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thepersonalwords · 7 months ago
You can control the visibility of my name and my popularity, but you cannot control the frequency at which people are quoting me. Truth always rises with time.
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem
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pintadorartist · 2 months ago
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While the Continuing Resolutions does not include KOSA, advocates for the bill are still pushing VERY HARD to add it to the package of bills, even going as far as to not vote for disaster relief bills if KOSA is not added to the package of bills.
WE HAVE TO CALL AND MAKE OUR VOICES HEARD. Below are the posts for contact info and call tools to call, email, and fax both representatives and senators to tell them to say NO to KOSA, it's important to keep up the pressure.
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lassieposting · 4 months ago
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Yes, I am an ardent hater of today's "if you feel powerless, don't forget that you can donate :))) even though you can barely feed yourself :)))" culture, where the average person has no power or agency to fight for what they believe in beyond stumping up cash.
Yes, I am going to remind y'all anyway that the American Civil Liberties Union is there to fight for your rights and they could use your support if you have any to spare. If you subscribe to their newsletter they send you regular updates on what they're doing to fight Drumpf and his force of fascist fuckwits.
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captainxtra · 3 months ago
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Reminder on how to find your Senators!
If you have a GOP/MAGA Senator, use this advice from Reddit in trying to convince them to oppose it:
Do not stop fighting!
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lastcatghost · 1 year ago
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alwaysbewoke · 10 months ago
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palatinewolfsblog · 2 years ago
"Justice too long delayed is justice denied."
Martin Luther King.
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priceofliberty · 1 month ago
Racial profiling and the erosion of tribal sovereignty. Many Indigenous people lack proper documentation, leaving them vulnerable to detention despite their citizenship. But the goal is to instill fear in these communities. Trump, Biden, no matter who—it always was the goal.
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teatimeatwinterpalace · 1 year ago
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At the Russian Court (3/?)  I M P E R I A L  D I A D E M  
‘Regal assemblage of pearls and old diamonds. This diadem is, past question, one of the finest specimens of its kind.’  Fersman
This splendid diadem, worn by the Empress Alexandra at the opening of the Duma, was catalogued by Fersman as early 19th century, but it is more likely to have been made by the court jeweller Bolin expressly for the Tsarina, using antique pearls and diamonds from the Imperial Cabinet. Fersman considered it to be the fiest piece in the entire imperial collection. All trace if of it is lost after the inventory of 1922, and it seems likely that as with other pieces from the collection it was sold or broken up when some of the imperial jewels were sold by Christie’s in London in 1927. 
The Empress Alexandra in court dress for the opening of the first Duma in 1906, photographed by K. Bulla. She wears the diadem, a small diamond chain of the Order of St Andrew, and a collier de chien in pearls and diamonds and a pearl and diamond cluster necklace, both surely created by Bolin to accompany the diadem. Neither necklace appears among the inventoried jewels, and it is likely that they had been taken by the Empress to Tobolsk and then disappeared. | The Jewels of the Romanovs Family and Court by Stefano Papi 
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goopgirlie813 · 4 months ago
The ACLU has set up a page to submit a demand that Biden make an exectuive order to prevent the government from buying people's data. This could be massive because if the Trump administration has that kind of access to people's information it could easily be used against people (like tracking people's periods to prevent them from getting abortions or targeting political opponents.)
I would also suggest just looking through the ACLU website in general and seeing what you can contribute to. Maybe make some posts of your own about them so they can get more support.
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pintadorartist · 2 months ago
Bill HR 9495 still remains a threat to nonprofits and independent news
Bill H.R. 9495, aka the “Stop Terror-Financing and Tax Penalties on American Hostages Act,” was meant to protect US Hostages from tax penalties; the problem is that the bill received an add-on that would give the Treasury Secretary the power to strip any non-profit of their tax-exempt status based on the idea that the nonprofit is a “terrorist supporting” organization, all without due process or a justification.
