#cindy x reader
ohmanareyoucereal69 · 3 months
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1K notes · View notes
lllivia · 6 months
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They look so tiny I wanna carry them all in my pocket
916 notes · View notes
7s3ven · 9 months
CINDY LOU WHO. cedric diggory
( master list )
IN WHICH… Y/N L/N helps her crush and longtime best friend, Cedric Diggory, get with another girl. Deep down, she knows she’ll never be the bright and bubbly girl Cedric wants. She’ll always be the cunning snake with a knack for starting fights.
“Cindy Lou is bright, bubbly, and extraordinary… she’s everything I’m not.”
A/N: I do take requests so feel free to ask for one :). I mainly write for Maze Runner, Harry Potter, PJO, and Hunger Games
Guess you make him happy like I couldn't do. Cindy Lou Who. With your hair so long, lips so red. Maybe we met once, I forget
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Scrolling five years back, I'm obsessed. Breaking my heart, 'tis the season, I guess. The snow's gonna fall and the tree's gonna glisten. And I'm gonna puke at the thought of you kissin'
“The boy who I love who's now in love with you. Cindy Lou Who.”
Y/N sighed as she impatiently checked her watch and tapped her foot against the stone floor. It was almost curfew and Cedric was still a no show. The rules were less strict now that school was done, but Y/N had a reputation to live up to. It was the least she could do with all the trouble she had caused this year.
“Y/N.” Cedric jogged towards her, looking out of breath. She arched an eyebrow and her gaze scanned his untidy uniform.
“… Do I even want to ask?” She questioned.
“Ah.” Cedric sheepishly smiled, “My friends and I were playing hide and seek. It was a pretty intense game.” Even during his senior years, Cedric was still the bright-eyed kid Y/N had grown up with.
“Right. Well, why did you want to see me? You know how I don’t like going out before curfew.” Y/N folded her arms over her chest, “Plus, you’re late.” She quickly added.
“I know. I’m sorry about that. I just had to grab this.” Cedric pulled out a black box, smiling. He carefully opened it, showing the necklace to Y/N. “Do you recognize the crystal?” He questioned, making Y/N scoff.
“Of course I do. It’s my birth month crystal. (Insert crystal).”
Cedric grinned. “You still know so much more about gems than me. You should’ve been put in Ravenclaw.”
“Oh, please. If I was put there, I would be sleeping in the hallways. I can’t figure out riddles.”
Cedric playfully nudged her with his elbow. “Don’t say that. You’re smart.”
The pair walked beside each other as the moonlight shone through the cracks of the castle. Cedric had slipped the necklace box back into his pocket and he gently cleared his throat.
“I’m going to give the necklace to Cho.” He suddenly blurted out, causing Y/N to pause. She looked over her shoulder at Cedric, wondering if he was joking. He wasn’t.
“Why? She’s your ex.” Y/N felt mildly disappointed that the necklace wasn’t for her. For the longest time, she had been holding onto her feelings for Cedric. Everybody could see it; the Golden trio, the teachers, even Draco’s posse. And yet Cedric had never caught on. She was starting to wonder if he was just messing with her.
“She helped me through a lot. I owe it to her.” Cedric smiled. Y/N gazed at him before she nodded.
“Okay… I’m guessing you want my help?”
“Yes. Please.” Cedric was ready to get on his knees and beg. Though, he was sure Y/N would find great amusement in that. She had always been a little sadistic.
Y/N briefly looked away, blinking away small tears and recollecting her composure so her voice wouldn’t crack. “What do you want me to do?”
edric had wanted to meet Cho at the black late, which was where he and Y/N usually hung out. That stung.
Y/N tied the last of the heart-shaped balloons before securing them to a nearby tree. Cedric was pacing around, wildly muttering under his breath.
“Will you relax?” The Slytherin girl piped up, rolling her eyes. “You’re making me feel nervous.”
“I can’t help it.” Cedric replied. Of course, nobody could help but feel anxious around Cho Chang. She was beautiful and smart and kind. Y/N had talked to her a few times, and if she were a guy or lesbian, Cho would be her crush too.
“Well, that’s the last of the balloons. Good luck, Ced. I’ll be nearby if you need help. Just don’t expect me to hug you if she rejects you.” Y/N playfully punched her friend’s shoulder. Cedric boyishly grinned and quickly embraced her.
For a moment, Y/N was speechless. She slowly hugged him back and awkwardly patted him. She could smell his expensive cologne and it almost felt Cedric was confessing to her instead.
Y/N was the first to pull away. She wished Cedric luck once more before hurrying off, her heart pounding in her chest. She felt envious of Cho. Y/N had been by Cedric’s side since day one. She had comforted him and supported him and hid her breaking heart when Cedric admitted to liking Cho the first time.
And now it was all happening again.
Y/N hid behind a tree just in time to see Cho walk out of Hogwarts and make a beeline for Cedric. She watched as they conversed and when Cedric showed Cho the necklace, she jumped with joy.
Y/N let out a small sigh. She pressed her lips into a thin line, accepting that she wasn’t the girl Cedric would ever go for. She wondered that if they weren’t childhood friends, would Cedric still be nice to her?
She was a Slytherin. A somewhat mean one with a soft spot for certain people. She started too many fights to count, and the threat of expulsion was always hanging over her head.
She wasn’t Cho Chang, who was pretty like the starry night shining above the calm ocean. Cho Chang was kind, sweet, and loving.
Cho Chang was Cindy Lou and Y/N was the Grinch with no room in her heart to change.
The next time Y/N saw Cedric, he was by Cho’s side. Y/N usually sat at the Hufflepuff table with Cedric, much to some people’s dismay, but today Cho was with him.
Y/N didn’t feel welcomed at that point so she sat with her friends, completely missing the way Cedric gazed over at her in confusion.
“Ah, Cedric Diggory and Cho Chang. Everybody’s favorite couple has finally reunited.” Ivy, a pale-skinned girl with light freckles lining her cheeks and soft silver hair grimaced as she sarcastically spoke.
“It’s a shame you never dated Diggory, Y/N. You guys were perfect together.” Hime sighed as she poured herself a cup of pumpkin juice. She offered to fill Y/N’s glass as well, but the H/C-haired girl declined.
“Boys are always stupid.” Evan, short for Evangeline, piped up. “He doesn’t know what he’s missing. I agree with Hime. He should’ve gone for Y/N.”
Y/N silently ate as she listened to her friends complain about Cedric, probably in an attempt to make her feel better.
“Has anybody noticed how he keeps looking over here?” Hime questioned, whispering quietly. “Chang never seems to have his attention for long.”
“I’m telling you, Diggory secretly likes Y/N but he’s scared she’ll reject him. So he’s playing it safe and going for an ex who he knows he had chemistry with.” Ivy retorted, sparing another glance at Cedric.
Y/N huffed in amusement. “Where did you come up with that?” She spoke for the first time.
“It’s obvious.” Evan backed up Ivy’s theory. “When he wins a Quidditch game, who does he run to? You. When he needs help with homework, who does he find? You. When he wants to go to Hogsmeade, who does he immediately ask?”
Evan arched an eyebrow while Y/N sighed.
“It’s a plausible theory.” Hime uttered. “You two have been friends for ages. He’s close friends with Hermione Granger too, but does he hug her and look at her like he does to you?”
“That’s probably because she’s younger and he doesn’t want to end up with a sentence.”
“Good point. What about Floral over there?” Hime nodded over at the Ravenclaw girl who was always arranging flowers or reading about them. Her name wasn’t Floral but everyone called her that and it stuck. “You three are all friends, right?”
“More like I was forced to befriend her, but sure.”
“Diggory doesn’t look at her the way he looks at you.”
“And how does he look at me?”
Ivy slammed her hands on the table, looking like she had been waiting years for this question. “He looks at you like Jack Dawson looks at Rose. He looks at you like Chuck Bass looks at Blair Waldorf. He looks at you like Luke looks at Lorelei. Like Morticia and Gomez, Bella and Edward, uh.. give me another one!”
“Percy and Annabeth?” Evan suggested.
“Yes! That’s how he looks at you. He’s giving you the I wouldn’t want anybody else by my side look. He’s probably just… confused. You’re like his Cindy Lou Who. You make him happy and you bring out the best in him.”
“Cindy Lou is bright, bubbly, and extraordinary… she’s everything I’m not.” Y/N gestured over to Cho, who was giggling with Cedric. “Cho Chang is more like Cindy Lou.”
“Cindy Lou Who has a nice ring to it.” Evan said, off topic.
Y/N nodded in agreement. “It does. The rhyme is satisfying.”
“Enough about language features! You have to get your man back, Y/N.” Ivy intensely stared at Y/N, determined to get Cedric and her together.
“He was never mine to begin with.”
“Then make him yours! Come on, Y/N, you’re beautiful- no. Gorgeous. And sure, you have a bitter side but guys who can’t deal getting a little burnt aren’t worth it. And I know that you burnt Diggory over and over again, with both your anger and literal fire.”
“Just so we’re clear, the fire thing was an accident. And I don’t want to force anything onto Cedric. I’ll just… go with the flow.” Y/N ate the last of her food and stood up, “I need to wrap presents. Don’t you dare try and sneak in to see your’s.”
Y/N was mainly referring to Ivy, who lifted her hands in surrender.
Again, Y/N failed to notice how Cedric’s eyes trailed to her. But Cho saw it.
“Cedric.” The raven-haired beautify tugged on his sleeve, “Can we talk?” She spared Cedric’s friends a look. “Alone?”
“Uh, yeah, sure.”
The pair walked off, fully aware of how Y/N’s friends were watching them closely.
“What did you want to talk about?” Cedric questioned, tilting his head to the side.
“I don’t want to assume anything, Cedric. But to me, it seems like you only confessed to me again to play it safe. I can tell that your true feelings don’t lie with me.” Cho glanced at Y/N, who exited a nearby bathroom and was too busy drying her hands to notice the couple. “They lie with her.”
Cedric followed Cho’s gaze, softly staring at Y/N with that damned look of adoration.
“I think someone else deserves this necklace.” Cho gently removed the jewellery, handing it over to Cedric. “Face it, you love her. You always have. You can’t try to love me, Cedric, not when Y/N exists.”
“She doesn’t like me back.” Cedric muttered, grasping the necklace.
“Are you sure?” Cho quirked an eyebrow. “Why do you think she stayed by your side for so long? Even when the other Slytherins teased her, even when you two argued, even when you kissed me in front of her. How could you not notice, Cedric? She brings you drinks after quidditch practice and buys you gifts and even stays at Hogwarts so you aren’t lonely. Why do you think she never dated anybody, Cedric? It’s because you were the one she wanted.”
Cedric shook his head. “No. She doesn’t like me. Y/N is smart and amazing and cunning. I’m not her type. Her type would be someone like…” He paused, thinking, “Matteo Riddle.”
Cho sighed as she shook her head. “You really have no idea, do you? Spend more time with Y/N and hopefully you’ll notice the things the rest of us do.”
She quietly walked off, leaving Cedric standing outside the Great Hall. Cho made an immediate beeline for Ivy, Evan, and Hime and sat in Y/N’s spot.
The trio clad in green glanced at her, confused and a little hostile.
“Cedric likes Y/N.” Cho quickly uttered so the group didn’t explode on her. “I got through to him but he thinks Y/N doesn’t like him back.”
“Thats bullshit. It’s so obvious!” Ivy groaned.
“Exactly.” Evan agreed, “But Y/N doesn’t think Cedric likes her either.”
Cho sighed. “It’s obvious they have mutual feelings but neither of them believe it. So, let’s force them to confess.”
Hime raised an eyebrow. “Don’t you like Cedric? Why are you willing to help us?”
“Despite our dating history, Cedric is still my friend. And I want to help him in any way I can.” Cho smiled.
“Oh, I have an idea!” Ivy exclaimed, “What if we get them under the mistletoe? But instead, they have to fight! We can call it mistlefoe!”
Cho, Hime, and Evan exchanged looks.
“I think we should just stick to mistletoe.” Cho uttered. “We could, uh, surprise them by decorating one of their common rooms? The Slytherin room is never decorated, right?”
“I wish it was.” Evan sighed, “It’s a cute idea. We could surprise Y/N by decorating the common room and then led her in and Cedric can be standing in the middle of the room under the mistletoe.”
“But to pull that off, we’ll need more help.” Hime added, “I don’t think four people can do that. And it’s only us in the Slytherin common room. Not even Matteo is here. So he can’t help.”
Cho glanced past Hime and Ivy, staring at the Golden Trio and their extended group of friends. She smiled. “I have an idea. But it’s going to involve working with Gryffindors.”
The group of Slytherins all glanced at each other before they shrugged in unison.
“Anything for Y/N.”
“Do I get to kiss Oliver Wood after Diggory and Y/N kiss?”
Cho, Evan, and Hime stared at Ivy, who only cheekily grinned.
“Um… I’m not sure about that last one. Let’s just start off with asking the Gryffindors first.” Cho sheepishly smiled.
“Ivy and I will get the decorations.” Hime offered, “There’s some extra ones in the basement if Hogwarts too. Evan, Chang, you can get those after you ask the Gryffindors.”
“Call me Cho.” The ravenette smiled before she stood up. “We don’t have much time. Let’s hurry.”
“Wait, we forgot something.” Ivy piped up, “Who’s going to distract Y/N?”
“Evan can distract L/N. I’ll ask the Gryffindors myself and if they accept, they can help me get the decorations from the basement.”
“Okay.” Hime looked around, slowly nodding. She smiled. “Let’s go.”
Cho approached the red table while Hime and Ivy hurried towards Hogsmeade and Evan rushed off to find Y/N.
It took a few hours for everything to be set up, but finally the Slytherin room was decorated and ready.
“I need to get something. I’ll be back.” Evan smiled, lying through her teeth. She watched as Y/N entered the Slytherin common room and rushed off to find her friends.
Y/N squinted her eyes as she walked into the dark room. “Huh? Ivy? Hime? You here? What did you do to the lights?” Nobody answered her. She tilted her head to the side, confused.
The lights suddenly turned on, along with multiple Christmas LED lights. She quietly gasped as she stared at the tinsel covered stairs and brightly decorated tree.
