#circus themed bath
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Circus inspired bathroom.
Mindy Leah’s daily aesthetics FB page
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bamfkeeper · 2 months
SFW Headcannons: Nightcrawler // Sickness
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a/n: I was sick for a good week and a half and I'm just starting to feel it taper off. I kept thinking about him, I just hadn't had the motivation to write anything for this topic. But now I figure why not. Just a short little collection of hcs while I write more imagines. No warnings really besides basic sickness themes. Gender neutral reader.
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When You're Sick
Kurt fusses over you a lot when you're sick. He worries every second and he does his best to get you anything you need.
Medicine, water, broth, etc.
He makes you herbal tea and insists you drink it, wanting you to get better. He smiles, knowing the taste of the medicinal tea might be gross, but he always helps you with positive words.
"Now, it isn't that bad, liebling." he chuckled softly, finding it amusing how your face scrunched up at the smell of the hot tea. "It will soothe your throat and help your sinuses. Ich verspreche."
He manages to get you to drink, "That's it, good girl," he teased, "Drink as much as you can. It will make you feel better."
His hands will massage your sore body. You often wake up struggling at night or during the day you feel so stiff. He notices and he massages all those sore spots. "Sore?" he questions and kisses the nape of your neck. "I will help...just relax for me, ja?" he coos and does his best to be gentle but firm with his rubs.
He doesn't like when you're sick, but he thinks you look adorable with your puffy red nose and cheeks, your poor bundled body on the couch wrapped in a blanket.
He draws baths or showers for you, insisting you take a cold one if you are feverish. He washes you tenderly, he likes to tell stories in German to you, it helps you focus more on his words and he will praise you when you point out a German word with an English one that you know.
He makes homemade soups and stews for you, he likes to know what is in food before he gives it to you for eating. He doesn't want you to eat anything bad, so he likes to make sure to make it himself. No canned soup for you, only fresh at the hands of this blue mutant.
He doesn't care about getting sick himself. He will sit close to you, hold you and rub your back as you lay against him. He watches movies with you, trying to distract you from your sickness.
If you throw up, he holds your hair back if it's long, and he rubs your back. "Let it out, schatz...just let your body do what it needs to." he whispers, "Relax...breathe." his tone is even and calm, even if he is panicking internally seeing you so sickly.
He holds you if you need to cry, sometimes being sick can be frustrating. Kurt is always there for you, kissing your temple or forehead, arms and tail wrapped around you.
"I want ice cream," you whine softly against his neck, your throat ached and you needed something cool. It would help your fever too, so Kurt gladly obliges and gets up to get you some ice cream. "Of course, liebling...but only vanilla. You can't have a lot of sugar when you're feeling unwell." he says in a firm but gentle tone.
"Awee....but I want a different flavor..." you pout, making him shake his head. He was firm on his decision, tough love for you.
He might seem too firm at times for your liking, but he's really just concerned about you. He wants you to get better, since he knows you don't like being sick. He has your health in his heart and he loves you.
When He's Sick
Kurt is a big baby when he's sick, especially when he knows how much you will fuss over him.
At first, he tries to hide the fact that he doesn't feel well. He's not used to being pampered or getting 'days off' when he's sick because he never got that luxury when he was in the circus. He doesn't share a lot about the circus besides the happier memories, but he had a tough time.
This goes for being sick. Anytime he didn't feel well or caught a cold, he wasn't given a day to recover. It was like he was feeling as chipper as ever. They seemed to make him work harder, so he subconsciously learned to hide if he felt sick.
When you noticed he was coughing or sniffling a lot, you confronted him and asked him about it. He admitted to being sick but quickly assured you he was fine.
It wasn't until you began to get him things for his sickness that he slowly began to let go around you. He became a little more needy, asking for medicine or more pillows and blankets, and cuddling with you. He was almost like a toddler, whiny and pouty, but he was grateful for your help.
He always made sure to tell you how much he appreciates your efforts, even if it was as simple as getting him water. When he's sick, teleporting to the kitchen made him feel so dizzy. So you getting him water was such an easy task, but one he appreciated like you walked miles just to get him a drink.
"Danke..." he rasps, taking the water and coughing slightly. "You are an angel..." he drank quickly, avoiding any more coughing fits.
He snuggles you almost constantly, seeking you out in the bed or couch. He needs to be right beside you when he's sick, and he refuses to be anywhere else.
Baths are so hard for him when he feels bad, he doesn't like them and he's like a whiny cat. He tries to sit up so many times out of the water, but his 100+ degree fever says he needs the cold bath, especially since his fuzz keeps heat more.
You do your best to follow recipes for soups that will help him feel better. You feed him ice chips and spoon feed him the soup you make so he doesn't have to move (he whines if he has to move).
He's so in love with you and he's so grateful that you are taking care of him without a single complaint, because you'd never complain when you get to take care of the love of your life.
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Thanks for reading.
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dividers by @/adornedwithlight
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bambihrt · 8 months
Celebrating your Anniversary with Lucifer
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This is a lil self indulgent piece for my favorite dilf
summary: just some established relationship fluff with lucifer
part 2 here!
"Baby you're back!" your blonde boyfriend greets you as you walk through the door to his office.
"Hey Luci, sorry my appointment took longer than expected," you apologized while rubbing at your eyes. You've been working nonstop on a surprise for Lucifer but you'd finally finished organizing it and could now rest.
"Aw my love, here let me take your things upstairs. I'll draw you a bath just rest here for a moment please," you could count on the king of hell to always look after you.
"Let's just go to bed, there's other ways I'd like to spend my night."
The next morning you got up earlier than your partner and snuck out of bed. You made a quick phone call and put on your game face to not give away the surprise. You rushed back to the bedroom and shook Lucifer awake exclaiming,"Charlie's called, she needs our help at the hotel!"
An hour later you stood with your boyfriend in front of his daughter's hotel as he fiddled with something in his pocket, anxiously awaiting someone to come to the door. Once Charlie arrived she led her father to the back of the hotel and outside only to be met with it covered in decorations. Going along with the circus theme in hell, there was a whole carnival set up with lots of games and food everywhere.
"Surprise! Happy anniversary Luc!"
"(Y/n) you set this all up?"
"Yep! Now before you get all teary eyed let me show you the best part, you're gonna love it!" You couldn't help your excitement as you showed your boyfriend a handmade game. There in front of you was a hook-a-duck game where the rubber ducks were his creations and you passed him a snake and apple themed lure.
As Lucifer stood there appreciating the work you put into his gift, you couldn't help but sassily say, "Can't believe you forgot our anniversary though."
"Sorry, my love it must have slipped my mind." Little did you know that as he said this he pat a little box inside his coat pocket that held a sparkly gift for you that he'd been planning for longer than your surprise carnival.
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anemptypuddingcup · 7 months
Wishes aren’t real.
Samurai Zoro x Female Maid Reader.
You were saved and swept up and out of poverty by a loyal and thoughtful samurai. Eyes filled with admiration and gratitude for him blinds the things that may need to be seen.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
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Contains: Contains Dark Themes. Zoro returning home late. Zoro and Reader bathing together. Reader is a virgin but is familiar with masturbation only. Non-consensual touching. Non-consensual to consensual pussy eating. Consensual fingering. Zoro becoming mean and showing his nature. Focuses on what starts the main point of this dark series. (Basically non-consensual or unwanted sex.)
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It had only been a week.
Just one week in the estate.
Being a maid of the estate surely wasn’t a bad thing, but at the same time you felt that it was less appealing than you’d thought it would be. When you were offered this opportunity, you didn’t think it’d be so…boring. With how many nights Zoro would be gone, it grew so lonely without him being there most of the time within the week that you’ve been there.
You felt that Zoro probably didn’t care about you as much as he said he did. All of those sweet and promising words began to wither into more of a joke the more you sat there and thought about it alone in your bedroom every night. You felt so much like a fool…or a clown. A lonely clown in a circus. It all just…felt like there was no point in you being there.
Then again, you were the maid and he was the master who gave the orders to you. He probably saw you as nothing more than a tool, someone to get chores and housework done that he wouldn’t do himself. Yet he looked so promising that day when he spoke to you in that tea room, his eye was full of belief and wonder to see how you’d grow.
You didn’t like the fact that he probably…lied to you. He claimed that he sees you differently unlike other filthy higher class people who shows disgust to the lower class. Yet the way he seemed to be acting towards you and showing you was how anyone of his status would see a lower class maid.