And although another exemption was added to the bill that would "protect" Non-profits from this by exempting Non-Profits that have approval from the Office of Foreign Assets Control(OFAC). This would still target non-profit organizations since all it would take to attack them is to just rescind that prior approval
This would give the upcoming Trump administration the power to kill any non-profit org, from AO3 to the ACLU. Even local nonprofits and independent news sources could be stripped of their status and be unable to receive funding to stay open, all because they had different views than the government.
Unfortunately, the bill passed the House and is headed toward the Senate, but there hasn't been any update regarding the bill or a date to vote on it; it's probably best to find your Senator and call, email, or fax them to tell them to vote no if it comes to a vote.
Below are some tools and a list of Senate leaders you should call in addition to your senator:
Democrat Senate Leaders:
Chuck Schumer:
Phone: (202) 224-6542
Fax: (202) 228-3027
Dick Durbin:
Phone: 202-224-2152
Debbie Stabenow:
Phone:(202) 224-4822
Elizabeth Warren:
Phone: (202) 224-4543
Mark R. Warner:
Phone: 202-224-2023
Amy Klobuchar:
Phone: 202-224-3244
Fax: 202-228-2186
Bernie Sanders:
Phone: 202-224-5141 Fax: 202-228-0776
Catherine Cortez Masto:
Phone: (202) 224-3542
Joe Manchin:
Phone: 202-224-3954 Fax: 202-228-0002
Cory A. Booker:
Phone: (202) 224-3224
Fax: (202) 224-8378
Tammy Baldwin:
Phone: (202) 224-5653
Brian Schatz:
Phone: (202) 224-3934
Republican Senate Leaders:
Mitch McConnell:
Phone: (202) 224-2541 Fax: (202) 224-2499
John Thune:
Phone: (202) 224-2321
Fax: (202) 228-5429
John Barrasso:
Main: 202-224-6441 Fax: 202-224-1724
Joni Ernst:
PHONE: (319) 365-4504
FAX: (319) 365-4683
Shelley Capito:
Phone: 202-224-6472
Steve Daines:
p: (202) 224-2651 f: 202-228-1236
Find Your Senator:
Or you can call the Congressional switchboard today and ask to be connected with each of your Senators’ offices. Demand they vote against this bill: (202) 224-3121
If you don’t like talking to people, you can call after their offices close so you can leave a message
you can also Text RESIST to 50409 to send your message into a fax and email to your senator
Fax tool:
Here are some call scripts that you can use as fax and email as well:
If you have a Democrat Senator, you can use this script:
“I am calling Senator [THEIR LAST NAME] as a constituent to urge them to vote against the Stop Terror-Financing and Tax Penalties on American Hostages Act, when it comes to the Senate floor. This bill would give the Treasury the power to kill non-profit organizations without evidence, and will be used as a sledge hammer to destroy any organization that speaks out against the incoming President’s agenda. No matter who was in power, this bill would be authoritarian and ripe for abuse. Handing this power to a President known to be vindictive, and who has promised to be a “day one” dictator, would be a failure of congressional leadership. Please share my thoughts with the Senator, urging them to vote against this dangerous legislation. Thank you”
If you have a Republican Senator, you can use this script:
“As your constituent, I urge you to vote NO on H.R. 9495. This bill poses a dangerous threat to the fundamental freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment and must not pass the Senate. It grants any incoming administration unchecked authority to revoke the tax-exempt status of non-profit organizations without oversight or due process. Such government overreach is not what the Founding Fathers envisioned for our democracy. This bill undermines the principles of free speech and freedom of association, cornerstones of American liberty.
H.R. 9495 threatens to pave the way for political suppression, allowing the government to selectively target and shut down organizations based on ideological disagreements. This could affect any non-profit, including churches and conservative groups, as well as organizations that champion human rights and civil liberties. Regardless of political leanings, this bill sets a chilling precedent that no American patriot should support.
While situations relating to the hostages deserve careful attention, they can and should be addressed in a separate, narrowly tailored bill. H.R. 9495, however, is a broad, unconstitutional overreach that strikes at the heart of free speech and freedom. It is unpatriotic and incompatible with the values we hold dear as Americans.
I implore you to stand as a defender of liberty and uphold the rights of your constituents. Be a patriot, listen to the voice of the people, protect our God given right to free speech as Americans, and reject this dangerous legislation. Vote NO on H.R. 9495. Thank you, God Bless and God Bless America.”