In all her years at Hogwarts, the common room had never been decorated. Slytherins weren’t exactly big on Christmas.
Y/N looked around, realizing she wasn’t alone. “Cedric?” She stared at the brunette boy. “What are you doing here? Have you seen Ivy or Hime? I can’t seem to find them anywhere.”
Cedric silently looked up. Y/N, puzzled, followed his gaze. She lifted her head, staring up at the floating mistletoe above her head. “Oh.” She whispered.
She looked at Cedric again, jumping when he was only a foot away.
“I’m sorry if I ever hurt you, Y/N.” He uttered, “I should’ve noticed.”
“Noticed what?”
Cedric didn’t say anything as he leaned forward to softly kiss her. Y/N froze, her heart almost leaping out of her chest.
“Y/N,” Cedric pulled away and brushed a strand of loose hair aside, “You’ll always be my Cindy Lou.”
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zepskies · 9 months
Being Human – Part 1
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Pairing: Alec McDowell x F. Reader
Summary: Your life made sense before Alec slipped his way in. He unravels your threads without even trying. He frustrates you as easily as he weasels back into your good graces. But you soon realize that this man is worth the challenge.
AN: This is technically my first Dark Angel story, since I wrote Part 1 of this before "Bullseye." It will be four parts. I hope you enjoy!
Chapter Summary: You’ve managed to keep things playful and friendly with Alec so far, despite his flirtatious nature. But when he asks you for a favor that goes painfully awry, the transgenic has to figure out something that wasn’t in his training: how to apologize. [Set during 2.06]
Word Count: 5,000
Tags/Warnings: 18+ only! Tension, angst, spiciness, implied smut.
💜 Series Masterlist
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Part 1: Training Day
As sad as it is, this is probably your favorite place in the world.
Crash is as divey as a dive bar can get. And yet, it still boasts the strongest, cheapest drinks in Seattle. The music is decent, and the company is good. At least tonight it is, because you’ve met up with Max, Original Cindy, and Sketchy after a long day of slinging packages.
The only problem?
The newest member of Jam Pony, slinking up from the corner of your eye and easing into the seat next to you at the bar.
You turn an expectant gaze to Alec McDowell and his flirtatious green eyes. They take in your jeans and halter top with an obvious perusal. 
“Can I help you?” you ask dryly.
“No, no. It’s what I can do for you,” he replies. You’re about to roll your eyes when he adds, “Let me buy you a beer. Or whatever you’re drinking.”
Just then, the bartender slides you the beer you’ve already ordered. You thank him and give Alec a smile.
“Got it covered, thanks,” you reply, sipping the froth off your drink.
Alec sighs and crosses his arms. “When are you gonna stop putting the freeze on me?”
“When I’m not part of your internal checklist of Breasts on Legs,” you retort. Glancing around the bar, you note three other girls you’ve already seen him shoot his shot with tonight.
Alec scoffs and holds his chest.
“That’s hurtful,” he claims. “It really is.”
But he shifts toward you in his seat, cutting off your smile. Your face warms at his proximity.
Damn, he smells good, you think.
“Besides,” he says, “I always save the best for last.”
His smile makes your heart beat faster, though you eye him wryly. He opens his smartass mouth to say something else, but you get a reprieve when Original Cindy slides into the seat on your other side. She tosses you a wink.
It gives you just enough confidence to smirk in Alec’s face.
“Keep trying. Maybe someday I’ll lose my mind,” you say, with a teasing raise of brows.
Alec is still amused as he shakes his head. “You’re unbelievable. Insulting, yet, still somehow endearing.”
“Don’t wanna get clowned, don’t act like a clown,” you tell him sweetly. 
“I know that’s right,” Cindy quips. She orders a Cosmo to upgrade her beer. She must’ve won a bet tonight, if she was able to score enough cash for liquor.
“Hilarious,” Alec says. He pouts a little. “Hey, I’m not some mongrel on the loose. I’m just looking for some honest companionship.”
“Honest?” you laugh. “Now that’s hilarious.”
He gives you a fake laugh, but he watches you go when you slip away from him to join Max and Sketchy in the back room by the pool table. Alec’s smile fades a little.
Cindy raises a brow at him, along with a tan finger.
“No,” she says. “You actually crushin’ on homegirl? For real?”
Alec glances at her. “Where’d you get that idea?”
She gives him a flat look.
“Should I burn some sage?” she asks.
Alec shakes his head and rolls his eyes.
“Come on. I think Max is calling us over.”
When the two of them venture over to where you and Max are playing a game of pool, Alec’s cocky smile is back. His eyes catch yours when he sits down at a nearby table. Your lips curve while you lean on your pool cue.
For the past few weeks, this is how it’s always been with you and Alec. Push and pull. A sort of caustic flirtation that you can’t in good conscience take seriously. But to his credit, he always tries.
And he seems to always mean it. 
You’ll never admit it, but it’s getting harder and harder for you to resist the pull of him. He’s clearly a guy who doesn’t do attachments, and you have a bad habit of getting attached. Your life is hard enough without adding a dash of heartbreak into the mix.
So Max helps you sharpen your skills at this game while you finish your beer. And…maybe you “unintentionally” tease Alec a little with the curve of your ass when you’re bent over the table, lining up a shot.
In fairness, you’re a bit tipsy.
You spend the rest of the night drinking two more beers and laughing and losing the game—first to Max, then to Alec, and finally to Sketchy. By then, you know it’s time to cut your losses.
You haul your backpack onto your shoulder and start to head out of the bar. But who should slip into your way than Alec freakin’ McDowell?
“Hey, I’ve got a quick question for you,” he says.
You sigh. “Alec, the usual sniping was fun, but I’m tired and I want to go home.”
He stops you with a touch on your arm. He seems slightly more serious.
“It’s a favor,” he says, pulling out a small rectangular package wrapped in plain brown paper. You look down at it in confusion.
“I saw on the work chart that you’re scheduled to go over to Sector 4 tomorrow,” he says. “Would you mind delivering this for me?”
Your brows raise at him. He raises $20 in front of your face.
“I’ll make it worth your while,” he smiles.
You take the $20 and the package, though you’re still a little uncertain.
“What’s in it?”
Alec leans in close to your ear. “I’ll give you an extra $10 if you don’t ask.”
His voice washes over you and makes your skin prickle. You’re blushing, but your eyes narrow at him further.
“Make it $20,” you counter.
He scoffs. Though after a moment…he coughs up the extra cash.
“The most expensive damn delivery I’ve never made,” he mutters.
You have to crane your neck a bit, as he stands over a head taller than you, but you smile up at him brightly.
“Pleasure doing business with you,” you say.
For him, maybe the expense was worth it to get that smile.
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You pull up on your bike to what you think is the right address. You don’t usually come to this side of town, even in Sector 4.
It feels a bit like a shanty town and a meat packing district all at once—complete with dodgy-looking street vendors and unmarked vans loading and unloading cargo behind them. 
“Can I help you, little girl?”
You stifle a gasp as your path is suddenly obstructed. A black man and his two white friends have crowded around your bike, but they don’t look normal. Various metal spikes and prods protrude from their faces, neck, and body, but they’re not your typical piercings. The metal is fused into their skin.
Oh shit, you think, as your heartrate picks up. Steelheads.
“I’m just making a delivery,” you tell them. Your eyes dart to your surroundings, trying to catch anyone’s gaze for a little help.
But in big cities like this, everyone knows to keep their eyes down.
Don’t look, don’t tell. Don’t get any trouble.
“I think you might be lost, love,” says one of the other men. He’s British, by the sound of his accent, and is the taller of the two. His skin is pale, though there’s a red ring under his eyes that suggests drugs, or whatever else these three are injecting into themselves.
“Uhh, yeah. I must be. I’ll just go,” you nod, and you start to back up. The ringleader Brit clamps a bony hand on your bike to stop you. He grabs the scrap of paper Alec gave you, which holds the address for your intended delivery.
The Steelhead examines it lazily, before his gaze flicks back up to yours.
“Well, well. I stand corrected,” he says. He gestures to the small package in your hands. “What’s in it?”
You shrug and try to play off your ignorance. Because the truth is, you have no idea.
“It’s not my job to know,” you reply.
“Ah, but you see, it’s our business to know,” the Brit says, leaning in towards you. You lean back with pursed lips.
“This is our little piece of paradise,” says the shortest one. His lips are damn near purple.
“We’re what you call…territorial,” says the leader. He grabs you off your bike while the first man takes the package from you.
“Hey, I don’t want any trouble,” you say, though you hate the way your voice shakes. “I can just go—”
“Oh, we’ll let you go, little mouse. You’re gonna give a message back to sender,” the Brit says. “But first, a reminder.”
He shoves you back into the nearest wall. It’s solid brick that stuns a gasp out of you. He presses in on you, grabbing your face and dragging a sharp, unnaturally long nail against your cheek, biting into the skin.
It’s painful enough to make you whimper as you feel wetness drip down to your neck. His friends laugh at your discomfort, at your fear. You’re too frozen to reach for the pepper spray in your pocket…
“What’s going on here?” another man asks. Out of the corner of your eye you spot a black uniform. For the first time in your life, you’re grateful to see a cop.
The Steelhead releases you, and the three of them are subtle in the way they back off from you.
“Nothing here, officer,” the leader says. Though he gives you a smirk. “Just accepting a delivery.”
You let them keep the package and pretend that a signature has made it onto your clipboard. You climb back onto your bike and you leave Sector 4 without looking back. All the while, your arms shake and you wipe at the blur of tears in your eyes.
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When you get back to the Jam Pony base of operations (a warehouse that feels like a basement), you park your bike out front and head inside.
Your legs still feel precarious. And even though the blood is dry against the cut on your cheek, you know you need to clean and disinfect it at some point.
Of course, you have to run into Alec and Sketchy, who are palling around without a care in the world.
That all stops when they turn to look at you. Their mirth dies on their faces. Alec’s gaze runs over you and stops at your cheek. You dab at your face, tentative and self-conscious. You know you must look like hell. Of course, they can’t let you just go to your locker in peace.
“Jeez, what the hell happened to you?” Sketchy asks.
You shake your head. “Fell into a bush.”
You drag Alec aside by his arm, giving him a warning look that further lets him know you’re lying. He follows you without complaint over to the lockers, where you two have the semblance of privacy. Before he can ask you what really happened, you snap at him.
“What the hell was in that package?” you ask. “Drugs? A weapon? Some other contraband? Do you know what could’ve happened to me if I’d gotten caught with that shit? Do you know what almost…”
Tears burgeon in your eyes all over again, and you have to take a deep, shaky breath. 
Alec’s brows furrow in what might actually be concern. He grasps your arm, gentle but firm. 
“Hey, tell me what happened,” he says.
Unconsciously, his grip on your arm makes the memory flash in your mind: of that pale, greasy man grabbing you and pinning you against the wall.
You shrug out of Alec’s hold more harshly than you meant to. It makes him raise a placating hand, as his eyes widen a fraction.
“A gaggle of Steelheads,” you say. You breathe tremulously, blinking past your tears. “I was lucky…anyway. Next time you want to ask me for a favor? Don’t.”
 You brush past Alec to get to your locker. There you grab the rest of your things and head out, though it’s quite a few hours before closing time. Nothing gets by Normal, who stops you at the reception desk.
“Hey, hey, Missy! Where the hell’re you going?” he asks. “Get back here. I’ve got packages that need homes.”
“I’m taking some much needed PTO,” you quip.
“You don’t have PTO. It’s not that kind of business,” Normal says.
“Then bite me,” you snap. “How’s that?”
Most of the room stills into quiet shock. You feel the weight of their gazes, your coworkers and friends, including Normal’s slackened face.
You’re normally not one to talk back. You accept your assignments without question, not wanting to cause undue trouble for yourself. Like everyone else here, you need your job, and you have nothing to fall back on.
But it’s enough, and you’re thoroughly done with today.
Your saving grace is that it’s plain to see how shaken up you are, even when you leave. Alec approaches the receptionist desk with Sketchy, drumming his hand on the counter absently. 
“What the hell crawled up her keister?” Normal remarks. “She’s lucky I’m short staffed right now, or she’d be in the can.”
Despite his strong talk, he resumes collecting paperwork and organizing files to distract himself from how much you’d taken him aback.
Alec frowns.
“She uh, had to deal with some Steelheads,” he offers, and hesitates. “...What the hell’s a Steelhead?”
“Yeah, you know, they’re into implants and biotech stuff,” Sketchy explains.
“She would know better than to hang out with those low lives,” Normal interjects. “They’re amped off their gourds on hormones and who knows what else.”
Alec processes that with a deepening frown. He decides to head out onto his next “delivery.”
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He makes it to Sector 4 on his bike within an hour, but he still envies Max’s motorcycle. When he racks up enough cash, he’s definitely scoring a faster ride.
For now, he pulls up near the address he sent you to earlier. He never should’ve given you his drugs to sell, especially when he clearly doesn’t know this city well enough yet.
Poor reconnaissance, Alec, he thinks. Sloppy.
Though when did he start to think of himself as Alec and not by his designation, 494?
He’s soon taken out of his musings when he sees a gaggle of three men outside a cargo van. Each of them is uglier than the last, with metal spikes, among other things sticking out from their bodies. Steelheads. They’ve got to be.
These are the guys who harassed you.
“Excuse me, gentlemen,” Alec says, climbing off his bike. The men turn to the newcomer with suspicious frowns.
“I’m looking for three fugly Steelheads that hassled a friend of mine this morning,” he says.
One is tall, pale and wiry, and he opens his arms wide. “Well, you found ‘em.”
He has a British accent. The sight of him alone grates on Alec, though all he shows is calm confidence. He teases the short one, who seems to be missing an arm. Apparently he’s “pre-op,” set to get a new cyber arm made of Japanese steel.
Fucking wackos, Alec thinks. Manticore could learn a thing or two from these guys about mutilation.
“Here’s the thing, fellas,” Alec says. “My friend was carrying a package that didn’t belong to her. It belonged to me. You guys took it, and I need to get it back.”
The first man scoffs. “There seems to be a breakdown in communication, doesn’t it?”
He approaches Alec, hands on his hips, with his two cronies behind him. Alec can already smell their stench from where he stands. He doesn’t need them to get any closer.
