. Now! Show’s over!"- He shouts. John doesn't see it in action, but his senses sure enjoy the sound of complete and utter wrath shaking up the ground floor of the manor. He hears the grand main entrance down below practically swing open with a loud thud and he witnesses Terry, on the lawn, sauntering towards his own guest, hands open, ordering them out. No two ways around it. Baby, now we're talking. Oh, we're back in business, alright --- some pleased, content part of John's whispers in response. As if on cue, the so far unseen security detour scours the premises in black suits, ushering people out, one by one and all it took was one line on Terry's part. That's precisely the man John remembered. The man he called his friend. -"Everyone."- Terry assesses himself and the giggling woman from the newspaper jumps up from the wicker garden recliner, her mouth practically plopping open, Martini glass adorned with a garnish forgotten on a nearby table. -"What do you mean!?"- She practically squeaks, demanding answers in a shrill voice. John didn't blame her, but it was too damn pleasing to see, like scratching a long overdue itch. -"What about my promotion, Terrence!?"- Cheyenne's shock is palpable once one of the dozen bodyguards Terry had on stand placed his hand on her shoulder, ready to show her and her posse out. -"Promotion’s canceled."- Terry clarifies bluntly, offering no further explanations, cutting the cord without remorse. Back turned towards the balcony in his blue blazer, John doesn't see his expression, but he doesn't have to; it was the words he caught from upstairs that mattered. The fact your attention was caught by the ruckus was what mattered. Standing on the beach front, you turn your head to the commotion, slightly perplexed and frightened by all the noise, no doubt --- the sun was sinking into the ocean and the dimmed skyline behind you was nightfall purple, solar torches flickering alive all around the grounds like so many stars.
John was a good friend. Always. One way or another.
Even when his intent was immediately clearly understood.
He'd clear the terrain for you and Terry to be alone.
By any means necessary.
This was war.
The first among many battles.
And he's just won the chief one.
-"Sir, everyone's been told to evacuate the premises."-
One of the waiters fearfully approaches him; some boy in his late twenties by the looks of it, carrying a tray of something he entirely wouldn't mind having, for a change, considering the circumstances and the scene unfolding in front of him. A good Macallan in a massive crystal decanter. Not bad. Not bad at all. Finally --- a man's drink. Was time for a celebration. -"Nope. Don't think I will, kiddo."- John helps himself, grabbing a glass and the bottle at ease, pouring himself some much-deserve refreshments refreshments, turning towards the emptied out garden lawn, watching the dispossessed, struggling girlfriend get carted out and left at the car park, roaring engines hurriedly abandoning the lot, her ginger haired friend with the Habsburg jawline comment in tow. Emile, was it? Good riddance. Sometimes, someone's sole purpose in life was to serve as an example; the example here being, offensive words and shittalking don't come cheap and John Kreese always find a way to dish out payback. Often, much sooner than anyone would've hoped. Life comes at you fast. John brings the edge of the glass to his mouth, relishing the taste of things working out just the way he knew it would, observing Terry cleaning house, guiding the last of his guests out, towards the front gate. Was it tremendously ethical to have one woman moved out only for another one to immediately take her place? Absolutely not. John knew you'd have your reservations. That you'd pity those undeserving of pity because you were a fundamentally good person, just like his Betsy used to be. That you'd pity those who'd never pity you. Who'd barely show you a molecule of respect. That you'd fight against this, in your own way, citing ethics. Kindness. Honor. But, there was no ethics in warfare. Only winners and losers. And this victory belonged to you. To him. To Terry himself. To Cobra Kai. Whether you liked it or not. You'd learn to like it. He sighs, content, the heavy, hearty liquor taste burning his tongue as he addressed the baffled waiter eyeing him he had a pair of horns growing from his forehead. Hilarious. -"But I do think I'll have that drink now. Today deserves a toast."- Terry's form disappears somewhere in the shadow of his palm tree lot on the precipice of the beach where you stood just a moment ago and John knew then that he's done a good job. The rest of the battle was up to his Lieutenant.
John smiles against his hard liquor, enjoying the lays rays of the sunset's golden hour.
He nearly busted out laughing once a question came unbidden into his mind.
Who's gonna eat all that Tofu and vegetable screws now?