Here’s that petition again:
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justinspoliticalcorner · 7 months ago
Pride Month is over. As the “LOVE IS LOVE” banners come down and companies lose the rainbow gradients from their logos, we’re faced with a painful truth: LGBTQ+ people, especially the most marginalized among us, are in the crosshairs of a queerphobic backlash that is targeting our health, our histories, and especially our youth. And things are getting worse, not better. According to NPR, half of all US states now ban gender-affirming care for people under 18. Eight states now censor LGBTQ+ issues from school curricula via “Don’t Say Gay” laws, and two more states are considering similar legislation this year. The number-one book targeted for censorship is a graphic novel memoir about gender identity.
This June, Democratic lawmakers marched in Pride parades and spoke on stages, vowing to protect our community and fight back against legislative attacks on queer youth. But some of these same lawmakers are actively pushing federal legislation that would cut LGBTQ+ youth off from resources, information, and communities that can save their lives. Currently, 38 Democratic senators support the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA), a bill that is vocally opposed by many queer and trans youth, along with a coalition of human rights and LGBTQ+ groups. As a queer- and trans-led advocacy group focused on the ways technology impacts human rights, our organization, Fight for the Future, has seen bills like KOSA before: misguided internet bills that try to solve real problems, but ultimately throw marginalized people under the bus by expanding censorship and surveillance rather than addressing corporate abuses. KOSA’s most obvious predecessor is SESTA/FOSTA, a Trump-era bill that its supporters claimed would clamp down on online sex trafficking. Instead, the bill did almost nothing to accomplish its goal, and has actively harmed LGBTQ+ people and sex workers whose harm-reduction resources were decimated by the subsequent crackdown on online speech.
Like SESTA/FOSTA, some of KOSA’s supporters have positive intent. Many lawmakers and organizations support KOSA because they are concerned about real harms caused by Big Tech, like addictive design features and manipulative algorithms. But, also like SESTA/FOSTA, KOSA doesn’t touch the core issues with Big Tech’s extractive, exploitative business model. Instead, KOSA relies on a “duty of care” model that will pressure social platforms to suppress any speech the government is willing to argue makes kids “depressed” or “anxious.”
Under KOSA, platforms could be sued for recommending a potentially depression- or anxiety-inducing video to anyone under 18. We know from past experience that in order to protect their bottom line, social media companies will overcompensate and actively suppress posts and groups about gender identity, sexuality, abortion — anything they’re worried the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) could be willing to argue “harms” kids. How do you think a potential Trump administration’s FTC would use that kind of authority?
Other features of the bill stretch its censorship potential further. Despite language claiming that the bill does not require platforms to conduct “age verification,” to meaningfully comply with the law, platforms will have to know who is under 18. This means they’ll institute invasive age verification systems or age-gating, which can completely cut off access for LGBTQ+ youth who have unsupportive parents, and/or make it unsafe for queer people to access online resources anonymously. KOSA creates powerful new ways for the government to interfere with online speech. For this reason, the bill is like catnip to extreme right-wing groups like the Heritage Foundation, the coordinators of Project 2025, who have explicitly said they want to use it to target LGBTQ+ content. KOSA’s lead Republican sponsor, Marsha Blackburn, has also said in an interview she wants to use KOSA to protect minors “from the transgender.”
The Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) purports to protect children, but in reality, it’s a censorship bill that would impact LGBTQ+ youth. #StopKOSA #KOSA
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cavalierzee · 10 months ago
Arresting Liberty
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captainxtra · 3 months ago
A reminder that House and Senate will be back in session this coming week, we need to look out for bad bills like HR 9495 in case they do go up for a vote.
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Reminder on how to find your Senator in order to contact them:
If you have a GOP/MAGA Senator, read the advice given here:
Don’t spam them with messages!
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lastcatghost · 2 years ago
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eugenedebs1920 · 3 months ago
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Just a little fun wordplay 😊
We no longer stand in solidarity. There were periods when we did. These periods saw the biggest gains and the greatest successes of the masses and the middle class.