“Maybe your little bitch didn’t relay our message,” he says, pushing his luck.
Alec’s smile sharpens; a deadly warning in and of itself.
“Nobody around here sells Andy but us,” says another of them.
Androxtamine. Alec didn’t care to be a drug dealer. It was just a means to an end in order to pay Max back for her help a little while back. Now, his buyer is pissed that he didn’t get his damn drugs, and Alec is out $500.
He tries to explain that calmly to this group of weirdos, but the leader is just so damn cocky.
“What’s a puff like you need with $500 anyway, eh?” he asks.
Alec’s smirk deepens. He mimics the guy’s accent and replies, “Actually, I need it for a ride on your mum.”
Well, the Steelheads don’t take too kindly to that. They try their best, Alec will hand it to them. But his genetics and training make the resulting “fight” no more than child’s play. He takes his frustrations out of their asses.
He can’t help being slightly more brutal than necessary when he remembers the fear lingering behind your eyes. The bloody cut on your cheek. The way it could’ve been so much worse…
And it would’ve been your fault. Alec’s lips press into a line.
Logan Cale, Max’s rich non-boyfriend and secret “Eyes Only” vigilante, calls Alec halfway through his venting session to, surprisingly, ask for his help.
Alec agrees, because it’s mainly for Max. A creature has been killing cops in Seattle. Unfortunately, the description of a “man-dog” sounds way too much like Joshua, their fellow transgenic in hiding.
It also means Alec has to spend most of his afternoon in a musty sewer.
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The job ends up being a bitch and a half, even when Max finally shows up to help out. The true culprit ends up being Joshua’s brother, Isaac, who Joshua is forced to stop before he kills any more policemen who remind him of Manticore’s abusive guards.
The gentle Joshua ends up having to take out his own brother. Something that’s both familiar, and foreign to Alec. (But he’s sure it’s not so foreign to Max.)
It’s a harrowing scene, and a touch too emotional for Alec’s comfort. He leaves Max to tend to Joshua in the aftermath and catches a ride home with Logan. Somehow though, as bone tired and grimy as he feels, Alec can’t feel right about going home just yet.
Something is niggling in the back of his mind, forcing him to hand Logan a scrap of paper that holds your address. (Alec might’ve snuck into Normal’s office before he left for the day to find out where you lived on your employee file.)
“Hey, can you stop at this address?” Alec asks.
Logan glances at the piece of paper and nods. He then looks over at Alec. They aren’t friends, but Logan is perceptive enough to know that something’s weighing on his passenger.
“Everything okay?” Logan asks.
“There’s something I have to do,” Alec supplies.
When they eventually arrive to what seems like an abandoned building, Logan looks over at Alec.
“Good luck,” he offers.
Alec nods gratefully. They aren’t friends, but he supposes Logan’s not so bad, even if he is a slave to Max’s supposed charms.
Alec gets out of the car and head inside the building. It’s old and dirty, and he really can’t believe you live like this. It lacks security and basic hygiene. If he wanted to, he could kick straight through your door with half of his strength.
Instead, he knocks.
A few moments later, he hears your feet padding cautiously to the door.
“Who is it?” you ask. Your voice is familiar and pleasant to his ears, if nervous.
“It’s me, Alec,” he replies.
It takes a second of your hesitation, but you unlock the door and open it.
He eyes your tank-top and shorts, the thin bra, your damp hair, the smell of your shampoo assaulting his heightened senses. 
But the jagged red line across your cheek draws his attention, along with the confusion in your eyes, and the wooden spoon in your hand. Was that supposed to be your weapon of choice? 
“What’re you doing here?” you ask. “How’d you even know where I live?”
“Ah, I told Normal I wanted to check on you. Make sure you weren’t going AWOL on the job tomorrow,” Alec says with a teasing smile.
You look a bit skeptical, but you let him in when he asks if he can. He smells whatever you’re cooking, spots the metal pot of pasta sauce simmering on the janky-looking stove, and his mouth starts to water. He’s starving, now that he thinks about it.
He then focuses on taking in the rest of the apartment…and it doesn’t take him long. This place is a shoebox.
At least it’s clean, as much as the peeling drywall can be.
“Why’re you here then?” you ask. Alec turns to see you have a hand on your hip. You’re staring at him like he’s a puzzle you’re trying to figure out.
You set down the wooden spoon on the counter and face him. Alec’s tempted to brush a stray strand of hair out of your eyes, but he keeps his arms down to his sides instead.
“About what happened today,” he says. “Those guys aren’t going to be a problem for you again.”
You tilt your head at him.
“What’d you do?” you ask with furrowed brows. “Something shy of legal?”
Alec starts to smile. “Maybe.”
You hmph in response. “Can’t say I’m surprised.”
Alec barely resists rolling his eyes, though he knows he deserves that. Once again, he takes in your apartment. It’s cozy, he supposes, if small.
“You live alone?” he asks. “No roommate? Boyfriend?”
“I don’t see how it’s any of your business,” you say dryly. “But no. To both.” 
That satisfies him, and yet there’s a little churn in his gut. This place is questionable at best. Doesn’t exactly boast decent security. He’s not too worried about the Steelheads trying to find you, but after the past few months outside of Manticore, he realizes how rough it’s become for humanity after the Pulse, especially for a woman alone.
“You could use a doorman around here,” he remarks. 
You scoff in amusement. “Yeah, well. It may not be the Ritz, but as long as the heater doesn’t crap out on me, it’s a decent day.” 
Alec doesn’t know what the Ritz is, but it sounds nicer than this dump. 
You catch the silent look of judgment on his face, making you frown and cross your arms.
“I can take care of myself just fine, okay, Dad?”
Alec frowns and gestures to your face. “Yeah. Right. You’re little miss Fight Club.”
That sparks your temper. You glare up at him with a defiant tilt to your chin.
“This,” you point to your marred cheek, “wouldn’t have happened if it weren’t for you. I’m not an idiot. I don’t put myself in stupid situations, except for that one time I ignored my better judgment to help you!”
Alec glowers back at you, but he knows he doesn’t have a good defense. You take a step into his orbit and tap a finger into his chest.
“And by the way,” you add. Your voice cracks like a whip. “Whoever taught you how to apologize did a bang up job!”
By the end of your little rant, you’re breathing deeply, and Alec is barely holding onto his own temper. What cuts through it all are the frustrated tears brimming in your eyes.
He sighs internally.
They didn’t exactly cover this in training, he thinks, but he supposes that's just…Being Human 101.
All too soon, your anger dims into defensiveness. You withdraw from him and gesture to the door.
“Now if you don’t mind, please get out of my shithole apartment so I can finish cooking in peace,” you gripe.
“Wait, wait,” Alec implores, when you try to lead him out. He lets you back him up a step or two, just to seem human, but now he digs his heels in. He looks down at you with true regret. 
“I’m sorry,” he says. His hand finds your unmarred cheek, caressing softly. His thumb swipes across your skin. “I am. I shouldn't have asked you to make that delivery. I'm sorry you got hurt.”
You stare up at him, breathing labored, and making your breasts just barely brush his sternum. Your eyes search his just as much as he is yours.  
He isn’t actually sure who moves first, him or you. But when his lips meet yours, it feels like electricity under his skin. It’s magnets that are meant to connect—it’s his arms wrapping around your waist like steel bands and you grabbing his face, sinking your fingers into his sandy brown hair.
It’s teeth clicking and tongues warring as he backs you up to the kitchen counter, and he hefts you up there by your hips.
You squeal in surprise, making Alec chuckle before he swallows your sounds with his mouth.
You start to push his jacket off his shoulders, and he helps you, letting the rest of it slide right off, followed by his shirt and your tank top. His hands smooth up your bare thighs and his thumbs dip in between, squeezing near the apex of your thighs and making you tremble against his chest. Warmth pools in your core even from that simple touch.
“W-Wait,” you whisper. 
It makes Alec pause. His muscles tense. Has he read you wrong? 
He searches your face for a sign of discomfort. If you don’t want this, it’ll be…hard, at this point (for more reasons than one). But if he has to, he’ll let you go.
He’s relieved when you only twist away for a moment to turn off the stove. You return to him with a smile as your hands come to rest on his chest. You bite your lower lip. 
“Shall we continue?” he teases. 
His thumb encourages you to let go of your lip. He takes your chin between his fingers and guides you back to him.
The next kiss burns with a slower passion. One that consumes you enough to hook your arms around his neck and your legs around his hips. 
He grins against your lips and lifts you again, this time holding you firmly against him. You make another sound of surprise, but you don’t let that stop you from delving deeper into his kiss. 
He carries you into the bedroom and slams the rickety door.
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Afterwards, the two of you lay together on the wrong side of your bed. 
Alec lies on his stomach and you on your back. The night had gotten such that you stopped caring which side you typically put your pillow on. Your hair is fanned out on the mattress in many tangles he took pride in creating.
A shitty show plays on your small TV, but Alec is watching with rapt attention. 
He’s kind of cute about it actually, you think. Like he’s never seen a soap opera before. 
“Ooh, that one’s my favorite,” you point backwards. “It’s about a sexy doctor, obviously.”
“Right, because I’m sure doctors always have this much sex with their patients,” Alec quips. 
You snort and shake your head. You stare at the side of his face for a moment, rather than the TV. 
The back of his hand rubs against your shoulder, earning your attention. 
“What’re you thinking?” he asks. He’s still looking at the screen.
“That I’m even hungrier now, but I don’t feel like getting up,” you admit with a giggle. He laughs.
“I wouldn’t mind some chow,” he says. 
You roll onto your stomach, taking some of the sheets with you when your knee slides over, resting against his naked lower back. You lean your chin on his shoulder as your hand travels across his back. 
“Is that your way of inviting yourself over for dinner?” you ask. 
He looks over at you then. He’s grinning, but his eyes are a touch softer, you think.
“If you don’t mind me crashing,” he says.
You shake your head and sift your fingers through his hair. Your gaze drifts down the back of his neck and catches on a strange mark. It’s a barcode, you realize, touching it lightly with two fingers. 
“What’s this? A prison tat?” you tease. 
He chuckles humorlessly. “Sort of.”
Your amusement fades, but your soft fingers along the back of his neck elicit a small shiver out of him. Your touch is gentle. He isn’t used to gentle, and it makes goosebumps spread across his skin. He feels your lips press a kiss to his shoulder next, and he turns his head to look at you. 
Beautiful, he thinks, taking in your face again, and the hint of cleavage down the sheets covering you, hiding the familiar curves he had all too much fun exploring.
“You gonna tell me the story?” you ask. “Or save it for a rainy day?”
Alec lets out a sigh through his nose. “Let’s pencil that one under the ‘Rainy’ column.”
You nod in agreement and bite your lip. These days, everyone has a story they’re not proud of. Even something that keeps them up at night. You don’t press Alec for his.
He’s grateful for that. He leans in and kisses you, nice and slow.
From the beginning, he noticed you. Your tenacity. Your quiet confidence. How you’re always willing to help your friends, and how you’ve never taken any of his shit, even if he knew part of you had been contemplating his suggestive offers. That spark always kept him coming back for more…and somehow, it became more.
In the back of his mind, this scares him a little. Being with you feels dangerous in a way that feels both familiar and foreign, but it’s too late. He’s been hooked by the pull of you. It’s a craving he can’t help but try and fill. Hopefully, not just tonight.  
“You said something about food?” he grins.
You smile and lean in again, until you’re mere inches from his lips. 
“Hmm, impromptu dinner date?” you offer. Alec laughs quietly and nods.
“We kinda went about this backwards,” you say, “but if you like spaghetti and plain sauce, I’m your girl.”
He smirks at that, and thumbs at your chin.
“Then you’re my girl.”
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AN: And there's Part 1! It's only my second time writing Alec, so I hope he feels in character. Let me know what you think of this little series so far. 😘💜
There's much more in store over the next three parts, and the next one tackles perhaps my favorite episode (2.11), even if it's the most gutting.
Next Time:
“All right, that’s enough outta you,” Alec says, and he claims you with a more demanding kiss. His fingers sink into your hair tightly.  
But you press your hand to his cheek, making him pause for a moment. The amusement fades from his eyes the longer he stares into yours. You’re not teasing or joking anymore. 
You kiss him then with meaning. With tenderness. 
You don’t know how it makes that coil of guilt grip him like a vice.
Keep Reading: PART 2
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Series Masterlist
Alec McDowell Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Ko-Fi Me ☕
Alec M. Tag List:
@kazsrm67 @letheatheodore @agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesbrainworms @foxyjwls007 @wincastifer @ades106 @iamsapphine @simpforbuckyb @vanillawhiskeyflavoredkisses @roseblue373 @brianochka @branj19 @hazel-eye-coffee-shop-girl-blog
@globetrotter28 @charmed-asylum @waywardxwords @deanwinchestersgirl87 @this-is-me19 @rachiem4-blog @sweettimelady @leigh70 @clinicallydepresso @emily-winchester @xiphoidbones @skoveu @nyotamalfoy @kmc1989
@waters-2567 @iwishiwas-sleeping @jessjad @pieandmonsters @akshi8278 @honeybabycherry @deans-spinster-witch @angelbabyyy99 @jackles010378 @nancymcl
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zepskies · 9 months
Series Masterlist - Being Human
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Pairing: Alec McDowell x F. Reader 
Summary: Your life made sense before Alec slipped his way in. He unravels your threads without even trying. He frustrates you as easily as he weasels back into your good graces. But you soon realize that this man is worth the challenge.
AN: Welcome to my first Dark Angel series! I'm so glad you're here. 💜
Series Tags/Warnings: (**18+ only!) Romance, angst, drama, and more. Some chapters will follow canon (others will not). Rating for eventual smut, perilous situations, and other chapter-specific tags.
Part 1: Training Day
Part 2: The Only Place
Part 3: Complications
Part 4: Reckoning
Series Complete!
Sequel Stories:
Basic Instinct** - COMING 10/01! You and Alec adapt to the realities of a human/transgenic relationship, especially during your pregnancy. 
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Alec McDowell Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Ko-Fi Me ☕
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Series Tag List:
Comment below if you'd like to be tagged in this series!