Just a piece of trash sitting there to be cleaned up off of the earth’s crust.
Then again…
You were the maid and he was the master.
You walked down the dark hall to yourself in silence, your hands carrying soft fresh towels and a robe to take into your bedroom. You’d finished up every thing that needed to be taken care of for the day and…Zoro still wasn’t home yet.
He happened to do that very often. He’d just leave and claim that he’ll be back by nightfall, only to come back so early in the morning that not even birds were chirping. All the hot baths you ran for him and the hot meals you cooked beforehand grew cold by time he’d come home.
While part of you grew irritated from this behavior of his, it made you desperately worry for him and his safety. Even if he was a skilled samurai, it still made you fear what was happening outside of the estate where you’re never supposed to go.
It really made you wonder what was happening to where Zoro didn’t want you to leave at all…
You shake the thought away and sighed out as you come across your bedroom door. You look down the hall and take one more listen for Zoro’s footsteps, a huff leaving past your lips before you slowly slid your shoji door open and stepped into your bedroom. You leave the door cracked slightly and softly set the towels and robe down onto the tatami mats before walking over to your futon.
A yawn slipped past your lips as you grew tired from a long day of working and cleaning, finally feeling that rush of fatigue filling your body as you stood there and slipped off your geta shoes. You got down onto your knees and crawled over to your futon before pulling your heavy blankets back and climbing into your bed. You slowly pulled your blankets over your small frame before settling yourself.
You rested your head against your soft pillow, a groan leaving your lips as your eyes unconsciously shut from the fatigue and tiredness of your body. You felt your body immediately relax and rest against soft cotton of the futon, the fabric beginning to nestle around your body and cradle it providing a sense of warmth that you desperately needed to sleep.
Silence filled the room as you slept soundly on the floor, with tired snores and groans spilling past your lips with every breath you took. It was quite peaceful and easily took you to sleep, your thoughts slowly numbing and disappearing as the sleep took over and rested your body for the night.
Footsteps began to echo down the hall of the home as Zoro stumbled down the corridor, his geta sliding and grazing along the tatami as he struggled to walk properly in his state. He was sleepy and in desperate need of a bath, something to relax and soothe him before he’d went to sleep. He also wanted to see your pretty face after a long day of working and attending to his duties as a samurai.
He walks to the bathroom and slides the door open slightly before peeking in, only to be met with the cold empty feeling of the bathroom. The chill touching his shoulders and making him shudder and grow cold.
“Damn that woman, she didn’t run a bath for me this time…” He groans out, his hand pushing the shoji door all the way open and making his eyes meet with the darkness of the bathroom.
He sighs out as he stared at the empty and darkened bathroom before looking down the corridor, his eye a bit too hazy to see much further than he wanted to.
He huffs irritably before continuing down the hallway, making it over to your bedroom door which seemed to be cracked open. He slowly pushes the door open all the way, his eyes focusing on your sleeping figure from a distance before he slowly steps in past your doorway. He stumbles over to your futon and crouched down, his eye staring at your pretty face as he watched you take those graceful breaths of air. His eye trails down your sleeping figure, watching as it rose and fell with each breath of oxygen you took.
He stared at you for a moment longer, watching as you slept and breathed evenly.
A gemstone resting on soft and fine grain sand was the only thing he could compare this sight to.
He slowly reaches a hand out to you, softly rubbing at your shoulder and shaking you awake while you groan out irritably at the touch. You slowly turn over and sit up, mewling out before rubbing your eyes and reaching for him. “Mmgh? Sir? Is that you..?” You called out, reaching around for him and touching his hand which happened to be beside your bed.
His hand twitched unconsciously at the touch before he groans slightly, his tired eye looking into your sleepy ones.
“I need a bath to be made this instant. Please don’t take long.” He says, groaning out as he slowly stood up on his two feet and waited for you to follow instructions . You rub your eyes a bit more and quickly yank your blankets off before climbing out of your futon and getting up on your own two feet.
“Y-Yes sir, right away…” You say tiredly, slowly stumbling over and slipping your geta on before walking out of your bedroom with a sigh. Zoro stayed standing there in your bedroom a moment longer, listening to your frantic footsteps trail down the hallway.
You huffed out and stepped into the bathroom, so displeased at the fact that you were just pulled out of your sleep just to run a hot bath for Zoro. As you began to run a bath for him, Zoro steps in and slides his geta off before walking up closer to you. A monotone expression was plastered on his face as he looked down at you running him hot water into the tub.
“That’ll be fine now, I’m getting in.”
You look up at him and your eyes widens as you noticed him pulling his arms from his kimono sleeves, his long scar across his chest being revealed to you. “Ah- Um- S-Sir, are you s-sure that’s it?” You asked him, a bit flustered and now fully awake from the sight you were seeing. Zoro begins pulling at his obi and you quickly stood up and backed away from him, walking back over to the door to offer him some privacy.
“Bring me fresh towels and my robe please. Bring extra.” He demanded, looking towards you and watching as you began to shut the door. “Y-Yes sir, I will.” You say behind the door, rushing down the hallway and back to your bedroom where the towels and robes were. You quickly grabbed the linens and rush back to the bathroom, rushing back down the corridor and to the bathroom door before slowly pressing your hands against the shoji door.
“Excuse me sir, h-here’s your towels and robes…” You say, slowly sliding the door open and putting the linens down onto the floor.
“Hold on. Bring them in here like you’re supposed to. Open the door woman.” He says firmly, the sound of the water splashing around signifying that he was already within the tub. You sigh out shakily before sliding the door open and walking in, trailing up to the porcelain tub and standing there in front of him.
You kept your head facing down, not wanting to look and peek at him. In fact, you were just ready to get back in bed after a long day of cleaning.
Zoro looks up at you and smirks, looking at your embarrassed and flustered expression. You set the linens down onto the stool before bowing down and turning around from Zoro, wanting to just hurry up and walk out of the bathroom.
Zoro quirks and brow and tilts his head, staring at your body while you began to walk out.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
His words makes you come to a halt and you turn around and look him in his eye before answering.
“W-Well, y-you’re about to bathe sir. You want your privacy don’t you…?“ You asked back in response to his question, making him chuckle while his smirk grew wider. He presses his wet and soaking hand to his chin and hums out to you.
“I didn’t ask for you to leave. Come back in and close the door..”
You stood there for a few moments before sighing out and reluctantly walking back into the room, your hand slowly shutting the shoji door behind yourself. You stood beside the stool, trying your absolute hardest not to peek at his tanned skin and his muscular physique. He could tell just by your face that you wanted to look at him and his body, the heat captured on your face made it so obvious for his only eye to see.
“Tell me woman, have you bathed today?” He ask you, crossing his arms as he sat there and stared up at you. You shook your head and Zoro huffs out in response, resting his head against his fist. “I need a direct answer, look up at me.” He demanded, forcing you to look up at him and into his eye. He you stared into his fierce jaded-color eye and you felt your body beginning to shudder at the slight arousal mixed with discomfort.
“N-No sir…I haven’t bathed at all today.” You said honestly to him, causing a sly smirk to creeping across his face. Zoro motioned a hand up to you and tilts his head, urging you to get in the bathtub with him. “Well, come. Get in tub with me. I assure you that I’m fine with it.” He says, now motioning for you to take off your clothes. You hesitated and stood there for a little while, making Zoro quirk a brow before he’d went back straight-faced. He was getting impatient and he huffs out at your ignorance.
“S-Sir. May I please just bathe tomorrow morning? I’m very fatigued from today..” You asked sweetly, your face giving off pure exhaustion and drainage from the day. Zoro remained unfazed by your words and instead his glare grows darker as he sat there in the tub waiting for you.
“I’m not repeating myself.” He said darkly, his tone firm as he puts his foot down and gets straight with you. You sigh out shakily and begin undressing, the agonizing amount of time it took for you to loosen up your obi making it even more dreadful.
You look up at him nervously and he’s staring at you intensely, his eye practically glaring deep into your soul as he rested his head against his hand. As you slid your obi off, you slowly pull your linens open, your body still turned around and away from Zoro. Zoro stared as he waited for you to just pull those linens off, his eye just watching and waiting for that moment when you finally turn around.
You let your linens spill down onto the floor, revealing your pretty skin and your backside to Zoro. You slowly look over your shoulder only to see Zoro with a straight face while he stared at your bottom. “Come on. Get in woman.” He demanded, making you freeze up before you look away nervously. You slowly turned around to him, your arm covering your breasts while your hand covered your cunt from him.