In the mid to late seventeen hundreds a collective of average people, some educated, some not, some of moderate wealth, others without. With the cumulative efforts, and rebellious spirit, these men, and a ragtag group of immigrants, fought off the mightiest global military forces, while at the same time, composing a series of ideas that would guide a free and prosperous society for centuries.
Theres always bad concepts, arbitrated by bad actors. Characters whose personal agendas of greed and self indulgence overpowers all aspects of decency and humanity. This was the case of the slave owning south.
As this young nation had shown before, there was no tyranny that couldn’t be bested. Again, an aggregation of peoples joined forces for the plight of humanity. For the freedom of the most vulnerable among them, a long, bloody, brutal war was carried out. Again, those who stood for the good of the common man toppled a hierarchy of wealthy, racist, tyrannicals.
Less than a century later a buzzing came from across the Atlantic. A charismatic overlord saw a susceptibility in his people. He would prey upon this by demonizing and lambasting those who weren’t arian, attesting the root of Germany’s woes lay in these immigrants poisoning the blood of their nation.
The largest conflict the world had ever seen commenced. Our cousins in England had bombs dropping on their doorsteps. The manufacturing of equipment and ammunition would prove to not suitable to subdue the forces against them. Again, a coalition of immigrants and native born American slaves would rise together in the fight against totalitarianism. Again their resolve would be victorious.
At home the powers of industry and capital would subjugate the workers of America. Making vast sums of wealth off exploitation. The accumulation of workers, all immigrants, men and women, brown and white, would capitalize on their numbers against the capitalists numbers of capital, showing that without a workforce the power of industry lies not in the wealth one holds but in the richness of solidarity. Again, this patchwork of peoples would, for now, would conquer despotic forces.
Society would see a period of great prosperity after the labor movements and the devastating war. That is with the exception of those stolen from the continent of Africa and forced to be here against their will.
The tether of reconstruction was long snapped and the menace of oppression in the south had ensnared in its provocations an atmosphere of violence and a thraldom of segregation, disenfranchising an already marginalized people.
Again, a plurality of common poor peoples amassed for the battle against those who contended their superiority over them. An exercise of non violent direct action through the plethora of peaceful persons would placate to the general population the putridness of the prejudices cast upon them by immoral ignorant racist, bringing to light their struggles. Again, the community of conciliating colored Americans coincided to overcome their oppressors.
At the same moment the military industrial complex Eisenhower had warned of, continued to manufacture conflict. This time in south east Asia.
This was a war where the richest county in the world, with the most advanced weaponry, combated communism on some of the poorest people on the planet. The atrocities, like never before, came through the screens, and into the living rooms of every American home. An anti-war, pro love revolution would sweep the nation. Again, the whole of these heartfelt hippies helped in the masses hearing that the horrific hurt perpetrated to these peasants across the globe was harmful to humanity and entirely wrong.
Where we stand now the masters of men have maniacally manufactured a mistrust amongst us.
They have seeded the sourness of the soul throughout our society. This syndicated system of separation from our various sects has shattered our symbolic social structure so severely, simple salutations have strained our sense of sensibility. Systematically dividing the civil citizens in seismic shakes of uncertainty.
A proud and progressive people, pushed apart purposely so politicians and powerful players of commerce can profit by polluting our planet and our perception. Pontificating on a provocation promoted to produce pre manufactured prejudices poised to poison person against person as the prerequisite for prestige.
We have shackled ourselves to the self indulgence of a capitalist culture only curating the catastrophic collapse of the middle class, whilst the cumulative cancer of cash corrodes the contemporary consciousness, cultivating corruption and canceling our once mighty congregation of caring and compassionate countrymen.
Before brethren born by the same bloodshed, serendipitously say our goodbyes, may we not bask in the blessings befallen between us, embracing the brotherly bonds, and the battle brought on by breaking that brokerage long ago, so difficult to ascertain again. Our best bet is to let bygones be bygones and believe that better beginnings rise in the dawn. Because brother, you are my family beyond blood our betterment is best bestowed building upon bridges not barriers, bound by bravery in the land of the free.
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