@kazsrm67 @letheatheodore @agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesbrainworms @foxyjwls007 @wincastifer @ades106 @iamsapphine @simpforbuckyb @vanillawhiskeyflavoredkisses @roseblue373 @brianochka @branj19 @hazel-eye-coffee-shop-girl-blog
@globetrotter28 @charmed-asylum @waywardxwords @deanwinchestersgirl87 @this-is-me19 @rachiem4-blog @sweettimelady @leigh70 @clinicallydepresso @emily-winchester @xiphoidbones @skoveu @nyotamalfoy @kmc1989
@waters-2567 @iwishiwas-sleeping @jessjad @pieandmonsters @akshi8278 @honeybabycherry @deans-spinster-witch @angelbabyyy99
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215 notes · View notes
fandomnerd9602 · 3 months
Cindy Moon, Silk, continues kissing Y/N, a fellow spider person…
Y/N: you’re incorrigible
Cindy giggles and pulls Y/N against the wall, kissing them again and again…
Y/N: umm…Cindy?
Cindy: mmm?
Y/N helps her to see that they’re now upside down on the ceiling…
Cindy: hmm…oh well
The two go back to kissing…
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For @jacenradio7
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mordredisacoolname · 6 months
Could you do FEAR STREET characters reacting to male! Reader being a badass in front of others but soft and shy with them?
Love Your contento btw <3
Hey, sorry it took so long, I'm very busy but I try to dedicate as much time as I can to writing, hope you like it
Characters: Kate, Simon, Ziggy, Cindy, Nick
Sorry I ran out of inspiration for tommy and alice
CW: maybe some curse words here and there
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-what made her interested in you in the first place was your strong personality
-she loves how you always stand up for yourself and others and never let anyone walk over you
-you became friends with simon, and sometimes hang out with the rest of the group
-you became close with Deena, which was hard to do
-kate decided to find out why does her friends like you so much
-she invited you to babysit with her, which was odd, but you didn't complain
-she saw how sweet you were with the kids
-it surprised her, given how you act in public
-she decided she likes that part if you too
-when you started dating everyone saw you as a power couple
-never daring to mess with you
-when the two of you hang out alone you were always gentle with her
-wraping your hand around her when cuddling
-playing with her hand
-always complimenting her
-she liked that she was the only one who gets to see this part of you
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-you were the new worker at the pharmacy
-at first he thought you were scary, having resting bitch face
-never tolerating any bullshit from costumers
-of someone made a scene you stayed unphased, answering passive aggressively so said costumers would know how you feel but won't get you fired
-her was attracted to this, to you
-one of the many shifts you worked together were obnoxiously slow
-so he decided to chat you up
-two his surprise you had a great humor, and laughed at all of his jokes
-you were soft spoken with him
-next shift you even complimented him
-you started hanging out outside of work, and one day you just kissed
-you were high, but after you sobered up you told him you still wanted to explore things with him
-you stroked his hair, or gave him a gentle kiss, and he was surprised every single time
-he felt proud, that you felt comfortable enough with him to be yourself
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-you became best friends the second you both stepped in the camp
-she Sunnyvales were mocking you
-you opened you mouth and so many insults flew out of it
-even Ziggy was flabbergasted
-she instantly took liking to you
-the same day she approached you and asked you if you want to help her with a prank
-of course you said yes
-you were inseparable
-doing everything together
-even sheila was scared to touch you when you were together
-you were both comfortable with each other, but it took you both a little time to complete open up
-ziggy thought that if she'll show her softness you would laugh at her
-but what she didn't expect was you making soft gestures at her first
-you sat in her cabin on the floor, backs leaning on the bed
-she was still eating the pastry you stall from the kitchen, and her hair stuck to her mouth
-so you gently wiped it away and tucked it behind her ear
-she looked at you shocked, but than smiled and continued eating
-later that night you somehow ended up laying on the floor, opposite to each other
-there was a comfortable silence
-ziggy sat up, scooching closer to you
-you made eye contact for a minute
-and than she kissed you
-its was quick, and Ziggy had a questioning waiting look on her face, waiting to see how you react
-you also sat up, touching your palm to her cheek and kissing her
-you decided to keep it casual on the outside
-no body had to know what you do behind closed doors
-of course Cindy picked up the moment you stepped out of the cabin
-oh how much more trouble will be coming to the camp
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-the first time she noticed you was at breakfast
-the Sunnyvale leaders were announcing something and you boo'd them
-they insulted you, but you didn't stay silent
-you made a snarky comment
-making shadyside laugh
-not just then, but every time you had a comeback
-you didn't let yourself get bullied
-you were strong and witty
-so Cindy had a hate love opinion on you
-she admired how you were never scared
-but also thought you were reckless
-you didn't talk much, but one night you had to do chores together
-she barley spoke to you
-when a younger shadysider came in to ask something
-you were so gentle with them
-you asked them what's wrong and reassured them that's ok
-after helping them you went back to work
-after that Cindy decided she misjudged you
-when made effort to talk to you more, and even defended you sometimes
-one night someone insulted her, and you defended her, making the person look stupid and just plain mean
-she later came to your cabin, thanking you
-you offered her to come in and hang out for a bit
-despite what she thought she actually really enjoyed your time together
-you started hanging out a lot, and after two weeks you decided you were tired of waiting and just confessed to her
-she was silent, and you were afraid you overstepped
-before you had the chance to apologize she leaned forward and kissed you
-a sweet and soft kiss
-she encouraged you to be more "soft" on the outside
-but she secretly enjoys every comeback of yours
-she's proud of you for standing up for yourself and your people
-she would never admit it but it turned her on
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-you were in trouble again
-arguing with his younger brother
-so he tried handling it
-"I don't need your help thank you very much"
-after he came to tell you to behave, or you'll be thrown out
-you just blankly stared at him and walked away, leaving him confused
-he thought you were emotionless
-but than he saw you playing water war with the younger kids, laughing about "losing"
-after a particularly messy dinner, caused by Sunnyvales they forced you to clean it all up by yourself
-so he came to help you
-he were an asshole sure, but he was fair
-you silently cleaned the floor
-"thanks" you said
-not ashamed to accept help this time
-"why do you always get in trouble with my brother, you know if something happens they'll believe him"
-"I can't let you win, you already think we're weak losers, I gotta stand up for myself"
-the next few days you had brief interactions
- acknowledging each other and saying hi
-while you were playing a game, Sunnyvales vs shadysiders, you caught him hiding
-"c'mon sunny boy let's get you to jail"
-he stood up from his hiding place
-you stared at each other, not moving
-you though he's going to attempt to escape but instead he just kissed you hard
-you leaned into the kiss, who slowly turned slow and soft
-he pulled away "you know, I don't think they'll notice us missing for a bit" he smiled at you
-you ended up spending the whole night together
-trying to explain in the morning that you're both just that good at hiding
-you both knew that wasn't true
-you spend almost all the time together
-hiding from others
-snicking glances and touches
-at day you pretended to hate each other, lightly insulting each other
-but at night, when you were all alone, you say together quietly talking
-you were the first person nick could open up to, and he was yours
-you became each other's comfort
-he decided he can never lose you, and he'll do anything to keep you with him
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Love or Obsession?
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pairing(s): young!yandere!nick goode x shadysider!reader, platonic!ziggy berman x reader.
summary: after seeing you with tommy, nick’s not sure what he feels for you is love or obsession. but one thing’s for sure, you’re his.
warnings: toxicity, gore, blood, murder(?), manipulation, obsession, yandere, tommy becomes possessed lol, possession, mentions of sacrificing, mature language.
i wasn’t sure if I should add a spoiler warning considering the three movies have been out for some time now so I didn’t add one. sorry! but enjoy. and don’t really worry it doesn’t go by the plot of the movies anyway(mostly).
You were a camper. And he was a counselor. Okay, you weren’t that young. Only two years younger than he was. You wouldn’t deny having a small attraction for Nick Goode, Sheriff Goode’s son and the king of Sunnyvale.
Though he didn’t have a huge ego like you had expected. In fact, he was down to earth and kind, and kind of introverted. You shared similar hobbies. But you were a shadysider and sunnyvalers didn’t particularly get along with Shadysiders.
It was an normal day, well, a normal Sunny day. You definitely liked nature, but was worn out from the hiking and activities.
“Worn out? Tommy teased. “Kind of yeah, you chuckle. He wasn’t that much older than you yet a counselor. You didn’t even plan on becoming one anyway.
Yeah, you liked helping out with children but wanted a better job and focus on studies at the same time. “Hey, it’s fine, he assured you.”some of these kids never run out of energy.”
“I know right? You chuckle. Neither of you noticed that Nick had been glaring daggers right into Tommy’s skull. He was pissed. More so jealous. That you were the one Tommy was interested in. Everyone knew that.
Including him. And he needed to do something about it. He felt something for you, that he knew for sure. But wasn’t sure on what. Love or Obsession? Could it be both.
It had been passed down from family to family. Sacrifices. Possessions. And it was Nick’s turn. He already had a name in mind. At that moment, he decided Tommy would be the perfect candidate for possession. And kill all. Then you wouldn’t be so interested in him now would you?
Shadyside wasn’t a shithole for no reason. And as everyone suspected, it was a curse. Placed by Solomon Goode all those years ago back in 1666.
You suddenly trip, but Tommy caught you before you fell. You laughed. "You're a life saver. I swear." He blushed. "It's no big deal, Y/n."
You smile. "Well, I mean, i think so. You're so sweet. You know, helping everyone." "That's what a counselor does... He smiles, before rushing over to help with the next activity.
You didn't know then, that would be the final time you would see Tommy before hell broke loose. You grew tired so eventually you fell asleep quite early. Normally, You were up and ready.
When suddenly, You hear screams. You leave your cabin quick. "Y/N! Ziggy yells. "Ziggy! What's happening? You exclaim. "The witch... she possessed Tommy... Ziggy said.
"No... You frown."Not him. Why him?" Ziggy replies,”I don’t know we just have to go! I don’t want you to die!”
“I won’t, just promise me you won’t, and you’ll live, You say, standing close by your best friend. “I promise, she replies.
You both ran for your lives. You always believed that witch shit even though you shouldn’t. Because last summer, you found something you shouldn’t.
Back then you were a skeptical of the Sarah Fier Legend. A curse on Shadyside, Really? You knew the town had bad luck but a curse was out of reach.
Then you found a ritual. someone who worshipped satan or whatever had a place to go for that. And look what you found. The names of each shadyside killer carved into rocks no human could’ve done with their bare hands.
And it seemed quite obvious that Sarah fier was behind it. After all, she wanted revenge. But that was before Tommy’s name had been put into it. Which explained why Nurse Lane attacked him.
You didn’t want to admit it but she should’ve. It would’ve prevented a huge massacre. But you adored tommy. Though oblivious to his obvious feelings for you.
You two ran for a while until you screamed,”Tommy!” He was right in front of you and was about to strike but turned his attention to Ziggy.
“No! You yell and as he was about to you move her out of the way, both of you unharmed. “Y/N, you could’ve died! I can’t lose you! She said.
“Look, we’re both okay? And it was odd, he didn’t even… try to kill me, You say. “I know, maybe his feelings for you were why, ziggy blurted.
“What? You say. “Oh, She said. "You didn’t know? It was so obvious he was in love with you.” “I thought he was into Cindy… You say. “No, she’s into Alice and everyone also knows that, Ziggy said.
"Whatever, we need to hide! He killed Jeremy, Jesse, Stacey and More kids! You yell, sobbing but tried not to. Ziggy nods. You grew up with her, if you lost her, you wouldn't know how to live.
You run with her, her hand in yours, you didn't want to let go. "Hey look! I found somewhere we could hide... Ziggy begins."Fuck, Cindy! Where is she?"
"Where did you see her last? You asked. "I-I don’t remember, we just should find her, Ziggy said. "Also, I locked Sheila in the bathroom." "Good one, You said. "But she could be killed. Plus, I heard something about Cindy and Alice going somewhere involving Sarah Fier."
"Okay, come on! Ziggy said, you run to the bathroom but now you were growing exhausted. "Sheila? You say. "Fucking Shadysider Bitch! Sheila replied. "Did you lock me in here?"
"Y/n didn't, I did... But come on, Ziggy entering the bathroom before Sheila began attacking her. You pulled her off of Ziggy. ”Calm down. there’s a killer and you have to leave or-“
“Of course it’s always a shadysider huh? Sheila said. "I mean, you’re the reason this shit is happening.” “Shut the fuck up, you don’t know what’s going on first of all, You say, laced with venom in your voice. "Second, I think we can all agree none of us want to die so-“
“Hello! Cindy said, and you could hear her voice. "Can anybody hear us?” Ziggy realized like you that it was Cindy and follows the voice. Only to see them under the bathroom.
“What are you guys doing there? You say. “Oh thank fucking god, Alice said. “It’s a long story but… can you help us out? Cindy said.
“Yeah of course, You reply. Ziggy come help me.” “No hesitation, Ziggy said, relief that her sister was okay. You help them up. Apparently Tommy was possessed first there. He killed Alice's stoner friend, Arnie.
"Wow, You said, hearing everything. "I mean, i knew of the whole ritual stuff. But-" "You knew he would be possessed? Ziggy asked. You shook your head."No, But i knew then this witch shit was real."
"In order to stop this, we need to reunite her hand with her body, Cindy said. You nodded. You noticed how she held onto Alice's hand. You hadn't seen Nick, Will, Joan or Kurt in a while. Which made you wonder if they were murdered too.
Nick was acting kind of lately, you didn't know why. But either way, you had to find out. "Well, where is her body? I don't think she had been buried anywhere near here, You point out.
"Y/n's right, Ziggy agreed. "Look, she is, Alice said, moving the book in front of you. You read and looked it over. "Holy shit she is, You exclaimed.
"Fuck, Ziggy said. "Which is why we could bury her hand with her body, we know where her hand is too, Cindy explained. You nodded. "Then what are we waiting for? We could end this curse now."
"Okay, Cindy said. "Come on." Sarah Fier's hand was in the front on fhe table. It soon made sense why she had been buried under the tree where she had been hung. But when you accidentally touched her skeletal hand, you saw everything. You wiped your bloody nose. "I saw the witch. She was pissed. So we we should hurry up."
You grabbed any weapons you could. Even if you didn't know if you could kill or hurt anybody. But before Alice could even kill, Tommy killed her. Cindy angrily lunged at him, and so did you.