You slowly walk over and stepped into the tub, your movements making the water ripple and move around slightly. You slowly lowered your body into the warm water and suds, sitting there across from him while his tall stature made you feel so small compared to him. He smirks and slowly moves over to you, your back grazing up his chest and making you gasp out suddenly.
You could feel the detail of his abs and his chest against your skin as he bent down to face you. He wraps his large and roughly-scarred hands around your body and slides them up along your sides, feeling along your soft and pretty skin. You shuddered at his touch and let out a soft yet worried mewl as he ran his rough fingers against your skin.
“Mmh~ S-Sir~” You gasp out shakily, your eyes avoiding eye contact with him as he began to touch your body without much of your permission. “S-Sir?” You call out to Zoro again yet he continues, his hands trailing lower and in between your legs while he moves your arm away from your breasts. “Such soft skin you have, a wonderful texture…” He whispers to you, his lips moving in close to your ear.
You trembled at his whispered words and gasp out as you feel him grope one of your breasts with his hands, his fingers pinching and teasing at one of your nipples.
You knew that Zoro probably just wanted to get a touch on your body and even though he didn’t ask for permission at all, you couldn’t deny that his hands felt so wonderful again your body. You felt him trail his hand deeper in between your legs before he had finally laid one of his fingers against your clit, making you yelp out before you scoot away from him and his hands.
You quickly try to jump out of the tub but he grabs at one of your hips and yanks you back into the tub while you struggled against him.
His hands pulled your hips back over to his body, his strength far more stronger than yours. You whined and fought back but Zoro kept you still and in place, a yelp erupting past your lips as panic began to run through your veins. “S-Sir please! I-I don’t want this right now!” You gasp out heavily, your heart beginning to pound as you felt it wanting to burst out of your chest. The water splashed at your frantic movements and struggle, afraid of what Zoro would do to your body.
Zoro grips your wrists tightly with one hand and holds them in place, his eye staring intently into yours that were now full of tears. “Move your hands before I give you something else to cry about.” He says, his tone deep and dark as he threatened you. A whimper leaves your lips as the tears begins to run down your face and fall into the soapy bath water below.
You struggled one last time before whining out in defeat, your struggle obviously nothing against the stronger samurai. Your struggling was pointless as it was obvious who was the stronger man here. Zoro released his grasp on your wrists and you pull back before turning away, a whine leaving past your lips while more tears ran down your cheeks.
His hands pulled you close and held you still before he’d spread your legs open wide, revealing your pussy which was spilling with arousal and betraying your thoughts easily. Zoro licks his lips and chuckles at your weak attempt at fighting back, his eye staring down at your pussy that was just begging for him to take care of it.
“A harlot aren’t you? Lying right in front of my face as if I wasn’t going to find out. Your flower…it’s spilling its nectar into the bath water as if it’s begging for me to take it.” He says to you, trailing his tongue along his lips as he stared down at your pussy dripping with slick.
“Please! I-I’m new t-to this! I-I d-don’t know much about sexual contact it other than p-playing with myself…” You admit, covering your eyes out of embarrassment as your voice grew whiny from fear.
This makes Zoro pause for a moment before he smiles and laughs at your whines.
“A pure woman who’s never been touched? I’m honored to be the first to lay my hands on your delicate body and helping it blossom to its fullest.” He hisses as he moves his fingers up to your pussy, his thumb sliding along your slit while he watched and listened to it make the lewdest sounds. He holds your hips up to his face, burying his face between your thighs while his lips presses a small smooch to your clit.
A gasp leaves you as you felt this sudden and new feeling, his semi-chapped lips adding a sensation that…you wanted to feel even more. He looks down into your eyes and chuckles lowly at you, a growl leaving himself after as he licked a stripe along your slit. “Let’s see how you’ll enjoy the feeling of my tongue against your virgin pussy~” He whispered to you, a chuckle leaving his lips as he stared up at you. You shuddered as you watched him smooch at your pussy before pulling away, savoring in the light taste of your slick.
You feel this thumbs spread your folds open before running his tongue against your slit, the thick muscle prodding at your entrance before sliding into your virgin hole. You moan out shakily and shudder at the feeling, his tongue rubbing against your velvety walls and making you move your hips against his lips. You feel him dig his tongue deep into your sticky cunt before you moan out loudly, his tongue prodding hard at your sweet spot and making your toes curl.
Zoro groans out, breathing heavy breaths while he slurped and lapped at your sticky hole. He fucks your virgin pussy with his tongue and savored in your beautiful moans, enjoying the delectable taste of your cunt on his tongue while you lied there like and took it like a good girl for him. “Mmhhh~ S-Sir~” You moan out to him, your body shuddering while you indulged in the pleasure. Zoro stops and lifts his head, his hand gripping your chin and squeezing your cheeks.
“When I’m eating your pussy, you call me by my name. Understand?” He growls, biting his bottom lip while he stares into your eyes. “Y-Yes Z-Zoro~” You gasp out, shuddering as you suddenly watched him dip his head back between your legs.
Zoro continued to fuck your pussy with his tongue, his movements now a bit faster than before and making you whine out while you began squirming and shutting your eyes tight. The continuous touch to your g-spot causes your eyes to roll back as your walls pulsates around Zoro’s tongue, your gasps growing loud while Zoro began to stare at your slutty face.
“Z-Zoro!~ Mmgh!~ I-I’m close~” You moan out to Zoro, your eyes beginning to brew with tears as you felt your cunt becoming overstimulated from Zoro’s tongue already. Zoro hums out and looks back up at you, not stopping his movements as he heard you
In fact, he begins to slurp and lap at your pussy, his nails scratching at your hips and thighs while he tried to strangled that orgasm out of you. “Release then woman, cum on my tongue and give me a taste of this virgin pussy of yours.” He demands, a heavy groan erupting from his through as his thumb began to toy at your clit. You gasp and mewl out, your hips now grinding upwards and moving on their own as your cunt begged for its orgasm on its own.
Your gasps grew heavy and airy as Zoro fought for your orgasm, wanting to just rip it out of you and hear your whiny moans spill out of your throat. A hiss leaves past your lips and you reach out to him, grabbing his mossy strands before gasping out and throwing your head back. “I’m releasing!~ I-I’m cumming Zoro!~” You mewl out shakily, your back arching as you finally feel yourself releasing on his tongue.
A long and lengthy moan leaves you as you cum, creaming onto his tongue while you felt yourself running out of energy from your orgasm. Zoro groans out as he felt your taste on his tongue, gripping your thighs tight while he felt his cock yearning to release from your taste. You groan out shakily, your grip on the tub shaky as you pulled yourself up and trembled against Zoro.
Zoro slowly lifts his head, his eye still staring down at you as he licked the taste of your essence off of his lips. You breathed heavily and look up at him, reaching out to him and needing some sort of balance to help you not fall into the soapy water. Zoro pulls you into his embrace while you tried to regain your breath, practically hyperventilating as you struggled to breathe. Zoro stared down at you as he lies back against the tub, his hand running along your back and rubbing it to soothe you.
His hands trailed down to your ass and he groped the doughy flesh softly while you lied there against his chest. He was smiling eagerly down at you, staring into your eyes while his cock throbbed at your fucked-out face. “Sit up, I’m not done pleasing you yet.” He demanded, pulling you up from his chest before he pulls you off of him completely.
“M-More? D-Do we have to s-sir? I-I’m very tired and if I don’t get my rest, I won’t be able to clean tomorrow.”
“Then I won’t give you any tasks for tomorrow. Get on all fours.”
You let out a little whimper before turning over and getting on all fours, your hands and knees against the bottom of the porcelain tub. Zoro stares at the wonderful view of your behind and hisses out as he slides his digits along your leaking cunt, his fingers spreading your folds open a bit while you moan out shakily.
You mewl out shakily as you feel him slide his thick digits into your virgin cunt, your velvety walls stretching and making room for his fingers. You winced a at the painful stretch and whine out, eating at your bottom lip while he fingered your tightened hole open. It took him only a few seconds to to find your g-spot, a sudden moan spilling from your lips as he curled his fingers up and pressed hard into your bundle of nerves.