His heart is pounding like a drum when he finds you by the incoming tide, concealed by the shadow of an Acacia tree from the fallout of the evening, arms wrapped around your torso and he reaches out, on instinct, thirty years of yearning contained in a single touch. You seem like you were worried. Scared. A verge away from crying. Windswept by the salty gusts of air blown in from the coastline. He needs you. Needs you. Needs you so badly, he could imagine myself dying, combusting, if he didn't embrace you here and now, protecting you from everything and anything that surrounded you. Pulling you close to him. You nearly stutter when you see him walking into sight, leaving John in the manor and relying on his security to close the gates and show everyone out into the streets; he was certain half of The Valley would be talking about this by tomorrow but he could always use the excuse that he was an old man who needed his rest and that his guests --- well, they simply stayed longer than propriety allowed. Did it matter? Fuck them all. Fuck everything and everyone. He was happy. Feral. Crestfallen. So many years. So many. He wants to shout at the sky like a lost, howling dog. -"Terry, what's happening back there!? What are you doing here!?"- You ask in a hurry, confused, unsure if you should stay or leave, panic highlighting your voice and your eyes resembling a deer caught in the headlights of a moving car speeding your way. Leave? Not a chance. Not ever again. He'd burn the World down if you ever deprived him of your company for even but a moment. The palms of his hands encircle your face and before he knows it, his body is conjoined with yours with every atom of ache, nostalgia and heartache bleeding together and it feels like time is standing and rushing all at once, caught amidst his fingertips grazing your skin. You're cold.
He'll be your warmth.
Your friend, your confidante, your family, your lover.
He wants to know everything. Absolutely everything.
Every minute, every second of your life between now and 1985.
-"What I should've done thirty two years ago."-
Terry murmurs, kissing you with such a ferocity his yellow shades slide off the top of his head and into the sand under his feet.
Fuck's sake, he could weep.
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kk-ckffawards · 1 month ago
Announcement: KK-CK Fanfic Awards 2025
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Hello karate sensei's, students and those karate adjacent! This year is going to be a little different. Due to the busyness of most of the mods this will be the last* award ceremony we host. It feels fitting with the show's finale to try and go out with a bang, so we've decided to make some additional changes, like extending the qualifications. *If there's interest and enough people we can continue, but for now we're planning this to be the final. Rather than accepting nominations just for the year of 2024 we will accept nominations for any fics written/continued/finished from January 2024- February 28th, 2025. In March we'll start asking for help. Tasks include helping make polls (Google forms) for the 3 rounds we host. This includes Nominations, voting round 1 and Final voting round. They create the forms/polls, share them, check the validity of the nominations/votes, and then tally them so we can move on to the next round/determine the winners. We also need award makers. Once the final votes come in we generally give about a month or a little bit longer to break up the winners amongst the artists/award makers so they can read the fics and create an award, this can be art or moodboards which are submitted to be given out at the award ceremony. Our team of pollers and award makers help with the ceremony by announcing the winners and sharing the awards on Discord. This event is a fun way to celebrate the writers in our fandom and it's a large undertaking. The more hands we have to help the lighter the work for all. The current hope is to host the award ceremony this summer, so if you think you'll be interested in helping out, keep an eye out for those official calls for assistance come March. But if you have questions and want more details feel free to reach out before then.
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chaoskirin · 1 year ago
Glaze Your Art!
I recently got Glaze and I've been running some tests on my art and style to see how it affects images. It's much better with highly detailed pieces... On cartoons, you can definitely see artifacts like it's got a JPG compression layover over it. But it prevents your art style from being stolen. The makers of Glaze have also developed Nightshade, which will start poisoning datasets if your art is stolen without consent.
Here's a few of the pieces I've tested Glaze on, and I'm happy with the results. While I used to like posting my ultra-high quality art for people to enjoy, I'm now finding that's no longer an option with all the theft happening lately. But this will do.
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You can actually download Glaze and run it yourself with your own resources, but I was very opposed to having the AI dataset present on my computer (which you need in order to pollute your data). But they've come out with a web app that you can request to use with the form on their site, or you can message them on Twitter.
Protect your art!
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anime-obsessed · 1 year ago
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ive been wanting to design the lu links for my own au I want to make and I started with the colors and shadow!!!! I used references from Pinterest because poses suck most of the time :)) ill do official designs later, tho!!