Your eyes were filled with tears but you didn't let them fall. "Alice, don't die on us, You said softly. "Please." However, she took her last breath and became another victim. But everyone couldn't mourn for long.
Everyone heard someone singing. "Ruby Lane, You said. "Come on, we have to go." Cindy was naturally reluctant but agreed. Somehow, you got lost from Cindy and Ziggy, who you figured were digging.
As you walked, hoping you could find your way back, you bumped into Nick. "Nick! You're okay! You said, sighing of relief. "Y/N, where were you.. He said, his voice filled with concern. "I... think we could end this curse, You said."
"Y/n, come on, this witch stuff isn't real, he just went crazy, Nick said. "No, Nick, I saw her, She's pissed, I saw the fucking witch! You exclaim. Tommy, the sweet guy you knew, didn't just go crazy. Neither did Nurse Lane. She was right. Of course she had been.
"Hey, this will all be over, Nick assures you, suddenly hugging you, pulling you close while you cried on his shoulder, not seeing the smirk on his face.
Everything was going according to plan.
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zepskies · 8 months
Being Human - Part 4 (Finale)
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Pairing: Alec McDowell x F. Reader
Summary: Your life made sense before Alec slipped his way in. He unravels your threads without even trying. He frustrates you as easily as he weasels back into your good graces. But you soon realize that this man is worth the challenge.
AN: (I decided to release this a bit early.) Here we are, friends! The final chapter...
Chapter Summary: Ames White captures you, forcing Alec to his knees.
Word Count: 4,300
Tags/Warnings: Peril and violence, angst, major hurt/comfort, but also major fluff...
💜 Series Masterlist
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Part 4: Reckoning
Terminal City is a region on the edge of the city. The chemical and biohazardous waste that was dumped there after the Pulse makes ordinary humans sick, but for the immune transgenics, it’s the perfect spot to carve out a sanctuary.
Alec has been visiting the sector frequently, working with Max, Joshua, and other Manticore escapees to build up its infrastructure. Joshua lives here full-time now, as it’s safer for the half-canine transgenic and others like him, who don’t “look” human.
Today, Alec’s working with Mole and Joshua on ammunitions. Regardless of what any of them look like, they are all soldiers, in one way or another built and trained for warfare.
As much as Alec doesn’t want to see it, the tensions between “ordinaries” and transgenics are mounting, especially in Seattle. 
He checks his watch and realizes that he’s late to meet you. 
“Shit. I gotta go,” he says.
“Where’re you going?” Max asks. She has a perceptive eye, but Alec doesn’t reveal anything.  He revs up his motorcycle and dons his helmet.
“Just going to meet someone,” he says, purposely vague. He doesn’t want another lecture from her. 
The truth is, he’s dreading this. He knows when he sees you, it’ll be damn near impossible to maintain his distance. He should’ve just met you at your apartment, but surrounded by your things, your familiar scent etched into every fiber of your place…it would buckle his resolve. 
So he heads back on his motorcycle all the way home. 
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Something’s off.
He instinctively knows after he climbs up the stairs to his apartment. He tests the door, and it opens without him having to unlock it.
You would know better than to leave the door open.
He pushes inside the apartment, and he’s greeted to a scene that drops his heart into his stomach. 
His apartment is empty, but a table near the kitchen is knocked over. Glass liters the ground where it’s overturned, and on further inspection, he finds drying bloodstains on the glass and on the floor.
His heart beats faster as he takes in everything with wide eyes. He doesn’t smell gunpowder, or find anything else that would tell him what happened here. 
He does find your purse, tossed by the couch in the living room. 
Alec whips out his phone and calls your cell.
“Hello, 494.” A man’s voice—one that Alec would know anywhere. It prickles his skin with unease and makes his blood boil all at once.
“Ames White.” Alec’s teeth grind. “What game are you playing now?”
“This isn’t a game. It’s business,” White claims. “I have something you want. How much are you willing to pay to make sure she stays alive?”
Alec forces himself to calm down, even though his pulse is racing.
“What do you want?”
“You. And 452. With no bullshit on your end,” the agent replies. “Or this girl is going to pay that price for you.”
Alec’s breath becomes unsteady. “And if I comply, you’ll let her go. I’m supposed to believe that?”
“Oh, I won’t lie to you. She’s on her way to the lab as we speak. You see, they’re gonna want to analyze that abomination she’s carrying,” White says. 
That steals the breath from Alec’s lungs.
His eyes grow wide as he puts together what the man is saying. 
“But if you do comply,” he says, “I’ll make sure they let her deliver to term, at least.”
Alec’s throat tightens. Oh, God… 
“You let her go, you son of a bitch!” he grinds out. His white-knuckle grip pops a few springs in the couch. He releases it and covers his face, pressing hard between his eyes. “She’s not part of this!” 
“It seems she is, 494. I’ll send you the time and the place. Be there with 452.”
The line clicks. Alec’s breathing is harsh. He grips his phone so hard it nearly shatters, but he tosses it onto the couch and pushes his palms against the burn in his eyes. His jaw locks with the strain of clenched teeth. No, no, no, NO! 
His phone chimes with a voicemail message. Alec grabs the phone and listens. It details coordinates and a meeting time: tonight, at midnight.
Alec makes another call with what remains of his phone.
“Max,” he says shakily. “I need your help.”  
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Alec barely resists pacing throughout Logan’s apartment while the latter types away, researching the coordinates Ames White provided for the meeting point. Their forced surrender. 
Max perches on the corner of the couch with her arms crossed. She’s concerned for you as well, but she gazes at him with sympathy.
“We’ll find her, Alec,” she says. 
Alec shakes his head.
“He could have her anywhere,” he gestures widely. “He could’ve already handed her off to whatever shady government agency he works for. Or with that damn cult, that in case you’ve forgotten, hates us. Like everyone else in this city.”
“Not everyone,” Max reminds him pointedly. 
“Yeah, and look where we are now,” Alec retorts. “I told you this would happen!”
“Do you want to be right, or do you want to save her?” Max shoots back. “Now think. We’ve found bases of White’s operations before. Both for the agency, and the breeding cult.”
“I’m cross-referencing old locations,” Logan says. He’s been typing away at his computer for several minutes. “I can ask Asha and her people to join the search. And I can do an Eyes Only broadcast, encourage people to keep an eye out.” 
Alec nods, but any outcomes of those plans will take time. Time you might not have. 
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They’ve been following anonymous tips for hours. Joshua and a few X5s and X6s joined the search for Ames White, and more importantly, for you. 
Alec and Max have been working together without stopping even for a breath throughout the night. They only have one hour before they’re meant to be at the agreed meeting point: an abandoned building near the edge of the city. No doubt for their easy extraction. 
Logan eventually calls Alec to tell him about a lab within a mile of the scheduled rendezvous point. There have been reports of late-night transports—locals calling in about strange noises, and in one case, what someone thought was a muffled gunshot.
Alec and Max agree to check it out, but they’re going to cut it close with the meeting time.
“Josh. Where are you, buddy?” Alec asks after calling his friend’s cell.
“I’m here.”
“Where’s here?”
“Here,” Joshua replies. He’s turned the corner and found his friends on the crossing of Avalon St. and Broadway, via his elite sense of smell.
“Good,” Alec smiles in relief. He pats his taller friend’s arm. “You’ve been a big help so far, but I need you for this. Wanna be part of the rescue party?”
“Yes,” Joshua nods, but his tone suggests he’s offended that Alec has to ask. “Help save your mate.”
Alec’s smile weakens. He doubts you’ll ever want to be that with him, ever again. But he’ll be damned if the government, or some damn breeding cult, is going to lay a hand on you.
Logan agrees to meet them there in his van for backup, while Josh hitches a ride on the back of Alec’s motorcycle. The three of them haul ass to the location of the suspected lab.
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They approach a large, three-story dilapidated building. According to Logan, it used to be a mental health asylum. When the government bought it out, the facility was turned into a private lab.
Great, comes Alec’s sardonic thought. Hopefully the ghosts of whoever was tortured here won’t cause them any problems.
He and Max communicate silently through the militaristic hand motions they learned in their training to scope the place’s security, its entry points, and the best way for them to infiltrate the building. Although Manticore made Joshua, he hasn’t gone through the same training as most transgenics have.
He’s fortunate for it, but it means that Max has to direct him more carefully. He covers her and Alec as they approach the back entrance, which seems to be where they most often transport both cargo and people. Right now, there’s a large van waiting on standby.
Alec rips out the driver first, while Max and Joshua take on the other guards who start shooting. Alec comes around the back of the van, and when the first guard opens the back door, Alec tears the gun out of his hands and yanks him out. Alec uses the man’s body like a Kevlar vest as his two companies unload a clip or two. He punches them both out hard enough to hear the crack of bone.
The van inside is empty, but he sees a cot and several machines already ready and waiting to transport someone. He grits his teeth and slams the door shut on his way out.  
“She’s not in there,” he tells Max. “If she’s here, she’s gotta be inside.”
Max and Joshua have taken out the outside guards, no problem, but he’s sure there’ll be more where that came from.
The three of them enter the building and race through the long hallways, slipping by lab technicians, doctors, and other staff. Anyone who attempts to stop them soon regrets it.
Alec is especially brutal and efficient with the federal security guards. Max watches him out of the corner of her eye, but she doesn’t yet warn him to pull his punches. The stakes are high, and she understands his anger and stress.
“There’s a file room,” Alec points to a door that’s labeled: RECORDS.
“I doubt they’ll have a file on her yet, especially if White’s trying to keep this under wraps,” Max says.
Joshua looks around and points across the hall. “Cameras?”
The other two look in the direction he’s pointing to, and they see what he sees—a room labeled: SECURITY.
Alec slaps a companionable hand on Joshua’s back, and they head for the security room. The guards are dealt with swiftly, being knocked out and piled against the back wall. While Joshua keeps a lookout, Max and Alec scan the many different camera feeds: focused on various hallways and lab subjects.
Alec scans each of them rapidly. He’s always been good with TV.
He finds you on one of the camera feeds and he points to it. “There she is! Room 204.”
You’re in a small, cell-like room, sleeping on what almost looks like a hospital bed. Except there’s a breathing mask held over your face, probably keeping you unconscious, and you’re attached to several monitors. It makes his heart sink and his spine tighten with rage, simultaneously.
“Let’s go,” Max says, but it’s not necessary. Alec is already halfway out the door.
They’re stopped at a four-way crossroads in the hall. In the center is Ames White.
“You’re smart, I’ll give you that,” he grants with an incline of his head. He takes a radio clipped to his belt and clicks it on, speaking into it. “Transport the girl. Make sure she’s sedated.”
Alec seethes. Before he can sprint headlong into a fight, Joshua stops him. Alec looks up at him in askance.
“You go. Find her. Leave him with me,” Joshua says. His blue eyes are sharp with predatory anger at the man who killed Annie Fisher.
Alec softens a fraction and nods in understanding. He shoots Max a look.
“Go, I’ll catch up with you,” she says.
Alec nods and races on ahead. He dodges bullets with the help of superior speed and crashes into each guard, taking them out with brutal force. He steals a gun off of one of them, and that saves him a lot of time and energy. He tries not to kill anyone, but he can’t think about holding back. He just needs to get to you.
He reaches the second floor, and finally to Room 204.
Two men are already in the room. He doesn’t want to open fire—the room is too small, the risk of ricochet too high. He grabs a knife from his belt and hurls it at the first man, who was poised to inject something into your arm. The second guard turns with his gun, but Alec is already moving too fast for human eyes to follow.
He breaks the man’s arm, followed by a swift uppercut. He takes the gun and hurls the man into the far wall, knocking him clean out as he slumps to the floor.
Alec breathes hard in the aftermath, but he begins to soften after his attention turns to you. He sets down the gun and takes in the sight of you, still dressed in jeans and a blood-stained shirt.
You’re heavily sedated and restrained by your wrists and ankles. You have a bandage wrapped around your forearm, along with brain and heart monitors attached to your forehead and chest, and an IV drip in your other arm. 
Alec takes a breath, and he starts with the wires, removing the small suction cups from your body and disconnecting all the monitors. He takes off the mask and unclips the leather restraints. 
The fury builds back up inside him at what they’ve already done to you. He doesn’t want to think any more on what they’d planned to do.
You must’ve been terrified, he thinks. He touches your cheek tenderly. His free hand hesitates, before it rests gently on your belly. He calls your name. 
You don’t stir just yet. Your body is still under the effects of the sedation. So he carefully lifts you into his arms. He hears Max approach, and she’s there in the doorway by the time he turns around. 
“Let’s go,” Alec says. His face is hard and angry while he carries you out. 
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They regroup with Joshua in the lobby, though even Alec stops short when he sees the carnage. Ames White’s body lays on the floor with unseeing eyes. His throat is torn out. 
Joshua has blood in his teeth. He wipes at his face with the back of his arm, his eyes veering away from Max and Alec. Max blinks through her shock and tries to keep her mouth from falling open.
“Time to go,” Joshua says. His voice is heavy, but matter of fact.
“We’ll need to take his body, get rid of it later,” Max says, when she recovers. “We can’t let the police find him.”
They’ll blame us, is understood by them all. The police won’t have the full story, but it won’t matter. Appearances are everything. 
Max finds a black body bag in a nearby storage closet and Joshua collects White, later hefting the full body bag over his shoulder.
They make their escape out the back of the building, where Logan is waiting with his van. Joshua deposits the body in the back, where he also climbs in. Max takes the front passenger seat while Alec carries you into the middle seat bed. 
Nothing else feels right but to hold you in his arms. To stroke your cheek and wait, both desperate for, and yet dreading the moment you’ll open your eyes. 
Because when you do, there’s a good chance that he’ll find your fear. Or worse. 
“She’s going to be okay,” Max says to him, quietly. She’s twisted towards him in her seat.
“Maybe physically,” Alec counters. “I don’t know, Max. How did being held up in a lab affect your mental health?” 
Her lips purse. “One step at a time, okay?”
Alec shakes his head and looks down at you. He tries to commit your peaceful face to memory, because he doubts that he’ll ever see it again after tonight. 
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Slowly, you start to wake.