He thrusted his fingers in and out of your pussy slow yet forcefully, making sure you felt his fingertips kissing your sweet spot every time he’d slide his fingers into your cunt. “Ngh~ Z-Zoro~ F-Feels so good~” You huff out shakily, arching your back while the pleasure began to build up in your lower tummy. The lingering feeling of oversensitivity was still present in your cunt which made it a bit harder to endure the pleasure of Zoro’s fingers deep inside of you.
“Such a nice sight I’m seeing, your unblossomed pussy clenching tight on my fingers.” His palm hitting the doughy flesh of your ass as he hissed out in response, the grip on his fingers making his tip leak with pre while he sat there with his legs crossed in the water. You mewl out and wince at the stinging pain of his palm hitting your backside, the heavy-handed hits causing you hiss out slightly at the pain.
Zoro begins to palm at his thick cock, watching as you wiggles your hips slightly and listening to your moans that made his cock even harder the more he sat there. His groans were quiet but it was obvious that he was masturbating behind you while enjoying the view and enjoying your pussy around his fingers.
Your arms began to grow a bit weak and your hips were growing shaky while your second orgasm grew close. “Z-Zoro~ M-My arms-“ You say, a gasp spilling out after as your arms began to wobble a bit. Zoro ignores your complaining and continues to fuck your cunt with his fingers, disregarding your words. “Hold on to the edge of the tub. You’ll be fine.” He said firmly, a slight hiss leaving his lips as fucked his fist to your cunt fluttering around his digits.
You obeyed and shifted to the side of the tub, holding on and spreading your legs open a bit wider while he begins to pump his fingers a bit faster. A whine left your lips and you sighed out, now moving your hips a bit more into his digits and and moaning out a bit louder. You bit your bottom lip tightly as your eyes began to cross, your walls clenching tight around Zoro’s fingers as you felt yourself wanting to cum again.
You let out a heavy gasp before releasing out onto his fingers again without warning, your body shaking against his as you let out a heavy little gasp. Zoro groans out slightly and gives his cock a few more pumps before he finally releases, cumming out into the soapy water with a slight groan.
You breathe out shakily and sit back down into the tub, breathing out heavily as your walls pulsate around nothing but warm water. Zoro crosses his arms and breathed heavily himself, his chest rising and falling pretty quickly while he stared down at your glistening skin. You hum out shakily and lie back against the stone wall, want wanting him to touch you anymore due to your exhaustion.
“Get out and dry off. We’re going to my bedroom. We’ll bathe more properly tomorrow morning.”
You sat up and look at him before a whimper left your lips.
“S-Sir please…N-No more…” You begged, your pussy already overstimulated and sensitive so much that you didn’t even have the energy to get out to the tub. Zoro glared down at you and slowly stood up out of the soapy water, revealing his thick and still hardened cock down to you. Your eyes widens at the size and you shuddered before scooting back and away from him. “Get up.” He says, gripping your arm a bit tight and pulling you up and out of the tub. “No! N-No please!” You begged, your whines growing more hysterical as you tried to struggle and pull away from him.
Zoro picks you up and throws your body over his shoulder making you yelp out before you begin to scratch against his back and flail around. Zoro slowly walked out to the bathroom, a trail of water drops and wet footsteps following as he carried you down the estate and to his bedroom. Both of your bodies were still drenched and soaking from the bath water and part of you wish that he wasn’t so cruel and yanked you out of the bathtub. You shuddered within his grasp, shivering and cold from the cool air hitting your skin after not drying off.
Zoro stops at his door and slowly slides it open before walks in and laying you down onto his futon. His futon smelled of his musk, the thick scent of pine and his own sweat filling your nose and making you tremble. You quickly scoot back and away from him but Zoro grabs your calf and pulls you back towards him, making a whine erupt from your throat.
“Spread your legs open before I spread them open myself.” He said darkly, huffing out as he got down on his knees. “Please…P-Please….” You trembled and hesitate, your lack of movement causing Zoro to spread your legs open forcefully. You continued to stare down at his cock and he slowly slides down onto his tummy and looking up at you between your thighs.
“I’m not ruining your purity just yet. I want to taste and feel more of your pussy on my tongue and fingers.” He says to you, promising not to take your virginity.
You couldn’t trust his words, you were too afraid to trust if he was telling the truth to you or not. He could tell that you didn’t trust his words so he made sure to promise you. “You have my word. As long as you be obedient and listen to me, I’m not going to fuck you.” He promises, his thumb already teasing at your still soaking folds while you begin to mewl out again. You whine and nodded, spreading your legs open a bit more for him unwillingly.
You didn’t have much of a choice but to obey him. As exhausted as your body was, Zoro wanted to make sure you didn’t have the energy to do anything tomorrow.
You couldn’t even tell if he was doing out of adoration for your own body or for his own pleasure. Or either both.
“I’m going to make sure you cum until you can’t anymore.”
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best-iwtv-scene · 10 days
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Descriptions/Propaganda under the cut:
Armand betrayal reveal (2x08)
After Louis declares the end of his story halfway through the final episode, Daniel reveals an original copy of the trial's script, littered with notes from Armand in the margins. Barely containing his emotions, Louis flicks through the script, realising that the trial- and Claudia's subsequent murder- was led by his companion of seventy-seven years. Additionally, Daniel reveals that Lestat was the vampire who saved Louis from execution in the trial, rather than Armand, adding yet another lie to their relationship. Daniel is almost feverish from being able to unpick the mystery of the Dubai interview that has been haunting him since 1x01, Louis is enraged from realising the last seven decades of his life have been based on a lie, and Armand is desperately trying to hold onto the broken parts of their relationship, despite the fact that it has been in pieces from the very beginning. Louis throws Armand against a wall and thanks Daniel, a bond forged between the two, and burns his laptop, destroying it, but not erasing the interviews entirely. The scene is scored by 'Which Ever Way Your Nose Bends', composed by Simon David Rackham and performed by Piano Circus. This piece also features heavily in 2x05, the unique six-piano arrangement used to represent fragmented memories coming together and plays throughout the reveal in 2x08, building in intensity as it progresses. "Where does the bullshit start, Armand, Amadeo, Arun? You were supposed to die with Claudia. He didn't save you, Lestat did!"
No propaganda was submitted for this scene.
"Rest" (2x05)
After five days trapped in the San Francisco apartment, Armand finally goes to drain Daniel completely. Armand tempts Daniel into an "easeful death" in a similar way to how Santiago is seen to seduce his victims into death during the theatre's performances. An exhausted Daniel tries to resist, quietly saying that he is "a bright young reporter with a point of view", in an attempt to refute Armand's claims of a mediocre and disappointing future ahead of him. Eventually, Daniel gives in, holding onto Armand as he leans in to bite his exposed neck. For a few moments, the pair embrace while Armand drinks from Daniel, until he is interrupted by Louis stumbling into the room, saving Daniel's life. The scene is oddly loving despite its dark nature, particularly due to the high tension of the episode so far, and it shows the strength of Daniel, able to resist Armand's seduction even for just a moment. This scene is scored by an unreleased track, incorporating the piano motifs of Armand's theme, with a string melody over the top, drowning out the piano as Armand zeroes in on Daniel's neck. "An easeful death [...] It'll feel like a bath. Rest. Like honey on your tongue. It is the comfort we all long for... the end." "... Rest." "Rest. Come, come. I'll hold you. You rest now."
No propaganda was submitted for this scene.
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hey-august · 1 month
Hi, please letters D, E, X for the alphabet 🤡 Thank you!
Thanks for this! Things went a little off the rails with X... (NSFW Alphabet here)
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Lets his disconnected wiener float around the bath like a toy boat.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Buggy knows the basics - where to touch, what feels good, where the little buttons should be. He gets the job done and it’s good. It’s fine. Like pizza - even bad pizza is still good. For the longest time, he did treat it like a job. Sex was a thing to be done to deal with those feelings. To tamp down those urges. To be part of a relationship. It was expected and, as a bonus, his balls were empty. It wasn’t until a certain relationship that Buggy started thinking about sex differently. Less selfishly. He started picking up on the smallest cues his partner gave - moments that made their breath hitched, when they leaned into his touch, how hot their skin was, how flushed,. That’s when Buggy started chasing their high, intent on giving them a trip that left their core aching, legs trembling, and body dripping.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Let’s talk about tattoos. Buggy has a few on his right upper arm and shoulder - mostly nautical themed and his jolly roger of course. There’s a rope knotted around his left wrist, as well. Back to his right side, the ink adorns the side of his chest and creeps down his ribs. Some (most) are shitty stick and poke tattoos. A few he gave himself, benefits of chop chop, and others came from crew members or vagrant pirates met along the seas. Whenever someone asks Buggy what his tattoos mean, he tells some elaborate story and they’re left wondering how much is bullshit and how much is truth. If any. Also. Sometimes Buggy “tests” his facepaint on his dick. A cannon and real Buggy balls. An elephant for the circus, with it’s own circus peanut. The he’s really pleased about is when he paints his penis to look like a clown. Of course. With a saggy bowtie. Buggy even grow out his pubes so the ween-clown had lush hair as well.
