writesailingdreams · 7 years
because of course I can’t do anything without extensive explanation.
So, I wanted to do something. I chewed on possibilities.
I could write or analyze something, as that’s what started this whole thing. Only I don’t think I could think of a subject everyone would like. But it’s my blog. I could write whatever I want. Except that felt presumptuous and doesn't really fit with how I feel.
I don’t want it to be about what I want. I’d rather it be about you all. The people kind and interesting enough to follow my little thoughts.
I could make some kind of Thank You list, but that also didn’t quite feel like what I’d like to do by you either. And then I remembered that I got sent this a couple weeks ago and, though I’d picked out followers, I hadn’t gotten around to sending it. So!
Rather than write something or simply thanking all of you, I’m “sending” this to all of you:
Whenever you get this you have to say five (5) things you like about yourself, publicly. Then you have to send this to ten of your favorite followers. (But don’t feel obligated to send it.)
You’re worth it! I thank you very much for finding anything interesting or worth reading in my blog to decide to follow me. I’m very much obliged and touched. <3
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cipherpolfiles · 7 years
Announcement | Comunicado
So this blog is going to hit the 500 followers pretty soon, if things go as well as they’ve been going, and I decided to host some kind of contest or competition to celebrate it when the time comes.
I have a couple of ideas but I’d like to know what you think about them and whether you’d be interested in participating.
1st idea
I recently found an old list of some famous movie/One Piece crossovers I wanted to do years ago, but never got the chance. They all contain some kind of (bad) pun or OP reference (i.e. Hairy Chopper - Harry Potter). You could also come up with your own movie title puns, of course. It’d be up to your imagination and creativity to do something nice with them.
2nd idea
Pick a One Piece character of your choice and create an original and creative AU version of them (i.e. If you choose Mihawk, don’t just turn him into a kendo master and nothing else; I’ll be unimpressed. Do something else with him, give him a twist, take some canon features and apply them to something that apparently has no connection with it and make it fit. Impress me.)
Whichever idea is chosen, you’d be able to submit any kind of work, from fanfics, fanart, headcanons all the way to edits or music playlists. This may still change and be reduced, though.
I’m still thinking of what the prizes could be, I’m leaning towards some One Piece merch, but it’s still not decided.
So what do you guys say? Are you interested?
P.S. Other ideas are welcome. Feel free to suggest your own. Do not send them as asks, though, please.
Este blog llegará a los 500 seguidores muy pronto, si las cosas van tan bien como hasta ahora, y he decidido organizar algún tipo de concurso o competición para celebrarlo llegado el momento.
Tengo un par de ideas pero me gustaría saber qué es lo que pensáis de ellas y si estaríais interesados en participar.
1ª idea
Hace poco encontré una vieja lista que contenía algunos crossovers entre películas famosas/One Piece que quería haber hecho hace algunos años, pero nunca tuve ocasión. Todos ellos contienen algún chiste (malo) o referencia a OP (i.e. Hairy Chopper - Harry Potter). También podríais inventar vosotros mismos los chistes con los títulos de las películas que se os ocurran. Que acaben siendo algo algo simpático y bonito corre a cuenta de vuestra creatividad e imaginación.
2ª idea
Escoger el personaje de One Piece que queráis y cread una versión AU original y creativa del mismo (i.e. Si escogéis a Mihawk, no os dediquéis a convertirlo en un maestro de kendo y nada más; eso no va a impresionarme. Haced algo más con él, dadle algún giro, coged algunas de sus características canon y aplicadlas a algo que no tenga ninguna conexión aparente y haced que funcione. Impresionadme.)
Sea cual sea la idea escogida, podréis presentar cualquier tipo de trabajo, desde fanfics, fanarts y headcanons hasta ediciones o playlists musicales. Todavía puede que esto cambie y se reduzca la lista.
Aún estoy pensando en qué podrían ser los premios; de momento me inclino más hacia merchandising de One Piece, pero no hay nada decidido.