(Vio's hair was supposed to have a braid but it the art wasn't arting lmao, and I LOVE THE IDEA OF CURLY HAIRED RED<333)
also the dialogue (that the photo quality absolutely destroyed, as always) is:
shadow: heh... You need help, sweetheart?
vio, tired and annoyed, carrying his brothers: no. f*ck you.
red, oblivious: hi shadow!!
EDIT 6/6/24: I got the pose off of google, I forgot to put down the reference😭😭
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ckreversebang · 6 months ago
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THANK YOU to everyone who said "You keep for your collection. I know you like it," and submitted art and fics to our little event!!!
And yes, we do like it.
The Summer 2024 CK Reverse Bang is now officially closed to submissions, which means that the AO3 collection is OPEN for reading!!! Please give all of our writers plenty of love, and enjoy and have fun!
Summer 2024 CK Reverse Bang Writing Collection!
Thank you so much for another fun and successful CK Reverse Bang event! We hope to see you all again another time!
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myownperceptions · 1 month ago
Minions: The Rise of Gru- details, trivia, goofs, random notes (Pt. 1)
When I hyperfixate on a certain aspect of a work (usually a ship), I'll end up hyper-fixating on everything about it. That is how we ended up here. I feel I've noticed quite a few details in this movie that I haven't seen mentioned elsewhere, so I've decided to make this to document them for myself and others, if they are interested.
Things I'll mention will range from 'duh, that's plastered right in front of us' to 'that was onscreen for less than a second'. I'll also provide context on some parts of the narrative, trivia from concept art, some things that don't make much sense, and of course over-analyse some parts to draw conclusions that may be a stretch but are nevertheless fun to think about. Overall, I want to acknowledge that every frame of this movie was crafted by talented artists and animators, and it makes me happy to see them add in little details that may not be noticed by casual viewers.
Anyway, that was long, and I don't blame you if you didn't read it. I'll be starting from the beginning of the movie. Come along with me on part 1 of my perceptions.
Disco billboard & 'Bicentennial 1976' billboard showing Uncle Sam wearing platform shoes. Bicentennial refers to the 200th year anniversary of the creation of the US (1776). Platform shoes were also very popular during the 70s, and pretty much every major character in the movie wears some form of them.
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From when we start following young Gru, the movie takes place over a few days, probably from Wednesday 28th January 1976 to Saturday 31st January 1976 (a definite; when the clock struck midnight and the Chinese New Year began. This was also the Year of the Fire Dragon). The Zodiac stone theft probably took place in early January.
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Animators closed Belle's eyes during her intro so they couldn't be seen through her glasses. Motive=up the coolness factor.
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One of the AVL guys knocks another out of frame trying to grab her.
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One of the AVL guys in the car gives no f#cks and eats a donut while chasing her.
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Belle's golden chain belt is a literal 'ball-and-chain', like the prisoner's restraint.
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This guy falls backwards.
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There's an unbothered gray cat sitting on the trashcan on the left.
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The V6's subterranean headquarters is on the bottom 9th floor of the complex.
Side note: The Vicious 6 were a highlight of the film for me, despite their screentime only amounting to about 10-15 minutes (sans Wild Knuckles). I definitely think they were under-utilised. Still, I take what I can, and they do have interesting background details. I will be delving deeper into them in another post using their official music playlists.
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There are only 5 seats around their table, even though they haven't betrayed Wild Knuckles yet; Svengeance is just standing by Jean-Clawed. Why are there only 5 seats.
Big 70s energy with the character designs. The jumpsuit, faux furs, leisure suits, biker jackets, bell bottoms, platform shoes, afros, sideburns, shag haircuts, the staches, the whole shebang. I recommend this wikipedia page if you're interested: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1970s_in_fashion
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I probably don't need to point out the punny names, but I will anyway. Belle Bottom= Bell-bottoms/'Flares'= popular flared 70s jeans. Glitter and a stylish font for her name.
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Stronghold never once opens his hands onscreen- the metal gauntlets are probably a permanent fist. His name shatters the figurative glass around him. A stronghold is defined as a fortified place protected from attack. He is pretty much confirmed to be Mexican.
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Jean-Clawed vibes with Nun-Chuck.
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Nun-Chuck= nunchucks= East Asian weapon good for blunt force attacks, traditionally made out of wood. Her name here is also in an identical font to 'The Nun' horror movies.