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abbyfmc · 4 months
Yandere Master of Ceremonies! x Freak! reader Headcanons:
Hey! How are you in the middle of all this heat? I hope you're okay.
For a long time I have been attracted to yandere stories (well, that has always been XD), but also to circus/fair/carnival themes with creepy touches, so I made a decision.
Yandere stories or headcanons with themes of circuses, fairs and creepy carnivals, making obvious mention of the "FreakShows" Obviously changing to a few years ago, since today they are considered unethical, and in most countries they are even illegal, or slightly common.
Warning: Yandere behavior, obsession, kidnapping, mention of probable selling of people (slavery), as well as inappropriate treatment, etc.
Now, enjoy it!
He could have met you when he was just forming the circus; when the circus was already fully formed; He met you around your town/city; or you were simply sold to the circus as a freak.
Whatever the case, he saw something in you that attracted him and he liked it deeply.
Whatever your physical condition, you seemed, seem and will continue to seem beautiful to him.
He would hate to see you coexist with the other freaks or with some normal civilian.
Whatever your talent or ability, he will like it and love to see you whether during shows or during a rehearsal.
He would gladly introduce you during shows, with compliments and praise disguised as formality.
He would get angry if another employee or one of the freaks noticed you, which would put that co-worker on his blacklist.
He would leave you flowers, gifts and even notes in your dressing room, cage, etc.
If in that case you have been sold to the circus, and he finds out that your sellers (who may or may not have been your parents) did not treat you well, he would make them pay dearly for hurting you.
Do you have friends or a partner? Well, not anymore! They are dead or were kicked out of the circuses.
Whether you rehearse; sing, dance or act during the shows; whether you sleep, bathe, etc., he would always watch and harass you from a distance.
Yes, he would be able to kill the other freaks who have other intentions with you. He could also miss the rehearsals and acts of his rivals.
If he is very macabre, he would secretly spoil the functions of his rivals, or those he dislikes the most, causing them humiliation and accidents.
He would be deeply bothered by your rejections of him, and as revenge, he would "accidentally" ruin your rehearsals and performances.
If you see him murdering a co-worker (freak or not) and he finds out, he could threaten you with your family, friends and perhaps partner; chase you, harass you, watch you and convince you that what he did was "for your good," according to him; or he would kill you both out of love and to silence you and thus save his reputation.
If he could, he would spy on you while you prepare for some show.
In case he has kidnapped you when you were a normal civilian and tried to escape; He would punish you with confinement, physical and also psychological and then ask yourself: -Why would you like to leave us? Why do you want to leave the circus, and why do you want to leave me?-.
It is also likely that he has kidnapped you while you were a common civilian, and then he has ended up forcing you to be a circus phenomenon, either amputating you or costing some limbs; dye your hair or burning your face or some part of your body. -The end. What do you think about this?
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Couldn't pass this 1900 purple Victorian by, and it's just as cute inside. The 4bd, 2ba home in Sewickley, Pennsylvania is $320K.
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Center hall entrance.
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This home is so original and the furnishings reflect the owner's lifelong collection. The living room matches the colors of the exterior.
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The dining is large and is part sitting room, too.
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No modern kitchen reno here. This sweet kitchen has a vintage stove, linoleum flooring, and a drainboard sink.
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Plus, look at the original cabinets in the pantry. I hope a buyer doesn't come in and gut this.
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The primary bedroom is large and has an en-suite.
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Look at how cute that sign on the tub is. The pink fixtures aren't original, but they're vintage.
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There's a child's room thru the other bedroom door and it's already got a circus theme.
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The 3rd bd. is also large and as cute as can be.
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The 2nd bath also has vintage fixtures, this time in green. Check out the faucets.
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The 4th bd. is also spacious.
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Attic stairs to lead to an unfinished attic, but the owners are using it as a family room. Has a lot of potential.
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I'm wondering if the cracks in the basement floor, and the water stains, are red flags.
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Check this out- a gothic window and gargoyles.
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Wow, though, look at all the stairs! According to the description parking is on-street and the steps are the only access. Yikes!
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Looks like the yard has steps, too, but it's lovely.
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dissvicious · 11 months
Can you write something about the triplet saying their first word please ? (If you add an anecdote about Buggy's and Shanks first word *thank you Rayleigh* it would be marvelous)
I love Buggy's family sooo much 💕
So glad you love my little clown litter & their parents ! Here for you ! Sorry for Shanks & Buggy first word tho, didn't have anything in mind :(
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Rory was the first one of the triplets to say a real word and not a non sense prattle.
His parents saw it coming... He was the most vocal / talkative of the three, and the one with the most social facilities.
So of course Buggy did everything he could in order to make him say "Daddy" or "Dad" or "Buggy" as his first word.
Everytime Rory started to babbling next to him, Buggy took him in his arms and talked to him in order to get this first word.
"Look at DADDY my sweet treasure don't you love your DAD your old dad BUGGY you love your old one BUGS don't you?"
One day Buggy was carrying Rory in his arms while shouting orders to the crew.
"Boss, does Reddie knows you took Rory at work ? - WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT MY NOSE ??!"
As he took a break, he started rocking Rory, sitting in a corner of the desk.
Suddenly, Rory looked at him with a smirk - which was a miracle, for god sake this kid never smile
He pointed his Dad's face and started to babble
Buggy looked at him with a very proud and impatient smile
"Yes ? Yes Rory ? Say it ! Who am I ?"
"NOSE !" Rory yell proudly pressing his index on the said appendice.
When she was a toddler, Skye loved making mimics and throwing raspberries. She was the first to laugh at Buggy's jokes, a real little clown just like her father. Both Reddie and Buggy thought her first words would be around mimicking a bad pun, or circus themed.
But as always with kids : it didn't go as they thought.
One day, Reddie & Buggy were busy giving a bath to the triplets.
It was always a very rough chore since the twins hated it.
Skye, in the other hand, seemed to love water. It was really hard to take her out of the bath once she was in.
This day in particular it was hard. Buggy was behind Reddie, trying to wipe off the twins with a warm towel.
Reddie, on the other hand, was trying to get Skye out of the bath.
But it was a particular day - to have some fun, the young parents put extra soap in the bath, quickly filling the bathroom with soap bubbles.
Skye was in the basin they used to wash the triplets, covered in foam, fidgeting, a bright smile on the face.
After an eternity, while Buggy was putting the boys in their pajamas - or at least was attempting to do so - Reddie finally managed to get Skye out of the bath.
As Reddie was wiping her daughter with a warm and soft towel, a single soap bubble, the last one, escaped from the basin and came to pop next to them.
"BUBBLE" Skye yelled before laughing in a joy outburst (honestly, it sounded more like "BUB")
Buggy and Reddie immediately stopped what they were doing to look at eachother.
"What did you say Skye ? What did you just say ? Did you just speak ?" Buggy asked, kneeling in front of his daughter with a manic grin on the face.
"BUBBLE BUBBLE BUBBLE" Skye continued to shout, laughing as hell.
Despite being the first born of the lil clown family, Blaze was the last one to talk.
It worried Reddie a bit, since he didn't said his first word before being like, 2 years old.
Buggy however, wasn't concerned about this. Blaze compensated by being an early walker - which leaded to funny situations where Rory and Skye babbled together sitting on the ground while Blaze runned around them without a word.
It was a little before Buggy and Reddie short breakup, way before they discuss the kids safety.
Buggy anchored the Big Top on a random island for a few days. He didn't plan to make any plunder at first, but a group of drunken sailors came to tease him as he was taking some time with his crew on the docks.
Reddie and the kids were out in town for some groceries so he allowed himself to enter a good old fight like in the good old days.
After a few blade & chop chop exchanges, buggy pirates finally kicked their asses far away.
"AND NEVER COME BACK FUCKING BASTARDS" Buggy was lauging as hell, his signature grin on the face.