¿Qué me decís? ¿Os interesa?
P.S. Otras posibles ideas son bienvenidas. Sois libre de sugerir vuestras propias propuestas. Pero no las enviéis como asks, por favor.
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nicefandom · 7 years
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EEHH, that's true!! :0
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huevodandy · 8 years
The members of the CP9 (Nero and Spandam included) if it's not much to ask. If not then just Jyabs, pretty please.
Gonna do Nero and Jyabura, they are my faves, followed by the cinnamon giraffe.
(on a side note some months ago I sorted a few OP nerdos by house, check HERE)
NERdOgeneral opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: look at him. also he hisses at people.worst quality: oda still didnt bring him backship them with: spanda because of a really bad spanish mistranslation I read back in the day when I sold my soul to this mango trashbrotp them with: idk probably nobody in the cp9 would give a shit about himneeds to stay away from: lucci unless he want to be killed againmisc. thoughts: It´s OP so hes alive and shortly after bege returned to the plot I had this tiny headcanon of nero joining because italian name and fancy and guns and his last team kinda got rid of him
JYABURAgeneral opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: wolf, pet rooster, coolest looking character in this whole arcworst quality: excusE MEship them with: kakubrotp them with: kaku, kalifa, kumadori, fukuro
needs to stay away from: -misc. thoughts: i miss these losers can they come back soon? i was low key expecting them to be on zou pretending to be minks since we saw lucci earlier at the end of dressrosa idk
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megashadowdragon · 7 years
judge comparison to bluejam
both of thm were promised something by a powerful ruler  bluejam a king promising becomig  noble  judge promising an allianace  with a yonko and for the yonko is a queen but turns out the ruler they had their hopes in were pulling one over on them and never planned on keeping their word/plannning to kill them and take what they want/ let them die doing his dirty work ( bluejam
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except this time the king was betrayed by the pirate
an there is the fact that sanji has similarity's to sabo and ther  were scenes paralleling scenes in goa kingdom flashback
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its been noted that sanj has similaritys to sabo as well as their situation and now sabo has a fire fruit and uses a style named the dragon claw fist (ryusoken) http://onepiece.wikia.com/wiki/Ryusoken
https://orojackson.com/threads/the-thoughts-of-the-elite-sanjis-vs-sabos-predicament.29254/ https://orojackson.com/one-piece-th…y-nobles-and-the-girls-with-a-fishy-past.154/ https://orojackson.com/threads/sanjis-situation-is-similar-to-someone.33851/
Sabo is similar to Sanji as…
Both were born into royal families and hated their royal status.
Both escaped their life of royalty and ended up having a preferred life (A revolutionary for Sabo, a cook for the Baratie and the Straw Hat Pirates for Sanji).
Both their fathers saw them as disappointments.
Both were forced to marry a woman of their parents choosing.
Both hated their siblings.
Both returned back to their royal status to prevent their loved ones from getting killed and were threatened by their fathers if they did not cooperate (Luffy and Ace for Sabo, Zeff for Sanji).
Both had something destroyed by their fathers when they were young (The drawing Sabo had made for his father, the food Sanji prepared for a mouse).
Both had pirates involved in their return to their royal status (The Bluejam Pirates for Sabo, the Big Mom Pirates for Sanji).
Both were locked up by their fathers for showing disgrace.
they both use fire and are martial artists
(ryusoken is a handbased martial arts  and sanji has a vow never use his hands in a fight hist martial art is a completely leg based martial art style  ) so they both first learned martial arts that were focused on a certain body part then they gained fire abilitys
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@cipherpolfiles Oh yeah I definitely see a problem with how he deals with the female cast in general, and I would love to see a female villain as complex and unapologetically evil as some of the male villains. I guess I’m disappointed cause I thought Pudding was going to be that. But I should have known she’s cute so Oda wouldn’t let that happen. I was feeling conflicted bc I so wanted to like her. I do agree with you though, idk if that was super clear in my first comment. lol
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disenosbetadesigns · 8 years
A quick announcement
To all of you who are following me for the One Piece works: this is the link to my new blog, which will be exclusively dedicated to One Piece. Main reason is because I want to keep this account fairly clean of things that are not related to Graphic Design. I’ll keep posting designs based on One Piece here, of course, but the main talk, rants, possible fanart & so on will be on the other blog.