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Svengeance has got spikes everywhere (the wheels of his skates also have spikes on them), but even he doesn't skimp on safety pads. Sven + Vengeance. Sven= he is Swedish.
According to concept art, his name was originally Magnus.
His character is a homage to Moonpie from the film Rollerball, also with a rollerskating theme.
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His name font resembles one of those Varsity flags, so he's a bit of a jock.
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Jean-Claude + giant lobster claw= Jean-Clawed; also doubles as a cool reference to his voice actor JCVD, but this was actually just an awesome coincidence.
He stands on his chair and the table to catch the map.
Name is colored according to the flag of France; he is French.
The buttons on his arm prosthetic are glowing, probably indicate when it is being controlled by him. Arm is most likely missing, even though this seemed to be forgotten a few times (namely the rat form).
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Missed opportunity to foreshadow what would come next with WK in this shot; a few sneaky looks behind his back could have been added.
Belle's choker has a similar design to Wild Knuckles' arm bracers; perhaps she was inspired by him?
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Svengeance puts his hand on Nun-Chuck's shoulder (aww). JC also nudges her in excitement.
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Svengeance jumping up and down like a giddy child (watch it back; it's kind of hilarious).
Nun-Chuck thanking the heavens.
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The dragons on the map have tiny lil arms and legs.
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An UNgoof; the jetpack and hat WK threw on the ground DON'T disappear.
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Spikes through the eye, the head, the heart. Ouch.
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Starting from the top, clockwise: rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog, pig (I know, the horse doesn't look like a horse). The Zodiac stone itself is likely made of jade, very spiritual. Chinese jade symbolises purity and morality. Very ironic.
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You can see heads other than the dragon, most clearly the snake and monkey (?).
WK calls the gold guardians 'tchotchkes'- a decorative trinket.
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Belle looks at Jean-Clawed and smiles. He holds onto his hat so it doesn't blow away in the wind (doesn't seem to be much of a problem 30 seconds later though; bowler hats were actually well-known for being fairly stable in windy conditions ).
Nun-Chuck also turns the wheel and smiles menacingly.
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The rope tied into the shape of a noose.
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I think Belle and Jean jumped into the back row behind Nun-Chuck to be in these positions, while Svengeance went onto the trunk. I mention this because I had no idea how they were standing like this for the longest time based on what we saw of the car.
You can also hear the hover car's motor as WK gets pulled up.
He's missing a shoe.
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They lean right over the edge here (see previous image for reference). Jean laughs and looks at Belle smiling, and at Nun-Chuck to his side.
Watch Stronghold during this part. He makes the creepiest face in the film.
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Belle signals to Svengeance to drop the rope.
I'm afraid I'll have to cut this short due to Tumblr's image restriction.
...This may take longer than I anticipated. I may skip a few scenes in the next parts and focus on the ones I care about (i.e. involving the V6). I'm sure I missed some things anyway.
You can probably tell what my ship is from this post.
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zizz-asdf-re-r-o-u · 30 days ago
random nu carnival analysis compilation: Aster & Blade, right/left handed, why sex is important (old post)
alright for once its not a kuya analysis compilation nor a garu/karu analysis part 345345. altho i do have a gigantic garu/karu analysis part 69696 draft that i just havent gotten around to making that public yet.
(Note- missing data for Quincy, so i need help for his section).
Aster & Blade for Huey:
I was randomly thinking the other day and I noticed some similarities between Blade and Aster.
Huey frequently abandoned or dismissed Aster, and while he did take Blade on missions, he ultimately abandoned Blade too.
Aster & Blade can be hyper, extroverted, and constantly trying to find ways to please their master/partner. They both like cute things, aster deliberately acts cute and present-day blade is cute. We even see blade copying a lot of aster's nicknames (Viscount hmph, Lord jackass, etc). (They also work well together as a team)
Meanwhile, when Huey knew kuya+aster+blade at the same time, kuya was ruthless and even more of a bitch. They were also both bored with their immortality and were also trying to challenge/one-up each other, despite kuya's admiration.
If Huey would prefer being in the company of someone like Kuya, maybe he just finds aster & blade annoying :(
Left vs Right Handed:
Eiden- Right: in official art uses RH for utensils & pens/quills, and uh he jorks others & himself with it in several rooms.
Aster- not enough data: plays with Eiden with R, plays with morvay with L, so no idea. We need more Aster units!