"Fucking bastard ! Fucking bastard !" a tiny, little, baby voice echoed behind him.
Buggy face collapsed.
He turned slowly, really slowly.
His wide opened eyes locked on Blaze who was running to him, proud of his first words. "FUCKING BASTARDS !" he yelled another time before hugging his father leg.
Buggy slowly raised his head to meet Reddie's eyes.
She was mad, mad, mad. Oh damn he was in trouble.
If her eyes were guns, he would have died at this moment.
Buggy swallowed in anguish, way more terrified now than he was in the previous fight.
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⭐𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭⭐
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Hey guys, it's me, Hebi! I wanna celebrate this summer with you all, so.. What a better way than a special event? It'd be a different one, though. I decided to embody some types of writing/drawing events, so it'd be fun!
Important: From now on I'll keep my inbox OPEN FOR REQUESTS! And I'm planning on keeping them open all summer- so for 3 months, from now to the 1st of September!
~During the event, I'll keep taking non-event-requests, so don't worry if you don't want to participate to the event! I'll post your request anyway!
So, the event will comprehend both drawing and writing, and you can requests for:
-a writing content (drabble or headcanons)
-writing content + a small drawing as a gift
THERE WILL NOT BE LIMIT IN REQUESTS, so this means that I'll accept each request! You'll see this symbol (∞) next to the current number of my inbox requests..
IF YOU WANT TO PARTICIPATE TO THE EVENT, you simply have to choose a summer prompts among these below and send me the emoji of the prompt and then choose a character, if you want a drabble, or 3- or less- characters if you want headcanons.. Of course I'll accept requests for Hypmic, Paralive and Twst! (Please, send a request for each inbox message.. Don't make a list of all your requests. QwQ if you send a request in each message it will help me to keep the count of the correct inbox requests I have! 🙏💜).
Also there will be an F if it's a FRIENDS prompt-so I'll write for an mc being friend to the character(s) you choose- and a R if it's a ROMANCE prompt- so the character(s) will be in a relationship with mc..
⭐𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬⭐
🤡: going to the circus together (F or R)
🎉: summer party with them and they get drunk (R)
🏖: Going to the beach together (F or R)
🌊: surfing together/ they teach how to surf (F or R)
🌲: camping with them (F or R)
🐎: going to a farm with them (F or R)
🎂: celebrating your/their birthday (F or R)
🏊‍♀️: going to the pool with them (F or R)
🛳: going on vacation on a cruise.. A night full of adventures! (F or R)
🎡: going to a themed park with them (F or R)
🏨: Getting to the hotel and realizing that, due to the staff's mistakes, mc hasn't got a room and has to share one with them (F or R or NSFW)
🛀: Having a bath together (NSFW)
🛌: sharing the bed (NSFW or F or R)
✉️: if they went on vacation, what kind of postcard they would send mc (F or R)
📷: photoshoot on the beach (F or R)
📿: entering a temple for the first time with them (F or R)
🌹: They confess their love to mc (R)
🤭: 7 minutes in heaven (F or R or NSFW)
👾: At the Arcade with them (F or R)
IMPORTANT: Feel free to reblog and to start this event on your blog as well! I mostly decided to start this because I've seen only a few active Paralive and Hypmic writers on Tumblr, so if you are insecure about your writings but you'd like to start a blog, don't be scared and do it! 💜
Thank you if you will participate!♥ I love you all. Thank you for giving me an-almost-whole-year of support!♥
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spinningbuster98 · 6 months
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles Part 2: Eggman's hands are rated E for everybody!
I used to dislike Carnival Night as a kid because I thought it went on for too long, but nowadays I actually think it’s the strongest of the Classic games’ bouncy stages, not going too crazy with the bumpers while still having a nice dose of platforming and speed. Plus it’s full of cool little shortcuts and secrets! And yeah: the barrels. The way you are supposed to use them is not communicated well at all, but honestly? I don’t think they really hurt the level in the end, as once you figure them out they stop being an issue, unlike the spinning tops in Marble Garden. About the only thing I don’t like here is the music: generic circus music with a hip hop remix? Ehh. I could never tell the difference between the two acts’ versions
Icecap is fantastic, even though it really has no business being so fun. In a game with so many big and expansive stages, Icecap is really tiny and linear, especially Act 1 where, once you figure out the gimmick, you’re pretty much just going on a straight line. This is one case I think where aesthetics, music and overall style are all that’s needed to make a fun and memorable level, which is certainly helped by this stage being an exception, with another example being Hydrocity Act 2, which means that the game knows not to forego substance in favor of style overall, it just likes to mix things up from time to time
Launch Base shares similar obstacle placement issues as Marble Garden, but I find it less obnoxious here because it’s technically a “final level” of sorts so it’s more justified, plus the fire shield can at least help you against the flamethrowers and there are no annoying gimmicks. Besides it’s pretty memorable from a story perspective given how it features the Death Egg looming ominously in the background throughout Act 1, only for you to stop its launch in Act 2, but not before taking a short ride in Eggman’s hover pod (also screw you Knuckles, I hope you got a nice bath)
The Big Arms boss fight (yeah I’m playing Sonic 3 Complete, because why shouldn’t I?), while iconic in its own way, is also...not the best? It’s got a similar issue as most bosses from SA1 in the sense that you have to wait for him to first do something in order to damage him. Now this is better than SA1′s bosses because at least it tests your precision given the narrow hitbox, but since he only comes down to grab you twice (or four times with Knuckles, which is why he has the better fight imo) before performing an attack when you can’t harm him unless you have a Super form and position yourself just right, this makes it more tedious than fun, heck I’d argue that the bigger danger here is the possibility of getting a Time Over!
The music on the other hand is phenomenal, genuinely one of my favorite tracks in the entire series, hell Eggman’s theme in this game is actually my favorite for the character, even more than the likes of his theme from SA2 and 06! Sonic 3 in general I think has my favorite OST of the Mega Drive trilogy. It’s really tough to decide since they’re all very good and memorable, and tbf Sonic 3 does have Carnival Night, which is a dud, but stuff like Angel Island, Hydrocity Act 2, Marble Garden, Icecap, Flying Battery, Lava Reef, Doomsday Zone, it’s such a varied OST too given how now each Act has its own variation!