At first, all you see is shadows and shapes of someone looming over you. Unconsciously you whimper and push at whatever holds you down, but the hold is gentle, the voice soothing. 
“Shh, it’s okay. Sweetheart, it’s me,” he says. 
Your eyes clear and focus as you blink…though they soon flood with tears. Relief takes over your fear. You see his concerned, handsome face, and your lower lip trembles. 
“Alec,” is all you manage to say. You still have some trouble moving your heavy body, but you grab a fistful of his shirt and wince as you pull yourself up, just enough to bury your face into his chest. Your body shakes with the force of your sobs. 
Alec gathers you up against him and shushes you gently, even as his heart clenches. He soothes a hand over your hair and your back. 
“I’ve gotcha. It’s okay, you’re safe,” he says in your ear. He meets Max’s concerned gaze, then Joshua’s in the shrouded end of the car. Even Logan glances back through the rearview mirror as he drives. 
Alec tries to block them out and focus on you. He holds you and comforts you for as long as you let him.
Eventually, you pull away to look at his face. You still have tears in your eyes, but now, it’s with a hue of uncertainty. 
“The man…the agent who took me. He was looking for you,” you say. Your voice is weak and a bit coarse. You try to clear it.
Alec wishes he had some water for you.
“He’s gone. You don’t have to worry about him,” he says. 
You let out a shaky breath, but you meet his gaze. “He said that you’re not…Alec, are you…”
He sighs; he understands the question you’re trying to ask. 
“Yeah. Those freaks you hear people talking about on the news?” he says. “I’m one of ‘em.”
Your eyes widen as your breathing becomes more labored.
“I was made in a lab,” Alec confesses. “At Manticore, bred and trained to be a soldier.”
A transgenic.
Your hand falls away from his chest, and you take that in with an unblinking stare. He can see you trying to process all this.
You glance over at Max, who had been facing the front to give you and Alec the semblance of privacy. Feeling your gaze on her, she turns around and gives you a half-hearted smile. 
“Hey, girl,” she greets. “Glad you’re okay.”
“You’re like him too?” you ask. Max nods.
Suddenly, everything makes so much sense. Why she and Alec have always seemed to share history and bickered like siblings. Why Max was friendly, but never truly your family. Why Alec had been so much of a mystery to you. Why he’d broken your heart. 
“Joshua too,” says a deep voice from the back. 
You turn your head and gasp as your eyes fly open wide again. Alec gives his friend a look over your head, but he tries to reassure you with a warm hand on your lower back. He hopes you can’t see the dried blood on Joshua’s snout. 
Joshua breaks into a sheepish smile. 
“Sorry,” he says, gesturing to his wolf-like face. “Bit of dog in my cocktail.”
You shake your head slowly. Your mouth opens and closes, but you try your best to get through your shock (and a lance of fear). Your head tilts as you consider his kind, very human blue eyes.
“You, um, your name is Joshua?” you say at last.
“Yes, Joshua,” he nods. “Rescue party.”
You blink at that. “You…helped get me out of there?”
He nods again, with a smile that flashes a few canine pointed teeth. You rest a hand over your wildly beating heart. 
“Thank…you,” you manage. 
Joshua bobs his head. “No problem. Saved Alec’s mate.”
If possible, your eyes widen further at that one. You turn back to Alec with raised brows. He offers a wan smile and a nervous chuckle. You notice, however, that he hasn’t let go of you. You’re also still sitting across his lap. 
“This is what you were hiding from me,” you say, perhaps stating the obvious. Your heart clenches with pain. “Why you…”
He brushes his hand along your arm. 
“I was trying to protect you,” Alec says. His brows furrow as his green-eyed gaze veers away from your face, with shame. “But I failed, and I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. None of this was supposed to happen—”
Some instinct has you reaching out to sooth your hand along his cheek, stopping his lips with your thumb. You stare up into his eyes, and they’re no longer guarded or distant. They’re the eyes you remember. 
Whatever you are, you’re mine.
You lean up and press your lips to his.
After a beat, Alec’s eyes close, and he answers you in kind. His fingers sink into your knotted hair. You grip his shirt by the collar, and he wraps his arm securely around you. 
With each new kiss, you feel more relieved. You don’t realize you’re trembling until he clasps your shaking hand against his cheek, to steady you. 
Alec gives you one more searing kiss before he pulls you into his arms. It’s a hug you both need.
His eyes shut tight as he buries his face in your neck, inhaling your scent. His lips find the mark he’d left weeks ago on your skin. It’s faint by now, but it’s still there. He takes deep breaths to calm himself, and you rub his back through it. 
He realizes you’re comforting him now; a fact that makes him smile.
You’re mine, instinct tells him. And this time, he just can’t fight it. 
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Logan houses you and Alec for the night (or the morning, since dawn breaks by the time you all get back). 
You’re exhausted, but you still force yourself to shower. You’ll have to remind yourself to thank Logan for the spare clothing, though you don’t bother with the sweatpants just opt for the large shirt as you roll into bed. 
Alec isn’t far behind after he takes a quick shower. You force yourself to stay awake, waiting for him to come out of the bathroom. His skin glistens when he eventually leaves the bathroom, and you watch him cross the bedroom with just a towel low on his hips. He shoots you a smile before he starts getting dressed.
“Logan says he’ll help us find a new place to live,” he says. 
You slowly smile at that. “Us?”
“Well, you know, both of our apartments are compromised.”
“Yeah, I get that,” you reply. When he slides into bed next to you, you swim through the covers and inch closer to him. “I’m just glad it’s a together thing.”
Alec gives you an amused look, but there’s warmth in his eyes. He thumbs at your lower lip. Soon, his smile begins to fall.
“I didn’t want to get you caught up in this. In my crazy fucked up life,” he says. 
“I know,” you sigh. “But I’m in it now. I’m in this with you. You realize that, right?”
He nods, though he doesn’t think he deserves it. Or you, for that matter. 
He slips his arm around you, just the same. You rest your head against his shoulder and tap his chin. 
“Alec, I don’t care what you are,” you say. “Transgenic or not, you’re the man I’ve always known.”
He lets out a subtle breath at that, chuckling. 
“For better or worse, right?” he asks.
You smile. “I have something to tell you…though I’m pretty sure you already know.”
Despite a tremor of nerves, a slow grin spreads across his face. 
“Tell me anyway,” he says. “I love surprises where I know the answer.”
You giggle. “You sure about that?”
“Yes,” he nods with a smirk. “Just tell me, woman.”
Your hand drifts down to rest against his chest, and you tilt up your face so you can meet his dancing eyes. The fact that he seems genuine gives you enough courage to just…say it.
“Alec, I’m pregnant,” you tell him.
His smile grows.
“…Really?” he teases. “You sure it’s mine?”
You gasp, laughing, and you shove against his chest. You twist away from the cage of his arms, but he laughs and doesn’t let you so easily escape. You realize then how truly strong he is when he rolls you under him on the bed. 
He dips down and claims you with a kiss. He shakes his head, because he never thought this would be his life. His hand sneaks under the sheets to rest over your lower belly, through the shirt. In turn, you cover his hand. You bite your lip with slight anxiety.  
“You’re really okay with this?” you ask. “Even after everything we…this is a lot for us. Really soon.”
Alec gradually sobers, and he acknowledges that with a nod.
“Yeah,” he agrees. “Honestly, I didn’t see this coming.”
You have to laugh a little at that. His lips tug at the corners, but as he squeezes your hand back, he stares directly into your eyes.  
“But I’m not letting you do this alone. I… I love you,” he admits. “Sorry it took me so long to figure it out.”
Tears burn in your eyes, but only one finds its way down your cheek. You take in a tremulous breath and nod. 
“I love you too,” you reply. Though you can’t hide a different uncertainty when you look at him. “But if you leave me again…Alec, I can’t.”
He looks more vehement than you’ve ever seen him when he shakes his head, meeting your gaze. 
“That’s not happening. I promise,” he says. “You’re stuck with me, baby. So much that you might just get sick of me.”
You utter a laugh through your tears, and you nod in acceptance. Alec smiles and wipes your cheek dry before he gathers you tighter into his arms, and presses a kiss to your forehead. 
You relax against his chest with a sigh. His heartbeat thrums steadily under your cheek.
And you finally rest.
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AN: And there we have it. 🥹 I truly hope you enjoyed Being Human.
I might come back to add bonus one-shots to this, if you guys are interested in seeing more of their story. 💜 But I hope you'll let me know what you think about how it all shook out here!
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Series Masterlist
Alec McDowell Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Ko-Fi Me ☕
Alec M. Tag List:
@kazsrm67 @letheatheodore @agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesbrainworms @foxyjwls007 @wincastifer @ades106 @iamsapphine @simpforbuckyb @roseblue373 @brianochka @branj19 @hazel-eye-coffee-shop-girl-blog
@globetrotter28 @charmed-asylum @waywardxwords @deanwinchestersgirl87 @this-is-me19 @rachiem4-blog @sweettimelady @leigh70 @clinicallydepresso @emily-winchester @xiphoidbones @skoveu @nyotamalfoy @kmc1989
@waters-2567 @iwishiwas-sleeping @jessjad @pieandmonsters @akshi8278 @honeybabycherry @deans-spinster-witch @angelbabyyy99 @jackles010378 @nancymcl @idiotdyslexic @heartlessdelusions @longlostx11
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fandomnerd9602 · 6 months
Cindy Moon x Male Reader?
Cindy hangs upside down…
Cindy: hey there
Y/N: hey Cindy
Cindy: were you bitten by the same spider as me? Because I’m drawn to you
Y/N: no but I could be with his drawn I am to you
Cindy: kiss me like you miss me
Y/N kisses her gently…
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starry-moonshine · 1 year
Hello, Please do a sadie sink x female reader containing fluff & makeouts, u can take ur time making it! Thanks. <33
[hi, love. here it is, I hope you enjoy it! And please forgive me for it being so short. I've been studying for my written test.]
Soft Kisses - Sadie Sink
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Pairing | Sadie Sink x Fem!Reader
Warnings | makeouts
Requested | yes
Word count | 280
Summary | You and Sadie enjoy time together, lounging around and having a soft kissing session.
[A/N: i listened to apocalypse by cigarettes after sex late at night while writing this short scenario.]
Sadie Sink Masterlist
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You and Sadie are laying side by side in your shared bed, the soft rhythm of music flowing through the room as it's peaceful just the way you both like it.
Above, your posters of various music artists sit pinned against the ceiling. Sadie turns to you as you continue looking up at the ceiling and deep in thought while tapping your foot to the mellow beat of the song.
"I need kisses," She says in a pout.
With that, you turn to Sadie and cup her cheek before leaning in. Your lips collide with hers as you both stay there before bringing her to straddle you. She brushes your hair back, tangling her fingers. Your hands rest against her back but pulling her forward slightly so you can be closer.
Sadie begins kissing your neck as you lean your neck back, letting her pamper you before coming back to your lips,
You pull away long enough to flip Sadie so she's laying on the sheet as you grab your book off the nightstand and hand it to her. She opens the book and going to the page you left off, reading the paragraph as you lay your head on her chest.
You lay there and listen to the soft rhythm of your girlfriend's heart, relaxing. You feel yourself getting sleepy as you drape your arm over Sadie's stomach, snuggling closer to her as she notices and smiles softly.
She begins to get sleepy after reading a few pages. Resting the open book on her chest, she falls asleep next to you. Your faces close together as you both stay there for the next couple of hours.
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atlasthegreatest · 6 months
The Bat, The Spider, and The Mutant / Cassandra Cain x Male Reader x Cindy Moon
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Some headcanons about the reader being in a polyamorous relationship with Cassandra and Cindy aka Best Girls.
A/n: This one was requested by @earthboundguythatlikesmother1 I hope you like it. Let me know if you want to add something. Also, this is my first time writing for a polygamous couple.
—How did they meet?—
They met while fighting Anarky.
Anarky was the villain who, teaming up with Ultron, hacked the Shield and Justice League database, spreading confidential information and the superheroes' identities to the entire world, and causing chaos.
And while the Avengers, the X-Men, the Justice League, and other superhero organizations dealt with the infestation of villains and Ultron bots across the world, Y/n went looking for Anarky on Nick Fury's orders.
But when the young man found him, he was already engaged in a battle against someone else. And without thinking twice, he decided to get involved in the fight to assist the other superhero.
After the battle, Y/n, Cassandra, and Cindy took a moment to catch their breath and assess the situation.
Y/n was the first to break the ice by introducing herself to them, saying her superhero nickname, and receiving a short wave and a short answer from both of them in response.
Cassandra, on the other hand, looked at Cindy and Y/n with a certain curiosity due to how Y/N seemed to adapt to the different fighting styles that Anarky used during the fight and Cindy's skills. And the same could be said for Cindy.
That had been the first contact the three had with each other.
But after that, whenever one of them fought against a villain, the other was always there to help him. And without even realizing it, the three had formed a formidable team that caused fear to the villains who came to face them.
– How did they react about Y/n’s powers?—
– Cassandra:
She is known for her exceptional combat skills and her ability to read body language, which made her a formidable fighter. When she finds out about Y/n's adaptive powers, she initially approaches them with caution and curiosity.
Cassandra is highly observant and analytical, so she would likely spend time studying and testing the extent of Y/n's abilities.
As she witnesses Y/n's powers in action, she gradually develops a deep respect for her adaptability. She would appreciate the advantage this brings to her missions, recognizing the potential for strategic planning and improvisation.
Cassandra would see Y/n's powers as a valuable asset and would seamlessly incorporate them into her training sessions, finding ways to maximize their combined effectiveness.
– Cindy:
Cindy is known to possess spider-like abilities, including superhuman strength, agility, and pre-cognitive awareness. When she learns about Y/n's powers, she is intrigued and fascinated by her adaptability.
As someone who has experienced the challenges of having unique abilities, Cindy would empathize with Y/n and be eager to learn more about his powers.
She would be excited to explore the synergies between her spider abilities and Y/n's powers.
She would view their friendship as an opportunity for mutual growth and support, sharing tips and techniques to help Y/n leverage her abilities more effectively.
– When did they start to develop feelings for each other?—
Initially, Y/n, Cassandra, and Cindy formed a strong bond based on shared experiences, trust, and mutual respect. And because of the significant time they spend together as they work as a team, supporting each other as friends. As they navigate challenges and trust each other, they begin to appreciate each other's strengths, values, and unique qualities.