Morvay- most likely Left: SSR holds pipe with L, stabilizes eiden's d*ck with LH. We need more Morvay units to confirm!
Yakumo- Right: holds most things with RH- sword, chocolate, and utensils in official art. holds a mic with left, but many RH idols seem to hold mic with their LH.
Edmond- most likely Right: holds several swords & cane with RH and several official art holds utensils with RH, but holds whip with left?
Olivine- Right: holds gun, sword, bird cage, and book with RH, in Halloween art holds needle with RH.
Quincy- unclear based on the sprites, I may need to go into Quincy's H scenes and i have not watched any.
Kuya- ambidextrous but maybe prefers Left: holds OG SSR pipe with LH, fan with LH, in official art eats with both LH & RH, and holds cane & Aromantic Exotica pipe with RH.
Garu- Right: holds all weapons & needle with RH, and in opening animation holds knife with RH. Unclear if Karu is different or the same.
Blade- ambidextrous: he's always dual wielding, and has equal amounts of official art using both hands.
Dante- ambidextrous maybe prefers left: holds gun & cane with LH, but wields lasso with RH.
Rei- right: holds several knives and a pipe with RH, opening animation writes with RH
Rin- unclear: in his only sprite he holds his cane with LH, but in the 2024 birthday sketches, he uses his RH in multiple of them. yes, thats the most we see of Rin loool.
Why sex is important to NU Carnival (old analysis)
NOTE: I wrote this way back when Bliss was 1st announced and everyone was giving backlash about a SFW version erasing the sexy times or attracting the wrong crowd. This was also written before the release of Velvet React & Noctilucent.
Thought I'd lump this in here too cause this doesn't fit anywhere else & I thought it might still be interesting food.
So obviously the whole essence is regulated by bodily fluids, especially sex, is the literal premise of why sex is vital to the PlotTM.
however, for some characters, the act of physically intimate sex is also vital for their character development. i'm just going to talk about a few of them: Olivine, Edmond, Karu, Rei, Eiden, and Morvay.
Eiden: This will be more industry relevant. Aside from being a sex toy designer and being sex positive, he's also a vers(switch) and that is novel for the BL industry. There's VEEEERY few vers/switches and when it comes to BL video games, the other well-known switches that exist... aren't great or aren't well known yet. (Akira from Togainu no Chi. [edit: since i wrote this post originally before Bliss's release, Velvet React and Noctilucent is in beta/early release, both games also have vers MCs and we shall see how those games go.] Eiden is an imperfect but really great (and self-aware haha) character and he manages a sexy harem without much jealousy and with all his partners having relatively good dynamic relationships with each other?!?! Everyone whose been burned by the jealousy miscommunication plotline in BL and/or harem games, knows he is a breath of fresh air.
Morvay: He is an incubus who survives off sex. Need anymore explanation on why sex is vital to his characterization???
Olivine: I haven't done that looking into Olivine's rooms and have none of his SSRs [*update since I wrote this- i do have some Olivine SSRs now, but have not unlocked them*], but from reading other people's metas, the SR/R rooms I do have, his chapter, and the brief flashback we get in Blood Key event, sex with Eiden basically rescued/redeemed Olivine from a dark place. He also manages to reconcile his religious duties with being a kinky freak and that is glorious.
Edmond: I do have a few of Edmond's rooms! While I don't recall all the details in his chapter or rooms, in the rooms I do have, Edmond is your classic tsundere, and a vital part of any tsundere's character development is getting them to be vulnerable with the love interest. And romantic sex is a one way to do it.
Rei: TRIGGER WARNING. So anyone who has opened Rei's rooms or played Rusted Nations... knows that Rei was assaulted and had an unhealthy relationship with sex. [Update: since I wrote this, Rei has had several more rooms where he's vulnerable and their sex scenes have had Character Development... but I don't have those cards unfortunately.]
Karu: Ahhh this is the one my 1 brain cell has spent the too much time obsessing over and analyzing him. Like Edmond, he's a tsundere. However, he has to contend with the fact that he shares a body with someone who has no shame, is ridiculously more horny than him, and can be extremely submissive. Karu's default horniness threshold also seems lower than Edmond, who regularly engages in smut reading. I have another Garu/Karu analysis compilation expanding on this, so look forward to that whenever I decide to make it public!