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fumikomiyasaki · 6 months
Favourite Date Spots of my ocs
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Leroy: Arcade, Sushi restaurant, Cafe, lazer tag, if you are also into his hobby anime cons Henry: Fancy ass restaurants, Expensive parties, Beach dates, Renting out places, Mellow: Forrest walks, Cafes, his room, likely a less crowded place Carol: Study dates, Nature strolls, swimming, Resting in flower fields, small city trips, Brid: forrest strolls, build a bear, introducing her to new things Odel: Crystal caves, old castles, comfy antique baths, Lyla: Night escapades, small clubs, chilling in her Lab, City at night Camilla: Rose fields, ball rooms, Hiking, Bengal: Horror movie marathons or cinema, Nights in the woods, days working out, scary places or comfy places Eiji: Catacombs, Cemeteries, Halloween themed places, goth castles Kumo: Star themed places, Planetariums, desert walks, Stargazing in nature, Fuan: He wouldn't even think he get that far... maybe a potion shop, a sea trip? Naomi: Light shows or fire works, Shopping, concerts, swimming and diving Bolt: Concerts, Neon light places, Lazer tag, amusment parcs Grey: Book stores, pencil stores, wacky clothing stores, comic stores, Bianca: anywhere where its fun and not boring :) Eve: You could take him almost everywhere he likes learning new things Barry: Fancy restaurants or dates, Showing off at games or flexing his money, cinema, comic stores and conventions Francine: Shopping or small restaurants, ice skating, Winter sports Gilly: Music stores, Coffee shops, Clubs to dance in, a swing with their net date, Osyron: Showing you incredible spots he knew from the past, strolls, hot springs baths, Cultural ruins, Lydia: Training together, Fighting together, hot springs, Volcanos, Saneria: Getting her stuff, Showing her new fun things, mainly you have to impress her she won't give you ideas herself, you have to figure out or suffer Lennox: Sea and beach dates, underwater dates, nightly water cave dates, Fabio: Forrest field walks, much in nature, planting things or collecting fruit, tending to chocobos together, Ione: Calm and peaceful dates, sometimes sparring, she is unsure about dating so help her a little on picking things Agni: Volcanos to Saunas, he loves hot places, deserts too, as long as its not circus please Zariyah: Motorcycle rides, Amusement parks, beaches, sword training, jungle trips, just adventures Izar: drinking at a bar, shady venues, abandoned houses, night walks among fancy parties, Louis: Picnics, tea parties, Castle walks, gardening with his veggies, cooking dates Yuzuha: He will more appeal to you taste but he can be your host, go to restaurants or karaoke, read and discuss together, and more Kaeru: Fishing, dates on a boat, swimming and beach dates, actually lots of water related dates Kuze: telling stories over food, sparring, walks through melancholic places, Yasuno: Walks through the green House, neon clubs, Sparring Joel: He is fine with a lot but he would take you to art galleries, street artists and unique shops Serena: she travels all the time, imagine visiting a fancy town each day Elvira: You mostly find her in church and probably need to help her picking something Phobetor: He doesn't really care... in his eyes he has no right to say but... he would adore a cat cafe,
Flynn: Fancy places, Night sky's and escapades, movie scene like locations Nanoya: A walk at the shrine, midnight moon light, Asian restaurants Rubina: Cinema, Cafes, nightly walks Peko: Very cutesy cafes, amusement parcs, you can often take her to childish places Emma: Training with her in the gym, getting food, staying at her room being close Gregory: Has a hideout to chill at and play games, odd clubs and places, big party person but his disguise is not the best so be wary Tyler: Coffee and reading dates, helping him with work, strolls Rachel: Um if you wanna die Gabrielle: fighting in the courtyard, flying in her dragon form around, castle walks, chess dates or dnd Tesadelle: Chilling under the tree, nap together, tea parties Aiden: Making you food, Forrest walks, going to other restaurants, Media: collecting fruits, making things together, Tenera: enjoying food and rest, if you wanna play tennis with her Sindren: hero movies, parcours, walking around and strolling , sports Mythra: Parties, clubs, Showing off her outfits to you, fancy places Feena: ummm…. Dragiselle: Playing her model, showing you the animals, better you take charge if you two wanna go outside. Inessa: Ice skating, walks through snow, ice cream venues, waterfalls, Taron: Arcades, tech areas, playing things together
Tiam: Watch him scream in Panic not knowing what to propose Kayne: He serves, he goes any where you wanna go but, on itself he will make you a nice meal Quora: Watching sports games, Eating fastfood, doing sports, just comfy hugs or being close Kome: Many luck games or chess, book store, Ame: Clubs, very open social places, cinema, cemeterys, Emil: hard to know he would follow you.. but he likely would enjoy buying some things for what he makes or cute aesthetic places Vanessa: Parties, Wineries, restaurants, fancy venues, Macie: Electronic shops, Pet shops, walks through the city April: Casino nights, playing games, strolling through gardens, Julian: Dancing together, clubs, just anywhere he can flirt well with you Taylin: She can't see much so rather you lead the way, she likes getting tea though Eikichi: watching street artists, showing of experiments, hoverboard rides, going through cities Alioth: Stargazing, concerts, just places where he actually doesn't have to shrink down so outdoorsy Beelby: He knows some fancy places, bars, doesn't mind some outdoor activities too Zyan: Aesthetically pleasing places, far away from water, neon clubs, lazer tag Paula: cute diners, rollerblading, shopping, hanging in retro places Brenda: as expensive as you can, go as fancy as you can, Jin-Lou: Ramen shops, bars, fighting clubs and mma shows, chinatowns, mountains Sylva: beach, boat, fancy parties, golden places, anything extravagant
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iloveubee · 1 year
Ok so ive made a list of things a wanna do with my gf and i Will show It to you guys
Going to the
the arcade
Making Heart shape pizza togheter
Lighting up a paper lanter togheter and making It fly
Playing Just dance togheter
Going only the two of us to a water park
Doing graffiti togheter
Laying down togheter in a massive flower field
Going to a Carnival and winking a plushie for her
Doing weird funny shit home alone
Get matching underwears
Going around with my shopping carta doting stupid shit
Exploring abbandoned places togheter
Dancing under the Rain
Going to see and art gallery
Preparing out confort food for eatchothers
Trying to do her makeup
Watching the Firework togheter
Playing the PlayStation eating Chips togheter
Taking pictures in a photo both togheter
Baking and decorationg a cake togheter
Collection cute flowers and leaves on a notebooks togheter
Going on a shopping spree togheter
Doing our nails togheter at the nail sailoon
Going to the cinema togheter
Make hot chai and going to relax on the sofà
Making a challenge togheter
Trying to win a plushie for her at the claw macchine
Going on a ferris wheel
Going to see a teather play
Have a romantic bubble bath togheter with candles
Building a lego set togheter
Going geocatching
Preparing a treasure Hunt for her
Playing chess in the park
Going togheter to paintball
Swimming pool date
Water gun fight
Building a there house togheter
Building a pillow Fort
Playing co-ops games togheter
Doing crochet togheter
Doing her hair
Playing d&d togheter
Going to look for Sea glass at the beach togheter
Going to gokart
Visit an art gallery togheter
Do an album and print all of our pictures in it
Do cute pictures togheter
Create particular dates with a special event
Create a relationship time capsule
The disposable camera photo challenge
Special intrest challenge
Start a collection togheter
Getting matching crocs
Collection cool shit we find on the ground Like crows
Get matching funky socks for eatchothers
Play on the swings togheter
Hooping on a random buss exploring the city
Reacreating scenes form out favourite cartoons
Do art and the ground with chalk
Silly string fight
Nerf gun war
Trying to talk One day in another language
Creating a story togheter
Make a PowerPoint presentation night
Get walkie talkie and talk to eatchothers
Chapstick challenge
Climbing trees togheter
Get aroun the Mall in One of those Kids Cars
Build myself and my gfa as legos and the build a lego house togheter
Making coffee for her
Making crown of flowers togheter
Get ourselfs maching kugurumi
Create out secret alphabet
Wrighting poeatry for eatch others
Going to the circus
Going togheter in a flower shop
Going togheter in a Mary go round
Sleeping togheter in a hamack
Go togheter in a hydromassage pool
Going to see a drag show togheter
Baking her a cake for her
Creating a fake city Just for fun togheter
Have a Nacho night while watching a film
Going to the Mall separetly and getting things for eatch others but with a theme
Making a guanti Sand Castle at the beach
Buying two PLUSHIES togheter and bringing them everywhere with us and making photos of them
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shy-marker-pliers · 2 years
i talk to myself while i play video games and it’s so fucking funny because i’m imagining arthur morgan saying this shit
notable quotes include
oh beef my darling!! (when calling my horse, whose name is beef)
friggin’ people, huh beef? (whenever i’m mildly inconvenienced by an npc)
“ima throw this bitch’s corpse into the rive- ooh violet snowdrop! :)”
“WHAT ARE YOU. HEYYYHEY SLOW DOWN WHAT ARE YOU” (when seeing an animal that isn’t in my compendium yet)
*deep voice* “i’m the prettiest boah at the party”
“c’mon beef we’re getting the fuck outta dodge”
*humming the mission impossible theme while tracking a dangerous animal*
“you sonsabitches have no idea what you’ve just unleashed upon yourselves” (@ the o’driscolls when they shot at beef)
“top ten things i WON’T be dealing with today” and/or “🎶not my circus not my monkeys, not my circus not my monkeys🎶” (hearing gunshots and/or screaming in the distance when i’m at low health)
“do i LOOK like i’m MADE OF MONEY” (declining a deluxe bath bc it costs another 50 cents)
“…….ah! well we don’t have time to unpack all of that so let’s just throw away the whole suitcase. gotta take their stuff first tho” (entering that one shack with all the candles and skeletons)
“well HE’S not gonna need it….” (looting a corpse)
“oooh i’m normal. i’m SOOO normal right now” (walking past a lawman)
“ohhh so now i’m ‘disturbing the peace’ and ‘wanted for assault and battery.’ they hate to see a girlboss winning”
“what’s up whores” (entering horseshoe overlook)
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diamond-punk0963 · 2 years
Tumblr media
𝒜 𝒫𝒶𝓇𝓉𝓎 𝒫𝑜𝒾𝓈𝑜𝓃 & 𝒦𝑜𝒷𝓇𝒶 𝒦𝒾𝒹 𝒞𝓁𝑜𝓌𝓃𝒸𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝐻𝑒𝒶𝒹𝒸𝒶𝓃𝑜𝓃 𝒫𝑜𝓈𝓉 !