It’s still pretty much empty, but I’m already working on a couple of things to post, plus I’ll be reblogging all the stuff I have related to the series on this account to the other shortly. It’ll still be bilingual, but instead of having English & Spanish text on the same post I’ll make different ones for each language & tag them differently so people can block the language they’re not interested in.
Hope to see you guys over there!
Una pequeña notificación
A todos aquellos que me seguís por mis trabajos de One Piece: aquí teneis el link a mi nuevo blog, que estará dedicado exclusivamente a One Piece. La razón primordial es porque quiero mantener esta cuenta lo más limpia posible de cosas que no tengan que ver con el Diseño Gráfico. Por supuesto, seguiré publicando aquí los diseños que tengan que ver con One Piece, pero la charla, los escritos, los posible fanarts y demás se llevarán a cabo en la otra cuenta.
Todavía está prácticamente vacía, aunque ya estoy trabajando en un par de cosas para publicar. Además, también rebloguearé todo lo relacionado con la serie que tengo en este blog a la otra cuenta. Seguirá siendo bilingüe, pero en vez de tener el texto en inglés y en español en el mismo post, haré uno para cada idioma y les pondré tags diferentes para que la gente pueda bloquear los post que estén en el idioma que no le interesa.
¡Espero veros en la otra cuenta!
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cipherpolfiles · 7 years
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My dash did something super cute with @sailawaywithonepiece & @piratecaptainluffy‘s avatars in the Recommended Blogs section.
Look at them, just look at these sweet, happy babies making the same face.
I just couldn’t resist screen capping it :)
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nicefandom · 7 years
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True xD But I don't what to expect from them. How would they react? ://
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nicefandom · 7 years
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Yeah :/ I'm not sure if Oda is making a good job with the characters, tbh.
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nicefandom · 7 years
Me avergüenza decir que acabo de descubrir que hoy es tu cumpleaños por las felicitaciones de los demás, pero bueno... ¡Felicidades! ¡Pásatelo lo mejor posible en tu día especial! Espero que no te importe que lo haga en español :)
Ah, ¡muchas gracias! ♡♡♡ No te preocupes, es lindo recibir una felicitación de tu parte :’) y no te preocupes por el español. ¡¡GRACIAS!!
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nicefandom · 7 years
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Thanks!!? Same here, I created a blog but I never used it like years... So, look at your first post in your archive!! I remember I looked for it and it was in February... I don't remember the day, hahaha.
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cipherpolfiles · 7 years
@irf94 ¡Por mí perfecto! De hecho se agradece; resulta un cambio agradable, como una bocanada de aire fresco, que por mucho que adore el inglés y sea el “idioma oficial” de Internet, siempre me hace ilusión hablar en mi propio idioma :)
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cipherpolfiles · 8 years
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Vinsmoke Niji ‘Bitchin’ Blue‘
Guys, I just found Niji’s hair dye and we got his epithet wrong: it’s BITCHIN’ BLUE not Electric Blue.
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cipherpolfiles · 7 years
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What in the world is this horse tamagotchi thing, Tumblr?
¿Qué narices es esta especie de caballo tamagotchi, Tumblr?
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cipherpolfiles · 8 years
How old am I? | ¿Qué edad tengo?
Since my birthday is coming up, I’m curious to see what you guys think my age is.
Consider it a silly little game; I’ll reveal the answer on my birthday.
C’mon, humor me!
Dado que dentro de poco es mi cumpleaños, siento curiosidad por saber qué edad creéis que tengo.
Consideradlo un pequeño jueguecito sin importancia; revelaré la respuesta el día de mi cumpleaños.
¡Venga, seguidme el rollo!
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