As time passes, the trio realizes that the connection between them extends beyond friendship. They found themselves naturally drawn to each other's company, seeking opportunities to spend more time together. They enjoy each other's presence and feel a sense of comfort and emotional support when they are around each other.
As introverts in the case of Cassandra and Y/n and socially anxious in the case of Cindy, they had difficulty expressing their emotions openly. However, the deep trust and understanding they developed allowed them to gradually open up and share their vulnerabilities. This vulnerability created an even deeper bond and fostered a sense of intimacy between the three.
As romantic feelings begin to emerge between them, the trio becomes more in tune with the subtle shifts in their dynamic. From the lingering touches, and the stolen glances, to the concern they feel for each other, their awareness of these subtle clues ignites a sense of curiosity and intrigue, causing them to question their own emotions.
Because they lead a dangerous life as heroes/vigilantes, there are times when there is an upcoming call during a mission that makes them face the possibility of getting lost. It was on one of these missions that Y/n admitted to himself how he felt about the two young women when he saw them on the ground, full of wounds, and Taskmaster walking towards them.
Eventually, one of the three had to muster the courage to express their feelings. And that someone was Y/n. On one of their walks, the young boy waited for the right moment to honestly share his emotions and admitted his growing affection for them as he held each of their hands in his hands.
With their feelings out in the open, the trio embarks on a new chapter in their relationship. Y/n, Cassandra, and Cindy explore aspects of their connection, taking the time to navigate the dynamics and establish clear communication. They support each other through this transition, understanding that their bond as friends forms a solid foundation for their romantic relationship.
Throughout this process, Cassandra, Cindy, and Y/n navigate their emotions with care and respect for each other's boundaries. They communicate openly, ensuring that everyone's feelings and desires are understood and validated.
– What is their relationship dynamic like?—
Being introverts, they understood and respected each other's need for silence without feeling pressured to fill every moment of conversation.
They value the tranquility of shared silence, finding comfort in each other's presence even without constant verbal interaction. Cassandra, Cindy, and Y/n share a deep bond, built on mutual understanding, empathy, and shared experiences. They would appreciate and recognize the significance of the unspoken connection they have, recognizing that true intimacy can exist beyond constant talking.
They prefer to spend quality time together in more intimate settings, such as quiet evenings at home, engaging in activities that everyone else enjoys. like. Cassandra, Cindy, and Y/nr respected each other's need for personal space and understood that time spent apart is essential for personal growth and well-being.
They supported and encouraged each other's pursuits, recognizing that self-care and personal development contribute to the strength of their relationship as a whole.
Typically, when they're not fighting some bad guy, or training with each other, they engage in thoughtful conversations, discussing their thoughts, experiences, and personal philosophies while cuddling in bed. They stayed there, talking calmly, with Cassandra and Cindy lying on Y/n's chest playing with each other's fingers while Y/n played with their hair softly.
They developed a keen understanding of each other's nonverbal cues, such as body language, expressions, and gestures. They would be in tune with each other's moods and emotions, providing support and comfort even without explicit verbal communication. This was a blessing in battle, as they would be able to predict each other's movements, and a curse at the same time, as neither of them would be able to hide anything without the other finding out.
– Bonus Scenes–
They tend to each other's wounds after a mission.
The bat family (more precisely Bruce, Dick, Jason, and Damian) when they discovered that Cassandra confessed to them that she was in a relationship with Cindy and Y/n were surprised. Alfred decided to give the idea of having a dinner so they could get to know each other better. Which, in Cassandra's eyes, was a terrible idea.
They spent half the dinner intimidating Cindy and Y/n by talking about all their information. From the year they were born, to the phobias they had. Even information that Y/n didn't know about himself, they somehow knew.
Dinner ended when the three men and a teenager suddenly attacked Y/n and Cindy, inducing them into combat. The six engaged in an intense battle, which only stopped after Cassandra intervened.
“You four are embarrassing me”
At the end of it all, they accepted the idea of Y/n and Cindy being in a relationship with Cassandra. But still, they (even Barbara and Stephanie) made it clear that if one of them broke Cassandra's heart they would find a way to make them disappear.
As for Peter, he reacted in a calmer and more relaxed manner (To Y/n's relief. It was enough to have several bats breathing down his neck. He didn't need a spider either). He kept making lots of jokes about bats and spiders.
When the X-Men heard the news that Y/n was in a relationship, everyone, and when I say everyone I mean EVERYONE, celebrated happily. They had already given up hope of him ever finding someone.
And in the middle of that bash, Y/n discovered that his teammates and family had bet on him when he saw Bobby collecting everyone's money. Even Logan was included in that!
“Wait a minute. Did you place bets on me?”
“We had to entertain ourselves somehow, don’t you think? But, just to confirm… Who confessed first?”
“Uhmm… it was me. Why?"
Y/n only knew how to stare at his friends in disbelief once again when half of them groaned and started taking more bills out of their pockets to hand to Bobby, who received the money with a big smile on his face.
Their favorite pastime is when Y/n plays the piano and Cassandra follows the rhythm with her ballet steps while Cindy concentrates on writing her next newspaper column.
Cassandra: looks like she could kill you, could kill you. 
Cindy: looks like a cinnamon roll, but could kill you with her webs.
Y/n: looks intimidating, but he's a big teddy bear (don't try your luck).
Out of the three, Cassandra is considered the shortest, which leads her to be the butt of jokes between Cindy and Y/n.
This goes Y/n (6' 0 ft), Cindy (5' 7 ft), and Cassandra (5' 5ft).
There are times when they even argue. This only rarely happens. But when it happens, the fight is intense.
They would spend a few days without exchanging any type of communication. The three were very proud. Mainly Y/n and Cassandra. Because of their pride, it was difficult to admit they were wrong.
But eventually one of them would break down first when they noticed how bad it was causing Cindy's anxiety, and they would quickly sit down to talk and solve their problems.
There were never any problems of jealousy between them.
Lies. It's happened several times. Both three were immensely possessive of each other, even though they were sure of the high level of stability in their relationship.
Cassandra and Y/n almost strangled Peter's clone, Kane, when they discovered the mutual attraction between him and Cindy (Which was later explained to them by Cindy herself that this would happen simply because they had been bitten by the same spider) 
Also without forgetting the time when, one of the times when she and Y/n were carrying out a robbery in one of the museums, Black Cat tried to make one of her jokes on Y/n, and Cindy almost threw her from a building.
K-pop music blasting through the speakers in their apartment.
Because of their love for K-pop, Y/n, and Cassandra bought tickets so they could go to Luna Snow's (Cindy's favorite singer) concert. And despite both being classical music lovers, Y/n and Cassandra couldn't help but be carried away by K-pop lyrics and beats.
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downins · 5 months
dating cindy berman headcanons (fem!reader)
note: i love and i miss cindy berman omg BRING HER BACK RIGHT NOW
warnings: fluff, makeouts, you and cindy being absolute sweethearts
you're definitely a nerd and a dork which lead cindy to develop feelings for you
she loves how you're so studious, goal-driven, good with kids and really funny
she's at your place most of the time, you both play video games, study, talk about getting out of shadyside when she's there. she gets really pouty whenever she has to go home after spending like a month at yours
she's clingy but not to the point it's annoying, she just loves having your company, you two enjoy each other's presence even when you're just minding your own business
she loves kissing you, this definitely leads to something else in the bedroom. anyways, she loves the little forehead and cheek kisses you give her
she's neutral when it comes to pda, she's fine with hand holding, kissing, hugging in public. in private, she's more touchy and more soft whenever it's just you and her
she's so comfortable around you, she literally falls asleep in like 5 to 10 minutes whenever you're cuddling with her. with ziggy and everything else going on in her life, she has her guard up most of the time
she vents to you a lot, sometimes things get really bad and she just breaks down infront of you. you don't even have to say much, she feels better by just you hugging her
she enjoys studying with you, whenever she doesn't understand certain stuff, she'd always come to you for help and you're always so patient with her, taking your time to explain things, making sure she understands, teaching her step by step
she loves leaving cute doodles on your book when you go for a toilet break or anything like that
whenever you both argue, she'd be so upset and would need some space to avoid making the situation worse. however, she'd still try and talk it out with you after feeling a little better because she loves you a lot and upsetting you is the last thing she wants to do
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teaaagan · 1 year
Fell off
Cop: You're receiving a ticket for having three people on one motorcycle.
Alice: Shit
Tommy: Wait, three?
Cop: Yeah?
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drxcorelibre · 14 days
Overcoming Distance in Love P.A.
: ̗̀➛ Freeing oneself from long-held desires x
⚠ Genre/warnings: self-insert gen-neutral reader, situationship to lovers idk i just love prom and he deserves this sm, slight nsfw (heated makeout), pinning, atp cindy4life lol, this is so damnn
✎ Reading time: approx. 16min
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₊˚ʚ It was as if the months apart had never happened, the chemistry between you still as strong as ever.
₊˚ʚ Prompto pushed himself away from the garage wall and began slowly making his way towards you. Each step he took was measured, his eyes never leaving yours.
₊˚ʚ Suddenly, it was as if a dam burst. All the pent-up emotions, the months of silence, the questions left unasked, came rushing out at once.
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The night was quiet, and the stars above were the only witnesses to your departure. The journey to Hammerhead was cold and lonely, the silence only broken by the crunch of gravel under your shoes.
You made your way along the path, the lights of Hammerhead growing closer with each step. The thought of leaving the group behind weighed heavily on your heart, but you had made your decision.
As you finally reached the base of Hammerhead, Cindy, who was working late into the night, noticed your arrival. She looked up from her project, her eyes widening in surprise at the sight of you alone.
"Well, now, ain't that a sight," she remarked in her soft drawl, taking in your state. "What're you doin' here this late and by yourself, darlin'?"
"i left the guys."
Cindy's curious expression quickly turned to surprise. "Left the boys, huh? Ain't that somethin'. What happened there, if you don't mind me askin'?"
"just- realised i never belonged."
Cindy's brow furrowed at your words, a hint of concern in her eyes. "Never belonged? What makes you say that?"
"At the end of the day, we girls can't afford to stay with the boys." you chuckled.
Cindy raised an eyebrow at your chuckle, a puzzled look on her face. "Why's that, darlin'? Nothin' wrong with a girl hangin' with the fellas."
"i caught feelings." you said, gripping onto your belongings.
Understanding dawned in Cindy's eyes as you confessed. She looked at you with empathy, seeing the pain behind your words. She took a seat on a nearby crate and patted the spot next to her, gesturing for you to sit. "Come on, sit down. Let's talk."
You hesitantly joined her, sitting on the crate and placing your belongings beside you. The night air was still and quiet, the only noise coming from the faint sounds of machinery and distant crickets.
Cindy looked at you, her voice soft in the moonlight. "So, you been likin' one of the boys, huh? Can't blame ya, they're handsome fellas. Which one was it, if ya don't mind me askin'?"
"Prompto" The thought of him sent tingles down your spine as you spoke his name out loud.
"Ah, Prompto. He's a good kid. Real peppy, always crackin' jokes. Can't really blame ya for falling for him."
She paused, her eyes studying your face, "But somethin' tells me it ain't as simple as just likin' him, is it?"
You played with your bracelets as you spoke nervously, a bit worried for Cindy's judgement of the situation you put yourself in.
"I felt like my feelings could potentially ruin the group dynamic so i left, realising I don't belong."
Cindy chuckled with empathy, "Sounds like a bit of a mess, darlin'."
"But it ain't your feelings that's ruining things. You have a right to feel the way you feel.
Cindy shifted slightly, turning to face you directly. "You ain't ruined nothin' by likin' Prompto. That's just how the heart works, can't always control who you fall for."
"it's fine! I'll get over it..."
Cindy could sense the resignation in your voice, and it tugged at her heartstrings. "It's not gonna be that easy, darlin'. Feelings like that don't just go away, especially not overnight."
You held your head up, looking at her sheepishly. "That's why I came here to ask you... If i could stay here, work, get my mind off of them?"
Cindy's face brightened at your request. "You wanna work here, huh? Well, we could always use an extra pair of hands. Plus, keepin' busy is a good way to keep your mind occupied."
She patted your back with a warm smile. "Sure, darlin'. You can stay and work. I'll teach you the ropes, and before you know it, you'll be a regular mechanic here at Hammerhead."
Cindy gave your shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "No need to thank me, darlin'. We all need a fresh start sometimes, and that's what Hammerhead's all about. New beginnings."
╴╴╴╴˚ೃ ╴╴
Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months. You found solace in the rhythm of the garage, the familiar hum of machines and the hum of the desert night lulling you into a sense of peace. Your days were filled with the scent of oil and the occasional banter with Cindy and Cid, the gruff yet affectionate owner of the garage.
The work was challenging at times, but you found comfort in the routine. The distance from Prompto and the guys allowed you time to process your feelings and come to terms with your new life. Despite the occasional pang of friendsickness, you found a sense of belonging in your new role at Hammerhead.
Over time, you adapted to the garage life, your hands becoming calloused and greasy, your laughter and skills familiar to the regular visitors of Hammerhead, who welcomed you as one of their own.
But every now and then, thoughts of Prompto and the group would creep into your mind, like a faint whisper in the wind. You pushed them aside, reminding yourself of the reasons you had left in the first place. Still, the ache in your chest was undeniable, the memories and what-ifs lingering like a bittersweet perfume. It was a constant struggle, balancing the tranquility of your new life with the lingering pull of the past.
As the familiar sound of the Regalia's engine echoed through the air, you looked up from your work on a nearby car, your heart skipping a beat. It was the chocobros, here for some vehicle upgrades.
Noctis led the charge, followed closely by Ignis, Gladiolus, and... Prompto. Seeing them all again, so casually together, sent a pang of nostalgia and longing through you.
Hiding your feelings behind a neutral expression, you quickly tried to push down the emotions welling up within you. You feigned distraction, continuing to tinker with the car in front of you, hoping they wouldn't notice your internal struggle.
Cindy, however, had a keen eye for reading people. She noticed the flicker of emotion in your eyes as the group approached. She sidled up beside you, a knowing look in her eyes.