(Inspired by art request from @sunlight-never-dies )
It’s pretty rare to find killjoys within the zones that had a whole clown theme.
To the ones that are within the zones, they’re the most wildest ones out there.
They spread color to all that they touch with spray cans and they bathe themselves with makeup and color powder.
They fight like it’s a party and hold nothing back, jumping for the thrill and giving zero f***s.
The clown-joys is what people usually call them by, spreading chaos and color to whatever they encounter.
Party has admired them for the longest time and the group have been the inspiration behind his killjoy mask.
It was quiet day in the diner. With Ghoul and Jet heading out to do errands and the girl being occupied with her own things, Party couldn’t be any more bored.
After he remembered the last few clown-joy encounters as he was gazing into the diner window, that’s when received the big idea
Party’s sibling, Kobra was . . . Conflicted and confused when Party explained to them of their big idea to pass the time.
"Let me get this straight. You want us to become a clown joy duo?"
"Yeah! With those shiny, bright colors, it’ll be fun!"
"The last time you said that something said would be fun, Ghoul nearly got ghosted."
"It isn’t my fault that idiot went too close to the fireworks!"
Kobra was reluctant about Party’s idea at first but seeing that he was intrigued by the experience, (and wanted to make sure that Party didn’t end up ghosting themselves) he agreed to join Party.
The first thing they talked about for their clown joy duo was their duo name.
"What about 'Circus Freaks?', Kobes?"
"I’m pretty sure that a lot of ‘joys use that phrase for their group names, Party."
It wasn’t easy at first, the two had to look around and try to develop a name that WASN’T something that was already.
It took a long trial and error to find a duo name that felt like it would fit them.
It took them about a month until they found a decent name that fit themselves and it was something that a joy hasn’t thought up of.
"Look out, ‘joys! The circus is coming to town and they’re coming to blow up your world! Get ready for the 'Killer Jesters'!"
It was a combination of some potential ideas that the two have thought for in the past, mixing the wildness within the killjoys and adding some clown-joy touch to it.
The next step upon their path of becoming clown-joys was the outfits aka Party’s favorite part of the transformation.
Party has been keeping sketches of ideas of how they could have their makeup look like.
They . . . Got carried away with it but they came up with some pretty good designs.
Kobra wasn’t much into makeup, not wanting to put on a lot but Party went straight in with the makeup, covering every inch of their face to the point where their neck was painted white.
"Hey Kobra, how does this look?"
"Party, that’s the twelfth time you changed your makeup style today."
"I wanna make sure I look shiny in this!"
Kobra only wore light makeup, creating the usual clown look but without making his face pale as snow. It was easier to take it off that way.
After numerous trial and errors, Party managed to find a style that he felt like he could fit in.
"Don’t I look crazy, kid?!"
"By crazy, you mean painting your face for three week straight then yeah. You are.”
After makeup was done, it was time for the outfits. Took them a few months to find some decent clothing within the zones. Isn’t easy to find what you like from how scarce clothing could get.
Kobra found his sibling fighting another ‘joy for a pair of striped overalls. Not that he was surprised, seeing party deck someone for a bottle of hair dye in the past.
As for him, Kobra used what he could find on his own time and added some of his own touches into the look. (Nothing to flashy; unlike party’s)
When the looks were fit and the makeup was ready, the two suited up and went out into the zones as the jesters they planned to be.
Kobra had to make sure Party didn’t get himself ghosted for the 12th time this week after joining a firework squad.
Attended parties and events as guests as their clown ‘joy personas and had one hell of a fun time.
You can’t tell me that Party radiated so much chaotic energy.
Kobra just chilled at the side, making sure that his sibling doesn’t do anything dumb to get himself killed.
Long story short, he kept getting himself almost killed within that week.
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darkleysgarden · 2 years
Obey Me 25 Days of Ficmas 2022 Day 1: Shopping for gifts
Pair: Lucifer and Mammon
Lucifer dragged Mammon along into the crowded Devildom mall. Mammon was always trustworthy and closer to their younger brother's than Lucifer was, so he was necessary. Yet, he was also annoying.
They stopped at the mall's Savonne first. The store sold bathing products. Mammon rushed around at lighting speed, looking at everything, grabbing every item that fit in his arms.
Lucifer continued to stare at the first display, observing the products.
Quickly, Mammon rushed back, "I've found the best stuff fer Asmo!"
He sighed, aware that this would happen, "We aren't buying him that many bath products. He has plenty as it is. You can choose two of those, and I'll get one."
Mammon thinks this through, "Kay, I'll find the best two possible!"
Lucifer continues to look, eventually finding his own item as Mammon ran around returning anything that he thought wasn't good enough, which was most of it anyway. Half his pile was just hand sanitizer.
Soon enough, the younger returned, "I found the best of the best! Though, I don't really get the point of most these. Who uses feet lotion? Why not just use regular lotion?"
He rolled his eyes, gesturing for Mammon to get to the point, "Oh, my bad! Here's what I got! There's a rose gold shower oil. Which, fer the record, I have no idea what rose gold smells like. Ain't that a color? Sure, there's roses, but what does gold smell like. Ta me, gold smells like greed. But, they can't put greed inta shower oil? So what is it really? It doesn't smell like gold or greed!"
"Mammon," The younger looked up.
"My bad, again," He smiled sheepishly, "Then I also have a whipped rainbow poison body butter. It's s'pposed ta have multiple scents swirled together. I mean, look at those colors! What'd ya get?"
He held up a tomato charcoal face mask. It sounded interesting enough, and was definitely something Asmo would use. And it wasn't super cheap or anything, so he'd actually use it.
Lucifer gestures to Mammon, accepting his two items. Lucifer would be the one checking out. He wouldn't give Mammon the satisfaction, after all.
They next went to a Japanese themed store. It had figures, snacks, chopsticks, stuffed animals, anime merchandise, and other Japanese or anime related things or products.
This is a place that Mammon would come in handy. Lucifer didn't know too much about Levi's interests. Sure, he tried to listen and heard some, but he wasn't too knowledgeable. He also didn't know which figures Levi had already.
They stepped over to the huge glass cases. The cases were filled with a ton of different figures, all separated by anime.
Through their search they found a Christmas Ruri-chan, some girl called Rem wearing a circus themes outfit, and one named Hinata wearing a provocative outfit. Well, they were all provocative. All of Levi's anime woman were.
They also bought two winter themed Japanese snack boxes. One was for Beel, as he loved to eat anything, and it was different to his usual Devildom food. And then the other was for Levi, to fill all of his Otaku fantasies.
They checked out. Lucifer handed Mammon the huge bag, one he stuffed the last gifts into too.
Next store was called Akuma. It was a geeky pop culture store.
He could probably find different things for a lot of the brothers here. Today was dedicated to shopping for the younger brother's. Lucifer would shop for Mammon and anyone else another day.
They split up, searching for items. Eventually, they met up, going over their finds, double checking that everything would be good.
For Levi, Lucifer found a manga collection for an anime with an unnecessarily long title. Mammon found two funko pops and a candy relating to some meme.
For Satan, Lucifer found socks with cats reading books with circular glasses, a star themed nightlight, and sour apple candies. Mammon got a Hello Kitty themed ramen. Lucifer made him put it back. It was obviously a ripoff. It was normal ramen with a character on the front. Though, he did also find a super long calico cat pillow.
For Asmo, Lucifer got him a color projector. Mammon got him a DVD for a movie he enjoys, a mini bird charm, and a bunny plush that matches his hair.
For Beel, they both got him multiple snacks. Lucifer also got him a pair of socks that had burgers on them and a small puppy plush.
For Belphie, Lucifer got him a cow plush and a phone holder for when he was too tired to hold it himself. Then, Mammon got found a small gummy sushi pack. It was probably a stupid gift, but Lucifer let it slide.
They went to a couple other stores, gaining arms full of bags. After they were finished at the mall, they even stopped at a couple other stores, such as Majolish.
They gained even more gifts, plenty of them even. But, Lucifer loved to spoil his brothers. So, it was okay.
Even if he thought the idea of demon's celebrating Christmas was dumb when Diavolo first proposed it, he's grown to love it.
Christmas was an excuse to spoil his brothers, show them how much he truly loved them.
Gift giving was better then getting gifts for him.
And if Lucifer not only went on Akuzon, but also went to other stores different days after he was 'done', well, no one would be brave enough to say anything.
His brothers deserved the best Christmas. They had been through hell, after all.
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