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deimosbreakfrost · 2 years ago
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- HEY, FAGGOT! I am Deimos Breakfrost and this is my gay-ass blog!
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- quick warning: my blog is 14+, I draw suggestive art and post it sometimes, I make adult/suggestive jokes, Curse alot and some times post/reblog things around violence and suggestive gay shit.
I'll put a CW on my posts when necessary, but if you're not comfortable with this I recommend you to leave
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- My other accounts:
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- My Mutuals:
1. @shark-watermelon @waykner @fire-feather-flies @hmehm @skunkbutts
2. @pawzofchaos @illusionsignmisdirecti0n @gallonwghost @marrfixated @ghostface-mp4
3. @frontallobotomy03 @lemonsonleft @i-wanna-show-you-off @the-passer-outer
4. @turtlealliebrainrot @mizukiakiyama-tdi @monokromesillies @horrorgator-terrordile @artic-star
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6. @cunt-removal @maddythesadone @littlegoblininyourshoe
@verybald @kokodree
7. @s1lverd4sh @35centtoothpaste @aoxql
@cardcaptormarinette @strawbsswift13-2
8. @theangelcatalogue @autistictojisuzuharafan11 @meowshroom1230 @cbab-freak @criminalfish
9. @lemoonbasement @skidfart @robertlover64 @firowisteria
1. Pedos/MAPs,
2. Zoophiles,
3. Proshippers/Profiction/Prononcon,
4. Racists/RCTAS,
5. Furrys that are above their 18's,
6. Therians(I wish you guys the worse, sorry not sorry),
7. Anti-Furrys,
8. Makes part of the Cat emoji fandom,
9. People that do fandom discourses (or discourses in general),
10. People that get mad at GAY MEN for saying the f slur,
11. Is a Fujoshi/supports Fujoshis,
12. Is part of the TCC,
13. Supports/likes gore sites,
14. Supports Viziepop,
15. Is fatphobic,
16. Falling in Reverse/Panic! at the disco haters,
17. Supports TX2,
18. Radqueers.
- Basic information:
1. My real name is Bernard
2. I'm a minor (13-14 years old)
3. Gay cis and I use He/him (respect me, bitch!)
4. Brazilian and half Italian.
5. I speak Portuguese PT-BR🇧🇷 and English EN-AM🇺🇸.
6. My Birthday is on 20/06. If you're on my mutuals list, I'll tag you on this day
7. You know that you will only be entertaining me incase you decide to start a fight or argument with me, right?
- Unnecessary informations:
1. Ronnie Radke's, Gerard Way's, Spencer Charna's real son, trust/j
2. Yes I LOVE fat men and I'll go insane if I don't draw one or say how hot and beautiful they are per day😻
3. I hate tøp, like, for YEARS and idk why
4. If you like alenoah/Jacnoah oh my god get the fuck out/j
5. I'm not a hero and You're Something else by fir is literally me
6. I fucking love nightmare on elm street
7. I LOVE Slasher movies!!!
8. I don't watch Hardcore horror, but I like watching videos about it
9. I love horror content... I love them so much...
10. I think that everything that reminds me of the AFYCSO aesthetic is pretty
12. Dahvie Vanity and Lucifer Valentine's biggest hater, if I see those fuckers on the street it'll be on sight
13. Number 1 Ted fucker,
14. The BIGGEST gay ass you'll ever know😇
- Fandoms I'm in:
1. Total drama,
2. Danganronpa
3. Project: Eden's Garden
- Don't talk about it that much, But I know a lot about it:
1. Your Turn To Die,
2. Pokemon,
3. Jojo's Bizarre adventure,
4. Ace Attorney,
5. Dead End Paranormal Park
- Bands I Like:
1. My Chemical Romance,
2. Green Day,
3. Ice Nine Kills,
4. Falling in Reverse,
5. Panic! At the Disco,
6. Fall out Boy,
7. Pierce The Veil,
8. System of a Down,
9. The Misfits,
10. NX Zero,
11. Måneskin,
12. The Brobecks,
13. Mindless Self Indulgence (no I don't support Jimmy or whatever blah blah),
14. brokeNcyde,
15. McCafferty,
16. Asking Alexandria,
17. Dot Dot Curve,
- Music genres I like:
1. Pop Punk,
2. Punk Rock,
3. Post Hardcore,
4. Metalcore,
5. Grunge,
6. Pop Rock,
7. Rock.
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