"You all right, darlin'?" she whispered, her voice low and understanding. "They can't see it, but I can."
"I'll be alright." You said, wiping oil grease from your cheek, giving her a reassuring smirk.
Cindy gave you a supportive smile, patting your back gently. "You've got guts, holdin' it together like this. 'Course you'll be alright. Just remember, I'm here if you need to vent, scream, or just a shoulder to lean on."
The rest of the group had been engrossed in their conversation, oblivious to your momentary struggle. Prompto's laughter echoed in the background, causing your heart to clench slightly as you tried to focus on your work.
The urge to run towards them and hug them all while spilling so many sorry's went through your mind for a split second, but you knew that won't do.
The guys approached the garage, peeking in at your figure working on some badass vehicles.
Everyone had noticed the transformation. With your new outfit, your voice resembling Cindy's Southern drawl, and your mannerisms changing to match hers, you had become a bit of a chameleon, blending into the environment of the garage.
Noctis, Ignis, and Gladiolus glanced your way, their eyes widening slightly as they took in your appearance and demeanour. But it was Prompto's reaction that caught your attention.
He stood there, stunned for a moment, his eyes wide as he stared at you. The gears in his head were clearly turning as he tried to reconcile the 'new you' with the person he once knew.
He seemed to be at a loss for words, the familiar banter and jokes that usually flowed effortlessly from him were nowhere to be found.
As the group settled in and started discussing the upgrades they wanted for the Regalia, Cindy smoothly took charge. She launched into a friendly negotiation with Noctis, Ignis, and Gladiolus, while Prompto lingered in the background, his eyes still resting on you occasionally.
You, however, tried to keep your focus on your work, pretending not to notice his glances. The sounds of the garage faded into the background as you tried to keep your hands steady and your mind clear.
Every so often, you'd catch a glimpse of Prompto in your peripheral vision, his eyes meeting yours before quickly averting them, looking a bit flustered. The air between you both was heavy with unspoken emotions, an invisible thread of tension stretching tight.
Cindy, ever observant, noticed the silent communication between you and Prompto. She suppressed a slight grin, her eyes flickering between the two of you as she continued her negotiations with the guys.
As they finalized the details with Cindy, the conversation wrapped up, and they began to prepare to leave. Prompto lingered a moment longer, his eyes still on you, his expression a mix of longing and hesitation.
The group sauntered out of the garage, heading toward the nearby restaurant, their voices carrying on the warm evening air. Cindy watched them go, then turned to you with a knowing smile.
"You sure you don't wanna join them, darlin'?" she asked, her tone gentle but laced with encouragement.
"it's better this way."
Cindy nodded understandingly, her smile turning slightly bittersweet. "I get it, darlin'. Sometimes, what you want and what you need are two different things."
As you continued to work on the car, your thoughts were a tangle of emotions. Seeing Prompto and the guys again had stirred up feelings you had been trying to suppress, and their departure left you with a mix of relief and a strange pang of emptiness.
Your heart ached with an unspoken longing, a silent plea for just one more moment, one more look into his eyes. The familiar banter, the laughter, the bond you used to share - it all seemed like a lifetime ago.
The hum of the car under your hands was a temporary distraction, but it couldn't drown out the persistent pull in your chest, the deep-seated desire to see Prompto again, to hear his voice, to feel his presence.
The hours ticked by, the sun slowly descending towards the horizon. The guys finished their meal and emerged from the restaurant, their voices echoing through the still night air as they discussed their plans for the night.
Your eyes found Prompto amongst the group, his face illuminated by the soft glow of the sunset. His gaze roamed over the garage and, for a moment, seemed to linger on you.
Your heart skipped a beat as you saw Prompto's gaze fall on you for a moment. Reflexively, you ducked your head, using your long bangs and ponytail as a makeshift shield, hoping he hadn't noticed you watching him.
The sound of the guys' footsteps approaching sent a jolt through you, your senses hyper-alert to every sound and movement. You could hear them saying their goodbyes to Cindy.
Noctis sauntered over to you, an intrigued look in his eyes. He leaned against the hood of the car you were working on, observing you quietly for a moment before finally speaking.
"You've changed a lot, haven't you?" he noted, his voice nonchalant but his eyes studying you with a mixture of curiosity and concern. "Still sharp, even in a new shell," he commented, his tone holding a hint of pride. "You're good at adapting."
You couldn't really speak up, although you felt like there was so much to say. You nodded in confirmation, getting back to work.
Noctis watched you silently for a moment, his expression a mix of confusion and a hint of frustration. It was clear he had more to say, but you had already shut him down. He gave a slight shrug, realizing that pushing further would be futile.
"Take care."
The guys climbed into the car, the Regalia's engine roaring to life as they pulled away from the garage, disappearing into the night.
The silence that settled over Hammerhead after they left felt deafening. The hum of the garage, the occasional rustle of the desert wind, and the beating of your own heart were the only sounds left in the stillness of the night.
The thought of them driving off into the night, continuing their adventures without you, stung more than you cared to admit. But you shook the thought away quickly, reminding yourself of the reasons you had left in the first place.
You turned your attention back to the car you were working on, determined to bury yourself in the familiar rhythm of the garage work. The sooner you lost yourself in the work, the sooner you could forget about the ache in your chest.
╴╴╴╴˚ೃ ╴╴
The days were filled with the hustle and bustle of the garage, and the nights were spent catching up over the dinner table with Cindy and Cid, listening to their stories and sharing a few laughs.
Time had flown by in a blur of car repair and tire changes. The days had been long but filled with the fulfilling sense of accomplishment and routine. 11 months had passed since you had left the group, the pain of separation slowly fading into a dull ache you had learned to live with.
The nights were the hardest, when the silence of the garage seemed deafening, and the memory of Prompto's face would surface in your mind, unbidden.
The sound of the Regalia's engine roaring into the garage was a welcome yet unwelcome intrusion one day. You looked up from the car you were working on to see Noctis, Ignis, Gladiolus, and Prompto stepping out of the car, looking a bit weary but no worse for the wear.
They looked more seasoned, their faces sporting a few more scars, but their eyes were still filled with the familiar determination and bond they had shared since the beginning of their journey.
Noctis, Ignis, and Gladiolus greeted Cindy and Cid with some casual banter, their voices familiar and almost comforting. Prompto lingered a bit behind the rest, his eyes scanning the garage until they landed on you, as if time was repeating.
Your gazes met, and that familiar rush of emotions washed over you both. The weight of the past six months hung heavy in the air, a silent conversation passing between you both through the brief exchange of looks.
A mix of surprise, relief, and something else you couldn't quite put your finger on flickered in Prompto's eyes, but it was gone in an instant as Gladiolus said something, drawing his attention away from you.
You returned your focus to the car, pretending to be busy with tuning, but your heart was racing in your chest. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Prompto stealing furtive glances in your direction.
Every glance sent a jolt of electricity through you, reminding you of the chemistry you had shared before you left. The silence between you both felt heavy, filled with unspoken words, emotions, and a thousand questions.
You returned to your work, but the ache in your chest grew more insistent.
The evening descended upon Hammerhead, bringing a gentle coolness to the air. The stars above glittered like diamonds against the inky black canvas of the night sky.
The sound of footsteps in the garage startled you, breaking the peaceful silence of the night. You looked up to see the unmistakable silhouette of Prompto, framed by the dim light spilling in from the outside.
Prompto stood at the entrance of the garage, his lean frame casually rested against the door frame. His eyes were fixed on you, studying you intently. He didn't say anything for a moment, just watched you silently.
The air between you was thick with unspoken words, a thousand emotions swirling in the silence. Prompto's eyes were unreadable, his expression a mixture of curiosity.
You couldn't breathe, you couldn't speak.
Your heart stuttered in your chest as you met Prompto's gaze, and suddenly, you found yourself at a loss for words. Your mouth felt dry, your thoughts a tangled mess. It was as if his presence had sucked all the oxygen from the air, leaving you in a state of breathlessness.
You tried to say something, anything, but no words came out. You stared back at him, your eyes wide, your heart thudding loudly in your ears. The silence between you was deafening.
Prompto's gaze had changed. His eyes shone with a new, more masculine air, his once boyish features now sharpened and matured, giving him a more rugged and handsome look.
His blue eyes were like twin pools of shimmering water, seemingly drawing you into him. You noticed the freckles that sprinkle his tan skin like stars on a night sky. His hair was messy yet attractive, falling effortlessly in shaggy layers around his face.
You noticed this change as he looked at you. His gaze was no longer the playful and innocent gaze you had grown to know.
His gaze held a confidence that hadn’t been there before, and it sent a shiver down your spine.
Prompto seemed to sense your inner turmoil, the way your breath hitched and your eyes widened. His gaze softened slightly, a flicker of concern crossing his face.
Prompto pushed away from the door frame and began slowly making his way towards you. Each step he took was measured, his eyes never leaving yours. With every step, the distance between you seemed to shrink, the tension building silently.
As he closed the gap between you, you could see the myriad of emotions playing out in his eyes. He came to a stop just a few steps away from you, his hands shoved in his pockets.
"h-hello again..."
Prompto's expression softened further, a hint of a smile playing at the corner of his lips. "Hey."
His voice was soft, almost hesitant, as if he was trying to gauge your response to his presence. He looked at you quietly for a moment more, his eyes searching your face.
The air was filled with a mix of uncertainty and anticipation, both of you teetering on the edge of something unspoken.
For a moment, neither of you spoke. You just stood there, watching each other. Prompto's eyes held an intensity that sent a shiver down your spine, and there was a vulnerability in his expression that you had never seen before.
Suddenly, it was as if a dam burst. All the pent-up emotions, the months of silence, the questions left unasked, they all came rushing out at once.
Without a word, Prompto closed the remaining distance between you, his hands reaching out to grasp your arms. He pulled you towards him, his grip firm but gentle, his eyes never leaving yours.
You stumbled slightly as he tugged you closer, your body colliding against his. His breath was warm against your face, and you could feel the rapid beat of his heart mirrored in your own chest.
He stood there, holding you tightly, his eyes roaming over your face, tracing the contours, studying your expression. His fingers started to rub small soothing circles on your skin, sending small frissons of electricity down your spine.
The kiss was sudden and intense, his lips claiming yours with a desperate hunger. It was as if months of pent-up frustration, longing, and unspoken words were poured into that single gesture.
Your mind went blank for a moment, surprised by the sudden contact. But then, a wave of desire washed over you, and your body responded on instinct. Your arms reached up to grip his shirt, pulling him closer, as you returned the kiss with equal fervor.
His hands moved from your arms and settled on the sides of your face, holding you as he deepened the kiss. It was as if the months apart had never happened, the chemistry between you still as strong as ever.
The sound of the boys calling out for Prompto shattered the moment, reminding you that the outside world existed.
Reluctantly, you both pulled away from each other, your breaths ragged and your eyes slightly dazed.
You looked into each other's eyes, both of you trying to regain your composure, the passion of the kiss still lingering on your lips. Prompto looked torn, his gaze reluctantly moving towards the sound of the guys' voices.
You could see the struggle on his face, the desire to stay with you and the pressure to return to the group. He gave your hand a gentle squeeze before letting go, taking a step back, putting some distance between you again.
Prompto gave you a small, almost rueful smile, his eyes locking with yours. "Yeah, I'll make sure I do more damage to the Regalia during our trips..." He said, indicating they were all here because of his little mischief.
He glanced back over his shoulder at the direction the guys' voices were coming from. "Duty calls," he said reluctantly, a hint of disappointment in his tone.
Taken by surprise, Prompto stumbled back towards you, his mouth forming a small 'o' as you pulled him in for another kiss. The unexpected gesture caught him off guard, but after a moment, he melted into the kiss, his arms encircling your waist as he held you tightly.
When you pulled away, he rested his forehead against yours, his breath still a bit ragged. "Wait for me?" he asked, his voice a soft whisper.
"like i always do."
Prompto's breath hitched at your words, and for a moment, he just held you tighter, his eyes searching yours. A mixture of emotions flickered across his face - surprise, hope, and a touch of disbelief.
He closed his eyes and let out a slow exhale. "Damn it," he muttered as if he was both frustrated and relieved. "I can't leave now knowing you need me, can I?"
Prompto pushed you against the garage wall, his body pressing against yours as he captured your lips in another fervent kiss. The cool night air was a contrast against the heat between you. His hands explored the curves of your body, his touch leaving a trail of fire in its wake.
The world around you seemed to fall away, the only thing that existed being the two of you, your bodies pressed together, your breaths mingling in the dark. His lips left kisses against your neck, tasting and teasing, igniting a fire that you thought had died months ago.
The moment was interrupted by the sound of footsteps followed by a collective gasp. You looked up to see Noctis, Ignis, and Gladiolus staring at you two, their mouths hanging open.
They stood there, completely taken aback by the sight of you and Prompto locked together against the garage wall. You both froze, your eyes widening in surprise and slight embarrassment at being caught.
Noctis was the first to break the silence, a shocked and almost comical expression on his face as he looked between the two of you. "What the hell?" he blurted out.
Ignis and Gladiolus were both speechless, their eyes wide as they tried to process what they were witnessing. Gladiolus whistled low, breaking the silence with a low, appreciative "damn."
Prompto pulled away from you, his hands still holding onto your waist as he turned to face the others. He looked sheepish and a bit guilty, a flush creeping up his cheeks. "Uh, Hey guys..."
Noctis pinched his nose and you pushed Prompto lightly towards them. "You gotta go."
Prompto gave you an almost pleading look, as if he didn't want to leave, but seeing your insistence, he reluctantly let go of you, a hint of disappointment in his eyes.
Noctis, still looking utterly bewildered, just shook his head slightly, mumbling something along the lines of "I can't believe this." Ignis, chuckled at the prince's comment.
Ignis and Gladiolus had similarly surprised expressions on their faces, though Gladiolus just looked amused and somewhat impressed. He clapped a hand on Prompto's shoulder as they started walking back to the Regalia, Prompto throwing one last glance back at you before disappearing into the night.
The ache in your chest was replaced by a feeling of affection as you anticipated your next encounter with Prompto, envisioning another good memory to cherish.
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@drxcorelibre - do not steal, plagiarise or repost my posts on any other social media. This is my only account.
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